#hello. im unwell
Hi hello can someone read some Alex Nonymous and then talk to me about them? Because I just finished Debate Kids at the End of the World and I'm not okay
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wttcsms · 5 months
you said boxer!kags but what about boxer!tsumu
boxer!atsumu who's cocky, almost to the point of being annoying rather than endearing. he loves to mess with you, the ring girl, always wolf whistling when you're holding the card to signal what round of the fight he's on. when he's in his corner, he'll be sitting on the stool, legs spread, the muscles in his thighs flexing as sweat is soaking his skin. he's breathing hard, the rise and fall of his shoulders, the clenching of his abs. when he catches you watching him, he'll have the nastiest, meanest, most self satisfied smirk on his face before he takes the water and squirts it into his mouth, swishing it around before spitting it out into the bucket. the whole time, he never breaks eye contact with you.
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marcusagrippa · 4 months
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some stills that i am very normal about from the megalopolis trailer
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mudanonaito · 9 months
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"I'm left behind…always. I wanted you to live longer than we did. That was my wish. Goodbye".
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viivenn · 9 months
gwendoline guys. that’s it. that’s the blog.
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
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“Let me ask you something ...” BETWEEN US (2022) - Episode 2.
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soursturniolo · 3 months
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m0thxy · 9 months
christmas…christMAS… christ mas…mass… MASS CONVULSIONS STRIKE THE CHOIR BY THE GRACE OF GOD???
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perths · 1 year
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Bas Asavapatr by Thanut Treamchanchuchai for L'Officiel Thailand
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acrosstobear · 2 years
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full picture of Mick playing paintball today in Gold Coast, Australia!!!
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esther-sinclair · 10 months
It's not obligation. It's believing that you can put your head up and look for a day where you won't be so tired anymore. - Tula
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alienssstufff · 1 year
I need to talk about Slime’s proposal to Foolish.  Yes, it can be seen as a bit of a revenge for Mariana flirting with Foolish in the past, and trying to make Mariana jealous, sure. But more than that, Slime just wants to be happy. And he sees Foolish as having that. Whereas Slime is the have-not. The beggar desperate for a crumb of happiness to be spared to him. Thinking that if only he could’ve gotten a more ‘fortunate’ pairing like Foolish and Vegetta, then maybe he wouldn’t have had to go through so much heartbreak and anguish.  But the reality is, he doesn’t love Foolish in a genuinely romantic way. He doesn’t connect with him on a deeper level, as the disparity between their fortune and misfortune creates distance between them. Like how Foolish often offers Slime support, but it’s through a lens of pity / looking down on him.
The misfortune and flawedness of Mariana is EXACTLY what makes Slime so madly in love with him. Because Slime relates to that, he understands that, he connects with that in a way that he CAN’T with others. They both constantly feels like outsiders around happy, well-adjusted people. It’s their fucked up flaws, their painful experiences, their misfortune that bonds them together. It’s also why Quackity was always his closest friend, frequently bonding over how poor and tragic they both were.
yessss thats the same for him flirting and gatecrashing q!Cellbit's wedding. He doesn't love him, he barely even knows him - but he knows for sure Cellbit is leagues happier than he is... And that's not fair. A lot of the outrageous things Slime does is because it's not fair, and no one is going to do anything about that unless he makes a scene and destroys himself in the process.
The desc between what slimeriana are now is a complicated one - does he truly love her? does he truly not? Yet it's the misfortune that they are defined as that keeps pushing them together. As much as he denies his bond to q!Mariana, the world will forever dub them The Missclickers because they are simply "Made for eachother" and because no one else is deranged enough to stoop to their level.
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lottieurl · 4 months
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mytyldotwav · 1 year
I watched Asuka's arcade mode! Here's what I gathered
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Asuka R. Kruetz created Asuka #R to be a better version of himself that would actually interact with and understand others, which implies (to me) that:
He thinks himself so incapable of change and beyond any form of redemption to the point where he literally started over from the ground up WITH A CLONE. And
Asuka struggles to understand the emotions of others. He says that himself- He understands logically that people with different ideals will have conflict, but not the human emotions behind it all. That's because he naturally sees things through a very scientific, logical lens. He gets the emotions are there, he just doesn't... get them (He's so very autistic).
3. When Asuka interacts with others, he tries to be as inoffensive and polite as possible, even with his clones. But because of that, he doesn't share his opinions. He shares analysis of data. Which is something that many people dislike. He doesn't get that, by not saying what he thinks, people perceive him as not caring about anything.
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What Asuka #R is saying here is that even though he made the fighting clones, every piece of data came from the original Asuka's memories and analysis. It was the original Asuka's perception of the people he met that shaped those clones, whether he understood the uniqueness in others at the time or not. When that data was given to Asuka #R, he was able to see the data in the individual and not the individual in data.
Which, Asuka doesn't really get at the moment, because he doesn't understand the inherit uniqueness of every living being. So when his clone says this:
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The journey Asuka R. Kruetz goes on in his Arcade mode is, simply put, understanding that not everything makes sense. And it doesn't need to - it just is.
I think this means that, even if Asuka made a thousand clones, he'd still find flaws in each and every one until the end of time. Even if he could create a perfect version of himself, someone would find that perfect version disagreeable or unlikable and, therefore, imperfect.
Sol would rather fight a problem, and Asuka would rather discuss a plan to solve it. Happy goes into hours of theatrics, and Asuka is straightforward, to the point.
When everything in the world is, by nature, unique and imperfect, things will clash and conflict. And that's not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it's a good chance to learn. Sometimes, it gives us a way to understand one another better.
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I think that's exactly what Asuka #R and those clones were trying to show to Asuka.
The universe is chaotic and illogical and unfair, and yet life continues to endure. Everything is unique, and that's amazing. So, as long as time continues, things are going to be crazy, and that's just fine.
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dykeromanroy · 1 year
the thing is that no one understands unless u were there unless you were THERE unless u were 14, 8th grade study hall reading the vampire lestat, you’re 16 reading tale of the body thief, u are so in love with this thing, before u even know what """"fandom"""" is, and u see urself in the nasty freak ass mess of it all, and then 15 years later this show comes out and pukes out every single thing u felt when u read it before ur frontal lobe formed???????? BYE!!!!!!!
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mother-jim · 1 year
oh my god when gabriel says 'im the only first order archangel in the universe' it cuts to crowley. what the fuck neil what are you implying
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