#hello hakama kimono
pinkyberet · 1 year
Nicky AUs/Versions Part 1/2
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In Order: Original, Hello Killer, Hello Bloodness (Corrupted), Hello Nightmares, Hello Conde (Neko Player), Hello Vampire, Hello Lust, Hello Psychopath/Hello Killer 2, Hello Monster, Hello Hakama Kimono, Hello Medieval Neighbor, Hello Waste, Concept 1, Concept 2, Concept 3, Genderswap (Nicole Roth)
Hello Killer, Bloodness, Nightmares & Vampire: @askkassandragf-v-2 @hello-neighbor-three-aus
Hello Lust: @abrilk
Hello Conde: @vanetheglitchfox @hello-conde
Hello Psychopath/Hello Killer 2: @mochi-chan-2006 @hello-psychopath-hn-au
Hello Monster, Hakama Kimono, Medieval Neighbor, Waste & Genderswap (My Version): Me @hello-monster-hn-au
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Happy Birthday, Kujou Sara! - Kujou Sara x Male!Reader
AN: Happy birthday to our favorite bird general! Enjoy your little fluffy gift.
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You pull on the string, stirring the doorbell to ring out. As you wait for her attendant to open the door, you quickly adjust your wear. Kujou Sara, even if she was your friend, didn't deserve to be treated with anything but your absolute best. Even if the evening was rather stuffy, you chose to prepare your more formal outfit - a blend of dō and hakama, perfect for both official business and casual meetings. 
After a moment, the wooden gate is opened and one of Sara's maids greets you with a polite bow. She motions towards the garden where, just a few steps from her, the Tengu stands. She's wearing clothes one would rarely see adorning her body - a modest kimono, decorated only with the sash and her mask. The smile on her lips is as uncommon as her attire. 
“Hello! I’m glad you're here.” She speaks, approaching you. “Thank you for coming.”
You meet her halfway. “It's good to see you too, Sara.”
You bow slightly, Sara returning your gesture. Your eyes meet for a moment. Her golden pupils gleam in the red light of the setting sun. You smile. Sara’s lips shift as well, but her demeanor turns a little sheepish as she averts her eyes. 
You can't help but think the slight red tint on her cheeks might not be makeup. 
Observing the situation, the maid steps in, bowing cordially. “May we invite you inside for a meal, my Lord?”
Sara shakes her head, suddenly brought back to reality. “Of c-course. Please, Y/N, come inside. I've prepared something for the occasion.”
You nod eagerly. “I can't wait to sample your cooking.”
The maid leads you through the gardens and into the guest room where a small table awaits you. You hand over your katana and equipment, taking a place on the mat opposite Sara. 
The table is full of various snacks. Crisp and plump Lavender Melons and Sunsettia, cut into sizable slices, shine at you invitingly, perfectly complimenting a wide variety of juicy maki rolls and golden brown tempura. Before you can even reach for one with your chopsticks two bowls of steaming ramen are brought to the table. The thick, soft noodles float peacefully inside the broth, the clouds upon which rests a soft boiled egg accompanied with various greens and a few pieces of ham. The sight of the vibrant yolk lazily streaming down into the soup, let alone the scent of the whole meal, hypnotizes you. 
Ironically, it would be a shame to eat such an inviting meal. If it wasn't so delightful, that is. The room fills with quiet, but still enthusiastic clicking of chopsticks as both of you tear into portions. Sara glances at you hopefully from time to time, gauging your reactions. You make sure to nod appreciatively. It takes what feels like mere moments until, amongst comfortable silence, the soup is eaten. 
Wiping the remnants of it from your mouth with a tissue, you sigh with satisfaction. The dish was possibly the best thing for this weather, even if the air was so humid. But now that you've eaten, it was time to give Sara something special. 
“Thank you for your hospitality, Sara.” You say, reaching your hand inside your sleeve where you hid the gift. 
“Don't mention it, please. It's the least I can do to thank you for coming. I'm sure I've distracted you from important matters...” She drifts off when she notices the small, ornamental box in your hand. “What’s that?”
You chuckle. “It is for you, silly. It's your birthday. Surely you didn't expect me to come empty handed?”
“Oh! I…” Her hands move up, covering her mouth in surprise. “T-thank you. I hope the gift wasn't too much trouble…” 
She takes the gift from your outstretched hands and begins quickly unfastening the ribbons. When her fingers lift the lid, a set of jars is revealed. Curious, she picks one up and starts examining the label. 
Seeing her confusion, you chime in. 
“This is, um… that's coconut oil, for your wings. So they remain as pristine as ever.” 
Sara looks up at you, slightly wide eyed. Her silence speeds up your heart. Was this a bad idea? Does she already have some? Did you just offend her? 
You feel blood rushing to your cheeks. 
“I've talked to a scientist from Sumeru some time ago. He told me a lot about the birds of paradise in Sumeru and how they are taken care of in captivity”, you explain hastily. “To keep their wings shining and vibrant, their caretakers use coconut oil to lubricate the feathers. He said that it's better than sesame oil as it helps protect against illnesses and insects. So… I thought of you.” You wave your hands, smiling shyly. “You don't have to accept it if you don't like it though!”
As she listens to you, her mouth opens slightly as if she wants to speak, but closes without a word. She's speechless. 
You sigh as your smile fades. Just as you think of how to apologize, Sara speaks out. 
“This is incredible. I don't have the words to express how… How happy I am.”
Her voice is quiet and slightly trembling with emotion. The Tengu quickly looks back towards you, a small blush on her face. “Nobody has given me such a thoughtful gift before…”
A stone’s weight is taken off your heart as you see her flustered expression. A genuine smile of happiness and relief creeps onto your features. 
After a while of cordial thanks, you finally convince Sara that it wasn't too difficult to get, even if you had to import it from Sumeru. Having received this gift, Sara's mood was only improving as the evening went by, filled with idle chatter. You've shared stories of other generals, funny encounters you've had, as well as more genuine hopes for the future. 
The night came long ago, and it was time to go home. Sara, although clearly tired, insisted on walking you at least to the estate doors. But as you were walking through the garden, unbeknownst to you, Sara discreetly dismissed the maid following you. She quietly disappeared behind the nearest corner, leaving you two alone. 
You pull the door, opening one of its wings enough to slip through. Your turn to Sara. 
“Thanks for inviting me. They say you're stiff, but they don't know just how enjoyable hanging out with you really is.”
Sara shakes her head. “No, no, I’m the one that's more thankful here. I couldn't even begin to imagine what this day would look like without you. Had you not come, it would simply be another lonely evening.”
“Signing yourself off to the grave already, Sara?” You chuckle. “I hope next year's celebration is even better than this one.”
She snickers as well. “Impossible. Nothing will best today.”
“I surely hope not!” Your turn back towards the door. “See you tomorrow-”
“Wait!” Sara says hastily, grabbing your sleeve. You stop dead in your tracks. 
“Yes, Sara?”
“I know it might be inappropriate of me, seeing as you've given me so much already…” Her eyes shift between the pavement and you. “But, if I may have one more wish to ask of you.”
“Of course. It's your day, after all.” 
“So what would you like me to-”
She steps up and embraces you. You let out a surprised sigh, but quickly welcome her gesture. Her arms wrap around your torso as her face buries in the crook of your neck. 
“Thank you”, she whispers. “Thank you so much.”
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Thanks for reading!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello my favorite author! Can I request a ror characters x shinto miko reader?
All pantheons visit the Shinto pantheon because of the fiesta that Goddess Amaterasu made. And then, Amaterasu has a beautiful miko ( the reader ) that will perform the traditional kagura dance on the front of all Gods and Goddesses. The gods are really mesmerized and amazed about the reader's performance and beauty. It also appears the reader is also a Onna-bugesha or known as female samurai or warrior. Because she also perform a sword dance.
Can you do for Thor, Odin, Loki, Poseidon, Hades, Buddha, Heracles. Thank you very much
-The Sun Festival in the Shinto pantheon, created by Amaterasu as a celebration for the Sun, was a very well-known festival, with tons of food, drink, celebration and performances to be enjoyed by humans and gods alike
-It was a festival of peace and friendship, fighting was strictly forbidden if it wasn’t something pre-arranged, like a sumo match.
-To open the festival, a purification ceremony was held by a priestess of Amaterasu, a miko, and the ceremony was called the Kagura Dance.
-In a massive arena, the rebuilt Ragnarok Arena, meant for the yearly tournament after the first was such a hit, everyone being brought back to life so the fights could be enjoyed for centuries, a lone young maiden stood in the center, wearing a traditional priestess hakama kimono of red and white, wearing a golden crown, a belt tied around her waist with bells, holding a suzu in one hand and in the other held a gohei.
-You were nervous, having been practicing for months now, preparing for this ceremony, after Amaterasu herself asked you to perform, seeing your hard work and gently heart.
-You swallowed only once as the sound of hyoshigi sounded out, silencing the massive crowd now watching you with anticipation.
-You inhaled deeply as you moved your hands slowly, like they were flowing gently, the bells sounding out in the arena.
-Many had never seen a dance like this before, it was stunning as you moved so gracefully, in the midst of your mai phase of the dance.
-You then turned sharply, entering the odori section, the bells calling out more and more as you danced with so much passion and fire, enticing a sense of energy to take over everyone watching, feeling fired up.
-Your dance slowed as you turned, holding your suzu up and letting the bells sound out only once more, which seemed to instantly relax everyone.
-The crowd was deafening as you bowed politely, flustered at their praise which many thought was cute and with that, the festival started!
-Amaterasu patted your head gently when she found you, praising your hard work which you humbly thanked her for before she smiled, “Go have fun before your next dance.”
-You nodded, knowing that you were dancing a second time, this time not in a big arena, but before the sumo-bouts, in a sword dance.
-Thor- When he found you walking around, a katana strapped to your waist now, eating some yakitori (grilled chicken skewers with green onions), he was stunned, seeing you up close. You were so beautiful that he couldn’t look away, he noticed your shoulders tense, as you could tell someone was staring at you and your turned, seeing Thor there. He could tell you were a warrior, but your posture, but you were quick to relax as he came over to you. You bowed your head in greeting, the bells on your crown sounding out before Thor spoke, “May I ask to walk with you?” his request did surprise you, but you agreed, trying to hide your blush as usually walking around a festival together was something that couples did. Thor was a unique man, trying some of the different foods around and you were in awe by his raw strength, competing in a strength challenge which he tied with Hercules. When it came to your sword dance, Thor couldn’t look away, your movements were sharp and fluid all at the same time, it was beautiful. When you were done dancing, Thor was quick to approach you again, not willing to let others get to you first, asking you to walk with him again, which you agreed to with a smile.
-Odin- He found you in a quiet area, eating nikumaki onigiri (meat wrapped rice balls) and approached, “May I sit with you?” you were surprised, showing him a cute face as you lifted a hand to hide your mouth, your cheeks a bit puffed out from the rice, which quickly had him grinning, but you agreed and he took a seat next to you. Huginn and Muninn stunned you when they spoke, leaving their Lord Odin to come down to you, Huginn on your shoulder and Muninn sitting next to you, asking you about your dance. You stroked his ravens gently, who enjoyed your gentle affections while Odin couldn’t look away from you. You were so beautiful, but he could tell that you were strong, he could sense your power. Odin was fun to talk to, he was so nice to you and the two of you walked to your next stage and Odin was front row, watching your sword dance. When you finished you were stunned when Odin offered you his hand, asking to walk with you. Anyone who saw you after that saw you holding his hand, your face cherry red.
-Loki- He couldn’t believe he had never been to this festival before! There were so many tasty dishes to try!! His arms were full of food, both savory and sweet, fully enjoying the festival, but it got even better when he saw you, bowing to a couple of people who were thanking you for your dance while you waited for your food order. Loki immediately bounded over as you got your order of takoyaki (octopus fritters), greeting you cheerfully. You had to admit, you had never met a person like Loki before, he was so funny and kind, but you also saw his more vicious side when a man tried to grab your arm while you were walking around together. His eyes were like stars, watching you dance with a sword, you were so graceful, but your movements easily told him and anyone who was a warrior, that you were a skilled swordswoman. Loki took your hand after your dance, rapidly praising you which did fluster you before he dragged you back to the festival, wanting your expertise on what to try next.
-Poseidon- Your dancing was very alluring, he couldn’t look away, going from the soft fluid movements to energetic fast movements then back to slow, reminded him of the sea, where it could be calm or rough at any given time. Poseidon didn’t really want to mingle in the crowds, finding it tiring, but Zeus ordered him too and he did end up finding some things he enjoyed, some of the meat dishes and he did like watching the sumo bouts. His favorite thing was when you danced before the sumo matches. Your skill with a sword told the god that you were a trained warrior, and by the looks of it, you were strong. Your gentle smiles to others did something to Poseidon, he felt conflicted that a human had gotten his attention so easily, he didn’t want to look away from you. He approached and you bowed politely in greeting, telling him your name and he reached up, pulling a cherry blossom from your hair before pulling the small section of hair to his lips and pressed a small kiss to it. You looked just like a tomato, embarrassed by his bold actions, but he thought it was cute.
-Hades- Preferred the areas that were less crowded in the festival, not really wanting to get in areas that were too crowded, that is, until he heard that you were going to dance again and he was quick to enter the crowd, to get a spot near the front. You were even more stunning up close, his eyes widening as he watched you dance so elegantly with your sword, the bells at your waist sounding out quietly. When the dance was over with, you bowed, thanking everyone for their cheers while you were red faced, embarrassed, which Hades thought was cute. He approached you as you left the stage, now that your duties were over other than greeting those who stopped you, you could finally eat! As you had been too nervous to eat. Hades surprised you by taking your hand, pecking the back of it, making your whole head, hair and all, turn bright red, which made him smile, “Will you allow me to accompany you around the festival?” he learned later on that what he asked of you was something couples did, but he wasn’t overly bothered, as he wanted the two of you to be together.
-Buddha- He was living his best life, getting to try so many different dishes, most of them sweets, but he did try a few savory dishes that looked interesting. He heard bells and turned, seeing you passing by him, holding what looked to be a fish shaped pancake, filled with red-bean paste, taiyaki. He was quick to fall in step with you, “Yo- that dancing was amazing back there!” you were surprised, as you hadn’t sensed him, but you smiled gently, bowing your head in thanks, “Thank you for your kind words.” He grinned and kept walking with you, asking you about the different dishes that were available to eat. You found the handsome god easy to talk to, he was so nice with you but did have another side, after a drunk man tried to grab you, defending you, which did surprise you a bit. Buddha had a full feast to watch your sword dance with, eating quietly to not disturb you or others, but he was in awe, watching you, you were so beautiful, and when he told you that after your dance, he couldn’t help but grin, poking your bright red cheeks with a slight tease which made you pout lightly.
-Hercules- Was in awe of the amount of food to choose from, holding several yakitori and gyu-kushi (beef skewers), enjoying the new but tasty flavors available to him. He spotted you dancing again, this time with a sword, and he couldn’t help but stop and stare, his eyes wide, seeing you dancing so gracefully, but he could tell your skill with a sword, you were a warrior as well. He stuck around after you ended your dance, announcing the start of the sumo tournament and Hercules had to admit he liked watching the bouts, wanting to try it for himself. He spotted you, bowing those who came up to you, thanking them after they had thanked you for your hard work. He noticed you looked a bit pale and grew worried about you as he approached, luckily being the last one, “You okay?” you were surprised by his question but smiled gently, I’m okay, thank you for your concern.” Then your stomach made a sound like a dying whale, telling the truth that you were starving. You held your cheeks, embarrassed as he chuckled before he spoke kindly, “Want to get something to eat? I could use your advice on what I should try next!” his thoughtfulness made you smile gently as you agreed and the two of you set out to find some food and he became like a bodyguard to you, so you could at least eat something before you went back to thanking others.
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adoremexxs · 1 year
“Under the Stars”
Aizetsu x reader
i’m sorry if it isn’t good, i tried my best, this was a request so i hope it is to your liking, again i’m sorry if it isn’t good 😭
warnings: none
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“I love you.”
The second those precious and vulnerable words left Aizetsu’s mouth, you were stunned.
The demon in front of you looks shy and embarrassed. His tan skin being flushed red as he fidgets with his fingers, the moonlight illuminating him.
You suddenly remembered when you first met him.
You couldn’t sleep at all. The village was too quiet. Way too quiet. It was unsettling. You thought it was just your nerves so you decided to go on a walk to clear your mind and also assure yourself that there was nothing harmful here.
Your village was small but nice. Everyone in the village knew each other, you would often help the elderly in the village with their chores.
Everyone loved you.
You walked outside, the breeze blowing your hair into your face. You just brushed it aside as you walked down the dirt road.
You couldn’t help but be unsettled and feel like eyes were boring into the back of your head.
You wanted to turn around but you feared if you turned around that you wouldn’t like what you saw.
You turned around anyways, nothing was there. You left out a sigh of relief and turned around to only be paralyzed in fear by the man in front of you.
Actually he didn’t look that scary. He was tall and tan with long, unruly black hair that was about shoulder length or a bit longer. He had horns on his head and strange purple veins under his eyes and on his forehead.
He was wearing a blueish-blackish kimono and hakama pants with white lines running down his arms and pants. He was wearing some kind of rope-like accessories tied around his shoulders. He was also caring a yari.
Obviously he wasn’t human. He seemed rather shy to speak to you. A deep blush settled onto his face. His eyes were beautiful.
“…Uhm…hello?” You ask, tilting your head at him.
He immediately tensed up and ran away from you. Obviously you were going to let this strange creature run away. You were curious!
“Hey! Wait up!” You went to run after him but he was already gone.
The next encounter with him was at the river after a few days. It was night time again, you were collecting water for a hot bath. You didn’t get to bathe at all today since you were so busy. You carried two buckets to the river and started to fill one up.
Once again, you felt the feeling of eyes watching you. You tried to brush it off.
Until you heard a twig snap and a thud and you immediately turned around, holding the other bucket up as a weapon.
It was the creature from the other day. He fell right onto his face and hurried to sit up.
“It’s you again! Do you know how rude it was to ignore me like that?!” You weren’t scared of him, no matter how unsettling his presence could be. You were curious about what he was.
The frown on his face deepened as he looked up at you with big sad eyes, “I deeply apologize…I got…nervous.”
“Nervous of what?”
“Of you.”
You were confused. You were just a simple human. Well, maybe creatures like him didn’t get out much. Explains why you never seen anything like him.
“What’s your name?” You ask, setting the bucket down next to the filled up one.
“Aizetsu. I know yours.”
“That’s kinda strange but okay. I’ll still introduce myself. I’m (Y/N). How do you know my name?”
“I’ve been watching you.”
Okay! That is extremely strange but this man in front of you is too handsome to shoo away. You decide to change the topic.
“What are you?”
“…Do you seriously not know what I am?”
“Nope.” You pop the p, going to fill up the other bucket with water.
“I’m a demon.”
“Like those things in fairy tales?”
“…I suppose so.”
“That’s cool.”
Aizetsu was extremely confused and concerned for this poor human. Did she not know that demons eat humans?! He did not want to plague her poor mind with the thought of him eating her. He would never eat her.
She was too precious to him.
Plus you didn’t seem to care that he was a human eating demon!
“Do you need help?” Aizetsu asks, still clutching onto his yari. If Sekido found out that he did this, he would be so so so furious. He wasn’t supposed to be talking to their food!
“Oh! Aren’t you a sweetheart?” You give him a giant smile which makes Aizetsu’s stomach flip and turn and make him melt. How he would kill to see you smile even more.
You let him help you carry the buckets back to your home. He was carrying the one bucket so easily! You almost dropped yours.
“I can carry that one too…” Aizetsu ended up carrying the other bucket as well. Once you got back home, you sighed in relief, putting your hands on your hips.
“It was nice to finally meet you, Aizetsu.”
“…(Y/N), you wouldn’t mind if I visited, right?”
“Hm, no, I suppose I wouldn’t.” It’s not like you got many visitors anyways. You were lonely and Aizetsu seemed like a nice fellow.
“Okay….Goodnight, (Y/N).”
Months had passed. Aizetsu visited you almost every night. You two talked and bonded. You had noticed Aizetsu had a habit of crying in front of you.
Nothing would spark it. He would just simply cry sometimes. Everytime you would comfort him, making him rest his head on your lap while you stroked his hair.
You were too kind to an awful person like him, he had told you.
You assured him that he was an amazing person.
He told you of his “brothers” that would kill him if they found he was here. You honestly were happy that Aizetsu was risking getting in trouble to visit you.
You never thought you were a beauty but Aizetsu told you everytime that he came over how beautiful you were. Everytime.
He would give you a compliment when he arrived and one when he left.
Aizetsu brought you trinkets that he found. He even brought you flowers one time.
He had picked them himself. You became more fond of the demon, still not knowing his true-nature at heart.
You also had no idea how in love he was with you. You made him feel an emotion other than sorrow. You made him feel happy…that certainly wasn’t his emotion.
One day, you finally decided to ask about the kanji tattooed on his tongue. You had caught glimpses of it but couldn’t exactly make out what it said.
He had to explain that he was actually a clone. How he represented sorrow and was the embodiment of it.
It all clicked in your head now.
He had pleaded, “Please, (Y/N), do not leave me because I cry too much.”
You thought he was silly, “Of course, I’m not going to leave you for crying too much! I think you’re strong for it!”
That’s when Aizetsu knew he was going to actually confess to you.
He had asked you to meet him in the meadow nearby your village. You walked all the way there, it didn’t take you long to find him nestled underneath a tree.
“Hi, Zetsu.”
His pointed ears were red and his frown looked deeper than usual, his beautiful deep blue eyes blinking away tears.
“What’s wrong?”
“I love you.”
You had no idea what to say to him. He was blinking back tears as he bit his lip. “I am in love with you and I am a monster! I eat humans and yet I am in love with one. I understand if you don’t return the feelings or if you don’t want to see me again-“ You cut him off.
You grabbed ahold of his face, your thumb rubbing his cheekbone as you smiled at him. Your gaze softened.
“I love you too, Aizetsu. I don’t care if you eat humans. You can feed off of me all you want. I think you’re beautiful no matter what emotion you represent, what you look like, what you eat. I love you for you.”
Aizetsu felt the tears escape his eyes as you gently pressed your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands instinctively went around your waist, pulling you close.
The kiss was deep and passionate. You could feel your stomach doing somersaults. You never thought you would fall for a demon but Aizetsu was perfect in every way possible.
You pulled away from him, your hands taking his face again.
“I love you, Aizetsu.”
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warbarbie · 1 year
Hello! Super nervous about this but im a big fan of your fic shadow of the prince. I found out you have a tmblr and i wanted to ask if you had any inspo for Levi's cloths and Mikasa's armor? Like i know samurai armor is all p much the same but....
Hello anon! No need to be nervous, I would absolutely love to info dump on SotP, so thank you for your ask and for reading!! This ended up being longer then I though, so I'll drop it under a read more so it's not clogging up you dash!
Levi's wardrobe is obviously more extensive then Mikasa's, so I'll start with him. Levi's go-to is a long sleeved, lace up shirt, with a sleeveless doublet and pants, very similar to the below pics:
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He tends to lean more for blacks, greens and browns in his doublet, but as the prince, he has more expensive colors like purple and some lighter blues.
I also took the inspiration for Levi's Dove Hill outfit from @rainer0w0 over on Instagram. They did a series of medieval outfit AoT character drawings that I fell in love with. Levi: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPoDJsNjeqC/?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ==
They did one for Mikasa, but opted not to make her a samurai, which was a bummer, but it was still amazing: https://www.instagram.com/p/CScaahyBiQ3/?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ==
Levi tends to wear something simpler when he's out on hunting trips, so he ditches the doublet and wears a leather vest:
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As for his weapons, Levi uses a swept hilt rapier as his main weapon, with an arming sword for added defense/offense. He has a much fancier basket hit rapier for ceremonial occasions, but due to the weight distribution, it's not idea for fighting. Rapier's are fast, slicing swords that were also considered a gentleman's weapon, and that seemed to fit Levi perfectly, while the arming sword is used for deflecting, and stabbing if your enemy gets too close to use the longer reach of the rapier. It's length is roughly between a dagger and a short sword.
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Arming sword:
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Now for Mikasa! Obvi, our girl is in her armor almost all the time, and samurai armor is super iconic, but there are a few inspo pic's I pulled from. First, I wanted to go with the wide banded Do (chest armor) over the smaller tiles that was more common in earlier samurai armor. Second, I wanted to incorporate some red lacing in her armor, without making it crazy, so I opted to only have a single row of red lacing on the very bottom of her Sode (shoulder armor). So the general build is this:
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But in this color scheme (ignore the gold lacing in the first pic):
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The above picture on the left is the closest approximation, including the Kabuto (helmet). Speaking of which, I wanted to make sure her Maedate (the crest on the helmet) was something simple that wouldn't hinder her on the battlefield, as upper rank samurai and shogun maedate can get crazy big, so I opted for a simple and kinda generic crest similar to the one below, but without the large upward part in the middle:
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Under her armor, she wears the traditional hakama, which are the wide legged, lose pants and hakamashita, which is a short kimono:
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The process of putting on the armor is a whole thing, so I'll link a video, but basically, you start at the bottom and work your way up. Usually, samurai would have attendants to help them put everything on, but our girl is a super star, so she does it herself (also she's all alone). In the video, they already have the pants tied back for the Suneate (shin guards) and they're starting on the kote (armored sleeves)
And last but certainly not least, her swords! I think everyone on the face of the planet knows what a katana looks like, so it's easy to just show what her hilts look like:
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Black and red, very on brand. On all katana, the tsuba (guard) is actually interchangeable and holds a great significance to the samurai, and Mikasa's tsuba is no different. That's about as far as I can get into it without crossing into spoiler territory, BUT I hope this helped paint a better picture of what they look like running around!
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ka-go-me · 10 months
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Minamoto (formally Higurashi) Kagome 源 (日暮)かごめ NICKNAME: Kags, Miko, Koishii, Neko Miko TITLE(S): Miko, Hime AGE: 15 - 47 (verse dependent) SPECIES: Human SEX: cis female NATIONALITY: Japanese INTERESTS: Sewing, cooking, playing the flute, working as a kind of taijiya, hanging out with her friends, cuddling with her mate, learning new things, learning how to control her powers. PROFESSION: She works as a healer, wife, mother, and part-time taijiya. BODY TYPE: She's small in stature, slim but not thin, muscular arms due to her use of the bow and arrow, medium-sized bust, EYES: Mahogany Brown HAIR: Her hair is obsidian in color with natural blue highlights, marking it as a blue-black--It looks cobalt when it gets wet. It's long and usually down. She rarely puts it up, but like everyone with long hair, she does occasionally. SKIN: It was fair--almost alabaster when she was little, but ever since she came to the Sengoku it has darkened slightly in tone. So, now it's a very light tannish color. FACE: Heart/oval shaped, small bubble gum pink lips, large eyes, small nose POSTURE: She has to have good posture to be able to use a compound bow with any accuracy. However, when she's relaxing she'll often slouch. HEIGHT: 5'1" ( 154.94cm ). VOICE: speaking: Listen Here | singing Listen Here SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Her most known outfit is the green seifuku (school uniform), and her second is the miko kosode no hakama, that's what I generally have her in, the kosode no hakama, however, I also love having her in furisode kimono, and leather when she's in the modern era. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Inuyasha, typically, played by: @loneinuyasha and Kikyou COMPANIONS: Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara, Kouga, Ginta, Hakkaku, Kikyou-canonically, Hua Mulan @adversitybloomed, Anna of Arendelle @sparesovereign, Princess Yona @akarxuu, and a few others outside of canon~ ANTAGONISTS: Naraku, Houjou, Shichinintai, STRENGTHS: Kindhearted, loyal, empathetic, understanding, healing power, WEAKNESSES: Opinionated, short-tempered, possessive. FRUITS: Strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, kiwis, oranges, lemons. DRINKS: fruit teas, water, milk ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: sake---rarely SMOKES: she doesn't smoke. DRUGS: she doesn't do drugs. DRIVER'S LICENSE: N/A.
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tagged by: @adversitybloomed ( Thank Yu luvy ! ) tagging: @holified, @akarxuu, @peculiarbeauty (Hello~! xD), @prettymoonmuses (your choice!), And you.
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
Hair and favourite. For primis. Felt like asking
Hello, hope you're doing well! Since there is no specifications of which member so this will be involving the 4
Hair: Lena always kept her hair in a ponytail and sometimes would tie it into a bun.
Favorite: Her favorite article of clothing is usually her brown coat and her casual outfit since she feels comfortable wearing it. As for her favorite accessory is her necklace which it was given to her by George as a gift for her birthday.
Ji Eun
Hair: Ji eun isn't a fan of having long hair and braids so she keeps it short but left it with some volume and bangs.
Favorite: She mostly likes wearing Joseon era like outfit that she is currently wearing but when she is wearing her casual, she tend to wear a kimono and hakama instead of the usual kimono ans corset .
Hair: He keep his hair neat and leave some bangs from left to right. His hairstyle looks a bit similar to what his late father tended to do but without the bangs.
Favorite: Suspenders and long sleeves that he would leave a few buttons open (to let anyone see a slight peek of his chest hair cough cough) And the scarf he kept with him as an honor of his late girlfriend Rochelle.
Hair: Miro has a slight shoulder-length hair that slicked and left some bangs on his face. He was considered handsome by Monika because of it. He would sometimes give his hair a man bun if it gets on his eyes
Favorite: He loves to wear vests on his casual as he would wear his favorite dark green coat that his mother-in-law gave to him as a gift after his engagement with Monika.
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congrats on missing the whole point of kiriko's original design and character concept with your 'redesign' in favor of giving her the most jank-ass looking kimono front and generic sweatpants. you slapped an obi on it and called it a day, even though shrine maidens wear none of the stereotypical 'japanese'-styles of clothing you put on her. it smacks of not taking even half a second to do research or respect the culture.
Why hello anon! I can’t make you like my design, but I’m going to explain it in the hopes that you might message me again and I can see about making changes to improve it. Unlike Blizzard, I’m only one person so I rely on my audience for critiques.
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Taking your criticisms in order, I didn’t intend for her to be wearing a kimono at all! To be frank, I found that they literally gave her a kimono style top in her official design to be boring. Instead, I wanted to communicate the shape language of a kimono (or more accurately a kosode given that she’s a shrine maiden) without literally giving her one. I liked her jacket from her Athleisure skin, so I decided to throw that into the mix.
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As for her pants… I’ll admit I didn’t render them all that well. They were intended to be aviator’s pants, not sweat pants, inspired by Robert Chew’s Shikigami series and Kiriko’s official concept art. I’m just really fond of how aviator pants add to a silhouette, and figured that Miko traditionally wearing hakama (pleated trousers) was a good enough excuse to get baggy with it.
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As for the obi, that was taken from her original design (you can just see it peeking out from under her “skirt”) and concept art. I liked how it broke up the empty space in her design. Plus, I have a particular fondness for the hip bags(?) in this piece of Mercy concept art, and needed something to connect them to. I figured that they would be a good way to give her those big opening/pockets on the side of hakama without literally giving her those.
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I’m sure there’s plenty of research I should have done, but I hope I’ve shown to you that I actually did put a good bit of thought and research into my design. As for respecting Japanese culture, that’s not up to me to decide, but I hope my explanation makes any faux pas understandable mistakes.
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koku-shibou · 1 year
*You see a woman that looks to be about early 20s, short black neck length hair, dark purple haori that fades to black on the leaves, light purple kimono underneath with black hakama pants with a black cloth just chillin in silence*
*he is passing by and sees her*
Hello ...
*he is curious and oddly friendly since he usually takes walks around this route and never saw her before*
It is ... a beautiful evening ... isn't it ...?
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saellefanwork · 9 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖
Reminder: This Demon Slayer fic is rated Mature (adults only) for canon-typical violence and eventual suggestive or explicit sexual content
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Chapter 15: Voices from the Past
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Kanoko witnesses what appear to be glimpses of her past life as Oai, her ancestor from the Sengoku era and the founder of the Time Breathing katas.
Warning: unsettling/gruesome deaths, blood rain, etc.
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You turned around, even though the name was not your own. Approaching you was a young man in his mid-twenties, his features achingly familiar: spikey blond and red hair, vermilion eyes encircled in gold, thick forked eyebrows, and broad shoulders draped in a white haori adorned with dancing flame patterns. He wasn't clad in a gakuran uniform, but an orange yukata and black hakama pants with a katana hanging from his belt. Undoubtedly, he was a Rengoku, yet he was none of those you knew. Did they have family outside of their domain in Komazawa?
"Hello, Genjuro," you heard yourself respond with an unfamiliar timbre. "Ready for training?"
What was happening? Why was your body moving of its own accord? Had you fallen into Meikaishi's trap after all? However, you recalled that Kyojuro had retained control of his movements when ensnared by your enemy's Blood Demon Art in the depths of the gold mines, which wasn't the case for you.
"Of course!" the man named Genjuro boomed with enthousiasm, a brilliant smile lighting up his features. His mannerisms were strickingly reminiscent of Kyojuro's. "I wouldn't miss a training session with you for the world!"
A rush of warmth infused your cheeks, whether driven by your own sentiments or those of this body's original owner. Together, you headed toward a serene meadow, where you embarked on warm-up exercises and katas. Not surprisingly, this Rengoku also wielded the Flame Breathing technique with prodigious skill. Meanwhile, Oai exhibited a mastery of Time Breathing that surpassed any level you had ever witnessed.
Was it possible that you were now an observer of a bygone era? Oai was the name of the first Time Breathing user to set foot in Japan. Genjuro Rengoku, renowned as the second Flame Hashira, was living in the Sengoku era alongside her. How had you gained access to these memories, if not through the manifestation of your Blood Demon Art or Meikaishi's? There was a rumor saying that one can watch glimpses of their past lives when they are close to dying. Could these memories belong to one of your past lives? Your grandmother had once said that the blood of Oai ran strong in your veins, after all...
Oai and Genjuro halted their warm-up routines, transitioning seamlessly into a friendly and spirited duel. Their camaraderie was evident as they gracefully and enthusiastically exchanged sword techniques. Some kind of tension filled the air, distinct from the mere practice between friends—something more intimate. A secret they conveyed without words, chaining techniques with perfect coordination, almost like a choreographed dance.
"Father!" called out from a distance a young boy of around ten with yellow and red ochre hair.
Genjuro pivoted, a radiant smile spreading across his face as he caught the boy effortlessly in his arms. Approaching from behind, a woman adorned in a resplendent kimono carried a young infant cradled in her arms—also clearly a Rengoku. The newcomer gave you a frosty glance but didn't speak to you as she turned to Genjuro.
"Genjuro-sama, dinner is served," she said in a composed tone, but you could sense her eagerness to move him away from you.
"Thank you, my dear. I'll be along shortly."
He gently ruffled his son's hair and half-turned towards you with a smile that didn't quite veil his regret.
"Let's reschedule this for another time! I will try to bring more Slayers to our next training session."
"Don't push them. I'm clearly not their favorite person."
"I won't give up on changing their perspectives! It's unwise for them to pass judgment without truly knowing you. There's much that you all could gain from one another."
His determination and fervor echoed the same spirit you'd known in your childhood friend. Oai shook her head, a warm smile gracing her features, and after bidding polite farewells to the Hashira's family, she retraced her steps to her own home. Inside the modest house where she lived, a swordsmith was working diligently. He was sitting hunched over, meticulously honing the edge of a blade, as Oai announced herself at the workshop's threshold.
"I'm back home," she said softly.
Maybe engrossed in his blade polishing, the man didn't offer a reply. Thinking that he wouldn't speak to her, the Time Breathing user sighed and turned to leave.
"Were you with that Rengoku again?" the swordsmith finally asked, breaking the quiet. His voice was gentle and deep, but you could sense a hint of sadness in it. He set aside the blade, having meticulously tended to it.
"Yes, we trained together."
A somber quietness descended once more. It was strange. Unlike Genjuro, this man didn't resemble anyone you knew at first glance, yet there was an ineffable sense of déjà vu that transcended his mere physical features.
"We're not doing anything wrong," Oai asserted with a trace of defensiveness.
"I trust you." The swordsmith rose from his seat. His gaze was directed downward, and his deep blue eyes held a blend of resignation and longing. "I only wish I could be the one making you as happy as he does."
A painful silence settled. As you watched this poignant exchange between likely your ancestors, the demon hunter replied gently:
"You're among the dearest people in my life, Hyue. With your support, I found my place here and could erase my past. You accepted all my conditions when you asked for my hand, and together we have a wonderful daughter who will one day carry on my legacy. I will never betray our bond. Genjuro is an honorable man and will uphold the same loyalty to his family. He and I are simply bound by our purpose to fight demons."
Your body moved again without your control. You closed the distance between the swordsmith and you and enveloped him in an embrace. After a moment of hesitation, his arms encircled you too with a familiar softness. You closed your eyes contentedly, comforted by his touch.
The unfolding "dream" extended for quite a duration, prompting a lingering concern that you might be condemned to retrace every step of your ancestor's life. Even though the experience was unsettling (what was happening to your real body? What about your present time companions?), it was also enlightening. The events confirmed the rumors of the profound affection that Genjuro and Oai shared, but they were not lovers. They were already married by the time of their first encounter (Genjuro through an arranged marriage, and Oai out of necessity) and both were too loyal to their official partners to even admit their true feelings outloud. Yet, the unparalled depth of their love for each other was evident in their exchanged glances, shared smiles, and synchronized training sessions.
The training sessions proved to be the most instructive aspect for you. Altough the core principles of the Time Breathing technique traced back to the continent, their organization into katas was Oai's creation, inspired by the Kisatsutai's fighting style. Through Genjuro's persuasive efforts, the Thunder and Mist Pillars, the first users of their Breathing style, joined your ancestor's training. In the midst of this, you came to understand that Oai's interactions with these fellow Slayers had contributed to the development of several of her katas. It was a realization that, in retrospect, seemed like an obvious progression. The insights you gleaned from this historical glimpse offered you fresh perspectives on challenging combat sequences. You started to wonder if you could create one day your own Time Breathing forms.
Despite your concerns about the dream's duration, it actually concluded abruptly.
Oai and Genjuro met their tragic ends at the tender age of twenty-five, after a battle against an Upper Moon whose power bore eerie resemblances to those of Enmu and Meikaishi. Triumph came at a heavy price, as they emerged victorious, but both bore lethal wounds. Was it the curse of the Demon Slayer mark they bore, or merely a cruel twist of fate?
Her own body battered and broken, Oai crawled to Genjuro's side, who lay in a crimson pool not far from her, his vitality waning but not extinguished. He managed a weak smile through the pain. His right eye was gouged out, and blood flowed from his lips and nose. A sense of unease crept over you as you thought about how much his face mirrored that of Kyojuro after the train battle.
Tears cascaded down the demon hunter's cheeks. She desperately tried to staunch the flow of blood from Genjuro's grievous abdominal wound, even as her own injuries foretold the inevitability of her fate—her legs had been crushed to the bones. The Flame Pillar reached out, tenderly taking her hand into his own, putting an end to her futile efforts.
"Do not be saddened that our paths have parted here, Oai, for we shall be reunited in another life."
Oai's vision blurred, her tears mingling with yours. These were the very words Kyojuro had left for you. Bending over the Flame Pillar's lifeless form, Oai placed a soft kiss on his bloodied lips.
"I love you, Genjuro..." she whispered at last.
But he had already slipped beyond the reach of her words.
You awoke with a start, your face dampened by tears, and a deep wound etched across your abdomen. Yet, the physical pain paled in comparison to the emotional distress that gripped your heart. Breathing raggedly and disoriented, you pushed yourself into a sitting position, quickly surveying your surroundings. You found yourself back within the confines of your dormitory in the temple of the Eternal Paradise Cult, the very place where Meikaishi operated. Fortunately, no one was in the dormitory at the moment, sparing you from the scrutiny of anyone who might question your wretched state. Glancing at the calendar hanging on the wall, you noted that the trial of the Bloody Altar was scheduled in two day.
It took a while to disentangle your own memories from those of Oai's, but gradually, the circumstances leading to your time travel became clear in your mind. The haunting image of Giyuu's bloodied face and the naginata ready to strike Kyojuro were the last things you had seen before loosing consciousness.
Hastily covering your blood-soaked attire with a haori, you paid little heed to your partially healed wounds and immediately set out to find your two companions. With your enhanced demonic senses, it didn't take long to pinpoint their whereabouts. As the night shift drew to a close, you traced their presence to the changing room of the male baths. Discarding any concern for propriety, you entered the space unannounced, your acute sense of smell assuring you that they were alone.
The first person you saw was Giyuu, who was clad in only the lower portion of his samui, his finely chiseled torso exposed. He must have sensed your approach, as he didn't seem overly surprised by your presence, just intrigued.
"Giyuu!" you exclaimed, rushing into his arms. His reception was gentle, his arms enveloping you in a protective hold, though tinged with an evident bewilderment at your uncharacteristic display of emotion. The embrace lingered for a moment before he gradually withdrew, his searching gaze reflecting his inquiry.
"What's the matter, Kanoko?"
“Something dreadful is going to happen, we…”
Your gaze shifted behind him, where a figure was moving. Kyojuro was watching the two of you with an awkward expression. He was dressed in his samui, a towel hung loosely over his shoulders, his freshly dyed black hair still glistening from the recent washing. The relief at his well-being was overwhelming, especially after having witnessed the gruesome end of his ancestor Genjuro during your near death experience. Pulling yourself from Giyuu's embrace, you took a few steps towards Kyojuro with your arms outstretched, only to halt mid-motion as the realization dawned that he might not want your touch. Kyojuro's attention was drawn to your disheveled attire beneath the concealing haori.
"What happened? Were you attacked?" he inquired with an alarmed expression, his eyebrows furrowing, and his hands reflexively seeking his absent sword.
"It's my blood, but... the attack hasn't happened yet. I used my Time Backlash power to travel back to the past. We need to discuss about the Bloody Altar trial as soon as possible."
Kyojuro's expression darkened, a resolute nod acknowledging the gravity of the situation as he crossed his arms. Giyuu surveyed the surroundings, ensuring that no one had overheard. Caution was paramount in these walls where secrets could easily find ears.
"Dawn is about to break. Let's meet at our usual spot tonight. For now, change into a fresh set of clothes and stay discreet," he advised, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You took a deep breath while nodding, the firm and unwavering touch of the Water Pillar infusing a semblance of calm into your turbulent state. Kyojuro was staring at both of you intensely, his arms still crossed. You looked up at him, but he turned away at the same moment. Even though you could no longer discern his features, you felt as though you had glimpsed a hint of worry and sorrow fleeting across his features.
"Let's disperse now," the Flame Hashira suggested, his voice lowered, masking his emotions. "The day-shift team initiates their duties soon, and we all need to get some rest."
Each of you tread separate paths, diverging down the corridors. Retracing your steps, you reached your quarters, encountering a familiar young woman on her way to a prayer room. Pulling your haori tighter, you concealed the blood stains on your attire, greeting her with a nod, which she gracefully returned.
You tried to control your expression as the realization settled that this devout would slit her own throat in two evenings.
"... Should we strike before the ceremony begins?" Kyojuro pondered aloud, after you had recounted the details of the Bloody Altar trial. "This way, we could save this young woman's life."
The chaya had once again become your clandestine meeting ground. This time, none of you were on guard outside, and the three of you were gathered. Kyojuro and Giyuu were disguised as patrons, while you took on the role of an apprentice geisha again. Despite the risk of meeting together, the gravity of your impending fight against the new Upper Moon Five necessitated strategic coordination.
"I don't think we can afford to save her," you said in a somber tone, shaking your head. "First of all, I couldn't find out Meikaishi's location before the start of the trial. But the main issue is that mere decapitation doesn't kill him… In fact, I think that unless we manage to drag him under the sunlight, which is unlikely, we need to behead him in both the Dream realm and the physical world in order to vainquish him. If that’s the case, preventing the ritual's start would only serve him victory on a golden plate.”
During the day, you had sent Kaname to seek advice from the Master and Kanzaburo towards the hideout where Shinobu was supposed to retrieve your messages. You also sought help from Yushiro, who supplied you with talismans. You still hadn't heard from the Slayers in the main Temple, but the Master and Yushiro had responded to your letters and confirmed the theories you had elaborated upon watching your ancestor's battle against a similar Upper Moon.
"If that's the case, we're going to face a tough challenge. How can we pinpoint the specific dream he's going to settle in?" asked Kyojuro.
"Based on the sigils of the Dream circle where the victim's blood flooded, Yushiro and Oyakata-sama have deduced that the dreamers' consciousness is immersed in a single dimension, vast enough to make them believe they're isolated. You and Giyuu could locate each other in the Dream world and jointly confront Meikaishi's manifestation. But be careful: this is Upper Moon Five's territory, he is probably stronger in his own realm than in the physical one. There's a huge risk that being killed in the Dream leave you as mere shells in the waking world. Additionally, dispatching Meikaishi's subconscious alone won't suffice to eliminate him, but it will wake you up, as we witnessed in the gold mines of Shizuoka. For the final blow, the decapitation really need to happen simultaneously in both dimensions. We will only get one chance."
You and your companions engaged in an extensive discussion about the strategy to maximize your chances of a simultaneous victory. Eventually, Giyuu rose from his sitting position.
"I have to go. I'm supposed to bring some night-blooming flowers to the temple herbalist. Being late would raise suspicion."
He nodded his goodbye to both of you, his gaze lingering on you before he turned and left. Kyojuro attentively observed this silent interaction, his posture unwavering as he sat, arms folded. You found it unusual that he didn't follow suit. Ever since your transformation, he had been avoiding you as much as possible. As Giyuu left, his automatic smile faded, only to be replaced by a contemplative expression, his gaze seemingly fixed on some distant horizon.
You weighed the pros and cons of seizing the opportunity to engage him in conversation or making your exit. You yearned to share the revelation of your past life's connection with his ancestor. Seconds stretched into moments, during which neither of you ventured to break the silence. Eventually, you concluded that the atmosphere had grown too strained, leading you to opt for a tactful withdrawal. After all, you had your own responsibilities to tend to before daybreak in order to maintain a façade of normalcy for the temple authorities.
Just as you were about to take your leave with a polite farewell, Kyojuro halted your movement by gripping your wrist. You felt your heart race at this unexpected contact, surprised that his mere touch could still affect you so much after months of adapting to the distance he had imposed between you. You turned back with a confused expression, only to find that he seemed equally bewildered. He loosened his grip slightly, but didn't break the connection. For a few moments, you both locked eyes in silence, hesitating.
"Is something wrong?" you finally ventured, somewhat concerned.
"Um, no... I acted on impulse, I apologize."
Yet he still held onto your wrist as he said this. A complex display of emotions flickered across his remaining eye, betraying the inner debate raging within him. He averted his gaze, his struggle evident as he finally summoned the courage to ask the question that weighed heavily on his mind:
"... Have you and Tomioka... always been this close?"
He felt a certain uneasiness about delving into your personal affairs, but he needed to know. He couldn't recall ever seeing you this intimate to anyone else other than him, and it would be a lie to pretend that it didn't trouble him. In fact, your recent closeness to the Water Pillar had ignited a storm of emotions within him. Yet, he couldn't ignore the fact that your own dynamic had deteriorated from a close relationship to one strictly professional. The only lingering evidence of your former intimacy was the continued use of your given names.
"We are simply friends," you answered defensively.
"He doesn't see you in that light," the Hashira reminded you with a solemn tone.
You decided to confront him directly, shifting the conversation to a point that had been gnawing at your thoughts, "What about you, Kyojuro? And is it true that you intented to propose to me upon your return from the Mugen Train mission?"
The Flame Pillar seemed caught off guard by your questions, his valid eye widening and his mouth slightly opened. But he quickly regained his composure. His expression turned wistful, and his voice was softer when he replied:
"It's true... I informed Tomioka about my intentions, because I wanted to give him the opportunity to express his feelings for you before I asked for your hand."
You smiled sadly, noticing that he hadn't answered your first inquiry. In the end, not only had Kyojuro refrained from pursuing his formal proposal, but he had also forbidden you from seeing his younger brother again, thereby drawing a clear line between your collaboration and his private life. Everything was different now that you were a demon.
You couldn't even blame him and pretend he was going too far. The truth was that you were no longer the same. More often than you'd like, especially when weakened, you were violently craving for human blood. You were dangerous, and even without considering that, many things now set you apart from those you loved. You could no longer walk under the sun nor enjoy a normal meal with them. Even sake no longer intoxicated you. Without your promise to end your life in a year, you would watch your loved ones age and die without you. You were a monster on borrowed time. The best you could do was to be an useful monster.
"I see...," you murmured with a quiet resignation. There was nothing more to say. Slowly, you withdrew your hand from his grasp, your heart heavy. You both left the chaya in a heavy silence after that.
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As the gong tolled, everyone fell into slumber within the expanse of the Bloody Altar's ceremonial hall. As anticipated, the reverberating echoes of Meikaishi's footfalls soon reverberated among his followers, likely searching for the intruders in both the Dreams and in reality. You waited patiently for him to approach you, just like he did in during the first trial. The footsteps came to a halt. You remained still for a few seconds; then, without even opening your eyes, you drew your sword at lightning speed, slicing through the air vertically before you.
Time Breathing, First Form: Morning Angelus!
Unlike your prior assault that had scarcely grazed his hat, this strike cleaved through the demon's face, cutting it in half. His black and crimson eyes widened with disbelief. Leaving him no time to react, you leapt onto him, unleashing a maelstrom of deadly maneuvers.
Time Breathing, Sixth Form: Thunderstorm Bells!
You moved in a series of zigzag leaps, each jump accompanied by a slash aimed at your enemy's neck. This was a technique you had always struggled with more than the others, but you had finally understood its finesse by witnessing your ancestor refining it with the Thunder Pillar of her era. Upon trouble, the Dream Master chose a strategic retreat like he had done the first time, reaching the promontory where the marechi's corpse lay. The smell of her blood made you dizzy, but the blood that Giyuu had shared with you before the start of the trial anchored your self-control. Nonetheless, your momentary lapse of attention gave to Meikaishi the time to summon his naginata.
With a grotesque flourish, the naginata materialized from his very flesh. In a swift assault, the demon lunged toward you with chilling intent. Though he couldn't kill you, he still could incapacitate you until the end of his ritual.
Dukkha Dispel Thrust!
The ferocious attack narrowly missed finding its mark, the naginata slicing though the air just inches from your retreating form. It seemed that the manifestation of Meikaishi's weapon imbued its owner with a newfound velocity. You modulated your breathing to sync with the new cadence of battle, veins popping on your forehead and muscles coiled with effort. Unrelenting in his pursuit, Meikaishi's onslaught was now pushing you back toward your comrades. It seemed his strategy was still to dispose of their bodies quickly after dispatching yours.
Lotus Blossom Slash!
Moon Upper Five executed a series of fluid and graceful movements, evoking an opened lotus flower, and then delivered a precise strike at incredible speed. This time, the attack hit you head-on despite your attempt to deflect it. The force of the blow sent you crashing to the ground, a gaping lotus-shaped hole piercing through your stomach.
Meikaishi's naginata swirled with a menace that matched the predatory glint in his eyes.
"You will atone for the crimes you have committed against Lord Muzan in hell, impure demon," he solemnly declared, his voice dripped with grim satisfation.
His smile faded as he saw you as you rise from the ground, a joyless, sardonic laughter spilling from your lips. The resilience you displayed was unexpected, and the newfound aura of confidence that clung to you unsettled him. His unease mounted when his gaze fell upon the talisman affixed to your forehead.
A quick glance toward your two companions, still locked in sleep in their seiza stance, revealed that the one with forked eyebrows also bore the mystic talisman upon his brow. Seething with rage, Meikaishi's mind whirled with questions – When had you managed to place them on yourselves? Was it after his Lotus Blossom Slash, taking advantage of the rain of blood to divert his attention?
You winced, one eye squeezed shut as pain surged through you, blood flowing from where your skull had met the ground during your fall. Through your closed eyelid, you could catch a glimpse of Kyojuro's vision. And thanks to his own charm, he could do the same with yours. You could see that he was close to the Water Hashira, and that both of them were confronting what they believed to be Meikaishi's manifestation in the Dream realm.
Sensing your collective determination and recognizing the imminent danger, the Upper Moon Five contorted his form into a new stance, preparing to use his ultimate technique to eliminate your trio in a single, devastating stroke. You harnessed your breathing technique to slow down his impending onslaught as much as possible.
Eternal Paradise Whirlwind!
Your opponent spun his naginata with mesmerizing speed, conjuring a vortex above him and then releasing all the accumulated energy towards the three of you.
Time Breathing, Third Form: Night Requiem!
You successfully executed a protective lateral movement that halted the deadly maelstrom. The devastating force of the impact swept away several rows of followers surrounding you, causing them to pile up haphazardly at the periphery of the hall, oblivious to the turmoil despite their disrupted repose.
Simultaneously, you and Kyojuro noticed an opening in your opponent's defense. In a synchronized movement, akin to a dance, you each performed perfectly coordinated kata.
"The first to pay for their sins in hell..."
Time Breathing, Fourth Form...
Flame Breathing, Seventh Form...
"... shall be you, Meikaishi!" you and Kyojuro both shouted with all your might.
Death Knell Tolls!
Phoenix's Wrath!
The tolling of doom reverberated along with the blaze of an icendiary fury. In both worlds, Meikaishi's expression twisted in terror. Then his head was detached from his body in a geyser of blood.
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I hope you don't have the second male lead syndrom friends :')...
Sengoku Era Secret: Genjuro's name is written with the kanji 源 (Gen), meaning "source"/"origin". Oai's name is written 緒愛, combining the kanji for "beginning" and "love". (again correct me if I'm wrong haha)
Oai's terms when her suitor, Hyue, sought her hand in marriage, were the following: their descendants would bear the Nagase name, with girls mastering the Time Breathing technique, and boys learning the art of Nichirin swordsmithing. It is possible that "Nagase" was a translation of her native name.
Next chapter: "The Eternal Paradise Cult's Fall"
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! How are you today? <3 this is my first time requesting on your blog after stalking it for a bit, if it's not to much can I get ror with an Hantengu reader?
Pairing: Loki, Thor, Hades & Poseidon
As the holder of the fourth highest title in the Twelve Kizuki, Hantengu is an extremely powerful demon. Through his Blood Demon Art, he is able to create four clones that were manifestations of his emotions, each of them possessing an Upper Rank demon's level of strength. They were able to hold off and overwhelm the combined efforts of Tanjiro, Nezuko and Genya, all of whom were powerful and seasoned Demon Slayers. Genya stated that Hantengu was particularly difficult to defeat as the Demon Slayers would have to play a cat-and-mouse game instead of a traditional confrontation, looking for the main body while being chased down by four Upper Rank-level demons
And getting their head cut off they split off into clones
Sekido (積せき怒ど, Sekido?) is a tall and muscular young man with long wavy hair that goes past his shoulders and narrow, deep red eyes that have the daiji of "Upper Rank" (上じょう弦げん, Jōgen?) and "Four" (肆し, Shi?) engraved into them. He has two prominent curved horns on his forehead and markings under his eyes that give his face a cracked appearance. He also has the kanji for "anger" etched into his tongue. As a demon, Sekido has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger. He is usually seen wearing an irritated or enraged expression on his face. Sekido wears the same kimono as Hantengu, with the right half being covered in a pattern of flowers and lines with the left half being dark and lacking any detailed features. He also wears dark hakama pants and a pair of zōri. Sekido is always seen carrying around a Khakkhara (錫しゃく杖じょう, Shakujō?).
Karaku (可か楽らく, Karaku?) is a tall and muscular young man with shoulder-length hair and narrow, deep green eyes with the daiji of "Upper Rank" (上じょう弦げん, Jōgen?) and "Four" (肆し, Shi?) engraved into them. He has two prominent curved horns on his forehead and cracked markings under his eyes, similar to Sekido. Karaku also has the kanji for "pleasure" etched into his tongue. Like all demons, Karaku has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger, like Sekido. He is usually seen wearing a gleeful expression on his face. Karaku wears nothing but hakama pants, a pair of zōri, and two sash-like accessories on both shoulders. Karaku is always seen carrying around a fatsia leaf-shaped Uchiwa (團扇うちわ, Uchiwa?).
Aizetsu (哀あい絶ぜつ, Aizetsu?) is a tall and muscular young man with shoulder-length hair and narrow, deep blue eyes with the daiji of "Upper Rank" (上じょう弦げん, Jōgen?) and "Four" (肆し, Shi?) engraved into them. He has two prominent curved horns on his forehead and cracked markings under his eyes. Aizetsu also has the kanji for "sorrow" etched into his tongue. As a demon, Aizetsu has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger. He is usually seen wearing a dejected expression on his face. Aizetsu wears a black kimono with white lines running through various areas of the clothing and rope-like accessories tied around his shoulders. He also wears hakama pants and a pair of zōri. Aizetsu is always seen carrying around a Jūmonji Yari (十じゅう文もん字じ鑓やり, Jūmonji Yari?).
Urogi (空うろ喜ぎ, Urogi?) is a tall and muscular young man with long wavy hair that goes past his shoulders and narrow gold eyes with the daiji of "Upper Rank" (上じょう弦げん, Jōgen?) and "Four" (肆し, Shi?) engraved into them. He has two prominent curved horns on his forehead and cracked markings under his eyes. Urogi also has the kanji for "joy" etched into his tongue. Like all demons, Urogi has pointed ears and sharp nails on each finger. He is usually seen wearing an overjoyed expression on his face, similar to Karaku. Unlike the rest of Hantengu's humanoid manifestations, Urogi possesses an avian physiology, possessing two large wings on his back and raptor-like feet armed with sharp talons that take the place of his hands and legs. Urogi only wears hakama pants tied together by a chain of large round pearls.
And like the battle is getting heated against (god's name) Hantengu reader Sekido absorbs the clones and turns into their final form
Zohakuten (憎ぞう珀はく天てん, Zōhakuten?) is a short and muscular child with short hair that spikes up at various angles around his head and narrow orange eyes with the daiji of "Upper Rank" (上じょう弦げん, Jōgen?) and "Four" (肆し, Shi?) engraved into them. He is usually seen wearing an angry scowl on his face, similar to Sekido. Zohakuten's clothing seems to be a combination of Sekido's, Karaku's, Aizetsu's, and Urogi's clothes. He wears black hakama pants covered with a piece of cloth bearing a close resemblance to Sekido's kimono and tied together with a long strap of white cloth. He also wears long sleeves that bear a resemblance to Aizetsu's kimono. Finally, he dons a plate of armor that is gold in color that only covers his chest. Zohakuten has a series of drums connected to each other that are inexplicably floating behind his back, with each drum having the kanji of "hatred" displayed on them. He also carries around a bone-like dagger in each hand.
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-Your battle was an intense one, to those watching the match, it was more of an exhibition match between you and several members of Hades’ Demon Slayer Corps, as the next fighters weren’t ready yet.
-You had been initially frightened, terrified of the prospect, appearing as a coward to the two Hashira and the 2 Demon Slayer Corps members.
-Gods were jeering at you, thinking you were an easy target, weak, and the humans were shouting at the Demon Slayers to make quick work of you.
-That was the case, until you evened the odds and split yourself into 4 different bodies, personifications of your personalities, while your true body, now teeny-tiny, was carefully tucked away in the cloak of your ‘sorrow’ personification, as the other three were quick to charge in headfirst.
-Each of your bodies were just as strong as your true power, the Upper Rank Four, so the Demon Slayers were facing 4 Upper Rank Demons at the moment, and you quickly turned the tide in the match and all those who were making fun of you were quickly eating their words.
-The match was very entertaining, you found yourself amused as these Demon Slayers weren’t backing down, as they had this chance to kill an Upper Rank, and you had the chance to take out several members of the Demon Slayers, including 2 Hashira.
-After Joy and Pleasure were nearly destroyed, you grew irate and the five bodies all came together, before being surrounded by black flames.
-The humans were all shouting at the Demon Slayers as they all leapt up, trying to attack but were instantly blown back head over heels as the flames shot out, revealing only one body this time, fused once more, but this time, you didn’t look cowardly or weak.
-You oozed power, your intimidating glare seemed to send shivers up the spines of gods and humans alike.
-You seemed to vanish, disappearing and you appeared behind the two lower ranked Demon Slayers, sending them flying back into the wall, knocking them out but not killing them, yet.
-You wanted to play with the 2 Hashira who were calling out for their friends, worried, scared. They smelled so delicious.
-Almost an hour later, you were slowly fading away, looking at the two Hashira, while you hadn’t killed them, you made them unable to fight another Upper Rank ever again.
-They surprised you with their teamwork, playing off each other’s skills, and in a moment of stupid bravery, the two lower ranked members that you probably should have killed, blindsided you, providing a momentary distraction.
-You were silent as you faded, as you wish you could have done more by actually killing your opponents.
-You felt like a failure, failing your Lord Muzan. You refused to give the humans the satisfaction to see you cry, even though sorrow was drowning your whole being.
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a-little-house · 2 years
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Hello 👋 I saw ur post about being in the Rengoku mood and I'm ready for ya!! Think about kyojuro finding his lover (FEM) sitting/playing with senjuro or comforting him when he's feeling down and his heart just....melts😍
Hello Oggy! If it’s ok to call you this, if its not please say ( ^O^ ) Thank you for your request and honestly for help fueling my rengoku mood + love 
I’ve gone for something abit more fluffy cause honestly I just wanted to make something family-like? If that makes sense?
I hope I’ve done your request well, your always welcome back here whenever you want ( ^ -----^ ) 
Title: Family Shenanigans in the Rengoku household
Pairing: Rengoku Kyojuro x (FEM) Reader
Warnings: Absolutely none - this is soft + fluffy
Word count: 809 words
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Kyojuro was tired.
Shoulders tensed with the stresses of life and the strain of an almost sprained arm, yet his legs still carried him onwards, still moved him forwards towards home, to his father and brother, to you his beloved….
A sigh parted his lips, fingers rubbing circles on his temple trying to move away the hidden headache that was forming deep within the crevices of his mind.
But the thought of home kept him going and kept thoughts of various nature in their chains.
The smell of food was what welcomed him home, followed by the clean halls and distant sound of laughter and for a moment a pout formed on Kyojuro’s face at the lack of you to greet him….
 “I’m home!” Kyojuro called out moving quietly, steps as light as a cat “Where is everyone?”
 Tiredness still smothered his body, still made it sluggish, but the quite did put him on edge. It made a part of him worry…
Until entering the kitchen and spotting the awake form of his father - who’s hair was pulled up into a ponytail and kimono neatly tied – stirring a pot of broth on the stove, tasting spoon raised to his lips as he stared at his eldest with a brow raised.
Looking out of the sliding doors into the garden gave him for view of senjuro and you running about and laughing without a care in the world.
Shinjuro let out a hum, still staring at Kyojuro – who stood rather frozen in the doorway.
 “Ah Kyojuro,” He barked voice slightly softer than usual “Welcome home, Senjuro and (Y/N) are in the back”
 Kyojuro simply nodded, a bit dumbstruck and moved past his father onto the engawa to watch you play with senjuro.
His breathe caught in his throat, tears almost building up and his heart, no, his whole being melted at the sight.
Senjuro laughing so loudly as you ran after him, head thrown back with teeth showing as he ran, the usually shy boy moving quickly as he dodged your out-stretched hands. Past training coming in handy for his stamina.
 “Senjuro!” You giggled “Come on! At least let me catch you once!”
 You looked happy, hair slightly windswept, kimono and hakama pants still impeccably neat as you moved keeping up with senjuro’s quick movements.
Senjuro simply laughed,
 “No! It wouldn’t be fair”
 Now it was kyojuro’s turn to laugh, something boisterous and needed, surprising both you and sejuro into position looking rather comical in your movements before breaking out into smiles.
 And just like that you both were running towards him, the game of tag forgotten temporarily with smiles bright on your faces.
Love made Kyojuro’s heart thump loudly.
Your arms and Senjuro’s wrapped around him in a loving embrace, almost causing him to fall backwards under the force of it and laughter bubbled out of his chest.
 “How was your day you two?” Kyojuro asked smile bright on his face “Seemed like you were having fun”
 “Yeah!” Senjuro exclaimed body practically vibrating with energy “(Y/N)’S been teaching me how to play chess and all sorts of things! You should join in with Tag, it’s so fun!!”
 Kyojuro’s eyes flicked to you, mirth and love swirled together as his grip tightened on both of you.
 “Your more than welcome to join Kyo,” You murmured sweetly “More fun if there’s more players! Oh, after you’ve had a moment to rest of course?”
 “Yeah! Please Nii-san?”
 Kyojuro’s heart probably was going to give out at any moment, first his father’s cooking, then you’ve been teaching and playing with senjuro? What more could he possibly take at this point?
 “Ok, I’ll join in” He managed to get out before you and senjuro squeezed him tightly such happy look on your faces before letting go of him “How do I play then?”
 At this Senjuro turned to look at you, an uncommon smirk upturning his lips into something devious while you looked at him with an equally as devious look on your face – it honestly made the hairs on the back of Kyojuro’s neck stand up – before you held out your hand.
Part of him told him not to take your hand.
Senjuro backed away slowly with a giggle.
But you were the love of his life, so he placed his hand on top of yours with a tilt of his head.
 “Tig! Your it Kyo,” You said so sweetly before taking off running calling out as you went “Now you’ve got to catch either me or Senjuro and Tig us!”
 With a laugh Kyojuro started to chase.
Shinjuro simply watched with a faint smile, his tired eyes taking in the sight of his sons and soon to be daughter-in-law running around with laughter and sun illuminating your forms while he stood in shadow and he just continued cooking.
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kalims · 3 years
Hello dear like you said I'm here to state my desire....
So ...
Inazuma boys meeting there s/o and thinking she's a he because she likes wearing male clothes and is a gentleman and girls in inazuma have a crush on her ( you know like a "trap" was it called that in anime😅😅) like there reaction when finding out she's a girl and there heart goes doki doki ♥️♥️
I know it's a weird request but I have been wanting to see how it will turn out
Please tell me if you can't write this
notable :
hakama are a type of traditional Japanese clothing, tied at the waist and fall approximately to the ankles. They are worn over a kimono specially adapted for wearing hakama.
the haori is a traditional Japanese hip- or thigh-length jacket worn over a kimono.
✉ ⋮ OMGBAJSJSN YOU READ MY BIO, and don't worry love. It's not a weird request, I'm weirdly invested too. 🤧 I was kinda confused with ur request so I decided to just yolo. if u want gorou pls make a separate request because I do three per request unless it's something written by my will. THIS WAS SO LONG MY POOR FINGERS, ittos part was rushed.
fluff, pre-relationship, fem!reader, she/her pronouns. third person pov for like two paragraphs before switching to first person.
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there's no individual in inazuma who can't help but squeal quietly when you turn your back to them after lending a helping hand or a graceful wave of a hand in greeting.
he'd only heard rumors of your famous reputation of being the treasured gem of the public eye. most people seemed to speak very highly of you, they can't help but notice the females that proclaim praises before bursting into a fit of giggles.
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thoma — "hahaha... I'll be honest, I thought you were a man at first. aw come on, don't look at me like that."
thoma wouldn't probably lend an ear to the gossip that travels around in inazuma so the news of your existence would reach him would need some time alas standing as the 'fixer' in ritou requires to be aware of the circulating rumors that spreads fast despite the harbor itself being a distance from the main city.
"excuse me, ladies? what are you talking about?" thoma cuts in the conversation smoothly, smiling apologetically at the women who looked at him in suprise.
fortunately there was a face that recognized him, if they weren't there then he'd probably be labeled as a nosy creep.
"oh! thoma, we were just talking about y/n... he's so handsome, y'know? his hakama pants and haori..." the girl responded with a giggle, sighing dreamily. her freinds nodded in a murmur of agreements.
y/n, y/n. where did he hear that from?
his impression would be nothing special, he'll just blink in ignorance before thinking hard because where did he hear that name from before? there's something familiar about the name that gets thrown around ritou so frequently.
"y/n? oh! have you met?" ayaka gasps, staring at the retainer with curious eyes. before thoma could sigh and shake his head ayaka gasps once more.
following her line of sight, his eyes land on a 'man' who excludes an aura of elegance, similar to ayaka. but thoma doesn't dare to even compare a stranger to her.
the 'man's' head dips in a respectful short bow, he smiles at ayaka and gives thoma a nod of acknowledgement who he reprociates with a smile, friendly as always.
"speaking of... thoma, this is (name)." ayaka introduces with a tilt of her head, hiding her face behind her fan. she gives you a suggestive look, contrast to her personality and you could only sigh.
but oh.. he was more handsome that you'd think.
you wave at the handsome man rather more meekly than you wanted yourself to do. suddenly you could feel your pulse pick up, ayaka sends you a knowing look at the subtle change of behavior you displayed. you could practically feel the wide smile hidden behind her folding fan.
covering a hand over your mouth to fake a cough, he gazes at you with concern. damn inazuma and it's cute men...
"are you sick, lord y/n?" he voices and you could feel the air pause with you. ayaka blinks and struggles to stifle a laugh, clearing her throat when she remembers that she's a noble.
lord? oh.
you smile at him, recognizing the situation oh too well. "heh... unless I'm mistaken, I'm very sure that I was born a woman." you chuckle, watching as he sputtered and turned red. thoma fumbles as he rises to his feet and gives you an awkward bow.
was it from embarrassment or fluster? who knows, maybe it's both but thoma knows that he basically misgendered someone and he'd never felt so much shame.
he's so embarrassed omg, help him please. thoma does absolutely everything to ensure that he receives your forgiveness and even if he does get it. there's no guarantee that the guilt would disappear after. It'll hover around his entire being for a while.
if he somehow gets over it, please dont remind him of that day because he's willing to dig into the dirt and bury himself in it. he turns red as that day when you tease him about it.
he doesn't want to pry any more than he already has but he can't help but wonder why exactly you wear traditional clothing for men. and you could tell he wonders about it so you tell him.
"I generally just like it, clothing has no gender. a man or woman can wear what they want to wear."
AND ARCHONS, you're so humble atleast to his eyes. of course, you'd let him take you out for dinner right? totally as compensation for the misunderstanding.
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kaedehara kazuha — "I see, that explains the--" and so he recites a poem.
there's absolutely no way kazuha would not realize that you're a woman from the start, he's too perceptive and smart to not. kazuha is careful, only ever dropping his guard for a moment of serenity alas he's learned to expect the unexpected. but not this way?
the sea is as calm as ever. he thinks and a calm sense of tranquility washes over the lone samurai. he peeks an eye open to see beidou grinning while having an arm slung over someone's shoulder. "hey kid! I want'cha to meet someone."
beidou chuckles, lightly pushing you to stumble. foot unfortunately getting stuck in a loose hole. she raises her brows and whistles innocently while already walking away.
you grumble at her carelessness and dust yourself with a clear of your voice. kazuha only watches in amusement, used to dealing with the captain's antics after years.
kazuha sneaks a peek at your torn sock that beidou and even yourself didn't notice. "It seems as though your sock is torn. is your foot alright?" he murmurs gently, leaping down from a deck to crouch and cradle your foot.
blissfully AWARE of the prying eyes that definitely would get the wrong idea.
you flinch from suprise and take a step back. he blinks and smiles. "oh right, my apologies. I'm kaedehara kazuha, I'm a vagrant from inazuma--"
while you think about what he means by vagrant he peers at your clothing and a glint of familiarity settles in his eyes. "and judging by your clothing, I assume you are a citizen from the land of eternity as am I, correct?"
you nod.
he didn't notice at first, more occupied with the fact that there's an inazuman other than him on board. but seeing you in such clothing gives him a familiar ease, it's a nice sight to see it frankly.
and the fact that the crew never really payed you no mind and welcomed you warmly never helped about your real identity. more members who was there since day one however have been sitting aware but not exactly bothering to break the news. they wanted to see the shocked look break on their fellows faces as they did.
captain beidou is extremely generous, even going as far as making space for two separate bathrooms for her crew to differ with gender. as she is aware that some aren't that comfortable with sharing one.
kazuha eventually sees your eyes trained on the bathroom for women and it doesn't take long for him to piece that you are most definitely keen on entering. he calls out your name calmly and advises you to use the other bathroom. baffling even you.
"y/n." you blink and pause in your steps, thighs pressing together under your hakama at the pressure of holding your.. ehem, urine.
you tap your foot on the wooden floor, urging kazuha to continue. nearly jumping in your spot since you've literally waited for forever to release your goddamn urine. "yes? I'm in a hurry."
"I'm afraid whatever kind of degenerate actions you desire to do will have to be stopped. please use the other bathroom if you are looking to actually use it." kazuha states blankly, there's an unfathomable amount of anger in his eyes and yet he maintains a cool look.
now you're just confused, did he call you a degenerate? you? out of all people?
suddenly the urge to actually pee disappears.
you can't help but twitch in anger. "are you accused me of being a pervert, kaedehara? why the hell am I gonna use the men's bathroom, huh? are you just begging for me to be looked as a weirdo?" you snap, to your delight he looks taken aback.
before he could retort you were already stomping away with an unusual rage in your steps, mumbling curses.
he stands there for a second. "kid, that's not nice. she's just tryna... you know." beidou chimes from the upper deck, leaning on a railing and supporting her body with her forearms while gazing down at kazuha, unmistakably vexed.
she herself would be offended.
kazuha on the other hand. "pardon, she? y/n is a female?" beidou looks like a realization shined down at her from the skies. she barked out a laugh. "hah! I see, better apologize kid."
NAUR. man spends hour wallowing himself in self pity and guilt, taking it as a lesson from the gods and basically making himself understand his mistakes, learn about it, move past it and most importantly apologize to you.
he's smart, so it doesn't take much for sweet, sugary words to come out of his thoughts to form an apology seemingly straight from the books. (It isn't)
"please forgive me y/n, I take full responsibilities of my reckless assumptions. I was not aware that you are a woman and mistook you as a degenerate. no amount of words can describe how sorry I am." kazuha mumbled, although to you it seemed like he was answering some kind of question from school.
you frown. "it's no problem, I get it a lot but just don't apologize like it's a big deal. just say sorry and get over it."
"he'd like to take you out on a walk as an apology, by the way!" beidou's voice yells from somewhere unknown to the two of you.
his ears turn red and you can't help but grin. "sure."
not u taking his heart. 🙄
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arataki itto — "hah? when did you have time to transform into a woman, are you trying to trick me l/n? that won't work on me because I AM THE GREAT--"
um..? who else is the most gentle and charming man in inazuma? ITS HIM DUH. the first thing that registers in his mind is obviously competition because he has to find out that if you're really the big shot the ladies talk about. 🙄
if there was one thing everyone knew is that seeing a red horned oni, strutting over to you, posing like a model is that it would only bring chaos.
itto missed the feeling of ladies flocking over him. okay, maybe he was exaggerating a bit since the tengu and her troops had finally gotten off his non existent tail for who knows how much? one things for sure, he's gonna enjoy his moments as a free man.
and itto being itto mistook the ladies squeals and giggles as joy for seeing him. I mean who wouldn't with his big guns? have you taken a look at his arms. heh.
"I know, I know. excites to see me aren't 'cha?" Itto boasts loudly, at this rate. he'll be caught if he keeps the attitude but does he care? nah, not like that woman can beat an oni like him anyways. (she handed ur ass to you btw.)
the women struggled to break the news to him, one however was brave enough to do so. "um... sorry, we we're talking about lord y--Y/N-SAMA??" the woman started but her words faded into a screech.
it made itto's ear drums sting for a moment. and his shock didn't exactly register as he followed the trail of the woman's sight and it soon landed on a tall/short 'man'
he rubs his eyes to check if he wasn't seeing absolute BULLSHIT! this was the ladies man the women were all over? she-- no, they could do WAYY better.
a shrill scream cut through the air like a sharp knife, all citizens within the perimeter winced and it was unfortunate you also heard the random scream of your name.
maybe if you pretend you didn't hurt it you could get to the publishing book house faster? to your dismay another scream of your name shook you to the core but more manly unlike the first one that had a higher pitch to it.
if only the general wasn't around than maybe he would have challenged you to some sort of duel.
oh man, isn't that the oni sara was complaining about? you sweatdrop, watching as itto pauses and shoots you a dirty look, making a pointing signal to his eyes and then to your before bolting.
if you think you'd be able to live without ever meeting him again you're dead wrong. itto is set on finding you again and properly showing who the REAL ladies man is around here. I mean, there was no way he'd be replaced if he wasn't being previously driven out and now chased by that damned tengu!!
man legit sees you in a street and despite being tailed by the tenryou commission soldiers, he decides that "claiming dominance" over you is worth the while as he runs to you and yells out random things, mostly insults about your 'size' and totally unmanly arms!
when he finds out you're actually not a woman he just completely ignores it and spouts out nonsense.
"I don't know what kind of drugs you're on but I'm definitely not a 'lord' and even if I was actually a guy my **** would be bigger than yours." you scoff, itto gapes from the sidelines for a good second before chuckling and shaking his head.
he ignores the unnecessary comment meant to hurt his pride. (It did but whatever.)
"heh... WELL, whatever trick you're trying to do, it won't work!"
he laughs as you deadpan, where tf is his brain!?
when it's actually proven that you somehow prove that you're indeed a woman he freaks tf out because he's been assaulting a woman all this time??? totally unmanly dude and proceeds to treat you a 160 of what he previously did.
now opens doors for you, and declares you're not competition anymore because he's now dating you apparently ⁉️ he's you're not really self proclaimed boyfriend. instead of considering you, he finds anyone who talks good about you competition and brags to it on their faces.
menace man, absolute menace. "oh really? I'm not suprised they chose me cuz' I'm the best."
"I'm telling you! ask sara! we've been freinds since we were children."
resisting the urge to slap arataki itto right in the face was very tempting right now. "how does that explain your clothing, huh?"
he reasons dumbly, and you furrow your brows at the oblivious oni who just can't believe that he's been competing with a WOMAN.
"what do you mean?! you want me to be naked?" you mumble in sarcasm. sara drags a hand down her face in irritation.
"that's enough arataki, she's right." sara, deciding to take matters in her own hands to hopefully shut up itto, confirms.
itto's jaw goes slack and he gapes at you. "WHAT? HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME, HUH?" he sinks to the ground dramatically.
you don't even bother to answer. suddenly he brightens up. "that's great! n'eways.. let's go eat dinner together, all on you-- oh wait shouldn't the man be paying..?" he actually had to sit down to think about it.
"oh my archons, he's helpless. goodluck with that."
she leaves with you yelling something about a traitor. two idiots, what a pair.
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sencrose · 3 years
bid me farewell
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↪ part of the bully!naoya collection
❥ a/n: hello.... this is essentially my first time writing fic... please be kind... unlike naoya to reader ❥ pairing: bully!naoya zenin x f!reader (reader + naoya are 4th years graduating from jujutsu tech) ❥ tags: noncon + dubcon, nonconsensual photo taking, dacryphilia, facefucking, rough sex, misogyny, choking, degradation, doggy style, unprotected sex, cumming inside, use of restraints, naoya zenin really is his own warning ❥ word count: 2.3k ❥ summary: naoya wants to make one more memory with you before you go your separate ways.
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Graduation ceremonies weren’t much of a grand gesture in the world of Jujutsu sorcery. Whether you were a 4th year student or working grade 2 sorcerer, your day-to-day routine was essentially the same; the only difference was the salary.  There is no need to celebrate when there are greater matters at hand. Even so, you still celebrated on the inside, knowing that you wouldn’t have to run into him again.
One of the benefits of graduating was being free from Naoya Zenin’s hold. While he would go on to be the heir of the Zenin clan and be influential in Jujutsu society, you had no obligation to interact with him directly from here on out. Your first three years in Jujutsu tech were relentless. Fighting cursed spirits and going through rigorous training regimes was difficult enough. It didn’t help that you just so happened to be in the same year as Naoya, who loved belittling and harassing you every chance he got.
It started with small comments about how your cursed technique was weak or useless, how women like you weren’t made to survive in Jujutsu society. With time, he’d push the envelope a bit further, being especially cruel to you in comparison to your peers whenever you had to spar together. While your classmates made it out relatively scot-free, you would be lucky to get away with minimal injuries.
The worst was when you had to go on duo missions together.  He found a twisted pleasure in letting you run off on your own, fighting against a cursed spirit you had no chance in defeating. Even if you were on death’s door, littered in bruises and covered in your own blood, he would not help you. That is, not until you were crying and begging for your life. He relished in seeing you in such a pathetic state, in the implicit acknowledgement that you were nothing compared to him, and that he was your salvation.
At the very least, senior year had been refreshing, as neither of you spent much time on campus since you were assigned to go on solo missions instead. It was your first taste of freedom from his grasp, and you savored every morsel.
The only thing left was to move your belongings out of the dorm. As you packed the last box, you take one last look around the empty room. You search for some semblance of sentimentality but all you can find is relief in the empty, sterile walls. You would never have to step on this wretched campus ever again. You can finally move on to a new chapter of your life. With the box in hand, you open the door only to be greeted with an all too familiar voice.
“Don’t you have anything to say?” Naoya steps forward and casually leans on the doorframe bearing a smug grin, wearing his typical black kimono and white hakama pants in place of a typical Jujutsu Tech uniform. A chill shoots up your spine, and you drop the box you’re holding out of shock, random assortments of items clanking on to the floor. A sinking pit grows in your chest, and your hands start to shake. Why was he here? You don’t respond to his question as you get on your knees to pick up the items you dropped, doing your best to ignore his presence. Naoya does nothing to help, peering down at you with glazed eyes.
“This position suits you well.” The sight of you on your knees excited him like no other. He could feel himself getting greedy; he wants to see more of you. He wants to see just how far he could push you over the edge, reminiscing on your shared academy days. Just thinking about it sent blood rushing down his body. Fear in your eyes, tears running down your cheeks, desperation in your voice as you beg him to stop, just like old times.
With one swift movement, he grabs the hair at the base of your head, bringing you to meet his piercing gaze. “I’m going to ask you again. Don’t you have anything to say?” You reach for his hands to try and pry them away, but it only tightens his grip. The throbbing pain grows, causing warm tears to well up in your eyes.
“No.” You strain to mutter. He lets go, causing you to fall onto the ground. His demeanor completely shifts, as he claps his hands together and feigns a smile.
“What a shame. After all the time we spent together, I’d thought you’d at least say goodbye! We’ve had such great memories.” He talks with a sickly sweet tone, but it does little to hide the venom lurking underneath.
“What do you want?” You attempt to recompose yourself and continue packing the rest of your things. You wipe the tears off with the back of your hand, attempting to avoid his stare.
“God, I knew you were stupid but don’t make me spell it out for you. It’s a miracle you graduated.” He scoffs. A festering feeling of dread weighs heavy on your mind, creating a pit in your stomach. Nothing good could come from this.
“Wh-what are you talking about?” You ask, coming from a place of genuine confusion.
“The least you could do…” He leans in dangerously close to your face, using his hand to tilt your chin. “…is give me a farewell gift, considering everything I’ve done for you.” His hand travels down to your neck and a wave of fear washes over your body.
“Plea-“ It’s all you’re able to mutter before his grip tightens around you. Blood rushes to your face in response to the lack of oxygen and you can feel it manifest as a dizzying warmth in your cheeks and ears. Using his free hand he unties the belt around his hakama, the stiff pleated cotton falling onto the ground. Even through his boxers you can see that he’s aroused, with the silhouette of his hard cock begging to be released from the taut fabric.
“Please what? Use your words.” He mewls into your ear. Using the hand on your neck, he pins you onto the floor. The impact knocks the wind out of you as you let out a choked gasp. He briefly lets go of you to dispose of his robes, throwing them off to the side. The release of pressure is unexpected, and you’re desperately coughing and gasping for air. While you’re catching your breath, he uses the opportunity to pull down his boxers revealing his full length, tip swollen and leaking with precum. You try to back away from him, but he’s quick to react. He mounts himself on top of your chest, leaving you with no escape. You barely get the chance to breathe properly before he’s roughly parting your lips and stuffing himself down your throat. As your warm mouth engulfs him, he leans back from pleasure and a groan escapes his lips.
“If you bite, you’re dead.” He snarls. You take his warning to heart, knowing what he’s capable of; you’re in no position to fight. His hands return to grab your hair as he pushes himself into you, your nose reaching the base of his cock. Spit sputters out of your mouth as you struggle to breathe. He starts to rut his hips, each rough thrust causing you to cough and drool a little more. Tears run down your face, and you close your eyes in hopes that it would mitigate the soreness from the abuse he’s inflicting in your throat.
“I love seeing you cry. You should cry a little more for me.” He picks up his pace, the room filling with garbled sounds of blubbering spit and squelches from his length hitting the back of your throat. Placing your hands on his legs, you try to push him away but it has no effect on his pace. If anything, it encourages him to go harder. You make an effort to protest through muffled screams that he’s being too rough, but the vibration from your cries only stimulate him further.
“You really were made for this, weren’t you? I should’ve done this sooner.” His speed starts to get erratic, hinting that he’s close. With one final thrust he shoves himself deep inside you, hands pressing against the back of your head to ensure you swallow every drop. His cock twitches in your mouth, hot ropes of white spilling into the back of your throat.  He takes a moment to catch his breath before dismounting, causing your head to drop onto the floor. The salty taste of him lingers on your tongue and you desperately start to cough to expel it. You do your best to wipe the drool, tears, and miscellaneous bodily fluids off your face with the back of your hand.
Flattening your blouse and skirt, you attempt to recompose yourself. You still weren’t able to process what just happened; you didn’t want to process it. You just wanted to leave this room. Defeatedly, you make your way to the door hoping that he was done having his way with you, only for a hand to grab your wrist as you reach for the handle.
“You didn’t think I was finished with you yet, right?” He pulls you towards him as you nearly lose your balance from the force. You look back in horror, seeing that his cock was still hard, rubbing against the plush of your thighs.
His hands are on your breasts as he roughly fondles them through your uniform. Reaching underneath the placket of your blouse he rips your shirt off with little effort, the sound of metal buttons scattering across the floor echoing through the room. His hand creeps under the hem of your skirt, dawdling on your thighs before slowly making his way to your underwear. Rough fingertips draw circles around your clit through the fabric and your body betrays you, as you let out a hushed moan and grind your hips into his hands.
“Oh?” He coos into the nape of your neck. “This doesn’t seem becoming of a Jujutsu Tech graduate.” The circles slow to a halt, as he tears the underwear off your body. The cold air suddenly grazing against your bare cunt takes you by surprise, as you close your legs together in response.
“But if you want to act like a whore, I won’t complain.” He forcibly grabs both of your hands and places them behind your back. Picking up the discarded belt from his hakama, he wraps the fabric around your wrists, finishing it with a knot. With one hand holding your bound wrists, his free hand rubs his cock against your wet folds before placing himself at your entrance.
“W-wait, Naoya I-“ He interrupts your thought and pushes your head down into the floor before roughly shoving himself in. A sharp sting overtakes any lingering semblance of gratification as your walls attempt to stretch to accommodate his girth. As you feel your cunt take him in, you struggle to let out a shaky breath you didn’t realize you were holding in.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He takes a moment to collect himself before he starts to move. As he develops a rhythmic pace, the pain subsides as it is overtaken with a growing sensation of pleasure in your core.  His length was hitting places you’ve never been able to explore with just your fingers. Your mind feels fuzzy from all the different sensations simultaneously attacking your senses: the tight grip he had around your wrists, his balls slapping against your clit, the fullness you felt with him inside of you. Before you know it, your toes are curling and you find yourself giving into his whim. Soon enough, the room is filled with the lewd sounds of your muffled moans, skin slapping, and Naoya’s low grunts.
“Arch your back for me, you dumb bitch.” He pulls on your hair from behind, forcing you to adjust your posture. A dull ache forms on your scalp and you lean back in a failed attempt to relieve it. Every new sensation, pleasant or otherwise, added to your dizzying stupor. You can feel heat pooling in your core, while Naoya starts to slow his pace. His movements were still rough, but you could feel that he was getting close, and so were you.
“Hold on, N-Naoya you can’t come inside!” You look back at him with glassy eyes, panic painted on your face.
“Shut up. You were just moaning over this a second ago. Take it like the whore you are.” He shoves his fingers into your mouth, pressing down against your tongue. The pads of his fingertips are glossed over with sweat, the saline taste settling on your tastebuds. Muddled and pathetic whimpers along with drool escape your mouth with the latter spilling onto the wooden floorboard.
You can feel yourself tightening around him as he recklessly drives into you. The pressure in your core comes to a head, as your muscles clench around him as you reach your climax. Naoya quickly follows and with one last push into your body, he lets out a breathy groan as he comes inside you. His cock convulses, spurting warm liquid in your spongy walls. He removes himself from you as a mixture of your slick and his semen slowly leaks out of you. Without his support to keep your body up, you fall onto the floor, panting from exhaustion.
Naoya flips you on your back and spreads your legs before pointing his phone at you, the sound of a camera shutter reverberating in your ears.
“It’d be a real shame if this got out to the higher-ups. How do you think they’d react to seeing this?“ He dangles the phone in your face, teasing you with a mischievous smile. “It’s okay though. You can find work at the Zenin Estate. We could always use more women like you.”
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undead-merman · 2 years
Kitsune Solomon yandere with GN-Reader priestess, SFW?
Kitsune Solomon as a yandere with Priest GN-Reader SFW
Solomon hides his true form as much as he possibly can. Revealing his nature is more of a liability. In his human form, he wears an old looking and rougher kimono with a hakama. They’re a deeper blue, a stormy blue with no pattern. Simple clothes so he can blend in better. 
In a humanoid form, which is the most comfortable for him, he has silver ears that point up high and are quite long. They are tipped with a silverish black, almost giving them a peppered coloration. It's the same for his tail as well. He can hide how many tails he does have and almost never has more than one sticking out. They only come out when he is bursting with rage. 
While one tail is peppered, the rest are pure silver like his hair. In total he has nine making him one of the oldest and most powerful in the reign and seem to gleam in the moonlight. 
He has claws on both his hands and feet which are pretty long, preventing him from wearing shoes. 
In his animal form, he's a smaller than normal fox with peppered silver and black fur and black paws. His form is surprisingly slender as well making him hard to catch.
He can morph any part of his body between these. Meaning, he can have a fox head and a human body, or a snout with nothing else that looks animalistic on a human body or so forth.  
A trickster spirit
Despite him being one of the most powerful yokai in the area he has little interest in taking on many responsibilities, especially protecting the lands. He does the bear minimum making sure that disease doesn’t spread through and helps prevent natural disasters. He used to take this duty more seriously, but after generations, the villagers forgot about him, and he saw little reason to go out of his way to protect the people who had forgotten him. He’s gone slowly mad from the isolation and decay of his shrine. 
Now he occupies his days teasing the other yokai as well as humans who wander into his sprawling forest. He greatly savors tormenting bandits and thieves a lot. As they count their coins or try to find shelter, he tricks them, making every shadow look like it’s coming at them. Whispers of lost loved ones or ones they’ve betrayed. He especially enjoys the show if they are in a group, so he can watch them infight. Other yokai often come to watch, and when he’s bored with them he lets the others eat them. 
Lost folk he just torments. Frightening them in the direction back home. It’s entertaining and he doesn’t have to reveal himself. He made a promise, so sadly he can’t eat their livers or anything but he can have fun this way.
He does have a soft spot for younger humans who wander too far. He turns into his fox form to lead them out and lick any wounds they have. But he does not enjoy it when they come back in to find that playful little fox. He’ll spook them out if they try that. 
Besides finding entertainment in them he comes home with the spoils of anything that has been dropped or lost and looks over them. They seem to drop sake out here a lot so he drinks and drinks until he can pass out and dream of a life he’d rather have.        
Spending time with you
So a traveler decides to come into the forest, one with considerable power. Someone from the village must have sent you here to get rid of him. How pathetically sad. For now he’ll watch and play a few tricks on you. Ranging from entangling you in some roots over and over again. Or even luring other yokai over to try and fight you, maybe even possibly eat you. 
You’re a tenacious one. And every trick he throws your way, you manage to get out of or protect yourself from. He’s almost impressed. But when you find his old abandoned shrine, you don’t call out to him, you don’t try to exorcize it. You clean it. You make an offering even though it clearly belongs to him. You must have felt his crushing aura, but you decide to just clean it. How cute. 
And you take your time to deep clean it as well. You scrub the old weathered floorboards, dust them, the whole nine yards. It would be much easier to try and hunt him down, right? You didn’t know just how powerful he was, did you? It takes you days to finally get it nice and clean, and while it doesn’t look brand new, it looks much better. So much better. 
He felt a weight lift off his chest, looking at it from the tree tops. But it’s the moment you say, “I’m sorry you were alone for so long. I’ll make sure the villagers come and leave offerings from now on.” He felt something shift in him. Were you always this shining? Was your soul always this radiant? Was it normal for priests to be this kind? 
So he makes himself known, grinning ear to ear, asking you what you're doing here? Disguised as a human, you shock him still by seeing right through it. He had to have you. He had to have the strange and peculiar you.         
Dark tendencies
So he takes you. He’ll fight you if he has to, but despite how strong you might be he managed to wrangle you in his fire and bind you. He then takes you to his shrine and keeps you captive there. He feeds you, cares for you, even treats you as an equal while setting up very distinct boundaries. 
He lets you roam his shrine and even the forest, but when you try to run the illusions kick in and the world morphs into your greatest nightmares before you find yourself right back in his shrine shackled down. 
He plans to wed you. He’s lived such a long and lonely life after promising to protect those ungrateful townsfolk. He wants something for himself now. And now that he has you, he doesn’t plan on letting you go and going back to those painful days again. Maybe he’ll help you become a fox as well. He’s heard stories and he’s sure that he can find a way. That way, you can be together forever and always. He’ll treat you much better than those humans ever could. 
Even if you plead with the other yokai there, begging them to help you, they refuse. Even if they wanted to, they feared Solomon’s power. He could keep them in a world of painful illusions so powerful they become real. They shouldn’t be talking to you. “Good luck.”
The wedding is grand and well put together, but powerful yokai have their eyes on you at all times. You feel hopeless and their eyes make you just want to run
When you are wed, nothing much changes. He becomes more gentle, but his jealousy is much worse. He doesn’t even like others looking at you, his beloved spouse.        
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