sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen – little snowflake ♥
  He’s been here so many times, he knows the place like the back of his hand.    Naoki lets himself in, the little Cat’s Eye charm in his earring springing to life as soon as he does. Another recent purchase, but this time out of simple practicality. Being able to see in the darkness of Soushi’s home comes in more than handy. No artificial light to hurt his eyes, no unpleasant waking from his slumber.    Little by little, the room appears before his eyes. One thing he has to admit – as strange of a person as Ruby is, his handiwork is astounding. It takes a moment longer, another few blinks, and Naoki’s vision is so close to what it would be like in the light, he has to stop himself from gasping.    He takes off his shoes and deposits his bag on the sofa before heading straight into the bedroom. By now, Soushi must have picked up his scent already. Still, he keeps his footsteps light as he nears the bed, and slips underneath the covers without a single word.   An immediate calm settles deep in his chest. He exhales a content sigh and snuggles closer to Soushi’s still sleep-soft body, arms around his middle and legs tangled with his. When did he become such a strong source of peace for him? He should be scared of him, not seek him out over and over again. Yet here he is, body pressed to Soushi’s, heart racing in sheer delight. He cranes his neck to press the ghost of a kiss to Soushi’s cheek, and whispers, “I missed you, Sou.”   God, he’s so far gone.
It isn’t until the sun has finally set that Soushi finds himself being freed from sleep’s unrelenting grasp. Humming softly underneath his breath, he finds himself tighten his arms around Naoki’s form to tug him closer, long gotten used to the other sneaking into his place to just cuddle. And, really, after all the kisses they’ve shared, Soushi finds himself craving to be close to the other, his thoughts always revolving about Naoki and his well-being. 
His protective side seems to only get stronger whenever he’s with Naoki, it seems.
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Blinking sleepily, he lets his gaze rest on the other’s peacefully sleeping form for a bit, unaware of the soft smile on his lips until he leans in to press a kiss on Naoki’s forehead. Such a pretty sight, almost enough to make his dead heart beat again. With a content sigh, Soushi presses closer so that it’s impossible to tell where one begins and the other ends. “-- I missed you too, little snowflake,” he murmurs out while burying his nose into silvery locks. “Missed you so much.”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen -- xander.
  Why did you show them your pictures? Xander reaches for Yojae’s hands, but thinks better of it before his fingers meet his. He has no word for this feeling Yojae showing himself off evoked in him, only knows that it irks him with an intensity that drives him up the wall. Yojae is beautiful, and he should know he is, yet there’s something about other people telling him that doesn’t sit right with him. It makes no sense. So many of his feelings make no sense.   He crosses his arms, hands shoved into his armpits to stop them from wandering. As he finds himself doing so often, he avoids Yojae’s eyes. They would have seen them, anyway.
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“-- because they’re my friends. And because they’ve been supporting me from the start - since knowing me, actually,” Yojae replies, gaze lingering on Xander’s hands disappearing into the armpits for a moment before he reaches out in an attempt to pull them out. If Xander wants to hold hands, who’s he to say no - especially when he loves holding hands with the other, too? He can feel Xander’s feelings bleed through their bond, the confusion more prominent than anything else. It’s so obvious that him doing that seems to have bothered his familiar, but still... “You don’t like it when I show them the pictures? Or when they compliment me?” He inches closer so that they’re face to face, noses and foreheads almost touching. “Talk to me, please?”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen -- meng ♥
  “Hey, pretty kitten,” Meng purrs straight into Kiryu’s ear as he winds his arms around his middle. “Where’re yer thoughts right now, hm? Y'look so contemplative.” He snickers, tugging Kiryu a little closer, and perches his chin atop his shoulder. In so many respects, he’s still as much of the cat as he used to be when he wasn’t human in shape. His hatred for loud noise. The way he sometimes looks out of the window with that special glint in his eyes, a million little stars of wonder. How cuddly he is, curling up against Qiaomeng like it’s second nature.    Meng wouldn’t change him for all the money in the world.
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It comes so naturally by now, for him to immediately lean into his boyfriend’s embrace with a content purr rumbling in his throat. He’s been watching the rain, the soft pitter-patter sound of the raindrops much more soothing than the usual thunderstorms that come with the rain. “I... think I dozed off,” he replies, not wasting a second to press a kiss to Qiaomeng’s temple. At least, his thoughts have been wandering, but now his sole focus is on his boyfriend, holding him so close like this that Kiryu wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now. He shifts slightly to make himself more comfortable. “... so sleepy.”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen – little snowflake.
  Soushi’s presence is soothing in a way he can’t put into words.   If he’s honest, Naoki expected to feel uneasy around him after the incident – him being the very thing that hurt him, even if it hadn’t been him, personally, and him being the very first person he saw, after. Instead, being with Soushi is a balm for his frayed nerves.   Naoki climbs into his lap without a second thought, hair and skin still damp from his recent shower, and cups his face in his hands to kiss him, long and gentle.
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Soushi blinks once. Twice. Yet his mind doesn’t seem able to catch up with his body as his arms find their way around Naoki’s smaller frame to hold him close. This isn’t how he thought the evening will proceed, but at the same time, a part of him feels… relieved - glad even that they’re kissing like this. He pulls away briefly, just to be able to catch a glimpse of Naoki’s expression, but it’s as if their lips are pulled towards each other magnetically. With a pleased hum rumbling in his throat, Soushi closes the small distance between them quickly to continue kissing the other, not wanting to part anytime soon.
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sonnenstern · 5 years
"You two are getting along well, huh." Jiseok smiles properly this time. Seoltang latching onto Kiryu is not a surprise, clingy as he is. It didn't take him long to do the same to Nabi. He can't blame him for needing someone to fill that hole. He puts Nabi down on the ground, and she darts forward without a warning, all but tackling Kiryu and Seoltang in the process. Jiseok follows suit, albeit slower, taking his seat where Kiryu offered him to. "So, here we are."
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And guess who doesn’t waste a second to perch his chin on Jiseok’s thigh? “Right on time, too. I’m out of ideas what to do to keep Seoltangie more awake somehow,” Kiryu says with a pout, though it quickly melts into a soft smile as he sees the two familiars happily chatting together and all. It’s such a heartwarming sight, how can he not? He then wraps his arms around Jiseok’s torso with a pleased hum. “Hiro had no idea, either. And Meng is just as helpless when it comes to Seoltangie. Maybe you have a guess what’s up with him?”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
Jiseok shows up a little while later, a very excited Nabi in his arms. As much as he loathes talking about what happened between him and Sungil, Kiryu has a right to know. He's friends with both of them, and leaving him in the dark isn't fair. He lets himself in, doing his best not to frown, and follows the pulse of Qiaomeng's magic, radiating off Kiryu as ever. "Here you are." Jiseok tries for a smile. "Where's the little one? Nabi's dying to say hi." On cue, Nabi barks happily.
Kiryu is still in his cat form when Jiseok arrives, and he remains like that for a bit longer while he tries to remove himself from around Seoltang. It’s easier said than done, given that the other has made himself comfortable, snuggled up against Kiryu’s soft fur. Kiryu gently boops his friend’s forehead with his nose in a means of getting the other to move, and he only succeeds when they both pick up on Nabi’s voice. C’mon now. I asked them to come and you prefer to stay like this? Not working, Seoltangie.
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Once he’s made sure he has enough space, Kiryu then shifts - still lying on his stomach with Seoltang nestled halfway on his back. Oh well, at least he can talk to Jiseok this way now. “-- hey there,” he greets, patting on the space next to him for Jiseok to sit down (and so that he can maybe use the other’s lap as pillow replacement).
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sonnenstern · 5 years
/You don't know?/ Here he'd thought Meng had long told Kiryu about their falling out. Or that maybe Jiseok did. If he's honest, he doesn't understand the fuss all that much. It can't be so bad that a proper conversation couldn't fix it. /They both got their feelings hurt. And then Sungil decided he didn't wanna deal with that. I don't get it./ This stubbornness irks him, but Sungil won't listen. /Dunno how long I'm supposed to stay, but maybe you could ask her to come over one of these days./
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He continues to nuzzle Seoltang, not even the bond that he shares with Meng to know that the other is sad while telling him everything. I’m sure I can arrange for you two to meet again. Just because Seokkie and hyung don’t talk anymore, it wouldn’t be fair if the same is expected from the two of you, right? Kiryu nuzzles his friend some more in a means of comfort. It’s been so long already.
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sonnenstern · 5 years
Though Seoltang doesn't answer, he appreciates Kiryu's efforts to reassure him. Being with him and Qiaomeng is nice, much better than staying alone at home. Still, he knows he's dragging everyone's moods down. Another point to add to his long list of why being like this is beyond annoying. He sighs again, resisting the urge to sneeze as Kiryu's fur tickles at his nose. /Are you still friends with Nabi?/ he asks after a moment, /I haven't seen her in forever./
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Oh no, now the mood just dropped some more. Kiryu lets out another soft mewl as he continues to dote on Seoltang, feeling as protective as ever of his friends. She misses you, he admits. Just like how you miss her. I don’t even know what happened between hyung and Seokkie for them to not talk to each other anymore. Meng said that he should ask Sungil, but a part of him is still hesitating because he can feel that this is a sensitive topic for both of them. I hope you two can meet again soon.
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sonnenstern · 5 years
Seoltang burrows into Kiryu's fur with a sigh. /What do you do when you feel bad? All I want is nap all day./ He's not much of a help if he does, but even accompanying Sungil to his schedules has become so very tiring. What's worse is how concerned Sungil is, even if he doesn't show it. Seoltang still feels it. /Maybe I'm dying, or something./
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You’re not dying, Kiryu quickly assures while curling up more around Seoltang’s smaller body. It just doesn’t make sense, really. Sungil isn’t using more magic than he usually does, and yet his familiar always seems to be lethargic. If he were a cat, Kiryu wouldn’t think twice about something being wrong, but like this? He gently nudges Seoltang’s head again. You’ll be fine. We won’t let anything happen to you.
He sounds as if he’s trying to convince himself.
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sonnenstern · 5 years
Here's a Seoltang, snuggling up to Kiryu. He still feels horrible, but at least he has a fluffy kitty to cuddle with.
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And Kiryu makes sure to give the other all the snuggles he needs, even purring softly in a means to sooth Seoltang somehow. It’s worrying, how the other doesn’t seem to feel better, and he feels so helpless that he isn’t able to do anything to improve Seoltang’s condition. Meowing softly, Kiryu gently bumps his nose against Seoltang’s forehead, making sure to keep the other warm instead.
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen -- sungil & seoltang.
  Kiryu is so warm. Seoltang sighs again, this time in contentment. He snuggles against Kiryu’s chest, hooking his claws into the fabric of his shirt. It’s not as nice as his pouch, but still nice. If Kiryu lets him, he’d be happy staying like this for a while.   “The only thing that changed recently,” Sungil replies, “is my face at that party of yours. My schedule is hectic as ever, my staff is the same, our apartment is… well, I’ve had Meng install a few new charms. There’s been a few sightings around the neighborhood. Weres, apparently. Even if they live there, I’m not risking anything.”   Seoltang hums. I’ve felt weird magicks in the night more than once. They never lingered, but I told him, anyway. You never know.
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“How long has he been like that?” Kiryu asks softly as he leans back a bit so Seoltang has it more comfortable against his chest. It’s odd, how he’s become someone who provides more comfort than taking it (especially when he didn’t have his human form back then). But at the same time, Kiryu feels as if it’s right to do so as he gently cradles the other familiar in his arms. 
Hiro hums again. “The only thing I can advice for now is to try and use your magic less to see if Seoltang gets better, to be honest?” There’s a thoughtful expression on his face. He has a suspicion, but... “I can’t tell you more right now. I’m sorry.”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen – sungil & seoltang.
 "No,“ Sungil says with a frown, but Seoltang knows better.   He crawls closer towards Kiryu, trying to get his attention with a noise between a whine and a sigh. He uses magic all the time. Just doesn’t notice it a lot. Sungil’s frown deepens. Seoltang ignores it. He’s just as eager to find a fix to this problem. Only sleeping all day annoys him to no end. He zapped Kibum-hyung the other day to make him stop nagging. That counts as strong magic, right?    Sungil rolls his eyes. “So what? Why would that affect you at all?”   Seoltang doesn’t have an answer for that.
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Kiryu doesn’t waste a second to pick the other familiar up, one hand gently patting Seoltang’s head. He wishes he can help more, but somehow, nothing of the things he’s heard match anything he’s gone through. So, he decides to just cradle Seoltang close to his chest, lips formed into a small pout as he relays everything forward to Hiro.
“Well, seeing that Seoltang is tied to your magic, you usually pay attention to how much of it you use because if you use too much, it can affect your familiar.” Hiro hums thoughtfully. “But knowing you, you probably didn’t do more than you usually do, consciously or unconsciously.” He reaches out to gently rub over Seoltang’s head. “Were there any... major changes or anything? Something that needed adjusting? For both of you?”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen – sungil.
  Sungil doesn’t bother with a proper greeting.    When he’d said he wanted to take Seoltang to Hiroki and Kiryu, Seoltang hadn’t been very ecstatic. Not because he doesn’t like the two of them – especially Kiryu, he’s very fond of. It’s nice to have someone to talk to aside from Sungil. Kiryu is as humble and as sweet as Nabi was when Jiseok and Sungil were still friends. Seoltang hasn’t seen Nabi ever since their falling out.   Sungil’s hand reaches for him, nestled in his favorite pouch slung around Sungil’s body like a sling bag, and pulls him out. Seoltang protests, but goes limp, not enough strength left to struggle.   “Here,” says Sungil, and places him unceremoniously on Hiroki’s counter. “He’s been sluggish and sleeps through the whole day. I have no idea what’s going on.”    Seoltang looks up in time to catch Sungil’s gaze. Although there’s little emotion in his eyes, his concern bleeds into their bond more openly than he recalls it ever doing before. He looks away, guilt stabbing at his core. If he knew how to, he would go back to being the way he was in an instant.
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“-- right, so the best idea is to just drop him onto the counter,” Hiro retorts while putting the last two books away - just in time to see Kiryu already moving over to the other familiar with a worried expression gracing his features. With a sigh, Hiro follows, one hand carefully patting down the little sugar glider. The magic around him seems fine - a bit irregular on some parts, but overall enveloping Seoltang in a way that seems as if he’s being embraced. His gaze flicker towards Sungil. “Did you use some potent spells or anything these days? Or magic? Like, unconsciously maybe?”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
sou: oh no I need to control myself and stay calm  sou: -takes a deep breath-  sou: f*ck. 
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen -- naoki.
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  Naoki raises his free hand to pat her head. “Such a worrywart. I suggested it, remember? Besides, I do like a bit of attention.” The good kind of attention, anyhow. Vampires staring at him like he’s a five-course meal isn’t the exact definition of it, but it does give him that bit of a thrill he’s come to enjoy. A very different kind of being wanted.   He lets her lead him, easily falling into step with her. “What am I supposed to expect from that ‘lair’ of yours? Aside from running into your two chaperones from a while ago.”
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She giggles softly at the nickname. “You mean Jeha and Echo? They’re probably gonna drop by and see you.” Or rather, pick her up once it’s obvious that everything would be fine with leaving Naoki with Soushi. “Then there’s Sou-nii, my maker and something like an older brother to me. If you have any advice on how to make him less grumpy - I’m all ears.” A thoughtful hum escapes her. “Then there’s Kiha, Jeha’s twin. And Echo’s brother, Sasha. Oh, and Jaerim of course. He’s like a parent to all of us, always making sure that everything’s fine and stuff.”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
mondregen -- naoki.
  Vampires and their damned silence.   All muscles stiff, Naoki startles, barely able to stop himself from making an embarrassing noise. If she weren’t cute as a button, forgiving her would be much harder. He needs to get his hands on some vampire-detection something or other.
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  “Geez, give a guy a warning.” Despite his words and his heart hammering away in his chest, he smiles at her over his shoulder. “I’ve been here for, what, five minutes? We should have picked a different spot, I think. Those were definitely one too many wolfish looks I got there.”
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More out of instinct than anything, Michi takes a moment to look around them, lips turning into a frown for a moment while she instinctively reaches for her friend’s arm. “-- the fact that we arranged to meet up so late doesn’t make it better, now does it?” Then again, maybe she should’ve thought of that beforehand. Or maybe asked Echo and Jeha to accompany her just to be safe. But she didn’t want to make Naoki uncomfortable with so many other vampires around. “Let’s get going then. The lair is a bit more secluded, so you won’t have to worry about wolfish looks for long.” She tugs gently on his arm. “I should’ve thought of it before.”
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sonnenstern · 5 years
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“Found you!”
With a delighted giggle, Michiru has pranced on the other while wrapping her arms around Naoki’s shoulders from behind (while standing on her tippy toes because everyone else just has to be as tall as a tree). She’s excited, if that hasn’t been obvious, though probably not only due to the fact that she finally has a friend over at the lair. “I hope you haven’t been waiting too long?”
the sun is shining for ( @mondregen ) ☀
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