#hello snips 😭😭
crosshairslongasslegs · 10 months
this isn’t adult ahsoka. this is the face of little snips from clone wars looking at her master for the first time in forever
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harrystylesfan2686 · 4 months
Hello! For the dialogue, number 18 AzrielxReader.
Thank you!
"Stay With Me."
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: You get Hurt on a mission with Azriel.
Warnings: slight mentions of torture
A/N: hey!! Thanks for requesting! Hope you like this!!💕😭
Dialogue Prompts Masterlist Part 2
"I, am, tired!" You struggle saying each word, considering you are walking through a storm in forest.
You are on a mission with Azriel, of all people. You have no idea what Rhysand was doing pairing you both together. He knows how the two of you don't get along but he still, put you with each other.
You are currently walking through a woods along Night Court border. You were supposed to meet Eris for some information Rhysand needed against Barron but the basturd didn't show up, instead a storm did. Out of nowhere, heavy drops of rain started falling, covering the forest with dark clouds and muddy road.
You can't fly due to the water and can't winnow because you can't see anything, so, the two of you decided, walking it is. Having no idea where you are going, you have been walking for hours, surely Rhysand would be suspicious by now.
"You complaint too much." You can practically hear Azriel's eye roll following his remark. He might seem quite and kind to other people, which he is, to other people. Not to you though, his entire personality changes when it comes to you. All the kind and quite persona gets replaced with a snarky and bored one. Arguing with you seems to be his life purpose.
You don't understand why. He has always been that way with you. You were so good from the moment you met. You and Rhysand met first, having both being victims of Amarantha, in different ways. You know the horrors Rhysand had to suffer to survive, you didn't nearly spent the same enduring as him but Amarantha kept you with her for her torturing tasks, scaring you body with her anger.
You and him escaped her together and he brought you back to Velaris with him, knowing you haven't got any family left. He introduced you to his inner circle and kept you in as one of Azriel's spies. You were so excited to finally meet the infamous Spymaster, what you didn't expect was the cold expression he had in his eyes after meeting you.
You groan and take the next step heavier in anger, hoping to stomp your foot but your breath leaves you body when you foot gets sucked in a giant hole, being covered with dried sticks and mud. You scream as you fall, the hole bigger than you thought it be.
When you finally fall on the ground with a thug, you stay still for a second and then the pain hits. Quickly starting from your abdomen and spreading to the rest of your body. You feel snips of pain all over your body, having being covered with small cuts by the dried wood, but the main source of pain is into your stomach.
You try to get up but cry out in pain, again laying down. This time you only lift your head to see what causes such immense pain. You gasp when you see black matel, and small sharp teeth like points connected to a thick matel band.
A bear trap. Great. Seems like you are a bear now.
You can't even breath through the pain. It's that bad. The sharp points digging into your skin with more force every second, your blood now starting to pool beneath you. You close your eyes as you feel a wave of dizziness behind your eyes.
"Shit, Y/N!" Azriel's voice comes to you first before you feel his hands coming to your body. "This is going to hurt." Is the only warning you get before his hands dig into your stomach, pulling at the matel. You scream out as it finally get out of you, leaving huge gapping holes and straches that, now, also bleed.
You sob in pain as Azriel throws away the trap and covers your injury with his hand. You turn to look at the thing, large enough campared to half your body. You realize it would kill you if Az hadn't taken it out. Gods, where do people even find weapons so big.
You cry again when Az press on your wound and lefts your upper body to his. The rain pouring only making things worse and he spreads out his wings, as if reading your thoughts, hiding you from the rain and the world.
"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Your voice coming out weaker then you imagined and Az sucks in a breath.
"Shut up. You aren't going to die." Sure, Rhysand will come for you both. And if he doesn't, Az will carry you all the way to Valeris himself if he'll have to. Letting you go is not an option.
"Who will you have to fight with after I'm gone? Hm?" You try to joke, laughing at yourself weakly but Azriel looks mad.
"You're alright. We're getting out of here, you're going to heal and we are going to keep fighting like we always do." The small quiver in his voice spoke more than he wanted to.
"I hope so." Your eyes closing now.
"No, no, no, no. Hey! Hey, look at me!" His hands jerk your face, desperately trying to keep your eyes open and to his. He groans out, thinking of a way to keep you awake and then freezes, saying the one thing that has you so shocked, you don't think of anything else.
"You're my mate."
His hand, that was to your wound clasp around yours, again putting it to the bleeding hole, now pressing with both of your hands, and he looks into your eyes, repeating his words trying to get you to see the truth in them. After a moment, your fingers slightly tighten around his and he almost cries in relief.
"What?" Your voice so weak, it brings tears in his eyes. "How?"
"I'm sorry. I never told you before. I was never strong enough to do so." Your slightly quickened breathing and eyes on his, he takes this as good signs and continues talking, hoping to keep you interested and shocked enough to stay awake until he finds a way to get out.
"From the moment I met you, I've known. You are my mate. The person I longed for all this time. I- I didn't tell you because I was ashamed. Ashamed to admit that you got paired with someone like myself. You happy personality was something I could never keep up to. I could never keep you happy." A tear falls down his eye but he ignores it and keeps talking, keeps your beautiful eyes on him. "I love you, Y/N. I always have. From moment- we first met. From the second I layed my eyes on you. I don't want you to be stuck with me, so I never told. I was a coward, darling. I am so sorry."
The name he called, doing something to you. Making you feel something you haven't felt before.
Your mate.
Azriel is your mate. He has known this, ever since he met you and didn't tell you, but you can't find it in yourself to be angry at him. In a way you understand him. Understand why he did what he did, you wouldn't have told him either, given how you thought of yourself, you wouldn't want to tie him to you forever too. Hel, you probably would have ran away, afraid of what having a mate would imply.
But now, you don't care about any of this. You have a mate. And you will show him just how much you want him. If this is, in fact, your last living moment, you will not waste it. You weakly lift your other hand, keeping one to his, and touch his face. The act taking so much enery, your fingers shaking against his cheek and he can clearly feel it, given that now more tears fall down his face.
"I am proud to call you my mate."
You weakly smile at him. His eyes now shut close and he hugs you to his body, the hand that is to yours, now cluching tighter and the other around your back, his face buried in your neck and he cries harder.
The last thing you hear before darkness sweeps you, is his voice begging you to stay as tears fill your face and neck.
"Please, stay with me."
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aesthetictanuki · 2 months
Prepare for a long post, because I finally finished scrolling through pics on iMDB, like I have to share this with someone 😭And yes, I'm gonna talk your ear off, but like how can you not??? Look at all these-
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Looking like a hootling or a cat ksjfkdfj 😭🫶
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I posted a snip of this already, I can't get over it 😭😭 Casually side-eyeing the entire FT13 production, he looks so offended LMAO
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I know he's just about to attack, but like HELLO???
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Looking like he's about to take a pic of the wilderness around, he's so proud of the forest he protects fr fr <3
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Looking like he's getting a migraine from all those people he has to chase 😔
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I just like this pic of Hodder in front of the camera <3
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Is this what an existencial crisis looks like?
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There are also cool, serious ones
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And I gotta say, Friday the 13th (2009) went crazy with potential wallpapers
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I know it's just a model of his mask, but like 🤭
And now the final part of "my special interest going crazy" post
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wordsofhoneydew · 23 days
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happy hump day!!
hello all<3 today i finally mustered up the motivation to write after over a month of debilitating ass writers block 😭 but i persevered!! and hopefully ill be able to go back to posting regularly
thank you for tag @theprinceandagcd !!<3
here’s a little snip of chapter 2 of ‘i became your device to name and soothe’
This is what Nora loves most about living with June: the routine of it all. June comes home in her perfectly tailored work suit, and Nora watches her dress down into something more comfortable before finally taking a seat next to her on the couch, sometimes falling into a perfectly comfortable silence and other times with flirtatious banter that bounces off their tongues like an Olympic tennis match.
“You look pretty.” Nora says almost absentmindedly, completely mesmerized by the way June’s hair flows in effortless curls over her shoulders when she lets it down from its bun. Nora is staring. Shamelessly.
June blushes, crossing her arms over her chest. Nora failingly ignores the way the action squeezes her breasts together, on full display by the undone buttons of her dress shirt. She’s so distracted that she nearly misses the glint of gold hoop earrings that hang from June’s ears.
“Are those my earrings?”
June’s smile morphs into a wicked grin. “Maybe. What’re you gonna do about it, huh?” She teases, hooking her fingers behind her ears and clipping the earrings off with such ease.
“Is that a challenge, Catalina?” Nora places her laptop on the coffee table as June begins to inch away from her on the couch.
“Come n’find out.” June winks and then she’s bolting over the arm of the couch.
tags are always open!!
@anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @nocoastposts @saturntheday @blueeyedgrlwrites @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @bigassbowlingballhead @firenati0n @alasse9 @sparklepocalypse @getmehighonmagic @heysweetheart-writes @softboynick @happiness-of-the-pursuit @captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie @itsmaybitheway @ninzied @cha-melodius @suseagull04 @littlemisskittentoes @bitbybitwrites @cricketnationrise @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @porcelainmortal @ad-astra13 @read-and-write- @starrypiscesao3 @thedramasummer @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @thinkof-england
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albywritesfiction · 8 months
I like to think Helene will start a lot of discourse among scholars and analysts and gossip tabloids, like:
- the full social, economic and political consequences of Ædan breaking the engagement in such an open callous faux pas way: he insulted MC's duchy which also happens to hold a huge chunk of the kingdom's population, he likely annoyed (or pleased) a lot of nobles in the court with his decision to marry Helene (on one hand, some random peasant on the throne!; on the other hand, someone who wouldn't be familiar with the intrigues of court nearby— I don't think Helene will be ready for the sharks in the court regardless of her true colors), and most importantly, he damaged the relationship between the royal family and the kingdom's shield
- the correctness of putting some abbey-raised random commonfolk on the throne while MC was raised within not just that culture, but also with the expectations of one day shouldering the responsibility of co-leading the kingdom— asking if Helene will be able to handle the pressure
- making note of Ædan trying to sell the idea of The People's Princess to the masses with a lot of success but also snipping about Helene relying on Ædan with it and how that fails with the Duchy of Argentius
- whether putting a God's Favored on the throne will affect the kingdom's relationship with the religious institutions socially and politically— should we expect them to get stronger and have more influence in the legislation?
- MC's popularity also having a surge due to Ædan's actions increasing sympathy for them— speculating on whether the relationship with Helene had existed before the end of the engagement, some even accusing Helene of being a homewrecker and a golddigger, calling her Ædan's mistress (you will always be Princess Diana-coded for me, MC!) etc. Tabloids in specific would have SO much fun with this. "Sources close to the prince/princess/MC" abound!! Candid photos!! Interviews being asked for!!
- Many nobles coming out of the woodshed tripping and asking for MC's hand in marriage (after the appropriate amount of time passed, of course!) because MC is still the child of a duke (which would make them a marquess or an earl*, depending on MC's father's titles) and they are well-educated (and for me, likely very attractive)
* these are the titles the eldest son can get while the daughters only get "lady" but I will be assuming girls can be given these titles as well if they are the first born based on the general acceptance of the AU's world
Hello Anon!
I really had a great time reading this ask, so much so that I'm kinda sad that this ask is leaving my inbox, but I really enjoyed it and I think other people would enjoy it too, so I shall curb my selfish desire to keep this to myself so we can all enjoy it together 😄
(I am so sorry for putting this up so late, I thought I had it queued up already like weeks ago 😭)
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blackknight-100 · 5 months
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Hello there anon, and thank you for the prompt! I got so excited with this I accidentally posted your ask without answering it (I'm so sorry😭😭) so I'm afraid I have to use a screenshot. I hope you like reading this!
Character Swap - Arjuna and Karna
Phalguna comes to Kuntidesha as it always does, but this year the air is colder, and the soil is wet with rain. The ponds are full and even rivers flow swifter, for Indra turns his eye upon them.
Princess Pritha bears the last few weeks of her womanly toil with ill grace; she is yet sixteen, face perpetually wrinkled in agony. The King of Gods has promised her maidenhood, Pritha thinks she would have given that up to be rid of this soreness.
When her time comes one cloudy eve, her trusted maid kneels by her screaming self, and snips the cord off a divine child.
The babe is soft and beautiful, with her looks and her smile and her curled hair; he yawns in restless sleep like a little dark moon. Pritha’s head is bent in prayer, her still-young heart is numb. She is a princess of two noble Kings, a star in the darkness of Āryavarta. Few women have her fortune, even lesser have her power, and yet she is just another girl, at the mercy of sages and gods, and the thought makes Pritha's head bow lower.
She stands by the raging Aswa as her maid gently sets the basket afloat, for foolish she may be, but cruelty comes only through her orders, and never by her hand, and the sky shatters with thunder and rain. Of all the recipients of Indra’s wrath, there has never been one more tragic.
His father from his heavenly throne names the child Arjuna, swears to guide and lead and bestow divine counsel, but as songs later let us know: he is ever known by his mothers’ names, for he is Rādha and Pritha's son.
Karna is born the last of Kunti’s sons, and the third of Pāndu’s scions. He comes into the world like a shining light, with her face and her smile and her curls in his hair. For the first few weeks, Kunti cannot bear to look at the babe, and nurses him with her eyes to the sky. The sun shines upon them, bright and reprimanding, and Kunti wills Surya to chastise his own brother.
To Mādri she says, and to a concerned Pāndu, that the birth tired her, to the child she murmurs tales of a long-lost brother.
“He looked just like you,” Kunti tells him, as Karna swings in his cradle. It is a rickety thing, old as Yudhisthira, and worn with Bheema’s fervour, but it is a cradle still, and Kunti wonders if her other son ever knew one.
“I think you would have loved him,” Kunti says, wistfully, weaving dreams out of her yearning. “He would have been your big brother.”
The boy in the cradle coos at her, toothless smile lighting up the world, and for a moment his face is dark, and outside it rains, and the babe in her arms is Indra’s child.
“You are terrible,” Arjuna scowls at Duryodhana, even though his father has taken great pains to counsel him otherwise. “He is just having fun.”
Duryodhana turns an interesting shade of purple. “His fun involves beating up my brothers and acting innocent when Pitāmaha asks him about it.”
Arjuna has no reason to defend this new prince, one whom he has never seen nor met, but his mouth betrays him once more. “That is not a good enough reason to kill him. You are merely jealous.”
“Kill whom?” says a voice, and Arjuna nigh jumps out of his skin as a boy swings down from the mango tree.
“Karna,” Duryodhana sighs. “Are you troubling the squirrels again?”
“No,” the boy says, shoving his fist behind his back. He is barely five and... light; his eyes are light and honey-brown, his hair is the light of sunshine on tree-barks, and his face glows like day. “You’re going to kill my brother,” he repeats stubbornly.
Arjuna blinks; his father would not forgive him for this.
Duryodhana sighs once more. “Your brother is beating mine up.”
“I will tell him not to,” Karna promises, and Arjuna is a little sorry for the boy – all wobbling lips and earnest eyes. “I will tell Mother if he does. Please don’t kill him.”
Arjuna expects Duryodhana to say something like ‘Run along, child’ or ‘Do not eavesdrop on your elders’, but the prince has an indulgent, almost fond look on his face.
“Give me that,” he says, pointing at the hand Karna has behind his back. Arjuna thinks it a cruel thing to ask, then the boy reluctantly brings out a bursting handful of areca nuts, and Arjuna has to laugh.
Duryodhana smiles as well, plucks one of the six in his hand. Karna drops two others, and as he bends to retrieve his fallen treasures, Duryodhana ruffles his hair.
“Run along now, little scamp,” the Kaurava prince says.
“Are you going to kill him?” Karna asks, eyes wide and worried.
“No,” Duryodhana assures him, “but remember what we agreed, yes?”
Karna beams at them, one after the other. “I will! See you.”
With that, he is gone.
Duryodhana cracks the nut and hands half of it to Arjuna – sinfully possessive one moment, impossibly generous the next.
Arjuna gapes at him. “Are you really not going to kill Bheem?”
Duryodhana glowers at him. “Go lay an egg,” he says, rudely, and stalks off. Arjuna stares at his retreating back, confused.
But no news comes that day, or the next, or any of the weeks after, and slowly, Arjuna learns to breathe easier.
“Who is that?” Krishna asks.
Karna starts, he has not been paying attention. Krishna is the scion of faraway Dwārika, and not much of an acquaintance in any manner of the term, although the dark haired prince claims he has hardly ever been outside Vrindāvan, and never to the city by the sea.
“Pardon me,” Karna says, contrite, “whom do you speak of?”
“That boy,” says Krishna, and points towards a lone figure lurking by the stables.
“That is Arjuna. His father is Pitāmaha's charioteer.”
“May I speak to him?”
“Excuse me,” Karna hails the older boy, “can you spare a moment?”
Arjuna appears at his side, all muddy fringes and stiff bows. “Greetings, princes.”
“Greetings,” Karna nods. “This is Krishna, my cousin. Krishna, Arjuna.”
Krishna is tall and dark, his young face beams with pleasure. “How do you do, Pārtha?”
Arjuna blinks. “Uh... I am not called that. My mother’s name is Rādha.”
Krishna gives him a secret smile, and waves at someone above his head. Karna, distracted by a squirrel, nearly misses it.
“Duryodhana?” he says, delighted, when he notices the other boy on the balcony. “Come down, come down.”
Krishna shakes his arm. “Perhaps, the four of us can go to the garden?”
Sometime later, the four of them are seated around a bush, shears in hand. The rose shrub is not big enough to make a topiary out of, but Queen Gandhari has arranged tables around it with the hopes of giving the boys a more fruitful pastime to channel their excitement into.
“And what should I do?”
Arjuna is seated beside Krishna, facing the others. Duryodhana picks up his shears and snips a stray leaf. “We have to make this appear smooth and shapely.”
Karna stares at him. “Because Aunt Gandhari says so, of course.”
Krishna pulls his legs up on the bench, lifts a fist to the air. “Let’s dooo it!”
For the next couple of hours they work diligently, or at least pretend to, for Duryodhana starts kicking Karna under the bench, and Karna kicks him back, and it is an entertaining game; Krishna, meanwhile, shows Arjuna how and where to snip – he has clever eyes, and his hands are dexterous.
When they finally leave, one side of the bush poorer than the other, Krishna swings his hands around his new friend’s shoulders and lags behind the two princes. “You were saying Guru Drona does not want to teach you?”
Arjuna flushes. “That is true. It is er... his choice, of course, no disrespect intended.”
Krishna’s eyes twinkle. “Dau and I are going to study with Guru Sāndīpani. Do you wish to come with?”
Arjuna chances a glance at Karna, barely jealous, but there still. “I think I would like that.”
“Can we not do this here?” Arjuna hisses. His father looks over from the garden where he and Rādha Mā are talking to Lord Bhishma, and Arjuna is afraid.
“Come now,” Duryodhana groans. “We are settling it man to man, just as Pitāmaha wanted. What is wrong now?”
Arjuna glances at the Pāndava brothers, aching with the weight of Anga’s crown and the knowledge of the Jatugrīha. “Why am I a part of this conversation?”
Yudhisthira coughs politely, as he is wont to. It gets on Arjuna's nerves like nothing else. “If you will excuse me,” he says, “we must greet our mother.”
The Pāndavas glance up as one, and Arjuna notices Dowager Empress Kunti hurrying down the steps.
“Mother,” Karna and Sahadeva exclaim excitably and there is a flurry of motion as they settle down to accept their blessings. To his surprise, Duryodhana follows, and he is compelled to join in the flock.
“There you are, darling,” Kunti says, pulling him up, then freezes.
Something old and forgotten stirs within Arjuna – a shadow of a memory, a wisp of a dream, a woman still as a flame with a child in her arms. Mother, he nearly says, ancient words soaring to his mouth, the shapes of them lingering on his tongue. Mother, look what we have brought home.
Then the Grandfather joins them and the moment is gone.
His father throws him a disapproving glance, and Arjuna shrinks from the princes. His mother, though, is staring at Karna.
“Vāsu...?” she whispers, as if to a ghost, and Karna turns.
“Yes, Mā?”
“His name is Karna,” Bheema declares loudly, and glares at them. The prince has not yet forgiven Arjuna’s stunt at the Graduation, even if Karna claims he would have done the same.
Radha Mā looks flustered, and Karna shifts in discomfort, as if put on a stage for a part he does not know how to play. Adhiratha grabs Arjuna and wraps an arm around his wife.
“Please forgive her, Prince,” he says, and starts pulling them away. “By your leave...”
Arjuna supposes they have embarrassed his father enough. His mother walks as if in a trance. “Vāsu?” she murmurs under her breath. “Vāsusena... child, where are you gone?”
Arjuna, alarmed, turns one last time. Karna is miserable and bewildered, staring after Rādha like a lost child, and Kunti's eyes, seeking him, are wet with tears.
Arjuna sits silent and still, horror trembling beneath his skin like a fluttering bird.
“Duryodhana, please...” Arjuna whispers, unsure of what he begs, and fearful of the prince's wrath.
“I bet my brother, Karna,” Yudhisthira says, drunk on dharma and shivering with repentance. “If I win, I shall have him and all that is on the board; if you do, then he is yours.”
Karna looks up, stunned. There is betrayal on his face, and Arjuna’s heart stings. Even Duryodhana frowns, for Karna alone of all his cousins he names a friend.
“As you say,” Shakuni shrugs, and rolls his dice. “Lo! I win!”
Karna rises from his seat without being asked, walks over to kneel beside his brothers. His mien is smooth and calm now, all torment shielded behind a mask, but Bheema leaps up, enraged.
“Brother!” he tells Yudhisthira, “Hear me! Cease this madness before you lose all else.”
“I cannot leave them to this fate, Bheema,” Yudhisthira says, and picks the dice again. “I stake Bheema.”
“No, wait,” Duryodhana says, brows furrowed. “Māmāshree, do not bet now.”
The two players look up.
“No more?” Yudhisthira repeats slowly, as if he thought this game would go on forever, till the last brother was staked, and perhaps his wife and mother as well.
“Are you sure, my dear?” Shakuni asks.
Duryodhana ignores both of them, strides over to Karna. “Come with me.”
“I shall split your head open,” Bheema roars from beside Yudhisthira. “Leave him alone.”
“I won him,” Duryodhana reminds him coldly, “and I would that he comes with me.”
Karna rises with a grace that startles Arjuna, no longer the clumsy middle prince who dropped things, just like he is no longer a charioteer's dutiful son.
“I will go,” he says, and Yudhisthira turns to the court at large. “Please forgive my brother’s outburst.”
Arjuna wants to slap him.
Duryodhana wraps an arm around Karna's shoulders, and steers him to the doors. For a moment it appears that Bheema would follow, but then the Kaurava prince dismisses the guards, and they step just outside, far enough so no one can overhear whispers, but near enough that they are seen, and a fuming Bheema sits back down.
Arjuna sits and waits for a long time, like all others at court, even the blind Emperor, who can never walk without his son, and thinks miserably of how much Krishna would disapprove.
He is about to join them, either to pacify or to add fuel to the fire, when Karna speaks, loud and sarcastic enough to be heard all over the court. “I loved it. I loved it so much I am going to write a play about it, and have actors sent to perform it all over Āryavarta. Why, I should- ”
Duryodhana catches his flailing hands, shushes him. They whisper once more. The blind Emperor swivels his head in apparent confusion. Arjuna gets up to intervene.
Then Duryodhana walks in, a furious Karna in tow.
Arjuna seizes him by the arm. “Let them go, Duryodhana,” he pleads. “Do not do this.”
His patron and friend...? looks at him quietly for a long time, so long that Arjuna very nearly reaches for his bow.
Dhritarashtra, for once in his life, takes the cue. “Court is dismissed,” he calls, and the ordeal is over.
“You have counselled me wisely,” Duryodhana says at last. “Now, and before. It is a shame that I heeded you not.” Then he raises his head and says aloud, without preamble or explanation, “Let all be returned and restored to the Pāndava princes. Thank you, noble ones, for joining us in this game. We shall retire soon for lunch.”
Two years later, when the knowledge of the game is a rumour, and the incident at Indraprastha's lake is forgotten, Karna comes alone to Hastinapura. Krishna, who is visiting, gives Arjuna one of his secret smiles.
At the gates, Duryodhana meets him stiffly, for things have never been the same between the two sets of cousins. They bow ceremoniously, Dhritarashtra speaks a few half-hearted greetings, and Gandhari fusses over him.
Karna and Duryodhana stare at each other, and then Karna wraps him in a fierce hug.
“You’re not forgiven,” the Pandava prince says, voice muffled, but Arjuna notes Karna's trembling hands and thinks he knows otherwise.
Then, to his surprise, Karna turns to him. Krishna smiles at him again and whispers, “Prepare yourself, Angarāja.”
Before Arjuna can ask him what he means, Karna bows to him and says, “Greetings, brother.”
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techs-goggles9902 · 10 months
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“Hello, Snips” 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
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sp00ky-p00ky · 10 months
Ahsoka Epispde 4
The entire episode was so good, I thought we were going to get Ezra, but...
"Hello, Snips"
Snips & SkyGuy back together again ❤️
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trashcora · 10 months
hello snips 🥹😭
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a-fiery-fox · 6 months
Just dropping in to let you know that your fic Odi et Amo is like the best thing ever
It’s really great and I can’t wait to see where you take us with those two idiots!!
Thank you soo much!!! Gahh how sweet😭 they are idiots through and through fr. Might know how to conjugate verbs in Latin but mutual attraction? Hell nah, they blind af.
Anyways, a smol snip for u (still very much a work in progress but you might like it):
"Why did you leave?" Sirius asks.
Remus breathes in deep. Runs a hand through his hair. "I thought i could do it."
Sirius' eyes are piercing. "Do what?"
"To have you and let you go again. To have this be a one time thing and be fine with it." He presses his lips together. "But I can't. I can't and I don't know why. You have this—this pull on me. I don't know what to do."
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joethemo · 10 months
Hello Snips 😭😭😭😭😭
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bikananjarrus · 10 months
i rewatched episode 4 of ahsoka (bc i wasn’t super focused the first time) so here’s a little review in bullet point form!
(this got kinda long i’m so sorry. i love complaining lol)
starting with things i liked:
-finally seeing sabine actually fighting in her mandalorian armor! it felt like the sabine we know and love
-the ghost!!!!!! THE GHOST MY BELOVED!!!!!!! prettiest ship in star wars fr
-seeing jacen again! literally he is my baby boy 💚 (also the “mom…I’ve got a bad feeling” like yeah 😭)
-ahsoka pulling the ‘obiwan dealing the killing blow to maul a la twin suns’ move on marrok was good and the fight choreography with baylan was solid i thought. you could feel the weight behind him and ahsoka’s moves
-baylan and shin’s outfits are so cool
-i like sabine’s move to go with baylan and shin a lot
-the wbw looks quite pretty in live action, i will admit. like how the path glitters like stars and that fade in shot from the water to the stars? very good
-anakin!!!!!! HAYDEN ANAKIN HI BESTIE HELLO HI! also hearing hayden anakin say “snips” 😭😭😭
things that i didn’t like and am here to complain about:
-ahsoka telling sabine that if they can’t get the map back they should destroy it, and thus destroy the chance at finding Ezra ever. Now. This is practical, and I don’t really dislike it for that reason. And I think as far as it goes for Ahsoka’s character, trying to fall back on old jedi ideals of not choosing attachments, choosing the greater good, this also makes sense. it just, idk. there’s something about it that is irking me
-the absolutely terrible writing for hera’s role as general. there was that whole line about “i’m a general, nothing’s classified to me” in ep2, and now with the disobeying orders and telling that lieutenant to cover for her and telling jacen that when he’s a general he can disobey orders too. that would literally just not fly in a military organization. and character-wise, hera is all about protocol and setting a good example in the rebellion, this is NOT hera and it just makes her look bad.
-baylan’s random “witchcraft” comment towards morgan. a) wouldn’t it have made more sense to put a line like that in ep2 when she first showed him the sphere? and b) just felt like a weird comment in general? the nightsisters have a relationship to the force too, and baylan is old enough and seems old school and sentimental enough to respect that, not look down on it. Just odd.
-the dialogue in general this ep just felt so clunky and shallow to me. There was no depth to hardly any of the conversations, even ones that should’ve had depth. I thought ep3 improved on the dialogue slightly, actually putting emotion into, and making it feel like the characters had relationships with one another. and in this ep it just felt so rehearsed again.
-relatedly, sabine kept saying things in her dialogue that gave away key information (“go get the map”, hera’s name, etc.) and it was so frustrating! on a character level, sabine is smarter than that. on a technical/craft level, the dialogue is just not thought out.
-also related to the lack of emotion, it was written in a way that we get almost no reaction from sabine when ahsoka says that they may have to leave ezra behind for good (despite the fact that we find out later in the ep that ahsoka let sabine down in some capacity when it came to sabine helping her family). And when it came to sabine’s family, almost no reaction there either! absolutely no shade to natasha, i think she’s doing a fine job. i just don’t think filoni knows how to write sabine. Or women in general.
-not sure how i feel about the rest of baylan and ahsoka’s confrontation. i feel like we’re supposed to feel more, especially with the “anakin spoke highly of you” / “everyone in the Order knew anakin skywalker” and baylan mentioning ahsoka “abandoning” anakin (which, starting to beat the dead horse with that one filoni. that theme has come up before and been done better, ie when it was done in rebels!). like maybe if baylan and ahsoka had talked more about being masters themselves or the end of the clone war (since they’re both survivors), something! we could maybe establish more of a connection, since it seems like they’re supposed to be fools (like sabine and shin are being set up to be).
-marrok. The move ahsoka pulled on him was cool, but otherwise, why was he here? Also reanimated nightsister or some other dathomir ghost?? I’m guessing that’s what the green smoke was? weird. fine, i guess. But just like what was the point of having marrok around when we already have baylan and shin and morgan?
-“your legacy, like your master’s, is one of death and destruction.” ???? i’m not sure exactly what this is supposed to mean????? any harm ahsoka has caused (intentionally or unintentionally) in her lifetime is nowhere near, oh idk, the fucking child murder???? and murder of all the jedi???
-the dialogue in this ep is just SO baffling.
-ahsoka automatically assuming sabine was dead when she saw shin (like girl can’t you sense that sabine isn’t dead??) and then getting all angry when she fought back at baylan again. it’s giving copy-pasted kanan (briefly) thinking ezra was dead in fire across the galaxy, but the worse version. kanan did it better <333
-called this before the show even came out, but i fucking knew filoni was just going to write off Sabine’s family as dead (if he mentioned them at all, which tbh i’m a little surprised he didn’t forget about them entirely). i knew it was coming and YET. still disappointing bc i know they’re not going to address the deaths of her family or Sabine’s trauma in a meaningful, well-written way 🙃🥲
-hera being told that the enemy has a giant hyperspace ring and then flying right in its path and then not moving or telling her pilots to take evasive action when it was powering up. fucking ooc she’s a better pilot than that
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saltinekryze · 10 months
ahsoka ep 1x04 liveblog / post-mortem
the ultimatum about sacrificing ezra for good to prevent thrawn’s return…. i had a feeling it would come to that but actually hearing it hurt. OOF!
ahsoka expressing the same thought to sabine that ezra once did — “can i count on you?” bro i’m gonna THROW UP 😭
sabine fighting like a mandalorian let’s fucking GOOOOO
when jacen asked why his mom gets to disobey orders and he doesn’t, chopper definitely said “yeah what’s up with that?” 💀
hera let jacen push the lever to send them into hyperspace 🥹
oh the cloak removal….. the drama….
ahsoka’s lightsaber twirl was SO anakin-like pls
“he never mentioned you” ooooh burnnnn
MORE CLOAK REMOVALS (*insert “she’s so crazzyy!! love her!!” meme*)
i must add that i love baylan’s costume design. ray stevenson himself brings such an interesting physicality to the role. like a stoic old king or medieval knight.
interesting that ahsoka hasnt been using her second saber….
canon confirmation that sabine’s family died on mandalore 😭😭😭 but the “because your master didn’t trust you” line had me wondering. didn’t they die in the purge mentioned in the mandalorian? if not, what exactly happened and how does ahsoka tie in?
(she is training to be a jedi but can’t let go of her personal attachments… she has lost so much already and she cannot bear to also lose ezra for good….. i am SADDDD)
ANAKIN!!!!!! IM CRYING (damn they really got hayden with the cgi. i understand they needed to de-age him but i was like o that’s a Lot)
we are def gonna get some funky world between worlds shit next week (hell yeah). flashback mayhaps???
speaking of the world between worlds. you know who else has accessed that plane? that’s right…. ezra bridger. babe where are u? we miss you. sabine misses you. we want to see you. what have you been up to? are you doing okay? are you staying hydrated?
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questforgalas · 10 months
Thoughts while watching Ahsoka Ep 4!!
(wow was this a rollercoaster, get ready for a lot of caps lol)
Seriously so in love with the set design
I’m gonna say it, I love Rosaria’s Ahsoka, she’ll never top Ashley’s but I love this portrayal of grown up, v traumatized, had to mature way faster than she wanted Ahsoka
Seriously this cinematography and set design is gorgeous
Ooooo mysterious droids
Utterly obsessed we get a live action night sister like so fucking cool
Gawd Sabine’s armor in live action is so cool
Ugh Ahsoka is so traumatized over Anakin. My wittle babygirl
Is that the first ever droid brawl in Star Wars??? Absolutely amazing
“Stay together. You always did better that way. In my opinion” PARALLELED TO OBI WAN’S “we’ll be fine as long as we stick together” SOMEBODY SEDATE ME OH MY GOD
Jacen 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh my god Hera bringing Jacen and pulling the “when you’re a general but for now you’re my kid” line what a freaking boss ass mom
Lord almighty Ray Stevenson was so good I’m so sad he isn’t able to enjoy this fucking killer performance he delivered
Oooo great robe drop Shin
Oh my fucking god do I love Ahsoka’s cocky slow eye flick to Marrock she is so good with the quiet confidence (that’s so Obi-Wan by the way)
Yo this fight choreography is fucking sick
Fucking Jedi and their dramatics with robes lol
“Really? He never mentioned you” AHSOKA YOUR ANAKIN IS SHOWING
Do you think Anakin and Obi-wan’s force ghosts are munching some popcorn positively giddy watching their padawan sass and slay like a legend?
How dare you mention her walking away Balon
Yes babygirl slay
Um such a good tennis match of dialogue here between Balon and Ahsoka???
Oh my god she’s so fucking beautiful 😭😭
Absolutely in love with the quiet of this scene, hearing the hum of the lightsabers and Ahsoka’s steps as she circles, felt so meditative and suspenseful at the same time
This happened so long ago but so funny that Marrock was the subject of every pre-series theory and he ended up being just some dust dude lol
Very cool shot of Sabine’s helmet in the forefront as Sabine fights with the lightsaber in the background
Yasss use that beskar Sabine
“Your legacy and your master’s is death and destruction” Balon come over I just want to have a chat
Ohhhh your padawan is potentially dead and you lose all focus?? Wonder where you learned that from Ahsoka
Smart move Balon going right for the family feels
Oh fucking hell Sabine honestly? He’s a white boy with blue hair he’s not worth it
Love the noises the map makes, sounds like a video game
Ok but the way my eyes immediately welled up when “Hello snips” echoed
Ok the fucking eye acting with the “Hello snips”?? In a split second she went from cool, calm, collected Ahsoka assessing her bizarre situation to surprise, eagerness, and youth in a split second
UGHHHHH and then the fade out to the horns of Vader's theme holy shit Filoni
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wildwormies · 2 years
For a snip maybe Opposum in my pocket?
How could you do this to me anon I trusted you
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Oo hello higher animation quality👀
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2 crechurs
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Garbage patch kids
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Aviva’s expressions are so stupid, I love them
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I love them a normal amount your honor
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“Here backpack with my inventions inside!”😭
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Could you act normal for fIVE MINUTES-
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Aw babi🥺
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“Oh, that’s a tie!”
“No way! Martin’s not touching homebase!” Literal children, both of them
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Yo why she kinda👀
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Why he’s just my little boy your honor. My dearest son
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Gourmand you’re going to get so many diseases from eating wild caught opossums I’m begging you
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Damn Chris is that a opossum in your pocket or are you just happy to see him
I straight up refuse to take snips of the cursed bit so you filthy animals can get your sick kicks somewhere else (/j)
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Ay girl u dead?
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Double homocide
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I just. Like them your honor
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Expressions that feel like a mood part 1/???
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Submissive and br [gets shot]
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The fact I thought that was a butcher knife at first made the snip a lot more interesting.
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“Nooo be careful Jill they’re poionous nooo”
Jill: ok and
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“Only with professional creature adventure experience!” Ok boys you’re not that hot shit don’t jerk off your own egos too hard
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A whole happy little family :3
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qvnthesia · 10 months
AHSOKA Ep4: "Fallen Jedi" thoughts
(considering how i'm already losing my mind it's only by the Will of the Force™ that i'm able to type this with whatever that's left of my sanity)
the way seatos' aesthetic always slays >>>>
(god how i wanna live my shadow phase there)
love it every time when ahsoka ignites her sabers, especially when huyang powered down that ship.
shin's subtle cloak drop 👀
lightsaber duels were FERAL this episode
lmao marrok disintegrating into dust and just obliterating all other fan theories about his identity. though, the dust was green in shade, similar to the nightsisters one 👀
"anakin spoke highly of you." "funny, he never mentioned you." dead.
the way the dialogues continue to slay >>>
okay hera sweetie I love you but bringing a 10-year-old to a potential warzone isn't such a good idea—
i'm mad at sabine for giving up the map but i understand her decision so i got mixed feelings about the outcome lol — though it goes to show how much layered she is, which is what I've always loved about her
my writer mind wants more information about peridea and the hyperspace coordinates
am i sensing something between shin and sabine? yes. am i interested? VERY MUCH 👀
here's reaction to when the hyperspace ring leaves 😭 she's just so fuckjng devastated
"i've got a bad feeling about this" 😭😭😭
and seatos, which has an ENTRANCE TO THE WORLD BETWEEN WORLDS??
live action world between worlds is beautiful 😭😭
"hello snips" WHAT THE—
"anakin" THE DEAGING LMFAO hayden's always looked like a 30-year-old anakin to me, it's, like technology, a bit off. let's see how it looks in the next ep though.
all-rounding questions to the ahsoka show (questions are also related to the sequels; respectfully asking, this ain't a place to bash them because I love the characters but also displeased with the writing and the way disney betrayed them):
jacen is a jedi and obviously luke and hera know each other, so he's going to train, right? or does hera decide something else for him considering kylo went on to destroy the temple?
are there any more details we can get about seatos considering it was settled by an extragalactic species and that it has an entrance to the world between worlds?
i hope we get to see bits of peridea; not much, but enough.
where's leia in all this? and luke? ik appearance isn't possible but a mention would be great.
would travel to peridea possibly create a rift in the galactic barrier of the known galaxy? there was some SERIOUS void-like cronau radiation trailing behind when the ship jumped to hyperspace 👀
how did clan wren d-word? and why didn't ahsoka trust sabine? was it with regards to physical or mutual support?
(more questions will be added later on)
hands down, ep4 is a gazillion out of 10 from me. as i've indicated, I am clearly very much dead, and will be back alive next week to scream more.
live reaction to seeing anakin:
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