#heloise contraire
dasinclair · 7 months
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received another fantastic wonderful piece for the sincat gallery from the fantastic wonderful @sequids ❤️❤️❤️ thanks again kay for helping me power through valentines
based on a true story of me struggling to re-tie the tie on my sinclair plush
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Invincible OC: 6/?
STATUS: Anti-hero (active)
Heloise Contraire, AKA Hellcat
they're @plasmacandle / @dasinclair's oc!!
"My mom's got the whole 'fitting in with humans' thing down a lot better than me, but she never ripped open a hole in reality at her fourth birthday party. That's one infernal power that skipped a generation. It isn't all bad, though - not everyone is lucky enough to know exactly where they're going when they die."
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
28? :D
The door slid away into its frame, making little noise. Sinclair rubbed at his eyes stepped through into the minimally decorated accommodation. The long white lab coat was shrugged from their shoulders and ended up on the nearest side of the bare grey couch, soon followed by the scientist slumping down alongside it, sluggishly blinking as their head fell back, facing the ceiling.
A chill filled the air, making the breath coming from their mouth visible and standing their hairs on end. The seat next to them did the opposite, heating up as a dark crimson stain began to grow on the cushion next to Sinclair. It grew to roughly the size of the cushion it covered before a clawed hand reached up through the scarlet myre, fingertips bony and sharp as they gently fumbled for the arm of the chair. Finding purchase, the shape widened and deepened in hue, as a figure began to climb through. The other hand came first, followed by the figure’s torso, completed with their legs and the long bony tail that protruded from the base of their spine. The figure pulled themselves into a seated position, crossing their legs as the fearsome skeletal visage that covered their face faded into ash, revealing the mostly human features of one Heloise Contraire. 
“Rough day?” Heloise asked, their cool voice as the air around the pair, like they hadn’t just crawled through some ungodly crevice in reality. They yawned and stretched their arms out, adding “Cecil’s had me running around all day, chasing after some stolen tech he said was ‘of the highest importance’, apparently”, making sure to imitate the sullen director’s monotone cadence, as well as his unchanging scowl. 
“Let me guess,” Sinclair joked, “not even that important?”
“Tasers” the half-demon answered. “I jumped across three different continents in the space of a week... for tasers.”
Sinclair grimaced at the mention of the distance. He was well aware of the strain that opening too many portals could have on their partner, but even the span of continents seemed extreme. If he wasn’t so concerned right now, he’d be taking notes. “Yeowch! Are you alright?” the scientist asked. 
“I’ve had worse running around with Ian!” they chuckled. “Anyway, you never answered my question”
To say Sinclair’s week was rough was definitely an understatement. It had been difficult enough to create a single Reaniman in a sewer, and it only got harder now that he was producing them on a near-industrial scale as Cecil Stedman’s private army. If he still had the energy, he’d be complaining about how the demands he was under meant he couldn’t give each model the love it so deserves. However, out of all the stress of the week, there was one good thing that came to mind. 
“You know my supervisor, Stephen?”. The relationship between the two was strained to say the least, especially with the elder scientist’s almost non-stop rants about strange concepts like ‘scientific ethics’ and ‘rights of the deceased’, ironic given his current posting. 
“Ahh, the infamous Stephen! Please tell me the universe finally heeded my prayers and struck the old bastard down where he stood!” Heloise had long been opposed him, even more so after his crass remarks about how much of an ‘unsettling specimen’ they were. 
“Not that lucky, but it’s a bit funny” Sinclair replied. “Two days ago, he comes into the workshop, grumbling into his coffee like he always does. Only today, he doesn’t notice a claw hand that someone left on the floor...” they began, pausing to gesture at the arm of their shirt. “Coffee all over!”
Heloise didn’t seem impressed. “That it? You said it’d be funny”
“Oh, I’m not done yet!” Sinclair confidently answered. “You see, once the coffee gets on his arm, he stumbles back trying to get it off. Now eventually, he loses his footing, so he goes to grab something, which just so happens to be the water cooler”
Heloise’s face visibly lit up at the end. “Please be going where I think this is going” 
“It’s the funniest thing, and I still can’t quite explain it even now, but it seems that someone must’ve loosened the jug on the cooler, so when Stephen grabs it...” he continued with a chuckle, pausing to move their hands in a sort of upward circular motion, probably trying to imitate the water from the cooler, “...splash! soaked like a human sponge!” 
No sooner had Sinclair said that than had Heloise burst out laughing, taking a great amount of joy in the story of the man’s misfortune. the scientist soon joined them, and the pair sat on the couch for a good five or so minutes shedding tears of laughter. “Oh my!” the half-demon eventually managed to breathe out through their wheezing breaths. “How... how long did it take you to- haha!- to calculate the angle?” 
“Oh, about... three or four days” Sinclair answered, using their tumb to wipe a tear from the corner of their eye. “Honestly, the hardest part was figuring out how many steps it would take him to fall over. Fun fact: it was five and a half!”
“You are something else, dear”
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spitalofatalo · 2 years
2 & 7 for heloise, 4 & 6 for multiflora <3
sorry this took me 200 years to answer ❤️ thank you kindly for asking about my little guys
How similar is your s/i to you? Are they a carbon copy, completely different or a mix of the two?
heloise differs from my True Self in a wish-fulfillment way. they're essentially the edgy loner i wanted to be in middle school, with the composure, confidence, and fashion sense that i still wish i had. at least we've got the same hair
heloise does have difficulty finding their passion, a place to fit in the world, and a reason to actively participate in it - all of which are Depression Things that i so kindly shared with them. i like watching my self inserts overcome the things i struggle with
Give us 3 random facts abt your s/i!
heloise loves animals and had aspirations of becoming a veterinarian, but they've never actually had a pet of their own
heloise has great appreciation for female-led 90s alt rock music. their favorite band is garbage
after becoming a scientist for the GDA, they don't hang up the hellcat mantle completely. they're sometimes called in as a tertiary member of the guardians, especially when their specific expertise & powers are relevant!
How did your s/i feel when they first met your f/o(s)? How do they feel about them now?
multiflora first approached mel with the same wide-eyed curiosity and openness that they afford to most people - multi believes they can learn something new from everyone they meet, and is in fact determined to! they were greatly impressed by dr. meyer's intelligence and expertise on surprise parties, which seemed like a wonderful interest to have - what's better than wanting to bond with others and make them happy?
the desire to be his friend came pretty quickly for multi; everything else was gradual. however, they also noticed he had trouble relaxing around them, and remembered: oh, right, i'm kind of scary! better work on that
now? well, mel's the love of their life, their sunlight, the apple of their eye, etc. they endlessly appreciate the feeling of safety & acceptance he provides and would do anything to keep him safe, up to and including going into killer plant mode. he's helped them grow into themself (ha) and given them so much insight into human experience, which isn't always as simple and elegant as they'd initially thought - but they like it that way 💚
Has your s/i undergone any design/story changes since they were first made?
absolutely!! i dreamt up multiflora before season 2 was released and did quite a few revisions to their design & personality since then
their name was originally venus, which i now treat as their middle name instead - multiflora venus perenne
they were the result of an attempt by someone at SFIT to create a plant-robot hybrid that ended up somehow gaining sentience and escaping from the lab
i had planned another human character that would been their creator, but i never liked how that idea turned out
here's some old art of their first design, compared to now:
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when season 2 premiered, i realized that sycorax provided a perfect backstory, so i remagined multi as a fully organic humanoid plant-person created by liv amara!
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sims-n-such · 3 years
@dasinclair let me make a Sim of their OC, Heloise Contraire, AKA Hellcat! They're a super interesting character and making them was so fun, thank you!
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Check out more info on Hellcat here! And thanks again for letting me do this!
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dasinclair · 5 months
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sincat on this picrew. join if you wanna
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dasinclair · 2 months
Little question about Sincat because I've been looking into them more and they're starting to live rent free in my head
How did Sinclair and Heloise meet, and what were their first impressions of each other like?
they met in college! heloise was planning to go into veterinary medicine (the only earthly career path they could bring themselves to pursue) and so they shared some biology classes
first encounter: they both like being in the back of the class so they happened to sit near each other. sinclair made a comment about another student's answer, which heloise was caught off guard by and laughed pretty hard at. he gave them a look. they're both rude <3
second first encounter: in another class with assigned lab partners, sinclair and heloise both, individually, told the professor that they needed to work alone. the professor responded by pairing them together. neither of them were happy about this, and sinclair still didn't show up most of the time, forcing heloise to have to track him down over and over
early impressions: mutually frustrated but also curious about each other. frustratingly curious. what's this person's deal?
heloise thought sinclair's perspective was intriguing, and that he was funny, but also sooooo pretentious. he was needlessly rude (to them - they like it when he's rude to other people) and impossible to work with. they wanted to provoke him and bring him down a peg. heloise did see him as a potential "ally" on some level, though - they wouldn't bother engaging at all otherwise. he's Not Like The Other Humans
sinclair thought heloise was decently intelligent, especially for their peer group, by caring to listen to his ideas at all - but also obnoxious, stubborn, and nosy. what business is it of theirs how he's "doing"? where he's "been"? there was a smug audacity to heloise that got under his skin. he thought their sense of style was... interesting, at least. he can appreciate body modification, even if it's done for vapid reasons*
*joke's on him, the fangs and ears are all natural
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
9? :]
"Oh, you and me both!" Ian sighed, rubbing at his temple. "To be honest, I don't actually... celebrate Christmas like everyone else."
"Really?" Heloise asked, "Maybe it's just the Suburbia in my parents, but they always went all out when Christmas came. Even after I learned what I was."
The wizard pulled another line of tinsel from the box, spitting a little out of his mouth from how much came out and bunched up into his arms. "Eh, it's more of a personal thing, anyway. My childhood didn't facilitate any kind of celebration, but none of the people I surround myself with are even remotely Christian." He said, now plucking a wide array of different baubles out from the same box. "Hey, are you gonna help me with this?"
"No. Should I?"
Ian rolled his eyes. "Never mind. But like I was saying, my boyfriend's family are Buddhists, my mentor slash mother figure is a non-practicing Shi'a Muslim, most of my peers either worship spirits or their ancestors, and me? Me existing probably goes against half of what the Catholic Church tells people!" He rambled to his friend, grumbling when one of the baubles fell out of his hand, bouncing along the floor and out of sight. "Hell, I'm only doing this cause Rex is out on a mission!"
"Really? Well, D and me aren't allowed to celebrate in the laboratory anymore cause of some stupid rule about 'workplace safety." Heloise replied, checking the paint of their nails wasn't chipped or scratched in any noticeable way. "The things I have to put up with from these old grouches. Next thing I know, they'll be telling me that the morgue's off-limits!"
"Y'know," Ian started, looking at his friend with a deeply concerned expression, "the way you show your grievance and yet keep it vague also is genuinely one of the most quietly terrifying statements I've heard in the past six months."
"Part of my charm, I guess."
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
"You have a strange definition of fun, Ian" Heloise grumbled, fidgeting against the chains that bound them back-to-back with the wizard.
Ian chuckled, an impishly mischievous sound that did little to reassure them. "Come now, where's your sense of adventure? You have to admit, all this danger can be quite exciting!" he joked, doing some fidgeting of his own. It had seemed like such a good idea when he first posed the idea to them on the surface: venture down into Hell, cut through some of their probably distant relatives, steal a very important artifact and look badass doing it. Only, the two of them hadn't actually managed to complete step three and were now dangling over what they would describe as their 'magma-filled graves'. And to think they missed movie night for this.
"Well, worst case scenario, we're both part demon, so we could try swimming out of the magma" he added, elbows digging into Heloise's backside as he worked feverishly on undoing the enchanted manacles. "You a good swimmer, by any chance?"
"I'm a terrible swimmer. I can't even swim in water!" they admitted. That was the truth, though their lack of swimming was less due to ability and more due to the fact that attempting to swim in running water would be like running head-first into a brick wall. Sometimes, demonic heritage really sucked.
Ian shifted a little more. "Well in that case, try and aim for the rock"
Before they could ask, the chains loosened before giving way completely. Heloise managed to reorient themself in mid-air, pulling off a quiet cat-like landing. Ian followed close behind, slowly floating to the ground as his scarlet cloak billowed behind him. "See, easy peasy!"
It was not, in fact, easy peasy. You see, the pair had an audience, now screeching and gnashing their teeth as they charged them by the dozens. The wizard held his hand aloft, and a decorated archaic axe materialised into his grip, which he brandished readily. "Okay then, now do you feel like having some fun?"
"Well, since I'm already here..." they reasoned, a skeletal mask forming over their features as they brandished their razor-sharp claws. Blistering hellfire burned at the tips, eager for the imminent carnage. "I guess I could give it a try."
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dasinclair · 2 months
what’s Heloise’s relationship with her mother like???
heloise goes by they/them only!
to answer your question: it's complicated. the two of them want very different things out of life
heloise's mother lillian desperately wants to be "normal" - a good person, accepted by human society, accepted as human, to counteract the otherness and inherent evil that she feels is inside her. heloise, on the other hand, has no interest in pretending to be an ordinary person (even if they're technically more human than demon), especially when those ordinary people have a clear fear and hatred of their kind. heloise plays up their demonic traits out of spite while lillian hides and represses them
when heloise was a child, lillian thought that the best way to protect them was to keep them in the dark as long as possible. she planned on never telling heloise what they were if she could help it, avoiding questions and explaining things away as best she could... until heloise started developing powers in their early teens. (because lillian does everything she can to suppress her demonic nature, she never got powers of own.) so the truth comes out, in a messy way, and things get increasingly difficult between them
heloise ends up running away for some time to stay with their grandmother, the only person who's actually willing to tell them the full story about who and what they are, and this is where they stay until they eventually leave for university. this is where heloise begins their villainous career, too, borne out of frustration and rebellion against their mother's ideals. they'll be what she's so afraid of being
and so heloise and lillian have minimal contact for a long while, probably until heloise ends up in government custody. heloise resents their mother for denying their shared identity and for trying to force them into a mold they couldn't, and didn't want to, fit. it was frustrating, confusing, and lonely
...but they do kind of understand, even if they don't want to, and they do still love her, even though it hurts. after watching mark and nolan's fight, heloise is shaken enough to call her and tell her so. lillian eventually realizes how misguided she was as a parent, and heloise eventually realizes lillian only ever wanted to protect them, and that probably counts for something
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dasinclair · 3 months
I hope you're feeling ok rn! I saw you posted a few hours ago and I wished I saw it earlier
I don't really have any idea on what to ask for a question. Maybe a fun fact about your oc(s)?
thanks <3 i'll talk about heloise's family
a character i'm excited to properly introduce (when i'm able to draw again) is lillian contraire, heloise's mother. as a half-demon, she's more visibly nonhuman and has always struggled to navigate society because of it
lillian is terrified of her own nature and the idea that she's condemned to hell, and is always seeking a way to "cleanse" herself. she only wants a normal, virtuous life for her family - which is really just her and heloise. she keeps distance from her own mother, a former monster hunter and collector of demonic artifacts
heloise's absent father was a televangelist. he made empty promises of purifying lillian's soul, treating her like a curiosity of sorts, and left when he began to worry that an affair with a literal demon and resulting pregnancy would affect his career
heloise's grandfather, the full demon in this family tree, was from the envy circle of hell. as such, lillian and heloise are envy demons. the manifestation of their powers is related to how much they embrace (or reject) their infernal nature
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dasinclair · 2 years
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scientist & supervillain after-work rendezvous on the roof of some government building
[og picture under the cut]
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dasinclair · 3 years
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heloise being a canon character masterpost
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dasinclair · 2 years
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hellcat in this picrew (add your own ocs if you wanna)
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dasinclair · 3 years
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trying my hand at comic edits, starting by fixing up this panel!!
og under the cut
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seems like they drew the wrong character entirely here... maybe that's why sinclair looked so sad 🤔
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
i don't think we've ever really discussed ian and heloise being friends / having a dynamic but this is me just saying your guy is awesome and i'd be up for that
They will cause so many problems
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