#hello come force me to interact with this fandom again
enkas-illusion · 10 months
Games at the Fair
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Nanami x f!reader
Rating: Fluff – nonetheless, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 
Theme: Friends to lovers (more like situationship to relationship I guess??) ; non-sorcerer au
Content warning: fluff, jealous Nanami, flirty stranger Choso x reader, suggestive, mentions of smut
You've been conflicted over your situationship with Nanami Kento ever since the two of you shared a moment two weeks ago. The elephant in the room has been left unaddressed so meeting your crush/friend for the first time in two weeks makes you feel some type of way. The stars align when a hot stranger named Choso tries to woo you at the fair, you decide to indulge in his advances a bit to force a reaction out of Kento instead of talking to him like a sensible adult.
Author's Note: Hello, this is my first attempt at writing a one-shot. Borderline giggling-in-your-bed, kicking-your-feet type fluff but love is cringe so it is what it is. All characters are in their 20s. If you enjoy it, feel free to like, reblog or comment. Open to criticism, just be kind about it. Thank you for reading! 
-Eren’s Birdie
Song dedication: Yes or No by Jungkook / Love Talk (English Ver.) by WayV
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Your eyes wander to the cafe door once again when you hear it open. You think you're being sneaky with it but your desperation did not go unnoticed by a certain loudmouth.
"He'll be here, chill already! Kento is a man of his word," Gojo teases, making the rest of the group giggle.
"Yeah well... okay whatever." You reply curtly. Your gaze moves up from your coffee to look at your friends, only to find Satoru, Suguru and Shoko all looking at you intently.
"We were pretty drunk that night but not so wasted that we’d forget everything. We saw you two leave the club together and you're kinda painfully obvious about your infatuation... So what's up with you two?" Suguru inquires calmly.
Geto often swears he couldn't care less about gossip but he's annoyingly attentive when it comes to catching hints and linking pieces together when there's any sort of drama encroaching. 
You consider rolling your eyes but for some reason you feel like a criminal caught in an act... there's only so much one can evade before they gotta surrender. So you give in and lean forward towards the table but not before glancing at the door. Only this time, it's to make sure Nanami isn't the one walking in.
"Well, that night, if you guys remember, Kento was the only one who had decided to stay sober since he assigned himself as the driver-" You began, only to be interrupted by Gojo.
"Yeah and for what?! He booked an uber for the rest of us anyway when he left alone with you." Shoko smacks him on the head as if to shut him up. You side-eye him as you continue your story.
"Anyway... so, having had one too many shots, I was right up there with you guys. But when I started feeling a bit uneasy, Kento offered to drop me home and come back again." You realise you're fidgeting with the sugar packet on the table nervously but you stop the action as you look up to see all three of your friends leaning in, waiting for you to continue. It almost makes you laugh but you hold back because you know the odds aren't particularly in your favour with this story, and you’d hate to be teased for it by them later tonight.
"And then he drove me to my place. I invited him up for a cup of coffee-"
"At like 2 in the morning?" It's Suguru this time.
"It was the alcohol talking, okay?" You sigh and he simply shrugs, urging you to continue.
"We did end up having some coffee and we talked till like 4am? I’m not actually sure but it was late late. By that time, I was neither buzzed, nor uneasy. I was well aware of everything that was happening... and it just so happened that we kinda kissed and then he blurted out some excuse and left." You mumble towards the end of the sentence; so much so that if your friends weren't as invested in this story, they would've probably missed what you'd just said.
"HOLD ON- what do you mean kinda kissed and left?" Satoru almost yells. "Please elaborate." Suguru adds.
"Well, it just happened, okay? I don't know how to explain it, one minute we were talking and the next minute he held my face and pulled me in to kiss me so sensually, yet so softly that I honestly don't know what to make of it! But when things got heated, he excused himself cause he didn't think it was right to take advantage of me when I was drunk. I tried telling him I wasn't but he just left. He said he'd talk to me later but he has texted me about everything BUT the incident as if it never happened and do you know how annoying it is cause it's been TWO WHOLE WEEKS!" You sigh, out of breath, only now realising you could probably give Eminem a run for his money with how quickly you blurted everything out.
"Jeezzzz... that's bad. How can Ken fumble so badly?" Gojo laughs in disbelief. 
Shoko adds, "He clearly likes you, and it's obvious you like him too - yet both of y'all are pussies who are too scared to do anything about it. It's the most frustrating trope of all romances if you ask me."
"Well, what do you want me to do? He has to be the one to initiate it. He's the one who left me hanging." You state, matter-of-factly.
"Whatever it is, figure it out asap cause here comes your man." Satoru gives you a sly smile before waving and smiling at the door. You turn to look at Kento walking in. He's wearing a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway and you mentally slap yourself for instantly feeling aroused at the sight.
"Hi," his voice breaks your trance as you greet him back along with everyone else. "Sorry for being late, I had to wrap up some things last minute at work." He adds. Maybe you're being delusional but it sort of feels like he's directed it specifically to you.
"No worries Kennyyy, we've got our tickets right here, we can walk right in front of the line at each ride." Gojo waves the tickets proudly as Kento makes a less than pleasant face at his friend's stupid nickname.
"Thank you Satoru, what would I possibly do without you." Kento says it with a straight face, making you snort quietly. Your eyes meet for a split second when he looks at you and suddenly you're reminded of how nervous you're supposed to be around him.
"Let's get going? Would still hate a big crowd even if we had the premium passes." Suguru interjects as you all pay and leave.
You hand Kento a Matcha-flavoured cold coffee. Although it's common knowledge that it's his go-to drink of choice, he raises an eyebrow in surprise while accepting it. "Thank you." He gives you a quick smile as he walks out the coffee shop, next to you.
But wait a minute... Your brain goes into overthinking mode as you realise you seem too pliant. Bringing him his favourite drink, making those eyes at him, laughing at his jokes, seemingly ignoring the elephant in the room for his convenience.
And before you could rationalise with your own self, you clarify, "We knew the guys would want to rush to the fair as soon as you arrive so Shoko thought it'd be a good idea to order yours beforehand." 
Lies. Pure bullshit. But two can play this game so that’s exactly what you were planning to do.  
The carnival was a short walk away and Gojo generously allows everyone about 20 minutes to do their own thing before calling them to where the roller coaster is.
Suguru and Satoru had split from the rest to check out the Mirror house and Horror house. You lock arms with Shoko as the two of you seemingly share a single brain cell when you rush towards the candy stall. This stall in particular had been on your list ever since Shoko had heard that they had candy in every flavour imaginable. Nanami tags alongside with his hands in his pocket, comfortable with being left out. 
"Let's get the basics out of the way. The sweetest, tooth decaying batch for Satoru?" You wonder out loud.
"And half sour, half spicy for Suguru?" Shoko adds and the person attending to you suggests a few options. While you're busy choosing for the boys, you hear Nanami speak for the first time in what feels like forever. "What are you planning to pick for me?" 
"Kento you're never really picky about food so I don't really know what you enjoy… I'm the wrong person to ask…" Shoko says awkwardly. She was trying to give you an opening. He looks at you to check if you caught onto the fact that the question wasn't for her to begin with. 
"Hmm… since you're here, it'd be best that you pick whatever you like." You give him a half-forced smile.
He looks like he’s about to retaliate but his mouth closes as soon as it opens and it has you wondering what he’s fighting his own mind over so hard. Was it really that conflicting to decide whether he liked you or not? You push the unnecessary thought to the back of your head, not really wanting to dive deep into the feelings department at that moment.
Instead he turns around and picks a mixed bag of chocolates that ranges from pure milk to 99% cocoa. You would've picked the same for him and it kind of makes you happy that you know him so well. Maybe you were being a bit mean now, but nevermind - this is the plan, to rile him up so much that he has no option but to realise that some issues need addressing. 
Once you pay for the candies, you buy a few more snacks from other stalls before you see Gojo's texts on the group chat, calling everyone to where the roller coaster is.
Like Gojo had said before, the premium ticket really does push you to the top of the line. You barely have to wait for a few moments for them to do the basic machinery check before the group of 12 people that you're a part of is let in.
As if following an unspoken agreement, Shoko and Suguru sit together at the front but Satoru is too much of a dumbass to get the memo. As soon as Kento sits on one of the seats, Satoru climbs in next to him. You quickly sit behind Kento to avoid further embarrassment. 
Shoko turns around and her face almost looks murderous when she stares at Gojo. He only shrugs back at her. Seriously, how can someone be so smart yet so oblivious and clueless when it actually counts???
You're too busy to notice the person next to you. But you turn your head when you see their seatbelt being secured in place along with yours.
"Well if it isn't my lucky day," the guy says as he looks at you, "... sitting on a roller coaster next to a pretty lady."
You're amused by the compliment. You know this all too well — the easy to flirt, charming, hot guy who knows exactly what to say to get the girls swooning. The tattooed sleeve and dishevelled hair only feed into the fuckboy image and you know better than to be serious so you decide to humour him.
"And why might sitting next to pretty ladies be of any consolation? Don't tell me you're scared of a carnival ride." You feign shock.
"Nah, it's a relief. We get the hand holding part out of the way, and when this is done, we can move onto better rides." He winks at you.
"And who says I'm holding your hand?" You raise an eyebrow at him.
"And why wouldn't you want to?" He challenges you, copying your tone. He makes a waving motion over his face and body as if to present himself to you. It kinda makes you laugh as you visibly cringe.
"Alright, fine! We can go the usual route of dinner and a movie first!" He adds.
"My god, you're relentless!" You're fully laughing at how unserious this strange man is.
"Actually people usually call me Choso but I think I can get used to Relentless." He puts his hand out and you shake it briefly. 
"Hi Relentless, I'm y/n," you reply, smiling.
"A pretty name for a pretty lady," he says, repeating your name. You hear the first signal that secures the seatbelts in place. Choso puts his hand out and you look at him.
Your eyes briefly wander to the front to check if the stranger's words had any effect on Nanami. Even if it did, you're disappointed to see that he wasn't showing it at all.
"I don't remember saying yes?" You question playfully.
"Will it improve my chances if I say that I'm terrified of roller coasters?" He retorts.
"Are you? For real?" You ask, surprised.
"Nope." He snorts, still holding his hand open invitingly. You laugh before swatting his hand away.
"I don't hold hands till the 10th date!" You joke as another signal blares and the roller coaster slowly begins moving towards the drop.
"So does that mean I can hold your hand after 9 more dates?" He teases.
"Guess you'll never know unless you try." You tease him back.
Just before the dip, you swear you saw Kento look back to give Choso a quick stare down, but before your brain could note it for later analysis, the adrenaline overtook as soon as the ride commenced.
When it ends, you quickly say your goodbyes to Choso before you regroup with your friends. You'd stay here all night if you were to decipher each of your friends' emotions but more or less everyone made a what was that!? face, except for Kento. His face had pure annoyance written over it. You were almost surprised by how obvious his usually unreadable face was.
You change the subject to talk about random shit as you walk towards the games section. When the rest of the group starts chattering about whatever, Nanami pulls at your arm to slow your pace to let the group walk ahead. You slow down as you fall behind and he finally speaks up.
"Care to explain?" His voice is calm but laced with irritation.
"Explain what?" You frown.
"I thought we..." he trails off, as if he's unsure about the right words to use. You decide you’ve had enough of him wanting to say something yet saying nothing at all. So you decide to do it for him.
"Yes, I also thought we had something going on but it's okay, you take your time, ignore me for 2 more weeks if it suits you and run away again the next time something happens." You say, mostly calm but almost not. It's only now that you were letting your annoyance take control because you were upset. Clearly. The last two weeks had been awful, mentally playing a game of ‘he loves me, he loves me not’ each time he texted you.
Kento's eyes soften as he runs his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, I should've reached out. I got busy with work after the weekend and later I figured I could just talk to you face-to-face when we met today." 
Excuses. Not good enough.
"You had plenty of chances to do just that in the last hour or so. I like you Kento... I don't know how many more hints you want. But I'm kinda disappointed..." you look at him. 
Nope this is enough, best not to take shit any further, you decide. But that's the problem with confronting someone, you always test the limits of how much you can poke a person till they burst, "I hate indecisiveness. At least Choso knows for sure what he wants and makes his move on time." 
The puppy eyes he was looking at you with up until a second ago fade away and his jaw tightens as he gulps whatever words he had on the tip of his tongue. Speaking of the devil, as if on cue, you see Choso near the games section, only to find him already looking at you.
"Date 2?" Choso grins at you, "Tell me sweetheart, do you like stuffed toys?" You nod.
You can sense the tension as Choso ignores Kento who’s standing right next to you the whole time. You walk further away from both the men, suddenly finding the display of the soft toys a bit too interesting. Shoko is looking at the stacked toy pyramid and you ask her what prize is for what game.
"The dolphins and elephants at the bottom are for whack-a-mole," she says, pointing at Satoru who's frantically trying to win it.
"The random tier above it, ugliest by the way, is for the ring hoop thingy," she points at Suguru trying his hand at the game.
"And the top tier with the fluffy teddy bears is for Target shooting," she points at the stall where you were just a minute ago. You turn to look at Choso and Kento both picking up rifles to begin shooting their respective targets.
No matter how annoyed you may be at him, you can never ignore just how beautiful the man is. His forearms look delicious as he adjusts the rifle to his shoulder. You peel your eyes away from Kento’s veiny arms with much difficulty and focus your eyes on the target.
Each person gets five shots. Five clean shots to win the teddy bear. And both the guys take their aims in tandem. It almost feels like watching two teams take penalties during a FIFA world cup finale, not knowing who's gonna win. 
You know Kento is competitive but he's always a good sport even when he loses a card or board game to you. Once again you’re surprised to see him groan out loud in frustration when he misses the last shot, whereas Choso gets a perfect score, winning the teddy bear.
Choso brings the big teddy and hands it to you, "Let's exchange gifts? My teddy for your number?" You smile at the soft toy in your hands. Before you have a chance to respond, you hear Kento’s stern voice coming from behind Choso.
"No. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna let that happen." he declares. Hell of an awkward situation to be in as Choso, you and Shoko all stare at Kento, who looks visibly angry.
Kento points at the Panda at the very top, the biggest prize of them all, "What the hell is that one for?"
"Oh... No one tries that ‘cause it's the hardest, Beat the bar challenge. You gotta hang onto the pull up bar for 3 whole minutes so it's basically an impossible prize." Shoko explains.
"Okay." Is all Kento says in return as he walks towards the man in charge of the bar challenge game. He gives the man a token and pulls up his sleeves even further as he grabs the bar.
You stare in disbelief as the countdown lights up on an LED display next to the bar as he hangs to it. It has you baffled that Nanami is doing this out of pure spite and jealousy but you'd be lying if you said you weren't turned on by the change in his demeanour, seeing him all worked up like this.
As he passes the two minute mark, without any sign of struggle, a sizable crowd gathers there to see if he really takes the panda home. Towards the end, Gojo and Geto start the 15 seconds countdown, hollering and hooting to cheer at their friend.
When Nanami's eyes meet yours, his cocky smile only grows when he sees you cheer on him as well. The tiny crowd roars when the 3 minute mark is crossed.
He half-yells a, "Just to be sure" as he does a muscle up with ease before jumping down from the bar. You're impressed but you still mouth a ‘show off’ as you roll your eyes at him jokingly. He walks towards you with the prize panda in hand. 
The panda is about three feet tall and extremely fluffy — no wonder it was the top prize.
Kento, not so politely, pulls away the bear Choso had won for you and instead holds his panda out in front of you. He looks to the side to find the other man and with a smug smile tosses the bear back at Choso, who catches it with quick reflex.
You're still processing the whole thing because you kinda want to memorise every moment - this is so out of character for the stoic man you've always had a crush on. You've liked him for how calm and composed he is but seeing him like this has almost multiplied your attraction to him tenfold. Guess you pressed all the right buttons.
He pulls you out of your reverie as he says, "Is this decisive enough for you?"
And before you can answer, he pulls at your waist with his free hand till you're flush against his chest.
His head leans down to your level as he kisses you more passionately than he did the first time at your place and you can't help but feel weak in your knees. You feel as if your brain is going to short-circuit any minute now but you kiss him back, relishing every moment of it before he pulls back.
"I'm going to assume that's a yes." You can't help but blush as you look down to avoid his eye contact. How can you possibly stay mad when he has so clearly declared his intentions with you in front of everyone. 
"Satoru, I take it you have your car this time. I’m gonna ask for a raincheck on drinks night." Nanami says to his friend. You feel dazed as you simply look at your three friends with equal amounts of embarrassment, shock and excitement.
Reading between the lines isn't hard. Kento might as well have said 'I'm going to fuck her and I cannot wait one moment for it' cause that's what his words seemed to imply.
“Why am I even surprised?" Gojo sighs.
Shoko punches his arm, "I'm pretty sure they couldn't care less about those drinks."
"Righttt," Satoru grins at you and says, "Have fun! Kenny has a really big penny. Saw it in the gym locker room once."
"SATORU!", you scold him.
"Hey dumbass, maintain some decorum." Suguru cringes.
"It's okay, she's about to find out anyway." Kento says coolly as he intertwines his fingers with yours and starts marching towards the gates.
You stare back to see you can't find Choso anywhere. Makes sense, you note to yourself. Then your eyes land on your friends and you grin with all your teeth. You turn your head to the front again as you look up at your man.
Up close, you notice the tiny beads of sweat on his forehead from all the exertion at the pull up bar. Holy shit, you wonder, everything about this night couldn't have gone any better... but you have a hunch, he's about to prove you wrong all night long.
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i-heart-hxh · 5 months
Hi! 😅 What is your least favorite stereotype or generalization about Killugon/Leopika that you see often in the Hunter x Hunter fandom? It doesn’t have to be the most common ones, you can say some that you just personally don’t agree with!
Hello! I've seen other peoples' answers floating around, it's interesting to read different takes on this topic!
I want to preface this by saying I think one of the great things about fandom is that everyone is able to explore their own ideas freely and create the kind of content they want to see in the world, so while I have my own personal tastes I don't want to discourage anyone from creating what makes them happy, even if it's not my thing.
I'm quite picky about characterization personally, though I don't think my tastes/opinions are too unpopular.
With KilluGon especially, a lot of what bothers me boils down to making their relationship/dynamic way more uneven than it is in canon. One of the things I value about their relationship is that they're the same age, similarly value and care about each other, they have around the same strength/level of talent, etc. It's so special that they managed to find someone who matches them so well, someone they can truly consider an equal.
So, I find it off-putting when people drastically change the balance between them so one is much bigger/stronger/older looking or acting/has more power in the relationship/etc. (or vice versa of course). It just doesn't feel like their dynamic any more at that point. Of course they have different personalities so they'll have different ways of interacting with each other, and I'm also not talking about normal height variation (though I personally prefer them to end up around the same height, give or take a few inches on either side), but when there's a strong focus on some form of inequality between them in the dynamic, it's very unappealing to me. A lot of times this comes from trying to force them into stereotypes they don't fit.
I've talked about this extensively in meta form, but the common belief that Killua's feelings are much stronger and heavier than Gon's really bothers me, too. While I agree that Killua clearly seems to have a better understanding of his feelings and what they mean (I think he's ahead of Gon in this because of his introspective personality/higher awareness on the topic), that doesn't mean Gon's feelings towards Killua have less weight or meaning.
His mental health deteriorating in Chimera Ant Arc and him lashing out that one time doesn't erase all of the tons of kindness and affection he gave Killua prior to that, and it's clear that Killua is incredibly special to Gon. He even states that out loud multiple times to Killua! The ways they show it are different, but in my eyes they adore each other equally, and I do see that extending into a romantic sense as well--even if Gon still has to "catch up" in terms of understanding the nature of his feelings.
I also think some people don't know how to portray Gon in contrast to Killua, and he can come off as bland and generic instead of his amazing complicated self, or he gets treated like he's not intelligent in his own right.
Also, I totally get why people make this kind of thing (because I love tragedies in other stories), but I personally can't deal with endings where Gon and Killua don't ultimately get to be happy together. They've just been through so much already, they clearly want to be together, plz don't separate them ultimately... 😭 I know people gotta explore the angst, and to be fair I definitely like the angst in the context of what they've been through/what they might still have to go through to be back together again, but I just can't deal with unhappy endings for them. I also don't like seeing them in relationships with or even romantically interested in anyone else even temporarily, but that's just me being extra picky, LOL.
I don't engage with LeoPika works to quite the same degree even though I like the ship, but I get irritated when people try to push heteronormativity on them too much because of Kurapika's appearance. People acting like it's just a regular ol het ship or putting Kurapika in effeminate roles his personality doesn't fit at all are confusing to me.
I hope that's helpful! I'm sure I have plenty more pet peeves saved up from all the years I've spent in the fandom, but those are the major fandom trends I don't care for.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Hello! I just wanted to share a few thoughts after seeing the Takeomi hate come back once more. Feel free to ignore it :)
The whole Takeomi debacle is kind of fascinating to me because on the one hand, it's definitely in part because he never really got to shine in the manga (I do wonder if Wakui was rushed to finish the story and chose to make him worse in the character book to more or less wrap things up).
On the other hand, however, I often wonder if it isn't a case of the fandom getting attached to their initial expectations, only to get sorely disappointed down the line. I remember the rain bringer chapter, when he was introduced: at the time the fandom was getting really excited to see new (and older) characters and it gave birth to a lot of theories, based only on these few lines and his design. It might be a bit caricatural to put it like this but it seemed at the time that many people expected him to be some kind of sexy mafia boss with a complicated backstory, so when he was revealed to be kind of a ''loser'' / mostly a normal dude with a different kind of complicated backstory, the expectations took a serious blow.
Anyway, this is just my two cents on the whole thing. I remember I was also disappointed to see him (and Sanzu) pushed to the corner and never brought back again, I would have loved to explore their characters a bit more.
And obviously, everyone's free to like or dislike any character (to each their own after all) for any reason. Takeomi's example just periodically invites itself in my mind 😅
I think the main reason is as you said, he never got a chance to sign or any kind or redemption for what he did. Even in the good timeline, it's shown he works with his siblings so must be on good terms with them but we don't get to see him actually interact with them and we don't know what exactly changed or how it changed for that to happen.
I remember the hype of when he showed up and thinking he was going to be a really cool character but he just never had his moment and his character suffers a lot from the whole telling and not showing thing. Like we know he was very important to the first gen black dragons but we don't get to see him in action or know what he did besides come up with good strategies. The rest of the first gen black dragons don't have this problem because we either see them fighting or they have loveable personalities/ have done a lot of good. Unfortunately Takeomi doesn't really get this, instead we get told he's important, have a panel or two of people cheering for him, see how he got corrupted then see how bad he was towards his siblings.
Speaking of his behaviour towards his siblings, the other issue he faces is that we never get to see the other people at fault. His dad and seemingly his grandmother are arguably a lot more at fault for what happened since they forced a child to raise his siblings. Takeomi didn't want to be "like a father" and he shouldn't have been forced into taking responsibility for them. This 100% doesn't excuse Takeomi's actions and he is still at fault, but I think the adults in situations, who should've been the responsible ones deserve some blame too. But because we never see them, it's harder to really hold them accountable.
Then we have the character book, Takeomi was already hated before that released but that's what really cemented him as being bad. Most of the character book profiles are light hearted, they either give us some funny moments or they show a softer side of the characters. Or they just give some basic info that we kinda already knew. But Takeomi's? (And somewhat the other black dragons) it just paints him as being so much worse then I assumed.
So I don't think it matters if anyone likes or dislikes him, as long as they don't harass anyone over it or be rude to anyone with the opposite opinion.
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hi hi! I freaking LOVE your work! I'm glad that you do VLD stuff, even if the fandom is dead and sh!t! Anywho, can you do something along the lines of who, in voltron, do you think is the best hugger/cuddler!
If you dont want to, i understand! ❤️💛💚💙🖤
Paladins Ranked Best to Worst Hugger
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Hello, thank you so much!!!! Even if the fandom is kinda dead, I still enjoy writing and just interacting with those who are still alive😍🔥🔥 I had a lot of fun writing this, thank you again for requesting this!!!
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I’m gonna rank them from best to worst hugger since I think cuddling should get its own ranking and then giving my reasoning!
OK IDK IF YOU’RE SUPRISED WITH LANCE BEING NUMBER 1 BUT HEAR ME OUT! I think Lance would be the best hugger BECAUSE his hugs feel like home. We know that he has a big family so I like to think that hes done a lot of hugging and comforting with his cousins and siblings, making him an expert at them! He definitely squeezes people when he hugs them, he just loves giving them!
Plus he doesn’t make them weird! They instantly feel natural and not forced, like Pidge and Keith’s are. You could just go up to Lance and randomly hug him and he wouldn’t even question you, bro would just go with the flow and I love him for that. Yeah his hugs feel like home, he makes you feel included in what feels like small secrets.
Next Hunk! I was seriously debating hard about who should be #1 in this list, but I ended up putting homeboy second. Hunk is an automatically emotional and caring person, so imagine that registered into hugs?? Bro gives the biggest yet softest hugs EVER. Same with Lance, hugging him doesn’t feel weird whatsoever, he’s just trying to comfort you!
His hugs feel like a blanket, protecting and comforting. Did that make sense?? He would definitely be the type to pick you up and swing you around in a hug though! Hunk finds hugging to be a really stress relieving thing so be sure to give him one if he looks like he needs one!
SHIRRROOOO WOOOO!!! A solid third place, pretty good if I say so myself. I think with Shiro, his hugs are very grounding. He would usually only hug people if they really REALLY need it. But despite how sparse his hugs are, he makes them all worth it. If you ever have a serious conversation with him, just know that he will always hug you in the end, not only to comfort you but to also thank you for trusting him with your secrets and feelings.
His hugs aren’t too tight or too loose, it feels like he’s actually like really holding you. HEAR ME OUT ITS HARD TO PUT IT INTO WORDS! BUT!! You feel seen with his hugs, he actually sees you and hears you, and Shiro is willing to protect the person deep down inside you. His hugs feel like a shield, ready to comfort and provide a safe space for you.
I love Allura so much omg. I placed her kinda low because I feel like she doesn’t give hugs often at all. Like you would have to go to her yourself and just ask, which she will question you. But if you look like you really need one, she will give you the WARMEST hug ever. Allura’s hugs are delicate in a way. She would hold someone as if they were fragile, being light with her touch because she doesn’t want to accidentally make you uncomfortable.
But despite that, her hugs bring a lot of comfort, they make you feel as if everything is going to be alright. Hugs make Allura feel vulnerable so be prepared for long hugs. She hugs you but just know that she needs that same amount of comfort too. Her hugs feel like finding inner peace, all your nerves instantly settle when she pulls you in her embrace.
I feel like Pidge is a somewhat closed off person. I think we’ve seen that Pidge can be an emotional person, but when it comes to physical touch, she doesn’t really think twice about it. Like Allura, you would have to ask her for a hug if you really wanted one. And when you do she might feel a little awkward giving you one😭😭I think she’s really used to only giving her family hugs so giving hugs to friends and you may put her off a little. But after the first few hugs, Pidge would definitely grow to enjoy your hugs!
I feel like she’s the type to rub your back, maybe even rock you guys side to side since she can’t keep still for too long. She might tell a joke while you hug too hehe. Her hugs feel like hugging an old friend, making sure to let you know how much those moments mean to her when you guys have a hugging session.
Rock bottom, he was an easy decision to make, at least for me. As much as I love Keith, I just KNOW he would be pretty reluctant in giving hugs. He’s not at all used to touching other people like that, he views it as something pretty intimate. So when he finally gives you a hug after some time, he’s pretty nervous, so bro is like really rigid and awkward when hugging you. It would take some time for him to finally loosen up, he’s just so tense.
Keith saves his hugs for people he’s close with. Hugging is Keith’s way of saying “hey I care about you!” He rarely gives hugs though unless he feels the need to. He’s also the type to like rub your back while hugging, it’s something he doesn’t realize he does. It feels weird hugging him at first since he isn’t used to being so close to someone, but he learns to just appreciate the small moment. His hugs feel like summer nights, they’re really refreshing and hugging him is like a new experience everytime.
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directdogman · 1 year
hello there dog!!! firstly, i just want too say im incredibly proud too see how far you have come, dialtown is so special too me, and for not only that game to be so loved, but also for you too be so involved in the community, is amazing keep up the great work! i do have a question, i am working on a theory pertaining to my favorite characters gingi/milton, and if i may, i have a couple questions about him specifically, if you don't mind of course :) 1. what made you come up with the design/personality of gingi?
2. what are your personal feelings/thoughts on gingi? are you satisficed with them as a character? or are there anything you wish you could change now? 3. this is a wierd one but, gingi generally does not really care what he looks like/what others think, so im really curious why hes so meticulous with making his phone/type head, and if he is so bent up about it, why not try to get someone like Oliver to make him a more proper one? instead of replacing the rotten flesh over and over
4. idk if you can answer this one, but i dont think it can hurt to try...was gingi around, before callum lost his mind?
if you cant answer this, then i have another, what flower would best represent gingi?
Milton question:
ok so....did Callum just straight up cheat on his Marla with Milt?...or am i mistaking something? what i read on the wiki says that milton and Callum had a romantic...fling?
2. did norm know milt? where they friends?
3. does mingus know at least some of the extent of miltons involvement with callum?
4. are there any plans with milton? he seems like such a cool character with crazy potential
that's my questions done, again thank you if you answer! and if not, thank you for making a truly special game, cant wait too see more gingi and dialtown in the future
1)Design for Gingi was primarily based on Frankenstein's aesthetic applied to a the chupacabra. Personality was largely ripped from quite a few unpublished stories/ideas I had before making DT. There's a few protagonists in other things I'd written as potential new game/story ideas that are eerily like Gingi.
2)I'm really really happy with Gingi as a character and I wouldn't change anything that I've established. I like how Gingi starts the game and changes by the end because it's pretty vast, but also not a complete change (and it happens very very gradually.)
TBH, outside of Gingi's interactions in DT, the fandom doesn't really know anything concrete about Gingi due to Gingi's poor memory. Until Gingi formed real human relationships, there was nothing to anchor to, just fragmented and barely remembered individual interactions. Honestly, the bigger picture is really interesting and I'm very happy with Gingi as a protagonist and I'd love to make sequels to DT as I've had concrete ideas for where the character would get up to in potential sequels for years now!
3)Gingi's flesh-head is a bit of a mystery. Gingi doesn't have the same adverse reaction to rotting things that most people do, but does have a general chip in its shoulder about being judged as lesser by others. Gingi (generally) does not make efforts to change its appearance to be seen as less repulsive by others, as we can plainly see from the fact Gingi often forgets (or refuses) to wear clothes.
4)I have all the main character date of births written down, so I could tell you Gingi's exact age... but it's more fun if I don't.
1)I'm not really sure why the wiki says that. There's no canon materials that state that Crown + Milt had an affair together. I think someone just read between the lines and stated their hunch as a fact.
2)Norm and Milt met but didn't know each other well. There was a cut mention of Milt in Norm's dialogue, but after a lot of head-scratching, felt the topic was too forced. Norm wouldn't have volunteered the information unless it was relevant to the scene and Gingi would not have asked.
3)Mingus knows about Milt, though not intimately. The only person alive during Mingus' lifetime who could've talked about Milt to her was her grandmother Marla, who was a husk of a person for Mingus' whole life (and in particular, talking about Milt would've hurt too much for her given their closeness.) Mingus knows about Milt from her obsessive study of her paw paw's presidency, but not much more than any historian/social studies teacher would. A lot of information I'd consider very important about Milt was never put to paper.
4)I'm not 100% sure why the fandom likes him as much as they do, given how little of him the fandom has seen (and how little information there is about him out there so far.) I just wanted a few references to him included in canon so I could potentially reveal more about him one day without fans wondering how this SUPER important character had never been mentioned. It's incredibly likely that I'll show more of Milt in future DT stuff due to how instrumental he was in Crown's decision-making + rise to power. There would be no practical way to expand on Crown without discussing Milt more.
There's a much bigger picture that the fandom hasn't seen much of that Milt is very important to, though it isn't often relevant to the modern day events of DT. Understanding Milt isn't important to understand DT itself, but is to understand both Crown and exactly how the world (and by extension, Dialtown itself) ended up exactly the way it did. And with time, I will discuss that some more.
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miraculousverse · 3 months
Six strings of a broken heart
Part 1
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug (AU)
Pairing: Luka x Felix
Notes/Warnings: non miraculous AU; the characters are in high school, except Luka who is two years older, finished high school and now is taking a year off; Marinette and Luka dated and recently broke up; Felix lives in England and had a good relationship with Adrien; slow burn; my first attempt at writing; I need to share my love for these two dorks with the world lol; Adrien is a little sunshine;
Felix remembers how the first time he met and spoke to Luka, he nearly rolled his eyes so hard he almost saw his four past lives.
Adrien finally convinced him to go with him to see his friend’s performance at their school’s charity event, organized by the students to help spread awareness about the importance of self-care and emotional well-being.
“The soul speaks through music when words cannot be heard,” was the sentence that made Felix want to tell the older Couffaine sibling to shut up and look the other way.
First of all, Felix hated all these douchebags high on their own spiritual cold brew, blond roasted coffee farts, who dedicated their lives to mastering the art of pretentious jabbering.
And secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Felix resented everyone unable to engage in concise and rational conversations.
If your words “cannot be heard,” it’s either that the other person is an idiot or you’re the one incapable of constructing a coherent argument.
Luckily for Felix, his interaction with Adrien’s school friends was limited by their involvement in the event, and he was soon left to himself, free from attempts at polite but entirely meaningless conversations with people he barely knew and would probably never see again.
He mostly stayed upstairs, observing the crowd and watching the students perform in the talent show—the main driving force behind this charity event.
Felix hated every second of that lame performance. At some point, he was so bored that he even considered finding Adrien and talking to him instead.
But Adrien was busy backstage, helping the “Hello Kitty” band get ready for their performance. They were going last, a detail Adrien apparently forgot to mention, and Felix, who against his better judgment promised his cousin to stay for their performance, had to sit through the entire charity event to see Adrien play the damn synthesizer.
“Ah… it’s Kitty Section,” Felix mumbled under his breath when the principal announced the last group coming on stage. The band members wore colorful masks and shoulder pads, looking so incredibly dorky that Felix couldn’t help but chuckle into his plastic half-empty cup as he took a sip of the lukewarm sparkling water. Somehow, Adrien fit perfectly among them.
Their two songs, despite their cliché lyrics and generic pop sound, were still the highlight of the event. Although there was hardly any competition.
Apparently, Luka wasn’t a fan of caffeinated drinks and preferred tea instead because “coffee made his sleep worse.”
“I enjoy bubble tea from time to time, but it’s a little too sweet for me,” Luka smiled as he ordered a matcha latte, standing next to Felix at the counter. Felix never asked him if he liked coffee or tea. He just told him to go ahead and order first.
After the charity event, the group headed to the nearest coffee shop, and Adrien, buzzing with excitement and joy, dragged Felix with them, reassuring his cousin that it would be “a ton of fun.”
Felix glanced at the group of high schoolers behind them in a large cozy booth, noticing that Adrien sat next to Marinette, who blushed furiously every time the blond turned to her with a big smile.
“Same as him,” Felix gestured to Luka’s latte and paid with his card. Luka was still standing next to him, waiting for Felix to get his order, and for some reason, Felix felt slightly uncomfortable. He felt like something was expected of him, like small talk or anything that would make this situation less awkward. He wondered why Luka didn’t go sit with the group. There were two seats available next to Marinette.
“You play guitar very well,” Felix finally said when he realized that the barista was taking too long to give him his order. “It was nice. The show and your group’s performance.”
The compliment sounded robotic, and Felix hated how stupid it made him feel. He probably looked like a socially awkward idiot.
“Thank you.” Despite everything, Luka’s gentle smile seemed sincere, yet his eyes had a glint of mischief in them. Felix thought that Luka didn’t believe him but appreciated the effort Fathom was making.
Finally, Felix was handed his drink, and they walked toward the group, who were too busy monitoring social media, looking for any mentions of the event. Alya was reading out loud the comments under her post in the LadyBlog, and Felix was happy that everyone’s attention was on her.
“You didn’t get any dessert?” Marinette asked when Felix took the seat next to her, but she was quickly satisfied with his brief “no” and turned back to the group when Luka joined Felix. There was a sudden but very subtle shift in the air, and Felix couldn’t stop himself from glancing at Luka. The blue-haired boy was smiling softly, but Felix noticed how his fingers tensed around the paper cup. Just a little and for a very brief moment, but Felix caught that.
Felix turned back to the group, only half listening to what they were talking about. He was happy that they barely talked to him, and he only had to engage in very surface-level conversation about England’s climate and his favorite subject at school.
“And do you like Paris?” Felix wasn’t sure if Rose was genuinely curious or was only trying to be polite because everyone else was starting to accept that he wasn’t going to be very talkative and were thankfully getting bored by his one-sentence replies. If he was lucky, Adrien might give up on his quest to socialize Felix with his friends.
“It’s pretty. A lot has changed since my last visit,” Felix said and heard a light chuckle and turned to its source. Luka was looking at his almost empty coffee cup with a smile and then shot a glance at Felix when he felt his eyes on him.
“I thought that we should visit the Eiffel Tower while you’re here,” Luka smiled innocently, and Felix couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The guitarist seemed very chill, but Felix caught the mischievous spark that lit behind his eyes for a second.
Felix absolutely hated that tourist spot.
For a moment, Felix doubted his judgment of Luka and was slightly disoriented because immediately after that quick exchange, Luka was called by his bandmate, and he turned away from Felix to discuss their performance at the event.
And once again, Felix had to hold back the urge to roll his eyes when Luka made a comment about the “heart guiding you through the music notes,” but this time Felix was suspicious that this cringy behavior was genuine.
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kissbentennyson · 5 months
Hello there, how do you do? \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
I recently found your blog and got to say I was so excited to explore it, hehe! Nowadays it's hard to find some Ben 10 account so I was really happy when I come across yours.
Anyways though I wanted to request but since I got no idea for now I think might interact with you since you sound like any interactive person (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
Yk what made you write for Ben 10 fandom since you know not many fall in love with their childhood interest later in life. Honestly I get into Ben 10 again when few days earlier my cousin was watching Ben 10 online and I end up watching one episode with him too and thus my old love for series and character rise again 🐀
Would like to see your answer. Anyways have a wonderful day ahead and don't forget to eat your meal. Byeeee!
Hi! I am so sorry it took me so long to see this! I have no idea how long this has been sitting in my ask box, I'm not active on this blog anymore. I was unaware that it's still getting just as much attention as it did when I was in high school. Just a warning, this is a very long response.
To answer your question, It's not that I fell in love with it later in life, but that I never stopped loving it.
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I am autistic, and have had the same handful of interests since I was younger. Ben 10, Transformers, DC, Marvel, Devil May Cry, to name a few. Most of my interests were influenced by the people I grew up around. like my abusers. I also have a biological who is only two years younger than me. The two of us have always had the most of the same interests our entire life, but my interest in these things was always more intense than his. To the point my bio family found it annoying.
For context, we didn't know I was autistic growing up. We didn't have health insurance for most of my developmental years. It took being taken into foster care for my most of my health- mental and physical- to be cared about, addressed, and treated. It also doesn't help that my cousin (son of a very close family friend) is also autistic and we have different care needs. Because I didn't present exactly like him, my behavior was ignored. Written off as me being quirky, whiney, needy, annoying, antisocial, and stupid/ditsy.
Having the same interests as your younger brother is a doubled edged sword. On one hand, you always have someone to talk to. On the other, despite being more into something than him my interest wasn't taken seriously (because I am AFAB) and he was always got the toys and books (that he would never even read) about said interests. I always had to sit and watch as he got to enjoy things about our shared interest- and I was always left out.
I remember when my grandmother got him an Omnitrix toy that came with these tiny plastic figures of all of the aliens, and when you placed it on the Omnitrix, the toy would say the alien's name. I was so jealous, I wanted that toy so badly. But, siblings being siblings, if my brother found me playing with it he would throw a fit and get me in trouble. This caused me a lot of stress and anxiety growing up. Not just because It was invalidating, but also because I was being denied access to my special interest in a way.
However, there is one thing that my brother and I don't share. I love to read and write. To the point it was an actual problem when I was growing up. I would stay up on our bunk bed, reading and writing for so long that I would miss meals entirely. But, It was something they could never take away from me for force me to share with my brother. I have been writing about my special interests since I was in the 6th grade. Of course, my mother threw away most of it, and its all in notebooks rotting in some landfill now.
When I was 16, I made this blog and started posting reader insert fanfiction here- which I had already done for another fandom once before (@honeydew-mel0n). Actually, I was posting on both blogs at the same time! Before that, I had a Wattpad that I posted on (Still do, actually, haha.) I stopped posting on this blog after I graduated high school as I had collage classes to focus on, and eventually a job.
I no longer post here, not because it's no longer a special interest, but because I'm going to be 20 soon. I don't feel it's appropriate for me, as an adult, to continue to write such content about characters that are minors. It now makes me uncomfortable to do so. However, I am going to keep the blog up because many people like it and continue to read it. I'd never want to take that away from anyone. I do have a bunch of old drafts saved that I might post, but only if people would want to read my unfinished drafts. There is also a part of me that wants to keep exploring the Benzarro plot I was writing- but I probably won't
I hope this makes sense, thank you for asking!
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iam93percentstardust · 6 months
Hello friend!! Let’s make the stony fandom more vibrant! Tell me:
Favorite stony meta
Stony fic idea that you want to write but haven’t gotten to yet
Three most recent stony fics you read and why you liked them
Henlo fren! Thanks for the ask!
Favorite stony meta
Oh god, I could talk about the dynamics between Tony, Steve, and Howard all day long. There's so much complication going on there. And I think it's a really interesting choice on the MCU's part not to write Howard and Steve as best friends. I went back and rewatched CATFA the other day, and it really struck me that Steve views Howard with a measure of awe (because of the things he creates and the fact that he seems to actually understand women where Steve doesn't) and a measure of wariness (for the same reasons), but they're not really friends. We don't see Howard spending time with the Howlies outside of strategy meetings, he's not in either of the bar scenes, and Steve never smiles around him. And on the flip side, up until Steve's death, Howard is fairly condescending towards Steve (at least towards his intelligence, given his remarks about Steve not understanding the Hydra tech). Honestly, I think that a lot of Howard's adoration for Steve came about only after Steve's death. It's easier to look up to a martyr, after all, than a living, breathing superhuman. And it would have been easy for Howard to convincingly claim that he'd admired Steve all along since he, like Tony, uses masks as easily as breathing
Stony fic idea I want to write
Ooh I've had this idea for an interactive reality show AU for literal years at this point, but I've been too intimidated to write it. The idea would be, as I said, a reality show AU with Steve and Tony as the judges, who are already in a relationship and have to deal with outside forces trying to break them up during the course of the season. The interactive part comes in with the fact that the actual reality show would be based on readers' votes. The Stevetony storyline would be pre-planned and completely independent of the reality show storyline. The reality show storyline would be written in real time, though, or as near to it as possible, and characters would be voted off as the readers vote.
As I said, I'm horribly intimidated by it. The interactive aspect makes me very, very nervous. I'm afraid to start writing it and then find out that no one is as interested in the concept as I am, so no one votes. I've had a couple times in the last few years where people claimed to be really excited to read something that I worked really hard on only to get 2-3 regular readers, and I'm just afraid for that to happen here. If it were any other fic, I'd be fine with it, but the fact that it's a fic that would rely on the readership in a time when people are more and more resentful of writers asking for interaction... Well, let's just say this fic is one that'll probably stay in the ideas folder.
Three most recent stony fics
Tomorrow We'll Be Born Again by KandiSheek: I love angsty fics where they think it's time to walk away because obviously the other one doesn't love them and it's over and their heart is breaking only to find out that no, the love is still there, they just don't know how to show it <3
In Written by naivelittleprincess: I like fics that do something clever with the formatting, and a love story written in post-it notes is right up my alley <3 It's funny and clever and super sweet. Defs recommend it for anyone who likes unusual styles
speak easy, swing hard by laiqualaurelote: Prohibition AUs, my beloved. I love 1920s fics, especially because I'll never write one of my own, and I love pre-serum Steve. I don't want to spoil the twist, but you should definitely read this one <3
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blueseachelle · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could write a scanlan x fem reader smut where the reader is either a human or a half orc, I don’t have anything specific in mind. Vox machina smut is rare and I can’t find anything for scanlan 😭
Hello! Of course I can do this one! I have a half orc imagine in the works so, I’m gonna do a female human reader for you! Tbh, the reason I started writing stuff again was for the same reason as you stated. Time to fuel the Fandom! One post at a time! Of course as always, if this is not up to your standard, let me know! I can always retype! Happy Reading!
Critical Role Vox Machina
Sweet Melodies
Scanlan X Fem! Reader
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Scanlan, a player and a Bard. Looking for love yet scared to be held down.
He doesn’t know why he has this problem. He has always had this fear of just giving all his love and affection into someone and them to just discard it like nothing and leave. He thinks it will always be this way. Well, maybe he hasn’t met the right person to change his thought process.
Y/n is a monk. She dedicated herself to be holy and never medal with the affairs of the darkness. No matter what it was. She had her stray moments that she is not proud of but, she forgave herself and her ancestors have as well. She is not associated with a God of any sort. Not yet anyway. She hasn’t found the right one she wants to dedicate her life to.
She wears a sapphire and gold amulet to represent her family. She is a fighter. She’s not all that much peaceful. She has righteous judgment and will crush her enemies. She uses a specially crafted short sword that was pasted down in her family for generations. She also has an enchanted gold arm brace that turns into a gold staff on command to get her out of tight situations. She travels around the world trying to find her place. She helps people when needed and she brings judgement upon the unjust.
How her and Scanlan met was interesting.
Scanlan and the crew were doing a small bounty to get some coin in there pocket for there new (New to them) Keep. Well, the thieves camp they came to clear had the thieves that they were looking for… plus, a lot of company. Scanlan thought it was a criminal convention with how many there were. He soon got surrounded as did the rest of the group individually. He was about to strum to use Mage Hand to get out of there but, one of his strings broke,
“Oh Damn it. Why now of all times!?!”
Right before one of the attackers struck, a SHING was heard. Scanlan watched as a girl launched herself out of the tree that was behind him, land in front of him, and deflect the attack coming towards him. She wore blue robes that crossed her body from hip to shoulder. She had wraps around her chest and knuckles. From this angle, that’s all Scanlan could see. She kicked the attacker away with such a force that he was knocked back into the crowd behind him and he knocked over a few of the guys he flew into. Scanlan’s eyes were wide,
“Oh Damn.”
The mysterious girl sheathed her sword and quickly turned to the gnome bard. She held out her hand,
“Let’s help your friends now. I’ll be by your side.”
The bard blushed slightly. She was gorgeous. She had beautiful raven hair tied in a ponytail with a stripe of silver hair pulled forward to blow in the wind. Her stunning blue eyes made contact with his amber ones. He hesitantly took her hand,
“Y-Yeah. Let’s do that.”
The girl took the gold band off of her arm and tossed into the air, instantly turning it into a staff. Soon enough, they were launched into the air.. The staff was back to the band on her arm. Scanlan kept his eyes screwed shut until his feet gently made contact with the ground. He opened his eyes to see the rest of his group. Pike was the first to say something,
“Scanlan! Where did you go? You just upped and disappeared!”
Scanlan finally removed his hand from yours as he ran towards his group,
“Well, I got surrounded and my string broke but, this girl saved me.”
The said girl was already taken off into battle. She had her short sword drawn and was helping. She weaved amongst the group like she had been fighting with them her whole life. She knew where she was needed and when.
After that all the thieves were defeated, the group finally caught there breath. Scanlan looked up and saw his savior making her way out of the village. He quickly tossed his lute aside and ran to catch up with her.
“Wait! Hey!”
He called out as he ran towards her. She stopped in her tracks and looked at him over her shoulder. When he finally caught up, he put his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath,
“B-before you g-go. I just wanted to ask you a question.”
He finally got his breathing under control and stood up,
“I want to know the name of my savior please.”
This made the girl tilt her head and put her hand into her short pocket. Her eyes held such purity and kindness.
“My name is Y/n. I am one with the wind and the bringer of justice. If you need me, Call to it.”
With that, she tossed an opal carving to the gnome bard. Little did he know that the carving was of her family crest, if he was going to ask around about her, that would give him the answers he seeks. He stumbled to catch the the carving but caught it. The carving was a ring with a beautiful flower in the middle. As he struggled slightly, a breeze swept over the land. He looked up to see that she was gone. Gone with the breeze.
He stood there for a second with the words ringing in his head. He slowly turned back to the group and made his way back to them.
Scanlan could not get the girl out of his head. Every time he went to make moves on anyone, his heart would hurt. He thought about her every second of every day. Every time he would think of anyone else, his heart would ache. He didn’t know what was happening to him. He kept her carving in his pocket at all times.
The day after that encounter with her, he asked around with the carving until he found a monk that knew what the carving was. He told Scanlan that the carving was the crest of the Sato family. The last of them pasted away long ago. There has been many rumors of a helping girl that carry’s the crest. The monk told him that the only girl born in the Sato family was a girl named Y/n, which the monk thought that‘s who the girl was. Scanlan confirmed it. The monk told him as much as he could remember of the family. Scanlan absorbed all of it. He at least knew a lot more about this girl but, the more he knew, the more he would think about her and the more his heart would ache.
He sat up in the night and just think about Y/n. His room was eerily silent. His ears picked up on the whistling of the wind. Wait… wind. Hold on.
He quickly sat up and put on his robe. He will get to the bottom of this right now. He will stop these all nighters and the heat aches.
Scanlan made his way to the Keep’s garden and stood in the middle of it. He held the carving and looked at it before speaking to the wind,
“Hey. I don’t think this is what you meant but… Oh screw it. Y/n, I need you.”
The carving softly glowed blue before the glow disappeared. He looked up to see the cause of his inner turmoil. Y/n stood on the wall of the Keep. She dropped down and walked to the nearby pond and took a seat, crossed legged.
Scanlan stared in shock. His heart pounded in his ears. His breath caught in his throat. He slowly walked to the sitting figure. Y/n eyes watched him carefully. He sat next to her, facing her. He locked eyes with her. The pure, kind eyes looked into his troubled ones.
Y/n knew what was wrong. She reads auras. She can feel the turmoil and confusion in his. She closed her eyes to ask her ancestors what to do. She slowly opened her eyes after being told. To cleanse his spirit would be more than a ritual, it would be a self sacrifice.
She locked eyes with him again and reached her hand out and caressed his cheek,
“I know what your troubles are. I sought out guidance on how to help you. You seek love but, is scared to take the leap of faith.”
She leaned closer to inspecting his face before continuing,
“As someone of faith, I know the consequences of wrong leaps but, sometimes, we have to just do it and hope it goes the best. My ancestors tell me to leap but, only if you are.”
The gnome’s brain short circuited. She knew everything. She understands him.
‘Am I ready to leap? Love one person for the rest of my life? It’s what I want…. Yes. I want to leap.’
After a couple seconds of thinking, Scanlan leaned forward to meet his lips with her’s. Finally, Scanlan found relief in his spirit. He knew that she was his ground. He refuses to be though out it for any longer. The kiss got progressively more needy. Scanlan snaked his tongue it her mouth. She let out a small moan. Her hands reached out and wrapped around him and found there way into his hair.
Y/n couldn’t believe that her ancestors were approving this. They know he is the one so, this is going to help him be put unto the right track. The one he has longed for. She was his savior, his salvation, her ground. He will let her know that she is all those and more.
Scanlan pulled her into his lap. He groped at her body. He knew this is the one. He will change for her. She is what he desired. He knew that she would be loyal and never just disappear. She will always be there for him.
The breeze woke them from there lust induced haze. He shivered.
“Maybe we should take this to my room.”
He lead her by her hand into the Keep and to his room. When he got to his room, he opened the door. After leading her to his plum silk sheets, he shut the door. He soon joined her on the bed. Of course, taking control.
The kissing resumed and soon, clothes were tossed across the room. Y/n lied under he kissed down her body, worshiping every inch of her. She absorbed every single kiss, suck, and nibble. He left hickeys across her body. Not one place didn’t have a bruise forming.
Y/n was a moaning mess as he made his way down.
“My Love, before we continue, how long has it been for you?”
Y/n swallowed thickly,
“It’s been about 8 years, My Beloved.”
Scanlan smirked,
“I promise I will be as gentle as I can but, with as beautiful as you are and ALL mine, I don’t know how gentle I can be for long.”
Y/n nodded,
“Scanlan, I am prepared. I’m stronger than I look and flexible.”
He kissed her thigh as he sat between her legs as he stared up at her,
“I know but, overstimulation is the slayer of the strongest people.”
With that he kissed her open clint, her heat was covered with her slick, she was more than ready for the real deal but, he wants to play with his beloved. He was to drive her insane. He wanted her to cum as may times as she could. She has been deprived for so long. He will make her reliant on his touch and his cock for pleasure. She is now his. He is now her’s. He wants the first time to be the best time of both over there lives.
As his lips kissed her heat, she let out a moan. Her hands reached down to grip his hair. He kept on. He started to prod your entrance with his tongue.
Soon enough, he added one of his hands that were holding onto your quivering thighs. He inserted a figure in to the tight wetness. He could feel you clinch on his finger.
Y/n arched her back and moaned. He started to move the finger back and forth with his hungry mouth. He was hungry for you. He wanted you to cum in his mouth. You taste like heaven to him already. He wants more, so much more.
Y/n’s thighs quivered more and more. Her hands gripped his hair as more stimulation was added. When he added a second finger, she felt a long sought feeling build in her abdomen.
Scanlan started to scissor the two digits, slowly stretching the tight hole. He sucked harder as he felt her start to arch and quiver more. He removed his other hand from your thigh and moved it to play with your swollen bud. That’s when you lost it. Hands gripped harder, thighs squeezed together, and a cry left her lips,
“My Beloved! Scanlan!”
He quickly removed his fingers and lightly sucked on your womanhood until all the juices were cleaned up by his mouth. While catching her breath, Y/n looked down to see Scanlan sucking on his fingers, cleaning them off. She saw her wetness drip down his hand as he lapped it up like a thirsty animal.
He smirked up at her,
"If you think that was all, Babe, you are greatly mistaken."
With that, he crawled forward, taking off his boxers in the process. She blushed at the slight glimpse she saw of his manhood before Scanlan blocked her sight with a kiss.
He kissed her with such passion and love that her hands reached up and found his way into his hair. The kiss seemed to last forever until Y/n felt his tip prod at her entrance.
The kiss ended. Scanlan breathed heavily has he looked down at her with such lust and love,
"Let's make some Sweet Melodies together."
She nodded vigorously.
When he entered her, all his work paid off. He was able to slide right in. No discomfort crossed her face, only pleasure filled moans and sighs.
Scanlan thrusted his hips at a set rhythm. He groaned along with her symphony of moans. The slapping sound of skin on skin was heard along with it.
His hands traveled around her body as hers did the same. He caressed her body while whispering sweet nothings to her has they made love.
Soon enough, Y/n felt that knot in her stomach form for the second time tonight. Her back arched once again. Scanlan immediately wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her start to tighten around his cock. He started to move his hips faster.
He actually felt like he was gonna come with her. This would be the fasted time he came in his life but, he was happy it was with his Love. Maybe that was a sign that she was the one.
Soon enough, Y/n reached down and grabbed his shoulders. She gripped onto him as she chanted 'I'm cumming' over and over again. Scanlan responded after a couple seconds with 'Me too, My Love. Me too.'
They then came together. He never usually empties himself in this partners but, this time, he did without hesitation. Y/n felt his cum fill her up. She knew why he did. He felt safe and secure with her. He knew that whatever happens, will happen and he will be there every step of the way and so will she.
After they both came down from their highs, Scanlan grabbed a nearby washcloth that he had in his drawer. He pulled out and cleaned himself off before cleaning Y/n off. He tossed the rag into the darkness and crawled up to cuddle his beautiful girlfriend.
She turned towards him and he turned to her. They interlocked on hand as they gazed into each other's eyes. He squeezed his hand a little tighter,
"I love you so much. Thank you for wanting to be mine."
She gave him a smile and squeezed back,
"I love you so much too. Thank you for overcoming your fears and deciding to stay with me."
"We can thank your ancestors for that."
They then shared a sweet kiss before cuddling under the sheets, sleeping until late in the morning.
Scanlan's dreams were not troubling to him now that the one with him is now his. His past dreams that he used to have with faceless women now all had his Love's faces. He knew this was it and he would fight to never have it taken away.
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you enjoyed this! I do take requests, as most of you know! See you in the next one!
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tooweirdforyou · 8 months
Will u not come back? :((((
hello, anon! hope you’re doing well and apologies for the late response. I hope you see this! ❤️
so, I guess this will be my answer and also my first post in about a year or so.. Im not gonna make any excuses or whatever, and cut straight to the point.
Bit of a long post but it will explain most things without being too personal just because it’s been a long time and part of me feels as though I lost that respect and privilege of being comfortable and being myself around you guys. Anyone and everyone who stayed or is a newcomer to my account.
It’s the new year. Here’s how I’ll answer you.
Do I wish to come back? Yes.
Have I been actively attempting to come back? Yes and no. I have been attempting to work on chapters for my Quotev books, but lots of writers block and just pure unmotivated to continue with where I am. Knowing it can be better if I were to redo it, continue with force or if I simply make a new book, (( which due to my imagination and inspiration by things I’ve come across, I keep wanting to start new books. ))
Have things drastically changed for me as I’ve been away? Yeah, kinda. I mean, things are getting a little more difficult for me, I won’t go into too much detail but it’s been really difficult for me personally the last several months. I’ve never been consistent in my feelings and almost always ended up more numb, empty and sad. And some days it would be so bad that I couldn’t be alone and had to be in a room with another person I knew. I’m really working on it but it really isn’t something that just goes away, as most of may or may not understand.
Am I still dating? Yes! I’m still very happy with the guy I’ve known and started dating last year and in fact, we’ll be hitting our two years very soon. I know this may be personal but I kinda just wanted an excuse to talk about him, haha.
Now, am I still writing? / interested in writing? Definitely. I just have huge motivation problems but I definitely still love that creative form of expressing your imagination into words and making a story. The problem is that I have all these ideas and it just sucks to have to do all this beginning stuff instead of making the reader or OC in love with the person already!! 😂 but yes. I honestly do love to write still and my boyfriend tries to encourage and supports me but it’s really my own fault.
do I still Roleplay? I remember mentioning this and then making an separate acc for this but never really interacted with it often because at the time I was busy. And now, I don’t anymore because it makes my boyfriend jealous, haha. I do miss it though :)
Do I still go on tumblr? Every once in a while, which is like every two weeks or so? Or just under two weeks or sometimes longer. It depends. But yes, I do check and I do love to read every new comment and message I get, I just don’t respond to it because I’m honestly a little scared.
Will I come back? I want to. I really do. But there’s a few factors that come into play-
- so much time has passed that I worry I no longer have like a mutual bond with you all and that it’s too late for me to come back and just pretend like everything is fine. It’s not. I’m worried it’s too late to just start writing again, I guess I’m nervous? I missed being able to be comfortable and be myself on here but I don’t know. I think my time has passed.
- not only that, I don’t quite know how to use tumblr anymore.
- I can’t stick to one fandom, just like my mood swings, my current obsession changes so often that I’m worried I won’t be able to keep up with certain works or keep everyone happy with my work.
- I don’t know if I should continue mt old works ( ones on Quotev )?
Start new ones?
Go back to scenarios and oneshots like I used to?
Refresh on tumblr and continue here again?
Move to AO3?
It’s the new year and I do want to better myself and change and I really hope that that means I can start over with myself and my writings once again.
I missed all my comments and messages and having mutuals and interacting with everyone. It makes me feel connected and honestly little less lonely when my boyfriend has his long busy hours..
But to finally answer properly. Yes, I want to come back but I honestly don’t know where to start or if I can.
I’ll be checking tumblr so if anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions or whatever you wish to tell me, I will be here. Maybe by next month I’ll have an answer of what I’ll be doing in regards to writing. Whether I take any advice from you guys or make my own decision.
im very deeply sorry for my absence. I hope this answers everyone’s thoughts.
sending lots of love. ❤️ thank you to everyone.
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thenasoneshots · 10 months
FandomMas 2023 Day 1 - James Potter
Fandom: Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Prompt: She hates Christmas Day with her parents as all they ever talk about is how she is single and childless. Except this year they’ve invited the neighbours. (I don’t remember where I got the prompt from)
Timing: Marauders’ Era (6th Year)
Reader's Relations: None
Reader’s House: Not Applicable
Other Notes: The reader is a pure-blood. You’ve also never interacted with James or his friends before.
“(Y/n), you need to find yourself a boyfriend! You’re 16, by that age I was already engaged to your father!”
I inwardly sighed, as I’d had to put up with this since I turned thirteen, whenever my mother got an opportunity, which was very often whilst I was at home, she would always chastise me about not having a boyfriend or anything, wanting me to get married the minute I finished school
“Mum, please! I don’t want to rush into a marriage! I don’t care what age you and Father got married at, I’ll get married at my own pace and when I do it will NOT be for status or whatever, it will be for love,” I replied, as she continued to tie my dress around my waist.
“(Y/n)! You do not speak to me like that. You need to carry on our family, you are our only daughter, so it is my responsibility to make sure you marry a nice, pure-blooded man so you carry on the (L/n) legacy!”
I sighed, knowing not to retort back and let her finish the final details of my outfit before she spoke again, “Now, I know the Potters have a boy about your age, I’ve invited them over for lunch, I expect you to get to know James and well, if all goes well, we should hear wedding bells once you’ve finished school!”
“Yes, Mother,” I spoke in defeat, knowing there was no way I would get out of it as I heard the doorbell ring. My mother jolted up and ran downstairs, leaving me to give my Norwegian Forest cat, who surprisingly, my mother had let me name Lucas (Let me know if you get the reference), a pat on the head before following her downstairs. When I got to the bottom, I spotted my mother talking to who I guessed were the Potters in the living room.
“(Y/n)! There you are. Come here now, I need to introduce you!”
I sighed and walked over, putting on a fake smile as my mother introduced me, however, that smile became real when I locked eyes with James. My mother hadn’t told me he was so handsome and I hadn’t realised I was staring until he was waving a hand in front of my face, “Hello? Miss (L/n)?”
I snapped from my daze, “Sorry, I was just thinking about something, it’s wonderful to meet you.”
“Same to you.”
“(Y/n), why don’t you show James around? It will give you two time to get to know each other.”
I nodded, “Yes, Mother,” before turning back to James, “Shall we?” he smiled at me and we walked out of the room. I showed him around where things were inside the hose before walking outside where we sat down on a bench in the garden.
“I hate this. My mother’s trying to marry me off. Not that you’re not a great guy or anything, it's just I want to marry for love, but my mother won’t see that. Like is it too much to ask?”
“I get what you mean, (Y/n). Honestly, I’m being forced into this too but my parents have told me I should marry for love.”
“What are you doing here then? Is my mother blackmailing your parents or something?”
“No! To be honest I wanted to get a chance to know you. I’ve heard your name floating around at Hogwarts, and I wanted to get to know you.”
James nodded before responding, “Really, and now that I’ve seen you in person, well... I’m not sure how to say this..”
“Just be blunt, James. Like a plaster, just rip it off and tell me what you want to say.”
He nodded, muttering an ‘okay’ before returning to his normal speaking voice, “I think I might be in love with you.”
I gasped, not expecting him to say that and smiled, “Wow, that’s not what I was expecting you to say, but to be honest, I think I’ll need more time to sort out my feelings. I know my mother is going to force us to get married anyway, but I want to let my love life happen in its own time.”
“Fair enough.”
“But, can you do me one favour until I sort this out? Please don’t mention to anyone that my mother is going to force us to get married.”
“James, can I talk to you please?” I asked, managing to find him and his friends in a hallway shortly after breakfast one day.
“Oh hello there gorgeous.”
I rolled my eyes at Sirius’ comment and looked James in the eye biting my lip. He soon nodded and I smiled, grabbing his arm and dragging him off away from his friends. Once we were alone, I stopped and caught my breath, “So, about what is inevitable for us in the future…” He nodded and I took a deep breath, “I’m not too fussed about it anymore,” I continued, leaning up and kissing him, “Merry Christmas, James.” I giggled seeing his bright red face and stood away before turning around and going to walk off, leaving him in a state of shock, but I felt a hand around my wrist and James pulled me back into him, “I take it that means you’ve ‘figured out your feelings’ then?” I nodded, “Yeah, I love you, James.”
“That makes me happy to hear.”
-----------------------------------END OF ONESHOT
Day 1 done!
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nevermore-grimes · 6 months
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Hi! Hello! I’m a maladaptive daydreamer. You can call me Divine. No, I’m not being sly… The name is derived from my fic blog, @divine-knight-hand, hehehe! *Both of my blogs are 18+, btw!!!*
Contrary to that blog, I will not be talking fanfiction here. So, if you want fandom-accurate stuff, this blog isn’t for you (also, please do not interact here, I beg!).
But, if you’re looking for MaDD content, then welcome! The Ember Blade Chronicles is a paracosm yeeeeears in the making. I was about 6 years old when I started maladaptive daydreaming, and this is pretty much the only paracosm I got, so a LOT of work went into this, as you can see.
On that note, here is The Ember Blade Chronicles! And if you have any questions about anything you see here AT ALL, I hiiiiiiighly encourage you to ask! (Please, please, pleeeease ask me about my paracosm! I wanna talk about it!!!)
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The Sisters
*NOTES: I was going to do all four of The Elemental Four, but half of them aren’t relevant anymore. The most consistently revelant paras in my paracosm are these two chumps (affectionate). Also, since these are paras based off of and named after real people, I’ve changed their names for privacy reasons. So, just enjoy the super cool aliases~
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🔥 Nevermore Grimes - My darling parame. *Slaps the top of her head* Lemme tell you, this woman can fit so much trauma, it’s not even funny. I torture her the most often when I’m bored, lmao! Anyways, since she’s the main character of this paracosm, I won’t be doing much introduction here. All I’ll say is that she’s the second oldest of The Elemental Four, wielding the element of fire.
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💧 Aerith Lake - Nevermore’s little sister. She’s the youngest of The Elemental Four, wielding the element of water. Don’t mistake her kindness for complacence. She always finds the voice to speak up for herself when it counts the most. Though she still carries a teensy bit of abandonment issues from when Nevermore ran away from home, she trusts that her big sister won’t disappear without a trace again… Mostly.
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The Lore
Get ready. There’s quite a lot… (We also meet some fictparas! Yay!)
TWs for up ahead: Many mentions of death and killing, and quick mention of rape (blink and you’ll miss it)
The Origins - After an accident involving her powers manifesting leads to her having a hand in the death of one of her parents, Nevermore runs away from home in guilt and shame, though the escape from a life she longed to abandon was a pretty solid perk. Moved to action after growing tired of feeling confined to what those who have power over her want for her, she becomes the violent driving force that is “Justice Incarnate”, wanting nothing more than to protect others from that same helpless feeling. Though, the news was quick to deem her “The Red Rapist Killer” (Which is a horrible name, if you accidentally stop short…), demonizing her for her use of killing as punishment. But, no matter what, she swore to never resort to the powers that took one of her parents’ life from her…
The Macbethian Saga - Returning to her home planet, Macbeth, Nevermore has to balance the trials that come with learning to control the powers she despises with the trials that come with rejoining a family that’s grown to resent her for abandoning them (Oh! And let’s not forget about the trials of learning how to function in a royal family). She’s forced to leave her life as “Justice Incarnate” behind, but old habits die hard, and as The Elemental Four serve as princesses by day, they also end up as a band of vigilantes by night.
The Hero Saga - Blindsighted by an unexpected encounter on a royal outing to a champion’s match on a certain planet of misfits, Nevermore is forced to learn how to run with the big dogs, and quick. As it would turn out, fighting a battle for the sake of sparing half of the universe wasn’t so fun if losing was in the cards… But, upon the return of the disappeared, the Elementals find themselves cast out of their kingdom by their once loyal subjects, so they move to join Earth’s mightiest heroes. This is where Nevermore makes her debut as Ember Blade.
The Dimensions Saga - The Avengers have no time to settle in to their new lives once they’re quickly faced with a new threat. If they don’t close all the inter-dimensional rifts being ripped open around the universe, its potential collapse awaits them. The solution? A hell of a lot of dimension-hopping.
The Pre-War Saga - The rifts are gone, but the Avengers are forced to prepare for war as villains past are being revived and recruited by none other than The Grandmaster. Who knew a fruity old man could have such sinister ambitions? This doesn’t bode so well for the cute and comfortable little life that Nevermore had just started building for herself…
The War Saga *Current Saga* - The Avengers take to space. Their battlefield? Ego. Stationed in an impossibly large space station just a few jump points away, they’re tasked with facing down villains past, all to save half of the universe again… Anyone else getting serious deja vu?
The New-Asgardian Saga - War is over, but Nevermore barely has time to celebrate as S.H.I.E.L.D. begins a manhunt for her. After they claimed she’s proven herself a serious threat to humanity, they’ve made it very clear that they will shoot on sight. So, she leaves with her lover to the newly-rebuilt land of New Asgard, relocated back into space from Norway. But, Nevermore is too stubborn to kill off Ember Blade, so it would seem she’s back to the vigilante life…
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hello my loves 🖤🥰
i know that i’ve been pretty wishy washy over the last few weeks, especially when it comes to making content for you guys, it’s what i love doing and it makes me happy that so many of you have stuck around and are still reading and liking and reblogging my work ( @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @aidansloth @munsonology @wheels-of-despair i’m looking at you guys 🥹🫶)
unfortunately over the last few months my mental health has been slowly declining, and it’s getting to a point where i don’t have much motivation to do anything and i don’t like that it’s gotten to this point again.
i’ve decided that i’m going to do somewhat of a 180 with my life, i want to do the things that make me happy and it’s been hard to do that when i don’t really know what i want. i’ve slowly been figuring it out and i’ve been forcing myself to do new things and try new things and really take ahold of my life like i wasn’t able to in the past.
what that means for now is i’m going to try and make a schedule for posting, wether that means fics or HCs or whatever it may be, and i want to try something new to keep the fandom alive and well 🫶 i feel like the community im in has been so supportive of everyone in it and i love the friends i’ve been able to make along the way :)
we may never talk much outside of content but i do consider you guys my friends and it means more to me than you think just from all your support 🖤
doing this makes me happy, being able to talk with you guys and interact makes me happy, and i want to find more things that make me happy 🥰
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Yes thank you for saying this, taekook are professionals and when they roll into work everyday in front of the cameras, they’re thinking about getting their schedules done as perfectly as they can. They care so much about their work and always go over and beyond to give us the best possible version - not just them that’s BTS as a whole. They’ve all sacrificed a lot to achieve what they have. So when they’re on the clock I don’t think it’s a difficult thing for them to focus on work and not be as touchy as they would be without the cameras. And I do believe you are absolutely right with where the tensions lie - some of the company restrictions might’ve gone too far for them at times and you can see it in certain instances, but they’re still professional. What’s done is done, and though I’m sure there’s been regrets in how some things have been forced to be handled, I think we are approaching a new way of them being themselves. It won’t be fully transparent and open, but they are being granted the allowance of some things they’ve been denied of before. It made me a little emotional reading you talking about earning their member’s trust and vice versa because we’ve come a long way but now seeing how the other members interact and react to taekook is completely different to the start. In every decision they’ve made, there’s been seven careers to think about, there’s been a whole fandom to think about and so much more. If you watch 2018 festa again you will see how touched Taehyung was with receiving that text from Yoongi, and you will hear Yoongi refer to it as being a sad message. So much more has happened behind the scenes but regardless, they’ve always given us the best possible versions of themselves and that must’ve been hard. I love them a lot and I hope they find freedom in the places they can, and that they always have a support system around them to make them feel accepted and loved.
Hi anon!
Thank you for your message. Great addition!
Their professional lives are such a huge part of them so I always factor that in. It’s so easy to just look at them as our friends, but they (all members) are also doing a job. And they’re real good at it. Also a lot of what we see is them at work, so to me it makes sense to look at it from that perspective. It’s an odd job, not to be compared easily with what normal people know, but it is a job.
It must’ve been hard for the other members. They were basically putting a lot of trust in their two youngest members… who were in love.. with each other. That’s a recipe for drama on any normal day, but add to that the stress of their careers and the fear of being discovered.. not great. I definitely think that’s why things seemed so much stricter with the separation than later on. Tae and Jk matured, they all got used to the situation, a feeling of security returned and they were able to relax a bit more.
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shoakarin · 2 years
hello!! welcome to my dumb blog :)
my name is zy! i’m a gay autistic writer who’s just trying to get through with life and things
i’m only really here to promote my works and interact with people who like the same things as me :) i’ve been lurking on here for, like, three years liking posts and just silently fanboying :,)
but here i am! coming out of my hole and finally making this post to find some friends! so yay!!!!!
don’t really know what else to put here though,, i don’t want to make this too long but i still want to make this sort of a get to know me post? i don’t know how to tumblr (but yay i get to play with blogging again)
as mentioned, here are a few of my interests! (ones in bold are hyperfixations, while the ones not in bold im not *super* into but will still engage in :D)
camp camp
neo: the world ends with you
kingdom hearts
project sekai
henry danger (but not danger force)
the owl house
young royals
blue exorcist
persona 5
nier: automata (replicant too! just not as much)
percy jackson (and like pretty much any rick riordan series)
genshin impact…regretfully
please note my interests change a lot, and that i may post a lot of things from a lot of fandoms, so if you follow me because you’re into one of things i’m into, expect me sometimes not posting that particular fandom!
dms are always open! but if i don’t respond literally just spam the hell out of my twitter here
and fuck it, here’s my ao3 too! (gonna start promoting works tomorrow, so look forward to that!)
feel free to interact if you have any questions or just want a friend :)
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bohemian-nights · 2 years
Omg yes about the Laena stuff!Likr have these writers read the books at all? Dying by fire us one of the most awful deaths a person can be given like hello at R being eaten by Sunfyre and traumatising young Aegon for life. It’s not supposed to be “empowering”or a”dragon rider’s death”(whatever that even means).And D also seems pretty traumatised by her death yet by next ep he’s laughing at her funeral,not giving a damn about his kids and hooking up with R! Seriously WTF?! Even the Green kids get more complex characterisation than D who just stands around smirking and doing “badass”stuff. It’s frustrating because he’s been stripped from every important relationship he has(Mysaria,Laena,his kids)ok contrast to R who’s allowed to love Harwin and interact with her children and still have some sort of relationship with Alicent. The worst thing is that supposed D stans were cheering over the fact that he treated all the other women except R(in their eyes)like trash so when he chocked her they went into mealtdown mode accusing the writing of being misogynistic when D lashing out in violence at something he has no control over/feels angry about has been pretty in character for him through the season. The gaslighting in this fandom is awful and It really doesn’t help that HOTD attracted the worst of what was in the GOT one. Most of the people I’ve seen in twitter especially those who’re team Black actually buys into the Targ supremacy BS so ofc a character like Netty who challenges that belief both in universe and out is threatening to them so they try everything to make her as important as possible. None of this happened when Laena died and R got with D at her funeral and married him soon after even now stans are searching for ways to validate their mediocre ship with bad chemistry(because actors emoting and lightning up badly shot scenes is chemistry!😒)but when a WOC is involved in a romance she’s held to impossible standards and constantly judged. Right?And thing with Daemyra is that it’s not like N is the one coming between them their entire relationship has been rooted in grooming and physical violence aster ep.10 so the fact that they excuse all those very serious issues yet hate on the black girl is very telling and super problematic. Ultimately no one will be forcing D to be with N. If he doesn’t want to be with her he wouldn’t be. Period. So hating on and victim blaming the low born girl whose had an awful life before claiming a dragon is reeking of both misogyny and racism.
I don’t know if the writers read the books. I’m sure a couple did, but even if they did they probably were like I can make it better. Lol. Yeah I have to wonder if they are going to have Rhaenyra die in the same way as in the books cause why kill Laena like that then turn around and do a version of the same thing with Rhaenyra.
Daemon has no characterization other than being an a**hole. Characterization is actually all over the place for all the characters(including Rhaenyra but she’s shown in a more nuanced light), but Daemon is suffering a lot from them stripping away all the good parts of his narrative. Lol the meltdowns when he choked out the love of his life were epic.
I even saw some Daemyra stans try to say that Rhaenyra liked being choked in that scene. Like it was some kinky foreplay 🫠when in reality Daemon was pissed off to learn that his big bro never considered him to be his true heir. Daemon took his anger out at the nearest target(it doesn’t take much to goad him and bring out his violent streak, divorce rock anyone 🪨?) lol Again you can’t make this ish up.
Daemon and Rhaenyra seem like a business transaction to me. Daemon has 0 chemistry with adult Rhaenyra. As you stated they don’t like Nettles cause when she pops up there house of cards will come tumbling down. They are literally scared of book canon being played out on the small screen.
Daemon murdering his first wife(not book canon), then treating his second wife like an unloved puppy(not book canon) is fine, but him “cheating”(they had an arrangement at that point in their marriage, but then again these stans are allergic to reading🙃) on Rhaenyra with Nettles is where they draw the line?
Daemon could not possibly be in love/sleeping with a “common” (black) witch over our Targaryen self insert Queen Rhaenyra 👸🏼 He saw her as his daughter. The four accounts(plus the lore from a GOT special) that say otherwise are lies and anti-Rhaenyra/anti Targaryen propaganda and can not be taken as the truth.
Those bath’s where they bathed butt a** naked was father daughter bonding time 🫠 They were only trying to save water 🙃
I won’t mention Daemon and Nettles last night together/how they and their dragons parted, but you get my drift.
Like you said, Daemon was in the position of power here. If he didn’t want to be with Nettles he wouldn’t have been with her. He obviously saw something in her that he liked(I mean who wouldn’t she’s awesome).
Nettles is held to a higher standard/pushed to the side cause she’s Black and they can not or at least will not relate to a Black woman. It is misogynistic and racist, but they’ll plug their ears and deny all day long. If they could get over their hate they’d see that Nettles is one of the most interesting characters in F&B and ASOIF as a whole, but haters gonna hate 🤷🏽‍♀️
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