wist0ragic · 7 months ago
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ silly mammon icons !!
i love this greedy bastard <3 so feel free to use uwu
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druh19 · 7 months ago
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༝ ISTJ characters icons |like and reblog if saved|
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black-salt-cage · 2 months ago
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Emberlynn Pinkle from Helluva Boss Helluva Shorts 3 / "Mission: Weaboo-boo" 1/2
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uranusgallery · 4 months ago
[ Icongif :: S02E09 ]
彡 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲
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➯ ˢᵉ ᵘˢᵃʳ˒ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳ˒ ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗᵃʳ @ᵁʳᵃⁿᵘˢᴹᵃⁿᵍ
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angelshizuka · 6 months ago
I've let the trailer sit for a few days and I think this shot takes the cake for me of my fave thing in the trailer.
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I can't help it, I am absolutely WEAK for the protective/protected ship dynamic and to think (based on assumptions and theories) this is the first time Stolas is in real genuine danger AND Blitz actually being there risking his own life to defend him....
It's barely a second long, but I'm not even joking. I was meeting up with an irl friend today and I couldn't stop staring at it on my phone, so she was like "You good...?" (I'm not).
But there's a huge chance this takes place in the Sinsmas episode (again, based on assumptions and theories), which means we won't get to see the full scene until at least December, so excuse me while I fUCKING SCREAM!!?!
I will not surive S2.5, time to write my will...
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i2sanrio · 1 year ago
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ddaenig · 1 year ago
日本、スタイル — random? icons!
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arts by @akayton
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créditos não são obrigatórios, fav or reblog if you save.
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lovelettersyst · 5 months ago
Matching Profile Picture of Moxxie & Millie
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nekospacepsd · 8 months ago
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Beelzebub - Queen Bee - Sin Of Gluttony - Helluva Boss
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neoninky · 5 months ago
Today was the last day of my now previous job before moving onto another one that isn't in face-to-face customer service or traditional retail.... I feel both immensely relieved and tired lol. And after working several customer based jobs over the past decade (and then some of my life), I've had this song on blast all day:
Some real ones were always a pleasure to work with but the majority??? Oh HELL no. So cheers to the people who treated me with respect and like an actual person but for the rest of them - this song is for you lolol.
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heartmaster176 · 11 months ago
shes a icon 🌸🏩🌷
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burning-fcols · 1 year ago
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“You look familiar little guy. Have we met before?” (mammon @ teen fizz after his accident and at his audition to become his star) -  ✩   「 @helluvaxhazbin 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Chest heaving, Fizz can't tell if his inability to catch his breath is because of the strenuous performance he had given— it would have been difficult even WITH fully-functioning limbs and his burned body not screaming in protest —or from being so close to his idol. Regardless, he sucks in a shaky bout of air, PRAYS to a God that doesn't listen to Imps, and flashes a weak smile up a the looming clown.
Mammon... THE Mammon is talking to him directly.
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Frankly, Fizz hadn't expected so much as a second glance during his performance, let alone after it. Managing to do what even the cheering of crowds hadn't, Mammon makes Fizzarolli feel seen with only a single question... ❛ Have we met before? ❜
❝ Heh— N-No, no definitely not... I mean, not what I'd consider meeting. ❞ Fizz responds through a nervous laugh and shake of his head. Hastily, hands fix his lopsided jester hat. Clearly tailor-made, stitches on the altered hat are clumsy thanks to work being done with trembling hands. It hardly helps the Imp look professional compared to the other contestants. From the foundation clumsily covering his scarred face to the costume keeping hrudimentary prosthetics hidden, the Imp reeks of impulsiveness... Of a starry-eyed dreamer shooting his shot.
After having nearly decided against it.
❝ I went to a show of yours once... Saved up every last penny I had to afford it. But we didn't actually speak... And honestly, I didn't even realize you saw me. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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briefobservationdreamer · 8 days ago
Ace In The Hole: Discussing Asexual Representation In Hazbin Hotel
Alastor has become one of the most well-known asexual icons in modern media and has been the subject of quite a lot of discussion and discourse amongst fans, and I think there is a lot about this topic that really needs to be said. So, as an aroace, I would like to express some thoughts on how his asexuality is represented in Hazbin Hotel (with some mention of Helluva Boss briefly at the end).
To start with, scenes in the show that address the topic not only explicitly confirm that Alastor is cannonically asexual, but they also heavily imply that he is aromantic as well, and is more specifically on the averse side of those spectrums. To explain my reasoning, I will start with the pivotal scene, since this provides the most explicit information.
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It is a very brief 10-second exchange, but there is actually a lot to unpack in just these two lines of dialogue. Rosie lightly teases him about being asexual by jokingly dismissing the idea of Alastor and Charlie being in a relationship because Charlie would be too young for him, and then giving a more serious reason in Alastor being an "ace in the hole". As Rosie is using this as a reason for why she knows Alastor wouldn't be in a relationship with Charlie, this is definitely a pun made in reference to his sexuality rather than the common use of the phrase, which wouldn't be a logical explanation. The pun, of course, goes right over his head, as asexuality wasn't really known in the early 20th century when he was alive and Alastor doesn't tend to keep with the times as a rule. With context, though, Rosie's comment about Charlie being too young for him wasn't just a reference to sex. She was talking about dating. About sex and romance as a package the way most people do when we talk about "being in a relationship."
She has confidently deduced that Alastor is asexual, despite Alastor's lack of education on the subject limiting how explicit and articulate he can be about his experiences. It's a conclusion she likely would not have been able to reasonably come to if Alastor had confused the matter for them both in having much of an interest in finding a partner of any kind throughout the history of their friendship, or if they simply hadn't been friends long enough for her to have ruled out other possibilities but that definitely isn't the case here. They have clearly known each other for a very long time, almost certainly decades. And if Rosie - a proclaimed expert on the subject and a very close personal friend of Alastor's - hasn't seen him express much of an interest in the decades she's known him, then it is extremely unlikely that he has an interest in it or ever will.
This is combined with the fact that, while Alastor seems to prefer the company of women to men, he has never shown attraction towards anyone and has expressed only disinterest or revulsion on all three occasions the subject is directly brought up to him. They don't mean much individually, but all together with the pivotal scene, they do create a bit of a consistent pattern.
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There is Meta evidence for this as well. Amir Talai has stated that he wouldn't ship Alastor because he is aroace, and while that has since been retracted to say he has only canonically been confirmed asexual, Vivzie has also stated that she doesn't want to reveal Alastor's romantic orientation so everyone can have fun shipping whoever they want, which is telling in itself. Not only is Alastor's romantic orientation the only one not revealed at all in canon, but what other romantic orientation could be considered problematic for shipping besides a complete lack of romantic attraction?
So no. Alastor is not attracted to anyone and is not going to get together with anyone in the show. The two main defences that I've seen - "aro/ace people can still date/have sex" and "it was never confirmed he was aromantic" - do not really hold water in this case.
As for the representation itself, I think we've got a pretty good start. He isn't defined by his asexuality, and the show never attributed his more unsavoury traits to it, though care does need to be taken about the "doesn't love anyone because he only loves himself" trope. I personally don't mind the show's one ace character being a villain in this case, given the setting. Many characters in the show are portrayed negatively in Hell, regardless of their sexuality, and conversely it could even be considered infantilising to have the one asexual character also be one of the few good characters in the show. Again, the show never really makes that correlation.
He is too fully-developed and integral to the plot to be considered a token character. He defies being an emotionless robot/socially awkward nerd stereotype by instead being a passionate, flamboyant, charismatic man who, despite being a ruthless serial killer and a cannibal, is very capable of feeling affection for others and forming close friendships as shown with Mimzy, Niffty and Rosie in particular.
It is actually refreshing to see. Imagine asexuality only being permissible in media if the character in question is either relationship-inclined or not considered attractive enough to risk getting that kind of attention from fans to begin with. Amir said it best when he said "you don't have to fuck to be fab", and I think Alastor could be great representation if his asexuality and aromanticism is explored a little more in the show itself. Vivzie might be fond of dropping lore on livestreams and social media, but not everyone is going to know what is said by creators outside of the show, nor should they be expected to in order to judge Hazbin Hotel as a show for its own merits.
Does that mean it is wrong to ship him? Well, not necessarily. Personally, I don't like shipping in general, and I dislike Alastor ships on the basis of him being aroace and my preference for canon compliance when it comes to fan content (the only person I could see him perhaps falling in love with is Rosie, and even then I prefer them as a QPR). However, I recognise that is my personal preference. It isn't necessarily wrong to ship Alastor, and I am certainly never going to begrudge a fellow aro/ace exploring their identity on the spectrum using cartoons as an outlet, as long as distinctions are made between fanon and canon, and that what has been established in canon is given respect.
Sadly, this hasn't always been the case and I can feel very uncomfortable with just how much he has been shipped and sexualised by some fans, and in a way that is blatantly disrespectful and out of character. After all, while also not wrong exactly, it wouldn't be ideal to ship a gay character in a heterosexual relationship. That would mean changing an innate and immutable part of them to the extent that they would no longer be considered the same person, and so denies representation. Why is it any different here?
The way the creators have handled it has also been giving mixed messages (with merch for example), and unfortunately, Vivzie's refusal to stand by his romantic orientation to allow shipping hasn't helped the situation. I understand wanting to avoid the bullying and vitriol that can come with shipping wars and that there will be shipping and upset fans regardless of what the creators do, that doesn't make it less questionable or hurtful for aroace people who want good representation, which should be the bigger priority. Having asexual and aromantic people being represented by an icon who is being used as queerbait by the creators and erased to appease toxic fans and prioritise shipping would simply not be a good look, however unintentional or well-intentioned. Care has to be taken by everyone to avoid that. Yes, Alastor is a fictional character, but a person's attitude towards him can still potentially reflect their attitude towards real aroace people.
Remember, "aro/ace people can still date/have sex" is a reminder that asexuality and aromanticism are spectrums, not an excuse to disregard a character's canon asexuality and aromanticism and justify erasure. There is so little representation already. We don't need what little we have being taken away.
In that vain, I would appreciate it if Alastor's asexuality and aromanticism gets explored a little more. Use it to explore more unusual dynamics, like one-sided ships or QPRs. Use characters like Angel Dust and Rosie, who are more clued in to LGBTQ identities. Rosie could hint at her reasoning for suspecting Alastor is aroace or usher away some Cannibal Town admirers. We're probably not going to see Angel Dust hitting on Alastor again, but those are the only two scenes they've directly interacted with one another. Perhaps the other two hellaverse aces from Helluva Boss could be somewhere else on the spectrum. Alastor is a sex repulsed aroace. Mammon could be sex favourable, considering he has no problem selling sex robots of his mascots. Octavia could be greysexual or demisexual, be more neutral about sex but could still want to find love at some point. Imagine the Goetia family trying to arrange a marriage for her. Just some ideas. They are both big spectrums. Let's have fun exploring them.
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black-salt-cage · 2 months ago
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Emberlynn Pinkle from Helluva Boss Helluva Shorts 3 / "Mission: Weaboo-boo" 2/2
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uranusgallery · 1 year ago
「 Helluva Boss 」
[ Icons :: Verosika Mayday ]
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Se usar, favor, creditar @UranusMang
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angelshizuka · 4 months ago
I was planning to go back to the icon I made of this scene once pride month is over, but I cannot in good faith go back to it now that I know the context... No matter how cute and happy he looks.
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Welp, guess I have to try and make a new icon.
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