#helipad landing
planetalking · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://planetalking.co.uk/luke-czepiela-lands-red-bull-fixed-wing-aircraft-on-al-arab-jumeirah-helipad-in-dubai/
Luke Czepiela lands Red Bull fixed wing aircraft on Al Arab Jumeirah helipad in Dubai
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idekka · 2 years
Remember when Subaru jumped out a moving helicopter because he saw Anzu
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defensenow · 5 months
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dreamskis · 6 months
got home two hours late from work because we had what we in the ER lovingly call a "super-duper emergency" right at shift change and i literally had to call in a police escort to take our ambulance to a college soccer field that i obtained emergency clearance from the university to land a trauma helicopter on in order to transport our patient to a specialty hospital across the state for emergent surgery on their actively dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysm.
all this because my work doesn't have a helipad 👍🏻
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flight-sim-world · 1 year
Flight Simulator 2020 - Trying to land on Helicopter Pad
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emperornorton47 · 2 years
Stunt plane lands on helipad.
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khabarsamay · 2 years
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shadow4-1 · 2 months
This can't be happening.
“C’mon…c’mon…” You mutter through gritted teeth, leg shaking in discomfort.
The heli jerks from turbulence, but you don’t have it in you to panic. Another wave of stomach cramps hits you like a punch to the gut. You wince and breathe out hard. You’ve dealt with food poisoning enough to recognize the signs, except, it was never you in the patient’s position. Nikolai comes over the comms. Ten minutes from base. You could kiss the bastard. At this rate you know you’ll be able to make it back.
The rest of your team isn’t faring much better.
Price sits stock still at the end of your group, eyes far away. There’s a thick sheen of sweat on his brow. He looks paler than usual. Judging by the way his adam’s apple bobs up and down, you know which end the contaminated MREs are going to come up. And of course he fights his nausea all the way.
Next to Price is Gaz, who sits completely doubled over on himself. He tries to hide his grimace under the brim of his faded, blue ball cap but its no use. Despite the rushing wind and the crackling commands of the comms, you can make out his grunts of pain. A sudden jolt of turbulence makes him press a firm palm to his lower belly. He grits his teeth so hard his lips quirk up and you can see the gleam of his teeth. He crinkles his nose in disgust and discomfort.
Farther down on the bench sits Soap, who is (for better or for worse) completely passed out. He leans against Ghost, a thick dribble of saliva spilling out of the corner of his mouth. You cringe at the realization he’s probably going to puke upon being woken up. But, its probably why Ghost has his arm wrapped protectively around Soap’s shoulders. His arm position keeps the unconscious man upright, but also keeps him out of the predicted splashzone.
Speaking of Ghost, his eyes are wide and bloodshot, and his chest seems to heave with every breath. The two of you share a moment of eye contact before another wave of stomach cramps hit you. With every internal muscle you own, you force your body to keep your fluids inside you. It hurts so inconceivably bad, but thankfully the moment passes and you get a brief moment of relief. You don’t have much longer before you inevitably shit your pants, but hopefully you’ll have enough time to get to the bathroom.
Through heavy breaths you glance around again. Price is the only one who’s situation seems to have changed. His hand sits on his thigh, balled up in a tight fist. He seems to focus on it, for a moment before releasing his grip. He shakily exhales.
This is not good.
Nikolai comes on the comms again. Finally, it’s landing time. Everyone but Soap perches on the edge of their seats, fingers twitching at their seatbelt release buttons. You try really hard to think about your next plan of attack. The closest bathrooms from the helipad would be the men’s. If you remember correctly, they only have four stalls which are usually occupied. The women’s bathrooms are on the other side of the barracks. If you ran like hell you’d probably make it, but you’d most certainly disturb your fellow females with the very uncomfortable symphony of your body turning itself inside out. Then you have it. The best idea in your God forsaken life.
The rec-room restroom.
The rec-room was for 141 enjoyment alone, and thusly, the bathroom. There were two stalls (for male and female, but it didn’t really matter). If you were fast enough you could probably beat out Soap and Gaz. You were certain that both Price and Ghost were going to make a beeline for their personal quarters. Neither man seemed like the type to let their weakness show to their team.
The heli lands.
In a flash, seatbelts and kits are undone and tossed away. Ghost smacks Soap’s chest with the back of his hand. The Scot jolts upright, covers his mouth, then throws himself out of the still whirring aircraft. Everyone watches through their frenzied movements as Soap is the first to break. He trips and falls off the concrete helipad and into the grass surrounding it. He gets up onto his hands and knees, then vomits so hard his body shakes.
You feel a spasm in the back of your throat at the sight, but swallow it down. You will NOT be puking in the heli. In fact, you weren’t going to let yourself puke at all. Absolutely not.
Price is the first one out. You’ve never seen the man unsteady, and yet, you see him skip a step on the way down. A poor sergeant tries to greet him, but is pushed aside with a firm hand to the chest. Price would never do something like that unless…he wasn’t going to make it?
You stand there in shock for a moment, but then are nearly sent tumbling out of the heli. Gaz practically bowls you over as he runs after your Captain. He didn’t apologize either. You nearly grab at his collar and jerk him backwards out of annoyance, but opt to be the bigger person.
Okay. Show time.
The poor Sergeant winces as you stagger up to him. You ask him to send Soap to sick-bay, and to alert the medical staff that the whole team would be headed there at some point. He seems nervous, and so, despite your discomfort, you offer him a smile and a pat on the shoulder as you shuffle away. He visibly softens, then immediately rushes to Soap’s aid. You breathe out a sigh of relief. Of course, despite having to shit just as bad as the rest of them, you have to be the adult in this situation. Oh well, you know you’ll make it.
Just as you thought, Ghost was missing, probably already half-way back to his room. You throw yourself into overdrive. You zip through the back hallways and up the steps to the back of the barracks. Your boots skid on the old linoleum as you round the corner to the rec-room. You can hear the sounds of Gaz’s retching echoing through the hall. Just as you reach for the handle to the empty bathroom stall, a pair of hands grab you hard by the waist.
You scream. Mostly out of shock, but also of discomfort, as the movement causes your stomach contents to shift violently. You claw and kick at the man at your back, but it’s no use. You recognize his skeleton gloves in a heartbeat.
You elbow him hard enough he grunts but he doesn’t let go as he wrestles you out of the way. You cry at him, asking him why he can’t just go to his room. He doesn’t answer, but instead, jerks you towards the wall opposite the stall. You slip and fall, shoulder hitting the concrete. You hiss in pain but watch helplessly as the larger man slams open the stall and steps into it.
“Ain’t gonna make it.”
He then slams the door closed, the lock clicking shut.
You would’ve cried if not for the worst wave of cramps you’d ever felt. You double over and try desperately to clench your sphincters shut. Like hell you were going to let yourself shit your pants here on the rec-room floor. Fuck Ghost. If you had it in you, you’d shit on his bed for this fuck shit.
You breathe hard, centering yourself until the accursed wave finally leaves you. You know that if you don’t find a bathroom by the next wave, its all over. You think hard. You try desperately to locate a clean, out of the way bathroom using your fried brain’s mental map. You bite your bottom lip. You’ve got it!
You don’t remember the run to sick bay but you do remember crashing into the nurse’s desk. The head nurse seems to know exactly what your problem is. She uses her keys to unlock an unassuming closet at the end of the hall. You nearly cry for joy at the sight of the perfectly clean, porcelain throne. You don’t even think about closing the door as you shuck off your sweaty fatigues. The nurse, thankfully, locks the door from the outside as your ass hits the toilet seat. Right as the final wave of cramps hit you and you see God, your brain can only think of two things.
One, you’re never going to eat MREs again.
And two, you’re totally going to shit on Ghost’s bed for this.
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papayadays · 4 months
under the sea
summary: oscar x marine biologist!reader - where you get to teach him about the great barrier reef
a/n: i love marine biology, so this was fun to write and oscar’s just so cute in the video; so sorry it’s overdue 😔 not proofread because this is so overdue 😭 1.1k+ words
warnings: none, just fluff
you sat on the helicopter, holding your boyfriend’s hand as you relished the sea air whipping around. “almost there!” the pilot announced as you leaned into oscar.
“are you ready, osc?” you asked with a smile. his brown eyes looked down at you, crinkling at the corners adorably.
“yeah, it’s going to be fun,” he nodded, not one to shout over the sound of the chopper.
the two of you were flying to an area of the great barrier reef where mclaren was going to film a video of oscar learning about it and snorkeling there to promote awareness about climate change and coral bleaching. that’s were you came in, you were a marine biologist and had done work with the great barrier reef foundation, so mclaren decided you’d be the perfect person for the job, considering the fans loved you as well as your colleagues. and honestly, you were so excited to teach your boyfriend about some of the things you loved dearly.
you landed on a helipad, getting out of the chopper as the camera crew got set up. “i’m excited to hear you talk about your passion,” oscar told you, smiling cutely at you. you were definitely not weak to his charms, and you instinctively leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“thanks,” you grinned, enjoying the sun on your skin. “nothing better than being near the sea.”
the camera crew gave you two a thumbs up, signaling they were ready, but your boyfriend had other plans. “well there’s something running away,” he mumbled, pointing at something in the sand. “look, it’s a little crab, see?” never beating the polite cat allegations, you thought, amused.
you laughed, having seen many crabs in your life. “yes, i see it osc,” you nodded. “it’s super cute.”
oscar continued to walk after the crab. “i’m following it,” he said, still pointing at it. you walked up next to him, giggling.
“anyways, oscar,” you started, “you’re going to introduce the video from what i’ve been told, and here’s some notes i have for you. it’s just some key points you might want to mention.” you handed a post-it note to him, your handwriting scrawled across it.
“alright,” oscar hummed. “that sounds good.” he nodded at the camera crew, starting to talk as he walked along the shoreline. you beamed at him, proud of your boyfriend as he talked about the issue facing many reefs across the world.
 once he finished his bit, the cameras were now directed at you. “bleaching is obviously a massive problem right now,” you explained to the camera, the words flowing to you. “it’s been happening for years, and it’s spreading down the reef, which is quite alarming.
“it’s far more serious and widespread than we had predicted, so we need to take as much action as we can to help mitigate it,” you elaborated. “here at the great barrier reef foundation, our main mission we’re trying to tackle with mclaren is trying to get more coral back into the reefs, and we’re working towards this by raising large amounts of coral and helping those with more desirable traits reproduce.”
from behind the camera, you saw a glimpse of oscar’s encouraging smile. “though we’ve helped raise about two hundred thousand coral this year, it’s just not enough compared to the rapid decline in reefs,” you added. “we need a hundred times that, honestly. but there’s always work to be done.”
the crew let you know you were good before you relaxed. “one take,” you cheered to oscar. his eyes were wide with pride and shock; he knew that you were really smart when it came to marine biology, but he never knew that you were so good at communicating your knowledge as well.
“you were so good out there,” oscar mumbled, leaning in to peck your lips, making you smile. “you didn’t even need a script!”
“perks of being a marine biologist, no?” you chuckled, reaching out and trying to fix his wind-tousled hair, but with no avail. “we still both have one more part to record before we can head onto the water. chop chop!”
oscar rolled his eyes playfully as you nudged his shoulder. you stepped back, letting him record. when you heard him mention mclaren being a “high performance race team,” you almost let out a laugh, knowing he was thinking of that danny ric clip. other than that, the rest of the filming was smooth and it was your turn again.
this time, you talked about how the great barrier reef foundation wanted to accelerate their progress and how mclaren was a natural partnership. after you wrapped up, a giddy grin stretched across your face. “ready to snorkel?” you asked oscar, following the crew to a boat, eyes briefly flicking down to his blue shorts he had just changed into.
“yeah, i’m ready,” oscar nodded, grabbing your hand and pulling you into a room in the boat to change into your wet suits.
“isn’t this a little forward, piastri?” you snorted, giving him a kiss and quickly changing before helping your boyfriend. “here, you have to put it on like that.”
you went back out, where the crew had already started filming. you briefly explained why you needed wet suits to protect against jelly stings before you and oscar paddled out on a raft. “we need to go surfing,” you commented.
“random, but okay,” oscar chuckled. “still can’t believe how good you are at it.” you gave him a grin, your snorkel on your forehead as you taught him some sign language to communicate.
“this is turtle, this is shark, and this is all good,” you said, hands moving around as oscar nodded intently, looking adorable as he was concentrating. “alright, i think we’re ready.” without further notice, you dived into the water, oscar following.
luckily, the reefs in this area weren’t hit too hard and still had some life and vibrance, fish swimming around in shoals. you almost smiled at the sight, pointing things out to your boyfriend, who gave your hand a quick squeeze. you resurface when oscar did, lifting up your snorkel. “not bad?” you teased.
“awesome,” oscar commented. “it was just…breathtaking. i can see why you like this so much.” you gave him a grin as you two started paddling back to the boat, shaking off the water as you sat down.
absentmindedly, your hands worked through his wet hair, a smile on your face. “so, maybe we’ll come back?” you asked, giving him puppy eyes.
“oh definitely,” oscar agreed. “it’s so cool to see it in person, and i get why you want to protect it so much.” you beamed at him, leaning onto his shoulder.
“then my job here is done,” you said softly, looking up at him. “i love you, osc. maybe even more than marine biology.”
oscar smiled at you, brown eyes crinkling with happiness. “that’s a big statement right there, y/n,” he whispered.
“i mean it.”
“i love you too, especially under the sea,” oscar grinned.
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lennadanvers · 8 months
Three times Simon wanted to hug you (and the one time he did)
I wrote this for ao3 originally. I'm working on the final part, so I thought I'd start reposting here in the meantime. I hope someone likes it. I feed on comments btw. Just leaving that there.
Ghost’d had missions go badly before… No, scratch that. He had been part of missions that had gone terribly. Some he had barely survived. A lot had failed. That just happens.
Still, he felt like shit.
He was familiar with the feeling. He didn’t understand it, though. Everyone in his team had made it out alive. Even more than that, there had been only a couple minor injuries. That was a luxury he had learned to appreciate. Yes, the target they were supposed to find and bring back to base was laying, dead, on the floor of the helicopter. It wasn’t an especially gruesome sight, either. One shot at the back, most of the blood was still wet on the floor of the enemy base. Ghost had seen people practically turned inside out; this was almost as pleasant at it could get.
He had been dragging the target. The target, because they didn’t have a name. They never did. It had been a person. A very well informed person, if he had to guess, based on the urgency to get them back. Now they were a corpse. They had made the transition in his arms. He hadn’t even realized the target had bled out until they were already flying back.
Price wasn’t going to be happy, but he knew how the job was. Casualties were expected. At least the target wasn’t in anybody else’s hands.
Ghost looked down at his own. His gloves were dirty. If he flexed his fingers, he’d feel the stickiness of the blood. He knew the feeling well enough to be certain that the burning of the cold water of the sink wouldn’t erase it.
The movement of the helicopter landing made him look up. He jumped over the body of the target and stepped out. The sun didn’t touch his skin, completely covered in military grade fabric. But he felt it nonetheless.
His eyes, used to scanning his surroundings, had found you standing at the edge of the helipad. You were right next to the medics, ready to help save the corpse he had dragged here. Suddenly, Ghost became aware of every little sore and tense spot in his body. He had always thought you were capable. Your hands were smaller than his, more delicate- everyone’s were- but still ruthless and unwavering. He took a deep breath and wondered how long it would take you to get rid of all the knots in his back.
Your neck looked pretty, too. No, not pretty. He almost shook his head. Inviting. Warm. Your blood was close to the surface there, but still hidden. Where it belonged. He tore his gloves off, struggling with the stickiness.
Ghost didn’t cry. It wasn’t a matter of pride, or toughness. He had simply forgotten how to. But he started to walk towards you and felt the heat flooding his throat. The closer he got, the smaller you looked and the more pathetic he felt. His boots dragged him across the cement; yours were steady, still. Clean. He was covered in dirt. Another step and he was almost at arms reach. His uniform was itchy. He hadn’t noticed that since he was a rookie. And his holsters were tight, Ghost made sure of that.
Would you hold him tighter?
Would you be warm? Warmer than the target? You’d feel alive.
You’d smell of your shampoo- he had grown used to its fragrance in the showers: it lingered and overpowered his unscented one, even if you had left hours ago. It reminded him of warm, cleansing water. Of the feeling of being bare.
He shook his head. The mask was getting uncomfortable. Your skin looked so soft, though. He blinked. Your collarbone against his lashes. The idea made him inhale deeply.
Another step and he was next to you. You smiled at him; not a big smile, rather a small, confused one. Ghost stared at you for a second, the tears stabbing his throat. All he could do, head ducking as if aiming to hide in your neck, was to shake his head.
Then another step and he kept walking to his barracks: back still tense, nose still burning with the smell of gunpowder, hands itching with dry blood.
Part 2
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siren-141 · 5 months
shame on me ✤ 3
last and final part 🖤 warnings: violence (not DV), angst
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Cold. Tactical. Efficient. That’s how you had always lived your life; when you joined in with the Avengers, it was no different. Having been raised as essentially an assassin since you were a child, it was always in your mind to be situationally aware, look out for targets, but to keep in mind that you were to be undetectable; suave. Smooth. Elegant.
One man down; knife to the side of the throat, dragged into the bathroom stall. Suppressor screwed on. Enter the room. One shot; two, three, four – use him as a shield. Five, six – the clip’s empty. Targets eliminated. Rumlow eliminated. Exit the room. Smile at the bar staff and leave an average tip so you don’t draw attention to yourself. Is that blood on your cheek? No – must have been some lipstick smudged. Exit the building. Get back to the safe house.
Open the door. Hear that beeping? Run, run, runrunrunrun-
Everything was hazy. Everything was going in and out of darkness. Where’s your training? Get it together. You managed to move your arms and legs, pushing up to get on all fours. You turned back, looking at the safe house that was still burning. You blacked out. When you woke up again, the flames had gone down, but were still there. Was anyone coming?
That’s the fun part about solo missions – you’re all by yourself. You looked around the dirt, looking for the flip phone that was in your jacket pocket before your house blew up with you halfway in it. They must have put the bomb in my room. Are they going to double back to see if I’m dead? No – they’re all dead too.
Your eyes landed on the phone about 15 feet away, and you hauled yourself through the dirt in your torn up dress, letting out a pained scream as your wounds dragged across the ground. Grabbing your phone, you hit the number 1 on speed dial.
“What’s the weather like up there?” What was the fucking code phrase again?
“It’s…it’s- with every falling snowflake…a special- no, a unique- FUCK!” You could barely remember the phrase, your obvious concussion getting in the way. You were going to be stranded here forever, probably left for dead.
It was silent on the other end of the line. The operator could hear you begin to cry. “Agent number and operation?”
Thank god for the backup. “Agent 595259, operation Phantom,” you panted out. You could hear the operator typing on her computer.
Your vision began to fade, and looking down, you saw you had a sizeable gash on your side along with a few big cuts on your legs. You were losing a lot of blood. You used what strength you had left to try and stop the bleeding. Your consciousness was going out, your strength failing – you crumpled back to the ground. You stared at the sky, trees towering above you and partially covering the stars.
“Exfil sent, agent. Stay where yo-”
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It surely was a sight to see when the jet touched down and the two medics came rushing in your direction. A cabin in the woods completely burnt to a crisp, surprised that the frame was still standing. A girl lying on the ground in a small pool of blood, dress torn and fabric crudely tied around your waist. Phone just out of reach of your hand. Pulse barely hanging on. The medics wished that they could have stabilized you better – but all they had was their undeniable skill and a prayer to whoever would listen.
The jet landed on the helipad at the top of the tower, medical professionals inside the building already clearing a path. It had caused obvious alarm and people had begun to gather, panicking. What could have happened that they needed to clear- oh.
The medics rushed you down the halls, yelling out codes and other medical terminology that very few of the bystanding Avengers understood. But what they did understand was clear:
“BP is dropping quick and we can barely feel a pulse, get her into surgery quick!”
“What’s- oh my god.” Bucky pushed to the front of the crowd, not understanding why everyone was panicking until he saw your almost lifeless body being wheeled on a gurney and heading straight to surgery. He pushed past everyone, questioning the medics as to what happened and how it happened.
“Sir, you have to stay here, we will give updates when we have them,” and with that, he was left at the doors. Your life was in their hands now.
He sat down, head spinning. What could have gone so wrong? All of the different emotions built up inside him until he couldn’t deal with it anymore. He stood up, hands clenching closed and open, looking for something, anything to help. He brought the glass of water that had been sitting on the table to his lips, took one sip, and threw it against the wall. He yelled expletives, not knowing what he’d do if he’d lose you.
Hours had passed by before any doctor came to update the ones who stayed to wait for you. Sam, Bucky, and Wanda looked up from their seats, Bucky standing and meeting the doctor halfway.
“She’s alive. But still critical. It’s going to take a while for her to wake up, but you’re all free to wait in the room with her.” Bucky pushed past the doctor and made his way to your room, while Sam and Wanda breathed out a sigh of relief, Sam thanking the doctor for the update and Wanda going to update the others. When Bucky arrived in your room, he was devastated to see the condition you were in.
Cuts on your face, bruises and bandages on your legs, IVs with saline drips hooked up to your arms, a nasal cannula, EKG cables running from under your hospital gown to keep track of your pulse. It was a mess, this whole thing was a mess. He walked over to your side, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He knew you couldn’t feel it, but he couldn’t help himself.
For the rest of that day and half of the next, he didn’t leave your side – sitting slumped in the uncomfortable chair next to your bedside. And then he heard you rustling, heard you groan.
“Baby,” he rushed to your side, gently grabbing your hand, hope flooding his features. You were still heavily groggy, the morphine easing the pain, but still in bad shape. At least you weren’t bleeding out on Canadian soil anymore. You opened your eyes fully, and you just stared at him for a few seconds. But the events of the past month played in your mind.
It’s fucking hard being with you.
It’s always been hard to be with you.
We’re done.
The last thing you remembered was the snow falling around you. The last thing you remembered was thinking maybe now I can be at peace.
“Oh god, I’m so glad you’re awake,” he kissed your hand. You blinked up at him, zoning back into reality from your memories. You looked at his hand, seeing his ring was back on. It’s always been hard to be with you.
You used what little strength you had to pull your hand away and lay it back down next to you.
Bucky looked confused – he had the nerve to look confused. You looked away from him, focusing back on the fluorescent lights directly above you.
“I…I didn’t know if you were coming back,” he tried to brush your hair out of your face, and you just flinched away.
“I almost didn’t,” you manage to whisper, voice still hoarse from not using it for two days.
“But you’re here now, that’s what matters.” He had the nerve to still try and smile, even though you couldn’t even look at him. He thought maybe, just maybe, it would take some time. Maybe you were just not feeling well, maybe it was the concussion, maybe you just needed more rest and things would go back to normal. “I just…I was so worried about you, baby. I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again.”
You let his words hang in the silence of your medical room. You couldn’t even bear to see him in your peripherals. “I wish you hadn’t.”
He deflated at your last words. Shoulders slumped from their once tense position, eyes falling to look at your bed rather than your face. He hadn’t realized how serious all of this was – the fight, the mission. It was just another fight like any other fight, he figured the relationship would mend itself. He figured that everything would be okay now that you’re back home and alive. How could he stay apart from you now that you had almost died and he had just gotten you back?
He sat back down in the chair, keeping a close watch on your vitals as you just stared at the clock on the opposite wall, watching the time go by.
Two more weeks had passed, and you were doing better. Bouquets of flowers showed up on the little tables in the room from various Avengers. Your closer friends had come to visit you, checking up every day to see how you were doing and if you needed anything. You had begun to walk with the assistance of the nursing staff – they were so kind to you and so patient. One time Bucky tried to help you on your other side when you got up to exercise your legs, and you just pulled your arm away from him, still not looking at him. He stood there and just watched as you walked on, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. When were things going to get better?
Another two weeks had passed. You were back on your feet, fully mobile but with a wince in your step. Your bruises had cleared up and your cuts were healing nicely. The stitches in your side were working, and they looked good. No infection, nothing going wrong with them. Textbook recovery.
It was a Thursday morning when Bucky walked into an empty medical room. The EKG cables and tabs were laying on the bed, IVs taken out and needles thrown away in the proper bin. Drawers were still left half open, bandages and other basic medical supplies missing. There was a note left on the table.
To my nursing and medical team: thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could not have lived or healed without your skills, efforts, and patience. I will always remember what you all did for me.
Bucky let the note flutter to the ground as he exited the room, looking around frantically. Running into the nurses, he hurriedly asked if she had seen where you’d gone, and she was just as surprised as him, running to your room. By the time he had left the medical wing, he heard her call over the loudspeaker for other medical staff to be on alert for a missing patient.
Running up the stairs and down the hallway of the 16th floor, he banged on your old room, damn near knocking it off of its hinges. No answer. He made his way back down to the common areas, where a couple of your friends had gathered.
Different flowers and gifts were placed around the conference table. Sam had your dog tags in his hand and a note in the other. To my big brother: take these to remember me while I take this journey. I’ll be watching over you.
Natasha shed a single tear over a note and some white lilies. I know you can find me no matter where I go – you’ve always been so gifted. Know that I’m here for you, but know that I’m not coming back. Don’t come looking for me. I love you.
Other members of the team had notes and trinkets that they were all reading over, talking with one another and speculating what happened, where you could have gone. Bucky looked around the table. There was nothing left for him.
Making his way to your old shared apartment, he burst through the door, leaving it wide open while he called out your name. There was no response. He entered your shared bedroom, mouth opened in shock as he spun around, taking in everything. Your phone was left sitting on your nightstand under the lamp along with your keys and wallet. The firebox that once stayed hidden in your closet was now out on the bed, all of your passports and important documents gone. Your tactical suits were left hanging in the closet, all of your clothes left folded in the dresser. Your guns, knives, and other gear that you had collected over the years were still in the hidden compartments.
Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed – the side you used to sleep on – and as he stared at the picture of you two hanging in a frame on the wall, he realized that he would never see you again.
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I might do an epilogue, but I'm not sure yet. I hope everyone enjoys this last part of the mini-series 🖤 part 4
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phoqnix · 7 months
Home to you (simon riley)
(simon riley x fem!reader) angst+fluff
tw: near death, mentions of gun shots, blood
authors note: hi there! this is my first time writing something like this so i hope you’ll like it! request are always open! i hope you enjoy it! thank you for reading! i listened to the song “work song” by hozier while writing this!
word count: 1k+
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“I love you Simon” you muttered into his chest as he hugged you
”I love you too love, ill come home to you I promise” he whispered back
He had got called out too a dangerous mission, this wasn’t new he was always called on dangerous missions, but this one was different, this was supposed to be his time off, he was supposed to stay here with you and pretend he was a civilian for the time being, but his team needed him and you understood that.
He gave you a kiss to the top of your head before he grabbed his keys and walked out the door, waving a final time.
He will be back you thought to yourself he will come home to you.
This wasn’t the same as any other mission but he’d never tell you that, He wouldn’t get called in while he has time off if it was, but you didn’t know that and he planned to not let you know, he didn’t want you to worry even more.
”Ghost nice of you to join us” soap said as he walked into the room
Simon didn’t say a word and instead just sat down and listened to prices briefing.
“Stay sharp boys they are expecting you” price said to them as they all stood up and headed the helipad.
the ride was tense they all knew it was high risk, hell all their missions were but this one was different and they all knew it.
as soon as they landed they separated. It was a mistake.
As soon as he entered that building shots went off from all directions, he got behind a shipment container and waited until the shots stopped, he waited for the comms to go off.
”Everybody alright” he heard his captians voice came thru the silence
Was he alright?
“All good sir” soaps voice came thru
“Yes sir” gaz’s voice came thru
His shoulders burning he’s realized
“Ghost do you copy” prices voice came thru
He lifted his hand to his shoulder and looked at his crimson stained fingers.
“Ghost do you copy” price said more firmly
Fuck it was a lot of blood he thought
It hurts so fucking much he thought
“Ghost” soaps voice came thru
He groans bringing his hand to the com pressing down the button
“I’ve been hit” he says quietly into the comm and everything goes dark
“Simon” “Simon you have to get up” “Simon you have to get up off the floor”
He hears your voice, fuck you werent supposed to be here he thinks
He quickly opens his eyes but sees nothing but the grimey floor beneath him
“Come on get up Si you have to fight”
He hears your voice again, he pushed his body up off the floor leaning against the shipment container, looking down at his com, its broken. He groans as he reaches down into his pocket, pulling out a silver locket, he opened it and there you were, smiling so brightly up at him as he wrapped his arms around you awkwardly.
He cried, he looked so miserable in this picture but yet you chose this one to put inside here, he wondered why, he looked miserable but fuck he loved you so much, he was smiling under the mask, but only he knew that.
“Y/N?” He cried out into the air
“I’m here Simon” he heard you call out
“I’m not coming home to you love, I lied” he cried out
“You need to fight simon” you whispered
“Fuck there’s so much blood y/n” he whispered
”put pressure on it simon, come on think baby, you know all this stuff, think about it” you said
You were right, fuck he knew this, he groaned as he reached down ripping the bottom of his shirt, he groaned as he wrapped it along his wound.
He pushed his body up off the floor standing, Fuck he was delusional from blood loss, he was talking to himself like a crazy person and he knew it.
”You still here love?” He spoke out
no answer….
”love?” He spoke out again
no answer again.
fuck he needed to get home to you, he needed to hear your beautiful voice again.
Nothing would keep him from coming home to you, he would crawl home to you if he had too, he was getting home too you, he was not breaking his promise with you and from now on he would make sure he would never come closer to it then he his now.
He pushed his way back to the door he entered in, and as soon as he pushed the door open shots went off, he slipped out the door, but he was hit once again.
”FUCK” he yelled out and he looked down at his now crimson stained jeans
All he had to do was make it back to the spot where they landed, it was said to all meet there if it went south and shit did it go south.
He rips his shirt more and wraps it down around his thigh, he begins walking limping to the tree line in the distance, he hears shots going off inside the building, he hopes his men are okay but he has to get to the landing location.
“GHOST” he hears price yell behind him and he finally takes a breath and pauses
Price, soap and gaz are at his side quicker than lightning, gaz and price put his arms over their shoulders carrying his weight like nothing.
”Shit where were you hit” soap asked but he doesn’t answer, god everything hurts so much
“Simon where were you hit” he listens this time when he hears his name
“leg and shoulder” he rasped out not opening his eyes, he hears a helicopter in the distance as they drag his bodie thru the woods
He feels the wind of the helicopter hitting his body and then he feels his body being quickly lifted into the helicopter
”Y/n you have to call y/n” he whispers
“what was that mate” soap ask him but before Simon can answers he’s groaning out in pain as two sets of hands put pressure on his wounds
”Y/n you need to call her, tell her what happened tell her I lover er” He says louder this time
“your gonna tell her yourself simon, nothings gonna happen you’ll see her at the hospital” soap says
It’s the last thing he hears before everything goes dark
It was late, 12:30 maybe? But your phone was ringing which was weird you look at the name seeing ”JOHN PRICE” and quickly jumped up answering the phone
“What happened” you say urgently into the phone
“Simons been inquired y/n, he’s in surgery now but you need to get here now” prices voice came thru and before he could get out another word you were hanging up and throwing your phone down.
You quickly jumped up out of yours and simons shared bed and ran out of the room, you slipped on your house slippers and grabbed your keys to your car and ran out of the door.
You didn’t care if the door was locked someone could have everything in that house if it meant Simon was going to be okay, you quickly backed out of the drive way speeding out of yours and simons little neighborhood.
You drove at terrifying speeds, turning what was normally a twenty minute drive into a ten minute drive, you parked your car quickly and jumped out running into the bases hospital, and their sat a blood covered soap, gaz and price.
”y/n” price said standing up quickly
“how is he? Is he okay?” you asked frantically
”he’s still in surgery” price spoke out
“doctors said he has a good chance, he fought hard” soap said standing up
“I believe this belongs to you, he was holding it when we found him” soap says holding out a blood soaked locket you grabbed it with shaky hands, and then your legs buckled underneath you as you let a sob out. Price immediately at your side to catch you.
It’s been three hours since you’ve got here, you’ve calmed down some, but your still dazed, you couldn’t believe this is happening, you couldn’t believe he kept the locket with him, you thought he stuffed it into a drawer somewhere.
you opened the locket looking at the blood coated picture of you two, if someone else had seen this picture they would think Simon was disinterested, distant and unhappy, but when you see this picture it means something different.
he was smiling and you knew it, you could see the tiny little creases in his eyes as he looked down at you, he was smiling just as bright as you even though no body knew it but you and him.
”He’s out of surgery, He will be okay we are just waiting for him to wake up” the doctor said walking towards us
“thank the lord” gaz muttered
“can I see him please?” You said standing up quickly
the doctor glanced over at price who nodded at her.
”yes you may right this way miss”
”Mrs. Riley” soap called out correcting the doctor “she goes by Mrs. Riley now”
“my apologies” the doctor said as you shot a confused look over your shoulder at soap
You were standing beside his bed, your hand in his, he was still out, he looked awful, dried blood on his hands, on his neck, his mask, there was blood everywhere your eyes started watering again, just as you felt a tear a fall your hand was being squeezed.
”Si?” You whispered out
“y/n?” He said groggily
“I’m here Simon” you cried out
he squeezed your hand harder like you were going to disappear into thin air
“I was smiling in the picture y/n” he whispered out
“Simon what are you on about” you giggled slightly he was still out of it from the anesthesia
“in the locket, I was smiling I swear I wasn’t miserable” he muttered out
“Oh Simon, I know, I know you were baby” you whispered to him
“I fought so hard for you Y/n, I didn’t break my promise” he said quietly
“I know simon, I know you did” you whispered rubbing your hand over his masked face
”Thank you” he muttered once again
“for what si?” You asked
“For being there” he said “you were there helping me”
you were a bit confused but answered anyways “Your welcome si” you said still rubbing you hand over the mask
“Take it off” he muttered opening his eyes
“are you sure?” You asked quietly seeing his blue eyes stare up at you
“Take it off please y/n I need to feel your touch” he whispered
you carefully slipped the mask up and off his face, there he was, there now sat simon, no longer ghost but simon. Your simon.
he looked up at you with teary blue eyes “I love you so much y/n” he whispered squeezing your hand
“I love you too simon” you whisper to him running your fingers through his sweaty hair
you bent down, not hugging him because you didn’t want too hurt him, but you kissed the top of his head and it seemed that maybe he finally leaned into your touch. He did and both of you know it.
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unrealisticlea · 1 month
one of those scenes I want to see but would never happen in a million years on the show is Buck - certified LA traffic hater - using Tommy’s helicopter as his personal taxi.
the 118 is complaining about Buck being late for the third time that week and then there’s a helicopter sound from the roof and we see Tommy’s helicopter from 7x4 landing on the helipad and Buck gets out of the cockpit saying “thanks for dropping me off babe 🥰🥰🥰 see you tonight”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
It’s time to upgrade the vehicle choice to the company helicopters. AGSZC and the Turks + Rufus, who is the best, the worst, and the one who can fly it but can’t land it.
• Sephiroth is an excellent pilot, probably the most competent you'll find. He learned to fly helicopters when he was very young, has a knack for handling even the toughest situations, and his composure and precise maneuvers make him the go-to pilot in any crisis.
*Sephiroth is flying the helicopter*
Lazard: You're going a little too fast.
Sephiroth: Have you ever considered crashing a helicopter, faking your own death, and then living on a deserted island with stray cats until you can repurpose the helicopter’s parts to build a weapon for exacting revenge on your enemies?
Lazard: NO?
• Genesis boasts that he's the best pilot around and can indeed fly fairly well. But he requires intense focus and hates any distractions. He will snap at anyone who tries to talk to him while he's flying. ....scratch that, it depends on the topic.
*In the helicopter, Angeal sneezes*
Angeal: I think you should scream less.
*Genesis abandons the control*
Genesis: Did you just say loveless? Because I was thinking about the beauty of 'world's end' in act one, and—
• It's a mystery how Angeal passed the pilot test, and even he's baffled why they keep entrusting him with the helicopter. He wishes they'd stop assigning him flying duties.
*Angeal is flying the helicopter*
Angeal: Are you sure I should be flying this thing?
Sephiroth: Of course. You're the responsible one.
*Angeal is flying the helicopter in circles*
Sephiroth: I trust you to land this helicopter responsibly.
*Angeal misses the helipad completely and is now doing zig zags*
Sephiroth: I value your responsibility.
*They are literally upside down*
Sephiroth: Land the helicopter, Angeal.
*And now they're flying into the side of the building*
Sephiroth: Meet the goddess.
• Zack is completely bewildered as to why no one trusts him to fly a helicopter. Sure, he might have driven a car into a ditch once, and maybe he accidentally set a motorcycle on fire, but he's confident in his flying skills! He insists he's super competent and is always ready to prove it—just ask anyone (except Tseng. Tseng hears "Zack Fair" and "helicopter" in the same sentence and has a nervous breakdown).
*In the helicopter*
Zack: Thanks for coming with me. For some reason, the other guys are too scared to fly with me.
Cloud, wearing a helmet, extra padding, and holding a rosary: WHAT DO YOU MEAN? WE CRASHED! WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!
Zack: Are you dead?
Cloud: No, but—
Zack: Success.
• Cloud's piloting skills are on par with Sephiroth's....though no one knew this until the first time he flew a helicopter.....Cloud doesn't have a license....people are confused and scared.
*Cloud is flying the helicopter*
Sephiroth: Strife, your piloting skills are excellent. Where did you learn to fly like this?
Cloud: Oh, I never learned.
Sephiroth: But you're flying the helicopter.
Cloud: Nothing gets past you, does it, sir?
• Rufus is adept at flying helicopters, but he rarely flies them because he has pilots and the turks to fly him anywhere he wants. He's also very stubborn.
Tseng: Sir, you might want to slow down a bit.
Rufus: I know what I'm doing, Tseng. I'll have you know that I fly better than most birds.
*Rufus doesn't avoid the incoming flock of birds and nearly crashes the helicopter into the building*
Rufus: ......
Tseng: They heard you.
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thesleepyfable · 1 month
~ SWTD: Still Here AU Part 3 ~
He's Still in There: Part 1:
Yes, this is two-parter. I tried to make it into one singular chapter, but with more characters being introduced and everyone's timeline starting to connect, it seemed to drag. I personally can't stand long chapters due to my own style of reading, so I had to break this up.
TW: Body Horror and blood.
Part 4:
A stinging in Muir's left eye quickly turned to pain. He groaned through gritted teeth, and his nails dug into his skin around the socket. It was unbearable and impossible for Innes, Sunil, Scooby, McLurg and Dobbie to ignore. The men watched Muir fall to his knees. He tried to stand but fell again; landing in a puddle.
The pain spread across his body. His arms and legs were heavy. His head felt like it was going to explode. His heart was racing, and every vein began to pop through the skin. Muir hunched over and pulled himself inwards as his body became tighter. None of the men could see what was happening, but they knew someone was wrong. No one could bring themselves to touch him, especially when they saw his hair begin to fall out under his hard-hat.
On instinct, Innes dialed for help. You had to when someone was hurt. But Davros, the crew's doctor, didn't answer. Like Muir, his heart was racing and his body tightened. When Caz answered by the 3rd attempt, it was a huge relief, but the panic and anxiety still ran through his head. Innes was known to be a man who never lost his composure, even in a high-stress work environment such as The Beria. But that's because he knew what he was doing. This entire situation was unknown to the man, and that terrified him.
'Who's that?'
'It's Caz, Innes. I-'
'Caz. Thank Christ. I-I need your help. I dunno what to do-' The echoing noise of bones cracking and yells from the others made Innes' stomach drop. His blood ran cold. He looked over his shoulder and his face turned pale. 'S-Somethings happening to him. He's...'
Muir's entire body blew open. Blood poured into the puddle. His ribs burst out of his side, twisting like tree branches. The muscles consumed his body. His left eye clouded and sunk to his nostrile as more eyes clumped together grew as a replacement. The lower half raised itself upwards. Strange legs, similar to a spider-crab began to grow, lifting the still turning Muir off the ground.
'OH NO!'
Sunil grabbed and yanked Innes away as a tendril smashed the phone, cutting off all connections. The others had already ran for the nearest storage container and were waiting with baited breath. Except for Scooby, who had long since vanished.
'Come on,' Sunil growled. He tugged on Innes' sleeve to have him pick up the pace. He knew he was faster than this. That's because Innes was transfixed on Muir, who had noticed him running away. He reached out with his right arm, only for it to dissolve and fall off. In its place grew a fleshy mass shaped after a crab claw.
'Innes. Where yer going?'
The pair made it inside and McLurg began to push the door shut.
The minutes passed by. A fog set in over the deck. Rennick's voice crackled over the speakers.
'All personnel, this is an evacuation order. In case I wasn't clear enough the first time, that means; get to the helipad NOW. It's your responsibility to get there, and we will be leaving with or without you. So move it.'
Innes, Sunil, McLurg and Dobbie sat against the cold metal of a storage container, all too scared to breathe. Muir's howling and loud footsteps made it easy to know where he was, but that didn't ease the tension. Dobbie held his legs close to his chest. Any sound from Muir caused him to flinch.
McLurg broke the silence with a whisper. 'What happened to Scooby?'
'He took off when Muir -' Sunil couldn't find the words. How could he? How could he explain what just happened? 'When he - I think when Muir's hair began to fall out.'
'So the brat abandoned us?'
'Give him some peace, Lurg. He's probably the smartest one here.'
'But he's not here, Sunil. We're trapped.'
'And hopefully he got away to find help.'
Their voices were beginning to rise.
'What help?! Who's going to help us?!'
A bang from either falling metal or Muir caused the men to go quiet. All held their breath and waited.
'You're all cruel bastards, ya' ken that?'
This entire time, Innes never spoke a word. The container had a small gash from Muir's attempt to break in, becoming a makeshift window. He never looked away. He watched as Muir's body continued to mutate. His hair fell out yet his beard remained, teeth exposed on the left-side by bursting through the skin, the flesh gripped his hard-hat, the other arm dissolved and was replaced with a claw, and finally his dried out innards dangled inches above the ground. Innes didn't know if he should cry or be sick, but he was slowly coming to the conclusion that there was nothing he could do. He looked away and began to accept defeat.
'Innes...? Where's Innes? Just need help, eh?'
Innes let out a shaky breath and his shoulders deflated. Muir was calling for him. Was he still in there? If he was, then Innes really was a cruel bastard. Leaving someone he was supposed to be looking after to suffer alone. He didn't want that. The decision was made, even if it meant risking his own life.
'Right, lads. I'm going to talk to him.' There was a pause. Sunil, McLurg, and Dobbie stared at Innes as if he was the one who grew an extra set of eyes.
'Excuse me?' McLurg asked with a cracked voice.
'I'm going to talk to him,' Innes repeated. 'You three stay here and when I have his attention, get to the crew lift.'
'H-he'll kill you,' Dobbie stuttered.
'We don't know that, Dobs. Just get to the crew lift.'
'I'm all alone...'
Innes didn't wait for someone to hold him back. He scuttled out of the container and moved through the fog. It was thick, but Muir's silhouette was easy to spot. He watched Muir aimlessly clamber over containers and metal pipes they unloaded a few hours ago. He was clumsy in his movement, the newly transformed body was trying to find balance, even with the support of the tendrils.
'No one wants to help me...'
Whilst Innes was observing his friend's mutation, he did pick up on something. Muir knew they were in the container. McLurg literally slammed shut in his face, yet he was still looking for them. Was this a trick? Had he forgotten? Was Muir confused? He hoped it was the latter.
Innes said a small prayer, followed by a 'fuck,' then stepped into the fog.
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dark-night-hero · 3 months
The Academy (Rowan Theodore)
⤷ You have been friends ever since you were toddler. Sure the two of you have lay low around each other ever since the broken engagement, but the two of you still hang out when you have time. So why won't this guy let you resign?!
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Theo: My office.
Theo: Now.
You: ????
You: Bruh
You: I'm in Japan right now.
Theo: I'll have my men pick you up. Send location now.
You: Are you nuts? I'm on vacation! I sent my resignation letter months ago!
Theo: Either you send your location and let my men pick you up or I send to your parents how much you have been slacking off, using heartbroken by our ended relationship as a reason. I'm all ears on your choice, Mon chère.
You: [sent location]
You: Fuck you
Theo: Love you too.
You were furious, fuming as you landed on the academy's helipad. That fucking son of a bitch had a nerve to be such a fucking snitch threatening to tell you on your parents. How annoying! "Theodore!" You barge inside the principals room and found no one. "That fucking-" You glare at nothing then pause. Looking back to the man that escorted you who avoided your gaze. "Out." "As you say." The man bow and close the door behind him. Pissed off, you sat down on the comfortable sofa you have not seen nor sat into for months when the book shelf on the wall moved.
A black hair man in his late twenties you seen for the past few months emerge inside the office, at the same time, the smell of tobacco field the air causing you to frown in disgust. "You came faster than I imagined, did I scare you off, mon chère?" He chuckle and proceed to walk towards the window before opening it. "Or were you just that eager to see me again after three months of being away from me?" By his words, you could not help but to glare at him. Forget it, there is no reasoning with this guy. Besides, you did miss him though now that you think about it. He was really annoying.
"Fuck off, Rowan. What do you need me for? What happened to my resignation letter?" His and his stupid academy that has you as one of it's teacher. He was the one who wanted to become one, how come here are the two of you now, he as the principal, the guy who often do nothing, like seriously nothing but supervise and you as the teacher, the one who actually teach and interact with the students. Sure it was fun. Was. Right now, you just wanted to rest. After everything that happened. You just want to stay away from teaching. "Resignation letter? Oh yeah I did tell you i have it. Never said I'll approve it tho." He deadpan and sat on his office chair behind his desk. "You son of a-" thud.
Countless files where placed right in front of you causing you to raise a brow. "Special case Mon Chère, I need you as their adviser." "Enough with the nickname asshat. And no, I'm not doing this." You huff, though still took a glance at the files right in front of you, what is that?? "(First name)" He sighs then sat down next to you. "None of it was your fault." He added. "He is my student. He is my responsibility." You reasoned out. "I should have noticed he was going through something, he was a bright child and I was blinded my his brightest I didn't notice he was falling apart. I was his adviser Theo." Three years ago one of your advising students died, all alone in his dorm room with no one around him. And no amount of awards, teaching could bring him back.
"We've been through this (First name)." You felt him wrap his arm around your shoulder as you look down on your lap. You have always been a proud teacher, a proud adviser whom your students look up to. They were like your children, your goddamn annoying children. So when one of your students died. You tried to keep up the cheerfulness and pride that you have. And as soon as the school year ended, you had fallen apart. You felt like you had failed them. That you could not be a better guide for them. So you step down and never teach again, kept submitting resignation all throughout the years but this dumbass kept fucking denying them. Telling you to take a break instead in which you found no use of. Still, a paid vacation was very nice.
"It wasn't your fault, you tried your best. (First name). I'm sure he did know that too. No one is blaming you for it mon chère." "Still-" "This new class needs you." He says and you felt him pull you close to him. "You're the only one who can handle them." He added. "You can always give it a try and if you don't like it, then we can give up. I will sogn your resignation letter." Now that perk up your interest nevertheless, you are scared. "In two condition." "I'm all ears." "You get to be the co-adviser." "... Me?" You nod, looking up from your lap into his face. "Why me?" He spoke, eyes innocently blinking at you, pointing at himself. "The last time I tried to handle things by myself, I fell apart and..." You look away from him. "I always thought if you were with me- if you were me you would have done a great job. Maybe he would not end up like that." You shrug. He was the one who always wanted to become a teacher. "Plus I heard from aunt you have done nothing but to laydown on your office every day. What's the use of your degree if you're not using it?" "I am using it." "I doubt, asshat. If I suffer then it's natural that you get to suffer too."
Pulling away from him and shrugging his hold off you, you pick up one of the files on the table. "Theo." "Yeah?" "You're awfully clingy and talkative nowadays. It's annoying." "You think so?" He had a tone of amusement as he said that. That was natural when he was with you, specially when you were half a year away from him, out of his sight, texting him once in a while then disappearing again and again. He hates that you were out of his grasp even though he knew he could easily force you. He did not want that, you would not want that. So he was force to stay in place, like a good dog waiting for his owner to come back. Still, nowadays he was getting impatient. So here he is using dirty tricks to get you back within reach.
"The second condition, what is it?" Looking away from the file in your hand to look at him before turning your attention back at it again. "Oh, I was just about to say that I'll be staying in your quarters the whole school year." He almost broke the armrest of the sofa he was holding. "We used to share it when we're engaged. I'm more familiar with that room so I'll be using it, you stay most in your office right? I'll take that place." "Heh? Kicking the owner out of his place?" "Then don-" "Sure, you can have it, but expect me to pay visit once in a while." "Good." You utter as you side eye him and focus on your files. "Also Theo, why do I have a future duchess- your nephews- multi billionaire business heirs in my class?" "I told you mon chère, only you can handle them." He laughs.
Also. Is this not the name of a novel- a character from a book you have read a long time ago? Why is she within the names of the new advising class that you have? "What's wrong mon chère? Reality finally hitting you too hard?" He laugh but all you could focus on into was the picture of the characters you have seen- read in your previous life. "Rowan Theodore." "What's up with the fullname?" "I don't really think I should do this." You wanted to faint. You had knew for a long time ago that something was wrong the moment you realize you have your previous life memories. But you never suggest that it was transmigration- reincarnation to a novel you have read before. But as the main character name and face was right in front of you, her details right in front of you. Fuck me, you wanted to faint. This class will be the death of you.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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