zackinthegreen · 5 years
someone say chain ocs?
an exceedingly nimble dwarf woman with thick sideburns and tied-back hair. She wears a simple dress and an apron; when shes on a mission she'll change into light armor and a hood. She has a deep interest in the craftsmanship of alcohol (she has a soft spot for sour ales) but doesnt seem to drink large volumes. She is eager to be part of Angel's/Boots' spy network but is being kept away by Angel as she has already been seen around Capital as a Chain member.
She joined the chain as a way to experience the cultures, food and drink of the surface-dwellers of orden, and the timescape itself; the ability to test her steel and cunning in honorable (and not so honorable) combat was only a bonus.
were I to make her a pc she would be a dwarf (obviously) rogue and probably a scout subclass and the guild artisan (brewer) background
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xynnos · 5 years
Sort of realising that my Helltrooper Dream sort of looks like how I look now and not sure how to feel about it.
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knarkmumriken · 5 years
Toes, at only 14 ran away from home after hearing his parents speaking of abandoning him in the woods because of his “witchcraft”, he quickly took off before dawn, leaving the farm and making for the city as any surrounding farms would recognize him and return him home. living as a beggar on the streets of Blackbottom learning of his gifts in secret.
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One night when food and shelter ran particularly scarce, desperate  for warmth. He conjured a violent burst of flame that nearly left him without hair altogether and through the wild and unpredictable nature of his gift, turned three of his toes to solid gold. Cutting these toes off to sell, since he has never been seen in anything but noble garb
Hearing of the chain arriving in town and of the magic user among them with seemingly very similar talents to his own, toes immediately set to getting onto the crew. To maybe find a mentor and the safety in numbers.
in game Toes is a human wild magic sorcerer with a street urchin background, he dresses and speaks finely, even in combat, to give no hint at his lowly beginnings, he is humble but immensely greedy.
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i don’t know how to format or edit pictures but i had to add the stuff @wojtekbc sent me
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thesacredjeditexts · 6 years
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made-by-kaos · 5 years
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A pedido del público, mas fotos del Trooper Hellboy, voy a mejorarlo este lo hice a las apuradas. For public request, morr pics of The Trooper Hellboy. #Hellboy #hellboy2 #trooper #stormtroopers #helltrooper #sandtrooper #starwars #resin #toys #handmade #toyphotography #toyartistry #toysagram #toyslagram #resina #toycommunity #art #resincasting #toyplanet #resinartist #toy #arttoys https://www.instagram.com/edukaos/p/Bvrbp0SB1wz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=b03dh00spiih
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lauremaster · 5 years
An odd idea I got in my head a while ago that I thought might be fun to share:
What with the prevalence of reporters in the Stays and interest surrounding the Chain, I thought it might be interesting to consider one of these journalists approaching rank and file Chain members for interviews (sort of mockumentary style). While on the one hand I think Chain members know better than to blab, on the other hand what if this was sanctioned by the higher ups to drum up some good press and attract recruits. Maybe even conducted under the watchful eye of a Junior Officer (I’m assuming Two Shoes as the only one trusted and responsible enough for the project but who knows). 
I’m far from an expert in journalism, but here goes:
Alright, well, why don’t we start at the beginning: Where did you join the Chain of Acheron?
So, as far as I understand, Helltroopers get pretty descriptive nicknames when they join up. What’s the story behind yours? 
And what attracted you to the Chain initially? What was your first impression on joining? Has that impression changed lately?
Has anything really surprised you since joining the company? Any particular memories that stand out to you?
Why have you stayed on with the Chain? Do you see yourself sticking with the company for much longer?
And how exactly do you contribute to the Chain? Do you ever see yourself as doing more and moving up the ranks?
Do you have any beliefs or convictions apart from membership in the Chain?
I’ve heard that Helltroopers leave their old lives behind, but what was your life like before you joined the Chain?
What’s the most challenging thing about being a member of the Chain?
If you could direct the Chain’s next action, what would you have the company do?
What is your opinion on the Senior officers?
Any Helltroopers, officers or otherwise, you have a problem with?
What do you know about the Chain of Acheron’s intensions here in Capital?
I imagined this as starting out like a human interest piece that escalates into an interrogation. 
Please feel free to add in your Helltrooper responses and reactions, and even add/expand questions if ya like!
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kid-bishop · 5 years
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Great times last night at GBCB. Thanks to everyone who came out to support & showing our Mexican friends a good time. 1st pic repost from @delrosariorudi , thrasher pic repost from @yaquidub . #atoxxxico #helltroopers @discoassault @brainitch__ @gbcbwindsor . Check the guys out tonight in Toronto or Sunday in Montreal. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByI4-lhgqjd/?igshid=hfmpkp4bpje6
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gopsyduck · 3 years
I love agents of mayhem so much, i really do, but the game tries its damn hardest to make me hate it
1. Theres no mini map. Want to know where the bloody hell you are? you need to stop everything, open the menu (and NOT immediately click on the ark button ffs) and then open the map. awful when trying to hunt for shards
2. The motherfucking shards. ngl it can be fun and a nice way to explore the city but having to scale a huge building and wait 30min for a ship to pass just to get a chance to jump to the building where the shard is and fail sucks ass. Im missing the last 2 and i no longer care. Fuck it.
3. The online contracts. Oh, "kill 500 enemies with melee attacks?" how about you fuck off. Another achievement i quit because life is too short to farm 600 helltroopers or whatever theyre called
4. Procedural generation didnt work. Just.. yeah. Its the worst part of the game.
This game deserved better. For real. It sucks that it didnt sell and we're never getting a sequel cause i fell in love with this world and these characters. But at the same time it has many many flaws that take a lot of the fun out of it.
I dont know where i was going with this.. guess im just frustrated is all.
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 4 years
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Agents of MAYHEM OC 
Name: Angel
Real Name: Christina Espiñosa
Age: 18
Occupation: Student (Not graduated yet)
Specialty: Melee Weapon
Country of Origin: Philippines
Voiced by: Shelby Rabara (Peridot from Steven Universe)
L. E. G. I. O. N. attacks her school, which makes her and her class became victims of the Ministry of Sloth, but she fought back, killing every Helltroopers with just her pens, pencils, a box cutter and a baseball bat she borrowed from a fellow classmate (and a bit of Taekwondo skills). After that, Persephone, along with a retrieval team, took her in as a MAYHEM agent because of her skills, enthusiasm and a bit of an anger issue.
She gets along with everyone in MAYHEM. She thinks of Hollywood as an annoying big brother figure, Persephone as the aunt she never had and others love her as well. (Agent Mission: Not-so-"Dreamy" Crush) She used to be August Gaunts's girlfriend at the age of 17 when he took her to her school's prom but they broke up after Gaunt cheating on Angel.
MAYHEM Ability: Star Strikes
"Mabuhay Pilipinas, bitches!"
Angel's MAYHEM ability is where she use the power of anime! She poses in a Sailor Moon pose, then a peace sign with a wink while K-pop music is played in the background. This gives her infinite health and her enemies gets stunned then with one or two swings of her scythe, she kills them easily.
Angel's special ability is her scythe turned into a gun. The default ammo for this special ability is 40.
Fire Shots
"This hand of mine is burning red!"
She fired three fire-like bullets at each enemies as they burn to the brim.
Ice Strikes
"What's the matter? Cold feet?"
She sometimes chang into ice bullets that freeze enemies until, when hit, they get 'shattered'.
Electric Shock
"Taste the lightning!"
She then switch into electric shells that stunned enemies by 45%
Weapon: High Tech Scythe
"Say hello to my little friend!"
She use a high tech scythe that is specially made for her https://images.app.goo.gl/qDfVPH9Y82CHZgML9.
Weapon Abilities
Gravity Strike
"Going up!"
She strikes her scythe on the ground and makes anything or any enemy in the air and, 3 seconds later, splat to death.
Fast Strike
"Gotta catch them all!"
This gives her even more speed and gives her more advanced stamina.
Vine Growth
"Feeling a little thorny?"
She summons vines to wrap enemies and then dragging them far away.
Kawaii Healer
"Konichiwa bitches!"
Her special ability cools down when her health is at 25% or lower
Cupcake Blaster
"Sprinkle attack!"
She fired sprinkles and cupcakes for others as a healer of sadness.
Sparkle Laser
"You can't have too much glitter."
She use her scythe as a long range weapon/laser at enemies as they will be explode in glitter
Core Upgrades
Ube Lament
"Halo-Halo anyone?"
When Angel swings from left or right shoulder, she earns 2+ bonus points.
Queso Trap
"Three blind mice, are about to get dice"
(Requires Agent Lvl 10.) She use spin and emitting in a yellow glow.
Quick Recovery
Angel recovers quickly when health is 50%
Not-so-Dreamy Crush https://images.app.goo.gl/YeyucZ3PSLAXrDLA7
Yandere https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F49%2F24%2F0d%2F49240d7fc474e1de99e5dd28c6a5dfdb.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F414401603198158156%2F&tbnid=4qYrLsIgdlZ8_M&vet=1&docid=cPr2-8rKeT409M&w=640&h=706&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
Wonderland https://images.app.goo.gl/dU7HDA3Cg68af6Fi9
Alpha Squad Skin
Original but in a green and purple palette (with Gat and Safeword)
Fairytale Cutie https://images.app.goo.gl/EzL5ekTAbiQxaPxP8
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zackinthegreen · 5 years
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xynnos · 5 years
Cool dialogue idea for confrontation with ser dickio
The knight gabbled on, refusing to address the captain, he instead focused his insults towards the mercenaries, until one fired back.
“We are the chain of Acheron Ser, we are not so easily goaded. If you wish to fight then draw your steel, do not invite others to start your battles and call it bravery, coward.”
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thesandman115 · 5 years
“The Chain will be unbroken. None shall be slaves. The truth is my pursuit.”
“The Chain is my family now. My honour is tied up with theirs.”
- Mountain Dwarf War Magic Wizard.
- 3′9″, she/her, biromantic asexual.
- Lawful Neutral.
- Her nickname comes from both her red eyes and puffy red nose from years of drinking. Inspired by this, she has taken to using cherries in her brewing.
- She keeps her chestnut brown hair short and her face bare, though she does have some sweet sideburns.
- She is a practiced brewer and an expert cardsharp, and often can be found in her downtime taking other Chainlink’s money in games of chance over drink. To Cherry, the Chain is her family.
- She hates the ways of her fellow Dwarves in capturing and keeping slaves, and despises Ajax for facilitating such injustice. If she didn’t hate Ajax before Blackbottom, she sure does now.
- As a Vaslorian, she is devoted to the Chivalric ideal of Truth, and strongly believes in the maxim: “The Truth will out.”
- Cherry is crass, and speaks her mind even when it is not to her social advantage. She is practically minded to a fault.
- She joined the Chain in Blackbottom around the same time as Sweet. She is extremely hesitant to speak on her past, even more than the other Chainlinks. Once, while extremely drunk, she shared that she had left her past behind after waking in a shallow grave, seemingly resurrected after the explosion that killed her family.
- During her service to the Chain, she became an assistant to Staff Sorcerer Nails, developing evocation and abjuration magic useful for combat on the battlefield and protecting her fellow Chainlinks.
- During the Siege of Blackbottom and the Fall of the Chain, Cherry was not one of the Chainlinks who boarded the Rosso Cielo, instead meeting up with another group independently to make their way to Capital on their own. Currently looking for a captain willing risk the wrath of Ajax in taking them across the Bale Sea to the meetup in Capital.
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wojtekbc · 5 years
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Chain of Acheron, Helltrooper Paisley. “Sometimes the only way to win is to not play at all.” Riojan Human Illusionist. NG. Raised in Capital. Just his luck that he’d be dragged back. Spellbook is half old notes, half trial and error. Lucky that he was born Riojan, because at least he can poke some holes in people when his parlour tricks don’t work. Joined the Chain to distance himself from who he was in Capital.  Stuck in Vasloria, looking for a) more surviving Helltroopers and b) a captain who’s not too fond of Ajax and is willing to cross the Bale Sea. One heckin’ lanky boi. Singer, Art Snob Extraordinaire . Wore a stupid fucking scarf the day he joined and now its a Signature Look and he Can’t Escape It.  Big Older Brother Energy. >”I swear, you should have seen my swordsmanship when I was a young man!” >Is still a young man.  Includes the Khoursirian Demon of Fog in his prayers; spent too much time with that mystic not to at least say thanks. Radiating Aura of Self Confidence (Unique Riojan Passive) I don’t do moodboards, but since I’m not an artist and I felt like giving some rough notes on the aesthetic I thought why not. So I was going to type out a huge chunk of backstory I had for this character, but then I realied a) that wouldn’t be fun to read or write and b) it was kind of missing the point to write about small details of who he was before, because Helltroopers leave that behind. Anyway, to those who know me it won’t be a surprise that this character is an Illusionist, seeing as that is my favourite class/subclass. The name “Paisley” for a Wizard, and even some of the broader strokes to the backstory, were bouncing around in my head for months before the Chain, but there was something about reading Matt’s document he gave the players for their character creation that made me go “Oh fuck, there’s so much that works in this,” so this is what took form, really. The concept of an Illusionist being told by loved ones to leave a Machiavellian city of the Great Game to deprive any player of a potential piece has kind of stuck with me as a PC idea for a while, and Capital is 100% the kind of thing I was imagining.
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krunk-mcdunk · 5 years
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The Chain of Acheron, Helltrooper Beebee.
"I'd put an arrow through you if I weren't sloshed. Wait right there, I still might."
Human ranger, footsoldier, and tavern regular
Too confrontational for his own good, which often led to him being chased up trees when he was younger, where he'd then pelt his aggressors with a slingshot... because he hadn't annoyed them enough.
Plays dumb but secretly loves reading about and studying nature.
Followed by a cat who refuses to leave him alone, he's taken to calling it Little Bastard. In turn, other helltroopers named him Big Bastard, shortened to Beebee.
When fire came to Blackbottom, he grabbed his boy and ran for the only safety he knew: the forest.
Stranded on a burning continent with his fellow helltroopers and, most importantly, his cat, Beebee's main goal for now is to regroup with the remainder of the Chain and take revenge against Ajax for interrupting his ale.
>"I didn't miss, it was a poorly timed warning shot."
>"Magic... makes me itchy. Put that damned fire out."
>"You think I'm scared of you? I could tie both arms behind my back and it still wouldn't be a fair fight."
>"I hate this lil' bastard but if you ever call him 'Mr. Fluffy' again, I'll poison your soup."
A little late, but here's my first helltrooper. Not my first choice but he was the easiest to find pics for and I really wanted to get something out. I'll probably go back and tweak him until I'm more satisfied with it, but for now I need to get an emissions test so like 😬
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lauremaster · 5 years
Chain OC idea (again)
Vanirman Monk (subclass tbd)
She’s on the taller side (not for a Vanirman but sure compared to the rest of the world), and fit af. Honestly though, she’s pretty average for a Vanirman, the only variation being her somewhat darker hair.
A woman of few words, she almost exclusively uses Chain Sign - theories vary as to why: can’t speak common, doesn’t have a tongue, is just fucking with everyone, etc. Nonetheless she manages to be plenty expressive and get her point across. 
She is a very big fan of the general adage: better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Independent by her own nature and her upbringing in the north, she respects rules that come from a place of strength and wisdom, but doesn’t care for authority for the sake of authority.
While no stranger to a fight, she’s slow to provoke with a generally easy-going attitude. She prefers to prove herself against forces far beyond her - nature itself.
Along with her general martial prowess, she’s well known for being an adept mountain climber and spelunker, having learned on the harsh glaciers of the north. She can often be found free climbing whatever happens to be around: cliffs, chasms, castles, and whatnot.
Unusual for a Vanirman, she favors fighting with her fists and improvised weapons. She’s particularly fond of using chains and pitons (which she has on her for scaling particularly intense slopes), and has frequently been known to use the chains as wraps to make her strikes that much more devastating.
She also doesn’t wear armor, but exclusively wears long sleeves (but you still see hella muscle definition tho). Rumor is that she has intense tattoos twisting up her arms that she’s hiding, but most people think that’s ridiculous.
Joined the Chain to see more of the world. She particularly respects the variety of skills the various members of the Chain display.
(Probably an Advancer/Green Boot cause I think she’d make for a good scout in addition to assailant).
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autonima · 5 years
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(I’m not a particularly good artist but here’s a picture}
The Chain of Acheron: Helltrooper Geddit
“See, a frog with no legs is deaf!”
“Get it?”
- Arcane Archer Fighter
- Human from Higara. Born as a peasant in the Opal Empire’s rigid cast system, he joined The Chain to get into the world and do something
- Chaotic Good
- As a Jō-yoi, he values the free-flowing element of air.
- Tells really bad jokes. No one knows if he genuinely thinks that they’re funny or if he just does it to annoy people.
- When people don’t laugh, he has a tendency to ask if they “get it,” hence the nickname.
- Has an ever-chipper and positive demeanor, even in battle. He’s extremely supportive of other links, so people can’t stay mad at him for long after he’s told a stupid joke.
- 5′10″, 23 years old.
- A relatively new recruit to The Chain, he seeks to prove himself.
- A bit of a wimp, prefers to use archery in combat.
- High charisma, low intelligence.
- Currently trying to meet up with the rest of The Chain in Capital, but is stuck in Vasloria with some other surviving links.
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