huntikfrance · 2 years
[FR] Le YouTuber français xPuND a sorti sa nouvelle vidéo où il nous présente les Yama Titans de la série Huntik Secrets & Seekers!
Retrouvez également ses autres vidéos sur sa chaîne YouTube: - Présentation des Titans - Les Draco Titans - Les Gaia Titans - Les Hecto-Titans - Les Krono Titans - Les Litho Titans - Les Meso Titans - Les Swara Titans
[EN] The French YouTuber xPuND released a new video about the Yama Titans from Huntik Secrets & Seekers series ! (Discover also his others videos on his YouTube channel!)
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Grimm Codex: Hellynx
///A new Grimm that me and @naughty-neo came up with pretty quick one night. I hope you guys like it///
"To tell you the truth, I don't even know where to start with the Hellynx. They would almost be majestic if they weren't ruthless killing machines. They're lean but extremely powerful for their size. They're almost as powerful as an Ursai Major, and that's just the normal ones. They're like panthers, lions, and tigers all mixed into the body of a Grimm and they're absolutely deadly. I know that first hand from fighting a few with my team. Their reflexes are the best out of any Grimm I've ever encountered. I was nearly swarmed by a few when they noticed me. It's a good thing my reflexes are better." - Raine Daturas, detailing her experience with the feline Grimm after a run in with them along side her team one day.
The Hellynx are fairly large feline Grimm that prowl the forests of the world of Remnant, especially in the jungles of Menagerie. Each Hellynx stand at five feet tall on all fours and are six feet long from the snout to the tip of their tails. These Grimm are built like panthers but have more muscles lining their frame, and have red stripes nearly like a tiger's along their bodies. Their long tails are tipped with small, spiked clubs of bone and their legs from the knees down to their paws are lined with bone plating with spikes at the backs of their knees.
Another defining feature of the Hellynx are their teeth. They are all sharp but they have large fangs in the front that extend from the roof of their mouths to the bottom of their jaws, always exposed and intimidating. These Grimm have lean builds but they are very powerful. The power of these feline Grimm rival an Ursai Major and they can bring down any unwary Huntsman or Huntress if they aren't watching their backs. Along with that power comes their flexibility and agility, making these beasts even more formidable to fight. They have very sharp reflexes and can dodge out of the way of nearly any attack a person makes and strike back as quick as a Taijitu.
These are only regular Hellynxes though. Alphas pose an even larger threat to Huntsmen and Huntresses. They are two feet taller from their paws to the tops of their shoulders, and two feet longer. They have heavier and spikier clubs on their tails, their legs are fully covered in bone plating with slightly longer spikes jutting out from the backs of the knees and a couple of foot long spikes at the tops of their front shoulders, giving them an even more intimidating look than a lesser Hellynx. And that doesn't include the fangs extending three inches past their bottom jaw or their thick bone white manes of hair like a lion's that make them look even more intimidating, as if they already weren't to begin with.
One final thing these Grimm have to them is their large retractable claws. A lesser Hellynx's claws look like a normal panther's would, but an Alpha's front claws have serrations to them to keep their prey in place while they go for the kill. Great care must be taken you come across one Hellynx or gods forbid an entire pride of six, including the Alpha making seven. If you ever do, then you had better be ready for quick attacks from all sides by every single Hellynx there before they wear you down enough to make the killing blow.
The Hellynx are no laughing matter and are a high threat to any Huntsman or Huntress. If you are surrounded by an entire pride of them, then you will have to fight as hard as you can to survive because you cannot outrun them by normal means.
But, there are other ways to make it out of an encounter with them.
These ways include of course getting on your hands and knees and lowering your head submissively, and then an entirely new situation forms as the Hellynxes slowly circle around you, each one taking sniffs of the air as their cocks begin to come out of their sheaths. A lesser Hellynx's cock is ten inches long when fully erect and decently thick, and they have numerous barbs along the length of them to make mating with a person either painful or extremely pleasurable. The Alphas on the other hand have larger fifteen inch long cocks that are a bit thicker than their lesser brethren, and the barbs on their cocks are larger and they have even more of them all along their length.
When the Alpha gets a hold of you if you choose to submit to the pride, then they will really grab a good hold with their serrated front claws and have their way with you until it's completely satisfied with how much seed it deposits into your body, uncaring of how its barbed cock makes you feel. And then it and its pride will most likely leave you alone to either crawl back to the safety of a village or camp, or just laying wherever they finished with you.
Or, they will go another round or so, all until they're completely empty.
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
///Bear with me on this, guys///
"I can't believe you did that!" Blake yelled at her boyfriend after they returned to the camp they set up near Vale, in the Forever Fall forest, "She wasn't a threat! She was just a scared pencil pusher!"
Her boyfriend stared at her through his mask, his one good eye narrowed as bit but she couldn't see it. "Blake, she would have stuck a knife in our backs as soon as we walked away. I-"
"Did what was necessary, just like you always say!" Blake cut him off, her words filled with anger, "You've been saying that for so long that it's loosing all the meaning I thought was there when you first said it!"
"Blake, listen. I-"
"No! You listen to me, Adam Taurus..." Blake cut him off once more, and the bull Faunus actually took a small step back from the tone in her voice, "I've been with you for two years, and in those two years I've seen you turn so... cold blooded. I've seen you get so shaken up when you killed someone for the first time, and even if it was a human, you hated yourself for taking someone's life. And now... it's like you just enjoy doing it even if a human is unarmed and not even a threat. That woman didn't even have a knife."
Adam stepped closer to her. "You know humans can't be-"
"Trusted? Yeah, you've said that a lot since you killed that first person," Blake interrupted him once more. She was not going to let him talk her down. Not again. Not ever again, "Adam, you promised me that you would never kill another human in cold blood again, and you've done it time and time again and came up with the same excuse... W-well?" Her eyes began to sting with tears, "You've been proving that I j-just can't trust you."
"Darling, you know you can trust me..." Adam said and reached his hand out to her.
She stepped away from his hand. "No, I don't know if I can trust you anymore. Not when you've been lying so much to me. Not when I've seen you murder innocent, unarmed people."
Adam tried reaching for her again, but Blake closed the distance and slapped him across the face, knocking his mask off and revealing the S.D.C. brand over his blinded left eye. "Stop lying to me!" Blake yelled at him, "You've changed, Adam... You used to want justice and peace, but now it seems like you just want peace by killing all the humans and making it be peace by fear and genocide, not equality! You promised me that true peace was what you wanted too! Not this!"
"You know what they did to me!" Adam roared at her.
"And you're holding all humans accountable for it!" Blake yelled right back at him, "It was the SDC that branded you like that, not the whole damn world! You're acting like every single human is at fault for what happened to you! You aren't saving the Faunus! You're dooming us all! You and Sienna Khan both!"
"What's to stop any human from pinning you down and doing that to you too!?" Adam asked her, anger growing in his voice as he glared at her.
Blake remained unmoving to his stare, and he could see tears finally slide down her cheeks. "Because I have faith it'll get better, and... it'll only get better if we try to achieve true peace. I may be stupid, but... I have faith, and I'll work toward that. Even if I have to be alone for it."
She took a few steps back as she saw Adam's body shaking, but she didn't know if it was from anger or something else. "I'm... leaving, Adam. I'm breaking up with you, and..." Blake took a deep breath. She was about to tell him the plan she had running through her mind for months, "I'm leaving the White Fang. It's been corrupted, and it corrupted you and I can't be with you anymore. I don't want to be lied to anymore."
"B-Blake, no!" Adam called to her as she turned to walk away, "Don't leave!"
Blake stopped for a moment. "I'm done, Adam. I'm just done."
In the deepest part of Adam's mind, he knew that he wouldn't be able to convince Blake that she was wrong. That first human he killed was truly an accident. He didn't mean to end the man's life. The next few times were accidents as well but after that... he did grow to take satisfaction in taking human lives for the injustices of their race. For two years since that day he killed that first human man, he slowly started to grow into what he is now, a man who wanted to bring justice down on the entire human race.
And in the deepest parts of his mind, he knew that Blake was right.
What point was he trying to make? That the Faunus really were just animals fit to be put to work, or put down? He knew he was trying to bring peace for the Faunus, but Blake had just made all of that belief of what he was doing crash down around him. He wasn't helping Faunus, he was damning them by acting like the rabid animal the humans saw his kind as. And rabid animals would always be put down.
Adam fell to his knees, his eye growing wide as every murder he committed flashed back through his mind from his first to his most recent. Just what had he become? How did he end up going down this path? How did he ever convince Blake to go down that path with him? She was right, and now she was leaving and Adam could do nothing to stop her and bring her back. He could do nothing to try to convince her to stay and see that his way was right, because he realized it was wrong. It was all wrong. And he knew Blake was serious about leaving him and the Fang behind, and he knew he couldn't stop her. But...
"B-Blake, listen to me please..."
Maybe he could follow.
Blake immediately stopped in her tracks. It had been so long since she heard quivering in Adam's voice, and she turned around to see him on his knees, tears streaming down his cheek. "What is it, Adam?"
"Y-you... Y-yo'ure right..."
Hearing those two words from made Blake take a step back, and she gasped. She could just sense sincerity in his words, true sincerity. It was much different than what she heard in his words all those times over the last two years.
"What... did you say?" Blake asked in shock.
Adam looked down to the ground. "You were right... I haven't been helping. I-I've just been hurting, a-and dooming our people further and further..."
Blake stared at him in complete disbelief. She expected him to lie again, to try to convince her that everything was okay because the humans deserved it, but not this. "I-I'm not coming back. To you or the Fang."
Adam shook his head. "I... don't expect you to. I've shattered your trust."
"Yeah... you have."
"I've made up my mind..." Adam said lowly, and Blake could barely hear him. He slowly stood up from the ground and looked around for his mask, and he put his foot over it before stomping down, shattering it into pieces, "I'm leaving with you."
Blake was completely taken aback by that. "Wh-what? Adam, I'm not-"
"I know you won't take me back," Adam cut her off, and he took his suit jacket off and dropped it to the ground, "And... I don't expect you to," He stomped his jacket into the ground, soon covering it in dirt and dust as the small, sharp rocks under it cut it up, "I want to follow you and walk the path of true peace like you. I don't want to damn us."
"But..." Blake stared at him as he ruined his jacket, nearly making his emblem unrecognizable, "why?"
Adam looked up to her and let out a long, shaky breath. "Because... I-I have faith. Faith that you will lead me down that path of peace, and away from the path of damnation. Faith that one day you'll forgive me. Faith that... one day Light will forgive me."
"And you're serious?" Blake asked. She knew she didn't need to even ask that question. She saw him shatter his on mask under his boot, the very same mask he wore when he convinced the White Fang to wear those beastly masks.
Adam nodded. "Yes... I am."
Blake slowly came to her senses, and she nodded slowly. "O-okay... We should make this as believable as possible..."
*Weeks later*
The camp was finally found by a group of White Fang scouts five weeks after the news of the failed train robbery reached the head of the Valesian branch of the Fang. The group scoured the burned and charred campsite for any signs of the two, but all they found were signs of a huge struggle. Dried blood was spread a d splattered across the ground, along with ripped clothing from them both. And all across the area were numerous sets of footprints from both Blake and Adam, along with an untold amount of Grimm of different kinds. Beowulves, Ursai, Hellynx, Chimera, they were all so jumbled together that it was hard to tell just how many were there, and then there was the large prints of an Armaddon as well, one of the rarer and most dangerous types of Grimm, which explained why the area was burned to hell.
One of the most telling signs for them was seeing Adam's shattered mask in an Armaddon footprint, along with his jacket torn and burned near it.
Officially to the White Fang, Blake Belladonna and Adam Taurus were both declared killed in action. It spread quickly though the White Fang, and they let it set for several weeks longer before they moved freely with new changes of clothes. Adam wore a bandana around his head to cover his eyes like a blindfold that he could still see through, but most importantly it covered the brand on his face, and he wore a hat to make it look like his horns were just spikes on the hat as accessories while Blake wore a cute bow to cover her ears.
"So... that's that," Adam said lowly in the hideout the two ex Fang members were hiding out in, "Are you alright, dar-" He cut himself off and sighed, looking away from her, "Blake?"
Blake nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm okay. I think my arm is fully healed. I'll take the bandages off later. What about your stomach?"
"It's a dull pain, but I'll manage," Adam replied and held his hand over his bandaged stomach, "I'm not sure how we survived. I know we planned to intentionally get injured and bleed as much as we could across the ground, but that Armaddon was... unexpected."
"Yeah..." Blake let out a long sigh and checked over Gambol Shroud once more, "I got accepted into Beacon yesterday. Initiation is next week."
Adam grunted a bit in response. "You'll pass."
"Have you decided what you're gonna do?"
Adam stayed silent for several moments as he stared out the window of the hideout. It was in a more run down part of Vale, so hardly anyone walked the streets or even cared who the two were. "Odd jobs? I'm still not sure. I would rather stay out of sight as much as I can."
"Well, in the papers I got from Beacon, it says I'll get a weekly allowance for weapon maintenance or other things," Blake said, "I can bring some lien back for you for food, or just bring you food myself."
"I don't want to burden you like that. I can-"
"Adam," Blake cut him off and stared at him, "I'll be getting more lien in my allowance for the background I gave, so I'll have enough to buy you food and water. It's not a burden."
Adam looked from the darkening rain clouds outside and looked to Blake, and he took his blindfold from his eyes. "Thank you, Blake... I'm sorry for everything."
"Those are just words right now," Blake told him bluntly and seriously, "If you want them to be more than words, then prove it like you said you want to do. Keep an eye on White Fang activities and just... disrupt them or something, but wear a disguise. I already know something you could wear."
"Alright... I'll do it."
"And don't kill anyone," Blake added and stared directly into his eye, "You've killed enough people, and no misguided Faunus need to die either. They'll just think it's a human killing them and it would make things worse."
Adam sighed. "Right..."
Rain started fall from the sky, hitting the window Adam sat next to. Blake went back to looking over her weapon for any damage in preparation for her upcoming initiation to Beacon, and Adam just sat there, watching the rain hit the window, watching the rain hit the road and sidewalk, watching people run to get indoors from the coming downpour. Adam took a deep breath, and he leaned his head against the cool glass window. He never expected to be in the situation he was in right now. He never expected to one second be arguing with Blake about the ethics of what horrible things he had done in the last two or three years, to being ex White Fang that faked their deaths and went into hiding for a month, or however long it had been. His mind needed time to process everything and settle down.
It was the start of a new life for him, one where he felt unsafe and vulnerable. And it was a new start for Blake, and it felt the same way for her but both of them kept their composure in the face of their new journey.
Blake's next stop was Beacon, and Adam would follow her every step of the way.
///Alright, explanation time! This is based on a (sadly unfinished) story I read a long time ago where Blake convinced Adam to leave the White Fang with her and turn over a new leaf, and he took her place in team RWBY as Adam Belladonna.
This is my twist on the new leaf thing, where while Adam knows Blake doesn't want to be with him anymore after all his lies and manipulation and most likely never will, he'll follow her in hopes she'll lead him down the right path and forgive him for everything, and he'll support her in everything she wants to do.
I'm open for asks for this AU! Please use (Good Adam AU) for asks for this universe if you want.///
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naughty-neo · 5 years
Raven, what's the worst punishment you gave Vernal for annoying you? Knowing you it probably wasn't a light punishment....
"That would be the time i had a packed of Hellynx fuck her. Her pussy and ass got wreaked, but i stopped them after awhile. Couldn't resist having some fun myself." Raven purred petting the giant cat grimm.
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What's Marbony's favorite grimm and/or animal to fuck?
Marbony whined at the question and put her hands on her hips. "That's not a fair question! There are dogs that are always such a treat to be fucked by, horses that leave me absolutely drooling and wanting more, and gods theres just too many Grimm to even say~ Beowulves, Ursa, Taijitu, Chimeras, Hellynx, Beringels, ooooh I can't decide between them all~"
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May Zedong, what is your favorite type of Grimm?
"Hmmm I would probably have to go with a Beringel," May answered, her thighs rubbing together a bit, "Those things are brutally rough. I have to worry about one really hurting me and that thrill is just so damn good~ And their cocks are just fucking massive and almost make me cum as soon as one forces it into me~ I mean, a Beowulf or a Hellynx or two are great too, but a Beringel... Fuck, I need to go out to the forest now~"
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Sakura what animals/grimm do you want to try having sex with, that you currently haven't?
Sakura hummed in thought. "Honestly, I think I've had sex with all of them that I want to. There's not really any others that I can think of that I'd want to fuck me. Although... I've been curious about what the Viscous or Hellynx are like."
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The Grimm Codex
All custom Grimm species (so far)
A list of links to the posts I made about my custom Grimm, highlighting their appearance, size, pack size, extra tidbits of lore from characters' experiences with them, and the Grimms' sexual tendencies with their victims or those that willingly submit themselves to them. Some bits of information may be added to them in the future, and maybe add additional Grimm.
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