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greekmythfamilytree · 1 month ago
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Today's three!
Ikelos: Child of Hypnos, member of the Oneiroi, daimon of dreams
Phantasos: Child of Hypnos, member of the Oneiroi, daimon of dreams
Helikon: Child of Gaea, Ourea, spirit of Mount Helikon.
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military1st · 4 months ago
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Helikon-Tex Swagman Roll Poncho
The Helikon-Tex Swagman Roll is your all-in-one solution for staying warm and prepared!
Made of tough Nylon with Climashield Apex insulation, this multi-use blanket can be your poncho liner, emergency sleeping bag, coat, or hammock liner, whatever the adventure calls for.
It's lightweight, water-resistant, has a pocket for storage, and packs down small to fit in your backpack. Plus, it's compatible with USGI ponchos.
Find out more at Military 1st online store.
Enjoy free UK delivery and returns! Swift delivery to Ireland, the US, Australia, and Europe.
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prologusblog · 1 year ago
Agatha Christie: Őszi borzongás
„Száz évvel az első könyve után még mindig az ő árnyékában állunk.” Andrew Taylor „Ősz… párás reggelek, bekuckózós esték… de amikor a levelek hullani kezdenek, az éjszakák hosszabbakká, az árnyak pedig sötétebbé válnak. Borzongató kalandozásra hívjuk Agatha Christie rajongóit. A napsütötte Rodosztól és Afrikától a ködös Londonig, vidéki udvarháztól az Old Bailey tárgyalóterméig vezet az utunk.…
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literallyjusttoa · 6 months ago
I have this project I mentioned wanting to do a while back and then I never talked about it again, so I bet a lot of you thought I abandoned it like all my other projects but I did not! Nay, I have been toiling away, and now have a beautiful video to show all of my progress.
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tiradoresprecision · 2 years ago
Helikon-Tex x Rhodesian Camo
Descubre la historia del camuflaje con Helikon-Tex y Rhodesian Camo. Es un patrón extraordinario que se origina directamente en el clásico camuflaje utilizado por las Fuerzas Especiales Británicas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Hoy en día, casi no está disponible en ropa moderna. Es por eso que Rhodesian Camo de Helikon-Tex es un verdadero placer para los entusiastas del camuflaje y la ropa…
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manversus · 1 month ago
Γιατί η Helikon πούλησε τραπεζικές μετοχές και αγόρασε ΟΛΠ. | Banks.com.gr
Λίγο ως πολύ γνωστή η από-επένδυση του Helikon Fund από τον τραπεζικό κλάδο, ειδικότερα από Eurobank και Πειραιώς.
Με μικρότερες υπεραξίες από την πρώτη, σημαντικά μεγαλύτερες από την δεύτερη- μάλιστα φέρεται να έχει ρευστοποιήσει σε πολυετείς υψηλές τιμές.
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fecskemacska · 1 year ago
bagolyfészek followed me back omg. need to visit that bookstore sometime soon
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feelingofuse · 1 year ago
BANDICOOT Waist Pack® - Cordura®
Color Earth Brown/Clay
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samodivas · 3 months ago
I would add a few more, though if anyone has different information on them please correct me:
In Europe and several countries spanning different continents: kennys.ie is a great alternative to the late bookdepository (which is now bought by Amazon)
In Bulgaria: Libristo.bg*, book.store.bg, knizhen-pazar.net, and any small independent store you find. Maybe knigomania.bg and Greenwich too.
*There are tons of other localized versions of Libristo, and it might be my most recommended website for rare books or languages. It's the only place I've ever seen books in Georgian available outside of the country, as well as books I've only previously seen on Amazon.
Now that gift season is approaching, here's a reminder that local independent bookshops in many countries are organized in websites so you can order whatever book you want and have it delivered. Like Amazon but instead of your money going to a billionaire who mistreats the workers and lobbies politicians to get away with more human right abuses, the money goes to local bookshops. So even if you didn't find what you wanted in your local bookshop (though it's always still worth checking out and the shop keeper will be able to recommend you an alternative!), you can order from a wider range and not contribute to making Amazon a monopoly.
In the UK and USA: Bookshop.org. In the UK there's also Hive.
In Spain: todostuslibros.com
In Italy: bookdealer.it
In France: Librairies Indépendantes and LaLibrairie.com
In Portugal: RELI (Rede de Livrarias Independentes)
In Aotearoa (New Zealand): BookHub
And I'm sure there are many more in other countries that I don't know!
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prologusblog · 2 years ago
Agatha Christie: A hét számlap rejtélye
„Nagy-Britanniában ​1929-ben, Magyarországon viszont csak 1995-ben jelent meg először a G. K. Chesterton fő művének tartott, Az ember, aki Csütörtök volt című regény hatásait tükröző regény, A Hét Számlap rejtélye.Melynek helyszíne Chimneys, Lord Caterham vidéki kastélya, ahol fiatalokból álló vidám társaság vendégeskedik. Egyikük sem éppen korán kelő, ám akad közöttük egy, Gerald Wade, aki…
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apollon-quotes · 1 year ago
“The Mousai are always dancing, and the goddesses love to busy themselves with songs and strings. But when they see Apollon beginning to lead the dance, they put their heart into their singing even more than before and send down from Helikon an all-harmonious sound.”
- Simonides, Fragment 578 (from Himerius, Orations)
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divinationsanctuary19 · 7 months ago
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9 Metageitniōn| Μεταγειτνιών (Attic Calendar) - 14th of August/ 20th-24th of August
Helios (Ἡλιος), The Muses (Μουσαι) and Rhea (Ρεια, Μητηρ Θεων)
The Muses are: Melpomene the Muse of tragedy held a tragic mask, Thaleia Muse of comedy a comedy mask, Terpiskhore Muse of dance a lyre, Kalliope the Muse of epic poetry a lyre, Kleio the Muse of history a stylus and scroll, Polymnia the Muse of hymns a veil and pensive pose, Ourania the Muse of astronomy a globe, Erato the Muse of erotic poetry a lyre, and Euterpe the Muse of lyric poetry a flute.
Hesiod, Theogony 1 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or 7th B.C.) :
"Of the Mousai Helikoniades (of Helikon) let us begin to sing, who hold the great and holy mount of Helikon, and dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty Kronion [Zeus], and, when they have washed their tender bodies in Permessos [stream of Helikon] or in the Hippokrene (Horse's Spring) or Olmeios [stream of Helikon], make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helikon and move with vigorous feet"
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Rhea, Mater Megala
Antoninus Liberalis, Metamorphoses 19 (trans. Celoria) (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.) :
"In Krete there is said to be a sacred cave full of bees. In it, as storytellers say, Rhea gave birth to Zeus; it is a sacred place an no one is to go near it, whether god or mortal. At the appointed time each year a great blaze is seen to come out of the cave. Their story goes on to say that this happens whenever the blood from the birth of Zeus begins to boil up. The sacred bees that were the nurses of Zeus occupy this cave."
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HELIOS (Helius) was the Titan god of the sun, a guardian of oaths, and the god of sight. He dwelt in a golden palace in the River Okeanos (Oceanus) at the far ends of the earth from which he emerged each dawn, crowned with the aureole of the sun, driving a chariot drawn by four winged steeds. When he reached the the land of the Hesperides in the far West he descended into a golden cup which bore him through the northern streams of Okeanos back to his rising place in the East.
Homeric Hymn 31 to Helius (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) :
"Glowing Helios (Sun) whom mild-eyed Euryphaessa (Wide Shining), the far-shining one, bare to [Hyperion] the son of Gaia (Gaea, Earth) and starry Ouranos (Uranus, Heaven). For Hyperion wedded glorious Euryphaessa, his own sister, who bare him lovely children, rosy-armed Eos (the Dawn) and rich-tressed Selene (the Moon) and tireless Helios (Helius, the Sun) who is like the deathless gods."
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manversus · 1 month ago
Eldorado Gold Corporation's (TSE:ELD) high institutional ownership speaks for itself as stock continues to impress, up 3.6% over last week
The company's largest shareholder is Helikon Investments Limited, with ownership of 14%
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deathlessathanasia · 2 months ago
Another hymn with the idea that Apollo could look into the mind of Zeus
and Echo, who lives among the rocks, cries forth ['Hail Paean, Hail Paean']. And he {Apollo} rejoiced, because he had received into his mind and understood the immortal thoughts of Zeus
I think this also could be inspired by the Homeric hymn though
I do love that it seems to be a well established idea.
Btw, it took me waaay too long to find the full text of Limenios' Paian, so here is a translation (taken from "Music in ancient Greece and Rome" by J. G. Landels) for anyone who, like me, isn't very familiar with this hymn:
Come ye to this twin-peaked slope of Parnassos with distant views, [where dancers are welcome], and [lead me in my songs}, Pierian Goddesses who dwell on the snow-swept crags of Helikon. Sing in honour of Pythian Phoebus, golden-haired, skilled archer and musician, whom blessed Leto bore beside the celebrated marsh, grasping with her hands a sturdy branch of the grey-green olive tree in her time of travail. And the whole vault of heaven rejoiced, [cloudless and bright], and the air subdued to calmness the swift rushing of winds, and the [mighty] deep-thunderous swell of Nereus subsided, and great Okeanos who surrounds and embraces the earth with his waters. Then, leaving the island where Mount Kynthos stands, the god crossed over to the famed land of Attica where the first crops were grown, landing on the earth-peaked headland of the Tritonian goddess. And the Libyan aulos, pouring forth a honey-sweet sound, sings forth, mingling its delightful voice with the trilling melodies [of the kythara]; and Echo, who lives among the rocks, cries forth [„O Paian, I-e Paian”]. And he [Apollo] rejoiced, because he had received into his mind and understood the immortal thoughts of Zeus. And so, from that beginning we call on him as Healer (Pai-on), all of us who have always lived in this land, and the great, inspired holy crowd of the Artists of Dionysos, who dwell in the city of Kekrops. But you, O god who owns the oracular tripod, come to this ridge of Parnassos where the gods tread, and where divine possession is welcomed. Weave a crown of bay about your wine-dark hair, and drawing with your hand […] But, O scion of Leto of the lovely eyelids, you slew the savage child of Earth with your arrows, [And in the same way Tityos, because he] lusted after your mother … the beast you slew…hissing from its lair… Then you guarded the shrine of Earth, beside the navel-stone, O master, when the aggression of the barbarians, looting the hidden treasures, with no reverence for your oracular shrine, was destroyed in the whirling snow. But, O Phoebus, guard the city of Pallas Athena, founded by the gods, and its renowned people, and with him you, goddess Artemis, mistress of the Cretan bow and hounds, and glorious Leto: and at the same time watch over the folk who live in Delphi, their children and their livelihood. And come with kindly intent to the servants of Dionysos who have won holy victories; and may the Roman dominion, crowned with mighty force of arms, be ever increased, vigorous and ageless in glorious victory.
Here is a performance of the hymn as well: Second Delphic Hymn to Apollo.
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nothoughtsgayboy · 1 year ago
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The great god
I begin to sing,
He who moves the earth
And the desolate sea
The deep water god
Who is lord
Of Helikon
And broad Aigai.
Shaker of the Earth
The gods gave you
A double honour.
You are
The tamer of horses
And the saviour of ships.
Farewell, Poseidon,
You hold up the earth.
You are dark-haired
You are blessed
You have a kind heart.
Help those who sail upon the sea
In ships.
- Homeric Hymn to Poseidon (transl. E. V. Rieu)
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scavengedluxury · 2 years ago
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Helikon hotel, Keszthely, 1971. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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