#thinking abt that twt thats like the server wont do shit to help unless hes physically getting dying and getting corrupted in front of him
alienssstufff · 1 year
I need to talk about Slime’s proposal to Foolish.  Yes, it can be seen as a bit of a revenge for Mariana flirting with Foolish in the past, and trying to make Mariana jealous, sure. But more than that, Slime just wants to be happy. And he sees Foolish as having that. Whereas Slime is the have-not. The beggar desperate for a crumb of happiness to be spared to him. Thinking that if only he could’ve gotten a more ‘fortunate’ pairing like Foolish and Vegetta, then maybe he wouldn’t have had to go through so much heartbreak and anguish.  But the reality is, he doesn’t love Foolish in a genuinely romantic way. He doesn’t connect with him on a deeper level, as the disparity between their fortune and misfortune creates distance between them. Like how Foolish often offers Slime support, but it’s through a lens of pity / looking down on him.
The misfortune and flawedness of Mariana is EXACTLY what makes Slime so madly in love with him. Because Slime relates to that, he understands that, he connects with that in a way that he CAN’T with others. They both constantly feels like outsiders around happy, well-adjusted people. It’s their fucked up flaws, their painful experiences, their misfortune that bonds them together. It’s also why Quackity was always his closest friend, frequently bonding over how poor and tragic they both were.
yessss thats the same for him flirting and gatecrashing q!Cellbit's wedding. He doesn't love him, he barely even knows him - but he knows for sure Cellbit is leagues happier than he is... And that's not fair. A lot of the outrageous things Slime does is because it's not fair, and no one is going to do anything about that unless he makes a scene and destroys himself in the process.
The desc between what slimeriana are now is a complicated one - does he truly love her? does he truly not? Yet it's the misfortune that they are defined as that keeps pushing them together. As much as he denies his bond to q!Mariana, the world will forever dub them The Missclickers because they are simply "Made for eachother" and because no one else is deranged enough to stoop to their level.
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