#hehe i love ninjago moments
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psychologicalwarclaire · 2 months ago
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Ninjago reference?? 🤔
I wonder what it'd take for an actual crossover. TMNT has done Batman, Naruto, power rangers, ghost busters, hmmmm
"Ninja turtles go!" oh that's beautiful! Ninjago moment.
What would it take for an actual crossover? One very determined Curly Swirly of course. Although who knows, we're getting "canon humanized designs" with the live action Ninjago movie so that'll certainly make it easier for companies to cross them over.
It makes SENSE. They're both color coded ninja teams with more or less defined roles within the group. What's standing in the way of crossing them over? (cough other than the fact that with four turtles, six ninja, two masters, at LEAST three side characters, and villains that's too many characters to keep track of, cough)
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kyri45 · 5 months ago
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 08/10✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
Anonimo ha chiesto: I feel like in cannon baby MK was the kind of kid to eat glue, mainly because he hatched from a rock and doesn't know what anything is.
isn’t it like how all babies are? I think I also used to eat glue
@purpleprinceblood ha chiesto: In the spicynoodles bit where you explain how Red Son was charmed by Mk's beautiful personality and kind nature (/silly), you said Mk is Demi sexual Do you have other sexuality headcanons for the cast, or is it just "they're gay for each other"?
Pan for Mei, Bi for Redson, both Wukong and Macaque are in a way pan, in the sense that they don’t really care about gender, but are only gay for each other.
@kehideni ha chiesto: Whatever happened with never drawing a background ever again? :D On a more serious note: may we know the exact relation of DBK and Chiyou(did i spell that right?)? I'm just the nosy type :3
Chiyou has 72 brothers, one of them is an ancestor of DBK
@marcusalexander ha chiesto: I have a question is spider queen in your comic, and if so, is she like a part of the team or enemy or anuite? I'm just curious since she isn't that evil. By the way, I love your comic shadowpeach parents
The AU is set after S5, so I guess she’s enemy
Anonimo ha chiesto: Macaque HAS to be doing a little happy dance in the bio parents AU that murder isn’t considered distinct from self-defense Imagine being like… a legitimate threat to the world around you, and getting put down to defend it, and then being hailed as “the less bad one” because you were killed But this also means that MK probably views himself as a murdered for killing the LBD/Azure Lion too cause again “killing in self defense/defense of others= murder
most likely MK feels super duper guilty for what he did, and will continue to be until he get some extra comfort.
@goldenthecat ha chiesto: I'm wondering, since you watch lmk do you watch other Lego shows too? Like Ninjago or friends
does having saw the ninjago movie and a 4 hours video essay recap about the first 14 season count?
@haruwashere29 ha chiesto: Did wukong put his head over macaque’s chest to hear his heartbeat? 😭😭😭
Anonimo ha chiesto: You said Wukong is warm , change my mind that macaque has absolutely put his cold feet straight on wukongs back while he was sleeping not just cause he was cold but because he thought it was funny
hehe he has cold feet poor boy.
@og-glitch-punk ha chiesto: I'm haunting you at thisnpoint im so sorry but your lmk comic gives ideas and thoughts bro lmao /gen SO HERES ANITHER THOUGHT... If you technically think about it, MK is basically an clone (not but words are EHHH) of Sun wukong because they came from the sane rock. But what about our spooky Macaque? We have no knowledge of how he came to be but we all may assume it's the same way with MK and Wukong. but.. BUT. If Macaque had his own stone somewhere in the shadows then what if there's an basically MK but Macaque verison? Even if not, that would be wild to think about lol
like a slightly more emo version of MK? Something like the OK KO situation?
Anonimo ha chiesto: Hello I just wanted to say I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR COMIC it's sooooo good I'm obsessed and the recent part... I have no word only emotion Even though I use Tumblr for a while I still getting use to it so.. do you know any other Shadowpeach comics? I couldn't find any 😅
mmmm @kristea9ay is doing a shadowpeach parent story that’s really cute!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I NEED to see wukong and macaque having a cute moment and accidentally touch each others tails yk? 🥺🥺🥺 (and mk quitting is a stab to the chest, i dont think there is anything worse in store... Right?... RIGHT?!)
at this point they ain’t touching the tails “accidentally” anymore these bitches are too gay I can’t anymore-
@amyrosewithoutshadow ha chiesto: I think the next one that will need Sandy is Wukong, lol I always thought about one thing, how Wukong deal with traumas and crises? We only saw him dealing with it during his sleep, but what about a daylight crises? Love your art 💞
he has a “I can do it with a broken heart”-by-taylor-Swift-masking situation.
@alizardonfire ha chiesto: I understand why MK doesn't want to be their successor mostly because I think he needs time to think about all of it. There's a lot to unpack! I love how wukongs more shocked about it. And I think macaque kinda saw it coming?
i think Mac forseen that MK would have changed his view on Wukong for sure. But he didn’t know in which way.
@siennabanana ha chiesto: HDBDJDBDHSHDV NEW HEADCANON UNLOCKED: sometimes he misses his human form but he doesn’t tell wukong and macaque bc he feels like that would be an insult to them and plus he still thinks his monkey form is cool but eughhh dysphoriaa
awwww he might be sometimes! Good thing they are starting to hang out outside FFM as well!
@blazerratbluefire-blog ha chiesto: If Wukong ever manages to be able to control his kaiju form, I could easily see Macaque's kaiju form using him as a bed, and along comes MK wanting in on the action. Then, he proceeds to lay on top of Macaque, squishing him with his kaiju and making a wholesome monkey family bonding session. With Wukonh laughing that Macaque is being squished. Just a funny thought I had.
oh my I think he would be waaayyy to big for the other two ahah
Anonimo ha chiesto: For your LMK shadowpeach AU will Ironfan be making up for all of MK's birthdays she missed? (Dropping off a mountain of presents at FFM?) (My partner joked she would give Redson in a box, not in a bow or anything just in an open box like a cat.)
she would probably make a courtnapping room for her son to gift him, and Red Son would die from embarrassment right there.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Dose macaque sometimes cook for MK and wukong since wukong tends to eat his fur/hair and macaque fonts approve of it
I think yes, he would cook probably really basics but nutrient-full meals, the few times they don’t eat noodle from pigsy shop
Anonimo ha chiesto: TCan we get Red Son and MK Angst because Red Son technology tried to kill MK a lot of times?
just bc of the AU main plot I don’t think so, also bc at this point traffic light trio are all friends with each other.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Speaking of birthdays, I assume Pigsy and Tang celebrate when MK showed up in their life or a random day when MK first asked about his birthday. Would Wukong and Macaque ask Nuwa the day he was put in the rock/broken out of it (I assume he came out and was immediately brought to Pigsy the same day but idk) or is that sort of a sore subject still, with the whole harbinger thing?
I think the best thing would be to celebrate it the day they found it!
@yuk1yun ha chiesto: Giuro che è un mese che provo a rendere il mio cosplay di mk simile alla tua au (perché anche se è semplice è stupendo), ma non so come fare le orecchie... Sono di nuovo qui per dirti quanto adoro la rua au btw :)
Anonimo ha chiesto: I'm just waiting until Mk realizes the other things Wukong and Macaque did, yk like what Sun did to Redson, what Mac did to some of the monkeys all that
I think with time MK will slowly learn everything, but for example I guess now Red Son and Wukong are at truce
Anonimo ha chiesto: I'm just obsessed with your shadowpeach comics!!✨✨ But heey~ how about bai he!? l think it will be super amazing if add her in the future to this little cute monkeys family
awww baby!! I hope she went back to her family honestly! But I also hope sometimes she visits MK!
@yainmy ha chiesto: Oh gods I when I found this bio parents au I got HOOKED. I love it so much and the shenanigans and the angst are just *chef's kiss*. I have some curious questions if you don't mind me asking, but if a similar situation happens in the future like when mk got baby-fied, but instead his forms get split up (human and monkey demon) would he have that child crisis of fear "if im not this certain way they wont want me as theirs anymore", considering he is still learning about the whole monkey business? Also in a shenanigans sort of question, I don't remember how stone monkeys are made in their world but it would be hilarious if mk asked wukong and macaque that since they both are male and they technically "had" him then does that mean they can give him a sibling if they wanted? Sorry if it's to long of an ask 😅
i think MK would mostly feel a sense of loss for the fact that in a way, things should have been like this, like when he “hatched” Wukong probably would have found him if it wasn’t for the fact someone or something brought it to Pigsy shop. He would have grown up with someone who could tell him how to be a stone Monkey and teach him his power. Surely, I think Wukong wouldn’t have been as good as a parent as Pigsy, and MK doesn’t regret a bit how things actually ended up happening, but it’s a bit of a case of “sometimes I imagine how my life would have been if it went this way”
Anonimo ha chiesto: I know it's a bit out of the scope of your comic, but I'm wondering if Mei's design is just stylistic additions as if they were always there due to her dragon heritage, or if you have any ideas of scenes that took place as she grew more dragon features?
she started to grow more and more into them after she was accepted by her family sword and started to use her dragon form more and more.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Do you ever think Macaque and Wukong argue over who the little monkeys on the mountain like more? Like Im 100% sure Macaque wouldn't really care but the idea of not being the favorite bothers Wukong
the monkeys go crazy for soft fur Mamacaque. Wukong will always be pissed at this.
@snsp6 ha chiesto: do u like the hc that Mac has naturally snow-white fur? cs when u showed him wo glamours I realized that u don’t rlly color anything so I wanted to ask if it was still black or some type of mix between the two
akjdkajsbkaj I love for that shit YES. Yeah I don’t really colour my comics but yeah he cover it with glamour
Anonimo ha chiesto: I don't think MK ever really acknowledged that Wukong is a person, still a glorified deity. As mentioned MK hasn't really read the actual book and really didn't know his flawed side. MK has seen the worst parts of Macaque and still accepted him.
and now he knows about Wukong worst oarts and still accept him :D
@alistairliddell ha chiesto: What is FFM?
Flower Fruit Mountain
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carlostck · 3 months ago
I love my friends freakatron, besite, and fucked up alien screaming maria ❤️
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nalascat · 5 months ago
WIP List tag game where @classicbarbie and @cak31ssuperi04 challenged me to post my ENTIRE wip list and its gonna be an incredibly long scroll for whoever DARES to click the readmore button
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I am not tagging 100+ people
Click if you dare ->
I have finally organized all of my fic wips into folders based upon their fandoms!! Yippee!! So, for this, it's all sorted by fandom! Some of these wips are over 4 years old and some I worked on today!! Either way, there's a ton and it's bound to be fun!!
Feel free to ask about ANY of these!!! Maybe it'll get me to write them haha
Aunt May
True loves kiss
Trilogy harry
Tom n Gwen
Slow burn parksborn
Raimi hehe
Parksborn wedding
Mob boss
3 brothers
Goblin 2???
Raimi againnnnnn
Parksborn mermaid
Country club
Black Cat
He almost died
Star Trek
Demora annie
Mcspirk cuts
Shore Leave
Cat meow
Sulu's Garden
music man
Janice & Sulu soulmates
Snow trek
Aaaaaa sulu
Kirk is jealoussss
rockers prompt 28
Nail salon
The page
Sis chose
Julian/Dominick bc l'm weaj
Louis part 3
Friendship bracelets
A pauper ig
I wrote this in the wrong fic moment
Soulmate s
spider timy
tigerghost engage
dibjim engange
tiger family
dib loop
Start wreck
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Factory kids
Unrequited Augustuca
Spider catcf
Post tour gus n mike
Fake Engaged
Mike again
Ethel n Molly
Magic Au
Catcf labyrinth
Christmas Market
Superstar Jaybird
Echo n Chad
Plasma ebgaged
Hanahaki kai
ninjago is an illusion
old ninjago stuff ?
Ninjago Concept
Spy Kids
Juni spider
leeke leeke
spy kid forest
juni loses
gary is an idiot
found fam :))))))
Dreams (sharkboy and lavagirl)
Starlight Express
why haven't you kissed me yet
I thought you didn't want me Dustin/Ashley
Don't hide your tears
Control intro
Cb :)
Cats (Musical)
5+1 Misto
Wooter 14
Muppet starlight
club wooter
The Legend of Zelda
Trolls Trek
jd evill
Jd iawl
Harry Spy Kids (TASM2/Spy Kids)
Dp/ninjago (Danny Phantom/Ninjago)
Tasm trek (TASM2/Star Trek)
warrior (Cats Musical/Warrior Cats)
spy catcf (Spy Kids/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Silence (Teen Titans/Danny Phantom)
Rob (Teen Titans/Danny Phantom)
read (The Legend of Zelda/Kid Icarus)
Choccy spy (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory/Spy Kids)
Miscellaneous Fandoms
Tin petals (Tintin)
Rufio (Hook)
Petal Dance (Descendants)
Neverending Story (Neverending Story)
Lukas (Minecraft Story Mode)
Louis (Ghostbusters)
Jaylos meet (Descendants)
Herbie (The Love Bug)
Coffeeshop Tintin (Tintin)
Beacontown Station (Minecraft Story Mode)
Chronicle (Chronicle)
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jayswebhaven · 22 days ago
hey so i'm really liking Ninjago at this very moment in time i don't know if anyone can see this or if i'm yelling into a void but I LOVE IT SO MUCH HEHE
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oldwritingm · 7 months ago
not sure if you need like a scenario or not but if you do can you do like lloyd and an idol reader (male preferable but gn is fine) like facing the very slight minor inconveniences when going on a date (romantic)?
have a lovely day!
Yaay I LOVED this concept!! I may have exaggerated the "inconveniences" a little though hehe ^^"
Word count: 1.1k
Ninjago - The Idol and The Green Ninja (Lloyd) (700 follower event)
“You know, you really didn’t need to do this.”
“Of course I did! Couldn’t have you going out there with your stage makeup.”
“Yeah, but you could’ve just taken it off. You didn't have to put on makeup again."
“Y/n, you’re so handsome. The most handsome. But I make you even more handsome.”
You chuckled, shaking your head at your makeup artist as she paused to tilt your face side to side. 
“Besides, you’re going on a date with the Green Ninja. You need to look—”
“Gorgeous, as always,” a smooth, gentle voice interrupted, attracting both of your eyes to the open dressing room door.
There stood your boyfriend Lloyd, looking sharp in a collared shirt and slacks. In a gloved hand he held a bouquet of your favorite flowers, and on his face he wore a polite smile.
Your makeup artist bolted up, murmuring a nervous greeting followed immediately by a farewell as she scurried past him.
You sighed, taking the clothing protector off your chest and making your way over to your boyfriend. 
“Thanks, Lloyd. She’s a great makeup artist, but she can be a little… overbearing.”
“Yeah, I know,” Lloyd laughed, squeezing your hand. “You look amazing, though.” 
He wasn’t just looking at your face; his eyes wandered up and down your form, admiring every inch of you in the purest amore. 
“Oh, stop. Look at you! You’re gonna be turning some heads.”
Now you both laughed—of course you would both be turning heads anyway, being two of Ninjago’s biggest celebrities. 
You both loved what you did, but it made something as simple as a date night next to impossible. The moment you left the studio you were already getting looks, and by the time you were in the streets you could see cameras flashing indiscreetly in the dark.
“Paparazzi?” Lloyd murmured.
“Nah. Just people forgetting that the flash turns on automatically when it’s dark,” you snickered, winking at Lloyd.
“Heh. Well, we’re almost to the restaurant, so maybe our luck is—”
“Y/n! Oh my—you’re my idol! And is that Lloyd Garmadon? Wow! Are you guys… together?”
You glanced at each other, then back at the ogling fan in front of you. Lloyd gave a shy nod; the fan flipped out.
“Oh—wow—oh my—ah, can I please get a photo of you guys?”
You had to admit, it was sort of cute when people lost the ability to speak in front of you. Apparently Lloyd was thinking the same thing, because you shared an amused smile before separating to let the fan stand between you.
“Thank you… oh wow. Y/n and the Green Ninja are dating!” The fan scurried off in a fit of giggles.
But they had spoken a little too loud, and now the heads that had turned were flocking towards you two.
“I think you jinxed us,” you teased, poking your elbow into Lloyd’s ribs.
As these things went, it was almost ten more minutes before you could push through the crowd into the restaurant a mere few yards away. Luckily the place had a bouncer, and once inside you were safe. Well, safe enough. Of course the waitress wanted a picture before she took you to your booth, and a couple other restaurant-goers wanted one too. But by the time your food arrived you were quite alone.
“So, how was work?”
You smiled. “You should’ve seen the makeup I was wearing before you came in. I think Jay would’ve liked it.”
“Jay likes anything flamboyant. Or glittery. So which was it?”
“Both, actually. I think I still have glitter in my eye.”
“So that explains the stars in your eyes.”
You blushed, looking down bashfully. “You smooth-talker.”
“Only for you.”
“Pish posh. How was saving the world?”
“The usual. Some kicks here, some punches there… run of the mill stuff.”
“Fair enough.”
The topic might’ve seemed boring, but that was what you liked about discussing it with Lloyd. Anyone else would’ve asked for more details, excited by the notion of being a ninja or a celebrity. But you understood each other; you knew you didn’t want to go into too much detail, because to you it was, as Lloyd put it, “run of the mill stuff.” Nothing worth discussing more.
“Did you see they’re reprinting the Starfarer special edition from three years ago?”
“Are they?!”
“Yeah! I’m totally going to buy it. Well, I can actually get it for free, since I saved the comic book shop that one time. Free comics for life, he said.”
“Oh, I’m so jealous.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get one for you too.”
“You get me,” you grinned, cupping your hand over Lloyd’s on the table. This was what you liked to talk about.
“Actually, on that topic, I heard word floating around that some director was thinking about maybe making a new Starfarer TV series.”
“Really? Oh, they better not mess it up. I’d be so mad.”
“I’d burn the studio down myself.”
“I’d help! I know a guy who’s good with fire,” Lloyd snickered. “Speaking of Kai… the distraction should be in full swing by now. Let’s get the check and book it.”
“Distraction?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I had Nya dock the Bounty outside the restaurant. Kai’s showing off to keep the crowd distracted.”
“Oh, bless him,” you sighed, relieved.
“Movie at my place?”
“Hmm… better go with mine. Can’t risk braving the crowd to get on the Bounty.”
“You’re right; I hadn’t thought of that. Let’s go, then.”
You could see bright bursts of fire shooting into the air when you stepped outside. Not a single head turned as you shimmied discreetly along the building past the crowd, and once you were clear of the masses you began to run, hand in hand, down the dark street.
You could hear your names being called occasionally, and you’d wave, but you didn’t stop running. Not until you reached your place, and by that time you were both a sweating, wheezing mess.
“Why do you look so out of shape? You’re the ninja in the relationship,” you joked, straightening yourself.
“Man, don’t make fun of me,” Lloyd pouted.
“I’m sorry, sugar.” You tilted his chin towards you, planting a kiss on his lips. 
He hummed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. You could feel his heart hammering in his chest; but it wasn’t slowing down as you continued to kiss him.
At last you parted, faces still so close your noses were touching. 
“So, uh, movie?”
“Plus cuddling,” Lloyd insisted. 
“Not in these clothes. Let’s change into comfies.”
Fortunately Lloyd had a few articles of his own at your place (totally not because he let you “borrow” them and you never gave them back), and so you both donned your pajamas and settled in for a movie.
“Finally alone,” you sighed, leaning against Lloyd.
“Finally,” he agreed.
Honestly, you didn’t remember the movie at all. The only thing you remembered from the rest of that night was the feeling of Lloyd’s breath on your cheek, his arms around you, and the overwhelming comfort of relaxing against each other.
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Thank you so much for taking part in the event! And thanks for reading, take care duckies <3
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atlasthecactus · 3 days ago
3 ships i like: frobin (one piece), suselle (deltarune), and uhhhh idk i can’t think of others at the moment lol (i usually prefer super awesome platonic/familial relationships hehe) -OH WAIT ODYPEN
first ship ever: i absolutely do not remember that far back lol
last song: crazy train by ozzy osbourne
favorite childhood book: captain underpants (me and my brothers LOVE those books)
currently reading: one piece fanfiction (usopp-centric ofc)
currently watching: ninjago (rewatching it w a friend who’s watching it for the first time
currently consuming: air probably
currently craving: the ability to breathe through my nose again (am unwell)
npt: @aroaceghosties @thatpersonwithbooks @henryp339
Tagged by the lovely @jalapenobee!!! Hi Bee!! <3
3 ships i like: LoidxYor from Spy x Family and just all my OC ships who have been living in my head rent free for years. Mainly AdamxOlivia (EverHart), MarigoldxSolomon (MariSol) and HollyxNate (Hate). I could talk about them for hours so if anyone has time to waste...
first ship ever: Jeroen and Mara from Het Huis Anubis (the original Dutch/Flemish version of House of Anubis). The enemies to lovers was amazing!!! And then they didn't happen!!! It's been like 18 years and I'm still bitter
last song: Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift
favorite childhood book: I honestly have no idea... But my mum used to read from a Winnie The Pooh book when I was small and there was this poem in there about Piglet going on vacation and going to England and France and Africa and all... And would still be back that evening and I still know it by heart :)
currently reading: My Vampire Plus-One - Jenna Levine
currently watching: A advent calendar unboxing on youtube. I haven't really watched any shows lately (if anyone has recommendations, let me know!)
currently consuming: Tea
currently craving: Some peace and quiet!!
Tagging the following lovely people!!
@silversoulstardust @actually-the-devil @currentlyinflames @keeeegs
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princesskeda · 6 years ago
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Cole x Keyda
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years ago
Ninjago Tickle Headcanons!
A/N: I cannot hold back anymore the brainrot is too STRONG- I’m rewatching the entire series rn and I literally missed my boys so much and being able to scream about it with my friend has only made me even more obsessed LOL so here we are with some headcanons about my SONS!!! In my original watch of ninjago I only made it to the first episode of rebooted, and I’m currently on the third season so i’m almost to where I left off! I love these little dudes so much so pls no spoilers for later seasons but MAN I just needed to yell about them a tad hehehe
MY BABY BOY OH GOODNESS i love him and he’s so tickly it’s not even fair for him
he’s ticklish pretty much... everywhere. but he’s extra tickly on his tummy and ribs
the other ninja will tickle him a LOT especially in inconvenient situations because Lloyd is so ticklish he just crumples
they found out he was ticklish when he was still little and trying to reach something on a high shelf and kai held him up to help him and he shrieked
he got tickled to bits after that and i don’t think a single day passes by where he’s not tickled at least once
HE ALSO REALLY ENJOYS IT sorry not sorry but he does
he didn’t get a lot of affection growing up so whenever his bros tickle him he loves it and they all know it
when he first became an adult one of the first things they tested was making sure he was still ticklish LMFAO it was actually so funny because Kai was like “wait is Lloyd still ticklish??” and they immediately tested it
of course, he still was, because when you’re that ticklish there’s almost no way to grow out of it
he has almost no ler bones in his body poor boy
he can sometimes get Jay and Kai (if Kai lets him LOL) but he has absolutely no chance against Zane and Cole especially
Sometimes when they’re training they tickle Lloyd and claim that its to test his reflexes but really they just wanna hear his little squeaks
he’s a little squeaky toy bro... poke him and he jumps and squeaks and then his giggles are really squeaky too
when he was younger they started tricking him into tickles like “Lloyd, can you get the laundry basket?” then immediately tickling his ribs so he ends up dropping it LOL
he still falls for it when he’s older. there is no helping this poor boy
Sensei Wu also tickles him sometimes, but he’s more subtle about it to the point where Lloyd can never tell if he’s doing it on purpose (spoiler alert: he always is)
Kai is nicer with his tickles but he can be a bit silly sometimes and will tickle him to bits
He tickles him sometimes without thinking about it because Lloyd is just so tickly and because Kai is just naturally very physical in how he shows his bros he cares about them I SOB
Jay is evil and will tease Lloyd like “I thought you were the destined Green Ninja!” and Lloyd is just in stitches by the end
Jay always gets wrecked by Kai or Cole afterwards tho
Zane is a methodical tickler but he doesn’t tickle Lloyd as often as the other ninja
He waits until it’s a good moment (he doesn’t catch him by surprise or tickle him while he’s doing something) and then just quickly tickles his ribs
Cole is absolutely evil with Lloyd because he’ll give him a big bear hug from behind and then tickle the snot out of him LMAO
Sometimes he’ll just hold Lloyd up while the other bros tickle him and he’s just a mess by the end
Lloyd sometimes tickles Kai and is probably the only one besides Zane who knows about the spot behind his knees hehe and he uses it to his advantage when they’re training
Lloyd also can get back at Jay because Jay is the only one who comes close to Lloyd in terms of ticklishness
also sorry i forgot to mention it when i was reading back over these but. wiggling ur fingers at him? he is a puddle. THERE IS SOME WONDERFUL FANART HERE OF EXACTLY WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT everyone say thank you for the wonderful food sleepy!!!!
basically i am a firm believer in lee Lloyd and I think he should be tickled to bits
please tell me i wasn’t the only one with a crush on kai.... please
OKAY UHH ANYWAY he’s also very tickly not nearly as much as Lloyd but MAN he can get got good if you know where to get him
He’s especially ticklish behind his knees, but his feet, hips, and sides are really ticklish too
Only Lloyd and Zane know about the spot behind his knees but he isn’t safe forever with that LMAO and if Cole and Jay find out he’s done for
He cackles bro and it’s so funny because he’s just being dramatic for the most part
Cole one time got his feet in an armlock and just obliterated him and Kai almost lost his voice because he was hollering so much PLS
Kai got his revenge later but he was so tired he literally could not move from that spot for a hot minute
Kai used to tickle Nya a lot when they were younger and before he joined the ninja, but he’s not really used to being tickled as much as he gets tickled now
(this is probably why he’s so dramatic lolol)
tickling is very common among the ninjas and they are often in tickle fights and whatnot which Kai was not expecting when he first decided to join
i like to think that him getting tickled to bits was what officially “initiated” him into the group
I think he’s probably the best gamer of the group, so the only way to actually beat him is to catch him off guard and tickle him LOL
Zane one time was sitting out of the video game everyone else was playing and he sat behind Kai and immediately went after his hips and Kai lost his mind lol
He lost that game miserably and then Cole and Jay and Lloyd insisted that the loser should get tickled and he’s like “But Zane was just tickling me! That’s not fair!”
He got tickled even more after that game lol
Lloyd will tickle Kai in tickle fights and when everyone else is ganging up on him because it’s one of the only times he has a chance lolol
Kai doesn’t mind when his bros tickle him as long as he can tickle back, but sometimes he just needs to take it
Lloyd one time managed to pin him during a sparring match and Kai was like “okay okay you win now get off” but Lloyd tickled him behind his knees until Kai was screeching lolol
Cole and Kai butt heads sometimes and used to settle things through arm wrestling before they decided that wasn’t fair at all considering how physically strong Cole was, but once when they were arm wrestling, Kai bribed Jay to tickle Cole so he could win
Cole ended up tickling both of them to bits poor dudes
Jay would get tickled by Kai a LOT when he first found out that Jay had a crush on Nya because hes like “bro you CANNOT get with my sister that’s bro code!!”
He doesn’t mind now because he knows Nya likes him too, but he still tickles Jay jokingly about it
Kai is naturally very warm, so when it’s colder out, the ninja will pile up on top of him in search of warmth
Cole joked and said that tickling him might make him even warmer and Kai couldn’t fight back as they decided to test that
Zane was like “He came up by 0.89 degrees!” and then they were like “Okay now whenever we’re cold we tickle Kai!”
He is doomed to be the ticklish human heater from now on
our favorite nindroid!!!!
he’s probably the least tickly out of the other ninja but that’s only because he has a little slider switch thingy where he can turn his ticklishness off and change how ticklish he is
it used to be turned off before he found out he was a robot, so when they found out he turned it on and set it on low
he hasn’t told the others how to make it any higher, but sometimes he sets it a little bit higher because he sees his bros laughing and hes like “that looks so fun”
(he’s left it at medium now and he thinks thats good enough but it might change in the future)
He’s very tickly under his arms and on his ribs!!
He’s very very giggly when you tickle him, but sometimes if you catch him by surprise or get a really good spot he’ll gasp and then get more giggly hes so cuteee
He’s very alert and knows when people creep up behind him so it’s really fun when one of the bros manages to catch him off guard
Sometimes Cole will scoop him up under his arms and hold him up so everyone else can gang up on him LOL all he can do then is kick a bit and laugh
Zane wasn’t tickled much before he met the other ninja, but he still enjoys it because he likes being closer to his bros which he feels like tickling does
since Zane is very methodical about everything and always calculating things in his head, he’s practically memorized every tickle spot between all the ninja and he definitely uses it to his advantage
He knows about Cole’s shoulders and Kai’s knees and then Jay and Lloyd are open books LMAO there is no hiding tickle spots on those two
He’s also kind of like an opposite Kai! Kai is the human heater, but Zane is the... well, AC Unit
They all pile on top of him when it’s really hot out and of course that makes it really easy to tickle him so they take advantage of that
There are also times where he gets stuck in his own ice (like his foot gets stuck or he accidentally freezes his arm to the wall LOL) and then his bros also take advantage of that bc it’s just a perfect opportunity
Cole tickles Zane most often, but thats because Cole is just an absolute tickle monster
Zane prefers to be tickling his bros rather than being tickled, mostly because he feels like he’s going to shortcircuit sometimes
He thinks tickling Jay is fun because Jay will just curl up and take it because he’s so tickly lolol
Zane is so freaking funny when he’s tickling his bros because. he doesn’t tease. but he will absolutely analyze them and point stuff out to embarrass them
“Why aren’t you trying to get away? Do you like this?” “You seem more ticklish here than on your belly, is that true?” “Why aren’t you fighting back? Too ticklish?”
He doesn’t even mean to point stuff out that’s just how he is but his bros are constantly embarrassed
He’s just a tickle menace basically!
i love this idiot so much ohmygod i wanted to squeeze him but if I squeezed him he would scream. he is too tickly
he is unfortunately ticklish everywhere! But he’s especially ticklish on his hips and his tummy!
The spot where his thighs and hips meet is a KILLER for him too, like if he gets got there he’s going to be hollering in like. seconds
Before Lloyd joined the gang, Jay was basically the tickle equivalent of a punching bag LMAOOO poor guy got tickled nonstop
He’s also a tickle menace tho! He can get his bros really good if he wants to
The only problem is that if someone starts to tickle him while he’s tickling them, he’s absolutely done for
He just curls up or crumples and then he’s free real estate for being tickled
One thing he’s mean about is sometimes he shocks people a little bit with itty bitty zaps and makes them shriek
They aren’t painful zaps they are just so tickly and they leave a lot of tingles there and the bros are mad that he’s able to do that because they can’t really use their stuff for any of that (except Lloyd but he’s too shy)
Speaking of, when Lloyd showed up, Jay was very quick to start tickling the snot out of him just because it was so easy to just. poke him
Jay is really mean with teases, but not in like a mean mean way! he is just silly and knows how to tease all his bros
He knows how to tease Cole and Kai especially well (comes back to bite him quite often! poor dude) and Lloyd you just need to wiggle your fingers at him and he’s already giggling LOL but Zane is a bit more difficult to tease
Jay has made it his mission to figure out exactly what makes Zane extra giggly because no one else has cracked that case
Jay is really easy to gang up on so he is tickled quite often
He doesn’t mind being tickled, but he prefers when he’s either tickling someone else or when he’s just watching from afar
If Nya tickles him (which she does occasionally) he absolutely malfunctions
Zane joked one time that he had a shortcircuit and asked if Jay was secretly a nindroid as well, which made Jay pout for the rest of the day LOL
Kai would tickle him a bunch when he first found out about Jay’s crush on Nya, and Jay has ever since declared that he would get Kai back for all those times
Lloyd one time heard Jay say that he still hadn’t got Kai back and Lloyd was like “well i know his secret spot” and Jay immediately tried to get it out of Lloyd, which ended with Lloyd getting tickled to bits
He didn’t spill the beans because Kai managed to save him (and himself!) but if he hadn’t shown up then Kai might’ve been a goner later on lolol
Now Jay is trying to figure it out himself (he might eventually! look out Kai!)
i’m still laughing about tickle punching bag. pls help me come up with a better name for that
Cole is my big bro and i love him so much he’s amazing
He’s not super ticklish, but he’s still got a few spots that have him reeling
he’s got really ticklish shoulders! Cannot take shoulder massages there it’s so cute bro but almost no one knows
He’s also ticklish on his ribs and his sides!
He’s seen as the tickle monster of the group, mostly because he’s strong but also because he isn’t as tickly
He’ll bear hug and then tickle anyone within a 10-foot radius, and sometimes he just holds someone up to be tickled by anyone else who happens to be in that 10-foot radius lolol
Cole is kind of evil because whenever he wrestles with one of his bros he tickles them even after he’s clearly won and makes them admit that he won (mostly bc Kai, Jay, and Lloyd can get a bit salty about losing wrestling matches lol)
Zane has learned to immediately declare that Cole won to avoid being tickled, but then Cole decided to take it a step further with Zane. so now he makes Zane say that Cole is the coolest ninja which Zane doesn’t always say lol
I think that even though Cole is very strong he’s also very soft (SOBS) and loves to dote on his bros
this 100% involves tickling them
he’s not as good with words as he is with physical things, so if one of his bros is feeling down or upset, he’ll sit with them and talk a bit then try to cheer them up with a few tickles
he also will tickle his bros or give them noogies or just overall be super sweet when he’s really excited for them!!
he is just!!! the best!!
He doesn’t really like being tickled himself, but he doesn’t mind as much when it’s his bros
when Lloyd was younger, Cole would literally act like a tickle monster and chase him around before tickling him (he still does this tbh!)
sometimes he likes to fake mad to trick someone into tickles which works very often he is so silly
like he’ll lose at a video game and cross his arms and pout until Kai comes over and is like “sorry bro, I - DO NOT TICKLE ME NOO” its so freaking funny!!!
Cole thinks its hilarious how easy it is (especially with Kai and Lloyd) and he thinks its fun when he just drags them down and tickles the snot out of them and they’re like BETRAYAL!
so yeah. tickle monster Cole real!
I WANT TO WRITE MORE FOR THESE GUYS.... EXPECT FICS IN THE FUTURE.... also please if you also like ninjago talk to me about it I am in NEED of fellow ninjago likers
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lunarifie · 2 years ago
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 9-10
This is actually so traumatizing. Can you imagine being Kai and Nya. Wus life on the line as well as the entire world
Kai has such a strong sense of justice
omfg i cant imagine how pained Kai and Nyas parents must feel. Seeing their kids being forced to retrieve a time blade and their old dear friend Wu aging to death
And they cant do anything about it
Ray: We hid the timeblade in a place that fire and water coexist. The boiling sea.
Holy shit thats cool
Jay: Its just a strategic retreat!
Cole: ‘Strategic retreat’ is just a fancy way of saying giving up 🙄
HFNSJNFND i love Coles sass
Zane: Wait! I cant retreat, im getting a signal.
Jay: Oh yeah? Does it sound anything like this?! ‘MOVE YOUR ASS ZANE!!!!’
Awwww Zane wants to save Cyrus borg
No but fr theyre right, theres too many vermillion warriors for Zane to handle
id like to take this moment in time to remind everyone that when Zane tried to sacrifice himself, Jay tried to run in and stop him while everyone watched in horror. Now at this exact moment, Jay is the first to volunteer in joining Zane to saving Cyrus borg
Technoshipping has been looking especially likable lately 👀
Kai: Gotta give credit to whoever named it the ‘Boiling Sea’ for accuracy…
The time brothers can be so stupid sometimes
Can we talk about how Nya was the first ninja to make a fusion dragon TWICE
Shes the fucking best
Their fusion dragons so cool
Ray: Now listen, this is VERY important. The first obstacle—
Kai: THERES NO TIME! Wus wasting away!
just wait a goddamn second 😭
I love their sibling relationship sm
Kai, who almost fell in a crater: haha… who knew you could be so high up, under water…
Nya: 😐😑😐
Kai: uhhh any idea on how to get down there without breaking our necks.
Nya: well, we could ask our dad… Oh no wait! You were too impatient for that.
Their relationship is everything to me
Cyrus borg after attacking the ninja in vermillion suits: You came, to rescue me?
Jay: Yeah… a decision im coming to regret…
Love how Jay was a huge cyrus borg fanatic and now is just tired of the guy 💀
Cole: Duh, they kidnapped all the builders in ninjago. Pay attention Jay!
5 minutes later
Jay: Duh, its a temporal voyage, temporal meaning ‘time’. PAY ATTENTION COLE.
Love how at the beginning of this season Jay didn’t even know what Temporal meant.
I feel like thats happened before, with Jay not knowing the meaning of a word and then constantly using it when he does.
Kai: You know how moms can get, haha!
Nya: No… because, i never had one.”
Kai: ah.
Kai: Right.
Kai: Because ours got kidnapped when you were only 3.
Kai: Sorry.
what a blunt way to just drop that 😭
Awwww now hes trying to cheer her up 🥹
Hes such a good older brother
Cyrus borg is actually so smart implementing a self destruct code even when the time brothers were watching him like a hawk
(All the ninja secretly taking borg away in their disguises with their faces covered)
Jay: (Showing his whole face) Aye aye captain!
Vermillion general: DID YOU JUST TALK!?!?
Cole: seriously Jay??? We’re NINJA we’re supposed to be stealthy
SAMURAI X!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!
knowing Samurai X is Pixal makes this whole exchange between the two of them adorable
Pixals so badass
Ok but why would their parents create geometric monsters that water and fire cant defeat.
Awwwww the little geometric screams
Kai after they try to use water and fire on the door: Working together, hehe 😎(Breaks his hands and feet fighting it)
Nya: Its the dragon blade! For ONCE take TWO seconds to think a problem through!
Shes not wrong💀
Kai: (picks up the time blade and everything starts crumbling)
Kai: We gotta bolt! Or do you wanna stay and think a problem through?
i love them sm
I keep forgetting they can do airjitzu
Cyrus borg: Uhhh i remember the destruction code was a 13 hundred sequence…
Yeah. I mean, it was pretty obvious the time brother werent gonna let Kai reverse Wu.
they lost :(
okay but why do Kai and Nya need the dragon sword to make a fusion dragon. Jay and Nya didnt need one in skybound???
Zane: 13 hundred? Thats the first line of code-
Pixal as Samurai X: -in Programming a nindroid!
From Jay being the person who uses his element the most, im assuming its the easiest to animate 😭
Zane (literally shaking from how fast he’s typing): JUST A COUPLE MORE HUNDRED DIGITS
Jay: This could not get any worse.
Cole: did you really just say that? You totally jinxed us!
Jay: pft- Thats not how real life work 🙄
Yeah but thats how cartoons work
(Giants flying shop descends)
Jay: Not saying another word.
Pls pls plsssss Nya and Kai come swoop in and save the day
Kai: the dragons not gonna make it in time, we dont have enough speed!
Their mother: good luck kids.
Nya: What are you doing?!?
Mom: Giving you the speed you need! (Fucking jumps off the dragon with her unconscious husband)
Oh ok she landed safely 💀
Kai: Our mom is totally awesome!
Hell yeah she is
Nya and Kais mom: Children…
Jay: Nya!
Cole: Kai!
Just wanted to point that out. Thats for the lavashippers out there
Jay calling out to Kai and Nya 🥹
Jay: Why did they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix 😢
Ray (their father): It was the only way to save Wu….
Jay: Oh, Okay. Im good with that!
Cole: We need to go after them! Cant you build another time machine Cyrus????
Cyrus: I cant :(
Jay: Ohhhhh I get it. ‘I cant’ is business speak means itll cost ya big. Okay business man, i hear you. Uhhhhhh I have a tenner?
Jay: Okaaaay, well samurai 2.0, since we’re waiting why dont you tell us whats really under that mask???
Samurai 2.0:
Samurai 2.0: No.
Jay: …
Jay: Would a tenner change your mind?…
i love Jay sm
Can Ray and Wu just NOT die from aging??? It isnt that hard. Just stop.
Love that Nya and Kai are just hiding right under the time brothers noses
See this is what I meant when i said time travel shit fucks me up.
If Krux and Acronix went back in time shouldnt Wu REMEMBER them coming back????
Jays bio mom: Am I dreaming or are those the guys we just fought?
Time brothers: You stopped us once today, but we now have a legion with us.
Jays bio mom: Awwwwww! And here I thought I was finally gonna go on my honeymoon! Really cute guy too, Cliff is an actor and when I look into his eyes-
i love her sm
Wish we learned more about her
“Change anything, change everything”
God this is giving me so much season 1 time traveling deja vu
Love how the ninja contradict Wus own wisdom with his other same wisdom hfjsbfjsjr
i laughed a little when Kai exaggeratingly deepened his voice terribly like his fathers and then Nya proceeded to give the best impression of her mother ive ever seen 😭
Cant believe the time brothers just killed their snake commanders
Hate that their time machine is called the ‘iron doom’
Jays bio mom: Ughhhh SERIOUSLY!?!? normal snake samurai are hard enough. How do we stop THAT?
Noooo time has been altered :(
wait, no technology?
NO ZANE?!?!?!?!?
I miss Garmadon….
Seeing him and Wu young and somewhat happy makes me wanna cry
Krux: You know what they say, fight fire with time!
Acronix: I hate when you make up sayings.
Wait what is Nya doing
Ik shes doing smth super smart but WHAT
Nya istg u better have a plan bc Krux and Acronix just traveled to the future and are probably gonna destroy the world so you better have SOMETHING
also your brothers absolutely dejected and feels like a failure so maybe talk with him
wait what are they doing with it
i cant do time travel shit i dont understand a thing
Ok ok, so they fixed everything.
That was anti-climatic.
Jay: Kai and Nya did it! (Hugs samurai x) wanna celebrate by telling me who you are?
Samurai 2.0: No.
Oh wait Rays dying.
Krux and Acronix: if we go far enough in time, there will be no one who knows us! Aaaand no Kai and Nya!!!
Kai: Wow! You just keep getting it wrong dont you?
Nya: That must be really, really frustrating.
I absolutely love them
Wu cares for Ray sm 🥺
Wu: (destroys the fucking time machine)
Kai: Why did you do that?????
Wu: Putting off until tomorrow what cannot be done today.
Damn. Twisting around his own analogies now.
They made Rays old death so much more violent and sad then Wus
Cole: Wait, wheres master Wu?????
Kai: Hes gone…
Cole: So, we dont have a master anymore..?
Jay: Yes we do, you Lloyd. It has to be you.
Im so glad im rewatching this show, I legitimately forgot all about this.
Lloyd: We will not rest, until we figure out. where is Wu.
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kobrafangs · 6 months ago
hehe thanks for the tag <3
- newtmas zombie apocalypse au oneshot(?) (500 words in ... ill get it done sooner or later ....)
- tenderly, tragically chapter5 (yeah um next question !!!...)
- ninjago pokemon trainer au (shhh ive gotten back into the games and i had a eureka moment)
- seawalker comic (love this ship but i have 0 time to draw them augh)
- planning my halloween costume (this ones a personal project but plsplspls wish me luck im very nervous for the results aaah)
no pressure tags :^) @kunshokunsho @okerum @moneodomus + whoever else wants to participate!!
wip tag game !
rules — list the names/titles of docs in your WIP folder + open your inbox to asks about them
thank you @wokelander for the tag <3 i always get distracted so some of these are partially written while others are just ideas! i'm sure i have more, but i can't find them right now lol
break up 'cause i'm bored | denji x best friend reader (cheating)
can't hold it | yuta x reader (piss)
stumbling in the dark | megumi x reader (step/incest)
lend a hand | satoru x reader
a perfect fit for me | yuji x reader
dumb mutt | naoya x puppy reader
keep them happy | nobara x reader x yuji (established nobara x reader)
like it better | leon kennedy x reader (age gap)
tagging: @papersirens @kentophilia @madaqueue @rosesaints @chositooo and anyone else who wants to! no pressure ofc <3
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calpalsworld · 3 years ago
Not rlly a hc but *holds out evil Kai from s4* opinionsv 😳
TLDR; evil kai is cool but kai is too much of a good person for me to invest in it!
Ultimate respect goes out to Kai and  Kai fans. Kai is ABSOLUTELY done dirty. End of debate. And I feel horrible for Kai fans because any evil kai moments in the show is DEFINATELY a symptom of writing random things for shock and NOT foreshadowing. Especially because the new writers don’t seem 100% invested in all the old details. They REALLY don’t seem to care about Kai. *rips the writers heads off*
If evil kai is ever REVEALED its either gonna be : A.) At some point he becomes evil because this show will never stop. B.) The writers will see us with our Kai Evil Theories, make it true, claim it was foreshadowed, but it wasn’t really.
Writers may be stupid, but Kai fans are brilliant. And thats my favorite thing about Ninjago. Its reallllyyyy stupiddddd and we can write it better.
But PERSONALLY, I can’t invest in most evil kai fanfic / fan art because I feel like Kai is a very selfless person. He would never betray his friends for something that only benefits himself, imo. I get it, he DESERVES to have a self centered moment and to let that unresolved anger out, but it feels like backwards character development TO ME. 
If Kai becomes evil only due to evil possession or something, its like... fine? But its like... just an aesthetic and doesn’t really mean anything so, its mid to me.
In my headcanon, Kai is naturally a protector and supportive person. In Season 1, they become obsessive over being the best because they don’t recognize that they're already valuable enough to the people around them. They’re paranoid that they need to be better for others. They’re a perfectionist in friendship and ability, and their anger is how they react to any minor failure. The whole “All my training wasn’t to BE the green ninja, it was to PROTECT the green ninja :)” thing basically affirms who they actually want to be. Post season 1 I think Kai becomes a lot more confident.
I DO KINDA have ONE evil Kai headcanon tho!  Yknow how the Ninja don’t know about Elemental Masters until Season 4? A lot of people figure “that was because of bad writing. they probably did know before.” Well I like to imagine they didn’t know because... I think it would be epic if after Zane died, Kai started questioning this whole ninja situation. They don’t want another person to die from it. They need to understand whats going on. Rather than becoming an underground fighter like in canon, Kai starts searching for information on people with elemental powers between S3 and S4. And Kai would even do unethical things like break into museums and archives (too impatient to go through the long process of getting access to the information). Hehe. A little evil! Kai would probably also beat up people for information O_O kinda a vigilante? 
This would be a much smoother introduction to the concept of Elemental Masters, and would REALLY support the fact that Kai wants information on their parents besides the superficial “they are ur parents so u probably care.” PLUS!!! Kai could even meet SKYLOR for the first time while investigating EMs. Maybe Skylor was doing Chen’s dirty work, figuring out the identity of all the current EMs, so the two encountered each other? Kai falls in love with this mysterious figure who steals information before they can.  Did that make any sense? Heres a random sketch of Kai I found
Tumblr media
godspeed kai fans! *salute*
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that-was-anticlimactic · 4 years ago
interests tag
i was tagged by @capt-snoozles es and @sheimagineddragons :)
Fave genre?
theatre !!! i listen solely to theatre and cartoon music [i.e. mlp songs, steven uiverse sings, etc...]
Fave artist?
uhhh my favorite musical is aladdin and my 1.5 favorite is a chorus line and my second favorite is come from away if those count haha
Fave song?
always: high adventure from aladdin broadway | idk why, but this song always helps me calm and down and take a breath and ground myself no matter what i’m feeling.
at the moment: safer from the musical first date
Most listened song recently?
nothing left to lose from the tangled series but like... the danish version...
and i listen to chant from hadestown a lot too oops
Song currently stuck in your head?
heroes on fire from kipo and the age of wonderbeasts
5 fave lyrics?
"it’s addictive the minute you let yourself think / the things that i say just might matter to someone” - you matter to me, waitress
"only one dad / only inspiring one son / edward, you’re done / writing your perfect tale / telling the perfect tale / it was a perfect tale” - what’s next, big fish
"but wishes are dreams and dreams are pretend / so science and reason win out in the end / science says you’re dead and gone forever / reason says i’m talking to the air / but something in my heart / some secret hidden part / illogically insists that you are there / somewhere” - if i believed - twisted
"and though the people around me / their mouths are still moving / the words they are forming / cannot reach me anymore / and it is quiet / and i am warm / like i’ve sailed / into the eye of the storm” - quiet, matilda
"i’m the son of poseidon / i never asked to be / but i’m the son of poseidon / now face the tide / inside of me” - son of poseidon, the lightning thief
[bonus] “i love a lilting line of lyrical alliteration / who doesn’t love alliteration?” - i love the way, something rotten
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | louder or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Fave book genre?
uhhh i don’t think i have a specific genre, but anything that talks about the morality because i love that kind of analysis
Fave writer?
uhhh it changes, but i usually say chris colfer or edgar allen poe
Fave book?
the land of stories, chris colfer / an author’s odyssey, chris colfer
the lost hero, rick riordan [look it’s my favorite one...] 
murder on the orient express, agatha christie
heart of redness, zakes mda
king lear, shakespeare
Fave book series?
the land of stories series by chris colfer :)
Comfort book?
angels at the table - debbie macomber
Perfect book to read on a rainy day?
how to speak dragonese, cressida cowell
Fave characters?
goldilocks / conner bailey, land of stories series
piper mclean, heroes of olympus
camicazi, how to train your dragon series
ron weasley, harry potter series [love ron, not the author tho]
matilda, matilda
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart?
"be brave, children. courage is the one thing no one can ever take away from you” - land of stories
"there’s no such thing as im-POSSIBLE, hiccup, only im-PROBABLE. the only thing that limits us are the limits of our imagination” - how to train your dragon
“i like it when somebody gets excited about something. it's nice” - catcher in the rye
“self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting” - henry v
“do you think, because i am poor, obscure, plain, and little, i am soulless and heartless? you think wrong! — i have as much soul as you, — and full as much heart! and if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, i should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you” - jane eyre
“so matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. these books gave matilda a hopeful and comforting message: you are not alone.” - matilda
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
Fave tv/movie genre?
uhh pretty much any cartoon tbh
Fave movie?
the my little pony movie (2017)
the lego ninjago movie (2017)
finding neverland
Comfort movie?
the my little pony movie (2017) [once watched it six times in one day]
the friendship games
Movie you watch every year?
the my little pony movie (2017) [i watch it once a month over zoom with my internet friend shannon]
Fave tv show?
the hollow
avatar: the last airbender
kipo and the age of wonderbeasts
lego ninjago: masters of spinjitzu
my little pony: friendship is magic
miraculous: tales of ladybug and chat noir
Comfort tv show?
the hollow [specifically s2 ep6, dead end]
Most rewatched tv show?
the hollow
my little pony: friendship is magic
miraculous: tales of ladybug and chat noir
5 fave characters?
sokka sokka sokka sokka sokka, atla
vanessa, the hollow
cole brookestone, ninjago
nino lahiffe, mlb
benson, kipo and the age of wonderbeasts
varrick or bumi ii, legend of korra
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more)* | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes* | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
hehe this took awhile, but this was fun :)))
okay so uhh, imma tag [with no obligations so sorry if you were already tagged], my fellow thespians @bisexuallsokka and @bobisahandsomeskull as well as @leesbian42 and @fixationsbigandsmall
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bluebird-1323 · 4 years ago
Paleman Should've Been A Traitor/Spy in Season Four
Alright hear me out on this one-
I just wanna say that I adore all of season four and love Skylor's development and love Paleman as he is but this idea struck me like lightning and I can't stop thinking about it
Also this is not a theory!! Just a fun little idea, maybe even au potential :)
This may be a bit long and has different parts so please be patient lol
So I'll start off by saying that Paleman should've been the traitor/spy alongside Skylor, as I love her reveal so much. But I digress
+ Firstly, he has the ability to turn invisible. Honestly that just puts him a step above the rest for espionage
+ Secondly, after he had his powers taken away, his skin still remained invisible (I know that the animators didn't want to make a model of him being visible, but still), which could be seen as him being Anacondrai/part Anacondrai
+ Thirdly, it was never outright confirmed by the ninja that he didn't have a tattoo of the cult (still connects to the former point about the animators probably not wanting to make a model for him + that would complicate the plot more)
+ Fourthly, Paleman never has a one-on-one round with anyone else, like he's being kept in the tournament purposely
The details/backstory behind all of this
- But on the topic of invisibility, that leads into more theory territory. While being the elemental master of light, Paleman has only ever used this to turn invisible when there's so much more potential. So, what if he was either Anacondrai or part Anacondrai? As the Anacondrai (or at least Pythor) have been shown to be able to do that
- That would connect him to Chen's cult, and Chen using Paleman to further attain his goal and also be like "Ooo! A real life Anacondrai!"
- Since his skin never turns visible in any sense, no one would know that he wasn't human like the rest of them
- Now there's the issue of Pythor being the only living Anacondrai. If all Anacondrai can turn invisible, do you really think that all of them were trapped/banished in the tomb? Some had to have escaped before capture
- He would see this as an opportunity to get back at the humans of Ninjago for sealing his people away, plus a cult basically worships his species : what isn't there to love?
- Until the episode Ninja Roll, and even during that episode, the relationship between the ninja and Paleman was very rocky. While this was mostly because of Jay, this would be even more reason for him to carry out the cult's ways
Now onto the final part
I'm a sucker for his character and redemption arcs, I can't just leave this like "hehe evil invisible snake man >:))"
~ Because Chen is Chen, as soon as he got his wish, he'd throw Paleman to the curb. He doesn't want some Anacondrai/half-Anacondrai, he wants the Anacondrai warriors! So bye bye Paleman
~ Upon this betrayal, Paleman does a double-cross moment and goes to the ninja + elemental masters, offering his knowledge on Chen and his cult for forgiveness
~ He then joins the ninja and their allies, helping take down Chen and his cult
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cosmicish · 3 years ago
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I posted 2,026 times in 2021
73 posts created (4%)
1953 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 26.8 posts.
I added 62 tags in 2021
#ninjago - 21 posts
#atla - 8 posts
#miraculous - 7 posts
#garmadon - 5 posts
#aang - 5 posts
#ml - 4 posts
#ml season 4 - 3 posts
#side blog - 3 posts
#ninjago au - 3 posts
#ninjago rejoint - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#micheal looking at gregory and vanessa and the animatronics: hehe sorry folks my dad is weird sometimes. we'll take care of him.
My Top Posts in 2021
What if security breach ends with Cassidy just popping up out of no where and taking William back to hell.
59 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 19:10:41 GMT
hot take: Okay so, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding what the real yin and yang in atla ship is. (kataang vs zutara whats new?) And I found the answer. No, even though I am biased to kataang, kataang isn't the answer. But, neither is zutara.
I think zukaang is the TRUE yin and yang ship. It just makes sense for me. If you take a rewatch of atla, you'll notice that most of the things that they both do are revolved around eachother. So, I'm not saying that everything Aang did in the series was revolved around Zuko, but if you look at Zuko's character you'll have to notice he was literally was made for Aang. Really, not just in a romantic way. He was made to hunt Aang down, and even after that his journey was still revolved around Aang. And most of the stuff going on in the first season with Aang, was revolved around Zuko. Sometimes (actually a lot more often then you think) Zuko's decisions impact Aang is big and small ways. (in the crossroads of destinies, Aang almost dies) And vise versa. If anyone wants more on my hot take, then let me know.
81 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 23:13:08 GMT
the awkward moment when that ship you thought was canon because you watched spoilers, was never canon after you watched the entire show:
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133 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 17:17:23 GMT
Ninjago hcs ✨
‣ The ninja call Zane mom sometimes.
‣ Cole is great with kids, despite not admitting it.
‣ Kai is Lloyd's father figure and brother.
‣ Lloyd Definitely has some slip ups when it comes to Kai. In fact, sometimes, he calls Kai 'dad.' (Not that Kai is bothered or anything. It's just really awkward when Lloyd's ACTUAL dad is around.)
‣ Post-Seabound Kai and Jay go and visit any body of water they can in the mornings, just to greet Nya.
‣ PIXAL, Zane, and Nya are the brains of the group. Of course, Nya is always third-wheeling. (more like was)
‣Pixane became a thing during season 3.
‣ Jay can also use the wind power, (Morro and him are relatives) but since Morro still has his powers as a ghost, Jay can't use them as often.
‣ I know that the creator confirmed Misako and Wu are dating… But I still say it's platonic. (For the love of FSM, I just can't watch Lloyd's mother become his aunt and father become his uncle it's way too much)
‣ Morro calls Sensei! Garmadon Uncle.
‣ Lloyd originally had brown hair, there was just this costume party, and someone switched his blond hair chalk with permanent blond hair dye as a 'prank.'
‣ The overlord just gave up on taking down the ninja, he realized it's no use.
‣ Sensei Garmadon still exists in the departed realm.
‣ Zane has died so many times, it's gotten to the point he's dug his own grave in the ground for the next time he dies.
‣ Without the hair gel, Kai's hair is actually a mullet.
‣ When Garmadon was a shadow stuck in the underworld, he used to go and check in on his son once in a while.
[200 notes, everyone! I made the fanfic! Go check out my fanfic for wind!jay!]
206 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 14:39:46 GMT
Normalize admitting that some children cartoons/books/movies are better written than some adult/teenager shows.
1104 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 20:20:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ponydoodles · 5 years ago
Mod Masterpost 3
Here’s the further-continued mod list, due to the 10 image tumblr limit!
If they don’t have any social media listed, DO NOT ask for them, they’re not there for a reason!
Click on “Keep Reading!” This post will be updated accordingly!
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🎉🎊Hey Hey! I’m Mod Fiesta and I’m here to party!🎊🎉
🎊 I go by any pronouns! My default is often They/Them! 🎉 Mixed 50/50 (Puerto Rican/Norwegian), but I was born and raised in the U.S.! 🎊 I’ve been fixated on the MLP series for about half a year now but I’ve been drawing them since I was 11 or 12! I’m in love with older gen designs these days! 🎉 My favorite ships are RariTwi and MoonTrix (Moondancer x Trixie)! My favorite character is Spike and my close runners are Pinkie Pie, Bubbles, Trixie, Rarity, and MoonDancer. I do have a figurine of an older gen pony though! Her name is Twinkle Bloom <3 🎊 Consistent style?? Who’s That?? 🎉 If you thought I was an once of Neurotypical you’re out of your mind/lh 🎊 My other interests include SCP, TF2, Dead By Daylight, Danganronpa, MineCraft, Spelunky, and even more if you wanted me to read through my entire steam library- 🎉The cat’s name is JuJu :]
🎉🎊I’m so excited to see what lies ahead!🎊🎉
Art Tumblr 🎉 Instagram 🎊 ToyHou.se 🎉 <3
Ponydoodles tag
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💕 Hey what’s up gamers!
My name is Furbie or Mod Murmurs! I’m so excited to be here! I’m 20 years old and I just got into mlp one year ago! Ever since, my friends on Ponydoodles have made me feel so loved and welcome. I’m excited to see what being a Ponydoodles artist will have in store for me!
Things about me…
🌸 I LOVE STARCATCHER she is my #1 forever. 💕💞💘💞💕 Starcatcher and Skywishes are my favourite ponies. As for G4, I would have to say Zecora. My biggest ship (after me and starcatcher haha jk… unless?) is FlutterTwiCora! I also like Flutterjack and RariTwi.
🌸 I’d love to start an asmr channel someday!
🌸 I collect furbies! I have 10 at the moment, the loves of my life!
🌸 I love dating sims and hope to one day make my own
🌸 Other interests include : camping, writing music, anime, video games, collecting fairy stuff and Star Wars!
Thank you! I’m happy to be one of your new mods 💖
Art blog 🌸 Regular Blog 🌸 Twitter 🌸 Ponydoodles Tag
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💜 hello!! my name’s lily and i am so so so stoked to be on this blog and draw for you guys!!!!! Q_Q
💜 twilight & rainbow are my favorite characters and i ship them a whole lot<3
💜 i have adhd !! i like infodumping :]
💜 aside from loving mlp, i am a big ol philip j. fry kinnie and i love ninjago & tmnt!!
💜 i hope you’re doing okay!! get some sleep if you need it and remember that You Are Valid!!!!
pony blog | main | pdoods tag!
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Helloo!! I’m mod warm!! And I hope you’re having a good day! 🌞 My favorite mlp characters are pinkie pie, skystar, and vinyl scratch! (tho i have so many i hold dear..) 🌞 ive been drawin for a heck of a long time but have mainly been drawing ponies since last summer hehe 🌞 my pronouns are they / them or warm / warms : ] i love all good warm vibes in can get in case u couldn’t tell 💜 🌞 my art can be found at @ transgirlvelma c : I’m so excited to be a part of this!! cant wait to fill out y’alls requests!
Ponydoodles tag
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🦇 Ciao ciao! I’m Mod KO! I use He/They and up above is my sona Toonz (also known as Disaster Squish) and uses He/It!
💕 I’m the biggest cartoon nerd ever! Cartoons just in general are my biggest special interest along side maybe bats! Currently I’m extremely hyperfixated on Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes! but honestly I don’t think there’s a cartoon out there that I don’t love!!
🌸 I love love LOVE gen 3 of MLP, it’s prob my favorite gen. Maybe cause I grew up with it haha! My favorite characters are Wisteria, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Chrysalis, Sunset Shimmer, Minty, and gosh just a ton more! I can’t help it there’s just so many good characters!! Though ship wise my faves are def Sunset & SciTwi and Wisteria & Kimono haha but gosh I love a ton of ships too!
You can find my main tumblr @hext00ns !!
Before you leave, let’s play a game! Pick a cup:
   🥤    🥤    🥤    🥤    🥤    
Ponydoodles tag
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YO how is it GOING gamers, I’m Mod Razz!! I go by Mech or Flick, I am ✨ Very Queer ✨ and ✨ ADHD ✨
🐞 I’ve been into MLP since my single digit years, and I’ve been drawing for about 6 years! I’m only thoroughly familiar with G4, but I intend to watch older gens eventually >:]
🐞 My favorite character overall is Chrysalis! My favorite minor character is Vapor Trail, my favorite mane 6 is tied between Applejack and Fluttershy, and my favorite ship is Frazzle Rock x Sapphire Shores! (If you make content of said ship I will sell you my soul)
🐞 I draw in multiple styles, some more complex than others. You may see some inconsistency between my posts, but I hope they make y'all happy regardless!!
🐞 me opossum. me chameleon. me bug. me creature >:]]
* The image above has a white filter over it to reduce saturation, since the original is bright. You can find the unfiltered version here!
* You can also find my sona’s clearer (slightly dated) ref here!
ponydoodles tag
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