#hehe 🩵
sugarpasteltmnt · 7 months
Hello hi me again, I did finish rendering him :)))
(Ft a closeup of the mask because it’s my fave bit lmao)
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Again, absolutely adore the fic, the descriptions you write are so vivid it’s awesome!!!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
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AHHHH I LOVE HIM!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😭💗💞🩵💕💖 i love how you did the stripes on the mask!! (*´ᗜ`*)
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maidmyth · 2 months
headcanons for our muses, @2wanlake.
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i. i feel like odette & remi would go ice-skating quite a bit! she's... admittedly not too good at it but odette could teach her or learn with her??
ii. remi loooooves to sit & braid odette's hair; will put little blossoms & ribbons into the strands ♡ lil pearl accessories too!
iii. odette strikes me as the type who will give advice bluntly & honestly, so she's definitely one of the first people remi goes to when upset, stressed, & not knowing what to do with a decision or issue :(
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atompalace-official · 3 months
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is me!!! Princess Sol ⚜️🩵🎀✨
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sainz100 · 17 days
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2017 Hungarian GP | x x
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sheepieberry · 1 month
“I am your lover and I am your jailor”
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tyungelic · 11 months
★ txt as lesbian magnets :: mtl
taehyun — i’ve never met a single straight solomon in my life they’re all woman lovers (source: i’m a lesbian solomon and so is my girlfriend 🩵)
beomgyu — just like taehyun i’ve never met a cishet bamtori they’re all either lesbians or wlw
kai — kai is mainly for the bisexuals and nonbinary individuals and lesbians aren’t exempt from that but i only know a small handful of lesbian ningdungies
soobin — soobin is well liked by wlw i think but idk about him specifically being a lesbian magnet
yeonjun — the inverse of taehyun, i’ve never met a moawajjunie who wasn’t straight sjshhs sorry to all my gay moawajjunies
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capricioussun · 6 months
Uhh what is hawks all about?
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*my bro runs a chain of car dealerships and mechanic shops. pretty cool, huh?
*but if we stopped sellin' alcohol it'd just be a restaurant, bar none.
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graciehart · 3 months
tagged by @sitpwgs 🤍 thank you love! <3
rules: choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe
tagging @strideofpride @unorthodox-oblivion @queenofinys @mauraeyk @sofia-curtis @sharpesjoy @burningblake @robntunney @robintunney @isitcasualnow @spencereid and YOU reading this <3
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dooxliss · 1 year
Geno 1c? -🌕 (moonknightproductions)
ask meme
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what coming down from star road does to a ♡♪!? mf
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sugarpasteltmnt · 3 months
“And as for the Krang parasite…. I have a special plan for that ;3”
I swear to sweet pizza supreme, Pastel, if the next chapter somehow involves the parasite taking over Leo thus forcing his family to have to genuinely fight him in a similar vein to all those times they had to fight him when he was still Void…
I think I might actually faint-
no. no more fight scenes. pls. I’m not strong e nough oughghgh
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(Sorry @/sp1n-dle really wanted to use your doodle as a reaction image lol)
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theangel-aziraphale · 5 months
Dearest @thedemon-crowley ,
On this day centuries ago, we made a promise to one another. Well, a promise of sorts.
The Arrangement.
I know, at the time, I was hesitant. Quite frankly, I was terrified. All the trouble we could get in... especially you. But you wanted me to trust you, and I did. I had for a long time, really. It was Heaven and Hell I didn't trust. They were the ones who would punish us in the end.
But enough about them. I'm writing this letter because I'm feeling rather sentimental. You see, I hadn't thought much of this arrangement of ours when we started it. I scratch your back. You scratch mine. But it became more than that. We became more than that.
We started to go out to eat. Go on walks together. Watch humans do their Thing. It was all rather lovely if we ignored the fact that we would discuss work too. I could almost pretend we were together back then. Being Us.
I think part of me used it as an excuse to see you more. Maybe that's what those meetings were to you, too. I'm incredibly grateful that you convinced me to do so. I think it strengthened our bond considerably, and now I have the pleasure to call you my confidant.
No, actually. Now I can call you my best friend and partner (not in crime, but I suppose technically we were doing illegal activities according to our boss'). The one I trust most in this universe.
I love you. More than anything in the world. You mean quite a bit to me, and frankly, I hope we can make more "arrangements" to spend time with each other forevermore. If you'll allow me, of course.
Yours faithfully,
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the-npd-culture-is · 9 months
NPD culture is getting supply from a youtuber saying "everybody loves you" into the camera
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atompalace-official · 8 months
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Princess Sol and Shiny Sylveon ⚜️🩵🎀 { my sona! }
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inkcat1987 · 3 months
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moonchild9350 · 3 months
Ahhh thank y’all for 200 followers!! 🫶🏽 I love each and every one of you here!
Maybe some time next week I’ll release a little special fic as a thank you 😊
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sitizelter · 11 months
🩵Sky Full of Stars🩵
Loscar ♡ Pt.2
Pt. 2!! Sneaked in some backstory in here •3•
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The rest of Oscar's day goes by; Helping out with his dad at his workshop with car repairs, getting groceries for his mom, playing his driving sims in his room. It's boring, Oscar had to admit. But hey, it was his life outside from F1.
The sun begins to set. Just as the aussie was getting snug under his blankets, his phone rang. 'Loges'
"Hey Logan," Oscar answers the call.
"Hey Oscar," Logan answers softly, trying not to yawn too loudly. His body may still think it's nighttime, but his spirit is bright with the joy of hearing Oscar's voice.
Stepping out onto his balcony, the american breathes in the fresh ocean air. Logan leans on the railing as he gazes out at the pink and orange hues glowing on the waves. Another beautiful morning, yet his mind remains in Australia with Oscar and thoughts of his visit. "I hope your day wasn't too boring. Catch me up on everything before you drift off to sleep, what did you and your dad get up to?"
"Y'know, the usual. Some guy came in with his tire having a screw punched into it and god, that was such a bitch to remove." Oscar chuckled, his sleepy voice was raspy.
"Ooof, yeah a screwed tire is never any fun to deal with." Logan grimaces sympathetically. At least it gave Oscar something interesting to help with today.
"How 'bout you? Had your breakfast yet or did you just wake up?" Oscar asked.
"Just woke up, actually," The other yawns, stretching his arms over his head. "Was too busy looking forward to hearing from you again."
Glancing over at the kitchen, Logan's stomach grumbles softly. "Think I'll grab something light like fruit and yogurt. Nothing too heavy first thing. How's the time difference treating you - still hovering around bedtime I'm guessing?"
"Mhm, yeah." Oscar hums out. He places the phone on the pillow beside him while on speaker mode. He turns to look at the night sky.
"Stars look really pretty tonight." The aussie mutters out. He thinks about how those stars are the same ones that the other had seen last night. A soft smile appears on his face all of the sudden.
As Logan rinses fruit in his sink, he feels a tug of longing at Oscar's description of the star-filled sky above him. How he wishes he could see it too at that moment, and share in the serenity of that distant light with him once more.
"It's nice to think we're seeing some of the same constellations across all this distance, y'know?" Logan says quietly. A comfortable silence falls between them as their thoughts likely turn to past nights of wonder.
Once the fruit is prepped, he settles on his lounger with the phone on his chest. "Oscar, I really can't wait to see you again. These calls help, but it's not the same. I miss your stupid face." Laughter lifts Logan's voice as he teases the aussie.
"Miss your stupid face too, Loges." Oscar quips back, snickering. Oscar stretches his body while groaning, adjusting himself to a better position.
"Remember when you used to sneak by house in the middle of the night? Always managing to get into my room by the window." Oscar spoke.
"And whenever my mom came into the room, you would hide under my bed like a crazy person?" Oscar added on, laughing with his still-sleepy voice.
Logan snorts a laugh at the memory. "How was I supposed to know your mom would do bed checks at 3am?! And you were always too busy laughing your ass off to give me any warning."
Shaking his head, the american pops a slice of kiwi into his mouth as he recall countless nights of sneaking over. "Your house was the best place to hang out, away from my parents' rules."
Logan's smile softens as nostalgia washes over him. Those carefree years seem so long ago now under lights of different stars. "Your family always made me feel welcome, Oscar. Like a second son to your parents."
A sigh escapes him. "Things were simpler then."
Oscar chuckles while he remembers all of Logan's antics. He sighs out. Yeah, like a second son. Suddenly, a thought crosses Oscar's mind.
"Hey Logan, I've never really thought about this at all but... why did you use to come by and stay over by my place so much when we were younger?"
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Logan pauses mid-chew as Oscar's question catches him off guard. The truth was always too personal to share, even with his closest confidante.
Staring up at the brightening sky, Logan traces patterns in the scattered clouds while considering his words. Do I dare open doors long closed? Something in Oscar's tone tells him he may finally understand.
"You know my family was never... warm. Distant, more like it. I was just another obligation." A humorless chuckle escapes the american. "But your parents, Osc, they treated me like one of their own. With affection."
His voice grows softer as memories flood back. "I wanted that kind of love so badly. To feel seen, cared for unconditionally. Your home gave me that when mine couldn't."
Letting out a long exhale, he chances a glance at his phone. "That's why I kept coming back. It was the only place I've ever felt... at peace."
Oscar felt his heart being squeezed. His eyebrows furrowed, finally connecting the dots from so many years ago.
"Logan, I- Mind telling me more about... how the situation was at home? It's okay if you're uncomfy about it, I just..." Oscar's words trail off.
"Was just too young to realise, I think." He added.
Logan focuses on the crashing waves below to steady his thumping heart. Rarely has he spoken of such private wounds, even to Oscar. Trust doesn't come easily to him. Quiet stretches between the two of them as Logan contemplates his question. A part of him wants to shield past pain, yet another yearns to be known wholly by someone who cares.
"It was just... distant. Cold." His voice sounds far away recalling those grey memories. "Parents who provided but never nurtured. Too busy chasing their goals to see me, I guess."
A shaky breath leaves him. Vulnerability has always terrified Logan. But if Oscar can accept this part of him too, perhaps he's not so truly alone.
"Your family showed me what unconditional love felt like, Osc. I'll never forget their kindness... or forget why I needed it so badly."
Oscar swallows, carefully choosing his words. He looks back into the screen to see the american looking out his window and onto the sky.
The sun hits Logan's face such so that the turquoise in his eyes are reflected on the screen. Seeing him so vulnerable made Oscar's heart melt.
"Glad I could be there when you needed me, Loges. Even when I was being a dumb 10 year old sometimes." Oscar speaks, his voice turning softer.
"You weren't so dumb. Just a kid like me." Logan meets Oscar's gaze steadfastly through the screen, wanting him to see every bit of sincerity in his eyes. "But you were there when it mattered most. And I'll always cherish that."
The tension leaves his body just like the receding tides. In Oscar's presence, he feels light and free - as though remembering who he was beneath it all. Their friendship is home in a way even family never grasped.
"I look forward to making more memories with you, Osc. Good ones, to replace what we couldn't change." Logan's smile grows playful once more. "Even if it means sneaking in your bedroom window again ten years down the line." A laugh escapes from Oscar.
"If you were to do that at this age, I think the tree outside my window would snap in half." He quips. It felt nice knowing how open Logan could be with him. The other chuckles at the image Oscar paints, knowing full well he was not quite as agile climbing trees as he once was.
"Yeah, that old oak is looking pretty stiff these days - might not support either of our weights anymore!" Logan's laughter rings out freely, as light and bright as the new day dawning around him. It warms him to see Oscar relax into their banter as easily as ever too.
"Tell you what - when I visit soon, we'll think of a new, less precarious way to 'sneak in,' just for nostalgia's sake. Maybe I can toss pebbles at your window like in the movies." Grinning, Logan takes another fruitful bite and sighs contentedly.
"Haha, sure thing, Romeo." Oscar snickers. He takes a glance at the clock on his wall. "Hey, it's getting late. Talk to you soon?"
"Alright, alright." Logan lifts his hands in playful surrender, grateful for the chance to reconnect and reminisce with Oscar. Glancing at the rising sun, he notes the lateness of the hour for the other too.
Warmth swells within him as he whispers his farewell. "Talk to you soon, mate. Sweet dreams, and thanks... y'know, for listening." Understanding shines in Oscar's eyes - he always did know Logan best.
"Take care, Osc. Miss you." And with a gentle smile and wave, Logan ends the call, heartbeat full and hope renewed. Oscar smirks and he feels a soft blush creep onto his neck.
"Love you too." Oscar whispers under his breath, right before the call ends. The aussie places his phone by his bedside table. He falls asleep eventually, unknowingly having a soft smile plastered on his face.
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As Logan sets his phone down and leans back to watch the brilliant colors spread across the waking sky, a small smile tugs at his lips. Oscar's final words echo softly in his mind, meant solely for himself perhaps, but heard nonetheless.
Warmth blooms in Logan's chest where any other response may once have scared him away. But with Oscar, he feels only peace - the kind one finds in truths long known yet never shared.
With a contented sigh, the american relaxes into the morning glow, heart full and spirit light. Another new day is dawning, and all is well within its warming rays.
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