lvnesart · 2 years
Pls tell me about the angel looking Kaeya in your 6 Kaeya piece!! He's so pretty and soft looking I need to know about him he makes me heart stutter🥺
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Know that I drew this kaeya with that exact description in my mind
Hes my sweet babygirl who cant,, actually fly,,
I haven't decided whether or not this will be a cutesy au where humans, angel and demons just hang around. (Like that one cute animation with the demon and angel roommates? Yall know what I'm talking about??) Oorrrr if I should take a lowkey ansgty turn
But anyways, hes one of those angels who just likes hanging around in the clouds and doesn't do a lot of work himself. He doesn't wanna exhaust himself and other people are fine with that. He's a pretty face after all lol
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squirrelwrangler · 1 month
Now I noticed how NOBODY ELSE benefits from the Silmarils's retrival, the rest of the Noldor, the Edain, all the other elves (Eldar and Avari), nobody gets anything, the Silmarils are for Feanor and his sons only. Which...is far, its their jewel, not anyone else. Buuuuut, its so double standards, cuz they also feel entitled to other people's stuff?
Yet the Feanorians feels like...entitled to aid? What their Edain vassals even would care for the Silmaril? Why would the elf servants? The soldiers that fought and died? The normal ass people? Their families? All Noldor mind you
Most fics show the post-Lotr Noldor begin happy and united in Valinor, but honestly? I think they would all lowkey hate each other
The Silmarils are garbage. They are a garbage McGuffin and only exist to give Lúthian and Beren a quest item and Eärendil a halo. They suck. I've gone on record that either direction would have been better -mystery of the Sampo- or having them be a truly living conscious being trapped in the form of a glowing stone (Aide from the SF series Belisarius is my shining example). The Swanships have more value than the Silmarils in both practicality, beauty, community imput, community cultural history, cultural value, and the loss that their destruction caused. The only time the Silmarils are seen positively as a good object to be around is when Elwing had in the the refugee camp at the Mouth of Sirion.
The Noldor in general are characterized by their fractious individualistic competitiveness. Vanyar have unity. The Teleri are divided (in the case of the Falmari and the rest of the Sindar, deeply so) but show a willingness to come together and reconcile with ease -Denethor and the Nandor, that Avari are welcomed in, Círdan's staunch ally-vassalage, Elwing's plea, the integration of Sindar and Silvan. With them, their branching out into a variety of lifestyles and settlement patterns (shore versus forest, nomadic versus settled, housing location, etc...) suggests that an ad-hoc flexibility strengthens rather than hurts their greater group identity. But the Noldor are the ones with dynastic jockeying occurring on the page. Often violently so. And the nastiest offenders of that are the Fëanorians. Remember, Morgoth himself laughs and acknowledges that their presence and their Oath was always beneficial to him, not detrimental.
Fëanor's actions after the Darkening is some of the foulest shit. His xenophobic political riot speech is skin-crawling. Then he rushes to Alqualondë because he knows that he doesn't have the popular majority support, and his goal, stated right on the page, is to make Valinor worse, to trash it further so that he retains his tenuous political grip. Then tries to incite a coup against Olwë and commit some of the biggest acts of hypocrisy to date in demanding, stealing the Swanships, murder, and then destruction. Melkor only kills one elf when stealing the Silmarils and then stops Ungoliant from destroying them. It's a bad sign when Melkor has the comparative moral high ground.
The shittiness of the Fëanorians and why would the Silmarils matter is a thread that runs through my Bór fics, at least the ones involving Great Lady Borte and her great-granddaughter Kreka. It's rather telling that they were the first Silm fanfics I wrote and shared.
When I write post-war Valinor, it's mostly as the peaceful aftermath of the various OCs that I tortured in Tol-in-Gaurhoth and Angband. Beren's Band of the Red Hand dudes. So I'm not focusing on internal strife because this is the promised comfort of H/C. But I do see a delicate dance from Fingolfin (and Turgon and Finrod) to ensure his followers don't destabilize Finarfin's highly competent rule. (There's a minuscule echo of this in Imin's rebirth). As for the Fëanorians? Bah, they can all stay in Mandos. Maybe one of the twins can come out, but I don't see any problem with storing all of them and the most implacably morally bankrupt of their followers in there until Arda is ReMade.
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ilostyou · 2 years
oliver stark the actor that you are
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cashandandrogyny · 8 months
the gay panic i experienced while wathcing the new dan and phil games video what the fuck
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sikeyaout · 11 months
Hey does monty like girls.
YOURE SO GAYYY hi my love =.]
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Tubbo, utterly shocked: DON’T CALL ME TUBERCULOSIS
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monachopsissssss · 2 years
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calamitydaze · 2 years
why can’t you stay 29 [19] hell you still feel like you’re 22 [12]
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bathylychnops · 9 months
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myyy my creaturee my this thing that ilove my lookat him my guyy
hegets such bad helmet? cowl? hair fromthje dial mask thing he cantsee out of it either and it gets really sweaty it doesnt have to be this way but hejust needs it itlooks cool
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simbury · 1 year
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Wow. I’m so amazed that I have reached this milestone given the ups and downs of content and engagement over the last little while. I have just recently had surgery and had sight restored!!! to my right eye and I wanted to do more for this gift, but unfortunately had some complications and setbacks but I hope you all enjoy nonetheless. Thank you all for your support!
First up recolours of @deedee-sims Chemise a’la Reine in the historical palette. Textures by andavri, heget, deedee. TF-EF.
Secondly, three buy objects (plenty more in my to do folder but alas). All in pirate woods.
Vitasim’s library steps (an endtable) with the books removed. Replaces the original mesh.
DH’s Victorian sidetable. I had done this one before in heavy woods, but I don’t use them much anymore.
Tethys’ 4t2 Fridge Wood.
And lastly, what started as a small request from @victoriansimmer “Please just recolour this one particular fireplace”... I spiral easily. Have SIXTEEN different fireplaces that I am calling Project Great Fire(place). I think I’m funny. All aside from the OLS fireplace come in pirate woods, with details in old brass or pewter. The OLS fireplace comes in yeti metals.
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emyn-arnens · 6 months
Andreth Rec List
If you know me, you know how much I love Andreth. I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite Andreth-centric fics, mostly focusing on who she is outside of her relationship with Aegnor and on her relationships with her family and Finrod. (But if you’re in the mood for Aegnor/Andreth, I have a rec list for them here.)
As always, if you enjoy any of these, please leave a kudo and comment for the author!
A flickering flame by @camille-lachenille (G, Andreth & Finrod, 1k):
She looks at the babe in her arms, blissfully asleep and unaware of the world he just entered. This little boy who shouldn’t be, her miracle and her curse.
Blood on Bone for a Lover’s Burial by heget (T, Andreth & Baragund & Belegund, 4.7k):
After the Dagor Bragollach, Wise-woman Andreth demands that their dead be buried. Her great-nephews, Baragund and Belegund, escort her to the ruins of Barathonion, to search for bones.
The Brides of Death by heget (G, Andreth & Finrod, 2.3k):
"Nóm has many questions, but he never asks about the wreath Andreth wears in her hair." A story of the Edain and their first interaction with the elves, of courage and defiance and most of all the Gift of Men.
Chrysalis by @cuarthol (G, Andreth & Bregor, 1.3k):
Andreth grieves.
For We Remember by ncfan (T, Andreth & Morwen, 7k):
Morwen, in childhood.
The Ring by heget (G, Andreth/Aegnor, ~600 words):
Andreth reunites with Aegnor.
Stitch. by Zimraphel (G, Andreth, ~400 words):
The sentence ends in silence halfway through. - the author once again uses poor Finrod and Andreth to vent halfheartedly about her own issues with Meaning, and Life, and Death as defined by elves. As one does! But really; how infuriating to hear someone say your life is part of a greater harmony when none of yours forms much of one, Finrod.
The north-march by losselen (G, Andreth, ~400 words):
A poem of Andreth in Ladros, who lived in the long years of the Siege of Angband.
Watcher Of/In the Woods by ncfan (T, Andreth, 2.4k):
"Outside, the world was changing." Andreth, in the time following the Dagor Bragollach.
Words by @hhimring (G, Andreth & Finrod, ~800 words):
Finrod and Andreth discuss matters of language. A short extra scene in the "Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth".
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squirrelwrangler · 7 months
✨ for Nargothrond?
Thanks to the Tol-in-Gaurhoth series, I have quite a bit more than I normally would. General highlights of the founding:
The dwarves of B&N knew that the cave systems of Nargothrond was ancestrally home to petty-dwarves, but they didn't care or inform the elves that there was still some descendants of exiled traitors and dissidents living in the lower regions, downplaying or removing evidence as they expanded the cave systems and planned the construction (for political purposes the outrage over the slaying of petty-dwarves was useful to establish their rights, but the dwarves of Belegost and Norgrod were perfectly happy to have the petty-dwarves driven out once more and removed as additional rivals). Fierce in-fighting between B/N factions for the glory and economic opportunities of this Menegroth 2.0 - much dwarven glory, reputations, and political wealth as well as physical wealth flowed from the alliance with Menegroth's construction and upkeep, and this was the opportunity for those that missed out on the bidding wars to win.
Nargtohrond was of mostly light stone- limestone primarily- and the river flowed through the lowest level. Water and groundwater management was more important here, so the city had fountains and drainage systems and flooding was the biggest worry. Conversely, Gondolin had a river but it also extensively used cisterns to gather rain and snowmelt to augment the river.
Thankfully none of the Tol-in-Gaurhoth ten were heavily involved in the plumbing. But that Orodreth has to replace too many key positions, not to mention weed out corrupted appoints during C&C's coup, was the start of a slow and gradual systems collapse. The head steward, Edrahil. Heledir the captain of the guards. Their seconds and thirds would would have been the logical promotions - Arodreth, Tacholdir, and Ethirdor and Bân. Influential lords/important families in Aglar and Gadwar. Consael's connections among the followers of C&C meant that his death and the death of his sister's husband was a strong rallying cry to repudiate Curufin and Celegorm and cleave those elves to Orodreth instead. Probably the elf that died in Tol-in-Gaurhoth that caused the least among of rippling ramifications at the time was Fân/Fanawë, because he was only a (talented) foot soldier/ranger whose best friend was the higher-ranking Bân (who had as girlfriend the handmaiden of Melian and was the protege of Angell and Heledir). That changes during the War of Wrath, of course, when his distant maternal Vanyar cousins care, not to mention Dondwen herself.
Then Gwindor's charge wipes out a sizeable chunk of the allies and martial replacements Orodreth had fostered to replace Heledir and others - lords like Galuven in particular hurt. And Faron's ties to the Falathrim.
Back to the city itself: Levels upon levels with gently ramping floors, the stonework intricate and delicate with floral motifs. Thin colonnades, latticework.
In layout and small touches, one would closely figure out that Nargothrond's inspiration was Menegroth and the neighborhoods of Valmar, not Tirion.
The main stables were at the low far end near where the river reemerged.
Ereglas, second son of Eredhon, was the Sindarin lord who lived in the Narog region before Morgoth's invasion, basically the Duke of that region, and unlike his older brother has successfully escaped to Menegroth. He consents to Finrod reclaiming that region and building strongholds there and sends his daughter to help. Eregiel trained with the dwarves (when they visited Menegroth, and only in stone masonry. She's not a second Eöl, not nearly that talented or trusted to visit the dwarven cities, but was trusted as interpreter) and acts as liaison. She and Orodreth work closely together, hit it off, betrothed, married, she's now the lady of Tol Sirion and mother to Finduilas. Wasn't as intentional a political move as Meril's to regain her birthright as duchess of Hithlim.
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decat2 · 2 years
Decat presents... The Book Texture Project!
This happened because I got annoyed that some of my add-on bookcases didn't pick recolours of the maxis books. So I fixed that.
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The following Bookcases now have their books repo’d to the Craftmeister Booknook:
Michelle’s ANES bookcase
CTNutmegger’s Craftmeister and Booknook short bookcases
 HugeLunatic’s Vroom bookcase
Moune’s corner Dahlen bookcase
MSBarrow’s Hotel and Thackaray bookcases
SA99’s Country Bookcases
Windkeeper’s Aquatic and Fantasy bookcases
All of Mutske's base game working books
Some of these were never updated for FT/AL, so I’ve done that too.
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These Textures have been added to the Craftmeister Books:
Adele's Amelia Bookcase
Michelle’s Bookcase of Education
Nabila’s textures
Grungy books from Castaway Stories
4 of my own recolours: Harry Potter, Victorian, Medieval, Kids books, and one using the in-game book covers from the reference book and novels.
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These Textures have been added to the Bibliofile Books:
Nabila’s textures
Maxis Craftmeister Books, 2 versions
Medieval Books
The in-game book covers from the reference book and novels
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 I also took one of favourite bookcases, Avenida’s book table and updated it for FT/AL as well. I’ve included recolours of the table by alleluia. (alleluia also included Nabila’s textures, that’s where I found those.)
Download everything here!
Also, here are some other book textures I found:
Dahlen/Craftmeister: Heget, Leefish, Lotte
Bibliofile/Cinderblock: Plasticbox, Lotte
Finally, there some some CEP Extras here and here that will repository other maxis bookcases to the Craftmeister books.
Enjoy the books!
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hikkisunny · 4 months
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HEY HEY ITS SIR TORD QUEENSTON, my Tord kinsona who is literally too crazy
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ceescedasticity · 11 months
Right I should be sharing this link
which is… not not my headcanon…
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Hades Deity Guide
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Who is Hades?
Known by many names, Hades is the Greek god who reigns over the Underworld. Some say he was duped or swindled by his brothers or simply lost a drawing of lots when it came to choosing their domains. He is the husband of Persephone and ruler of funerary rites.
Parents and Siblings
Kronus (father)
Rhea (mother)
Zeus (brother)
Poseidon (brother)
Demeter (sister)
Hera (sister)
Hestia (sister)
Lovers or Partners
Persephone (Wife)
Minthe (lover before Persephone)
Leuce (lover before Persephone)
There was also a mortal woman who claimed that Hades was in love with her, some say her name was Theophile (which means “one who loves god”)
Though it varies by storyteller whether or not Hades is their father, these beings have been said to be his offspring:
Zagreus (son)
Macaria (daughter)
Melinoe (daughter)
The Erinyes: Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone (daughters)
the mothers of these beings are up for debate as well.
Aïdes (“the Unseen”)
Pluto or Pluton (“the Wealthy One” or “the Giver of Wealth”)
Clymenus (“the Renowned”)
Eubouleus (“Good Counsellor”)
Chthonios “chthonian Zeus”)
In Greek:
Adesius, his name in Latium. It is expressive of the grace.
Agelastus, from his melancholy countenance.
Agesilaus, expressive of his attracting all people to his empire.
Agetes or Hegetes, a name assigned to him by Pindar, as to one who conducts.
Aidoneos, this name is probably derived from Hades' having been sometimes confounded with a king of this name among the Molossi, whose daughter Persephone, Theseus and Pirithous attempted to carry off.
Axiocersus, or the shorn god, a name of Pluto in the mysteries of the Cabiri: he was there represented as without hair.
Iao, his name at Clares, a town of Ionia.
Moiragetes, his name as guide of the Fates.
Ophieus, his name as the blind god among the Messenians: it was derived from their dedicating certain Augurs to him, whom they deprived of sight at the moment of their birth.
In Latin or Etruscan:
Altor, from alo, to nourish.
Februus, from Februa, signifying the sacrifices and purifications adopted in funeral rites.
Feralis Deus, the dismal or cruel god.
Lactum, his name among the Sarmatians.
Larthy Tytiral, sovereign of Tartarus, his name in Etruria.
Mantus or Manus, the diminutive of Summanus, an Etruscan epithet.
Niger Deus, black god, his epithet as the god of the Infernal Regions.
Opertus, the concealed.
Postulio, a name assigned to him by Varro, under which he was worshipped on the shores of the lake Curtius, from the circumstance of the earth's having opened at that spot, and of the Aruspices having presumed that the King of Death thus asked for (postula, I ask,) sacrifices.
Profundus Jupiter, deep or lower Jove, from his being sovereign of the deep, or infernal regions.
Quietalis, from quies, rest.
Rusor, because all things return eventually to the earth.
Salutaris Divus, a name assigned to him when he restored the dead to life.
Saturnius, from his father Saturn.
Soranus, his name among the Sabines, in the temple dedicated to him on Mount Soracte.
Stygius, from the river Styx.
Summanus, from summus manium, prince of the dead.
Tellumo, a name derived from those treasures which Pluto possesses in the recesses of the earth. Tellumo denotes (according to Varro) the creative power of the earth, in opposition to Tellus the productive.
Uragus, expressive of bis power over fire.
Urgus, from urgeo, to impel.
In Egypt:
Amenthes, a name of Pluto among the Egyptians. Plutarch informs us, that the word Amenthes has a reference to the doctrines of the metempsychosis, and signifies the "place which gives and receives";' on the belief that some vast gulf was assigned as a receptacle to the souls, which were about to animate new bodies.
(Thank you to Wikipedia for compiling most of this list of these epithets)
The Underworld often bares his name, also being called Hades. Though it is also referred to as “the house of Hades” or Tartarus
Hades also oversaw the judgment of souls after death, though he was not usually a judge himself. The three judges of the dead are Rhadamanthys, Minos, and Aeacus.
Similar to Thanatos, Hades is often depicted as cold or stoic and did not often get involved with mortal affairs. Despite this, he and the Underworld were treated with respect and honor, often receiving sacrifices and kind epithets.
As some of the above epithets suggest, Hades is also seen as a god that reigns over wealth and fertility.
Hades was mentioned often in mythos but rarely appeared himself.
Perhaps his most popular myth is the Abduction of Persephone.
Hades was considered by some to be infertile and unable to produce offspring
I have to mention Cerberus, Hades’ three-headed dog that guarded the Underworld.
According to Aphrodite in one myth, Cerberus is particularly fond of cake.
Hades is mentioned multiple times in the original Greek text of the Bible as the realm of the dead, this was translated into “hell”.
Modern Deity Work
As always, traditional or historical correspondences will be marked with a (T)
White Poplar (T)
Pomegranate (T)
Mint (T)
Black Narcissus
Screech owl
Cornucopia (T)
Chariot (T)
Horn of Plenty/drinking horn (T)
items or imagery of the items listed about
Coins (T)
Wine or other alcoholic beverages (T)
Olive oil (T)
Imagery/symbols of his wife, Persephone
Acts of Devotion
Research him and Persephone
Clean up cemeteries (with permission!)
Spirit work
Create art/songs/poems for him
Study funerary rites of the past and present
Of course, your personal experiences and correspondences with Hades will be more powerful and hit harder than any list on tumblr, so don't take these as written in stone!
References and Further Reading
Hades - Theoi Project pt 1
Hades - Theoi Project pt 2
Hades - Britannica
Hades - Greek Mythology.com
Hades - World History
Hades’ Cults - Theoi Project
Worshipping Hades - Deathwitchenvy
Hades Offerings - @Twelfthremedy
Devotees and Followers to check out:
(please message me if you are a follower or devotee of Hades' and would like to be added as a resource that someone could reach out to in regards to him!)
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