#hello this is the first chapter of the mash fic I’ve been working on for months 😫
machihunnicutt · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: MASH (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: B. J. Hunnicutt & Erin Hunnicutt, Erin Hunnicutt & Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, B. J. Hunnicutt/Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan/Helen Whitfield, Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan & B. J. Hunnicutt Characters: B. J. Hunnicutt, Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, Erin Hunnicutt, Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, Helen Whitfield, Peg Hunnicutt, Daniel Pierce (MASH) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, 1960s, Non-Linear Narrative, Character Study, Teen Erin Hunnicutt, B. J. Hunnicutt-centric, Love Confessions, Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce Goes to California, B. J. Hunnicutt Goes to Maine, Everybody Ends Up in Seattle, Found Family, The Author Projects onto the Hunnicutts Instead of Going to Therapy Summary:
Erin Hunnicutt spends the summer in Seattle with her dad and the old war buddies she didn't know he had.
“My mom said we met when I was younger,” Erin said. She was still holding her green bag, standing stiffly in the middle of the living room. “Have you and my dad been friends for a long time?”
“Let’s see…we met in ‘52 That’d be 15 years now. I guess when you put it like that it just makes me sound old,” Hawkeye said.
Erin didn’t think he looked any older than her father. She’d always thought her father looked old, that there were lines in his face that weren’t in the faces of her friends’ fathers. She’d seen photos of him just before she was born. He looked young in those pictures. There was a childlike quality to his smile.
“You met my dad during the war,” Erin said.
Hawkeye smiled at her, and then tilted his head to one side, curiously. “He really didn’t tell you a thing about me, did he?” he said.
“My dad doesn’t tell me anything,” Erin said.
Hawkeye rolled his eyes. “Well, that makes two of us,” he said. “Your dad, I mean, not my dad. My dad calls me to tell me what he had for lunch.”
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
Hello, new anon here! If you don’t mind me asking, when did you first get into DOS and what parth do you think the story would have continued, considering where it stopped? We had what, more six months to a year to get to Shippuden events? Something like that?
Hi anon, welcome to my blog. I haven’t written much recently, but I hope you’re able to find stuff you like on here nonetheless. Like an antique store. But for fic. Although, I suppose it’s not really that old in the scale of fandom… so maybe more of a thrift store? The metaphor has left me.
I basically started the podfic as soon as I finished my first read through of DoS that existed at the time so considering I started the podfic in November of 2014, it can’t have been too much earlier than that. I think it was a little strange to me because normally I don’t like first person POV, but something about Shikako was (and continues to be) so compelling to me hence why I started the podfic and wrote a bunch of recursive fanfic so…
In terms of WIPs, I tend to treat them as the term implies which is Works In Progress unless there is an outright statement from the author that they aren’t going to continue it. I don’t consider it “stopped” so much as “on hiatus” unless I’ve extremely missed out on some DoS news? O_O And that being said, I don’t really speculate on the future paths of WIPs, or rather… if I do, then I’d just turn it into recursive fic? I’ve definitely done some ambiguously timed “future fic” although in my head they’re more “Alternate Universe - Future Fic” than actually me speculating about what’s going to happen next.
For example, my Dreaming of S(omething) series STARTS with the premise that Shikako is deployed to Suna as the ambassador from Konoha (and then she and Gaara fall in love, etc.) Which is entirely possible within Dreaming of Sunshine, but I consider it an ambassador!Shikako AU than a speculative/predictive future fic type of thing?
And my extremely in the future recursive fic that involves next generation is less about me earnestly thinking certain characters will have certain relationships as adults and more about me mashing my blorbos together and saying “now be domestic together”
I’m maybe getting off track. Considering the latest chapter is part of the Rice Fields Arc, I can only assume that there will be some Orochimaru related either fights or intel gathering or encountering his horrific science. Also, Shikako hasn’t exactly been subtle in her efforts to get info on Akatsuki members/help encourage her friends’ growths so that they can survive said Akatsuki, it seems like that would make the most sense. But also, Silver Queen has been very skilled at incorporating even the most wild of filler episode/side movie content into DoS so there may just be something coming out of left (rice) field.
Not really sure how else to answer this question, anon. In terms of a more robust speculative conversation, you may want to check out the discord servers
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi, I do love answering asks especially about DoS :)
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powertaco · 1 year
Hello!… I don’t have much to say… I like your fics I guess? They have a lot of cool ideas from what I’ve seen, but I haven’t seen all of them. Do you have any straight Whiterose fics? (Pun not intended) I kinda want to read one that’s not three-way.
If you want a crack WR fic there's "She will be ours" in which case all the other multiverse Weiss's (including Nightmare Weiss) are traveling looking for the last Ruby in the multiverse. Technically this is just Ruby/Weiss/Weiss/Weiss but hey.
I ordered a Pizza but got a large crush is Pizza Girl Ruby and the most useless Weiss I've ever written as she tries to get her phone number.
One Good Turn is a 13k one shot about WR meeting via fortune teller Maria (she's old no worries). Happy WR ending and slightly sad but not for WR.
Wait We're What Now? is about nerd Ruby wandering into the event where Weiss is trying to find a suitor as she must be engaged before her birthday to assume the heiress title. She decides she wants Ruby who thinks she's just making friends. Lisa is on a hunt for the truth.
Undaunted and it's sequels are about WR superhero Au. I've been told it's similar to MHA but I've not seen it other than through memes and some of the music so idk if that's true or not. The first few chapters are sad but things get better.
The Monster Mash is based on a challenge. Ruby tries to go to a Halloween speed dating service but somehow ends up at the monster event and meets Gorgon Weiss.
Various 1 -3 shots.
Everything Has a Price is about thief Ruby and merchant Schnee family. Ruby is caught in the act as she attempts to steal from the Schnee's and has to pay back her debt. What will become of her now and why was she there in the first place?
There's plenty more but those are probably the bigger or longest and completed ones.
if you want to browse through it or search for those titles.
I'm glad you guess you like them lol.
Thanks for ask!
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sneakerdoodle · 3 years
''Bard breathes in, taking in the calming alien view, and swings their legs in the air softly to the tune of the simple song they are so used to humming. It comes out a bit more strained, this time. There is a slight tightness in their chest, but they will not dwell on that. It can probably be chalked up to balancing many, many feet above the ground.''
Hey guys!!! I've been working on a post-canon Wandersong fic! Come watch Bard have Issues :- )
The first chapter is a shorter one, sort of like a teaser/exposition! Check it out right freaking here or on ff.net (with non-ideal formatting) bc i don't really wanna post on AO3. The second chapter is in the works >: 3
PDF || FanFiction.Net
(Not) Alone
Rated: K
Chapter 1
(General warnings: inability to breathe; heights)
Your footsteps used to echo through sacred halls no human had walked before, accompanied by the eager beating in your chest. Heartbeat – footstep – echo. A heavy, impending rhythm.
The only thing you heard was the glorious cheer of the crowd. The anticipation of victory made every breath ring like brass, like the blaring trumpets that would surely welcome you home. You felt golden, and colossal, like the Sun. Both of you had no choice but to shine.
The edge of your blade vibrated with a song of its own, metallic and crackling with static electricity. And you let it sing.
Time after time, you would sound the sharp final note of this intoxicating symphony.
Each time, for a split second of silence in your speeding heartbeat, you would be left alone, in a dark without a sound. A moment of ultimate finality in a place that was no longer a place.
Time after time, you would be brought back into the light and air, reaping your rewards, letting the world's ecstatic cheer crash against you like waves, flood you, fill you.
Not this time.
This time, the dark does not subside.
This time, you have nowhere to go back to.
What is worse, perhaps, is that you have nowhere to be.
The place that is no longer a place is all you have now. The cosmic opposite of spaciousness means that, in the suffocating absence of air, you are not granted the relief of feeling the walls close around you, the world smother you. There are no limits to the vacuum; there is no vacuum; there is no thing.
When your bare, hoarse voice escapes, lonely and flat, there is no ether to reverberate through, no echo to harmonize with you.
You are nowhere. You are a song that cannot sound. You are the only morsel of consciousness to vaguely grasp your own melody.
You are barely anything.
You are irreversibly alone.
A note catches in Bard's throat, and for a moment they are breathless, and shaken. Then they cough – like the fuzzy wheezing of a clogged flute – and feel the air fill their lungs once again.
Miriam's voice sounds from high above, impatient and strained with effort.
- Hello?? A little help???
Kiwi shakes off the uncomfortable reminder of last night and raises their head, up to the tops of two twin trees, where Miriam is trying desperately to keep her broom straight. It does seem quite hard to do with just one hand, while the other is occupied, clutching one end of a rope stretched between the two parted crowns.
Kiwi clears her throat one more time before singing out:
- A lit-tle bit high-er! 🎶
Miriam grumbles, and her broom lurches up just a bit. The rope now runs parallel to the ground, a level bridge from where its other end is glued to the opposite trunk.
- Now??
- Perfeeect! 🎶
From down below, Bard can't quite make out her movements, but they can imagine them vividly: Miriam pressing the end of the rope into the tree bark, letting the adhesive substance on its tip fix it in place; then her wrapping her fingers around it, face shifting into a concentrated frown. They can almost hear the quiet exasperated sigh, masking the nervousness Miriam always feels when casting less familiar spells and never wants to show.
As a thick woody vine stretches and knits itself along the length of the rope, connecting the flaming-red leafy tops, Bard claps their hands excitedly.
- Great job, Miriam!!
Miriam is already floating down to the ground. She is trying really hard to not look relieved.
- Yeah, - she mutters, glancing to the side, - thanks. Let's just... hope it holds. - She nods at the free space behind her, impatiently inviting Kiwi to join her on the broom, to rise back up to the connected crowns.
- Sure you're holding on well?
Bard adjusts their position in the hold of a curving branch and flashes Miriam a slightly tense smile.
- All good here! 🎶
Miriam frowns.
- Don't fall. Here you go.
Bard takes one end of yet another piece of rope from her hands and holds it up to the level of the previously conjured vine above their head. The sticky mushroom mash takes hold, but they do not take their hand away as to not test the glue with the rope's weight.
Miriam flies over to the other tree trunk, stretching the rope along the already formed scaffold. She glances at Bard nervously, and they give her an enthusiastic thumbs up – before immediately fretfully grabbing the branch below him, having almost lost his balance.
- Don't fall! - Miriam exclaims emphatically. Her tone is nothing short of disbelief: perhaps at the fact that she has to repeat herself so soon, perhaps at the fresh confirmation that the warning is actually warranted. - Eya... Just. Hold on, hold the rope, and don't.. stare while I do this.
Kiwi graciously looks away, letting their glance glide across the treetops shimmering in the light evening breeze. It's a new, fascinating perspective from this high up: the mass of moving, rustling red stretching all around them, making them forget about the ground below.
Bard takes the moment to appreciate the old trees, some of the tallest ones in the forest, raising him above their smaller siblings, into this weird valley of whispering leaves. Here, there is only the gentle waving of foliage and the sky that goes on and on, painted gentle orange by the setting sun.
Saphy was right. This is the perfect spot for a little perch, especially with the two crowns so conveniently close together. The thought brings Bard a gentle kind of joy. It is as if the forest itself was encouraging the initiative, eager to accommodate humans' curiosity.
Bard breathes in, taking in the calming alien view, and swings their legs in the air softly to the tune of the simple song they are so used to humming. It comes out a bit more strained, this time. There is a slight tightness in their chest, but they will not dwell on that. It can probably be chalked up to balancing many, many feet above the ground.
The rough bark of a newly formed vine softly bumps against Bards fingers, and they accommodate it, letting the woody liana reach the trunk and sink into it, as if having grown out of it many years ago. Miriam is doing amazing!
- You're doing amazing! - Kiwi promptly shares aloud, slightly breathless. Magical feats never lose their novelty, not to them.
Miriam skips past the usual embarrassment at being complimented and straight to a quizzical look.
- You sure you don't wanna' help?
- I'm helping! - Bard replies readily, feeling just slightly disregarded. Miriam fumbles.
- Ugh, no, I... - the words come out loud and annoyed in her rush to explain herself. She pauses - with obvious effort - and takes a few seconds. - ...Yeah, you are. Thanks. Just... aurgh, - she gives a jerky impatient shrug, - you know what I mean!!
Bard does know. Combining spellwork and singing is something the two have been experimenting with quite a lot. Bard could probably orchestrate the movement of the vine, direct it with their voice while Miriam is inducing its growth, instead of her sending it along the pre-marked trajectory of the hemp rope. But they shake their head, perhaps a bit too hurriedly.
- This is better! And you're doing great!!
Miriam examines their face, looking skeptical, vaguely confused.
- Fine, - she mutters in resignation. - If you say so. Toss me the next one.
Bard complies.
Their humming has stopped now. Instead, they turn their full attention to Miriam, promptly forgetting her earlier request. She throws a slightly irritated glance in their direction, but does not say anything, letting them observe as a new sprout rises out of a previously bare section of the bark.
Kiwi looks at the sturdy vines that will hold wooden planks, that will in turn hold a shiny new telescope. One of the many Elara has prepared for her world-wide project, to direct everyone's questioning eyes to the sky, to the novel, unfamiliar stars. Together, the people of Earth will explore the horizons of this young universe that has become their new home.
The thought of stars tickles Bard's throat, like the beginning of a song. The faraway lights, so tiny against the vast dark night sky, trading rays and stitching into constellations, must be creating a symphony of their own - one Bard is so eager to discover.
- This is gonna be great, isn't it? - they ask, their eyes clouded by visions of otherworldly landscapes.
- Yeah... - Miriam is silent for a moment, and Bard comes back to earth to look at their friend, questioning. - I don't... know much about stars... But if the astronomer lady says we can help--
- Of course!! 🎶 - Kiwi all but jumps up in a rush of passion. - We just need to look! We will find something really cool!!
Miriam smirks, but the smirk is unprecedentedly close to a smile, only adding to Bard's emotional high. They swing their legs in the air excitedly. It's new, and thrilling, seeing their friend like this: with the steadily growing readiness to find joy in the world around her.
- I'm glad we're doing this together, Miriam, - they say, smiling, as they shuffle to the side to secure yet another piece of rope against the trunk. - I like sharing things with you.
Miriam's hand holding the rope jerks just slightly as she looks away, momentarily flustered.
- Uh... yeah. Me too, - she blurts out, then draws a breath. - It... wouldn't be the same on my own. Or. You know. Without you.
The last vine is grown, and both of them sit down on the soon-to-be-platform, listening to the rustling of the leaves and watching the sun slowly sink towards the horizon.
Bard glances over at Miriam and examines the new look on her face, the one they've been spotting more and more. It is quiet surprise, like stepping out into the garden early in the morning and being met with a perfect gentle breeze. These days, the world seems to keep startling Miriam in the best of ways.
Miriam appears to have felt their gaze and meets it, eyebrow raised. They do not feel the need to explain, simply smile and dangle their feet happily. Miriam smirks and turns her face back to the gentle peachy sunset.
- ...It's gonna be nice, - she says contemplatively, - spending time here.
Kiwi takes a deep breath and feels the tightness in their chest ease and melt away.
- Yeah.
The walk back to Saphy and Miriam's home in the orange twilight is comfortable and special. Bard rants about the trees back in Langtree, and how different they are, and how she never climbed any before, in all her time living out in nature. Miriam grumpily recounts all the times she had to, to get potion ingredients back when she hadn't yet learned to properly fly a broom. When exiting the woods, she points out a specific tree which, she is convinced, has a personal vendetta against her, always tripping her up on its bulging roots. There is that unmistakable comfort of familiarity in her voice. For Miriam, exasperation often seems to be the easiest way to express her deep fondness for everything that is home.
They both take a second at the edge of the forest as the colorful house comes into view, just as the last rays of sunlight fall down the roof, then softly go out, one by one.
Saphy welcomes them with a boiling cauldron. (Her firm habit of using it indiscriminately, for food and for potion-making, is something Bard is still getting accustomed to.) Over dinner, she asks the two about their exploits with genuine, animated interest. Miriam shares the details, half-begrudgingly, throwing quick glances at Bard in moments of self-consciousness. They chime in readily and take the opportunity to praise Miriam's skills, seemingly making her more miserable in the process. It is a new and sweet routine for the three of them.
It is well into the night by the time Kiwi and Miriam get to setting up the guest cot, and Miriam keeps stoically fighting back her yawns. She isn't great at staying up past a certain hour.
- It isn't very bouncy, - she mutters, dissatisfied, as Bard plops down onto the thin mattress.
- It's great! - Bard reassures, running their hand over the clean sheets. - Goodnight, Miriam!
- G'night, - she mumbles sleepily, already walking towards the rope ladder hanging from the second level. With her hand on one of the rungs, she lingers for a moment and looks over her shoulder. - Are you still sure about tomorrow?..
Bard tenses up for a moment and does their best to shake it off.
- It... Yeah! It has been a while, so...
The rest of the sentence hangs in the air between them, irresolute. Miriam sighs quietly and makes her way back to the cot.
Their friend's arms wrap around them in a steady, comforting hug, and Kiwi suddenly feels very fragile. They return the embrace, hands on her back, and stay there for a few seconds, allowing themself to feel small.
Miriam pulls away and looks at them, eyelids heavy and droopy.
- Need... - a big, poetic yawn finally escapes her, despite all the efforts, -...company?
Bard shakes his head.
- You should get your rest!
- ...Yeah. Probably best, - Miriam grumbles and turns away with a final awkward pat on Bard's shoulder.
Halfway up the ladder, she sighs in annoyance and pauses, hanging from the wall with her head turned.
- Could you maybe try counting sheep this time? Silently??
Bard gives a couple of hurried flustered nods. Sharing space with other people again is proving to be difficult to combine with their musical routine.
- Sleep well, Miriam! And, - they grope for words for a bit, but don't find anything better than, - thank you.
Miriam nods slowly, turning away.
- Yeah. You too.
Bard dresses down and flops on top of the cot, hands on their chest. They listen as the house fills with the familiar duet of snores and quiet whistles and smile to themself, thinking about how rapidly Miriam nods off when she is tired enough.
Lying in bed and exploring the authentic years-old webs in the corners of the room, Kiwi goes over the events of the day in her head, and ponders what is waiting for them tomorrow.
A glum gnawing feeling rises in their chest, clawing at it from the inside. They push it away. It will be okay. And they won't be alone.
They lie there, trying not to worry. About tomorrow, about last night, about what this night will bring. They try not to think about the nightmares, and about the tightness in their chest, and the labored sounds of the once-effortless tune.
They close their eyes and dutifully imagine a sheep. A reeeally fluffy one. With big, shining eyes, and with a spring in its step, ready to conquer the highest of fences.
- One 🎶, - they sing to themself, as quietly and softly as they can.
The note does not come out right.
Next chapter
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arshipweek · 4 years
AR Ship Week - Fanwork Recs
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This is the fourth and last weekly post in the lead up to Alex Rider Ship Week. Only 1 week to go!
This week we’ve got a selection of shippy fanwork recs submitted by members of the AR fandom. Enjoy and hope to see you next week!
**Please note that I haven’t listed all the details for the fics so take care to read the tags on AO3 before diving in!
Our Endless Numbered Days by Galimau Just your run of the mill heartwarming look at the quiet beats of Alex and Yassen's relationship...after the apocalypse.  Soft and sweet this fic focuses on the very still and quiet moments of two men at the end times trying to hold onto the things that bring them joy. It's an intimate view of what Alex and Yassen's life could be like of all their cares were quite literally wiped away - excellent  world building and writing make this a must read.
Yalex art by Ireliss Alex and Yassen in a lake! Everything about this picture is perfect - the light, the colours, the feeling of stillness... Probably the most beautiful picture of Alex and Yassen I've ever seen.
Sun Poisoning by fElBiTeR Angsty, beautiful, slowburn soulmate fic with a twist on the usual tropes and gorgeous imagery
Twisting, Turning, Tumbling by ShiruyTheSecond A glacially slow burn, road trip au, and sick fic all mashed into one fic, in non-chronological order based on 100 themes. I'd say this was one of the gateway fics into Yalex for me; there's nothing like reading a longfic you thought was gen and wishing it were slash, only for the realization to hit you in the face like a brick 50 something chapters later. Alex is on the run for a variety of reasons after a mission for MI6 goes spectacularly wrong, so he surprisingly finds himself leaning on Yassen for help, experincing whumpage along the way. Absolutely delicious.
Specific Performance by BurntWhisper Alex is a good spy, good enough that SCORPIA has tasked Yassen with killing him. Yassen can't do that but he can give Alex a very...enthusiastic going away present even Alex hasn't been a very good boy. It's a fun look at Alex and Yassen's first fling with callbacks to the original gen fic. That hits every perfect note and hits a few other things too.
Interlude by Suzie_Shooter Incredibly soft and fluffly Yalex that ends with an unexpected top!Alex and bath sex. Will absolutely warm your heart the way it does mine every time I read this fic.
Medicine by Suzie_Shooter The other fic in response to the prompt of "Alex is given a serum that makes him feel good when he tells the truth" except this one is praise kink while the other is humiliation kink! Specifically focused on a smoking hot blowjob and Alex's reluctance turned enthusiam, plus, there's a second chapter, just in case one dose of the antidote isn't enough.
One Year by BurntWhisper The slowest of slow burns featuring Alex and Yassen on the run from MI6, SCORPIA and their own feelings. Covering 3 months of their life on the run this fic features action as well as the slow, quiet moments where the budding relationship can truly shine through and behind it all the intelligence world continues to grind on threatening to take their happiness with it. It's a beautiful fic with strong, detailed writing and the emotional weight that it deserves.
Midnight Smoke by Hijja If you're in the mood for darker fics with plenty of Yassen hurting Alex complete with violence and heavy dubcon, Hijja has you covered. This particular fic features a mission-type premise with Alex being sent to investigate a spate of teen abductions only to be captured. Yassen is there, and he has his own goals...
Hello Alex by anonymous Fanart: a reunion hug between Yassen and Alex.
Face The Truth by capeofstorm Alex is given a serum that makes him feel good when he tells the truth. Yassen is absolutely a man to take advantage. Recced by Suzie_Shooter
Lights Out by Suzie_Shooter Yassen and Alex left tradecraft behind for a new life in the Greek islands. Ten years on, their relationship is still going strong and they've become island locals, the proprietors of a sailing club and a windsurfing business. Their idyllic life is disrupted by a new threat that wants them dead. I just love the premise of Yalex riding off into the sunset and not looking back. This fic not only has suspense, action, hot sex, and the intimacy borne of ten years...but once you're done, there are two excellent sequels and a prequel to lap up!
Villa in the Sun by BoldAsBrass A multi-chapter story within a story as Yassen and Alex keep in touch over the phone through a tale of a Russian bodyguard's encounters with a young English man. This is so cleverly done and beautifully written; I could re-read it and re-read it (in fact, that's exactly what I've done).
Sting in the Tail by Suzie_Shooter With the world hanging in the balance, MI6 presses an imprisoned Yassen into service. They use Alex to convince him, but also a nasty "sting in the tail" incentive to guarantee results. A thrilling Yalex mission!fic where Yassen and Alex forge their trust in each other by facing mortal danger and saving the world together. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, eating up the slow burn and wondering how on earth they were going to succeed with all the obstacles Scorpia and MI6 threw in their way.
Rarely Pure And Never Simple by fElBiTeR Non-con > dub-con > fuck-yes-con speedrun. Recced by Suzie_Shooter
Just Say I Do by Nanimok I'm possibly biased because this was written for me, but 'woke up married' is a great trope and this is both snarky and adorable. Recced by Suzie_Shooter
Open Invitation by Suzie_Shooter After Ian's death in TV 'verse, fifteen-year-old Alex is living alone in a depressive, self-destructive spiral. He realizes someone is watching him at home...and decides to give them something more compelling to watch. I am squicked out by creepers, but the characterizations tackle the thorny elements head-on: Yassen's mixed feelings and understated pursuit tactics are 100% believable, as is Alex's volatility; he's alternately confused, provocative, and defiant. Exhibit A:“Does that make you a victim, or a slut?” The question came casually, but it had the unexpected sting of a slap. Alex blinked. “What, I can’t be both?” he countered after a second. Plot ensues, because how can a relationship possibly form from such a premise? Mind the tags (you might trip into your next kink because the sex is mind-blowingly hot).
Flirting with Danger by BoldAsBrass Basically THE gateway fic into Yalex for me - short and sweet, snappy narration and dialogue, a sleekly dangerous Yassen and Alex who might be a skilled, pragmatic adult but quickly realises he's in over his head. Sprinkle in a bit of dubcon and scorching hot writing and you get this perfect fic.
Burning a Dead Man's Fingertips by GreenQueenofClubs Multichapter slow burn, MI6!Yassen AU - an excellent premise done extremely well and feels fresh and new, balancing mission-style fic with character development! The dynamic between Yassen and Alex is somewhat different here compared to most Yalex fics as they don't meet until Alex is an adult; a really intriguing glimpse into what could have been...
A Little Pat Down by Nanimok Airport security can be frustrating at the best of times but couple it with being edged like none other by an assassin turned security guard and it can really be a pain in the ass. A filthy but extremely well written premise. Crack taken seriously is this author's strong suit so not a single one of their works will steer you wrong.
Yalex Ballet AU by anonymous Yalex ballet AU with absolutely gorgeous imagery and slow burn. Fluid prose and in the background, the shadows of past histories and things unsaid.
Gentleman's Agreement by Valaks Yassen and Alex have a "gentleman's agreement" for handling their business in the field. No one ever said anything about parent-teacher conferences. Claims to be gen, but deserves a place on this list for subtle genius alone, because with lines like "Like a fine wine, Alex Rider was improving with age" and "How interesting that Alex Rider would be that interested in his hands", what are we supposed to think....? UST in all caps is the best description.
Salty the Sweat on my Fingertips by Galimau A fun little romp of Alex visiting Tom and having to call his overly protective boyfriend? because he's pregnant and everything hurts. Beautifully written, this fic explores the ending of Oceanbreeze7's Moonfish and follows the extremely creative monster biology to its logical conclusion of Alex getting knocked up.
Slipping Through My Fingers by Nanimok This kink meme fill hits in all the right places as we watch through the eyes of a very jealous Julius as Yassen gives Alex all the attention he needs. The writing is, as always, on point and the characterization of Julius gets absolutely nailed (almost as much as Alex). Julius/Alex, Yassen/Alex
Miss Julia by DantesThird Very creepy and traumatic noncon but really believable with Julia Rothman's obsession with John Rider. Alex/Julia Rothman
gone loose inside the shell by cyanides Fantastic messed-up fic where Julius keeps fantasising about killing Alex, but then the fantasies take a different turn. The possessive 'If I can't have you no-one can' dynamic really encapsulates the ship for me, and the fic stuck in my mind afterwards. Alex/Julius
smoke haze by Ireliss Dubcon, gun kink. A really intriguing and quite dark exploration of a young Yassen's situation with Scorpia and his very complex relationship with Hunter. John/Yassen
Our Settling Bones by Galimau A multi-chapter slow burn focused on a former assassin who has lost everything...and Yassen Gregorovich. The tension is off the charts and the characerization is on point. Everything you could want from the rarest of pairs. John Wick/Yassen
Lemniscate by Ireliss A look at what awaits Yassen when he arrives back at Scorpia after killing Vladimir Sharkovsky. This is deliciously dark as well as being entirely plausible. The sensory descriptions are fantastic. Yassen/Julia Rothman
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bethhxrmon · 4 years
do flowers exist at night? -chapter eight
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Chapter Eight: A Turkey Dance
Pairing: Steve Harrington x OC
Chapter Summary: After a little while, Thanksgiving has finally decided to show up. It causes Annie to have some realizations about everything around her.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of trauma, dysfunctional family stuff
A/N: Howdy, not gonna lie, I’ve run out of motivation over the last month. I’ve got up through chapter sixteen written, but reblogs and comments are the best way to help me get that motivation! Also, school’s starting for me tomorrow so that is definitely going to come before this fic. Anyways, if you’d like to see the other parts of the fic you can go here.
Thanksgiving was ordinarily a good enough holiday. There was food and a parade to watch plus a cute dog show afterwards. Annie's parents were never into football, so she never had to put up with watching the sport. However, this year was a little different than other years.
By a little different, that meant it was a huge difference. Initially, she assumed that it would just be her mom and herself sitting in front of the television and watching whatever was on.
Now, Annie wasn't against her mom dating someone else, but introducing the guy at Thanksgiving just felt a little bit weird to her. It could have been worse, though. The guy could have been a complete dick and Annie would have purposely made the day a living hell for everyone.
Fortunately, Scott Clarke was a nice guy. There wasn't any way around it. A part of Annie wanted to just hate him, but it was easy to like the middle school science teacher. How he and her mom met was beyond her, but her mom seemed pretty happy about it.
Steve told her to just give him a call if things got unbearable. His parents would be around, but he swore he would make up an excuse to help her out. What were friends for if not saving what was originally a well-liked holiday?
Everything was pretty nice that morning. Annie was working on baking a pumpkin pie and was making some mashed sweet potatoes. That was about the extent of her cooking ability. The pie was easy, she just had to pour a few cans of mix into the premade crust and make sure it didn't burn. The sweet potatoes were just the anomaly of being able to cook one thing decently enough.
"I've heard a lot about you from your mom," Scott said.
Annie nodded as she poured in the pie filling, "Yeah, I've heard a bit about you from some kids I know."
"Which kids?"
"Um... I think they're your AV kids? Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will, and I think Max is in there, right?"
"Yes, you'd be correct," he grinned, "They're a bright group. How do you know them?"
"Um..." she paused, realizing she couldn't explain the real circumstances, "I helped babysit them a couple of times."
It was obvious that Scott was trying and Annie had to give him some credit. From how the kids talked about him, he was a smart and nice guy. While she wasn't ordinarily inclined to trust the judgement of a bunch of eighth graders, she trusted those kids.
While this wasn't the Thanksgiving Annie had counted on, it wasn't warranting a call to Steve. However, when the doorbell rang, a few alarms automatically went off in Annie's brain.
She went over to open the door and saw none other than Carter Hardwick. Already, she could feel her stomach twisting in knots. As nice of a guy as Scott was, she doubted that he dad would take well to him. Hypocritical yes, but what was a shitty parent if not just that?
"Anne, aren't you happy to see me?" he asked.
Annie forced a smile, "Uh yeah! Just um- just a bit unexpected."
"Well, I wrote."
Maybe she shouldn't have burned those letters after all.
Begrudgingly, she let her dad into the house. What other choice did she have? If her mom wanted to force him out, she wouldn't stop her. However, Annie was all too aware that she had no way of telling anyone what to do in this situation.
"And who's this?" her dad asked, nodding at Scott.
"Mom's new boyfriend," she said, her brain simply short-circuiting.
How couldn’t that have happened? The way her dad stared at the other man made Annie want to crawl into a hole. Thankfully, her mom came out into the living room. There was no hiding the look of disdain on her face. It was even more obvious when her mom asked him to talk with her for a moment.
He shrugged, "I'm sure whatever you have to say to me can be heard by our daughter and whatever asshole you've got over here."
"I'm speaking to you alone," her mom insisted.
That left the living room with only Scott and Annie. They both decided to just watch the dog show going on in front of them. Erik hopped onto the arm of the couch and Annie busied herself with petting him.
"So what's that little guy's name?" he asked.
"Oh, this is Erik. He's the family cat, but he likes me the most. Probably because I'm the most relaxed one in the house, I guess."
He nodded, "Poor, poor Erik."
"Wait... you've read Phantom?"
"Well, of course. It has some of the most amazing scientific ideas for the time!"
She thought a moment before nodding, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
While Annie wasn't sure what to think of her mom dating someone, she was at least glad this guy was nicer than her dad. The contrast was obvious when her parents both walked out.
"Anne, you'll be happy to know your good-ole dad's gonna be here for the day," her dad said as she dodged him ruffling her hair.
"You're not my dad," she said plainly before her eyes widened a bit.
That wasn't something she counted on coming out of her mouth, but she wasn't about to take it back. Technically, she was right. Neither of her parents were biological. Still, they took care of her like they were. Except, with all the things her dad had said and done in the past, she knew she could hold that lack of biology against him as long as she wanted.
"Go to your room!" he snapped.
Annie let out a laugh, "Are you serious?! You don't even live here! If you actually wanted to be a good dad you would... you- well you would pay the damn child support once in a while! You only have to make thirteen of them!"
"Annette!" her mom said, "I think you could use a moment to cool off."
That was the nicest way her mom could tell her to go to her room. Maybe she hit a nerve or two, but Annie knew she hadn't said anything that wasn't already true. There wasn't any use in arguing, though. Not when she almost wanted out of the situation. She picked up her cat and took him to her room with her.
This was the exact sort of thing she was supposed to call Steve over. So she took the phone in her room and dialed his number. As it turned out, Steve did have a phone in his room. One which they had both completely neglected that night a few weeks ago. A night she wasn't over by any means. She hadn't told her mom about any of it, and she knew that she probably would never be able to explain it. It still stuck around in her head. The inter-dimensional and the real things that happened just wouldn't leave.
She let out a sigh as she heard the phone ringing and she twisted the phone cord around her finger.
"It's not even noon yet," he said, almost laughing, "That bad already?"
Annie chewed on her lip, "My dad made a surprise visit... I kinda told him he's not my dad and to pay the child support for once."
"Oh shit..." he sighed, "I'd try to come and get you but um- my parents sprung a surprise trip to my aunt's on me."
"That- that's fine, I get it. You gotta see your family."
"If it's any consolation, I'll wish I'm not there. I'd really prefer to hang out with you."
She smiled a bit, "That's nice... I'd rather hang out with you too. Of course, I'd rather hang out with a cockroach than be stuck here."
"Well, if I make it back early enough, maybe I can make something work," he suggested.
"I'd like that a lot."
There was shouting in the background of Steve's end, "Uh I gotta go. Good luck, though."
"Thanks um- you too."
Then the phone clicked off and Annie set her own on the receiver. Admittedly, she almost counted on hanging out with Steve. Aside from the kids, there really wasn't anyone else she spent a lot of time with.
The thought of him trying to come over later did make her feel special. Not that she was about to say so. It was normal, they sort of just had each other. She didn't have any friends to begin with and she knew Steve would sooner die than third wheel his ex all the time.
Aside from sort of being social outcasts and dealing with the Upside Down together, what did they have in common in the first place? Maybe they had a similar sense of humor and similar music tastes, but almost anyone could have those things in common. They were just friends and Annie knew that didn't mean they had to do anything more than that.
Either way, Annie knew that she wasn't going to bother with leaving her room until someone told her to. Continuing on with her reading of War and Peace was fine with her. Contrary to her dad's opinions, she thought it was an interesting book.
A part of her was almost too invested in some of the drama of it all. What with Natasha now being tempted by Anatole as Sonya tried to be a good and loyal cousin as well as a friend. It had her reading the pages as quickly as she could. Though, a huge factor in getting through the book as quickly as she was had to be waking up in the middle of the night.
The nightmares didn't happen every night, but it wouldn't have made much of a difference either way. It was too much for her to deal with. While Steve wanted her to talk about it with him, she still didn't say much about it.
"Annie?" her mom knocked at her door.
She marked her book, "What's up?"
The door opened as her mom stepped inside, "You know, I think we still need a couple of things from the grocery store."
"Wait," she looked over the list being handed to her, "I thought we had-"
Her mom cut her off, "We're gonna run out soon. Just take your time, alright? There's no rush."
"Oh, okay."
This happened often enough when they lived in New York. If tensions got really high, her mom would send her out somewhere to do something. That didn't mean she missed out on all the yelling and arguing, though.
Still, it was enough for Annie to take the hint and grab her red, fleece-lined jacket off a hanger and left the house without saying anything. She was almost positive they didn't need any of this. They had more than enough butter and Annie could barely stand Stove Top stuffing in the first place.
She walked rather aimlessly, though she was headed toward the town. If she were too aimless, she would have ended up in the woods. As bright as the day seemed, she still didn't trust herself to go there alone.
Besides, she still hadn't found her switchblade since trying to fight Billy. A part of her thought it was possible he had it. Though, it was just as likely that it was in some obscure place of the Byers' house. She didn't want to go back there any time soon. It wasn't that she had anything against the family, but the thought of going back into the house or stepping into the living room? That was out of the question.
A part of her wished she had some way to actually make Billy pay for everything he did. The problem was that there wasn't any way to do that without giving away everything else. Not that she could think of, anyway. And who knows, maybe she didn't interpret everything properly. Maybe he hadn't done anything.
Her hands clenched inside her jacket pockets as she continued walking. A part of her wanted to tell her mom at the very least. The closest that got was when her mom saw the scar that the cut she got on her face left behind. She blamed it on getting into a bit of an altercation with Erik.
After walking for some time, Annie found her way to a small park. Someone was sitting on the swings. She could see the red hair from pretty far off, but she was unsure of who it was. Though, the closer she got, the more certain she was.
"Max? What're you doing out here?" she asked, sitting on the other swing.
Max looked over to her, "Um... just hanging out."
"None of the guys are available?" she asked.
Max shook her head, "It's Thanksgiving, everyone's with their families."
"Yeah? Well, then what're you doing out here? It's a bit chilly."
"Um..." Max let out a sigh, "You know how the whole divorced kid thing goes. It's my first Thanksgiving without my dad around and Neil and Billy are... um... they're being themselves."
Annie frowned, "They're not hurting you are they? Because if they are I-"
"No, not like that. After I almost hit Billy's nuts with that bat he's been a bit better. It still um- it scares me sometimes, though.
She nodded, "I guess that makes sense. I wish I could look forward to my dad showing up out of nowhere today, but that guy's a dick."
"Oh, was it just gonna be you and your mom?"
"And your science teacher."
"Mr. Clarke?!" Max exclaimed, laughing, "You're kidding!"
She laughed along with Max, "I'm not- I mean, having my mom date some guy like this is weird, but- but I guess things could be a lot worse, you know? Well, before my dad showed up and managed to make it awkward for everyone."
"Oh, that sucks. Sorry, I just don't know what else would help you."
Annie shook her head, "That's alright. You're, like, thirteen? You don't need to worry about helping me."
The both of them stuck around and talked to each other for a while. They managed to avoid actually talking about the awful things Billy had done. Likely because neither of them were prepared for a conversation like that. At the very least, Annie knew that just thinking about talking about that with anyone was enough to make her nauseous.
Eventually, it was for the best that Max went home, so Annie walked her back before turning around and heading back to her own house. She would have to face everything there eventually. But maybe her dad decided to buzz off by that point.
There was no such luck, though. As awkward as it was for her, she gave Scott props for not finding an excuse to get out of the house until the meal was over. If she were him, she  would have faked a family emergency in a heartbeat. Though, it was possible that he was just a better person than she was. Lots of people were.
"So, Anne, I've heard you're reading War and Peace," her dad said as they all sat around eating pie.
Annie nodded, "Yep."
"I don't understand why you would bother. I've already told you all the reasons it's a waste of time."
Annie set down her fork before looking over at him, "Maybe I started to realize you compulsively lie about everything. Oh, or maybe I realized people have different tastes from you. Hm, maybe it's the fact that I couldn't give a shit about your opinion of me after everything you've done."
"Language, young lady! Elsa, is this really what you're letting our daughter get away with?"
"I'm not your kid! If I were, you wouldn't send me a ten page letter about how I-"
"Cut it out! Both of you," her mom snapped, "Look, I'm not about to kick my own daughter out of my house, but Carter? I've done nothing but try to make this day decent and, frankly, I'm tired of that. I need you to leave."
Annie focused on her pie as her mom and dad headed out of the kitchen. It beat getting told to quiet down or to stop rambling. Although, it was clear the enjoyment of silence wasn't mutual.
"This pie is great," Scott told her.
She forced a smile, "Thanks... my mom ended up doing most of the work this year, though."
"You know, I hope you don't think I'm intruding on anything. I know this wasn't the best time to try and introduce myself."
"Look, I'm gonna be honest with you. Having my mom date someone is super weird, but I don't hate you. That being said, if you even so much as think about hurting my mom, I'll find a way to make your life a living hell."
Eventually, Annie was able to go back to her room for reasons other than getting into it with her dad. It was nearly midnight and she was focused on the book in front of her as she sat in her bed. There wasn't any school the next day, so she didn't worry about what time she went to bed.
Her distracted state didn't last long when she heard something knock on the window. When she looked out she only saw a shadowy figure outside and her eyes widened. Though, looking closer, it was obviously just Steve.
She opened the door, though she did so a bit sheepishly. How could she have been so easily scared by her closest friend? Steve slid in quietly, though there was a bit of tumbling in since her bed was right under her window. If he got his shoes on her light grey comforter, she would have probably screamed.
He grinned, "Told ya I'd come over."
"Steve, I- I wish you'd told me first," she said.
His smile faded a bit, "I can leave if-"
"No, sorry, just," she sighed, "I don't know, everything just really sucks right now."
There was a long pause before Annie let herself say what happened that day. She wished today could have been normal. That every day could be normal. If that meant her life was boring then so be it. Maybe all the boring people had it right.
"That's really shitty," Steve said, looking at her.
"Hey, maybe it'll get better."
A few more minutes and Steve was doing everything he could to get Annie to laugh. It took a solid half hour to get a real laugh out of her, but he did it. After getting her a bit more distracted, they ended up talking about everything except the things they should have probably talked about.
Instead, it meant both of them staying up until the clock in Annie's room read that it was nearly three in the morning. It was around that point that Steve passed out in the chair next to her desk and Annie was only partially on the bed with her head and torso laid out on the carpet and her legs on the mattress.
Tag List (lmk if you want on): @dungeons-and-demodogs​ @nxncywheeler​ @ilovebucketbarnes​
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ancientwastedlores · 4 years
The Support System (Ch: 4)
SUMMARY: The Avengers have managed to collect all the infinity stones across the universe, and are currently keeping them in far corners of the world, only for research and to see if they can improve the planet and its people. Reader is a researcher with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, as well as a field agent. Loki is currently serving time for his actions in New York City in 2012.
A/N: Find this chapter on AO3 here. Links to the first three chapters are below. Let me know if you want to be tagged when I post new chapters, and also my ask is open for fic requests :) I might take some time to get to them, but I WILL get to them! 
AO3: The Support System  Tumblr:  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 
Chapter: 4/? Warnings: N/A  Audience: general.
The next morning, you wake up with Loki’s arm and leg draped over you. You get out from under it and peer at the TV. It’s paused on the fourth episode. Maybe Loki saw you had fallen asleep, or maybe it was the other way around... you don’t remember. You leave him to sleep and go to brush your teeth, amazed at how completely normal you’re treating this to be. 
For whatever reason, you’ve seen Tony Stark get drunk, but never seen him hungover. The man is a miracle worker. Bruce is holding his head in his hand, and no one else wants to talk, but Tony is practically bouncing off the walls. He must have 15 cups of coffee in him, you think to yourself.
You sit down at the table with the Avengers, who all lift their heads to look at you.
‘What?’ you ask. ‘It’s your turn to make the breakfast, didn’t you remember?’ Tony asked.
You shoot up, having completely forgotten that the cook doesn’t come in on weekends and the responsibility for breakfast and dinner falls on one Avenger a week.
‘Sorry sorry sorry, I’ll get right to it, give me a few minutes’. ‘No worries, we’re still working on our coffees. We haven’t been up long’ Nat reassures you.
You smile at her and then run frantically run get your ingredients together.
‘Good morning’ Thor walks in, all smiles. Everyone else groans at the noise. Another man you’ve never seen hungover, but it would make sense for a god, wouldn’t it?
Bruce turns to look at Thor, then narrows his eyes. ‘Did I… Did I cry last night?’
‘Yeah, you cried because that child over there…’ Tony points at you, ‘lifted Thor’s hammer’ ‘I’m not a child, I’m 22 years old’ you protest. ‘Yeah, okay kid’ Tony says. ‘Hello’ Loki greets and another round of groans greet him.
You quickly jump to defend that to him, ‘They’re just terribly hungover, Loki’.
He smiles at you and walks over. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘You actually can. Tell me you know how to make poached eggs?’ ‘I wish I could’ ‘Can you toss some tomatoes around in a pan?’ ‘Never done that before, I could try?’ ‘Can you slice the bread?’ ‘Yes, that I can do for you’.
You hand him a large bread knife and a loaf of uncut brown bread, and instruct him to cut the slices thick.
Tony’s eyes widen at you handing Loki a knife that large, but says nothing. You notice, and badly wish to make a show of it, but decide not to.
You turn to the stove to make your poached eggs, while the crust of the bread cracking under the knife act as music to your ears. You don’t cook much, but when you do, you love to smell and touch and hear everything. Loki cuts the slices as instructed, and after toasting them, and places them all on plates, ready for you to lay the eggs on them. You add tomatoes and mashed potatoes to the plate as well, and wash your hands quickly to cut some fruit.
Loki leans over as you cut an apple. ‘Can I show you something?’ he asks. You look up from your task without stopping it, ‘Of course’
He creates five clones of himself, which each take two plates and walk to set them down on the dining table. You laugh. ‘That’s amazing!’
Everyone else is sceptical, but hearing your laughter, they stay put. They still glare at all the Lokis setting their plates of food down, but the clones promptly vanish after the task. 
‘You could cook us an entire meal and not lift a damn finger’ you tell Loki. 
He looks genuinely glad you enjoyed the show. He takes the one remaining plate that’s yours and waits for you to bring the fruits over. You finish up, wash your hands again, and sit at the dining table with the rest. You notice Loki has shifted from his usual seat to one right across from you. You steal glances at him while you eat, recounting the previous night when you watched Doctor Who together. However, it’s the episode you keep recounting, not actually sitting next to Loki watching it.
‘What plans today?’ you hear Tony ask. ‘Pep and I are going down to Clint’s, he said he needs help fixing up some farm equipment’. ‘Can Bruce and I join?’ Natasha asks, to which Tony says yes.
Everyone else has plans outside; Rhodey has a camping trip planned with his friends, since it’s a three-day weekend. Vision and Wanda are moving out of the tower to a nearby apartment, and want to set that up, and Thor wants to take Jane to Asgard.
After everyone has ticked off their plans, they ask you what you plan to do. Normally, you join in on whatever Tony is doing, other times you meet with your friends from back in S.H.I.E.L.D, but you see that Loki has no plans, and no one has included him in theirs either. You look across and notice him picking at his food, trying to not think about it.
‘Oh, I’m staying in the Tower with Loki and marathoning Doctor Who again’ you say.
You feel Tony’s gaze burn into you, while the others silently continue to eat.
‘Have fun’ you hear Bruce say. It sounds forced. ‘You too’ you still say.
You walk into the lab to pick up a few papers and see Bruce and Tony.
‘Aren’t you guys leaving?’ ‘Yeah, in a second, we just needed to put the stone back. Can’t leave it open for an entire weekend’ Tony says. ‘Hm, fair enough’ you go to your table and pick up another set of papers Strange sent over. He certainly has you doing a lot of reading!
‘Do you want one of us to stay back?’ Tony asks. ‘Whatever for?’ ‘You KNOW what for, you can’t be alone with him in the Tower’. ‘I’m NOT alone, the tower is full of security and staff... although why the Avengers Tower needs security, I don't know'.  ‘You know what I mean’. ‘No, I really don’t’ you’re getting a little annoyed now. ‘Can you honestly tell me you wouldn’t have preferred ONE person being on your side vouching for you, being there for you, when you thought the worst of yourself a few years ago?’
‘Well, why does it have to be you?’ Tony asks. 
‘Because... it’s no one else’ you sigh. ‘Because I’ve been here for a whole year, he has been here longer, and in all that time, it’s been no one else. And I know what that’s like. YOU know what it’s like, how can you let anyone feel that way when you personally know how terrible it feels?’
‘He just wants you to be safe’ Bruce says. ‘I know’ you place your hand on Tony’s shoulder. ‘Tony, the burden of the world doesn’t fall upon you. You don’t have to be responsible for every single thing’.
He looks at you, his face inscrutable. He finally shrugs and pulls you into a hug. ‘You be safe, okay? If there’s literally anything, you call me. I don’t care if it’s 4 AM and you’re dead, you call me’.
You laugh. ‘I’ll keep that in mind, assuming the after world has good phone reception’.
‘If you’re carrying the phones I issued, they'll work anywhere’ he lets go and winks at you. ‘Now get outta here, go watch your time travel show’.
You walk into your room, expecting Loki to already be waiting there with the remote in hand, but he isn’t. You wonder if he’s playing a prank on you and call out his name. Setting the papers down, you look behind the curtains, open up your closet, and check the washroom. Nothing.
Where is he?
Figuring he’ll appear when he wants to, you start on the pages Strange sent you.
 About an hour later, the door to your room opens. You look up see it’s Loki.
‘Hey, where have you been!?’ ‘Where have I been!? Where have you been, I’ve been waiting for an hour’ he says. ‘Aren’t we watching it here?’ ‘No, I told you, since we’re alone, I thought we’d watch it in Stark’s theatre’.
Oh right. Stark also has a theatre in the residential wing for movie nights. He mostly screens horror films, much to your annoyance, so you rarely ever go there. But you never considered watching your favourite TV shows on there.
‘That’s an amazing idea, why did I never think of that!?’ you push your notes and papers aside and get up.  ‘I also got the staff to get us some traditional movie snacks’ he informs you. 
You squeal and clutch his wrist, and pull him out the room as you do so before letting go quickly. You don’t know it, but you just sent tingles up and down his body, and he is now smiling the biggest smile walking behind you.
You sit at the back of the theatre, the seats next to yours and his full of snacks. Popcorn, cookies, nachos, chips, even hot dogs. You wonder how the conversation went between Loki and the staff member he asked to fetch all of this on a Saturday for just two people.
The marathon begins.
Tuesday morning, the rest of the Avengers come in to work. You’re already awake, and decide to greet them all at the reception.
Rhodey trudges in first with his rucksack, stinking to high heaven. You gasp and try to push him away as he tries to hug you. ‘You took Stark’s jet, it has a freaking shower, Rhodes!’ ‘I thought it would be more fun to hug you like this, what’s wrong, don’t you like it?’ he asks innocently. ‘Shut up, go take a shower, oh my god my eyes are burning’.
He laughs and drags his rucksack along.
Tony and company come next, carrying their bags. Clint is on the phone, most probably with his wife. You greet them, and Tony asks how your weekend was.
‘Excellent, I may have put on a little weight with all the snacks I ate, so I have to work extra hard this week’ you joke. Natasha hugs you, and lovingly pokes your stomach. ‘You’re back on training right after breakfast'.  ‘Yes ma’am’ you give her a small salute.
The rest of the company moves along and Bruce stays back. ‘Are you good? Tony was worried’.
‘Yeah, I had a great time. We literally just watched the show and ate’. ‘Okay…’ Bruce sighs from relief. ‘Good to hear. I’ll see you in the lab’.
Thor comes in next. You greet him too, and he wordlessly walks up to you and envelopes you in a giant hug.
‘What’s happening’ you ask. ‘Heimdall saw you’. ‘That’s the watcher dude?’ He laughs, still holding you. ‘Yes, the watcher dude. The watcher dude says Loki hasn’t been this happy in ages, and I think you’re doing a good job’.
You weren’t trying to do anything, but you're glad to learn Loki is in fact enjoying your company. ‘It’s no trouble. He’s fun to spend time with, we enjoy a lot of the same things’. ‘Like what!?’
You wish you hadn’t said that, because what you’ve spent the weekend talking to Loki about is the Infinity Stones. Not the sentience, because you knew that would be a bit much, but certainly about its powers, the previous owners, the seventh that was destroyed by Adam Warlock, its place in the cosmos, and much, much more.
You can’t tell Thor this, of course, because it would be interpreted differently.
‘Just, you know. Time travel. And other planets. He told me about Asgard’. This wasn’t a lie. ‘That’s nice’ he smiles warmly at you. ‘Well, I have some work in Asgard, I only came to drop Jane off and thank you. Goodbye’. ‘Bye’ you say. You hear a thud, the Tower shakes, and Thor disappears.
Finally, Wanda and Vision walk in and greet you. You aren’t that close with them, but you're always nice to each other.
You go for breakfast, and things go on as usual.
There’s a week left for the extraction mission, and Tony informs you that he expects it to take about a week, five days if he were coming, but he isn’t, causing Natasha to roll her eyes.
A group of arms dealers are expected to be in New York next week. Your mission is to infiltrate the warehouse in Queens, where they are working. Tony has found out they will be getting a new shipment of weapons in a week, and bit by bit, your team is to break down their networks in Hong Kong and Dubai.
You’ve been on field assignments before, but never this long, nor this big. Nervousness isn’t even a word in your dictionary, you’ve been preparing for this so long, you feel like you could kill it in a single day. Tony senses your fire and has been “subtly” trying to direct that energy into training.
‘I know what you’re doing, I’ll be fine’ you protest. ‘I just don’t want you bouncing off the walls during the mission. I know how excited you get’.
Even Bruce wants you out of the lab after a point because you won’t stop talking and walking around, being a total distraction. Bored, and having trained and training new S.H.I.E.L.D recruits, you decide to see what Loki is up to.
 You walk in on him reading in the living room.
The living room is huge, furnished in white with subtle gold embellishments. Tony considered asking every Avenger giving their personal touches here and there, and decided it wouldn't work, because Thor wanted red, Natasha wanted black, and Vision thought minimalism was a good idea, while Rhodey disagreed and asked for a water feature. So Tony listened to no one and just did what he wanted.
‘What are you reading?’ you ask, walking in.
Loki shows you the cover. American Gods.
‘Why are you reading that?’ ‘I think it’s amusing how the writer has painted Odin’.
You smile, remembering that in the story, Odin is a fallen god. 
‘I leave in a week’ you say. ‘Yes, I know’ Loki says, without looking up from his book.
You wait for any sort of acknowledgement that he’ll miss you, or at least to be safe. When you get nothing, you shrug and sit down across from him.
‘I’m bored’. ���Uhuh’. ‘Do you wanna fight me?’ you ask, quite casually. ‘What!?’
You grin at him. ‘I’m bored, and also excited about the mission, and I don’t know what to do with all this energy’. Not having sparred in ages himself, Loki puts his book aside and stands up. ‘Where?’ ‘Training room’.
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bluewindfall · 4 years
Hello!! Hope you're doing well. ♡ For ask game: 8, 21 and 24 if you can? Also, thank you for always putting your kind words and beautiful comments in tags. It means a lot to me. ♡
Aww, thank you! I’ve been a little busy recently, but I’m doing great!! I hope you’re doing well too!! :) And, you’re welcome!! Your gifs are so pretty, and it always makes me super happy to see them on my dash! 
8: Favorite dialogue in your wip?
Ahh, I think I’d have to go with this one:
“Don’t underestimate what carrying those is doing to you.”
I came up with it and then I suddenly had an idea for how the plot was going to work, so it made me really excited! Plus, I like the way it sounds too. A lot of times I have a tendency to write Shima slightly more dramatic than the other characters in my fic, but every once in a while, it turns out neatly. :D 
21: How do you come up with titles? Do you use placeholders or tend to change your titles while writing the first draft?
Ooh, I use placeholders every time. Usually it’s stays as untitled document for a while until I pick a neat word so I can have a name for it, and then it stays the same until I’m finished writing that chapter or fic, depending on how long it is. After I’m done, I always have a really hard time deciding though! >. < The time travel one I have is just fancy words that I liked, but my recent one has a super long title. XD It took me forever just to come up with the summary, and then I was trying to do the title, but it was so painful!! 
In the end, it became this strange mash up of two titles I’d thought of before, and another pretty phrase I liked from a uquiz: At dawn, my footsteps are red + My thoughts follow you into dreams + Looking for a quiet place to rest ≈ I follow your footsteps in search of a place to rest. But it sounded kind of bland, and for a while I’d just really been wanting to use smolder somewhere, so it became smoldering footsteps like that. :) 
24: Do you let your story evolve as you write or do you meticulously plan everything prior to writing the first draft?
^^ So, I usually don’t plan much, but I’ve been thinking to try planning out my next fic in more detail! :D Typically if I do plan, I have a list of ideas or things I want to do, but they’re usually kind of vague. I also have a huge thing of memos with lines and stuff that I think of sometimes when I space out during class. It’s pretty messy though, and a lot of times when I go back to it, I have no idea what I was trying to do. XD Plus, I’ve never really planned out an ending before, and that’s probably why all of my stuff is incomplete still, so for my next one, I might give outlining a try. ^^
As always, thank you so much for the ask!! ^^ 
2 notes · View notes
otakucalsama · 5 years
cal’s bella x crossover pairings fic recs
hello! this is cal here (obviously) and i’m just reposting this. i made it a while back, but the links didn’t work, so now i’m redoing it. this time, i’m going to make it smaller, with more posts, instead of larger in one post. so without further ado, here is my bella x the crossover pairings fic recs. also, this is only for completed fics, so if you have a story i didn’t add (that’s complete) send me a link and i’ll read it and then decide whether to add it or not. i will not, however, take any bella x edward, bella x jasper, or bella x jacob fics.
other fic recs here
last updated- 12/4/19
s u p e r n a t u r a l
d e a n x b e l l a
i. stick a fork in her by geezerwreench / m / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Receiving another cryptic set of coordinates from their father, Sam and Dean Winchester head to the Pacific Northwest where they’re confronted by a different kind of werewolf, learn about a sparkly new type of vampire, and meet a girl who’s fed up with all of it. Written for the 2016 Fandoms Against Domestic Violence fundraiser compilation. Language, violence, character death.
ii. ever hear of cold ones by shenandoah76209 / t / 10-15k, three-shot / complete
When Dean answered the phone it was only because he saw Bobby’s number on the ID. “Yeah Bobby, what’ve you got?” What Bobby had was a Hunter up in Forks with something that sounded like a cross between a Wendigo and a Vampire. Either one of those would be trouble. A mish mash of the two? This could be nothing good.
iii. bad medicine by bertie bott / m / 15-20k, three-shot / complete
On the flight home from saving Edward in Italy, Bella has a decidedly different reaction to finding out the truth behind him abandoning her. While running from her demons, Bella crosses paths with a couple of new ones, one of which she has no desire to run from… New Moon A/U and set in the beginning of season 10 in Supernatural.
iv. azazel cullen by t1gercat / k / 30-35k, multi-chaptered / complete
During a hunt Sam Winchester gets a vision of their life-long nemesis hunting the daughter of an old friend of his father. Will they make it in time to save her? Can vampires even be possessed?
v. she’s everything by maxipoo1024 / m / 140-150k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella has spent her whole life thinking something was wrong with her, that there was a glitch in her brain. A chance encounter with the Winchesters confirms her suspicions. With a hole in her heart and an apocalypse on the horizon, can a certain Winchester brother save the world, the girl, and heal his own heart in the process? Takes place beginning of New Moon
v a m p i r e  d i a r i e s  /  o r i g i n a l s
k l a u s x b e l l a
i. she didn’t have time by lorelei candice black / t / 20-25k, multi-chaptered / complete
Loosely inspired by the song She Didn’t Have Time by Terry Clark. Bella ends up pregnant after her birthday and leaves her home. Edward left her. On the way she gets help from a witch who helps her survive and asks something of her. Bella/Klaus soul mate romance. Give it a chance and review please. Now complete.
ii. wherever this goes by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
It was simple, until it wasn’t. Bella didn’t know that when she became friends with Kol that it would bring Klaus into her life. After falling in love with the feared hybrid she comes to the conclusion that maybe he’s not meant to be hers.
iii. mystically charmed to fall for klaus by lorelei candice black / m / 140-150k, multi-chaptered / complete
Set during season 1 of TVD and at the beginning of New Moon in Twilight. Bella is a witch, the Charmed kind of witch. I borrowed some Spells for the TV show Charmed. It has the same base as my MCTF that paired Bella and Elijah, except now she’s with Klaus. Rewriting makes it LONGER. Done
iv. troublemaker by bitemytongue / m / 15-20k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella Swan, doppelganger, ends up being the missing piece to Klaus’s ritual. Only this sets in motion a romance that ends up being everything she could ever want. Nothing can keep these two lovers from each other, not even a new identity.
v. untouched by lorelei candice black / k+ / 2-3k, one-shot / complete / sequels- unbroken + unclaimed
PART 1 of a three part story. Bella wonders if she’ll really be happy with Edward without physical contact and staying human while he’s eternally young. She makes decisions, she sets the path for a new future. Try it please.
vi. can’t help myself by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Their first meeting was strange, but it leads to wonderful friendship. This friendships lead to something a little more special. But stupid later decisions lead to bigger problems. Hopefully, they get their happily ever after.
vii. goner by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
It was dark. Everything was dark inside and all hope was gone for her. The only thing that made her feel alive anymore was her brother. The dark was seeping into her soul and she was starting to lose the fight within herself. All it takes is the soul identical to her own to make her feel something other than sorrow.
viii. midnight love by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
She got what most people never did a final goodbye to her father. Moving to Mystic Falls with her Aunt and cousin Bella finds a new home. But Mystic Falls was the last place she ever thought she would meet her mate.
ix. salvation by ncbexie25 / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
1st place Kittyinaz WC Feb 2015. Pain immobilized him, and it was only the help of his brother, Elijah, that caused him to move some hours later. But his words stirred the drive and determination within him to a new focus that would last one thousand years. “We will bring her back, brother. And we will avenge her. Always and forever, that was our pledge. And we will stick to it.”
x. reaper twins by bitemytongue / m / 85-90k, multi-chaptered / complete / sequel- the reaping of new orleans
Bella’s life is going smoothly after the Cullen’s left, until she finds she has a twin brother & was adopted. With her new identity comes new power. Bella discovers she’s a different type of supernatural. Charlie gets a new job in Mystic Falls, Bella moves to continue her education with her brother. Bella’s mysterious identity and powers attract attention to her. M for Violence
xi. third time’s the charm by bitemytongue / m / 8-9k, one-shot / complete
Everyone has an epic love. A person you fall for so quickly and so hard that you can see forever with them. It’s that type of love that everyone aims for in their life. I’ve been alive for 38 years and a vampire for twenty of those years. In all my time I found three loves, but there was only one I wanted forever with. ONE-SHOT Rated M for Violence
xii. lifting his curse by lorelei candice black / k+ / 10-15k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella is 6 when she tells Klaus he is like THE BEAST in her book. Can True Love’s kiss really break any curse? Who is Klaus’ true love? Just a short one I’ve had in my head for a while… Might get bigger later but that’s it for now!I added Nanny’s POV, along with Elijah’s and Katerina’s.
xiii. my heart is forever yours by bitemytongue / m / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Far before she was Bella, she was Isabelle the wife of Niklaus Mikaelson. After hiding for centuries from her love, she finally re-connects with her past. M for violence.
xiv. nobody’s fault by darkest original / t / 65-70k, one-shot / complete
When something terrible takes place, part of the solution is to find someone to place the blame on. Alaric dies, it’s Esther’s fault. Elena dies, it’s Rebekah’s fault. When will people realize that blame does not rest on a just single person’s shoulders? It rests on the shoulders of each person involved, but sometimes accidents do happen and it really is nobody’s fault. B/K
xv. the visit by louisaxo / t / 3-4k, two-shot / complete
Set five years after the Cullen’s left. Bella returns to Forks with her new husband and family in tow, but who will they run into? ONLY DISCLAIMER:I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SHOWS OR FRANCHISES MENTIONED IN THIS STORY.
xvi. on the 5th day of christmas, my true love gave to me (5 golden rings) by meekobb / m / 5-6k, one-shot / complete
Written for winter contest on BIT, prompt cozy fire. Bella develops an unusual friendship, seeks his help after going on the run for her survival. Circling a traditional bonfire, she learns all she needs is her family. M for adult situations, violance, and fun.
xvii. of wolf and man by cuinawen / m / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
Seventh in my 'The 12 Vamps of Christmas’ series… Klaus is being pulled towards something or someone, and he is done fighting it… Rated M for a little language and violence. One Shot.
xviii. sacrificing time by lorelei candice black / t / 25-30k, multi-chaptered / complete
What would you be willing to sacrifice to ensure the safety and happiness of the man you love and know is your Soul Mate? Bella sacrificed time. Bad people killed, good people killed and brought back, other killed and completely ignored… Rated T for safety. 8 chapters once complete. Review, please.
xix. a jump through time by lorelei candice black / t / 85-90k, multi-chaptered / complete
A few months after Edward left, Charlie announces something important to Bella and it will lead her to New Orleans. There, she finds not only her grandma but also a cousin she never knew she had and the Mickealson’s. When something terrible happen, the only way to change things is to go back in time…Can she do it?Rating for safety. Bella/Klaus, Review please COMPLETE
k o l x b e l l a
i. enchantress by bitemytongue / t / 70-75k, multi-chaptered / complete
With only a few months left until her graduation, Bella is told she’s an Enchantress. Bella adapts to her new magical powers, and decides to finally get out of Forks, and move to Mystic Falls. Charlie and Bella buy a house there Bella moves a month early to set up the house. It’s then she discovers her 2 younger cousins Elena and Jeremy have been pulled into the supernatural.
ii. the oracle by poohbearbms / m / 80-85k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella loved Edward but when he left her in the woods that day he did not know the events he set into motion. Plans three thousand years in the making are about to be set in motion due to a broken heart and a desire to find who she really was meant for. With her her gifts to help her along the way the servants of nature will learn what the true meaning of natures balance is.
iii. red string by imaginary raine / k+ / 10-15k, two-shot / complete
Theirs is a story that have spanned a thousand years. He would search for her, and she would wait for him. Because no matter how long it took, they would find each other. It was their fate. Soulmate fic. Kol/Bella
iv. their forever promise by brookie twiling / m / 4-5k, one-shot / complete
They met in a dark alley. She, born and raised in a pleasure house, him, lonely and bloodthirsty. Both lusting for each other. They live happily for four years together before Klaus daggers him and Allibelle is left alone. A hundred years later and he’s free. What will happen when they find each other again? Will Kol forgive her for being with another? One-shot/ExplicitContent.
v. you’re not the one by bitemytongue / t / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
After centuries of being together, Kol has grown tired of the life he leads. In a solution to make him happy, Isabella lets him go. With a heart full of pain, she travels back to her homeland to get away from the heartache.e No longer going by Mikealson, Bella Salvatore returns to Mystic Falls to visit her boys. Only to run into the past she wasn’t ready to face. 
vi. a love to kill for by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Kol moves to Seattle after his babysitting of Jeremy Gilbert in Denver. In Seattle he finds more than he was looking for when he comes across Bella Swan. M FOR VIOLENCE. One-Shot
vii. a shadow in the mirror by cuinawen / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Bella Swan finds herself dragged into the middle of things when mysterious murders begin to plague the small town of Forks. But the most obvious danger isn’t always the one you should worry about the most. Romance/Horror, Bella/Kol. *Mature Content* Halloween One-shot contest entry for Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Spook Fest
viii. moonlight and mistletoe by cuinawen / m / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
Twelfth and final story in my 'The 12 Vamps of Christmas’ series… After the Cullens leave Bella finds peace while going out running… and then someone finds her… Rated M just in case. One Shot.
ix. fallen for you by agmdnat / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
After her break-up with Edward, Bella found her soulmate in the form of another vampire, an Original vampire. She also discovered her real parentage that gave her amazing abilities and wings to go with it. M for some language and violence. [Kol,Bella]O/S
x. sanctuaire by buggyfiction / m / 90-95k, multi-chaptered / complete / sequel- pandore
On a class trip to New Orleans, Bella stumbles upon history like she never anticipated. Learning about one’s self is never easy, but discovering new things is always an adventure to true independence. Witch!Kol/Bella pairing.
e l i j a h x b e l l a
i. near to you by bitemytongue / t / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
A month after Edward leaves Bella, Bella is beginning to heal. She meets Elijah and with him she begins to really forget Edward and embrace who she really is. With Elijah she truly begins to love. ONE-SHOT
ii. eternal love by bitemytongue / t / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
Bella lied to everyone at Forks. She wasn’t human, she was a cupid. Most of all, she was the daughter of one of the most feared people on Earth. With less than a year to live she sets out on a trip around the world. Ending in the small town of Mystic Falls. Where she meets HIM. ONE-SHOT
iii. vegas by excentrykemuse / t / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
Alice and Rosalie take Bella to Vegas for her bachelorette. What they didn’t realize was that Bella would meet a certain Original while playing Poker … and would fall in love. Bella/Elijah
iv. an eclipse in time by lorelei candice black / m / 45-50k, multi-chaptered / complete
In New Moon,Bella goes to her grandmother’s in Mystic Falls. The war between Hybrids and Vampires is in full swing and it’s horror. Bonnie sends her back in time when the originals were human to change things. Klaus starts out evil…Will he change? Story COMPLETE
v. mystically charmed to fall by lorelei candice black / t / 110-120k, muti-chaptered / complete
Bella learns that she’s a witch after Edward leaves her. She goes to Mystic Falls to learn more with her grandmother. Set in New moon and at the end of season 1 of TVD. Evil Alice. Bella’s the Charmed kind of witch. Review:-) NOW COMPLETE
vi. a love for nature by bitemytongue / t / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Bella has found her safe haven in New Orleans. With the help of Marcel she’s able to live a normal life, or as normal as it gets for her. She quickly meets the Mikaelsons, and with her love for children helps them with their new member Hope. This friendship will hopefully lead to love.
vii. the waltz by cuinawen / k+ / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Second in my 'The 12 Vamps of Christmas’ series… A brief encounter at a Mikaelson party in New Orleans… One Shot.
viii. where are you now by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Bella had come to her senses, letting go of the love of her life was the worst mistake she had ever made. In an effort to find him, she leaves Edward and Forks behind. Only the hunt for her love gets postponed after she has an accident landing her in New Orleans. ONE-SHOT
j e r e m y x b e l l a
i. hunting by numbers by cuinawen / t / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
Ninth in my 'The 12 Vamps of Christmas’ series… Jeremy meets a girl at Whitmore College… she’s mysterious, quiet… and she needs his help… One Shot.
d a m o n x b e l l a
i. living on a prayer by bertie bott / t / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Originally written for Kittyinaz’s July Writing Contest. On his death bed after Tyler’s killing bite, Damon has an out of body experience that leads him to a revelation, finally giving his eternity meaning…
ii. almost lover by bertie bott / t / 5-6k, one-shot / complete
Jasper’s honor demands he takes action. Really, he couldn’t abide sitting by watching his family smother Bella to the point of snuffing out her happiness… And if helping her also helps an old friend, then it’s any easy decision when he takes it upon himself to set her free.
iii. a reality romance by t1gercat / t / 20-25k, multi-chaptered / complete
When bad boy superstar Damon Salvatore is forced to have his own reality show to up his album sells he has to have a roommate. Who better than shy girl Bella Swan? Can the two live in peace or will their secrets tear them apart?
iv. the shortcut home by kittyinaz / m / 8-9k, one-shot / complete
A meeting one night in a dusty town changes everything. Now a man becomes a father, a woman becomes a daughter to someone who deserves her, and a love is started. Read what would happen if Twilight had started differently. 
v. this left feels right by bertie bott / m / 15-20k, three-shot / complete
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball right when you need it most. Damon is asked to visit an old friend by someone he can’t say no to. When he gets to Forks, though, it’s not a family of vampires he finds waiting for him, but an angry girl who just might give his life the new direction he’s been seeking…
f i n n x b e l l a
i. all paths lead home by thedarkestfallingstar / m / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
She had given up hope of ever seeing her love again, she should have known that the fates wouldn’t be so cruel.
ii. thaw by thedarkestfallingstar / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
It was cold, the wind and rain seemed to seep to her very bones. Yet, she did not care. She was numb anyway, her heart frozen beyond repair.
iii. speechless by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Life had been hard for Bella Swan after the departure of Edward Cullen, but the rescue of a new friend changes things. Attempting to control her power, and trying to grow accustomed to her new disability Bella Swan starts a new life, and hopefully finds new love. M for Violence
h e n r i k x b e l l a
i. connected by the soul by bitemytongue / m / 120-130k, multi-chaptered / complete
With a forgetful mother and a father several states away Bella has always been on her own. That is until her eleventh birthday when she encounters her soul mate. The only problem, he’s a spirit trapped on the other side. Seventeen and moving to Forks with her father, Bella is closer to being with her soul mate,there’s always something fishy lurking around the corner. M for Violence
ii. renegade by bitemytongue / m / 15-20k, one-shot / complete / sequel- run away with me
Being stuck on the Other-side is worst than anyone could ever imagine. Being forced to watch as his family unravels before him, Henrik changes from the lovable boy he was human, to a cold and hating ghost. Meeting Bella Swan only fuels his anger for all living beings.
k a i x b e l l a
i. bring you back by meekobb / m / 5-6k, one-shot / complete
When Bella finds herself immersed deeper in the supernatural world, without any cooperation, it drives her to find help from an unlikely ally. Her loyalty to the only one who shows her any concern changes her in ways no one anticipates. Cover art by Bertie Bott.
s l a t e r x b e l l a
i. hacker’s code by bitemytongue / t / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Being a Hacker is who she is, it’s all she has left anymore. That is until Bella comes across a certain Mikaelson who uses her skill to track down his brother. Working for a Mikaelson leads her to find her equal and a true friend.
t h i e r r y x b e l l a
i. holding onto you by bitemytongue / m / 9-10k, one-shot / complete
Bella had never been without her brother for long, but she was beginning to feel the pain of his loss. She needed to find someone who could help be the family that she needed, but being rejected by her older brother was the last straw. Bella heads to the one place that reminded her most of family, only to meet someone important.
t e e n  w o l f
s t i l e s x b e l l a
i. keep me warm by bitemytongue / m / 9-10k, one-shot / complete
Bella meets a boy her age who is being ignored by all his friends, and being the new kid in town means she has no one to talk to. It makes for the beginning of a beautiful friendship. One that involves, werewolves, vampires, magic, and falling in love.
i s s a c x b e l l a
i. last of the true believers by bitemytongue / t / 9-10k, one-shot / complete
Bella’s life was a bad 90’s high school movie, that is until her father takers her on a vacation around the world. Somewhere between exploring and rediscovering herself she gets a new best friend who might just also happen to be her bonded. But that doesn’t mean that have to date… not yet anyway.
j a c k s o n x b e l l a
i. give me something by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Bella needs a fresh start, one away from vampires and the overbearing weight of grief she had. She moves to Beacon Hills with her older cousin Derek, and his new found pack. She wants friends that are her own, and to be seen as just a girl and not part angel, she gets more than she ever wanted when she meets the cocky blonde haired werewolf.
h a r r y  p o t t e r
s e v e r u s x b e l l a
i. dark eyes by metallicangel28 / m / 10-15k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella was a witch. A dyed in the wool, wand waving, potion brewing, broom riding witch. Not that she rode brooms. She was also Hermione’s elder cousin. After finding a dying Severus Snape in the boat house, she works her magic to heal and bring him back to life. In more ways than just physically. (Timeline altered to make Bella older than Hermione but Twilight story remains as is.)
o n c e  u p o n  a  t i m e
p a n x b e l l a
i. flying away, back to neverland by lorelei candice black / k+ / 8-9k, one-shot / complete
Bella met Peter Pan when she was 8. She kept on coming to Neverland often at nights and grew very close to Peter Pan and the Lost boys. On her 15th birthday, she decides not to go anymore until she’s ready to stay. When she turns 18, she’s ready but will Edward let her go? One-shot. Review please?
a v e n g e r s
l o k i x b e l l a
i. my true self by desertdarkfire / k+ / >1k, one-shot / complete
She’s heard him all her life, somewhere in the shadows. He’s been waiting for her, waiting for her to awaken. What she thinks is a dream, quickly turns to reality. Who is this man? BellaxLoki AU. Based on a song challenge from a friend.
ii. god gave me you by darkestdarkfire / k / >1k, one-shot / complete
Loki takes two very big steps in his life. One of them involves Bella. What could they be? AU Oneshot fic, BellaxLoki
iii. let the stars unite us by whatarefilms / t / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Sometimes a mother just has to meddle, and this is one of the times that it’s for the good of the universe. (One shot)
s t e v e x b e l l a
i. a heaven from hell’s despair by steampunkfairytale / t / 65-70k, multi-chaptered / complete
When Charlie Swan and Sue Clearwater were murdered by Renee Dwyer, Bella Swan, reeling from the departure of the Cullens, her father’s murder and desperate to escape her psychopath mother turns to the only family she has left: Her Godfather Tony Stark. Bella/Steve. FINALLY COMPLETE!
x m e n
g a m b i t x b e l l a
i. explosive love by thedarkestfallingstar / m / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
Everyone has someone to complete them, challenge them, protect them, even someone as broken as she.
d o c t o r  w h o
1 1 t h d o c t o r x b e l l a
i. is it really you? by queenvampire / k+ / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Bella is actually another time lord, Huntress, the doctor’s soul mate. She survived, but the doctor thought she was dead, after an incident involving the tardis and a sabre toothed tiger. She lived among humans for a while, trying to find the doctor. What happens when he is put in hospital by accident, and Carlisle Cullen is treating him? Don’t own it.
p i r a t e s  o f  t h e  c a r i b b e a n
j a c k x b e l l a
i. a caribbean soul by fanpire.x / t / 20-25k, multi-chaptered / complete
After Edward leaves, Bella goes back to her real home in the seventeenth century where her first love awaits; but what happens when seven vampires are transported there as well? *Bella/Jack - during NM, then CotBP*
l a b y r i n t h
j a r e t h x b e l l a
i. twilight in the labyrinth by metallicangel28 / m / 45-50k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella is Sarah’s cousin, and was sent to live with Sarah’s family when Charlie believes her to be sinking farther into her depression. When Sarah makes her ill-thought out wish, Bella is taken with Toby to the castle beyond the goblin city. What will happen when Bella finds both family and love in the Underground. Set in modern times with Jareth’s 80’s clothes. Rofl Sarah bashing!
c r i m i n a l  m i n d s
s p e n c e r x b e l l a
i. look after you by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Being the child of an infamous BAU agent didn’t mean anything to Bella, she was just happy to have a father. Now, at 22 she finds that she’s happy being in love with the genius Doctor Reid. Only now she hopes that she can be forever happy with him. 
d e r e k x b e l l a
i. no more bad days by bitemytongue / m / 15-20k, one-shot / complete
Bella was never normal, but luckily for her she met her best friend who was just like her. She had to learn the hard way that life isn’t always going to be filled with happy memories. Her life contained bad memories, anxiety attacks, and some loneliness. That is until she gets a job at the FBI and through strange circumstance finds herself in a relationship with a certain Agent.
a a r o n x b e l l a
i. stolen by agentswan / m / 5-6k, one-shot / complete
Aaron Hotchners wife and son get kidnapped. See how he gets them back and who took them. This is for twilightvixxen. M for a reason!
v a m p i r e  a c a d e m y
a d r i a n x b e l l a
i. smile by jasper’s guardian angel / t / >1k, one-shot / complete
In their darkest days they found each other and learned how to smile again. Vampire Academy/Twilight cross-over one-shot, Adrian/Bella pairing. Takes place after LS and During NM. AU
c o v e n a n t
r e i d x b e l l a
i. finding myself with you by bitemytongue / t / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Everything changed when Edward left. Bella was left broken, and after hitting rock bottom she leaves Forks to move in with her cousin Tyler. Hopefully, Ipswich will be exactly what she needs to find herself.
t y l e r x b e l l a
i. blue eyes by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Heartbroken Bella moves to be with her cousin. All she wants is a normal life, but she isn’t that lucky. Falling in love with her cousin’s best friend is only the beginning, it’s discovering she’s not who she thought she was that changes everything. All she wants is to be happy, and she realizes all she needs is her soulmate to be happy. M For Violence
ii. all i need is you by bitemytongue / m / 15-20k, one-shot / complete
After everything, leaving Forks was the best decision Bella had ever made. There was no regrets when she left to attend Harvard. For Tyler going to Harvard meant being with his best friends, only freshman year he meets the love of his existence. It’s a real shame his shyness has been holding him back from making a move. Can a math class change things? M for minor violence and such
c a l e b x b e l l a
i. better with you by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
For one it was a lonely life. A life full of sorrow and pain and an overwhelming hate for being an immortal. For the other immortality was a new beginning. A beautiful chance to live a life without sorrow and pain. Coming together they find they’re just perfect for each other, only it takes them a bit of time to realize it.
p o g u e x b e l l a
i. say you love me by bitemytongue / t / 8-9k, one-shot / complete
They met in college, two broken hearts coming together to put the pieces back together. Only after two years and a visit to Ipswich do they begin to realize, that maybe they’re meant to be more than friends. ONE-SHOT
z  n a t i o n
1 0 k x b e l l a
i. no longer alone by bitemytongue / m / 10-15k, one-shot / complete
Bella Swan didn’t experience the normal zombie apocalypse. She was kidnapped just before it began, so her time was spent with vampires instead of zombie. Escaping she found her way to a small group of survivors on a mission. Keeping her secrets Bella tags along with the group only to fall in love with their quietest member. It’s strange to find love in the apocalypse M for Violence
t r u e  b l o o d
g o d r i c x b e l l a
i. sweet compliance by cuinawen / t / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Sixth in my 'The 12 Vamps of Christmas’ series… Godric isn’t the only one imprisoned by the FotS… they use an innocent human girl to force him to comply… One Shot.
ii. the rescue by velez / m / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
“I Do” vs. “I Do” What is your forever like? Bella Swan is about to say “I Do” but, to the wrong man. Her rescuer is an immortal 2000-year-old vampire who will go to any length to save her. Even if they have not seen each other for some time.
iii. you loved me back to life by velez / m / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
From comatose to two thousand years. Godric and Bella learn to live, love and care for each other during the storm called life.
e r i c x b e l l a
i. an unexpected claim by cuinawen / m / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
First in my 'The 12 Vamps of Christmas’ series… Bella goes to Fangtasia with her cousin Sookie and the vampire Bill, and finds the experience exasperating, until she meets a certain Viking. Rated M just in case. One Shot.
a l c i d e x b e l l a
i. taming the wolf by jinx dodson / m / 120-130k, multi-chaptered / complete
“Get on.” He half growls with a slight smile. “You said it’d be as if you never existed…” He turns to her. “What’d you say baby?” She shakes her head as he looks upon her strangely. “Nevermind baby let’s go.” What happens when he doesn’t stop and Bella finds herself in Shreveport, La? With a wolf that has claims to her. (A bit of a dominating Alcide.) Read and Review. RATED Mature
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Dan is fast asleep at Hogwarts when he gets a 2am call from a Firewhisky-fueled Phil in the club
Rating: Gen
Words: 1752
Relationship: Dan Howell & Phil Lester; friendship; phan if you squint
Tags: wizard au; Hogwarts au; Youtuber Dan; Youtuber Phil; muggleborn Dan; pureblood Phil; Hufflepuff Dan; Hogwarts grad Phil
Read on ao3
a/n: Written for @phandomficfests​ 2019 Bingo to fill the prompts birthday, drug/alcohol use, and writer’s choice (which I made magic au)
**This oneshot takes place in the Dan and Phil Hogwarts/Modern Day Wizards AU established in my chaptered fic Galaxies and Greenhouses, which should probably be read before reading this fic, but isn't absolutely necessary.
(If you don't want to read the chaptered fic first, main takeaway info needed for this fic: yes, Dan is a Hufflepuff in my au, fight me; also, Phil and PJ worked together to make a wizard smartphone equivalent out of a magic mirror, aka SmartMirror, that bypasses the Hogwarts ban on Muggle tech)
Dan groaned as his eyes slowly blinked open. He breathed sharply through his nose and stretched his long limbs across all four corners of his bed, resulting in a satisfying pop in one of his joints.
As he let his eyes begin to drift shut again, he noticed that he wasn’t hearing his housemates bustling around the room and starting their days while he, as usual, slept the morning away with his bed curtains drawn tight. Curious, he reached over and parted the heavy yellow drapes, only to be met with moonlight streaming into the dormitory and the soft snores of the other seventh year Hufflepuff boys.
Dan let the curtains fall together again and collapsed back against his pillow, wondering what could have possibly woken him up in the middle of the night, when suddenly he received his answer: a faint buzzing was coming from somewhere underneath his duvet.
Fumbling through his bed sheets in the darkness, Dan’s fingers finally closed around his SmartMirror. Bringing it closer to his face, he was nearly blinded by the screen, which displayed the unflattering closeup that Dan had set as Phil’s contact photo, along with the time and date: nearly two in the morning on the 30th of January.
Dan somehow managed to groggily accept the call, bringing the device up to his ear. “‘lo?”
Dan jerked away from the sudden onslaught of sound, both from Phil’s unexpectedly loud greeting and the cacophony of background noises and music behind him.
“DAN? DAN, ARE YOU STILL THERE?” Wincing, Dan brought the SmartMirror closer again. “Yeah, Phil, I’m here,” he half whispered, “but why the hell are you calling this late?”
Dan rolled his eyes, chuckling fondly. “Yeah, yeah, happy birthday, dork.”
“Happy birthday!”
“I SAID HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Merlin’s sake!” Dan finally had to almost yell for Phil to hear over the pounding music behind him.
“Oi! Howell!”
Dan’s bed curtains were suddenly ripped open, revealing a bed-headed and irritated housemate.
“Some of us are trying to sleep here, yeah? Slughorn has that nasty N.E.W.T. practice exam for us tomorrow, remember?”
Dan felt the tell-tale rosy patch on his cheek flush red and was thankful for the darkness of the dormitory. “Er, sorry, I’ll just…” He jerked his head towards the door, grabbing his wand and slipping out of bed.
Once he was safely in the quiet of the empty common room, he brought the phone back up to his ear, settling into one of the plush yellow armchairs facing the dwindling fire in the hearth.
“Phil? You still there?”
“Why, hello there, Daniel. Fancy meeting you here at this late hour, eh?”
Dan frowned at the familiar Northern voice, although it wasn’t the one he had been expecting.
“Chris? Where’s Phil?”
“Ah, well, our no-longer young Mr. Philip is currently finishing off what I believe is his third birthday Firewhisky shot of the evening and asked me to hold his phone,” Chris answered with a mischievous laugh. “So… How’s Hogwarts?”
“Three Firewhiskies? Shit, Chris, where the hell are you guys?”
“Lighten up, Daniel! Don’t get your wand in a knot, he’s fine. PJ and I just took him out for his birthday to that new magic club in London, Smoke and Mirrors. Perfect Prefect Lester is actually letting loose for once, it’s kind of wild—”
Chris was suddenly cut off and Dan heard nothing but the thumping bass of the music and the sound of someone fumbling with the SmartMirror, accidentally mashing several buttons.
Dan winced at Phil’s unexpectedly loud return, leaning away from his phone slightly. “Trust me, bub, hearing you is not an issue right now.”
Dan idly flicked his wand against his knee, shooting out small sparks and reigniting the fire in front of him as he half listened to the sound of Phil making his way through the crowded club, mumbling apologizes to seemingly everyone he passed.
As he heard the door swing shut behind Phil, the music that had been blasting only moments before completely vanished; presumably there was some kind of noise dampening spell around the club to avoid suspicious Muggles.
“Okay, that’s better,” Phil said, finally at a semi normal volume.
“Yeah, much better,” Dan agreed, pulling both of his long legs up into the chair to get more comfortable. “Aren’t you freezing standing outside, though?” Dan glanced out the window where he could see a thin layer of snow blanketing the castle grounds. Phil may have been further south than Dan at the moment, but it was still January, even in London.
“Nah, I’m practically immune to cold, I’m so Northern,” Phil replied, and Dan could hear the smile in his voice. “Besides, I reckon I’ve probably had about half a bottle of Firewhisky tonight, I’m basically a dragon at this point.”
At Dan’s scandalized exclamation, Phil let out a loud shriek, which came off much more pterodactyl than dragon, before dissolving into giggles on the other end of the line.
“You okay, there, bud?”
“Yes, Phil?”
“I think I might be a little drunk,” Phil stage whispered into the phone, leaving Dan rolling his eyes fondly.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock,” he replied, making Phil snicker in return. “It sounds like you’re having a pretty good birthday, though.”
Phil hummed in response, and Dan could easily imagine the shrug that would have accompanied it. “‘s alright, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“It’d be a lot better if you were here.”
Dan felt himself deflate a bit. He pulled his legs to his chest and hooked his chin over his knee.
“You remember my seventeenth when we snuck up to the Astronomy Tower,” Phil continued, filling Dan’s silence, “and we pretty much ate our weight in Honeydukes?”
“‘course I do,” Dan finally managed to breathe out, “McGonagall was pissed when she caught us out of bed that late.”
Phil snorted. “I think it was worth a couple detentions, though, to get to spend my birthday with my best friend for the first time.”
Dan felt a wetness suddenly pricking at his eyes. “Shit, Phil. I really miss you… Like, I know I just saw you last month during Christmas break, but I mean… Why’d you have to be a whole year older and graduate before me, again?”
“Hey, I offered to flunk my N.E.W.T.s and stay another year.” Phil chuckled, voice cracking a bit.
“Yeah, I’m sure Kath would have just loved that,” Dan said as he rubbed at his eyes. “And speaking of… What’s she gonna say when you stumble home drunk off your tits tonight?”
“I’m, uh… I’m not going home tonight. I’m staying with PJ and Chris in Brighton for a couple days. I kinda got in an argument with my dad and I’m trying to avoid him for a bit.”
“I mean, I can definitely relate.” Dan laughed, a little darker than he intended. “But you and your dad usually get along mostly fine, what happened?”
He heard Phil sigh deeply. “He bought me, like, proper business-person robes for my birthday.”
“What? Why?”
“Dunno, I guess he thinks it’s time for me to ‘be a man’ and ‘get a proper job’ and all that other adulty stuff.”
“Damn,” Dan replied, twirling his wand between his fingers absentmindedly. “And is that what you want?”
“I dunno. Probably not,” Phil admitted quietly. “I don’t really know what I want to do with my life, I just know I really like making videos, especially with you.”
“And I’m guessing your dad doesn’t really get that?”
“Not at all. Try explaining Youtube to a wizard who’s never even touched a computer.”
“Mine doesn’t really get it, either. I think maybe it’s less a wizard versus Muggle thing and more just a dad thing.”
Phil was silent for a long moment, leading Dan to pull the phone away just to make sure the call hadn’t dropped.
“Hey, Dan? Promise me something?”
Phil took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “Promise me that we’re still gonna move in together next year like we talked about?”
‘“Course we will,” Dan answered with no hesitation. “We’ll probably have a pretty crappy apartment ‘cause it’s all we can afford, but it’s gonna be awesome.”
“And we’ll make videos together?”
“I mean, duh, all the time.” Dan couldn’t wipe the smile from his face if he tried. “Damn, our neighbors are gonna hate us, aren’t they?”
He got a classic Phil laugh in return, and he felt better knowing he put that goofy tongue-biting smile back on the older boy’s face. “That’s fine by me. Dan and Phil versus the world.”
“Always,” Dan answered as he glanced around the empty common room, desperately wishing his best friend wasn’t so far away, and felt tears building up again. “Shit.”
“Nothing. Just thinking about how being here without you guys this year sucks major ass.”
“How would you know?”
Phil snickered. “How would you know that it sucks ass unless you’ve—”
“Damn!” Dan swiftly interrupted before Phil could finish that thought. “Proper pissed Phil is a cheeky little shit, isn’t he?”
“No,” Phil answered around a yawn, “he’s a sleepy little shit. I kinda wanna just lay down right here on the pavement and take a nap...”
“Phil! You’re not sleeping on some random London street at two in the morning, you’ll get picked up by the Muggle police,” Dan laughed, shifting his phone to the other ear. “Go back inside and find Chris and PJ.”
“And make sure at least one of you sobers up a little before anyone tries to Apparate home,” Dan instructed. “I doubt you want to spend the rest of your birthday at St. Mungo’s because you splinched yourself and left an arm behind in the club or something.”
“Okay, okay, we’ll be careful,” Phil assured him as he opened the door to the club and the music suddenly blared into the phone again.
“Text me tomorrow whenever your hangover goes away,” Dan called over the noise.
Phil groaned in reply. “Ugh, don’t remind me of the consequences of my actions! It’s my birthday!”
Dan felt himself grinning like an idiot. “Happy birthday, you dork.”
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
Nurse Café - Chapter 6/6: “Back to Normalcy, If Normalcy There Is“
Fic Summary: Life could have honesty been simpler than that for Hokuto, a second-year Liteature major. There’s, however, someone out there willing to just make it easier on him.
Fandom: Ensemble Stars! (College/Coffeeshop AU) Ships: HokuAn (Anzu/Hokuto)
AO3 version available here.
Chapter Summary:  After recovery comes coming clean to your friends about where on Earth you've been lately.
Chapter Wordcount: 1.7K words
Chapter Notes: Let Subaru Enstars Say Fuck. Writing Hokuto and Subaru banter has no rights to be this fun, I swear. Anyway! I started work on this chapter right after finishing the very first chapter in, what, July? I believe the first paragraph of this is older than the entirely of chapter 2, in fact. More on NC's origin story in the end notes. Because of how long this chapter has actually been in the works for, I'm afraid it sounds a little reconstituted and mashed together. Y'know, casual "I spent 6 months on this" issues and whatnot. I'm still terrified this is OOC, as I've honestly not watched Enstars in months by now and got carried away by my headcanons and AU-ing, but oh well. I hope you'll like
Hokuto was walking down to his first class of the week, the one whose presentation he had eventually surrendered to and asked to postpone (not his proudest achievement), when he heard a very familiar sound: Subaru Akehoshi’s signature high-pitched voice resonated through the corridors, accompanied by ferocious-sounding footsteps rushing in his direction, lacking any kind of discretion or concern for whomever else may have had the misfortune to be sharing this very corridor with him.
Akehoshi jumped on him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and almost making him tumble and fall. If his face wasn’t so naturally inexpressive, someone else would have noticed the panic suddenly enlacing his mind.
“Back off, Akehoshi,” he responded to the assault, watching his friend get down and walk next to him.
“You usually bite harder than that, Hokke! What’s up? It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other!”
“…it’s been, what, a week at most? I wouldn’t call that ‘a while’.”
“It’s just not the same without you, Hokke! I’ve missed you friend!”
To be fair, he had missed Akehoshi and simply didn’t want to admit it to the latter’s face. Doing that was like yearning to be discredited. He’d have to work on that dishonesty of his later.
“I suppose so,” he replied with some doubt lingering (truly, someone as much of a social butterfly as Akehoshi couldn’t have missed him that much, right?).
 “Hey, Hokke, tell me something! What’s happened to you? You’ve disappeared from the surface of the planet, Ukki and I got worried, and Sally wouldn’t tell us anything about your whereabouts! Anzu seemed really worried about you too…”
Oh God, was this guy really going all out on him? Was it legally allowed to embarrass someone in public like that?
“It’s a long story,” he half-heartedly replied.
Akehoshi’s glaze didn’t let up. He was coming for actual answers and Hokuto wasn’t all too keen on giving it to him in public like that. He had somewhat of an image to keep as a student representative in the university, he found that important to keep for himself, and this excitable boy wouldn’t do that. Not while he was alive, at least.
 Suddenly, more footsteps came in their direction, prompting them to both turn around. Coming towards them were Anzu and Isara with Yuuki trailing not far from them. All shone a smile, to which Akehoshi replied with more excitement. Truly, this guy seemed unstoppable and always full of energy. Hokuto suddenly found himself somewhat envious of this, before focusing back on the incoming conversation, wondering how he’d unbury himself from having to reveal why he had gone missing for an entire week.
“Hello everyone!” Anzu said in their direction, her lovely smile as on point as always.
“Hi everyone!” Yuuki continued, waving at them, Isara doing the same right afterwards.
Akehoshi rushed towards them. Well, there was nothing better to do than follow him, he supposed… At least, it’d be a good way to begin returning to normalcy.
 As they walked back in the direction to their classes, questions rose up.
“Ah, Hidaka, you’re back!” Yuuki noted with a bright smile. “Where have you been all that time?”
“Yeah, Hokke, where in the world were you?! Our routine doesn’t work the same if it’s without you, y’know!”
He didn’t know if he should have been flattered or offended to that remark.
“I had…” How was he supposed to lie about the reason without actually lying about it either? “I had a lot of things to take care of.”
“Still,” Yuuki makes another note, albeit his tone drops in happiness, “you weren’t there on Tuesday for your own presentation! The prof didn’t know what to do with you missing, he hadn’t seen that coming.”
“Frankly, never did I,” Akehoshi added. “A day without Hokke around isn’t a normal day!”
They were pushy, but he couldn’t hold it against them. He had vanished for an entire week, after all, of course they’d ask about it.
“Hokuto, I think it’s time you tell them what’s actually happened. We’ve respected you not wanting us to do that on our terms, but… These two were worried sick you know!” Isara finished to convince him.
 Despite the embarrassment already piling up in the back of his mouth, Hokuto nonetheless cleared his throat and tried finding the exact right words. He’d have liked to keep that awkward week in the sands of time, but alas, the peer pressure happened to be a little too strong to withstand.
“I, hmm…,” yeah, no, that remained hard to put into words, “may have collapsed last Friday night.”
A thick silence settled. While Isara and Anzu exchanged slightly awkward glances, Akehoshi and Yuuki had be shut for good, the former blinking furiously and the second staring with a distraught expression and agape mouth.
“W-wait, really?! L-like, collapsed-collapsed?!”
“Yes, that kind.”
“What the fuck Hokke.”
“Huh… Y-yeah, what h-he – what Akehoshi said,” Yuuki added with a tiny, clearly confused laugh.
 He scratched the back of his head. This was making him maybe more nervous than the entire process of making that cancelled presentation…
“I don’t exactly remember much from it.”
“Let me do that recap for you then,” Isara suddenly chimed in. “Friday night, you went into a café, realized you picked the wrong one, ordered an espresso at eleven in the evening, passed out on Anzu who was supposed to close the shop, and she tended to you for most of Saturday afterwards.” (Did he have to mention that? He could see Anzu growing red as he said that). “I think that’s all you need to know guys!”
Hokuto wanted to bury his face in his hands and disappear right here and there; alas, miracles didn’t exist, did they.
 “You do look much better than when I last saw you, though, Hokuto!” Isara resumed the conversation.
“Mao is right! You really do look better, I promise,” Anzu added, and if it wasn’t his fever coming back, then he didn’t think he’d like to acknowledge what it was. “You still look a little tired though, are you sure you should be attending class right away?”
“It’s only a couple of lectures, nothing I can’t pull through.”
“…Do I need to remind you that you said that about your presentation too, Hokuto…?”
 That made Yuuki jolt in place.
“Wait, you ran yourself sick just for that presentation?!”
“Unlike what Isara is saying, it’s not just that presentation.”
“Speaking of that presentation, Makoto, do you remember for what subject it was?”
“I think it was for the History class. I mostly remember the prof looking kind of pissed…”
“So that was the subject this was for! Hokuto didn’t quite remember it and I was curious.”
“Wait, Hokke, you didn’t remember that when Anzu asked?!”
“Man, Hidaka, you really must have been exhausted to the bone to forget something like that…”
Everyone was trying to kill him, especially Akehoshi’s barely contained amused giggling.
“Anzu, why did… That didn’t amuse you back there!”
She gave him a glance, suddenly much calmer, her smile dropping.
“That was because it meant there was a ton of problems on your end, Hokuto. Come on, do you think that was a normal thing?”
“I never said the opposite…”
“I know. I just try to make that amusing because, frankly, you scared us all to death, not just Mao and I.”
“Oh, yeah,” Akehoshi added, “you don’t even know how much Ukki and I asked about you for days! These two really wouldn’t tell us much even if they did!”
“Sorry for that again, guys. Hokuto really insisted on us not telling, or at least, he mumbled about that in his sleep…”
“I actually remember asking you that, Isara. I wasn’t entirely braindead.”
Akehoshi and Yuuki looked thoroughly confused. This was at least proof that they had successfully been kept out of the loop.
 “Still,” Yuuki asked, “why didn’t you want us to know? We’re friends, aren’t we?”
“I don’t think you’d ever want to see what unfolded there.”
“Well duh! Of course we don’t wanna see you be sick beyond your mind or somethin’ Hokke! Anzu and Sally talk about it as if you were gonna die!”
“Plus, we’re friends. Isn’t the whole point of friendship to help each other out in times of need?”
“They’re right, Hokuto,” Isara completed their argument. “You were also helping your grandma at the time, right? The poor woman looked worried for your life back there!”
“This was merely me fulfilling my obligations as her grandson. Still, I suppose you are right. I obviously couldn’t have survived that alone.”
“I think we can all testify to that…” Isara seemed a little jaded, but nonetheless smiled again as he put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “So, next time, don’t hesitate to call for us when you need help, ’kay? We really don’t want you to run yourself to the ground like that again!”
The three others hummed and nodded almost in unison. All he could react with was a sigh and a tiny smile (that was most likely not even visible on his stiff face).
“Lesson learnt.”
 Their conversation eventually took its usual course, deviating (to his relief) to other topics. By the end of the main hallway, he found himself with only Anzu, the both of them heading towards different rooms almost facing each other.
“Ah, before I forget. Thank you very much for… all of this, Anzu. I don’t even want to know where I’d be right now if it wasn’t for you.”
“As much as I also don’t want to imagine that, I’d have said an ER. Again, really, Hokuto, you don’t need to thank me so politely! It’s a normal thing for friends to do. You’ve done that for me before, haven’t you?”
“That’s true…” (And these weren’t such good memories, as it mostly reminded him of bitter concern).
“Just avoid doing that next time you feel in a pinch, okay? I’m sure we’ll all be glad to help. I know I will…” Her voice trailed off and so did her eyes, looking in the distance. He naïvely started doing so as if someone or something would arrive.
“I’ll make sure to, then.”
 They stared at each other, red, for a couple moments before Anzu snapped out of it first.
“Ah, sorry, my class starts real soon! See you around, Hokuto!”
“See you later then.”
As they went on their separate ways, he could only confirm something: if his heart was beating this profusely, it had to mean he had very clearly come down with another illness altogether. In hopes that, just like his collapse, Anzu could help him fix his own issues…
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sigritandtheelves · 6 years
I know you *just* posted the second chapter of Simple, but I’m here to implore you to write tons and tons more. PLEEEEAAASSSEEE! I have never loved an AU fic like I love this. I am so, so hooked and I love it!!!!!
I saved this ask to post with part 3–I hope you still like it, anon. 💛
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
PG-13 |  3.4k wds | pre-XF AU | MSR, Melissa/Samantha
A/N: y’all, this feels like it got a little out of hand, length-wise, so I hope it’s okay. And I swear to god, smut is on its way. Also an actual conflict, maybe.
November 23, 1989 - Baltimore
The Scully household was full of sound and light and laughter. Nat King Cole was already singing, despite Melissa’s protests—“At least wait until after dinner!”—but Charlie had insisted and his mother backed him up.
“I don’t see how it could hurt,” she’d said. “It’s nice.”
Melissa rolled her eyes and Charlie snuck a bite of stuffing off her plate while she wasn’t looking. There were two new guests this year, Samantha and her brother Fox, though the family was one short in Dana, a fact they all lamented (one of them, in particular, perhaps more than the others).
“How’s the house, Melissa? How’s that porch roof?” Bill Scully, who still pretended his daughter had only moved in with a friend, stuffed a bite of mashed potatoes into his mouth.
“It’s fine, dad. The inspector said it had at least another five years.”
“Huh,” he grunted. “Well. You keep an eye on it.”
“Fox, do you want sauerkraut?” Maggie held the bowl up to him, and he tried not to make a face.
“Um,” he said. “No thanks.” He couldn’t get used to that particular Baltimore turkey-day tradition. She smiled at him and passed the bowl to her older son. The younger Bill kept glaring at him uncomfortably, and at Samantha, too, as if trying to puzzle them out. As if these Mulders were working some angle on the Scully family.
They were all scraping their plates and debating seconds when the phone rang.
“I’ll get it,” Maggie said. “It’s probably Dana.”
Bill Sr. stood up as well, anxious to talk to his youngest girl, and one by one, each of the Scullys popped into the kitchen to say their hellos and happy thanksgivings. Fox’s knee was bouncing, and he was chewing on his bottom lip. Melissa smiled at him from across the table.
“You wanna go say hi? Mom called her back so she’s not running up her long-distance.” She could tell he wanted to, could read his eagerness like a book.
“Does she know I’m here?”
Melissa nodded and Samantha shook him by the shoulder. “Go on,” she said. “When’s the last time you talked to her?”
He cleared his throat. “Ah.” A sheepish smile. “Yesterday.”
Melissa laughed and shook her head while he scooted around the table and into the kitchen.
“—I mean, if you’re able to come then. Melissa said she wants to have a Christmas Eve party? You know you’re welcome to stay here, too.” Maggie looked up, surprised to see Fox tiptoeing into the kitchen. He gave her a shy wave, then stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Uh huh,” she said. “Okay, honey, if that’s what you want to do, that’s fine.” She raised her chin at him in question.
“Melissa said I could say hi,” he explained, and Maggie’s eyebrows went up.
“You want to say hi?” Then back into the phone, “Dana, Samantha’s brother is here and he said he wants to say hi, is that alright?” A brief pause, then she smiled. “Dana says only if you promise not to talk about work.” She passed the phone to him, and he took it with a quick thank you before Maggie headed back to the dining room.
“Hey,” he said into the phone, smiling already.
“Oh hey,” she said, mock-surprised. “Long time no talk.”
“Hmm, it feels long.”
She chuckled. “So you’re at my parents’ house, huh? That’s kind of weird.”
“It is, it is,” he said. “Your parents are so nice, though. Your mom, especially. She kept checking on me all through dinner.”
“She’s sweet. No flack from dad?”
“Nah, he’s too concerned about Melissa’s home repair schedule. I think your brother hates me, though.”
“Bill, right?”
“How’d you guess? Charlie’s alright. They’re all great, really.”
“Well,” she said. “You know what this means, don’t you?”
“I’m going to have to go over to each of your parents’ houses while you’re not there and just hang out with them. Maybe I’ll bring Samantha.”
“Oof, Dana, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”
“They’re that bad?”
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you some day.”
“Good. I want to know.”
“Did you book your flight yet?”
“I did. I fly in on the fourteenth… But here’s the thing.”
“Uh oh.”
“No, it’s good. I got my first interview for my residency. I’ve applied to a few on the east coast, so it’s a good sign. But I’ll be busy my first week or so before the holiday.”
There was a brief pause. “Oh,” he said. “That’s great about the interview.”
“Are you disappointed?”
“Only a little. And I’m happy you’re applying out here.”
“Me too.”
“Hmm, your brother is giving me a look from the other room. I think he’s suspicious. Is he gonna kick my ass?”
“You can probably take him. But, you know. Family dinner.”
“Will you call me again soon?”
“Of course.” He was tucked into the corner of the kitchen, talking into the phone like it was her ear, like they were completely alone. “Hey,” he said.
“I miss you,” he murmured. “When I see you again… I’m going to kiss you, okay? I don’t think I’ll be able to help it.”
Her breath sounded just a bit louder on the other end of the line. “Okay,” she said.
“I’ll talk to you soon. Bye, Dana.”
Much later, after everyone had eaten pie and Fox had headed home to D.C., Melissa stood with her mother in the kitchen, drying and putting away dishes.
“Fox seems nice,” Maggie said. Nonchalant, as if it were just chitchat.
Melissa smiled. “He is. He’s a good guy. Sweet. Really smart.”
“How does he know Dana?”
“They met at our house last summer.” She put a plate in the cabinet.
Melissa smirked, looked at her mother. “And what?”
Maggie crossed her arms over her chest. “And?”
“And they hit it off. I think she helped him with some work thing.”
“Are they dating?”
Melissa sighed and leaned back against the counter. “Mom. You need to ask Dana. Who lives in California, in case you’d forgotten, making ‘dating’ something of a complicated term.”
“Alright, alright!” Maggie raised her hands in the air, then went back to the dishes. “It’s sweet, though. Dana and your roommate’s brother.”
Melissa’s spine stiffened. “Mom—“
Maggie’s face looked pained. “I know.” She sighed.
“She’s not my roommate.”
Maggie nodded and took a deep breath, but didn’t look at her daughter. “I know.”
Melissa squeezed at the dish-towel in her hands until her fingers hurt, stared at her shoes. After a moment, Maggie looked back at the other woman, took the two steps across the kitchen to stand beside her, and put her hands on Melissa’s arms. “I know, sweetheart. It’s hard for me, but just… know that I love you. We all do.”
Melissa’s eyes burned. She sniffed. “Dad too?”
“Yeah,” Maggie said. “Dad too.” She held her daughter’s eyes for a long moment, rubbing her upper arms. “Come over again next week,” she said. “I think we just need to get used to it.” Another brief pause, as if Maggie were thinking through something. “But she’s lovely, Missy. I really like her.”
Melissa’s lip wavered, just a little, and she nodded, sniffed again. “I should see how she’s doing with the boys.”
She gave her mother a watery smile, and slipped out of the kitchen.
December 24 - Baltimore
Their timing was awful. It seemed a truly grand failure of fate that kept them apart for over a week after Dana arrived in town, despite their efforts to meet. First, she had an interview in Philadelphia, and then a case took Fox out of town until the twenty-third. Once, he showed up at his sister’s house and found he’d missed her by only ten minutes and he nearly beat his head against the wall in frustration. And then finally—finally—on Christmas Eve, the stars aligned. They would be in the same place at the same time—but only for one night. He and Samantha were driving to Connecticut to see their mother in the morning. Once again it felt like cruel fate was holding them forever apart.
Still, they would make of tonight what he could. He knocked on the door at 7:23, and stood shaking in the frigid air. The temperature had plummeted, but at least there had been no snow to slow his drive from Alexandria. Sam opened the door with a cry of delight and a “Come in, come in, it’s freezing!”
Inside it was warm and the lights were low and golden, the Christmas tree glowing, fireplace lit, that terrible Wham! song playing for the nine millionth time of the season. “Merry Christmas!” He told her, wrapping her into a hug with his free arm. She wore a red dress and a Santa hat, her long brown hair curling over her shoulders.
“Merry Christmas! Here, I’ll take your bag,” Samantha said, pulling his duffel from his shoulder so he could strip off his coat. He hardly noticed. He was scanning every space he could see, eyes everywhere at once. “She’s in the kitchen, Romeo.”
He looked at his sister and offered a sheepish smile. “Thanks,” he said.
He was sweating, though it was barely 20 degrees outside. His heart was hammering in his chest, blood rushing his ears. She was here, somewhere in the same house as him, after all these months. He walked, hands shaking, head buzzing, through the living room and toward the kitchen.
Sam waited to put away his bag and instead rushed to grab Melissa, who was chatting in the living room, by the arm. “Wait wait, look, come here!” Conspiratorial, she dragged Melissa to the doorway that led to the hall.
Fox was not halfway to the kitchen door when Dana appeared in the corridor and stopped cold with a little gasp.
“Oh!” She said when she realized it was him.
She wore a deep green crushed velvet dress, long-sleeved, to the knee. Her hair was pulled back away from her face. Her lips and cheeks were red, with surprise or wine or makeup, he couldn’t tell and didn’t care. The world had gone black-and-white but for her: radiant, in full color, a beacon of warmth and light in these cold, dark days of early winter. Quiet hung between them for a long moment until he could speak.
“Hi,” he said eventually, feeling stupid. It was like he could hardly breathe in her presence, like no words could possibly do this moment justice.
Her lips turned up into a nervous smile, and she took a small step toward him, eyes drinking him in just as openly as he watched her. “Hi,” she replied.
He took a step forward to match hers, and they were only a few feet apart now, standing at the event horizon of their gravitational pulls. They hovered there, awed by the electric buzz of their attraction. Then they both moved forward at once, like slow motion, and his hand was reaching out to her face and he was bending down and she was leaning in and going up on her toes… and then he was kissing her. She tasted like white wine and her fingers were in his hair, touching him as he touched her. His free hand came to her waist and guided her body to rest against his. He felt her back arch, her breasts press against his sweater, and he was already embarrassingly hard, like a teenager with no self control, but he couldn’t help it, nor did he care. Not when this was really her, solid and true, flesh and blood, soft lips and warm skin after six months of wanting. He imagined hoisting her over his shoulder and dragging her upstairs, party be damned. He wanted to make love to her slow and soft behind closed doors.
There was a squeal behind him, the sound of Samantha’s feet hopping up and down on the hardwood as she still gripped Melissa’s arm. He heard Melissa mutter, “Come on, give ‘em some space.”
Dana’s arms came around his neck, and he wrapped his own around her waist so he could lift her momentarily, holding her tight to him, wanting all of her at once. Her feet dangled by his shins, and she giggled into his mouth, making him laugh too. When he worried they were making a scene, when he felt capable of maybe surviving a separation of a few inches, he set her back down and their lips parted. Her hands went to his shoulders, and his moved back to cup her face. Her eyes looked wet—as overwhelmed as he felt.
“You’re here,” he said.
“So are you.” One of her hands splayed across his chest, and she could probably feel his heart pounding under her palm.
“I’ve been waiting so long to do that,” he told her.  “I’ve been thinking about it forever.” One of his thumbs brushed across her lips and she kissed it. He was utterly, stupidly in love with her.
She nodded. “I know. Me too.”
Then she leaned in again, wrapped her arms around his waist, and tucked her body into his, her head resting on his chest like it belonged there always. She smelled so good, like clean shampoo and sweet perfume; the velvet of her dress carried the warmth of her skin to his fingertips. He didn’t want to let her go, even when party guests began making their way past them to and from the kitchen.  
“Come help me meet people,” she said, and took his hand in hers. “I’m not great at parties.”
He laughed and let her pull him toward the living room. “If you’re looking for a social butterfly, I have some bad news for you,” he said.
She tossed a smile at him over her shoulder, and he felt a kind of click in his mind—like he’d snapped a photo of her wearing that smile, in that dress, that he would keep with him for the rest of his life.
It was a smallish gathering, maybe fifteen in total, but for Dana, it felt like a massive crowd. All she wanted to do was be alone with him. Maybe have dinner, talk for a few hours, make out in his car afterwards. A normal date, she thought. They managed quiet moments here and there, a few stolen kisses under mistletoe, a handful of slow dances to Bing Crosby where she pretended not to notice how he grew hard when she pressed her belly against him. It was nice. But she was glad when the party began to thin around eleven and she didn’t have to explain to any more strangers why she was studying pathology, where she was applying for residencies, what she hoped to do when she finished, all while fully aroused.
By midnight, the last of the guests had left, and the four siblings were straightening up, carrying dirty cups toward the kitchen and throwing away paper plates and napkins. When the clock struck twelve, Samantha called out “Merry Christmas!” to the whole house. In the living room, she grabbed Melissa and pulled her into a kiss.
Fox and Dana were in the kitchen, rinsing egg-nog cups. He glanced at the clock and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Merry Christmas.” She flushed and angled her body toward his. He rested his forehead on hers, brushed their noses together.
“Mmmerycrims,” she mumbled against his lips, half kissing, half laughing.
Sam walked in then, barefoot now and sans Santa hat, carrying an armful of dishes. “Hey, get a room,” she said. “Just kidding. Dana, can you go help Melissa for a minute? I want to get these washed up before we go to bed.”
In the living room, Melissa was pushing furniture back into its usual place, out of the corners, angling the couch back toward the TV. Dana helped her carry the coffee table back into the center of the room. “There,” she said. “Looks good.”
Before heading up to bed, Melissa turned to look at her sister. “Hey,” she said. “Can I say something, Day?” Dana dropped a throw pillow onto the sofa and watched her sister carefully. Melissa lifted both hands to Dana’s shoulders and spoke softly. “He is wonderful and I love him. I want you to be happy. But remember to listen to yourself and what you need, too. Think about where you are and what you want, and don’t feel pressured.”
Dana nodded, eyes wide, suddenly grateful for her sister’s words. “I know.”
“Good,” Melissa said. “Now that I’ve said that, there are condoms in the top drawer of the night stand. Be safe and make good choices. Love you.” She squeezed Dana’s arms then turned and walked to the stairway, calling toward the kitchen on her way up, “I’m headed to bed, Sam!”
“Coming!” Samantha’s voice echoed from the other room.
After Sam went up a few minutes later, it was just the two of them for the first time, standing several awkward feet apart in the living room. Dana felt suddenly nervous, like the weight of the past six months had settled onto this moment, these hours that would follow now that they were alone. She watched him watch her, felt his expectations, and felt suddenly unsure. She chewed the inside of her cheek and looked toward the stairway. Her feet hurt. Her makeup felt old. She suddenly wanted very badly to be wearing pajamas and to be curled up in bed.
Fox took a few steps toward her, reached out to touch her elbow. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah,” she said, perhaps too quickly, fingers fidgeting, swallowing hard. She was shaking. Afraid of what tonight might mean, of what he might think of her. Were they really going to do this?
“Hey,” he said, pulling her into a gentle hug, just enough so she felt warm—safe. He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “It’s a lot,” he whispered. She leaned back to look into his eyes, and he touched her face again. “Too much, too soon?”
She didn’t want it to be, but she was overwhelmed. She felt her eyes filling with tears against her will. She nodded, her bottom lip wobbling.
He leaned down and kissed it, just a reassuring press of his lips on hers. “Okay,” he said. “It’s okay.” He hugged her again and spoke into her hair. “We don’t need to do anything. It’s late, and I’m just glad I got to see you again.”
She let out a little choked sob into his sweater. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m just… there’s a lot going on right now.”
He pulled back again so he could hold her face in his hands, look into her eyes as he spoke. “Dana,” he said. “I am standing in the same room as you. That makes this the best night I’ve had in six months. I’m sleeping on the couch—right here. So I’m gonna go brush my teeth and put on sweatpants and watch old movies until I can’t keep my eyes open. If you want, you can put on your PJs and join me. If not, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast. Okay? You don’t need to be sorry. You don’t owe me anything.”
His eyes were serious and blue-green, softened by affection and concern. Was this what love was like, she wondered? This careful kindness, this swelling of the heart at the very sight of the other? Wasn’t this too soon for love?
“Okay,” she said. “I’d like that.”
Dana wanted this man very badly. More, perhaps, than she’d ever wanted anything else in her life. And that scared her. This thing they had was still soft and fragile, no mere lust, but the seed of some great flowering organism. She was grateful that he seemed to want to care for it as much as she did. In the upstairs bathroom, she washed her face and brushed her teeth and changed into comfortable pajamas. Perhaps it was too soon for flannel-love, too—perhaps she should have kept her makeup on, maintained the illusion a little. But she didn’t think so. As she walked back down the stairs, she thought, This feels right.
And it was.
-end chapter three-
Go to Chapter 4
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arcaneapologist · 6 years
Partners in Crime- Ch 10
hey what do you know. i forgot it was monday. again. anyways... here’s chapter 10. i apologize for the title but uh. i really struggled with it and decided to make the temporary title the permanent title. so uh. here’s the link to a03. and a big thanks to @vinndetta who wrote a small lil fic that gave me some inspiration rewrite/finish this chapter.
Dan was wandering through the grocery store by his house, attempting to decide which two side dishes to make for Thanksgiving. It was proving to be far more difficult than he imagined, as he had no idea how to cook. Dan still had two days, but he wanted to get this figured out sooner rather than later. Especially since everyone else already knew what they were making. Then, there was the subject of decorating his house. He’d found out Suzy and Holly and Arin went all out when it came to Holiday decorations.
He left the groceries and headed towards the seasonal aisle. Maybe while looking at something else would help him figure out what he was going to make. He picked up a few plastic pumpkins and set them in the cart, then turned in a circle. There was so much to choose from, and this was something else he’d never been good at. Dan pushed his hair out of his face and groaned. Why did everyone have to come to his house? Because you volunteered your house, Dummy. Though it was still small, his town-home was far bigger than anyone else’s apartment.
“You alright there? You seem to be having some sort of crisis.” A giggly voice asked from behind him.
He turned around to find the girl from a few weeks earlier, “Oh. Hello again.”
“It seems like I’m following you this time.” She took a step around her cart, suddenly serious. “But really. Are you okay?”
“Ugh... No.” Dan sighed. “I’ve got... I’ve got like five people coming over for Thanksgiving and I have absolutely no idea what I should cook or how to cook or how to decorate... Or anything really”
The woman laughed and walked over to Dan’s cart, examining the contents. “Well. For starters, you should probably get a tablecloth, and, unless you want to be washing dishes all night, some festive, cute paper plates and plastic silverware.”
She walked a little further down the aisle and Dan followed her, “Right… I’m sorry, what was your name?”
She put on her sweetest smile and ran a hand through her hair, “My name is Clara. What’s yours?”
“Danny. I… I think these will work?” They stood side by side, looking at the plastic tablecloths and paper plates, while he pretended to have any idea of what defined “festive and cute.”
“Yeah. I think those would be great, Danny.” She pulled a small, artificial hay bale from a shelf and threw it in his cart. “This is also nice. Hay just screams fall, you know? How many people do you have coming again?”
“There’s five coming, so six altogether.” Danny found a bag of fake “fall harvest food”, as the label called it, and threw that in the basket as well.
“And you said they’re all friends? No family?” Clara knew he hadn’t said, but wanted to see just how much he was paying attention to the conversation.
“Right. I’ve got my three best friends, and then these two guys that I’ve only met once. But the other three insist they’re super nice and I should invite them, anyway.” Dan rolled his eyes, not seeing the smirk on Clara’s face. Dan was as clueless and flighty as his ex had said. She could probably openly stalk Dan and he’d be none the wiser. The only hindrance she’d face would be Arin,Suzy, and Holly. There’s no way Matt and Ryan would remember her well enough. Besides, if they did, she could take care of the, fairly quickly.
“You should make macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes. You can buy the boxed stuff and have it done in thirty minutes. Plus you don’t have to be able to cook at all.”
“Yeah…And Arin loves mac and cheese.” He mumbled, mostly to himself. Then turned and smiled at Clara, his voice softening . “Thanks for all your help. I hope I run into you again sometime soon.”
“Yeah, no problem Danny.” Clara smiled and waved as he walked away.
Dan was elbow deep and cursing into a pot of mashed potatoes when all of his friends got to his house for Thanksgiving. He’d stupidly changed his mind at the last second and decided to make the potatoes and mac and cheese from scratch instead of out of the box. The macaroni had turned out fantastic, but the potatoes were giving him hell. He could barely hear the knocking on the door over the mixer in his hands. He yelled for everyone to come in, instead of acting like a proper host and answering the door himself. He dumped more milk and butter into the pot, hoping the potatoes would thin out some.
Ryan came in first, Matt right behind him, each carrying a store bought pie. “Hey dude. Can we put these in the fridge.”
“Yep.” Dan grumbled. “Don’t fucking care.”
Suzy and Holly came in next more side dishes. Holly gave him a tight hug from behind “Happy Thanksgiving, Danny!”
Suzy set her dish down, then checked his pot of potatoes before grabbing the milk jug. She poured even more in, enough to worry Dan that the potatoes would be soup. “Put the mixer on the highest setting, Sexb//ang, and go to town… And happy thanksgiving.”
She leaned up and kissed his cheek before following the other three into the living room. Sure enough, in less than a minute, the potatoes were the perfect consistency. It wasn’t until Dan set the mixer down that he realized he hadn’t seen Arin. He grabbed a paper towel to wipe his hands off with, before heading into the living room. As he walked past his front door it swung open, revealing a breathless Arin and a very large foil wrapped turkey.
“Sorry I’m late. I was seeing my mom.” He smiled at Dan, before yelling. “In the kitchen guys. I’m starving, let’s eat!”
“Happy Thanksgiving, by the way” He gave Arin a small pat on the back.
“Happy Thanksgiving, Dan.”
They all crowded around Dan’s tiny kitchen table, having to leave the food on the counters just so they had somewhere to eat. Dan soon found out Suzy, Holly, and Arin had been right. Inviting Matt and Ryan was a great idea. They bickered like they were brothers and seemed to turn the most normal sentences into a joke.
Once they’d finished eating everyone pitched in to help Dan clean up the dishes, before they settled into the living room. Dan wanted to watch the football game, but he seemed to be the only one. He was overruled in favor of the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, though everyone agreed to let him check the score during the commercials. None of them talked all that much, instead sitting in comfortable silence and playing on their phones.
Dan continued to surprise himself with how close he had gotten to Matt and Ryan in just a few short weeks. They were stretched out on the loveseat, facing opposite directions with their feet in each others faces, and sharing a blanket. When he found out they were trained assassins he was a little apprehensive, but now they were like the younger brothers Dan never had. He let out a heavy sigh, his thoughts turning to his own family he doesn’t talk to. Right before she’d cut ties with Dan, he’d found out his sister was expecting her second child, another son. His nephews probably didn’t remember him, but he wished they did. He wished he’d gotten his act together sooner.
Dan let out a small laugh at the thought of even having his act together now. He could see his family’s reaction upon hearing, “Yeah, guys. I hang out with a bunch of criminals. The usual run down: a con artist, two disguise and surveillance experts… Oh and two professionally trained assassins.” His family would probably move states and change their names. Dan shook his head and reached for the TV remote. There was a very real possibility that his entire family had moved and Dan wouldn’t have even known about it.
Arin stirred from his section of the couch, leaning over and setting his head on Dan’s shoulder, “Why the face and the sighing, buddy?”
“Just… Thinking about my family… Or lack thereof I guess.” Dan shrugged.
“Yeah… I get that. But sometimes family isn’t… Family, you know? It’s not always the people who raised you. Sometimes the people you meet in your twenties or thirties are a better family than the ones who raised you.” Arin still sounded groggy and like he was ready to go back to sleep, but he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“Sure.” Dan could tell himself that all he wanted that his friends were all the family he needed, but it didn’t make a difference.
“Dan, I know you don’t want to believe me, but I promise you all of us here love you and care about you.”
“Arin… That’s not it. I miss my family. I miss my sister and my parents. I have two nephews and I’ve never even met one of them. My parents celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary and I wasn’t there. Do you know how awful that feels?” Dan ran a hand over his face. He didn’t want to discount how close he was with any of his friends, but it just wasn’t quite the same.
“I… I don’t… But I’m really sorry.”
Arin stood and moved to wake up the rest of the group, they all had somewhere they needed to be. They all noticed the shift in Dan’s mood from earlier and seemed reluctant to leave, but he politely pushed them out the door. Dan just needed to get out and get his mind off of everything. He waited a few minutes before grabbing his own coat and keys and heading out the door.
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wittystiles · 7 years
The Agreement || Part Four || Stiles Stilinski
Author: wittystiles
Words: 3.5k+
Relationship: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Title: The One With The Dad Upgrade
Summary: (Y/N) and Stiles decide to tell the very first person that they’re having a baby.
A/N: Y’all! I was stuck on this here chapter for like, I would like to say a month. A month. For some reason I could not write this. It took sitting there and watching Teen Wolf with my Grandma to finally get inspired to write this fic. It came together in like, 2 hours, and it’s ight. I hope you like it! Thank you for waiting so long. (-: ALSO! Huge fucking shoutout to my girl @ellie-bee242 for literally writing (typing a few paragraphs of it while i said what I wanted it to say) it for me. And editing it. You’re the MVP.
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(Y/N) stood beside Stiles at the grocery store, looking over his shoulder at the grocery list. “Do we really want to make asparagus?” She asked, looking from the list to the vegetables on display.
“Yes,” Stiles sighed. “Have you ever had my grilled asparagus? It’s heavenly. And it’s healthy, would you stop being anti-vegetable?”
(Y/N) groaned, “I’m not anti-vegetable, Stiles. I just don’t particularly want asparagus. It’s not a bad thing, and I’m not discrediting you as a chef. It’s just not my favorite.”
“Then don’t eat it.” He shrugged, grabbing two small bags of asparagus. “Lydia, Scott, Malia and my dad all love it so. We have to do it.”
(Y/N) huffed loudly, gripping onto the handle of the shopping cart tighter. “Okay. So. We have your gross asparagus, steak, mashed potatoes, and what else? I’m going to make sautéed onions and mushrooms for the steak. What should I make for dessert?”
Stiles shrugged, “dunno. I’m not in charge of the dessert, that’s your area (Y/N). I’m just here for the whole dinner thing. Make like. I don’t know? Cupcakes.”
“Cupcakes are boring.” (Y/N) sighed, pushing the cart behind Stiles. “God. I hate grocery shopping. Have I ever mentioned that?”
Stiles rolled his eyes, stopping abruptly in front of the meat section. (Y/N) accidentally hit him with the cart, gasping in shock. “I am so sorry!”
Stiles turned a glare on her, rubbing his hip where the cart hit. “I’m sure you aren’t.”
(Y/N) returned his glare, “what is that supposed to mean?”
Stiles ignored her, picking up a package of fillets. “These look good?” He held the package up for her to see.
“I’m serious! What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean you probably meant to hit me, (Y/N). I know how you get. You’ve been snippy with me for hours, and maybe it wasn’t conscious but you meant to hit me.”
(Y/N) flared her nostrils in anger, “I would never. I’ve been snippy because you made me go buy new dishes from one store. Then you made me get a new table cloth from a second store. Now we’re here for food. And I’m going to have to cook and bake for a dozen people. I’m tired, Stiles. That’s all. I wouldn’t hit my baby daddy.”
Stiles sighed, “sorry. I’m nervous to tell everyone, and it’s coming out in obsessing over everything being perfect. I’m sorry. Won’t happen anymore. Want me to drop you back at your apartment and I can handle this all on my own?”
(Y/N) shook her head, pouting a bit, her eyes lowering to her hands. “No… I don’t want you stressing all on your own, Stiles. I just… I want you to know I’m not being a bitch on purpose. You know how I get when I’m tired.”
Stiles sighed, dropping the fillets back to their spot, rounding the shopping cart to pull (Y/N) into a hug. “Yeah, I do.” He took a deep breath, gently rubbing her back. “Go take a nap in the car, yeah? I can finish the shopping - I know what we need - and when I come out you can drive us to your place. That way I can rest on the way there. That sound like a deal?”
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, her head resting against Stiles chest. “Okay, thank you.”
The two stood together for a moment, Stiles just rubbing (Y/N)’s back while she rest against him, before (Y/N) decided to pull away. “I should go lay down.”
Stiles nodded, fishing the keys to his car out of his pocket. “I’ll be out as soon as possible. Okay?”
“Sure.” (Y/N) picked her purse up from the child seat in the cart, took the keys, and walked out of the store.
(Y/N) woke to Stiles picking her up from the back seat of his car. She peeked an eye open, and quickly shut it again, allowing Stiles to carry her inside of his home. When he got her settled on the couch, she decided to pretend to wake up, stretching her limbs out.
“I’m sorry,” Stiles rushed out. “I didn’t mean to wake you! You can go back to sleep.” He picked up the blanket from the back of the couch, covering her up before she could protest.  
“I should be in there helping you make dinner,” (Y/N) started, pushing the blanket off of her waist down to her thighs.
“Nope!” Stiles covered her back up again, resting a hand on her shoulder to keep her laying down. “You can sleep. I’ve got this covered. I know how to cook, (Y/N). Besides, you’d just get annoyed by me and come out here anyway.”
“I would not!” (Y/N) argued.
Stiles gave her a knowing look, and she acquiesced, getting comfortable against the pillows on the couch. “Fine. I’ll lay here.” She crossed her arms over her chest, and grunted when Stiles leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Don’t do that shit, Stiles. I don’t know you like that.”  
“(Y/N),” Stiles sighed. “You’re carrying my baby. You know me well enough to let me kiss your forehead.”
(Y/N) mocked him, rolling onto her side so that she had her back to him. “Go cook, Stiles, before I ‘accidentally’ fall down the stairs and I’m not carrying your child any more.”
“(Y/N).” Stiles sounded hurt. “Please don’t joke about that. Knowing how clutzy you are, it wouldn’t surprise me if you managed to do just that on a real accident. Let’s not jinx anything, yeah?”
(Y/N) frowned, not turning to face him. “Fine, Stiles. Sorry. Go cook.”
Sighing, Stiles walked away from the couch, rubbing his forehead tiredly. Unlike (Y/N), he hadn’t had the luxury of napping because his baby daddy was nice. “My father will be here soon,” he called from the kitchen, his head inside of the fridge while he reorganized the vegetables in the crisper. “I want to tell him before everyone so he’s gonna be here before the rest of them arrive.”
(Y/N) grunted her response, pulling the blanket Stiles had covered her with up, over her shoulder up to her ear.
“You’re going to have to wake up when he gets here, I just realized, cause. You’ve got to share this news too. It’s our news, not just mine. And it would take the fun out of it if I just told him myself and you weren’t involved.”
(Y/N) groaned this time, scrunching her eyes tighter.
Stiles continued rambling, speaking of various things that (Y/N) had tuned out while she tried sleeping. The doorbell going off startled her, her heart jumping a bit. She sat up in time to watch Stiles nearly trip over his own feet as he came running out of the kitchen, headed for the front door. “I got it!” he called to her, stopping abruptly and grabbing at the doorknob.
“I’m glad.” She huffed, standing from couch. She made a half hearted attempt at folding the blanket she had just been covered with, draping it once more over the back of the couch.
Stiles greeted his father with an excited ‘hello’, hugging his old man tight. The two Stilinski men walked into the house together, Stiles offering to take his fathers jacket from him. Sheriff Noah Stilinski shrugged the jacket off of his shoulders, offering it to his son who promptly hung it on a hook beside the door.
“Oh, hello (Y/N).” The sheriff greeted with a warm smile, crossing to (Y/N), pulling her into a hug. The two squeezed each other tightly for a brief moment before (Y/N) let go, pushing her fingers through her hair.
Sties crossed the room and took a seat on the couch with (Y/N). The Sheriff took a seat in the overstuff and slightly uncomfortable gray armchair, across from the young couple. An air of uncomfortableness settled in the room as Stiles knotted and un-knotted his hands in his lap.
“So,” the Sheriff said, drawing out the’o’. “This is the weirdest parent/teacher conference I’ve ever attended. What has my son done now?”
Me, (Y/N) thought, covering her mouth so as not to snicker. She licked her lips, “well, Mr. Stilinski, your son’s performance has been, dare I say, less than satisfactory?”
Stiles turned to look at her, giving her a furrowed brow glare. “Excuse me? My performance in what?”
Sheriff laughed, crossing his leg over his knee. “Really, you two. Why did you guys have me come over here so early? I thought dinner wasn’t for another hour?”
“It isn’t,” Stiles responded, his throat getting dry with the realization that this was it. This was the time in which he would have to announce to his father that he was going to upgrade in dad status. That he would transcende from Father Stilinski to Grandfather Stilinski. Stiles’ palms began to sweat.
“Son,” Sheriff prompted motioning with his hand for his son to continue. “What is it?”
Stiles cleared his dry throat, rubbing his sweating palms against his jean clad thighs. “It’s nothing, really. I mean. Okay, well it’s technically something. A big something. No, really it’s a small something. It’s a small something. It’s nothing to even really concern yourself with dad. Honestly, I don’t know why we even brought this up. I promise. Nothing important.”
(Y/N) rest her hand on Stiles knee, giving it a squeeze to try stopping him from rambling. It didn’t work, and she moved her hand back to her own lap, spinning the small ring she kept above the second knuckle of her left ring finger.
Sheriff stared, watching the two of them with narrowed eyes. “What the hell are you talking about, son?” The sheriff asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well,” Stiles started again. His voice had kept it’s regular anxious pitch, but sped up. “We’ve got something to tell you. We as in (Y/N) and I. Well, technically it’s just me because (Y/N) isn’t doing much talking. She likes to watch me flounder, throw me to the wolves so to speak. Anyway,” he rubbed at his forehead, trying to collect his thoughts. “You know how we’re best friends, right dad?”
Stiles father nodded, watching his son, his eyebrow now raised in wonder. “Yeah, I’ve known that for years. Why are you clarifying?”
“Just bear with me,” Stiles encouraged, licking his lips, pulling them back between his teeth for a second while he thought of what to say next. (Y/N) pursed her lips together watching him with raised eyebrows and wide eyes. “You know we’re like, really close right? The closest I’ve ever been with someone that I’m not dating or that isn’t Scott.” “Again, yes, Stiles. Where is this going?”
Stiles shot his father a look, “let me just get there naturally.”
Sheriff Stilinski took a deep breath and sank back further against the chair.
“Anyway,” Stiles leg began bouncing. “Well a - what would you say? Month and a half? Almost two months?”
(Y/N) nodded, shrugging her shoulders a bit, “sure.”
“Almost two months ago we were hanging out - watching a show together -, and we got to drinking like grown adults do,” Stiles nodded along to his own story. “Well, right. One thing lead to another and well.” Stiles motioned between (Y/N) and himself. “We kind of - well no we totally did, get her pregnant. Well, by that I mean. I got (Y/N) pregnant, because I’m the guy and according to what I have read. That’s how it works. The one with the sperm gets the one with the egg pregnant. Right?”
(Y/N) brought her hand up to her eyes, rubbing them tiredly, mentally chastising herself when she remembered the mascara she wore on her eyelashes. “Stiles, please. Stop before you further embarrass the both of us.”
Stiles pouted a little, “I’m not embarrassing us, (Y/N). Don’t be rude. I’m trying to talk to my father about this. It’s important and it’s big - little really - like the size of a poppy seed. I have an app that tells me how big the little one is and it told me it’s a poppy seed right now.” He shook his head. “We’re having a baby.” He finally actually announced to his father, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
Noah sat in his slightly uncomfortable arm chair, processing the vomit of words his son had just strewn across the living room floor. (Y/N) glanced between the two generations of Stilinski men, her hand resting on her stomach of its own accord. When no one said anything for longer than Stiles could bear, he opened his mouth again to speak, his father's hand shooting up faster than he figured should be humanly possible.
“Don’t,” his father sighed. Noah took a deep breath, his chest constricting tightly around his lungs. “You dragged me over here to tell me a lie?”
“What?” Stiles asked, head shaking back and forth rapidly in shock, eyes widening and eyebrows shooting to his hairline. “A lie? What? No. Dad, this is - this is serious. Like, cancer serious but like, not miserable serious. It’s a baby. Dad. (Y/N)’s pregnant! With my child. Our child. What do we call it, (Y/N)? Ours or mine? I don’t really know the proper terminology. I’ve heard people say it both ways when discussing their impending offspring.”
“Stiles, you’re rambling.”
“Mhmm.” He agreed, nodding his head a little. “I am. But that’s because this... guy,” he pointed at his father. “Doesn’t believe that you’re pregnant. You just straight up called our unborn child a lie, dad. That hurts,” Stiles declared, turning to look at his father.
“I’m sorry, kid. I just,” Noah sat up a bit straighter. “I never thought that I would be sat down to be that you were going to be a father.”
“Excuse me? Do I not seem the fatherly type?”
Noah shook his head, “you do. I wasn’t finished. I meant, be a father with (Y/N). I always figured you two would be in love with each other and not say anything about it until the two of you died.”
“We aren’t in love with each other,” (Y/N) corrected, leaving the rest of the conversation untouched.
“From what I’ve sort of heard, through all of his looping rambles, is that you’re having his baby,” Sheriff pointed at Stiles his eyes on (Y/N). “That kind of makes it seem like you’re in love.”
Stiles shook his head, not wanting his father to continue to out him as being mindlessly in love with his best friend who was now holding the title of ‘mother-to-his-child’. He didn’t need that embarrassing conversation today.
“Okay,” Stiles began again. “Don’t look at this like ‘oh we’re two people in love who made a baby because it’s the next step in our wonderful loving and committed relationship’. Cause, there’s no relationship here besides a purely platonic friendship-y relationship. Right, (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) nodded, wondering how this would end.
“Think of it like in the way that like, okay. (Y/N)’s uterus - or is it your womb? God, I swear I learned anatomy once. I did. I promise, it’s a credit. Whatever, (Y/N)’s uterus sounds better. (Y/N)’s uterus is a hotel, okay. She had a vacancy, because there wasn’t a baby. Okay, see where I’m going with this? And one day I had - oh my God!” He shouted to himself, bringing his hands up to his arm that (Y/N) started smacking.
“Do not refer to my uterus as a fucking hotel, Stilinski. Jesus Christ! There are four thousand different ways you can say this, without using that weird analogy.”
Noah began laughing, shaking his head at the two in front of him.
“What I was trying to say, before you started abusing me, in front of a cop no less - was this; (Y/N) wanted a baby, I wanted a baby. She had an egg, I had sperm. Yadahyadah, we decided that I’d use her egg, she’d use my sperm. We’d do some things to get the party started, and bam! Baby.”
“I’m getting an abortion, I’ve changed my mind. I swear to God. I need a drink more than I have ever needed a drink in my entire life, Stilinski.”
“We discussed not saying you’re getting rid of the baby.”
“That was before you called my uterus a hotel.”
Noah’s laugh caused the two of them to turn their heads and stop their arguing, “so. You’re having a baby, because you’re a couple? But you’re not a couple? But you’ve been having… relations?”
“Basically,” Stiles nodded.
“Minus the couple part all together. We are just friends, who had sex, and wound up with a baby.” “So it was an accident?” Noah asked.
(Y/N) shook her head, “no! It was planned, it was planned. It was ..”
“An agreement,” Stiles finished for her.
“You guys agreed to have a baby?”
“Yep.” (Y/N) popped the ‘p’.
Noah stood up, walking away from the two of them. Stiles bound after his father, brows knitted together in confusion. “What are you doin’?” He wondered, gripping onto the edge of the counter when they both stopped in the kitchen.
“Getting a drink,” Noah declared, finding a bottle of whiskey in Stiles liquor cabinet.
“Get me one!” (Y/N) called from the living room.
“Ignore her,” Stiles sighed. “Look, dad. I promise it isn’t as weird as it sounds. It really isn’t. She’s my best friend in the entire world. I would kill a numerous amount of men for her if I so needed to. That’s why this is so perfect. I really wanted a child, dad. And so did she, you should have seen the way she looked when we first started the conversation that spurred on us deciding to have a baby together. It was heartbreaking.”
“I know the look,” Noah mused, adding a handful of ice to a glass he’d taken from the cupboard.
“Right, cause you’re a dad. Anyway,” Stiles rubbed at the back of his neck. “She was gonna go to a sperm bank, dad. How gross is that?”
“Aren’t you essentially a familiar sperm bank?”
“Ouch. Wow, okay, no. I’m going to help raise the baby. It’s going to be split, fifty-fifty. Half hers, half mine. Sperm banks are one hundred percent the mom, zero percent the father. I didn’t think I needed to explain that.” Stiles sighed, taking the drink from his father when he walked close enough.
“That was mine,” Noah acknowledged, turning back around to make himself another drink.
“It’s going to be good, dad. Seriously. This baby is going to be so lucky. Not only will (Y/N) be it’s mother, which already sets it up to have a good chance in life, but it’ll have me and you, and the whole rest of the pack. This may seem weird, trust me. I’ve spent every night since we made this agreement thinking about how weird it is. But. It’s good. I promise. I’m happy, dad. I’m excited.”
Noah turned his head, looking at his son over his shoulder. “You and I both know this is going to hurt you, Stiles.”
Stiles downed the amber liquid from his stolen glass, setting it down on the countertop with a clink. “How is it going to hurt me?”
“Cause,” Noah turned around, leaning his back against the counter. “I know you’re in love with her. I know because you’ve told me, time and time again. I know because you look at her like I was told I looked at your mother.” Noah frowned, giving his son an apologetic look. “She was quick to shut down you two being in a relationship when I mentioned it, son. She probably sees this as no more than what you were trying to peddle me out there, a business deal.”
“It is,” Stiles said with no truth to it.
“Sure,” Noah disagreed. “Look. I just know that the longer she’s pregnant, the more attached you both will get to each other. You’re going to fall for her harder, Stiles. C’mon. You know that. You know that this isn’t going to end well for you, son. When that baby comes she’s going to go back to being the same ol’ best friend she always was to you, and it’s going to break your heart. You’re going to have to share custody of this baby with her, and you’re going to probably have to watch her get into a relationship with someone else. I just,” Noah shook his head, downing his drink in the same manner his son had done a moment prior.
Stiles shook his head, spinning the ice in the glass with his middle finger. “I’ll be fine, dad,” Stiles promised, not looking up at his father. “I’ll be fine. I’ll be good. We’ll be good. Can’t you just, maybe, be happy for me? I’m going to be a father, dad… This is good.”
Noah frowned for a brief second before nodding, “okay, Stiles. You’re right. You’ll be good. C’mere.”
Stiles crossed the kitchen, embracing his dad in a warm hug. “I’m really happy for you, kiddo. Congratulations, to you and (Y/N).”
“Thanks, dad,” Stiles said, smiling into the hug.
Tags: @ellie-bee242,  @redstringlovers, @lovefilledtragedy, @behind-my-hazeleyes27, @girlwiththerubyslippers, @bilesbilinskix, @omgimafuckingmermaid, @daddyxraeken, @itsambreh, @redemptivesammy, @sumcp, @cuillere, @ela-loves-you, @stargazeroutloud29
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