#hell even the aliens are knocked up at one point I’ll draw them too
arachmech · 11 months
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I have a character named Olin, who is a deserter from a space cult. All members of said cult have undergone genetic modifications to bear children, but are dangerously xenophobic and raid numerous colonies for supplies.
Olin and a few others of the cult stole a shuttle and hid out on a backwater colony inhabited by both humans and aliens, and he meets his future wife Willow when he is employed by her family as a guard. Half a month into his and Willow’s relationship, Olin was badly disfigured, which is the reason for the mask. He now speaks in a type of sign language similar to asl.
He has Simon at 33 yrs via IVF with Willow’s eggs and his sperm, simply because I wanted him to.
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
like the dawn
part xvii- dust and blood
“if you must die, i’ll envy even the earth that wraps your body” - albert camus
summary: you can’t stop thanos. now you have to deal with the consequences.
wordcount: 4k
warnings: cussing, violence, death (oops), angst (oops), breakdowns, unhealthy coping mechanisms, more violence, fluff if you squint
taglist: @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sebsgirl71479 @rebloggingmyrecs @babyblublossom @local-mr-frog @thenyxsky @capsiclesdoll @moonlightreader649 @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @itsprashimusic
a/n: tfw you forget ur writing a series and write a new piece in one night 🤭 anyway, i really like this bit so i hope y’all enjoy 🤍 i love y’all and i’m sorry it’s emotionally devastating also i literally am posting this from class
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As soon as the barrier around Wakanda opens, the entire army charges forward.
You take to the air in an instant, watching in disgust as the dog-like aliens pour from the gap. They’re concentrated right outside the border.
Charging up your powers, you slip through and cast down dozens of blasts on the horde. They shriek and wail in pain as you duck back inside the force field, shooting down the few that try to jump up at you.
They’re easy to kill. Hardly death fodder, if anything. But there’s thousands. And they keep coming.
One tackles Bucky to the ground before you swoop down, kicking it away and blowing it into bits.
“You need to be more careful,” you scold as you help him up. He spins a knife in the new vibranium arm, nodding.
“Yeah, yeah. Go tell Steve that.” He points to your partner, who’s standing in the middle of a river, fighting three aliens at once.
You start towards him, but a few quick punches from the blond kill them before you can even take a step.
“You know what? Never mind,” Bucky says. He stares a bit before smirking. “Violence looks good on him.”
“Hell yeah. Cathartic, even,” you respond. From the water, Steve feels your eyes on him.
He raises his arms. “Are you two gonna join us or just stare at me?” he shouts, before kicking another alien into the muddy banks.
Out of nowhere, a giant metal weapon flies through the air, smashing Rhodey to the ground. When the chain retracts, it returns to the hand of the larger, bulkier alien at the edge of the border.
More aliens swarm in, and you can barely keep them at bay. You don’t want to risk flying, not when that thing easily knocked a Stark-made suit from the sky.
It’s frantic dodging and firing, and the combination of Bucky’s machine gun, shouting from all sides, and the vicious growling of the creatures is overwhelming.
“There’s too many of them,” Bruce shouts over comms. You don’t even have room to breathe, let alone respond. Drawing back your bow, you fire an arrow down an alien’s throat.
“I know! But Shuri has to get the stone-“ You’re cut off by a light striking the ground. The resulting blast is as bright as your powers.
An ax flies from the stream, lighting trailing behind it. Thor.
When the glow fades, the god himself stands in the crater. Alongside… is that a tree and a raccoon? A raccoon with a gun?
“Oh, shit, I really am going crazy,” Bucky mumbles.
You blink a few times. “Then that makes two of us.”
A few yards away, the helmet of the Hulkbuster suit retracts. From the comically large suit, Bruce cackles. “You guys are so screwed now!”
Thor runs at the enemy lines, demanding Thanos as his newly forged weapon glows with power.
With the new arrival, the tide begins to turn. You fight your way to Steve as the aliens are distracted.
“Glad you could join me,” he snarks. You chuckle, shaking your head as you fire arrow after arrow.
“I only came over because you also need to be careful. I can’t kick alien ass and babysit you two.” He dodges an attack before sending the creature flying.
“I’m Captain America, (Y/N), I don’t need to be-“
The alien with the retractable hammer sends it flying towards the blond before you blast it away, searing with heat in the water.
You raise a brow at Steve. “Like I said. Careful.”
Bucky comes running towards the both of you. Right away, you go into alert mode.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“I’m fine.” He promises you and Steve. “Uh, the raccoon with the gun tried to buy my arm, but other than that…”
You all look at the small creature. It’s shouting obscenities as it crawls around.
“I’ve seen weirder,” Steve decides after a moment.
You make a disbelieving sound as you ready another arrow. “Are you sure?”
A low rumbling shakes the ground before he can joke back. Something’s moving, and fast. The ground bulges, and some sort of technical monstrosity tears out.
They’re like giant razors, rolling across the field and ripping up everything in their path. T’Challa calls for everyone to fall back, but you take to the sky instead. Even though the machines are taller than the trees, 70 years of training helps you find the weak spot.
Nimbly dodging the sharp edges, you fire a powerful beam of light into the center of the wheel, along the side where the engine is stored. Thanks to the radiating heat, the whole thing shuts down, crumbling apart and running into the ground.
But there are nine more, and you don’t have the energy to keep this up.
“Sam, Rhodey.” You call out to the other fliers. “Focus on the sides near the center, there’s some sort of engine there.”
They respond in the affirmative, and after a while, drive it back toward the enemy. It’s progress, but it’s too slow. People are dying.
Then you spot a glowing red blur.
Wanda’s powers cover the wheels, tossing them into the air before bringing them down atop the oncoming aliens. She smiles up at you, nodding in unspoken understanding.
She’s unstoppable, really. Whatever her powers are, they pack quite the punch. And it looks like you could almost win with her influence alone.
“Guys, we got a Vision situation here,” Sam says. Shit. He’s tackled out of the air as he heads toward the forest.
From the center of the fighting, Steve shouts, “Somebody get to Vision.”
“I will,” you call to him. It’s not like any of the ugly space dogs are jumping up to where you hover 200 feet in the air, and the alien generals are preoccupied with Wanda, Thor, and the rest of the group. Well, mainly Wanda and Thor.
You hear them before you see them. Bruce trails you as you spot the giant alien and a skinnier male. He’s carrying a scythe.
The scientist lands first and almost immediately starts duking it out with the larger one. So much for teamwork. You practically crash-land between the android and alien, light swirling around your hands.
“Back up,” you warn the wrinkled creature. “Or I’ll blast you back into space.”
He sneers at you, before spinning the weapon in his hands. Okay, not one for conversation, you think to yourself as he charges.
You block the strike by grabbing the pole and slamming your elbow in between the plates of his armor. Even as he crumples to the ground, he clings to the scythe.
You should’ve melted it when you had it in your grasp, because before you can block he leaps up and slices it across your leg. Flinging yourself away from him as you groan in pain, you watch as Vision rushes forward.
“C’mon, c’mon,” you wince, watching the skin stitch together. The cut was deep, and you’re already exhausted. “Kind of in an important situation right now.”
While you’re still down, the alien manages to stab Vision through the gut. You didn’t even think it was possible. One of the robot’s many abilities was to change his density, so if something was thrown at him, it could simply pass through without harm. But as you watched, you saw his body flickering, almost glitching.
“I thought you were formidable, machine,” the thing hisses. “But you’re dying, like any man.” He yanks the weapon from your friend’s body, and only then do you find the energy to blast him back on his insectoid ass.
When your leg is still healing, you stand shakily.
Hissing from the pain, you limp to the alien. He swings the scythe again, but you grab the hilt, kicking it from his hands.
You yank a knife from your belt, allowing yourself to fall back on instinct as you slash and stab. Even if you only manage to nick him a few times, it’s better than letting him close to Vision.
A downward slash here, a stab as he dodges, toss the knife to your other hand and go for the face.
Eventually, you get tired of attacking and he gets tired of dodging. The alien kicks you square in the ribs, knocking the air from your lungs as you fly back. Shit.
He looms over you, scythe in hand. You groan. It probably won’t kill you, even if he stabs all the way through your body. But it’s gonna hurt like a bitch.
Your savior comes in the form of Steve, in all of his spangly glory, knocking the alien off his feet.
“Get out of here!” he yells to you and Vision. “Go! Get to Bucky!”
Rather than doing as he says, you fire off a beam of light at the man, tag-teaming him as Vision struggles to get on his feet.
“I’m not leaving you,” you sternly say. “And I’m definitely not losing either of you dumbasses.”
Steve has the gall to laugh before the alien throws him over a log and chokes him. From behind the two, the android gestures to the scythe. It’s still on the ground.
You grab it as the two fight, tossing it to Vision.
He stabs it through the alien just as Steve starts choking. Raising the shish-kebabed creature before tossing him away, Vision almost collapses before Steve helps him up.
“I told you to go,” the latter chastises. Despite the gaping, glowing wound in his chest, Vision chuckles.
He repeats Steve’s quote from earlier. “We don’t trade lives, Captain.”
A loud boom sounds from behind your group. As soon as you raise glowing hands, Thor bursts through the tree line.
“Hrafn.” He calls you by a language that even you don’t recognize. “I need your help.”
Steve presses a kiss to your hand as you take off, soaring into the air after the god.
“There, target the seams,” he shouts over the howling wind. You can feel his powers crackle. They’re more erratic than yours or Wanda’s, but they’re also destructive. Perfect for blowing up alien ships.
You cast blasts at the tech, your precise attacks followed shortly by Thor’s lightning.
Then something changes in the air. You feel it in your bones. A deep unrest that stills you mid-air.
Your boys. You have to get to them.
Thor’s already gone by the time you drop from the sky. You want to shout for them, but if this feeling means what you think, you don’t want to draw in any attention.
You practically jump a foot in the air when Steve and Bucky appear from the brush behind you.
“Doll,” the latter gasps, hurrying towards you. He grabs your face in gentle hands as Steve joins the both of you.
Swallowing hard, your voice almost breaks when you speak again.
“Do you feel that?” you whisper. It’s haunting, and sends a cold chill up your boys’ spines. “It’s in the air, it’s…”
Steve raises a hand to his earpiece. “Everyone, on my position. We have incoming.”
It’s silent for a moment, then something appears in the woods. It almost hurts, the wave of energy that washes over you.
He’s there.
Thanos is as ugly as you imagined. He’s absurdly tall and purple. But more than anything else, he wears a gauntlet. And there are five stones in it.
He’s come for the last.
Steve expands the shield on his arm, sighing slow and long.
“Eyes up. Stay sharp.”
You stay further back, waiting and watching. Bruce is first to charge, but phases through the titan and lands halfway in a cliff.
Steve is thrown by a purple surge, so is T’Challa. Sam’s wings are deactivated and he crashes to the forest floor.
You run over to Wanda as Thanos fights the others.
“I’ll hold him off.” It’s too late to save Vision. “I’m sorry,” you say, gently squeezing her hand.
Rhodey goes down, so do Bucky, Okoye, and Nat. Plus the tree alien. But you’re not too worried about him.
You draw your bow, aimed on the titan as you pour all of your energy into a single arrow. Light pours from it, searing and burning. You loose it.
Thanos tries to block it, but it soars to its mark in his chest. He goes to rip it out, but you raise a hand and force the light deeper.
He’s groaning in pain now, clawing at his chest where the light is embedded. If you can just get close enough, you can get the gauntlet, or maybe the stones from it.
You creep forward, hand twisting every time he seems to push through the pain.
‘I can do it,’ you think. ‘The gauntlet is right there.’
The second you lay a hand on the golden glove, Thanos’s eyes shoot open. Through the pain and the literal burning hole in his chest, he grabs you and throws you away.
The force with which you slam onto the ground causes your head to fling back, hitting the ground with enough force to knock the average human out.
You blink hazily, gasping for air and words and your boys. If Thanos is going to win and you’re going to die, you want to spend your last moments with them. They’ll move on without you, you think.
A part of you wants them to move on. To remember you fondly and smile as they learn to live without you. But you’re too selfish. You never want them to live without you.
Turning your head to the side, you see Bucky a few feet away. You crawl to him, dragging yourself across the leaves.
“(Y/N)?” he whispers. He’s as dazed as you are.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s me, Buck.” Slowly, he pulls you close, shielding both of your eyes from the titan. You don’t have enough energy to even stand, much less put up a fight.
And then the Mind Stone shatters. You feel it, and manage to raise your head to see. Vision’s body is gray, and Wanda is sobbing, but maybe it’ll keep Thanos from the last stone.
“He’s got the Time Stone,” Bucky mumbles. Your heart drops.
Just as he said, Vision is back in the blink of an eye. And Thanos crushes his skull as he pries the stone from his head.
If the energy upon his arrival was powerful, it grows stronger with all six stones. You tuck your head under Bucky’s chin, trying to fight off the headache.
From behind you, Thor strikes. You hear a blow connect, and a whisper of, “I told you… You’d die for that.”
The next words remove any hope you had.
“You should’ve gone for the head.”
Bucky barely manages to roll over to take the brunt of the explosion, holding you even closer. He doesn’t know where Steve is. He’s almost too scared to look up to find him, lest all he sees is his body.
Gentle hands give him a breath of relief.
Steve grabs the both of you, helping you sit up and Bucky to stand.
“Where’d he go?” the blond asks.
From beside you, Bucky feels something in his flesh hand. A tingle, like it’s asleep.
“Steve? (Y/N)?”
You want to scream. He’s dissolving, he’s fucking dissolving and you’ve healed bullet wounds and lacerations and bones completely out of their place but you can’t heal this.
All you can do is hug him as Steve does the same. You’re both crying now, pressing kisses to his lips before it’s too late.
“Please don’t go,” you whisper.
Bucky laughs, scared and quiet. “It’s all right, doll. You two take care of each other, and I’ll see you a long time from now. You’ll be okay.”
“Not without you,” Steve pleads. He can’t watch this. Not again.
Then there’s nothing. He’s gone.
No blood, no screams. Just… dust.
In the field, you see more soldiers turning to dust. They just vanish. Painlessly, at least.
Steve goes to reach you, comfort you and for you to comfort him. He needs to know you aren’t going to disappear too.
And you won’t. A part of him knows that.
But when his hand goes to pull you in it dissolves.
“No.” Your tone is final. You’re shaking and the tears are coming silently now. Grabbing his quickly disappearing arm, you push your powers to their limit. But there’s nothing to heal. There’s nothing to heal because there’s technically no injury. No illness.
You sob out in frustration, wishing for the first time that HYDRA had fucked you up even more if it would let you save at least one of the loves of your life.
“I’m so sorry,” Steve whispers, kissing your forehead. You’re going to be alone again. You’re going to watch both of them die and it breaks him knowing that it’ll break you. “I’m sorry sweetheart, you don’t deserve this.”
Your knees buckle under you and he’s not there to catch you.
Neither of them are.
You cradle your arms to your chest, and curl in on yourself. Your forehead rests on the dust, but you can't bring yourself to gather the remains.
The last time you lost Steve and Bucky, there was still a sliver of hope. But you just watched them both slip through your fingers.
They’re gone.
None of the surviving Avengers have it in them to pull you away from the dust-covered ground, not when you’re screaming and sobbing hours later.
After the crying, you go silent.
It’s late at night when Natasha comes to check on you.
Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy, your hair is messy from where you’ve grabbed at it, and there’s marks on your hands where you dug your nails in.
She sits next to you without saying anything. Instead, she puts an arm around your shoulder, and lets you lean on her. Your grief is palpable.
As smart as Natasha Romanoff is, she’s slightly lacking in the healthy coping mechanisms department. So she proposes the exact thing that will get you out of this goddamned field.
“Thanos is still out there.”
It’s all she has to say.
“I’m going to kill him. And it’s not going to be quick,” you respond. Your voice is hoarse and level but tired all the same.
She nods. “Once we find him, he’s all yours.”
You wish you could say that you were excited when Tony came home alive. However, the weeks were blurring together and everything was washed in an all-consuming grief and frustration.
When Tony came off the plane and saw you alone, he knew in an instant.
He knew better than to wish you well, or give you condolences. All of the thoughts and prayers in the world can’t bring back a loved one. Tony knows that more than most.
And the day later, the surviving heroes gather. There’s a new girl, Carol Danvers, another alien that knows the raccoon. You try to be polite, but you can’t. You’re too drained, too tired.
And honestly, you’re angry above everything else. You’re tired of being so fucking sad. You hate how much of your life you’ve spent grieving, and how every time you get something, it’s ripped away in the cruelest way possible.
You’ve lost the ability to distinguish anger and sadness. The ache hurts just the same. Burning.
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.” You look up at Rhodey’s voice, and immediately wish you hadn’t.
You’re met with a picture of Bucky. An ID.
James Barnes. When it flashes away, Steve Rogers takes his place.
You swipe the screen away.
Natasha doesn’t mention it. “World governments are in pieces.The parts that are still working… are trying to take a census and it looks like he did… He did exactly what he said he was gonna do.”
“Thanos wiped out… 50% of all living creatures,” she finishes.
“Where is he now?” Tony asks before you can.
Rhodey shrugs. “We don’t know. He just opened a portal and walked through.”
The genius rolls forward a bit in his wheelchair, pointing to Thor.
“What’s up with him?”
“Oh, he’s pissed,” the raccoon, who’s name you’ve come to know as Rocket, sighs. “He thinks he failed.”
“And he didn’t?” you spit. You know you’ll regret blaming him later. It’s not his fault any more than yours. But now, you just need a reason that you’re alone again.
“No, he definitely did. But there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.”
You listen to them argue back and forth, tensions rising, flinching as Tony rips out the IV and starts yelling.
“Listen!” you snap. “All I want, is to know where Thanos went.” Your voice starts shaking again, but shit, you aren’t going to start crying. Because if you start, you won’t stop.
“I- I just need to know where he went so I can do what I do best, and… And you’ll never have to deal with me again.”
No one wants to ask what you mean by that.
Nebula, a blue cybernetic alien, speaks up.
“I can tell you where Thanos is.”
Before loading onto the ship and heading to the planet the titan was on, you dug through an old bin.
Some more of yours and… Bucky’s equipment had been recovered from Siberia a while back. And in your box there was a weapon.
HYDRA had tried to train you with the scythe, with a blade far larger than the one carried by the alien a few weeks ago. It didn’t go well. A scythe really isn’t meant for constant combat. It’s a tool for execution. That’s why you were HYDRA’s scythe.
It’ll work perfectly.
The group climbs on the ship, and jets off. At any other time, you’d be in awe of the vastness of space. Now… you squeeze your eyes shut before you think too much.
Carol flies back up from where she went to scout. “There’s no ships, no armies, no recon. It’s just him.”
The planet is gorgeous. Even through all of your cynicism, you can’t deny that.
Even so, your eyes are set on the cabin in the distance. You split up and arrive last, scythe at your side and your eyes set on the titan.
He’s well restrained. Danvers had him in a chokehold, Bruce has one shoulder in the grasp of the Hulkbuster suit, Rhodey has the other arm, and Thor’s chopped off the hand with the gauntlet.
Rocket turns over the severed hand, and it’s empty.
“Where are they?” you ask Thanos.
Carol tightens her grip. “You heard her. Answer the question.”
“The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose… beyond temptation.”
“You murdered trillions!” Bruce yells, shoving him back.
“You should be grateful.”
Natasha speaks when you can’t. “Where are the stones?”
Thanos gasps from where he’s been punched to the floor. “Gone. Reduced to atoms.”
“You used them two days ago!”
“I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me.”
You laugh. “You’re gonna wish it had.” You tuck the scythe into the holder in your back and kick Thanos further into the hut.
There’s so many things you could do. You’ve inflicted horrific tortures on people, and this one is the most deserving. You could grow new bones, you could puncture his lungs or rip apart his organs. You could-
“(Y/N)?” Bruce asks. He moves the suit in front of you, but the look in your eyes will haunt him for years. He hasn’t known you long, but the violence you’re about to inflict scares him.
“Move.” When you go to step around, Rhodey and Nat pull you back. “Let me go!” you shout. Carol charges up her powers, but you shove them all away with a harmless wave of light.
“I am inevitable,” Thanos says. You smirk, cold and unfamiliar.
“So am I.”
You don’t even know what you’ve done until you sink the blade down the middle of his skull.
The body is covered in deep cuts and burns, boiling across the skin and melting the muscles and organs that are visible.
There’s blood. There’s so much blood.
As you step back, Thor takes the head off the corpse in one swing of his ax. The two of you start walking out, intent on leaving and never looking back. The god had promised to drop you off at an old safehouse before disappearing. He was as broken as you were now.
“What did you do?” Rocket whispers in horror. You pause, swallowing down the mix of guilt, regret, and so much grief.
“I avenged.”
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
i won't let you down
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© @snyderzack
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Bucky helps you and gives you hope.
word count: 1.196 words.
warnings/tags: very brief mention of domestic violence, the winter soldier coming to help you.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
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It was the fourth month he was living in the same building as you, concretely, in the apartment next to yours. Since the very first moment you met in the lift, you were extra kind with him and he couldn’t help but think that you were hiding some kind of intentions, until the days passed away and he discovered it was part of your naturality. He remembered, as if it happened yesterday, the first morning he knocked on your door asking for some coffee and you practically invited him to have breakfast together. You two talked about your part-time job in a cafeteria by morning, close to the neighborhood, and another one in a book shop by evenings. Bucky was fascinated by how much you used the hours of your days, letting you work out and have long walks in Central Park.
And he also remembered the night you knocked on his door for the first time, after hearing him having some nightmares and not being able to go back to sleep. The walls seemed like thin paper. He didn’t get it out of his head that time he heard you crying in your room, in the small hours, after a fight with your boyfriend. A punk who didn’t deserve an angel like you. On all the occasions you two argued, Bucky wanted to intervene, but he didn’t because what was his right.
Until a night where the heated talk escalated too quickly to swearings coming from him, and a painful scream coming from your lips after a loud hit. Bucky kicked the door down without doubting, panting furious and breaking into your apartment like a bat out of hell. As soon as he reached the living room and saw you crying and lying on the floor, all his rage contained during months got concentrated on the same point. Five cold fingers closing in a big and dangerous fist.
“Who the fuck are you?” Your boyfriend spat raving mad.
“A guy who’s gonna disappoint his therapist for breaking rule number two”. The soldier hissed, not giving time to the other to react.
With his left hand grabbing your boyfriend’s throat, Bucky pinned him to the nearest wall with so much uncontrollable strength that he almost opened a hold in it, straight to his own house.
“Listen to me now, you son of a bitch”. Their faces were separated barely for a couple of inches, drinking each other’s breathing. “If I see you coming again, laying a finger on her… I promise I’ll turn your life into a damn nightmare”.
Bucky could see the horror borning in his eyes when your boyfriend recognized him. That voice. Those blue orbs. The metallic fingers cutting off the air from his lungs. He was in the news for a long time. The Winter Soldier. One of those freaks with superpowers, with the difference that he was a trained assassin. Only a fool wouldn’t obey his threat. But for some reason, Bucky wasn’t able to loosen the hold around the other man, driven by the desire he had for killing him. After all the suffering he made you go through, after all the nights hearing you crying, after all the time waiting for your boyfriend to change. He wanted to end his life.
“Bu— Bucky”. Your weak sobs brought him back to reality. To New York. To the year twenty twenty-one. To the new century.
As if it was an automatic act, his fingers opened making your boyfriend fall to the floor. Coughing, choking with his own saliva and the lack of air. The poor coward ran away before Bucky could blink twice. Shaking his head to shut up the voices inside his head claiming him to chase the man, he turned around and squatted next to you. A thin thread of blood poured out from the upper right corner of your lip, as your cheek was burning in pain after the punch. The soldier held you onto his arms, listening to the sound of the police sirens coming. Probably some neighbor called them, fed up with the fights inside your house.
You were crying inconsolably and ashamed when he walked into his apartment, placing you with so much care on his sofa. Bucky didn’t utter a syllable, heading to his bathroom to take something to fix you up. He had a good medical kit since he didn’t want to visit any kind of hospital. Coming back to you, the soldier knelt next to you, feeling a knot inside his chest pressing out his skin. He wetted a cotton in hydrogen peroxide and placed his warm free hand on your untouched cheek to urge you to raise your head towards him. You couldn’t help but draw a grimace of pure soreness that broke his heart in one million pieces.
“Sorry…” Bucky murmured, earning your look filled up with sadness. “I, uh… I wanted to… So many times, I…”
“Thank you… for saving me”. You stuttered in low tears, while he continued healing your lip and cleaning the blood on it. “You’re a… good man, James”.
“I just did what I had to”.
“We’re… more than fifty persons living here… And you’ve been the one who has saved me”.
Knocks on his door interrupted your little chat, causing him to frown as the two of you heard it was the NYPD. Bucky left a delicate caress on your cheek before standing up and attending the call. The cops came into his house without asking if they could, knowing very well the man who was living there.
“Ma’am, you okay?” One of the officers inquired walking closer.
“Yeah, it was… I just… slip off to the fl—”. Tell them about your, now, ex-boyfriend wasn’t an option for you, feigning a soft chuckle as you cleaned the tears in your eyelids.
“His boyfriend hit her”. But Bucky interrupted you.
“And you helped her, mister Barnes?”
“Yeah, and she’s gonna make a complaint”.
That wasn’t an option for you either, but by the look coming from his eyes, you knew it was the only one for him. You couldn’t persuade him.
Bucky licked his bottom lip, shortening the distance between both to grab his cozy and baggy black hoodie to offer it to you. He was determined to help you. He really wanted your welfare.
“C’mon”. He almost begged you in a whisper, shaking briefly his hand holding the piece of clothing to convince you of taking the good road. “I’ll be with you, I promise. I won’t let you down… Not again”.
It took you a couple of seconds to nod your head, getting up from his sofa being helped by the cold hand showing up. Bucky made you wear his hoodie, with so much careless to not touch your right cheek still burning because of the pain. Under the attentive look of the cops, he placed his flesh arm over your shoulders, not caring about the lack of distance when you clung yours around his waist and tried to hide your face on his chest. For the first time since you started that toxic relationship, you felt safe. You felt liberated.
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876 notes · View notes
httpjeon · 5 years
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synopsis. you find yourself on izo huen, home to the sehebon. luckily for you, you've arrived at an interesting time.
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pairing. taehyung/reader genre. angst, fluff, smut au. alien!au wordcount. 16,580 contents. Huge Dick Tae, cocky!tae, soft!tae, protective!tae, lowkey possessive!tae, human!kink, slight harrassment, dom/sub themes, size kink, size difference, sensitivity kink?, orgasm kink?, cunt slapping, breath play, dry humping, cunnilingus, fingering, cumflation, belly bulging, lowkey consent kink, unrealistic sex but it’s aliens what do u expect, lots of mention of humanity note. tae just wants to learn human things ):
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blog masterlist. made of stardust masterlist.
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© httpjeon 2020. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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It had been a little over a half a year since your move to the Vela System of the Fanet IV Galaxy courtesy of the Interplanetary Relations Commission had begun. You were still adjusting to your new environment, Izo Huen being a vastly different place compared to Earth in terms of culture and climate.
"So, to wrap up the events of this past week," you shifted in your chair, staring into the lens of the camera you used to send reports to your superiors, "I met with the head of the Embassy for a dinner in order to meet the head of Izo Huen's military. The only way I can describe the whole interaction is...tense. Warrior Sehebon are truly another level of terrifying. Horrible burns across their bodies correlate with the information we had about their rituals. They wear the burns with pride, however ― a mark of bravery I suppose. The middle of the week was rather uneventful," you shifted in your seat, leaning over just out of frame to take a sip of your water. You stared at the arched ceiling, thinking of anything that could come to mind of importance to note. Outside your window, you could see people walking through the streets, laughing and chatting with one another.
"Oh!" you sat up straight again, "The monthly market came back once again. This time it was mostly vendors from Liana. They had the most amazing fruits I'd ever seen ― nothing like Earths. They were delicious too, so sweet. I wish I could send some back for everyone to be able to taste. You know," your gaze shifted out your window again, to the people bustling about, "Things got really hectic here in Fia recently, I don't know what it is. They're hanging banners up and there seems to have been an extreme increase in population of the city. I'm not completely sure what's going on."
After ending your weekly log and sending it to your fellow researchers on Earth, you downed the rest of your water and groaned. Izo Huen was sweltering hot, the two suns that hung in the sky upping the temperature past comfortable.
You couldn't wait for night to come, the freezing cold giving you a wonderful excuse to cuddle under the wool blankets.You decided to take a bath to pass the time, as it would be night in just a few hours. Plus, you desperately wanted to wash the days grime off your body.
By the time you woke up the next day, you were acutely aware of how incredibly loud it was outside. Shouts and cheers emanated from just outside your window. So with sleep-filled eyes you hurriedly dressed yourself and rushed out to see what the fuss was all about.When you stepped out of the door, you were shocked by the incredible crowd of people filling the streets.
Banners and streamers, even balloons, decorated every inch that could be covered. The alphabet was one you hadn't yet learned to decipher so the meanings were completely lost on you.
"Excuse me?" you asked a nearby woman. She was much taller than you ― a key trait in both men and women of their race. She turned and looked down at you with surprise in her eyes, "What's going on?"
"It's the pre-celebration," she answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
She turned her back to you once again and quickly disappeared into the crowd and you sighed. Sehebon citizens were still getting used to their planet being visited by other races outside their own solar system ― they were the newest planet to be opened for visits by the Interplanetary Commission.
It unfortunately resulted in some of the citizens to hold ill feelings towards those entering their cities.
Sighing, you decided to follow the flow of the crowd to appease your own rabid curiosity. A lot of the cultural information on Sehebon had yet to be discovered or disclosed, as a race that held their own traditions close to their hearts.
You were surprised that the place everyone was flocking to was the massive Colosseum that was centered in the very middle of the city. Larger than any stadium found on Earth, you'd never had the opportunity to find out what it was for.
In your excitement to get through the crowd of large Sehebon, you stumbled over your own feet and hit the ground hard ― knocking the air out of you. The crowd didn't wait, stepping over you and for a second you were scared you would be literally crushed under a stampede.
However, strong hands grabbed your arms and lifted you up, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of the crowd. You stumbled trying to catch up, with his large steps while trying not to end up slammed into unsuspecting people.
The person tugging you pulled you out of the crowd and rounding the stone walls until you realized the amount of people had dissipated. You had the opportunity to look at the person who had helped you ― a male Sehebon finding a safe spot for you and finally slowing down.
"I...thank you," you muttered when he didn't say anything, his back still facing you.
"You're a human right?" he asked, finally turning to you. You choked on your own spit at the sight of him ― black hair hanging over two pretty dark eyes. He was tall, probably a little above average for his race and he was absolutely gorgeous, "I heard there was one staying in Fia but...damn."
"Uh...I'm an advocate for the Interplanetary Commission," you sputtered out, unable to break your gaze away from his face. He had tanned skin, smooth as could be with a jaw so sharp it could cut glass, "I'm from Earth, yes. My name is _____."
"Incredible," he moved closer, having to lean down to look at you how he wanted. You could feel his breath on your face and you could see the way he had one mono-lid and one double ― which was absolutely adorable, "My name is Taehyung...you know, you're so...small."
"I-I'm actually quite average," you refuted, glancing away under the power of his gaze.
"Maybe by human standards but..." he straightened up, looking around, "You should be careful. You can get hurt easily, you're lucky I saw you fall and bothered to help you."
"Bothered..." you whispered with a soft scoff. You could still feel his eyes on you, burning into you as if he was analyzing every inch of you, "Hey, so what's going on anyway?"
"You don't know?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow when you shook your head.
"I asked someone and she just said it was a pre-celebration," you shrugged.
"Yeah sort of," Taehyung gnawed at the inside of his cheek, jaw cocking to one side at the action, "It's gonna be our lottery in a few days so we come to the stadium to get our tickets."
"Wait...lottery? Like a money thing?" you asked, "You guys have that?"
"What?" Taehyung shook his head, staring at you like you were stupid and you suddenly felt embarrassed.
"O-On Earth we have this thing called a lottery and...you scratch these little papers and you can win money," you explained, hoping to help him make sense of you assumption.
"Huh, that's interesting," he actually did seem interested and maybe a little impressed, making you feel weirdly proud, "But no, that's not what we have. Once a year the government holds a lottery here in Fia, in the stadium. You draw and if your number is picked you gotta fight."
His words made you blank out.
They had to fight?
"What the hell?" you sputtered before you could stop yourself and Taehyung cocked his head to the side.
"Have you not read any of the banners and information sheets floating around?" he asked, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets, "They put them up to inform new visitors of what's going on, you know."
"I..." you cleared your throat, suddenly feeling embarrassed again, "Can't read the alphabet."
Taehyung went quiet for a minute before he snorted, beginning to laugh way too much for the simple problem you had. Your cheeks burned as he held his stomach, no doubt aching from how hard he was laughing.
"Oh my gosh!" he choked, wiping under his eyes, "Y-You're illiterate!"
"I am not illiterate!" you gasped, ears beginning to burn now at his accusation, "I-I just haven't had a need to read the alphabet! Since we speak the same language, you know?!"
"Okay, okay," he sniffled, finally calming down from his outburst. He looked down at you and cooed, placing his hand on your head, "Aw, don't-don't pout, I'm sorry. You're so cute!"
"St-Stop making fun of me!" you whined, petulantly stomping your foot which just made him coo more at you, calling you cute.
"I'm not making fun of you!" he argued, standing at his full height again, making you look up, "Isn't it only natural that I find the small little human girl cute? You're so...small."
"So you keep saying," you mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest, "Are you going to go into the stadium?"
"Yeah, probably a little while later," he shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets, "It'll calm down soon enough and it'll be less hectic. You're welcome to wait with me, if you'd like."
"I might as well," you sighed, leaning back so you rested your shoulder against the wall, "I'll probably literally be killed if I try to go in there at this point."
"Probably," he agreed, looking away from you when you squinted up to glare at him, "Say..." He looked back at you, head cocked to the side curiously, "Is it true Earth has a lot of oceans? And only one Sun?"
"Eh? Yeah, that's right," you nodded, making him hum, "You've never been to Earth?"
"Nah, can't afford to make that trip," he sighed, sliding down the side of the wall to sit on the ground, "I read about it when the news that we'd be open for visits from them, though. Here sit," he tugged your hand until you were finally sitting beside him.
"About this...fight," his head lulled to the side as he gazed at your through his lashes, "What...why do you guys do it? How's it work?"
"Well," he rested his hands on his bent knees, head resting against the wall behind him again, "You know majority of our planet is uninhabitable right?"
"Yeah, dominated by deadly deserts that will kill even Sehebon," you replied mechanically, having studied their landscape immensely on your voyage from Earth.
"Then you also know there's only a few, select places suitable for us to live," you nodded and he continued, "We have three cities on Izu Huen, Fia our capitol, Veles, and Holis. That isn't a lot of room for an entire planet to live, right? We have to stay within the habitable zone and fit every person on the planet in the cities. Excluding those that have the means to move to Vimoldara, that is. That's a lot of people, isn't it?"
"Wait," you sat up straighter, jaw dropping open, "You mean, it's a form of population control?"
"That and," his gaze turned much darker, sending a chill up your spine, "It's a chance for us to show each other how strong we are. That we're the best and we deserve to live, we offer more. Those who lose are killed and only the winner can stand."
"That's..." you cleared your throat uncomfortably, "That's scary."
"Not for us," Taehyung shrugged, casting a sideways glance your way, "It's a celebration. We're all excited and ready to do it. We get to make our families and ancestors proud as we fight."
You hummed, still weary of the lottery but kept the rest of your opinions to yourself. You and Taehyung dissolved into talking about things he was curious about on Earth, deciding it would be worth it to travel there simply after hearing what a cheeseburger was.
The suns began to set when Taehyung stood, helping you to your feet.
"We should be able to get in easily now," you followed him to the large entrance that you'd been unable to see past when you had first approached.
With the smaller influx of people, you could see fully inside the stadium. There were banners and decorations strewn about everywhere, a wash of white, red and black colors seeming to be the theme. In the very center of the stadium was a booth with a man standing inside, handing things out to the people in line.
"I hope he doesn't think I'm here to pick a lottery," you mumbled to yourself as you stood in line with Taehyung. He was still holding onto your hand as you waited, large fingers wrapping completely around your wrist, making the size difference more apparent.
He really was right when he said you were small. But his hand was so warm and comforting against your skin that it made you feel...cute.
"Nah, they won't assume a foreigner is here to participate," he said, not breaking his gaze from the booth.
By the time you reached the booth, the suns were down to just peeking over the horizon and the moon was, instead, shining large in the sky. The temperature was dropping and you couldn't help but move closer to Taehyung for warmth. You weren’t dressed to be out at night, you’d only anticipated spending the daytime hours out.
"Thank you," he said, tucking a slip of paper into his pocket after folding it up. The man behind the booth nodded, waving the next person forwards.
He began to walk when he paused, looking down at you with wide eyes. You scrambled to detach yourself from his side, not realizing just how close you were to him. However, you were quickly brought back when he pulled you flush against him again with a small smile.
"You humans are so fragile," he breathed, beginning walk, keeping you tucked into his side. Your face was burning with embarrassment but you also felt a strange sense of pride flowing through you at the prospect of such a good looking man treating you like he was.
"I-It just gets really cold here, you know?" you mumbled, trying to defend yourself albeit weakly.
His chest vibrated with his laughter, tightening his hold around your shoulders, "I guess if you're not used to it. You live around here?"
"Uh yeah," you pointed in the general direction of where you were staying, "I live down this road a ways."
"Alright, I'll walk you there," he offered, though he left no option to refuse.
You both fell silent as you walked, every once in a while another person would pass and stare at the two of you. Their eyes followed you even as you passed, turning back to stare at you and you began to feel strange about it.
"Why is everyone looking at us like that?" you asked suddenly, making him look down. The moonlight cast a soft glow on his face causing the shadow of his lashes to dust his cheeks.
"Probably because you're a human and you're with me," he answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world, "It's not exactly common for Sehebon and foreigners to be together yet."
You swallowed thickly, cheeks burning for the thousandth time that day it seemed.
It wasn't long before you reached the stoop of your house and you dislodged yourself from Taehyung, wrapping your arms around yourself to keep in the warmth you now missed.
"Um thanks for walking me home," you said, shrugging your shoulders self-consciously as his eyes scanned over your body.
"It was my pleasure," he leaned closer to you, "Hey, why don't you come to the celebration in a couple days, hm?"
"You mean the fighting?" you asked, feeling uneasy at the invitation. He nodded eagerly, eyes bright in excitement, "Taehyung, I do understand it's an important practice for you...it's your culture. But humans and Earth...it's punishable to kill someone. It's against the law. We find the concept of death scary...you know?"
His head cocked to the side, brows furrowed and the excitement in his eyes gone, "You're scared to die? And you don't like to see others die?"
"Exactly, it's...it's a very negative thing for humans," you attempted to explain while trying not to upset him.
"You know being invited to a fight is a very special thing," he muttered with a frown, leaning close to you so his nose was touching yours. Your eyes grew wide at the fire burning in his eyes and you swallowed nervously, "It's very offensive to reject an invitation to a fight. I want to show you how good I am, how well I can fight. I want you to be proud of me. Impressed by me."
Your mouth grew dry at his words and the way he uttered them, deep voice dark and no hint of the gentleness he had spoken with before. You attempted to move back but found your back pressed against the door. He loomed over you, leaning on his forearms above your head ― caging you in. Strangely, the only thing you could think of was how good he smelled; like the fruits you'd eaten a couple days ago.
"I-I'm sorry, Taehyung," you whispered, licking your lips in an effort to rid yourself of your nerves, "I just...Y-You don't need to kill someone t-to impress me, you know?"
"Then how can I?" he squinted, "I find you fascinating. A cute little human girl, smart and charming. I want to...what is it you humans call it...court you?"
You wanted to smile at the sound of the outdated term he used. But it was stopped by his confession, of what he thought of you.
"W-Well...you're trying to court a human girl..." you spoke slowly, meeting his eyes in faux confidence even though your heart was beating a mile a minute, "Why don't you try...a human method?"
"A human method," he gnawed on the inside of his cheek ― apparently a habit he had while thinking, "What are human methods?"
"Well um..." you noticed that with his body covering yours like it was, you weren't affected by the cold and that your trembles were no doubt excitement, "Like...dates. Do you guys have dates?"
"Usually an invitation to fight for someone to see is sufficient enough to begin a relationship," he explained, making you sigh. He frowned at the sound and leaned closer to you to meet your gaze, "Tell me what to do and I'll do it."
"F-For humans usually a man will ask a woman on a date," you explained simply, "Like...you would ask to take me to see a movie or take me to dinner."
"A dinner," he repeated, seeming to mull it over for a moment before nodding. The dark look was gone and he smiled the cutest boxy smile you'd ever seen in your life, "Then I'd like to take you to dinner, _____."
"I'd like that, Taehyung," you smiled, feeling your cheeks burn under his soft gaze.
"After my fight, to celebrate my win I'll take you."
"Alright, Taehyung, I look forward to it," after what seemed like an eternity, his eyes flickering from your lips to your eyes, he finally stood up straight. The cold immediately began to sink into your bones and he stepped back off your stoop.
"See you soon, cutie," he waved, twiddling his fingers before spinning on his heel and walking in the direction you both had just came from.
You opened your front door, slipping inside and relaxing once the warmth hit you. Leaning back against the door, you pressed your hand to your chest and sighed.
"Not how I expected my day to turn out," you mumbled, taking a seat at your chair in front of the camera, turning it on so the red light blinked indicating recording, "I know it hasn't been a week yet but I've found something interesting. I met a man named Taehyung and he told that they're about to begin a planet-wide lottery. Everyone draws a number and they're picked to fight. It's a...form of population control and some kind of cultural flex on each other to show who is the toughest and bravest. The fights are set to take place in a few days and I was invited but...I had to decline. The prospect of watching it was just too much for me to consider so I apologize for that."
You went quiet for a second, deciding to leave out the fact that the invitation was an attempt to ask you out. You greeted the people who would be watched goodbye and shut off the camera, turning to your computer monitor and hurriedly sending the video before shutting everything down.
The city was quiet for the next few days, everyone packed into the stadium. You would frequently hear the thunderous roar of the crowd but ultimately did your best to block out the prospect of the death no doubt going on.
You laid on your bed, reading a book you'd read several times already but lacked the means to acquire a new one. You wouldn't be able to read the books in an alphabet you couldn't read. Though you could take the time to learn but, you were in no mood to study.
As expected, you found yourself thinking of Taehyung. He was charming, no doubt, and you were surprised by how much you ultimately enjoyed his company. It was quick that he decided he wanted to date you, by human standards anyway, but Sehebon were very fast-moving people as more than half their race were warriors who could be killed in the blink of an eye. No doubt a cause for Taehyung's rush to be with you.
You couldn't deny the complete attraction you had for him; he was incredibly good looking and had the cutest smile. His voice was hypnotic, smooth as whiskey and as deep as the ocean. Dating someone of a completely different species wasn't the strangest thing by far ― plenty of humans had counterparts from different races. Dating a Sehebon, on the other hand, was different since the brand new introduction of their race to humans.
There was no fear that Taehyung would bring you any harm or have ill intentions, there was just a lot of confusion about him. You didn't exactly know much about who he was as a person rather than his race.
The date would no doubt clear things up and open doors for you.
Remembering the fact you would be going on a date with him set butterflies off in your tummy and you bit your lip to hold back the gleeful grin that threatened to spread across your face.
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It was a full week before the streets became the same again. The population of Fia went back to normal as visitors from other cities left and went back home. The banners were taken down from around your street and before long everything seemed to have returned to the way it was.
Unfortunately, you were running out of food so you needed to go food shopping. As the suns were beginning to set, with the temperature steadily dropping, is when you decided to go shopping.
You slid a sweater on to keep you warm before stepping out the door. It was still a little warm but you knew you'd be grateful for your choice later.
In the past, you'd made the mistake of forgoing something warm and had to quite literally run home before you froze to death.
You carried a bag, an effect from when you lived on Earth and refused to use plastic bags in fear they'd end up in the oceans. When you first presented the bag at the local grocers, the cashier had looked at you like you were stupid ― making you feel just a tad self-conscious.
Fortunately, they'd now grown used to your practice and barely batted an eye in response when you brought.
The shop wasn't busy during that time of day and you were thankful to be able to navigate the aisles without having to avoid the giant Sehebon people that easily blocked your shelf access. You packed your bag with things you were vaguely familiar with. There was a lot of food you didn't dare try ― you couldn't read what it said or it was just gross looking.
Unfortunately, however, the shelves were so damn tall that you sometimes had to scale them to actually reach the things you needed. Standing on your tippy-toes using one of the shelves to grab a simple box of noodles ― something you were very pleased to find on Izo Huen.
You chose a lot of fruits and vegetables ― trusting them more than their alien-meats. You were basically the alien version of a vegetarian at that point.
When you stepped outside, you were immediately grateful of the sweater you wore. The cold still seemed to seep in a bit but it was tolerable despite the light shivers that took you. Carrying your bag, you hummed a tune to yourself as you navigated the darkening streets. The lamps were lit to illuminate your way but there were no other people in sight, making you feel calm.
"Hey, you a human?" scratch that, there were people.
You paused, looking into an alleyway separating two residential streets. A small group of young men were smoking cigarettes. Part of you wondered if they were cigarettes or some Izo Huen-version.
"Yes I'm a human," you replied, pulling your bag off your shoulder to hold it in front of you.
"You want a hit?" one of them asked you, offering you what he was smoking off of.
"N-No thank you," you backed away slightly to get away from the smoke emanating off the burning end, "I really should be getting home...I have things to put away."
You turned to walk away but a hand aggressively gripped your arm to stop you, startling a gasp out of you.
"Hey, that hurts," you mumbled, attempting to tug your arm free but he tugged you closer to him, "Let go!"
Before he had the chance to speak, a hand was violently wrapped around his throat and slammed him back. He pulled you with him slightly, knocking you to the ground as the man was pinned to the wall. Looking up, you could see Taehyung leaning close to him ― whispering something that had the man's eyes widening.
"Do you understand?" Taehyung growled, loud enough for you to hear. The man nodded so hard you were sure he was going to give himself a headache. Taehyung held him still for several more seconds, looking over him to make sure he was telling the truth.
When the man was dropped, he took off down the alleyway with his friends following, none of them daring to look back.
"Are you alright?" he asked, crouching down to where you were sitting on the ground. He cupped your cheek ever so softly, thumb grazing beneath your eye, "I didn't mean for you to get knocked down."
"It's alright," you muttered, using his shoulders to pull yourself back to your feet. He remained crouched for a moment, just gazing up at you silently, "W-What is it?"
"You should be more careful, _____," he said, picking up the bag of groceries you had dropped, tucking some of the things that had been knocked out back in where they belonged, "Didn't I tell you that you could get hurt?"
"W-Well yes but that was different― "
"It wasn't," he snapped, moving close to you once again. Fingers hooked beneath your chin to make you look at him, "Don't you understand how much people want you? How they look at you when you walk around?"
"N-No..." you blinked as you tried to recall any staring while you were on your own.
"Everyone finds you alluring here, _____," Taehyung's voice dropped and he stepped even closer so your foreheads were just barely touching, "The cute little human girl. And I'd be very disappointed if I had to kill someone for hurting you."
You were speechless, lost staring in the fiery blaze within his eyes. He held your gaze for several seconds before stepping back and smiling.
"I'll walk you home, I was on my way to see you anyway," you sputtered in shock as he tugged your hand in the direction of your home ― his rapid change of demeanor no doubt going to give you whiplash.
Your feet pounded the pavement as you struggled to keep up with his large strides. You were running out of breath and stamina, though he appeared unaffected.
"T-Tae...can you s-slow down?" he halted in his tracks so suddenly that you fully ran into his back.
"What did you call me?" he looked over his shoulder, staring sharply down at you.
"I-I..." you pulled yourself away from his back and stuttered, "I called you Tae. I'm sorry i-it just slipped out...h-humans like to make n-nicknames, you know?"
He was quiet for a second before he turned around completely, cocking his head to the side.
"Say it again," he commanded.
"Uh...T-Tae?" the name sounded more awkward than it had before coming out of your mouth.
"Hmm," he made a noise akin to a moan, rolling his head back in response before looking down and smirking, "I like that. You're the only one allowed to call me that, yeah?"
"A-Alright," your heart was racing from the way he had reacted to the nickname but you didn't get to dwell on it long before he was tugging you along once again.
You stood on your stoop again, looking at Taehyung, a small smile on his lips as he watched you. He held your bag of groceries out for you and you had to hold back a gasp when your hand brushed his.
"Shit, your hands are freezing!" he gasped, taking one of your hands in his and bringing them closer to him.
"U-Uh yeah it's...pretty cold," your words came out a whisper, reveling in how warm his hands were against yours.
"Poor thing," your eyes widened as he pulled your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against your fingers.
"T-Tae," the nickname had his eyes flicking up and he hummed, pressing another kiss against them.
"Did you like that?" he dropped your hand from his lips but continued to hold it, smiling at you, "I read in a book about common human practices for courting and it said a kiss to the hand will make her heart flutter. Did it work?"
"I..." you swallowed thickly, nodding your head ever so slightly, "I-It was nice, Tae..."
The two of you fell quiet, his hand enveloping yours and his soft gaze fixated on you. Your groceries hung in his free hand and he slowly reached out to hand them to you once again. Once the bag was in your hands, he released your hand from his hold and shoved his own into his pockets. He stepped backwards off the stoop but continued to stare at you, bottom lip tucked in his mouth.
Your eyes danced over his body ― never really looking him over that much besides his face. He had a black button-up tucked into tight fitting jeans and boots that made him even taller than he already was. It surprised you how thick his thighs were but how small his waist was ― it's like he was sculpted by actual gods.
"Well," he smirked, no doubt having caught you staring, "See you around, cutie."
"Hey, Tae wait!" you called before you could stop yourself.
He halted immediately, turning to look at you once again, "You alright?"
"I just..." he jogged back to the stoop, stepping up and moving close to yours.
He cupped your chin between his fingers and made you look up at him.
"You can tell me, sweetheart," his brows were drawn together in concern.
The pet name causing a shiver to go down your spine, "What is it?"
"C-Can...Would you...like to stay for a while?" your cheeks were on fire and you couldn't meet his gaze after whispering the words.
Taehyung's eyes softened and his lips quirked up, running his thumb over your lips for a split second ― so light you almost missed it. He stood up straighter, removing his fingers from your face. You found yourself missing the touch and your heart was pounding at the possible rejection you could face.
"Were you nervous to ask me that, baby?" your core lit on fire at the new pet name and you held in a whimper, "I'd love to stay with you."
"O-Okay..." you reached behind you, turning the knob and pushing the door open.
Warmth hit you from the inside and you scurried out of Taehyung's view as fast as you could to the kitchen. You could hear him walking, the sound of his boots on the floor seeming deafening in the silence of the house. Leaning against the counter, you took a few deep breaths to steady yourself.
You began putting your groceries away in their designated places, noticing that Taehyung's footsteps had gone silent.
"This place given to you by your job?" he asked suddenly, making you jump.
"Um...yeah," you cleared your throat, "It's nothing special but it's cozy."
"It's nice," he muttered before falling silent.
You placed the box of noodles in your cabinet, steeling yourself before moving to the living room. Your brain nearly short-circuited at the sight before you.
Taehyung sat on your couch, legs spread wide and arms stretched out on the back of the couch. His head was tilted back, exposing beautiful expanse of throat. The way he sat was so confident and commanding that you had to clench your thighs together to control yourself.
"Um...are you okay?" you whispered, stepping forward as he lifted his head to look at you.
"I'm perfect," he responded, scooting to the side to allow you to sit beside him, "I think I've figured out a place to take you on our date."
"Oh?" you'd nearly forgotten about the date, "So you're ready to take me?"
"I'm thinking tomorrow, if that's okay," he looked down at you and you smiled.
"I'd love that," your gaze fell to your thighs, noticing the size difference between his and yours ― reminding you of how large he was.
Flicking your eyes up, you were frozen by the sharpness in his own as he stared at you. As you kept his gaze, you felt one of his hands find its way to your thigh and you bit your lip to keep from outright whimpering at the feeling.
"You're so soft," he muttered, shifting to turn more towards you, "And absolutely breathtaking..."
His lips drew closer to yours, his hair brushing your nose as he dipped down. When he pressed them completely, his hand tightened around your thigh. You whimpered, seeming to set Taehyung off as he cupped the back of your head with his free hand ― deepening the kiss.
Your hands clutched at the front of his shirt, losing yourself in the feeling of his lips and hands on you. The hand on your thigh traveled up, grazing your hip, drifting up your stomach and over your breasts before wrapping around your throat. You gasped at the feeling, lips parting from Taehyung's just slightly before you surged back forward to reconnect them.
He groaned against your lips, giving your neck the lightest squeeze before he released you and reached lower to cup your breast through your sweater. You arched your back into the muffled touch but he didn't linger for long because his hand was diving between your legs.
Your jeans impeded you from feeling his touch properly and you whimpered, grinding your hips forward in hopes to remedy the problem. You reached down, holding his hand against your core as you whimpered into his lips.
"Do you want me to touch you, pretty baby?" he asked, kiss parting until your lips just barely brushed his.
"P-Please Tae," you whimpered, feeling your eyes sting with tears of desperation ― having never wanted to be touched so badly in your life.
Taehyung didn't reconnect the kiss, instead he tilted your head back to press his lips to your neck. His long fingers unbuttoned your jeans and hurriedly tugged them off your hips until you finally reached down to pull them off completely, tossing them away.
The way you cried out when his hand cupped you again, this time through your panties, was nothing less than lewd. He tugged your thighs open further, one of them resting across his own, leaving you completely open to his fingers.
"Sound so pretty," he mumbled, teeth grazing your neck where he continued to mouth at you.
You wrapped one hand around his wrist, dragging his fingers up ever so slightly until you were able to push them past the band of your panties. He immediately took over, fingers diving between your folds to find just how wet you were for him. He groaned, pulling away from your neck to meet your gaze, his lips open just slightly as he brushed against your clit. Your hips twitched and you found yourself clinging to his arm as you whined.
"So sensitive, little one," he whispered, wrapping his free hand around your thigh to pull you even closer to him until you were completely in his lap with your back tucked to his chest.
"Tae..." you whispered, eyes fluttering closed when he began to press kisses to your shoulder ― the sweater not allowing you to feel it properly but enjoying it nonetheless.
"Yeah baby?" he cooed, resting his chin on your shoulder to watch his hand move beneath the fabric of your panties.
"C-Can..." you trailed off, feeling your cheeks burn and he tsked.
"Tell me what you want and I'll do it, baby," he assured, fingers now running across your folds without dipping between ― teasing you.
"Can you...take them off?" you asked, turning your head slightly to meet his gaze.
"If that's what you want," he pulled his hand out of your panties and you whimpered at the loss, making him chuckle, "So needy, huh?"
His thumbs hooked into the band and he pushed them down your thighs. You pulled your legs up to help him take them off ― tossing them off somewhere else to join your jeans. He gripped your knees, roughly tugging them open until your cunt was completely exposed to him ― glistening in the dim light and flushed swollen with your arousal.
"Fuck, babygirl..." he breathed, reaching down to run his fingertips through your parted folds, "Such a pretty little pussy, hm?"
Deep in your mind, you wondered where he learned such delicious dirty talk from ― seeing as he didn't even know the proper word for courting. The thought was completely wiped from your mind, however, when he used two fingers to spread your folds open. Your hole clenched around nothing and Taehyung let out a choked groan.
"St-Stop staring!" you whined, snapping your thighs closed around his hand.
Taehyung growled, wrapping his hand around your throat again and pulling the back of your head against his chest. You whimpered, eyes flicking up to briefly catch his glare. His jaw was set, glaring down at you with a gaze that made you feel incredible small.
"Spread your fucking legs," he ordered, tone making your eyes flutter slightly. When you hesitated to do as he said, he leaned closer until his mouth brushed your ear, "I said...spread your legs."
You whimpered, bottom lip trembling as you pouted, slowly opening your legs back up. Too slow for his liking, he jerked one open and pinned the other down until you were just as exposed as before. His hand cupped your entire core, middle finger sliding between the folds.
"That's more like it," he sighed, finally releasing your neck, "You better act right, baby, or else I'll have to punish you."
His words made you tremble, thighs twitching ever so slightly. He raised a brow at your reaction, an almost detached look coming across his face.
"Would you like that? To be punished?" when you only whimpered, he smirked, "I see...how would you like it, hm? To be choked until your lungs burn for air? Or maybe if I spanked your little cunt?"
"Tae..." you felt your hole clench, sending a gush of arousal to meet his fingers.
"Oh?" he chuckled, making you cheeks burn, "You'd like to be slapped, huh?"
Before you could even think up a reply from your foggy brain, a sharp pain right against your clit had you crying out. Your eyes found his face but he was watching as he smacked your cunt again. His fingers ran over your folds to soothe the sting and he laughed.
"Interesting..." he hummed, middle finger circling around your clit. Your eyes fluttered and your hips arched into the touch more.
His index and ring fingers spread your folds, his middle finger swirling over the hardened bud until you were moaning. He pulled the hood back, exposing it even more to his sensitive touches. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you choked out his name.
"Does that feel good?" he asked, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, "Does it feel nice to have your little clit touched?"
"Y-Yes!" you squeaked, reaching down to take hold of his wrist. Your body was practically vibrating as you trembled beneath the almost too much stimulation. Suddenly, his touch was gone and you were left still trembling with the remnants of his fingers lingering.
"It's alright," he cooed, wrapping one of his arms around you to hold you tighter against him, "I've got you, little one."
"Please, Tae," you begged, burying your face into his arm, thighs trembling still spread.
"What is it?" he asked, voice soft as silk.
"Your...Your fingers," you canted your hips up ever so slightly and he hummed.
"Want my fingers inside?" he asked, although he already knew before you nodded.
He hummed, two fingers finding your spasming entrance, coating them in your juices. You held your breath as he finally sunk them inside you, stretching you deliciously even though you were plenty wet enough. His fingers were big, filling you up nice and deep. Gasping against Taehyung's arm, you mindlessly ground your hips up as he slowly pulled them out. You didn't get to mourn their loss for long because he was quickly pushing them back in ― slick sounds accompanying the movement.
"You're so fucking tight," he muttered, "So small...Shit, how long has it been since you've been fucked, pretty girl?"
"Ah-Never..." you gasped, hand circling around his wrist as you squirmed.
His fingers paused, halfway inside and you whined, "You've never been with somebody?"
"N-No, Tae," you whined, using your hand on his wrist to push his fingers back inside, "J-Just you...only you!"
He cursed under his breath, wrapping his arm tighter around you before he began to finger fuck you wholeheartedly. The sounds pouring from your lips only spurred him on, your cunt tight like a vice around just two of his fingers.
"This little cunt won't ever be able to take my cock, sweetheart," he growled, crooking his fingers up to nail that little spot that made you sob, "I'm gonna be too big for you."
"W-Want it a-anyway, Tae," you cried, nails digging into his wrist. Tears welled up in your eyes, trickling down your cheeks as your body was sent into overload.
"Yeah? Want me to fuck you open until you can't take anymore?" he groaned, "Watch your virgin cunt get stuffed full of a cock you simply can't handle...have you make those pretty noises while you cream all over me..."
His words seemed more self-indulgent than aimed at you but you whined and nodded anyway. His palm ground against your clit as his fingers filled you up so nice and you found yourself teetering on the edge.
"I-I'm gonna cum," you panted, thighs twitching erratically in response to your pleasure."Go ahead, cum for me," he commanded, groaning alongside you as you tightened up around his fingers.
"Tae! 'S so good..." you slurred, eyes closed as you buried your face in his arm to ride out the pleasure he was giving you.
"Coming so prettily, little one," he whispered into your ear, fingers beginning to slow as your orgasm died down, "You're such a good girl."
"Ah...Tae," you whimpered as he pulled his fingers from your still-clenching pussy, sensitivity hitting you like a brick wall. Your thighs clenched shut, trembling uncontrollably in the aftermath of the most pleasure you'd ever received.
Taehyung slid his cum-soaked fingers into his mouth, eyes rolling back at the taste of you on his tongue. His arm still held you tight as you continued to whimper against him.
"Taste so so good," he whispered, mostly to himself.
Once his digits were clean, he glanced down at you. It was clear you were still a bit overwhelmed and he cooed, shifting you in his lap until you were facing him. He pulled you into a hug and couldn't hold back a chuckle.
"Humans are so fragile," he whispered, "So overwhelmed...even that was too much for you, huh?"
You didn't respond, simply tucking your face away in his neck. You let your weight drop fully on his lap but froze immediately. You hadn't realized while you were being touched, how hard Taehyung's cock was against you but with a clear mind you could.
He was fucking big.
He chuckled darkly, lips finding your neck as he slowly made you grind against his covered length, "I told you, babygirl, I'm too big for your little pussy."
When you whined and tightened your grip on him, wanting to avoid the painful overstimulation, he simply chuckled. He let you cling to him and lay with him until your eyes fluttered shut ― sleep quickly and eagerly overcoming you.
Just as you sunk into darkness, you felt him press the softest of kisses against your forehead.
"My cute little human," he whispered, voice fading out as you finally fell asleep.
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When you woke up, you were tucked cozily in your bed beneath your wool comforter. The sun was up and you groaned, kicking the blankets off as you grew warmer with every passing second.
You had on your sweater from yesterday and a pair of panties you hadn't been wearing. Looking beside you, you found the bed empty and sighed.
Despite yourself, you found yourself feeling disappointed he hadn't stayed the night. He had shown you such a sweet, caring side before you fell asleep. It had made your heart flutter, how he treated you so delicately yet used such a sharp tongue to fluster you.
"He's such a strange dude," you muttered, staring at the ceiling as you spread starfish on your bed.
There was a dull ache between your legs, reminding you of the night before. Feeling your cheeks flush, you sat up straight and hurriedly crawled out of bed intending to take a cold shower.
Drying your hair with a towel, you hunted around your closet for a cute outfit for the date. Briefly, you wondered if he was still planning to take you out. Excitement thrummed through your veins, a giddy smile lighting up your face and making your cheeks ache.
After choosing your outfit, you took a seat in front of the vanity you had set up. You had found a mirror at the monthly market a few ones back and decided it was the best purchase ever. You hadn't known mirrors were scarce on Izo Huen for whatever reason until you desperately needed one.
Deciding to leave your hair down, too lazy to try and make anything of it, you mindlessly spun around in your chair.
A strange feeling bubbled up in your chest that made your heart race. Leaning your head back against the back of the chair, you ran your hands over your face with a groan.
"I actually miss him," you scoffed, leaning forward to rest your head on your vanity counter, "What is wrong with me?"
The day seemed to drag on longer than any other as you waited for Taehyung to arrive. The heat hadn't even bothered you, your mind too muddled with thoughts of your date. You wondered if he would hold your hand and where he planned to take you.
As the sun finally sunk beneath the horizon, you were more antsy and began to pace your living room. Every once in a while, you'd glance out your window in hopes a passing man would be Taehyung. Unfortunately, you were mistaken every time.
Before long, you began to realize that he simply wasn't going to show up. You changed into your pajamas, rejection burning in your veins before sitting on your bed. The streetlights and the moon cast a decent glow around you.
Your feelings were hurt. You’d been stood up by an alien.
Your heart ached and you felt your eyes sting with unshed tears. You flopped over, covering your face with a pillow before screaming into it.
"What a jerk!" you shouted in the material.
By the time you went to sleep, your simmering anger gave way to pitiful dejection. Your eyes were wet with tears as you closed them.
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He was polluting your mind, everywhere you went you found yourself hoping that he'd turn up around the next corner. You’d hoped he would come knocking on your door with a sheepish smile, apologizing.
Though as the days passed and you had seen neither hide nor hair of him, the prospect of an apology made you angry. You didn't want his stupid apology anymore.
A week lapsed and it was time, once again, for your weekly log.
Sitting in front of the camera, you sighed, "The...friend I had made seems to have disappeared. It's weird, I was perfectly content by myself but once he showed up and vanished ― it's made me lonely," you gnawed on your bottom lip before sighing, disappointment becoming a common feeling in your life by then, “Maybe I need to make some friends but...I can't explain it; the Sehebon are such a strange race that it feels like it's going to be really difficult to make friends. There's really nothing eventful that happened worth logging besides my own problems so...I'll sign off."
A couple clicks on your computer had the log sent. You'd be getting paid again soon, perhaps you'd be able to go out and find something to do for yourself. Maybe you'd hit the jackpot and find someone who would want to be your friend.
It felt childish, the need for friendship you had. But with Taehyung's absence, your loneliness was at an all time high.
It was beginning to get dark and you decided to say 'fuck it' and get dressed. You'd find something to do ― you hadn't really checked out nearly all the districts of Fia and you knew there were some popular places to hang out.
It was a long walk to the area they dubbed the Social District. The second you stepped onto the rowdy street, you were blown away by the flashing lights and heavy bass emanating from the various buildings.
They had their own clubs.
You suddenly felt out of place and awkward, weaving through the giant people blocking the streets as they talked with friends. It seemed like no one saw you, as if you were just invisible to them. You moved to the sidewalk, being able to squeeze by the people and avoid the large crowd that filled the street.
You slipped into a pub ― judging by the tables and bar. You couldn't read the sign but you still walked in anyway. It wasn't very crowded, a few tables still open. The vibe inside was much cooler and calmer and you felt yourself begin to relax.
Walking up the bar, you took a seat, grabbing a menu without thinking about it.
"God dammit," you muttered, staring at the alphabet you still couldn't read.
"Can I help you?" the tender asked, moving to stand in front of you.
"Uh...I can't read this," you admitted, feeling your cheeks burn.
"That's alright, what do you like?" she pulled the menu from your hands and looked over it herself.
"Do you have any good alcohol?" you slumped against the counter, chin resting in your hand.
She regarded you with furrowed brows, closing the menu, "You do know alcohol is poisonous, right?"
"Wait what?" your head snapped up and the woman laughed.
"Alcohol is poisonous to us. We don't drink it," she placed the menu back where you got it and smiled, "We have some Soda."
"You do?" you perked up at that, not tasting soda since you'd left Earth. You watched eagerly as she filled a glass with brown liquid, placing it in front of you.
"It's not...Earth's soda but it's basically the same," she smiled, "It's got seltzer and sugary syrup in it."
You thanked her before she was whisked away to take care of another customer, leaving you by yourself. You sipped out of the straw, sighing at the taste. It was slightly off compared to the soda you were used to but bubbling seltzer had you smiling.
"_____?" you jumped at the sound of your name, choking on your drink and erupting into a fit of coughing. A hand carefully patted your back until you calmed down, "Are you alright? I didn't mean to scare you."
"I-It's fine," you choked out, clearing your throat and swallowing a few times to rid the feeling. Your eyes flicked up to meet Taehyung's and you felt a frown fall over your face before you realized it, "Taehyung."
His brows furrowed at your using his full name but he didn't say anything, "I uh...didn't know you came around here."
"It's my first time," you muttered, turning back to sip on your drink. When you didn't offer another opening for a conversation he let out a sigh and slid up next to you between the vacant seat beside you. You didn't have any choice but to interact, seeing at he wasn't going to back off.
"I'm sorry I missed our...date," the word still sounded foreign on his tongue, "I had urgent business to attend to in Holis."
"You don't owe me anything Taehyung," you muttered, failing to mask the hurt in your voice.
He sighed again, "I had to go visit a friend of mine, he was stranded and couldn't get home on his own. I promise that's all it was, _____."
You sighed, feeling your hurt and anger soften. Turning to look at him, you opened your mouth to reply but were interrupted.
“Whoa, is this the little human?” a loud voice from behind you made you jump. Twisting around, you saw a large man with biceps so big his t-shirt was stretched taut, “Oh you are a cutie!”
“U-Um...hello,” you greeted timidly.
"Uh yeah," Taehyung smiled, placing his hand on your shoulder, "This is _____. And _____ this is Wonho."
"N-Nice to meet you," you held out your hand, gasping when he leaned down and pressed a kiss against your knuckles.
"It's my pleasure," you could hear Taehyung let out a long sigh, "Bartender, I'll take a Blue Ice please. I gotta take a leak," he muttered the last part to himself, fingers lingering on your shoulder before he disappeared.
"You drinking a soda?" Wonho asked, peering into your glass, "Mind if I have a sip?"
"I guess not," you shrugged, watching him wrap his hand around the glass and bring it to his lips.
He was good looking, you couldn't deny. He had cute ears that stuck out just slightly and pretty teeth as he grinned at you. You found yourself comparing him to Taehyung ― deducing Taehyung definitely set your heart racing the second you looked at him.
"You know," Wonho placed your glass back down in front of you, "I was surprised to hear Taehyung was fooling around with a little human. I never thought he'd be the type."
"What do you mean?" you asked, brows furrowing as you mindlessly stirred your drink with your straw.
"Well I just can't believe he's actually giving in to it," Wonho said, pulling out a menu to look over it.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," you muttered, quite blunt.
He seemed surprised, chuckling and waving his hand, "Just the whole human kink that's going on. You know, since humans have started coming here it's become like a game to see who can actually manage to bang one. Can't believe Taehyung managed to snag one."
Your eyes drifted to your glass, the ice melting in your soda ― watering it down. A human kink?
"So...I'm just a conquest?" you whispered, though you were sure Wonho didn't hear as he was ordering a drink.
So many things bubbled up inside you; anger, humiliation, shame. Humiliation at the fact you'd been used, shame over the fact you fell for it and were so close to giving in, and anger of the audacity he had to do such a thing to you. Tears stung your eyes and you bit your lip to hold them back.
"Oh man, that looks delicious," Taehyung groaned, grabbing his tall glass of blue drink and taking a sip.
"I'm leaving," you muttered, sliding off your stool and moving to walk away.
You were stopped by a hand grabbing your elbow. Taehyung stared at you, brows drawn together.
"You just got here," he muttered, obviously confused by your sudden change.
You scoffed, "I'm going home, Taehyung."
You snatched your arm out of his grip and stormed out the doors and onto the busy streets. You could vaguely hear your name being shouted but it was quickly covered by the noisiness of the people. Crossing your arms over your chest, you weaved through the bodies. Tears were burning your eyes but you held them back.
"Hey a human!" you heard someone shout but you didn't stop, "Why don't you come party?"
'The whole human kink.' Wonho's words echoed in your mind, making it harder to fight your tears. 'It's become a game to see who can bang one."
By the time you reached your front door, your jaw was aching with keeping your tears in. Slamming the door behind you, you immediately burst into tears ― bringing your hands up to cover your eyes with your sleeves. Sniffling, you dropped onto your couch and let your sobs out freely.
Hugging one of your throw pillows, you attempted to calm yourself down. Just as you were about to drift off to sleep, eyes fluttering against your will, there was a series of sharp knocks against your door. You didn't move, silently waiting to see if they'd go away.
Unfortunately, the knocks became harsher and more frantic. Deciding that they weren't going to go away, you stood up and dragged your feet to the door.
You already had a feeling who it was and you weren't wrong ― Taehyung standing on the other side. His fist was raised like he was going to knock again and his hair was a complete wreck. His shirt clung to him with sweat and his breathing was a little heavy.
"What do you want Taehyung?" you muttered, crossing your arms around yourself.
"You've been crying," he whispered, moving to step forward but stopped when you moved back, "I knew you were upset. What's the matter, sweetheart?"
"Don't!" you snapped, turning on your heel and storming into your house.
"What?" Taehyung whispered, closing the door gently behind him.
"Don't call me that," you said, keeping your back to him so he wouldn't see your tears.
It felt so nice to have him call you pet names so gently. But you remembered it was just a ruse to lure you in ― and it was so hard not to fall.
"Why not? I thought you liked being called that?" he sounded so confused and you could imagine he looked akin to a kicked puppy.
"Because it's not fair!" you shouted, finally turning around, "You can't just play those games with me because I'm a human, Taehyung!"
"I really...What are you talking about?" his voice was so soft, so gentle. He took a couple steps towards you, hands outstretched, "I'm not playing any games."
"Oh yeah?" you scoffed, wiping away a few stray tears from your cheeks, "Wonho told me about your disgusting kink! You don't care about me, you just wanted to be able to say you fucked a human!"
"Wh―" he stumbled over his words, irises desperately scanning over you, "That's not...true."
You scoffed, shaking your head., "You're so unfair, Taehyung." he cocked his head to the side curiously, "You made me like you and I trusted you. But you just...you really aren't any different from men on Earth, huh?"
"What do you mean? Of course I'm different!" he argued, his own eyes growing glassy, "I never lied to you, _____. I promise!"
"You just wanted to use me as a conquest, something to brag about," you breathing stuttered as you sobbed, "And I almost fell for it!"
"Would you listen to me?!" he snapped, suddenly moving and pinning you against the wall.
He was caging you in, scent overwhelming you and making more tears fall from your eyes. You refused to meet his gaze, even though you could feel his eyes burning into you. You sniffled, staring down at your cardigan sleeves that were functioning as sweater paws.
"I never once intended to use you like that," Taehyung growled, voice giving away his frustration, "Everything I have said and done for you is real and not because you're a human. I don't want you as a...a...conquest," the word sounded foreign on his tongue, "And I certainly am not like your pathetic human men on Earth. I am better in every single way."
"Stop calling me that!" he snapped, making you jump, "I-I want you to call me Tae!"
"I don't think..." you shook your head.
"Why won't you believe me?" he sighed, voice going soft, "Is it really so easy to lose trust in me when I haven't even done anything? You heard my friend say some stupid nonsense a-and you're suddenly convinced I'm evil!"
When he put it like that, you felt silly. Your own insecurities caught up with you and you shifted awkwardly in your place against the wall. You sheepishly looked up to find him staring at you, eyes dark beneath his long bangs. They were damp from sweat and you swallowed thickly at how good he looked.
"I'm sorry Tae..." you mumbled, nibbling on your lip beneath his glare, "I just...I really like you and I don't want you to―
"Listen to me," he tilted your head up, making you look at him directly. His eyes were much softer now and your eyes felt hot once more, "I have no intention of hurting you. You can trust me, _____. I promise."
It felt like all self-control slipped through your fingers as you suddenly surged forward to press your lips against his. Standing on you tippy-toes, you wrapped your arms around his neck. He eagerly kissed you back, arms wrapping around you ― teeth nipping at your bottom lip to make you whine.
One of his hands traveled lower, cupping your ass and pulling you closer to him. You could feel his length hardened in his jeans ― and it was just as big as you remembered. It made you whimper, feeling him so hard against you. You squeaked when the floor was suddenly pulled out from beneath you and you found yourself pressed against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist, his weight supporting you.
You whined when his lips found your neck, trailing his lips over the sensitive skin beneath your ear. He smirked at the feeling of you shuddering against him.
"Are you wet for me, baby?" he asked against your skin. You whimpered and nodded, feeling your pussy clench and gush into your panties, "Do you want me to touch you? Tell me."
"Yes please, Tae," you begged, blushing when he chuckled at your desperation.
The wall was pulled out from behind you and you scrambled to hold onto him around his shoulders, "I got you," he reassured, turning to walk through the open doorway of your bedroom.
You were deposited onto your mattress, making you bounce slightly on it. Taehyung was covering your body once more, however, as he met your lips for another kiss. Resting his weight on one forearm beside your head, he used the other to push your shirt up.
Getting the hint, you pulled your cardigan off and tossed it off the side of the bed before tugging your shirt off as well. Taehyung groaned, his lips kissing the swell of your breast above your bra. His fingers trailed over your bra ― cupping you and sighing softly.
You were surprised by your own boldness as you reached behind you and unclipped your bra. Before you could tug it off, however, Taehyung pinned your arms above your head and growled.
"Why are you so eager?" he asked, making your blush further.
"I-I just want you to touch me..." you confessed, lashes fluttering when he leaned down to brush his lips against your lips once more.
"There's no rush, little one," he cooed, "I'm not going anywhere until I've made you cum for me."
You clenched your thighs with a whimper at the pressure in your core. He pulled off your bra, finally, tossing it away and sitting back to admire your body. You were laid out beneath him, breasts heaving in your arousal.
His head dipped down and you held your breath as he enveloped a perked nipple into his mouth. Your hands flew up to clutch at his hair, back arching. His teeth grazed the bud, and groaned at the way you whined.
"Fuck, you're so responsive to everything I do," he gasped, pulling his lips away from your nipple. His fingers found it and brushed his thumb nail over and you choked out a sob, "I love it so much..."
"T-Tae please!" you whined, arching your hips up.
"Alright, baby," he cooed, flicking the button of your jeans open and tugging them down. Your panties went with them but neither of you cared, "Look at that. So wet."
"Please touch me, Tae," you begged, spreading your legs wider around him.
"You ever been eaten out, sweetheart?" he asked, watching the way your breath stuttered at his question. When you didn't answer, he gave your cunt a swift smack. You cried out, clutching at the blankets desperately, "I asked you a question."
"N-No I've never― " you were cut off by his fingers sliding over your clit softly.
"Do you want to?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Yes, yes please, Tae!" you gasped, eyes wide when he shifted down the bed until his head was positioned over your core.
"So pretty, baby," he sighed, spreading your folds open to expose the pretty wet hole that clenched desperately around nothing.
Your mouth fell open, a stuttered breath escaping you when his tongue slid over your entrance up to your clit. He hummed, licking his lips to chase the taste. He looked like he was in heaven, swirling his tongue over your bud and chuckling when your whole body trembled.
"Love how you react to me," he whispered, mostly to himself. He tongued at your hole to taste your juices once more before dragging up to your clit once again, "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you."
"Tae!" you cried, tugging his hair harshly though he didn't seem to mind.
His lips wrapped around your clit, sucking the bud into his mouth. You keened, eyes rolling back into your head at the stimulation. You nearly screamed when you were suddenly filled with two long fingers.
"Fuck!" you cried, back arching. You abandoned your hold on his hand to wrap your hands beneath your knees ― keeping yourself open for him.
"Good girl," he praised, making you smile down at him.
He pressed a kiss against your thigh before diving down to take your clit into his mouth again. His fingers stretched you open, catching your g-spot every chance he got. He reached so deep inside you with just his fingers and you suddenly remembered how big his dick was. Just the thought of it had your walls clenching around his fingers. He groaned in response, the vibrations against your clit making your thighs twitch.
"A-Another finger, Tae, please," you begged, voice not above a whisper.
"Can you handle that, sweetheart? Your little cunt’s already stretched around two," he teased, his index finger beginning to nudge against your entrance.
"N-Need it," you gasped, "Need to take it for you cock."
His fingers froze and you felt him exhale sharply against your core ― as if the air had been punched out of him. Glancing down, you saw his jaw was clenched and his brows were furrowed.
"Don't say things like that, little girl," he growled, finally pushing the third finger into you, "Don't make promises you can't keep."
"Tae I― " your words died on your tongue when he enveloped your clit once again.
You felt stuffed with his fingers, the digits making your entrance stretch deliciously. You lost your grip on your knees and let them fall open once again. Taehyung's tongue danced over the sensitive nerves, eyes closed as he relished in having your cunt wrapped around his fingers. You were gushing, coating the digits in your juices and he couldn't wait to have them in his mouth.
"W-Wanna cum, Tae," you gasped, reaching above you to grip desperately at the pillow.
He reached up, pulling on one of your hands until you released the material. You felt your walls clench tight when he urged you to put your hands on his head.
He wanted you to pull at his hair.
Not one to reject such an offer, you tangled both your hands in the soft locks as he began to fuck you with his fingers eagerly. The wet noises were obscene, mixed with your moans made an incredible melody for Taehyung.
The fact he was the only one who had ever had you like that made his cock throb. His hips moved mindlessly against the bed beneath him to get some stimulation. His cock hurt in the confines of his jeans but he didn't dare try to pull it out.
Suddenly, your walls clenched tight and the grip on his hair began to sting the harder you pulled. Sobbing out his name, your entire body began to quake beneath him. The pleasure was overwhelming and you snapped your thighs closed around his head. He didn't pull away, however, keeping his lips attached to the throbbing bud through your orgasm ― milking every spectacular second until you were whimpering from overstimulation.
He gasped as he pulled away, sitting back on his heels before pulling his fingers out of you. He spread your folds, groaning at the way you gaped slightly from being stretched open. Sliding his soaked fingers into his mouth, his whole body trembled and he reached down to palm himself through his jeans.
The feeling of a smaller hand covering his had his eyes snapping open. He pulled his fingers out and stared down at you as you shyly palmed him through the material. He groaned, head falling back.
"C-Can I..." you trailed off, not quite sure what you were asking.
"I...I don't know..." he bit his lip, apprehensive.
"Please Tae?" you pouted, looking up at him through your lashes.
"Shit, alright," he whispered, switching your positions. He scooted up until his back rested against your headboard, shoving your pillows aside to make room for himself, "Come here. Sit on my lap, pretty girl."
Your hands were trembling as you did what you were asked, swinging your leg over his lap until you were straddling him. As you pressed your full weight on him, he tossed his head back in a groan. The pressure of you sitting on him felt spectacular.
Gripping his shoulders, you suddenly felt shy with his eyes on you. He gazed at your body on top of him like you were a goddess, hands drifting up your sides and cupping your breasts. Thumbing your nipples, he smiled crookedly when you shivered at the feeling. He cupped your cheeks, finally, and pulled you down for a soft kiss.
"Go ahead and grind on me, baby," he cooed, gripping your hips to urge you to move.
The first grind against him had him releasing the most beautiful moan that you felt yourself gush in response. His head leaned back against the headboard, watching through lidded eyes the way your cunt ground against his cock through his jeans. He wishes he could take it out and feel your wetness drip all over him ― to feel you cream against him as you came. He swallowed the urge down and continued to guide you.
"D-Does it feel good?" you asked, biting your lip as you watched his jaw tense as he held back his moans.
"So good, babygirl," he groaned, feeling his heart stutter when you proudly grinned down at him, "You're so fucking cute."
"D-Don't call me cute when I'm doing this," you hissed, narrowing your eyes at him.
"Doing what?" his head rolled against his shoulder and he smirked at you, "Go on and say it."
"No..." You whispered, clutching his shirt. Leaning forward, you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him close.
"Why so shy, little one?" he chuckled, kissing your temple and trailing his hand up your back before cupping the back of your head, "Grinding your wet little cunt against me like this...wanting to make me cum. And you want to act shy?"
You whimpered, gasping into his ear so prettily that he shuddered. He felt his orgasm coming and he groaned through clenched teeth.
"Close..." he whispered, fingers digging into the soft skin of your waist while he other clenched in your hand, "You're gonna make me cum, baby."
"Please cum, Tae," you begged, gasping when he wrenched your face out from where you were hiding in his neck.
"You want my cum?" he panted, mouth falling open as you fastened your pace. You nodded as best you could with his hand in your hair, "How about you cum first for me?"
Your eyes fluttered, realizing with his words how close you were to another orgasm. You leaned forward, pressing your lips against him. He hummed in response, smiling in the kiss when you started trembling in his lap.
You pulled away from the kiss and tossed you head back as you cried out his name, gushing against his jeans. Taehyung cursed, his own hips stuttering beneath you.
By the time you came down, you realized how wet his jeans were beneath you. You whined, falling off the side of his lap. He still sat up, chest heaving as he caught his breath. With his eyes closed, he didn't see you cupping his softening length through the wet material. He hissed, brushing your hand off of him.
"I-Is that all your..."
"I should get home," he interrupted. You frowned, watching him stand up and shift uncomfortably.
"Can't you stay?" you asked, finding yourself not wanting him to leave.
"Sorry, baby," he leaned down and pressed a kiss against your forehead, "Maybe another time." With a final, departing kiss, he turned and stepped out of the door. He paused, however, and looked back at you, "Be ready tomorrow, 8PM. I'll take you for dinner."
You were left alone on the bed with a little smile on your lips ― the promise of seeing him tomorrow making you giddy.
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You felt apprehensive when 8PM rolled around and there was no sign of him ― the time blinking on the screen of your computer. You sat on your desk chair, watching the moments tick by.
It was nearing 8:30 when there were a series of knocks on your door. You jumped to your feet and raced to the door, pulling it open to see Taehyung with a guilty smile and a handful of flowers.
"Sorry I'm late I uh..." he cleared his throat and held the flowers over to you, "I had to go a bit out of my way to get these."
"Oh Tae..." you smiled, taking them from his hands and bringing them up to your nose to smell, "They're beautiful."
"They're imported from Liana," he smiled, shrugging sheepishly.
"How'd you think of this?" You asked, motioning for him to enter your home as you went to your kitchen to put the flowers in water.
"Well..." he cleared his throat, "I just...I've been reading about human dates and just human things like that, you know?"
"You've been studying for our date?" you giggled, putting the flowers on your counter before turning to him. He looked shy, keeping his eyes averted from you, "I really appreciate it, Tae."
"Really?" his eyes lit up and he grinned his adorable smile.
"I think it was very thoughtful," you led him back to the door and out into the cool night.
"There's this place I really like around my place," he suddenly explained, taking your hand in his as he helped you down from the stoop, "I like to go there with some friends. I think you'll like it!"
"I'm sure I'll like anything, Tae," you admitted, smiling when he squeezed your hand in response.
The two of you made simple talk as you made your way to the restaurant. You hadn't had the opportunity to go to one in the time you'd lived on Izo Huen.
It was a simple, small building with an Open sign in English. You grinned, bouncing inside tugging Taehyung by his hand excitedly.
"Pick a seat, little one," Taehyung cooed, nudging your back.
It was set up exactly like a restaurant on Earth and you slid yourself into a booth, grinning. Taehyung took the spot across from you, lounging back as he looked at the menu. You followed his lead and opened the menu yourself. Eyes wide, you realized you were able to read everything.
"Hey...It's in English!" you muttered, eyes scanning over the words. They were translated underneath into what Taehyung could understand ― the characters and symbols lost on you.
"Yeah it's the only place around here that does it," he shrugged, "I figured you might enjoy that."
"You're..." you grinned, shaking you head, "You're so thoughtful, Tae. I really appreciate it."
He shrugged, though you could see that his ears were tinged red.
You both ordered drinks and food, the atmosphere dissolving into one of calm company. You both chatted idly about anything ― Taehyung asking a lot of questions about Earth and him trying to teach you the different characters for his alphabet. He gave up when you just couldn't get a hang of it ― teasingly calling you illiterate and cooing when you pouted.
"Hey Tae," you muttered, picking at the salad you had ordered. He hummed, mouth full of some type of steak ― though the meat was of a consistency that made your stomach turn, "How did you learn to speak so...casually?"
"What do you mean?" he asked, sipping his soda.
"You know..." you blushed, realizing the question wasn't really something to ask over the dinner table, "When you talk you use a lot of slang terms. Like...in bed," You whispered the last word and picked at your salad again.
"Oh," Taehyung chuckled, "See, I have a friend who has been to Earth a few times. He has a lot of...interesting material that he let me read. And he kind of taught me some popular slang on Earth."
"You didn't have to go to so much effort, Taehyung," you whispered, although you were grinning. Your heart fluttered in your chest nonetheless.
"I wanted to," he suddenly set a hard gaze on you, "I want you to like me and I want you to feel comfortable around me. I want to be good for you."
"Tae..." you reached across the table and cupped his hand in yours, "I already like you very much. You make me feel comfortable and you make me feel very happy."
He grinned, looking away from you shyly but squeezed your hand tightly.
The walk home was peaceful, you found yourself wrapping your arms around one of Taehyung's ― wanting to be close to him. He didn't seem to mind in the slightest, squeezing your hand tightly and staring down at you with sparkling eyes. It felt like he looked at you like you hung up the moon ― it made you feel fluttery inside.
"Do you want to come inside, Tae?" you asked, opening your front door.
He hesitated for just a moment before stepping inside. He kicked his boots off along with you, watching as you tucked both of them away in the corner. You went to your bedroom to change into something comfortable ― settling on some pajama pants and an oversized sweater. When you walked back out, Taehyung was sitting at your desk looking at your computer.
"What's this?" he gestured to your setup with your camera.
"It's where I record the logs needed to send back to Earth," you explained, "I update my superiors every week on things that are happening. When I learn something new about the culture or something interesting happens."
"Interesting," he muttered, sitting there for a moment before standing up and navigated over to your couch.
You dropped into the seat beside him and molded yourself against his side. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss against the top of your head. The silence was comfortable and you rested your head on his chest ― listening to his heartbeat.
"Hey Tae?" he hummed, looking down at you when you looked up at him, "Can I have a kiss?"
His gaze softened and he quickly leaned down to press his lips against yours. He went to pull away but you followed him, pulling him into a deep kiss making him moan. Swinging your leg over his lap, you straddled him boldly. He seemed surprised by it but didn't say anything, just moving his lips against yours.
"Tae," you whispered against his lips, "I want to touch you, please?"
"_____― " he pulled away from the kiss, pushing you back slightly by your shoulders.
"You keep saying I can't handle it, but I can!" you argued, pouting at being pushed back.
"I don't want to hurt you, _____," his brows came together in a deep furrow, "It wasn't just talk when I said you couldn't handle it. It's too much, you're too...small."
"It turns you on though doesn't it?" you teased, noticing how he was growing hard beneath you, "Can't we at least try, Tae?"
"I-I..." his head fell back when you ground against him, "Fuck, we can try."
You held in a squeal of joy when he scooped you up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom. He dropped you on the bed and stripped his shirt off.
It was the first time seeing him naked and you sat up to admire his body. He was fit, as you expected. His stomach was flat with a small trail of hair leading beneath his jeans. On his shoulders were patches embedded in his skin that reflected off the dim light of your bedroom.
"What..." you sat up on your knees, brushing your fingers over them. It felt like normal skin, and you hummed in wonder.
"They're...light-sensitive patches that we just...never evolved out of," he explained, "They were useful for survival when we dominated the deserts. Now they're just...here."
"Interesting," you muttered, trailing your hand down his chest and stomach to the button on his jeans.
Before you could flick it open, however, he grabbed your wrist and pinned you back to the bed. His gaze was dark, making you shiver underneath it. He smelled wonderful and you reached up with your free hand to brush his bangs out of his eyes.
"You've got another thing coming if you think you'll get anywhere near my cock before I think you're good and ready, little one," he growled, making your thighs clench at the sound.
You whined when he rushed to discard your clothes, not wasting a single second in getting you bare for him. He palmed himself through his jeans as he looked down at you, licking his lips.
"So pretty," he whispered, smoothing his hand down your body. Smirking, he pinched one of your nipples to hear the way you whined, "Spread your legs for me."
You hurriedly did as you were told, shame and inhibitions thrown out the window. You felt nervous under his gaze but with every compliment and soft touch ― you began to feel better. Mouth falling open, you gasped when his fingertips brushed against your folds.
"You're so wet," he mumbled, more to himself, "Are you always so wet, baby?"
"Y-You're the only one ― "
"I know that but when you touch yourself, pretty baby," he glanced up when you tensed, "I know you do. Tell me do you get this wet?"
"O-Only when I think of you," you admitted before you could think twice about it. You felt your cheeks burn at your own admission but Taehyung cursed and grunted as he squeezed his cock.
"You're such a good girl," he praised, fingertips trailing up your body again. Goosebumps ignited across your skin and you arched your back to get more of the feeling of his touch.
His fingers eagerly dipped back between your thighs to find your entrance. You whimpered when he immediately slipped a single digit inside. It felt nice but unfulfilling.
He pulled his finger out and circled it over your clit ― using your own juices to lubricate the movement. You hummed, eyes fluttering as he circled the bud several times. When your thighs began to tense, he pushed his finger back inside.
He continued the teasing until you were whining beneath him. Suddenly he pressed his thumb against the bud, circling and pressing against it relentlessly.
"I'm gonna cum!" you warned, your eyes squeezing shut.
"Go ahead, pretty baby," he urged, not pausing in his torture of your clit.
You came quickly, arching and trembling on the bed. Your cunt was empty, gushing and clenching around nothing. His touches on your clit slowed until they stopped all together.
You figured he'd give you a moment to recover but, he was suddenly sliding two fingers inside you. You were so wet from your orgasm, your cum slicking down his fingers and onto the bed. You sobbed, grinding your hips into his touch. He didn't try touching your clit or your spot, showing that much mercy. Instead, he leaned down to envelop a perked nipple in his mouth while he scissored his fingers, stretching you a bit more.
You hummed, cupping the back of his head to keep him in place. He didn't seem to mind, beginning to fuck his two fingers into you faster.
"A-Another, please," you requested, whimpered when he immediately did so.
There was a slight, tiny burn that immediately gave way to pleasure. His palm pressed against your clit ― still so sensitive that it made you tremble. As he fucked you with his fingers, he switched to give your other breast attention.
Your hips jerked with his every movement, following the pace he'd set. Every time he brushed your g-spot and you whined, he would laugh.
He took so much enjoyment in your pleasure it was almost baffling. You were always sure that men would be selfish and unsatisfying in bed but Taehyung was nothing but attentive.
Perhaps he was right; he was better than any human man.
"Cum again for me," he purred, swiping his tongue along your chest before meeting your neck.
The feeling of his fingers and teeth on your neck had you inching closer to the edge of the abyss.
"T-Tae, please," you whined, grinding your hips down, "T-Touch me, please."
He hummed, moving his thumb to press against your clit. The simple touch set you off and you were coming once again beneath him. Your body was on fire, sweat sticking to you and making you pant. It crested beautifully and faded out into trembles and whines.
He didn't remove his fingers, instead beginning to nudge a fourth into you ― his pinky finger. His eyes met yours, keeping his eyes on your face as he stretched you further than he had before. The width of his hand was bordering on painful but you found it highly enjoyable. His thumb continued to circle your clit even as you sobbed in overstimulation. Your spasming walls eagerly accepted the new stretch and you found yourself relaxing into it.
He was quickly going to send you to another orgasm but before you could fall off the edge again, he removed his thumb. You whined, grinding your hips to chase the feeling. His eyes drifted down to where his fingers were buried into you, smoothing two of his fingers from his free hand over your folds.
"Stretched so wide," he muttered, scooping up some of your cum on the digits and popping them in his mouth. Your walls squeezed his fingers in response to his display.
He suddenly pulled his fingers out and you cried out at being empty so fast. Your walls weren't able to close properly and you closed your thighs at the feeling.
Instead of stopping you, Taehyung stepped off the bed. Your mouth went dry when he unbuttoned his jeans and began to shuffle them down his thighs.
You realized he wasn't wearing underwear when his cock popped free ― flushed incredibly red at the head and leaking precum down the shaft. He visibly shuddered when his cock was free from its confines and he quickly wrapped his hand around himself ― giving himself a few good squeezes.
He was just as big as you thought. His fingers didn't meet when wrapped around the girth. He was wider than his four fingers and so long that you found yourself whimpering at the thought of him drilling into you that deep.
"You still think you can take me, little one?" he asked, crawling on the bed to kneel in front of you still clenched thighs.
"Y-Yeah...want it," you let your legs fall open, showing him your flushed and swollen cunt.
Her cursed, tapping the fat head of his cock against your cunt. You whimpered when you saw just how big it was compared to your own pussy. He was surely going to rip you in half but damn if you wouldn't enjoy every second.
His precum mixed with your cum as he slid his shaft between your folds, getting the underside of him nice and wet. You whimpered, feeling him grinding against your clit bringing you close to the orgasm you'd been denied.
Before you could fall into it, he positioned his tip at your entrance. Prodding ever so slightly, he sighed at the feeling of your heat against him. You spread your legs wider for him as he began to press inside.
You cried out, clutching the sheets beneath you as he stretched you wide open. The head of him was so thick, bordering on painful. You reached out to stop him from going any further, gritting your teeth at the feeling.
"You're okay," he whispered, shifting back so he pulled out of you.
You breathed heavily, relaxing once more as he circled your clit with his thumb. As your eyes fluttered, he began to press back inside. You whined as he pushed past what he had been, thumb not letting up on your clit. You walls spasmed around him, making him groan as you began to tremble.
The head of him popped inside and you cried out as you were sent over the edge. Taehyung's body fell over yours, catching himself on his hands beside your head. You sobbed, tears filling your eyes at the pleasure of being stretched as you were.
Taehyung's mouth fell open as he felt you cum around the head of his cock. When you calmed down to just little sniffles and whimpers, he leaned down to press his lips against your neck.
"You okay, baby?" he whispered. You nodded, reaching up to cup his cheeks and pull him into a soft kiss.
He took that as his cue to sink further into you. The flare on the head of his cock was the thickest part of him and it felt much easier for the rest of him to slide in. He nudged your cervix and when you flinched at the pain, he pulled back slightly.
"Look at that," he chuckled looking between your bodies. Following his gaze, your eyes widened, "You can't even fit all of me inside you, little one."
He was right, you'd only managed to fit half his cock inside you. Your walls clenched around him at that.
"Feels so good, Tae," you whispered, feeling his cock twitch against your walls.
He grinned, moving his hips gently, sinking in as far as he comfortably could before pulling back out. Although he wasn't able to fit in you completely, he still found himself groaning against you
"Such a tight little cunt," he growled, nipping at your jaw, "Took me so well, like a good girl."
You began to grind your hips up as he sunk into you and he growled. Sitting back on his heels, he soothed his hand over your body to soothe you.
You cursed loudly when he snapped his hips much harder into you ― testing how much you could take. When you gushed and spasmed around him, he took that as a sign to keep going. You moaned so beautifully for him, body reacting like a dream to his every touch and movement.
Cunt stretched wide and stuffed full of cock, you couldn't even think of anything else. You felt drunk, dizzy and lightheaded. Taehyung cooed when you slurred out his name, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip to collect some drool there.
"You're so cute," he grinned, breaking out into a moan when you clenched him tight, "All you can think about is my cock, huh?"
"'S so good..." you whispered, the words coming out almost breathlessly.
"I know, baby," he replied, licking his lips as he moved to his cock pounding you open wider than you should have been able to take, "You're gushing and squeezing me so nice. Are you gonna cum? Can you cum for me?"
You swallowed and nodded, whining when he hit your cervix. It hurt but it blended in with the pleasure. Mindlessly, you reached down to find your clit ― intent on sending yourself over the edge.
"No, no baby," he cooed, brushing your fingers away, "You'll cum without touching your pretty clit, yeah?"
"C-Can't," you sobbed, tears leaking out of the corner of your eyes.
"I think you can," he muttered, smoothing his hand over your lower stomach. "Fuck, look at that, babygirl."
You lazily followed his gaze to where his hand laid. Your cunt clenched at the sight of your stomach bulging every time he sunk in ― his cock literally molding you around it. You gasped, your high bubbling in your stomach.
"Wanna cum!" you cried, attempting to reach down and circle your clit again only to be stopped once more.
"I said no, little one," he snapped, pinning your hands above your head as he loomed above you, "You can do it. Cum for me."
Your body went still, focusing on the feeling of his cock filling you and stretching you. His cock was so big that he didn't even have to try to reach any good spots within you.
Astoundingly, you shrieked as your orgasm finally washed over you. Taehyung cursed in your ear, fucking you ruthlessly through the high. Distantly, you felt wetness splatter between your thighs and coat both of you. You chanted his name as you squirmed and writhed at the overwhelming pleasure.
"Shit, I'm― " Taehyung's warning was cut off by a groan.
His weight fell on you fully and he hid his face in your neck as he came. You hugged him against you, still trembling as he pumped his hot cum into you. There was so much, his cock keeping his cum plugged inside you. You gasped and twitched as you felt your stomach bloat over so slightly. You walls clenched around him, the idea of him filling you so much sending you into another quiet orgasm.
It was less spectacular than the others, but still left you gasping of air. Taehyung groaned in your ear as he felt you cum around his sensitive cock once again ― forcing a couple more spurts out of him to add.
It seemed like forever until his body finally relaxed. He continued to hold you, pressing kisses against any place he possibly could.
"That was...nice..." you muttered, making him laugh as he rolled off of you.
Your mouth fell open as he pulled his cock out ― it ached, there was no denying it. There was a gush of his cum, so much of it that it formed of pool beneath you. Your cheeks felt hot as Taehyung watched his cum pour out of your abused hole.
"Who knew my little human girl could take so much?" he teased, enjoyed the way you squirmed in embarrassment, "Want to take a shower?"
"Only if you will with me," you offered with a tired voice, watching his face morph into an expression of confusion.
"Is that some type of human thing?" he asked, sitting up and stretching his muscles.
"Apparently so," you whispered.
"Hey..." he paused from getting off of the bed. "You...you'll be here a while, right?"
"What do you mean?" you asked, clenching your thighs shut as you felt your core begin to burn and ache as you came back to yourself.
"Like...you won't have to go back to Earth any time, right?" his voice sounded small, almost fragile.
"I'll stay as long as I want to," you reassured, leaning over to kiss him but freezing before you could.
"What is it?" he asked, frowning.
"I'm just really fucking sore," you mumbled, flushing when he burst out laughing.
"Ah, my cute little human," he cooed, kissing your nose.
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interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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elareine · 4 years
JayTim + 42 from the Dialogue Prompts + SPACE AU, pretty please?
I… hope this counts? Technically, it’s not IN space. Though Tim would like to be. 
“You’re mad, Tim,” they said. “Stop trying to speak to aliens,” they said. “You’re wasting your life.” 
Tim has a… set-up. 
What’s the point, he figures, in sending waves out to space where they might be heard in a hundred years, when you could just try to contact the aliens already on Earth? After all, if intelligent life is out there and capable of interstellar travel, and if humans haven’t noticed them yet, then said life must be hiding itself. 
It stands to reason that these aliens must then be communicating among themselves in a form that’s inaccessible to humans. So Tim sat down and build every stupid crazy thing he could think off—unusual wave frequencies, smell transmitters (bad idea), hormone secretors… anything. There are forty devices stashed in his room, and he’s not crazy. 
Because one day, space talks back. 
“Koriand’r, what’s the name again for the thing—the strip around our waists that helps people not be naked? And why do I need it?” 
Tim whirls around. It’s one of his Hail Mary machine—a radio frequency so fucking impractical, no one would ever use it. 
Apart from an alien, apparently. Cause that question cannot have come from a human. Right? 
“I’m not Kori-whatstheirname,” Tim says, trying to sound chill. “But it’s called a belt. We need it because our clothing is factory-made and not tailored to fit; and also because it’s not acceptable to be naked anywhere but some beaches in Germany.”
A long pause, then the voice replies: “You’re human.” 
“Yes. Please don’t hang up. My name’s Tim Drake. Are you an alien?” 
“Uh.” There’s another pause. “I… guess? I’m not from Earth.” 
“Oh, awesome!” Tim is out of his seat and leaning forward, he’s that excited. “Wait, you speak English?” 
“I have a—a device that can mimic your languages.” 
Tim nods. “So like what Google Translate wants to be in another five years.” 
“…I suppose.” A pause. “Actually… can you tell me—who or what is a ‘google,’ exactly? I figured out it’s one of your gods, but what do they do, exactly?” 
“Oh boy, you just opened a whole new avenue of philosophy. I guess it could count as a god? Not in the religious sense, though.” 
“I’m not a boy,” he’s immediately corrected. “I’m a Hzewf.” 
“Okay. Okay.” Tim bounces back on his heels. “How about this? I explain Google to you—I’ll even throw in social media, if you want, but please don’t ask about Reddit, nothing can explain Reddit—and you tell me about the Hsev.” 
“Hzewf. Okay.” 
They talk. When the alien has to leave, Tim’s reluctant to agree—but the next day, the line crackles to life again. 
“You’re a good source,” the alien says. “We… can keep talking. If you don’t mind.” 
The alien’s name is something like j—more guttural sounding than Tim is used to, and with a long pause after—ay—or rather a pause i/j. Tim looks up various phonetic alphabets and dubs him J-a’i. 
The Hzewf have a different variety of gender expression, so the two debate pronouns, and J-a’i decides that ‘he’ will do just fine. He’s addressed as that on a daily basis, anyway, and has never minded. He draws the line at being called a man, though. 
What he is, though, is a total anthropology nerd. He wants to know everything about humans—that’s why he’s here, after all. Koriand’r, it turns out, is another alien from another planet he just met by accident. Apparently, she’s settled down and found love, so J-a’i tries not to bother her too much. The belt thing was a total emergency question. 
And now, he has Tim. 
It’s fun. Tim likes having a secret, a good one, for once. Every night, they talk. No matter how shitty his day is—and most of them are—at the end of it, he can speak with J-a’i and feel like somewhere out there, someone understands. 
And then, one day, there’s a knock on the door. Tim briefly entertains fantasies about the men in black before checking the surveillance camera and seeing an alien instead. 
Oh well. Alright then. 
He opens the door and ushers the visitor in. “J-a’i, I presume?” 
The other being looks relieved when he hears his voice. “Tim.” 
“The very one.” 
Okay. Tim kinda thought J-a’i would be smaller. Tim’s used to short jokes, but having to crane his head back like this feels ridiculous. 
“I need to hide,” J-a’i says, looking very serious. Tim would like to return the expression in kind—this is probably a very stressful and dangerous situation for an alien in hiding, and he should give it the proper gravitas—but he’s so happy. 
“So you came here?” 
“My masking device broke,” J-a’i explains. Ah. That’s why he’s so… uh… colorful. Tim’s really digging the red stripes, though. “I… I had nowhere else to go.” 
“Come with me.” Tim leads them to a cupboard, and then opens the secret door leading down. “You never know when you need a bunker.” 
“Well, do you need to use it or or don’t you?” 
“I have finally found a being whose paranoia matches my own,” J-a’i says. He does get into the bunker, though. 
“So what now?” Tim asks when they’ve settled down. 
J-a’i shrugs. “I’ll probably have to leave.” 
“Go to another country?” Tim asks, already mentally mapping out his visa applications. 
“Another planet. Home, I think, at least for a while.” 
Oh. Right. What do Hzewf visa applications look like? “So we need to get to your ship.” 
“Okay. You left it in Lake Michigan, right? That’s about twelve hours by car. Oh, but,” Tim looks at J-a’i and his very much not human appearance, “should probably only travel in the dark. Luckily, there’s a lot of that in winter. We’ll give your pursuers a few hours, and then I’ll go pack. If the coast is clear, we can leave tomorrow night. What’s the weather like on your planet? Should I bring shorts?”  
Instead of an answer, though, he gets a surprised stare. “You’ll come with me?” 
“Well, duh.” Tim snorts. 
…wait. Uh. Maybe this is too much? J-a’i is self-admittedly desperate to show up here. Just because he didn’t have an alternative, doesn’t mean he wants Tim to invite himself along. None of this stuff is as exciting for him as it is for Tim, and with the bad experience the other creature has recently made with humans—
There’s an expression happening on J-a’i’s face that stops his panic attack in its tracks. Hope. Hope that’s painful because you’re sure that whatever it is you’re being offered will get snatched away from you. 
Tim recognizes the emotion for what it is, because he knows it so well. 
“Are you sure?” J-a’i asks. “We’d be going to space—“
“J-a’i,” Tim interrupts, “I’ve been waiting to hear these words all my life. Literally. All that’s missing is a kiss and we’d be in the final scene of the Hollywood movie of my dreams.” 
“Kissing is that thing you humans do, right? To express affection and/or lust?” 
“Yes.” And because Tim’s a fucking sap who has spent too many hours listening to the voice on the other end of a radio: “When we love each other, too.” 
J’a-i considers that. “Well. I… wouldn’t be opposed, either. Though I don’t understand how it relates to space travel.” 
Tim nudges his shoulder and grins. “Hey, we can work up to that. Tell me some more about your spaceship?” 
J’a-i’s whole face lights up when he talks about his ship. Tim’s heard it in his voice before, but it’s pretty awesome to see it in person. Also? He’s sitting next to an alien, talking about spaceships.
Hell yeah. Space, here Tim comes. 
(I’m taking prompts until the end of the year.) 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Falling in Temptation
Previous chapters • Sequel to Stars Dance •  Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
Ch. 22: Finding Each Other
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 11th Doctor x OFC
Chapter summary: The Scream makes his final play against the travelers, leaving them trapped in his own personal world. Only Avalon and the Doctor seem to mildly remember that perhaps the lives they live now aren't correct.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel​ @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
[If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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Disclaimer: The arc is part of an actual comic story that I’ve rewritten to fit the story here! But the essential plot and part of the dialogue belongs to the comics!
Avalon ran as fast as she could through the 'forest' that now was the TARDIS. She could hear it hissing behind her, coming to get her. It was all too much like the…
"AAAH!" She screamed when the Scream itself jumped in front of her, all dressed in a white suit and looking far bigger than the last time they met.
Her eyes widened.
He's what they met shortly after the Silence in 1969. "I...I remember you. It's you. I...I forgot you, just like with the Silence." She stepped away from it. "It's you who's been following us. How could...how could I just forget that!?"
Lena had brought them back to Earth because of a mysterious letter with coordinates. They traveled to the planet where they bumped into the ugly thing who nearly sucked out hers and the Doctor's memories to create the Sapling! She just...she just forgot all about that! She forgot the Scream was still coming for them. How could she forget something like that!?
"I wassss folllowing the Doctor, not hissss pet!"
Avalon frowned. "I am more than a 'pet'. But you would know about that, huh? Your Silence brethren haven't left me the hell alone!"
"I witnessssed your capture...your trrrrrips...Koooovarian…" Avalon swallowed hard as she took a few more steps away. "They arrrrre not doooone with yourrrr family."
"I should've known, you're part of them!"
"Nooooo!" the Silence seemed to shout. "They know noooothing offf meee! They cannot rrrrremmember me!"
Right, it was why he was an special type of Silence. Not even his own kind could remember him.
"That must suck," Avalon could say that honestly. "Not even your own kind can remember you? Must be lonely." The Scream seemed to stop for a moment, staring at her through its hole-eyes.
"Avalon!" Rory stumbled into the clearing. His eyes eyes widened at the sight of the Scream. "I remember you!"
"Yeah, its super power made us forget he was chasing us down the galaxies!" Avalon quickly rushed to his side.
The Scream fired purple electricity at them, forcing them to break into another run. "I ammmm the Screeeeam! I exisssst! Don't turn yourrrr back on meeee!"
The two kept running and running until they could hear Amy's frantic voice paired with the Doctor's. They crashed into them, actually, knocking them to the grassy ground.
"I found you!" Avalon beamed at the Doctor. She had fallen over him but didn't seem to mind the harsh crash.
"Are you alright?" the Doctor sat upright and kept a tight hold around her. After the Sapling sprouted roots, the whole TARDIS went haywire...but at least they were still together, litrealy. The box was still together.
"Yeah, Rory and I were running from…" Avalon trailed off with a curious expression taking her face over. "Never mind."
"Doctor, where are we?" Amy took Rory's hand to stand back up, prompting the other pair to do the same. She had been running from something, or she was just running, and she stumbled into the spot where the Doctor was.
"Still in the TARDIS of course! And good news: the Sapling's mature form is mnemomimetic! It's literally turning our stolen memories into fruit!"
Avalon blinked, her eyes drifting to the funny looking branches hanging from above. Some of them seemed to be shaped like people. "You mean...my memories are...hanging all around us?"
"Yours, but mostly mine! I have a lot!" the Doctor didn't look as bothered by her. He grabbed her hand and motioned for them to follow him. He brought them down the 'forest' into a room resembling their console room, only this one was covered in moss, branches and leaves. "Okay, well I still haven't found a console room with power. My shiny new one's been completely swamped by the Sapling's root system."
"But...but the TARDIS is stable at least, right?" Amy shot him a look. That was the whole point of the Sapling sprouting his roots. Not a minute after asking, the branches around them started to grow more, some of them wrapping around Rory's arms.
"Hey!" he frowned and fought to free himself. Amy quickly hurried to help him.
"No, no! Stop!" the Doctor frantically called as if the Sapling could still hear then. He...wasn't sure if the Sapling could hear him. His hearts sank. He wasn't sure where the Sapling was or if he still was around. "If the Sapling doesn't stop growing then the dimensional dams will break entirely. If that happens then all the 'bigger on the inside' will continue leaking, taking the Sapling - and our memories - with it."
"We can't let that happen," Avalon quickly said, not even speaking for their memories. The Sapling was waiting for them to find him. "We're going to get to him before any of that happens!"
"Of course we are!" the Doctor nodded but then quietly admitted he wasn't sure how to go along with it.
"Uuh...Doctor? There's a corridor," Amy said, making them turn in her direction. She was pointing at a metal corridor that hadn't been there when they first walked in. It was wide open for them.
"But it's new," Avalon said. The metal wasn't covered with any moss or branches.
"If I know my TARDIS, she's desperately trying to contain the Sapling's roots so we can find a clean console room," the Doctor squeezed Avalon's hand still holding his. "She's literally shifting her own internal organs around."
Avalon could literally feel her heart cracking. "The TARDIS is doing that for us?" She pulled him into the corridor and stopped to look around. "She must be in agony."
"She is," the Doctor knew it. He gently touched the walls and thanked the TARDIS for soldiering on for them. They needed to solve this quickly.
The group hurried down the corridor and found a brand new console room...to them. For the Doctor, it brought out a small nostalgic laugh. "I can't quite believe it's still here after all these years." The console room was the very first one he had back in his first incarnation.
"What, this is actually a real console?" Rory looked around without seeming that impressed by it. It didn't really look like the Doctor, but then again there were so many versions of the man. Maybe this one represented whatever version used it.
"She knows me better than I know myself but she didn't back then," the Doctor came up to the console with Avalon. "That's why she gave me this beautiful blank canvas to begin with."
"And then you proceeded to draw all over it with crayons," Avalon innocently said, meeting the Doctor's sarcastic frown with a smirk.
"It was a foundation! A promise! With every regeneration she gets to know me a little bit better! The adventures we had in here though, the ones I can remember anyways. Monoids, Aridians, Voord, Krotons…"
"There are aliens named after stale bread?" Amy raised an eyebrow, genuinely making Avalon and Rory burst into laughter.
"No!" the Doctor huffed. "Well, yes, actually but these are spelled differently. Krotons are nasty, crystalline mental energy vampires! Oh...oh, I'm getting so slow in my old age! I once used the H.A.D.S. to save the TARDIS from the Krotons!"
"H.A.D.S.?" Avalon made a face. "What the hell is that?"
"Hostile Action Dispersal System. It's a defense mechanism which temporarily distributes the TARDIS' atoms over a wide area - or teleports it - when a breach is imminent."
"And why is that useful to us right now?" Rory inquired.
"If I can convince the TARDIS that the breach threat is internal before I activate the H.A.D.S., then it'll dematerialize around the Sapling, effectively separating them!"
"That could work!?" Avalon jumped on the chance.
"Hold on there mister!" Amy suddenly pointed a finger at the man. "If the TARDIS does that then it'll leave all of us outside in space! Last time I checked, none of us are space-proof!"
"I was getting to that!" the Doctor huffed. Honestly, did they think he would forget that detail? He moved around the console, and gently tapped the glass time rotor. 'Hello? I know you're busy trying to contain the Sap...the infection, but I have a plan. If you can give me any manual control, then I promise I'll get all of us out of this in one piece!"
"Did you just call the Sapling an infec-" Avalon was cut off by a strong, glowing white light erupting from the Time Rotor.
If the TARDIS believed it was an infection causing this mess then she would definitely agree to giving some control back to them.
The Doctor cheered. "That's my girl! To think, if it hadn't been for that very timely intervention, I'd have borrowed a crummy old Type 53 instead!"
Avalon raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so somebody helped you steal the TARDIS? You had an accomplice!"
"Doctorrrrr," the Scream emerged from the branches on the wall. "You mmmmemoriesss will keep the wood from ssswallowing my consciousnesss whole! Ssssurender to me or you pets diiiie!"
"He really needs to stop calling me a 'pet' or so help me!" Avalon snapped.
"Oh my God, I remember him," Amy blinked behind them. She and the Doctor were going through the same realization that they'd forgotten all about the Scream coming after them. That was the thing about the Scream, it's what made him extra deadly. All on his own, he had the power to make his enemies forget he was hunting them down.
"You remember evvverything," the Scream came closer to them.
The Doctor jumped in front of Avalon, putting on his best grin. "Hello! I'm the Doctor, lovely day, isn't it? And you are?"
"What!? I ssstole some of your memmmoriesss! I know you, Doctor! Yet you dare mmmock me? You maaaake light of my pain!?"
"Pain?" frowned Rory. "Has he seen what he's caused!?"
The Scream seemed to grow in size. White steam was billowing from its body. "You willll pay for thisss insult, Doctor! I have the your TARDISSSS and the Sssapling, my plan issss complete!"
The Doctor's grin dropped from his face to be replaced by a glower. "You're the Scream. You're part of the religious order. And you're angry because no one remembers you." But if anything, it should be afraid of him. He was part of the Silence and the Doctor still remembered what he promised to do if he ever saw another Silence again.
They would die for hurting his Ava.
"You will know when I have all the endless memmmories of your TARDISSS core. I shall use the Sssapling to ssspread across the universe and all will know mmy nnname!"
The Doctor raised an eyebrow at the Scream. "You want to be remembered? Then earn it. You know what your kind never get?" Avalon watched his hands reach back for the console and she stepped closer to hide his arm movements. "You think by some terrible act or other that your name will go down in infamy. When, really, even if you succeed in whatever plan you've cooked up, people are just going to pity you. They might even despise you, if you give them reason to. The Sapling's an innocent, scared child. He has the potential to be anything, absolutely anything so leave him be!"
The Scream stayed silent for a moment, almost looking like he was considering the Doctor's words, but then…
He struck his white energy towards Avalon. She screamed and fell back with her eyes shut.
"AVALON!" the Doctor turned completely for the console to activate the H.A.D.S.
Amy and Rory wanted to get Avalon up but the energy around her enveloped her. She writhed in pain with her eyes still shut. She was seeing so many images in her mind at the moment, all of them rushing as light speed like a movie. She couldn't tell most of them apart but...some of them were of her time with Kovarian.
Not those. I don't want to see those!
But suddenly, the Scream was forced to stop. The H.A.D.S. was in full motion! The TARDIS was groaning altogether, pushing the Scream away. Avalon sucked in a sharp breath once she was set free, but her mind was far too frazzled to understand what was happening. Amy and Rory quickly snagged up their granddaughter from the ground, keeping her between them.
"Doctor, what's happening!?" Amy exclaimed just before the TARDIS properly exploded.
The last of the TARDIS' energy went into shielding everyone while they drifted in space. The Doctor was barely able to use his sonic to bring everything back together...everyone. And when they joined together again, a certain pair joined together, combining memories and branches and Silence all together.
~ 0 ~
Avalon's eyes snapped open as she woke with a sharp gasp. She sat upright on her bed, her eyes scanning her bedroom like there was something she was going to find…
"Avalon?" She heard Lena knocking on the door. "Avalon! You need to wake up! Mels, Amy and Rory are going to be here in one hour!"
Avalon blinked for a few seconds before slowly getting out of bed. "I'm...I was sleeping…" She whispered and cast a glance at the bed. Why was she repeating that? Yes, of course, she was sleeping. It was night time, so she slept. That's what she always did. She shook her head without thinking.
She stiffened. "Where'd that come from?"
"Avalon!" Lena knocked, or banged, on the door again. "Seriously! We're going to be late! Mum and Dad are already eating breakfast!"
"Mum?" Avalon whispered. "My...my Mum?"
Lena groaned and Avalon heard her stomping away. Why was she acting so weird? Yes, her parents made breakfast. That's what they always did. And...and she had plans today. Yes, yes, just like always.
She came up to her window to check for the weather. It looked like a lovely day. The sun was shining so brightly, reflecting beautifully on the far-off Citadel's dome. Avalon stared at it for a moment more, wondering why it was only that city that had a dome.
Becausssse it's a higher part of the town.
Avalon gasped at the new sound. She looked around and then a moment later thought herself a fool. Who else could have spoken to her? It was just her in her room.
~ 0 ~
Avalon came into the kitchen to see Emmalina Reynolds coming to the table with a new pile of pancakes that Rylan and Gavin were practically ready to devour. Lena chuckled as her mother smacked Gavin's hand away from the plate until it was set on the table.
"Honestly, you act like I never feed you!" Emmalina sighed until she saw Avalon at the threshold. "Good morning. You slept well!"
"Just like always," Lena added. "Wish we all slept like Avalon."
But Avalon didn't speak, nor move. She was staring at Emmalina with eyes wide. She felt something in her stomach, something like...like she wanted to throw up.
"Avalon," Emmalina softly called. "Are you alright?"
Avalon blinked and realized there was something on her face. When she touched her cheek, she found a tear. She was crying. Why was she doing that?
From the kitchen window, the Scream silently watched the Reynolds 'family'. The girl was stronger than he anticipated. Her mind was trying to warn her that the setting was fake, but why? He expected such a thing from the Doctor, but this girl? He would just have to keep manipulating all the memories he had, and since he and the Sapling were joined now...he had plenty of memories to draw from.
~ 0 ~
Avalon and Lena came skipping down the front steps of their home to where Amy, Rory and Mels were waiting for them.
"Took you long enough," Mels huffed. "Seriously, what took you so long?" Avalon tilted her head at Mels. Seeing the stare she now claimed, Mels arched an eyebrow at her. "What?"
"She probably recognizes her dress," Amy joked and shared a laugh with Lena and Rory.
"I borrowed it!" Mels exclaimed.
"I...like your hair," Avalon's hand came to rest over her own hair. Mels' hair was as curly as hers, but more ashy brown of course.
Mels smiled like she already knew her hair was good. "Thank you, sweetie. And just so we're clear, this is your dress."
"Avalon, what's the matter with you?" Lena spared her sister a weary glance before talking to the others. "She's been acting so weird today, it's not funny."
"Ah, she's just sad she couldn't find a date for the concert!" Mels came over to put her arm around Avalon's shoulders. "It's alright, I'm sure we'll find you someone to go home with."
"Mels!" Lena, Amy and Rory all chorused with the same groans.
Avalon, however, flinched at the idea of it. "I wouldn't," she said all too certain as well. Something about going home with someone...didn't settle right. It gave her that feeling of throwing up again.
"Let's just go before we're late," Rory motioned them to start walking.
Somewhere along the way, Avalon moved so that she was walking with Amy instead. There was something nagging in the back of her head, making her believe that perhaps Amy could help her out. "Hey Amy, do you ever get the feeling that...that something's kind of off?"
Amy made a face at the question. "Off? Like what?"
"I don't know," Avalon shrugged. "Like...like there's something you're missing?"
"Don't think so…" And yet, as Amy answered she began to look away. Avalon noticed it and thought that maybe she would change her answer. But just like that, Amy shook her head. "Nah! I think you're just tired!"
"No, I...I've been sleeping a lot, actually." Avalon thought that was pretty weird. Sleeping...a lot. She did that a lot, right?
"Yeah, and talking in your sleep from what Lena says," Amy chuckled. "You've been dreaming about someone, huh? Some nice fella out there that's caught your eye?"
Avalon blinked. "What? No I haven't!"
"Yeah, you have!" Lena chimed in from behind. "I bet it was some princess stuff cos you kept saying 'Fairy Tale Man' over and over."
"Oh," Avalon came to an automatic stop, even though she had no idea why. Something was sparking in her mind...a faint image. A man. She saw a man.
"What's wrong now?" Lena groaned.
"I thought I saw someone...in my head," Avalon brought a hand to her forehead. She rubbed her skin in hopes of getting that image back. "A-a man. He…"
"Ha, I knew it!" Mels laughed. "Avalon's thinking of her dream man!"
"Aren't we all?" Amy said, only to have Rory huff at her.
Amy laughed and went along with him. "Right!"
"I swear Avalon, we'll find you a boyfriend by tonight," Mels promised, never noticing the way Avalon's face crinkled.
Something about the term 'boyfriend' didn't sit well with her.
~ 0 ~
"I can't put my finger on it but something's just not quite right about this place...this city." A homeless man maneuvered himself through the plant matter - er, forest - as best as he could. He was sure that if he kept pulling on one of those branches there would be something underneath it. The forest just didn't look right to him.
You need to ressst, that'ssss all. Too many adventuressss.
The man stopped. He had broken a part of a branch and stared at it, like something was supposed to be coming back to him. "You might be right. Perhaps I've been pushing it a bit." The man allowed for the Scream to take the branch from him. "What would I do without you, old friend?"
The creature was his only friend on the streets. He didn't have anything else, anyone else. Although, it was funny because he kept thinking of this woman...he couldn't quite see her but he could think of her. And he could smell her too if he really concentrated. Lavender. She smelled like lavender. Lovely scent. But she was probably just a dream. He dreamt someone up to make him feel less lonely.
"You would losssse yourssself in the night. Don't you thiiiink you look ttttired? Let'ssss go to the ssshelter? Get a hott meall." the Scream pulled him out his thoughts. That was the problem with the Doctor: he thought too much. The girl, while more aware, was more malleable. He didn't need to physically appear to her, much less the other two travelling with them. Those two were puppets.
The Doctor stopped to look at himself in a reflection. Funny, there was a mirror amongst all the plant matter. His eyes widened. He didn't quite like the beard on him but he liked his hat. Although, maybe it should've be more red and a bit more bowl shaped. What were those things called again?
"Maybe I do feel tired," he realized when his thought once again drifted to the woman. For some reason, he didn't think she would like that red hat he imagined. "I feel like there's a fog in my mind. Like something's just out of reach but you can't recall what. But there's still so much to see out there! I've never seen a Star Whale keening for its mate! I've never seen a sycorax ship deploy its faith coils to pray its way out of a gravitation blizzard!"
Doctorr, weee talked about thisss. You delusssionesss...
The Doctor stopped and exhaled. "I...was making things up again, wasn't I? Maybe Avalon could write them down for stories…" He trailed off, where did that come from?
The Scream ushered the Doctor away from the plant matter. One more pull of a branch and he would've discovered a hidden console underneath it. But now there he went again naming that pet! "All nonsensssse. No one else is hhhhere. It'ssss jussst you and meee, rememberrrr? Besides, every adventurrrer is rrrright heeere where you left it. Out here, on the streets."
The Doctor stared at the city ahead of them. Tears came to his eyes. There was a whole big city and he had no one to see it with. He would wander the streets on his own all day. "Yes, yes, of course. I don't need a home. I never did." He had no home.
Funny, that woman he kept thinking of would be a nice someone to see that city with, but she wasn't real.
~ 0 ~
Music blared, leaving ears ringing but no one cared. The crowd cheered and sang along to the music.
Except for Avalon. She was more preoccupied with the crowd itself. Everyone seemed to be having a good time but she couldn't help think that some of them...were just weird. It wasn't a nice thought at all, she knew, but the more she stared the more she couldn't shake the feeling off.
There was a metal man, for starters, bobbing his head to the music. Avalon felt like she should be afraid and yet...no one else seemed concerned. Then there was this lady who was all gray and her skin seemed kind of hard. For a moment, Avalon thought the woman should be covering her face.
Sssstop looking.
Avalon snapped her head behind her, as if the hissing voice would be right behind her. Where did that keep coming from!?
"Avalon, what are you doing!?" Amy laughed and pulled Avalon closer to her. "Sing along! He's singing your favorite song: Blue Box Blues!"
"Blue box…" Avalon whispered. She wrapped an arm around her stomach. She wanted to throw up again. "Amy...Amy something's not right."
"Yeah! You're not singing!"
"AMY!" Avalon shook the woman. "Just listen to me! Something's not right! All day I've been getting these feelings like...like I know that I've forgotten something but I don't know what it is! Plus...there's just something off!" She brought a hand to her hair, grasping strands as she frantically looked through the crowd...as if there was someone she was supposed to find.
"Okay, geez, Avalon. Just calm down," Amy cautiously grabbed Avalon's arms, keeping her steady. "I'm listening. I'm really listening."
Avalon felt tears in her eyes. Her breath was raggedy like she'd run a marathon just then. "There's...there's a voice inside my head. It keeps...hissing at me…" She scrunched her face. It made her body shiver just thinking about it. "I need help, I need a doct…"
There was a spark of recognition across her eyes for just a brief second, half a second. Though Avalon forgot about it, she knew she had to get out of there. Actually, not just her. "Rory!" She reached past Amy and grabbed Rory's arm. "We have to go!"
"What, hey! The song was just about to end!" Rory complained as Avalon dragged him and Amy out of the concert.
"Avalon, I think we should get you home!" Amy exclaimed just as Avalon brought them to the streets.
"You two need to get a grip and realize that it's not…" Avalon let go of the two when she saw a swirling portal across the street. Her eyes widened as it stretched out to become like a crack in the air. "What's...that's not...this isn't…" She looked around the street with both hesitance and fear. "Is this real?"
"Hey...that looks…" Amy blinked at the crack. She shook her head and that odd feeling she got from just looking at the thing.
"Cracks," Avalon breathed in. "There's cracks in the universe. I...somebody said that. Somebody else said that too, and I…"
"No, it's true! I found three more cracks in the last street!" A man's voice carried over, pulling the trio's attention to the end of the street where a homeless man was running down, excitedly babbling on. "I wonder if there's more!"
"There's one right here!" Avalon found herself blurting and promptly covered her mouth when she realized it.
The Doctor came running down to stop beside them and see the crack proudly scarring the air. "Interesting! Do you know what the crack is?"
"Clearly we don't or else we wouldn't be here, right?" Avalon's sarcasm made the Doctor smile.
"It's a crack!"
"But that we clearly knew!"
"Avalon!" Rory hissed. "Stop fighting with a homeless man!"
Avalon turned around, her hair flipping with her. The Doctor sniffed the air when he got a whiff of...lavender.
"You smell like lavender," he turned the woman around without even thinking it. Avalon looked at him strangely and despite being a homeless man, she didn't really feel scared. Actually, he was kind of cute.
"I don't like your hat," she had to say when she got a look at the ruddy thing.
"Yeah, and you don't like fezzes either!" The Doctor's eyes widened as soon as the words left his mouth.
"...Doctor?" Avalon's hand shakily reached to touch his face and the Doctor just let it happen. There was something quite warm about her hand and her gentle fingers.
"Ava…" He hummed in content.
"Enough!" the Scream hissed as it appeared in front of them. Avalon yelped and jumped back. Amy and Rory did the same from their spots. The Doctor quickly barred the way to Avalon, not even realizing when he did it. "You two togetherrrr againnn! I ssssupose it was inevitable! I tried to make thissss painlesss. The memory transferrrr is ssso much cleaner with a living victimmm, but ssso be it!"
"How did we forget again!?" Amy cried angrily, shooting Rory who was also remembering the real situation.
"What!? Don't look at me! You forgot too!" he shouted back.
But their argument was cut off when the Doctor and Avalon cried in pain. They were disintegrating like Orphan had, only instead of white bits they were releasing small green leaves.
"Everyone thinkssss they want to ffind the truth…" the Scream watched the pair fall to their knees on the ground. Roots sprouted to force them down. "Until the truth findsss themmm. You wanted a home, Doctor? I shall eat you now. A hot meal for the homeless man!"
"Ah, Doctor, how do we help you!?" Amy ran towards them but the Scream fired at her to keep still. Rory yanked her to his side, motioning they would freeze there...at least until they figured out a way to help the Doctor and Avalon.
The roots, which were the Scream's own tendrils, wrapped around each of them. It invaded their minds, intending on taking everything he could find. He just failed to realize that it was a two-way connection. Memories were flowing out from the pair but at the same time memories were flowing in from the Scream, the very memories the Sapling once upon a time took at the time of his birth.
"The Sapling…" the Doctor sucked in a sharp breath, "He's a tree isn't he? That's where we found him...a forest planet?"
Avalon could see the memory he talked about, but she literally felt her insides being crushed. "He's...going to kill us!"
"How sweeeet that you rememberrrr again. You think of the Scream and you knooowwww fffeear! Soon you shall beee entirely consumed. Sooon you shall nottt existtt. You shalll only exisssst in here! In my head! My memoriesss! NOthing will exist, other than the Scream!"
And then the Scream, everyone for that matter, heard the Doctor laugh.
"Are you seriously laughing!?" Amy incredulously stared at the Time Lord.
He was. He truly was even when the branches were wrapping around his body. "I just realized...well, I remembered. This entire world is populated by my and Avalon's memories. You just threw in Amy and Rory cos you had no idea what to do with them yet-"
"Thanks," Rory cut in with the exact flat face his wife had.
"-and because the Sapling wouldn't let you get rid of them. This place is an entirely subjective environment and you're about to kill us! Then Amy, and Rory...so what happens when we're all gone? Who will be here to remember you if it's just you?"
"Ha…" Avalon found strength to laugh for a tiny moment. The branches were squeezing her tight. "If a tree falls in a forest and no one's around…"
"...does anyone know?" the Scream realized.
"Ava, I'm passing a psychic message to you via the root system." the Doctor quickly said before the Scream could enact what promised to be even more outrageous than what he already did, "A plan. Listen to me, Ava. Just listen."
Avalon wanted to point out that she had no idea how to receive such a message, but the Doctor went ahead anyways. She closed her eyes and let whatever happen, happen.
The Scream...screamed. A white light had eradicated his entire world, leaving only him in a white place. Was a room? A world? He didn't know.
"Is anyone there?" he called out. "Can anybody hear me? I...I don't want to be alone!"
"Because it sucks, right?"
The Scream turned around to find Avalon standing a few feet away from him. She was scowling at him. "I know how it feels to be alone. The Doctor does too. And you used that against us. And you know the funny thing is, if you had just asked the Doctor for help...he would've done it. I know he's said that he'd kill any Silence for what they did to me but I know my Doctor. You weren't part of the Silence. You didn't do anything. All you needed to do was ask for help...but you didn't."
"Youuuu will diiiie!" the Scream pointed at her.
Avalon swallowed hard. "You absorbed the Sapling. You took his powers, right? So use them. Why don't you just make copies of yourself? Then you never have to be alone again."
"I...yes…" the Scream realized that would be an even better plan. With thousands of him, he could take over every planet and force everyone to remember him.
Avalon watched the Scream multiply and multiple until there were really near a thousand of them just staring at her, maliciously planning no doubt. She felt her breath leave her. "Is...is the Sapling inside you somewhere? Can...can you release him? You've got what you wanted. There's so many of you, why keep him?" Her eyes teared up as the memories of the Sapling started resurfacing in her mind. "Please...he's...he's my son. I want him back."
The Scream flatly ignored her. "I can make endless copiessss of me! They willlll spread acrossss the universe! With the Sapling'sssss power I caaaan make millionssss...billionsss of me! I will absorb alll life! The universe willll only be the Screammm!"
"Fine," Avalon spat, her eyes narrowing on the Scream.
"Oi! Bighead!" the Doctor's voice hollered, making every copy of the Scream look away from themselves.
And once they looked away from themselves, it forgot that it existed. Each of them faded away into nothing, leaving no trace that it had ever existed in the first place.
Avalon turned around to see the Doctor, Amy and Rory. It was funny, the white room - she decided it was a room - seemed endless. She had to run for a few seconds until she could join them.
She jumped into the Doctor's arms, hugging him tight. "I did it! I got your message! I did it!"
"I know you did," the Doctor hugged her tight, getting that strong scent of sweet lavender. He truly did love it.
"So he just...he just forgot himself?" Rory felt a headache coming along with just that detail.
"We literally used its own weapon against it," the Doctor said to them as he let Avalon go just a bit. He had completely forgotten her for a moment there and he wasn't interested in letting her go anytime soon.
"So then shouldn't we have faded from existence when the Scream did?" Amy gestured to the white room. "We were inside him, after all. He absorbed us."
"You'd think so, the Scream vanished but…" there was a familiar grin on the Doctor's face that Avalon saw first. "Remember that he merged with the Sapling and now the Scream is gone, so that means we're currently inside…"
"The Sapling!" Avalon gasped, soon sporting the same grin as the Doctor's. "He's still alive!"
"That's really great, but how do we get out!?" Rory exclaimed.
"Hello! Hi!" Amy started shouting into the air. "Sapling, if you can hear us...I'm really tired! Can we just go home!?"
There was a light whooshing air, almost like the TARDIS would make. Before they knew it, the outline of a door appeared a few feet away from them.
"Is it really that easy?" Avalon blinked, stepping towards it.
"If he knows that I'm tired then yeah," Amy shot them a smirk and hurried up to it despite Rory's warning call to wait. Amy opened the door and stepped into the console room, their console room. "Aha! Yes!" But she gasped when she saw the Sapling across from them.
Everyone else did too.
The Sapling was back but he was a little different…and not so little anymore...
"Sapling!" Avalon zoomed right past the group to hug the Sapling, although she had to go on her tippy-toes because now the Sapling was as tall as the Doctor.
"What's wrong with him?" Rory whispered to the Doctor.
"Nothing! He's...matured!" the Doctor grinned and hurried over as well.
The Sapling had grown into a man - a tree man. He had lost his brown wooden skin to be replaced by a white, pinkish skin. His eyes had shrunken a bit, stretched out only slightly. Even his head was no longer that pointy!
"I grew up, Mother," the Sapling pulled away from Avalon to hug the Doctor, revealing his lower voice in the process.
"Yes, you did!" Avalon laughed out of surprise.
"We all go through a difficult adolescent phase where a homicidal memory-stealing alien from a strange religious cult wants to use us to take over the entire universe and turn every living thing into them!" the Doctor stepped back beside Avalon and found her glaring at him.
"Please stop talking."
The Sapling laughed. Avalon gave him a strange look for that. "You even laugh like a grown up. When Rory was a kid, his voice broke so much when he laughed!"
"Avalon, shush!" Rory frowned. This was no time to bring up his teenage years!
"You found me," the Sapling breathed out with a nervous smile. "Just like you promised you would."
"You are family," the Doctor reiterated to him. "You're our son."
"Yes," the Sapling nodded, as if only now just coming to terms with it. "You are my Father, you are my Mother…" He looked past the pair to Amy and Rory, "My...aunt and uncle." The two thanked him for not revealing their true relationship. "I wanted to thank you all for believing in me. You saved me. My race, my DNA...it said that I had to destroy and spread across the universe. That I was a weapon."
"But you're not," Avalon shook her head. "You are so incredible! You're my son!"
"Truly," the Doctor agreed.
"Father, you stole this TARDIS, ran from your people, refused to be what you were told to be. You decided to be kind. You are an inspiration!"
"Oh, well..I…" the Doctor stammered as he looked around, making the others laugh.
Avalon threw her arms around him. "I agree! And you made him blush!"
"No, I'm not!"
The Sapling smiled as the two bickered for a few seconds. They didn't even hear him when he pointed out that they both had their memories back.
"Alright you two, break it up!" Amy came marching up to them and physically ripped them away from each other. "Sheesh! Bad influence on your child!"
"Yeah, yeah," the Doctor waved them off. "So, Sapling, where to from here? Would you like to stay or…?"
"Or?" Avalon frowned, her eyes flickering from him and the Sapling. "What do you mean 'or'?"
"Well, it's just...the Sapling is - as he put it - all grown up. Sometimes, typically, that means he might want to go exploring on his own."
Avalon's entire face fell at the idea of the Sapling leaving them. Without realizing it, she'd become so attached to him. She'd gotten used to having the little one around…
But he's not 'little' anymore and that's the point!
"You're all grown up," she said sadly. "Of course you want to leave."
"It's not that I want to leave you, Mother. I'm just curious," the Sapling smiled softly at her. He walked up to her and put his hands over her shoulders. "But it doesn't mean I won't come back. You're my Mother."
"Not a very good one, I'm afraid," Avalon sniffed. "I-I didn't really know what to do half the time. I'm sorry about that."
"You were wonderful, Mother! So much fun! I will always love our movie marathons! And the Heist! That's my favorite memory with Father."
The Doctor grinned. "Don't fret, I'm sure we'll have another one!"
"No, we won't!" Rory huffed. They just didn't understand that heists were wrong, didn't they!?
The Sapling smiled at all of them. "Yes, I won't go away forever. I'll be back to visit!"
The Doctor moved for the console and rummaged through the under compartments until he pulled out a familiar device. "Take this, Sapling. In case you wander to some, uh, not so advanced parts of the galaxies. And Earth."
The Sapling took the device from him. It was what changed his appearance to a human boy when he visited Leadworth. "Thank you, Father."
"Well...can I have another hug before we have to drop you off?" Avalon was already holding her arms out. She felt like she was about to burst into sobs. So, the Sapling hugged her for a little bit longer than the others.
~ 0 ~
Following into his mother's footsteps, the Sapling chose to start his own adventures in the 51st century. With tears in their eyes, the family parted and went their separate ways. As soon as everything was back to normal, Avalon was shipped off to the medbay for a thorough examination. After breathing in the air from Zoline and undergoing the Scream's own personal world, they needed to make sure Avalon hadn't suffered any setbacks in her health.
"I still think this is all just a tad too much," Avalon sighed in her spot. She scooted to the edge of the medbed while the Doctor hurried back to the computers to upload her latest blood samples.
"Nope! You're not getting up from that bed until I'm done with you!"
A smirk played on Avalon's face. "Ooh, I didn't know you were thinking like that, Fairy Tale Man."
The Doctor winced and shot her a look, though as upset as he wanted to seem the bright red blush on his face greatly contradicted it. "Not like that!" Before she could say anything else, he dove his head to the computers instead. She needed to stop playing with him like that because one of these days…
"So, how is everything?" Avalon asked after a moment of listening to computers whizzing.
"Pretty normal...for you," the Doctor was happy to read. He literally felt his hearts returning to their normal beating speed. Her lungs didn't hold on to any of the poisons from Zoline's air and her brain scans showed nothing was damaged from the Scream's attacks. She was perfectly normal.
He could breathe again.
He turned around and went straight to the ginger, pulled her right off the bed to hug her. "I promise there'll be no more invasions into your head." He kissed the top of her head.
"That would be nice," Avalon hummed. "Although, it does feel kind of nice knowing that even when we forgot about each other, we still found each other."
The Doctor smiled and swayed her a bit. "Of course I'd find you, Ava." Because I love you. Oh, those were still too strong words for her. He didn't want to freak her out after everything that already happened.
Avalon hummed for a few seconds until she spoke again, "Well, I just want to make it clear that you do have a home." She raised her head to meet his gaze. The Sapling had heard all the conversations they had in the Scream's world and was fairly good at giving Avalon the quick run-down of the Doctor's most popular thoughts in that world. He felt like he didn't have a home and that could not be. "You said you didn't have a home, but you do. It's me, Amy and Rory. We're not Gallifrey but I can try to make it as best as I can."
The Doctor brought his hands to cup her face. "You are absolutely wonderful," he said, feeling truly touched with her words. Yes, of course you're my home. I was just so alone in that other world...it's actually not that far from what I used to be."
"Well that's never happening again," Avalon was quick to say, "Because I am never leaving you. I'm here until the end..." Those words brought her to the next point she wanted to discuss - she wanted to yell actually but she didn't want to make things worse. "Doctor, is it really true that you don't have any regenerations left?"
The Doctor's expression turned grim fast. He should've figured that was going to come back sooner or later. He dropped his hands from her face and sighed. "Yes..."
"But didn't you say you were in your eleventh incarnation?" Or had she misheard that bit? She was sure that she hadn't.
The Doctor brought a hand up to the back of his neck. "I...this is my last body. My previous incarnation wasted one regeneration."
"He, uh...I...liked that face, a lot. So I kept it." Looking back at it, it truly was a waste of a regeneration.
"That's one, where's the other one?"
The Doctor would prefer not to talk about that incarnation. He didn't even consider it an incarnation but Avalon wasn't going to let it go. She wanted to know the truth and after everything, she deserved some truth. "There's one incarnation that I don't really like to think of, nor remember. It was the one during the War. That's two incarnations there so...this me...is the last one."
"How could you not tell me that?" Avalon thought about Lake Silencio. River had been wrong. The Doctor didn't die 'mid-regeneration'. He had just died. He would die because he was shot, not because he couldn't make it to the next regeneration. Had the astronaut known that?
You're learning it right now. She stiffened. What if the future was cementing right now?
Tears filled Avalon's eyes when her thoughts started spinning with multiple Lake Silencio scenarios. "Oh my God," she covered her mouth.
The Doctor sprang into action when he saw her tears. "N-n-n-n-no, Ava! I'm okay! I'm alright!" He yanked her into another hug, this time holding her as tightly as he could. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that. I-I didn't know how to bring it up."
Avalon knew there was no way to bring that up into a conversation. If roles were reversed she would probably struggle too. But she knew it wasn't why she was crying. Her tears belonged to the future. She couldn't let that happen to him. If she was the astronaut, then she would make sure she never hurt him. She could do that. She could really do that.
She rested her hands over his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart beats. "Then I guess we'll have to make sure nothing happens to these hearts." She raised her head to meet his soft smile. "I can take care of them."
"Yeah?" the Doctor wouldn't mind that one bit.
"Mhm, I'll be gentle with them." Avalon watched him near her lips, her own lips curving into a smile. I'll love them. She paused so subtly that the Doctor never saw it. She had no idea where that thought came from but it brought about special butterflies in her stomach. She looked at him in a whole different light and suddenly the only thing she wanted to do was kiss him until she ran out of breath.
"They couldn't be in safer hands," the Doctor murmured just before kissing her, unknowingly fulfilling her current desire. Avalon quickly moved her arms around his neck to bring him closer and leave their bodies firmly pressed against each other's.
Unfortunately, they were interrupted shortly afterwards…
"What kind of exams are you running here, exactly?" The sharp voice of Amy broke them apart.
"P-Ponds!" the Doctor sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of both Amy and Rory at the doorway. This was bad, bad!
"I told you they needed supervision!" Rory huffed at his wife and crossed his arms.
"Shame, I lost a bet because of you two!" Amy pointed at the pair who were frozen in their spots. Glumly, she reached into her pant's pockets to pull out the money.
"You bet on us?" frowned Avalon before it hit her. "Wait! What about!?"
"That you could handle this relationship like adults obviously!"
"You knew!?" Avalon and the Doctor yelled with the same red blush on their faces.
"Since when!?" Avalon demanded.
Amy and Rory looked at each other to make the calculations. They went back and forth for a few minutes until they agreed. "Two weeks ago!"
"What? And you didn't say anything?" The Doctor arched an eyebrow at them, for a brief moment wondering if they were truly the Ponds.
"Well, it was obvious you guys weren't ready to tell us," Amy shrugged then flashed them a smirk. "Course it just seems like you were a lot more busy snogging than anything else."
"Yeah, since this is all out in the air can we just dial it back a bit?" Rory properly shivered. He did not enjoy catching his granddaughter snogging the hell out of the Doctor two weeks ago. That was not a way to start a morning. He would've yelled for them to stop if Amy hadn't pulled him out of the console room in time.
"You're not...you're not mad?" the Doctor's voice was a tad squeaky, much to Amy's amusement. He was clearly nervous of their reactions.
Avalon moved one of her arms over his shoulder and looked at his anxious face. Poor thing really did look scared. It warmed her heart that he truly cared a lot about what Amy and Rory had to say about their relationship, but at the same time she felt the need to point out it didn't matter what they thought. She wondered why he was so fixated on their opinions anyways.
"We were surprised that you started a relationship without letting us in on the secret," Rory was the one to say and for the same reason the Doctor had asked the question in the first place. He made it very clear in the beginning what he thought about the relationship if it ever were to happen. He supposed that even after he apologized to the Doctor and told him that he would really be okay with a relationship between them, the Doctor would still be nervous. "But we're happy for you, really."
Once again, the Doctor felt like he could breathe again. Avalon shook her head at him with a laugh. "I think your hearts were doing the salsa for a moment!" She gave a light pat to his chest.
He rolled his eyes at her. He didn't care. He just heard that her grandparents were okay with their relationship. They didn't want him away from her!
"Avalon, are you happy?" Amy asked her even though the answer was clear as day.
The Doctor still had one arm wrapped around her waist while she adjusted his bowtie. "Like you wouldn't believe it," Avalon hummed contently. She had just made the biggest realization in her life and she wasn't going to let anyone take it away. "My Fairy Tale Man has made me so happy."
"That's great," Amy nodded before clapping her hands together. "So now that we're all in the loop we can implement the rules."
That certainly snapped Avalon out of her moment. "The what now?"
"The rules!" chorused her grandparents.
"One of the most important rules is you are to sleep in separate rooms, young lady!"
"Oh, c'mon-" Avalon was in the middle of rolling her eyes when Amy reached over to yank her away. "Amy!"
"No, you actually do need to rest tonight Ava," the Doctor pointed at her and earned himself a glare. "Goodnight Ava!"
Avalon gasped as Amy dragged her out of the room. "Doctor! I hate you!"
"Yeeeeah," Rory clapped a hand over the Doctor's shoulder, "For your own safety, you're going to always want to agree with Ava. It's survival. She gets that from her grandmother." Of course he winced when he remembered that Amy wasn't that far away and could possibly overhear him.
The Doctor could half-smile now. "Thanks Rory. So...are you really okay?"
"Yes, of course. I told you this, Doctor. I'm really sorry for what I used to think but I know where Avalon is safest and where she's happiest. And even though Amy and I caught you two weeks ago, we knew something was up," Rory crossed his arms and smirked when the Doctor paled for a few seconds.
"Y-you did?"
"Of course. Avalon was a wreck after Berlin. Three months we spent trying to build her health and her mental health...and then one day, poof! She's not grumpy anymore, she didn't cry as much...she was smiling. My granddaughter was laughing again. You made that happen and I will always be thankful for that."
The Doctor was touched to hear Rory's words. To know that Rory, the person who was most against this relationship, was truly thankful for him...it relieved the Doctor of several layers of guilt. "Thank you Rory. Really."
"There's just one thing I'm going to ask of you," Rory warned, his face softening as he spoke again, "Please keep her safe. I lost my daughter, I couldn't keep her safe. I don't want Avalon to keep suffering. Please promise me that you will always keep her safe. When Amy and I are long gone, promise me that you'll put Avalon's safety first."
"Rory, don't talk about that…" the Doctor hated to think that one day he and Amy would...they would...die. It truly hurt his insides, made them churn too.
"No, we have to. Especially now that we know Avalon's lifespan is just like...doubled or tripled, whatever it is...it's a lot longer than what Amy and I are going to live combined. And that's fine. I would never want to bury her or River first. They need to bury us first. So when Amy and I are gone, you promise me that Avalon will come first no matter what."
"I swear Rory," the Doctor ultimately said. He understood where Rory was coming from. He was, after all, a father and grandfather himself (at least he once was). The need to keep one's family safe was a powerful force. It overrode anything else. Rory felt that towards Avalon and he couldn't dismiss it simply because he wasn't comfortable talking about death. "Avalon will always come first. Her safety will be my first priority."
Rory nodded firmly. "Thank you." He wouldn't share with the Doctor, nor Amy for that matter, that there was still a tiny part of him that still felt like there was a moment coming for them; something that would hurt all of them. He just hoped that the Doctor would fulfill his promise if the time ever called for it.
Author's Note:
And that concludes the Sapling's arc but don't fret, he's not gone forever! He'll be making some visits later on! When I first read this arc I thought the ending was SO cool and yet so sad. I mean, all they had to do was get the Scream to look away from itself to defeat him. I don't know, I just got chills when I read that moment. It was written so nicely and so sadly...*Jake Peralta's voice* Chills, literal chills!
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Survey #416
“don’t pray for me when you’re the one to blame  /  don’t think of me when you go up in flames”
Does your town/area have a farmer’s market? Do you ever buy your vegetables there rather than grocery store? Not close enough for us to actually go there for groceries, no. If you had a significant other and somehow got a chance to kiss your celebrity crush, would you still go for it? Well no, given Mark's been in a serious relationship for like six years, and I'd feel disloyal to my partner. I can just dream about it, ha ha. Do you tend to be attracted to people that are more similar to you in interests and mannerisms or do you tend to be attracted to someone opposite/complementing to you? I tend to be drawn to people I'm more similar to. What is a talent that a lot of other people desire or value but you really don’t care to have (e.g., singing, etc.)? *shrug* If someone asks you to hang out, but for some reason you’re just feeling lazy/don’t want to go anywhere, do you ignore them, make up an excuse, or just tell them the honest truth? Tbh, odds are I'm making up an excuse. Would you like to meet an alien? That would depend on its motives. It might have wisdom to share, or it may be nefarious, in which case I don't wanna meet it obviously. If so, would you trust them enough to go back with them to their planet? That's a no no matter how it acts. Trust issues, my friend. And that's with humans. What do you think is at the end of space. It's kinda science that space is infinite... Do you like D&D or Magic: The Gathering the most? I've never played D&D because I know I would be way, way too awkward to actually do it. M:TG is fun, though. What is your favorite Disney movie? TLKKKKK. What’s your favorite book series? Wings of Fire tops the list right now, but Warriors will always have a very special place in my heart. What’s something you wish they’d build in your neighborhood? Idk. Do you usually keep ponytail holders around your wrist? No. I don't even wear my hair in a ponytail because it's too short. Sunny D or orange juice? Orange juice. I have to be in a very specific mood for Sunny D. Can you snap out of a bad mood fast? Nooooo, unless something drastically good happens. How can a person tell if you’re mad or annoyed? My face will probably give it away, mixed with me being short and snippy or more awkward than normal because I'm trying to not be a bother. What’s something you enjoy that’s outside your age level? Certain TV shows. When your friends come and hang out at your house, what do you get up to? The only friend I have that I hang out with once in a blue moon is Girt, and we'd usually play board games or watch TV. Do you think it’s ignorant for people to have unprotected sex when they’re not ready for a child? Yes. Like yes, I'm pro-choice so won't look down on someone getting an abortion, but I still think you should be willing to act to prevent things from getting to that point where that procedure is chosen. For it or against it, abortion is a serious decision and should be treated as such. What were your favourite things to do as a child? My favorite thing had to be video games, specifically Spyro, and I also adored Webkinz and Neopets on the computer. I also loved playing make-believe with my toys like every other kid. I loved watching Dad play video games, too. I've also been a drawing fiend since I was very little. If you were shopping with your best friend, and they picked an outfit that was completely unflattering, would you tell them? I honestly don't know if I would. Her being comfortable and happy in it is what matters, anyway. Do you prefer using air-con or having the windows down when you’re driving on a hot day? Team A/C for sure. I hate the feeling of wind just slapping the hell outta your face and making a nest out of your hair. Can you ever manage to finish three courses when you go out to eat at restaurants? No. What would you say your favourite farm animal is? Pigs! They are so incredibly misunderstood. They're very intelligent, CLEAN (I know, can you believe it?), silly, and happy animals that I just adore. Is your ex currently in a relationship and if yes, how do you feel about that? Idk if "the" ex is with anyone, and it's for the better I don't, probably. Which one of your friends should be a stand-up comedian? Girt. Is your mom a better driver or your dad? Oh yeah. Dad tailgates like a motherfucker. What's your least favorite genre of music? Either rap or country, idk. Do you like poems? I do. Do you enjoy drawing? I have a love-hate relationship with it. I LOVE when something comes out the way I wanted it to, but if it doesn't, I feel very disappointed in myself and bash it into my head that I could do better. Do you even have any drawing talent? So I'm told. Have you ever seen The Sound of Music? Yes, in elementary school's music class. Ever seen Beetlejuice? If so, did you enjoy it? Oh yes, that was one of Jason's favorites. I liked it. How do you deal with oppressive heat? Complain, sweat my ass off, do anything I can to cool off that doesn't involve taking clothes off. What’s one thing that people definitely CAN’T count on you for? To remember pretty much anything whatsoever. What about something they definitely can count on you for? An ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. How do you feel about your handwriting? I like it. Is there a store that bothers you immensely for some reason (people who shop there irritate you or the employees who work there are rude, etc.)? Uhhhh I don't think so. What’s something you complain about frequently? If I'm hot, or my legs hurting. If you’re home alone and someone knocks on the door, what do you do? Ignore it. I'm not answering. What’s one book that you have read that will stick with you forever? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. It's an anti-war pacifism novel, which is something I'm very much passionate about. Would you ever get one of those old school “mom” tattoos with the heart? No. I know with certainty I want a tribute to my mom when she passes, but definitely not that design. Are you a Giants fan? I don't care for sports, but the NYG always make me think of Jason's dad, who is like, obsessed with them. So I guess I feel a bit of warmness towards them just for memory's sake. Last time you went pumpkin picking? Never. Do you prefer eating corn straight off the cob or corn already taken off the cob? I think corn on the cob tastes better with all the butter and spices you can put on it, but I do enjoy off the cob too because it's just so much cleaner. Would you want your family to go on Wife Swap? Well, I live with my mom and she's divorced, so... I don't have to worry about this. How old is your current e-mail address? God, I've had it since I was a kid. Last time you conversed with someone in a language other than English? Not since taking a test for German in high school. Last video you favorited on YouTube? Oh my god, it was this video from my favorite reptile channel (Snake Discovery) of them taking their pet tegu to the park. She clearly had SO much fun. Now mind you I very rarely favorite things, so yeah, I adored the video. Do you like chocolate with coconut filling? Noooo, I'm not a coconut fan at all. What was the first thing you ate today? Mom made bacon, yuuuuum. Do you know how to play Mahjong? No. Mom loves it, though. Do you have any skirts longer than knee-length? I don't own any skirts. What’s the farthest you’ve gone with someone you weren’t dating? Just flirting. Ever had a promise ring? No. What about one of those “I’ll wait until marriage” rings (I think they’re called purity rings or something)? They're called abstinence rings, and yes, in HS. Funny how looking back I was definitely breaking that vow while I wore it lmao. What is the shortest time you’ve heard of people being together before getting married? My late grandma and her second husband got married SO fast. Like they were together for probably a couple months (maybe less?), then boom, the news came that they were engaged. Are any of your friends currently pregnant? Facebook friends, yes, which are mostly composed of old friends and acquaintances from school. One poor girl very recently got into a bad wreck, but thank goodness she and her unborn daughter are okay. Have you ever played golf? I loved playing putt-putt when I was younger, and then Jason and I once had a mini-golf date. It was really cute. When was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever? It's been some years since I used to wax my eyebrows. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. A minor one, but still. Can you honestly say you love the last person you kissed? Yep. Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture? Yeah. Would you ever go on Fear Factor? Noooo. I would NEVER get past day #2 where they tend to do the disgusting shit, and I'm way too out of shape to do the wild stuff they do. What colour was the last mask you wore? Blue. Can any of your friends sing well? Which one has the nicest singing voice? Oh yes, Sara has an absolutely beautiful voice. When was the last time you had a nightmare? I had two last night, actually. I have this habit of taking my APAP mask off in the middle of the night because it's a nuisance, and I never remember doing so. When I do that, I'm much more prone to have nightmares because the mask helps my sleep apnea, which causes my nightmares/terrors. Where do you see yourself in ten years? I do NOT want to imagine this. It's either going to be beautiful or a fucking catastrophe, of that I'm sure. Does your family have traditions? Just pretty ordinary holiday ones. Have you ever met anyone half-way famous? Tez is famous, as far as I'm concerned. :') I also have some musician friends trying to make it, but idk how far they've actually gotten in the industry. Is there a celebrity that you are related to? No, just ancestors. Would you call your last relationship a mistake? Definitely not. Would you ever take up a job in photography? Ugh... that's the fucking dream. But I'm massively losing hope. Do you throw out your assignments once you’ve gotten them back? When I was in school, it depended on whether it would serve as good study material or not. Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? My old friend Jenna messaged me a few days back just to say she was thinking about me and wished me well, which I really appreciated. Of course I messaged her back wishing her the same and all. Have you ever developed a crush on someone the first day you met them? Don't believe so, no. Do you have any friends who never shut up about their boyfriend/girlfriend? Well, I used to. She vanished. Have you ever showered with a member of the opposite sex? No. Don't want to. I want to be alone when I shower.
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mandadoration · 5 years
know your place
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summary: Mando catches you with intentions to turn you in for your bounty, but you’ve been in the game long enough to know how to deal with someone like him. You’re determined to make the Mandalorian beg. 
word count: 5, 128
pairing: mandalorian x smuggler!reader
warnings: slight dub-con elements (aphrodisiac), non-consenual drug use, smut, handjob, sub!mando, use of bondage, mentions of drugs, praise kink, thigh riding, dirty talking, teeny tiny pain kink, explicit sex 
a/n: I guess I really have a thing for his cuffs? Also, don’t ask me where this fic is in terms of timeline- I have no idea. 
“She’s dangerous,” Greef Karga warns. “You aren’t the first bounty to have gone after her, but I trust you’ll be the last.” He slides a fob and puck over the table. 
“What is it that makes her so dangerous?” Mando asks. He views your puck. You aren’t particularly threatening. Hell, you’re even smiling brightly as the hologram of your face spins around. If he’s being honest, Mando wouldn’t have pegged you for a criminal. A farmgirl, maybe, or some handmaiden to some nobility in the Core Worlds. “She’s just a spice runner, right?”
“All spice variants. And death sticks, snuff, sweetblossom, rissle stick, slick,” Karga adds on. “That’s not even all of it. If you can smuggle it, she’s got it.” His tone is unusually serious. It’s no wonder why; this bounty is definitely one of the higher ones. The price tag on her head was lucrative. It’s enough for a month or two’s worth of rations, and then some. 
“Really? That many?” Mando asks. “Sounds dangerous.” Most smugglers only chose to smuggle one or two things at a time. It was much too risky to try and transport so much across the galaxy. And by the sounds of it, this bounty sounds like she’s practically supplying half the galaxy. Maker knows how many other criminals she knows. “How’d she survive this long?” Karga shrugs. 
“The other hunters refuse to talk,” he explains. “And those are the ones that have come back.” Mando watches your hologram bust rotate, your dazzling smile making you look deceptively innocent. He takes you puck and the tracking fob. 
“I’ll bring her back,” he says. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”
Of course you knew that at some point, the infamous Mandalorian would be coming after you. Several people from the Bounty Hunter’s Guild had tried to cash you in, but you wouldn’t let them. So when you had caught word that he had your puck, you had been on guard immediately. You make far too good of a living to give it up. 
But the Mandalorian?
That’s going to be a challenge. 
You’ve heard about him in your little (well, not little) criminal circles, watching as some of your clients have been picked up by him. You’re always quick to leave at any sign of trouble. You didn’t become a major supplier of drugs by being careless, stars, no. That’s why when you’re supplying high quality spice to some big wig, you’re swathed in layers of servant’s robes as you stealth through the town, scarf over the lower half of your face. 
You make sure that as you go through the city, you keep an eye out for any shiny piece of armor, making sure you bat your eyelashes at vendors and practically sashay through town, keeping a hand under your clothes, where your package was disguised as a pregnant belly. An old trick, but more effective than people would think, especially if you were in a less-fortunate part of town. You’ve even gotten some credits from sympathetic nannies who coo about your faux-baby in the past. You aren’t going to complain. You guess it does look weird when you go to a club to meet your client though. 
The guard at the door recognizes you, of course, and you nod at him as you slip through the back door. “Slythmonger,” he grunts. Just because you knew each other doesn’t mean he thought that you were lowly, especially when he eyes your fake belly. 
The club is filled with barely-clothed aliens and humans alike, all sickly sweet smiles and big eyes. You stick out like a sore thumb even more, but your clothes blend in with the dark. As you walk through the club, sticking close to the walls, you slip deathsticks to familiar customers who slip you credits in return. You get to a closed off room, knock three times, and slide in, squeezing your belly as you do. 
And you stop.
Because your client is staring at you with wide eyes as the Mandalorian sits across from him. If you thought you were out of place, the Mando looks like it even more, shiny beskar stark against the velvet cushions. You immediately slide your expression into one of anger, narrowing your eyes.
“Honey,” you grit out, glaring at your client who gives you a look of confusion. You huff and put a hand on your belly, rubbing it as if you were really with child. “What did you do this time?” You motion to the Mandalorian. At this point, you can hope that your scarf covers your face well enough, and that your client will be smart enough to catch on. 
“What?” he asks stupidly. Apparently not. 
You slowly stick your hand into a side pouch containing magic powder as you advance to your client. 
“You obviously did something, sweetie,” you say, voice low, “if a Mandalorian is here.” You see the Mando tilt his head as he looks at you. You eye him from the side. “Are you with the guild?” you ask him, voice dripping with false fear, protectively covering the package. He gets up, and you tense, but he pulls out a puck and activates it, showing your face. And suddenly you’re glad for the loud, pulsing music because if it had been quiet, the tracking fob you’re sure he holds would be beeping loud and clear.
“I’m looking for her,” Mando says. “She delivers spice to your… husband here,” he says. “Have you seen her?” Either he’s a really good actor, or you’re a better one than him and have him fooled. You gasp and whirl to face your client.
“Spice?” you hiss at him, who honestly looks more scared at you than he did at the Mandalorian. “You’re doing spice?” 
“Um, yes?” he stammers out. You sob dramatically, turning away as you try to scan for more exits. Looks like the door you came in is the only one, unless you can somehow fly up and go through the vents before the bounty hunter can snag you. 
“I cannot believe this!” you cry out. “I’m due in a month! A month! And you’re out here doing drugs.” Your wailing makes Mando wince. “Where’s the money?” you demand. Your client scrambles to dump out the credits onto a nearby table and you scoop them out and count quickly. “So this is where it goes?” you screech. You tuck them away. The most he could do was pay you for the horrific acting you had to do, pretending that he was your husband. “I was reluctant for you to even start up this… this harem!” you say, motioning to the dark room and the door. “But I draw the line here!” You turn to slap your client, but in the middle of your theatrics, your fake belly drops down and out under your skirt, spilling carefully measured bags of spice all over the floor. The room falls silent as you stare, and turn back to look at the Mandalorian. 
“Oh dear,” you say weakly, “the baby.” And you blow a handful of powder into his face, ripping off your servant garb and dumping it over his helmet. Although it wouldn’t as potent with the helmet on, you can disorient him. You burst through the door and sprint out of the club and side door, ignoring a very disgruntled guard as you dash into the streets.
“Get back here!” you hear him shout. Shit, he got out that faster than you thought, but at least the powder worked somewhat. He ran straight into a cart as he left the alley. But you have no time to gloat.
You dart through the annoyed crowd, and you can track where the Mandalorian is from how fast the people part behind you. As you run, you dig in your pockets for anything you can use. You curse when you realize that your only syringe was empty, and you didn’t have a replacement medshot. And you really didn’t want to waste your last vial of love-wallop. That shit was expensive on the market right now. You skid into another alley way, but you go cold as you realize it’s a dead end. You don’t stop running, even as the wall gets closer. At the end, you can see a door on the left. If you got there in time, you did have--
You trip when something tangles around your legs. You yelp as you go down, palms scraping against the dirt. Scrambling back, it tugs on you, and the Mando drags you closer to him. 
“Nice acting,” he says, his voice rough behind the modulator. He’s out of breath and taking deep inhales. “Almost had me.” You scowl, and he throws cuffs at your feet, keeping his blaster trained on you. “Cuff yourself.”
Glaring at him, you untangle your legs from the wire he used and snatch the cuffs up. There’s no way you’re letting yourself get caught without a fight. He’s watching you carefully, but you’re fast, faster than him at least, and you chuck the cuffs at him and blow another handful of powder in his face. As he doubles over in pain and disoriented from another dose, you kick his blaster out of his hand and expertly dump your vial into the syringe, and tackle him, climbing on his back as you grit your teeth and try to find a patch of skin. He tries to buck you off, but you stab your needle into his neck before he can. Mando yells in alarm and does eventually manage to throw you off, but it’s working fast, and soon he’s swaying on his feet. 
“What... what did you--” he slurs, but he tips over before he can finish. You huff as you toss the empty vial and syringe aside. It shatters as it hits the wall and you crouch down next to him. Mando reaches up, but you simply push his hand back down. He’s too weak to fight back. “What’d you put in me?” You purse your lips. 
“Love-Wallop serum,” you answer. “That was expensive, Mando. That’s gonna cost you.” You admire his get-up. If that was really beskar he was wearing, you could afford to hide out for months while you gather more supplies and lie low. “It’s not usually meant to be injected,” you hum, grasping his helmet and tilting it as it glints in the sunlight. “Although, maybe I can change the formula a teensy bit.” You peer at the injection site. It’s a little irritated from the rough jab, but it fades away as a flush creeps up his neck. 
“I thought…” Maker, his mouth is dry, and he feels floaty as the serum works through his system. “I thought you were just a slythmonger.” You chuckle. 
“When you’re in this trade for as long as I have,” you say, leaning in close, “you learn a thing or two.” You watch as he moans and attempts to get up. A simple nudge discourages him as he plops back on the ground with a soft thud.“Now, how am I gonna get you out of here?” you murmur. 
The last thing he sees is your frowning face as you get up to pat the dust off of you. 
When Mando finally comes to, his head his aching, and he’s burning up, an ache deep and low in his gut. He’s sees you lounging casually across from him with a watchful eye. Mando jerks and tries to reach for his blaster, but his hands are tied above his head. With his own cuffs, magnetized and stuck to the wall. 
This is what they call irony, he supposes. 
A quick glance tells him that he’s in some kind of hideout, junk and trinkets lining the wall, and a pile of crates pushed up against another. It’s dim, the only source of light being a lamp next to a cot and what little sunlight that’s being mostly blocked by curtains. He shifts, and realizes all his gear has been stripped from him, including his vambraces and armor so that he’s left in his shirt and pants. Not even his boots are on him. He worries for a quick second in this moment of disorientation that his helmet’s been taken off when you speak up. 
“Your helmet is still on, don’t worry,” you say, shifting legs so that one is crossed over the other. You’re not stupid, after all. “What’s your name?” Mando doesn’t speak, but instead scans the room for anything that could help him get out of this situation. There’s a door or some kind of hatch in the far left corner, and another to what he thinks is the refresher, but everything surrounding him is moved far out of his reach in every direction. “Let me ask you again,” you say cooly. You get up, and run your boot up his leg, sending tingles up it and up his spine as he lets out a soft groan. “Tell me your name,” you say, sweetly.
“Din. Din Djarin,” he gasps out before he can stop himself. It’s hot. Much too hot in here even though he sees that you’re wearing a leather jacket to protect yourself from the slight chill. He’s aching, and he wants to dig his hands into your soft flesh. 
Where did that thought come from?
“Well, Din Djarin,” you say, and it should be illegal how sinful his name sounds coming from you. “You’re gonna be my little experiment. How about that?” you murmur. You crouch down next to his and rub your thumb on his upper thigh. He bucks up into the air, and you hum when you notice the bulge in his pants. 
“What did you put in me?” he grits out, straining against his cuffs. You remove your hand and get back up, and Mando has to bite back the whine that threatens to leave him at the loss of contact. You take off your jacket, sling it over a chair, and pick up a vial of shimmering pink liquid. 
“Love-Wallop,” you answer. “It’s usually in a pill form, but my customers complained it took too long to dissolve, so I made it into a serum.” You glance at it and then to him, rolling the vial in your fingers. “Although I am starting to wonder if I can safely make it for injection.”
“You roofied me?” he asks. You make a face. 
“No!” you protest. You huff and roll your eyes. “What it’s supposed to do is make you more… susceptible to suggestion and seduction,” you continue. You place the vial down on a table and squat down next to him, and run a warm hand up his shirt. “Enhance what’s already there,” you continue. “You’re burning up,” you note, and use your other hand to palm him through his pants. He lets out a low moan, grinding up against your hand. 
“Yeah?” he groans, “That’s what happens when-- stars -- you get drugged.” You laugh, and pull your hands away, laughing harder when he struggls against his bonds to follow you.
“I guess you’re right,” you say amusedly. You reach for your jacket. “Shall I leave you here?” you ask coquettishly. “Let you ride out this little drug trip? Mind you, I don’t know how long it lasts or what happens when you don’t deal with... this,” you warn. You dig the heel of your boot on his erection, just barely enough pressure, but enough to tease him, to make your point. But a moan drags itself from his mouth. His head rolls back, and you’re willing to bet your entire stash of alderaanian snuff that his eyes are rolling back as well. You kneel down to unbuckle his pants and slide them over his hips, grinning when he subconsciously lifts his hips to help you. Maker, you wish you could just snatch that helmet off of him, see who it was and stick your fingers in his mouth. You think that he must have the softest lips, judging from how sweet every sound he makes is. 
But you aren’t that cruel. 
You are, however, cruel enough to pull his cock from his underclothes and let it go, watching it as it bounces up and leans against his belly. The trail of hair that leads up his hair only fuels your desire to see if the curtain matches the drapes. You absentmindedly rub the tip of cock with a single finger, smearing precum around as it twitches under your touch. You sigh dramatically and wipe your finger on his stomach before getting up, knees cracking as you turn away. 
“But you’re right!” you say. “You’re drugged, and I shouldn’t help you anyways, Din Djarin.” You voice drops to a whisper. “Even though I would very much love to help you and your little problem.” 
“You can’t- You can’t leave me here,” Mando protests, voice raspy and thick with desire as he eyes your figure. He feels hotter than ever, and sweat is dripping down his neck. You swing your leather jacket back on and turn to face him with hands on your hips. 
“Of course I can,” you say. You lick your lips as you drink in how desperate he looks. If it were anyone else, you would leave them, but this Mandalorian intrigues you. Maybe you can… Just this once… “But I will reconsider,” you propose, “if you ask nicely.” 
“You expect me to beg?”
“I expect you to ask nicely,” you correct, but your face splits into a feral grin. “But begging would be nice.” Mando doesn’t speak. He’s mulling it over, considering the pros and cons of ‘asking you’ to help him. The need is bubbling in his belly, and his cock is painfully hard. And you know it. Even if you can’t feel what he’s going through, he’s telegraphing his thoughts as he’s clenching and unclenching his fists, squirming where he’s sitting on the ground of wherever he is and canting his hips towards you. “What do you say?” you ask, the smile on your face reminiscent of the one on the puck, bright, but with an edge that screams predatory. He wants to, Maker knows how much he feels like he needs you, but his pride--
-- gets the better of him. 
As soon as he says it, as soon as he sees your face drop and harden, he regrets it, he wants so desperately to please you, but he bites his tongue and keep quiet, even as his breath comes in pants as he’s thrusting into the air. You tilt your head, frowning. You want to ruin him, make him come apart under your hands; you probably want this as much as he does, but instead you shrug. 
“Okay.” And you sit down back in your seat in front of him, legs spread as you watch him. 
“Aren’t you going to leave?” Mando asks. He burns with shame under your gaze, and his cock twitches again. You shake your head. 
“No,” you say. “I said that you were going to be my little experiment,” you remind him. “I make good on promises, Din Djarin” and give him a sly wink. Mando grits his teeth, and directs his gaze somewhere else, anywhere but your piercing eyes and searching gaze. You hum and lean back. You can wait this out. You’re patient. 
This will be interesting.
The sun has set far below the horizon, and Mando’s cock is still hard by the time he finally speaks up. 
“Can you…” He clears his throat. He’s absolutely parched, and swallows, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. “Can you let me go?” he asks. You look up from where you have been mindlessly scrolling through your data pad. 
“Can you let me go?” he repeats. You furrow your eyebrows. 
“And why would I do that?” you ask. You put your data pad on the table next to you and get up to stand next to him, looking down. Mando scrambles for an excuse in his rattled brain. He’s pretty sure with the way his temperature is soaring his brain is fried by now. 
“I’m sure you’re busy,” he says, and cringes with how unconvincing it sounds, even to him. “And have other things to do.” He doesn’t think too long on that, though, because you take a seat next to him and he catches a whiff of your scent, and he’s yearning for your touch again. He wants you so bad, or your hand, at this point he’ll take anything. 
“I am doing something,” you say simply, and lean forward so that you’re leaning against your hand. “Watching you.” You trail a finger up his side. “Waiting. Thinking.”
“Waiting for what?” he breathes. 
“Something,” you say with a sigh. 
“Thinking about what?” 
“How much I would love to wrap my hands around your cock,” you say bluntly, and you scratch your nails down his side. “How I would make you beg for it,” you continue, leaning in close so that you’re right by where his ear would be. “How you would beg for me to fuck you, or beg for my mouth or anything to let you cum.” You slide your hands up his shirt again, palms smooth across his scarred torso, and you tweak a nipple before pulling them back out again, and give his cock one, two, three pumps before you let him go. The lust makes his head cloudy, and at this point, he would let you do anything to him. You lean away from him. 
You tease, he thinks. And he can’t take it anymore. His resolve breaks. 
“Please,” he whines, and you freeze. 
“Don’t make me say it again,” he mutters, but your grin is hungry as you lean back in. 
“Say it again,” you command, and once again, he feels the inexplicable need to tell you everything as you scent fills his nose again. 
“Oh Din Djarin,” you whisper, and the effect your voice has is devastating, “all you had to do was ask.”
Mando nearly cums right then and there when your unyielding grip wraps around his cock, stroking him in long, tight motions as you swing your leg over him to get a better angle. The pleasure is overwhelming. You reach over him, somewhere he can’t see, and you pull out a vibroblade and point it at the base of his throat. His pulse quickens, thinking that you’re about to slit his throat, but instead you catch the top of his shirt and slice it off. You throw the blade over your shoulder and you run your free hand all over his tanned skin. He growls when you twist your hand, and he bucks up. 
“You’re doing so good,” you moan, grinding against his muscled thigh as it flexes. “So good, Din Djarin,” and it’s true. Although you can’t see his face, you see how his chest is flushed and warm, the blush crawling up his neck, and the way he moans is beautiful. “I wish I could keep you,” you mutter, and hiss when you rub your clit just right against him. “Stars, you’d let me do anything to you, hm?” You kiss his chest and start peppering little nips and bites up his neck, sucking a particularly dark mark right on his pulse point. “Answer me.” You cup his balls and stare at him. 
“Yes,” Mando gasps. He’s nearly sobbing from the pleasure, the relief of finally having his cock touched overwhelmingly good, and preening under your murmured praises. “A-anything, fuck, just don’t-don’t stop please--!” His words are choked out as he suddenly cums all over your hand, thick, white ropes coating it and splashing onto your jacket. You don’t stop stroking him, grinding against him as he cums, and the sound he makes is pitiful. It’s only when you cum, white-hot pleasure making your ears ring as you finally stop moving against his thigh, and you’re both heaving in breaths. You pull away, and wipe your cum covered hands in the scraps of his ruined shirt, and you get up to leave, but then you stop when your eyes trail down. 
“Are you still hard?” you ask him incredulously. He came so much, but yes, there it is, his cock is still hard and nearly purple at the tip. As if you didn’t do anything at all. The little noise he makes only further confirms it. You gnaw at your bottom lip, staring at his marked chest and neck, and you think that you have another one in you. 
And so now you’re shucking off your jacket and unbuckling your belt, slick with desire. Mando is watching you, following your movements and watching as your deft hands push down your pants and kicking off your boots. As you sink down, taking his cock in one fluid motion, and the scientist in you vaguely wonders if the dose of love-wallop you gave him could be transferred via bodily fluids. 
That thought is kicked out of your brain as he snaps his hips up and hits that spot inside of you, going deep and so wonderful and it feels like he’s punched the breath out of you. You gasp out a breathy moan. 
“Holy shit,” Mando hisses. He manages to get his feet under him, giving him better leverage to thrust into your pussy, watching as you bounce on top of him. 
“Yes, yes,” you moan. You hold onto his shoulder, all hard muscle and tensed with how he’s pulling at his cuffs to make sure he doesn’t slip. Mando wishes that he could wind his hand through your hair and pull your head back, to bare your neck and mark you, but his hands are still above his head, and he’s sure he’s rubbed his wrists raw. Your toes curl as he fucks you, eyes glazing over as you spy your reflection in his helmet, and your eyes widen when you see how debauched you look. “Din Djarin, I am never letting you leave,” you groan, rubbing your clit. “Stars, your- your cock,” you yelp at a particularly hard thrust, “fuck!” With your free hand, the one not preoccupied with playing with your clit, you dig your nails into his shoulder for leverage, and dig harder still when he moans in response. 
“Do you- Do you do this to all the hunters?” he manages to gasp out, and you shake your head. “Do you let them, let them do this to you? Fuck you?”
“Just you,” you say. “Only you.”
The squelching that fills the otherwise silent room is absolutely disgusting, his hips slapping up against yours, your shirt still covered in his cum. You’re beautiful like this, he thinks, or at least tries to, but all he can do is try and commit the image of you, flushed and hair messy, as you bounce up and down to meet his thrusts halfway, rolling your hips now and then, his mind too jumbled to form worthwhile thoughts. 
“I’m gonna cum,” he grunts. “Soon, shit, if you keep doing that I’m--” 
“Cum,” you breath out, face twisted up in pleasure. There’s coil deep in your core that’s been winding up, and you know you’re close to making it snap. “Cum in me.” And he’s consumed with the desire to listen and hang on to your every word, and he cums. That does it for you too, the feeling of him filling you up, and you grind against him as you nearly wail with pleasure as you orgasm, rubbing your clit in fast, small circles, pleasure rolling through you in waves. 
When you finally come down, Mando is gasping for breath as he slumps back down, and you pry your iron grip from him and get up, his soft cock slipping out of you, but you think you see it twitch again as cum drips out of you. As you pad to the refresher, Mando is overcome with sleepiness and exhaustion. He’s been wound up for hours, he sure, that when he finally got his release, his energy is spent. Mando nearly dozes off when you come back with a warm, wet rag, and wipe your cum and his from his body. You wipe the sweat around his neck, running it gently over the crescent-shaped marks from where you had dug your nails in, and he’s taken aback from how tender and gentle you are with him. There’s a soft look to your face as you’re focused on cleaning him up to the best of your abilities, and he thinks that you’re not even aware he’s looking at you. When you pull away, he yearns for your touch, but in a different way this time, and you give him a small smile. 
“Sleep,” you command him, and he tries to commit this image in his mind, not the one before, of you in the warm light of the lamp in the corner, glowing with the drips of moonlight filtering in, and once again he listens to what you say, and closes his eyes. 
Mando wakes up with a start, neck sore, and he scrambles up when he realizes he’s no longer cuffed, and remembers the events of the night before, dropping the blanket that had been placed over him.
The hot desire that had consumed him is gone now, and instead his legs and arms are aching, wrists raw and irritated like he knew it would be, and he looks around for you.
But any trace that you were there before are gone. 
The crates of drugs, your leather jacket and pants, hell, even the furniture and lamp that was in the corner are gone. All that’s left is his armor and a replacement shirt next to him. When he bends down to pick up the shirt, a little jar tumbles out. He reads the label. 
Salve, it reads, in what he presumes is your handwriting. For Din Djarin. Compensation for partaking in my experiment. He cracks a grin and puts it back on the floor, pulling the shirt over his head and starts the process of buckling his armor on again, trying to ignore how disappointment rises in him when the tracking fob linked to your chain code doesn’t even let out a single blip. Before he puts on his gloves and vambrace, he smears the salve over his wrists, and watches as the irritation almost immediately disappears. It works better than most commercial brands, he notes, and much better than the one in his medpack, so he tucks it away for future use, then freezes as he pats his pockets. He curses when he realizes. 
You had taken all his credits.
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ludi-ling · 4 years
Romy Prompt #1
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Fair & Square
               It’s still strange to kiss without being scared, without the crazy avalanche of memories.
               Hell, it’s just strange to be kissing at all.
               Especially now, here, with him.
               Don’t get me wrong – it isn’t like this is the first time we’ve kissed, or even the second or third… or maybe even the tenth, if I think about it.
               What’s strange is the both of us being absolutely powerless; and what’s even stranger is that only a couple of days ago I’d dragged him away from the pearly gates of heaven itself, and I could’a sworn ever since then he’s been angry with me.
               Nah – angry don’t even cut it. He’s been worse than angry – distant, stand-offish.
               I’d stolen his redemption from him, and now he’s powerless and vulnerable in a way he’s never been before. I know it don’t sit well with him – hell, it don’t sit well with me – but I did it because I love the man, and I don’t regret it for a moment.
               I have no idea what he’s been through, but the hell we shared with Vargas made me sure of one thing – I ain’t done with him, and I’m gonna fight tooth and nail to keep him till my dying breath. I want more, and for once, I ain’t afraid to tell him so.
               I want a lifetime, I’d said to him.
               I’d asked him for everything.
               And he hadn’t said no.
               He ain’t given an unequivocal ‘yes’ neither, but I’ll take what I can get from Remy LeBeau.
               Our kiss is over all too soon, and I don’t dare to press for more – I feel like I may be pushing for luck. For a moment we sway together in time to the band, neither of us saying a thing. It ain’t too often we get moments, let alone kisses, like these – the best we can do is savour it.
               “You wanna go back?” I finally ask him. “Join the others?”
               His swaying slows slightly.
               “Do you wanna?” he asks me instead. I barely need to think about my answer.
               “No,” I reply simply. “Not if you don’t wanna.” I raise my head and look at him, feeling the need to finally speak the unspoken.
               “Listen – sugar. I know what I took away from you, Remy. But I want ya to know I did what I did ‘cos I love ya. ‘Cos I ain’t ready to lose ya. And—”
               “Shh.” He places a forefinger against my lips, silencing me – the texture of his skin on mine still so wonderfully alien. “I know why you did it, Rogue,” he says. “You don’t need t’explain.”
               “Don’t I?” I say, doubtful.
               “Non.” His thumb caresses my lips softly. “I ain’t angry at you, chere. I may’ve been, a li’l bit. At first. Not anymore.”
               I slowly release a pent-up breath. Till this moment, it ain’t hit me how much I’ve needed him to give me that reassurance.
               “You sure?”
               “I’m sure.”
               Silence follows, interrupted by the sudden swell of laughter from the nearby party. He starts swaying again and I follow, our arms around one another.
               “You wanna head somewhere more private?” he asks, resting his chin in my hair.
               I lean back, press my hips against his, and quirk him a smirk.
               “Private, huh? Private as in what exactly, sugar?”
               He cocks a lazy smile.
               “Well, you got the best room in the house, cherie. Mind if I take a li’l peek?”
               I roll my eyes. When we’d first got here, in this incredible house Destiny had secretly bequeathed to me, right in the Garden Quarter of the Big Easy – Remy had been in terrible shape. He’d gotten his own room, and his own carer, in the person of our old friend, Beast – and, under doctor’s orders, I’d been careful not to ‘excite’ him. His brooding had made sure that wasn’t a problem.  The past few days he’s been up and about, almost like normal – as normal as he can be, after nearly losing his life – and while there have been touches and kisses, he’s still been holding something back. Which is why I’m kind surprised he’s choosing now to be flirty.
               “Remy LeBeau,” I scold him sarcastically, “you passed out on my bed last night – don’t pretend you ain’t seen inside my room!”
               “That was on top of your covers,” he drawls, “I was thinkin’ more inside o’them.”
               I slap his cheek playfully.
               “Are ya even sure ya even got the strength to go messin’ around, Cajun? I thought doctor’s orders were not to get over excited!”
               “Doc just gave me a clean bill o’ health,” he grins too smugly for my liking. “As good as I ever was, Hank says. Superb shape. So I think that’s permission for some ‘excitement’, neh?”
               Well, knock me down a feather! Seems like the boy might be recovered after all!
               And I can’t say I ain’t been anxious to try things out between us without anything but skin in the way… …
               “All right, sugar,” I say, half turning and drawing his arm firmly round my waist. “Lemme give ya that ‘sneak peek’ you’ve been waitin’ for.”
               I lead him up through gorgeously furnished and decorated corridors to my room.
               I’m on tenterhooks for this, like some kid in a candy shop.
               I love him, and he loves me – he told me so, at the gates of heaven no less. Doesn’t matter if we’re still too dumbfuck, even at this point, to translate that into anything more than ‘taking things day by day’ and ‘seeing where it leads’.
               Hey, you know what really sucks? I ain’t never had this boy fair and square. First time was in some godforsaken cave in the middle of Antarctica, fearing that either one or both of us would die the next day. And the second time was when his powers were at maximum control thanks to Sinny, and the static charges any contact created between us was, while fun while it lasted, hardly conducive to no-holds-barred fucking.
               I want him on my own terms.
               I’m about to.
               I can hardly contain myself, I’m so excited. Nervous too, but… …
               We’re kissing as we enter the bedroom; he kicks the door shut behind us, and we’re already undressing each other as he backs me up towards the dresser with this dominating masculinity that in normal circumstances would have me pushing back just by instinct, but right now is the sexiest damn thing he could be doing.
               As soon as my ass hits the dresser he hoists me up onto it, wedging up in the space between my legs as his mouth leaves mine and blazes an angry trail down my neck. I’m on horrible, all-consuming fire, a familiar hot wetness blooming up inside me. I fumble between us for his flies, and my fingers are shaking with impatience as I finally unzip him free… and suddenly, he’s in my hand.
               He moans.
               Lord, but you do not know what the sound of that does to me.
               Then he cusses through his teeth, backs away slightly, hooks my legs at the knees and lifts them. My feet slam noisily onto the dresser. I’m wide open to him, and he grabs at the waistline of my pants and underwear, yanking them roughly down past my ass and thighs, and I wriggle to accommodate him, eager to shake off my clothing.
               He’s impatient, animal almost, intimidating in a way that thrills me. I feel… weird, but not in an unpleasant way. This ain’t the first time we’ve done this, and it’s a long time since I’ve been a virgin, thanks to him. We’ve messed around as much as we’ve been able with my toxic skin, which has been… an education. But the power differential has always been lurking there between us. He knows I could kick his skinny Cajun ass into the middle of next week if I wanted to, and I’ve always wondered what it felt like for a man like him to acknowledge that his woman could physically beat him into a pulp if he tried anything funny.
               Hell, maybe it turns him on – maybe I should ask him.
               Not that it matters anymore. Now I’m just like any woman, and the weirdness I feel is from the thread of vulnerability not having my powers anymore gives me. It isn’t like the first time. The first time he was patient, tender, loving. Now he’s… something else.
               My pants are off.
               He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and suddenly he’s slapping a condom into my hand.
               Gotta love this Cajun – he always comes prepared.
               This is something we’ve practiced scores of times before, and between him shucking off his pants and my quivering desire, I somehow get it on him. Ha – don’t have to worry about skin on skin contact this time round – he always swore the long drawn-out, uber-careful methods I’d had to take before were hot as fuck, but slow is not what we’re aiming for right now, not by any stretch of the imagination. We’re both as rabid as a couple of rabbits on heat, and as soon as he’s suited up, he grabs my ass, scoots me forward to the edge of the dresser and—
               He’s surging up inside me so hard and fast I’m crying out into his shoulder.
               My body is suddenly reminding me that I don’t have invulnerability anymore.
               He freezes right up there inside me, says shakily, breathlessly into my hair: “S-sorry.”
               I breathe in deep, sucking up the scent, the taste of his skin. The stars behind my eyes start to fade a bit.
               “I-I’m okay,” I whisper back hoarsely – my mouth is dry.
               He backs up a bit, kisses my forehead softly, looks into my eyes.
               “Don’t wanna hurt ya…” he says, and I grab his face, saying:
               “I’m fine. Don’t stop.”
               I pull his face down into another kiss.
               And neither of us stops, for a little while at least.
               We’re lying side by side, listening to the sounds of the party outside.
               My body is still a tingling fuzz of pleasure, swimming lazily in and out of the haze of exhaustion.
               “They’re probably wondering where we are,” I murmur aloud. Beside me, Remy chuckles softly.
               “No, chere. They ain’t.”
               I huff a lose strand of hair out of my face. No, they probably ain’t.
               “Speakin’ of the others,” I say after a moment. “What did ya think of Jean’s pitch about headin’ back to the mansion?”
               “Sounded good,” he answers drily, “but that pitch wasn’t aimed at me. It was aimed at you folks. And y’all know I ain’t part of your ‘X-Treme X-Men’ outfit.” He pauses, adds under his breath, “which is the dumbest team name of all time, by the way.”
               “Oh, quit bein’ a baby,” I nudge in the ribs with an elbow – I ain’t strong enough to even elicit an oof from him these days. “Ya know you’re one of us! And you know as well as I do that Jean was includin’ you in her invitation!”
               “I dunno,” he shrugs, staring at the ceiling. “I was havin’ fun wonderin’ round thievin’. Just like the ol’ days. Shame that Vargas fella had to come along and ruin it all.”
               He sighs, and I can read the unspoken easily – he’s missing his powers. I sure as hell ain’t.
               “Remy,” I roll onto my side and lean my head into my hand, “if you wanna talk about what happened with Vargas, I—”
               His eyes flash to mine and he silences me.
               “Hey, listen. Let’s not get back on this track again, Rogue. What’s done is done. I don’t regret it now. Honestly.”
               I’m still not sure I believe him.
               “You would’ve died,” I say quietly, averting my eyes and tracing the line of the already-fading scar marring his breast. “I couldn’t let you. Y’see, I realised somethin’,” and I raise my gaze to his again, ready to be honest. “I can’t live without you. So many times we’ve been apart, and you know what? Knowing you’re still out there keeps me going. I didn’t even realise it until I nearly lost you.”
               A slight smile curves his lips – he raises and hand and tucks a lock of white hair tenderly behind my ear.
               “Same,” he murmurs. He looks thoughtful for a moment, and the smile drops as he says: “What do you want, chere? Do you wanna head back to the mansion? Join back up with the X-Men?”
               I think about it. And all I can really say is that I want what I wanted before. Everything.
               “I want our lifetime,” I reply simply. “Even if it means havin’ t’ take things day by day.”
               This time his smile is kinda sad. I know he’s not the type to promise everything – he never has been. I don’t expect it from him. I guess I never really have.
               “Okay, well,” he finally says, “I got a better idea.”
               “Better than what?”
               “Better than goin’ back t’the mansion.”
               I raise an eyebrow.
               “Really? Okay, let’s hear it.”
               “Well,” he begins, massaging his fingers through my hair luxuriantly, “how ‘bout you and I take t’the road… see where it leads us? Just you, me and whatever we have with us right now.”
               I stare at him.
               I can’t get words out. I can’t tell whether he’s being serious or not.
               “What?” I finally blurt out.
            ��  “You want more,” he replies, his eyes tracing my mouth, that oh-so-familiar cocky smile forming on his lips again. “I guess I do too.”
               “Oh,” I snit back at him pointedly. “Ya ‘guess’ ya do?”
               He stops massaging my hair, locks his eyes onto mine again, all trace of that smile gone.
               “Yeah,” he says. “I do. And we ain’t gonna go nowhere together bein’ back at that mansion. No offence to the Brady Bunch an’ all – I love ‘em to pieces, sure I do – but all they ever do is stick their noses in and stir shit. B’sides,” he addes nonchalantly, “we ain’t got no superhero powers no more. What good we gonna do the X-Men?”
               I pout, knowing they’d take us back anyway – but that’s not the point.
               “Listen, chere,” he continues, this time in a more pressing tone, “I wanna figure out what we got goin’ together. And we ain’t never gonna be able t’do that with the X-Men always in our lives. Now we have the chance t’be a normal couple – whatever ‘normal’ means. Hell, I don’t know what the hell it means, but I’m willin’ to find out. We hit the road, we get to find out what bein’ together means on our own terms – no pryin’ eyes. No distractions but each other. Whaddya say, Rogue?”
               I think about it. For a second I wonder whether he’s charming me, before I realise – he doesn’t have that power anymore. This is all just me.
               I can’t believe he’s offering this to me – I can’t believe I could say anything but yes.
               “Anna,” I say.
               “Huh?” He blinks.
               “My name is Anna. And yeah. I say we hit the road.”
               He smiles, slow and sexy.
               “Y’know somethin’?” he asks, his fingers kneading my scalp again, sending shivers down my spine.
               “Your hair. I miss also those sexy, wild curls o’ yours. You gonna grow it out again any time soon?”
               I scoff.
               “I’ll consider it, Cajun.”
               He laughs softly, teasing me back towards him.
               “All right, Anna.” He pauses a moment, adds, “I’m gonna haveta get used t’that.”
               “Ya don’t have to, sugar,” I assure him, leaning in closer. “I prefer Rogue.”
               “Me too,” he murmurs; and we seal our deal with a kiss.
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can you do a mina x fem reader about the reader having a crush on mina but mina doesn’t know that the reader has a crush on her. also can you add the bakusquad just like a lot lol.
Gals Being Pals [Mina Ashido x Fem!Reader]
A/N: Here you go anon! I had a lot of fun writing this. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,532
Request: Yes
Warnings: Swearing
“Hi, Mina-chan! I bought this charm for you. I saw it yesterday and it reminded me of you.”
“God, that’s just pitiful,” Bakugou muttered, watching the interaction between the two girls from his seat.
“I get what you mean, she’s too obvious.” Kirishima chimed in.
“It’s a shame Mina-chan is so oblivious,” Sero said.
Just then, Kaminari walked up to them.”What’re you guys talking about?”
“Just (L/N)-chan’s poor attempt at flirting,” Sero replied.
“(L/N)-chan? With who?” 
“Are you that fucking dense? With Pinky over there, duh.” Bakugou said.
There was a moment where Kaminari looked blankly at them, as he processed the information.
“Wait, what?!” He exclaimed, drawing the looks of his classmates. Sheepishly, he closed his mouth and leaned in closer to talk more quietly. “(L/N)-chan likes Mina-chan? No wonder she blew me off.”
“That’s every girl, Kaminari-kun.” Sero snickered as Kaminari glared at him.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Kirishima suddenly said, “We should help (L/N)-chan confess to Mina.”
Bakugou groaned, “No fucking thanks. I’ll pass.”
“C’mon, we can’t call ourselves men if we don’t help out a friend.” He insisted.
“Eh, I’m in.” Sero shrugged.
“Me too. After all, I’m a hit with the girls.” Kaminari said smugly with a smirk.
Kirishima grinned, “Great! So that’s all of us!”
“Oi, when did I agree-” Bakugou was cut off by Kirishima.
“We should talk to her after class.”
“Hey! When the hell-” Bakugou was cut off, again, as the bell rang, signalling that their break was over. The rest of the boys went back to their seats, ready to help (Y/N).
As (Y/N) was walking down the hallway to the dorms, she felt a hand grab her by the arm and pull her aside. She turned and saw Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero there.
“Uhh, hi?” She said, not knowing why they needed her.
Kirishima spoke first, “(L/N)-chan, we decided to help you with your problem.”
“My problem?” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“You know, your Mina-chan problem.” Sero elaborated.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as she understood what they meant. A blush spread across her face. She groaned, “Is it that obvious?’
The boys made sounds of confirmation.
“Luckily for you, with our help, you’ll have Mina-chan’s heart in no time,” Kaminari said.
She raised an eyebrow, “No offence, but I think that’d slim down my chances with her.”
“Aw come on, don’t say that! I’ve known Mina for a long time, we can definitely help! At least try our way, you’ve already tried yours.” Kirishima insisted.
(Y/N) thought about it for a moment. He did have a point. She’s been trying to drop hints to Mina for a while, but they didn’t seem to be working. She would have confessed if Mina had at least given her some sign that she liked her back as more than a friend.
She sighed, “Well, what the hell? Let’s do it.” 
The boys grinned amongst themselves.
“So what’s the plan?” (Y/N) asked.
“And you’re sure Mina-chan will like this?” (Y/N) asked for the tenth time that day. Today, Kaminari had given her two tickets for a movie that came out. His plan was for (Y/N) to take Mina to see the newest romance movie.
“Positive! No girl can resist a good romance. And it’ll be great for setting the mood between the two of you.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“...Alright.” She said, skeptically. “I’ll go ask her.”
“Good luck!” He called after her.
(Y/N) knocked on Mina’s dorm room. After a moment, Mina opened her door.
“Oh, hey (Y/N)-chan! Did you need something?”  
“Hi Mina-chan, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the movies with me.”
Mina’s eyes sparkled, “Oh my gosh, yes! What should we see? As long as it’s not romance.” She made a disgusted face. “Blegh! I’ve actually wanted to see that new alien horror movie.”
(Y/N) started sweating, “O-oh well you’re in luck! I got tickets for that one!” She lied.
“Really?! When? Oh, I can’t wait!”
“Me neither.” (Y/N) laughed nervously.
“Well?” Kaminari asked as she came in. Sero and Kirishima looked at her expectantly. 
“She hates romance movies! I panicked and told her I’ve got tickets for that alien horror movie.” She groaned.
“That’s still good, though! You’re going to the movies with her.” Sero said.
“Yeah! That’s even better. She’ll get so scared she’ll come to you for comfort.” Kaminari grinned.
“And don’t worry about the tickets, we’ll cover them for you!” Kirishima said.
The night of the movie had arrived. (Y/N) and Mina had left together. The entire way there, Mina wouldn’t stop talking about how excited she was for this movie. It made (Y/N) smile, as she watched Mina go on and on about it. A soft blush on her face.
Once they were inside, Mina turned to her.
“(Y/N)-chan, do you want to get seats while I get snacks?” Mina asked.
“Sure!” As (Y/N) made her way to the theatre room, she heard her name being called.
“Pssst, (L/N)-chan. Over here!” 
Looking around, she saw someone waving at her. Rather, three someones. The boys were there, dressed in the worst disguises she’d ever seen. All three of them were wearing trenchcoats and hats. They could not have looked more out of place.
“What the hell are you guys doing here? And why are you all dressed like that?” She asked.
“We just wanted to see how things would go,” Kirishima said.
“Don’t worry (L/N)-chan, we’ll be seated way behind you,” Sero added.
“That actually makes me worry even more,” She glanced at where Mina was. Seeing her already ordering snacks, she turned to the guys. “I have to get going. Please don’t be any more obvious than you already are.”
She went inside the theatre.
“We should follow in after Mina-chan joins (L/N)-chan, then we-” Kirishima was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“What the fuck?” They turned around to see Bakugou there, staring at them in confusion.
“Oh! Bakugou-kun! Are you here to spy on Mina-chan and (L/N)-chan too?” Kaminari asked.
Bakugou gave them a look, “Like hell I am, I’m just here to see a movie.”
“That’s perfect, we can all go in!” Kirishima said
“Fuck no, I’m not gonna-”
“Come on, the movie will start soon!” Kirishima dragged Bakugou, who was protesting, and the rest into the theatre.
The boys sat a few seats behind (Y/N) and Mina, and quieted down as the movie began.
(Y/N)’s heart was pounding in her ears. Her legs felt weak. The movie had ended, and it was the most terrifying, disturbing, gruesome movie she had ever seen in her life. She was petrified of going to sleep tonight, knowing she’d have nightmares.
“Wow! Wasn’t that movie great, (Y/N)-chan?” 
All (Y/N) could do was nod as she couldn’t bring herself to speak. Mina got up while talking about the movie, and (Y/N) shakily followed.
She didn’t even acknowledge the boys as she passed them.
Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero all sat stunned. The color drained completely from their faces. 
“What a boring movie.” Bakugou said.
The three of them looked at him incredulously.
“Maybe we should try something simpler. Why don’t you try these?” Sero said the next day. In his hand, he had a beautiful bouquet of flowers. All of them were pink. An intricate bow that Sero had made held them together.
“Ohh, good idea, Sero-kun!” Kaminari said, “Simple, but effective. Once you hand them to her, it’ll be a good time to confess.”
(Y/N) took the bouquet from Sero and smiled, “That’s actually a pretty good idea! These flowers are beautiful, I’m sure she’ll love them. I’ll go find her.”
(Y/N) found Mina in the living room watching TV. Thankfully, she was alone as it was the weekend and everyone wanted to go out and do their own things. It was the perfect opportunity for (Y/N). She took a deep breath and made her way towards Mina.
“Hey, Mina-chan!” She greeted her with a smile.
Mina looked back at her and returned the smile, “Hey (Y/N)-chan! What’s up?”
(Y/N) held out the bouquet for Mina, “I actually brought these for you.”
Mina blinked in surprise before a smile spread on her face, “Wow, these are so pretty! Thank you!” She brought the bouquet to her face and took a big sniff out of it.
(Y/N) smiled. Things were going smoothly.
“Mina-chan, there’s something I want to tell y-”
“(Y/N)-chan, sorry to interrupt but-” Mina sneezed, “Do you know if there are chrysanthemums in this?” 
(Y/N) frowned in concern, “I’m not sure, why?”
Mina sneezed again, and (Y/N) saw that her skin had red blotches and that her eyes started swelling.
“I’m just really, really allergic to chrysanthemums.”
“What?!” In a frenzy, (Y/N) took the bouquet from Mina, opened the door that led to the outside and threw it as far away as she could. 
She ran back to Mina’s side and gasped. “Oh no! Mina-chan!”
Mina’s eyes were completely swollen shut and watery. Her nose was runny and she kept sneezing uncontrollably. 
“Come on, I’ll take you to the nurse’s!” (Y/N) said and took Mina’s hand, leading the way.
(Y/N) sat in her room. The boys were there, too. Mina had been given allergy medication which had made her sleepy, she was currently resting in her room.
“Well, that was a major disaster,” She sighed.
“Yeah, sorry about that, (Y/N)-chan. I had no idea.” Sero apologized.
“It’s fine, it wasn’t your fault.”
“So, what should we do now,” Kaminari asked.
Everyone stayed quiet. Nothing seemed to come to them. (Y/N) was about to tell them that maybe they should call it quits when Kirishima suddenly clapped his hands.
“That’s it!” He said.
They all looked at him in confusion.
“What’s it?” (Y/N) asked.
“Natto! Mina-chan’s favorite food!” He grinned. “We can make some for her! She mentioned she hasn’t had homemade natto in a while. It’s perfect!”
(Y/N) frowned. “Are you sure about that?”
Kirishima nodded, “I’m sure! Nothing can go wrong with this one.”
“Kirishima-kun is right. That’ll show that you care and have been paying attention to her.” Kaminari said.
(Y/N) thought for a moment, “Well… I suppose we can try it. But if that doesn’t work, then we stop.”
“No problem!” Kirishima told her.
“So… who knows how to make natto,” Sero asked.
This question brought on another wave of silence.
“Wait, I think I know who does.” Kirishima grinned.
“How many times do I have to tell you?! Fuck no!” Bakugou said as he stared at the three guys in front of his bedroom door.
“Aww c’mon Bakugou-kun,” Kirishima begged. They had been at this for a while now.
“Why the hell should I?” He said, “I never agreed to this.”
“Because you care about your friends and want to see them happy together?” Kaminari suggested, hopefully.
“Hah! I couldn’t care less about that,” Bakugou slammed his bedroom door in their faces.
“Ugh, now what?” Kaminari asked.
“Hang on, I have an idea.” Sero suddenly said. Then, in a loud voice, he said, “Oh well! Let’s go, guys. I knew Bakugou-kun couldn’t handle the task.”
Kirishima and Kaminari quickly caught on.
“Yeah, should’ve known Bakugou-kun would be too scared to cook,” Kaminari smirked.
“I bet he doesn’t even know how to make natto,” Kirishima joined in.
Right on cue, Bakugou’s door slammed open.
“What the hell did you just say?!” He seethed, “I can make the best goddamn natto you’d ever have!”
“Prove it, then,” Sero said.
“I fucking will!” He pushed his way past them, heading towards the kitchen.
“Here are all the ingredients, Bakugou-kun,” (Y/N) said as she laid down the bag of groceries. She’d been surprised when the guys had told her that Bakugou agreed to help. They’d told her that they’d watch out for Mina while the two of them were in the kitchen. Bakugou had asked (demanded) her to get some ingredients they’d need for the recipe. They were ready to start now.
“Good. Now pay close attention, cause I’m not repeating myself,” He said.
(Y/N) nodded.
For the most part, all they did was wait while the beans boiled for hours. Once they were done boiling, however, was when things got more complicated. (Y/N) had no idea how specific you had to be when making natto. They set the natto in the oven. All they had to do was wait now.
(Y/N) made her way to Mina’s room. The natto had come out perfectly (at least, that’s what Bakugou said) and the boys had made sure that Mina was in her room before giving (Y/N) the ‘ok’. 
She took a deep breath and knocked on Mina’s door. She prayed that there wouldn’t be another mishap. 
Mina opened the door.
“Mina-chan, hey. I have something for you. It’s more or less an apology for the flowers.” She said sheepishly and held out the container, “It’s natto. Um, you do like it, right?”
Mina smiled widely, “(Y/N)-chan, I LOVE natto! It must’ve taken you forever to make it, you really didn’t have to go through all that. But thank you, you’re a really good friend!”
(Y/N)’s smile dropped. Seriously? Friend? Was that all Mina would ever think of her? (Y/N) was waiting for a sign that Mina liked her, at least somewhat. But it seems like Mina was really dense.
“Actually, Mina-chan, there’s something I want to tell you,” Mina looked at her, waiting for her to continue. 
“I really like you, as more than a friend.” She finally, finally got it out. Her heart was pounding as she waited for Mina’s reaction.
“Oh, I knew that,” Mina said nonchalantly
(Y/N) blinked.
“What?!” She exclaimed.
“WHAT?!” They turned to see the boys in Kirishima’s room across the hall. They seemed to have been spying on them.
Mina laughed, “Yeah, I knew the whole time. I mean, it was pretty obvious.”
(Y/N) stuttered, “But-but, then why?!”
“Hmm, it’s gonna sound a little mean, but I just really wanted to hear you confess.” She grinned. “Plus it was pretty funny seeing the guys trying to help you.”
(Y/N) was stunned as she processed all of this. 
She groaned, “Mina-chaaaan!”
“Sorry, sorry! I know it was a bit mean! But I like you, too. And thanks again for the natto.”
Mina laughed at (Y/N)’s pouting face.
“Come on, don’t be like that! How about this?” She leaned in and gave (Y/N) a quick peck on the lips. 
(Y/N) blushed, a smile forming on her face. “Fine, I forgive you.” (Y/N) turned to the guys again, “Hey, thanks for helping me out guys!”
All they could manage to do was stare before they all smiled at the two girls.
Could’ve been worse, they thought.
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bouwrites · 5 years
Maribat March 2020 Prompt: Sweetheart’s Dance
Week 4, Day 1. Prompt of “Sweetheart’s Dance” replacing the original “Rare Pair” prompt, on account of every one of this week’s contributions will be a rare pair (MariJon).
Maribat March 2020 Calendar.
Day 2: Soulmate.
1946 words. Story under read-more.
Jon has had better weeks. Though admittedly it’s not so much that his week is bad so much as that familiar insecurities come back with a vengeance.
In truth, it’s a good week! Jon gets back his grade on last week’s math test and practically cheers aloud when he sees that he aces it. He finally beats that high score at the local arcade. He gets absorbed into a really good book. He even spends a bunch of time with his non-superhero friends and isn’t interrupted by some tragedy somewhere! It’s great! Until Friday rolls around, and with it the announcement of senior prom.
All through the day it’s the only thing anyone can talk about. Who’s going with who, what everyone’s wearing, the works.
Now, Jon is pretty popular, to be fair, but all that means on this fateful Friday is that he has more people than he appreciates asking him who he’s going to ask to prom. And it’s not that he doesn’t like them bugging him about it, but it all really makes him feel like he doesn’t have much of a choice but to bring someone.
He does want to bring someone, but… a small part of him wonders if maybe he doesn’t just want to do the whole prom experience like a normal human kid. Maybe he’s so desperate to fit in that he can’t accept not having a date, or maybe going alone is part of the whole experience. After all, if he weren’t Super Boy, he never would have even met the only girl he can think of to ask.
Jon is already weird. People like him well enough, but he’s not the same as them. His powers will never stop setting him apart. No matter how well he hides, it never changes the fact that he is hiding. So, when he thinks of a date for prom, and there’s only one girl in his mind, he’s just not sure he can do it. He can’t take the questions of how they know each other or the stares of him bringing the most stunning girl no one around here has ever seen and dancing the night away like they don’t have people depending on them for their very lives.
He sighs wistfully, reaching up to the stars. Which is worse, being one of the losers who couldn’t manage to get a date, or bringing a date and drawing everyone’s eyes? Jon honestly isn’t sure. Neither are inherently bad, but for someone who yearns so deeply to fit in…
But then, maybe that’s just the struggle of every teenager, alien or no.
At least Jon is lucky enough that he’s not worrying about who to ask or if she’ll accept. He’ll have to ask about her workload first, just in case, since he really doesn’t want her to get it in her head that she has to make a prom dress and end up neglecting something else for that, but Jon knows for a fact that Marinette Dupain-Cheng would love to go with him. She hasn’t exactly been subtle, asking about American school dances and prom dress fashion.
Jon smiles to himself. I guess I’ll just have to suck it up. I can’t let her down, after all. Even still, with that thought, there’s a tiny weight of dread in his stomach. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is… beyond words. He’ll do anything for her, so there’s no real question as to whether he’ll ask her out or not, but… Jon is going to end up as the guy who brought the belle of the ball to prom. The one who showed up with some random foreign head-turner on his arm. As satisfying as it’ll be to see everyone gawk at Marinette’s splendor, Jon really doesn’t need that kind of attention.
At least it’s senior prom. There’s not much school left for everyone to bother him about it in. It’s just like him to leave with a bang, anyway, whether he wants to or not.
There comes a point, Jon thinks, that one has to ask themselves if what they’re doing is worth it. If whether what’s happening, or is about to happen, is something that they are willing and able to deal with.
As Jon valiantly refuses to duck his head at the stares of faceless students flooding past him, he thinks that this is very much not worth it.
He doesn’t even want the attention that’ll come with taking Marinette to prom! He doesn’t want all his classmates making eyes at them or asking about where she came from or how he knows her or anything like that! He doesn’t want to be the weirdo who takes someone from another whole country to their school prom! He just… can’t imagine going to prom with anyone but her. So, he’s here. At the steps of her school. Waiting like a loon for her to emerge.
It’s not too late to back out. A traitorous part of him says. You can still just go alone.
Aw, hell. His chest feels like he’s wrapped up in chains, pulled so taut that even he can’t break out of them. “Hey, there, Mari!” He grins, waving. Everyone around, who of course are watching, start whispering to each other. That’s exactly what Jon is afraid of. But… this is part of normal human high school, too, right?
Not… not in Paris, so he probably seems even weirder here since no one can immediately identify who he is or why he’s here but… still. It’s part of the whole experience.
“Jon!” Marinette’s voice shifts from shock to elation as she throws herself at him. He easily catches her in his arms, and having her there, pressed against him, that loosens those chains around his chest just a bit. It’s easier to ignore the stares when he can stare at her.
He spins her around, giggling. When he stops to let her find ground again, he can’t bring himself to let her go completely. “Did I surprise you?”
“You know you did, silly! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?!”
“It was a surprise!” Jon says. “Actually, I-”
“Hey, Marinette! Who’s this?”
Jon swallows down the groan in his throat at the rude reminder that he isn’t actually alone with her. Reluctantly, he allows Marinette to pull away from his hold, though he does have to suppress his elation at the fact that she doesn’t pull far. He still has his arm firmly around her shoulder. “Oh, right! Alya, this is Jon! I told you about him!”
The intruding girl’s eyes go wide. “Wait, that Jon?”
Marinette giggles. “Yes, that Jon.”
Alya smirks smugly at him, looking through him like his mom sometimes does. It sends a shiver down his spine. “Interesting. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“All good things!” Marinette says. “Anyway! Jon, you should have said something! Why’re you here? Where are you staying? How long will you be here?”
Jon just fondly watches her until she rambles herself out before he answers. “I won’t be here long. I’m just stopping by.” With a glance at Alya, he adds, “On my way to some other things. But I wanted to surprise you! I actually have, um, something to ask you?”
Marinette blinks, turning to face him more fully. “Oh? What is it?”
Jon plans to ask alone. He came here with the purpose of surprising her and then asking in a whisper so that he doesn’t make a scene, but Alya is standing right there, now, and is part of the conversation and he just… Well… it’s part of the experience? “Will, uh…” He clears his throat awkwardly. “I know it’ll be complicated to figure out how, but, uh… will yo- will you go to prom with me?”
It’s a testament to either Jon’s nerves or his self-control that he doesn’t react when Alya shrieks and grabs Marinette right out of his arms, making off with her back to the gates of the school. Jon would like to think it’s the latter. Either way, though he can see them excitedly chattering, he’s too taken aback to think of eavesdropping.
Not that he would. He just could, and it doesn’t occur to him to. Of course. He’d never do something like eavesdrop on his maybe-date’s conversation with her friend who just interrupted his asking her out to prom. That would be… rude.
The girls are back before he thinks to look at the passersby, either, so he just spends however long they were whispering in a daze, just staring weirdly at them.
“She’d love to!” Alya eagerly says, nudging Marinette closer to him.
“I, uh…” Jon says. “What?”
Marinette giggles. “Please ignore her. I’d love to go to prom with you, Jon.” Suddenly, and making Jon only more concerned, she slaps her forehead. “Wait! Now I have to make a prom dress! I better get started on that right away! I have to do research to make sure it’s appropriate an- wait, I need the theme! I nee-”
Jon carefully grabs her flailing arms, steadying her before cupping her face in his hands to make sure she’s looking at him. “Marinette! Calm down. It’s not until the end of the year. You have plenty of time, and I’ll give you all the details I have as soon as I can, alright?” He slides his hands to her shoulders, and gently rubs her arms. “We’re okay? No frenzy?”
Marinette takes a deep breath. “We’re okay.” She says. “I’m good. Oh, but I’m so excited!” She jumps up, throwing her arms around Jon’s neck to hug him again. “This is going to be so cool!”
Jon just giggles, fighting off his blush. Now that he’s actually with her, he can’t help but agree.
The only word to describe how Jon feels on prom night is “breathless”. More accurately, whenever he catches sight of Marinette – and he does his darndest to ensure he never loses sight of her – he feels like she’s a plane soaring through the sky, and she’s just hit him square in the chest. All the air in his lungs is knocked out to linger alongside the gentle sparkle of the summer air in warm light.
It’s thick and hangs heavy on them, and that atmosphere only makes it harder to catch his breath, but when he sees Marinette, he’s not sure he’s even trying. Like the air, he just hangs there, ensorcelled by her.
From the moment they enter the room, Jon sees people turn to look at her. He doesn’t blame them. Aside from her carefully done hair and natural beauty, every movement of her dress shines like lightning bugs on the farm. It… reminds him of home, somehow. Jon wonders if she was thinking of him when she made it, but he’s not quite brave enough to ask.
From there, it’s hard to say what everyone else thinks. He has his friends find him, of course, and he introduces Marinette to them, but past that, he doesn’t see any stares. He doesn’t hear any whispers. He can’t think of what they’re thinking.
He just follows Marinette onto the dance floor, sweeps her off her feet, lets her sweep him off of his, tries desperately in vain to pull air back into his lungs when it so stubbornly refuses to do anything but bask in Marinette’s glory.
He hears nothing, sees nothing, but her. Her and sparkling lights like lightning bugs in Kansas. He can’t even summon up any coherent thought as they dance. He just… revels. He loses himself in her and in doing so, he has the time of his life.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Mischief, Meet Your Match - Chapter Four (Loki x Reader)
WARNINGS: Violence, Swearing, Smut, Loki
Sam would say your liking for bad boys has gone too far.
Tony would kill the God of Mischief with his bare hands.
Steve would lock you in your room and never let you out.
Natasha would probably just throw you off the roof.
But there’s just something about Loki that draws you to him, and you couldn’t help it even if you wanted to.
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It felt like being sucked into a vacuum and being dumped into a blender while there was a dubstep concert going on around you.
 Your feet finally hit sold ground and your immediate reaction was to try and faceplant the ground, which you would have done if not for Loki’s hold on you. You tried to swear loudly but what actually came out sounded a lot more like
 “Eloquently put.” Loki said dryly from behind you.
 You weakly tried to wrestle yourself away from him in vain until he sighed loudly and abruptly released you. You stumbled forwards a few steps and sunk to your knees.
 “The fuck Mischief?” You demanded.
 “You kidnapped me!”
 “I suppose I did but in my defence I had to think on my feet after your betrayal.” He snapped.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket, prepared to call Steve and put up with the ‘eyebrows of disappointment’ if it meant he came and rescued you.
 “Come on.” You muttered, flicking the screen in an attempt to make your phone pick up a signal.
 You held it up in the air, eyes on the signal bar when your finally realised exactly what had just happened.
 “Oh no.” You groaned.
 Loki was stood in front of you with an extremely amused expression, the sunlight highlighting the smugness in his eyes. The sunlight from both of the suns. There were two suns in the sky.
 “Have you finally caught up to the situation?” He asked.
 “I am not in fucking Kansas anymore.” You whispered, horrified.
“Welcome to , Ciegrim-7, known as ‘the Distiller's Planet.’, Kitten.” Loki said.
 You were on another planet. The dirt beneath your knees wasn’t Earth, the sky above you was on the other side of the universe. You were alone, in space, with the God of Mischief… who you’d just tried to screw over. You violently threw your useless phone at his smug face and he caught it easily without even blinking.
 “Send me back!” You ordered.
 “No.” He said simply.
 You ground your teeth together in frustration and pushed off from the ground, not bothering to straighten your stance as you wrapped your arms around Loki’s waist and used your momentum to piledrive him into the ground.
 “I’m not playing Mischief, send me back, right fucking now.” You snarled as you tried to wrap your hands around his throat.
 “We always seem to end up in this position.” He chuckled, catching your wrists with ease.  
 You were in fact straddling him again, only this time you didn’t have a handy pair of magical cuffs to use on him.
 “Why are you doing this to me?” You groaned, trying to tug your wrists out of his grip.
 “It’s not what I’m doing to you that you should be worried about, think more about what I could do with you. What we could do together.” He suggested.
 This was a bad situation, you needed to focus on that and not the fact that Loki’s body was firmer than you expected, or the way his slender fingers were locked tightly around your wrists, or the smirk on his face that said he knew exactly what you were thinking about.
 “You and your team killed or contained my last batch of recruits so as recompense you will be helping me hire some new associates.” He said, breaking through your perfectly innocent internal musings.
 “I’ll be doing what now?” You demanded.
 “The Distillers Planet is one of the best places in the galaxies to find down on their luck cutthroats with no morals and empty pockets. I’m in need of new allies, you’re going to help me.” He said, sitting up so you were face to face.
 “I’d say to give me one good reason why I would help you but I’m guessing you’re not going to send me home until I do?” You sighed.
 “It is refreshing how smart you are.” He admitted.
 “Smart enough to get the better of you almost twice, sure you wanna trust me Mischief?” You asked with a smug smirk.
 “You don’t have a way of containing me anymore kitten and you’re all alone with me. You won’t survive without my help, never mind get home back to your probably frantic Captain.” He reminded you.
 Steve… You couldn’t even imagine how he was going to react to Thor telling him Loki had taken you off world. You needed to get back to him so he could murder you for being so stupid.
 “Fine. I’ll help you Mischief.” You sighed.
 “Isn’t it better to be friends than enemies?” He asked.
 “We aren’t friends.” You insisted.
 “A claim that would have a little more bite to it if you weren’t comfortably sat on my lap.” He pointed out.
 You looked down at the practically non-existent space between your chests. You truthfully hadn’t even really thought about the compromising permission you were in when he started talking, content to just sit there while you spoke.
 “You have proven that you can hold your own against me in a fight, yet you knocked me to the ground, straddled me and then gave up. What am I to make of that?” He asked suggestively.
 “That you have comfortable thighs.” You shrugged.
 It was true, his lap was surprisingly comfy and he might be a psychotic dark god who had tried to take over your whole planet and had kidnapped you and brought you to an alien planet but you didn’t feel like you were in danger from him. Which was probably stupid of you and would definitely bite you on the ass.
 Loki however looked perplexed by your answer as you stood up and brushed the dirt from your jeans. He had probably expected you to be embarrassed or to flirt back with him, not act casual about it but you took great pleasure in being unpredictable to the chaos maker.
 ~~~Meanwhile On Earth~~~
                                                            “Can’t you track her phone?” Clint demanded.
 “It’s not meant to be taken off planet, I can’t track it when it’s god knows how many lightyears away!” Tony grumbled.
 “What about your guy in Asgard, that Heimdall fella?” Sam asked a still sheepish looking Thor.
 “Loki learned how to hide himself from Heimdall a long time ago, he can not help us.” Thor explained.
 “I can’t track the Gamma signature on the Tesseract outside of our atmosphere.” Bruce sighed.
 “So nobody can find them? Loki has her and we don’t have a clue where in the universe he’s taken her? That’s what your saying?” Steve said quietly from the back of the room.
 His voice cut through the squabbling and rendered everybody silent. He had succinctly summed up the sheer hopelessness of the situation while he stared blankly at the wall.  
 “We will find them, we will bring her home.” Thor vowed.
 “She shouldn’t be gone in the first place. What the hell were you thinking?” Bucky asked, frustration pouring off him in waves as he shot concerned side glances at Steve.
 “The Lady believed she could convince Loki to reveal the Tesseract and she was right. We almost had him, her plan was a good one.” Thor argued.
 “Can’t have been that good because not only did Loki escape with the Tesseract he took her! He took my…” Steve snapped, trailing of at the end of his sentence and swallowing thickly.
 “Your what?” Natasha asked meaningfully.
 Steve shook his head and stormed out of the room, his shoulder shaking with tense rage.
 “Let him go.” Sam said softly to Thor before the blonde god could follow him.
 “I will return her, I swear. Loki will not get away with this.” Thor said, more to himself than anyone else.
 “Don’t blame yourself pointbreak, the kids got most of us wrapped around her little finger. She’s talked us into some stupid plans as well.” Tony said, clapping Thor on the shoulder.
 “Like the time she convinced you to let her use the repulsors from your suit so she could make instant popcorn?” Sam sniggered.
 Bucky quietly slipped from the room before anyone could notice him because he knew when it came to your stupid ideas, he was the worst offender. He followed after Steve before the team decided to relive some of his greatest hits. He had a pretty good idea as to where Steve had gone and he was right. He found Steve sat on the end of your bed, a picture frame clutched in his hands.
 “We’ll bring her back. You know she’s probably panicking about how badly you’re going to ground her when she gets back.” Bucky said, leaning against the doorframe.
 “I’m not going to ground her. She’s an adult and I’m not her father.” Steve scoffed.
 “No? What you got there punk?” Bucky asked knowingly.
 Steve turned the frame around so Bucky could see the picture in it. It was a picture Bucky knew well, he was the one who had taken it and it usually resided on your bedside cabinet. After your first ever successful mission as part of the team you had fallen asleep on the quinjet and he, Natasha and Tony had stifled their laughter when Steve paused in the middle of his proud verbal re-enactment of your actions as your head slumped down onto his shoulder. Steve had looked concerned for a brief moment, rearranging his position so you wouldn’t get a cramp in your neck and then proceeded to continue with his glowing praise in a whisper. Bucky had subtly snapped the picture of you sleeping peacefully with Steve was visibly glowing with pride and affection.
 “Get up.”
 “You were supposed to be in the gym ten minutes ago.”
 “Five more minutes.” You bartered, burrowing down into the covers.
 “Kid, Hydra won’t give you five more minutes. I know you’re exhausted and I’ve been pushing you really hard but it’s for a reason. You need to be prepared to fight at a moments notice, no matter how tired you are.” Steve explained.
 You groaned and finally emerged from the covers, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
 “Good girl.” He praised, turning around to leave you to get ready when he spotted the photo on your bedside table.
 You saw where he was looking and blushed slightly.
 “I… Before this, before you, my life was pretty meaningless. Ordinary and boring and that was ok but then I met you and I thought I could be more but I was still scared. Nobody has ever taken a chance on me like you did and I like having a reminder there that someone believes in me, that I have somebody to make proud.” You whispered, too afraid to meet his eyes.
 He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed with his back to you. He fidgeted for a moment before he pulled his wallet out of his pocket and flipped it open, handing it to you. You slowly took it, your eyes getting embarrassingly damp when you saw a smaller version of the same photo, slotted between an old black and white photo of the beautiful Peggy Carter and a fairly recent picture of Bucky and Sam laughing at something off camera.
 “I am proud of you, I have been ever since you made me promise to punch that doctor in the groin if you died. I worry all the time, I hate that you chose this path because it’s so dangerous but you knew that and you did it anyway. How could I not be proud of you?” He explained and you looked up to see him staring at you with a meaningful expression.
 “I will never not be proud of you. I will be especially proud if you get up and help me and Buck run laps around Sam though.” He said with a shit eating grin.
 “Aye Aye captain.”
 “This is my fault Bucky. She was trying to get the tesseract because of me, to make me proud. I should have never let her near Loki.” Steve sighed.
 “Can it Punk. You said it yourself, she’s an adult. She’s also an Avenger. Should she have told us what she was up to? Yes, but it was a good plan. Sam said Loki reacted strangely to her, she used that to her advantage to manipulate him. She didn’t learn that from you, she learned it from me and Nat but we aren’t wallowing in guilt. Because she made her own choices and she’ll learn from her mistakes like the rest of us. So lets just focus on getting her back alright?” Bucky said with authority, stepping into the role Steve usually occupied, taking charge of the situation.
 “You’re right. Call T’Challa and see if Shuri can help. Have Natasha get a hold of Fury, I’m going to start digging through all Shields old files on the Tesseract. And I’ve changed my mind, she’s absolutely grounded when she gets back.”
 ~~~On Ciegrim-7~~~
 Loki resisted the urge to roll his eyes and settled for a long, loud sigh.
 “Hurry up.” He snapped over his shoulder at you.
 You ignored him, still standing at the top of the hill, awestruck. You knew you were on a different planet and Loki had already told you that that it was populated but seeing it was a completely different thing. The city not too far in the distance was so alien and so beautiful. It was a strange mixture of a medieval village and a futuristic city. Hundreds of thatched buildings mixed in with towering metal skyscrapers and factories. Smoke plumed over the sky above the city but it was brightly coloured, green smoke drifted upwards and mingling with a purple one. It was insane and beautiful.
 “You’re forgiven.” You said, turning your eyes to Loki.
 He looked taken aback and confused.
 “For kidnapping me. If you hadn’t, I would have never seen this. I’m just a little human from Earth and I’m standing above an alien city. I… thank you.” You elaborated.
 “This is nothing to gape at, just a filthy city filled with miscreants and workers. Of all the things in the universe I could show you that would take your breath away, this is insignificant.” He scoffed.
 “Maybe to you Mischief, but I’m not a 1000 years old. I’m not numb to the beauty the universe has to offer yet.” You argued as you fell into step beside him, both of you making your way towards the wonderous city.
 “I’m not numb to beauty. True beauty is rare and astonishing and I promise, I very much appreciate it when I see it.” Loki said softly.
 It wasn’t often his voice took on that kind of tone and you looked over at him in surprise, curious about what someone like him would class as true beauty. His eyes were locked on yours and he blinked and looked away quickly.
 “Every time I start to forget how small your race is I am reminded. The universe is more vast and amazing that your tiny mind could begin to comprehend.” He sneered.
 “And it’s more beautiful than your jaded and cynical mind could begin to truly appreciate.” You rebutted.  
 “Would you like me to prove how thoroughly I can appreciate beauty, kitten?” He whispered lowly, his hand brushing over the small of your back.
 “What I’d really like Mischief, is for you to explain how exactly you expect me to help you find a band of not so merry men to join you.” You said coldly, stepping away from his touch.
 “I told you, the people here are down on their luck cutthroats. Not exactly pleasant company. I need you to make sure that while I am hiring mercenaries, another miscreant doesn’t try to put a knife in my back.” He explained with a shrug.
 You stopped dead and glared at him. He sighed and turned around to see what the hold up was, raising an eyebrow at the palpable rage coming from you.
 “You STOLE me and took me across the UNIVERSE because you needed a BODYGUARD????” You shrieked.
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A/N - If you want please tell me what you thought of this chapter? What did you like? What didn’t you like? What do you want to see in the future? What do you think will happen?
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wizisbored · 4 years
@hatchetober day 2 - universe
basically this promt remids me of a fic idea i had a few months ago - the gang are camped out in hidgens’ bunker after the events of black friday, and some wiggly portal shennanigans led to a connection to the tgwdlm universe and now theres 2 pauls - paul and musical paul - and 2 emmas - LXIX and CDXX
so anyway, i typed up one of the scenes i wrote in my notebook while i should have been paying attention in class
"She… wants to speak to you, Emma."
Emma freezes momentarily. She did kind of expect this - and she's been curious to properly meet her too, honestly - but you can't blame her for being fucking freaked out by the woman. An exact copy of her from an alternate reality? That's some weird shit.
Taking a deep breath, she nods to Becky. "Alright. I'll talk to her, that's fine." Looking around, it's clear that nobody believed that.
"Are you sure?" Paul asks.
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"I don't think that would be a good idea, Paul," Becky tells him. "She's still a little… on edge."
"Oh. Yeah," he says, gently knocking his fists together.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Emma tries to reassure him, "if she's an exact copy of me, then she's going to be just as great as I am, isn't she?"
"I guess so," he agrees, smiling. "You are pretty great."
Emma gives him a quick kiss on the cheek - she has to go on tiptoes to reach - and turns to follow Becky to the 'sick bay'. Gently opening the door a crack, the nurse peers into the room to address her patient.
"Emma? Your… the other Emma is here."
"Okay. Thanks, Becky."
Hearing her speak sends shivers down Emma's spine. The two of them even have the same voice. She starts to follow Becky into the room but stops short just inside the door, stunned. Sure, she's seen her before, and she knew she was going to see her again now, but there's a difference between remembering she looks exactly like her and seeing she looks exactly like her. It's almost like looking in a mirror - the double looks about as freaked out as Emma feels. There's a long pause.
"Uh… hi?"
They speak at the same time, and see each other's eyes widen as their own do. That must've been a coincidence, right? Slightly more freaked out now, Emma glances to Becky and back to her double, seeing out of the corner of her eye that she does the same thing. "What the fuck?" It's whispered, but once again simultaneous. "What the fuck?" They both look to Becky for help, though they don't really know what they expect her to do.
"Well this is… Unexpected…"
"No shit!"
"Alright, I think you both need to take a few deep breaths,” Becky suggests, a little sterner than she sounded before. Closing their eyes, both Emmas do as she says.
“I understand that this is a strange situation, but panicking won’t help. Now, how about we try this again and I’ll help you make sure you don’t speak at the same time.” She places a hand on the nearest double’s shoulder. “Alright, Emma?” She looks the woman in the eye as she says it, trying to make it clear who she’s addressing. It works - only one of them replies.
“Yeah, okay. Thanks, Becky.”
The nurse flashes her a smile, then turns to address them both again. “Do either of you particularly want to speak first? Do you have anything to ask the other?”
Neither of them speak. It’s not that they don’t have questions - they have millions of questions - but neither knows where to start. The nurse resorts to turning to the nearest one once again. “Well… Maybe you could go first?”
“Um… Okay…” She turns to look at the woman sitting on the camp bed. “Hey… Emma. How… how are you doing?”
She shrugs. “Not great, honestly. Leg’s fucked... But hey, at least I’m going to live. Oh, and this whole alternate universe thing is… confusing, and… I’m kinda scared.”
“I’m confused and kinda scared too. I mean, this is the weirdest fucking conversation I’ve ever had.”
The Emma on the bed chuckles. The other is a little unsettled - she has her laugh too. But there’s something off about it. It’s not a ‘that’s funny’ kind of laugh. It’s a ‘this is fucked up and I’m uncomfortable’ kind of nervous laugh. The standing Emma looks closer at the other’s face and, since she sees it every time she looks in a mirror (well, minus the scars) it’s easy for her to notice everything off about it. This isn’t an exact copy of her, she realises. This is a version of her that’s trying to pretend she’s not terrified.
“I’d thought you’d feel the same way,” the one on the bed says, “since… you know…”
“We’re the same person,” they finish together. For a while the two of them just stare at each other, not knowing how to move past the first real acknowledgement between them of their situation. And then it clicks - for both of them.
“That’s why we’re speaking at the same time,” they say together, “we’re reacting to things in the same way.”
Becky looks from one to the other in disbelief. “You must be having identical thought processes, at least when you say the same things.”
It’s completely surreal, but it’s starting to make sense.
“We must have had the same experiences, up to a point,” they say together, “so our brains developed in the same way. But then…”
The Emma on the bed drops off, and the one by the door continues alone. “Something must have changed.”
She looks again at her double’s face, at the fear she’s trying to hide. All she’s told the inhabitants of the bunker so far is that the creepy version of Paul that came into this reality with her is ‘infected’, and that her leg was injured in a crash. That, and the fact that she thought she was dead for sure before the portal opened.
“Emma?” the standing one asks. “What happened to you?”
“What, you want my whole life story, or…?”
She’s trying to laugh it off, avoid the question. Shaking her head, the other continues: “something fucked up your reality, didn’t it? I’m guessing it’s got something to do with whatever’s wrong with your version of Paul. And I think you’re still scared of it. More than just ‘kinda scared’.”
There’s a long pause.
“Your reality’s fucked too,” she eventually mutters, “we wouldn’t be in this bunker if it wasn’t.”
“Yeah, but I managed to avoid most of the fuckery. Hell, I spent most of it watching shitty kids’ films with Paul and Tim. My version of Paul didn’t start spitting up blue shit and try to kill me.”
The Emma on the bed shrugs. “Fair point.”
“So what happened?”
She sighs, looking down at the bandage wrapped around her thigh. “Becky, could you leave me and Emma alone for a bit?”
The nurse nods slowly, though she looks uncertain. Turning to the one by the door, she tells her to find her if they need anything, then leaves.
The Emma by the door steps a little closer to the bed. “Why did you ask her to go?”
“I don’t-” She pauses and sighs. “It’s not that I don’t trust her. She saved my life. But I don’t really know her, you know? I know you - I know that’s weird to say, ‘cause I just met you a few minutes ago, but after all that synchronization shit I figured you’ll react the same way I did, so I can figure out how to explain it so you’ll understand.”
“I guess that makes sense.”
The sitting one nods, then takes a deep breath.
“This isn’t going to sound scary but it was fucking terrifying. You have to think about the implications. Seriously, think about them. I didn't at first and that didn’t go well.”
“Okay. I promise I’ll think about it.”
“The world… turned into a musical.”
She says it with a gravity that stops her double from laughing, but she’s still confused. This doesn’t go unnoticed. “Please. Think about the fucking implications.”
She tries to figure it out. Sure, people randomly bursting into song would be unnerving, but terrifying? Not really. Maybe it was what they were singing. Did people spill their darkest secrets? Or maybe people had to sing and dance, like they were possessed. And then, all of a sudden, she remembers.
“That creepy version of Paul… You said he was infected. The musical was a disease?”
“Yeah, well that’s what we called it. But it wasn’t really. That thing that came through the portal with me wasn’t just Paul with a virus. That was - is - his corpse being puppeted by an alien hivemind. It was trying to kill me so I could join it.”
Her double stands in silence, shocked. The injured woman draws her right knee up and hugs it to her chest, resting her chin on it, tears welling up in her eyes.
“He died trying to kill it,” she spits bitterly. “But it got him too.”
As carefully as she can, her double perches herself on the edge of the bed. She’s almost surprised to find they’re the exact same size - the other looked so small crying there alone, wrapped in one of Tom’s flannels. Putting an arm around her feels strange, but right.
“You probably know this reality’s Paul better than I ever knew mine,” she sniffles, “but I cared about him.”
“I know you did. If it’s even a tiny fraction of how much I care about him, I know how much you cared. You have my s-”
“I don’t need your sympathy Emma,” she chokes out.
“I know you don’t, we’re-” the other begins,
“-the same fucking person-” they continue together.
“I know.” The injured woman finishes alone.
“I was going to say you have my support, Em,” the other explains gently. “I know sympathy does jack shit on its own, I... “ Her voice drops to almost a whisper. “I lost Jane too. So I know what it’s like for me- uh, you? ...us? I know what it’s like for us to grieve. I can help you.”
“Thanks. Some help would be good right now.”
Her double offers what she hopes is a reassuring smile. “Hey, look on the bright side. I know you came close, but you managed to escape dying in Hatchetfield.”
The injured one chuckles. “God, you don’t know the half of it. I almost died in Clivesdale.”
They take a simultaneous breath. “Fuck Clivesdale.”
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ganglylimbs · 4 years
That Sweet Spring Heat
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou/Eijirou Kirishima
Summary: Spring had just begun to fully bloom, the air warming and flowers just starting to bud, when Kirishima Eijirou loses his goddamn mind and Bakugou Katsuki is not having it.
Warnings: Hybrid au, smut, breeding kink, no mpreg, dirty talk, cat hybrid Bakugou, dog hybrid Kirishima, lingerie, strength kink, slight feminization, bottom Bakugou, top Kirishima
Notes: A little more information than you need but the breeds of hybrids are:
Kirishima- A mutt (German Shepard/Rottweiler mixed with some lab blood) Bakugou- Purebred Dragon Li Cat (seriously, read the description for them. It fits him perfectly. Just more blond)
They don't show up a lot but I thought about this au for a bit so for the others: Urakara- A Shiba Inu (because they are round bois) Momo- Japanese Crane (her family seems very elegant and traditional and cranes seem very traditionally Japanese to me) Sero- Spider (because him shooting out tape reminds me about spiders shooting out silk) Ashido- Komodo Dragon (Basically my brain went, she has horns, they remind me of lizards, Komodo dragons are dangerous, she's dangerous, we have a match) Midoriya- Fuzzy Lop Rabbits (listen, I love all the fan art I see of rabbit Deku and his mask really does look like rabbit ears) Kaminari- Field Mouse (listen, I will not give up this headcanon) The two random OCs- Black Horn Sheep
Spring had just begun to fully bloom, the air warming and flowers just starting to bud, when Kirishima Eijirou loses his goddamn mind and Bakugou Katsuki is not having it.
Bakugou's blond fluffy ears lay flat on his hair, a vein popping along his forehead, his sleek tail flicking back and forth. His arms are crossed over his chest, staring down at his stupid ass boyfriend.
Kirishima stares back with bright eyes, a clueless grin on his lips as his large red tail thumps against the bed, ears perked. His full attention is on Bakugou.
They continue their staring contest for a full minute, in which Bakugou's scowl deepens and deepens.
Finally, he snaps. "Alright, you fuck, what’s up?"
Kirishima raises an eyebrow. "What?"
Bakugou throws his hands out, gesturing at all of him. "You! What's going on in that fucking brain of yours?"
Kirishima's tail slows down in its wagging, just a bit. "Ah, Bakugou, don’t be rude, man. I thought we were having fun." He wiggles his eyebrows.
"That’s not the point mutt-for-brains. You’ve been acting weird and I want to know why.”Bakugou's hands crackle and spark, a clear warning sign.
The effect is slightly weakened by the fact that they are both naked, Bakugou straddling Kirishima's hips, and Bakugou's thighs stained in Kirishima's cum.
Kirishima, because he's a goddamn idiot, ignores the warning explosions, his lightly hardened hands scratching at the skin of Bakugou's waist. He just tilts his head. "Babe, I really don't know what you mean."
Bakugou snarls. "Fine. Keep being weird." Then he climbs off that thick waist, stomping out of the room, Kirishima calling after him.
If Bakugou thinks about it, this whatever the hell is wrong with Kirishima started about a month ago, after one of the charity events their agency had set up.
Bakugou hadn't really been that interested in any of the interviews or journalists trying to catch his attention, no doubt most of them hoping that Ground Zero will give them some drama to report on. Instead, he had left that for the heroes like Red Riot and Deku and Alien Queen to handle.
He had chosen to focus more on why they are here. Children had been laughing and screaming and playing all around him, other heroes had been chasing after them or sitting to draw. He had seen Uravity throwing kids up in the air, letting them float for a bit before releasing and catching them. Creati had been making toys, laughing at the increasingly extravagant demands, her large white wings spreading out behind her in excitement. Cellophane had allowed himself to be strung up by his own tape, kids dancing around him.
A hand had yanked on one of his black sleeves, making him look down. A little girl, with wild curly black hair and narrowed brown eyes had frowned back at him. Two small horns peek through her mane and a small tail swished behind her, betraying her nerves.
He had knelt down, coming face to face with her, ears turning straight forward to show she had his full attention. "What do you need, squirt?"
Her eyes had narrowed even more. "My names not squirt ."
"Sure it isn't, squirt. Now, what are you bothering me for?"
She huffed and held up two wooden swords. "I want to play Pirates but none of the other kids want to play with me. They say I'm too rough."
Bakugou had given her a rueful grin. "Yeah? Well fu-frick them. I'll take you on."
She had gaped at him. "Really?"
Bakugou had snatched one of the wooden swords and stood to his full height. "Do you think you can take Ground Zero?"
She stared for a moment and then she had grinned, showing off her teeth. "Yeah!" Then she striked forward.
His sword had swept down to meet hers, making a wooden clack sound, and the two are off. They go back and forth, running all around the field, gaining and losing ground in waves.
When the girl is left panting, her dress covered in dirt and grass stains, Bakugou had finally allowed himself to be knocked to the ground.
She had taken the chance and had stabbed him in the stomach.
Bakugou had hissed and then his body relaxed against the ground. "Damn, ok, you got me, you got me. I give."
She giggled, before pointing her sword in the air, the other hand on her hip. "I did it! I defeated Ground Zero."
Bakugou chuckled, before grabbing her and bringing her close to lick at the dirt on her face, grooming her. "Yeah, yeah, squirt."
She smacks him with the sword, squirming. "Hey," he had said, letting her go.
She frowned down at him, putting her hands on her hips. "My name's not squirt . I won didn't I?"
He gave her a small smile. "Yeah, you did. You deserve more respect don't ya? So, do I get the honor of knowing who has beaten me?"
Her chest puffed out. "My name is-"
" Doi ."
Both of them had turned to see a harried-looking man jogging up to them. Kirishima right behind him a small frown on his face.
The girl, Doi Bakugou assumed, dropped her sword and had bite the bottom of her lip. Bakugou sat up, warily watching as the two approaches.
The man came to a stop right before them, huffing. "What did I tell you about being so forceful?" He turned to Bakuoug, bowing so low his curly horns almost touch his knees. "I'm sorry if she hurt you, sometimes she forgets her own strength-"
"It's fine," Bakugou interrupted, standing up and brushing the dirt off his costume. His tail lazily swayed behind him. "We were just having some fun."
The man had still looked unsure. Doi had been quiet, but she's had looked up at Bakugou now. "Are you really ok? I know she can-"
Bakugou waved off his apologies. "Yeah, of course. I'm a hero, aren't I? I can handle a little roughness. Besides, you have a great sword handler here." He made sure to catch Doi's eyes. "I hope you continue to work on them. You would make a good hero one day."
Her eyes had gone wide. "Do you really think so?"
"Of course," Bakugou had sniffed. "I never say anything I don't mean." Then he gave her a sharp smirk, hand ruffling through her hair. "Squirt."
"Hey!" She had gone to kick him, her father panicking again.
Bakugou had just laughed, ruffling her hair again. "Come back next year and show me how much you've improved."
"I will," she had promised. Then she had puffed out her chest. "And when I win again, you have to use my name."
Bakugou had watched the two of them go, Doi excitedly replaying all of their fight for her dad, who nervously smiled at her but a lot more relaxed than when he had first appeared.
He had turned to say something to Kirishima but is stopped short. Kirishima had been staring at him, eyes heavy and lidded with something that made Bakugou's throat go dry.
Then Kirishima blinked and he's back to normal, big goofy grin in place, his floppy ears bouncing as he walked forward to throw an arm over Bakugou's shoulder, bringing him closer. "Did you have fun, babe?"
Bakugou had grunt, side-eyeing him, not sure what that had been all about but not willing to let it ruin his good mood. "Sure."
Kirishima had just laughed and then they were swarmed by reporters and didn't have much of a chance to talk after that.
It's not that Bakugou is exactly bothered by what is happening. Kirishima has always been touchy, even before they started dating. He has wandering hands, that love to grope and grab at Bakugou and it's often Bakugou that has to remind him that they're in public, you idiot.
So he isn't bothered by the fact that, for the past month, Kirishima has been manhandling him more often, pushing and pulling him into positions or trying to bend him over their furniture. He isn't bothered by the fact that Kirishima will come up behind him, arms around his waist, as he presses kisses into his sensitive neck.
What is unusual is that Kirishima has taken to curving his large hands around Bakugou's stomach, his eyes unable to look away as he fucks his way inside Bakugou's willing body. He's a bit confused why Kirishima has become extra invested in his nipples, why he keeps calling them "tits", or why he sucks at them as if hoping milk will come out.
It's also pretty fucking weird that Kirishima has become insatiable these past few weeks.
Kirishima has always had a higher sex drive than Bakugou. It's worked for them so far. If Bakugou isn't up to it, Kirishima is more than fine with his hand.
But lately, Kirishima has become really, really insistent, grinding against Bakugou's ass or surprising him in the shower to finger him open. Bakugou has sat on Kirishima's knot more times than he can count, has milked Kirishima for all he's worth as the dog hybrid pinches his nipples and leaves bite marks on his shoulder.
In essence, Kirishima has become a bit sex-crazy and Bakugou just wants to know why. It can't be because it's mating season. Kirishima has never acted like this before. Something had to have set him off and Bakugou is going to get to the bottom of it.
By this point, Bakugou is ready when Kirishima comes sniffing around, his big bulky frame covering Bakugou's as he starts kissing at his neck, hand already gripping his hips.
Bakugou allows him for a few seconds, before turning his head, dislodging Kirishima's lips.
Kirishima whines, low in his throat, but Bakugou ignores him. "You can have what you want when you explain what's got you so riled up."
Kirishima huffs, giving him a squeeze. "Not this again. There isn't anything wrong."
Bakugou hums, before dislodging himself. His hips sway as he leaves the room, tail curling invitingly, and he throws a look over his shoulder. "Then I guess you'll just have to do without."
Kirishima watches him leave.
Kirishima tries two more times, only to be brushed off. Bakugou wakes up later that night to Kirishima panting in his ear and grinding against his ass.
Kirishima goes to sleep on the couch.
Honestly, Bakugou thought that it would just take two days before Kirishima gave in. The horny idiot could never hold out whenever they play this game, often too impatient to get to the good stuff.
So he's a bit surprised when, a week later, and Kirishima is still tight-lipped.
He's even more surprised when Kirishima begins to ramp up his deviant behavior.
They're on patrol, just finishing up their rounds on the 4th district when a call comes over the radio. They pause, listening to a description of suspicious activity before being told to stay put as the situation unfolds.
Bakugou had just started to grunt his agreement when he cuts off into a groan.
"I know you hate not being in on the action, Ground Zero, but this is the best plan," Ingenium says over the radio.
Bakugou can't tell him to shut up because he's too busy holding back moans.
"Yeah, Katsuki," Kirishima says, a smirk curling along his lips. "Just be a good boy and stay still."
Bakugou turns to glare at him, ears flat against his hair, face flushed. But before he can get anything out, Kirishima moves his hand again, stroking from the base of Bakugou's tail up to the tip.
Bakugou can't stop the sound that is ripped from his throat.
Kirishima's eyes dilate and then he's pushing Bakugou against the wall. He crowds in close, fingers still playing with Bakugou's tail. He leans in to whisper in Bakugou's twitching ear.
"Fuck, your mouth. It's so pretty, whether moaning for me or wrapped around my dick."
Eijirou," Bakugou stutters out, heat curling in his stomach. There was no way in hell he could stop the way his hips grind back against Kirishima.
"That's it, baby," Kirishima whispers. "Who's my pretty kitty?"
Bakugou closes his eyes and shivers. His head feels fuzzy, the sudden heat and want and the damn way Kirishima is playing with his tail makes it hard to think straight.
Kirishima leans down and nibbles on his ear, sharp teeth scraping against the soft skin, and Bakugou is gone. All thoughts of punishing Kirishima till he fesses up disappears, he just needs the mutt now and-
"Ground Zero, Red Riot, the situation has escalated. We need you."
The two jerk apart. They stare at each other, breathing hard.
Bakugou grits his teeth.
Kirishima raises his hand. "Katsuki, wait-"
He gets a face full of explosion, barely hardening in time.
"Die," Bakugou screams, face completely red and fur standing on end.
"I'm sorry!"
"Oh, you're about to be."
"Ground Zero and Red Riot, we need you! Do you copy?"
Bakugou bares his fangs, before pressing his comm. "We hear you, Four Eyes-"
"Whatever. We're on our way."
Making sure his comm is off, Bakugou points at Kirishima. "You stay the fuck away from me."
Kirishima pouts, bringing out his literal puppy eyes. "Babe, please-"
"When we're done with this villian, I'm going to throw you through a goddamn wall." And then Bakugou points his hands down, blasting off into the sky.
The villain ends up being quickly brought down and slightly burnt thanks to an angry Ground Zero.
Bakugou is steadily ignoring Kirishima, resting up at the agency after their fight, but he does hear the way Kaminari comes up to the red giant and slaps his shoulder, no sense of self-preservation in sight.
"So, I see that you landed yourself in the dog house again, huh?"
Kirishima sighs. "Come on, man. I don't need this today."
"What? Have you been collared? Bakugou got you on a leash?"
"Kaminari, not cool, I don't make mouse puns about you."
"Um, because there are no mouse puns that aren't cool," Kaminari says. "So what has King Explosion Murder neutering you this time?"
Kirishima growls and even from where Bakugou is standing, he shivers at the threat there. "Make one more pun, I dare you."
Kaminari is silent for a minute. And then…
"You were being a horndog, weren't yo-"
Kaminari cries out as he is knocked to the ground, Kirishima standing over him with a hardened fist.
Bakugou hides a snort in his fist.
Bakugou's anger is at a shimmer the next day when Kirishima, the bastard, tries again.
They don't have any hero work for that day, just some paperwork they need to fill out about the incident they were involved in, and then they get the rest of the day off.
They decide to head to the gym afterward, splitting up for a bit as they get their individual workouts in.
Bakugou always finishes his up early, hitting the showers, before going out to spot for his boyfriend.
The cat hybrid would rather die than admit that this is actually his favorite part of their shared workouts. To be able to stare at his boyfriend unabashedly, watch those muscles bulge and work, watch his broad shoulders strain under the weights, watch as sweat glides down his body.
He might have initiated a sex ban, but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate the view.
Kirishima has moved on to the big weights, curling them as he counts, the sweat along his body letting Bakugou know that he's been there a while. He nods at Bakugou to show that he sees him before going back to lifting.
Bakugou stands a few feet away, next to the benches where he knows Kirishima will head next. He takes a long drink of water, eyes drifting up and down Kirishimia’s body and can’t help but smirk when Kirishima squats to drop the weights.
Then his eyes drift up to meet Kirishima’s in the mirror.
Kirishima’s eyes are dark and Bakugou finds himself caught in them. Kirishima licks his lips, drawing Bakugou’s eyes, before he stands back up, slowly. Bakugou gulps, but it’s too late to take back his mistake.
Kirishima has him caught, like prey.
Kirishima makes his way towards the bench, putting on his preferred weights, before beckoning Bakugou over. “You’re going to help me, aren’t you?” His voice has the start of rough edge and Bakugou holds in his shiver.
“Sure. Think you can actually beat that weak record of yours?”
Kirishima gives him a sharp smirk. “Of course.”
Then he starts to get to work. His arms are impressive as they bend and stretch, the heavyweights going up and down as if they were nothing. Bakugou’s eyes can’t help drifting to them or to the way Kirishima’s shirt scrunches up, showing off that toned stomach, and Bakugou watches for a brief second as it contracts and expands.
Kirishima clears his throat and Bakugou’s eyes jerk up to his. “You have a job to do, Katsuki. Don’t go slacking now.”
Bakugou tenses, tail twitching in agitation. “And you should be lifting. Whose slacking now?”
Kirishima grins, but continues his work out. Bakugou huffs, but focuses more on spotting. Wouldn’t want the idiot to hurt himself.
Kirishima finishes up and heads for the showers, Bakugou waiting just outside the locker room for him on his phone.
He is not at all prepared for when a hand grabs the back of his shirt and pulls him into the locker room. He twists his body around, hands sparking as they come into contact with someone.
Someone with hardened arms.
Bakugou barely has time to blink, eyes landing on red hair, before he’s being lifted up and slammed into the wall. Bakugou’s teeth clink together, but that doesn’t stop him from reaching out to grab at Kirishima’s throat.
They stop for a second, breathing hard, red eyes meeting red. Then their lips are clashing together, teeth biting at lips. Bakugou’s hands tangle in Kirishima’s hair, pulling hard. Kirishima’s hands are under his ass, squeezing, before pulling at Bakugou’s legs, helping them to wrap around his waist. Kirishima grinds down at him and Bakugou fucking groans.
“Shit, Katsuki, do you know what it does to me to see you drooling over my muscles?” Kirishima growls. “How hard it gets me that you love the fact that I could manhandle you into any position I want? I could slam you against these lockers, fuck you into your slutty body, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
They both know that’s not completely true, that Bakugou would find a way to break free if he really wanted to, but right now, all Bakugou does is moan, yanking harder at Kirishima’s hair, lost to the images Kirishima paints.
Kirishima squeezes his ass, kneading the flesh there. “My second favorite part of your body, right behind your sweet tits. I especially love when it’s bouncing on my knot.”
Bakugou whimpers. He uses Kirishima’s hair to guide his mouth up into another kiss, no less desperate or hot. He tilts his head, drawing Kirishima deeper into the kiss, before pulling back to whisper against Kirishima’s lips. “I love your knot, love when it’s plugging me up, all your cum stuffed deep inside of me-”
Kirishima groans, eyes fluttering.
“You know what I love even more?” Bakugou asks.
“What?” Kirishima responds, body leaning even closer against Bakugou, eyes drifting down to Bakugou’s throat and chest.
“If you would just tell me what has gotten into you.”
Kirishima stiffens, before slowly looking up to meet Bakugou's eyes. Bakugou raises an eyebrow. Kirishima sighs. “I’m not getting any today am I?”
Bakugou raises his palm, his hand glowing. “Nope,” he says, popping the p.
After about another week and a half of this, Bakugou is done waiting. If the usual game isn’t going to get the job done, then he’s going to have to force Kirishima to tell him.
He is going to fucking break Eijirou if it kills him.
Bakugou stretches out, humming to himself. He has two meetings he needs to go to later today, but he rarely has this time to just sit back and relax.
Of course, relaxing for him means he’s still doing something. That something being yoga out in the living room.
He slowly moves his body from position to position, enjoying the slight burn. His ears perk up at the sound of the door opening, but besides that, he ignores his boyfriend, instead focusing on shifting his legs into the next position.
“Hey, babe, I brought lunch home,” Kirishima calls from the front door, where Bakugou knows he’s taking off his shoes before moving deeper into the house. “I thought we could eat together before you have to go- ach .”
Bakugou hides his smirk, shoulders shifting as he stands up. “Hey mutt, what’d you get?” He looks over his shoulder, showing his teeth at the sight of Kirishima standing frozen in the living room doorway, bags of food dangling in his hands.
Kirishima audibly swallows. “Uh, what are you doing?”
Bakugou snorts, turning away and moving to the next position. “What does it fucking look like? Yoga.”
“Yeah, but, um-”
“What? Does the cat have your tongue?”
“You’re naked,” Kirishima moans.
Bakugou looks down, as if this is his first time noticing his lack of clothes. “Huh. So I am.”
“ Why? ”
Bakugou shrugs. “Why not?” He bends down, his forehead touching his knees. He can practically feel the burn of Kirishima’s stare on his ass. “The sun is shining pretty bright today and you know how much I love to spread myself along the window sills to soak it up.”
His voice is practically a purr and he knows exactly what he’s doing, reminding the mutt of what happened the last time he was spread in front of the window, when Kirishima had been curled up behind him, both slowly rocking as the sun had warmed their skin.
Bakugou curls his tail, beckoning Kirishima’s eyes to follow along as he works his way through his routine. He can hear the other huff and panting, the mutt probably drooling.
“You’re torturing me here, Kat,” Kirishima says, sounding strangled.
“You know what you have to do if you want a piece of this,” Bakugou says. His hands, which had been wrapped around his ankle, slowly start to slide up his leg, gliding along the smooth skin.
“There’s nothing to-”
Bakugou shrugs, before turning around, coming face to face with Kirishima. He stalks his way forward, eyes half-lidded.
Kirishima might be holding his breath. Bakugou is pretty sure he’s not breathing.
And then Bakugou passes by him, brushing his shoulder, before heading up to their room. “Then I guess we’re done here. Let’s have lunch.”
The sound of Kirishima hitting his head on the wall echoes around the house.
Bakugou doesn’t do this often-
Ok, that’s a lie. He does do this quite often, but always in the privacy of their home. Rarely does he do it in public.
But by this point, he’s willing to pull out all the stops.
They’re back on patrol, walking around the 5th and 6th district, with the hot sun beating down on them. Bakugou curses. His gauntlets are already half-filled by this point, and he hasn't even done anything.
Kirishima taps on his shoulder, pointing to a stand selling water. They go over to buy some, only to have the vendor wave off their attempts to pay, thanking them instead for the jobs they do.
They go to stand to the side, in the shade, drinking their free water. Side-eyeing Kirishima, Bakugou casually leans against the wall and then pulls on the strap of his hero suit, as if he were trying to fan himself.
Kirishima glances over.
Then he does a double-take.
“Katsuki, no,” he says, almost in horror.
Bakugou innocently blinks at him. “What? I’m just drinking.”
But Kirishima is too focused on his bared shoulder to respond.  
Bakugou looks down. “Oh, you mean the bra strap, huh? Yeah, I don’t know why, but I felt like dressing up a little today.” His fingers play with the baby blue strap, snapping it against his skin.
“Did-Is it a complete set?” Kirishima asks, tail wagging behind him, ears perking up.  
Bakugou smiles, wide and all teeth. “Wouldn’t you like to find out.”  
“You-you’re a monster,” Kirishima says.
Bakugou chuckles, pushing off the building. He rubs his head against Kirishima’s shoulder before pulling him back on patrol. “I know.”
It continues like that for the rest of the day, with Bakugou giving Kirishima little hints and peeks of the lingerie he wears underneath.
Kirishima follows after him, like a mutt on a leash, and more than once, walks into a civilian or doorway. Bakugou sits back and laughs at the way he goes red and sputters out excuses.
When they reach the agency, they both head back to the locker rooms to get changed out of their costumes. Bakugou barely passes the threshold, before he’s being grabbed, flipped, and pressed face first against the wall.
He sends a smirk at Kirishima. “What’s with you and manhandling me in locker rooms lately?”
Kirishima growls, low in his throat. “As if you don’t deserve it. You’ve been winding me up all fucking week.”
Bakugou bares his fangs. “And you haven’t been doing the same? I told you, Eijirou, all you have to do is tell me what’s been on your mind and then you can do whatever you want to me.”
Kirishima growls again, pressing close. He noses his way through Bakugou’s hair, huffing. “...I’m afraid you’ll think I’m weird or something.”
Bakugou pauses, before turning his head to rub it against Kirishima’s. “Eijirou, you never have to be afraid to talk to me about stuff. You know that, right?”
Kirishima drops his head against Bakugou’s shoulder, large arms wrapping around his waist. “I know but it’s...thoughts getting to me. Will you think it’s too weird, will you look at me differently, that sort of stuff.”
Bakugou reaches back to start to play with his hair. “You know I love you. You could say the weirdest shit to me and, maybe I might say the wrong thing at first, but nothing could ever make me stop loving you or thinking you’re too much for me.”
Kirishima is silent for a moment, squeezing tighter and inhaling Bakugou’s scent. Bakugou continues to play with his hair, fingers brushing against his ears, scratching right behind them in that secret spot that makes Kirishima melt.
“...M’ wanna breed you,” Kirishima finally mumbles.
Bakugou furrows his eyebrows. He feels Kirishima tense behind him and is quick to scratch that spot again, forcing him to relax. “Not that I’m saying it’s bad, but you know I can’t get pregnant right?”
“I know,” Kirishima says, still muttering into his shoulder. “I just...you know that girl, Doi? That you were playing with at last month’s charity function?”
“I saw you being all sweet with her and it was like I was suddenly hit with the image of you doing that to our daughter. And then other thoughts kept rolling in my head. You, holding our child. You, feeding out child. You, round with our child. And that eventually devolved into-”
“You trying to stuff as much of your cum into me as possible?” Bakugou asks.
Kirishima’s breath hitches. He digs his claws into Bakugou’s waist. “ Yessss . It’s consumed my thoughts. At this point, I don’t really care that you can’t have children, it’s all about the trying you know? I just want you to constantly sit on my knot, warm my cock, be a tight hot little cocksleeve.”
Bakugou bites his bottom lips, face flushing. “Damn, Eijirou. And you’ve been keeping this to yourself all this time?”
Kirishima lifts his head, catching Bakugou’s eyes. “You...you like that?”
Bakugou sniffs, looking away. “I mean, you’re the one whose saying all these dirty things. Of course I’m going to find that hot.”
Kirishima grins, pressing a kiss against Bakugou’s shoulder. Then he goes to whisper directly in Bakugou’s ear. “Yeah? You like the thought of you all fucked out on our bed, spread out, your hole wet and sloppy as I force my knot back in?”
Bakugou moans, low and heated. “You going to put a liter in me, mutt? Huh, you think you can?”
Kirishima rumbles, the sound vibrating deep in his chest, and Bakugou doesn’t have time to react before Kirishima bits into his neck, leaving a large mark. Bakugou whimpers, grinding his hips back. Kirishima takes advantage of that, moving Bakugou’s waist back so he can grind on his ass.
“I know I can. Going to keep you stuffed, make your tits all fat with milk.” One of his hands reaches up to cup one of Bakugou’s pecs.
“With that weak knot of yours?” Bakugou grits out, trying hard not to fall apart as Kirishima gropes him. “Good fucking luck.”
“You challenging me?” Kirishima asks.
“What do you think?”
Their eyes meet, sparks flying between them, both of their mouths pulling back to show off their fangs.
The door opens and they jerk apart. An intern peeks their head in, whistling before coming to a halt. They stop and stare at Bakugou and Kirishima, both of their costumes wrinkled and messed up, their hair wild.
“Um,” they say.
“Get the fuck out,” Bakugou screams, hands sparking.
The intern eeps, scrambling back and out the door.
Kirishima sighs. “Bakugou-”
“Don’t you fucking start,” Bakugou snarls. He runs a hand through his hair, huffing, before catching Kirishima’s eyes again. “You want to take a half-day and get the fuck home?”
“Gods, yes.”
They burst through the bedroom door, wrapped around each other, Bakugou climbing Kirishima like a tree. They’re not really kissing, more like they’re trying to eat each other’s mouths.
Bakugou groans, pulling back. "Fuck, Eijirou." His claws dig into the skin on Kirishima's shoulder, making the other hiss.
Kirishima practically throws Bakugou down on the bed, red eyes blazing. He's quick to get himself undressed, tripping on his costume in his hurry to throw it on the ground.
Bakugou is right behind him, shimmering out of his pants, trying to peel himself out of his top too, when Kirishima grabs his ankles and yanks him down. Bakugou lets out a little sound of surprise as he slides along the bed.
Kirishima crawls over him, slow and predatory, eyes glued to the panties Bakugou is wearing. Bakugou tilts his head, spreading his legs and fingering the lacy edges. “Do you like what you see? Want to unwrap me like the present I am?”
Kirishima licks his lips, grinning. “Fuck yeah, babe. I want to see the entire picture.” He lifts one of Bakugou’s legs, kissing the side of his knee. He slowly kisses his way up Bakugou’s thigh, keeping eye contact, before biting into the meaty flesh. Bakugou’s breath catches and then Kirishima’s soothing the sting with a kiss.
He repeats the pattern a few more times, leaving marks along the way, before reaching the bulge in his panties. He spreads Bakugou’s legs wider, nuzzling the covered dick, before biting on the edge of the panties, pulling down just enough for the tip of Bakugou’s cock to slip out. Kirishima gives the tip a lick, cleaning up the precum there.
Bakugou can’t tear his eyes away, little moans being ripped from his throat. Kirishima gives him grin before backing off. “Let me open my pretty present.” His large hands wrap around Bakugou’s waist, lifting the tight fabric of his shirt up to reveal Bakugou’s abs, then even higher. Inch by inch, blue fabric is exposed for Kirishima to drink in. It’s lacy and sheer, doing nothing to hide the way Bakugou’s nipples stand erect and waiting.
Kirishima, because he can’t help himself, pinches one of the pink buds. Bakugou arches into the touch, silently begging for more. Kirishima manages to get the rest of the shirt off, also throwing it to the side, his hand never leaving Bakugou’s chest.
Bakugou throws an arm across his face, face flushed and eyes narrowed. Kirishima’s tail is wagging a mile a minute, dick hard and heavy. “Come on, you mutt, I thought you were going to breed me? Are you going to break your promise?”
That gets him another pinch, making him hiss. “So impatient, my pretty kitty. Let me enjoy the way you look before we get to the fun stuff.”
Bakugou snarls. “That’s funny coming from yo- ah fuck .”
Kirishima hums, still twisting Bakugou’s nipple before twisting it to the other side. “That’s a little better. Keep making those pretty noises for me and maybe I’ll give you what you want.”
“Fuck- ah -you,” Bakugou hisses. He withers against the bed as Kirishima continues to play with his body, his other hand reaching down to give Bakugou’s cock light little stokes.
“My perfect cat, you’re going to look so good, all-round with my liter.” Kirishima leans down to give Bakugou’s stomach a chaste kiss. Bakugou wiggles.
“Eijirou, come on.”
“Someone’s needy. I haven’t even fingered you open and you’re already begging for me,” Kirishima says.
Bakugou flushes. "We've haven't had sex for nearly two damn months."
"And whose fault is that?"
"Hmmm, is that so?" Kirishima asks, fingers dancing along Bakugou’s inner thighs as he slowly pulls Bakugou’s panties down his legs. “I wasn’t the one who started the sex ban.”
Bakugou sneers. “Really? Who was it that kept their dirty little fantasies to themselves- fuck .” Bakguou’s body jerks as Kirishima’s fingers tap against his hole, wet with lube.
Kirishima chuckles. “You’re always so loud, babe.” He slowly pushes one finger in, wiggling it.
“Maybe, uh, maybe you’re just too fucking quiet,” Bakugou says, fingers digging into the mattress.
“Now we both know that’s a lie.” Kirishima adds another finger, scissoring. He licks his lips. “You look so delicious, spread out on my fingers. I can’t wait till it’s my knot that you’re splitting on.”
Bakugou moans, thrusting his hips down. “God damn, you’re fingers are so fucking big, Eijirou. Come on, fuck me already.”
Kirishima clicks his tongue. “Patience, Katsuki. I want you open for me, so my knot can just slide right in." He adds another finger, croaking them, pressing against that special place, and smirks as Bakugou's eyes widen.
And then he mewls.
They both still, Bakugou slapping a hand over his mouth, face twisted in horror.
"Did you just-"
"No!" Bakugou instantly denies, face going cherry red.
Kirishima can feel Bakugou's hands heating up. He moves fast, grabbing those tiny wrists in his hardened hands and slamming them on the mattress, right above Bakugou's head.
"You did," Kirishima breathes. "Do it again."
"What- no. Fuck no." Bakugou tries to thrash, but Kirishima straddles his hips, hardening his skin to make it heavier.
Kirishima leans in close, till their noses are almost touching. "I'm going to make you make that sound again, Katsuki."
Bakugou shudders, but he refuses to back down. "Is that a challenge?"
Before he can blink, he's being flipped over, arms pulled behind his back, chest and face pressed into the mattress, ass raised up. Kirishima palms his ass, a light touch, before giving it an echoing smack. Bakugou gasps, going still.
"That's a promise," Kirishima whispers directly into his ear.  He gives the fluffy appendage a bite, two fingers shoving their way back inside, searching for Bakugou's prostate.
He knows he finds it when Bakugou's body jerks, Bakugou moaning low and long. But it's not the sound Kirishima wants. So he continues to press his fingers against it, milking Bakugou.
Bakugou is squirming, but with Kirishima's large body covering his and those hardened hands keeping his wrists pinned, there's nowhere for Bakugou to go.  
Every time he moves, it just forces his hips back down on those thick fingers. It makes his cock throb, precum dripping freely. He whines, throwing his head back. "Eijirou."
Kirishima kisses his sweaty forehead. "Come on, Katsuki. You know what I want."
Bakugou shakes his head, ears twitching, tail curling and unfurling around Kirishima's wrist. "N-No."
Kirishima tisks, squeezing a third finger in, jabbing it against his prostate. Bakugou's eyes widen, mouth falling open. He pants, hole twitching.
"My pretty kitty, won't you make your sweet noises for me?" Kirishima continues to whisper in his ear.
"It's embarrassing," Bakugou practically yowls, hiding his face in his arms.
"Not if it's with me," Kirishima says, stopping momentarily. He nuzzles Bakugou's hair. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about if it's just me here, right?"
Bakugou bites his bottom lip. Kirishima doesn't move, allowing Bakugou time to think.
Finally, Bakugou sighs. Then, almost too soft to hear, he mewls.
Kirishima's grin splits his face. He kisses Bakugou again and starts moving his fingers. "Good boy, that's so lovely, yes please keep making those noises." He spreads his fingers. "Louder, kitty cat, louder."
Bakugou is shuddering, body beyond hot, as Kirishima fucks him open. His sounds of pleasure increase in volume, Kirishima encouraging him along the way.
It doesn't take long at all before he's coming against the bed, Kirishima's fingers still moving. He pants, little shivers of aftershock rocking through him.
When he comes back to himself, it's to the feeling of Kirishima rubbing his cock against his ass. He lazily grinds back. "Getting ahead of yourself, aren't you?" He mumbles. "I thought you were going to breed me?"
Kirishima bites into his shoulder, making Bakugou hiss. "If you can talk again, then I guess that means you're ready to be fucked."
Bakugou lifts his hips up, moving his tail out of the way to show off his stretched hole. "Come on Eijirou, fuck a litter into me."
Kirishima growls, low and heated. His cock presses against Bakugou's hole, sheathing himself inside that hot, wet heat. Bakugou cries out, the sound almost lost in the howl Kirishima let's out.
Kirishima wastes no time as he starts to thrust, hard and fast into Bakugou, hips slapping against his ass.
Bakugou whines, his moans being punched out of him with each thrust. Kirishima let's go of his wrists, his hand trailing down Bakugou's body to curl around his stomach.
"Can't wait to see you all fat with my seed. I'm going to make you sit on my knot all through your pregnancy."
"I want it, please Eijirou, please. Knot me, knot me."
"You're going to get your knot, patience." Kirishima brings Bakugou's hips up higher, so he can fuck into him deeper, his cock now slamming against Bakugou's prostate.
Bakugou is back to mewling, his cock growing hard again. He tears up the sheets, thrusting back against Kirishima. He can feel that fat knot bumping up against him, desperately trying to slip inside.
With every slam, Kirishima's knot spreads Bakugou open just a bit further, goes in just a bit deeper. Bakugou mewls and yowls through it, begging Kirishima with every other breath. His cock is fully hard by now, almost painfully so.
With one last, hard thrust, Kirishima pushes his knot fully in, locking them together. He snarls, biting into Bakugou's shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. One hand moves from his grip on Bakugou's waist to his cock, stroking him rough and fast.
Bakugou's eyes roll into his head, body going stiff. His orgasm is ripped out of him, joining his other release on the bed. He can feel warmth rushing into him as Kirishima cums, still slightly rolling his hips as Bakugou's hole milks him.
They stay like that for a minute or two, and then they collapse into the bed, boneless.
Kirishima turns them to the side, wiggling till they were in a more comfortable position as they wait for Kirishima's knot to deflate. Kirishima continues to pet and stroke Bakugou, singing him praises.
Bakugou shifts back slightly, settling into Kirishima's chest, hands drifting down to rest on his stomach. "So," he says after a moment. "Should we start looking at adoption agencies?"
Kirishima chokes.
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middleinthenight21 · 4 years
Damirae week 2020- Day 6
Meet the family
(Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans)
Raven of different dimensions had given her a look, as if they knew that she was probably the one with the starkest story, or perhaps because she wouldn't think of eating a person with one bite, or because she came from a darker world (for over 13 years old).
It was strange to see herself in different ways, but in her short life she had grown accustomed to changes quickly. Life is full of surprises, but she didn't have that much imagination for this.
"Is there really blood in your world?" The Raven protagonist of this adventure asks, some shudder with fear just thinking about it. "Girl, in my world we break our legs, we adjust them, and we keep running."
No wonder the conflict with her father and the multiverse centered on this version, she seemed childish, uncontrollable and unbalanced, even bloody. She wants to ask questions, for example, did she lock her father in her holy shard or make him disappear, something that sounds like the best and impossible dream, too good to be true.
"There is blood." A wave of horror, wonder, excitement rises; only one remains impartial, it is the one that has a more similar world. "We try to avoid bloodshed. "
One Raven jumps out from the others, her wild hair, fur clothes and did she leave the caverns? God, he was going to need extra time to meditate after this.
"Wait a minute!" The caveman yells at her. Raven raises an eyebrow. "Your voice is softer" She looks at the Raven, as if wanting to explain a point. "All of us have scratchy voices, but this version does NOT. "
"I don't know how to answer that." She pauses. "Should I be worried? "
One makes her way, she is impartial, she had also had a leading role, apart from the ruthless. She is surprised at how young she is, they share a subtle resemblance and she is a preteen, probably between the ages of fourteen or fifteen, her purple hair caresses her shoulders, her skin is pale almost lilac and her eyes are large; this version seems experienced, calmer.
So, she discovers it: this version managed to get rid of Trigon's influence, probably the others knew it just the same because they watched her with admiration, she is the undisputed leader.
"You can ask questions, but not at once."
This girl moves next to the ruthless Raven, like an invincible duo "Your world is very different from ours" she senses.
They are probably right; she still doesn't understand why they are so interested in her world and not the cleansed version.
In the middle of these similar eyes she is still a stranger, they are all built from the same past, she felt it. They are all alike, the same, but their world established different rules.
Dick is a few yards away looking resentfully at his miniature version, converses with a taller one and they act alike, they are experienced leaders, but the teenager is still Robin. All the Robins are different, but there is no Nightwing, there is only the Dick Grayson of her universe and she thinks that maybe they were wrong to bring him to this fight.
"Is it true that they don't have a Robin on your team?" One asks.
"We have one" She closes her mouth. Damian would not appreciate that she will reveal information. "He’s not here. "
The more focused Raven raises an eyebrow, is not convinced with the little information she gives and looks apprehensive. Nor is she willing to say more, if there is someone who would understand her versions, it’s herself, they stubborn after all.
Then, a new pink portal opens, it is like a whirlwind and its color reminds you of cotton candy. It spits out a young Robin who is familiar to her, he has some batarang in his hands ready to launch and seems about to shoot down a criminal. He was on a mission with Batman in Gotham; therefore, he was out of the Tower for about two weeks. She did not expect to see him so soon, less in this universe. He comes late.
"Where's Black Mask!? "
He stops looking at the scene, first his brow furrows, his muscles tense and his hand strays to his back. They are like the three steps to hell.
"Who are they? " He draws his sword.
Raven pats her forehead.
"Another! " The little Robin waved his arms excitedly and ran to catch up with Damian. Oh boy, bad move. "You are amazing! "
Damian looked down with a grimace at the Robin, and put the sword away determining that there was no danger.
"What are you?"
"I'm like you, but better."
"No one is better than me," He growled.
He snorted.
Robin continued to circle around Damian, delighted by what he saw, commenting on the suit, his bearing and the sword.
"You use a katana!" He extended one of his small hands, wanting to touch the weapon, which was stored in its holster.
"Your friend is making a mistake," he was warned by the bloodiest Raven.
Damian punched him in the face and knocked him unconscious. She swears that several teeth flew through the air, his face is bruised, and no one seemed concerned; the adolescent version of Dick hid a smirk, concealing it wrong.
The other Titans looked at Damian as if he were some kind of catalyst for what they wanted to do to that Robin. So sad.
Nightwing converses with Damian, his passage from confusion, apprehension to resignation, but she can still feel him as a beacon made of discomfort. He is not used to magic or the concept of multiverse, which Cyborg explained to them. He had not seen the fight.
This whole adventure was too strange, she thought it was weird when a ship crossed the tower without causing damage and they realized that it was transporting similar heroes, they had time to explain the pink portal and get used to the idea of ​​the multiverse, when they were summoned they knew that they were there to fight. She was aware that something was happening because her father had been agitated, banging on the glass and screaming because he wants to break free, seeing a version of her father with two tails had sickened her and she discovered that being swallowed was not cute, she experienced the story of the bloodier Raven and nothing made sense. Then, she faced her versions that demanded that she provide them with information, since she is the most different. Raven had had enough.
Beast Boy at least seems content knowing his versions, also Starfire who smiles when talking to a pink-haired alien.
"Is that Robin version of your universe?"
Raven watches the preteen and nods.
"He not the same as ours," she says. She has a neutral expression, but her raspy voice sounds interested, almost as if she's trying to fit Damian's figure into all of this. "He seems sad" she reflects.
The memory of the first meeting hit her, Raven said the same and her appreciation was not wrong, although Damian would insist that it is not true, she found out. He wasn't going to be happy if he knew they were like that, he can hear the complaints and she found it amusing, if only a little.
"I'll greet him." The merciless Raven floats and she finds herself begging her not to.
Shame stings her insides; her father is teasing her and she stifles his laughter with a growl; She exchanges a look with her more focused version, and they decide to follow the ruthless one.
Nightwing is explaining, grimacing, and nods at the teenage Robin. When that Raven approaches Damian she is deciding whether to shake the teen's hand or not, while Robin stares at the sword, they both turn on their alarms looking at each other, he is about to speak, but was interrupted by a raspy voice and points with her sword at the origin of the sound.
"Damian!" Dick exclaims.
Raven stops a few inches away and they look at each other with their same teenager face. Frightened by the reaction this version would have with a sword pointed at her throat, Damian raises an eyebrow and cocks his head, confused.
He thought that the ruthless Raven would attack him, but she acts in a more surprising way, emitted a shriek of admiration and looked at him as if he were a hero taken from the pages of a history book; her eyes glowed with illusion and she babbles meaningless words.
They both look at her, like she's a stranger.
"Do you also have versions?" Damian asks, looking at the three of them. Putting the sword away in one swift motion, the smallest heroine's mouth opens and she continues to stammer. "Are you sure this alienated version, is you? " He watches her.
She nods.
Teen Raven clears throat "This is one of my other versions."
"It's the Baby Titans," reports Robin. There is a note of mockery in his words, he can conclude that nobody liked the universe of these titans.
"We are the Teen Titans Go!" Yells the Robin baby. He looks much better, although he has a swollen eye painted purple, but his teeth were restored in minutes, and he waves his arms. "We are the best version of the Teen Titans! "
There was a minute of silence, which was broken by a collective laugh.
Damian crossed his arms "This is too strange."
"At least you weren't swallowed."
She frowned, shot him a look, and promised to explain later, not now when her baby version is giggling, and she knows why.
"Then what Nightwing said is true." The hero rolls his eyes. "If I'm honest he thought I was delusional."
The watcher gives him a long look.
It's the teenage Raven that draws attention away "do you know why they brought you in? The battle is over and suddenly your appeared" she looks at Robin; The boy looks away with a finger on his chin. "Do you have an idea why? "
Robin glances at the world around him. "I don't know how it works at all, Rae," he admits. "We will have to study this artifact. Either way, this Robin will return to his serious universe."
It's a relief.
She thinks of Jump City, she just wants to go back to their land and keep this memory as one of the strangest in her life.
"I have a mission," Damian says. "you must come back."
"We will," the teenage Raven reassures him. Damian raises an eyebrow at her, probably deciding whether to trust her words. "As soon as we take care of my father. "
Damian is startled.
"Is your father here?" He asks her and she nods, finding the tied demon guarded by the caveman versions, every time he tries to escape Robin hits him with a mallet. It still surprises her to find such a vulnerable version of his demonic father, his voice is softer, and evil is a low flame in this being. "That’s him? "
He is not at all like the one who appeared in the Middle East wanting to end the world.
"Sounds like a joke Trigon."
Trigon watches them and his eyes light up in a red glow, he stretches towards Damian fighting against the rope, wanting to attack the young man and shouts inconsistencies.
"I'll kill you, boy!" He squirms and is only a few yards away.
Caveman versions pull the rope. They have the attention of the titans of the infinite lands, the demon writhes like a worm, launching threats towards the titan.
"You defiled my girl!"
There is a gasp of surprise.
She was having one of those moments when she wanted to hide in the farthest corner of the galaxy where she wouldn't be found just out of shame. She does not know how this version knows about her relationship with Damian, since nobody knows the truth about them, and he likes it that away. She hoped that her father wanted to murder her boyfriend for the simple fact that he will be part of her life, not that he suffered a jealousy attack
"I know you took advantage of her!"
The Raven of this maddened universe screams and points at them "I can't believe it! You guys…"
She and Damian Wayne look at each other in discomfort and swallow hard. Few times have you seen Damian so nervous and if before she wanted to leave now it was much more.
Dick laughs.
"I knew it," he says through tears. Damian stares at his older brother until his laughter fades and he looks away. "I mean, bad that your father-in-law hates you. That sucks. "
Trigon continues to yell threats "I'm going to kill you! Don't touch her again! Raven, leave this boy!" He continues to fight the ropes. "I'll be watching you Robin! Every time you try to get close to my daughter, think that I will find you and…" A pink portal opens and disappears.
She looks at her boyfriend without knowing what to say. This was humiliating.
She gives Robin a grateful look, who had disappeared to her father in another dimension. He is only interested that they got rid of Trigon, even if it's the pathetic version. It is always good to beat him.
The teenager nods but does not comment further.
Raven steps forward "Are you with a Robin? "
She looks at the teenager, who now seems curious, as if this possibility were impossible.
"Yes," Damian answers. They both decide with a look that they would have to sit down and talk later. They know because a two-year relationship has just been revealed and they have to explain. "Bring us back to our land" Robin nods.
As Robin informed them, they would leave in a few minutes, Dick was dragged by the Robin baby and Damian is receiving questions from the ruthless Raven, she seems interested in his life and narrates about her dark side. She is surprised that her boyfriend is listening to her and not her cast out.
"I felt you were different," Teen Raven positioned herself next to her. Her gaze is focused on her boyfriend. "You share a bond with him. I can feel it. "
She curls over "How do you know? "
A small smile appears on her lips "I also have a bond with the Robin of my universe. "
She wants to ask her more questions related to her father, how she had found peace and lost the demonic influence in her life. As much as Raven had beaten her father, got help from her friends, the prize for saving the world was to lock Trigon in a glass and fight his influence. Every day she has to contain her emotions, control herself and maintain emotional balance, this version had already been through that hell. It should be nice to feel emotions and feelings freely.
Raven can love, get angry, feel, but to some extent. The relationship with Damian is not honey flakes. Some days his struggles overwhelm her, and she finds herself feeling empty, as if he had no feelings and they must be patient until the storm will pass. Other days he fought against the indoctrination and abuse inflicted by his Grandfather and mother since he was a child, Damian tries to find himself. They try to be better for the other, for themselves and those around them, but it is not easy.
She would like it to be different, that they did not have to deal with Trigon's influence in her life. That the demon did not remind her that they are family and that one of his versions had threatened her boyfriend, as if he were an overprotective father. Trigon was bad in each of his versions.
She observes Raven who is smiling, she wants to reach this level of temperance "Remember that no matter what you went through, Trigon is not your family and you should not define yourself by him" he advises her. "Have hope. "
She smiles. After such a peculiar fight it is good to have a moment of peace.
"Get away from my girl!" Shouts a sharp voice.
Beast Boy stands between Raven and Damian. She is amazed at how small he is, he is like a green pixie and thinks he looks adorable, if not for his squeals she might have thought he is like an adorable child.
"What are you? " Damian spat.
"She's my girl!" He throws a tantrum. "I will fight you for my Rae! "
It is time to intervene.
"And Damian, what was it like meeting your girlfriend's family?"
The young one snorts "Shut up, Grayson. "
"Do he really threaten him?"
"You should have been there, Jaime." Garfield stands up. He sticks his arms around his body and sways. "Trigon was tied up, so he saw Damian and went mad, he started shouting at him like this: I'll kill you, boy! " He mimics. "You corrupted my daughter and ... "
A shoe goes straight back into his face and falls to the ground. Damian had thrown the object at him, there is a series of screams and grunts, Kory is laughing, and it all feels very domestic.
Raven's heart feels full. This is her family.
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