#helaena my beloved they could never make me hate you
Snow Angel
Aegon's Version
I'll angel in the snow until I'm worthy but if it kills me, I tried.
Gwyane's Version ❄ Daemon's Version ❄ Aegon's Version ❄ Aemond's Version ❄ Jacaerys' Version ❄ Cregan's Version ❄ Criston's Version
Aegon Targaryen x Reader | 600< | cw: fem!reader, wife!reader, forced/arranged marriage, angst, pregnancy, death, typos, etc.
A/N: renee rapp my beloved
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To this day, you could not say how you felt about your husband. Aegon was many things, a drunk, a pervert, a maniac, but it did not really matter because he was also a Targaryen, and one day, he would also be a king.
Did you hate him? Perhaps in times he took his anger out on you or when he made you lie with him when you did not want to.
Did you think him horrid? Yes. Most definitely in times where he abused his power for his entertainment. But perhaps the most horrid thing he's ever done to you is make yourself wonder if you loved him.
You did not marry him for love, gods no. Not once when you caught a glimpse of him in feasts or namedays did you ever imagine you'd be his bride, but then you were. And once you were a princess, everyday you were reminded one day you might be queen. This was why your belly was never not swollen with child, to secure babe that might one day be a king.
"A king lives in you," Helaena mutters as she played with her food.
You turn to her, rubbing your bump. You smile, "a boy?" You turn to her mother who was silently eating her dinner across you, "the queen will be pleased."
"And brother will be loathed to see himself staring back at him," Aemond says upon hearing your words.
You press your lips into a tight line, "is that how you felt when Helaena gave birth to your son?"
"I am not my brother," he turns to you, "and my son is not me."
"A chick crying for his mother," Helaena says, looking at your belly.
She does not continue. It agitates you, "where is his mother?"
She turns to her food again, shaking her head, "flew away."
"Flew away?" Aegon drunkenly repeats what his sister told you at the dinner table he'd been absent from.
Your eyes could not help but water in this moment. You rub your belly, dreading the idea of never being able to see your son.
"You would know not to-" belch "-believe everything Helaena says."
You turn to your hands and shake your head. She predicted the sex of your three daughters. She predicted the injury Aegon sustained trying to mount Sunfyre drunk. You believed her.
Aegon notices your silence and the tear that drips down your nose. He sighs and sits beside you on your shared bed. You look up at him when the mattress dips. He gracelessly takes your hand and slaps his on top of it, "all will be well."
You remain silent. Your red eyes staring back at him sober him up. He rubs your hand, "we have the best maesters in Westeros."
You lower your gaze, observing his touch grows gentler and gentler.
"Take heart. If it is a boy, then it will have been the last time you need lay with me."
His ministrations halt when you place your hand atop his. You look up at him, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Aegon knows no matter what he says, you will not find comfort, and yet he offers still, "Sunfyre will feast if they do not preserve the mother of my children."
His somber face pinches your heart. In this moment, you did not need to wonder. You mutter, "I love you."
Aegon does not reply. He does not know what to do with the admission. He does not even know if it was true. Come the birth of his son, he realizes he did not care. He did not care if you really loved him or not, so long as you were there.
The life of his youngest came at the cost of your own however. Helaena was right, his chick cried for his mother. No one could stop him from making true the last promise he gave his wife. His dragon drank the blood of ten people the day his heir was born.
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farity · 1 year
Let’s Pretend, part 5
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x you
Summary:  The pretend engagement trope courtesy of Aemond and you
Warning:  Future smut.
Part 1    Part 2     Part 3
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“Despite how much it pleases me to see you miserable, brother,” Aegon said, “will you just go fetch the girl?  She may have terrible taste in men, but she was amusing at times.”
Aemond shoved his brother against the wall, and Aegon laughed.  “You will shut your mouth.”
“She is most likely still on the road at this time.  You can have Vhagar roast her in that carriage, although there might be some collateral damage but what is that to us princes?”
Aemond let go of his brother, stared at him.  If only things were so easy.
“Don’t be a fool, little brother.  You aren’t doomed to a miserable marriage, Should you waste the opportunity, I might just cut off your hair while you sleep.”
“You will not touch his beautiful hair.”
Aegon rolled his eyes at the sound of Helaena’s voice.  “I need a fucking drink.”
* * * * * 
Aemond followed the road to her home, his mind a tangled mess.  He had no idea what he would say, if she was even willing to speak with him.  Half the time he wanted to throw himself a her feet and beg for her forgiveness and the other half he wanted to shake her and ask her why she would request such a thing from him, when he was barely able to control himself the times he’d held her in his arms.
He had grown accustomed to her presence.  Had felt her integrate herself so easily into his life that when she had surprised him by asking him to lay with her, he had not been ready for the realization of what that meant.  
She was quietly making herself irreplaceable to him and the moment he understood that, he had no choice but to pull back.  If life had taught him anything, it was that those who should love him didn’t care to.  Some simply ignored him while others actively hated him.  When he had stepped back, put up the wall between himself and any potential for heartache, he had not realized until too late the utter devastation that would ensue.
In the distance, he saw the carriage, and flew past it, all the way to the field where he had first left Vhagar back during that fateful visit when she had taken an arrow for him.  He had never told her he had felt her purposely move to keep the arrow from striking him.  She had simply, out of instinct, moved to keep him from harm, and he could not speak of it.  Not without irreparable damage to everything that had taken him years to craft.
He landed easily, his heart beginning to race, and he saw the guards at the back gate.  “If you wish to follow me, you may, I mean no harm to anyone,” he said when he walked past them.
He turned before anyone could reply, and headed toward the main road.
* * * * * 
You all heard the dragon’s roar.
You looked out the window, following Vhagar until she disappeared from your sight, and turned to find four eyes, all beloved to you, watching you.
“My darling,” your father said, “you know whatever you choose to do, I will stand behind you, as will our army.”
“Goodness, I hope it will not come to that,” you said, trying to sound less nervous than you were.  You hit the roof of the carriage, “stop!”
You opened the door, and turned to see your father and Lord Stoughton, hands clutched together, as you readied yourself to meet Aemond.  
He had stopped out in front of your home, and you saw that some of your guards stood some distance behind him.  You stopped a few paces from Aemond, unwilling to go any closer, then you sank into a slow, deep curtsy.  A few moments later, he bowed.  As usual, his expression was unreadable.
“Why did you leave without saying goodbye?”
“Is that what bothers you?  That I did not say goodbye?”
“Yes.  No.”  He took a step forward and you felt the urge to run away.  “You left, just like that.  Without saying anything to me.”
This was an argument you had been ready for.  “You turned around and left when I was trying to talk to you, Aemond.  You left without listening to me.”
He looked to the side, as if trying to remember.  “And then I came back- you know, it does not matter.”
That muscle on his jaw that twitched when he was trying to control some emotion jumped.  “Why?  Will you tell me that much?”
“Because we no longer agree on what we want out of this.”
He took another step forward.  “Because I wouldn’t bed you.”
You’d thought about this argument, too.  You had had plenty of time to think about this conversation.  “Because of what you said after.”
He ran a hand through his hair, and you could now see the darker slashes of color on his cheeks.  “Because I want to preserve your good name and reputation.  That is why you are done with me.”
“Aemond, I wouldn’t have asked you to- you know-”
“Fuck you.”
You winced at the tone, the expression.  He meant to hurt you.
“Bed me, just like that.  I wasn’t expecting to lay with anyone that wasn’t my husband.”
“Yet you damn me for trying to preserve your name so you can make a good match later on?”
“There is no later on!  Don’t you get it?” you snapped, grateful for the fact that both the carriage and the guards were far away from you both.  “You’re still thinking there is going to be some other man after you, when in truth, I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t . . . “
“Love you.”
He opened his mouth, eye wide, and said nothing.
“I wouldn’t have asked you to lay with me if I did not love you.”
Aemond closed his mouth, and gods damn the man, his face remained unreadable.  “I know,” he said quietly.
You did a double take, “what do you mean, you know?”
“I knew the moment you asked.”
You had thought you could not feel any worse than you already did, but yet again, you were surprised.  You could get through this.  You could survive this.  There could be a future for you where you were happy even though he knew you loved him and still chose to reject you.
“Well, then, since my declaration is as unpalatable to you as my earlier request, I will ask you to send the guards back and get out of my way so I can go home.”  You smoothed your skirts, praying to the Maiden you would not start crying.  Not until you were safely alone.  “No one will blame you.  I will say that my injury showed me life as a Targaryen is filled with dangers and I am simply not up to the task.  I am sure dozens of ladies will start putting about how brave and fearless they are.”
“You are brave, and fearless.”
You nodded.  “I am delighted to hear this praise from you, Prince Aemond.”
“Far more so than me.”
“Sure,” you replied.  “the man who masterfully wields the sword and rides that giant dragon is not as brave and fearless as I.”
He took another step toward you and this time, you did step back.  “I knew when you asked me,” he repeated.  “and it terrified me.”
“That is a horrible thing to say.  I suggest you do not say such things to your next betrothed.”
To your surprise, he laughed.  “Love has always been given at great cost, or  completely withheld.  Or used as a weapon.  In my experience.”
“It doesn’t have to be any of those things.”
“You took an arrow for me.  Do you not know how guilty I feel that you almost died?”
You shrugged, “you never said.”
He looked stricken.  “There are many things I have left unsaid,” he murmured.  “I know I deserve no second chance, but I will ask for one, should you think me worthy of it.”
You were about to reply, but then he took another step and placed a knee on the ground before you, and it was then you felt the tears begin.
“I have heard it say that a soulmate is not someone who matches you precisely, but instead a mirror that shows you the best and the worst of what you are,” he extended his hand, which you took immediately.  “You are that for me.  Be my betrothed, in truth this time, I will spend the rest of my days making sure you know how much I cherish you.  How much I love you.  How much I desire you.”
You pulled him up to standing and brought his face to yours so you could kiss him.  
“As many, many people have told me lately,” he whispered,  “I have been a fool.”
You wrapped your arms around him, let him kiss you and lift you off the ground, and when you pulled back, he brushed the tears off your cheeks.  
You heard the carriage drive past you and around the side of the house, and the guards turned and headed back inside, leaving you and Aemond alone outside.
* * * * * 
“Tell me,” he said as he walked around the pretty gardens with her on his arm.  “who else was on your list?”
She stopped, and he turned to find her giving him a look of exasperation.  “It does not matter.”
“I agree,” Aemond said.  “Who else?”
“Why? Will you go on a murdering spree?”
He considered the question, “well, Aegon still lives, which means I have successfully controlled my murdering impulses for years.”
“Oh good, that is very reassuring.”
“You will tell me, sooner or later.”  He pulled her close, kissed her until she parted her lips for him, wrapped an arm around her.  “I am very good at finding out information when I am determined.”  He continued tasting the sweetness of her mouth, and when he finally let her go, her eyes were heavy lidded and her cheeks were flushed.  
“I believe I will tell you anything you wish if you keep kissing me like that.”
His eye went to her mouth, then back up to her eyes.  “I will remember that.”  He ran the back of his fingers down the side of her face.  “You are everything that is precious to me.”
“As are you, Aemond.”
He smiled suddenly.  “Lord Stoughton made sure to let me know, before you left the keep, that he has an affinity, and should the need arise, a great talent for concocting poisons.”
She laughed, the sound of light and warmth, and he pulled her in to kiss her hair, the familiar scent now welcome.
“Will you tell me about them?”
There was some hesitation in her gaze when she looked up at him, but she nodded.  “Lord Stoughton is the son of an old Baron from the Vale, he was a ward of my grandfather, a few years younger than my father but they grew up together.  When father married, and the wardship was over, Lord Stoughton went back home.”  She smoothed her skirts nervously.  “A couple of years after mother died they met again.  I have known him all my life, he was just always there and I never questioned it.  He is kind and father is happy.  Once I knew what things were, I realized how much they were willing to risk.”  She tugged on Aemond’s hand and he turned to face her.  “I will see no harm of any kind come to them.”
Aemond nodded.  “I would say or do nothing that would ever cause them or you any harm.”  When she smiled at him, he continued.  “So now a choice is upon you, my lady.  Send for your Septon and marry me here tonight, or we head back to King’s Landing and you marry me there tonight.”
* * * * * 
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sunnysideaeggs · 3 months
hi babes this is my ep 3 review. this is a lil monday tradition i love to yap
lmao rhaenys subtly gagging rhaenyra and calling her out. i’m liking her more and more compared to the first season, she seems more rounded and actually a figure of peace instead of coping
now rhaenyra is coping lol. ‘a little boy murdered in his bed’ ‘but my throonee :((((‘
rhaenyra parentifying rhaena and making her go to her mother’s place of death to safeguard her sons 🙄 not even recognizing the burden she is putting in her. a white woman giving her children to raise to a black girl smh
i like a lot what they’re making with rhaena, giving her actual thoughts that often contradict her ‘side’. go get your hightower husband girl
why no one remembered that larys, yk, the greens’ master of whispers, is lord of harrenhal? like of course it is a green location? where is he? isn’t he a memeber of the council? why does he never attends council meetings?
lmao not daemon wishing to be called king when the proper title is king consort. let me just get a meme:
i just realized that alicent now dresses less ‘richly’ maybe to indicate frugality during war to the people. ‘look, we’re not having feasts while you starve’ kind of vibe. the green queen beloved of the smallfolk
and she is also less structured because she doesn’t need to cover herself for viserys. i enjoy her having the freedom to dress as she likes
as a sansa lover, i must say i love rhaena. go gentle princess with a good who feels everything too much and wears courtesy as a weapon. i love u
if they’re diminishing helaena’s grief and they’re not going to give me helaena taking revenge in dreamfyre istg 🤨🤨🤨
I KNEW THE ARMOR WAS VALYRIAN STEEEEELL 🔥🔥🔥 that’s why it doesn’t fit him it literally isn’t made for him. i hope it’s fireproof
egg promoting his lads 😭 medieval networking
lol larys is the kind of guy that suddenly comes to you with the weirdest true crime facts that leave you feeling icky. i love him
aegon did the alicent disappointed face to his kingsguard. neat party trick
not making baelon cheat on alyssa 🙄 our one successful sibling marriage and they take it from us
tbh if i was dyana you wouldn’t catch a glimpse of me after the meeting with alicent. fuck king’s landing, that stinky city. i would have alicent get me a little house in oldtown. a job as a cook. no chance of any dirty man getting his hands on me. why keep victimizing a character for no reason condal?
any dragonseed should zip it for good, unless you get something for your heritage. my mom was a lyseni whore, that’s what i would say. nobody asks you questions when you say your mom was a lyseni whore
aegon 🙄 i thought we were getting past this. i hope he apologizes, i’m tired of this aemond slander.
i dislike the full frontal scene with aemond. literally gratuitous, no one asked for it. and we know there’s awful people saying shit about ewan’s body, they now get another chance of making fun of his most intimate parts and aemond’s intimate moments. why.
finally some class conscience exploration with criston? are my prayers being answered?
lmao not rhaenyra getting another girl daemon. i dislike baela’s hot head since ever but if it gives me comedic relief i’ll take it
rhaenyra is his father’s daughter. not a compliment
i love how daemon barricades his door just to… open it when he thinks someone wants to get in. and gets out. big forehead not big brain.
MILLY APPEARS YAYYYY 🥰🥰🥰 jaehaerys noooooo 😭😭😭
i could see jae’s actor kinda winking, his little lashes twitching. he’s a baby and he’s doing his best omg 😭💕 it could be the candles tho
yes daemon cry i hate you
imagine you’re a kid and they tell you your job is to be still and have a pretty lady hum at you and touch your cheek. so comforting tbh
ALYS APPARITION YAYYYY 🥰🥰🔥 she’s as stunning and disturbing as i imagined her. devoured. ate him alive. as she should.
lmao of course alicent would think war is to be averted after seeing her grandson without a head 🙄 and if she does she’s dead to me istg
yes rhaenyra threaten a queen 🙄 of course she will react well and think of making peace with you. at gunpoint. classical targaryen.
also she literally smuggled a weapon into a church. threatened to spill blood in a holy place. then ask why people don’t believe you have any morals or respect for anything.
alicent asking her if she’s surrending it’s so funny loool
once again, alicent talks about a child’s murder. rhaenyra brings up the throne. i’m done with her tantrums.
did you betray him at your very last, alicent? don’t you know you owe loyalty to your rapist and jailer, alicent? don’t you know you’re not allowed to want, alicent?
that’s how rhaenyra sounds.
i love how rhaenyra doesn’t spare a thought to surrender yet wants to pretend bloodshed concerns her. lmao.
alicent, i’m back. go green queen.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
first of all, happy new year! i love your work and i hope you have a wonderful year! ❤️✨
second of all... I've been having such a brain rot from this picture. i cannot function thinking about it... to make matters worse, I've been listening to some old playlists and i came across this song. and idk i feel like the pic and the song kinda...pop off together. so i was thinking if you could write something based on the pic or the song or both maybe?
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Hello lovely! It is great to hear from you. Very rare that anyone reaches out off of anon. I admire that!
Poor Aemond! He has been airbrushed to death here. He is beautiful as is. But unedited, I agree, this is a great photo of him.
I'm not really an Ed Sheeran fan, but I Googled the lyrics to see if any inspiration came to mind and picked out the following: "Yeah, I've been feeling everything From hate to love From love to lust From lust to truth I guess that's how I know you So I hold you close to help you give it up"
Hope you enjoy the little fic I have put together for the lyrics and picture!
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Give It Up
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female character (third person perspective) - strangers to enemies to lust to potential lovers Warnings: Mild smut. Mild violence. Dub-con if you squint. 18+ Word count: 1150 Eternal thanks and handies to @emlikestolurk & @lady-phasma for casting their eyes over this and tossing my word salad into something palatable. Love you.
For weeks now, things have been going missing around the Red Keep. 
First, an emerald brooch belonging to Alicent disappears. She cannot find it when she searches her jewellery box. Helaena is then devastated when she sees that her favourite necklace is gone, a Valyrian steel chain with a pendant in the shape of a spider, a ruby for its abdomen. She only took it off for a moment while she went to bathe, but when she came back to her bedchambers, it was no longer on the dresser where she left it.
The servants are questioned sharply and their quarters searched - however, nothing is found, and so the mystery remains unsolved. Aegon feels particularly aggravated upon waking one morning to find his beloved silver wine goblet has been taken from his bedside. 
Additional guards are placed around the Keep to man all points of exit and entry. Yet, things of value continue to vanish into thin air.
It is early evening when Aemond returns to his chambers, having spent the afternoon in the yard sparring with Ser Criston Cole. He freezes when he sees the cloaked figure. He knows immediately that this is the culprit of the recent thefts. They disappear through an opening in the wall upon noticing his return, a passage into his chambers that Aemond never even knew existed. 
He knows it would be wiser for him to raise the alarm with the guards and have them chase down this thief. But he also knows that every moment he wastes is another moment that they get further and further away, decreasing the chances of their capture. Without another thought, he throws on a cloak of his own to conceal his identity and gives chase.
The opening in his bedchamber wall leads to a winding stone staircase. He races down it, catching sight of the person as they reach the bottom and run out through a wooden door. Aemond hastens his pace, he pursues them down Aegon's High Hill via the twisting path of Shadowblack Lane.
The thief's pace is no match for Aemond's long strides and he quickly catches them up as they attempt to lose him down an alleyway at the bottom of the hill. 
Angrily, Aemond yanks them back by the shoulder, spinning them around and slamming them back into the wall.
"What did you take from me?!" he demands, his hand seizing their throat as he awaits their answer.
Aemond's eye goes wide as their hood falls back, revealing a young woman - a beautiful woman. He had not been expecting that. Previous experience with miscreants convinced him that he would be apprehending a man.
Her eyes are fiery with anger; she juts out her jaw in defiance as she looks up at him. "Let me go, Prince!"
She spits the final word with such venom, as though it is an insult. It shakes Aemond from his state of shock, and he tightens his hold on her throat with renewed annoyance.
"Show me what you took." His voice is cool and calm sounding; however, his brow is furrowed with irritation, his nostrils flaring.
"Is the spoiled Prince going to miss his little trinket?" she pouts mockingly, holding out a silver dragon head cloak pin on the upturned flat of her palm.
Aemond's eye flickers downwards and she uses the momentary distraction to push back against him, attempting to escape. He is much too quick for her though, crowding her back against the wall, unsheathing his dagger and pressing it to her throat.
"Is the wretched little street rat going to miss her life, when I take it from her?" he sneers at her.
She says nothing. She is not afraid to die. She stares him down, maintaining eye contact, a silent challenge. Do it, I dare you.
Aemond had fully been expecting her to scream or at least plead for her life. He is stunned once more as he looks upon her, his face mere inches from hers.
She does not miss it when his gaze drifts to her lips, hesitantly lowering his blade. She lunges forward, sinking her teeth into his bottom lip so hard she tastes blood, before making another run for it.
He drags her back by the hood of her cloak and surprises even himself when he pulls her against him, kissing her hard.
She is taken aback by the Prince's actions at first, but finds herself melting into his embrace, the metallic tang of his blood hot in her mouth as she kisses him back. She breaks the kiss, letting out a light gasp when she feels Aemond's hands wander beneath her cloak.
Aemond lets out a satisfied "mmm" as he gropes at the warmth of her body through her clothes. She is soft and pliant against him. When their lips are no longer touching, he dives in to mouth hungrily at her neck. Ordinarily, he would never behave in such a depraved manner, but this woman's open defiance of him has seemingly awoken something within him that he is unable to render dormant again.
She fights hard to keep her wits about her as her body betrays her with its wanton response to Aemond's attentions, her head becoming foggy with lust. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she uses his unguarded stance to push him back against the wall. Their lips meet once again, a sloppy mess of blood, teeth and tongues as her hand creeps its way up his solid thigh muscle.
Aemond's breath hitches as he feels her fingers wandering up his leg. He grunts as they slide home to grasp at his cock. He is hard. Of course he is; how could he not be when this temptress has been taunting him since he first laid eyes upon her?
She smirks as she feels his want for her through his breeches. Their lips cease their movements, but do not part as they pant against each other. Her hand takes a firm grasp of him through the material, moving it up and down.
Aemond's eye flutters closed as he voices a groan. Her touch builds a pressure at the base of his spine. His hips buck to meet her hand. And then she is gone.
His eye snaps open in time to catch a glimpse of her running full speed away from him down the alley. He does not chase after her. Shock keeps his feet planted firmly to the floor as he struggles to catch his breath and bring himself back to reality.
It's then that he realises he is no longer in possession of his dagger - he never got his cloak pin back from her, either.
"Shit!" he exclaims quietly, turning and heading back to the Red Keep.
When Aemond returns to his chambers that evening, he leaves the door to the passageway in the wall slightly ajar. Should she ever choose to come back, he'll be ready for her.
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
Having read F&B before hotd, I was just draw to the greens from the start.
I LOVED the Anne Boleyn vibes book alicent was giving. I always thought she never really hated Rhaenyra as a person (it was mentioned they had a good relationship when she first married V) but when it was obvious she’s a danger to her children and grandchildren she was determined to protect her family and own children over Rhaenyra. (Because it’s very understandable that you’d chose your own children over a stepdaughter you hate?). Show alicent was so passive, I felt really bad for her but I really hate they turned her into a victim of circumstances and nothing more.
And aegon and Heleana, where do I even start? This is Rhaenyra vs aegon - and no aegon x Rhaenyra scenes?!?! I’m so confused. Book aegon was a “lazy” teen who liked wine and women. Which makes him… a normal teenager? He was def not a nice guy but he was an active capable character. Same with heleana , who was actually a better queen than Rhaenyra. KL literally kicked Rhaenyra’s ass out of love for heleana. My girl claimed Dreamfyre, had the love and respect of her family and was a good queen that was loved by her people. Rhaenyra could never lolll also alicent was beloved of the small folk. Also alicent being a bad mom on hotd ? Pleaseeee Alicent’s children had nothing but respect and love for her. Heleana brought her babies to her every night, aegon ran to KL as fast as he could to free her. Alicent wasn’t a victim - she was a powerful queen and mother fighting for her children’s lives - as she SHOULD !
Nonnie, it's insane to me when TB book readers are angry at Alicent for not sending for Rhaenyra and Daemon who in the books, are homicidal maniacs, she fed Vaemond's body to her dragon...
Alicent was right, and that is her tragedy...as soon as she had her children, they were doomed because of how dumb Viserys was. Alicent did whatever she could for her children, and it wasn't enough.
She was a great mother, grandmother, and a great Queen as well. The relationship she had with her children was amazing, I would kill for a book with POV chapters just about the greens, their feelings, and dynamics (especially helaegon!!!!!)
What they did with my favourite King and Queen was criminal, Helaena is almost an extra and Aegon is just a plot device. We don't know anything about their motivations and feelings, in general, and about each other.
I don't expect anything to change for season 2, but I'll just enjoy the shit show and laugh at the disgusting plot lines they pull out of their ass.
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darkestspring · 2 years
Second-born daughters of Y/N Targaryen Aemon and Jocely Baratheon. Y/N Targaryen has Targaryen hair and Targaryen eye color. She is the rider of Ancalagon the Black. She has an excellent sibling relationship with Rhaenys. Y/N Targaryen and Otto have 5 sons and a daughter (maybe they have another daughter besides Alicent.) Except for Alicent, all the children are dragon riders. The children have their father's hair color and Targaryen eye color. She does not have a single Alicent (Targ) eye color. I think Viserys will be jealous of Otto because of the sons. Daemon will be jealous of Otto for marrying a Targaryen. I think Rhaenys will take the green side for her sister. Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren are obsessed with their great-grandmothers. Aegon does not get drunk, Aemond's eye does not get injured for helping Aemond adopt a dragon, protects Helaena, Daeron gives the love he did not receive.
despitent alicent not claiming a dragon or not looking like a targaryen would not make you love her any less. you'd love your daughter all the same, refusing to hand her off to a wet nurse or let maids dress and tedn to your daughter. up until she was five years old, you bathed her yourself. always doting on your daughter and giving her so many jewels and books. she was the apple of your eye. You loved your sons just as much, nursing them yourself when they were babies and being there for them always.
when alicent became queen, you almost lashed out at your husband. could he not have thought of alicent for a single second? how she felt marrying a man nearly three times her age? whose daughter was her best friend? otto managed to calm you down but nothing could stop you from moving to the red keep to be near your beloved daughter.
you didn't hate your cousin viserys or his daughter rhaenyra, they were dragons but you had always been closer to your older sister and she, you. She had your support from the beginning.
You held her many nights as she sobbed into your arms and struggled to maintain her composure. "We do what we must, as women, you sweet girl." You had told her and she had taken those words and locked them in her heart.
It went without saying that you adored you grandchildren. You doted on all four of them heavily. there was nothing you would not do for your grandchildren, that's why it angered you to see viserys only pay attention to rhaenyra.
You understood that he had loved Aemma. You understood that Rhaenyra was his daughter from her but that did not give him the right to disregard his other children and even yell at them then act like he cares.
just like you had done with alicent, you took joy in braiding helaena's hair. you went with her often when she looked for bugs for her collection.
you kept aegon away from alcohol. you kept him in his studies, encouraging to do better. "if the stress is too much, take to Sunfyre, or come to me. You are more than anyone knows, my lovely boy."
when it came to Aemond, you were much more overprotective. You knew that Aegon and rhaenyra's son teased him for not having a dragon. it did not make him less in your eyes but the words of boys are cruel.
"Don't pay any attention to them." You had told him once as you brought him to visit your own dragon. "You will have a dragon one day and everyone will swallow their words like bitter poison."
you never acted out, always being the perfect lady but inside you couldn't help but despise rhaenyra and her children for the insult to laenor and your sister. you took care to be around them as little as possible, constantly doting on your family and showering them with love.
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What does Aerys think of Alicent, their mother? How about the rest of the family?
Aelys doesn’t like Alicent, at all. She has caused him lot of pain and suffering (particularly at the hands of Larys & Otto) in order to gain and maintain her power, very willing to use him as a sacrificial lamb for Aegon’s claim to the throne, and while he pities her for her suffering, he doesn’t think it justifies her passing that suffering to
However he adores his siblings. He is fiercely protective of all of them, they are his reason to live. In his fic, the real reason that Daeron is fostered at Oldtown is to punish him, and Aelys has made Aegon promise that if/when he becomes king, his first act will be to bring their brother home
He and Aegon are true twin flames, they are two halves of the same whole, and when Aegon is feeling sentimental he’s been known to wax poetic about how Aelys was made for him, separated in the womb to give his soul a safe haven, they’re very obsessive with each other and like it’s a lot and it’s very intense but it is absolute pure unconditional love
Aelys and Helaena have always been close, but became much closer after his betrothal and eventual wedding to Roslyn Baratheon (Aelys’ lesbian wife & Helaena’s true love), they share a deep kinship and understanding and Aelys would do anything for her. Aelys is the father of at least Jaehaerys & Jaehaera, something agreed upon between he, Helaena, Roslyn, and Aegon. Aegon is their father in every way that matters and Aelys is their beloved and doting uncle, but Helaena is much more comfortable with him than with Aegon and they all agree that if this wedding has to happen, this is what’s best for Helaena (he and Aegon are one soul in two bodies, Helaena says, no child sired by either could be a bastard, no matter which body she lays with)
Aelys and Aemond have a more confrontational relationship, but no less protective. Aemond is aware that Aelys is playing a game of politics that he doesn’t fully grasp, and he knows that Aelys considers it part of his duty to protect them, but he doesn’t really understand why someone with a dragon and aptitude with a sword is fighting his battle with words and fake smiles – and Aelys hopes he never has to understand why, as long as he understands that it is a necessary evil. But also have them summed up in my favourite scene concept
Aelys: you want to take our notoriously uptight little brother who hates everyone to a brothel??? That’s a terrible idea I’ll come too so he doesn’t end up killing you
Aelys to Aemond: first of all 0 shame if you are curious you deserve to enjoy yourself, second of all here are your other options
Aelys: if you’re nervous to try, I can stay and guide you, or you can fuck me instead idc, or we can sneak out, go back to the keep, and steal all of aegon’s favourite deserts left over from your name day feast and have a sleepover
(They have the sleepover and talk shit about people until aelys tricks him into talking about feelings instead, surprise bitch welcome to therapy)
And Daeron is more like a child to Aelys than a brother, which is why sending him to be fostered is such an effective and heartwrenching punishment
He also has the best relationship with Rhaenyra out of the siblings. He doesn’t always like her but as far as he’s concerned, the best way to protect his siblings is to make sure that Aegon doesn’t want her throne and that Rhaenyra becomes fond enough of them not to execute them for being challenges. She doesn’t really understand him either, but on several occasions he publicly supports her and denounces claims of her children being bastards – including in the fight at Driftmark, where he manages to throw himself under the bus while also saying that calling her kids bastards is a “vile lie meant only to weaken the family” (he does however think that Laenor is a dumbass for not finding a way to knock her up, he’s also gay and managed with both his wife and sister pregnant)
Also he sees Rhaenyra as the best way to get Daemon’s protection which is a top priority of his (there’s for sure an AU where he avoids the war because of this but tbd if that’s his canon or not)
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Hold My Heart (Between Your Teeth) 14/?
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Description: Aegon brings proof of justice served to Rhaenyra and reconciles with his mother, while Seraphine and Helaena discuss next steps.
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Aegon wished he could say he felt something when he killed his grandsire. Perhaps shame or guilt, but he felt nothing, his sword passed through Otto’s neck like water, and he left the man there in a puddle of his own blood.
He went straight to Rhaenyra, threw his grandsire’s head at her feet, and pledged his allegiance.
His sister was shocked, but she kissed his forehead and thanked him, offering to marry him and Seraphine in the ways of their house.
He declined her offer; he had no need for the traditions of their father and his ancestors. He had married Seraphine in the sept, under the eyes of his mother’s beloved Seven, and that was enough for him.
“It may be enough for you, Aegon, but the people will wish to use you as a symbol against me.” Rhaenyra said, her hand holding his mother’s as Alicent attempted to calm herself.
“How will a Valyrian marriage stop that?” He asked, leaning on his sword, the blade still slick with his grandsire’s blood.
“She is one of the smallfolk, a girl with no surname, and no house to support her. By marrying her publicly, you squash any chance of being seen as a figurehead.” His mother said, her voice shaky. “She ruins you.”
“Seraphine has saved me.” He snapped, fingers tightening around the hilt of his blade.
“I believe your mother meant that Seraphine’s lack of political power means that you will lack noble support. Which is good.” Rhaenyra explained.
Aegon relaxed and nodded. “But what about Aemond? He is the second son, and Alyra is a noblewoman. Will your enemies not try to make figureheads of them?”
Rhaenyra chuckled. “I know Alyra quite well, she will not betray me, and Aemond will follow her wherever she leads. If she asks him to set Vhagar on those who would defy me, he would do so in a heartbeat.”
“She has that monster with her as well.” Aegon mumbled, shivering as he recalled the wild look in Cannibal’s eyes, the way the set every other dragon but Vhagar on edge.
“Marry Seraphine in the way of your father’s house Aegon, it serves us all well.” His mother said, letting go of Rhaenyra’s hand to come and take his in her own. “I know I have pushed you in many directions, and not all of them have been right, but I ask you to trust me one more time.”
Aegon looked up at his mother, his soft and sensitive mother who tried so very hard, but could never seem to bridge that gap between herself and her children. He had never hated her, only craved her love, her approval, and never knew how to obtain it.
“I will do as you ask, mother.” He said, pressing her hands to his lips.
She smiled at him, and his heart felt full for a moment. How long had it been since he had seen his mother truly smile?
 She brushed back his hair, a fond look in her eyes. “My firstborn son, a man and soon to be married, it feels as if only yesterday you were a babe in my arms.” Her eyes were misty, and her expression softened into one of longing. “My sweet son, I love you very much, and I am truly sorry.”
He crushed her to his chest, letting his sword clatter to the floor as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. “No, I am sorry mother, I have dealt you wound after wound with reckless abandon. I have failed you as a son, I would not blame you if you hated me.”
She carded her fingers through his hair. “You are my firstborn, stubborn and vulnerable, you are my heart, a true son of mine with my flaws and vices, but I have never hated you, nothing you do could ever make me hate you.”
He sobbed into her hair, clinging to her as if he was a child once more.
Seraphine sat across from Helaena waiting for the princess to speak.
“My good-mother will be queen, this is good.” Helaena said finally, resting her hands on her rounded stomach.
“Yes, and many deaths have been avoided.” Seraphine agreed, taking a sip of her tea.
“There will still be some that question my husband’s parentage, it may pose an issue.”
“We should betroth our firstborns. If the pairing is agreeable. I have asked Aegon to hold up on bedding me until we are publicly married, as you know. But after the wedding, and I doubt it will be too long before I am with child.” Seraphine said, biting back a smile.
Helaena nodded. “It would serve to solidify my child’s claim, and continue the Targaryen bloodline.”
Seraphine bit her lip, then asked the question that had been on her mind ever since Helaena had revealed her otherworldly knowledge. “Have you made it this far, in any other lifetime?”
Helaena shook her head. “Not happily. I have seen my death countless times, the death of my children…”
“With Jacaerys?” Seraphine asked carefully.
“No, with Aegon.”
“Did I ever have a child with Aegon?” Unconsciously, her free hand goes to her stomach.
Helaena nodded, albeit sadly. “A girl, sweet-tempered with violet eyes and hair like flames, Aegon loved her more than any of the children we had together.”
A girl, a daughter, Jayne. With Aegon’s eyes and her hair, she could picture the babe in her mind. She would be beautiful and spoiled rotten, never knowing the hardships her mother had faced.
“What happened to her? Did I raise her or?” The look on Helaena’s face stopped her. “Does Aegon kill her?” She asked quietly, scared to hear the answer.
“No, you die before her seventh nameday, and she is married off to an elderly nobleman for his army.”
Seraphine’s stomach lurched, and she set down her teacup with more force than she meant to. “I will not let that happen again.”
Helaena reached over the table and took her hand. “I have faith in this life, never before have I had a companion who understand the fates I had seen. The simple fact of your awareness brings me comfort.”
She squeezed Helaena’s hand. “Together we will ensure that all those we care about will live happily.”
Helaena smiled softly at her. “Let us talk no more of the past, it does not do us well.”
Seraphine nodded and turned the conversation to preparations for the nursery.
“You will be Lord of Oldtown?” Seraphine asked, blinking in confusion. Aegon had returned and Helaena had left to rejoin her husband, leaving the two of them alone to talk.
“Grandsire was the second son; he could not hire an assassin without his brother’s approval. Hobert, my great-uncle, was executed, and his family banished from the realm.” Aegon explained, as he told her what his mother and Rhaenyra had told him.
Seraphine mulled over his words. “Is this good news?”
Aegon nodded. “This is wonderful, we shall leave the court behind and live in peace.”
Was it wonderful, though? Was it not better for Aegon to stay close to Rhaenyra where he was less likely to be influenced by others? Perhaps she would need to further her hold, wrap him tighter around her finger. She no longer had merely herself to think of, but the image of her babe, sweet Jayne, was clear in her mind. She would bring her daughter back and give her the life she deserved.
Seraphine looped her arms around Aegon’s neck and smiled up at him. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhh, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon, @boofy1998, @kravitzwhore, @caribbeangel, @krispold, @issshh, @afro-hispwriter, @ryswritingrecord, @prettykinkysoul, @elissanatok, @sahvlren, @its-sam-allgood, @happinessinthbeing, @8e-h-e8, @feyres-fireheart, @just-emmaaaa, @crazylokonugget, @hedahobbit98, @devils-blackrose, @mercedesdecorazon, @snh96, @imjustboredso, @izzicle, @hiatuswhore, @aslanvez, @devils-blackrose, @yentroucnagol, @queenofshinigamis, @partyposion00, @cryptidsrcool
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lya-dustin · 2 years
Someone will remeber us
Chapter 4
Cw: refrenced child abuse, homophobia
Gif by: @welightthewaysource
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon
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Her birth came exactly nine moons after her mother and father’s wedding and many speculations concerning her parentage were quashed when she was born with the silver gold curls of her father and the crystal blue eyes of her mother.
The Princess Aemma was said to be a good natured and bright child that many likened to Queen Alysanne, her late namesake and her beloved grandmother, the Princess Rhaenys.
In this both Septon Eustace and Mushroom agree, that not a bad word could be said about her even when she and her husband were on opposing sides during the Dance.
Both sides expected to gain peace by her ascension whether it be as Queen Regnant or Queen Consort.
Neither side seems to remember much of her childhood, only that she was well learned, fond of her dwarf dragon, Elēnar ---whom she called Ōghar for his silver gold color--- and was the only child sired by Ser Laenor Velaryon.
--- On Queen Aemma Targaryen, First of her Name.
Aemma has long learned to avoid Aegon, even if once they were betrothed, she has never liked him, and he has never liked her.
She gets along fine with Aemond and Helaena, but Aegon is too much of bully and a twit to even tolerate in public.
Which was why her lessons with her Septa were scheduled at the time the boys had their lessons. Today they were to help Luke claim his dragon, Arrax, who was old enough to be taught and hope Aemond could bond with the other available hatchling.
“But I do not want Ghar to go to the Dragonpit, father.” Aemma whined. She knows he hates it, which is why she had begun whining like Aegon the moment Ghar refused to go with her brothers.
“Father’s beard, Aemma.” Her father wanted to just leave and go have a drink with his friends, he would bend easily. “Fine, you can take Ghar, but if you get in trouble for having him loose again, you will have no dessert for the rest of the week, and he will have to stay at the Dragonpit until your mother and I decide you have learned your lesson.”
“Dragons are dangerous creatures, your highness, he may look harmless, but his fire could burn a man.” The Head Smasher comes with her Septa, Septa Teora, and Aemma’s father tensed.
Teora is young and gets flustered whenever Ser Criston so much as looks her way. She was of Velaryon stock and the best Septa ever.
But she wasn’t perfect, her taste in knights makes it clear.
The Head Smasher is handsome, Aem will give him that.
Mushroom says all the ladies think Ser Criston is the most handsome knight ever with his swarthy complexion, pretty eyes and dark hair. Says it was how he got to be her mother’s sworn shield when she was younger.
“Isn’t that why we are taught the commands, father? To keep it from happening?” Aemma asked her father who nodded. “And Ōghar is lazier than Meleys.”
“Yes, Aem, but still accidents happen. Just promise me you will behave yourself and make sure Elēnar does as well.” Father kissed the top of Aemma’s head and turned to the Septa, “Septa Teora, I leave my daughter in your care, good day.”
“Teora, Ser Criston.” Aemma doesn’t curtsy, but nods politely. She doesn’t curtsy to anyone below her rank, it isn’t proper.
“Septa Teora.” Ser Criston corrects her, and she tries not to be rude.
“Princess Aemma has been my charge since she was much younger and couldn’t quite pronounce Septa, Ser, she meant no offense.” Teora explained with pink flushed cheeks.
She doesn’t know why Teora, good and sensible Teora, would have a crush on him of all men.
There are many more handsome men who are so much nicer. Ser Harwin, Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk, the young acolyte who assists Maester Geradys, Ser Qarl and even father are much better choices.
Even your mother and Queen Alicent had fancied themselves in love with Criston Cole, or so Mushroom had laughed when Aemma pointed out she doesn’t know what they saw in him.
You are different, Princess Aemma, must be because you have the good sense of Princess Rhaenys, the dwarf had said, no woman is as sensible and wise as the Queen Who Never Was.
“I apologize if my familiarity with Septa Teora offends you, Ser Criston. I will try to remember the distinction between ranks next time.” Aemma is quite sharp for a girl of nearly eleven name days, even if she failed to pronounce the c and t in distinction and it came out as distin-sh-on.
“There is no need to apologize, Princess Aemma.” He dismissed the apology she didn’t mean. “Her grace, the Queen, has asked me to escort you and your Septa for your lessons, to make sure you did not bring your dragon again.”
Queen Alicent likes to be present for these lessons, she was skilled in the ladylike arts in a way mother was not. Her skill with a needle was only unmatched with her skill with a brush, and her dancing was as good as her singing.
Mother was better at histories, arithmetic and languages, though. And obviously Mother was a dragon rider and a future queen, so her skills had to be those one can find in a Targaryen King.
“Sunfyre keeps trying to eat him because of his small size, if I let him go to the Dragonpit he might not live to see tomorrow.” Aemma tells the knight. “Surely her grace can make an exception for Elēnar.”
“Queen Alicent has a fear of dragons, a natural fear most of us have.” He says but doesn’t stop Ghar leading the way.
Ghar can fly well and fast, but it’s a clumsy sort of thing inside the castle even if the ceilings are high. It’s a great sight to see, however, even if the sight and sound of him makes the weaker lords and ladies cower in fear.
Once her mother had called a meeting with a Lord short because hearing how Ghar had made his knightly son soil his court clothes had father and mother trying not to laugh.
Aemma had been chastened, and made to present the Knight with her favor as an apology at the next tourney. She had gotten in more trouble for having told the King why she had done that.
Well, Queen Alicent had reprimanded her ---which her parents and grandparents did not like one bit---, but Grandfather Viserys and Grandfather Corlys did chuckle and Aemma counts that as a victory.
“Their fear would be understandable if it were a real dragon like Syrax, or Seasmoke or Meleys, Elēnar is practically a lapdog with wings. Even the King himself finds it slightly ridiculous.” Teora speaks for her, knows Aemma’s mind and can say things that don’t cause offense.
“Elēnar is a real dragon, Maester Gerardys says he is just small.” Aemma mutters in defense of Ghar, who has screeched at Teora for her insult. But alas, her poor dragon cannot talk, and it lands on Aemma to defend him from such slander.
“Even so, a beast as small as the princess’ dragon is capable of murder.” The Kingsguard continues to argue and provided the ten year old princess for a chance to get herself in more trouble.
“As are you.” It will be worth it; the girl tells herself.
“Aemma Velaryon!” Teora never uses her full name, in fact this is the first time her septa is truly angry. “Your mother will not be pleased to hear about this, apologize to Ser Criston.”
But it was the truth. Criston Cole had murdered father’s best friend and gotten away with it!
Why couldn’t she just speak the truth like all the adults do?
Why did she have to get into trouble for pointing out something everyone knew?
In the end, lessons with Helaena had ended forever because Aemma refused to apologize.
The king had to be involved, the matter had been too public to be handled discreetly and mother was still abed because of the birth.
“Aemma, sweetling, I need you to tell me who told you Ser Criston killed Ser Joffrey?” Viserys asked his only granddaughter in the privacy of his antechamber. “Your father says he has not said anything about the matter, and Ser Harrold assures me you asked him why Ser Criston remains in the Kingsguard after what happened.”
She likes the model her grandfather has made of Valyria, she only hated that she wasn’t allowed to play with it like the painted table in Dragonstone during history lessons.
Today she thinks it’s ugly, all white pumice stone. Building shaped in the stone her father and Harwin use for callouses that give them trouble, or Teora and mother use to remove the hair from under their arms and on their legs.
It’s a gross image she can never get out of her head.
“Aegon. He told me that Ser Criston would smash my head like he smashed Ser Joffrey’s head at mother’s wedding if I did not do my courtesies to his mother.” Aemma could lie to others, but never to her parents, her grandparents and Teora. “I thought he was lying ,but then I overheard mother and father talking about how father is unsettled by Ser Criston’s presence here.”
She could lie to Jace and Luke, but never a grown up, but her grandfather does not seem to hear the part where she admits to eavesdropping. Just heard the part where she says Aegon told her.
“Where did I go wrong with that boy?” the king asked himself.
She would love to say by having him, but she knew this would have her be in more trouble.
Bite your tongue, little dragon, bite it until it bleeds and then bite it some more, this her grandmother had taught her after Aemma told great-uncle Vaemond he would lose his head before he took the Driftwood Throne from Jace.
If only she had not ignored that lesson today.
“This was a matter for you to learn when you were older, you are too young to understand these things, child, but it does not excuse your disrespect to the Queen’s Sworn Shield. Do you understand, Aemma?” King Viserys was nice and gentle with her, liked her more than he likes mother’s half-siblings. Much more understanding and never hitting her with a rod on her hand like Helaena says grandfather hits Aegon.
Aemma nods with a sniffle, “I understand, lord grandfather.”
Yes, it was rude and mean, but why should she be made to apologize for pointing out a truth?
“You will apologize to Ser Criston and accept whatever punishment your mother and father decree, we will not have you behave this way. You are not Princess of Dragonstone nor Queen yet; you must do as you are told and mind your manners.” The old king crouched as he held her by the shoulders, making sure she was listening to him.
“Yes, grandfather, I won’t do it again.” She repeats, but Aemma doesn’t know if she will mean it after this is over.
“What will we do with her?” Laenor asked his wife as Aemma cried quietly facing the corner of their shared solar.
Aemma’s punishment had yet to be decided.
Her being put in a corner was just the preamble of it until they could decide how to make it look like they have punished her severely without doing so.
Neither Rhaenyra nor Laenor physically disciplined their children ---Laenor had too many bad memories of his father hitting him when he discovered his only living son like boys--- and Aemma rarely caused trouble.
Usually a scold would do, but this time people were watching and the Queen’s Party demanded the girl be punished severely. Some , like cousin Borros, even went as far as suggesting they hit her for her insolence.
Everyone seems to forget little Aem is just a girl of ten who already learned her lesson when she was so rudely told she would never have lessons with Helaena again.
“We could send her to your mother. She is at the age she should serve as a cupbearer.” Rhaenyra suggested.
“Please, Rhae, that’s not a punishment, that’s a reward.” Laenor scoffed.
His mother adored Aemma for obvious reasons, and while she did raise him and his sister to be somewhat good people, Laenor knows his parents will encourage her Velaryon Boldness just as they did with him and Laena.
“It will do her good to be outside of Court. Besides, certain ladies believe I am not setting a good example for her and have been very vocal about it.” His wife and friend admitted looking at their crying child.
She was a good mother, emulating hers and his because those were the two examples of motherhood she had, and their four children were growing up to be good sort of children.
If you asked him, they were doing a fine job.
Sure, the three boys with skin as white as cream were not his, but what did it have to matter when he loved them as if they were?
“I suppose you are right; court is not a good place to raise children.” He conceded, Prince Aegon is a clear example of that and he would be damned if he let his children become like that misbegotten brat. “We will send her to my mother as soon as her things are packed and have her publicly apologize to Ser Criston before supper this evening.”
“Gods, of all the people to offend, she had to offend him.” Rhae shook her head already dreading the spectacle they must endure.
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ai-megurine · 1 year
House of the Dragon tag game!
Rules: answer the following questions, then tag any and all people you think might enjoy participating. If you haven’t been tagged yet and you’d like to join, consider this your invitation!
Thanks @jotterjots for creating the game, and @goldensunandgoldenstallion for tagging me! Us team Green truthers need to band together and enjoy our faction together!!! I’m tagging @alicent-apologist , @helaenaism and @ceoofhelaegon 💚✨
Who’s your favourite character? What draws to them?
Honestly? All the greens lol. Even Otto, who’s a genuine dick to his daughter, is a great character. Like, my man could not care any less when Rhaenyra threw her “I’m the queen!” tantrum, he was so real for that. Also, Criston “perhaps my prince remembers when I knocked him off his horse?” Cole is iconic for that alone. However, I definitely love Alicent, Helaena, Aegon and Daeron much more than the others.
Alicent is the reason I started to side with the greens. Seeing this fifteen years old girl put through hell and back, having to deal with four children basically on her own… her strength is amazing. The green dress scene is definitely in the top ten best entrances ever. And the moment she snaps in Driftmark? Iconic, legendary. She reminds me so much of Sansa, my all-time favourite character. The way she is used and abused but is never given the opportunity to be free… She’s Sansa if Sansa hadn’t been able to escape her abusers.
Aegon, of course, the first son who isn’t good enough. The boy who probably saw his mother spiral into paranoia, who feels like he is worthless since he is the only first-born son being denied his father’s throne. It’s heartbreaking. TGC gives layers upon layers of complexity, the way he seems constantly on the verge of breaking down. And, of course, his bond with Sunfyre, the strongest bond in the history of house Targaryen between the unbroken king and the most beautiful and ferocious dragon in History.
Helaena, obviously. My beautiful, tragically kind Helaena. Helaena, who loves insects more than people but still claimed Dreamfyre the Mother of Dragons. Helaena, who advocated for peace and lost her sons because of it. Helaena, who isn’t a doormat like the show wants us to think, but a strong woman who had no fear of her husband and had a good relationship with him. Helaena, who was crowned next with Aegon. I just love everything about her. Helaena was loved by everyone, and I hate that they stole my beloved princess from us.
I’m also in love with Daeron and his famous “you will receive the same terms you gave my nephew Maelor”. Also, the way he saved everyone in the Reach and became the biggest threat to Rhaenyra’s rule. Rhaenyra’s advisors were literally begging her to make peace with Daeron because of how unstoppable he was. He’s the moment, the legend, the best younger brother in history, I would kill for him.
What is your favourite episode of the season?
Driftmark. It really shows how irreversible Viserys’ stupidity is, and it has among my favourite lines and moments (Aemond claiming Vhagar, for example). I liked The Lord of the Tides too, because it had TGC and I love him more than my life, lmao.
What is your favourite line from the season?
I have three!!!
“The beacon on the Hightower, do you know what colour it glows when Oldtown calls its banners to war?” / “Green.”
“Do keep trying, Ser Laenor. Sooner or later, you may get one who looks like you.”
“I? What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law? Where is your duty? Where is sacrifice? It’s trampled under your pretty foot! And now you take my son’s eye and even to that you feel entitled!”
Which actor’s portrayal is your favourite?
Oof. Honestly, everyone. I find Matt Smith a bit weaker than others (especially Paddy Constantine or Olivia Cooke), but they’re all amazing. I think that my favourites are Olivia Cooke, Emily Carey (both as adult and young Alicent) and Tom Glynn-Carney (as adult Aegon), but I think Phia Saban will amaze me next season. Paddy Constantine also did an amazing job, but my heart goes with the three mentioned before.
Which character would you most want to be stuck on a deserted island with?
Helaena because she knows what insect and plant we can eat, or Corlys cuz he probably can make a raft with anything. If the dragon riders have their dragons/can call them, then Helaena! I’d love to ride on Dreamfyre.
Whose character arc are you most interested to see continued, for better or worse?
AEGON, without a doubt. He’s the best character of the Dance, and TGC has already shown he’s one of the best actors of this show. Honestly, the writers should just let him decide what Aegon will do because he clearly understands his character better than them (RIGHT SARA HESS?)
Name a minor character you want to know more about!
Rhea Royce my beloved. She died too young, I wanted to know everything about her. How she felt about being married to Daemon, if she used to be hopeful as a young girl when she was told she would marry a dragon riding prince and how quickly it turned into a nightmare.
Who’s your most anticipated new character of season 2?
DAERON without a doubt! I can’t wait to see him.
Bonus Round: Link one or more of your favourite fics!
Of Cut Stems, Of Blossoms Ablaze by lullaeby. It’s a genderswap AU of the green kids featuring Helaegon and currently pre-Dance of the Dragons. It’s amazing, and I couldn’t sing enough praises!!
The Targaryen Doe by Alicent_Apologist. Camyla Baratheon marries Aemond Targaryen before the dance begins, and it changes a lot of things. It’s amazing, Camyla is a great OC who fits perfectly into the universe and her relationship with Aemond is perfect.
The Reds and the Blues by Bobert_Hightower. Not exactly team green per-say, but definitely one of my favourite fics. Laena Velaryon marries Viserys instead of Alicent, Rhaenyra marries Jason Lannister and Alicent marries Laenor. All in all, it’s a completely different story but the Dance is going to happen no matter what. I heavily recommend it; it explores the different political factions of ASOIAF perfectly. I mean, it features a Hightower-Velaryon alliance! Also, the children are adorable and deserve the world.
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sansacherie · 4 years
Friends in Bravvos
It might never have happened at all, if she hadn’t always felt a little lonely.
It wasn’t fair. It was not as though Helaena lacked for siblings, being the tenth-born. But by the time she is born Aegon and Daenerys are long dead, the would-be heir and the beloved first daughter; who did not live long enough to fall short in their parents’ eyes. The others- Aemon, Baelon, Alyssa, Maegelle, Vaegon, and Daella are men and women grown by the time Helaena is a maiden flowered at twelve. They led their own lives, and had as custom decreed married appropriately to preserve their Valyrian bloodline – Baelon to Alyssa and Aemon to their half-aunt, Jocelyn. Maegelle and Vaegon took vows too, but not to each other. Maegelle became a Septa, and Vaegon had chosen life at the Citadel. Little Daella, as Jaehaera had always thought of her, for her small stature and fragile but loving spirit, might have had a happy life as Lady of the Eyrie, but Daella is dead. The same as Alyssa and Viserra. The former had none of Daella’s timidness but in the end both sisters met their end in the birthing bed. Of her siblings, Helaena had been the closest in age to Viserra, but it still felt like there was a world between them. Helaena always felt a little imitated by Viserra. She was hardly the loving older sister in the way Maegelle or Daella or even Alyssa at times, but Helaena had trailed after her as a little girl, hoping to win her favour. Viserra could be as cruel-tongued as she was beautiful sometimes- but she had been her sister, and it was remembering the way Viserra would sometimes allow her to come into bed, or occasionally indulged her in a game, or told her a wicked joke, that Helaena wanted to remember.
Or it might not have happened if she hadn’t been always a bit careless. Forgetful, absentminded. She was always misplacing things. Perhaps if she had been better, she would have remembered to take the moon-tea. She had once misplaced a book of Vaegon’s, and he had stopped talking to her for a month. Her Maester had told her she needed to be more careful with her work- but honestly what was the point, when she is neither the heir or the oldest daughter? She is a princess, is a Targaryen. She might be the tenth-born, and not as brave as Alyssa or beautiful as Viserra or bright and diplomatic as Maegelle but she is the blood of the dragon. Targaryens were special. They weren’t like other men – because the gods had deemed only them fit to mount dragons. Such a power was the very reason Jaehaera was a princess – her great-grandfather Aegon the Conqueror hadn’t simply asked nicely to have control of the seven kingdoms; which back then truly was seven kingdoms before it was formed into one. It was part of the reason why she couldn’t understand at times why Maegelle wanted to be something as ordinary as a Septa.
Perhaps it was just always meant to happen.
It was her maid who noticed the suspicious curve of her stomach as she prepared Helaena for her bath, and thus went to the queen. Alysanne comes to her, white-faced and grips Helaena by the arm. “Please, Helaena.” Her voice is tight, almost as if she is crunching on broken glass. “Please, tell me you have not laid with a man.”
Helaena wrenches free. “I have not laid with anyone.” She hates the tremor in her voice. But she is frightened. She remembers Viserra, and even Viserra hadn’t done what she had. Helaena wants her mother to take her into her arms and whisper that it will be all right. Had Viserra secretly hoped for the same thing, that their mother would tell her she did not except her to go through the match with Theomore Manderly anymore?
Alysanne shakes her head. “You and I both know that is not the truth.” “You did not ask for the truth. You wanted me to tell you that I am a maiden still. So, I did.” Viserra was always truthful about wanting to be a queen.
Her father’s anger is a storm. “Helaena, do you realize what you’ve done? If this gets out- do you understand what it will mean for you, in terms of getting a match?”
King Jaehaerys is breathing heavily, his arms crossed. Even afraid, Helaena wants to laugh. “I’m the tenth-born. I’m so far down the succession line I might as well not be in it at all. What match were you going to get me, Father? Were you going to marry me to lords who already had children of their own like Viserra and Daella? At least Alyssa’s children would have been their own heirs.”
Her mother, who is standing beside him flinches at the vehemence in Helaena’s voice. Her father’s mouth remains a taunt line. “Your match was mine and your mother’s concern, girl.” He sighs. “There is only one thing to be done.” “You will be sent to a mother-house to have the child.” It is her mother who speaks, gentle and soft, as if they think it will be easier to hear from her. “Once you have given birth, if the child lives arrangements will be made for them. If you have a girl, she will be promised to the Faith. If a boy, he will be sent to the Citadel.”
“Will I be able to write to them? Visit them?” Helaena whispers. “It is my wish that you do so, but your father….” “It is better that you do not.” Jaehaerys interrupts.
“Why?” Helaena wails. “First you decide my child’s future- what if they don’t want to be a bloody Septa, or a Maester? But now I can’t – I can’t…” Helaena is crying, and she furiously wipes her tears away. She had promised herself she would not cry. “Your child is a bastard and will count themselves fortunate to have stability.” Jaehaerys snaps. Then, his voice softens. “If they do not take to the Faith or the Citadel, I promise that other arrangements will be made to make sure they are taken care of. As for you, you will be married to someone I deem appropriate.”
Appropriate. What they had thought appropriate for Viserra was an old Northern lord who had already lost four wives in childbed.
Of all the septas at the Mother-House in Old-town, only Septa Alerie was different. Septa Alerie was once Alerie of House Rosebud. She even looks rosy, with bright red cheeks and a rosebud mouth. When Helaena had first arrived, she had refused to speak to anyone. The other septas had said nothing, perhaps thinking that she needed to be alone in her thoughts. Septa Alerie is unperturbed and happily chatters away.
“I was promised to the Faith, like many other girls.” She says, while Helaena pretends not to listen. “You see, my older brother almost drowned as a boy- and it happened to be our Septa who saved him. My mother was so grateful she promised herself that she would give one of her children to the Seven when the time came. And well, because I was the third-born- it came down to me. Leo was the heir and it is easier to find matches for an elder daughter than a second-born.” If Alerie feels any sense of resentment over this, she does not show it. By all accounts, she seems happy enough. Maybe Helaena’s daughter will be the same- if she has a daughter. Perhaps Helaena is being stupid.
Over time, Alerie breaks down the wall Helaena has carefully built. “I don’t want to give away my baby.” She whispers tearfully to Alerie. Alerie bites her lip, and turns away. There is a sad, far-away look on her face; as if she remembering something, she wishes she didn’t. “It will be all right. You will have other children.” Alerie tries to assure her, but her voice is doubtful.
“I don’t want some stupid old lord’s children! I want the child I already have!” She is sobbing, now.
“I don’t want my child to not know who I am.”
Her despair must have touched Alerie so deeply that when her sister visits them, she gives Helaena hope. “My sister was wed to wealthy lord, and she has a generous heart.” She tells the princess. “For the years I have been here, she has sent me some gold each month. I’ve been using it to help the Mother-House and our services for the small-folk. My sister and I have talked, and we have decided to give you some gold, and send you to some trusted friends in Bravvos.”
Helaena’s heart flutters, but she is still afraid. “But if my father finds out…”
“Acts worth doing sometimes mean there’ll be terrible consequences.” Alerie locks eyes with Helaena. “I do not make this decision lightly. And neither should you. You realize what this means, don’t you? If you go through with this, you cannot go back. Our friends will care for you, but not always- you will put your talent with a needle to good use and an apprenticeship will be found for you. It will not be easy, sweetling. I ask again, are you certain princess?”
She is right- if Helaena does go through with this, then she is entering a life when she will be a princess just in name. Her life will be filled with uncertainty, in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people.
Viserra died because she wasn’t careful.
No, Helaena thinks furiously. Viserra died because she wasn’t given a choice. Helaena wants her choices, whatever they may be.
“I’m certain.”
Helaena will never be able to repay Alerie’s kindness, but Helaena promises herself as she sails away on a ship with gold and a guard (“I trust Byren with my life” Larissa tells Helaena, “So I trust him with yours”) towards Bravvos, that one day she would pass on the kindness that Alerie and her sister had shown her to someone else. Helaena feels ashamed for her feelings of superiority, for thinking she was better because she was born a Targaryen. Alerie’s actions is proof that she isn’t – proof that her father isn’t, in his unthinking cruelty. Neither is her mother, who makes promises that fall through.
Helaena loves her parents, still. She loves all her family; she does not want to leave them – but she wants her child more.
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