#helia light of hope
dragonfly0808 · 2 months
How the Squad Found Out About that One Time Riven and Flora Kissed
First part of the chapter takes place during s4, second part is back in s2 ch28, right after the end of the chapter.
I’d originally planned to have Flo and Riv kiss in that chapter but decided against it last minute cause I just wasn’t sure how to make it clear that, while there could’ve been something there, and they both feel that, there are no actual romantic feelings between the two.
The possibility of them? Yes. the reality of them? No.
I feel like Riven and Flora have the most distinct platonic soulmate relationship, mainly because they’re the main ones I really could see falling for each other if things had been different and if they hadn’t meet Musa and Helia and I wanted to get that across in a poetic way but not a tragic way ya know? They didn’t lose anything for not falling for each other in this universe and they are still a huge part of each other’s lives if that makes sense?
Whatever, I’ll stop rambling, hope u enjoy this little drabble! I will be posting it on AO3 probably later on
It’d been a slow week, no activity from the Wizards and Roxy’s classes progressing nicely.
The squad had decided to have a quiet game night, with some alcohol coming into the mixture at some point.
At the moment, they were playing Truth or Dare.
In all honesty, there was very little they didn’t know about each other, but even after so long, there were still a few things that could surprise them from time to time.
Stella considered her turn, the bottle on the ground dictating that she’d gotten Riven.
The coward had chosen truth.
There were few things she could ask him that could result in anything majorly interesting.
Unless… Stella glanced towards Flora, who was leaning against Helia, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
Anyone who had eyes could tell Flora and Riven had adored each other since their first year. That was obvious. At this point it was also obvious that, while they didn’t see each other as siblings, they didn’t see each other in any kind of romantic light either.
…but she would be lying if she said that she wasn’t curious about whether or not they ever had, even for a fleeting moment. Especially since she did remember one particular evening during their second year in which they’d both seemed… almost bashful with each other.
Should she?
Stella slowly leaned back against Brandon’s chest, meeting Riven’s challenging look, “Okay, I know what I want to ask.”
Riven spread his hands, “Go on then buttercup.”
“Have you ever… kissed someone in this room-” she ignored the snorts, continuing, “who wasn’t Musa?”
Riven froze for a split second, clearly flabbergasted before casting a single quick glance towards Flora, who had sunk into Helia’s arms, covering her face as she flushed.
“I FUCKING KNEW IT!” Stella shouted, slamming a hand against the ground.
Musa broke down into giggles as she turned to Riven, “What?”
“No- it- it was before we were dating obviously. It was dumb we just…”
“We were fucking up a lot with you two so we got a little drunk and we kissed to seal our depressing marriage pact.” Flora explained.
Helia chuckled under his breath before turning to Riven with mock anger, “You got a marriage pact with my girl? What happened to the bro code?”
“We were drunk, depressed and hating on love. She was obsessed with you, I was obsessed with Musa but we were fully convinced we’d just fucked everything up for good- cut us some slack man!”
They all burst out laughing, clinging to each other as they Flora somehow sunk further into the floor and Riven hid his face in Musa’s neck.
Flora was thinking, unable to focus on the book in her hand. She could feel the alcohol at the base of her skull, a dull thump, barely there but just present enough to make her think.
She’d freaked out on Helia.
Riven loved her. He was her person.
Did that mean something? Or did she just want a connection that her baggage didn’t impede?
She turned to him, watching him as he tinkered on one of his projects, trying to think objectively.
He noticed after a moment, meeting her gaze, “Something wrong?”
“No, I was just… thinking.”
He’d freaked out on Musa.
Flora loved him. She was his person.
But how did she love him? Was her mind playing tricks on her?
“Have you ever thought… that maybe… you and I should try?”
One of his eyebrows slowly rose up as he set down his tools and fully turned to face her, crossing his arms and leaning back, “I won’t lie… the thought did cross my mind once or twice… before I really started catching feelings for Musa. You?”
“Same. Before I fell for Helia… I don’t know, maybe I thought about it in passing.” But she would’ve never acted on it even back then because she knew Musa had a crush.
“It’s weird isn’t it… if not just sad. That we’ve had so little love in our lives that now we’re doubting what we have.” Riven muttered under his breath, letting his head fall back as he sighed.
“Yeah… should we… do something about it?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know.”
Riven raised his head, inspecting her before going to join her on the small couch, sitting besides her.
“Should we kiss?” He asked, it sounded like he was asking himself just as much as he was asking her.
Flora considered, “I mean… could be like… sealing the marriage pact?” She took a deep breath, shaking off her nerves, this was her person, worst case scenario, it might be a bit gross, “Okay. I’m in if you’re in.”
Riven nodded along, “Okay.”
He leaned down to meet her halfway. It was a hesitant, yet gentle kiss, soft and slow as they both tried to figure out how they felt about it.
Seconds passed and they pulled apart, both leaning against the couch, staring at the wall before them.
“I mean… it didn’t feel… wrong.” She started hesitantly.
“But it didn’t feel right either.”
They glanced at each other before laughing light-heartily. Blushing out of embarrassment and awkwardness.
“If things were different… maybe then.” He said after a long minute.
She shrugged, bumping her shoulder against his, “Maybe in another life.”
He snorted, “Yeah, maybe in another life.”
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vynnytypesstuff · 2 years
Glad to see another Winx Club fan!
May I please request headcanons for Brandon, Sky, Helia, and Riven reacting to their female S/O (who's normally calm, cool, and collected) kicking major ass against someone who's trying to rob her?
꒰୨୧﹒Winx Club - Sky, Brandon, Helia, and Riven Reacting to Their Female S/O Retaliating Against a Robber
This came out way way WAY later than I intended it to be. My apologies for the wait, it's always busy during this time of the year pfft.
To be honest, I was trying to alter my writing on this one just a tiny bit but it didn't come out as I envisioned, I hope you enjoy though!
Warnings: Minor violence? I leave it extremely vague 
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As king of Eraklyon, Sky is a natural-born leader who is eager to spring into action during moments of crisis. This is, perhaps, why he’s sometimes prone to jumping to conclusions and making sudden decisions. That’s where his S/O comes in. When he needs it, she helps to keep him grounded and reassess situations. 
The night had been a calm one. With schoolwork/training out of the way, the couple had decided to go on a small date together. Sky was a stickler to classic dates, meaning the two had decided to go out to a local restaurant for dinner. After a night filled with delicious food and light-hearted conversations, they contently left the restaurant to go for a late-night walk around the more secluded areas nearby. The stroll was peaceful for the most part, loving the other's presence as they enjoyed some much-needed downtime, before they heard a voice from behind them shout, holding a sharp weapon towards them and commanding them not to move. 
Sky, always quick to act on a situation, went to step in front of his S/O. However, she was quicker, extending her arm out to prevent him from doing so. The stranger urged them both to hold still as he cautiously paced over to them. Beginning to get a bit too close to his S/O, Sky was about to fend off the stranger when, to his surprise, his S/O grabbed onto the stranger's wrists and shoved them to the ground. 
Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), Sky is the most shocked out of the four. When he first met his S/O, she immediately reminded him of Brandon. The two of them were the definition of calm and collected and restrained (a familiarity that could’ve possibly drawn him to her). He genuinely had no idea his S/O could defend herself and he feels a bit naïve for underestimating her. 
By the time his speechless stuttering has ceased, the stranger had already been scrambling off (albeit, barely). He feels proud to have such a capable S/O, though there’s a small part of himself that wishes she still needed his help.
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Don't underestimate Brandon's so-called "superficialness" and overly flirtatious tendencies. He's a strategic thinker who rarely acts impulsively. In this way, him and his S/O were similar. Pair them together and the two make for an unstoppable duo.
Brandon and his S/O had been wandering through Solaria's famed shopping district, periodically scurrying from store to store to cover as many stores as they could for their weekly shopping trip. It was a long weekend, so the area was much busier then it usual, meaning trouble could be brewing at any corner. The two had been lucky to avoid any mishaps so far, but their moment of solitude wouldn't last for long. While his S/O was occupied with browsing the items on the shelves, she felt a hand swipe past her pockets and grab a valuable item of hers before bolting towards the store's exit. She quickly disregarded what she was doing and chased after him, Brandon following suite.
There were waves of people outside, causing him to get lost in the crowd. He was growing increasingly worried as he searched for where the robber and his S/O had run off to. Finally, he had managed to locate the pair in a secluded alleyway, where he stumbled upon a bit of an unexpected sight. There they were, his S/O and the one who had robbed her, fighting in an all-out brawl, a loud *slam* resounding as she pinned him to the wall.
Brandon shakes his head as he runs a hand through his hair. He doesn't know why he was so worried. It's not like he assumed that his S/O was helpless. He was aware that she knew how to fight, but he had no idea she packed this much of a punch. He’s even a little intimidated by it, but in a good way.
With the criminal knocked out, Brandon finally speaks. He gives his S/O an amused look, joking about writing himself a reminder to never make her angry. Of course he’s taking the opportunity to throw a bunch of teasing comments, but he’s genuinely impressed.
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Helia and his S/O seemed so alike that it was uncanny. They were both known to be the mature ones in their respective friend groups, seemingly lacking in temper and aggression. Their extreme levels of patience, temperance, and open-mindedness were unmatched. Due to this, it can be a bit of a shocker to others when they drop the pacifism.
The two had decided to take a daytime stroll through a quaint park outside of Magix City. It was a peaceful day, the warmth of the sun bouncing off their skin as they admired the vibrant outdoor scenery. The pair had taken a pit stop at the edge of a small lake, with Helia wanting to take a quick sketch of it's beauty. As she watched him stroke his pencil across the pages in his sketchbook from a distance, she was caught off-guard when someone wrapped their arms around her waist, pulling her backwards in an attempt to restrain her and reaching for the contents in her pockets.
The lack of talking followed by a string of grunts drew Helia's attention from his sketchbook to the troubled state of his S/O. Though he preferred to avoid fighting, he couldn't help but feel the need to step in and protect her (a likely result of his specialist training), however, she didn't seem to need any protection as she was quick to turn the tables on the robber.
Helia stops in his tracks, simply watching as his S/O lands hit after hit. He was a bit surprised to see his calm and collected S/O go physically all out against this robber, but his shock quickly faded away into an loving sigh. He had always trusted that she would be capable of defending herself when she needed to, and he was glad that his hunch wasn't wrong. In general, he's the quickest to accept her fighting spirit, and it just makes him love her even more.
When his S/O has had her fill, the robber runs off, leaving the two of them alone. Helia double checks to make sure she isn't hurt. Once she reassures him, he chuckles to himself, wrapping an arm around her in affection. 
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Riven's hot-headed nature was a stark contrast to his S/O's laid-back demeanor. The other specialists couldn't deny that Riven was a blunt guy who had a very direct approach when it came to conflict. Meanwhile, his S/O had an eerie ability to remain calm, even in dire situations. The two appeared to be complete opposites, leaving a number of people to question their relationship (not that they cared for others opinions).
Whilst wandering through the Magix City, Riven had stopped to purchase lunch at a nearby food stall while his S/O stood and waited nearby. She decided to occupy herself, so she reached into her bag to grab her phone. That's when she felt the sudden grasp of a hand on her wrist as a masked stranger attempted to grab her purse.  Seeing no other way out of the situation, she took a step back, taking her free arm and weaving it through the robber's wrists to stop their movements before using her strength to free herself.
Riven, who had come back after realizing he left his wallet in his S/O's purse, caught sight of the fight that was transpiring, at least, if you could even call it a fight considering the fact that one of the figures was losing tremendously. Once he realizes that the winning figure is his S/O, his reaction is a mixed bag. On one hand, he was impressed by her independence and skill. He had seen her train in the past, but that was nothing compared to how she held herself in a real fight.
That being said, there's part of him that can't help but feel a bit insecure. Seeing her in action would make him wonder if she truly needed him or not. After all, she can defend for themself, so does that mean she'd leave him?
He doesn't bring up his insecurity. Instead he walks over to his S/O and silently makes sure they aren't severely injured, all while chewing out the robber that was now laying flat on the ground. After he's calmed down, he applauds his S/O for defending herself. He sounds reluctant in doing this, but he's trying his best.
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witch-ix · 5 months
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Mirta, Galatea, Nova and Krystal.
As the roommates of Aisha and Alfea students one year below the other Winx, these four become auxiliary members of the Winx Club.
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Mirta, Fairy of Emotions
who at first hoped she'd be a Witch but has an easier time using Fairy magic.
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Princess Galatea, Fairy of Melodies
Got famous, before she came to Alfea. Uses her magic to let instruments play music composed by herself, whilst dancing along to her symphonies.
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Nova, Fairy of Warming Lights
has always been one of Stella's closest friends.
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Princess Krystal, Fairy of Sand
Helias younger sister. She's always been interested in potions and healing magic.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 months
Yandere Prince x Witch! Reader pt. 2
TW: Drugging mention, abortion mention, violence, honestly just the ordeal of waking up and finding out you're pregnant.
Five Months Ago...
"I need it. I need the reassurance she'll love me when I pick her," Helia said, walking into The Woods.
The Woods have light peaking from the tall trees, vines in the sky, and houses of flying creatures in the tree branches. Like an ecosystem, the fairytale characters and creatures that aren't in a castle harmoniously live in the Woods as a community. Near the lakes and streams are where the mermaids and nymphs live. The forest grounds are where mostly minotaurs, elves, fairies, dragons, and dwarfs live. Meanwhile, the sky has the harpies, phoenixes, and others. But everywhere in the forest has witches, vampires, and other magical beings to find and chat with.
"Excuse me, Mr. Elf, do you know where to find someone who can make a love potion?" Helia asked, tapping on the elf's shoulder.
"Oh wow, another royal in these woods. Luckily, you'll find what you seek right in front of you. My friend Y/N made extra potions of the highest quality with the most potent ingredients for the upcoming ball of Prince Helia," The elf responds, handing Helia a vile of pink liquid.
"Do the people who requested this potion want to use it on the prince?" Helia asks, giving the elf some golden coins. "And what does this friend of yours look like? Is she a witch?
"Haha! No. Let's just say gala and ball babies are trendy," The elf laughs, creeping out Helia. "But if you want to see her, look there."
Helia looks at the sunny Woods' path and sees a witch with a basket of herbs, fruit, and meat.
"She's beautiful," Helia thought, embodying the feeling of being bewitched.
Helia returns to his castle and doesn't look back at the woods, for if he did, he'd never return.
It's been six months since the ball, and your relationship with Helia couldn't be better. However, that's because after the first love potion dose wore off on Helia, he's been giving you doses so you can't wake up from your lovely dream. But more importantly, the two of you have been preparing for the arrival of your baby girl, Maya.
"How's my beloved wife doing?" Helia asks, crawling onto the bed and rubbing your big stomach.
"You're gone too long. You missed our little girl kicking when I ate some peppers," You say, kissing your husband.
"Aw, sorry I missed your feeding time, baby," Helia coos, kissing your stomach. "How about this? I'll give you extra cuddles while we sleep."
"No complaints from me as long as I get free access to your cock if I get horny," You say, pulling back the covers and letting your husband in.
Helia climbs into bed and spoons you as sleep creeps up on you for the 45th time today. You wake up at 3 am, your body floating a foot in the air. Questions run through your fatigued body as you process your surroundings. A mirror sparkles in the moonlight, and you see the silhouette of your pregnant belly.
"Wha?" You whisper, subconsciously feeling the other side of the bed as if someone was supposed to be there.
You get up and look at your body. Your stomach is large with child, and your breasts are big and swollen with milk. You stare at your reflection in horror, touching your stomach and confirming your new reality. A whimper escapes your lips, and you sink to the ground. Your fetus kicks your stomach, and your whimpers turn into cries.
"Stop moving!" You cry, your nails digging into your stomach.
Your fetus kicks more and more, making you look for a way out of the bedroom. You see an uneven wall and run towards it, hitting the wall for a secret opening. Eventually, you hit the right spot, and an opening appears, leading to a dark passageway with cobblestone stairs spiraling downward. You put a hand on the wall to help keep your balance and go down the stairs, hoping for an escape. When you reach the end, you take your first step toward freedom as you walk on the crisp new grass of spring.
"Into the Woods I go," You say, walking away from the castle and to your home.
It's a silent walk on the way home as the village surrounding the castle is asleep. With only you, your fetus, and your thoughts, you begin to talk to your daughter.
"You know, I thought about trying to find someone to abort you, but it wouldn't matter anyway. No one on this land, Woods or not, would do it. Ever since the royal family passed the lineage law a century ago, nobody could abort a fetus of royal lineage, illegitimate or not. The last time someone did that led to everyone not human living in The Woods. It's not your fault you're inside me, it's not my fault I'm pregnant with you, it's not our fault we were in that castle," You say, stumbling into the lively Woods.
As you walk the village's dirt roads, the castle erupts with noise. You hear horses leaving their stables and running out.
"No, no," You groan, walking into the Woods faster.
"Find Queen Y/N, and bring her back to the castle or King Helia. Do not harm her!" The royal head knight commands, making you run further into the Woods.
The Woods become dark, and the liveliness you love and know becomes non-existent.
"I must be in the Fairytale district," You say, holding your stomach as you trek through the dark woods full of thorns, shrubbery, and trees that seem to be closing in.
"My love," Helia says, seeing your figure in the woods.
You run, tearing your dress as it gets caught in the thorns.
"Y/N, my love! Wait! You'll hurt yourself!" Helia yells, making his horse speed up.
You jump over a fallen tree and try not to focus on the pain from your feet.
"Leave me alone!" You yell, sliding down a steep hill.
You think you can handle the speed, but suddenly, you're sliding out of control. You scream as you head toward a dark valley full of fog and embrace your stomach, preparing for the worst. A hand grabs your arm at the last minute, and you're dangling an inch above raging rapids. Helia carries you back up, and you both rest on the forest floor.
"Are you crazy? You could've gotten yourself killed!" Helia screams, grabbing your shoulders.
"It would've been better than whatever was going on in that castle!" You scream, holding your stomach. "Do you know what it's like waking up and not knowing what happened to your body? What happened to yourself, and why you can't recognize places that feel familiar?"
"All you had to do was stay as my sweet wife, but it's my fault. I didn't give you another dose of love in time. But I won't make that mistake again," Helia states, pulling out a syringe filled with a love potion.
"No! No, please!" You beg, holding Helia's hands.
"Just stay still, and it'll all be over!" Helia screams, trying to stab your neck.
Magic shoots out of your body, flinging Helia across the forest. The silence from the forest takes over, leaving you with your tears and your baby's kicks.
"I'm sorry, May-Maya-no, May. That's right, May. I'm sorry, May. I shouldn't have hurt your daddy," You ramble, crawling to Helia's body.
You grab the syringe and use your magic to incinerate it. Then, you tap on your husband's cheeks for a sign of life. If his body is found in The Woods, it'll be the end of the magical and supernatural creatures in the kingdom.
"Helia, please. Please wake up," You beg, lightly slapping his cheeks.
"Mm...my love, you didn't leave," Helia groans, weakly holding your hand.
You couldn't leave. Not if you wanted any semblance of a future for your friends and family.
"Hey, how about we read parenting books, and have dinner?" You suggest, hoping he will not wonder where the love potion went.
"Queen Y/N, what happened to King Helia?" The head knight asks, jumping off his horse.
"A bear was about to attack me. Helia defended me and got wounded in the battle," You lie, holding Helia's hand.
"Guards, take King Helia to the infirmary for treatment and get the royal doctor and wizard. I'll take Queen Y/N back to her quarters," The head knight commands, picking you up and putting you on his horse.
And so, the witch and the prince return to their castle. Their unborn child is as calm as ever as the witch opens a book with a stork carrying a baby on the cover. The prince, now king, curls up next to his wife, his hand rubbing her belly. The witch hiding her disgust and she turns the next page.
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arialityy · 7 months
Honkai pt.2 first impressions (as of completing pt.2 ch.1 phase 1) (don't come at me)
I'm gonna be focusing mostly on the characters in this post, but I'll briefly go over the ui and open world
So... I really miss the old ui already lmao. Even if it did look old and outdated, I think it was pretty unique for a sci-fi game and personally easier on my eyes (I think I just need to get used to it, but everything looks to similar in the new ui and I can't focus as easily on it 😭 That's probably just me though) I also think it looks kind of out of place if you go back to play older chapters, but it's not horrible. Personally, I feel like I'll always prefer the old ui. However, it looks great in the new open world chapter! Usually, I don't really like the ow chapters, but this one actually runs well, and I've been enjoying it quite a lot, even the side missions. (Also, it's just really nice to look at) It definitely reminds me of hsr and apho, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
As for the new gameplay, it's... ok. The new battlesuits don't feel much funner or nicer than the old battlesuits. If anything, I like them less. With Helia and Coralie, the effects are fine since they're A-ranks, and the gameplay is also nice for an A-rank. Senadina's actual gameplay is fine. But her animations are so boring 😭 I like that it lights up the area around her but that's about it. I get that sometimes the animations could get too flashy, but Senadina's are just boring for what's presumably meant to be the fancy new S-rank. I'll cut her some slack, though, since it's still the beginning of pt.2.
Finally, I'll be talking about the characters themselves! Remember, these opinions are very subject to change, as it's only the beginning of pt.2's story. (I'll ommit my opinions on the designs for today)
Starting with the Dreamseeker!
I really appreciate how they didn't make them just another self insert who barely talks. Though I don't see why they didn't fully commit and give them a name. They could even keep the genderswapping thing by giving them an androgynous name. (Speaking of that, I didn't think I'd like that, but y'know what, it's cool that it's actual genderfluid rep!) However, the DS's personality so far has been kind of boring in my opinion. I think they're a very intriguing character. I mean, they were born out of the Sea of Quanta and hilariously chill over dreaming about dancing with a goddess who tells them they're gonna save the world, waking up in the SoQ with an amnesiac version of that goddess, and being thrust into a whole new bubble universe. I know they want to get home, but damn, I feel like I would freak out more. I really hope we get to learn more about them, and their personality shines through more!
Senadina- Ok. I'm pretty sure this is a controversial opinion already, but I don't really like Senadina. I want to because her selective memories and connection to a goddess are interesting, and she has cute moments, but she kind of just... annoys me. I mean, we've seen this kind of amnesiac but bubbly character before (*cough cough* March 7th *cough cough*), and something about her personality just annoys me. I can't pinpoint what it is about her, but like... I just don't really like her. She starts growing on me, and then she'll say something that annoys me. Right now, she feels like a character just designed to sell toys to me. I'm sure that will change, as she's one of the main main characters, but right now, she just isn't it for me. I hope she gets more interesting, and I grow to like her more.
Coralie- She's very much the Bronya of the group, but she's not just a Bronya clone, and I can appreciate her for that. I don't think I like her as much as I liked Bronya right off the bat, but of the main four, she has the most personality to me so far. She's also just kind of weird, which I like lmao. I have less to say about her and Helia, so just know that while I do like her, she's far from being an instant favorite.
Helia- She exists. That's almost all I have to say. Her bridge voicelines did make me like her a bit more, though. I think she's kind of cute, but nothing about her interests me. I also don't really like that she's yet another Durandal fan. I get that we only have like - 2 Dudu fans other than her, but it's not really an original character trait. Why couldn't she have been a Kiana fan or something? Even a Theresa fan would be cool. Teri needs more fans. I think she's fine, but boring.
Songque- She's definitely my favorite so far! There's definitely enough intrigue surrounding her for me to want to know more about her. What was that "dream" sequence with the DS before they actually met about? She's a shu, but what does she really know? I also like her personality. It's not like my favorite personality or anything, but she definitely has one, and it adds to the intrigue surrounding her. I hope she doesn't just go away after this story arc is finished.
So, that's most of my opinions about pt.2 so far! I left out some stuff, but this is really all you need to know about how I feel about the characters, gameplay, and ui so far.
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sarahopm · 3 days
Hey! Just a fanfiction that I started to write on Toji Fushiguro! I'm posting it here and on Wattpad!
𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚 | 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 [Chapter 14]
The next day arrives, and the aftermath of the recent attack is still apparent. The house, once peaceful and tidy, now shows signs of the previous night's chaos.
Furniture overturned, broken items littered on the floor, and faint bloodstains on the walls serve as stark reminders of the struggle that had occurred. Helia and Anna, along with other maids, set to work, determined to repair the damage and clean the mess left behind.
Whispers and rumors spread among the staff members about the identity and motives of the attackers. During a break, Helia learns that the masked men belonged to a group whose aim was to bring down the Zenin household.
In response to the attack, an emergency meeting was hastily organized, bringing together the most influential figures in the sorcerer world. The purpose of the gathering is to discuss the recent attack on the Zenin household and devise a plan to deal with the hostile group behind it.
As the afternoon sun begins to sink, the emergency meeting draws to a close. The participants disperse, each carrying their own thoughts and concerns about the attack on the Zenin house.
Meanwhile, within the walls of the house, Helia and the other maids continue their task of cleaning and repairing the premises, working diligently to restore order after the previous night's turmoil.
Helia finds herself in a corridor, focusing on cleaning a particular section where traces of blood from the previous night's fight still linger. The sight of the bloodstains served as a reminder of the violence that had occurred.
With a hint of unease, she cleans the area, trying to erase any lingering evidence of the attack.
Helia is lost in her own thoughts, when she suddenly hears a voice break the silence behind her.
"Oh, hello tea girl!"
The unexpected sound catches her off guard, and she pauses for a moment, turning her attention to the source of the voice.
The familiar face of Gojo Satoru greets her, his cheerful tone ringing through the hallway. His magnificent blue eyes are locked on her. She stops whatever she was doing to answer him.
"Hello sir!" She replies, her voice full of surprise.
Gojo smiles warmly at her polite greeting, his eyes studying her closely.
"Hey there, no need to be so formal." He replies, his voice light and nonchalant. "Just call me Gojo, or Satoru if you prefer."
Helia responds unsure if she is allowed to call him like that. "Alright...Gojo."
He notices the hint of uncertainty in her tone, and his smile softens slightly. He waves a hand dismissively.
"Oh, don't worry about being allowed to address me informally." He reassures her. "I don't mind at all. In fact, I prefer it."
She nods before speaking again. "I didn't expect to meet you here si- Gojo."
He chuckles lightly, amused by her awkward attempt to address him. He leans against the wall, his gaze fixed on her.
He glances around, seemingly checking to see if anyone is listening. Satisfied that they're alone, he lowers his voice slightly and starts speaking about the recent meeting.
"I was there at the urgent meeting earlier." He explains. "Quite the situation we have on our hands."
"Oh, you must have heard about the attack then." She asks in a low tone.
He nods, his expression turning slightly solemn.
"Oh, yes I did." He responds. "The attack on the Zenin estate has everyone on edge. It's not every day that something like that happens."
He steps closer to Helia, a hint of concern in his eyes as he looks her over.
"I hope nothing bad happened to you either." He says, his voice carrying a note of genuine worry. "You weren't hurt during the attack, were you?"
She's quite surprised and a bit embarrassed that he would worry about her well-being, given that they only met once before today. But she reassures him, nonetheless.
"No no, I'm alright!"
He lets out a small sigh of relief, his expression softening slightly. He notices the hint of embarrassment on her face and can't help but smirk a little.
"That's good." He replies, his tone a little more lighthearted. "I'm glad to hear that you're alright. I'd hate for something to happen to the house's prettiest maid, you know."
She tries to keep her polite smile after hearing his comment, but she can't help the slight blush coming to her cheeks. She must stop this, he's just being nice to her, there's no need to get all worked up.
Seeing her reaction, he decides to be a little more playful, he reaches out, gently lifting her chin with his fingers, his touch soft but firm. She knows she must push him away; this is highly inappropriate, and they don't even know each other.
"It's a shame really, isn't it?" He murmurs, his voice low. "It's a crime that someone would want to harm such a charming girl."
His face is only inches away from hers, so close that she can feel his breath on her face. She needs to pull herself together. Yes, he's indeed very charming and handsome, has beautiful eyes and a very attractive smile, but she doesn't know him at all.
It would be very weird to get close like that after only meeting twice, that's why she gently pushes his hand away from her face. She clears her throat fighting against the heat coming to her cheeks.
"Hum.. I don't think this is very appropriate...Gojo."
"Ah, always so proper, aren't you?" He teases, his smirk widening.
He backs away, a smile playing on his lips. She can breath a little bit better now that he's not so close. And with a wink, he gives Helia a nonchalant wave as he speaks.
"It was nice talking to you. And I hope we'll run into each other again sometime when it's just the two of us."
He starts to walk away, his steps light and confident, and throws one last glance over his shoulder at her before disappearing down the hallway.
She can't help but feel somewhat flustered by his forwardness, and she's left standing there, caught between his charming demeanor and her own lingering embarrassment. He's really a strange person.
With a small shake of her head, Helia pushes the encounter with Gojo aside and focus on the task at hand. She makes her way to the weapon room, where she was originally heading before meeting Gojo. Her thoughts shifting from the charming sorcerer to the chore ahead of her.
As Helia enters the weapon room, she takes in the sight of various weapons, their sharp edges and gleaming surfaces waiting to be cleaned and maintained. She can see that some weapons are missing probably because they were used last night.
She gets her cleaning supplies ready when her gaze drifts to a particular weapon that catches her attention: a long, slender blue sword with complex designs along its blade. The sword seems to almost glow in the dim light, its beauty and aura captivating her.
Carefully, she places her broom down and approaches the blue sword, its beauty drawing her closer. She cautiously reaches out and grasps its handle, feeling the smooth, cool surface beneath her fingers.
With the sword in her hands, she examines it more closely, studying its craftsmanship and the complex designs etched onto the blade.
As Helia holds the sword, a sense of playfulness overcomes her. She starts to move it gracefully in the air, wielding it as if she was a knight practicing a routine. The weight of the sword feels balanced and comfortable in her hand, and she spins it around, the blade cutting through the air with a smooth motion.
"Having fun?"
Her heart skips a beat as a voice suddenly breaks the silence in the room. She turns around abruptly, her grip tightening on the sword in her hand.
Standing at the entrance of the weapon room is Toji, his arms crossed, and a smirk on his face. He leans against the doorway, watching Helia with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.
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imhereformr · 1 year
S3 E2 Valtor's Mark
Mermaids are fucking gorgeous omg
Somethings changed them. You don't fucking say 😂
The trix falling for Valtor is weird af and I hate it
I can wait a little longer. Finally a villain with patience!
Tecna's computer just has a big X on it. Guess she's having no luck.
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I've decided to travel light... Stella, babe. Just cause you miniaturise it, doesn't mean it's light 😂
Can't believe Bloom has never been to Solaria yet
Why did Stella unminiaturise her baggage to give it to the poor servant?
A yes, in front of this super cool galaxy thing, Bloom decides to have a trademark Bloom moment of melodrama
I would kill for Musa to hear Stella say a princess's life is so hard. I just think the ensuing fight would be real funny
King Radius will always think she's better than me... Chimera, bitch, that's his daughter and heir. Of course he thinks she's better.
So Chimera does know what Stella looks like and still chose to antagonize her... That seems brilliant.
It might not look like it now, but this could very well be the beginning of a lasting and beautiful friendship. Bloom truly is delulu
Pre-party parties? PARTIES? Plural?
Skipping right over Chimera's Medusa hair to mention that Stella's cake layers are crooked.
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It's also got a bunch of smiley faces 🙂
Honestly Chimera did them a favour ruining that cake
I hate her. I'd give anything to be like her... Chimera come on...
Cassandra and Chimera took absolutely no convincing whatsoever
AHHHHH Musa looks so beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍
Why are Brandon and Sky in their RF uniform? This is a royal function...
Where are Riven, Timmy and Helia? Why was it never explained why they didn't go? Why did we not get to see Riven's reaction to his girlfriend looking like an angel? This is truly robbery.
Brandon's jaw dropping 🥰👌🏻
Radius is a terrible father. Who the fuck steals the attention on their daughters big day to announce their engagement?
Stella hoping her parents get back together is still completely insane
Radius gives zero fucks about how sad his daughter is while dancing with him.
Okay Cassandra spelled Radius but why is no one else at that ball like but... We just saw Stella become a monster? Radius wtf?
Alive or not? Chimera wtf
So I'm gonna assume these guards are completely mindless or that Cassandra spelled them too
You know Brandon and Sky were waiting for an opportunity to jump out of a window
Sky saying they'll get out without a single scratch as his girlfriend basically blows up a tower is peak comedy.
Musa why the fuck are you just yelling Oh No as Stella falls. YOU HAVE WINGS AND MAGIC. FUCKING USE IT.
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winxngasks · 10 months
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🌸 Terra, daughter of Flora and Helia, Fairy of Flowers 🌸
And next up, we have Terra! Honestly had a little difficulty trying to figure out her style, but I think I found a good one for her. I hope you enjoy!
More details about her looks can be found under the 'readmore'!
. For Terra, she has chin-length and wavy hair that is naturally a brownish, dirty blonde color, but she has dyed it an all-over rose gold color. Does not mind wearing makeup, but wears it lightly most of the time, usually in soft, pastel shades. For a physical detail I wanted to highlight, it would be that her ears are pierced.
. For color scheme, she prefers wearing soft and light colors, with pinks, greens, and blues making up most of her clothes, but she does dabble in other colors at times. A big lover of floral patterns and embroidery, with very few solid-color pieces. Prefers more of a light and 'breezy' style that is perfect for spring and summer days, with modest crop-tops, shorts, and short summer dresses. Like her mom, she also enjoys corset-style tops and puff sleeves.
. Enjoys wearing accessories, with all containing floral or butterfly motifs. A lot of them are homemade and made with her parents and siblings, which she enjoys the most as it is a fun bonding activity for her. The main accessory I chose to give her here is a pink flower crown, with flower crowns being her main favorite accessory and a callback to her her status as the "Fairy of Flowers".
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pyrohearts · 7 days
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Apollo npts (self indulgent)
names - apollo, astaria, aurora, cadence, calliope, chariot, elio, harp, helia, helio, hope, lee, livia, lyra, lyric, melody, solana, sonnet, stella, sunny
pronouns - arch/archers, beam/beams, bow/bows, bright/brights, heal/heals, light/lights, med/medic, muse/music, ray/rays, sol/sols, son/sonic, sun/suns, truth/truth
titles - prn who heals, prn with a golden bow, prn with a golden heart, the golden archer, the healer, the medic, the sun god(ess)
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue Twenty-One: The Shaab Stone
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They can't even color Riven's uniform right on the cover, dear lord, call that foreshadowing
On that note I'm just gonna pretend that this Riven is show Riven for all of our sanities, because if I point out how Riven is usually much more chill and cool headed in the comics we're all gonna get annoyed
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I have so many questions. Implying that Magix is like a university city, but the entire PLANET
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I love how Griffin gives a negative amount of fucks
If you smoke in her office she'll blow up your cigarette or cigar XD
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....I thought these were highschools??? He is like a balding adult and he can enroll????? What???
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This confirms that in the comics witch philosophy is a very using fire to fight fire
You know after so many evil witches you'd think people would accept this is a terrible idea but nope
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Comics Tecna is so lame, me and show Tecna are entranced by a model crane
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Tbh the comics never let a plot line hang
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Spy Helia, doing spy Helia things
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Hey isn't having a bunch of private military in a protected/enclosed area like super illegal???? Can't we tell the authorities that the Winx comics and show decided on a dice if they exist this ep
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I swear nothing in the Winx show is more annoying than all the authorities shoving their responsibilities on teenagers, I know the Winx need to be doing things, but still
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Stella. No magic.
What are you going to be able to do???
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Comic artists said purple eyed Riven supremacy
Also "at the fortress of light"???? Like principal is a political role in the Winx world????
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"and see how good he is" So this was a lie
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That's actually a really smart idea from Helia
We love to see it
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You do not need to LEAVE to call backup!!!
God I hope this just a mistranslation, bc that is so fuckin dumb gjsbfjsjs don't let the evil people with the important rock leave where you can't find them
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Riven, please stop being annoying and contraction
....Sky, what the fuck. How did you get to murder??
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You people have sent on a mission to get the rock.... Like am I interpreting this wrong?? But aren't they technically a branch of the law???
Also bless you Helia for realizing that leaving is a incredibly stupid ass decision
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He is planning on surrounding the private army with RF people, and he's also saying to wait for authorities in Magix
I need the writers to explain what the fuck they are trying to communicate
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A business man taking over magix would have a much larger affect than how you act, so it really depends on who the has the most power but I understand where ur coming from girlie
"our powers" tho??
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Helia once again is doing amazing sweetie, please don't let them out of your sight
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Riven no
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Ugh fucking dumbass, I definitely understand where he's coming from. It's right there, we should do something. But the squad is like right there too, at least try to get more than Timmy to come with
Tbh I would of liked it more if Riven got into an argument and him being loud got them found
It would of been really funny as well
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See if Riven didn't ask Timmy to join him he would have just jumped out of the plane
No hesitation, no fear
And that would have been hilarious
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Omg look at Helia's face 🥺 poor boy
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This is part of Helia's and Saladin's 100 IQ plan together, did he know about it this far out???
I have so many questions about when they came up with that plan????
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Is Tecna saying that about Riven or Timmy I cannot tell
If it's about Timmy, girl why
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florelia12 · 2 years
A backstory post for Helia where his parents were on the side of the Ancestral Witches (except one of them was secretly a spy for the company of light).
So, one of them is killed (the actually evil one) by the ‘good guys’ while the other parent (the spy) got tortured as a punishment and has kind of lost their mind. So the living parent is imprisoned in Lightrock Monastery and thats where Helia grew up raised by Codatorta (canonically a knight from the Lightrock Monastery).
The parents doesn’t interact with anyone and doesn’t talk because trauma. baby Helia tries to talk to them but they don’t back so he figures out a way to do it through drawings.
So, Helia draws whatever he saw that day or learned about and he slides it to his parent through the bars and they just collect it and paste it on their prison walls which is their way of acknowledging Helia. Helia did this whenever he could and he grew up lonely surrounded by prisoners that made him question his morality because Lightrock believes in second chances then he shows up at RF when he’s of age and is then taught about how to kill someone fast and efficiently.
He spends about a year there, bullied and never trusted by his squad for being the son of a traitor (treason comic foreshadowing ooo). No one listens to him or respects him. And, he’s been trained by Codatorta himself since he was young so he’s like super good.
On a side note how can people hc that Codatorta doesn’t like Helia because he dropped out and “doesn’t believe in fighting” when this comic panel exists:
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That your honour is his non-biological dad! I rest my case.
Anyway, he’s good on his own so Saladin lets him do a lot of spy stuff and solo missions. Helia is fine with it and starts to enjoy RF to an extent. He likes being a specialist and transforms into the adrenaline junkie we know and love.
Then boom, angst. When he’s working under a commander (someone from the council of light because i love that whole detail in the comics) and he gets left behind because they don’t have time or resources to extract him. So he gets kidnapped by the bad guys. Torture. History almost repeats itself but nope Helia breaks out of there.
He feels betrayed by the system that raised him, though he finds out Saladin didnt do this to him. So he confronts the commander who reveals that it was the company of light (not the main ones that are shown in canon but the members mentioned in passing) that ordered for his parent to be tortured until they are no longer themselves so they wouldn’t accidentally reveal any spy information to the evil side.
His world goes upside down and he actually finds out who and what his parents were and what they did. The reveal pisses him off and he leaves RF, vowing to never be a part of this war system again.
Then season 1 happens and RF is destroyed and mans is wallowing in self loathing that he wasnt there to protect saladin or the school. So, he comes back with the intention of coming back but he doesnt tell Saladin yet.
Then he eventually ends up staying and plays this whole ‘haha im flirting with you but please don’t like me back, you deserve better’ game with flora. Never plans on confessing but cant help but fLiRt until she full on yells at him to tell him she likes him.
And, we are back to comics where he avoids getting into a relationship with her despite the impulsive kiss at shadowhaunt. Until the shab stone arc happens and he’s like, this girl is really willing to go down with me no matter, I’m going to marry her. So, he’s like “just friends? I was hoping we were something more!”
Then yay, they’re together!
Then fast forward to when they’ve been together for a while and Flora’s like, hi, when are we introducing each other to our families?
Helia’s hesitant and doesn’t want to do it. Dances around the topic even though he shows all neat and nice at her house for dinner with her parents.
Then Flora shows him her box full of every single drawing or poem he gave her, even small little notes with smiley faces he doodled on her notebooks. And, Helia’s holding back tears because shit parallels with his parent.
He ends up bringing her to meet his parent and she has a breakdown when she finds out why Helia loves art so much and then starts ugly crying when there’s a few drawings of Flora on his parent’s prison wall and she realises Helia already told them about her but she thought this entire time he didn’t take their relationship as serious enough to tell them.
And, that’s all I have for this today.
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alexthebordercollie · 7 months
The Shadow of the Nightmare Queen
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Chapter 1: Protégé
“Why are we here?” Amity’s voice echoed off the walls of the vaulted castle corridor. They were walking through a hall of the castle she had never seen before. The forbidden wing. The one blocked off by magic shields and wooden boards. Amity was no stranger to wandering the castle. She was a student, the queen's favorite student. She spent many long hours learning every nook and cranny of the queen’s estate. So much so that it had become a second home. But this hall? She had never set hoof in this hall. Never dreamed of peaking past the walls Queen Helia put up to protect whatever was inside.
Amity’s voice sounded childlike in the grand space. She felt small. Watching the moonlight paint stripes across the wall as it poured in from the windows. Shadows casting bars across portraits of a princess long lost to time. Amity knew her face. She’d seen it many times before. It haunted her fillyhood as it did the childhood of so many others.
Queen Epiales. Lady nightmare. The mother of shadows.
Her visage was haunting. A rich indigo mane of starlight cascaded down her shoulders. Adorned in lapis lazuli, diamond, and sparkling silver. Every portrait seemed to ache for the moonlight. Her pale yellow eyes glowed in the soft light. Following Amity as she walked.
Amity heard her hooves patter like a child against the marble floors as she hurried to her mentor’s side. Her majesty Helia. Mother of daylight, of summer, of peace. Amity looked to her queen for comfort and reassurance in the eerie night. 
“My queen?” Amity asked again.
Helia didn’t turn to look back. Something felt wrong. She was normally so warm, so loving. Helia had become a second mother to Amity over her years of study. She always felt so safe and protected under her wings. Now? Now Helia looked tired. Her shoulders hung as she walked. Her brilliant plumage dragged along the ground behind her. Vibrant shades of orange, red, and violet all washed out in the darkness.
“There’s something I must show you my dearest student.” Helia replied softly. Her voice distant as she stared aimlessly forward. Her gaze lost in some distant space Amity couldn’t see. “Someone you need to see. Someone important. Someone lost…” She whispered.
“Someone… lost?” Amity asked. “Did you lose something? Queen Helia… are you lost?” Something felt so deeply wrong. Helia was here, but not. Amity felt cold and alone in this cursed place.
They came to a large set of double doors at the end of the corridor. The door was old and worn. It didn’t look like anything else in the castle. It’s chipping paint depicted the silhouettes of two centaurs who held a heart out between them. A mix of dingey old yellow and dark raspberry on weathered oak. 
Helia didn’t answer Amity’s questions. Merely summoned a key in her hand. Silver and ornate with a polished lapis lazuli in the hilt. “I need you to stay.” She instructed Amity as she pressed the key to the lock on the door.
Amity steeled her nerves. Squaring her shoulders in a firm salute, or at least as firm as she could manage. Her legs still trembling as fear gripped her like a cold chill. Something so cool and tangible she could feel it spilling out through the crack under the doors. 
“I won’t leave your side, my lady.” She replied confidently. Determined to serve her queen how ever she was needed. 
The lock clicked open with a low clattering sound that rattled the halls. The doors rattling on their hinges as whatever was inside fought against the old worn oak. Amity took a step back but halted in place. Refusing to move. Refusing to run. Locking her hooves to the floor. Her queen needed her. She wasn’t going to move. 
“Your highness?” Amity pleaded softly. Hoping for some explanation from her mentor. Something to reassure her that whatever was behind that door was something she could face. That whatever ancient force was raging against the castle would still bow to the sun. That it wouldn’t swallow Amity up in its darkness.
When the doors finally burst open a wave of icy wind cut through Amity like a knife. She raised her arms to shield herself from the mist that poured out into the hall. Looking back to Queen Helia for comfort.
Helia stood resigned. Her features gaunt. Her eyes shadowed as she looked up at the figure which emerged from the aching darkness she’d unleashed. Amity followed her gaze and felt her blood freeze in her veins. There she was. Queen Epiales. The queen of the night stepped forth from the shadows. A towering behemoth to behold. At once beautiful and terrifying. Draped in starlight and prepared for battle. Her silver armor shimmering in the moonlight, almost blinding. Piercing yellow light narrowed in on Amity through the cloud of inky blackness that dripped from her eyes.
“So this is the fool you’ve brought me?” The glittering shadow spoke in a low echo that Amity could feel reverberating through her soul.
Amity looked back to Queen Helia in a panic. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and she desperately tried to fight back the fear and betrayal. What was this? Was she some sacrifice? “Queen Helia please!” She cried out.
Helia only stared up at the shadow woman. Her eyes colorless and hollow. “I brought her to save you.” She replied softly.
Queen Epiales snatched up Helia by her throat. Lifting her limp body off the ground like a rag doll. Helia didn’t try to fight back. Only held Epiales arm as the nightmare queen slowly squeezed the life from her.
Amity stumbled back in horror as she watched her mentor’s color drain from her body. The shadows stretching out from the yawning black hole that was that wretched door. The key falling to the ground and Helia’s hands fell to her side. Inky blackness coiling up her body like tendrils dragging her down into nothingness.
“Queen Helia!” Amity screamed. Sobbing and shaking as she watched the protector of her kingdom vanish into the call-consuming night. 
Epiales narrowed her eyes once more on Amity. Her shadows stretching out down the corridor and swallowing up everything in their path. 
Epiales words were soft. Cold. It was an order.
Amity obeyed. Turning heel and sprinting down the hall as fast as her legs could carry her. Screaming out into the night for help. For Helia, for her mother, for anyone to hear her cries. Desperate to warn the world of the coming darkness. Falling into the void as the ground was eaten out from under her.
“She’s back! The nightmare queen!”
“Amity? Amity? Wake up!” 
Amity bolted upright in her bed and smacked her horn against the frame of the bed above her. The shiver of pain slithering down her horn and into her skull. 
“Ow!” She snapped and rubbed her aching forehead. Amity slowly blinked her eyes open as the pain pulled her back to reality. She was awake. Awake and alive and safe. The furrowed brow of her familiar Samson greeted her.
“Are you ok?” Samson asked.
Amity looked around her dorm. Everything looked normal. The familiar violet wallpaper and faintly orange carpets greeted her. Warm sunlight streamed in through the stained glass window. Samson’s bed, still pressed against the opposite wall, was empty but made. No sign of Amity’s dorm mate Ainsley, she must have woken early. Amity and Ainsely each had desks that sat side by side under the window. An abstract portrait of Helia looking down on them as they worked. Amity’s desk was still a mess of papers and books she’d been pouring over for weeks.
“I’m fine.” Amity groaned as pressed the heel of her palm into her temple. She reached under her pillow for the charm she’d made the night before. The wooden frame with its griffin fur twine had cracked in half. The patterned net at its center now a tangled mess. “So much for The Griffon Fisher’s charm.” She sighed. 
She pushed aside the open book still resting on her lap and traded it out for a leather journal on her nightstand. A book of old folk tales. The story of Queen Epiales. A collection of myths and legends, of curses and superstitions. Of warding spells to protect from her wickedness. 
Amity’s latest journal had been assigned to loging her dreams. She started scribbling down every new detail she could remember from last night before the nightmare faded from memory. She had been having these nightmares for some time now. She’d tried every trick in the books to be rid of them but nothing was working. She couldn’t shake the dark queen's image from her mind.
“You really need to stop reading those old stories,” Samson warned. Scooping up the book of folk tales and leaning back on his haunches. He was a short and squat little dragon. Fat and green. “The nightmares are getting worse.” He observed as he ferried to book off to it’s proper place on Amity’s bookshelf. “If you just ignore them I’m sure they’ll go away, but you keep focusing all your energy on it.” Every the worrier. He never could just trust Amity to know what was good for her.
Amity shook her head and tapped her journal aggressively with her quill. Punctuating her final thoughts. “It’s just because I haven’t found the right spell yet. Once I do they’ll be gone for good.” She insisted resolutely. Pushing herself out of bed. She sprung up to pull her uniform from the wardrobe and slipped behind the privacy screen to change out of her nightgown.
Samson didn’t seem so convinced. Cocking his head to one side. “Are you sure you aren’t just having nightmares because you keep reading scary stories?” He asked.
Amity poked her head back out from behind the screen to narrow her eyes at Samson. Her sweater vest rolled halfway down her chest. “I’m not some little filly.” She protested. “Do you really think I get so worked up over some old mare’s tales?”
Samson grimaced and shrugged. “Well… you do tend to get kind of… carried away.” He replied reluctantly.
Amity snorted irritably before returning to tucking her shirt into her skirt. “I’m not getting carried away Samson this is important. These dreams are hurting my studies. Exams are coming up soon. Do you have any idea how disappointed Queen Helia would be if her best student was caught slipping so close to finals?”
“I’m sure if you just told her you were having trouble sleeping she would understand,” Samson reasoned. He knelt down by his bed to pull a wrapped package out from underneath. “Besides finals aren’t for another three months. I don’t think most people would call that soon .”
“Most people aren’t the personal protégé’s of Our Majesty the Queen.” Amity protested. “I’m already falling behind on my study routine. All it takes is a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks turn into a couple of months, and then the next thing you know it’s finals and you still don’t know the difference between an Amythist Divining Lense and an Ametrine Focusing Prism.” 
“Whatever you say.” Samson sighed as Amity pulled her hair from her robes.
Amity stepped out from behind the privacy screen and scurried over to her desk to write up a letter to Helia. Hastily jotting down a summary of her dream. Not too hastily might you. Well, maybe too hastily. She scrapped the first draft and started over when the letter sounded too unprofessional. Samson’s gruff throat clearing pulled her away from her task. 
Amity looked back at him. Holding the letter in her hands that she was just about to seal.
“We’re going to be late for breakfast.” Samson scolded.
Amity looked down at the colorful box in Samson’s claws then back up to his face. “Oh, right. Did I forget something?” She asked.
“Ainsely’s birthday?” Samson replied. His brow raised in bewilderment. He showed her the box for emphasis. “Don’t tell me you forgot.” He scolded. “Her party’s this weekend. Chara has been collecting up all the gifts to hide from her until then. You did get her a gift didn’t you?”
“Oh, uh…” Amity looked back at her cluttered desk. Trying to remember if she’d even thought of something before the night terrors had distracted her. The latest in a long line of obsessive curiosities Amity often bounced between. She shuffled around for a bit and stamped her letter with a wax seal before tossing it into the small ceramic burner on her desk. Sending it to her mentor in the process.
“Amity!” Samson snapped. 
“Oh, I got her something alright.” Amity lied. Forcing a smile and waving off Samson’s concern. “I just have to find it that’s all. It’s around here somewhere.”
Samson narrowed his brow suspiciously. “Riiight… Well come on, let’s get going. Dia promised to keep Ainsely busy today so we could finish planning. You should find that gift soon before Ainsely does.” He warned her.
Samson knew Amity was lying and they both well knew it. Amity hatched him when she was just a filly. They’d been together for years and he could always read her like an open book. He waddled through the academy halls in the top half of a school uniform. They didn’t sell skirts that properly fit his fat tail which dragged on the ground behind him. Not that it mattered. He was a dragon so exposing himself was hardly a concern. Most wild dragons didn’t wear anything at all.
That said he still stood out among the many other students walking along with birds or snakes or cats or toads. Every student had to hatch their own familiar as part of the entrance exam for first years. Magic eggs which hatched whatever creature best suited the student. Somehow a stray dragon egg had found its way into the schools inventory and been mixed up with the exam eggs. Amity was never supposed to find herself in possession of a baby dragon but when she passed her exam the school wasn’t sure what else to do but to send her home with the stout little hatchling.
It took the staff weeks to arrange a meeting to discuss the mix up but by that point, the school year was about to start and Samson had already imprinted on Amity and her family. It was Helia who decided to let Amity keep him until the school figured out where he came from, though they never did. To this day Samson was a mystery, though not one he himself seemed particularly concerned about solving. 
Amity wasn’t one to complain. It was because of Samson that Queen Helia took her on as her personal protégé. An honored position only one student every generation got to hold. Samson was Amity’s lucky star and she would always appreciate him for that if nothing else.
“Hi, Samson.”
“Morning Winnie, how’s Snowball doing?” Samson chirped as another student passed them with their rabbit familiar.
“She’s fine, just a little cold.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“Samson my stallion!” Another student cheered enthusiastically. “What lucky filly’s getting a gift from the hottest stud on campus?” 
Samson playful shrugged off the rugged mare’s teasing. “That’s classified information, Agnes.” He taunted back.
Amity barely paid any of the other students any mind. Her nose stuck in her journal while they walked the halls. Samson may have been a social butterfly but Amity had more important things on her mind than making friends. These dreams were more than just a nuisance. They were trying to tell her something important. Warn her. Amity was sure of it. 
Samson didn’t seem to give nightmares much credence but Samson was never very educated. Not for lack of opportunity. Nothing was stopping him from taking advantage of the school's resources. He attended all of Amity’s classes with her. That said no one was making him do assignments or grading his performance and he seemed to prefer it that way.
“Ow, watch where you’re going!” Another student snapped when Amity mindlessly walked into them.
“Oops, sorry.” Amity replied sheepishly. Holding her journal to her chest.
“Sorry, Ericka. Amity’s been really sucked into her latest project.” Samson apologized as he held the cafeteria open for the other student. Amity didn’t even know that girl’s name off the top of her head. She wasn’t sure how Samson always seemed to remember so many.
Amity waved as the girl huffed and walked on ahead of them before looking back at her notes. Her latest attempt to interrogate her dreams more closely had failed. She hoped The Griffon Fisher’s charm would catch her dream so she could examine it in one of the crystal balls, but no luck. Whatever these nightmares were they were too strong for the net. Too strong for most of her attempts to contain them. 
“Alright, so I’m thinking maybe after class we could pick up some lavender to try a smoke cleansing.” Amity half explained to Samson, half thought out loud.
“And maybe pick up a gift for Ainsely while we’re at it?” Samson questioned.
Amity looked up from her journal red-faced.” Oh, uh, yeah.” She replied awkwardly. Tucking her journal into her saddle bag. Samson crossed his arms as he watched her walk through the door he’d been holding for several seconds.
“Hey Amity, Samson, there you are!” Lemoine cheered when they entered the cafeteria. Jumping up from her table to wave to them.
The cafeteria was a large room with a vaulted ceiling, rich carpets that you would get in quite a lot of trouble for staining. Dotted with round tables with white tablecloths. Lemoine was breaking multiple rules of etiquette with her bombastic temperament but the staff weren’t paying much mind at the moment. Ismene was quick to pull her back down into her chair. “Quite you’ll get us in trouble she scolded.”
Chara smiled brightly as Amity and Samson approached. Bouncing up and down in her seat. “I can’t wait to see your gifts. Ainsley’s going to freak when she sees what I got her.”
“I brought mine.” Samson boasted as he placed his gift on the table. “But somebody seems to have lost theirs.” He snarked.
“Amity!” Chara scolded. “The party’s in three days.” 
“I know, I know.” Amity dismissed as she took her seat. 
Samson pulled himself up into one of the dining chairs and picked up the menu on the table to order breakfast for the two of them.
“You didn’t forget did you?” Ismene challenged. Plucking a bite off her plate for the spider monkey on her shoulder. Ginger accepted the large strawberry and nibbled it eagerly.
“I didn’t forget, why does everyone assume I forgot.?” Amity protested.
Lemoine tapped her finger curiously to her lips. “Maybe cause you forgot Chara’s birthday party, and Ismene’s before that, and Dai’s and-” 
Chara cut Lemoine off with a hand to her mouth. “What Lemoine means to say is, you don’t always have the best memory for these sorts of things.” Chara admitted. 
The table went awkwardly quiet for a moment. Chara rubbed the glass bubble she kept around her neck. Her familiar piranha Chompers swam little circles inside. Lemoine scooped up her little rat Chester when Samson’s order materialized on the table. Making space and keeping him out of the food. Samson took the lids off their plates and passed Amity her food.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure she doesn’t forget.” Samson reassured.
Amity cleared her throat looking for a distraction. She looked up at the teacher’s table at the opposite end of the cafeteria. It was on an elevated platform with a large projector screen behind them. She caught the headmaster standing up to tap her cup. Her horn glowing as she amplified the sound of silver on glass to echo through the room and get everyone’s attention.
“Oh, shh, morning announcements.” Amity hushed as she pointed her classmates towards the stage.
“Good morning students of Her Majesty Queen Helia.” The headmistress greeted as she did every morning.
“Good morning to Queen Helia and our esteemed Headmistress Altai.” The student body replied in unison. Words that had been burned into Amity’s brain through her years of attendance. She’s made it past her mandatory schooling and was two years into her bachelorette’s degree in Collective Alogan Magic Studies. Once she got her degree she planned to further specialize in a specific field of magic though she still had yet to decide what she wanted to get her masters in. There were so many different magical studies out there. It felt nearly impossible to choose just one.
There wasn’t much of a consequence to the morning announcement, though Amity couldn’t help the prideful grin on her face when she saw her name at the top of the student leaderboard. Every morning they showed lists of the highest-performing GPA’s by year of study. Every year since the first grade Amity had seen her name at the top of her class.
There was of course the usual affairs as well. A warning about overdue library returns and a discussion of the familiar salon. Someone was hogging the pet shampoo. Nothing that concerned Amity. Samson didn’t use shampoo and did a fine job bathing himself.
It was only when the headmistress announced the final call for the annual student exchange program that Amity’s attention was captured.
“As you all know exchange students begin their six-week exchange study next Monday. Anyone who would like to apply for the program but has yet to still has until the end of the week but the window is closing fast.” Headmistress Altai warned.
It wasn’t her warning that caught Amity’s attention. She knew about the exchange program. The option was available every year for people who were above their mandatory school. The option to spend some time studying at one of the schools across the empire that Helia’s academy had partnered with. It was framed as a way for students to familiarize themselves with other cultures and styles of magic, though the program wasn’t very popular.
Why would it be? Helia’s academy was the most robust, well-funded, and elite magical academy in the empire. Trading schools, even if just for a few weeks, would be a downgrade. Of course, this also allowed students from other schools to come and study here for a few weeks. For those students, the program was an amazing opportunity. A chance to have access to resources they could only dream of. Amity supposed the program was good for that at least. Not that someone could do much with only six weeks of access to the school's faculties. 
No all of that was mundanity at this point. The program was nothing of note. What was of note was an image that flashed on the projector screen. One of the schools on the exchange list that so far no one had signed up for. It was a new addition to the list. One Amity had never seen before. Old Oak University. A small rickety-looking school in a small town to the south. All wood and only two stories. The roof coated in a thick layer of flowering moss and lichen. Amity almost felt her heart stop when she saw the shipped painting on the school's doors.
Two centaurs, holding a heart out between them. A mix of dingey old yellow and dark raspberry on weathered oak. 
“I’ll go!” Amity blurted out. Jumping up to raise her hand when the headmistress made the final call for Old Oak University.
The entire cafeteria all turned in their seats. All eyes were on Amity. The school’s start student, Helia’s apprentice, volunteering to study at a nothing school in a nowhere town.
“Oh?” The headmistress replied curiously. Looking down at Amity from her table. A spotlight shown on her to identify the student who volunteered. “Amity?” Headmistress Altai smiled wide to mask her surprise. “Our best and brightest. How wonderful. Who better to represent the capitol so far from home? I’m sure you’ll have lots to offer and lots to learn. I hear their ecological practices are some of the best in the nation. We look forward to seeing what new knowledge you bring home with you.” She praised sweetly.
Amity gave an awkward bow. Rushed and flustered. Flipping her hair in her face for a moment only to blow it out of the way as she righted herself again. “I’ll do my best Headmistress.” She replied.
The headmistress smiled and added Amity's name to the list before carrying on with the announcements. Amity shrug back down in her seat once the spotlight was off her and felt all her classmate's eyes boring holes into her. The whole table filled with astonished and confused faces.
“I can't believe you're bailing on Ainsley's party at the last minute!” Samson huffed as he dragged the last of their bags up onto the platform.
“You don't understand Samson. I finally have a lead on these nightmares. There's something to them I just know it.” Amity insisted as she shifted through her notes. He had a book on Queen Epiales open on the bench beside her and her journal in her lap. “The town we're going to be studying is named after the forest it borders. The Garden of Eris. Rumor has it that's were the monsters of old used to be banished. Back before the thousand-year peace. No one knows where Epiales was laid to rest but what if she was banished to the garden too?” Amity speculated.
“You mean the town where you'll be studying.” Samson corrected as he plopped down on top of their stage of suitcases. “You don't really believe in monsters, do you? Why does it matter where Queen Epiales is buried? She's dead anyway.”
Amity examined her notes again. “I'm not so sure she is. There are so many myths about her return. Some say it'll happen during the next eclipse, or when the stars are aligned.”
“Those are just stories though.” Samson argued. “If any of them were true Queen Helia would know about it. I'm sure would have already plans just in case.”
“There you are. Thank Harmonia we made it in time!” Amity's mother huffed as she trotted up to them on the platform.
Earl pulled Amity out of her studies by yanking her under his arm and ruffling her mane. “Look at you, finally leaving that dusty old school.” He teased.
“Uhg, Earl stop!” Amity whined as she pulled away. Flustered, she hurried to pack her notes up in her saddle bag before her brother made a mess of them.
“Relax Amy I'm proud of you.” Earl reassured. “I think a bit of traveling will do you some good.”
“I just wish you hadn't sprung it on us so soon!” Their mother huffed. “Oh and we dropped off that gift for your friend by the way.” 
“Thanks mom.” Samson replied graciously.
“Anything for my precious foals.” Their mother cooed. Affectionately rubbing Samson's scaley head.
“And I brought snacks for the trip.” Their father interjected. Hovering a couple bags of homemade treats into Samson and Amity's laps.
“Sweet, rice krispies. Thanks dad.” Samson enthused once he checked the contents of his bag. 
Amity looked at the dried rice and marshmallow bars with their rainbow sprinkles and groaned. “Uhg, I'm not a filly anymore dad.” She whined.
“Oh, I know that.” Her father defended meekly. “But you're never too old for a taste of home.”
Amity sighed and took a begrudging bite of her rice krispy bar when she noticed the crowd at the train station begin to part. Folks were shrinking to the sidelines and whispering excitedly among each other. 
Amity recognized the wave of bodies. Heads bowing in sequence as the queen approached. She dropped her treat in the bag and hopped up to dust off her skirt before the queen even came into view. Bowing low and holding her skirt out. She watched the familiar warm light inch down the concrete till it touched her hoofs.
“Queen Helia.” Amity breathed. Despite being the queen’s protégé Amity wasn't sure she would ever get used to her presence. 
“Glad to see I haven't missed you.” Helia greeted warmly. “I couldn't let my favorite student leave town without seeing her off.” There was a faint playfulness to her voice. Motherly and kind.
Amity raised her head to take in her queen’s visage. Her sunburnt orange mane was pulled back behind a vibrant gold crown that circled her horn. A beautiful warm plumage of peacock feathers hovered just above the ground as she walked like a regal trail. Her gaze when she looked down on Amity was gentle and loving. The faint laugh lines and crow's feet on her face a testament both to her wisdom and her good nature. She stood tall, flanked on either side by personal guards.
“I didn’t mean to leave without saying goodbye your highness.” Amity apologized.
Helia politely covered her lips as she chuckled. “Oh Amity, how many times do I have to tell you? Helia is plenty.” She teased.
“Right, right. Sorry Queen Helia.” Amity apologized as she straightened up and self-consciously adjusted her robe.
“My queen it is an absolute delight to see you as always.” Amity’s mother cooed. Placing her hands proudly on her daughter’s shoulder.
Earl saluted the queen. “My lady.” He greeted playfully.
“Earl Halflinger.” Helia nodded respectfully. “Come to see your sister off. How dutiful.” She praised sweetly. “You have a date tonight don’t you?” She asked. “Do be sure not to leave my grand niece waiting.”
Earl blushed a deep crimson and smiled shyly. “Wouldn’t dream of it, your highness.” He replied. Still holding his square-shouldered salute. 
“At ease soldier.” Helia laughed watching him sweat.
Earl dropped the salute and sighed with relief.
Amity wrung her hands together. Working up to courage to pull the queen aside to speak with her privately. “Uhm, e-excuse me. Queen Helia?” She asked meekly.
Helia looked back at Amity and blinked curiously. “Is there something you need?” She asked. Noticing Amity’s anxious fidgeting.
Amity combed her fingers through her hair. “I was wondering if you’ve received my recent letters.” She asked.
“Amity’s been really stressed out about a recent research project.” Samson blurted out between graceless bites of rice crispy. “She was hoping to ask you a few questions about Queen Epiales.”
Amity heard the curious and uncertain murmurs of the onlooking strangers. Of course, they would be eavesdropping. It wasn’t every day they had a chance to see the Queen in person. Though the population of the Canterbury weren’t total strangers to seeing the queen any onlooker would still be eager to pry into her personal affairs if given the chance.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I collected your letters but just haven’t had the time to read.” Helia apologized. Draping a hand over her heart. She took a step closer and extended her wing. Wrapping her grand feathers around Amity and pulling her in closer. Shielding her from the crowds as they stepped aside.
Helia projected a shield around them from her horn which blocked out the noise of the busy train station. Allowing her and Amity to speak freely without being overheard. “Samson says you have questions about Queen Epiales?” Helia asked. Her tone still sweet as it ever was. Like milk and honey from her lips. Still, there was some faint sadness in her eyes that Amity hadn’t seen before.
“Uhm, yes actually.” Amity cleared her throat. Trying not to dwell too heavily on the uncanny sorrow in her mentor's eyes. It was new and yet felt strangely familiar. Like the faintest glimmer of the hollow woman from her dreams. “I know it sounds silly but I’ve been having these nightmares lately-”
“Nightmares?” Helia interrupted curiously. Her brief sober tone quickly vanished as she giggled and was consumed once again by her usual good cheer. “Oh dear, you don’t really think The Nightmare Queen is behind them do you?” She teased. 
“But, but-” Amity stammered. Anxiously looked for some explanation to justify her fears. “Epiales is in every one of them. Every night for weeks.” She admitted. “It has to mean something.”
“Oh Amity.” 
That voice. Amity’s heart sank. She could tell by Helia’s voice that she wasn't going to be taken seriously. 
Helia touched the wrist of her wing to Amity’s chin and tilted her head up to face her. “I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been so distressed lately. I should have read your letters sooner.” Helia cooed softly. “I know nightmares can be frightening but they're only dreams my dear. You work too hard. You're stressed and overwhelmed my dear that's all.” Helia assured.
Amity felt hurt and small. Helia's reassurance should have been a comfort but it wasn't. “B-but the door-” Amity stammered out. Trying to put her worries to words. “I, I saw a door in my dreams and the same design on the front door of Old Oak University-”
“Shhh…” Helia soothed. Brushing Amity’s hair from her face. “The door is painted with Gardenville’s town flag. You’ve probably seen the design before on a map and forgot. Amity dear you’re a wonderful student but you need to step away from those old books.”
Amity looked down at her hooves. Tugging the strap of her saddle bag. “I just want to understand…” She replied weakly.
Helia lifted her chin to face her again. “I know you do. I know how curious and dedicated you are.” Amity’s mentor praised. “But there’s so much more for you to learn that you’ll never find in books. Maybe your dreams mean something, maybe they don’t, but you aren’t going to find your answers in books.” Helia warned.
Amity looked up at her and furrowed her brow. “But you have answers don’t you? Queen Epiales really is gone?”
Helia sighed softly through her nose. Looking down at Amity as though she were considering something. “I’ll make you a deal.” She offered. “You’ll commit to your exchange studies.” She prefaces. “And try to make some friends in Gardenville.” 
Amity screwed up her face. “What do friends have to do with any of this?” She questioned.
“You trust me don’t you?” Helia asked.
“Of course I trust you!” Amity rushed to correct. Afraid she might have offended her queen with her lack of faith.
Helia chuckled and leaned down to tap her horn against Amity’s. “Try and have fun for me. Make new friends. Look for new things to learn outside of the library.” She encouraged. Helia pulled back with a warm smile on her face. “Then when you can back you can ask me anything you want to know.”
“I’ll do my best, Your Majesty.” Amity replied softly. Attempting to sound more confident than she felt.
The train ride across country was long and tiring. Despite Helia’s warnings Amity couldn’t keep herself from flipping through her dream journal. Combing the books she brought with her. Still convinced something was wicked was coming. There was something about the way Helia had hesitated when she asked that left her wondering if her mentor knew what was going on. Perhaps she knew and was trying to keep Amity safe by dissuading her from asking too many questions.
Maybe she would be safer in this rural town to the south. Far away from the queen and her affairs. Far away from the mysterious wing of the castle that in her dreams had been adorned with Queen Epiales’s image. Samson tried to settle her nerves with small talk but Amity wasn’t keen on listening. Occasionally strangers would board the train at other stops and gawk at the dragon seated beside her. Amity was used to it by now. Dragons were a rare sight in Aloga. When they finally arrived at the train station the mare sent to collect them was just as astonished. 
“Oh dear Harmonia!” The mayor of the small town gasped when Samson stepped off the train behind Amity with their bags. “I-is that a dragon?!” She stammered. Taking a step back to clutch her pearls.
“He’s my assistant.” Amity explained dismissively as she put her journal away. She’d gotten tired over the years of having to introduce or explain Samson to people.
“How do you do Ma’am.” Samson greeted sweetly. Offering a clawed hand out to the older woman.
The older mare hesitantly reached out a hand to take Samson’s in the tips of her cloven fingers. “Mayor M'Bayar.” The woman introduced herself. She coughed and cleared her throat to get Amity’s attention. Attempting to distract from her discomfort around Samson. “This is our first year joining Helia’s exchange program. We were positively smitten to hear Queen Helia’s personal protégé would be attending our humble school.” She cooed.
The older mare held her hand out for Amity to shake. Amity looked at it for a moment and raised an eyebrow before granting her the same grace she’d granted to Samson. “I trust your facilities are up to standard.” Amity replied dryly as she shook the mayor’s hand in her fingertips. 
“Oh of course.” Mayor M’Brayar replied sheepishly. She recoiled her hand after the awkward shake to fluff her cloudy white perm. “I know it’s not as fancy as you must be used to but I do hope you enjoy your stay here.” She preened.
Mayor M’Brayar was a centaur who looked to be about in her sixties. The lack of a ring around her neck meant she was likely unmarried. A woman devoted to her job no doubt. She wore a smart though most suit in a very dull beige only a few shades lighter than her skin. A ring of cheap pearls around her neck. She wore a set of iron horseshoes. Looking at the dirt road that wound from the train station Amity realized she’d likely have to do a lot of walking in this nowhere town. Perhaps it would be best she invested in some new horseshoes herself.
“We’ll see.” Amity replied dryly. She gestured with her horn down the dirt path. “Well, you’re our guide, lead the way then.”
“Oh yes, right this way.” Mayor M’Brayar chuckled nervously. Trotting along down the steps of the brick platform and along the dirt path. 
Amity levitated a few of their bags with her magic to carry along behind her as they walked. Leaving Samson with the lighter load. 
Samson did his best to be friendly and talkative as the mayor led them through town and showed them the sights. Amity was less impressed. Acutely aware of the startled and at times horrified stares of onlookers watching a young dragon pass them by. The town was more lively than Amity had expected but still small. Once they made it into the town proper dirt paths gave way to cobblestone roads. Locals pulled carts behind them to the town's marketplace. Shops were marked more with symbols than with names. The buildings were old and in many places overgrown with greenery. 
“And this here is the town square.” Mayor M’Brayar introduced. Waving about the space with her hands in an attempt to show off the town’s meager infrastructure as if it were something of note. “That there is the town hall. If you two need anything while you’re here don’t be a stranger.” The mayor chirped.
Samson looked up at the statue in the town's enter. A figure sat on an open lotus that poured water from its petals into the fountain pool around it. “Is that Queen Gia?” Samson asked politely.
“Oh, yes, yes it is.” Mayor M’Brayar replied with a smile. Still uncomfortable with Samson’s presence but the longer the tour had gone on the more at ease she had grown. With Samson regularly asking polite questions and praising the town's beauty in contrast to Amity’s indifference, it was no surprise the mayor had grown more fond of him. Despite whatever preconceived notions she had about dragons Samson’s friendly enthusiasm had to be reassuring. 
“As you know the southern province used to be the territory of Queen Gia. Harmonia rest her soul. In the wake of her passing so many centuries ago our town erected this statue in her honor. As an agrarian community, we have a long history of cherishing our queen. Her statue is kept in pristine condition and we keep a temple in her honor at the top of that hill just to the west.” 
The mayor pointed to a tall hill that overlooked the rest of the town. Squinting against the glare of the setting sun Amity could just make out Gia’s temple. Amity has seen plenty of temples in her day. Growing up in the capitol that had temples for all the daughters of Harmonia. Grand spectacular temples kept by devoted nuns. This town’s temple was hardly impressive by comparison. 
“She’s beautiful.” Samson praised. Stepping closer to observe the statue in the town’s center. He smiled back at the mayor. “We’ll be sure to leave her an offering at the temple when we have the time.”
“I’m sure she’ll be very pleased.” The mayor replied sweetly. She ushered Amity and Samson along. “Come now, the school is this way.” She directed.
Sure enough, the university was only a short trot from the town square. It looked just like the picture Amity saw on the projector. Modest, two-story, wide and stout. The roof overgrown with moss and lichen. Flowers and vines dripping down from the awnings. The front door looked just like it had in Amity’s dream. She’s seen the town's flag waving in front of town hall with the same symbol but seeing it painted on the door was another thing entirely. It sent an odd chill through her seeing the fading and chipped paint on the old oak door.
“Here she is.” The mayor beamed as she led Amity and Samson up to the door. “It’s late so classes have ended for the day but you’ll meet the teachers as they come and go.” She unlocked the school’s door with a key from a cluttered key ring she kept on her hip. “Library and classrooms are downstairs, dorms and student accommodations are upstairs. We don’t currently have any students living in the dorm besides you two so you’ll be responsible for locking up at the end of the day.” The mayor told them.
Amity swallowed a thick knot in her throat. Frozen in place as she watched the door slowly creek open. Some part of her half expected the monster from her dreams to step out of the school's shadows. Instead, the mayor simply swung the creepy double doors open with a smile and gestured to the front room inside. 
“Amity?” Samson prodded gently when he noticed Amity’s reluctance to move.
Amity shook her head as if broken from a trance and followed the mayor inside. “Yes, of course.” She replied stiffly. Accepting the key the mayor took off her ring to offer her and tucking it into her pocket.
The front room contained a set of stairs leading up to the dorms. Hallways branched off on either side. In the center was a bulletin board that contained a class schedule and a couple of flyers for local events. 
“Classrooms are that way, library is that way.” The mayor gestures from the left hall to the right. “There’s 4 dorm rooms. You two can pick whichever ones you like it’s co-ed.” She explained.
Amity nodded. “Thank you.” She dropped the suitcases she’d been carrying with her magic and led the thunk to the floor. The fatigue of her long trip and the subsequent town tour sinking in. “I don’t think we’ll need any help settling in.” She told the mayor. Not turning to look at her. Too busy inspecting the details of the wood panled walls and carved spandrels.
“Thank you for the tour Mayor M’Brayar.” Samson gushed. “Your town is lovely.”
“Aw, aren’t you a sweetheart?” The mayor cooed. She sighed and made her way back to the door. “Well, I’m sure you two must be exhausted. I’ll just leave you be then. Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite, may Helia bless your dreams tonight.” She chimed as she left. Shutting the heavy wooden doors behind her.
Amity stood frozen in the foyer. She’s heard that jingling poem plenty of times before. She grew up hearing it from her father when he tucker her in at night. Strangely she didn’t find any comfort in it now. Samson came over and placed a clawed hand on her shoulder.
“It’s been a long day. It’s our first night sleeping so far from home.” Samson observed.
Amity looked back at him and he offered her a gentle smile. “I know they have extra dorms, but Is it ok if I sleep in your room with you tonight?” He asked softly.
Amity could tell he was offering for her sake more than his. He knew she was anxious in a new place so far from home. Still struggling with chronic nightmares.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.” Amity replied softly. “Thanks Samson.” 
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
Gosh, I love this one! The challenge is that it's gonna be a little bit long in order to actually accommodate a mystery plot, so it's going to take me a bit. I've never written case fic before, so it's exciting (but also difficult - so much to keep track of).
Rodney McKay is an excellent detective, but not exactly a people person. His partner had often been the one to secure clients and he would just track down the information. But now that she's gone, he's running Carter and McKay Investigations on his own. He's savoring his whiskey and slipping into his memories when a gorgeous redhead walks in and drops a case in his lap that might just hold the key to how his partner went missing. McKay is on the case - looking for Sora Tyrus' father, the mythical potentia, and he has reluctantly accepted help from the mysterious John Sheppard. Can he outwit Kolya and his thugs while keeping off the radar of Helia and the Atlantis police force? Will he find what he's looking for?
Excerpt below the cut.
The sign on the door still said “Carter and McKay Investigations.” Rodney kept on meaning to get it changed, but every time he picked up his phone to do it, he came up with an excuse not to. Tonight he wasn’t lying to himself - he knew why he couldn’t get it changed. Rodney poured himself another glass of whiskey and let the hypnotic sound of the rain take him back in time.
“It should be McKay and Carter Investigations! I had my investigator’s license first!”
Sam laughed. “But you have to admit that, as well as being alphabetical, ‘Carter and McKay’ sounds better.” 
“Just you wait - after we get paid for this case, I’m going to get that changed.”
If he closed his eyes, he could imagine that Sam was about to walk through that door to berate him for sitting around while she did all the legwork, or to argue with him until one of them had a breakthrough in the case. He could see her reclining in her chair, feet up on her desk, drinking coffee and correcting his corrections to the physics journals they pretended weren’t painful to read in their exile from academia. 
The clack of heels on the hallway floor tore him away from his brooding. If that incompetent excuse for a secretary was trying to worm her way back after he’d sent her back to the temp agency, she was going to regret it. But when the door opened, his jaw dropped and he was momentarily rendered speechless.
“This is Carter and McKay Investigations, right?” The woman was gorgeous, even with her figure mostly hidden by a trenchcoat. The defiant cant of her chin was in stark contrast to her uncertain tone, and Rodney tried to shake off the distraction of her red, red lips and fiery curls.
“Yes, of course. It’s what it says on the door, isn’t it?” His tone was snappish, but it was late, and his office was technically closed, even if the door wasn’t locked.
She hesitated and tightened her grip on her wet umbrella. “Is this a bad time? I know it’s late, but I saw the light on, and I was hoping you could help me.”
He sighed and stood up. “No, it’s not a bad time. Dr. Rodney McKay, private eye. Have a seat and tell me what I can do for you this dreary evening.”
The woman gave a wary glance at the single, sad-looking chair in front of his desk and gingerly sat down. “It’s my father, Dr. McKay. He’s missing?”
“The police usually want to handle missing persons cases, Ms…?”
“Tyrus. Sora Tyrus.”
7 notes · View notes
sarahopm · 19 hours
Hey! Just a fanfiction that I started to write on Toji Fushiguro! I'm posting it here and on Wattpad!
𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚 | 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 [Chapter 15]
Having fun?"
Her heart skips a beat as a voice suddenly breaks the silence in the room. She turns around abruptly, her grip tightening on the sword in her hand.
Standing at the entrance of the weapon room is Toji, his arms crossed, and a smirk on his face. He leans against the doorway, watching Helia with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.
As Helia realizes who it is, her heart rate slowly returns to normal. However, she can't help but feel a flicker of annoyance when she sees the smirk on Toji's face. She straightens up and returns his gaze with a glare, but she lowers the sword, keeping a wary distance between them two.
Toji lifts his eyebrow as Helias glares at him, his smirk widening. He steps closer, the sound of his footsteps echoing faintly in the room.
"Is that how you treat the man who just saved your ass? With that nasty look?" He asks, his tone casually sarcastic.
"I've already thanked you for saving my life, sir." She says in a tone less polite than she had hoped.
He moves closer, his strides casual and relaxed, his gaze fixed on Helia. He closes the distance, stopping a few steps away, still sporting that irritating smirk on his face.
"Yeah, you did." He concedes. "But that doesn't mean you need to look so pissed off all the time." He crosses arms over his chest, his eyes intently studying her.
Helia quickly puts back the sword to where it originally was. He chuckles softly, his eyes flitting from the sword to Helia and back again.
"Oh, were you playing pretend with that sword?" He teases, his tone laced with mockery. "Pretending to be a knight in some fairy tale?"
Helia can feel her embarrassment and anger rise. Why won't he just leave her alone? "No, I wasn't!"
He lets out a low chuckle, enjoying the fact that he's managed to get under her skin. He studies her expression, noticing the slight hint of embarrassment in her eyes.
"Oh? Really?" He taunts, his tone mocking but playful. "Then what were you doing, hm? Just admiring the pretty sword?"
He circles around her, his steps light and deliberate, his eyes studying her.
She can feel her anger rising. Whenever he's around her, it seems like she can't control her anger. And this time she doesn't keep her voice polite when she answers him.
"I was just cleaning the room!"
He raises his eyebrows surprised that she didn't call him 'sir' this time. But he continues to move around Helia, his gaze locked with hers, his smirk still intact.
"Oh, cleaning the room?" He replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "And picking up swords and wielding them like a knight is part of your cleaning routine, is that it?"
She shots him a dark glare. Why does he care about what she's doing anyway? Doesn't he have better things to do than pissing her off?
He stops his circling. He notices the anger in her expression, but he seems unfazed.
He continues, his tone somewhat mocking. "Wanting to be a knight, huh? Wanna learn how to use that sword properly, little maid?"
Of course, she wanted to be able to use a weapon after last night's attack. She wanted to be able to defend herself alone, without anyone coming to save her. But she doesn't answer him, he would probably just make fun of her anyway or find it ridiculous that a maid would want to learn how to fight.
He studies her for a moment, his gaze lingering on her face, as if he's trying to read her thoughts.
"You want to learn how to fight huh? Defend yourself, protect yourself from harm?"
"I won't answer your questions." She spats.
He smiles victorious, it was clear that she wanted to learn how to wield a sword or she would have just said that she didn't want to.
"Ah, so you do want to learn how to fight?" He says, eyeing her with interest. "What if I was to teach you?" He says, his words hanging in the air as he waits for her reaction.
She scoffs and raises her eyebrows. "I didn't say I wanted to learn how to fight and even if I wanted to, I would not do it with you."
She'd rather die during a possible next attack because she doesn't know how to use a sword than having to train with him. She doesn't even know why he would want to help her.
At first his smirk drops replaced by a frown. But he quickly regains his calm and respond in a bitter tone.
"Why wouldn't you want to train with me? I'm an expert swordsman, you know. Why don't you take advantage of the opportunity to learn from the best? Or are you scared, little maid? You should be grateful that I offer you my help after that you nicely got me locked up for weeks."
She smiles as he reminds her of his imprisonment, the thought making her feel nostalgic. She was very proud of that and those weeks when he was locked up were actually the best weeks she had had in a long time.
However, she thinks about his offer. It's true that it is very tempting to learn how to defend herself and no one else would ever propose that to a maid like herself. But at the same time, she really doesn't want to train with him, she would be fine with anyone but him.
"Why would I want to train with you. How do I know you won't try to kill me during training?"
He throws his head back and lets out a loud, hearty laugh. He seems genuinely amused by her accusation, which only increases her anger.
"Is that what you think of me?" He replies, still chuckling slightly. "That I'll just try to murder you during a training session? You really think so lowly of your savior?"
Yeah, right, her 'savior'. If he hadn't been ordered by his father to clean the maid compound of any intruders, he would have never saved her.
"Although, the thought of killing you is pretty exciting, I promise you that I won't do that." He adds.
He really knows how to comfort people... But she can't blame him for having dark ideas, Helia herself was thinking about hurting him every time she saw him.
"And you would train me just like that? Without asking anything in return?"
"Well, nothing in this world is really free, is it?" His tone slightly mocking. "So how about we make a little deal?"
Of course, Helia knew that he wouldn't offer his help out of the goodness of his heart. She doesn't say anything, she just glares at him, waiting for him to propose his 'little' deal.
"Alright, then listen up. Here's the deal. In return for me training you, you will clean my toilets twice a day, without complaint, and you will never refuse an order from me. Can you handle that, little maid?"
Helia restrains a laugh at those absurd conditions. "Cleaning your toilets twice a day? That's ridiculous they don't need to be cleaned that much."
"Oh, is that so?" He replies, his tone lightly mocking. "Well, I like my toilets sparkling clean. That's the deal, take it or leave it."
If only she could slap him right now and erase that stupid smirk of his, it would really calm her nerves. Why was he asking something so ridiculous and useless when he could have asked for anything else? She stays silent, slowly starting to consider this deal.
"Come on now, you want to learn how to fight, don't you? Learn how to defend yourself so you don't have to rely on anyone? It's a small price to pay for lessons from a master, isn't it?"
She rolls her eyes at his confidence. But he isn't wrong, she really wants to be able to defend herself.
She's suddenly reminded of her mission to spy on Toji. Training with him could be beneficial. She could gather information on him to report it to Naobito and at the same time receive some training to defend herself.
And even if the idea of cleaning his toilets twice a day doesn't really enchant her, it would still give her more time to spy on him and find things about him in his room without raising any suspicions. When she thinks about his offer in this way it's more appealing.
She's extracted from her thoughts when he speaks up. "So, have you made up your mind?"
She hesitates for a few seconds before answering. "Alright. I accept your help but only if you promise to train me properly. Don't play any tricks on me."
His smirk turns into a full-blown grin. She just hopes that she didn't make a mistake by accepting this.
"You'll clean my toilets twice a day, and I'll teach you how to fight. No tricks, no bullshit, just a straightforward agreement. Deal?"
He extends his hand, waiting for Helia to shake it. She looks at his hand with disgust, she doesn't want to have to shake his hand to seal the deal. But seeing that he doesn't take his hand away, she reluctantly shakes it.
He looks satisfied with the agreement. He grips her hand firmly, sealing the deal.
"Good, then it's settled. You're officially my trainee, which means you'll be my personal little cleaner, and you'll learn how to fight. Exciting times ahead, huh?"
She takes her hand away from his grip, restraining herself from wiping her hand on her clothes.
He continues unbothered by her action. "We'll train three times a week, at night, starting in two days. Be there at 9 sharp. And don't be late, I don't like to be kept waiting. I'm a busy man, you know."
She sighs, she's already regretting this. "Alright I got it. You can go now. I have to finish cleaning the room."
She just wants him and his stupid smirk out of her sight. God, she hates that smirk.
He chuckles at her irritation, seemingly enjoying the fact that he gets under her skin so easily.
"As you wish, little maid." He says, still smirking. He gives her a mocking salute, then turns around and gets ready to leave the room.
But he stops at the door, his hand on the doorknob, turning to look back at Helia.
"You know, I just realized I don't even know your name." His tone curious. "Seems a bit strange, considering we run into each other quite often these days. So, what's your name, little maid?"
She mutters. "Helia."
"Helia, huh?" He repeats, testing the name on his tongue. He puts on that annoying smirk on his face and adds.
"See you in two days then, Helia."
With that, he turns and exits the room, the door closing behind him quietly. She hates the way her name sounds in his mouth, and she wishes that he will never pronounce it again.
She goes back to cleaning the room, still frustrated and angry at him. She can't help it; his mere presence is annoying. As she continues to clean angrily, scrubbing she mutters under her breath.
"Asking me to clean his toilets twice a day. What is he?! A child?!"
Her anger and frustration persist, but in the middle of her resentment, she reminds herself of the reason she agreed to Toji's deal in the first place. She didn't accept it because she wanted to train with him, but rather because she sees it as a necessary part of her mission, a means to an end.
She takes a deep breath, reminding herself to keep her emotions in check. She has a job to do, and letting her anger get the better of her won't help her accomplish it.
As she finishes to clean the room, an idea crosses her mind, comforting her a little. Maybe during training, she could unfortunately and without doing it on purpose at all, hit Toji in a very sensitive area.
The idea of causing him a bit of discomfort, even for a moment, provides her with a small dose of revenge for the frustration and humiliation he's put her through. It would probably not match the pain she felt while getting whipped, but it was better than nothing.
She gets out of the room, closes the door behind her, a small smile on her face as she mentally pictures the potential accident she might cause during training.
She tries to hold onto that shred of satisfaction as she moves on to her next task, still determined to make the best of this frustrating situation and find a way to get back at Toji for his arrogance and mockery.
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
A fiver :D Hector, Isaac, Leon, Mathias and Rosaly <3
Oh, it's on. >:3
Favorite thing about him: Hmmm, i'm not sure... his relationship with Isaac ? (the fact he spares Isaac in the PtR manga because he, apparently, can't get himself to kill his old friend... yet).
Least favorite thing about him: His seeming attraction for Julia >:l
Favorite line: Oooo it's a hard one... i have plenty. "Forgive me... it's not your sin." (Hector to his devils in the PtR manga) "Get away, you're bothering the lady" (Hector to crows also in the PtR manga LISTEN IT'S NOTHING BUT THE WHOLE PANEL IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE-). Also, from the other manga... "...Ha ha ! You... did you acquire your powers just so you could become Dracula's pawn ? [...] I am human. I sought this power so that i could remain human ! Not for anyone's sake ! For me !! For myself !! Not to be the pawn in some ridiculous plot for revenge !!" those lines are not only a great show of character, but also MULTIPLE HARD SLAPS IN ISAAC'S FACE LMAO
BrOTP: Isaactor. And also Hevor. <3
OTP: Isaactor BECAUSE I DON'T SEE WHY THEY CAN'T BE BOTH BROES AND HOES and also Hevor BECAUSE SAME THING (listen. i can't choose. leave me alone. >:c)
nOTP: Helia :')
Random headcanon: Hector always cared about Isaac in one way or another since they met and then he got Rosaly killed
Unpopular opinion: His 3D model's lips are ugly <3 (they always bugged me during the cutscenes i'm sorry :c)
Song i associate with him: Eeeeee I don't have any coming to mind eoirhgrsmgmlkresnglmskd (even though we already shared a few in DMs, smh)
Favorite picture of him:
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Remember when Rosaly thanked (a very traumatised) Hector for being born ? :') Yeah. :') Please Rosaly, give this man all the hugs for us... :')
Favorite thing about him: HIS WHOLE DAMN BEING LIKE FUCK. GAH. I LOVE HIM MUCH MORE THAN I EVER THOUGHT I WOULD- also the whole stabbing scene also his japanese voice also the whole stabbing scene WITH HIS JAPANESE VOICE <3
Least favorite thing about him: The fact he used a light saber for his final fight :/
Favorite line: I'm just going to do like Hector. "Why did you betray us ?!" he so cared :') His poor little gay heart has been broken :') "With a broken sword as a walking stick. Look at this pathetic sight. My body is the proof of your expectations of him. Ridicule me, scold me. Next time, it will be by any means. Everything concludes with you. The conclusion-" going with "Don't tell me it has nothing to do with your treachery. If my head had rolled, I would not have seen this, Hector...!". Sobbing and crying on the floor. Also, a line from the actual game this time: "You resurrected the Castle ! Hector... Bravo !" HE'S MOCKING HECTOR SO HARD OIERHGMSLDGRLKSDNG
BrOTP: Isaabel. <3
OTP: You may expect me to say Isaactor but NO. IT'S ACTUALLY ISAAVOR !! And Isaacula &lt;;3 and Maac and Graac
nOTP: Isaac x any woman, really.
Random headcanon: He used to be the one to teach Hector about the Dark Arts, until Hector started being better than him <3
Unpopular opinion: The same as yours >:( "He's far more than crazy gay joker and he wipes the floor with N!Isaac" >:(
Song I associate with him: Many, one of wich is The Master's Song, because he's that much of a simp for Drac <3
Favorite picture of him: Outside of every single screenshot you can get of him during the stabbing scene ? Probably this one:
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Look at him <3 Discovering his home absolutely destroyed for the first time <3 Not quite realising his dear Lord is dead yet... because the shock is just too great... and then this bat flies to him and it's a sign of hope. You can see it in his eyes, "if this bat is here then it means i'm not alone yet, it means He is still-" and then the next panel the bat dies :) And so does all his hope. Rage blooming inside him to cover the grief. :) This page is the last moment of Isaac's sanity before it starts sliping away <3 (in this version of the events, at least)
Favorite thing about him: This man has left his whole life behind to go save his betrothed. He turned his back on the church he has served for years and thought probably very highly of, because they'd rather fight other humans than monsters. And he was having none of this shit <3 He just left them, even gave them back their sword, and that's very sexy of him. He has morals, and he will follow them no matter what. <3
Least favorite thing about him: His 3D model >:( Especially HIS HAIR
Favorite line: "I see. Give him this message: You have become a cursed being and I will never forgive you. This whip and my kinsmen will destroy you someday. From this day on, the Belmont Clan will hunt the night." Ah, yes. The lines who closed the game... but started the whole franchise <3 The very moment Leon put his curse on his clan. <3 ("you wretched fool" is second place btw)
BrOTP: Matheon (mostly because of the things that happened only in my HEAD and some extremely rare fanarts), before Mathias betrays him, that is.
OTP: Leon x Mathias and Walter and Joachim and HE TOPS ALL OF THEM !! (Well. Leon x Sarah is quite cute and tragic too, from what we see <3)
nOTP: It's not much about having nOTP than it is about having a "tired of seeing Leon being either a bottom or turned female (wich is ALSO a bottom)" issue lmao
Random headcanon: Him and Mathias used to call each other "brother"
Unpopular opinion: Idk :(
Song I associate with him: His theme, ofc <3
Favorite picture of him:
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He has multiple very pretty art pieces that makes my heart go doki-doki, but something about this one in particular is making it go doki-doki harder <3
Favorite thing about him: Part of me wanna say his design (Pretty and tall porcelain gothic boy wearing FUR <3), but really, I think my favorite thing about him is that he's the man Dracula used to be. He's a glimpse of Dracula before he goes apeshit. He's the origin of it all. The Dark Lord before he becomes the Dark Lord. And I love to think about the contrasts beetween the two (even if lots of headcanon have to be involved). Especially when putting his and (any of) Dracula's design back to back <3 They're so different. And yet the same. <3 Or... are they...?
Least favorite thing about him: He doesn't get nearly enough screentime, especially with the big role he has in this game AND the whole franchise, as Dracula's origins story. >:l
Favorite line: "Then come with me. I will give you eternity, too." my man doesn't have much lines and his first ones are pretty cliché, but I like this little detail of him wanting to keep his dear friend by his side <3 (Though I also like how he talks about Elisabetha and shits on God lmao, he's so not okay)
BrOTP: Matheon.... but also Deathias. <3 (i did not make this post for nothing. The concept of Death getting attached to Mathias... attachment that will go on for centuries... They live in my head rent free. <3)
nOTP: Uuuuuh idk, it's not like he's shipped with a lot of people...
Random headcanon: His family was close to the Belmonts', so when they died, the Cronqvist took him in. Wich led to Mathias teaching Leon many things/helping him with his studies, cherishing him like his little brother <3
Unpopular opinion: He's not stupid (he just took stupid decisions <3) and he's a good and interesting character/concept. Sure the game doesn't give us much about him, but enough to let us make our own interpretations and headcanons.
Song I associate with him: Other than his theme ?... Autotheist <3
Favorite picture of him:
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Oh, hey... :) I've seen these flowers before. :)
Least favorite thing about her: If it wasn't for the mangas... she would be nothing but a name dropped two times in the whole game :')
Favorite line: "Hector... thank you... for being born." NNNNNGH NO NO. IT'S FINE. GO ON. STEP ON MY HEART WHY DON'T YA. I DON'T MIND.
BrOTP: ...yeah I don't have any for this one
OTP: Hectaly <3 Of course. <3
nOTP: Rosadeath..... this isn't about the character Death btw. This is about SHE DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE. FUCK.
Random headcanon: Uuuuuuuuuuh she wanted to have kids with Hector......? Idk ???
Unpopular opinion: She's a sweet character (way better than the pathetic excuse for a girlfriend N!Hector had <3)
Song I associate with her: Idk :(
Favorite picture of her:
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ok fine. More seriously.
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Look at her <3 She looked so happy... <3 (hesitated beetween this and the picture of her crying because she feels so bad for Hector, and the one where she hugs him right after)
THERE. I FINISHED !! Just send me multiple asks next time lmao i am BEGGING Very good choice for the characters though <3
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redemptionarcsucker · 2 years
Can you tell us a bit about the long fic you’re working on? You’ve referenced it a few times and I’m intrigued ;D
Yooo sure hehe
there are two multi-chap fics I'm currently working on. One is a Specialists mission thingie, which shall involve our fav bois being chaotic + double-agent Helia, spy Riven, and a generally fun ol' time. Oh, and this story will also reveal a crucial part of Helia's backstory.
So the other one I'm a little conflicted about. Like I said before, it will primarily be focalised on Helia and Flora, but as I was plotting it, the story expanded to a massive rewrite, one which is way way more ambitious, but would have an insane amount of world-building, and would focus on all the characters and how their lives interweave. This rewrite would be a lot more focused on political intrigue than most WC rewrites, because I find the fact that most of our main characters are royals and nobles a plot point that has a lot of potential. Other fun stuff to look forward to with this one: Helia and Musa decoding a bunch of songs that Musa's mom wrote together, Sky having to unlearn everything he has been told by his parents, Riven making chaotic bi decisions, Brandon makes more tame bi decisions, Witch Flora, Wizard Helia, and Tecna and Timmy just barely keeping their respective teams functioning. All of this is underlined by a huge dimension-wide war that occurred when all of them were kids, and you'll see how their personalities and decisions in the present are informed by things with which they are grappling from the past. Flora goes to Cloud Tower but knows that she doesn't belong there. Stella is redoing her first year and feels like a failure. Oh also, Bloom and Helia are foils to each other; Bloom, as she is discovering things about her magic and her past, learns of Helia, this bizarre grandson of Saladin with an insane amount of magic, who ... just left RF and never used his magic again. Doesn't help that they are both related to the original members of the Council of Light (something that absolutely does not become a huge plot point later, nuh uh)
All of that being said, I'm conflicted because there seems to be a billion Winx rewrites these days, and I'm not sure if anyone really wants a new one. I could fit the individual characters' stories into the original timeline, but it wouldn't feel as organic. On the other hand, the scope of this rewrite is MASSIVE, and frankly, quite overwhelming. Nevertheless, ofc it is Helia's backstory I'm most excited to introduce (also Riven's, Musa's and Tecna's). Lemme know if the rewrite sounds good! If not, I can tweak the story to fit the show's timeline.
Hope this works, and that it gives ya something to look forward to!
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