#heimtextil messe frankfurt
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Upcoming Trade Show - HeimTextil 2025 Frankfurt Germany
Don't miss HeimTextil 2025 in Frankfurt, Germany. Register now for the premier international trade fair for textiles and home furnishings this January-2025.
#heimtextil messe frankfurt#heimtextil 2025#heimtextil 2025 frankfurt#custom exhibition stand builder
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Invite you to visit our booth at the Heimtextil 2025
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to invite you to visit our booth at the Heimtextil 2025 which will be held from January 14 to January 17, 2025 at Messe Frankfurt .
Our company, Ningbo Auden lmport & Export Co., Ltd. (Cixi Xinchi Home Textile Co..Ltd,), specializes in clothing accessories(including wadding,non-woven,fiber,pre-quilted fabric etc). At this exhibition, we will showcase our latest products and technologies. We believe that this exhibition will provide you with a good opportunity to learn about the latest trends and developments in the fabric and accessory industry. Our booth number is in HALL 9.1B21. We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition and having the opportunity to discuss cooperation with you.
Best regards,
Ningbo Auden lmport & Export Co. Ltd.
(Cixi Xinchi Home Textile Co., Ltd.)
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What is new for Heimtextil 2025
A key focus will be on sustainability, craftsmanship, and cutting-edge technology, reflecting the industry's shift toward circular economies and eco-friendly practices. Textiles will be presented as a vital element in addressing climate challenges and promoting regenerative production methods.
One of the major highlights is the expansion of the Carpets & Rugs segment, which has seen an influx of new exhibitors. This category will feature two dedicated floors, showcasing a variety of hand-woven and machine-made carpets from around the globe. This growth underlines Heimtextil's increasing importance as a global hub for the carpet industry.
In addition, the 2025 trends focus on themes like reconnecting with nature through natural fibers like hemp and jute and integrating local craftsmanship with modern production techniques. Visitors can also expect vibrant color palettes and innovative materials designed to address both aesthetic and functional needs, making Heimtextil Messe Frankfurt a must-attend for industry professionals.
Trend Space will once again be a highlight, providing a curated display of future design trends, including interactive exhibitions that explore sustainability, technological innovations, and the fusion of nature and urban living. This year’s theme is expected to revolve around eco-consciousness and the balance between minimalism and maximalism, reflecting the changing consumer preferences in a post-pandemic world.
A series of seminars, lectures, and workshops will be held throughout the event to address the most pressing issues in the industry. These sessions are designed to provide valuable insights and knowledge for professionals at all levels—from newcomers to seasoned veterans. https://aarsexhibitionsworldwide.com/heimtextil-2025/
Some key topics likely to be discussed include:
Sustainable Textile Manufacturing: Experts will share best practices and case studies on reducing carbon footprints, water usage, and waste in textile production.
Innovative Design Practices: Workshops led by leading designers will offer tips on incorporating the latest trends and technologies into modern interior design.
Circular Economy Models: This concept will be a major theme in the discussions, as the industry shifts towards a future where products are designed to be reused or recycled, reducing environmental impact.
HeimTextil 2025 Frankfurt will showcase the growing impact of technology on the textile industry, with a focus on smart textiles and technological advancements. The exhibition will showcase smart textiles with sensors and microchips capable of temperature regulation, lighting control, and health monitoring, enhancing functionality in sectors like hospitality. 3D-printed textiles will be showcased, allowing for intricate designs with minimal waste, enhancing customization and sustainability. Digital printing technologies will be prominently featured, allowing for endless customization, reduced waste, and eco-friendly ink use. These technologies also enable designers to create intricate patterns and designs with remarkable speed and accuracy, catering to the growing demand for bespoke textiles. HeimTextil 2025 presents a golden opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their latest products, innovations, and trends to a global audience. With thousands of industry professionals, designers, and buyers in attendance, it is a prime platform to build brand visibility, form valuable business connections, and secure a competitive edge in the fast-evolving textile and interior design markets.
For exhibitors, the key to success at HeimTextil lies in the quality of the products and in creating an engaging and visually impactful exhibition space. A well-designed stall can attract attention, foster interaction, and leave a lasting impression on visitors. This is where expert exhibition stall builders come into play. They are crucial partners in helping exhibitors create standout booths that reflect their brand identity, showcase their products effectively, and enhance the overall visitor experience. Partnering with Exhibition Stand Builders in Europe you can plan early and craft an engaging exhibit. Making the most of HeimTextil Messe Frankfurt, turning your presence at the fair into a powerful tool for growth and expansion.
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Heimtextil Frankfurt Exhibitor List
Heimtextil is an annual international trade fair for textiles held in Frankfurt, Germany, making it the largest of its kind for the home and contract markets. It plays a central role in showcasing a diverse range of textile products, including fabrics, interior design textiles, wall coverings, floor coverings, and various home textiles. Organized by Messe Frankfurt, one of the world’s largest trade fair organizers, the event typically takes place at Messe Frankfurt, one of the world’s largest exhibition grounds, offering an expansive platform for exhibitors to present their products and innovations.
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Present your brand at this textile industry show, heimtextil Frankfurt, with Messe Masters, a leading exhibition stand builder in Frankfurt. For more information about us and our offerings, visit messemasters.com .
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Inexmoda impulsa la primera versión de Heimtextil con apoyo de Alemania
El Instituto de la Moda Inexmoda con la colaboración de Messe Frankfurt de Alemania, abrió su tercer gran evento, después de Colombiamoda y Colombiatex de las Américas, Heimtextil en Plaza Mayor Medellín. Participan más de 15 países, han llegado expositores de todo Latinoamérica, además de Pakistán, Estados Unidos China y España.
Sebastián Díez, presidente de Inexmoda, destacó la importancia de este nuevo evento con las propuestas mas vanguardistas en textiles y decoración para el hogar, la hotelería y mejorar la calidad de vida de las gentes.
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Ein Hauch von New York in Duisburg
Der Duisburger Traditionsfachbetrieb Raumdesign Dommers in Duisburg-Großenbaum wurde am 10. Januar 2024 auf der Messe »Heimtextil« in Frankfurt am Main erneut mit dem »HEIMTEX STAR« ausgezeichnet. War es im Jahr 2023 die Kategorie „Vorbildliches Kundenevent“, so holten sich die kreativen Raumdesigner in diesem Jahr den Preis in der Kategorie „Vorbildliche Werbung“. Mit dem renommierten »HEIMTEX STAR« wurde der „Local Champion“ somit im zweiten Jahr nacheinander ausgezeichnet – ein Erfolg, der bisher nur sehr wenigen Unternehmen zuteilwurde. Die Geschäftsführer von Raumdesign Dommers Peter Dommers und Jörg Simossek, sehen sich mit der Überreichung des Preises erneut darin bestätigt, innovative Wege im stationären Einzelhandel zu gehen. So erklärt Peter Dommers: „Im letzten Jahr waren wir einige Tage in New York, um uns über die neuesten Einrichtungstrends zu informieren und Kontakte zu knüpfen. Dort haben wir die Idee für unsere außergewöhnliche Werbemaßnahme bekommen.“ Die Idee, das ist das digitale Schaufenster, das nunmehr mit einer Größe von rund 17 m2 von der Ladenfassade strahlt und aktuelle Angebote der Raumdesigner präsentiert. Jörg Simossek ergänzt: „Es war ein ordentliches Stück Arbeit, diesen Hauch von New York nach Duisburg zu bringen, aber der Erfolg gibt uns recht. Wir werden sehr oft darauf angesprochen und nun diese Auszeichnung, das zeigt, dass wir erneut richtig lagen.“ Das Familienunternehmen in dritter Generation wird sich auch im nächsten Jahr für den renommierten Fachpreis in Stellung bringen. Peter Dommers: „Wir haben bereits eine Idee, die so noch kein Unternehmen der Raumausstattung angegangen ist.“ Man darf gespannt sein, ob der Local Champion seinen Vorsprung weiter ausbauen kann. Die „BTH Heimtex“ ist Europas große Wirtschafts- und Handelszeitschrift für Bodenbeläge, Tapeten, Heimtextilien sowie Sonnenschutz und zeichnet jedes Jahr Fachgeschäfte aus der Branche in unterschiedlichen Kategorien aus. Nach 2023 bekommt Raumdesign Dommers den renommierten »HEIMTEX STAR« im Jahr 2024 bereits zum zweiten Mal nacheinander überreicht. BUZ: Die Geschäftsführer Jörg Simossek und Peter Dommers (v.l.n.r.) freuen sich über die erneute Verleihung des Heimtex Star. Read the full article
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Heimtextil’e DTO'dan Denizli Damgası
Denizli Ticaret Odası (DTO) Başkanı Uğur Erdoğan, Heimtextil Fuarı’nda stant açan Denizlili ihracatçıları ziyaret etti; temsilcileriyle bir araya geldi. Üyelerinin her koşulda her zaman yanlarında olduklarını söyleyen Başkan Erdoğan, “Denizlili firmalarımız, bu yıl da fuardaki ziyaretçilerin ilgi odağı. Tekstilcilerimiz, stantlarındaki birbirinden güzel ürünleriyle büyük beğeni topladılar; ihracattaki başarımızı bu yıl daha da artırmanın yolunu açtılar” dedi. Başkan Erdoğan ile beraberindekiler, MÜSAİD Hessen Şubesi üyeleriyle de bir araya geldiler; Denizli’yi tanıttılar. Denizli Ticaret Odası Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Uğur Erdoğan, beraberinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) Sanayi, Ticaret, Enerji, Tabii Kaynaklar Bilgi ve Teknoloji Komisyonu Kâtip Üyesi Denizli Milletvekili Şahin Tin, Denizli Sanayi Odası (DSO) Başkanı Selim Kasapoğlu, Avrupa Denizlililer Derneği Başkanı Ali İnceören ve Denizli Ticaret Odası Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Ali Taşevli ile Frankfurt Am Main Messe Fuar Alanı’nda Denizlili firmaları ziyaret etti. Heimtextil 2023 Ev Tekstili Fuarı’nda stant açan 79 firmayı yalnız bırakmadı; başarılar diledi.
Başkan Erdoğan, Heimtextil Fuarı’nın Denizli'nin lokomotif sektörü konumundaki tekstil sektörü için büyük önem taşıdığına dikkat çekti. Erdoğan, “Denizli'miz, tekstildeki bilgi ve tecrübesiyle ilmek ilmek dokuyarak ürüne dönüştürdüğü eşsiz emeğini, bu yıl da dünyanın en büyük fuarlarından birinde uluslararası pazarda alıcıların beğenisine sundu. Stantlarıyla Almanya'da Heimtextil 2023 Ev Tekstili Fuarı’nda şehrimizi ve sektörümüzü temsil eden Denizli Ticaret Odası üyelerimiz ile ihracatçı firmalarımızı biz de yalnız bırakmadık; tek tek ziyaret ederek ürünleri hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi aldık. Fuarla ilgili görüşlerini de dinledik; hayırlı ve uğurlu olmasını diledik. Firmalarımızın yeni yıla umutla bakmaları, fuardan ve sektördeki gelişmelerden yana beklentilerinin yüksek olması, bizleri sevindirdi. Ayrıca Denizlili firmalarımızın, bu yıl da fuardaki ziyaretçilerin ilgi odağı olduğunu görmekten büyük mutluluk duyduk. Buradaki tabloya bakılırsa tekstilcilerimiz stantlarındaki birbirinden güzel ürünleriyle, Denizli’nin ihracattaki başarısını bu yıl daha da artırmanın yolunu açtılar” diye konuştu.
Başkan Erdoğan, Denizli’de Teknik Tekstile Dönüşüm Projesi sayesinde önümüzdeki yıllarda Heimtextil Fuarı’nda katma değeri yüksek ve teknolojisi yüksek ürünlerin sergileneceğini de sözlerine ekledi.
Denizli Milletvekili Şahin Tin ise Heimtextil Fuarı’nda Türkiye'nin sayıları 300'ü aşan firmayla yer aldığını ifade etti. Milletvekili Tin, “Fuarın en büyük katılımcı ülkelerinden biriyiz; gurur duyduk. Denizli’den 79 firmamız var. Denizli'yi temsil eden iş adamlarımız ile ziyaretçilerimiz de buradalar. Denizli olarak, özlemle biz bu fuarı bekledik. Alıcıların ve satıcıların buluştuğu, kendi ürünlerini sergiledikleri önemli bir pazaryeri burası. Burada dikkat ettiğim en önemli noktalardan biri ise gerek Rusya Ukrayna Savaşı gerekse Avrupa’daki enerji krizinin sektöre ve uluslararası ticarete etkileri ile yansımaları... Avrupa Birliği’ndeki enflasyonun yükselmesiyle pazarda bir daralma oluştu. Ancak Türkiye’deki sanayicilerimizin, tekstilcilerimizin Avrupa’daki tedarikçilere dair pazarlarının bu yıl açılacağını düşünüyorum. Bunun da Türkiye ekonomisine olumlu bir şekilde yansıyacağını düşünüyorum” dedi. Milletvekili Tin ayrıca fuarda Denizlili katılımcıların talep ve önerilerini dinlediklerini ve ilgili makamlara aktaracaklarını da belirtti.
Denizli Sanayi Odası (DSO) Başkanı Selim Kasapoğlu da fuarın herkes için hayırlı olmasını diledi. Avrupalıların enflasyona sert tepki verdiğini belirten Kasapoğlu, “Pandemi döneminde çok fazla tekstil ürünü tüketmişlerdi. Ancak enflasyona karşı tepkileri de büyük oldu. Taleplerin birkaç yıl içinde yeniden oluşacağını ve eski günlerine döneceğini düşünüyoruz. Bu fuarda bu anlamda Avrupalı tüketicilerin ve alıcıların iştihanı da göreceğiz. Zorlu bir süreçten geçiyoruz. Umutsuzluğa kapılmadan elbirliğiyle çıkış yolu arayacağız. Bu fuar umarım herkes için hayırlı olur” diye konuştu.
Başkan Erdoğan ile beraberindekiler, Müstakil Sanayici ve İş Adamları Derneği (MÜSİAD) Hessen e.V. Frankfurt Şubesi üyeleriyle de bir araya geldi. İki ülke arasında ve Denizli ile olan ticareti artırmanın yollarını istişare etti. DTO Başkanı Erdoğan, toplantıyla ilgili olarak “Denizli Ticaret Odamızı (DTO) ve Denizli'mizi anlattık, tanıttık. İlgilerinden dolayı MÜSİAD Hessen Şube Başkanımız sayın Muhsin Kıdık başta olmak üzere tüm dernek üyelerine teşekkür eder, faaliyetlerinde başarılar dilerim” dedi. MÜSİAD Hessen Şube Başkanı Kıdık da ağırlamaktan büyük mutluluk duyduklarını belirttiği Başkan Erdoğan’a bilgilendirmelerinden ve nezaketinden dolayı teşekkür etti. Read the full article
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Texool to showcase its range of sustainable products at Heimtextil 2023
Mumbai-based Texool is participating at Heimtextil 2023 starting from 10 to 13 January at the Messe Frankfurt, where it will showcase its range of sustainable products for home, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen besides packaging, accessories and apparel.
Understanding the significance of the largest global platforms like HEIMTEXTIL, and Europe being the gateway to sustainability, Texool expect its sales to robust in FY 22/23. Company saw levels of FY19/20 in FY21/22 which was a good sign and 22/23 is already showing improvements.
Texool is GRS certified and sells recycled and upcycled home and lifestyle products under its own brands "I am not a virgin (Europe) and "I am so wasted (India)" besides its B2B operations.
However Texool also offers its ready products from circular solutions of "collecting old and used clothing".
Global buying is likely to see a slowdown because of the war, especially Europe but as far as India is concerned the outlook seems positive thanks to a promising buying shift.
The approach to grow business further in 2023 includes strategic investment to help increase the outreach and eventual market share further assisted by social media and extensive advertising campaigns both domestic and international besides the growing volumes in B2B relationships.
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Heimtextil Frankfurt 2023 - Heimtextil.com
Heimtextil Frankfurt 2023 – Heimtextil.com
Heimtextil.com – Heimtextil Frankfurt 2023 are organized by Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH. It will be held on 10 January – 13 January 2023 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Heimtextil.com | Heimtextil Frankfurt 2023 You just need to follow the steps to participate in Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH. (Heimtextil Frankfurt 2023). Open your default internet browser.Type www.heimtextil.com it in��
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HeimTextil 2025 Frankfurt Germany
The renowned textile and sleep solutions trade fair, Heimtextil, is set to return to Frankfurt from January 14th to 17th, 2025, promising an even more immersive design experience for all attendees. Hosted at Messe Frankfurt, the event will partner with Studio Urquiola, a Milan-based design studio, to emphasize innovation, sustainability, and design across the entire textile industry.
The previous edition of Heimtextil saw remarkable success, attracting over 46,000 professional visitors and featuring 2,800 exhibitors from 60 countries. This represents a significant 25% increase in attendance compared to earlier years, highlighting the event’s growing global impact and providing invaluable opportunities for industry professionals. The trade fair covers a wide range of textile applications, including bed and bath, decorative and furniture fabrics, fibers and yarns, textile design, wall coverings, and more.
Connect with Textile at Heimtextil 2025 FrankfurtThe fabric trade show will expand its exhibition space and enhance its engagement programming. The focus on sustainable production will advance through diverse approaches and formats, such as Finder, Talks, and Tours within the Econogy Hub. These initiatives will showcase the wide range of certifications and applications essential for startups and established businesses, highlighting the adaptability and innovation driving the industry forward.
The Legacy of HeimTextilEstablished over 50 years ago, HeimTextil has become a global platform for the textile and interior design community. Each year, the event gathers thousands of exhibitors and visitors from around the world. Known for setting the tone in interior textiles, it has consistently provided a unique blend of commerce, innovation, and inspiration.
From high-quality upholstery fabrics to luxurious bed linens, curtains, carpets, and wall coverings, the trade show has always been the place to discover cutting-edge products. Over the years, it has evolved into a launchpad for new trends, with designers and brands eagerly awaiting the event to introduce their latest collections. Interiors Redefined - Heimtextil 2025 FrankfurtHeimtextil 2025 Frankfurt is the ultimate destination for everything textile, offering exhibitors invaluable insights into the industry's latest trends and advancements. This exhibition engages all six senses, allowing visitors to explore various textile solutions, from flame-retardant and sound-absorbing fabrics to lightfast and indestructible materials. It also highlights cutting-edge innovations like antimicrobial, dirt-repellent, and scrub-resistant textiles.
The trade show is set to continue its legacy as a premier event in the world of textiles and interior design. Whether you are a designer, retailer, or industry expert, the fair offers unparalleled insights into the future of the industry. From trend forecasts and sustainability solutions to technological innovations and networking opportunities, it will be the place to be in January 2025 for anyone looking to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of textiles.
HeimTextil 2025 is set to be an influential event that combines business opportunities, innovation, and design inspiration on a global scale. Whether you’re looking to explore the latest sustainable textiles, discover cutting-edge technologies, or network with industry leaders, this event in Frankfurt is an essential date on the textile and interior design calendar. Its mix of exhibitions, workshops, and trend forecasting ensures that professionals stay ahead of the curve in an industry that’s evolving faster than ever.
With so much on offer—from sustainable innovations to interactive trend spaces, it will be an invaluable experience for anyone passionate about textiles, interiors, and the future of design.
Experience the threads of innovation at Heimtextil2025, where the AARS Worldwide creative exhibition stands and brings the global textile industry to life
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Heimtextil Frankfurt Trade Fair Location
Unlock new professional opportunities with a strategic business trip to Frankfurt! Known for its blend of modern architecture and historic charm, from the impressive skyscrapers of the financial district to the picturesque Römer Square, Frankfurt offers a unique mix of innovation and tradition. The city’s dynamic business landscape makes it the perfect backdrop for forging international partnerships and expanding your professional network. Frankfurt: The Perfect Host City
As the host city, Frankfurt brings its unique advantages to HeimTextil. Known for its modern skyline and rich cultural heritage, the city is a business hub with excellent infrastructure. Frankfurt’s central location in Europe makes it easily accessible from all over the continent and beyond, with one of the largest international airports in the world.
Messe Frankfurt: A World-Class Exhibition Venue Heimtextil 2025 will occur at Messe Frankfurt, a venue renowned for hosting large-scale international events. Established in 1971, Heimtextil is the leading global trade fair focused on textiles, fabrics, home textiles, and textile machinery. Held annually, this event serves as a key platform for industry professionals from all over the world.
Messe Frankfurt, where HeimTextil is held, is one of the largest and most modern exhibition centers in the world. Spanning nearly 400,000 square meters of indoor and outdoor space, it provides state-of-the-art facilities for trade fairs, conferences, and exhibitions.
Cutting-Edge Infrastructure: Messe Frankfurt offers highly flexible exhibition halls, innovative technology, and versatile meeting spaces. The venue is equipped with high-speed Wi-Fi, digital signage, and advanced lighting systems to enhance the exhibitor and visitor experience.
Efficient Layout: The trade fair grounds are designed to accommodate a large number of exhibitors and visitors while maintaining ease of navigation. With its efficient layout, visitors can easily move between exhibition halls, ensuring that they have a productive and enjoyable experience at the event.
Sustainability Initiatives: Messe Frankfurt is also committed to sustainability, implementing eco-friendly initiatives such as energy-efficient building designs, waste management programs, and green transportation options.
Frankfurt: A Business and Cultural Hub
Beyond the logistical advantages, Frankfurt offers a unique blend of modern business infrastructure and rich cultural experiences, making it an appealing destination for both business and leisure.
Global Business Hub: Known as the financial capital of Germany, Frankfurt is home to the European Central Bank and several major international corporations. This global business environment fosters an atmosphere of innovation and commerce, which is particularly relevant for the textile and interior design industries represented at HeimTextil.
Cultural and culinary Diversity: Frankfurt offers a rich cultural experience with world-class museums and historic sites like Römer Square. Its culinary scene is diverse, ranging from traditional German cuisine to international delicacies. Visitors can enjoy local favorites like Apfelwein or fine dining in Michelin-starred restaurants, satisfying every palate.
Elevate Your Presence at HeimTextil with Professional Stand Builders
A successful trade show experience is not just about what products or services you showcase, but how you present them. At HeimTextil 2025, the way your brand is represented through your exhibition stand can make all the difference in attracting attention, engaging visitors, and making a lasting impression. In a highly competitive environment where over 3,000 exhibitors are vying for the attention of buyers, designers, and industry professionals, the design and functionality of your exhibition stand become critical to your success.
To achieve the best results at HeimTextil 2025, partnering with professional trade show stand builders in Frankfurt is essential. Experienced exhibition stand builders, such as AARS Worldwide specialize in designing and constructing custom stands that look great and serve your specific business needs.
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Heimtextil to be held concurrently with Techtextil and Texprocess for the first time
Messe Frankfurt has come up with a big announcement of conducting two major textile related international trade fairs at the same timing.
International suppliers of technical textiles and nonwovens, as well as machines for processing textile and flexible materials, will once get together in Frankfurt am Main for Techtextil and Texprocess from 4 to 7 May 2021. More..
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I was at @heimtextil Frankfurt, Germany. . . #familyfirst #egyptiancotton #bestofhome #luxuryhomes #luxury #luxuryhomes #abudhabi #Dubai #homesweethome #bedlinen #bedsheets #bedsheet #bedding #bedcover #jacquard #Chicago #custom #luxury #premiumbedding #California #Montreal #decor #Texas #Italy #homedecor #interiorforyou #interiordesign #Toronto #soft #interiordecor (at Frankfurt Heimtextil Messe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ZW8WcJeSG/?igshid=ndxzfmeido7l
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Predicting any confirmed affirmation about the Heimtextil trade fair is quite uncertain, however, as per the show organizers and the latest update about heimtextil trade fair 2021, shows the green flag and the vivid sources configures the show dates. The world’s leading trade fair for home textiles, heimtextil 2021 in Frankfurt Germany will be hosted on 12th to 15th January. With the hopes up, the international trade fair for contract textiles is said to reserve 95 percent of exhibiting space as compared to last year. So, let’s grab the fast-paced preparations for the upcoming heimtextil Messe Frankfurt 2021 and set up a successful show strategy. For any exhibiting services related to heimtextil trade fair for home textiles, contact Sensations Worldwide today and avail the major trade show services with guaranteed success.
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Heimtextil Launches Innovative New Trends In Interior Textile Design
Heimtextil Launches Innovative New Trends In Interior Textile Design
Heimtextil, the world’s leading textile trade fair, celebrated its 50th Show in January at Messe Frankfurt in Frankfurt, Germany. Photos by Carrie Coolidge
Heimtextil, the world’s leading textile trade fair, celebrated its 50th Show in January at Messe Frankfurt in Frankfurt, Germany. Nearly 3,000 companies from 65 countries presented their innovations at the largest trade fair for home and…
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