#hell Adrienne might have a recollection of a girl who tragically died in an accident before xyr got time capsuled in that cave...
lemonade-juley · 2 years
I'm not yet sure what I'm gonna do with Anya's biological family yet. I did mention a while ago, that Anya was born and raised in Reborn before Meteor had begun their operations trying to drive people out of the region. She had two very loving parents, and a younger sister she cared for about very much, before she was killed in an accident.
Now, due to me headcanoning that Reborn and Rejuvenation have about a 5 year time gap between (personally I believe at least, this is ample time between Flora's visit to Reborn then and her current present person as of chapter 10-15), that means that given I give Reborn's story as a whole, from start to end of post game, a time frame of about 2 and a half years, it's been about 18+ years since Anya died in her past life.
Anya's sister was quite young, about 4-5 or so, which means she'd struggle to have retained many memories of Anya in all that time. And in 18 years, especially with Meteor mucking about, so much could have happened to her family in that time frame. Her parents, sister or all of them could very well have died in some way in between that. Maybe her parents died leaving her younger sister to fend for herself, maybe even potentially ending up in the orphanage. Maybe her family was killed in the Jasper or Beryl plant incidents. A lot could have happened and I'm not sure yet how I want to do this.
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