#hee hee. hoo hoo. hahahahaha
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eggbagelz · 2 years ago
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Found this in dr d's office. any idea who sundog might be? - poison
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awkwardstarfoxscreencaps · 11 months ago
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sm-baby · 1 year ago
You are turning me into a FreakShowtime enjoyer I am going to turn to dust /pos
— @art-beyond-the-stars
Hehhe...hahaha... hahaHA.. HAHAHAHAHA!! HAHA
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charolottie · 2 months ago
hee hoo
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the-haunted-office · 1 year ago
Doomsday snickers, her eyes honing in directly on that folder. "Kinda funny to label a classified folder as 'Classified' all bold and front and center like that. It's almost like you're just begging someone to... take a look at it. Would make more sense to label it something more ubiquitous like 'Recipes' or 'Sales Orders' or something, if you're trying to be all secretive, eh? But what do I know. I'm just a dumb Shinigami, ehehehehe," she says, never losing that dark grin of hers. "Unlesssss... You're being clever and there isn't really anything classified in there and it's just a decoy to throw off anybody who goes snooping. But we'll never know until we look. Schrödinger's classified information, ehehehe."
She's about to lunge at him and take the folder away simply to be a pain in the ass and tease him with it when another human appears. This causes her to immediately lose interest in the folder. Both ears go up in interest as she starts cackling. Oh what wonderful timing. She could have a lot of fun here, now. If Elliot is going to refuse to use her notebook, well, she's just going to have to pull on his strings a little bit, isn't she?
While the two of them are chatting, she creeps around behind the new human - Victor, that's his name, she can see it floating it above his head - and starts making faces at Elliot. And then she takes off her mask and holds it in front of Victor's face and laughs. "Quick! Get a picture! This'll look great on his Instagram! Hahahahahaha!" But of course Victor can't see or hear or feel anything because he hasn't touched her notebook.
She does catch that Help me look from Elliot and she figures she is helping... helping herself annoy the shit out of him for refusing to use her notebook. She continues with this obnoxious behavior, flapping her arms at Victor and making faces at him, screeching. "HEE HOO HEE HOO HAHAHAHAHA AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Hahahaha, can't hear a thing, ehehehehe, but you still can, Elliot! Hoo-eeeee, we can have fun with this all day, can't we? Hey! Why don't you just kill this guy? You don't seem to like him very much. The rest of the humans around here aren't paying much attention to him either. Oh, what, would you feel bad for him? Why? Who's gonna miss him? People die all the time, you know. It's a fact of life. Just because you have the power to kill them, doesn't mean it has to be some big ordeal. Pfft. Humans put so much weight on that shit like they think their lives are more important or more meaningful than anyone else's in the animal kingdom. WRONG. It's all a construct. A driving force to keep you all in line. Haven't you figured that out yet? Guess it's hard to when you're living in it."
"So come on, Mr. Classified, give it a go," she says, eyes seemingly glowing brighter in malicious delight. "Say you have to use the bathroom, get your notebook, and say farewell to Verbose Victor for the last time, ehehehe."
"Hey, I get that my house sucks but can't you like- I don't know, look around Los Santos?" He keeps his voice low, making sure people can't hear him.
"I mean, right now, in this place, at this moment, in this lifetime." He hisses as he closes up his folder. There's a huge IAA stamp on the front of it, with the word "Classified" written in obnoxiously large text. That's his bit of paperwork done for the day. Which ultimately frees Elliot from work for the rest of the day. Maybe he'll go home and build some lego sets since he finally has some time to do so-
"Oh 38!" Chimes a familiar voice from the distance. There's an immediate, hateful expression that forms on Elliot's face. He turns around to see the office nosy. The annoying man himself. The most hated man in the office. Victor. Elliot lets out a sharp sigh as he sees him approaching him with two coffee cups in hand. "Oh, it's so good to see you in the office! Have you got any exciting stories to share?"
His co-workers turn away, pretending to be heavily focused on their work. Elliot reluctantly takes the coffee from him with his bandaged hand, immediately taking a sip of it despite how hot the drink is. It scalds his mouth, but he keeps a brave face on. Victor was one of the IAA's tech guys.
"No. Nothing that I can tell you." Elliot sighs as he puts his drink down on his desk. Victor looks rather displeased by this response, squinting his eyes at him, and then down to his hand.
"Well, what's that then?" Victor asks, pointing to his knuckles. There's a little bit of blood beginning to seep through the bandages. This observation earns Victor a deathly glare from Elliot. "You must have gotten into some severe fight to end up with that kinda damage."
"Classified." He replies, swivelling around on his chair in hopes that Victor will leave. He's wrong of course. Victor takes a sip of his drink as he watched Elliot attempt to look like he was going back to work.
"W-well, I was wondering if you'd lend an ear to me for a bit. You know- I've had some great story ideas!" Great. Here goes his lovely afternoon. Victor begins to start yattering on about his narrative, the weird office linked stories that seem to repeat themselves over and over again.
Elliot gives Doomsday a look that says "Help me. I want to get out of here. I don't want to listen to this guy".
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whaleaddict13 · 4 years ago
Why am I so sad all the time I see no logical reason why I would be what’s going on uuuuauuayuuaauaauauugh
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gotham-memes · 3 years ago
moved here recently. like yesterday morning and lemme tell you. everything was great (see: mediocre) for a couple hours. then boom. maniacal laughter. i though yall were JOKING its been LIKE 30 MINUTES all i hear is "HAHAHAHAHA HEE HEE HOO HEE HOO" if that STUPID furry doesn't get here soon im gonna beat him up myself.
take him out! also yeah sadly we aren't joking (ha)
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prolesmoneysex · 4 years ago
As C.America proclaims,” Youre mentally ill, Im mentally ill, he, she, him, her! Were all mentally ill!” HAHAHAHAHA hoo hoo hee hee!! We all need our meds and psychologists!! 
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bungirl-orchiectomy · 3 years ago
me making hash browns: hee hee hoo hoo this is going to be so much hahahahaha
me when theyre done: oh this is downright depressing
every time i make hash browns i feel like i never use enough potato
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daddypigisking69-blog · 5 years ago
POG hahahahaha hehehehe hohoohohohoho POG CHAMP hee hee hoo hoo POGGERS hahahahhahahahahahahahaha heehehehehehehhee
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