#helltrooper hops
zackinthegreen · 5 years
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zackinthegreen · 5 years
someone say chain ocs?
an exceedingly nimble dwarf woman with thick sideburns and tied-back hair. She wears a simple dress and an apron; when shes on a mission she'll change into light armor and a hood. She has a deep interest in the craftsmanship of alcohol (she has a soft spot for sour ales) but doesnt seem to drink large volumes. She is eager to be part of Angel's/Boots' spy network but is being kept away by Angel as she has already been seen around Capital as a Chain member.
She joined the chain as a way to experience the cultures, food and drink of the surface-dwellers of orden, and the timescape itself; the ability to test her steel and cunning in honorable (and not so honorable) combat was only a bonus.
were I to make her a pc she would be a dwarf (obviously) rogue and probably a scout subclass and the guild artisan (brewer) background
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zackinthegreen · 5 years
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an approximation of modern!hops
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zackinthegreen · 5 years
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Helltrooper Hops
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zackinthegreen · 5 years
F2, H2, J2, P1, Z1
again just hops
h2 summer or winter
-- She doesnt like either (unless shes in a really mild climate) theres about two weeks of spring and fall that are real nice
j2 what makes them happy
-- being useful. success
rest answered already
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zackinthegreen · 5 years
C1 F2 R2 Z1
just hops this time
C1 How do they sit in a chair
-- normal except completely sideways (arm rests prevent this)
F2 What is her ideal party
-- She doesn't really like parties
R2 Would they be a strict or laid back parent
-- Strict but I guess it depends what about
Z1 What is their favorite animal
-- real big just sloppy dogs like st bernards or newfoundland or neapolitan mastiff
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