#hello my sibling<33
lem-argentum · 2 months
^the sillies. 💛
#lem liveblogs#videos#xivposting#dt spoilers#OF COURSE THE QUEST CALLED ‘SIBLING RESCUE’ WOULD BE MY FAVORITE SO FAR. WAUGH#THE FUCKIGNG. SYNCHRONIZED DISTRACTION/ATTACK RUCRED MOMENT??? I DIDNT EVEN WRITE THAT THEY DID THAT FOR ME!!!!!HELLO!!!!! ZNFKWNDZ!!!!!!!!#rudy is making so many new friends already this expac :’). he’d get along with wuk l.amat instantly-#& would want to be close with eren.ville & now these recent events would’ve warmed him up entirely to k.oana. waaahhhh!!#i like how k.oana is introduced as the smartest claimant but is also shown to have a lot to learn from wuk l.amat.#they’re cute!! they inspire each other to grow!!!!! weh!!!! <33#i’m SURE the story will be flipped entirely on its head at some point because xiv loves doing that;#but if the dawnservant trials DO conclude without a great tragedy happening i hope wuk l.amat & k.oana help rule together.#they have such different areas of knowledge they could work togetherr….!! if everyone’s fine and there aren’t any Final Days moments .#i’m not sure what i expected from dt but i am enjoying it more than i thought… the environments are soo pretty!! :’)#xiv has gotten SO much better at portraying different cultures since arr. i hope i’m not speaking too soon but the people we’ve met-#have been treated with so much respect so far! and learning about everyone’s beliefs and ways of life is so fun!!!!#the same people in eorzea are treated so badly and isolated from everyone else its like night and day compared to tural my goodness .
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intersex-support · 2 months
Help an intersex family in Gaza!
Hi everyone. I'd like to share about a fundraiser that is very important to me. A good friend of mine is in contact with the organizers.
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(Described in alt).
Their story:
"Hello, my name is Abeer. I'm organizing this fundraising campaign from Belgium on behalf of my family, who currently live in Gaza. 
Since October 7, all families in Gaza have been subjected to genocide. My family is one of those families that has had to flee its own home several times because of the threat of regular attacks. 
After two months, my family decided to return home and take the risk of being bombed at any moment rather than stay in the street. Our 4-floor building now contains over 100 people who have fled from different parts of Gaza. We always open our hearts for our own people, but we can't do it without your help and support. 
My parents, Kamal (53) and Moukaram (51), are suffering from the war because of their age and health. My brother Suliman, his wife Rawan Abualnaja and their two-year-old daughter Bisan are trying to stay strong, but it's complicated by their little daughter's enormous needs. My other siblings who are not married are Mohammed 25, Inas 22, Ibrahim 17, Abdallah 15.
My family medical condition during the war:
My father suffers from delusional disorders. He can't work or help my family financially. Mohammed and Ibrahim suffer from a chronic disease, congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It is difficult for them to obtain medication in Gaza. One of their medicines has not been available in Gaza for two years. During the war, they couldn't get their medicines because they simply didn't exist anymore. My family members are still suffering. They don't want to be potential victims. They want to escape death and live like other families on the planet.
 On 01/01/2024, they attacked the local mosque and the missile failed to explode and ended up in front of my family's house. My family is in danger and the missile will explode any second.
Since then, my family has decided to be evacuated from Gaza because of the senseless attack on our city. Please help me evacuate my family to Egypt so that they can rebuild their lives in peace.
I've been in Belgium for over five years. I feel useless because I haven't been able to do much except try to help them with their daily living expenses. That's why we created this campaign. We're raising funds to evacuate my family to Egypt, a place that offers a glimmer of hope and stability. However, the cost of the evacuation is high, hence our call for crowdfunding.
Every contribution makes a difference The funds we raise will be used for :
- Evacuation from Gaza for both families (Rafah border crossing fees for 9 people total)  - Two months of temporary living expenses in Egypt, including food, shelter, and transportation  - Passport fees  - Food expences untill they leave Gaza 
No matter how small your contribution, it can make all the difference in breaking the cycle of violence and uncertainty. By supporting our campaign, you are offering a lifeline to our families so that they can rebuild their lives, heal from their trauma and make a fresh start in a safe and secure environment. Please leave a comment and share our campaign with your friends, so we can reach more people and make a bigger impact. Together, we can make a difference!"
They are using a French platform called Papayoux Solidarite instead of GoFundMe. Abeer also has a Paypal account for non European donors.
They are currently at 33 588,78 €/ 50,000 €.
Let's see if we can get them to 34,000 today. Any donation matters, even $1 or $2 donations can add up.
We need to help them meet their goal. Intersex liberation means intersex liberation everywhere--it is so important that we show up in solidarity. Those of us living with CAH know how dangerous salt wasting crises are without medication, and how important it is to urgently help Mohammed and Ibrahim get access to the medications they need to support their CAH. Intersex solidarity means that we need to show up and support intersex people facing genocide.
If you can't donate, please share. Consider doing an art raffle to raise money. Do whatever you can to help this family because it is urgent, and we need to act in solidarity with them now and make sure that the intersex community is here to support them!
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tiamathh · 3 months
Hello! Welcome to the new and improved Paid readings package list!! <3 You can select for $10 (839 rs) you get 9 questions for each Package, or provide some or all of your own questions. But if you want more than 9, that will be $0.5 extra per question.
NO MEDICAL OR LEGAL Qs, tarot picks up on current energy which can always change
For now these are the only packages I have, and I do not have any with single question ones which may be introduced in the future. 
Feedback: wi.paidfeedback
My email ID - [email protected]
My Ko-Fi - http://ko-fi.com/taagen
My GPay - DM me on @tiamathh or mail me for the same.
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Let's have a movie night!! <3 Keep Reading for More Info
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I reserve the right to refuse to do readings for some energies and will inform about the same beforehand it is not something that has to do with the customer but sometimes I am just not able to pick up on energies
Timeline for readings being delivered are upto 10 days for 9 - 12 qs, if it is more than that it may take 10-12 days, for more than 20 questions it will take around 15-20 days <33
🎟️ 500 Days of Summer - Current Relationship
Package: Package: Package: How can I improve communication with my partner? 
What are the strengths of my current relationship?
What challenges are we currently facing?
How can we strengthen our emotional connection?
What is the potential future of my current relationship?
What does my partner need from me right now?
How can we handle conflicts better?
What is the lesson I need to learn from this relationship?
How can we make our relationship more fulfilling? 
What are the underlying issues we need to address? 
What do we both bring to the relationship?
What is blocking the progress of our relationship?
How can we better support each other's growth?
What does my partner feel about our relationship?
What is the key to maintaining our relationship?
How can we reignite the passion in our relationship?
What are the potential red flags in our relationship?
How can we balance our individual needs with the relationship?
What is the best way for us to navigate future challenges?
How can we ensure we both feel valued and appreciated?
🎟️ Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara - Self-help
Package: What areas of my life need the most attention right now?
How can I improve my self-confidence?
What stops you and others from being more open with you
What are things you need to work through internally
Why do others love you
What is at your very core as a person?
What is blocking my personal growth?
What habits should I develop for a better life?
How can I better manage my time and energy?
What steps should I take to achieve my goals?
How can I overcome my fears and anxieties?
What is my biggest strength and how can I use it?
What do I need to let go of to move forward?
How can I improve my mental health?
What does self-love look like for me?
How can I better handle stress and pressure?
What is my life's purpose and how can I pursue it?
How can I improve my relationships with others?
What are the next steps in my personal development journey?
How can I cultivate a more positive mindset?
What limiting beliefs are holding me back?
How can I better balance my work and personal life?
What should I focus on to create a fulfilling life?
How can I become more resilient in the face of challenges?
🎟️ Little Miss Sunshine - Family Relationships
Package: How can I improve my relationship with my parents?
What does my family need from me right now?
How can we resolve ongoing conflicts in our family?
What is the key to a happy family life?
How can I better support my siblings?
What role do I play in my family dynamics?
How can I help create a more harmonious family environment?
What are the hidden tensions within our family?
How can we improve our family communication?
What can I do to bring my family closer together?
How can I set healthy boundaries with my family?
What are the strengths of our family unit?
How can I heal from past family traumas?
What does my family appreciate about me?
How can I contribute to our family's happiness?
What lessons can I learn from my family experiences?
How can I balance my individual needs with family obligations?
What is the potential future of our family relationships?
How can we better support each other's dreams and goals?
What should I focus on to strengthen my family bonds?
🎟️ About Time - Future Spouse
Package: What is the potential timeline for meeting my future spouse?
What will our relationship be like?
What will my Wedding look like and be like?
What should I focus on in my current life to meet my future spouse?
What will our life together look like?
How can I recognize my future spouse when I meet them?
What are the common interests we'll share?
How will our families get along?
How will our personalities complement each other?
What will be the foundation of our relationship?
Their toxic traits
Your relationship dynamic
Your first impression of them
Their first impression of you
Where could you meet
Your first date with them
How will you resolve conflicts in the relationship
Obstacles the both of you will have to overcome
Their communication style and how they show affection
What will you like and dislike about them
What will they like and dislike about you.
How can I maintain a healthy relationship with my future spouse?
🎟️ Sing Street - Career Reading
Package: What is the best career path for me?
How can I achieve success in my career?
What skills should I develop for my career growth?
What are the current obstacles in my career?
How can I find fulfillment in my work?
What is the potential future of my career?
What opportunities should I look out for?
How can I improve my professional relationships?
What steps should I take to advance in my career?
What is my true calling in terms of career?
How can I balance my career and personal life?
What are my strengths and how can I use them at work?
How can I overcome challenges in my career?
What should I focus on to achieve my career goals?
How can I make a positive impact in my workplace?
What are the hidden talents I can use in my career?
How can I improve my job satisfaction?
What is the best way to handle workplace stress?
How can I navigate office politics effectively?
What does the future hold for my career development?
How will my coworkers view me?
How can you manifest your desired career
Are you on the right path?
🎟️ 5 Centimeters per Second - Glow up
Package: What aspect of myself is ready for transformation?
How can I manifest my dream life?
What past experiences do I need to let go of to achieve my glow up?
How can I boost my self-confidence?
What hidden talents or strengths can I tap into?
What should I focus on to improve my physical appearance?
What habits are hindering my personal growth?
How can I enhance my mental and emotional well-being?
What steps can I take to create a healthier lifestyle?
What can I do to improve my social skills and relationships?
How can I embrace and love my authentic self?
What changes do I need to make in my daily routine to support my glow up?
How can I better manage stress and anxiety?
What is blocking my creativity and how can I overcome it?
What career or educational opportunities will aid my glow up?
How can I cultivate a positive mindset?
What self-care practices should I incorporate into my life?
What spiritual practices will support my transformation?
How can I set and achieve my personal goals more effectively?
What is the best way for me to develop a more positive body image?
How can I attract more positive energy and people into my life?
🎟️ Fantastic Planet - Advice from Spirit Guides
Package: What do my spirit guides want me to know right now?
How can I connect more deeply with my spirit guides?
What is the message my spirit guides have for me?
How can I better understand the guidance from my spirit guides?
What is the purpose of my current challenges?
How can I align with my highest self?
What do my spirit guides want me to focus on?
How can I improve my spiritual practices?
What is the best way to receive messages from my spirit guides?
How can I develop my intuition further?
What is the spiritual lesson I need to learn right now?
How can I create more balance in my life?
What guidance do my spirit guides have for my relationships?
How can I find my true path in life?
What are the signs that my spirit guides are with me?
How can I release any negative energy or blockages?
What do my spirit guides want me to know about my future?
How can I trust the guidance from my spirit guides?
What is the best way to show gratitude to my spirit guides?
How can I live a more spiritually aligned life?
🎟️ Whisper of the Heart - Future Energies (Choose Career OR self growth OR relationship)
Package: What energies are coming into my life soon?
How can I best prepare for the future?
What opportunities will present themselves in the near future?
What challenges should I be aware of in the coming months?
What aspects of my life will undergo significant changes?
How will my current decisions affect my future?
What positive energies are surrounding me right now?
What should I focus on to attract beneficial energies?
What future events will bring me joy and fulfillment?
How can I best align myself with my future goals?
What lessons will I learn in the near future?
How will my career path evolve in the next year?
What relationships will play a key role in my future?
What financial changes should I expect in the future?
How will my spiritual journey progress in the coming months?
What steps can I take to ensure a prosperous future?
What creative projects should I pursue for future success?
How will my health and well-being be affected in the future?
What future travel or relocation opportunities will arise?
How can I best navigate upcoming life transitions?
🎟️ First Wives Club - Platonic Relationships
Package: How can I strengthen my friendships?
What should I focus on to build new platonic relationships?
How can I resolve conflicts with a friend?
What is the current state of my platonic relationships?
What can I do to support my friends better?
How do my friends perceive me?
What is the most important lesson I need to learn from my friends?
How can I attract positive, supportive friendships?
What role do my friends play in my life path?
How can I balance my time between friends and other responsibilities?
What changes should I make to improve my social circle?
What new friendships are on the horizon for me?
How can I deal with feelings of loneliness?
What can I do to heal from a lost friendship?
How can I create lasting bonds with others?
What activities can I engage in to meet like-minded people?
How can I improve communication with my friends?
What boundaries do I need to set in my friendships?
What qualities should I look for in new friends?
How can I show appreciation for my current friends?
 What new people are coming into your life platonically
How will your friendship progress
What will they teach you?
What they think of you
What they like about you
What you’ve taught them and what they taught you.
🎟️ Living in Oblivion - General Readi
Your aura and your energy at the moment. 
What is the overall energy surrounding me right now?
What recent events are influencing my present situation?
What is my current emotional state?
What are my immediate challenges?
What opportunities are available to me at this moment?
What should I focus on in the coming days?
What is the current state of my career?
How are my relationships impacting my life right now?
What habits should I change for better well-being?
What is the lesson I am currently learning?
How can I best support myself emotionally?
What creative pursuits should I explore?
How can I improve my daily routine?
What messages do my dreams hold?
What advice does the universe have for me?
What is blocking my progress right now?
How can I align myself with my true purpose?
🎟️ Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - Next Relationships
Package: Energy with your current partner
What qualities should I look for in my next partner?
How will I meet my next significant other?
What should I be aware of before entering my next relationship?
What past relationship lessons do I need to remember?
How can I prepare myself for a new relationship?
What will be the nature of my next romantic relationship?
What are the potential challenges in my next relationship?
How will my next partner influence my life?
What should I avoid in my next relationship?
What will be the most rewarding aspect of my next relationship?
How can I attract a healthy and loving relationship?
What role will my next relationship play in my personal growth?
How can I ensure open communication in my next relationship?
What should I focus on to find the right partner?
What can I do to heal from past relationship wounds?
What signs will indicate that I’ve found the right person?
How will my next relationship affect my social life?
What spiritual connection will I have with my next partner?
What boundaries should I set in my next relationship?
How can I maintain my individuality in my next relationship?
🎟️ Paprika - Pick n Mix
Package: Your own questions! Have fun 9 Questions for $7 and $0.7 for every other q <3
🎟️ Everything Everywhere All At Once - Advice from Ancestors
Package: What guidance do my ancestors have for me?
How can I connect more deeply with my ancestral roots?
What wisdom do my ancestors wish to share?
How can I honor my ancestors in my daily life?
What lessons from my ancestors should I apply to my current situation?
How can I heal generational trauma?
What strengths have I inherited from my ancestors?
How can I continue the legacy of my ancestors?
What traditions should I revive or maintain?
What messages do my ancestors have for my spiritual journey?
How can I ask for support from my ancestors?
What ancestral skills or knowledge should I rediscover?
How can I make my ancestors proud?
What challenges faced by my ancestors can I learn from?
How can I create a better future based on my ancestral heritage?
What rituals or practices can help me connect with my ancestors?
How can I show gratitude to my ancestors?
What unfulfilled dreams of my ancestors can I achieve?
How can I integrate my ancestral wisdom into my modern life?
What is the most important ancestral message for me at this time?
🎟️ Om Shanti Om - Past Life
Package: What past life influences are affecting me now?
How can I uncover memories of my past lives?
Is my Karmic Cycle still ongoing?
What lessons did I learn in my past lives?
How can I heal past life traumas?
What talents or skills have I brought from past lives?
What relationships in my current life have past life connections?
How can I use past life knowledge for personal growth?
What was my primary purpose in my past life?
How can I integrate past life experiences into my current life?
What past life karma am I working through?
How can I break free from past life patterns?
What spiritual practices can help me connect with my past lives?
How did my past lives shape my current personality?
What unresolved issues from past lives need attention?
How can I access past life wisdom for guidance?
What past life events are impacting my current relationships?
How can I use past life insights to overcome current challenges?
What role did I play in my most significant past life?
How can I release any negative energy from past lives?
What is the most important message from my past lives?
🎟️ Perks of being a Wallflower - Social Life
How can I improve my social interactions?
What steps can I take to expand my social circle?
How can I become more confident in social settings?
What can I do to strengthen my current friendships?
How do others perceive me in social situations?
What social activities should I engage in?
How can I deal with social anxiety?
What role do my friends play in my personal growth?
How can I balance my social life with other responsibilities?
What should I be aware of in my social environment?
How can I attract positive, supportive friends?
What changes should I make to enhance my social life?
How can I better communicate with others?
What is the current state of my social life?
How can I handle conflicts in my social circle?
What new social opportunities are coming my way?
How can I create deeper connections with others?
What social habits should I change for better relationships?
How can I be more open and approachable in social settings?
What social skills should I work on improving?
🎟️ Encanto - Spirituality
Package: How can I deepen my spiritual practice?
Is a Deity trying to reach out to me, what deity could this be?
What spiritual path should I explore?
How can I connect more with my higher self?
What messages are my spirit guides sending me?
How can I enhance my meditation practice?
What spiritual lessons am I currently learning?
How can I align myself more with my spiritual purpose?
What role does spirituality play in my life?
How can I cleanse my energy and aura?
What rituals or practices can help me feel more connected?
How can I overcome spiritual doubts or fears?
What should I focus on to grow spiritually?
How can I better understand my spiritual experiences?
What blocks are preventing my spiritual growth?
How can I integrate spirituality into my daily life?
What messages does the universe have for me?
How can I develop my intuition further?
What spiritual tools or practices should I explore?
How can I balance my spiritual and material life?
What is the next step in my spiritual journey?
🎟️ Uptown Girl - Inner Child
Package: What does my inner child need from me right now?
How can I nurture my inner child?
What past experiences are affecting my inner child?
How can I heal childhood wounds?
What can I do to bring more playfulness into my life?
How can I reconnect with my inner child?
What activities would my inner child enjoy?
What does my inner child want to express?
How can I create a safe space for my inner child?
What messages does my inner child have for me?
How can I balance my adult responsibilities with my inner child's needs?
What childhood dreams or passions should I revisit?
How can I show love to my inner child?
What fears of my inner child need addressing?
How can I celebrate my inner child's uniqueness?
What can I learn from my inner child's perspective?
How can I incorporate more fun and joy into my life?
What memories from my childhood need healing?
How can I honor my inner child's creativity?
What role does my inner child play in my overall well-being?
🎟️ Baby's day out - Parenthood and Future Child
What qualities will my future child inherit from me?
How can I best prepare for parenthood?
What kind of parent will I be?
Messages from my future child  
What lessons will my future child teach me?
How can I support my future child's growth and development?
What challenges will I face as a parent?
How will my life change with the arrival of my future child?
What role will my future child play in my family?
How can I balance my personal goals with parenthood?
What values should I instill in my future child?
How can I nurture my future child's talents and abilities?
What kind of relationship will I have with my future child?
How can I prepare my home for a future child?
What traditions or customs should I pass on to my future child?
How can I ensure my future child's emotional well-being?
What will be the most rewarding aspect of parenthood for me?
How can I handle the responsibilities of parenthood?
What kind of support system will I need as a parent?
How can I foster a strong bond with my future child?
🎟️ Secret life of Pets - From Your Pets to You!
Package: What is my pet trying to tell me?
How can I improve my bond with my pet?
What does my pet need from me right now?
How can I better understand my pet's behavior?
What can I do to make my pet happier?
How can I ensure my pet feels loved and secure?
What changes can I make to my home to benefit my pet?
How does my pet perceive me?
What can I do to improve my pet's health?
What is my pet's favorite way to spend time with me?
How can I help my pet feel more comfortable around new people?
What is my pet's biggest fear, and how can I alleviate it?
How can I create a more stimulating environment for my pet?
What should I know about my pet's emotional needs?
How can I better communicate with my pet?
What activities does my pet enjoy the most?
How can I support my pet during stressful times?
What are my pet's favorite treats or toys?
How can I ensure my pet feels safe and secure when I'm not home?
What life lessons can I learn from my pet?
🎟️ Jennifer's Body – Your Sexuality (18+ ONLY)
Package: What qualities make me sexually attractive?
How can I enhance my sex appeal?
What do others find most alluring about me?
How can I embrace my sensuality more fully?
What barriers are preventing me from feeling sexy?
How can I boost my confidence in my sexual attractiveness?
What aspects of my personality add to my sexiness?
How can I project more sex appeal in social situations?
What should I focus on to feel more attractive?
How can I make my physical appearance more appealing?
What kind of energy should I exude to be more seductive?
How can I better appreciate my own sexual allure?
What can I do to feel more comfortable in my own skin?
How do my actions and behaviors affect my sexiness?
What should I avoid to maintain my sexual attractiveness?
How can I use my sexuality to empower myself?
What can I learn from my past experiences about my sexiness?
How can I express my sensuality in a healthy way?
What role does self-love play in my sex appeal?
How can I make my inner beauty shine through more visibly?
🎟️ Boogie Nights: Sex Life (Fs/Next Partner) 18+ ONLY
Package: What will my future sex life be like with my partner?
How can I improve my sexual connection with my future partner?
What will be the biggest challenge in our sexual relationship?
What positions should we try out and why?
How will our kinks align
Their fantasies about me
My fantasies about them
How will my first time with them be?
How can I seduce them?
How can we maintain passion in our sex life over time?
What will my future partner appreciate most about our sexual relationship?
How can I communicate my sexual needs effectively to my future partner?
What fantasies might we explore together?
How will our sex life evolve over the years?
What role will intimacy play in our relationship?
How can we ensure mutual satisfaction in our sexual relationship?
What will be our greatest strength as sexual partners?
How can we keep our sex life exciting and adventurous?
What should we focus on to deepen our sexual bond?
How will our sexual chemistry influence our overall relationship?
What should I be aware of regarding my future partner’s sexual needs?
How can we balance our sexual desires with other aspects of our relationship?
What surprises might we encounter in our sex life?
How will our sex life contribute to our emotional intimacy?
What role will trust play in our sexual relationship?
How can we support each other’s sexual growth and exploration?
🎟️ Zoolander - Fictionals/Hypotheticals
Package: What would my relationship be like with [fictional character/celebrity]?
How would [fictional character/celebrity] influence my career if we were friends?
What challenges would I face if I were in a romantic relationship with [fictional character/celebrity]?
How would my life change if I became best friends with [fictional character/celebrity]?
What kind of adventures would I experience with [fictional character/celebrity]?
What lessons would I learn from dating [fictional character/celebrity]?
How would my family react to my relationship with [fictional character/celebrity]?
What kind of impact would [fictional character/celebrity] have on my personal growth?
What would our biggest conflict be if I dated [fictional character/celebrity]?
How would I balance my life with a relationship with [fictional character/celebrity]?
What strengths would [fictional character/celebrity] bring into a relationship with me?
What weaknesses would a relationship with [fictional character/celebrity] highlight in me?
How would my friends view my relationship with [fictional character/celebrity]?
What kind of romantic moments would I share with [fictional character/celebrity]?
What would be the outcome of a long-term relationship with [fictional character/celebrity]?
How would [fictional character/celebrity] support my dreams and goals?
What role would [fictional character/celebrity] play in my life story?
How would a break-up with [fictional character/celebrity] affect me?
What unique experiences would I have with [fictional character/celebrity]?
How would my personality change through a relationship with [fictional character/celebrity]?
Your relationship with the character/celeb (romantic or platonic)
Their toxic traits
Your relationship dynamic
Your first date with them
How will you resolve conflicts in the relationship
Their communication style and how they show affection
What will you like and dislike about them
What will they like and dislike about you.
Their first impression of you and your first impression of them
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
hello! I love your writing and i have an request, a quiet, kind, caring, loving, sully girl who would do anything to protect her family, takes the bullet instead of neteyam? (1 year younger then lo'ak) <33
a/n: omg hey !! can you guys believe that i wrote another one ?? although this isn't fali and [y/n], but that's alright. i think my plan for all of this is just to write when i wanna write -- no stress, just a fun hobby. requests are technically closed, but i wrote this one because i'm a kind soul. basically, if you send in a request and i like it, i might write it if i feel like it. ALSO i know this isn't accurate to how the scene went, but i haven't watched this movie since i saw it in theaters in december so... if any of you guys know how to watch it for free, let a girl know. anyway, feedback, reblogs, yada yada are all appreciated !!
tags: @rafeslovergirl @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @23victoria @nyotamalfoy @gcldtom @calypixi @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @missroro @sweetheart-bo
tw: death, angst, blood, major injury, sad :(
insurmountable love
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[y/n] had always known about her importance to the sully family. she knew it when she was young, when she was just a toddler that managed to lift spirits when she waddled into the room. she knew it when each of her siblings fought for her attention with different games. she knew it when neteyam always seemed to come searching for her when he got sick of their father. she knew it when kiri shared her secrets with her. she knew it when lo’ak always invited her to join her in his rebellious shenanigans. she knew it when she held her baby sister for the first time.
she’d always known.
[y/n] felt her love for her family more than she’d felt anything in her life. no amount of anger, sadness, disappointment… none of it could top the amount of adoration she held for her mother, for her father, for her sisters and brothers.
but, [y/n] was starting to think, as she lay bleeding out on top of a rock in the middle of the ocean — in the middle of a home that wasn’t her’s — that maybe there was a reason she felt for much love.
“[y/n],” her brother’s voice brought her out of her thoughts. she stared into his eyes, although she kept fighting to urge to doze off. she was so tired. “[y/n], stay with me. okay, sis?” neteyam swallowed, fighting his tears. “lo’ak flagged mom and dad down. they are almost here, baby sis. they are almost here.”
“neteyam,” the younger sully whimpered. “neteyam, it hurts.”
“i know.” a glossy layer of liquid pooled in his eyes. “i know, but you are strong. you are strong, so just keep your eyes right on me."
his hand was warm against [y/n]’s cheek. her cupped her face softly, as if any rough movement might disintegrate her. but, he also couldn’t afford to let her go, for as soon as he let go… he feared she would be gone.
lo’ak watched beside them, hands pressing against [y/n]’s wound. tears flowed down his cheeks freely. it was his fault, it was his fault, it was all his fault. he couldn’t get it out of his head. if she dies, then he killed his baby sister.
lo’ak wanted so badly to talk to her, to offer support, to be the same brother that neteyam was, but lo’ak could never do that. he was scared, and he was a fraud. he acted high and mighty, he acted brave… and if he truly thought back to the history of his life, he only truly started pretending to be so courageous so that [y/n] would be impressed with him. so that his big sister would look up to him.
how ironic was it that, the moment she needed his strength, he couldn’t pretend anymore. he was a coward.
so, instead, lo’ak pushed against the bullet hole, blood staining his hands. the muffled sobs of tsireya were nearly drowned out by the chaotic scene around them, but lo’ak didn’t think he could ignore her cries in the same way that his heart panged at every pained noise that left [y/n].
it was only the sound of his parents’ arrival that either brother even dared to look up, but once they recognized their mother and father, eyes were set back on their baby sister.
tears fell from [y/n] eyes as she caught sight of jake. “dad,” she cried, nearly choking on her words. “dad, please.” she was begging, but she wasn’t sure what she was asking for. what could he do?
“hey, baby,” he whispered, kneeling next to her. “it’s okay. it’s okay, i’m here.” as jake attempted words of comfort, he picked up her feeble frame to check the exit wound, and his heart instantly dropped. his baby girl.
“dad, i’m scared,” she confessed. “i—i saw them. they were aiming at ‘teyam.” her words were growing thicker, voice stuck in her throat. lo’ak noticed [y/n] pulled her knees up at times, the pain causing her lower half to writhe.
“it’s okay, baby girl,” jake hushed. “it’s okay, you did everything right.”
“i didn’t want him hurt. i didn’t want him hurt, dad!” her pained sobs wavered. for some reason, she couldn’t be convinced — not in her delirious state — that she hadn’t made a terrible decision. she didn’t want to die with her father’s disappointment. disappointment that she put herself in danger. but she did it for her big brother.
in the chaos, none of them — tsireya and spider included, who also attempted to be helpful even though there wasn’t much that they could do — noticed the arrival of neytiri. not until her hushed voice of shock began mumbling, “no, oh no. not my sweet daughter.”
the na’vi mother rushed over, taking a spot between her two sons as she gauged the scene. her second youngest, hurt by the sky-people. her beautiful daughter, fighting death because of them.
[y/n] had faded to a silence at that point, the only noise being her whimpers of pain as she writhed. tears paved their way across the surface of her blue skin, and neytiri’s heart shattered.
but, despite all of it, despite the pain, the shock, the terrifying inevitability ( although they all denied it ) of her death… the worst part was when she opened her eyes wide and said, “i’m so scared.”
a beat of stunned, painful silence.
“i’m so scared. i don’t wanna die!” she whispered, looking into her father’s eyes. “please.”
and through his tears, jake gripped the hand of his second youngest and told her a kind lie. “i’m right here with you. you will be okay, baby girl. just hold on to us, okay?”
and to her credit, she did. through the pain, one hand held jake’s and the other held neytiri’s. the two brothers couldn’t do anything but watch helplessly, hands resting on her upper arms in an attempt to give her some form of strength.
and they stayed that way until the light left her eyes. the same light she’d carried since she was born, gone just like that.
maybe there was a reason she was full of so much love for her family. her theory… she was only destined to live so long, so eywa blessed her with an exuberant amount to enjoy for the thirteen years she was gifted.
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belit0 · 1 month
Thank you so much for doing my last request! I absolutely loved it and You're such a great writer aaa!<33
But anyhow, I've come with a new request and it was mainly inspired by the way you characterise Izuna (I absolutely love it btw). Sooo, essentially Izuna and Madara sharing a wife. Like, Izuna got her first, but decided to share with Madara, because he is his dear big brother after all!
You can gladly make it mostly nsfw with a generous amount of the infamous Uchiha breeding kink on top, because I need that in my life rn lmao.
Thank you for all you do and have a great day/Night!<33
-bunni anon♡
Months later, here is what you asked for. It has a good combination of nsfw and sfw material, as I found fascinating to explore the dynamics of these two Uchiha in such a situation. I had fun, to say the least.
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Marriage dynamics
In the Uchiha clan, shared marriages are not unusual, as their culture values family, strength and unity. This complex but harmonious relationship began as one of Izuna's many defiant attitudes, trying to go against the council, prove to them that he would not marry who they thought was wise.
(Y/N) became the perfect proof of defiance, a middle finger raised to the elders who kept pressuring the young Uchiha with marital concerns (they decided to leave Madara alone in those matters, of course). One thing led to another, and what started as a fresh fling translated into genuine feelings, accompanied by a long and tumultuous emotional journey that Izuna was not ready to take on.
Luckily, Aniki is always ready to lend a hand to this little jerk, and it was in the sentimental navigation that Izuna undertook with (y/n), assisted by Madara's advice, where the girl developed a strong attraction for the clan leader, setting a new path and direction.
After much internal debate and various agreements, both brothers came to the conclusion that the situation was simply perfect, as the girl not interceding in their bond, but rather contributing to it, was a great match for them.
Madara, being the eldest, has a more protective and authoritative attitude. He is concerned about the welfare of the family and tends to assume the role of leader in personal decisions. Being a man of wise words, he is the one who is in charge of mitigating any tension that may appear in the dynamics. His word is rule, and Izuna knows that contradicting Aniki is pointless (unless it is intentional).
(y/n), however, enjoys ruffling his feathers. Sometimes it's so simple, and punishments in bed have an intense flavor. Madara asks Izuna to assist with punishment and discipline whenever the girl pisses him off, and the younger Uchiha never misses an opportunity to explore sadism between the sheets.
Izuna, on the other hand, is spicier in his manner, playful and carefree. He has more of a physical relationship with her, which balances Madara's seriousness. Both siblings deeply respect each other, so there are no major conflicts for (y/n)'s attention, although sometimes small friendly competitions arise.
Where Izuna tends to lean toward physicality and sex, Madara usually opts for affection. Great balance.
Division of time
Madara, with his leadership role in the clan, spends more time in meetings, while Izuna takes care of the day-to-day affairs of the clan. This allows their wife to spend more frequent and relaxed moments with Izuna, fronting as the first lady of the family.
In the evenings, the three of them get together to share quiet dinners. Madara, who values unity, insists that these dinners be family moments, without political or strategic discussions, purely leisurely and trivial. Both Izuna and (y/n) help him to put his feet on the ground after long days of work, regulating him.
3. Hobbies and shared activities
They enjoy training. When (y/n) is in the mood to participate, they usually arrange all-against-all battles, with the winner being the one who endures to the end. If the girl prefers to rest, she usually settles under the shade of a tree until they wear each other out, waiting for them with snacks ready.
Mutual challenge and support is a big part of their dynamic.
When Madara manages to dodge his responsibilities, the day begins and ends with sex. He doesn't have much free time, and he knows that Izuna and (y/n) never waste time alone. On the one hand, he finds it imperative to catch up, not to be left behind, and on the other, the need builds up in him like hot lava, clamoring to be released. If there is an opportunity, (y/n) does not leave the house all day long.
In quieter moments, they enjoy strolls through the Uchiha compound, where Izuna and (y/n) are corralled by the clan's children while Madara interacts cordially with nearby adults. Sometimes they are satisfied by simply inhabiting the same space, each immersed in their thoughts but sharing the calm.
Preparing dinner
As for household chores, although they have servants who can help, their wife often prefers to prepare meals, enjoying the process as a way of caring for her family. However, Izuna sometimes offers to assist. Madara, too busy to participate in cooking time, rarely gets involved, but always appreciates the food.
Usually, these are moments where Izuna takes the opportunity to enjoy (y/n) without Madara's presence. The servants know when to leave the home, give them privacy, and the Uchiha normally ends up fucking her on the table. If pre-dinner sex happens, she must sit down and eat in front of Madara with the remains of Izuna's seed dripping down her legs, leaving no greater satisfaction for the younger Uchiha than when his Aniki realizes what they were doing in his absence.
Conflict and resolution
Although there are moments of tension, like any relationship, they don't usually fight over their wife's attention. Their mutual respect as siblings prompts them to handle any conflict as they know best: with punches. In a controlled and competitive way, both Uchiha always solved their problems with their fists, knowing when to stop, regulating emotions in a physical way. Their wife, intelligent and patient, plays an important role in mediating when disagreements arise, ensuring that both feel valued, and giving them space when they need to release tensions.
If the problem runs too deep, for whatever reason, the girl has special weapons to disarm the brothers. It is as simple as taking them by the hand and directing them to any available surface, undressing in front of them and allowing whatever they wish to do with her body. No Uchiha will ever resist their woman surrendered in front of them, too much fire in their blood for that.
The only dispute that sometimes appears is fraternal jealousy. While they may compete on some things, like who surprises her with a gift or kind gesture, these moments strengthen their relationship, making the marriage more solid. (y/n) enjoys the attention, and will never admit to dying of tenderness when they simultaneously struggle to give her the best detail or present.
- On intense nights, Madara insists on sleeping inside (y/n), possessively filling her pussy, while Izuna opts for her rear end, joining in the fun until his legs go numb.
- Madara adores watching Izuna take care of (y/n), waiting for the moment when his need is too high and he feels himself exploding. The image of his wife being torn apart by his brother sets him on fire.
- Izuna always tries to find ways to compete. No matter how much he knows (y/n)'s buttons, how to make her scream and when to leave her shaking, he inevitably tries to come up with new ways that will put Madara on the spot.
- Izuna proposed a challenge that ended up becoming a habit: he insisted on (y/n) going through an entire council meeting swallowing Madara's cock under the table, unbeknownst to anyone, leaving him as the only one aware. If Aniki cums before the meeting, he is punished with the impossibility of touching (y/n) during the entire sexual encounter that follows, forced to watch helplessly.
- Madara prefers (y/n)'s cunt, obsessed with burying himself deep between those soft lips and filling her with high-quality seed. Izuna, indifferent as to which hole to occupy, usually takes over the girl's mouth until his brother is satisfied.
- Most often, (y/n) ends up with a mixture of cum dripping from the inside, fluid that doesn't stop pouring until hours after the encounter is over.
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auroravictorium · 1 year
high infidelity (pt. 3) (k.b.)
you know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love.
Summary: kaz and the crows arrive at a safehouse after rescuing reader, where kaz is confronted by his past. reader wakes up and starts the long trek to recovery. Pairing(s): kaz x fem!reader (established relationship) Word Count: ~3.1k Warnings: brief allusions to SA (inej expressing concerns about reader), mentions of injuries (head injury, severe wound on reader's arm, bruises, scrapes, etc.), mentions of blood, lots of grappling with trauma, mentions of sibling & parent loss/death Genre: angst? a bit of fluff? Author's Note: hello hello!! i'm so sorry about my long absence. college and life happened, BUT i have a birthday in the near future (libras unite!!) so have the final part of high infidelity as a lil birthday celebration :)) pinky promise next part is already in the works and it should be a lot less heavy!! enjoy <33
part one / part two / masterlist
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Kaz gently pulled you back into his arms as Jesper navigated the exhausted horses toward a small, two-story farmhouse tucked away in a remote field a few miles from Lij. In the distance, a few farmhouses stood like faint silhouettes against the night sky. Beyond that, nothing for miles. The perfect place to hide, heal, and plot before their return to Ketterdam.
The air was clean, untainted by manufacturing smoke, and stars glittered above Kaz as he carefully stepped out of the carriage with you in his arms. He thought hard about the stars as he approached the porch of his childhood home; he thought about how much you would love them when you awoke and how your eyes might look as they caught their distant glimmer.
It was easier to ignore the stirring ghosts of his past if he thought about his present, the future he hoped to have. That present and future rested in the sleeping woman in his arms, her head against his shoulder and her weight a strangely comforting presence against him. The comfort was foreign to him, a sensation he could distantly remember if he reached far enough through the fog that had plagued his life since Jordie died.
The stars disappeared from view as Kaz stepped under the porch awning and turned to face Inej, silent as ever behind him. "The key is under the board with a split down the middle," he said quietly, jerking his chin to the end of the porch.
"Whose house is this?" Nina questioned as she arrived, pale and exhausted from working on you for most of the ride. "And do you think they'll mind if I sleep here for an eternity?"
Kaz shot her a glare and answered neither of those questions. He didn't feel like telling any of them about whose house this was, nor about the phantoms waiting inside. He had enough to worry about without fielding their questions, and his concern rested solely with you, unconscious in his arms. "Jesper, remove the furniture covers. Inej, Nina, help get Y/N settled." His eyes flicked between the Wraith and the Heartrender, a troubled face and an exhausted one. "Then rest. All of you. Jesper, on the couch. Nina and Inej, take the large room upstairs."
He didn't plan to sleep until he was sure you wouldn't die on him. He'd had enough of death in his life.
Inej unlocked the door and pocketed the key, moving inside and holding the door out of the way for everyone to trickle inside.
The room was spotless, remarkably untouched by dust. As Jesper started to remove the cloths over the couch, table, chairs, and small kitchen surfaces, not a single speck of dirt puffed into the air. "I was expecting more... dirt," Jes admitted, wadding up the cloths and tossing them in an empty corner. "For a farmhouse."
Kaz didn't respond, turning on his heel and marching up the stairs toward the small bedroom to the right. He nudged open the door to his and Jordie's old room and held his breath as he carried you in and settled you in the made bed. If he didn't breathe, he couldn't let the past settle in his lungs and choke him.
His gaze remained solely on your face as he carefully unlaced your bloodstained, beaten boots and set them aside. But his thoughts were elsewhere, on a presence he could feel breathing down his neck. The hairs there prickled, and Kaz pursed his lips, fighting the growing tremor in his hands as he tucked the blankets around you.
Jordie was there, in that room. Present, though he'd been dead for years. His father sat on the rickety old seat beneath the window, watching Kaz brush your hair from your face before jerking his hand back. His breathing was coming fast now, and though he longed to stay with you, he had to get out. His lungs burned and ached, unable to pull in the oxygen he needed. 
Kaz had to get out of that room, escape the ghosts' eyes on him, their hands reaching toward the exposed skin of his neck, the small gap between his gloves and his sleeves that exposed his wrist. Anywhere there was skin for their cold, bloated, marred, dead hands to grab.
"I'm sorry," he breathed to you, the words barely audible. Kaz stumbled back and then fled like the coward he was. His lungs struggled to expand in his chest, his breathing shallow as he moved down the stairs and back into the living room. He walked past Jesper's unconscious, snoring form on the couch and grabbed a metal bucket from beside the back door with a trembling hand.
Coward, he thought, opening the door and stepping out into the cold winter air. It nipped at his cheeks and neck, but he didn't bother grabbing a coat. He deserved to brave the cold, to have to break the thick layer of ice in the well with his bare hands. He should be brave enough to stay with you until you woke, to hold your hand and think about everything he wanted to say. 
He could kill a man, but he couldn't stay with the woman he loved. It was a cruel trick of the universe, a flaw in the new person the harbor made. Brekker, where there should be Rietveld, two clashing sides of himself with the wrong half winning.
Broken, twisted coward. 
You deserved better than this, than him.
Kaz slammed the door shut, his breath clouding in front of him, and he limped off toward the edge of the Rietveld property to collect water.
The door rattled in the frame behind him, but Kaz paid it no mind. Inside, Jesper's snores seized for a moment before continuing, droning on alongside the eerie, anxious silence of the farmhouse and the cold, windy beginnings of snow.
Once Kaz was back from the well, his gloves soaked and cheeks flushed from the cold, Inej took a bowl of water from the bucket and a clean rag and slipped into the room you were asleep in.
She quietly pulled the seat from under the window to the edge of the bed and got to work, carefully wiping away the blood she could see without moving your clothing. As she ran the rag down your forearm, mindful of the deep gash cutting your tattoo in half, the concern that had been heavy on her heart came bubbling to the surface. She blinked away the unexpected tears in her eyes, turning her head toward the window and staring out toward the sky as she tried to collect herself again.
Inej hoped and prayed that this was the worst of what you'd been through. She didn't want to consider the alternative where you'd experienced the same pain and horrors she had. Unwelcome hands, permanent scars on the skin and beneath it, and memories of touches that didn't belong. 
She did what she could to get as much grime from your skin without scrubbing too hard or moving your clothing, and when she was done, she watched the flakes of blood and dirt melt and turn the water reddish brown. Inej shuddered and stood, taking the bowl and leaving your room as silently and quickly as she arrived. She wordlessly moved past Kaz on the steps and through the living room and stepped outside to dump the water into a patch of brown grass.
Inej stood there long after the reddened water ran over the dead blades of grass, a glass bowl dangling from her hand and her face turned toward the night sky. Her eyes were squeezed shut, and two tears slipped down her cheeks.
Please, she thought, her lips silently forming the word. Don't let her suffer what I have.
You woke up as the sun started rising, a loud thud and quiet bickering startling you into consciousness. You peeled open your eyes, fighting against the weight of your eyelids, and you blinked to clear your vision. Shivering, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows and then upright.
The room was freezing, your nose and ears numb from the temperature, and you pulled your covers tightly around you. A coat laid over you, smelling of smoke and city. Kaz. As you pulled it around your shoulders, ignoring the bloodstains on the front, you turned up the collar to inhale his scent again.
As you turned your head to investigate the room around you, the world twisted, and you squeezed your eyes shut to steady yourself, your fingers curling into the silky lining of Kaz's coat. Once your head stopped spinning, you opened your eyes again. 
The room was small, sparsely furnished with only the bed, a rickety chair beside it, and a chest in the corner with a thick layer of dust on top. The wallpaper was yellowed from age, and there were rectangular outlines on the walls where paintings had once been. Once, this had been someone's home, and the thought made the hairs on the back of your neck prickle with the sense that you were intruding. Distantly, you heard a quiet conversation from below, and the voices were too soft, the background too quiet for you to be in the city somewhere. 
Where the hell am I?
You slowly swung your legs over the edge of the bed, determined to poke around further and determine where you were. Standing and pulling Kaz's coat tighter around your shoulders, you managed one step. And another. Your legs trembled and threatened to go out from under you, but you took another step. The door was almost within reach, and you stepped forward to place your hand on the doorknob.
A board creaked beneath your weight, and the voices you'd heard below went quiet.
Footsteps thundered against wood, and the floorboards creaked. The sound grew louder, and you took shaky steps back, your head already swiveling in search of a weapon. Your hand made contact with a glass of water left behind on the bench beside your bed, and you lifted it, ignoring the liquid sloshing over the rim and onto your hand. Your grip slipped slightly, but you held on.
The door screeched open, and you raised the glass as if you might throw it. Your heart raced in your ears as you took in the faces of your friends in the doorway, and it took you a moment to process that you were safe and they would not harm you. Your team. Your friends. Your family.
"Y/N," Jesper said, already stepping into the room, and you set the glass back onto the bench as he came toward you and wrapped his arms around you in a tight, bone-crushing hug. 
You let out a quiet sob as unexpected tears sprung to your eyes, and you wrapped your arms around him, too, despite the spasms of pain running up your bandaged arm and throughout your body. You hid your face in Jesper's chest, breathing in his smell of gunpowder and metal, and he held you tightly against him, swaying back and forth a bit. 
Jes pressed a teary kiss to your sweaty, bloodied hair. "Saints, Y/N," he whispered, and he didn't have to say anything else. You understood. I thought you would die, he was thinking. 
You couldn't blame him. For a while, you thought you would too.
You pulled back and looked up at him, brushing away his tears. "Stop crying," you told him, your voice raspy from emotion and disuse. "You'll make me cry too."
Jesper laughed shakily and squeezed you in a hug one more time, and then a small hand landed on his shoulder, pulling him back. Inej was there, her warm, brown eyes alight with concern. There were a million questions, a million worries there, and you knew she was terrified for you. It wasn't hard to guess what she was thinking.
"I'm okay," you said. "They didn't." 
Inej's fear deflated, and she pulled you into a hug. Her grip was gentler than Jesper's, wary of your injuries, and she pulled back to grip your shoulders. "Thank the Saints," she whispered. Her eyes brimmed with tears. "If they had..."
"They didn't," you repeated, knowing she needed to hear it. You could feel the guilt and worry weighing down on her, and you didn't want her to shoulder that. So you pulled her back into a hug, even as the world tipped under your unsteady legs.
Nina didn't say a word as she joined the embrace, wrapping one arm around Inej and the other around you, pressing her fingertips against the nape of your neck. Her touch eased some of the stiffness and the persistent throbbing there, and you sighed, your head drooping onto her shoulder as you let your friends support you for once. 
"I'll pour some hot water and grab some clean clothes," Inej whispered, withdrawing from the embrace before turning to Jesper and nodding, the two of them quietly leaving as Nina started to tend to your wounds without you having to ask.
"How bad is it?" you murmured, letting Nina carefully guide you to sit on the bed. She pulled your injured arm out before you and peered down at the bandages, and you averted your gaze so you didn't have to see the state of your tattoo. 
"It'll scar," Nina said after a few beats, gently undoing the bandages and then running her fingers over the marred flesh. The touch would have caused pain, had it not been for the soothing rush of her magic over your skin. "When we found you, you had a bad head injury. I needed to work on that first."
There was an apology in her voice, and you looked up at her, finding her already staring back at you with so much sadness in her gaze that the tears you were barely holding back almost slipped down your face. But instead of focusing on what you'd lost, you took a deep breath and forced the tiniest of smiles.
"Thank you," you said softly. 
Nina nodded and smiled back. For once, she didn't press. She didn't say what was undoubtedly on her mind, didn't ask about what had happened to you. Instead, she just silently started to work on repairing what she could of your tattoo, healing scrapes and bruises as she went.
And you let her support you as you did fall apart, her hands still tending to your skin as you turned your head into the black coat draped around your shoulders and let your tears mix with the smokey scent of Kaz and the city that lingered on the fabric.
The air was bitterly cold when you took your first step outside, and you breathed in as much frosty air as possible. Your lungs ached in protest, but you didn't mind. You couldn't after everything you'd been through.
Wrapping the long black coat tighter around yourself, you took slow steps toward the tall silhouette standing near the tree line. He must have heard you coming, and he turned to face you when you stopped a few feet away.
"Hi," you said, your breath clouding before you before dissipating into the dusk. You took another step toward him, then another, then another, until you stood shoulder-to-shoulder with him. Tucking your hands into the too-big pockets in the coat, you looked up at him. He was still watching you, his expression frustratingly yet understandably unreadable. "How long have you been out here?"
"I don't mind the cold," Kaz answered, his voice even raspier than usual. A typical nonanswer for Kaz, but the redness of his nose and around his eyes was anything but typical. The sight made your heart sink, and you longed to reach out to him and give him some reassurance that you were alright.
"Come inside. There's tea," you said, trying again to get him to thaw toward you. If he would say more than one sentence, you might have a better chance at finally talking with him.
"I'm alright," he said, turning back toward the tree line. His icy gaze flickered over the trees as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world, even as muddled shapes. Maybe they were when he wasn't busy looking everywhere but at you.
You were silent for a few long moments, then let out a slow sigh. "Kaz," you said softly. "Don't do that." The words tasted familiar on your tongue, like a memory shared long ago. You hoped Kaz would recognize them, would recognize what you were trying to say. He was shutting you out; at any other time, you would understand, and wouldn't push him to open up to you. 
But you needed him. Don't pull away from me, you silently pleaded, looking up at him as you waited for him to react to your words, to understand what you were asking of him.
Kaz turned to you, and you saw something sparkling in his eyes. It was the first indication of emotion he'd given you, and it was precisely what you needed: a sign that he would open up to you eventually about what was running through his mind. "Do what?" he said, the words fighting to come up past the lump in his throat, the blockage formed by everything he wanted to say to you.
"The distance." The words were breathless, and you didn't follow them up with anything. You didn't need to, because Kaz let out a shaky exhale of his own and then dropped his hand from the top of his cane to his side. Your throat felt tight with emotion as you freed your hand from your coat pocket and then slipped your hand into his, lacing your fingers with his gloved ones. The leather was cool against your skin, but Kaz's touch alone warmed you up plenty.
Kaz gave your hand the gentlest of squeezes, and you felt his gaze burning into your face. It was heavy with the weight of words unspoken, and you decided that talking could wait until it was easier for both of you to bear.
Instead, you turned your head up toward the sky, taking a futile glance around for stars just as the first snowflakes began to flutter down around you and the earth continued its unaffected rotation on its axis.
taglist: @tonberry-yoda, @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r, @futurecorps3, @statsvitenskap, @sapphiccloud, @casualladyinternet, @d34drapunzel, @noctemys, @whitejxsmine, @so6, @franzelt, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @marlene-the-witch, @thestudiouswanderer, @lyjen, @rideacowb0y, @weasleybuns, @dal-light, @mariatpwk, @dreammgc, @elysian-chaos, @breadbrobin, @poppyflower-22, @halfofagayallofaqueer, @battleraven, @amarokofficial, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @poppyflower-22, @madnessinwrighting, @ponyboys-sunsets, @circus-of-thoughts, @empresspenguin18, @mediocrestuff, @stonksman8, @alanis-altair, @thefandomplace, @alohastitch0626, @the-royal-paintbrush, @just-here-for-ff, @whos6claire, @jodiereedus22, @be-lla-vie, @despoinapav05, @arianyo, @willowpains, @geekmom3, @dark-academia-slut, @aeslenya, @directioner5life, @notjustsomeblonde, @osteopsycho, @travelingmypassion, @tiana76, @angelhxneyy, @princessatoru, @urlocalgeek, @lonelywitchv2, @bookloverfilmoholic, @taerae515
please note that if your username is struck through, i was unable to tag you!
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milksnake-tea · 2 months
Dunno if you've ever answered an ask like this before, but do you mind telling us about your mutuals?
Rather, their writing styles and how they interact (No pressure if this sounds like I'm intruding on a boundary or something, I've noticed that you reblog a lot of works and I'm trying to find more fic writers from HSR and Genshin to support, but sometimes it feels a little scary 😅)
HELP NO IT'S OKAY !!! no fear in asking, we love people like you <333 these are mainly the mutuals that i've read fics from so that i can actually tell you how they write but still. THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG ONE STRAP IN FOLKS. if i forgot ygs im sorry oops... also sorry for the tag COUGHS (esp to the ppl i keep tagging when i get asked abt my moots BYE kawa skip mhie naru ren im so sorry i love you i swear)
NARU !!! ONE OF MY FIRST EVER HSR MOOTS AND ONE OF THE WRITERS I LOOK UP TO THE MOST. her writing style is very scenic?? if i were to describe it, it's very dreamy and whimsical and it's like reading a fantasy book. very descriptive but not so descriptive that you're eating fancy words. she's jing yuan centric but occasionally writes for others such as dan heng and sunday! she's honestly very very silly when it comes to interaction, like in an older sister way <33 she talks like an aesthetic if that makes sense
skip has a very elegant feel to her writing like LORD. it's giving noble/fantasy thriller enemies to lovers but in a writing style i love her prose and how she really makes you feel the vibe of a scene. she's really kind and sweet, gives older sister vibes lowkey
kawa is like me but x497842389 cooler and with a lot better grasp on characters. you want proper characterization? you want big brain ideas? GO TO HIM. his writing feels theatric, like a movie or a play. it's so descriptive and he does an amazing job at describing action and characters and GRGRGRGR
lord i dont know if its okay to tag you but uhm. hi waves hand 😭😭 honestly i haven't interacted w kou much but from what i can tell she's really nice!! BUT I HAVE READ HER WRITING. AND LAWRD. her writing feels like little snapshots of life, you feel like you're actually like. THERE. she always has the biggest brain of ideas i swear and i highly recommend her writing. mostly fluff with a touch of angst, one of my favorites fr !!
hi emi. bet you didn't expect to get tagged here huh. but you have one hsr fic and that's enough for me to slap you onto here and promo you (it's on ao3 and it's not an x reader, but it is a tragedy yanqing timeskip!!! i beta read for that btw flips hair (i still need to edit im so sorry emi please)). as for interaction, she is silly asf. TO ME PERSONALLY? shes like the ratty little sibling that you want to throw out the window but would also kill for. has great vibes over all, she's so sweet but sometimes shes a lil shit so. yeah. idk how she acts to followers but she is like that to ME. but she is full of whimsy and glee so there's that
edgar allan poe incarnate over here??? HELLO??? crow is. her writing is RAW. like okay this is going to get a bit gorey but they write like a freshly opened wound, it's vulnerable, it's poetic, it's pure imagery and i LOVE it. also another goofy moot. i think like just attracts like atp
gwen is an absolute SWEETHEART. very silly. BUT THEY'RE SO SWEET. her writing is literally sunlight put into literary terms, if that makes sense. it's warm, comfy, and cozy (except when she kills you in the arms of your favorite character. which she has done) and i highly recommend her writing for a comfy read <3
mhie is a HATER OF THE HIGHEST ORDER jk i love her she just bullies me GOODBYE 😭 mhie gives off older sister vibes, a lot of people (including me HELP) see her as intimidating but she's really sweet once you get to know her. or she calls you milk. who knows. ANYWAYS genuinely one of the people i look up to most, she always gives amazing feedback on writing and her own writing??? the prose??? she's a master at it. knows how to really elevate a piece and it's just really easy on the eyes. she's also a research writer, her jiaoqiu fic utilizes chinese proverbs and terminology and i think that's really neat <3
hi bottom beta. okay wait sorry you have a reputation i forgot ANYWAYS. SOL IS SUCH A SILLY GOOSE. i love him. BUT HE IS SO GOOFY AND I MEAN THAT IN A POSITIVE WAY. i haven't read that much about what sol writes unfortunately since i'm no longer interested in genshin that much 😭😭 but i've heard good things !! definitely someone you wanna check out if you like good vibes :D
ren my pookiebear my LORD !!! resident aquila favonia haver (she has like 21 as of right now) and she serves every time she writes. always gets slapped onto my rec list because she's one of the few writers that genuinely have me kicking and giggling 😭 really cute, really tension filled, one of my favorite authors :))
SUNNIII true to his name his writing feels just so warm and light, like a slice of life anime. very relaxing reads, at least from what i've seen !! very warm, really really cute <33 like the main one that ive read from him is that alhaitham jealousy fic and??? the characterization was ON POINT. i loved it so much (the switch up made me laugh) as for personality. HES FUNNY. LIKE HES STRAIGHT UP HILARIOUS I LOVE HIM GO CHECK HIM OUT I SWEAR ITS WORTH IT
q has a very pretty vibe if that makes sense, i haven't read much from them but i can definitely say that their writing style is beautiful, like a meadow full of flowers or a quiet stream. they've always been kind to me in that sort of older sibling way, and they're someone that i would trust as an emergency contact. lots of genshin and hsr from what i've seen on my dash, so definitely go check them out!
avery's on the more reserved side, at least from my point of view, or maybe that's because when i first met them they had a ferminet pfp. they're pretty chill and casual, and can i just say? their writing is very easy to read, it has great flow and i can just lose myself in the fic. like i don't see the words i see what the words are saying, if that makes sense. avery also focuses on platonic writing, although they have been writing some romance with furina!! my personal favorite work of theirs was that fic of arlecchino comforting her crying child because it made me feel so much better about my life at 9 am when i just woke up.
FELICITYYYY she's a mutual in my heart even tho apparently tumblr thinks i dont follow her. but i do. ANYWAYS. another person that i consider on the more reserved side, but she's been fun whenever we talked. can i just say. SHE IS SO GOOD AT WRITING AVENTURINE. there's this one fic down the line about him being drunk??? i think??? and I ATE THAT UP because the tension and atmosphere that she managed to create. just magnificent. she has an aventurine series up right now iirc (i still need to read the new chapter im so sorry feli) and the prologue was. a roller coaster so definitely go check her out!
vee is literally bursting with ideas and by god does she put them to use. i always see them brainrotting or thinking of new ideas or things to write, literally one of the most creative people ive met. can be a little silly, but still a sweetheart <33 her writing is more formal than what i'm used to i'll admit, but still a delight to read nevertheless <33 very descriptive is how i'd describe it, like it feels like she's looking at the scene as shes writing it
ayame is like. the sweetest person i have ever met. like ill be here being a little shit and she'll still be an absolute sweetheart I ALMOST FEEL BAD BECAUSE SHE HAS TO DEAL WITH MY ASS BYE 😭😭 i just recently reblogged one of her works and it straight up feels like it came out of a fairytale, it was so light and sweet <33
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kindestofkings · 10 months
elijah hewson x pop singer! reader
authors note: reader is matty healy's lil sister cause I loovvvee connecting my two fav bands.
ENJOY THIS EVERYONEEE, happy holidays <33
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liked by charli_xcx and others
yourusername thank you thank you THANK YOU everyone for all the love and support over this album !! it was the product of heartbreak but now its the thing bringing me all the joys <33 tour continues next week cant wait to see all you sexy beings :))
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yourfan1 where is the deluxe version of the deluxe version?? i need it now
yourfan2 thank u for giving us this 
charli_xcx the QUEEN of pop
yourusername are you kidding?? have you seen yourself?
denise_welch so so proud of you my darling girl !
yourusername mumma<333
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liked by trumanblack and others
denise_welch my eldest and my youngest. having a fab time on our summer holidays 💕💕
tagged: trumanblack and yourusername
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bedfordanes75 yourusername you look rightly fed up
yourusername is it that obvious?? rass75 what were you arguing about trumanblack think this was just after she told me to stop using the word meta yourusername literally no need to hear its so much, what is meta in mallocra matthew ?? trumanblack who needs to say slay so much? sorry for having a developed vocabulary denise_welch kids... yourusername sorry mum trumanblack sorry mum
1975fan1 i love that they are normal siblings even tho they're killing it in the music industry
yourusername posted on their story!
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my mother and my mother?? confused but continue
bedfordanes75 charli is v upset she thought she was mother ↳ I can explain..... taylorswift hahha stop it shes the best! can't wait for you to join us on tour 🕺 yourfan1 I love you all
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liked by yourfan1 and others
ynfanupdates guys omg I was just at the 1975 gig with my sister and yn was their special guest😭😭😭 best. day. EVER.
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1975fan1 I died when matty said its annoying being the least talented singer in the family
ynfanupdates did he lie tho she sounded inCREDIBLE, had the whole place hoppin
yourfan1 omg what did she sing??
1975fan1 she sang cruel summer coming out and then she sang she lays down with matty! usually the boys leave the stage when they have a special guest but they all stayed and played for her it was ADORBS ynfanupdates one thing the boys of the 1975 are gonna be is overly proud of yourusername
yourusername thank you so much for all the love guys I was SO NERVOUS lol
ynfanupdates omg hiii no we would have NEVER KNOWN, you were so good yourusername 💕💕
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername the 1975 family you really know how to make a girl feel welcome ! thank you for singing so loudly and embracing your inner pop girlie with me. sorry big bro for making you cry and getting all the talent in the family 😬
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trumanblack oi I just did a nice thing dont come for me
yourusername sorry cant hear you through all your tears?? what did you say? rass75 how did we end up with the uncool healy? trumanblack mate youre meant to be MY bestfriend
1975fan1 fav sibling duo
inhalerfan1 oh hello eli in the likes??
inhalerfan2 I ALWAYS notice him omg imagine they dated
denis_welch proud as always watching you two doing what you do best never gets old!
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername like paris in 45' 🕺😏
city of love has me feeling all kinds of things, would I lose my job if I wrote songs about being in love instead of heartbreak??
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yourfan1 MOTHER id listen to anything you release
inhalerfan1 not the inhaler lyric and discussions of LOVE
inhalerfan2 being delulu and obsessing over how hot of a couple yn and eli would be inhalerfan1 girl me toooo yourfan2 she's never this secretive of boyfriends tho inhalerfan2 shusshhhh
bedfordanes75 we have a WHOLE song called paris that you could've used....
taylorswift me too :(( trumanblack she's too busy fancying bonos son to care yourusername im gonna kill you charli_xcx ratty youre an idiot
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername not me curating the most perfect of perfect soft launches for my IDIOT brother to ruin it all. well I tell you I wont let a manchild who writes quotes about crappy coffee and boys ruin this for me ! you dont know who that is got it? GOT IT?
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bedfordanes75 life's too short to drink crappy coffee ☕️☕️ rass75 and cry over boys 😭😭🙍🏻‍♂️ yourusername who dont care 🤷‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️💅 1975fan ahahahhahahahah boom roasted
bobbyskeetz he clearly doesnt know how scary you are over this subject...
yourusername !!!!!
inhalerfan1 I am so so happy right not
yourusername and why miss inhaler fan would that be?? I suggest you reread that caption hmmhmm inhalerfan1 truly terrifying but im sorry the third picture is my proof yourusername i give up it was just too cute to leave out
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bbcradio we had the fabulous yn healy come visit us in in the bbc live lounge ! Follow the link in our bio to see this pop queen's cover of jeff buckley's lover, you should've come over 🥹
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername had SO MUCH FUN !!
inhalerfan1 respecting your soft launch mother but this has me gagged teehee
yourfan1 I beg of you to release this on spotify its a NEED
bobbyskeetz huh interesting song choice
ryanmacmahon_15 wonder if theres a deeper meaning to this selection joshjenkinson_ theres someone who kinda looks like him, isnt there? yourusername I dont know what you're implying... who even are you three???? inhalerfan1 heheh not you pretending not to know them while following all three of them
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liked by ynfan1 and others
deuxmoi theres a hot new couple on the block
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ynfan1 I hate this account so much like respect their privacy
inhalerfan1 holy fuck it's true then
inhalerfan2 wow are we gonna talk about that letter
ynfan2 who do you think wrote it ? inhalerfan1 its giving Eli vibes to me ynfan3 could not be theirs ...
yninhalerstan why is no one talking about the contents of the letter?!?! man literally wrote you fill my head with sweetness and you fill my head with YOU
inhalerfan1 sleeping on the motorway tonight ynfan1 I am sooo single it hurts
bobbyskeetz stay out of it like
yourusername damn having my very own alexa chung moment rn
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername to answer the burning question: yes we met at the daycare for nepobabies 😏
also the last pic is for the nosey bastards at deuxmoi !
tagged: elijahhewson
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elijahhewson still waiting for my love letter...
yourusername alri I dont know if I can be the alex to your alexa, what about a few love songs? elijahhewson yeah guess that'll do yourusername get ready pretty boy inhalerfan1 PRETTY BOY ynfan1 damn we lost her
bobbyskeetz THANK GOD this has been awful to keep in
ynfan2 damnn can believe I lost the love of my life to an irish boy
yourusername a very pretty irish boy that makes me v happy, does that help or make it worse? ynfan2 really 😭😭 really 😭😭 happy for you 😭😭
inhalerfan2 nepobaby²!!
trumanblack you promised me you wouldn't date until you were at least 35..
yourusername 👁👄👁 we're just friends..
denis_welch both so gorgeous! great to see you so happy
ynfan2 damn he makes her happy 😭 😭
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liked by trumanblack and others
yourusername surprise! my next album fuck, I'm in love is gonna be yours next month <33
cause im in a giving mood I thought I'd give you a look at the covers AND the a sneak peak at the tracklist mwah xx
1. lover 2. mastermind 3. nonsense 4. the archer 5. dress 6. gorgeous 7. bad for business 8. false god 9. good in bed 10. your power
(please listen even tho they're happy )
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yourusername also big shout out to bedfordanes and miss xcx for help with the production xxx
bedfordanes sick songs but also so very disturbing that the littlest healy is thinking like this charli_xcx such a baby ! songs are just as hot as you girl 🔥🔥
inhalerfan1 those song titles...
ynfan1 oh MY GOD good in bed ?? LOVER is this a dont listen around your parents album??
yourusername well tracks 3,4 and 9 are off limits for my brother and mum if that tells you anything ynfan1 mwhahahha miss girl you're iconic
ryanmcmahon_15 oh he's gonna be unbearable after this
joshjenkinson_ like he isn't already bad enough he's dating one of the biggest popstars rn inhalerfan1 lol eli in his wag era elijahhewson and proud of it 💅💅
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates BEST DAY EVERRRR guys I got invited to yn's secret show in london tonight and it was the best thing to ever happen to me 😭 it was such an intimate show with only a handful of fans there and she sang the entire new album. also her brother matty came on and played guitar for your power, which had me SOBBING
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ynfan1 wow im sooo envious was it just fans?
ynfanupdates no it was like for all her friends and family ! ynfan1 sooooo was he there? ynfanupdates who do you think shes smiling to?? he was ofc there and the rest of inhaler
ynfan2 what are the songs like ? can you remember any lyrics??
ynfanupdates not really I was so in the moment and I'm gonna gatekeep them cause you will enjoy them more next friday! ynfanupdates but ill tell you what she said before the archer! said that it was written about her brother (matty) and how since she's always looked up to him, and she can't believe that he isn't more assured in himself or something ynfan2 ahhh I cannot wait
inhalerfan1 what was your favourite??
ynfanupdates soooo hard to choose but i think gorgeous or mastermind ! she was so clearly happy singing them <3
yourusername I too cry at the sight of my brother I dont blame you ! thank you for coming and thank you thank you for not leaking any lyrics <33
ynfanupdates my pleasure 💕💕💕💕
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername wow releasing an album just before silly season was HECTIC. but I wouldnt change it for the world! thank you for all the love for fuck, im in love the first couple shows have been INSANE.
got up to some other fun aswell as doing shows, I mean it is silly season after all !
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taylorswift tis the damn season !
elijahhewson fuck that first pic..
yourusername yeah? im too busy looking at the hottie in the second pic... bobbyskeetz you both make me SICK trumanblack agreed you should both break up rn yourusername as IF you weren't the one throwing a hissy fit over the fact he's not coming for christmas
joshjennkinson_ seems like an unfair pic to choose ...
ryanmcmahon_15 done so dirty yourusername but you all look soooo tall!
denis_welch can't wait to have you back for christmas !! enjoy Ireland first
yourusername me too! I'll be home on the 23rd :)) inhalerfan1 ahh shes going to eli's!!
yourusername just added to their story!
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trumanblack and why in gods name do you always us this pic
↳ yourusername its the definition of socially awkwardness hahaha
bobbyskeetz get ready for the worst hangover ever afterwards
↳ yourusername terrified on multiple levels
elijahhewson hahahha you've met them so much it's grand
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liked by trumanblack and others
yourusername if im just a girl how am I now a homeowner??
another amazing thing to finish of this AMAZING year 💘
comments have been limited
trumanblack STOP GROWING UP
denis_welch I agree with matthew
elijahhewson woohoo homeowners next step dogowners ?
yourusername we have not got it in us to be parents in any capacity babyyy elijahhewson :((((
Check out part two here xxx
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theycallmebecca · 4 months
Drabble: Sweet Delights (Colin & Penelope AU)
Hello! I have no idea how many people are going to see this. So if you've followed me for awhile, hi, I'm back. Sort of! And if you're new, hi!
It's been 8 months since I've written and posted anything due to too much stress and writers block. But yesterday I saw that @the-slumberparty was hosting a summer event and I looked at the prompts and it just seemed like fun.
I chose Cookie Dough (bakery AU) with Cherries (meet cute) and paired it with a modern day AU Bridgerton.
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Title: Sweet Delights
Fandom: Bridgerton AU & Modern
Pairing: AU Colin Bridgerton x AU Penelope Featherington
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: suggestive
Author's Note: The characters are the following ages, Colin - 33, Daphne - 32, Penelope - 28, Felicity - 21 (she's the youngest Featherington sister in the books)
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context.
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"The things I do for you," Colin Bridgerton mumbled as he walked down the street with his sister Daphne.
She shot him a peevish look before replying, "And who else was I supposed to ask to go with me to sample cake for mum's party?"
Colin considered that for a second before sighing. She was right, damnit. Of all eight Bridgerton siblings, his palette was the most like their mothers. Not to mention the fact that he was always hungry.
"Here we are," Daphne said, gesturing to a sign that read 'Sweet Delights'.
Ever the gentleman, Colin opened the door for his sister and let her enter before he followed.
A tall, skinny redhead was behind the counter and Colin opted to stand to the side, letting his sister introduce herself. He let his eyes wander around the shop, taking in the mix of modern and antique decor.
Spotting a frame with several news clippings, he wandered over to look at it. Learning that the shop had been in this building since just after World War II and the original owner, Penelope Thomas, had recently retired and sold the business to her granddaughter, Penelope Featherington. Both women were pictured side by side and Colin felt drawn to the younger one despite knowing he'd never met her before.
"Colin," he heard his sister call.
Colin turned and collided with someone.
There was a shriek and then cakes went flying.
Acting on pure instinct, Colin grabbed the woman, trying to steady them both, but then his foot slipped on frosting and he felt himself falling, the woman with him.
They landed with a crash, the woman landing on top of him as cake splatted to the ground around them.
"Oh my god," the woman said once everything was silent. "Oh my god. I am so -"
Colin opened his eyes and found the woman, Penelope, from the clippings, laying on top of him.
"Are you alright?" Daphne's worried voice reached Colin's ears.
"I'm fine," Colin assured her. "Are you ok?" His eyes met Penelope's and felt his heart skip a beat.
"Y- yes," she replied. Her eyes remained locked with his for a second before she shook her head, as if finally remembering that she was on top of him in the middle of the floor. "Oh my god."
"Careful!" the other redhead exclaimed. "There's cake and frosting everywhere."
Then she and Daphne were there and helped Penelope untangle herself without making things worse.
Finally, Colin sat up and rubbed the back of his head, only to pull his hand away and find red.
He tilted his head and studied the substance that clearly wasn't blood. Bringing his hand to his face, he sniffed it.
"Colin?" his sister asked, concerned.
"It's strawberry coulis," Colin and Penelope said at the same time.
Most of the time, Penelope Featherington felt like she was the owner of a bake shop. But there were sometimes when she felt anything but.
Today was one of those days. It felt like nothing had gone right all day.
Then, to top it all off, her younger sister, Felicity, had forgotten to tell her that she'd scheduled a last minute cake tasting for a new customer named Daphne Basset.
Penelope had had exactly twenty minutes before the appointment to scramble everything together, thankful that most of their flavor combinations were featured in their cupcakes, before the appointment.
She heard the bell on the door jingle as she put the last cupcake on the tray and breathed a sigh of relief.
She took a minute to clean herself up and then left the kitchen with the tray of samples.
Everything was fine for the first five and a half steps. She saw the woman talking to Felicity and then saw the man looking at the news clippings. She couldn't see his face, but he was tall and had gorgeous chestnut hair that she just wanted to run her fingers through.
"Colin?" The voice came out of nowhere and he turned unexpectedly.
She tried to avoid the collision, but it likely made the situation worse. Her overcorrection had left her unbalanced and he'd tried to save her, but it had led to them both ending up on the floor.
She'd landed on top of him, all her wobbly bits pressed against his solid body. His strong arms wrapped around her, still holding her close.
"Oh my god," she said, once the room had fallen silent. "Oh my god." She felt his hands drop from around her. "I am so -" 
"Are you alright?" the woman's worried voice asked, interrupting her. Penelope assumed she had to be Daphne Basset.
"I'm fine." She could feel the vibration of his words as he assured his companion before he asked her, "Are you ok?"
Their eyes met and the anger that Penelope had suspected to see wasn't there. Instead, his eyes were filled with nothing but kindness and a hit of surprise. There was something else in his look, but Penelope wasn't sure how to interpret it.
"Y- yes," she stammered, unable to pull her eyes from his. There was something about him that seemed so familiar and yet different all at the same time. Then she remembered where she was. On top of him in the middle of her bakery. "Oh my god."
She started to push herself off him, but stopped when she heard Felicity call out, "Careful!"
Between Felicity and Daphne, they helped Penelope get up without causing more damage to herself, Colin or the bake shop.
Once she was on her feet, Penelope surveyed the damage. All of the cupcakes had been ruined and they'd managed to smash a few under them when they fell.
Hearing the concern in Daphne's voice, Penelope shifted her gaze to Colin who was studying something red in his hand.
Her eyes dropped back to the floor where they'd been just moments before and saw the chocolate cupcake with the chocolate mousse cupcake where his head had been. It was smashed and its filling had oozed out. 
"It's strawberry coulis," Colin and Penelope said at the same time.
"Are you sure?" Daphne asked, concern still laced in her voice.
"I'm fine, Daph," he sighed. Then, turning to the other women, said, "Sisters, am I right?"
"Older or younger?" the one that wasn't Penelope asked.
"Younger," Colin and Daphne echoed.
"Definitely a you problem then," the young woman said with a smirk. "Us younger sisters never do anything wrong, isn't that right, Penelope?"
Colin smiled when he saw Penelope roll her eyes at her younger sister. He chose to ignore what that might mean.
With his eyes on Penelope, he saw her straighten her shoulders and turn to Daphne. "I am so sorry about this," she apologized and gestured to the mess around them. "If you choose us to make the cake for your party, it will be on the house."
"That is very kind of you, but we insist on paying," Daphne told her.
"They're Eloise's siblings," her younger sister explained. "Bridgerton."
The unease in Penelope's stance all but vanished. "You're Eloise's siblings?" she repeated.
Colin felt her eyes on him as she studied him and then Daphne. Then she nodded and said, "Yes. I see the resemblance now."
"You know Eloise?" he asked. He hadn't known that, but evidently Daphne had.
"She and her sisters went to the school as we did," Daphne told him. "Eloise and Penelope were in the same year and were roommates at one point."
"Our last year," Penelope supplied. "We've lost touch in the years since, I'm afraid."
Her sister cleared her throat, forcing all the attention to her. "It's just that, if Mr. Bridgerton has coulis in his hair, he'll likely want to wash it out as soon as possible. It is quite sticky."
"She's right," Daphne said with a sigh. "And we drove together, too. I guess we'll have to reschedule."
"Actually, Penelope's apartment is just up the stairs," the younger sister said. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind if Mr. Bridgerton wanted to rinse off. Especially not since she, herself, needs to go upstairs and change."
If looks could kill, Felicity would be dead from the glare that Penelope shot her sister.
"Oh, that would be splendid!" Daphne exclaimed. "And while they do that, I can help you clean, Felicity."
Penelope blinked and shook her head confused. This was her bake shop, since when did her sister call the shots?
"Just go, Pen," Felicity said, waving her towards the kitchen and the stairs beyond it. "By the time you two come back down, this place will be clean and we can start over."
Penelope sighed and turned to Colin. "Come with me, I guess," she said.
"If you're uncomfortable, I can call for a taxi," he told her once they were alone in the kitchen. "It's no trouble." Then he tossed her a smirk and said, "After all, I have four younger sisters. I know how managing they can be."
Penelope studied him for a moment, giving herself time to decide. She knew two of his sisters, Eloise and Francesca, quite well and given everything that had transpired in the last fifteen minutes, she still felt comfortable in his presence.
"Come along," she said. "I think I still have some stuff my ex left here that you can wear." She paused and asked, "Assuming you don't have anything against wearing vegan, cruelty free clothing."
Colin paused and tilted his head, giving her a confused look. "Is there really such a thing?" he asked.
"According to my ex there is," she replied and then cringed. She and Alfred, never Alfie, Debling had been broken up for six months and here she was talking about him like a love sick fool. She stopped suddenly on the stairs and turned to face Colin, who was two steps behind her, but they were nearly face to face because of the difference. "I'm not hung up on my ex. I just like facts and facts are easy."
Colin tilted his head again and she wasn't sure if she found it adorable or annoying. "I like facts, too," he finally said.
Penelope took a breath, nodded her head and then continued up the stairs. She unlocked her apartment door and then stepped aside to let him in.
"The bathroom is right there," she pointed to one of the few doors in the apartment. "I'm afraid all of my stuff is rather girly," she apologized. "But you're welcome to use any of it."
"It's better than strawberry coulis, I'm sure," Colin said. "The clothes?"
"Oh right," she said and then, because it was established they both liked facts, added, "I know I said they were my ex's, but I bought them on sale and then we broke up, so they were never actually his. It was just too late to return them."
Colin tried not to look, but he found it impossible not to as Penelope got down on her hands and knees to pull a box out from under her bed.
She had a nice ass.
He'd noticed it on the stairs and had been caught completely off guard when she'd spun around suddenly. If she'd caught him staring, she hadn't said anything.
"I know they're here somewhere," she said, her ass in the air as she searched.
Colin opened his mouth to respond, but wasn't sure what one was supposed to say in such a situation.
'Take your time' seemed indecent, especially since his eyes kept going to her butt.
'I'm in no rush' was a lie, he could feel the stickiness on the back of his neck.
"Ah ha!" she exclaimed. "Found them!"
Colin watched as she shoved the box back under her bed. Then he quickly averted his gaze as she stood up and made her way to him.
"Here you go," she said, holding them out. "And you can just keep them. I don't have any use for them."
"Thank you," he replied. Then gestured to the bathroom. "I'll just…"
"Oh yes, of course," she said. "And I'll change, too. But over there." She pointed to an old-fashioned privacy screen. "Uh, enjoy your shower." Then she cringed.
"Thanks," he said before giving her what he hoped was a friendly smile.
He went into the bathroom and closed the door.
He gotten as far as removing his shirt when there was a knock.
"I, uh, have a bag for your clothes," she said from the other side.
Colin glanced at himself in the mirror and then decided 'why the hell not' and opened the door.
Penelope had expected him to just open the door enough to accept the bag, but when he opened it fully and revealed his chests, she visibly swallowed.
Her eyes traveled up from his trim waist, up to his toned pecs and, finally, up to his face. Where she saw a heated look staring back at her.
"Here's the bag," she said quickly and then hurried away from the door, wishing like hell that she didn't live in a studio apartment.
A second later, the bathroom door closed and she waited until she heard the water turn on before she made her way to the antique privacy screen.
There was a wicked part of her brain that told her to just barge into the bathroom and kiss Colin Bridgerton and give into the desire that was evidently building between them. But the cautious side of her brain, the part that had been ever present and nagged while she was dating Alfred, told her to proceed with caution.
There was no unease, she realized as she changed clothes. When she'd dated Alfie, as Felicity loved to call him these days, there had been a sense of unease at every turn.
They'd only dated for less than a year, but he'd constantly been asking her to change herself and her world while expecting her to accept him exactly as he was. The turning point had come when he'd all but demanded she abandon her grandmother's tried and true recipes and convert the bakery to an exclusively vegan and gluten free one.
That's when she had realized that she would never be good enough for him. There would always be parts of her life that he'd expect her to change to please him. That she wasn't good enough just being herself.
Stepping out behind the privacy screen, Penelope studied the bathroom door. While she'd only just met Colin, she knew about him and his family. While Eloise hadn't spoken a lot about her family, per say, they'd been classmates from the ages of 11 to 18 and she could recall a story or two about the Bridgerton older brothers.
Strawberry coulie free, Colin stepped out of the bathroom wearing the gifted joggers and hoodie. They were a little loose on him, but otherwise were comfortable.
Feeling eyes on him, he looked up and caught Penelope looking at him. When her cheeks started to redden, he tilted his head and studied her.
"Why do you do that?" she asked him. "Tilt your head when you look at me?"
"I dunno," he said. "I didn't even realize I was doing it. I guess, I just find you intriguing."
"Is that a good thing?" she asked him. She hadn't moved from her position about ten feet away from him.
They stood silently for a moment before she gestured to the stairs. "I suppose we should go help our sisters."
They made their way back down the stairs, but instead of finding their sisters, they found a note on the workbench.
Penelope read it and then handed it to him.
Daphne forgot she had dinner plans with her husband tonight and I have a date. You and Colin will need to finalize the flavors tonight. The party is next week.
"This has Daphne written all over it," Colin accused. "I'm sorry about this. My sister is happily married and thinks everyone else should be too."
"Don't blame your sister entirely," Penelope said, shaking her head. "Felicity isn't innocent in this."
"Younger sisters, am I right?" Colin echoed his sentiment from earlier, which had the desired effect, making Penelope smile. "Tell me how I can help."
"Tell me how I can help," Colin's voice reverberated in her mind.
Alfie had never offered to help. Not even when the shop was in a rush and he was waiting for her to close for the day. He'd just sit at the table in the corner and read.
Propelled by some source within her, Penelope closed the difference, wrapped her arm around Colin's neck and pulled his face towards hers and kissed him. It took a second, but soon his arms were around her and he was kissing her back.
It was the first kiss she had always dreamed of and more.
She saw fireworks.
She felt sparks.
But more than anything, she felt wanted.
When they finally broke apart, Colin rested his forehead against hers and they stared at each other while they caught their breath.
One Year Later
"Colin!" Penelope shrieked as he dipped his finger into the strawberry coulis. "That's for your mum's cake!"
"She'll never know," he replied before he licked finger clean.
He knew that Penelope knew that he knew she was watching his tongue closely as he cleaned his finger.
"Colin," she said in a faux warning tone.
"Penelope," he replied in a mocking tone.
Then he grinned and dipped his finger again, this time he held it out to her.
Her eyes met his and he tilted his head, daring her to join his game.
His mother's party was until tomorrow evening, which meant he could help Penelope decorate the cake, and make more coulis, in the morning.
"Penelope," he said in a seductive tone.
"Colin," she replied in the same tone. Then she took his hand and licked the strawberry coulis off his finger, swirling her tongue in the devastating manner that she knew would completely undo him.
"You have five minutes to clean up," he told her once she released his finger. "And then I'm either taking you on the workbench or carrying you upstairs."
She only needed four and they left a trail of clothing going up the stairs.
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dragonagecompanions · 7 months
hello, this is my first request :) unsure if your still taking requests but I was wondering how the companions (maybe romanced maybe not) would react to finding out the Inquisitor has a dead kid? I think the only way the party would find out is in the fade via the fear demon, and then maybe the advisors find out on their own ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌
idk but I would be truly honored to see you answer this request, and even if not than thank you for reading over it <33
- 🍡
Cassandra: When the fear demon, gleeful in it’s telling of their leader’s loss, reveals the truth the Seeker is…well, there are no words. Forcibly she is reminded of how they swayed, pale and weeping, when she had said there were no other survivors. Guilt churns low and deep at her own words, a year and more gone now, throwing that fact in their face as accusation. Throwing such a loss in their face and then demanding answers.
Throwing a calling at their feet and demanding leadership, never knowing what a loss they struggled through.
She fights all the harder for them, as if every enemy batted away from them is attempted absolution. Cassandra Pentaghast thought she understood grief in all its facets, but what does the loss of older brother and parents- expected losses if come too soon- stand before the loss of a child? Maker, how do they still breathe through it?
When they are free of the fade, she approaches only to offer apology. If they wish to speak of their loss she will listen, but only then. She has forced enough from them.
Varric: Shit. Just…shit. Here he is, going on for months about how this story is bad for heroes and how the Inquisitor is the main character and blathering on, and never saw it. Never saw the aching grief, because it was never shown. The only example he has, or is at least intimately familiar with, is Leandra Hawk and his own mother.
And as the Inquisitor had never fallen into drink or taken to blaming whoever was closest to them for things outside of anyone’s control there had been no sign for Varric to catch on to. And it makes him feel…almost dirty. Stained with his own intentions, blithely going on while their leader had lost their kid.
He doesn’t bring it up to them, doesn’t know how, but Skyhold’s resident author is absolutely the own who tells Josephine as soon as they tumble out of the fade. That raven missive is a short and brutal telling, far from his normal goings on, and his guilt is manifold in it.
Solas: The Dread Wolf is not so unattached from the world as to not consider the losses suffered at the conclave, but for the most part -when he did turn his mind to them- they were mostly academic. A balance of power, and the loss of so many leaders among both chantry and mages a destabilizing force for his future efforts. Numbers laid cooly on a chart, beads on an abacus. The fortunes of war laid bare.
But more than one parent lost a child in that terrible moment, and siblings mourned. Children bereft, friends torn asunder, lovers left to weep alone for their loves. Listening to the fear demon enumerate the inquisitor’s loss magnifies the enormity of what happened, and though he will undoubtedly be the source of much worse for a moment the Dread Wolf cannot breathe.
It passes, of course, and when they leave the fade the rift mage dies his best not to carry those emotions out with him. This world is not to blame for his actions, for the destruction of his world, but he must restore it and so they must bear the cost. It is not fair to them, and it will be long months until he can be east about his plans.
In the interim, he dares to approach the inquisitor only once about their loss. He is there as a listening ear in the silence of his rotunda if they wish to speak of their sorrow. Or if they wish only a silent companion, he will direct the kindest spirits he can find to guard their dreams and remain at their side as long as he can.
Blackwall: Maker forbid. For a moment Skyhold’s would be warden is swamped by the images of Callier’s children, dead under tiny shrouds beside the ruined carriage at his command. Too many children fall victim to the machinations of their elders and with none to protect them from the fall out, but for all that most of Blackwall’s experience has been from the other side.
Being confronted with the parent who had lost a child, confronted with the knowledge that they had told none of them and had suffered under the burden alone was staggering. Damn it, they had all laid burdens at the Inquisitor’s feet and expected answers, demanded decisions and leadership in a word gone mad— and none had known what they had lost.
He doesn’t know what to say or how to act and instead channels everything into the fight to flee the fade. Rainier would be too much the coward to speak to their leader in the aftermath, but Blackwall- older and hopefully wiser from his own griefs- will offer quiet condolences and whatever aid he can. If they need to speak of it be will listen. And if not there is soft wood and chisel enough to grind out any feelings if that is what they need.
Vivienne: Children had never been in her destiny. As a mage, even one so elevated as to be all but free of the constraints of the circle, motherhood was forbidden to her. Any child of her womb would be sacrificed to the Chantry, given to a family deemed ‘more worthy’ to raise it.
And as a mistress, no matter how deeply the love between them bloomed, Bastian could never have given her such a blessing. He had children— an illegitimate child, and a mage child at that, would have been too great a weapon against him.
And so she had put it out of her mind, never allowed herself to consider or imagine what a son might look like, how a daughter might smile. To think of it would be a loss too great to contemplate—or so she had thought. Met with the active loss and overwhelming grief that their leader must feel, Madame de Fer is suddenly glad not to know how such a burden might rest on her soul.
Could she be so calm a leader as the Inquisitor, while bleeding out inside? Vivienne does not know, and that…well, terrifies her in a way little has. But she is not called iron for nothing, and so when all is calm again she will go the Herald and ask simply and plainly what she might do for them. If the answer is nothing she will abide by it. And if there is something that might in any way assuage their grief then she will ensure they have it.
Dorian: Well, that at least explains the Inquisitor’s uncharacteristically violent outburst, when Halward Pavus had made his way to Ferelden. Upon hearing the possible consequences of the blood magic ritual the Inquisitor had laid into the Magister, flaying with words when they could not use violence. Even the Pavus paterfamilias had seemed shaken by the diatribe, and Dorian had felt championed.
He is not so shallow as to feel betrayed by the knowledge of what terrible grief must have driven such an impassioned defamation of character, but can instead only ache for his friend’s loss. They must have been a wonderful parent, and in a quiet time later will gather his courage to tell them so.
Sera: It doesn’t really register in the moment, so great is her own fear of the Fade and it’s denizens, but later it will simply break the Red Jenny’s heart. Their leader lost a true little one, and still managed to bring themselves to protect the rest of the little people no matter their age.
Like Blackwall she will either offer distraction or uncharacteristic silence in comfort, baked goods an offering that feels too…personal for such a gaping loss. But her admiration for them grows exponentially.
The Iron Bull: Public, corporate grief is rare among the Qun. Not forbidden, exactly, but when everyone is given a role it also implies that every person is inherently replaceable in that role. As Koslun said, the tide rises and falls and things must work forward toward peace.
But the death of a child is different. Whether disease or violence or simple accident, losing an imereki is a tragedy. The Tamassran mourns, the others in their care mourn, and all those in the sphere of the lost one are permitted some little allowance for the loss. Things cannot grind to a halt- this is why parents are separated from children, to ensure the deep emotional bonds that are anathema to the Qun- but there is not simple acceptance without acknowledgement of the loss.
Not even that was given to the Inquisitor. It’s east to see the shock of the others even through his own fear, and the knowledge infuriates Bull enough to get him through the Fade. Their leader lost a child, and no one was there for them. Instead piled on the whole world and its imminent loss on their shoulders. It’s disgraceful.
Later, when Adamant is pacified and they return to Skyhold, he will pull them aside. It will be painful and it will be slow, and whether they need alcohol or pain or even the clinical breakdown that bondage and sex can only give-with their explicit consent- he will help them bleed the pain and begin the grieving process.
Cole: The pain was too big for him to help, the threads caught up in pain and joy and guilt and anger and terrible despair. He didn’t even have the words to describe it to others, and so had kept silent.
If they need him later he will help, but this loss is too big for a spirit unsure of how to act.
Cullen: Maker’s breathe. How could they…why did they not…Damn it, how could he not realize?! He had all but thrust the entire inquisition on a parent who had been robbed the chance to even bury their child, let alone mourn them.
Varric’s report rocks him to the core, and the commander in truth does not know what to do. If the rest of the inner circle has it well in hand he will simply work to make sure their leader has less in their plate. If they wish to discuss it with them, he is there and if not…
He hardly has the words anyway.
Josephine: She weeps over the missive, when it arrives. Their inquisitor has been hiding the worst of loses from them, putting on such a brave face to do so much. Like Cullen she works to make sure they have less to do when they return, but does pull them aside briefly to awkwardly hug them and ask if they want a memorial somewhere private in Skyhold.
Leliana: She knew. She knew from only a few days after, when her spies brought her everything there was on the Herald. And even The Nightingales Heart could ache for such a loss, but Leliana took her queues from the Herald and simply never discussed it. That does not change now— she will follow their lead.
Mod Fereldone
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impactedfates · 1 year
hello!! a platonic mini scenario of dan heng rescuing teen!reader who got captured/kidnapped??
A/N: Hihi! Mini scenario coming up :))
Genre/Trope: Platonic
Format: Mini Scenarios / Rambles
Warnings: Mentions of Kidnapping
Extra: Protective Dan Heng :> // Very Short (I think) // Reader is a teen, shorter then Dan Heng
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I feel like if someone were to capture you, it would be someone who wants Dan Heng to pay for the consequences of Dan Feng. Could the Stellaron Hunters kidnap you? Sure, maybe. But I doubt that kidnapping you would have anything to do with Elio's plan. So let's just say that after the Xianzhou Loufu events, when you were exploring someone thought to just kidnap you. Luckily for you, Pom Pom saw and was quick to inform the Express crew. Dan Heng, is reasonably well mad, he hides it well under his stoic expression. Simply grabbing his spear and walking out to look for you.
He likely gets help from Jing Yuan to find your where-a-bouts and when he does find you. As much as he'd like to teach a lesson to the people who took you, he lefts the Cloud Knights do so, instead taking you back to the Express.
You're not leaving his side, you're either staying on the Express with Himeko or staying close next to him. He double, triples checks to ensure you're okay. He sees you as his younger sibling, if you ever get hurt he'd never forgive himself.
Honestly...if the people who captured you hurt you, Dan Heng would find it harder to hold himself back from hurting the culprits.
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Big Brother Dan Heng has my heart <33 He's the type to make you breakfast in bed if you were sick, the type to remember everything you say. He'd help you with homework and everything fwjdegf. Very caring brother imo.
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Hello! i absolutely love your work <33 can i request sagau scaramouche rates your taste in genshin boys pt 2. with diluc, kaeya and zhongli??
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❀ synopsis: you introduce your friend/unofficial sibling to your lover, what could possibly go wrong? everything...
❀ notes: AJNDJNEHBFH MY FIRST REQUEST!!! thank you so much for the support and reblogs, I'm also very honored you like my writing! here's the first part
❀ pronouns: none specified
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Diluc Ragnvindr: 2/10
Diluc is this 🤏 close to receiving a 1/10 if he continues to invade you and Scaramouche's sibling bonding time. Obviously, the two don't get along (and will probably never get along) due to Diluc's past and Scara's trust issues, the two argue a lot about you while you're just there vibing with the lamp grass unaware of the commotion.
He's heard of it all, the youngest Cavalry Captain who left the Knights to pursue Monstadt's enemies alone. He'd sometimes use his knowledge of Diluc's past to provoke him, and boy does it provoke him. The two went into a full-blown fistfight at one point, with the occasional use of a vision since their weapons have been thrown aside by the other.
Scaramouche is clingy to the ones who stay by his side, and Diluc is protective of the ones he loves, so you can imagine what it was like when Diluc saw you walking along with Scaramouche (who Diluc knows as the Balladeer, the 6th harbinger of the Fatui) when you told him that you would be introducing a very close friend of yours. It started with Diluc carrying you on his shoulder and running away, with a wild Scaramouche on his tail. And ended with Diluc being treated by Barbara and Scaramouche being treated by Nahida.
You really have to manage your time here, the two won't ever get along and if you spend more time with the other, the one you didn't spend time with will go visit the other and start demanding that they leave you alone. Diluc would wonder how you could ever tolerate and even care for Scaramouche, whatever your reason is he wouldn't be able to understand. Scaramouche would ask when will you break up with Diluc, and would pout if you reply that you wouldn't break up with him.
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Kaeya: 3/10
Just right next to Venti, and he would soon be ranked right next to his brother if Kaeya doesn't learn to shut the fuck up-
Arrogant, lazy, and a teasing prick. How many more traits can Kaeya have to piss people off? Scaramouche already looks down on humans, and seeing Kaeya with you disgusts him as he believes you deserve so much better. their first impressions of each other were bad, you can feel the tension in the air when the two just stood there with fake smiles.
He hates it when Kaeya tags along in your travels, even insisting on helping the both of you with your journeys when he has free time. Scaramouche would make a passive-aggressive comment on how the two of you don't need his help, and that you are both capable of defending each other. if you agreed to Kaeya joining Scaramouche would be appalled, before turning around so no one can see the expression on his face. Why did you agree??
The two are in a contest with how much they're provoking each other. If the other one breaks and lash out, the one who didn't wins. Their words to each other are sharp, and even when they're having a decent conversation with the other it's only when you're around, and even then it has slight undertones and hidden threats. Good lord, I hope you have a lot of patience.
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Zhongli/Rex Lapis/Morax: 4/10
You know that situation where someone's little sister is dating a boy and the big brother tries to be intimidating but the boy she's dating is taller and stronger than the big brother. Yeah that's the situation Scaramouche is in, but you are not a little girl nor is Zhongli just a human boy.
He's very annoyed with the situation, he's supposed to be the reliable one! What is this skyscraper of a man doing here?! Ngl he might be a tad bit insecure with the situation and would be at arm's length around you the entire time Zhongli was around the both of you. After the first few weeks of introducing him to Zhongli Scaramouche would notice just how pathetic this man is for you, and would find it amusing to watch.
Though it would soon turn to annoyance when Zhongli slowly starts dedicating all his time to you and going as far as to do his paperwork right next to you. This pet of yours is slowly turning into a pest, and he wants to get rid of it immediately. Zhongli would notice how Scaramouche is excluding him from your travels and would confront him about it in private. After the confrontation the atmosphere between the two became suffocating.
The only thing holding back Zhongli from throwing an entire mountain at the child was the fact that you and Scaramouche have a bond similar to siblings. The two of you insult each other but it never held any sort of ill-intent, and you both travel together frequently. Zhongli would rather die than be hated by you, and killing/hurting Scaramouche is a one-way ticket to being hated. So for now, he would just try to spend as much time with you, even if it means being next to the purple haired brat.
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luvly-writer · 2 years
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“You are my sunshine”
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Summary: Whilst fighting a magical being, a vision of a girl, to be precise Jason’s soulmate, is shown to the batfamily.
Status: Finished
Part 1: Introductions
Part 2: Galas and bets
Part 3: Meetings
Part 4: Dinners and numbers
Part 5: Flowers
Part 6: Siblings are annoying
Part 7: Masquerade Gala
Part 8: And so we meet again.
Part 9: Dancing with recognition
Part 10: Deals and Intimacy
Part 12: Two girls can be a handful
Part 13: Batfam POV Aftermath
Part 14: Day with Damian
Part 15: She lives in daydreams with me
Part 16: Feelings bouta get complicated
Part 17: The art of alcohol and yearning for love
Part 18: we were too drunk
Part 19: Save me from this sorrow
Part 20: Sweet like honey
Part 21: Jason’s lover boy era
Part 22: Girlies and Clingy
Part 23: Jason Todd is a whore and Steph is a menace
Part 24: Grounded and missing home
Part 25: Salsa?
Part 26: Red Hood stan?
Part 27: I know what the chaos brings
Part 28: It chaos, we love
Part 29: You are my safe heaven
Part 30: Darkness, violence, and all
Part 31: Wayne’s Night In
Part 32: She is the moment!
Part 33: We slowly heal
Part 34: Halloween
Part 35: We give thanks
Part 36: Thanks indeed
Part 37: Nola Took it Personally
Part 38: Hello Caribbean!
Part 39: Meeting the Family
Part 40: This love of ours
Part 41: Welcome Back!
Part 42: A year of Preparations
Part 43: The Wedding Article
Part 44: Dear lovebirds,
Part 45: Happily ever after!
Extra #1
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deathbxnny · 1 year
This is based off of your scara little brother hcs bcs I loved it sm!!!
Anyway, can you write abt the Stellaron Hunters x Reader who has a little sister that's like Qiqi? And she has like a Qiqi and Baizhu relationship with reader?
Thank you in advance!!! Love your works <333
A/N: Hello! I'm glad you liked my hcs and thank you for the request! I hope this is okay!<33
Content: Fluff, established relationship, Qiqi-like little sister, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Kafka adores you and your little sister alot. She always makes sure you two are well taken care of and doesn't allow any harm to come to you two. Somehow, your little sister is even able to remember Kafka despite her forgetfulness, which proves to you that your sister likes her alot.
She doesn't mind taking care of your sister either, whenever you're busy. In fact, she enjoys it alot. She'll spoil her with anything she wants, even if she doesn't remember what she wants. Which is fine, as Kafka will gladly remember for her.
She just finds your relationship with your sister so adorable too! Whenever she sees you taking care of her, she can't help but want to dote on you too for being such a good older sibling. She just loves you both so much.
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Blade gets a little frustrated with your little sisters constant forgetfulness at first, but eventually just begins to accept it and deal with it. She's important to you, so he'll try getting along with her, which wouldn't be so hard, if she didn't constantly forget who he was.
It just eventually ends up with him having to remind her every time of the most mundane things about him. He doesn't care though, as she never asks many questions, despite her condition. They also have staring matches, mainly because Blade sometimes swears that she's trying to fight him with the way she's constantly watching him. (You'll have to explain, that she just has a staring habit.)
He usually leaves most of her care to you, as you are naturally just better at handling her. Besides, he secretly finds your dynamic cute, even if he may never admit it.
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Silverwolf treats your sister quite normal and the same like everyone else, even with her forgetfulness. She doesn't mind reminding her of who she is all the time or telling her information she should know repeatedly. She just doesn't care, but not in a bad way.
In fact, she does like your sister alot. She's quiet and calm and actually listens to everything Silverwolf tells her, even if she doesn't understand or might forget. Silverwolf would maybe also give her a device that allows her to write down important information too, so she has an easier time.
She likes watching you interact with your little sister, as she finds the way you care for her all the time quite cute. It also teaches her how to deal with your little sister better too, which she appreciates.
A/N: I hope this is alright! Thank you again for the request!<33
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atlasprefects · 10 months
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Hello! How are you guys? Hope y'all had a great day/night! I'm Atlas,or my old name was Rose Black and my old blog name as dummyelf. But as you can see,I change and ofc, my main oc and other ocs also change! :D
★things I post★
~gacha ocs
~gacha mods ocs
~random stuff
~silly :3
~reblog/reblog chain
★things I love to do★
★friends!! \>w</★
@akioatturasluvr @boiling-potato @calalapatapola @flamy-t @screwzara @dummyblob @loffydummy @xsmileface @andreadadonutsimp @2laffy2 @nxy1134 @chillzomeme @ithinkihaveptsd @in0ts0phia @jassygay25292691 @katjustvibinglmao @mel-loly @ask-observer-ron @and everyone <33
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Gacha club main oc:
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Name: Atlas Gallagher
Age: 18 yrs old
Status: alive,in relationship
Gacha Life 2 main oc:
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Name: North Nephene
Age: 26 yrs old
Status: Alive,in love/obsessed
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★Random ;)★
-have this silly with friends list :3
-North Nephene little(?) Info :)
-Atlas past :0
-Gallagher Family reunion?? :0
-Atlas step siblings :D
♥︎main blog- @atlasprefects
♥︎art blog- @sillyartz
♥︎irl friend blog- @loffydummy
◆have a great day/night everyone!! Love y'all deep in my heart!!◆
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Last edit: June 24 2024
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luffyvace · 3 months
hello lol I'm back
I'm the same anon who requested saiki w younger sister
may I request saiki younger sister meeting his gf ?
(idk if you do stuff the is like continue form another post if u Dont u may delete this request)
HIII again anon!! <3
yes you may!~ from the last hcs I’m assuming reader is the younger sister, btw!
Yes I in fact do! I don’t mind at all! 🩷
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The two least annoying people meeting! How cute 🌺
here’s one from the same anon focusing on just Saiki and sister (reader) <3
Saiki definitely wouldn’t be the one to suggest you two meet
not because he doesn’t want you to, but just because he doesn’t feel the urge to introduce the two of you
so either his gf asked once she found out about you or you asked after you found out about her
or maybe you’ve known about each other for a while but never got a chance to properly meet each other!
actually I think it’s mostly likely that it went down as: Saiki’s gf came over to his house (after a lot of begging because he didn’t want her to meet his parents 😆). you two saw each other while your were in the kitchen, living room- etc. either you or she said “who’s that?” and Saiki said “my sister/gf” as he pulled gf away to his room :)
so you probably only have seen each other before
don’t get me wrong he loves the both of you dearly, but he’s just not the type of guy to bring up his loved ones in a conversation unless asked, and even then it has to be with good reason 😅
-now for the actual meeting!! 🤗
Saiki would literally sit you two down in his room and go “(you), this is (gf), (gf), this is (you)”
you’d have to carry the convo from there unless you want it to be that short….
That’d be beneficial if your super introverted like Saiki, but was just kinda curious as to who she was 🤷‍♀️
I don’t feel his gf would be a super extrovert… but I’ll put a little scenario for both personalities anyway :)
if she’s extroverted/regularly friendly,
she’d probably reintroduce herself with her full name, and ask some questions about you! She’ll find you cute and start to think of you as a sister in law almost..! It’s kinda too soon since her and Saiki aren’t married yet but since they’re definitely trying to keep this relationship a secret from you and your brother’s parents..you’ll be the first wedding invite!! <3
She starts to basically “adopt” you LOL!
takes you out to fun spas and has girl time with you!! It’s so cute! 🤗💗💗
if she has siblings she low key favors you over them…..😁
As for a more introverted/calm gf,
she’d probably just (maybe awkwardly) say hi and wave a bit
once again..! hope your extroverted or the conversation will die off there…you end up just returning to your room and wondering questions about her, instead of asking them out loud. 😅
eventually I do think you two’ll warm up. maybe you won’t go out as often since she’s introverted, even if your not. Buuut..! the both of you still have plenty of fun together!! 💗
she gifts you stuff whenever she comes over and will indulge in your likes/hobbies with you! <33
now let’s completely flip the switch—just for fun 🤩
if your jealous/dislike her (one sided),
eek..tbh I don’t think Kusuo would be willing to break up with her just because you dislike her. You’d have to give a really good and truthful reason for him to do that.
soooo you’d pretty much just scowl at her whenever she comes over.. :(
if your upset because you think she’s stealing Kusuo away from you- honey just ask to hang out with your big brother 🤦‍♀️
you’d likely get along if you’d just communicate that
if it’s for some other reason Kusuo will just ignore you (unless it’s valid, as stated), and his gf gives you a confused look before moving on…🗿
on the other hand……❗️
if she’s jealous/dislikes you (one sided),
she’s now the one giving you the cold shoulder, always sticking her nose up at you and telling Kusuo your being annoying 😒
anyway Kusuo would ask her what she doesn’t like about you and unless it’s valid he’ll just keep you separated
honestly I can’t see him sticking with someone stuck up anyway so karma 😂
But if she’s not snobby and acts normally, yk? Like pretending you like them until they leave to be polite type normal- 😃 then he really just tries to keep you apart
Say you actually did something to make her dislike you, he’ll use his powers to give a (harmless) revenge and teach you a lesson- (LOL)
either that or he snitches if it’s a situation that’s easier for his mom to handle (especially since I feel y’all mom would love his gf)
if you dislike each other,
now that’s a whole different story. He loves you both and really doesn’t know what to do about it. Would first try to talk it out with y’all cuz he’s not gonna betray one for the other, he gives unbiased opinions and if no one’s right he’ll help you comprise some sort of peace treaty.
Now, whoever breaks it is the one in the wrong. Ik big brains right? 😼
On another note,
if your chaotic like his friends he’ll try to keep you two from meeting for as long a possible. Which…considering his luck you meet fairly quickly regardless 😆🤜💥
his gf won’t notice how chaotic you are (like how most ppl w/ out powers are oblivious) and will love you anyway! ☺️ I mean..unless your a weirdo chaotic like nendo 😂
Imagine you start liking each other more than him he’s gonna be pretty darn tiggered-
he uses his powers to get your likeability meters for each other to go down juuust a bit! 😁
something to get you to dislike in the other but not enough to wanna stop being friends 🗿😃
helping him keep gf away from Kuusuke is a must after you learn of her‼️ (y’all parents too) he knows it’ll inevitably happen at LEAST once but if he could minimize it to JUST once that’ll be enough for him 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
you race her all over the city while trying to come up with an excuse as to why, while Kusuo plays a game with Kuusuke to distract him 😒
as painful as it is, it’s better than your eldest brother meeting his gf- he just knows it won’t go well 🙄
or not- 😀 if your chaotic along with said Kuusuke….then it’ll be a war- refer to my previous hcs to know what I’m talking about ☺️💗
In this case you would be keeping tabs on Kusuo to update Kuusuke as to where they are, so he can pop up and be like “heyyy brother heard you were in town- oh! Who’s this? 😏”
ORRR going with Kusuo and his gf so if he wants to teleport he can’t! Bc then if the gf goes “huh?….Did we just teleport?!” and Saiki says “hm? no…?” You can be like “huh!? Yeah we did!! I swear we were just in that store over there! (🤪)” and that way she’ll have confirmation as to what just happened 😊 then!!
Kuusuke will use the confusion to sneak up on Kusuo and introduce himself 😜
Btw this is in the case he’d want to keep his powers away from his gf as long as possible, since he already views it as a nuisance himself and doesn’t want her to ask to use them- 😂🤷‍♀️
I had way more to write abt this topic than I thought I would!! I must say, I rather enjoyed this myself! Hope you did too my love~
-Brook 🏴‍☠️
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