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doomednarrative · 2 years ago
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 months ago
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Toku Wrapped 2024 │ There's no escape from this nightmare-like reality of mine → Hellhoppers
"Want to go to hell with me?" "Is there a hell even worse than here?"
+ bonus
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hermit-plastic · 17 days ago
most of my kabuto lb is me calling kagami and tendou fags and homos (lovingly)....
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pleuvoire · 8 months ago
got almost all da way through the interview before my brain suddenly started frying @_@ i forgot how much i lock in when i'm translating
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 2 years ago
thinking about this frame of kabuto
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ryuki23 · 2 years ago
i love that thebee's name is just. The Bee it's so fun to say. THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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pleuvoire · 8 months ago
my translation :)
Yaguruma and Kageyama were both introduced as elite characters, so it's surprising that they've run off into the gutter in the second half.
Tokuyama: Yeah, since Yaguruma's revival I've put a lot of effort into building his character. I think he must be kind of insane, and I have to figure out to what degree I want to convey that. But he also has scenes like slurping cup ramen and falling in love [with Mamiya Rena], which were not at all part of the mental version I had of him, so I questioned myself and worried endlessly. But then, as if someone else understood my struggle, on the Toei homepage it said about Yaguruma, "Stir things up, within the boundaries of a children's show" (laughing). So I thought that, to take it positively, I could just relax and not think about it too hard.
For Kageyama in particular, his character is constantly seesawing back and forth, wasn't that difficult?
Uchiyama: Honestly, it doesn't make me go "Huh?!" as much as it did at the beginning. On the contrary, part of me has started to look forward to seeing how his character will change next. He's not so much changing gradually as brazenly flipping every time, enough to make you go "Who are you?!" (laughing), so I've decided to just play him as being super contradictory.
When Yaguruma said "become my little brother", it was really shocking! I thought, why his little brother...?
Tokuyama: To me, he's saying things like "become my little brother" and "let's fall into hell together" to manipulate him. They aren't just sweet invitations...
Uchiyama: At first, I felt the same - even though he was calling them brothers, they didn't feel like the type of pair who could trust each other to fight back to back. I think Kageyama himself doubted that, somewhere inside of him. And another part of him was gunning for it, thinking "maybe, if things work out..." And now they're best bros. (laughing)
It looks like you're really in sync performance-wise, when did you feel that starting to happen?
Tokuyama: Around the time of Yaguruma's revival. We had a lot of scenes together, and we'd wrap up at the same time and go get something to eat together, stuff like that. We hang out regularly, and we get along really well together. I don't hold anything back, and I encourage him not to do so either.
Uchiyama: Because if someone holds back on me, I end up doing the same.
So as actors, how do you view each other?
Tokuyama: Not just as an actor, but as someone living as a Rider now, I feel like he's - and I mean this in a good way - awkward about his performance. He doesn't pull any clever tricks.
Uchiyama: When Tokuyama-san flips his switch, it's really amazing. Between talking to him on the studio bus versus when he gets on set, everything about him is different. Since I'm always the closest to him, I can tell even from his smallest gestures, "Ah, he's completely in the zone now!"
Tokuyama: Even though I don't notice it myself...
Uchiyama: My parents are certified teachers, so they're always telling me "You could learn a thing or two from that Tokuyama-san, being that composed while crawling around on all fours!"
Tokuyama: Make sure you write that down! (laughing)
Uchiyama: If it were anyone other than Tokuyama-san, I don't think we'd be nearly as good a combo. Tokuyama-san, I'm glad to have you ♥
But right when you've finally become a powerful combo even in-universe, Kageyama got turned into a Worm and Yaguruma had to defeat him... That sounds so sad! Though I haven't watched it yet. (?)
Uchiyama: Yeah, I feel that way more than anyone (laughing). I was hoping there'd be a final boss at the end that everyone would work together against...! Though in the end, the way I can't really tell what the Hoppers were there for, or what Kageyama was fighting for, it's quite...
Tokuyama: Personally, I think the fact that Yaguruma was searching for the light is exactly what let him find a partner, and now he'll sink even further into darkness and pain... I want to hurl that story [of their last scene] at the audience.
Uchiyama: Since Kageyama realized he was a worm, he didn't want to become a rerun of Kamishiro Tsurugi - he wanted to die as himself.
Tokuyama: It's all right, I won't let that happen. (T/N he's speaking as yaguruma here, using "ore" instead of "boku" like he usually does.) No matter what acting you do, my reaction is going to be totally different, so even if you turn into a Worm, I'll still look expressionless. Uchiyama: If you do that, even my face will change when I die. I just want us to keep being brothers until the last shot of my final moments. Tokuyama: But my (T/N still "ore") ideal vision is that, even if we couldn't be "perfect harmony" in your last moments, we're still Yaguruma Sou and his dear subordinate Kageyama. Like we finally found a place to belong... I want it to end with a little bit of hope. Uchiyama: I feel like, when Kageyama turns to Yaguruma, he's already found it. If he didn't find it, he could just run from there. But instead he faces it head-on. Tokuyama: And instead, Yaguruma accepts that and strikes him down. And that's the "perfect harmony" those two end on. It's very sad, but a good story. Thank you very much!
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kamen rider kabuto character book 2: clock up | scan by sojitendo
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rosemirmir · 2 years ago
Saying this since I just finished Kabuto but if you like guys who kinda suck and Have Problems you will love the hellhoppers, personally I'm obsessed with them now
Many of my Kamen Rider faves could be described as such... So I have a good feeling I will really like the Hellhoppers
I really want to see Kabuto sometime this year! I need to know just what the hell is going on with them. I'm very intrigued
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diamond-is-sparkling · 2 years ago
Hellhopper-fication of Liam
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r4bbitdragon · 4 years ago
there are so many riders i could tolerate an Edgy form for and aruto has exhausted his limit. everytime i see hellhopper my energy is drained
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doomednarrative · 2 years ago
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You've come to save me right? Please avenge me. You're still saying that?
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soulsbetrayed · 6 years ago
“You really have lost your way.” he comments.  Revenge is like a poison noxious and deadly.  Tendou wonders if he was any different could he have walked that treacherous path Sou was on. If he wasn’t the person he is he’d fall and would’ve fallen just as hard as Yaguruma did.  The persistence... honestly it was surprising but he wondered if his fervent belief on exterminating the Worms was borderlining the point of obsession one similar to the fallen soldier’s very own towards him. “If things were different would we have walked the same paths we’re on now?”
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Those words were genuine and in an unsurprisingly Souji like manner rather thought provoking. “Take what I said  as you will but I do wonder that from time to times.”  He dared not say anything else
A grunt escaped Tendou’s lips as he was face to face with the self-proclaimed hopeless husk.  He felt like he had his back against the wall but he knew he just knew he can’t do much without escalating an already delicate situation.  He felt like he was in a cage with a wounded and aggravated animal and it wasn’t too far from the truth either.
Once Yaguruma backed off he regained his composure. This was troublesome very troublesome indeed. How can one help someone so full of scorn he wondered.  If anything got too crazy he can call upon the Kabuto Zector.  His face showed he was dead serious in these very precarious moments. One more word out of him can probably set Sou off and where would that leave Souji at?
He waited for a couple of seconds to get a reply, but apparently he wasn’t worth enough for the other man to raise his voice at him. A deep sigh escaped Yagurumas’ lips as he averted his gaze yet again. Perhaps he was captured in an even worse situation than he had orginally expected.  “I remember our numerous duels, of which you won every single one.” It didn’t matter if it was about fighting or about cooking, Yaguruma never stood a slightest chance against the other man. He used to be a bad loser, but now he was nothing more than just a loser. “You won. Are you happy now? I won’t challenge you any further…” Finally, he turned around but didn’t walk away yet. “I would daresay that I hope you find happiness, but hope is not within reach for the shadow of a human that I am.”
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hellhopper-old · 6 years ago
MOVED TO @hellhopper as a side blog for easier management!
Please follow there, thank you!
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asanjou · 5 months ago
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was looking at more rider diner drinks last night.... gattacks is seriously so cutey
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and the matching hellhopper milkshakes. kickhoppers is called something like "did you seriously just laugh at my oreo rn"
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pleuvoire · 8 months ago
i'm translating that one hellhoppers interview and uchiyama is gushing about tokuyama's acting skills whereas tokuyama's verdict on uchiyama's acting skill is "clumsy <3 and i mean that as a compliment <3" HOW
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 4 months ago
okay i have been thinking about kabuto lately, so tsurugi for the ask game??
First impression: oh lord ANOTHER guy???
Impression now: damn we didn't have to do all THAT to him
Favorite moment: when he was all dressed up with the hellhoppers
Idea for a story: don't really have one at the moment
Unpopular opinion: mmmmmm i don't think i really have one? i don't think about him all that much tbh, but he's fun
Favorite relationship: him and kaGAmi, of course! nonromantic but like it's so fun
Favorite headcanon: he and jyuka would get along really well (i think they interacted a LITTLE? but they needed more interaction)
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