#heigh ceilings
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yogadaily · 1 year ago
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(via Pin on OUTFITS  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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you-born-this-way · 1 year ago
Transitional Laundry Room - Laundry
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Small transitional u-shaped medium tone wood floor, brown floor and vaulted ceiling dedicated laundry room photo with an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, white cabinets, quartzite countertops, white backsplash, mosaic tile backsplash, white walls, a stacked washer/dryer and white countertops
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zinaarts · 1 year ago
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Ideas for a small, modern tile patio renovation with a fireplace and a gazebo Inspiration for a small transitional backyard tile patio remodel with a fireplace and a gazebo
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mrdifferent · 2 years ago
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Home Bar Galley Inspiration for a mid-sized transitional galley light wood floor and brown floor wet bar remodel with an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, black cabinets, marble countertops, mirror backsplash and black countertops
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samexplores · 2 years ago
New Orleans Transitional Pool
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Idea for a small natural hot tub in a rectangular backyard with transitional tiles.
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images2keep · 2 years ago
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Tile in New Orleans Example of a small transitional backyard tile patio design with a fireplace
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majesticleon · 2 years ago
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Ideas for a small, modern tile patio renovation with a fireplace and a gazebo Inspiration for a small transitional backyard tile patio remodel with a fireplace and a gazebo
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hekyll-jyde · 2 years ago
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Playroom - Contemporary Kids An illustration of a modern, gender-neutral playroom with blue walls and a medium-toned wood floor.
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pilfappreciator · 1 year ago
Can you write about Veneer... Just, like, anything at all. I'm BEGGING. They could be headcanons, drabbles, oneshots, ANYTHING. My little gay mind can't handle it. If you don't have any ideas here are some that I have off the top of my head ^_^ (also if you could make any of these male reader I will love you forever BUT you obviously don't have to <33)
- Baking with him (but either veneer or the reader is a nightmare in the kitchen and everything goes wrong)
- Having a slumber party !! (Doing eachothers nails, hair, makeup, watching movies, just talking, possibly falling asleep in eachothers arms and being embarrassed in the morning)
- Playing hide and seek together
- CHRISTMAS WITH VENEER!!! (Decorating the house/Christmas tree, getting presents, playing out in the snow, just general festive activities:3)
- Reader who has a shit ton of stuffies and has named them all (introducing them to Veneer, cuddling, fluffy things)
- Eepy time (sleeping/cuddling hcs, shenanigans, not being able to fall asleep, weird midnight chats)
I had more but I forgot....
NAHHH UR LITERALLLY SO BASED I LOVE YOU FOR THAT!!! Veneer is literally such a criminal cuz like?? He kidnapped someone, tortured them, AND he stole your heart??? SOMEONE STOP HIM ASDKJALJSLD
Ended up combining a few of your ideas into one big concept! Hope you don't mind :3
Also heads up that this takes place before the events of Band Together took off! Just figured it'd be kinda hard to throw a sleepover when your ass is literally in prison lol
Veneer x Reader: when your favorite twink invites you to a sleepover
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Includes: Male! Reader, sleepover shenanigans, fluff, slight angst, gaygaygaygay—
💎 You and Veneer would have to be INCREDIBLY close before he even considered invited you over
💎 Tbh I feel like getting invited to hangout with this guy in any way is actually? Kind of a privilage?? Like his fame is obviously a big factor in that but growing up, I doubt he had any actual friends who weren't his sister. I imagine him as kinda shy and non-confrontational as a kid, and though Velvet wasn't the BEST sibling, she never hesitated to cuss out whatever poor soul chose to pick on her brother. She's always been the one to lead and Veneer has always just followed
💎 I mean... the guy literally participated in tortue just cuz his sister told him to. He sheep coded as hell 😔
💎 So yeah, this boy probably has like zero experience when it comes to having friends who don't use him for his fame and/or are related to him by blood. Luckily you came along! Now he's actually got someone with whom he shares a genuine connection with!!
💎 Whether that connection is strictly platonic has... yet to be determined >;3c
💎 WITH THAT BEING SAID!! This guy has never once participated in a sleepover (hanging out in his sister's room doesn't count), and he's got absolutely no clue what to do ://
💎 Will conduct numerous amounts of research days in advance! And by research, I mean he's binging all his favorite chick flicks and having Krimp take notes aslkdhaljsdl
💎 "Oh heyyyy, (____)! Fancy seeing you here!"
"This... is my house?"
"R-right, right! Obviously! Um, anyway, do you like sleeping?"
"Also, u-uh, totally unrelated but have you ever wondered what the inside of my house looks like?"
💎 Pls just accept his invitation. If he gets any redder he might pop a blood vessel or something
💎 Heaves out the BIGGEST sigh once you say yes. He'll try to play himself off as nonchalant even though he's absolutely ecstatic, but like... the boy is literally vibrating with excitement okay, he's not fooling anyone lol
💎 Once the big day comes and you show up to his house— sorry, MANSION? Prepare yourself cuz he is most definitely giving a tour. From the indoor pool, to the outdoor pool, to the personal studio/production room, to the many walk-in closets, to a room that is literally just one big ball pit, to a heigh-ceiling hallway just lined with photos/painting of him and his sister... he is NOT afraid to show off asdkajsdlkhjf
💎 (Sidenote: don't worry about Velvet potentially intruding on the sleepover. She's agreed to step out for the day on her brother's behalf. Was definitely pretty pissy about having to vacate her own home but eventually relented... but Veneer definitely owes her for her kindness)
💎 Yknow all those cliche sleepover activities people do in movies? Yeah, you guys are doing literally all of them
💎 Such a dumbass <33
💎 NO LIKE ACTUALLY THO?? Krimp made Veneer a list of popular and totally optional things to do at a sleepover and the second he saw it, he was just like "uugh, seems like a lot of work but I GUESS I'll do it 🙄"
💎 You guys are painting your nails matching colors, doing facemasks, messing around with each others' hair— the whole shebang!! And considering this dude is rich as fuck, you just KNOW he's got nothing but all the top-of-the-line products 😤😤. Only the finest for him (and you <33)
💎 LET HIM DO YOUR MAKEUP!! I feel like he really enjoys it as a whole! Like it's probably his favorite part of getting ready for shows or just his day in general, and the only person he's done makeup for is Velvet (tho those instances were VERY rare)... but if you just? Suggest that he does yours for you?? Like just sitting back so he can do his thing, allowing him to call the shots like he rarely ever does???
💎 Unfortunately the whole thing kinda backfires on him cuz: 1) you're already super cute without makeup, and 2) he knows what he's doing and could easily boost someone's looks with just some eyesliner and the right shade of lipstick
💎 He makes you look hotter, is basically what I'm getting at
💎 He's not sure if he's just done himself a huge favor or screwed himself over for the rest of the night
💎 Considering his crazy wealth and the fact he probably grew up pretty sheltered/spoiled, I doubt this boy knows anything about how a kitchen works lol. Like most of his meals were either made for him by Krimp or served at high-end hoity-toity restaurants with caviar that probably cost more than most organs sell on the black market ://
💎 So yeah, dinner is really gonna come down to you and your skill level
💎 If you know you're away around, CONGRATS!! You've just signed yourself up for cooking lessons with Veneer! And yes, the kitchen WILL end up a mess (but no worries, he'll just make Krimp clean it up). You'll definitely have to take the lead here and he's more than happy to let you do so! Just tell him what spices you need or what utensil to grab, and his ass is on it 🫡 If you wanna teach him how to knead dough or peel certain ingredients?? He won't complain (especially if said activity requires you two to be in close proximity hehe)
💎 Do NOT leave him alone in the kitchen for more than 10 seconds. You'll just return to find him trying to cut strawberries with the dull side of a knife u_u
💎 If you're also total shit in the kitchen?? No worries! Veneer may be living that high life but he's not above ordering takeout lol
💎 Remember those chick flicks I mentioned earlier? Yeah, you two are totally running a marathon of those. If you happen to have any good recs or other movies you happen to like?? He's totally willing to give them a try! Just know that if it's a scary movie… he's gonna be wrapped around you like a koala and screaming into your ear at every jumpscare
💎 He may be talentless but this boy can hit a high note if he feels he's in danger
💎 He may be different from his sister in some ways, but one attribute he shares with her is the fact that he's a TOTAL GOSSIP LIKE?? THIS BOY IS MORE THAN PREPARED TO SPILL THE TEA ON ANY GIVEN OCCASION—
💎 "Oh my gosh, did you HEAR about what happened to Nikki Mirage the other day??"
"No? Wait, who's that again?"
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO--- okay, sit down so I can educate you 😤"
💎 Him and Velvet literally thrive on drama, idk what else to tell you
💎 (he might also spill some tea about his sister... nothing too incriminating, but like, a few embarrassing childhood stories couldn't hurt, right?)
💎 Late night talks are a MUST!! At some point in the night the two of you end up like... nestled under the covers of whatever fort you guys threw together... you're facing each other, heads centimeters apart as you share a pillow... whispering and giggling for no real reason...
💎 Maybe he vents a little about his insecurities and the way Velvet treats him, less like a brother and more like a shadow she can manipulate as she pleases... and maybe you grab his hand under the blanket... yknow, just to comfort him or whatever...
💎 Veneer only ever gets physical affection when he visits his parents, and even then it's just like? The bare minimum?? Pats on the head/shoulder/back, brief hugs, chaste kisses on his cheek— that kinda crap. And it's so tragic cuz this boy is literally the biggest little spoon to ever spoon. Like actually pls just hold him
💎 If he wakes up the next morning to find you laying behind him? Arms wound around his middle?? You face burried against his neck/shoulder blades/top of his head????
💎 He is not moving from that spot even after you wake up too <33
Cannibal, I absolutely ADORE YOU FOR THIS ASK!! LITERALLY SO FUN TO WRITE SAKLJASADKJSD THANK YOU SO MUCH <3333 (was originally gonna split this into two parts but was like, "nah, this ask deserves to be hella long" uwu)
Veneer redemption arc when??
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sandwich2451 · 1 year ago
okay so i finally watxhed te first 2 eps of pjo and although i love it its so fun and silly and incredible i have a bone to pick
i recently reread the lightning thief in preparation (as in a week ago) and i remember how percy describes his life. and in pjo everything is just incredibly glamorized - yancy academy looks like a museum to be honest, and i dont think sally and gabe have the money for it; mr bruner is really nice to percy??? i dont understand why??? nd grover also is supercool??? like in the books they gaslight percy for months on end with seemingly no remorse and mr bruner keeps telling percy he expects better but somehow this all doesnt get into the show
the biggest problem i have, though, is camp halfblood. I'm watching w 2 friends and when we saw the infirmary we were genuinely all shocked bc HELLO??? GLASS IN LEAD WINDOWS??? this is a summer camp that gives demigods a hundred bucks to get to the other side of the US I'm sorry but they do not simply have glad in lead windows no its false its fake news im sorry
the worst thing, to me though, is how glamorized the cabins are. look i read those descriptions alright and hermes should be crammed as fuck. as in you move a leg and suddenly you're poking someone's eye out. the ceilings should be low and make everything claustrophobic. poseidon's cabin is literally described to be simple and have low ceilings and be made of stone w shells (forgive me i cant remember the english term for it) but somehow every cabin has lots of room and every cabin has super heigh ceilings and those stupid windows... like no honey thats not a camp thats a cheapened olympus. i love the series but i just have a big problem with how much glamorization has gone into basically everything
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cilil · 8 months ago
Hiiii I’ve been following you on ao3 but I found you here as well:)
Can I ask you would you write a short story about Maedhros X Thuringwethil?
I know it’s a very rare ship😂
𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏 ��𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆
AN: Sure! A short story it is indeed (hope nobody is disappointed) - I've just been playing around with some ideas and would be down to revisit this plot line sometime in the future; not right now, though, as I'll be quite busy the next few months x) Anyway: Enjoy!
.☾. Pairings: Maedhros x Thuringwethil; implied/background Melkor x Mairon .☾. Synopsis: Whenever they're not being watched, Thuringwethil sneaks into the dungeons of Angband to see her favorite Elven prince - and secret lover. .☾. Warnings: Implied violence/torture, injuries (not too graphic), blood, blood drinking, vampiric Maiar .☾. AO3
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A scream echoed through the hallway. 
Thuringwethil's ears twitched, alert. Could it be his voice? She hoped so, and at the same time that it was not. It would be a sign that he still had the strength to scream, but she didn't want him to be in pain. 
With bated breath, hidden in the shadows of Angband's heigh ceilings where she perched, she waited for her Maiarin brethren to exit the dungeons so she could check on him. Her prince. Her favourite. 
Wings folded, claws digging into tiny cracks within the stone that she had grown to know intimately, she waited. It took hours, but Thuringwethil had to be patient; it had to be safe to go or else she would risk both of them being punished. Her master had seen her prince's beauty as well and didn't like others coming near him; hopefully Mairon kept him too busy to watch his favourite captive all the time. 
When all had left and she sensed no more Maiar nearby, Thuringwethil descended from her vantage point, swift and silent. Gliding through the shadows with ease, she retraced paths and steps she had long since memorised, would find in her sleep if she had to; especially once she caught his scent. Faint it was these days and often laced with the smell of blood and fear, yet that only made her crave it more. 
It was a dark and lonely cell they kept him in, deep within the fortress and away from even the other prisoners. Thuringwethil willed her fána to become formless for a moment, allowing her to pass through indestructible iron bars, and appeared in front the Noldorin prince trapped inside. 
Maedhros was chained to the wall as usual, though through some miracle somebody appeared to have granted him the mercy of loosening his chains enough for him to sit. He was hunched over, a shadow of the proud, glorious prince who had made Thuringwethil's heart beat faster when the Balrogs brought him in, and his head hung low, red locks obscuring his face. 
"My love," she whispered, kneeling in front of him. "My love, I have returned." 
Slowly, Maedhros raised his head. He seemed tired, but his blue eyes regained their usual gleam when he saw her, relieved that it was the one being in this fortress who wouldn't hurt him. Not on purpose at least; Thuringwethil had bitten him by accident a few times. 
"Be careful," he rasped, "Sauron was here earlier–" 
She recoiled. She knew of course which names the Elves had taken to calling her master and her peers, but to hear them spoken in front of her remained jarring.
"You must not use such names here," Thuringwethil cautioned. "They will punish you if they hear." 
"More than they already do?" Defiance lit up his face for a moment, then it was gone again. Maedhros sighed. 
"Call him what you wish, but the fact is that he visited earlier and I fear he may return in time." 
"Don't worry," Thuringwethil moved closer to wrap her wings around him. "He has sought out our master for the night. We won't see him here for a while." 
Maedhros made a low noise of disgust upon hearing this news, but leaned into Thuringwethil's touch as she cupped his cheeks with both hands. There were a few fresh wounds on him, she could see them clearly now; scratch marks across his face, neck and chest. His earlier encounter with Mairon had to have gone as well as one would expect from a jealous Maia who despised incarnates. 
"Let me take care of you," she said gently, bringing their foreheads together. 
"Hungry?" Maedhros retorted, flashing her a crooked smile. 
He was beautiful when he smiled. Thuringwethil wished she could see it more often. 
"For you? Always," she admitted shamelessly and pulled him closer with her wings, pressing her body against his. 
Maedhros let her. He never fought back when she wanted to touch him or drink from him, and Thuringwethil adored him for it. A willing victim, especially one as pretty as him, was always a special treat. 
She licked the scratches on his face first, carefully tracing them with her tongue. There was still some fresh blood underneath, flowing into her mouth as she cleaned his wounds. His neck was next, and she had to stop herself from biting down when her lips caressed the soft, vulnerable skin of his throat and felt veins pulsing underneath. She could easily kill him if she lost control, and sometimes she felt as if he wouldn't mind that; though perhaps less because it was her and more so because it would allow him to escape this place. 
Thuringwethil shook off the thought. It wasn't like she could blame him for it — if she was trapped like he was, she might feel the same. In fact she herself had been trapped and lost once upon a time, and her master had rescued her, though she couldn't remember what had happened. 
Gentle, she tugged at the collar of Maedhros' tunic to expose one of his shoulders and began licking the wounds on his chest, right above his heart. He let his head fall back and was breathing deeply, enjoying the sensation of her warm tongue's rhythmic strokes. 
"Thuri..." His voice sounded rough, almost desperate, and it sent a shudder through the Maia. It felt as though something inside her lower body twisted into a knot, desperate to be undone, and Thuringwethil lifted her head, eyes dark with desire. 
She kissed him then, her beautiful prince, and tasted his blood — from her own tongue or from his, she couldn't tell. Maedhros' lips were dry and chapped, yet when he kissed her back she felt enraptured; she could imagine how amazing he would feel and taste if he wasn't chained up in her master's dungeon, but instead living in a palace or a forest full of trees and sunlight, the ones his kind loved so much. For him, she would even go to such a place. 
Thuringwethil withdrew to let him breathe, caressing his hair in the meantime. "I am so glad to have found you," she whispered, "yet even so, I wish things could be different. I would offer to set you free if I had the power, but I owe my master my life and he is much greater and stronger than any other of our kind." 
Maedhros shook his head. "You forget that I am oath-bound to reclaim my father's jewels which are now set in your master's crown. Even if you freed me, where would I go? Even if I fled, which path would I take that wouldn't inevitably lead me back here?" 
"So even after all this time you insist that you must suffer and ruin yourself for the sake of your dead father?" 
Maedhros leaned forward, letting his lips brush against hers once more. "Forgive me, my love, but out of all beings on Arda I hoped that a Maia would understand." 
Wordlessly, Thuringwethil nodded. It was true, her kind knew all too well how it was to be bound by fate and oaths of fealty. Maedhros couldn't betray his father just like she couldn't betray her master, and even if they could never be together outside of secret rendezvous and stolen moments, this fate they would share, for good and for ill. But for a few precious moments even that would be meaningless, as she lost herself in another kiss. 
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Thanks for reading! Thuringwethil's "debt" to Melkor is a reference to my general headcanons for her (tldr: She got lost in the Void and he found her), but whether you want to go along with that or assume he deceived her about her past and took advantage is up to you ;)
taglist: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @elanna-elrondiel @i-did-not-mean-to @urwendii
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fanficbrewery · 25 days ago
Can I request something for Veilguard?
Davrin x gn Qunari reader who's super bothered about being taller than Davrin because they want to be small and holdable
please and thank you and have a good day/night <3
Davrin x gn qunari reader
i thought this idea was super cute. I've always been very tall and was pretty insecure about it as a kid so i get where this request is coming from. as my first request that i have answered i hope i did it justice and that you enjoyed it.<3
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When you awoke your feet were cold, barely being covered by the blanket covering the rest of your body. You groaned already thinking about your to-do list today. You sit up from the bed, noticing your elven lover missing from your side, likely already awake and making Assans breakfast.
You stand from the bed careful about your large horns making sure they dont scratch the ceiling. Even among other qunari you were considered abnormally tall. When you had meet Taash, another qunari even they were taken aback by your heigh as you loomed over them. The thought made an uncomfortable feeling shiver down your spine.
As you walk out of the room you and Davrin had been sharing since admitting feelings for one another you spot him with Assan. The griffon noticing your presence stands up, quickly walking toward you with Davrin in tow. The small griffon gives you a greeting squawk and purrs as you bend down to pet him. Seeing him like this always reminds you of the first time you had met the pair.
after explaining to Davrin that the blighted camp next to you was like that when you got there you could help noticing the way he eyed you up and down. Not in a flirtatious manner but more calculating every part of you, seeing if he'd be able to hold his own against you if the need arose. And his griffon friend was half hiding behind him. whenever you tried to come closer he would let out a warning squawk almost like a hiss. They were threatened by you... part you you wondered if they would have reacted the same if you were smaller.
"Rook?..Rook!" you were snapped out of your thoughts looking at Davrin surprised. "Sorry did you say something?" you ask slowly standing up from bending down to Assan. " i did but are you alright?" his voice was always deeper in the mornings and you loved it but before you could get distracted by your thoughts once more you forced yourself to answer " yeah im alright whats up?". "I was just asking what you had planned today" Davrin replied walking toward the kitchen.
As you push open the kitchen doors walking inside you reply " I have more work to do as always. I need to go to arlathan today to help the veil jumpers weed out more venatori. I also need to head to treviso to help with the antam situation." Flashes of the antiven crows passes through your mind. The suspicious glances many would give you for being qunari, like they expected you to turn against them at any moment.
"Im guessing you'll need help with that?" Davrin once again pulling you from your thoughts, giving you a knowing smile. "i might need a hand or two" returning Davrins smile with a small one of your own. It was then when you realized you too were alone. "Is no one else up?" you ask looking around. "Nope just us. Bell is still working on the artifact and Lucanis is actually asleep for once so it looks like we're on our own for breakfast". Davrin turns and walks toward the oven, you follow close behind. As you approach, now standing next to him you ask "what should we make? preferably something we know we wont burn". Davrin chuckles at your comment "how about some bacon and eggs? easy to make and its a hearty breakfast". Mmm bacon does sound good right now. "sure bacon and eggs sounds great". Davrin looks up at you "good i'll get the fire going how about you get the eggs and bacon from the pantry?" "sure i can do that".
As you turn one of your horns knocks the pots and pans above you loosening them and causing them to fall. "OW shit.." the pans had fallen directly on Davrins head. Panic flows through you "Shit! Davrin! im so so sorry" you kneel next to him as he holds his head and sighs. "Its ok accidents happen right?" he hisses through the pain. "here let me look" he moves his hands away from his head allowing you to see where he'd been hit. Thankfully there was no bleeding but the area was already raised and starting to bruise. You feel awful, your stupid horns and your stupid height had gotten Davrin hurt and you felt a wave of emotions rush through you.
You turn your head away from him blinking away tears. "Hey rook its ok.." unfortunately for you, you couldn't escape his keen eyes. "No its not!" unable to hold back the tears you feel them fall down your cheeks. "I-I got you hurt all because my stupid fucking horns got in the because I'm to tall and- I'm so sorry Davrin". You could feel Davrins eyes widen at your out burst but you couldn't bring yourself to look at him. "I hate being tall fucking qunari".
"...You know I used to hate being an elf". His comment finally made you look at him with tears in your eyes. "Really?" You know that he disliked certain aspects of being an elf like being so secluded and the 'knife ear' comments but not hating being an elf in general. "Yeah I used to hate it, it always felt like something I needed to hide or be ashamed of" he looked up while speaking like reminiscing about old memories. "Why?" "I think it was a mix of feeling like I failed my family and people being assholes just because my ears are pointy". Davrin always seemed so confident you almost couldn't believe he hated anything about himself
"you know I like you being an elf" you said looking deep into his eyes, the eyes you loved so much."I know you do but I didn't until a few years ago" he gave you a small smile "how did you...get so confident?" You asked voice small very much unlike yourself. "It's something you just have to learn. That you can't change something so big about yourself just like my ears or your horns. And if you don't it just feels like they win" he brought a hand to your cheek. You leaned into it appreciating its warmth "a win for who?" "A win for those who doubted you, a win for those thoughts that make you feel less then you actually are"
he brought his forehead to yours and closed his eyes. It was a small moment of peace in this chaos, where your thoughts went silent and the idea of what's to come faded into the back of your mind. As you parted Davrin gave you a kiss to the lips, a gentle one filled with love and sincerity that you both enjoy each other just the way you are. That there was no reason that either of you needed to change. You parted once more before Davrin stood up with a groan. Following him you ask "do you want me to get Ballara and see if she can do anything about the pain and bump?" "Nah I'll be alright, I just gotta take it easy for a bit".
After breakfast your day went rather smoothly, any thoughts about your height or horns had disappeared you felt more confident after your talk with Davrin. Back at the light house you settle into Davrins bed, Assan laying down just at the foot of the bed. You snuggle under the covers your head on Davrins chest. You begin to doze off, the work and stress of today catching up to you when Davrin whispers in your ear, so quite that you could barely hear it. "I like your height and your horns I mean it.." you smile a small blush coloring your face. "And I love your ears..just as much as I love you"
Holy crap I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile I've been dealing with no motivation as well as just life stuff in general
Thank you for your request and I hope I did it justice I also hoped you enjoyed reading this
I'll see y'all next time I write
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allurilove · 9 months ago
I love husband. He’s so pookie
It’s also interesting to find out he likes Brutalist style. I myself love Art Nouveau, so it’d be interesting to see how the decoration of the house looks like
Can’t wait to see new life with baby girl. He’s adorable showing his family side
Art nouveau is actually so pretty, and i’m so upset that Husband would be the type of person to completely strip it of any personality. He would buy a house with beautiful architecture and interior because he likes the area or whatever, and then change it to a grey rectangular building with one window.
If the inside and out was dark, moody, and has heigh ceilings— he would be in love with the house like immediately. He would implement a bit of red pieces into his house ifykyk.
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When he lived alone his place sort of looks like the images above. But now that he’s married, and has kids, and a partner with different tastes… he would be fine living in a house that doesn’t have the brutalist interior. His study is more of what he likes though, and it’s his little space that he goes to relax.
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daylightisminetoconsume · 5 months ago
Gunmar's cries were answered, he was given care. The blade that pierced him was, in fact, little more than a common sword from the armory, save for the fact one of the guards recognized the bite marks on the handle. The sword, it seemed belonged to another of the thrall number, one who did not arrive to relieve their fellow and take their post, and in fact, had not been seen in a while. Once again time passed. During this Gunmar would hear reports of two more warriors having mysteriously vanished with no rhyme, reason, or trace... Was this the work of Orlagk? Was he sending Gunmar a message, picking off his numbers bit by bit? Trying to whittle him down and BREAK him? Whatever the answer it may have to be theorized while on the highest of alert, because no sooner had Gunmar been given the report, there was the sound of a loud crack high above. Up the top of the heigh-vaulted ceiling, a significantly large segment of stone stalactite suddenly came loose, and was falling with alarming speed right towards the Dark Underlord!!
Gunmar sensed the danger at once and dove out of the way, landing into a shoulder roll.
He stared in disbelief at the pile of rubble where he'd been standing just a few moments before, his teeth coming together in a click.
"YOU WON'T HAVE ME, ORLAGK!" Gunmar bellows out into the darkness, "You couldn't break me then and you won't now!"
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gnostotron · 1 year ago
A smattering of applause followed the song's final chord, slowly replaced by the murmur of conversations picked up from where they'd temporarily been put aside.  In the corner of the common room the dwarven bard Grundig perched on a stool, taking a moment to appreciate her work.
Performing was like mining, she'd always thought - you may think you've won over the audience and that the rest of the night will be easy going but if you get cocky the ceiling will collapse on you, or maybe just knife you and steal your lute.  Or that's what she assumed mining was like - she'd never held a pickaxe and would certainly like the idea of mining more if it didn't involve so much dirt. Idly she tuned her lute, taking the measure of the audience.
"Thank you. Now I'd like to play a song that's deeply personal." She bent her head, tuning a string imperceptibly sharper. Her voice, quiet before, became confessional, almost reluctant.  "I've traveled  across much of this world; I've seen cities of made of stone and wood, cities made of ice, and once a city made of coloured silks that rippled in the breeze like the sails of a vast armada.  I've seen mountains and oceans and vast plains and even though this life is sometimes hard, dangerous even, it has always, every day, shown a new wonder." Tentatively she plucked a chord, frowned lightly and minutely adjusted another string.  The audience was silent. "But sometimes, sometimes your home calls to you, across the years and leagues.  And you'd throw everything aside and rush back there but in your heart you know that the home you returned to would not be the one you left, because even if it was the same, you're not - you've been changed, transformed by time and the world."
She gently plucked another chord, her voice almost a whisper. "And maybe it's not actually home that you want to run back to - maybe what you really want is to return to the version of you that existed before life wore you down, before it hurt, before it filled with regrets.  And deep down you know that young, perfect you is lost forever."
"So I wrote this song and I sing it when I long for home, and I know the longing is for something I can never have, and know the longing will never leave me."
Grundig sank over her lute, eyes closed.  The crowd was frozen, rapt.  Some bards lived for the applause, Grundig lived for this moment; the anticipation that borders on ecstasy. She held it, was held by it, and the entire room was like a single beautiful crystal, resonating with a note she hadn't yet sung.  Then, when it seemed the moment was about to break, she took a deep breath and sang
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p3rs3pho0n3 · 5 days ago
Tuesday 18 March 2025 11:59
This morning's dream:
Initially involved N*t* and my mother. In the dream there was a lot of darkness, and at some point he and I were in a basement, and I wanted to rest my head on his lap as we sat on a couch and watched tv or went to sleep. There was some tension but also awkwardness. Later, perhaps in another dream, I was with him and S*d and *n*l*s*. We were walking down a steep city street, and I was closer to N*t*. Both men appeared as small NPCs, acid-style. I quickly followed *n*l*s* into some sort of club/restaurant and sat down with her at a table with others, while we waited for the men to take care of something dangerous, like an intruder, for us outside. The club was dark with heigh ceilings, largely concrete, with sparse pink and purple and blue neon lights and large palm fronds in large vases. I moved our table with a bunch of other women from an open table on the left side near an imposing dj booth, to the right side, behind a large vase with palms, where we could have more secrecy and privacy. I was wondering when the men would come in so I crossed the large hall to the door, which let in a bit of light from the outside, and as I was doing so it seemed like the men were coming in, or perhaps I was only imagining or seeing what it was they were doing on the other side - it looked as if they were fighting. I was hesitant to go outside for fear of the dangerous attacker.
In another dream I was with my parents at home, sitting at the kitchen island or the kitchen table, the golden lights on as it was dark outside. My father was seated on the side to my left in a white wife-beater, talking about his pains or something, and my mother across from me, doing dishes. I explained glutamate and dopaminergic interactions to them, and I felt a little like I sounded like a conspiracy theorist, but I couldn't really shut myself up - they just had no background in the subject and no way to evaluate which of my statements were true or not. They somewhat agreed with what I said in any case, or at least didn't totally disregard me. Then my father went upstairs to the master bedroom to sleep, he on his side of the bed closer to the window, with my uncle and grandmother sleeping in the same room - one in the same bed, another in a bed lying to the side before the window across the door, although I forget which was where. I was lying on the floor near the window and I got up and started to get ready - I had to go to Florida for a photo shoot. There was a fashion contest where we had to dress as princesses and take the best photo shoot, and *n*l*s* had invited me to come with her to Florida. Just earlier that day we were in class, similar to my first grade class. I got up and went to the bathroom and put heavy makeup on to prepare to leave, and in the master bedroom my father, uncle, and grandmother spoke amongst themselves about me as if I was doing something wrong. I walked back in to collect my things and told them I was leaving, that I had to do this photoshoot, and that was that. I teleported to the airport and then to Florida, except it was Albania, and I was not in a big sparkly gown but in traditional costume, and in a field on a hill at sunset during an approaching storm, and there was an ogre there mean to faux-ravish me as part of the photo shoot, not unlike Persephone. I thought, this shoot was going to stand out so much more than all the others, because it wasn't just a happy pretty princess in a ball gown, it would tell a story of trials and tribulations. Then I woke up
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