#hell he might not even like saying nya but if he knows it bothers you he will say it and you won't know it may or not be killing him inside
junespriince · 1 month
Dick, magical girl time: Stop doing crimes Nya~ *Tokyo mew mew pose*
Villain, uncomfy: please stop that.
Dick, being Dick: I shall not Nya~
magical girl batfam: he will not.
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if you know about the permanent anacondrai Kai au can you please do a Kai X reader where the reader comfort Kai about what happened at the tournament of elements like the reader says that Kai was brave to take on the mark of the anacondrai to trick Chen and the reader and Kai end up cuddling at the end with the reader saying that they love him no matter what he is (this is both comfort and fluff and the only people in this are the reader and Kai the others are just mentioned and the reader was not at the tournament of elements nya was the one that told the reader about what happened Kai was in his room when the reader come to convert him)
I never knew about the permanent anacondrai au! So the research might kill me, but here you go!
Btw you didn't mention what reader you wanted so I made it gender neutral, hope that's okay!
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How can you love a beast like me?
A Kai x gn!reader, uses they/them. Just pure comfort and fluff!
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It had been a week since the incident at Chen's Island. The anacondrai's had been banished, and everything was fine. But one thing wasn't, and that was Kai. He had taken the responsibility in tricking Chen and saving his friends, he bore the mark of the anacondrai in order to earn his trust. But now, he was permanently stuck as an anacondrai snake.
He hasn't talked to you since the incident, which worried you. Kai Smith, the man or rather snake whom you loved wasn't responding to your calls or messages. Nya had informed you of what happened and you were surprised at how brave Kai was, but he wasn't brave enough to face you...
You gave him another week, but still nothing. Your messages were being left on seen and the calls would lead to voicemail immediately. You wanted to give him all the time in the world but he hasn't said anything! No update on how he's doing, if he's sick, or if he just needs more time.
Hell, even his friends didn't know how he was doing, apparently he went off somewhere. The only person who knew where he was, was Zane. But he promised to not say anything on behalf of his now snake friend.
But it's been bothering you, you wondered if you could get it out of the nindroid's mouth in order to find your beloved boyfriend. It took a lot, a whole week. he finally caved, and gave you the coordinates. He asked you not to tell him, for he wanted to apologize to Kai himself.
"Kai! It's me!" You said, ringing the doorbell. You could hear some shuffling, but it stopped at the door. "I... know you probably still won't talk to me, but we've been worried sick! No one has heard from you in weeks..."
Silence was present, "Nya's starting to think she's a bad sister, but she understands you want to be alone." you pressed you forehead and hand against the wooden door. "We just want an update on how your doing, nothing too extravagant, just a simple, small sentence."
You could hear a small sniffle behind the door, "Just know, we all love you. No matter what you are, you will always be Kai Smith, the older brother to Nya Smith, the master of fire, and my the love of my life." you started tearing up, you then lifted your head and started walking back to your vehicle. But before you could open your door, you heard a small weak 'wait...'
"Don't go... not yet." he was looking at the ground, and this was the first time you saw him in his snake form. His hair was the same, but his skin was adorned with purple scales... "I... well, I-" he stuttered, he didn't know what to tell you.
"Can I come inside?" you ask, giving him a small smile, "...sure." he moved out of the door way and deeper into the home. The silence was loud, but once you sat next to him on the couch that had layers of blankets and pillows on it, he began to cry on you. You hugged him, patting his hair and rubbing his back. "It's okay Kai... let it all out."
"How do you still love me? *sniff* how can you?" he muffled through your shoulder. "Kai... you're still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago. And I told you already...
No matter what you are, you will always be Kai Smith."
"But... I'm a beast! A monster... people look at me in horror... How could you still love me, I'm a beast."
"Then you will be my beast."
the day ended in you both cuddling, you giving him all the love and care that he needed all those weeks of being alone. You kissed him, comforted him, and reassured him that no matter what, he his Kai Smith, the master of fire, a brother, and your boyfriend.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
So, with Kalmaar, he ofc immediately goes to his parents about his feeling, slightly placing his revenge on hold. They are...dubious about it, but Maya raises the point of how there has never been a human/merlopian hybrid before, and from what Ray has told them about having two EM parents it’s possible for Kai to have some water abilities himself, which could be what gave Kalmaar his feeling. So, they agree to look into it.
Moving on..... Uh. Kai doesn’t have a fun time in S6, as briefly as he’s there. You see, Nahdakahn knows exactly what buttons to press and is able to get Kai into a panicked state where he, on the verge of a panic attack and mental breakdown, just says “I wish that I could just be normal! I wish I could just go home! I wish I could be with dad and mom and father and Kal and Bentho and Nya!!!”
The “normal” comment comes from how they weren’t able to completely hide Kai’s heritage since yeah, there were other people on the boat who saw him. That and he also tried a lot less to keep it hidden. And because some humans are assholes, he has to deal with that.
So ofc, Nahdakahn interprets it in the worst ways and as two wishes. Kai is now a full human yes….but was also sent to where the fish fam currently were……which just so happened to be at the bottom of the ocean.
So yeah, double trauma for both groups. Kai got to experience what drowning felt like, and his fam was essentially forced to watch him die since there was nothing they could do. They were too far under to take him to the surface and too far from the palace to take him there.
But dw, it gets even worse.
You see, the whole reason Nahdakahn is being this malicious about Kai’s wishes is because he learned that Kai was the reason the Preeminent was destroyed, thereby destroying Djinjago.
Nahdakahn is then able to do a “oh? Is this not what you wanted? I thought you wished to be normal.” Which ofc sounds really bad since it’s in front of his family. “But, I understand. You grow tired of the stares in the street, how they whisper behind you back about what you are. Not human, not merlopian, not normal. Just a freak masquerading as one of them.”
This ofc supremely pisses off the fam. Like, weapons drawn ready to commit murder.
But then Nahdakahn stop them with a “ah ah ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. After all, I am the only way your son has a chance at living. So go ahead. Make a wish.”
Trimaar ends up being the one to do it, and is smart enough to know this uh will twist it in anyway he can so says. “I wish for Kai to be sent safely to the surface without harm done upon him.”
Blah blah blah, your wish is yours to keep, Trimaar realizing “wait there’s a lot that could be interpreted” but too late BAM now Kai’s kinda stuck on the Misfortune’s Keep.
And he....generally has a pretty bad time. Think Jay but this time it’s personal.
However, Kai’s appearance had Trimaar get the Merlopian army and start heading to the surface. The remaining ninja have a brief moment of “are you kidding me two enemies at once” before learning that this is Kai’s lost family and they’re here to help.
So now the ninja have a whole ass fish army to help them, plus a very protective, very angry fish family.
But for the rest of canon, the only difference is that when they’re leaving Tiger Widow Island, Nya gets snatched along with Jay(who was taken because he hadn’t used his wish yet) and they aren’t stuck on the island, and then later that Kai gets sucked into the sword when the ninja launch their rescue mission.
But yeah, it gets all Un-Happened by Jay’s wish(which at seeing Kai physically hurt and being emotionally torn apart at his baby sister dying, wished that none of this ever happened and that Nahdakahn was never found), only like canon Nya and Jay still remember what happens.
Nya is now firmly on team Kai Is Alive and tells her parents everything about what happened and the wish Jay made, and more importantly where Kai is.
Unfortunately, they need to take some time and prepare. Trimaar and Maya have been doing their best over the years to open the populace possibly making bonds with the humans, but now it’s finally happening. They can’t just go up there out of no where, since from what Nya has told them 1) most humans don’t even know they exist and 2) in the past few years they have been subject of many attacks, mostly from non-humans, so they need to make sure the humans understand they don’t mean any harm.
So DotD happens, then the beginnings of S7 :)
Right out, Kai never liked the museum curator. Up to that point he’d only ever caught fleeting glimpse of him but something about him Kai just despised. As a result, he also visited the museum as scarcely as possible, and thus didn’t notice a very interesting painting containing a two very strange figures.
When he learns his name was Dr.Saunders.....things don’t go well.
It happened when Kai brought the helmet with his dad’s symbol on it. As much as he disliked the curator, he was the most likely to be able to recognize what kind of helmet it was.
Then in his anger he gets himself captured.
He’s taken to a special cell lined with vengestone and has guards around the clock, and Krux takes extra care to make sure Kai doesn’t know where Ray is.
ofc it’s around this time that the Merlopians arrive and express their wishes for a possible alliance between their two races. Unfortunately they showed up at literally the worst time, and double unfortunately the people in charge of diplomacy decide to bring some of the ninja in as an extra precaution because of the villains have been running around.
So the people who join the meeting are Lloyd and Jay from the ninja(they would’ve brought Kai but he hasn’t returned from his missions yet and isn’t answering their calls) as well as some police officers and from the Merlopians is the whole royal family plus a few guards.
Both Jay and Nya have a silent moment of staring at each other since “I know and I’m not sure you know but I think you know but I don’t want to say anything since you might not”
And just as they’re about to start, The Time Twins attack. Because why the hell not.
They’re actually able to hold them off for a while, but unfortunately there are too many Vermillion. Then Kalmaar whips out his Water Powers which causes him to get kidnapped since they need both Fire and Water masters for the blade.
While they’re recovering, Lloyd then gets a panicked call from Zane saying that he checked the museum footage and Kai has been captured. The gets overheard by the royal family, and then Lloyd asks why they looked so upset at which they learn(sans Jay since wish) that Kai is royalty. The eldest son actually, and thus first in line for the throne, as well as being presumed dead for the past five years.
So basically Krux has kidnapped the King and Queen’s husband, the crown prince, and the second in line prince(if anyone knows a more fancy term for this please let me know)
Maya, Trimaar, Nya and Benthomaar are not happy. Not with the Ninjagian people, no they’re fine, but they’re bout ready to murder Krux, and they don’t even know about Ray yet.
So they offer any help they can.
Zap back to how Kai and Kalmaar are doing.
Kalmaar is….kind feral tbh. Like, he’s biting, clawing, trying to strangle them with his tentacles, and before they got vengestone cuffs on him was trying very hard to drown anyone.
Ofc, this does little to the Vermillion and soon Kalmaar finds himself in the cell right next to Kai’s. He’s overjoyed to see his brother again, albeit upset that this is why.
They both reluctantly come to the conclusion that there isn’t much they can do at the moment, and there are many Vermillion guards right outside their cells, so they decide to start catching up.
And for pretty much the rest of the season canon is pretty much the same, just shuffle around the characters a bit and add a protective Fish Fam. 
Though their little trip back in time is quite sight for the Past EMs, especially because of how Kalmaar is using his powers, which leaves Kai mostly stuck in his Fish Form. This time they don’t even bother trying to explain, just give instructions on how to defeat the Vermillion and jumping into the battle. 
And I mean just imagine that from the EMs perspective. An enemy you thought you defeated just returned with a giant metal creature and an army of snake things that don’t look like any kind of Serpentine they’d ever seen. Then a shark person and squid person??? show up and not only do they know how to fight the snake things but they also seem to be Elemental Masters???? Despite the fact Ray is very much alive and they didn’t even know there was a Water EM. Then the two not only summon dragons but they also fuse their dragons into an even bigger one with two heads.
And then all of them disappear into the sky without a trace.
W i l d
But yeah, after that it calms down quite a bit. Kai spends the time skip before S8 reconnecting with his family and his dad, and through some tech courtesy of Borg they're able to bring Ray with them :D
And Kai actually goes to meet the Jade Royal Family since y’know. He’s the crown prince. He’s kinda important and legitimately forgot about it. Luckily Kalmaar is able to help coach Kai through it, but is also a bit smug about how he finally has something to teach to his older brother. Kai was actually the one who suggested asking the ninja for help protecting the mask.....but we know how that inevitably ends.
Bentho, Kal and Nya were actually on the ship for this particular adventure, and then Nya and Bentho were dragged along when they got sent to the First Realm. Bentho, despite being the youngest sibling and to the surprise of literally everyone, was actually really good with kids and spent the most time with Little Wu, right behind Cole.
But yeah S9......Nya and Bentho have a really bad time in the First Realm beause of the heat, but at least they don’t get captured. Kai on the other hand....
Yeah at some point he gets accidentally splashed with water and well.....it definitely doesn’t help with the Oni accusations. The Dragon Hunters decide to burn him along with the Wind Dragon, which moves up their Build Our Own Dragon time table.
After they escape Faith is actually pretty chill about the whole fish thing, but she does ask a lot of questions. 
And then S10..... kinda the same. They end up dropping off as many people as they can with the Merlopians since the smoke can’t reach them.
I might make a Part 3 for the rest of the seasons, but yeah. this is where we’re at.
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Feel free to ignore this if you want but can you do something similar to the oso x reader x totoko but instead of oso it Kara and the trio are already in a poly relationship. Can I get some just general headcanons of you think they would get up to and how Karamatsu’s bro’s feel about the relationship?
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OKAYY YES !!! (General hcs of the relationship etc etc as well as the brothers thoughts on it >:D)
First of ALLL!!!
Osomatsu and Karamatsu are so fucking different from one another so he wouldn’t argue with totoko when he realizes she likes you too, he wouldn’t mind it or care much. He’s glad to just be around you and spend time with you, and totoko is far too confident in herself to believe karamatsu has a chance with you so there’s like no drama between the two ever when they were crushing on you.
Until.. karamatsu decided to give you flowers, and totoko had to one up him and it turned into this huge thing and eventually they both just confessed their love for you and you three have been dating ever since.
Honestly!! A relationship with these two is pretty solid, good on you for picking these two, they make for a good dynamic.
Totoko and Karamatsu never fight, these two are so good with you. Admittedly Karamatsu is too nice sometimes and Totoko takes advantage of that and spends more time with you, and you have to scold her for doing that.
So you just opt for going on dates with the both of them at the same time, but they have completely different ideas for dates. Totoko mentions shopping or even fancy dinners, Karamatsu mentions the beach or a picnic. It’s a mess with these two. You decide that maybe one day totoko picks and the next karamatsu picks. This becomes another issue because you all forget who’s turn it is that day.
Despite the issues though, they’re both so sweet! Totoko may be a bit… totoko.. at times.. but she loves to buy you things as much as she loves buying herself things! Lotsa cheek kisses and telling you how cute you are! Karamatsu loves giving you flowers and chocolates, giving you cheesy love poems and saying cheesy things to you in general, lotsa affirmations and compliments. You never feel unloved with these two around.
Karamatsu already liked totoko, so he’s pretty cool with being poly with her.. takes some getting used to on totokos end. But both of them aren’t sure if they’re also dating eachother? Karamatsu likes her and all.. but nothing compares to you.. and totoko doesn’t like him in the slightest.. it’s rather amusing to you when they’re alone, because they have nothing to talk about. It feels awkward, so they find themselves just gushing about you. Which they bond over.
Totoko and Karamatsu both love cuddling, so many cuddle sessions with the both of them at the same time! (Totoko usually joins in when she’s clingy or tired though).
They’re also a good support team for you whenever you need it for whatever reason, totoko simply cheers you on with “if you do it I’ll kiss you!” And karamatsu simply going, “you can do it my honey! I love you!” for real good at encouragement.
Overall the two are happy, they don’t mind sharing you. Totoko did at first but she got used to it quickly.
(Now for the brothers thoughts)
Osomatsu might groan, “WHY THE HELL DO YOU GET TO DATE TWO HOTTIES?!” He’s fucking pissed. Eventually though he stops caring, because he realizes this is never going to go away.
Choromatsu is mortified now that he knows he’ll never have a chance with totoko, however he just spends all his time worshipping nya instead. Overall doesn’t care anymore.
Ichimatsu can’t help but wonder how the hell you guys even got together, he’s uncaring to the situation but seriously why did you guys even bother with karamatsu?
Jyushimatsu just shrugs it off, cool! He’s glad you guys are happy with one another, he finds himself talking to karamatsu about your relationship a lot and making sure you guys are doing well.
Todomatsu is livid his shitty older brother is dating you and technically totoko too but he eventually is accepting and might even say you guys are cute (he takes the longest to adjust though).
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
✩   --   BLEACH ON A BUZZCUT    ;   1 / 1
summary: captain rex needs to fix his hair. you help. pairing: captain rex x war correspondent!reader, established relationship warning: angst! and tenderness! mention of fives’ death. word count: 2.2k a/n: dedicated to @cyber-nya. i will probably write more about these two if people are interested. i really love this idea of a war correspondent for the HNN! would be fun. 
Captain Rex, in all his years, has always ensured one, simple thing through the long, grueling tide of war:
His hair will always be blonde. 
Save for that three month campaign on Kashyyyk, that is. Back then, dying his hair was the last on a long list of concerns. Food, shelter, and not drowning in the heavy monsoon months were at the top. His hair had grown out into angry little blonde tipped tufts, then. The roots of his hair looked like that of his brother’s. His beard, just as dark as the roots, itched. General Skywalker had laughed, citing the fact he’d never seen Rex with anything but his usual bleach blonde buzz. 
“You don’t look like the Rex I’m used to.”
He sighs and runs a hand over the grown-out buzz in the barrack’s bathroom mirror. 
The words stuck.
Anaxes reminds him of Kashyyyk. Different, but... 
He feels the same. Tired, weary, and alone. 
You plant your knuckles on the open archway of the bathroom as if you’d heard that thought from across the clamoring airbase. The rap-rap-rap snaps him from his stint in the land of self-pity. Rex’s eyes, warm and soft, land on you leaning in the doorway. 
You frown. You know that look on his face.
“Been looking for you.”
Rex, fresh out of the shower, moves to the bench where his blacks sit. Beside those, a half-used bottle of bleach that’s been living in his foot locker for the last month. Beside that, a cup he’s stolen from the mess. Kix had lended him a pair of mint-colored surgical gloves, as per usual. Sure, maybe it’s a gross disuse of GAR medical materials, but... His vanity outweighs his guilt. 
First though, he needs to shave. The three day old stubble is begin to rub the inside of his helmet wrong.
Rex, GAR issued towel hanging on his hips, snags the razor on the edge of the bench and turns back to run the water of the sink.
You’re moving across the room. You’re quiet -- and you’re watching the way the Captain wets the razor. You’re quick, snagging the GAR issued travel tin of dry-to-wet shaving cream from atop his folded blacks. You hand it to him, and Rex’s eyes sit on your for a moment. 
“Everything okay?”
You lean against the mirror in the space between his sink and the one behind you. Your arms are crossed tightly. 
Rex, ducking his chin and snagging a dab of the shaving cream, smears the foamy substance across the sharp curve of his jaw. You watch a bit enamored with the gesture, following the trail of white that paints the planes of his cheeks. Only when it’s even does he speak.
“Fine,” it’s tempered and slow, “You?”
You almost snort. “Rex...”
“Tired,” he supplies, then, realizing yeah, he’s being a little unfair, “I’m... tired.” 
“You’re being called a hero,” you push yourself off the wall, spreading your stance and tilting your head, “You and Echo and --”
Oh. Your mouth closes almost immediately. Guilt washes over both your faces. 
Rex drops his head again. “Sorry --”
“No,” you shake your head as he leans to grab the plastoid razor. The handle is battered and chipped. It’s his trusty one -- one that’s followed him in his pack on nearly every mission he’s run. It fits in his hand neatly. He drums it against the sink as you shake your head, “I... I know it probably sucks... Seeing him go.”
Rex snorts. Then, with an incredibly steady hand, carves a clean shaven path through the shaving cream along his cheek. He finishes the swipe, flicks off the foam, and huffs. 
“He’ll be okay,” Rex says, voice wavering, “Just, uh... I’d thought it might be like old days.”
Your heart whines. Hurt pulls at your features. Rex ignores his own heartache. 
Things are different. This isn’t Kashyyk. Not like when he had Fives and Echo and Jesse and Kix and Hardcase by his side. Not like when Torrent was whole, or when Ahsoka minded his recklessness and him hers. Everything is different. 
And he was stupid to think it could be the same.
Rex is quiet while he finishes shaving. By the end of it, he feels a bit better. Cleaner. Less run ragged. The blonde, bulky and wide with muscle, bends over and splashes his face clean in the sink. 
You touch his shoulder when he stands up. 
“Hey,” you say, “I’m not goin’ anywhere, you know.”
Rex’s lip quirks. 
You have long since become a fast fixture in his life. The affections between you both had blossomed and bloomed and... it had culminated in nights spent together in small cots on planets near and far. It was an unspoken bond -- one that was sewn together with stolen kisses and wandering hands in the final hours of war torn nights. 
You’d met him months ago -- before the Outer Rim sieges had risen to the escalation they sat at now -- when you’d been working public relations and doing press releases for Senator Amidala and the other Republic aligned senators. 
You’d shook hands with General Skywalker on the terrace of the Naboo Senator’s balcony, and then his Captain’s. The Jaigeyes on his helmet betrayed the kind eyes beneath. 
(You were beautiful, standing there in the sun before him. Even now, in the humming overheard lights of the Anaxes barrack bathroom, you’re beautiful.)
Two weeks later, you’d been sent to tail the 501st and report on the war for the HoloNet News in juncture with the Outer Rim Node. HNN had been wanting a reporter in the field for a while now and... Padmé had put in good word.
“Keep an eye on Anakin,” she’d smiled, “And Rex, too, will you?”
You kept that promise you made. 
Rex is standing before you now -- tanned skin marred with starlight colored scars. They dash across the planes of his chest and abdomen like comets in the sky. One scar, a large circular hole that swirls in the center of his chest like a collapsing star, has its own gravity. The scars on his body paint a universe in and of itself. Mapped and ever expanding.
He touches your cheek. His hands are warm and calloused.
“I know.”
The smile you give him is reserved for moments like this. Tender. Quiet.
You lean into the touch and kiss his palm. Rex chases the touch with a sturdy press of his lips to your forehead. He speaks against your brow.
“Gotta fix my hair.”
You laugh. “I do love blondes.”
Rex’s chest rocks in amusement. He moves away, towards the bench -- you linger. The electric buzzer, copped off Jesse, hums alive in Rex’s hands. You touch his forearm. Brown eyes look up in question.
“I can help,” you say, “I don’t mind.”
He lets you take the clippers from his hands. And then, he move to stand in front of the mirror again. You trail behind, a head shorter than the trooper, and crack a wry smile when Rex bends -- with an expression of haughty pride -- so you can reach his head. 
The peek of brown has climbed up his short bleached hair. It feels odds to reveal a trail of dark brown hair when you run the clippers over his head. You teeter on the balls of your feet, catching a smirk in the mirror on the Captain’s face at the need to get a better view of his head. You swat at his back. He laughs. 
The work is easy enough -- and in a minute or so, Rex looks more like Cody than himself. It’s disorienting. His hair was so... his... that the absence of the blonde made him look so much like his brothers. You’d not thought of him as a clone for a long time, now. This moment serves as a reminder.
It’s a bit of a punch in the face.
His life -- as treasured as it is in your hands -- is nothing to the Republic he fights for. The thought is one you’ve bitterly swallowed down for months. All of them... hundreds of thousands of men. Nothing but canon fodder. Nothing but numbers on a datapad. 
Rex notes the discomfort on your face. 
He runs his hands over his fresh buzz and drops his hands to his waist. The defined muscles of his stomach move as he exhales.
“I hate it, too.”
“Does it bother you?” you mumble, “Looking so much like...”
“Like Jesse?” Rex snorts, “Sure does. Ugly sonuva --”
Your laugh makes him sport a wry grin. You shake your head, moving to eye the job. You did a decent enough buzz. The bleach will hide the imperfections, of course. You swipe at the back of his head and brush some hair from his shoulders. 
"Why do you think I bleach the life outta my hair, huh?” Rex supplies as he leans around to grab the half used bottle of bleach -- the tube is blue and reads Fancy’s Hair & Dye down the side in Aurebesh. It’s the best brand he’s used; a favorite. No need for two rounds. Does the job in one sitting. 
“Because I like blondes?”
A joke.
He laughs. You snag the bottle out of his hands, then point to the bench as you read the label. 
“Didn’t know you were a stylist.”
You swat his shoulder. Still, you’re reading. And when you finish, satisfied with the thirty minute wait time outline on the bottle, you hand it back and reach for the gloves.
“... You don’t have to --”
“Rex,” you mutter, “Shut up and let me dye your hair, will you?”
His smirk digs into his cheeks. “Why should I?”
You snap the gloves on and brace a knee on the bench beside his hip. In the mirror across the room, you can see the wrinkles along his cheeks return with his amused expression. You plant a sturdy kiss to his temple. 
“This,” you say, opening up the bleach and quickly making work at spreading it along his scalp. It reminds you of shitty bleach jobs you did in university -- drunk in communal bathrooms surrounded by your classmates. It’s not neat, but you try to make the bleach even along his head, “is the most relaxing thing I’ve done in weeks.”
“War’s hell.”
“Eugh,” you recoil, “This stuff smells like hell.”
Rex grins. “Extra strength.”
“It’s that Mandalorian hair,” you chirp, smoothing the bleach. Rex’s eyes lull shut, “I never realized how dark it was.”
“It’s deceiving.”
“I like the blonde better,” you say, then adding, “On you, I mean.”
"Not a fan of Crys’ hair?”
You scoff. The 212th trooper had sunshine colored hair. Not like the near silver of Rex’s. His look was high-maintenance. Rex’s was... battle-ready. Easy. Handsome. Not pretty like Crys tried for. 
“Despite the brotherly similarities,” you grin, satisfied with the now purple colored head before you, “I really do only have eyes for you, Cap.”
Rex rolls his eyes. “As if you wouldn’t drop me for Wolffe in a heartbeat.”
Another swat. Rex is going to start keeping count. You chuck the gloves in the trash, moving to prop yourself up on the bench next to the Captain as the bleach sets. “That was before --”
“Before you realized I was this handsome under the bucket?”
When you’d first began operating within the 501st, you’d had a few run-in’s with the Wolfpack. Their commander had readily stolen your attention, much to Rex’s dismay. He’d been pining for weeks by that point, and to hear you vocalize your evident attraction to the gruff vod’ika ticked a blonde right off. You still haven’t lived it down. 
“Wolffe is... mysterious,” you shrug, “His holonet segments got a lot of traction, you know. Almost as much as -- ...”
Almost as much as Fives.
Charismatic, kind, and handsome. Funny, too. 
Rex squeezes your knee. “Hey.”
“Don’t be. Still hurts.”
His arm snakes around your shoulders. Your cheek knocks his bare shoulder. The shared grief ripples around you both tightly. But there’s comfort there. Two souls, hurting -- together. Better than before, and Rex certainly doesn’t feel as lonely as he did when he first set out to fix the blonde on his head.
The kiss is a little jumbled. Your nose bumps his and your teeth clack. It’s sweet and tender and you have to laugh into the gesture. No matter how often you two come together like this, in comfort and in passion, it still yields lovesick results. The 501st Captain has you wrapped around his thumb. It shows, especially when you lean in to steal another moment of the kiss. 
Anaxes reminds him of Kashyyyk. Different, but...
He didn’t have you on Kashyyyk. 
Now, he’s not so tired, weary, and alone. 
But, still blonde.
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Boom Through Jabberwock!! Bang Bang!
Summary: An alternate/bonus scene spanning from Matsuda giving Ibuki a certain CD in Chapter 24 of Super Danganronpa 2: Matsuda Yasuke’s Battle of Despair and Wits.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really.
Notes: It’s the yukata bonus scene but for SDR2 Protag Matsuda Yasuke. There’s a bunch more song references and extra banner. The yukata scene’s probably my favorite of the bonus events in sdr2, so it ended up being the longest. Hopefully that’s okay. It’s also much gayer. Because pride.
Read this fic among others HERE
Main story is HERE
Commission? Donate?
“If dealing with her is your way of dealing with guilt over Koizumi, then—I don’t think you could continue bothering.”
Mioda blinked again. Her mouth hung open, jaw slack before it began to tremble.
“Y-Yasuke-chan, that’s—way harsh! You’re making it sound like I don’t care about Hiyoko-chan at all!”
��It’s suffocating to have someone dote on you because they feel sorry for you,” he said. “It’s even worse when that person is floundering because then you feel bad for them.”
“The fact that you approached me screams that you’re pulling your hair out over what to do about her.” Matsuda sighed, rubbing his nape. “That’s not remotely helpful. Gather your bearings first. Maybe...”
It’s not that I’m obligated to help, but it would be to my benefit that she and Saionji get along.
“When you kick the gachapon enough times, you can get prizes,” he finds himself saying, digging around in his coat to pull something out. “I happened to get this.”
This being the debut single of the band, The Black Cherries. Summer Festivitrees.
He tossed it to Mioda, but it just smacked against her chest as she gaped and he hurriedly had to catch it before it fell to the ground and broke before even having a chance to play.
“Um,” Mioda uttered as Matsuda handed it to her a second time. She didn’t take the CD. “W... Wow, Yasuke-chan.”
“No good, huh,” he guessed, waving it in front of her. Somehow, that did not make the CD more enticing. “Guess this kind of thing isn’t your jam.”
“I was just thinking that you’re fearless,” she said. “I mean—coulda guessed that from you and Nagito-chan being a thing... But seriously, that you’d have the brass to show me this...”
Matsuda’s frown deepened. His brow furrowed for good measure. However, when he pondered about what the fuck this girl’s problem could be, he could scrounge up a few ideas.
“Rival band?” he guessed, looking at the back of the CD. All it listed, of course, was the songs and artists and some copyright. “Or was there some stupid band drama?”
“Rivals!” Mioda confirmed with a chirp. “Did you not hear about all the hype of boys versus girls?! The battle of the boy bands and the girl bands?! The epic showdown of chicks and di—!”
“...isn’t battle of the sexes so last decade?” Matsuda asked, raising an eyebrow. “Hell, wasn’t it more thing two decades ago? Talk about outdated.”
“It super is,” Mioda agreed. “But that was just the press for ya. Out of time, out of tune, out of touch! My old band’s ticket sales and concert attendance numbers still got compared with the Cherries’ all the time.” She perked right up. “But out with the old, in with the new! It doesn’t matter to me because it’s old news about my old band!!”
“I see...”
“Music shouldn’t be about sales anyway!” she exclaimed. “Down with capitalism! Eat the rich!” A pause. She groaned, pained. “Oogh, Byakuya-chan would have been so yummy and chewy... I miss him so much...”
What the hell am I supposed to say to that?
“The meeting’s about to start,” he reminded her. “And...about Saionji...”
“This lightbulb has now been lit!” Mioda went right back to shouting, undeterred even as Matsuda grimaced. She just looked at him with bright, sparkling eyes. “Yasuke-chan, can I have you for the night?”
“...” His grimace darkened. “...”
“If you’re that busy with Nagito-chan, I gueeeeeeess he can come too,” she says, huffing before outright whining. “But you gotta give me an answer! Even if it’s not the story that I planned, I gotta hear your answer! I wanna know the answer!”
Matsuda squeezed his eyes shut, sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
I really don’t want to, but...
“I guess I might as well go,” he grumbled.
“You should!” Mioda agreed happily. “GOOD answer! There wouldn’t have been much point in this bonus scene if you said no, Yasuke-chan!”
Matsuda stared.
“Ooh, so sharp! So cool! Cutting like the highest note!” she gushed. “Alright! The meeting time is two hours before the evening announcement! At the supermarket! No carts needed!”
Matsuda turned on his heel to hurry on ahead.
“Alright, then, guess that’s that.”
When she shouted some more, he didn’t look back. Only quickened his step.
After all the plot-relevant stuff of which the reader shouldn’t be concerned with right now, Matsuda did end up remembering the plans he made.
“Oh, right. It’s probably getting about whatever time that rocker girl wanted to meet up.”
“Oh, Matsuda-kun!” Komaeda exclaimed. “If you had already made arrangements with our Mioda-san, shouldn’t you have respected that first and foremost?”
“I had more important things going on,” Matsuda muttered. “Stuff more...relevant.”
“Geez, you’re such an asshole,” Hinata griped because he was here too for reasons. “Just hurry on. You shouldn’t keep Mioda waiting.”
“Eh.” He really shouldn’t. That said—“She said Komaeda can come, so I guess you should come, too.”
“H-Huh?! Why?!”
“Just...a feeling I have. Come on, you two.” Matsuda gestured for them to follow. “We’re heading to the supermarket.”
“Uwah, how exciting! Mioda-san’s kindness knows no bounds!” Komaeda gushed to which Hinata could only grumble.
“I feel like I’m just going to get pulled into extra work...”
Good news.
“O-nya-su-mi! O-nya-su-mi!” Mioda waved them over frantically from behind one of the aisles. “Ready for something to happen?!”
She gasped, gripping one of the cereal boxes with glee when she saw that Matsuda hadn’t arrived either alone or with just the resident crazy on the islands.
“Ooh, you brought Hajime-chan, too! I guess you do know the saying! Three’s a crowd, four’s a party!”
“Hey, Mioda,” Hinata greeted half-heartedly as she put the cereal back. Hinata strode up to her only to pause. What laid scattered before him was undeniable and he could only sigh at his fate. “Okay... What’s all this?”
When Matsuda got close enough for a look, he could see the piles upon piles of cardboard boxes. Komaeda, too, blinked at the sheer volume.
“Kaboom! Through summer!” Mioda exclaimed with a thunderous clap. “You can’t have a summer without fireworks!”
“I’ve had many of those,” Matsuda informed her without missing a beat.
“Loud noises make me a bit nervous,” Komaeda admitted before exclaiming, “How exciting!”
“Oh, right,” Hinata remembered. “Komaeda, on your student profile, it lists your dislikes as...”
“D-Don’t worry about it, Hinata-kun! It’s for the sake of hope!” Komaeda did in fact seem more nervous than excited. “Hope can come in loud, colorful bursts!”
“Filthy fireworks disappear into the sky!” Mioda sing-songs. “From Summer Festivitrees! Haven’t you heard it?”
“I don’t really listen to music that doesn’t play in anime,” Matsuda replied.
“Bang! Bang! There go my dreams!” Mioda gasped, but she recovered quickly. “Anyway!” With a salesperson grin, she gave a wide sweeping gesture towards the boxes. She even wiggled her hand while she was at it. “Boys, get those boxes! Let’s go! Set up!”
“Hah,” Matsuda huffed. “You could have gotten literally anyone to do grunt work.”
“Between the four of us, it won’t be too bad,” Hinata points out. “I mean...”
“Yeah, it’s a party!” Mioda agreed. “A super spicy party! Well—it’s a real party since I’ve already invited a few others! Chiaki-chan, Akane-chan, Mikan-chan, Sonia-chan—and did you know?! Hiyoko-chan’s gonna take pictures!”
...that’s good.
“Oh, and Nekomaru-chan juuuuust for Yasuke-chan!” she added, giving him a wink. “Everyone else already brought these fireworks in, so we’ll leave the rest to you! It’s Ibuki yukata time!”
“I suppose everyone else will be wearing yukatas as well?” Komaeda asked, to which she gleefully nodded.
“Yep! Sonia-chan’s gonna wear what she calls a Japanese yukata! So will Nekomaru-chan! Just for Yasuke-chan!”
“Great,” Matsuda griped, unenthusiastic. “What about us?”
“You want to wear yukatas too?!” Mioda yelped. “Unexpected! Aren’t the protagonists supposed to be the normies?! Or—wait! You want to see Nagito-chan in a yukata too, don’t you?! Sly dog! I should’ve known with my Ibuki sense!”
“W-What’s that mean?!” Hinata stammered. “I-I mean... Komaeda...!”
Komaeda blinked twice. His head tilted.
“I guess you’ll change into a yukata, too,” Matsuda told him. “I’ll look for some earplugs. Hinata will handle the boxes.”
“Wait why did I suddenly get saddled with all the work?! If Nidai’s here, he should help, too!”
“Nekomaru-chan helped during the day, Hajime-chan!” Mioda tutted. “Now, it’s your turn! Yasuke-chan has already asserted his dominance as top antenna!”
“What does that even mean?!” Hinata cried.
“Good luck, Hinata-kun!” Komaeda exclaimed. “Work your hardest so that your hope can shine your brightest! Oh, but, Matsuda-kun, please don’t feel obligated to...”
Aaaand Matsuda was already making his way down the aisle. No longer listening. A man single-focused on his mission. Mioda saluted him before marching on her merry way. Komaeda, too, left to go obediently change. Hinata, left alone, could only sigh.
Resigned to his fate, he began to move the boxes with only a mild grumble.
(Thankfully, once he found some earplugs, Matsuda did go back to help. He wasn’t that heartless.)
Thus, the night ended with a climactic series of colorful explosions in the starlit sky. Nidai whooped, Mioda cheered, and Sonia chattered excitedly.
Another burst. Nidai whooped again. Tsumiki was stammering in delight. Owari was happy, too.
The only one who wasn’t was...
“Pffft, so fucking lame,” Saionji muttered, but she snapped away with her camera. “It’s just because Mahiru-nee would’ve taken these pics...”
“The Ultimates are more radiant than any blossoming firework!” Komaeda exclaimed, voice uncomfortably loud as he likely couldn’t hear himself with the earplugs. “How wonderful! Sublime! Vibrant!”
Matsuda gave him a thumbs-up before gritting his teeth and adjusting the other’s yukata lest it be too revealing for this rather chilly evening.
Nidai whooped again, much to Nanami’s apparent confusion.
“Nidai-kun...keeps doing that...”
“It’s because when fireworks go up, you...whoop,” Hinata explained. He was looking away quite pointedly from a giggling Komaeda, his ears almost as red as a firework that just dyed the sky. Another whoop from Nidai as Nanami let out a curious hum.
“Girl power!” Sonia exclaimed.
“G-Go...burst...” Tsumiki stammered.
“Oh god, you two are so laaaaame,” Saionji groaned, to Tsumiki’s despair.
“E-Eep! I’m so sorry!”
“Oh! That’s a better face!” Saionji snapped with more enthusiasm. “Bwahaha! Pathetic weeping suits you waaaay more!”
“...Hiyoko-chan’s having a great time!” Mioda shouted. “Wahoo! Ibuki’s decisive victory!”
“W-What the hell are you talking about?!” the dancer shrieked.
“Lit ‘em up, Hajime-chan!” Mioda yelled, whooping with Nidai. “Do it, just DO IT!!”
“Got it, got it,” Hinata sighed, doing as he was told.
“After that one, we’ll trade off!” Nidai laughed. “You gotta enjoy these fireworks TOO, ya know!!”
Hinata did smile back, even warmer under another burst of color above.
“So lovely,” Komaeda cooed, and Matsuda didn’t care to ask if he specifically meant the fireworks.
Regarding everyone’s bright faces, made brighter by the fireworks, nothing else...really mattered.
The scent of summer enveloping the night. Goldfish fireworks trickling down, falling in drops,
Matsuda thought, remembering a song.
With eyes dazzled by the light, your gentle face was reflected for an instant.
When everyone parted, it was with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. One could even think it contentment if not for the erratic stumbling of a few stray thoughts.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
I should probably back-track to Ninjago Season 1.
I've been excited for the rewrite of Episode 7😈
For context, in Episode 4, we'd see Zane's "green ninja" dream, which Wu would ask he share. He does fully; he half truths it to the others, exceot Cole, who gets pushy. Like I said in Episode 5's rewrite, he collapsed and heard the falcons shouting his name.
This is also the episode, hopefully, where Zane talks the most. And there's a lot of glaciershipping in this one.
We start in the dead of night, as a pan over the ninja shows they are all sleeping peacefully. All except for Zane, who we see close up tossing and turning as he writhes and groans in a cold sweat, possibly having a seizure and a nightmare.
In this nightmare, Zane sprints through a wooded area as hands and snake tails reach out to grab him. He's tired, sweaty, and really doesn't want to be grabbed because he doesn't want to know what could be waiting to pull him to his doom.
Thankfully, he breaks through the foliage and lands infront of a pair of a certain black clad six year old.
"Lloyd?" He asks as he stands. "Lloyd, thank goodness. Sensei has been worried sick. Quickly, we must-"
"Why, Zane?"
It rattles Zane to his core that a girl's voice comes oit of Lloyd's mouth, but not enough to pull him close as dark figures approach and surround them.
Zane pulls Lloyd close and unsheathes his shurikens to defend the two of them.
It gets worse when Zane can't move because the figures are armed men, not serpentine.
Lloyd asks him, 'Why?' again, and this time Zane backs away because half of Lloyd's face looks sunken in while the other looks fine enough considering how he's crying and coughing up blood, as in his tears are also blood.
He loses his shurikens and, in his panic to gind them in black colored snow, gets a muzzle to the cranium and a boot to the stomach.
"The hell's your problem!?" He gets another kick, this time to the face. "First you ask for a fight, and now you can't even make it a good one!?" Zane groans as the soldier stomps on his ear. "You little coward! You worthless, spineless bastard!"
As he tries blicking all the hits as more soldiers join in, Zane hears numerous people screaming his name, begging the soldiers to stop. He sees the messed version of Lloyd try to reach him, even though he's being held back by a smirking Pythor.
He cries for it all to stop, the screaming, the kicks and punches, and the pain he's in, quiet at first, but soon shouting as loudly as he can.
"STOP IT!" Zane screams as he shoots off his back and readies a kunai under his pillow; all you need to know is that Kai and Jay tried pulling a prank, and it went TERRIBLY wrong, and he feels safer, despite being among friends.
Regardless, Zane pants as he looks around and sees that the others are sleeping soundly, even though there's some movement from Cole's bed, like he just got back into it. (Hmmmmm?)
He calms down and holds a hand against his very sweaty forehead, very much shaken and stirred by his nightmare as he groans and rest his head against his knees. "Damn. Why?"
Hope you noticed that detail of Cole moving because we cut to his perspective as he lies on his side and pretends to be asleep. He's really just keeping his eyes on the wall as he listens for any more distress from Zane, who cautiously leaves his own bed and the bunk rooms entirely.
After a minute, Cole quickly gets up and follows him. He doesn't bother trying to be quiet because Kai and Jay can sleep through anything.
It's night and the moon is out, which gives the perfect lighting for Cole to look for Zane on the deck, where he is not.
He looks up and finds him on the mast, more specifically the part that actually holds the sails.
With Zane, he's sitting and switching between staring at the sky and staring at the kunai knife from his pillow, turning it in his hand and sort of inspecting it, not noticing Cole climb up to meet him.
"You know, you're pretty hard to wake up, especially when you're having those seizures."
Zane bites back a retort as Cole joins his side, egging him on to express himself.
"For the leader of the tean, you are terribly disciplined."
Cole takes the jab, and asks what he dreamed of, seeing as how shaken up Zane is.
Zane shrugs it off and simply half-lies that he's worried about Lloyd, hoping that he's okay. Cole agrees and asks for Zane to try and go back to bed, because it's late.
As Cole goes back to bed, Zane stares back up at the sky, seeing a very vague shape of the falcon fly above.
Cut to the serpentine, who walk to an underground cavern with Lloyd, who's in a cage and really doesn't want to be here.
Like before, Pythor needs the general's staffs to reaveal the silver fang blades on a map.
They set it down on a "table" with the staffs just strewn around it like before, and they all sit and play the waiting game.
Yeah, short jump cut, but the serpentine play a minor role here.
Back with the ninja, Zane is under water because he dropped a training shuriken and just stayed under because he's still stressed about the nightmare.
He stays under for almost an hour and a half before resurfacing.
They ask if he's okay, and Cole covers for him that they might be reaching their full potential.
We get the 'full potential' talk with Wu and the origin of how Garmadon became evil, though the only thing I'm changing in the origin story is that we'd get a flashback of Wu and Garmadon talking, where Garmadon attacks Wu and screams in his face that it's his fault Garmadon's on pain and sick from the snake venom. Their father pulls them apart and Wu runs, terrified as Garmadon shouts that he's weak, a coward, and should be the one who got bit.
Wu leaves and, TV perspective, we get a pan shot of the ninja seeing him off, though we focus on Zane, who's still contemplating the whole "break through your inner limits to reach your full potential" and wonders what's holding him back, considering all he knows about himself. We fade to the ninja enacting their greatest plan yet: using fliers to get info or locations on the fang blades; they already searched a library and archives and found nothing.
Zane's zoning out until Jay shakes him out of it. "Hey! Keep up, man! We need to put up as many of these as possible."
Now it's Kai's turn to ask what's wrong, citing how Zane woke up screaming, was distant all morning and is a lot quieter than usual, even refusing to be carried on Cole's back.
Before he can respond, Zane spots a little girl being picked on by two other kids, a boy and another girl. Good thing her older brother saves her and scares them off.
Rather than a seizure, it gives him a very bad headache, one that makes him fall to the ground and drop the fliers, much to the annoyance of some passersby.
Cole holds him as Kai and Jay pick up, though they aren't focused on their task for long as the spot the falcon.
Nya, who's totally been hear the whole time, takes up putting up the fliers as the ninja go after it, first by foot, with Zane on Cole's back where he belings, before switching to their vehicles, where Zane must ride with Kai as he has another headache, though the death metal grunge trash Kai listens to does absolutely nothing except piss him off.
When they're back on their feet, the sky's getting darker as dusk approaches and Jay falls behind because he may be fast, but he can't run forever.
Kai, Cole, and Zane continue, until Kai falls behind, then followed by Cole, who we stay with as Zane races onward. He calls for Zane to stop as he catches his breath, finds the 'Beware of treehorns' sign, and wonders to himself how Zane can run forever like that.
Speaking of Zane, he sprints after the falcon, demanding where it's taking him.
It continues to fly until it falls, panting as it instead hops onward.
Zane stops running and, getting uncomfortable, goes for and turns on a small flashlight in his pocket.
Turns out that stupid bird led him to a graveyard, which he learns by seeing numerous tombstones in the light.
"I apologize for breathing on all of you."
The falcon chirps, and Zane follows, finding it on top of a tombstone that is next to many other tombstones, all the first names different, but the last names the same. A family. The falcon pecks on the one it's perched on and Zane reads it.
'Zane Silver. Beloved son, and a brave fighter. May he rest in peace.'
The falcon walks away from the grave and leads Zane to a large tree...
Where a cougar-robot hybrid thing leaps out in front of him, growling and hissing at him
Zane fights it, even though it beats him senseless, and prevails.
Good thing, too, because the falcon pecks at the tree, which Zane opens to find the 'lab' from before, except it's bigger and the lights turn on when he steps inside.
The falcon makes a rough landing on a desk, amd Zane follows in half-wonder, asking why it brought him to here and the graveyard.
He gets his answer when he examines the papers and journal on the desk. TV perspective, we don't see what he's reading, but he removes his hood and shows confusion before that melts away into utter fear and despair, shaking his head and muttering, "No," over and over again as he searches them all over again in a crazy jump cut montage that shows his face, controted with pain and even more Danganronpa style despair, his hands practically tearing through the papers and journal pages, and flashes of his dreams and images of people he doesn't remember meeting(yet).
Unable to take the pain, Zane throws the journal, shouts, "NO!" and collapses as he hears the screaming from his nightmare, and even the sound of people just saying things to him.
We don't see the images, but we hear the voices, which stop as Zane, clutching his head as he screams at the very top of his lunges.
CUT TO THE SERPENTINE!!! That piece of paper has done nothing and they're all sitting and being bored. Maybe we can have a gag of a Constricti and a Hypnobri playing poker as Lloyd watches, just for shits and giggles.
Pythor, however, isn't in the mood for that, and growls that something MUST be missing.
Hope you remembered that drawing of either Garmadon or a shaded figure drawing blood on a map, because Skales wonders if blood mixed with the Great Devourer's venom will help, seeing as how Garmadon was bitten by the thing.
He and Pythor turn to Lloyd, who panics as they approach him. The Hypnobri, however, grabs him arm and holds his hand out to the two of them, and Pythor shushes Lloyd as he rubs his head.
We see the serpentine all brace themselves for what's going to happen next, but breathe a sigh of relief when Pythor simply pricks Lloyd's finger and takes a small amount of it and returns to the table.
He drips it on the paper and, through the power of some magic BS I can't explain, it makes a map of ninjago, but no location of the fang blades.
So they're back to watching and waiting, except Lloyd, who's seriously planning on how he can escape.
They find the tree lab and see Zane lying on the ground on his side with the falcon trying to get under his hand, so it can get pets.
Cole rushes to his side and shoos the bird away before pulling Zane into a sitting position to see if he's hurt.
He's fine, but his eyes are red and puffy, his hair is messier than Kai's, and his cheeks are heavily tear stained.
Kai and Jay catch up and they ask if he's okay, what happened, how did he end up like this, etc.
He just shoves past all of them and sprints out of the tree lab, journal in hand, which prompts them to follow, the falcon on Cole's shoulder and pretending to fly because it's exhausted from flying for real.
"Can't the guy just WALK for once!?" Kai shouts, "We've already done enough running!"
Fade to them walking through the trees, with Kai lighting the way with his sword, as they reach the cemetery and Zane.
He's kneeling and holding on to his tombstone as he shakily weeps. They're all at a loss of words for seeing him like this.
Cole approaches and puts a hand on his shoulder, asking him what's going on with him.
Zane sighs and takes a breath before standing and moving away from the tombstone, so the others can see it.
Without looking at them, he takes a scalpel that was in the journal, which he tosses to them, and unties his gi so his torso is showing.
GORE TW, even though it's not that explicitly shown in TV perspective, Zane carves lines into his body, a straight line that goes between his pelvic bones, a straight line going up from that line, his stomach, and stopping at his heart, and to diagonal lines that meet at the vertical line, making a Y shape.
The ninja are horrified, especially at the fact he didn't even react.
Zane meets their eyes, sad and very emotionally drained, and pulls his skin back to reveal a bunch of mechanisms and gizmos inside his body, especially the core I talked about in his character touch-up post.
They all scream, and this is what follows:
"Y-You...," Kai stammers. "Zane, you're-"
"You're a ROBOT!?" Jay shouts.
Zane sighs and shakes his head. "No, Jay. I... I am not a robot."
Kai babbles on about nonsense in the background with his hands in his hair as Jay pales and Cole only slowly shakes his head.
"You're... No. You can't be. How!?"
"I do not know," Zane admits as he holds his head in his hands. "I just learned myself, and... I don't know."
Kai calms down and states, "Hey, we just learned this, too, so maybe we can figure it out together. I mean, you have all the time in the world now, so..."
"A-and it probably explains why you didn't get jokes before, right?" Jay offers.
Cole glares at them both, but Zane continues.
"Didn't get jokes before. How could I when I did not even remember?"
Zane turns to the other graves and drops back onto his hands and knees.
"Wait," Kai murmurs. "'Remember?'"
"Yes. I believe I am starting to remember, but I do not yet know everything. Someone killed me and I had been brought back to life. That lab was where I... resided for many years."
"Why'd you leave?" Cole asks as he kneels next to Zane.
Zane only clenches his fist on the ground. "I... don't remember."
"Didn't you just say-"
"Kai, didn't I just say I do not yet know everything?" Zane snaps, effectively shutting him up before continuing. "I remember asking someone to make me forget, but... what was so awful that I had to force myself and my mind into hiding?"
He breaks down again, but this time, Cole puts an arm on his shoulder.
The ninja comfort him and tell him he's still Zane, even with the elephant in the room of him being not exactly alive.
They try motivating him to fighting again, but he tells them he'll catch up, because he needs a serious minute to think about what he just learned; he has been dead for a WHILE now.
The ninja leave him, but are then swarmed by treehorns, though it's a harder fight because it's night out. Yeah, that cougar-ribot thing was meant to keep them away.
Zane hears rhem and races to help, but he too get his ass handed to him as his powers are stunted from learning the truth. He ebds uo getting thrown into the tree lab, where he tumbles down the steps and breaks his fall on the desk before hitting the ground. (As Cinemawins would say: Brutal).
We cut back to the fight, and see the ninja do well enough until they don't. Cole, especially, who frantically shouts for Zane, having not seen him step in earlier.
Good thing I bring up Zane, because he comes to and finds the falcon in front of him. He sits up and asks what it's teying to tell him and why, seeing as how he knows the truth.
Silly Zane. Knowing is not understanding.
The falcon gives him the journal and flips to the very first page, which Zane begrudgingly reads.
We get a voice over from the writer as he talks about how, as a 'taboo' scientist, he's had to choose serving the army over being executed, how the village he's stationed in really maked him want to continue his research, and how he met a boy that's really caught his attention, one with quite a large family, a mother, father, grandfather, uncle, 3 cousins, and 5 siblings, where the boy was the second oldest-having learned from having dinner with them after a mishap in the street.
Zane has another headache and sees flashes of this family, and the man who wrote the journal, who, as a slight gag, sits very uncomfortably between two arguing twins before they ask this secind eldest to take a side.
He reads on and remembers more, seeing more of his family, that he did indeed die, get resurrected, and lived until the doctor-soldier died of old age and left Zane alone.
The mechanisms and circuits meant to keep these memories away give, and Zane weeps at all of this new found knowledge, even the fact that HE HIMSELF asked to forget his family.
That word catches him: Family.
He may have had his adopted family, who are all dead, but then there's his new family. Sensei Wu, Cole, Jay, Nya, Kai, and Lloyd. People he's laughed with, semi-cried with, trained with, fought with, people he genuinely doesn't like, but people he really loves with every ounce and fiber of his being.
The falcon watches Zane collect himself and examine the core and mechanisms in his body, remembering the doctor, his father, tell him it will keep him alive, and that it, ironically, makes him more human because his heart is literally bigger than his brain, amd humans are usually more emotional than logical.
With a rush of vigor, Zane seals up his torso with some skin glue, ties his gi back up, and races back outside.
Thank goodness because Cole is being thrown like a rag doll, Kai's exhausted, and Jay's about to become fast food, which Zane prevents by dive-tackling him and tossing him a few yards away, making some snow for him to land in, which surprises them both.
Zane ignores it for now and saves Kai and Cole, the latter almost hugging him before Zane shouts that they need to focus.
They regroup, amd we get an Avengers spin around them, because it's cool, and they leap back into it, Zane lending a huge hand as he uses his ice powers to help them, given their injuries.
As they continue fighting, Zane can't help but notice he feels extremely light on his feet, like a weight's off his shoulders.
They fight off a majority of the treehorns before the queen struts her way in, and Zane is more than happy to oblige her a challenge.
The ninja tell him they can ALL take her, but, TV perspective with Zane's back to the camera, the white ninja states, more serious than he's ever been in his life, "I lost my family once to a power hungry monster. I refuse to let it happen again."
The snow on the ground circles Zane and he glows brightly as the queen of the nest snaps at him.
He levitates and holds a hand out, shooting ice at her at freezing her into a treehorn-cicle.
The other treehorns back off as Zane floats back to the ground.
His powers cease and Zane sighs as he falls back onto his rear, panting as the ninja join him and tell him how awesome that all was, Cole especially so as he asks how Zane did all that.
Zane admits he doesn't know, but reveals he now remembers EVERYTHING, his life from before he died, that he died trying to keep them and others safe, that he'd been brought back and 'raised' by his father, who erased his memory for him before dying himself, and how Wu RE-FOUND Zane and let him join the team. He remembers playing with his siblings, and annoying his older sibling, remembers helping his father-the doctor- with his research and how they even played chess. He remembers that dying SERIOUSLY hurt and was killed for trying to save an old man who was getting hurt. He remembers having his mind physically altered so he wouldn't remember, and that the seizures were due to his mind literally fighting itself.
The ninja are all silent upon hearing this and, knowing he'd been the first to ask, Kai apologizes for everything Zane's been through, especially with the seizures.
Zane shakes his head, admitting with tears in his eyes he's too glad for words he remembers. He now knows that he wants to keep others safe, even the team, and hopes he can still help in stopping Pythor.
He's still in, and the group decide to camp out at the tree lab for the night before heading back, though as they settle in, Zane is about to drift off before he feels his old bed creak and someone hold him close with their arms around his shoulders.
It's Cole, though the falcon hops its way to Zane and falls asleep next to him, glad to have him back.
Back with the serpentine, they've all had it, tired of waiting and having their time wasted before they discover the venom in the staffs and use it ro reveal the fang blades' locations.
The episode ends with Pythor holding the map up in victory and Lloyd staring at the map in fear of what's to come
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kianmaydelcam · 3 years
Hey all! I wrote something for my fictional writing class; I'm pretty proud. I present my short story, Protector of the Stars. Sorry in advance for the long post.
The plain before Nava was awash with the golden glow of thousands of campfires, the lights almost twin to the stars above her. This time tomorrow, she knew the verdant green plains would turn crimson as the Amaranthian people, her people, fought their last battle in a desperate bid to win their freedom from Ashya, a crude, brutal country determined to become an empire.
She snorted. They were foolish for believing they could enslave Amaranthia, a country of light and learning, a beacon of knowledge and hope in a dark world. Or perhaps they targeted Amaranthia first for those reasons. Either way, the fate of Amaranthia and their world would be decided tomorrow.
“My Queen,” ventured a young, feminine voice from behind her, interrupting her quiet brooding. It was a voice she treasured above all others.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ‘queen’ or ‘majesty’ or whatever fancy title they come up with, Nya?” Nava turned to smile at her younger sister. At 16 years old, Nya was already a great beauty. They might both have the silver hair and blue eyes that were characteristic of their people, but Nya took after their mother, with her courtesan-like features. Nava had the look of a warrior, albeit a feminine one. It was fitting, she supposed, considering the rebellion and eventual war she led her people through the last six years.
“Would you prefer ‘royal pain in the ass’?” She smirked. “At least, that’s what General Navin would like to call you after you decreed that you will duel that two-faced usurper currently occupying that stupid golden throne alone.”
“He can call me whatever he wants. This is my burden to carry, not his.” Nya began to respond, but Nava interrupted her, already knowing what she was going to say. “Neither is it yours, Nya. Our people need their Silver Flame leading the charge tomorrow.”
At the mention of her earned title, Nya smiled. She won that name after she recovered their sacred, silver flame that was gifted to them by the stars from one of Ashya’s nastier generals. The Silver Flame was eternal, requiring no air nor fuel, and was her people’s most treasured artifact. Nya’s recovery of it earned her both the title and the love of their people. “Yes, but they also need their Queen,” Nya sighed. “And I need my big sister.”
“Even if I die in this so-called suicide mission, I will always be with you in the stars.” She closed the distance between them and drew Nya into a hug. “I love you, but I need to do this.”
“You’re just like Father; stubborn and proud.”
“And you, little one, are just like Mother. Charming and loved by everyone.”
“We will win this for them. For Mother, for Father, for Sam,” Nava’s heart sank at the mention of her betrothed’s name. “We will win this for everyone we lost.”
The charge began at dawn, and Nava was forced to watch as the two armies, her soldiers in silver and Ashya’s in gold, collided in a clash that she swore rattled the sky above them. Even from here, she swore she could see her sister, resplendent in her silver armor and battle crown, leading from the vanguard. Swords flashed crimson in the early light, and already, the moans and cries of the dying and injured reached her at her vantage point almost a mile away. Her place wasn’t with them, not today.
She turned from the carnage and entered an old forgotten tunnel, a tunnel that her scholars said would lead her right to her quarry, King Garrow of Ashya. It was a small miracle when they discovered the tunnel led under the thick city walls of Ashya’s capital, Athurna. From there, its long, windy passages led straight to the castle’s dungeons.
Her spies told her that the king would not participate in today’s battle, due to his not entirely unfounded belief that his soldiers would annihilate her people. After years of wins and losses, her people were tired and many had called for peace at any cost. Walking through the damp, dark tunnels, her sword like quicksilver in the sparse light of her torch, Nava was alone with skittering animals and her thoughts.
Even if she was successful today, Nava would face an even bigger challenge. Becoming the true Queen of Amaranthia. She could still hear the hushed whispers that followed her through the countless war camps. Nothing like her sister. She chose war. Does she even care about us? Nya was quick to shut down any talk and comfort her, yet she still wanted to scream at them. She did this for them. She led them through hundred-mile marches, fought at the head of her armies, and accumulated numerous scars, both mental and physical, for them.
Despite that, despite the stars choosing her, she still did not think she was the right person to be Queen. She would rather serve as her sister’s loyal general. Nya was wise, strong, and even enjoyed the court politics. Hell, she even thrived under the shriveling gazes of their court that left Nava wanting to hide forever. But if she gave her crown to her sister, she would not only condemn her sister to the shackles of the throne, she would spit upon the will of the stars. Their crops would die, their children would be born deformed, and Amaranthia would fall into ruin. No, she could not and would not run from her fate.
Yet, as she walked through the catacombs, she allowed herself to daydream and reminisce. Anything to keep her mind from her impending fate, be it her death or crown. She pictured Sam, strong and alive, walking next to her, his silver hair practically glowing in the dim light. He could hear his laugh, twinkling like starlight, as he pulled on her braid when she was 15. They were betrothed the next year. She loved him, and he loved her. He made her feel like she could do anything. But she couldn’t save him when it mattered most. She sent him on that mission; his death was her fault, despite what Nya said.
All thoughts left her, however, when she reached the door she knew would lead her into the castle’s dungeon. Her mouth dry, she summoned her courage and pulled open the handle, sword ready at her side. She came face to face with a dozen guards pointing swords directly at her chest.
Summoning her notorious swagger and confidence, she sheathed her sword and crossed her arms. “What are you waiting for? Take me to the rat who calls himself King of Amaranthia.”
The guards, foolish in their arrogance, did not bother to disarm her as they grabbed her by the arms and led her through the extravagant palace. She did not dare reach for her sword or numerous dagger hidden in her black, leather armor, nor did she allow any expression to cross her face but that of cool detachment, boredom even. It grew difficult, however, as she passed by the numerous expensive trinkets and luxuries that were paid for by the blood of her people.
She did, however, allow herself a vicious smile as the guards pushed her onto her knees in front of the king. She was shocked when the guards left her and their monarch alone in the giant throne room, but she did not dare allow it to show. They even let her keep her sword. Did they not understand that all Amaranthian royalty was trained as warriors from the moment they could hold a sword?
“Nava Amaranthia.” For a man who considered himself Lord of the Realm, he was of surprisingly average height, yet his honeyed voice sent chills down her spine. “I am most curious; do all Amaranthian royals take on their country’s name?”
“Yes, your majesty.” She smirked. “I assume you already knew that, so let’s get the annoying small talk and eventual banter out of the way. You killed my mother, my father, and my beloved Sam. You enslaved my people, separated mothers from their babes, and turned brother against brother. I, Nava Amaranthia, Queen of Amaranthia and Guardian of the Stars, sentence you to death.”
Her sword whined quietly against its sheath as she drew it. The king laughed quietly and stood, drawing his own sword. “You do realize, Nava, that if you kill me, you take your throne?”
“Obviously.” She rolled her eyes.
“You, the Queen who has led her people to death and destruction. My spies have told me exactly what your people think of you. Your generals barely tolerate you, your people fear what rash decision you will make next, and you are responsible for the deaths of thousands. Your sister, however, is loved by all. Wouldn’t she make a better queen?”
“The stars made their choice, and I will live with it.”
Nava did not give him a chance to respond as she closed the distance between them in two strides and struck. She was shocked when he blocked her blade with inhuman speed and, with an almost lazy flick of the wrist, knocked it out of her hands. The taste of ash filled her mouth, and she could not prevent the fear that made her heart pound. Shade.
She must have whispered the word out loud, because the king laughed as his eyes, even the whites, turned black. “Correct,” he said and stabbed her, the blade ice in her stomach.
He did not pull the blade out, and instead, leaned with a lover’s closeness to her ear. “How else did my armies almost wipe out your people in less than a year?”
Shades were evil beings that infested their land, harmless unless called upon by foolish sorcerers. They brought devastation to the world, and the fact that she was now in the arms of one stole her strength away faster than the sword in her gut. This wound would kill her, she knew it in her very bones. She could not, however, allow this monster to live. Doing so would doom her sister and her people.
She whispered, her voice already weak. “You were right.”
She did not give the king a chance to respond as she flicked her wrist and a silver blade shot from her vambrace into the king’s heart. “Nya would make a better queen.”
A dark wind filled the throne room as the king’s face contorted into an ugly mass of rage and pain. His body dissolved into a pile of ashes as shadows fled from his body and dissolved into nothing. Nava dropped to her knees. Outside, she could hear and feel a panic spread through Ashya’s ranks. No longer under the influence of the Shade, Ashyan men and women looked around in confusion and laid down their arms, and a flurry of nervous activity and shouting could be heard in the halls leading to the throne room. Amaranthia’s cheer of victory and relief even reached Nava. They won. They finally won.
She did not know how long she laid there, the sound of her rasping breathing filling the giant room. Minutes, days, years later, she could hear armored feet running towards her. Nya’s blurry face was suddenly in front of Nava, and a pang of longing wrenched her fragile heart. Her beautiful, wise, and loving sister was about to lose her last living family member.
“Hey there, Squish.” Nava referred to Nya by her childhood nickname.
“You know I hate that name.” She could hear the tears in Nya’s voice as she gently placed her head in her lap.
“Stop,” Nava gasped. “If I’m going to die, I want to at least be on my own two feet.”
“Shut up, you’re not going to die.” Nya was shaking her head. “The healers are coming right now. They can fix this.”
“No, they can’t.” Nava sighed. “Please, help me up.”
“You never said ‘please’ before, so don’t start now.” She was openly crying now but gently lifted Nava to her feet.
Stars swarmed in her vision as she stood upright and looked down at her sister’s face. So beautiful, so full of life. Even the blood and gore speckling her armor and face did not diminish her beauty. So many words filled her mind and weighed down her tongue, yet she could feel the stars calling her home. Not long now, so she settled for the simplest.
“I love you,” she said. “You’re going to be such a great queen.”
Nya let out a scornful laugh and glanced at the pile of ash near them. “Not as great as you. Looks like you killed yourself a Shade.”
Nya’s face crumpled. “Please don’t leave me, I need you.”
“You never did. Go, marry that General Navin. Be happy.”
Nya drew Nava into a hug and whispered, “I will. I love you.”
“I love you more, Squish.”
As Nava’s vision began to flicker and fade into darkness, three bodies came into view in front of her. Their edges glowed silver, and she, suddenly free of pain and weakness, ran into the arms of her beloved and walked into shining starlight with Sam, her mother, and her father. Above Amaranthia, a new star winked into existence.
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fanfalc-616 · 4 years
Second chapter of my Ao3 story Caught Red-Handed!
Chapter Two: New Neighbor
When he wakes up, Nya has already gone out for the day. He gets up, gets dressed, eats breakfast. By the time he’s ready for the day, it’s nearly one in the afternoon. But since he was up until three AM, he figures that it’s a decent enough time to be up.
He glances at the clock again. He’s got time to hit the gym, right? It’s not like he has anything else to do.
So he puts on his shoes and heads out the door. As he’s heading out, he notices a ginger around his age carrying a heavy box. Kai hesitates a moment, but before he can stop himself, he asks, “You need some help with that?”
The ginger turns to look at him. “Thanks, but-” He cuts himself off with a stumble, dropping the box. He falls forward, and it topples over. Kai half-jogs up to him, crouching down.
“Are you hurt?” He looks the boy over for injuries, but he seems to be unharmed.
The ginger gives a small laugh. “My pride took a beating, but I’m not physically injured.” He gets to his feet, and Kai stands with him. “I’m Jay, your new neighbor. I guess this isn’t too great a first impression…”
“I’ve done dumber things, trust me.” Kai gives a smile. He looks Jay over. He’s lean, but looks strong. The kind of guy most fighters would underestimate. But even with his slim frame, there’s something about him that sends warning bells dinging in his head.
… or maybe that’s just because he’s cute.
“Ha, this is far from the worst thing I’ve done.” Jay admits with a laugh. He picks the box back up. “This isn’t even the heaviest one.” He mutters to himself.
“My offer still stands: I’m more than willing to help.” He’s not busy or anything, and it seems rude to not offer any assistance. Sure, he was going to the gym, but he can do that later.
“Are you sure? I can do it myself.”
Kai nods with a smile. “Yeah, it’s no problem. I work out; the weight won’t bother me.”
Jay smiles back. “That’s really nice of you! My car’s got all the boxes, I’ll show you it after I put this away.”
He walks up to the door next to Kai’s, trying to get his key in while he holds the box. The brunet stifles a laugh. After a few moments of this, he walks over and takes the box from him. “Here, that’ll make it easier.”
Jay flashes him a sheepish smile as he unlocks the door. “Heh, yeah. That’ll do it.” He agrees.
After he opens it, he takes the box back and brings it over to the counter, where he sets it down. “You sure you want to help?” He asks.
“Wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” Kai points out.
It takes them a good few hours to bring in all the boxes. They pass the time with idle chatter, and Kai finds that the ginger is a pretty cool guy to talk with. As they’re finishing, Jay turns to him. “You know, I don’t think I caught your name.”
Kai internally facepalms. Well duh, he has to tell the guy his name! How could he forget to introduce himself?
“It’s Kai Smith.” He smiles. “It was nice meeting you, Jay.”
The ginger stiffens at Kai’s name. He glances him over, visible surprise on his face. “Heh, uh, yeah. It was- it was nice to meet you too.” He gives a clearly nervous smile.
The brunet frowns. Hmm. From the way he reacted, you’d think he’d have heard of Kai. But he’s not exactly famous, so-
Well. He’s kinda famous underground. But unless Jay works there, he’s not going to know who he is.
Kai forces a smile, giving a wave as he goes back inside his apartment. From his first analysis of the ginger, he’s clearly more powerful than he looks. He could very well be a co-worker.
But he can’t just ask, ‘Hey, are you a criminal too?’. Kai may be impulsive, but he’s not stupid. He needs to play this smart. He can’t afford to have Nya finding out about what he’s done.
He takes off his shoes, setting them on the rack. He goes into his room, flopping down onto the bed. There’s got to be a way to hint at it so that he'd only understand if he actually is a criminal.
But how? What should he say to do that?
Communications have never been his strong suit. He leaves things like that to his superiors. All he does is hit things and look intimidating. Well, and kill people.
Kai winces. He never meant for any of them to die. He wasn’t thinking, acting on instinct. In that moment, all he knew was that they saw what was going on, and they couldn’t be allowed to tell anyone else.
And then he shot them, killed them in cold blood. Because he’s a monster, a murderer. If Nya knew what he’s done, would she still love him?
Of course not. She’d be smart enough to know to get the hell away from him.
He sighs, dragging a hand down his face. Why does everything have to be so complicated?
He hears a voice from the apartment next door, and it quickly clicks that it must belong to Jay. There was no one in the apartment, so he’s probably on a phone call.
Kai hesitates a moment. If he listens in, he might be able to determine if Jay is a criminal. But on the other hand, it’s a huge invasion of privacy.
Screw it. He gets off of the bed, walking over to the wall and pressing his ear against it.
“-know, right? Looks like we’ve got some good luck for once.”
There’s a pause, Jay most likely listening to the reply.
“When am I not? Don’t answer that. And hey, worst case scenario, I die. That’s not too bad, right? You won’t be stuck with me and my annoying jokes.”
There’s another pause.
“Yeah, yeah, not funny. It won’t come to that. Don’t worry about me, worry about your paperwork. Pythor isn’t exactly an easy guy to deal with.”
Oh? Does Jay and this mysterious other work for Pythor too? They must. Looks like he’s got his answer. Jay’s a criminal, like him. Maybe he’ll see him at work tomorrow- or more accurately, tonight.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, don’t worry about it. I’ll stay on my A-game. We’ll be done before you know it.”
Well, that’s the end of that, then. But should he mention to Jay that he knows? Probably, if only to make sure that he doesn’t tell Nya.
“Lloyd, if you tell me to be careful one more time, I swear to god-“
Kai pulls away from the wall. He’s already got the information he needs, so there’s no use in listening in further.
He grabs his phone before walking into the living room, sitting down on the couch. He opens a game and starts to play, distracting himself from his previous thoughts. He shouldn’t worry about that right now.
He kills a few hours on his phone. By the time he looks up, it’s almost seven. Woah. The day’s really been going by fast.
Kai grabs his shoes and heads out. He can hit the gym for a few hours and take a shower without being late for work.
Work. Where he’ll be seeing Pythor.
He’s got a bad feeling about this.
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sibillascribbles08 · 5 years
sayijo replied to your post:I could write so many ninjago essays tbh Send me a...
jdsbahvda cryptor ninjago
No no, you don’t get to jk me now, you’ve done it. Here’s your essay.
Cryptor Ninjago, Cryptor Julien??? Cryptor Borg??? What the hell ever you want his last name to be I guess. Main (?) villain of season 3, or at least one of. Though I always found it massively amusing he stood out to the ninja considering all the nindroids wore masks and had the same headpiece but alas.
Why was he the general anyway did he sprint off the production line like “FIRST!!!” Probably.
And I know a lot of people agree on the wasted potential topic, but I’ll ignore any possible redemption arcs for the time being.
Overall he was a pretty amusing villain. His jerkish disposition made for some amusing banter, although sometimes it felt a little unnecessary. Why tf was he so sexist anyway?? Like christ Cryptor you know you can make fun of Nya without pointing out she’s a girl every twenty seconds. The only person who got more grief from him was Zane but more on that later.
For whatever reason the overlord like replaced cryptor with Pythor which could have been more amusing if the pair of them argued more about who should be in charge but alas. Their names rhyme too. This amuses me.
Cryptor was also a giant asshole to Mindroid and 1000% deserved to have his ass kicked by him.
All I’ll say on day of the departed is
But anyway if we wanna get on my real wasted potential soap box we’re gonna have to note a few different topics on why Season 3 could have been so much more potent and I hate that these ninjago writers be making these “focus” seasons while not actually focusing at all.
The summary and not the full essay version is: If the season was going to focus on Zane with a technology theme it should have focused on not only Zane grieving over the loss of his father but seeing what his research was being used for.
The nindroid army was heavily based on Zane’s blueprints. You could have used this so many times to create obstacles for Zane. The fact that his father’s work was being used for evil. The fact that all these nindroids look so much like him, and yet are so much more advanced. Him actually struggling with being considered obsolete because we NEVER see that this bothers him? It’s mentioned so many times but Zane just brushes it of, which might be in character but then you have that finishing nonsense of “are we compatible now?” bruh?
Anyway, should have amped up that drama with Cryptor at the center of it. If he’s the general because he’s the best they needed to show that. Cryptor should have put Zane on his ass every time. Taunted him. You could have had a really sick scene where Cryptor loses his mask while Zane’s trying to fight him with ice and you mess with all these metaphors with reflections. Every time Zane thinks he figures out a way to win, Cryptor turns around with some new upgrade, or tool, or weapon. Bitch I have jet wings now. Oh surprise there’s a SWORD in my arm. No no now my eyes have laser beams!
Obviously Zane isn’t the one to beat Cryptor at the end, hard to say if Mindroid even did since I assume Cryptor shut down after the overlord exploded but eh?
Could have pulled this conflict into day of the departed. Cryptor fighting Zane, more taunting about how “even after you’re big upgrade you didn’t bother with any new weapons” and Zane’s like “I don’t need fancy weapons to waste your ass.”
Like they REALLY could have had Cryptor be that big obstacle, that person who kept dragging up Zane’s doubts and fear, made him a monument of everything Zane fears the most but
nah we gonna make him a buttface and then have him die a second time by falling onto a snowy treebranch or some shit
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Kill Cryptor With Fluff
(Finally done! Here you are @sayijo! Your dosage of pure Cryptor fluff UwU)
Cryptor was suspicious the moment he walked in to sit with the others as they ate.
“Hey Cry! Morning!” Cole greeted cheerfully and Cryptor narrowed his eyes at him.
Why the hell was he so cheery?
“Yo Crypt. Sup?” Nya says as she walked in then sat down in her seat, shooting a grin in his direction.
Double jeopardy. What the hell? Cole certainly wasn’t a morning person and Nya doesn’t just go grinning for no reason.
“You just gonna stand there?” Jay asked with a full mouth and Cryptor looked around, finding the cheery mood lingering in the air… Odd.
After another moment of suspicion, he took his seat. While he couldn’t eat, he liked to stick around and join the conversation from time to time, much like Zane. Everything was relatively the same- except everyone kept smiling at him. He… Was uncomfortable to say the least.
“Hey Cryptic, do you mind taking the dishes to the kitchen for me? I gotta run to New Ninjago City for a while.” Cole says after everyone was done eating.
“Sure.” Cryptor says as he stood.
He blinked once felt strong arms wrap around him- picking him up off the goddamn ground- and squeezing him tightly.
“Thanks!” Cole set him back down while Cryptor tried to comprehend that he was just hugged.
“Ok…?” Cryptor says, watching him go.
That was odd… Not unwanted but… Sudden. With a shrug, he began to clear the table.
“Lemme give you a hand.” Kai says as he came around and began collecting cups.
“Alright.” Cryptor agrees though it was completely unnecessary.
It was only cups and plates after all.
“Did something happen while I was asleep?” He asked Kai as they carried the dishes into the kitchen where Zane already was, getting a headstart.
“No. Why do you ask?” Kai asked, shooting him a confused expression.
“... Nothing.” Cryptor says, handing the cutlery over to Zane who accepts them.
He turned to head out for a smoke when he turned right into Kai’s arms instead.
“If anything’s bothering you, you know I’m here.” Kai says, squeezing him into a tighter hug.
Yet another surprise hug. Cryptor let a smile pull his lips as he hugged back.
“Yeah, I know hothead.” He says quietly.
He blinked once he felt Zane join in on the hug, both of them effectively trapping him in between them.
“The same applies for me.” Zane says and Kai grinned back at his friend.
“It’s Cryptor appreciation day! Get used to it!” Kai grinned cheekily at the awkward looking Cryptor.
“You’re kidding.” Cryptor says, looking at Kai.
“Nope!” Kai grinned cheekily then they both proceed to hug him until he could hear something began to creak.
Once he finally got himself free from their suffocating- but appreciated- hug, he took a drag off his cigarette outside. What the hell is a ‘Cryptor Appreciation Day’ even supposed to mean. He glanced away. He doesn’t mind the sudden bouts of affection… He wouldn’t readily say it out loud but… He fiddled with his cigarette. It was… Nice. He blew the smoke up into the air, watching it disappear into the air. He didn’t usually consider himself as the touchy-feely type but… He could get used to this.
“Hey Cryptor! Wanna race?” Jay asked, poking his head outside.
“Dude, you have a jet.” Cryptor says flatly.
“Nya and I messed around with your bike last night. Should be able to go a lot faster now.” Jay says peaking Cryptor interest. “But nothing is faster than my jet. I just wanted to prove it.” He says as he stepped out, placing a hand on his hips.
Cryptor smirked as he dropped his cigarette, stepping on it to out it.
“Let’s find out.” He smirked.
“WHOOO HOOO!” Cryptor hollered as Ninjago passed him by in a flash, leaving nothing but dust in his wake.
He looked up at Jay’s jet just over him, both of them going at maximum speed. The speed he was going at was insane! He grinned under his helmet and swerved around a large sandstone jutting up from the Badlands they were racing through.
“First one to Crashcourse Canyon wins!” Jay says from over the comms and Cryptor spotted the tops of the canyon coming up quickly.
“See you there.” Cryptor smirked then flipped the cap on his bike handle.
“Oh yeah? We’ll see about that.” Jay smirked from inside his jet, hand hovering over an acceleration button.
Both pressed their buttons at the same time, speeding towards the canyon, determined to win. It was only a feet or two from the canyon did they realize they were coming in too hot.
“Shit-” Cryptor swerved quickly, his bike skidding towards a narrow opening in the canyon still.
He pulled his sword out then stabbed it deep into the sand to help slow him down. He came to a stop just a hair’s inch away from a canyon wall before taking a deep breath of relief. Shit that was close. He slid off his bike and slipped off his helmet as Jay landed before him.
“So. Who won?” He asked as Jay hopped out of his jet.
“Forget about who won!” Jay yelled as he rushed over then pulled Cryptor into a hug. “Are you alright? You’re not hurt, are you? I should’ve never pushed you to race!” He says with worry and Cryptor chuckled, patting his back.
“I’m fine kid, don’t worry about it.” He says as Jay released him.
The brunette twisted his lips.
“You know, I’m technically older than you are.” Jay pointed out then gasped. “How old are you even?!?!? Like- 8? Oh you poor baby!” He says, pulling Cryptor into another hug.
“Fuck off Jay.”
“I know that look. What happened.” Nya says as Jay and Cryptor walked in, Jay holding a sheepish-guilty look on his face.
“We may have- un.  Almost crashed.” Jay says, rubbing his arm with a nervous grin.
“Again? Jay-”
“But we didn’t! Cryptor’s traumatized though! He needs hugs!” Jay says, reaching out to hug him but Cryptor stopped him with a hand to his face.
“Jay. I will break your face.” Cryptor threatened.
“No breaking any faces. Here.”Nya says then hugged him tight, giving Jay a chance to escape. “Are you really ok?” She asked, looking up at him as he glanced away.
“I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” He murmured but hugged her back.
She was already hugging him so might as well. It’s not as if he liked hugs anyway. They’re just convenient affection.
“Alright.” Nya says, letting him go. “Any damage to the bike?” She asked him.
“Not a scratch.” Cryptor reported.
“What about you Jay?” She asked him and he huffed.
“I can come back without a scratch too.” He says crossing his arms and Nya rose a brow at him. “... Just a small one.” He says and she huffed.
“Let’s go patch her up.” Nya says, pulling Jay away.
Cryptor pulled out his sword then looked at it. It looked a little scratched up. He could buff it down to pass time… With that, he headed to the forge, not surprised to see Kai and Lloyd there.
“Oh hey Cry, back already?” Kai asked, guiding Lloyd to dip the scorching hot sword into the water.
“Yeah. Just need to give my sword a buff.” He says, waving said sword.
“Oh I can do that for you.” Lloyd says, looking over the sword when Kai pulled it out.
“It’s fine.” Cryptor says, going over to the buffer, blinking as his sword was snatched away.
“Then I insist.” Lloyd says then got started.
Well then.
“Isn’t she a beauty?” Kai says, holding the newly crafted sword up.
“A crooked beauty.” Cryptor says drily.
Kai blinked then inspected the sword. Lo and behold, the tip of the sword was slouched towards the ground instead of being straight.
“Well. That’s an easy fix.” Kai says then slipped the tip of the sword into the fire. “Jay was pretty excited about that race. Did you kick his ass?” He questions with a grin.
“No-one won. We almost crashed. But the bike held up. I’m surprised that the fuel held too.” Cryptor says impressed.
Surly using that high speed would mean that the fuel would burn out just a quickly as the bike would go. He’d have to talk with Nya and see what’s the power source.
“Nice.” Kai says then pulled the sword out of the fire, looking over the red hot tip.
He then placed it on the anvil and began hammering it flat.
“Here you go. Good as new.” Lloyd says, handing Cryptor his sword.
“Thanks.” Cryptor says as he held it up in the light to look it over.
Not a scratch. The kid did a good job.
“Nice work.” He praised and Lloyd grinned.
Cryptor wasn’t surprised any more to find himself spontaneously hugged. He hugged the kid back, patting his back gently.
“You did good kid.” He says as he pulled away then left before he had to get even more touchy-feely.
Not that he minded but he’d rather not let the whole of Ninjago know he had feelings. His intimidation factor would go down. He slipped the sword into his sheath then headed inside to set both down on their racks.
“Ah Cryptor.” He glanced over his shoulder to look at Sensei Wu. “Do you have a moment to spare?” He queries.
“Yeah, sure.” Cryptor says, facing him as he walked in. “What can I do for yah?” He asked the Sensei, feeling a little off put by talking with him.
He had nothing bad against him but talking alone with him always made him feel like a troublesome student about to talk with the principal.
“Nothing at all.” That threw Cryptor into a bigger loop. “I only want to let it be known that you are a valuable member of the team.” He says and he relaxed a little.
“You are just as important as the ninja are we are lucky to have you on our side.” He continued and Cryptor glanced away, bashful.
“Well, I’m lucky you guys decided to take me in.” He shrugged.
“We are all lucky to be where we are now.” Wu says and Cryptor knew the hug was coming this time, hugging the old man back carefully.
He knew the older man was made of tougher stuff than even he but it was reflex to be careful around him.
“Thank you.” Cryptor says and Wu smiles.
“It is we who should be thanking you.”
Cryptor looked at his left wrist as he moved it around, noticing it felt… Off. Did he damage it while trying to stop himself from crashing? Zane walked in then.
“Is something wrong with your wrist?” Zane queries as he walked over to him.
“Not sure. It feels off.” Cryptor admits and he flexes it again, noticing that it kept sticking.
“Here. Let me.” Zane says, sitting next to him then taking his hand, a screwdriver popping out of his own wrist.”Considering that you and Jay went through the sea of sand, it’s most likely sand may be the problem.” He says as he opened up Cryptor’s wrist.
“Probably.” Cryptor shrugged then watched as he partially removed his hand then dust out tiny grains of sand.
“You could have Nya line the vulnerable points in your arm to prevent water and sand from getting in.” Zane suggested, reattaching his arm.
“Probably.” He shrugs again and Zane huffed.
“Is probably all you can say?” He queried.
“Probably.” Cryptor says with a smirk and Zane huffed.
“I suppose I walked into that one.” Zane says drily, pulling back so he could test his much freer wrist. “Better?” He asked and Cryptor contemplated it.
“Probably.” He says and Zane looked at him flatly.
He then looked at Cryptor confused as he opened his arms.
“I know you were gonna hug me anyway so I might as well start it.” Cryptor huffed, looking away.
Zane smiled then hugged him.
“You’re quite the soft-”
“Finish that sentence and I’ll kill you.”
“Oh fuck.” Kai swore later in the day as they all gathered to play video games, having just lost to Nya.
“Ah ah ah! No swearing around the child!” Jay says, reaching up to cover Cryptor’s ears, confusing Lloyd.
Usually he was the child they weren’t supposed to swear around.
“Jay I swear to god-”
“Cheer up Cry!” Kai grinned, throwing an arm around his shoulder then giving him a squeeze. “Jay can’t help but being annoying.” He says with a grin, ignoring Jay’s ‘hey!’.
“You’re right.” Cryptor says with a smirk and Jay huffed, looking away.
“You know, I really like this whole Cryptor Appreciation Day” Nya spoke up and the others shared her sentiments.
“Hey. That new Starfarer episode should be going on any second now.” Lloyd says, changing the video game to tv and flipping to the right channel.
“The Lloydster as spoke.” Cole says, leaning against Cryptor.
By the time the episode started, Cryptor was in the middle of a cuddle pile; Kai leaned against his shoulder with Lloyd laying across both of their laps. Zane was laying in Cole’s lap as Nya and jay leaned back against his legs. He was kinda hot and they were heavy but…. This was… Nice. He relaxed, keeping his eyes trained on the tv. Today wasn’t bad at all...
(I hope the spelling isn’t too bad! I’m using my sister’s laptop and had to rush it before she snatched it.I hope you liked it!)
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gwenbrightly · 5 years
(When You Weren't There)
Cross-posted from ffnet. Just a quick oneshot featuring the Smith siblings following some of the events of season 11 (because someone's gotta smack some sense into Kai for being an idiot).
Footsteps echoed softly.
First to the left, then the right. Repeat.
Nya watched her brother quietly wander the halls of the monastery. It had been several hours since… Since Zane had been hit by Ashpeera’s spell and… ceased to exist…
The aftermath had been devastating. No one felt like talking, felt like doing anything, too caught up in shocked grief. It was too reminiscent of Cole’s fall, and far, far too soon. Why did tragedy always strike at the worst possible moment? She’d never get used to this feeling. No matter how many times they lost someone.
The master of water glanced at the clock on a nearby wall. It was late. The others were probably already in bed (Pixal had retired to her room hours ago), and she really ought to consider joining them soon, but there was something she needed to do first.
“Kai?” She called. He stopped, glancing over at her.
“We need to talk.” Nya stated firmly, grabbing Kai’s arm and leading him toward her room.
“We just lost Zane, sis. This had better be important.” He replied, eyes red and puffy. It was obvious that the day’s events had hit him hard, but Nya was dead set on having this conversation now. Someone had to do damage control before things got even worse.
“Oh, it is..” She dragged him inside. Seating herself on the bed, she eyed him expectantly. He couldn’t ignore the look on her face.
“What’s eating you?” The master of fire asked quietly, not sure he wanted to know what else might be bothering her. He sat next to her, waiting for a response. Nya glanced away, picking at her bedspread as she chose her words.
“I think…” She took a breath, “I think you need to apologize to Lloyd. For what happened earlier.”
“Apologize?” He repeated. The former samurai nodded.
“Yes. Apologize. Maybe you think that coming back at the last possible moment counts, but it doesn’t. The way you acted? The things you said? They hurt Lloyd. A lot more than you realize. And while he’s too nice to say it to your face, I’m not.”
“I… I was being a little insensitive…” Admitted Kai, sheepishly. His behavior definitely wasn’t something to be proud of.
“A little?!” Nya hissed, a bit louder than intended, “What the heck, Kai?! Have you already forgotten that Lloyd lost his own elemental powers not that long ago? That he had to deal with his maniac of a father trying to take over the city while grieving the loss of his family all at the same time?!”
“Do you have any idea how horrible that was for him? And then you, his brother, come along and basically tell him his struggles weren’t justified!” He shrank back as she continued, realizing just how badly he’d messed up.
“Oh gosh… I feel like such a jerk now… I didn’t mean for it to come out like that…” Kai said, feeling even worse than before, “I just… I felt so useless and frustrated and I guess I didn’t…” She sighed.
“That’s just it. You don’t get it… none of you do!”
“I… what?” He questioned, a bit surprised by the outburst.
“It’s so easy for you to forget that Lloyd went through living hell while you were off gallivanting about with dragons, for you to say or do something stupid and ignorant, and you wanna know why? You. Weren’t. There.” Her words felt like a physical punch. Kai reeled backwards, nearly falling off of his sister’s bed. She turned away, bitterly.
“You weren’t there when Lloyd woke up without powers, or when he refused to eat for days on end… or when he cried himself to sleep every night blaming himself for getting you killed, or when… When everyone else got captured?” He could hear her voice beginning to break.
“You weren’t there, and I was so, so scared a-and everything was so bro-oken - I didn’t know what to do…. we needed you, and you w-were gone and… And then we almost lost you again, and…” Nya’s voice grew quieter, resigned. This wasn’t just about Lloyd anymore. And the master of fire was beginning to wonder if it ever had been. She chocked out a sob.
“And I-I know it’s not fair to blame you for that b-because it wasn’t your fault you were stuck i-in another realm, but I still…. It hurts and I can’t….”
“Oh, Nya… I’m so sorry… why didn’t you tell me….” He whispered, edging over to her. The girl’s crying turned to hiccups as she allowed Kai to scoop her up into a tight hug. He rubbed comforting circles on her back, attempting to calm her down enough to get a coherent response out of her.
“I was so relieved to h-have you back again, you know?” She whispered, beginning to feel better now that she’d gotten all the negative feelings that had been plaguing her for the past 6 months off her chest, “I-I couldn’t lay that on you, not when…”
“Nya… Nya, look at me…” Kai begged. Nya shifted towards him, face streaked with tears. He grabbed the box of tissues she kept on her bedside table and handed them to her. She gratefully accepted them.
“I don’t care how idiotic I’m acting. You can always come to me when something’s bothering you. You know that…”
“I do.” The master of water agreed with a watery smile.
“Good. Because you shouldn’t have to feel like you’re going through this stuff alone – you aren’t, and you never will be. I promise.” He replied, giving her nose a tweak. She leaned against him, comforted by his words.
“Thanks. I really needed that right now.”
“No problem, sis. I’m your brother. It’s what I’m here for. And you’re right... Lloyd deserves an apology. I’ll make sure I talk to him as soon as I can.” Kai determined.
“Yeah, I… I think that’s a good idea… maybe it’ll help soften the blow to know that you understand… after what happened today? He’s gonna need some encouragement…” His sister stated, knowingly.
“Things are definitely gonna be rough around here for awhile…” He said, nodding in agreement. Suddenly they were interrupted by the sound of someone screaming down the hall. Pixal.
“We’d better go check on her.” Nya commented as she pushed herself up from the mattress. Kai followed her to the door, steeling himself for yet another difficult conversation. They were a family… They’d get through this…. Right?
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idk if u talked about this but another scene where cole’s gay-coded is in rebooted ep 3, that one scene where nya panics abt cole and tells cole that hes under appreciated. that scene was so interesting to me,, like cole describes their students as their “kids” and nya panics about that, to which cole reacts with “i meant the students, weirdo. im worried about them”. he doesnt seem too bothered by it at all, and when nya says he doesnt get what he deserves it feels like he doesnt take it too (1)
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its funny you pointed out that particular scene because i just remembered that for some time my siblings and i made it sort of an inside joke between us lol
season 3 was so weird with the way cole reacted to nya making romantic advances at him. i rewatched that clip just now to answer this and yeah nya is complimenting him but cole is just like OH NYA I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE STUDENTS DUMMY hah thanks for complimenting me, dont tell your boyfriend or he might get jealous, am i right? lol
he absolutely didnt take it as nya flirting with him, hell, i’d argue not even jay saw it that way when he and kai walked in on them
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he caught them holding hands, and he looked at them with a suspicious look. but then after kai walks in and jokingly says “oh hope not to interrupt anything” he just smiles again. 
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this is were cole looks a bit… ashamed? confused? he looks back and forth between the floor and nya. maybe he realized how bad it looks to be caught holding hands with your best friend’s girlfriend, and he’s looking for an explanation, from himself and from nya; it wasnt anything romantic right? but why did she do that? why did he go along with it? oh no, this looks bad.
but jay wasnt angry or sad or anything, he didnt demand an explanation. he smiles at them instead. i think he just shrugged it off, probably bc he trusted them to not do anything bad behind his back. its really sad if you think about it considering we all know what happened in the end.
idk why later on they decided cole would start seriously considering getting together w her when he showed to be a little weirded out by the idea of it :l
yea this 100% isnt intentional, but i see where youre coming from. any other male character would be like: “WOW DO YOU MEAN THAT? BLUSH BLUSH I THINK YOURE CUTE TOO” or even worse: “ive liked you for a long time but my bff won you over u_u 3 S A D  B O Y” but cole was completely chill with it…….. in fact i dont think we ever heard cole say he genuinelly loved nya. he just sorta… started fighting w jay over her.
anyways ninjago confirm cole is gay already challenge
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Kar Cat
You are Jasmine Lalonde, most commonly becoming known in this universe as Jazz. Of course that was what you were mainly known as in the universe of your origin, but that's besides the point. Jade had left some time ago and you were soooooo bored. And hungry. ................and lonely but you can't let anyone know that in seriousness............... You suppose you could use the buzzer thing to summon the doctor but this didn't seem like an emergency to you so you just lay there staring at the ceiling. Now and then you mew or sigh a little. Being trapped with nothing but your thoughts sucks.
Your name is Karkat Vantas and man, it turns out that war isn't actually all that exciting when it's in the first few subterfudge stages. Especially when you don't really have much to do outside of going to work and helping in small things. One of those small things is going to see if Gwen is busy or needs help in the infirmary today. You're always fond of spending time with her, so. You wander around a bit before opening a door, seeing Jazz inside, and blinking. "Oh, shit!"
You're head pops up and you look at the troll at the door. "No shit here. Unless you mean I look like shit which today I won't ague with too much given I was shot," you grin. "Hi there~"
"Holy shit, shot? What happened?" You squint at her a little bit, and yeah okay the bright pink hair, the tails, the ears. Who the hell else could it be. "Are you Jazz?"
"My reputation proceeds me~" you purr in delight that you don't have to introduce yourself to him. Yes good. Kitty is pleased. "Well as I've had to tell others who come in here, Mr Diamonds shot me thinking I was someone else and brought me here after. I am currently in the process of possibly being hired. But trust is a rare commodity so thus I am..." you yank a little on the cuff on your one arm that holds you to the bed. "Detained."
"Oh, shit. That's, uh, pretty fucking wild." You consider it for a second. "Though not surprising. It's a bad time to be cat shaped and unknown in this city. But you seem like you're holding up pretty well, all things considering."
"So I hear, but cats land on their feet," you wink. "And who do I happen to be speaking to?" you ask him curiously.
"Oh. Karkat. We spoke on the blogs, but I'm not like, shocked you don't recognize me or anything." You walk over and offer out a hand. She seems nice enough so far, and if she's as new as she's said she is, she's probably harmless.
You look at the hand then shake it, guessing this is a thing in this universe... Though maybe it was a thing in your universe as well but you were never one to pay attention to social graces. "Nice meeting you in person~ You're a cutie~" are you flirting? Yes. You gotta flirt like you gotta breath.
"Uh huh. That's what all the shot catgirls say." You say this as flatly as you can, but there's the faintest blush of red across your cheeks. Even you aren't immune to cute girls
You are very good at being cute! You're twin tails wave in the air as you scooch into a relatively comfortable position. "Hmm~ Get shot catgirls that often then?" you question with a wink. Come closer... Look at how cute and pettable you are. Come on now, cute Karkat~
"More than I'd hope, less than you'd think." You don't move closer just yet. Call it paranoia. "If you are let out, what're you thinking you'll be doing?"
"I'm small but I'm very good at persuasion of various types, if you know what I mean~" you purr as you stretch out an arm and wave it in a paw-like beckoning gesture. "Can I ask you a huuuuuuuuge favor?"
".......Sssssure fuck it why not. I didn't come down here because I was super excited for something, after all."
In a piteous voice you whine, "Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" You make an adorable pouty lip at him as you look at him with your pupils dilated for the ultimate cute kitten look.
You stare at her. You stare at her some more. You conider it for a moment. "So those ears of yours are real"
"Extremely real. And my hair is super soft~" you grin as you flick your ears to show him.
"...That is super, super fucking cool and also extremely confusing. I'll pet you but don't make it a whole fucking thing." You walk over and give her some good scritches. You're good at petting cats, because of course you lavish uncle Droog's with attention every day.
You purr so loudly and mew with happiness. No one has pet you since... it's been a while. You hardly register what he's saying once he's petting you. So you just hum, "Huh?..."
Okay, that's probably fine then. It seems like she really is just a big cat. Which begs, uh, a WHOLE lotta questions that can probably wait until she's officially crew or not. You ruffle her ears lightly.
You continue to purr and your free arm curls around him and tugs him close so you can rub your cheek on his chest. Oh outer gods he's so wonderfully warm!!! You could sleep on him! "Oh I like you, nya~" you mumble.
"Jesse you're cuddly. No wonder uncle Droog gave you a chance." You pause a bit to make sure you don't overpet her. That happens sometimes with cats, okay? And this one might have big claws.
The pause earns him a lil kitty pout. "Why'd you stop?"
"Oh, uh. Hey. Listen. If I don't take it careful with most cats, they tend to flip their shit and claw me up before looking at me like I've managed to become a war criminal. And it's not like I should be less careful with a human sized one"
You giggle in amusement. "While I am very cat, I am also very human and I do have an understanding of when to use my claws and when not to, Karkat~ And clawing a potential coworker would be a rather stupid thing to do," you say with a smile.
"Yeah, well. Lotsa folks got lotsa weird instincts. Assuming is a good way to get my ass kicked." You shrug and continue to pet her. She's surprisingly sweet??(edited)
Your purrs resume and you are a little less lost in the pets now thank fully. You nod slightly, "Instinct is a fair concern, but I assure you that I have control over my baser instincts and will only cause harm when intended." Deciding you like this one, you also decide that you want him to want you around. "Tell me about yourself?" you ask. You generally only bother with pleasantries with those who are are enjoying and he fits that.
"Uhhh." You consider. "I'm the son of one of the dudes who'll be your boss if you're integrated in. I like to tell people that as soon as possible so there's less of a chance of shit being weird if they find out later on."
"Oh cool. So given what I know..... I'm going to guess that you are the son of.... Spades Slick? That's the name, yes? I'm pretty good with names I bother remembering," you say playfully.
"Hey, good guess! Or, probably less guess and more "huh he looks too scrummy to be Droog's kid and he's not bee themed enough to be Deuces, and Boxcars is not nearly as angry" but you know what? I'm still gonna give you props."
"I'll be honest... Diamonds Droog and Spades Slick are the only boss names I know at the moment," you giggle. "You didn't react in a way that indicated Mr. Diamonds is your father when I mentioned him, so I guessed the only other name I knew."
"Oh, shit, man. You're gonna fit in great? We love clever shit like that here."
You beam at the praise. Yes you are a clever kitty. Let the praises rain down upon you. "I'm glad. I intend to be extremely useful~" You have to admit... You're excited to rip into some people and not think about your problems. "I have a question if you have any knowledge on the topic," you say before meowing once.
"Sure, I probably have at least some knowledge. You learn a lot of shit just meandering, around here."
"Is having side employment permissible? I am personally interested in breaking into the porn industry," you purr deeply.
"Oh. Uhhh." You try very hard not to blush and fail. "It's fine, yeah. I work at one of the casinos. With the...issues going on, though, I dunno how safe it would or wouldn't be. Plus, that's not my area of know how."
"Well I'd be recording stuff and uploading it online. It's not like I'd be meeting clients in person," you chirp. What a cute blush~ It makes you nuzzle your cheek on him again. "I suppose I'll have to get approval from those in charge when the time comes~"
"It won't be too hard, to be fair. They don't really mind. We're just all a bit, uh, on edge." You wonder how much you should be saying. Though, it is pretty damn obvious what's been going on even to people who have no connection to the gangs.
"I am aware the tensions in this city are rising to warring levels. One of the first things I did upon getting here was try to get a basic understanding of the situation at hand," you let him know. "I know someone important died though that is about it."
"...Yeah." You clear your throat and make yourself a little more comfortable. "You'll learn more about it if you're let in. Or if you listen enough, anyhow. It's not exactly a great big secret."
Your empathy is not great so you don't exactly pick up fully on the cues of his reaction, but you at least know that it wasn't exactly positive. "I'm sorry for your loss," you tell him. That's what normal people say, yes?
Don't worry Jazz, empathy is not exactly common in a whole lot of the city. He does look appreciative of it, though, and rubs his chin. "Thanks. Hey, do you need anything down here? I know Miss Paint is a really good lady, but I figure you might want something to entertain yourself."
"Oh please!!! I'm gonna die of boredom!" you say dramatically before adding, "Also she's been out a while and I'm getting hungry. Got any fish?"
"No fish on me, but I could probably grab some. And, I have like, a shitton of books"
Books.... You used to love books so much. Before.... before... "I would greatly appreciate it and some books," you smile. ...... you try not to think of before.... she's gone.
"Awesome. I have...mostly romance I'll admit but uhhh I can get you other stuff. I don't think it'd be hard."
"I'll take whatever you offer," you tell him with a purr. You're not eager to let go of his warmth, but you do because sadly you cannot keep him forever.
"okay." You think about what else you can do. Probably nothing too much. Gwen will eventually return, and Droog hasn't made a proper decision yet. It wouldn't be right for you to fuck things up no matter how much you like Jazz. But... "Are you totally cliche and like milk?"
You laugh a little and give him a chagrinned smile, "Most cats are actually lactose intolerant and sadly I am one of them. I am cursed to a life without ice cream."
"Oh fuck! Well- Uhh there's tons of non dairy shit in the city at least? Hahaha uhhhh I can bring you something else to make up for this fuck pax." GREAT JOB KARKAT, YOU BIG GODDAMN MORON.
You pat his shoulder, "It's alright. It's not a commonly known fact and there's no reason for you to have assumed I am lactose intolerant just because cats are. I like meats the most but if not, most sweets will do."
"Cool, awesome. Uhhh, did they take your phone?"That seems like something they'd do for maybe-prisoners.
"Yup! Shall be returned when I am tested and not wherever here is. It's only smart business so I understand," you tell him with a smile.
"Ahh, alright. Well, I figure you can still contact Paint..." You mumble this last part to yourself. You worry, alright? "Cool, I'll be back in a little bit with the goods."
You show him the pager. "In case of emergency I was told, but yes I am not completely without means of contact if required. And I'll be waiting Karkat~"
You give her the thumbs up and head back out, mentally berating yourself the whole damn way. You come back in about a half an hour, with the smell of fish, water, and good books attending you.
You cheer his return like he is a triumphant hero! "Fiiiiiish!!!!!"
"We had some tuna in the fridge, so I just kinda. Cooked it. Uh. I'm not the best cook by any means but it should at least be edible." You put it on the nightstand next to the bed. "And the books- Uh. A couple of history novels, a romance. A recent edition of the newspaper."
"That is wonderful. Thank you Karkat," you tell him with a purr. "Can You stay or do you have to go?"
"I gotta leave, for work. But at least you got some stuff, right?" You know this sucks. You can't imagine something like this not sucking??
Oh you've been cooped up in a much more sucky situation. Maybe he'll unlock your backstory someday~ "This is perfect. Thank you Karkat~" you assure him since you think he'd like that. "I'll be doing fabulous."
"No problem." There's the blush again. "I hope I'll get to see you later."
You blow him a kiss and wink, "TTFN, Ta ta for now~ Meow!"
You think she's hilarious but also makes you very nervous so you can only manage a small laugh before skedaddling. A+ work, Vantas.
A cutie. Absolute cuties. In your mind he is on the list of things you consider vaguely yours because you are a cat and you own anyone you like.
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
Body Of Anguish
SUMMARY: They hated how it made them feel. Not just because it hurt, but because the pain was a constant reminder of what they were lacking and what they were not. It was a constant reminder that their chest was too there, hips too wide, hair too long, voice too high. They hated it just about as much as they hated their name. It was almost frightening how much they hated that horrible name. They hated the way it rang in their ears and curled itself around their body like slim. Kylie Ashley Smith...
Zane, Jay, and Cole could tell that something was wrong. It was little things at first, like the occasional weak laugh or smile that was offered up to them. Then it began to grow until it felt like Kylie was no longer the same person they had met all those years ago. She was no longer happy, even when she would smile and joke with them they could see past it, see the pain and anguish desperately trying to burst free. The way Zane put it, it was like Kylie was now constantly holding her breath around everyone.
She was holding something back, keeping a secret from her three friends and they could see it slowly starting to eat away at her.
They decided to take her shopping for the day, hoping to make her feel better and show that they were there for her. They had gone to her favorite noodle restaurant, had a small peak inside an electronics store due to Jay's begging, and had also tried out some fitness equipment at Cole's request. Zane had also managed to persuade them to buy him some state-of-the-art kitchen utensils and cooking books. It was turning out to be a good day so far.
It was almost like they had the old Kylie back, the happy Kylie.
Which was why they couldn't understand why offering to buy her new clothes would cause her to get that guarded, closed-off look that meant she was hiding her sadness and pain.
"We're not saying your clothes don't look nice Kylie, we just thought you might want some new ones," Jay said to his girlfriend's big sister while gesturing to the different clothes stores behind them. It was the favorite store for all girls these days, according to Nya, yet Kylie had an uncomfortable look on her face. She tugged at the baggy red jumper she had taken to wearing about a month ago which underneath hide her tight-fitting black top that showed off her curves and chest.
In fact, if the trio really thought about it, Kylie had started wearing the jumper when her chest started to become noticeable.
It was to be expected that it would happen eventually, she was no longer the ten-year-old girl that they met in the playground three years ago. She was now thirteen, a teenager, so her body was obviously gonna start changing.
"I don't know guys... I mean, I have plenty of clothes already." Kylie mumbled while glancing down at her feet.
"They don't all fit you anymore though Kylie; you're a growing young lady now after all." Cole pointed out which only made the young brunette look even more distressed.
"I know." She whispered and it sounded so broken, so downtrodden and hopeless that it had Cole sending a slightly panicked look to his other friends who just shrugged helplessly. Clearly, whatever it was that was troubling their friend had something to do with clothing. Was Kylie perhaps self-conscious about her body?
"Is everything alright Kylie?" Jay asked worriedly, watching as that fake weak smile slipped into place.
"Of course buddy." She said in a voice that wavered ever so slightly.
"Something is bothering you, has been for months now, you know you can tell us, right?" Cold asked in an uncharacteristically soft voice.
"Yeah." She replied, but it sounded so fake. It was so hollow that the noirette couldn't help but raise an eye ridge at the young girl whose face was starting to crumble.
"What's wrong?" Zane asked as he reached out, only to have Kylie jerk away from his touch, her eyes starting to well up with tears.
"Nothing, I just need some air." She snapped and just like that she was gone, running off like the hounds of hell were on her heels. All three of them stared after her, eyes filled with confusion and worry. Whatever it was that was troubling Kylie, it was starting to come to a head and she was near breaking point. She clearly wouldn't be able to hold her breath much longer at the rate she was going...
They sat on their bed as tears streamed down their face. Each breath stuttered in their chest that felt like it was slowly being squeezed tighter and tighter. The jumper they normally wore was thrown to the side exposing what it had really been hiding. A chest that was surprisingly flat for their owner's age but when looked at more closely it became apparent why. A long roll of bandages was wrapped tightly around their chest, constricting their lungs and making their ribs hurt with each inhale of breath.
They hated how it made them feel.
Not just because it hurt, but because the pain was a constant reminder of what they were lacking and what they were not. It was a constant reminder that their chest was too there, hips too wide, hair too long, voice too high. They hated it just about as much as they hated their name. Kylie Ashley Smith. It was almost frightening how much they hated that horrible name. They hated the way it rang in their ears and curled itself around their body like slim.
When they strained their memory they could recall a moment when they wished their name had been Samantha because then it could have been shortened to Sam.
That was a name often given to young boys. Or even Ashley, like their middle name. That was a name for both boys and girls. It was almost as if the universe was taunting them with having a unisex middle name. The thought makes something ache deep inside them. Boy, male, he, him, his, son, nephew, and brother. The terms haunted them. Not because they disliked them but because they knew they would never be used to refer to them.
When they thought about it, really thought about it, they knew they had always wanted to be a boy.
They just never had to right words to describe how they felt until a month ago. A month ago, when their chest had started to develop along with other female changes which left them feeling so lost, confused, frightened, angry, and wrong. The feeling of wrongness had been the strongest and that had been what drove them to finally look up possible reasons for why they felt so disconnected from their own body. The word transgender had felt like a slap in the face.
It had left them feeling so relieved because there was a word for it, there was an actual reason for why they felt this way!
But it also left them feeling so terrified and hopeless because they knew it could never be. Their friends would never see them as a boy. Their little sister would never see them as a brother. The world would never call them he. Girl, sister, and she would forever be stamped upon their soul. They also knew they could never do that to their friends. It would be selfish to take away Nya's sister and Cole, Jay, Lloyd, and Zane's friend. They couldn't take away their parents' eldest daughter.
They believed if they told Nya and Lloyd then their friends would see it as them replacing the person they had grown to love and cherish so they just couldn't do it, couldn't do that to them...
When Cole, Jay, and Zane got back to the Smith family house it was to find Kylie curled up on one of the small reading chairs with a game controller in her lap, despite no game playing. Nya and their parents were out, so they were alone to talk. When she saw them she smiled but they could see the faint redness of her eyes. They could also see the way her lips trembled ever so slightly. That same red jumper was still on her even though it was a boiling hot day and they could see her sweating.
"Sorry about leaving you guys like that but I remembered I left something on here at home." She lied, they could see she was lying. Why was she lying to them?
"Kylie." Jay sighed and that had her straightening up, a wary look washing over her face because the frecked teen never sounded so serious. Cole caught on and walked over to gently take one of her hands, preventing her from leaving.
"We know something is bothering you," Zane said, watching as Kylie tensed up.
"Kylie, we're worried about you, you're not yourself anymore; you don't smile as often, and when you do it always looks strained and fake, and you're not eating as much or sleeping and you're not happy, everyone can see it," Jay said, holding her other hand tightly.
"Just tell us what's wrong and we'll help you," Cole added. Kylie stared at them, tears flowing down her face as she tried to hold herself together.
"I... I can't." She whispered.
"Why not?" Zane pressed, watching as she bowed her head and gave a choked-off sob.
"Because you'll hate me." She gasped out.
"We could never hate you! Your our best friend and family! Whatever it is that's troubling you, we'll help you." Jay said as tears of his own began to form.
"These last few months, it's like we could feel you holding your breath! But you don't need to do that anymore; you get to exhale now." Cole explained, and that was when the body-shaking sobs began followed by the loud hiccuping breaths taken between them. All three of them moved in, forming a protective barrier around their friend who curled closer to them, seeking comfort and safety. HE sat in their arms, feeling the pressure leaving him as he finally accepted who he was.
Taking a deep breath he reached up to wipe his teary eyes, smiling down at Jay, who gave him a small hopefully smile back.
The fear was still there. The fear of rejection and being told he was wrong but at the same time, he knew he couldn't keep hiding. He needed to not only accept himself but he needed to make sure other people knew who he truly was.
"There is something that had been bothering me; it has actually been bothering me for my whole life but it wasn't until a few months ago that I finally figure out what was wrong." He sighed as his fingers picking at the tight-fitting skinny jeans that he hated so much.
"Go on buddy, we're here for you." Cole encouraged while gently nudging him on the shoulder. He smiled softly, shoulders slumping as he took a deep breath in.
"I'm transgender... I'm not a girl, I'm a boy and I always have been; I just wasn't born right, and when I was younger I never understood why it made me feel uncomfortable to be called beautiful or cute or why I felt this sense of wrongness when put in dresses; I didn't understand why I hated having long hair or why makeup felt wrong on my face, and I didn't understand why when I looked in the mirror, I hated what I saw; but in these last few months, with that wrong feeling getting to the point where it felt unbearable I went online and began to look for a reason and I found it." She confessed to three of her best friends.
It silent for a long time, so long that he began to panic, thinking they hate him and are disgusted by what he had just said.
He made to get up, to leave, and never come back when he was suddenly pull back into a bone-crushing group hug that makes him feel like something inside him is healing.
"We're so sorry buddy, we should have noticed," Cole mutters with tears of his own starting to gather.
"Y-You guys don't have to apologize." He begins only for Jay to shake his head.
"We've been hurting you, Bro." Jay sobbed and just hearing the male term of endearment left him feeling so breathless and giddy.
"We've been hurting you so we're sorry; we're sorry for making you feel like you had to keep this a secret and for not noticing the signs." Zane continued as he rubbed soothing circles into his friend's back. The brunette sat there, staring at them in awe not quite believing that this was actually happening. It felt too good to be true...
It wasn't long before Cole, Jay, and Zane were all in the shopping center again, standing in another clothing store, waiting outside the changing rooms with bated breath. Cole could feel his feet tapping against the tile floor excitedly while Cole sat giggling within nervous energy. Zane had a faint smile on his face as he stared out the window at the rest of the shopping center. They then heard the door unlock followed by hesitant footsteps. All three turned, freezing in place as their faces both show shock before it melts away into proud smiles.
"Looking good there Kai." Cole offered a thumbs-up as Jay laughing brightly beside him and Zane nodded in agreement. Kai stood before them, a shy but excited smile on his face. He stood there wearing a pair of black boys' jeans that have small rips in the knees. On his feet were a new pair of shoes Jay bought himself that looked far more masculine than his old pair. Gone was the red jumper and tight-fitting blacktop and in their place in a loose-fitting white shirt with a red jacket.
If one were to look closely they would see a black article of clothing under the shirt that was the new half-black binder that Zane had gotten for him.
Kai smiled, looking at himself in the mirror, looking at his newly cut, gelled up hair, new male clothing, and flat chest. Kai Ash Smith looked at himself in the mirror and for the first time in a long time, he actually liked what he saw. For the first time, he finally felt like himself...
AN: Alright people I wanted to do something Ninjago-related for pride month, so I made this is. Now, this isn't my story. Around a year ago, at least I think it was then, my friend was showing me these collections of Sonic One-Shots on and one of the chapters was about Sonic being transgender. I'm not really into Sonic (except for the videogames) so I wasn't really sure what was happening in some of the chapters.
But despite that, it was a very incredible story.
Unfortunately, I can't remember who wrote it. I think the username was Camelot-themed, such as King Arthur or Merlin or something like that. But I'm pretty sure it was of Jack Frost from the Rise of The Guardians movie(LOVE THAT MOVIE!). I tried looking for it online, but I couldn't find them, so I'm not sure whether it's been deleted or I've just been putting the wrong thing in the Google search engine.
I would ask my friend for the author's name but we had a falling out a few weeks ago so I can't go to him.
I really hope it hasn't been deleted because it was a really good story and I could tell the writer put a lot of work into it. This story is not made to offend Transgender people or anyone from the LGBT community. My cousin is transgender. She was born a male but identifies as a woman and she is the sweetest person you could meet. I myself am bisexual, even though I haven't told my parents, so I would never intentionally insult or offend anyone from the LGBT community.
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this One-Shot, and Happy Pride Month! 🌈❤ 💛💚💙💜
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will this be a legit tumblr fic series? no, absolutely not I just felt like writing something. Everything else will be bullet points since I can knock out like, two to three seasons in one go.
Shannon (Shan) Maywether.
Oc introduction P1
This takes place in between season 1 episodes 10 and 11 in like a mini sode I like to call "Eye of Unfairness" its a play off the fact Shan means unfortunate and unfair in Scottish (something I recently learned)
Also feel free to change out Shannon's/Shans name for your OC if you want to! I don't mind! Keep in mind this fic was made with Shannon's personality and physical condition in mind. I also wouldn't mind feed back!
Third person POV
A day had passed since the reveal of the green ninja. It was a surprise to learn that Lloyd, a kid, was the supposed chosen one. It was shock to, well everyone on board the Bounty.
It was Wednesday, so Shannon was tasked with cooking for the day. She stood, cutting vegetables for the side dish she was wiping up alongside the English breakfast she had made. Her mind was filled with ‘what if's’. As an older sister to 10 younger brothers, 4 of which that happen to be around Lloyd’s age it was startling for her. There was no telling when the 'Final Battle' will take place and what would happen during it, took the focus from the sharp edge of the blade she was holding.
"ow, damn it-" dropping the knife on the cutting board as she cursed. Bringing the cut wound to her lips she sucked on it as she searched for the bandages they kept in the kitchen just incase if kind of thing happened.
After finding bandages and bandaging the cut Shannon finished fixing up the salad. Just as she set the freshly tossed salad on the table the other residents of the ship walked in.
"Morning Shannon" "Mornin' Zane"
The other ninja mumbled a good morning as well as they took their set's at the table and began eating the breakfast prepared.
"Hay Shannon what happened to your hand?" Lloyd asked looking at the older girls hand.
"Oh, accidently cut myself." She replied placing her coffee cup down looking over at the small blonde. She ruffled his hair earning a ‘stop it’ from the boy, and chuckled at how messy his hair was now. 
The rest of breakfast went without much problem seeing as how everyone was still riding down from the adrenaline that was yesterday. It all seemed peaceful still Garmadon walked in.
Shannon's POV
Garm walked in, late as usual. And as usual we where all kinda put off with what he was eating. Dark matter grubs I think there called? Never payed much attention to this sorta thing really. I just can't get the truth we uncovered yesterday. Lloyd being the green ninja. Its going to hard for him I can tell.
Letting out an tried sigh I got up with my now empty plate and made my way over to the sink.
"Shannon, the Bounty is landing in a bit. You wanna come run groceries with me?" Nya asked as I passed her.
"Uhh, sure just tell me when you're planning on leaving." "You got it!"
Third person POV
As stated by Nya the Bounty had landed not long after they finished washing the dishes. The boys were outside training. Shannon seated cross-legged on the steps just watching with Wu. Garmadon had disappeared back into the ship, probably his room for the time being. Lloyd was hanging around the place too, inside reading. And Nya was getting ready to head out.
It wouldn't be for another 10 minutes till Garmadon emerged from where ever he was.
And unfortunately for everyone he was at the steps of the ship leading to where the ninja were training, and felt like causing some chaos.
Now it's not the man's fault, he has the venom of an equally evil snake brooding in his veins.
He knew he couldn't mess with the ninja, it was like a principle thing seeing as how they where tolerating his presence on the ship. Wu literally came to what might have been hell to most folks and brought him back to Ninjago to save his son. Nyas off limits, and as much as he wants to, his son, Lloyd is probably still shaken from not just the green ninja thing, but the snakes as well.
Which left Shannon.
The young lady had made it clear since there first interaction, that she held nothing against the dark lord. In fact she even played along with his bullshit if she felt like it. Best part, she can hold her own too. She may not train with the boys often but she knows spinjitzu, and has proven to be a good fighter, Shans just lax and a go with the flow kind of person.
With that in mind, he decided to make a comment.
"Not going to change?"
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Shannon questioned, she didn't bother to look at him, as she took a swig from her tea that Wu had generously offered.
"With the amount of purple you wear you might get mistaken for a snake"
"Phff, at least I don't look like a took a bath in tar"
With that, a swift yet not powerful smack to the back of the teens head was earned. It was supposed to be playful, harmless but as the force of the hit passed through the youngers head, the sound of heavy glass hitting wood made itself known. This caused the boys to stop and turn there attention back over to the steps on the deck. As Shannon looked up, it became evidently clear she was missing her right eye.
Panic ensues.
Jay, Cole, Kai, and Zane screamed at the fact there friends eye was now just gone. Garmadons just standing there questioning if he put more power than he initially thought he did. Wu went wide eyes as he stared at the girl next to him, seeing small streams of blood leak out the now empty eye socket. Lloyd and Nya came running out to only to scream themselves.
With a sigh Shannon picked up her Eye and monical that had fallen.
"Guys, chill out!" She yelled.
"CHILL OUT! SHAN YOU EYE FEEL OUT OF YOUR HEAD" the Blue ninja yelled. Pointing at the eye in the Burnetts hand.
"Its a glass eye bolts for brain's" Shan retorted.
"Glass eye?" Cole repeated.
"Yes, a glass eye! Why did you think I wore a monocle instead of regular glasses? Sure I can't see jack with my right eye but it acts as a shield of sorts!"
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"I-im so sorry, are you okay Shannon?" Garmadon asked.
"Ya, im fine" she answered.
After that everyone had gone inside. Zane grabbed the medical kit to disinfect and put a temporary patch over Shannon's eye. Garmadon had taken the glass eye and with the recommended disinfectant Shannon just so happen to have on her, put the bloody thing in a black glass cup filled with warm water and the disinfectant liquid mixture, to clean it. He may be the bad guy, but he's never really hurt anyone to the point they lose something like an eye.
Once done he gave the glass to Shannon who was now sitting in the armchair.
"So, umm how'd you uh- you know lose you eye?" Kai asked weirly, he feared there might be some sort of trauma along with it and didn't want to trigger it.
"You don't have to tell us!" Nya quickly added.
"Na its fine" Shannon said as she waved off there concerns.
"I was about seven when it happened. Home invasion. The guy had a gun. I had heard sound from downstairs and curiosity got the best of me. I think your all smart enough to piece together what happened next" she said. Everyone kinda relied back at the mear mental image.
"Yikes" Jay, shivered at the thought of it.
"I mean it’s not all that bad I guess. Altho I didn't have a say in whether or not I got a fake eye"
"What do you mean you didn't get a say in it?"
"It’s exactly as I say it is. When I woke up my depth perception was crap, but I had both my eyes. It wasn't until the doctor told me my parents were admit about me having one"
"So are, you like going to be ok or?"
"I'll be fine green bean, if anything this was a good thing, means I need a new one. Thankfully I shot my brother text about one lot long ago." Shannon said dismissively
"Brother?" Wu questioned.
"Okay, Nya you ready to got out?"
"Ya but it can wait-" "I'm good, I swear Nya lets go" the older girl instead as she got up and dragged Nya out the ship for their planned outing. (She put the glass with the eye in the table as they left)
"Well that was, concerning" Cole said as the two girls disappeared.
It was around midday the girls were not back yet. Jay was still unnerved by the eye in the cup being in such an open area, moved it over to the kitchen counter. Training was cut short because of the incident. Wu taking into account not just the mental impact of one of his charges eyes popping up in front of them, but the buildup of stuff they'd been having to deal with since his absence. Besides when the girls get back they all need to talk of a plan to get the Fang Blades back from the Serpentine before they can awaken the Devourer. 
Wu and his brother where out front on the deck talking, it felt like forever to the two of them since they last spoke in such good terms. The guys (pluss Lloyd) where inside playing video games as a pass time. It wasn't long after when the sound of a car, a taxi, could be heard coming there way. As the taxi came to a stop the guys had logged off there game and stepped out to grate the return of the only two females on their team. 
But instead of the raven and green tipped brunette haired, a blond tipped brunette boy stepped out the vehicle (not before paying of course) and made his way over to the Bounty. 
“umm, dumb question since there aren't many flying ships around, but is this the Destiny's Bounty?” The Boy asked as he neared the ship. upon closer inspection the boy was wearing a leather jacket with a white under shirt, and jeans with a pair of black converse. He had a mailman bag slung over his shoulder. 
“ya it is, what bring you all the way out here though?” Cole answered as he crossed his arms. attempting to look menacing which seemed to be working.   
“uh, I came to drop something off for my sister, Shannon?” The boy answered.
“Shannon, as in the monocle waring Shan?” Jay asked 
“yes! that one!” 
“Cool, Cool... wanna climb on board?” Kai asked him.
“Would I!” The boy, Shannon’s brother made is way up on the Bounty.
“By the way, what you name” Zane asked as the brunet dorded.
“Shane, Shane Maywather and might I say it’s a pleasure to meet the guys my sister has been staying with after all this time.” He, Shane replied.
“wait, so let me get this straight” Cole stood with his hands on his head, clearly confused by what was said. 
Its been about an hour since Shane was let on borde and the guy could see why his sister liked it here so much.  
“there are 10 of you? including Shane makes 11″ Cole sated. Shane just nodded as he let the earth ninja racape what Shane had told them. Wu and Garmadon where in the kitchen intently listening to the conversation they were having.  
“yup, Shan and I are the oldest, there where are the quads; Jason, Mayson, Tyson, Carson.” He started again listing his younger siblings.
“Then the triplets; Asher, Carter and Xavier. Then the last set of twins; Franklyn and Merlyn” Shane finished. 
“No wonder Shannon can deal with us so well” Jay said looking astonished.
“ya she had to deal with 9 younger brothers and one older one” Kai remarked. Shane snickered before correcting him.
“Shannon is the oldest, in fact despite us being twins, she’s technically a year older than me.” 
“But isn't being twins, like two people being born on the same day?” Zane inquired.
“True, but you see, my mom had Shannon on december 31st 1995, at around 11:55pm, I then happened on january 1st 1996 at 00:02am in the morning” Shane explained.
“dude” Jay commented. Shane laghed.
“yup,Shannons the ‘big sister’ of the house” He said glancing about.  
“i'm surprised though, i though Shannon would have at least mentioned something about you guys to us” Lloyd pipped in. He enjoyed Shannons company she made him feel welcome. And when she caught him setting up the prank for Kai as his uncle had asked him to, she gave him some pointers on how to eviscerate Kai’s high score. Even took some pressure off him as she stayed in the room in anticipation for the fire ninja so they wouldn't get too suspicious. To learn Shan had several younger brothers, like Jay commented, meade scene in how she was not only dealt with them but was able to deal with his father so well.
“Honestly,it's do be expected. Because Shannons the oldest our parents are hard on her... We come from a fairly well of family to the point where money is more or less a play thing to our folks” Shane started, the ninja(pluss Loyd)went wide eyed.
“so you're saying you guys are rich?” Jay asked dumbfounded. Shane fidgeted with his fingers.
“Y-Ya pretty much. But Shannon, and our parents, they... They don't get along at all. For all i can remember, the only time i've ever had with Shan was when she wasn't in any of her classes or extracurriculars. They pushed her to be perfect, and at the same time pushed her away. Looking back there where countless arguments over a lot of what they where doing” Shane said looking down at his lap. 
“There was this one argument that just hit the nail in the head though, a couple years back, it was during dinner and our parents had invited a business associates family over. They had a son, about three years older then Shannon and I. Our parents had announced that he would be Shannons fiance and thighs went downhill fast” Looking up once more Shane let a had run though his hair as he relieved the memory. The guys were taken aback by this, seeing as how Shan was arguably one of the most level headed people they knew. 
“sounds stressful” Kai quipped not really knowing how to respond to that, bur as a brother to a sister himself he could understand the feeling of not wanting your sibling to do be forced into doing something they don't want to. 
“You don’t half of it” Shan said with a sigh. 
“After that, she stormed out never to be seen scene again. At least physically, she managed to keep contact with me, we talk but not as much as either of us would like...” He finished leaning back and letting the surprisingly soft couch engulf him. 
“I’m glad though,she deserves a break after everything” Shane commented.
“ya well if you call fighting an army of skeletons, snakes and eventually Garmadon a brake, then you my friend are in need of a vacation as well” Jay replied plopping down next to Shane with a dorky grin. The tenshin that had been building in Shane dissipated, yup he could really see why his sister liked it here so much. 
Dropping the topic of who much his and Shannon's parents where that talked about other random things. It was a little bit later when the girl got back.  The two where catting about, something girl related when they walked into the main room of the Bounty. 
“Hey! Welcome back! And guess how came to visit?!” Jay sang, gesturing to Shane who was seated next to him. Shannon looked over at her bother in shock she thought-
"Good to see you again Sister!~" Shane said as be bolted form where he was sitting to envelope Shannon in a hug. As he did Shannon dropped the bags she was holding, seemingly shocked that her blood brother was here. 
“Shane?” She breathed, then hugged him back, leaning into it. 
After a bit the two separated.
“It’s good to see you again Shane! How have you been?” “Good, good, what about you? what happened to your eye? Where is it?” 
Shan laughed a little and shook her head.
“There was an accident this morning, Garmadon hit the back of my head and it just popped out” Shane stood still. Taking in the information. Once complete he turned and tried to lunged to where Garmadon was, if it wasn't for Shannon having grabbed him in that split second. He probably would have gone into a full on fist fight with the dark lord. 
“Lemme go! I'm going to eviscerate him!” Shane hissed struggling against his sisters grip. Thank the First Spinjitzu Master that Shannon trained with the boys ocashinaly. 
“Calm down little brother it was an accident” “Like HELL”  
The two go back and forth a little more till Shane camls down. Garmadon rightfully spooked at the fact that this, well mannered, e-boy looking, kid was threatened to ‘eviscerate’ him. 
“Fine, I won’t attack him, doesn't mean I won’t like it” Shane said mutting that last bit. 
“Seriously (1)Balach Milis, if you applied this anger properly, you wouldn't have to deal with what Eric and Lizzibeth right?” Shannon said as she let him go. picking up the grocery bags, and placed them on the counter. 
“(2)Flùr Gaoithe, you know when it comes to Mama and (3)Athair I can’t do do that!” He complained like a small child. 
“You really need to grow a backbone” Shane said shaking her head.
Things had settled down since then.  
“It’s getting late, I should get going, I have band practice tomorrow and need the rest.” “boo, skip and just stay here for the week” “Flùr Gaoithe” “Balach Milis“ 
With that The younger twin got up, gave his sister the new glass eye she had asked for, said his goodbyes, shot Garmadon one last glar, and left. 
“Your brother seems like a nice person” Gramadon said looking over the the greet tipped girl. 
“Ya, he’s awesome. Wish he was less of a pushover tho” 
Jay feeling thirsty, walked over into the kitchen. He spotted the black glass cup, completely having forgot about the eye inside it. Now you can't really see anything at the bottom. And Jay, in his infinite wisdom, thinking it was just some random cup of random water that had been left on the kitchen counter, and drank from it. 
 “Did Jay drink from the eye glass?” Lloyd asked his uncle who was watching from the blue ninja form the table.
“He drank from the eye glass” Wu confirmed. The others erupted into a fit of laughter and giggles. 
 (1)Balach Milis - Sweet boy  
(2)Flùr Gaoithe - Wind flower 
(3)Athair - dad
this was translated using google translate, the language being Scottish Gaelic. I know Ninjago was based off of asian culture. But like I said, Shan it scottish for unfortunate and unfair. Also nothing in the lore of the show explicitly states that Ninjago is the only continent on the planet. 
I HC that there are different parts of the world. its safe to say Ninjago is the main land where a lot of the exciting things happen, but across who knows how long away there are different countries. And Shannon’s family like immigrated to Ninjago, during it’s early years where big contributors and financial support, in building the city. 
but ye this is a mini sode, i came up with. criticism is always welcome! I will be doing bullet notes for Shan and Melody, and maye Gold to since i have an active fic about her that i haven't updated in, forever but yaaaaa. 
till next text post i guess lol                          
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