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( @reubyrp - Codename Payday has joined the heist!!!)
Thursday... knows exactly why she's here.
To have fun, of course!
How could she possibly pass up the opportunity to leave the boring offices behind to rob an arcade vault?! There's absolutely no way she could! So here she is, chatting away with some lady while she leads her into the basement to where the others are waiting.
"-just made him even more angry, apparently, I guess he didn't like the compliments I gave him? Which doesn't make sense because who doesn't like compliments? Especially because I was complimenting his suit! And how quickly he put it on! And the way it like matched the glass of red juice he was drinking. Well it wasn't juice, it was some kind of wine I think, but I'm not an expert on wines so I don't know if that's what it really was, it was some kind of red, fancy alcoholic beverage that he had stored away specifically for the occasion of someone pressing the 'on' button. Same with the suit. But it was still a nice suit! Right? So anyway, he got tired of me talking and just decided to blow me up, but he lost in the end because he got turned into a sword- Hey! Is this them? Hello! Thanks for bringing me here!" she says to the lady and then she's off with Lester and the others.
Thursday can't help but giggle when the others provide their codenames, especially Doomsday. "You know, that's funny, I have a friend with the same name, ehehehe. I'll bet she'll be tickled to know once I tell her, hehe. So does this mean I need a codename too, then? Hmm. Can I go wiiiiith... Payday? Or is that too similar to Doomsday? If it is, I'll come up with something else."
When the instructions are being given, Thursday puts in the earpiece and tries her best to pay close attention. She has no idea what to expect out of all this. Heists and going apeshit are more Doom's (her Doom's) forte, so she's a bit out of her element here, but this still all feels like some silly first person game to her. She can't wait to tell Eisuke about it. He'll get a kick out of it for sure. Or maybe he'll scold her for partaking in criminal activity. On second thought, nah, he'll think she's cool - it's Etsumi who will scold her. Well, she'll just use some of the money to get him something cool, like a new heating blanket or something.
Oh shit. Her mind wandered off there precisely like she was trying to will it not to do and now she's missed part of the instructions. There was something about there being options in there. Three of them. Sneaking around and wearing uniforms and busting in with guns. Now shooting people is definitely not something she's up for. She doesn't want to hurt anybody, let alone murder them, she just wants to get in there, be stupid, and take things out of a big metal door, that's all.
Grinning, she points to the photo of people in armored security uniforms. "The Big Con, please! You know, I used to be a Narrator, that means you gotta make shit up as you go, right? I can definitely do that. I mean, it's definitely not as easy without an extraterrestrial parasitic mist helping you to manifest items and heal your wounds and whatnot, but I think I can work with this. What are we wearing now? You said disguises? Okay, whatta we got?" she asks, rubbing her hands together and looking eager to get started.
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"I'm sorry." Avon quietly whimpers to Framtid, having just bumped into him by mistake. "I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I didn't mean to walk into you."
[ Avon for Framtid / @reubyrp ]
Framtid flinched, accidentally dropping the clipboard in his hands as he did. He blinked himself back to reality as he heard the apology. "Ah its.. Its alright, just uhm, keep an eye out next time." Spoke the narrator quietly, there was an odd, starry-like look to his hair, which almost seemed to defy gravity.
Yet a blink would show that it might've been a trick of the light. He picked up the clipboard again, tapping it twice with the back of his pen as he watched it turn into sand. "What brings you here? It's certainly been a while since any character has been here." He chuckles.
The space around them lights up, its an office, kind of dusty and definitely old technology, but it has a charm. A yellow line™ is painted across the floor. "Oh didn't I tell you to go." Muttered the narrator as he stepped on the line™, which... moved? It moved away and then it was gone, thats weird.
"Nonetheless, It's my pleasure to have you here uh..." He quickly checks his clipboard. "Avon, correct? Yes, it's my pleasure to have you here Avon. I am the Narrator of this story, which, hum, at the moment lacks my main character who is... Somewhere." He looks around, where is Stanley? Good question.
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@reubyrp - I can see Eisuke being upset about this if something like this somehow occurred with Tetris. Or if he was into Mario Party instead of Tetris. xD
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It happens yet again. Another component of his body seems to be failing him. Warning alerts appear in his vision, indicating his now failing legs. Avon attempts to beat the system, hoping he'll reach a nearby bench before his legs give up.
He doesn't make it. Instead, he finds himself crashing to the ground. The impact onto the solid concrete floor sends a shockwave through his body. Pain sensors go off, inflicting Avon with a heap of pain. He lays there, groaning as he reaches out to his glasses which had fallen off his face.
Fortunately, he senses a familiar presence nearby. Someone who he knows would willingly help him.
"Night!" He calls out, hoping she'll see him. "I've fallen, and I can't get up." Speaks Avon, who's attempting to pull himself across the ground to reach the nearest bench.
[ For Night / Avon / @reubyrp (sorry this is so short!) ]
Night’s wandering through the nearby city, since something happened to the division of the Site she was staying at, apparently- and they told her it was better if she left for a bit and laid low. Not that she’s happy about it, but whatever.
She isn’t paying any attention to her proximity alerts, so she doesn’t notice Avon’s presence until he calls out her name, which causes her to startle unnecessarily, as she’s already identified the voice mid-reaction.
Her first reaction, oddly enough, is to laugh. “Like, from those ads with the elderly-” She cuts herself off when she actually spots him on the ground, genuinely struggling.
Night quickly approaches him, muttering “you had to phrase it like that, huh?” while methodically hooking her arms under his own and hauling him up to a vertical position, walking backwards as she drags him to the bench, which wasn't too far away.
Once they’re both seated on the bench, she turns to him, frowning slightly in concern. “So did your legs just like… stop responding? Do they do that often? You have any idea why that happened?”
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A door within the office creaks open. Orange light bleeds into the room, along with a spectacular amount of moon dust. There's the crunching of heavy boots outside, followed by a gloved hand reaching into the office. Heavy, assisted breathing can be heard from the other side of the door.
R carefully peaks their visored head into the long corridor, watching for any signs of those horrid monsters that normally reside within the remains of facilities. However, this place was... different. None of the walls looked decrepit. Neither did all the floors, nor did it smell of the remains of the poison sprayed by the spore lizards. In fact, R had never seen a place so clean before in their life.
Since they had been a great asset to the company, they upgraded their ship engine, updated their terminal and let them jet away. To be fair, they did pick a moon they've never seen before. 427-Parableus? There's not many notes on the company terminal about this moon. All it did was show up in the terminal autopilot directory, they typed it in and forced the ship to bring them here.
While they continue to peak from the doorway, a loud thumping of a giant beast begins to follow behind R. For a moment, they remain calm, hoping that the beast is yet to see them. They can't decide what the best decision is for them. They need to make quota. This place looks like it would have heaps of high quality items laying around. But this environment is incredibly disturbing to them.
The thumping stopped, forcing R to slowly turn around, hoping not to make too much noise. The Forest Guardian had frozen in place, looking directly towards R. Then came the enormous roar of the eyeless dogs, hoping to track down R's movement. The Guardian began to run, it's decaying arms stretching out for R. The dogs, feeling the vibration of the Guardian moving towards R, began to leap and follow in hopes they would receive a small, rather delectable dish.
R stepped into the corridor and slammed the door behind them. As they leaned against the door, they could feel the eyeless dog continuing to crash into the door behind them. Maybe someone would help them? Or maybe they'll find a horrid beast.
Most importantly, they hope those dogs will go away.
[ For any of your muses :)c / R / @reubyrp ]
Dorian is rather enjoying its existence. There's a lot about it to enjoy, after all. All the wondrous sights and sensations, not to mention all the little creatures inhabiting its walls. It sure does love those little humans. They're so much fun to observe and converse with. To learn about.
Well, most of them are human. Some of them are dead, though, but that's all right, they are pleasant too. Even the ones who sometimes accidentally leave pools of blood on its floor are pleasant. The ones who shoot holes in its walls are questionable, but at least they tend to apologize when it screams and they realize that it can feel pain.
Dorian has a rather good relationship with the humans who live within its walls. They all take care of each other. They protect it from dangerous outsiders and keep it nice and clean and decorated. They even feed it! That's quite nice of them. And Dorian keep them protected from the elements and provides them space in which to live. It's a nice symbiotic set-up, the way humans and buildings were meant to live together.
Now this creature who has just stepped through one of its doors... Dorian can't quite tell if it's human or not. It seems like it might be, although it's dressed a bit funny. And it's acting in a rather peculiar manner.
The Office decides to greet the potential human in a friendly manner anyway. "Hello!" it chirps, its voice seeming to come from all directions at once, or at least not from a location that can be pinpointed. "Is something bothering you there? I assure you this place is quite safe! Most of the time. I am not dangerous, at any rate. Have I frightened you? I haven't meant to, so if I have, I do apologize. Ah. My name is Dorian, and this place is, well- me. And you are welcome here. Do you require a human face to speak to? Because I can- I can call one out for you. There are plenty of them here, you see, and, um... Why are you backed up against the door like that?"
#reubyrp#i figure since i'm meeting a new muse of yours you should meet a new one of mine! x)#might have my other muses come out though ehehhee
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[ @reubyrp has joined the server ]
The loud sound of guns firing, explosions, and the like, filled the air around the newcomer, who had probably been chucked into this place by full accident, into a hidden spot where he was out of danger. Even in this closed place the scent of gunpowder was strong, and though the sound never disappeared, it did get a bit more distant before picking up again.
The sound that came to be louder than these, however, was the tapping of boots against a marble floor, collected pacing, calm contrasting to the sound of the entire place. Somehow that sound stood out, eventually stopping before the storage unit in which the newcomer was hidden.
The door opens to reveal a... "flamboyant" looking man, the boots turned out to be a plastic-like material, shining, with blue laces attached to them. The man before him wore a blue trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a face mask, completely hiding his face. There were the traces of a scar across his right eye however.
The agent stood there for a moment, his weapon, a cybernetic looking shotgun, loosely held in his hand. He stood there frozen for a moment, before a quiet "Hah..." Came from him. "What a pleasant surprise.." He simply said, that was all he said, but the way he changed his hold onto the weapon showed clear distrust.
#ᴋɪʟʟɪɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ❱❱ ✪ 𝚁𝙿#reubyrp#running after pete at increasingly high speeds i think he will hate asher in the best way possible
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➞: My muse (Avon) gets hit by a car
✔: My muse (Avon) meets yours (whoever you choose) for the first time.
[ Avon / @reubyrp - I couldn't decide which one was better!! So I merged both together haha]
Katsuko is walking down the street until she meets Avon
"Hello! Who might you be?"
Katsuko asks smiling
"Do you know where this place is perchance?"
"I'm a bit lost."
Katsuko asks this blissfully unaware of the car speeding the road at Avon
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The giant- who had once met Cyrus many many months ago and recked havoc upon the control booth, cautiously opens one of the doors into the office. An icy breeze blows through behind them, snowflakes drifting into the corridor. They quickly peek around the corners of the hallway, making sure the coast is clear.
They know it has been a long while since they, or any of their creations, have been seen. They've missed a lot, and so have their creations. But now, they have someone new to introduce. Well, somewhat new. Someone who needs to meet people. And Hellmourn knows exactly which clever Author gets to have their hands on them first.
Hellmourn reaches deep into their jacket pocket, searching for something in particular. After a short while, he manages to find it and drops the blue.artefact on the ground just in front of the door. As they go to pull the door closed, they realise that might not be enough to get an unsupecting member to open the door and step through to a new world. Hastily, Hellmourn digs through their pockets once more in search of a pen, paper, and a set of large "you tried" gold star stickers. Eventually, they succeed in finding their materials and quickly write a note reading "MORE INSIDE." The giant holds the sheet of paper to the door and sticks a gold star on the top of the page. With a cheeky smile, Hellmourn quietly pulls the door closed, leaving the artefact to be discovered by an unsuspecting individual.
On closer examination, anyone walking by would recognise that the artefact on the floor is an ID card.
On the backside of the card is a map of a foreign land with the letters RCM embossed over the illustration. The foreign land is indicated by the intricate lines marking the roads of some place named Jamrock. Wherever that is.
On the back side, there is a thick layer of tape over the top line. It seems as though the name has been covered up. All that can be read on this side is:
Rank: LTN
Serial Number: REV-38-05-JAM41
Unit: RCM-Precinct 41
Issue Date: 25/02/45
But then, there's the ID image. The portrait of young man. One that looks eerily familiar. A person many have met before. Perhaps there'll be an answer awaiting them on the other side of the door?
[ ??? / for anyone of your choice! | @reubyrp (let me know if that link didn't work :") ]
Naturally, Thursday is the first to discover the artifact left behind by the mischievous Hellmourn. She doesn't realize who has left it behind, although maybe upon the discovery of a note boasting "MORE INSIDE" and a gold star sticker declaring "you tried" along with it should have given her a clue.
She's seen way too much shit, though, and so perhaps she's starting to lose her edge.
In either case, both the paper and the star both intrigue and amuse her, and there is simply no way she can walk away without investigating further. Her assumption is that one of her Officemates has posted the note on the door and the "more inside" this door she's about to open will simply consist of either a dead body on the floor or something on fire or maybe even a stolen golden toilet. Who knows? She's about to find out!
Just as she goes to open the door, though, she hears a small plasticy crunch as she realizes she's just stepped on something. She stops momentarily to pick it up and inspect it, realizing it's an ID of some sort.
Well now that gets her attention. Even more than the sign on the door does. And it doesn't take much more thought before she's flinging that door open and charging right in there. If who she thinks is behind this door is in there, like hell she's waiting a moment longer!
Also quite naturally, she can't help but shout as she charges through, "Leeroyyyy Jenkinsssss!"
The door snaps shut behind her, and who knows if anyone else might see that sign on the door and join her later.
#reubyrp#reuuuuuuuu!!!#i was so excited when i saw this in my inbox this morning!#and the link works and of course i'm all 👁#welcome back! i've really missed you and i hope you've been well! 💞
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@reubyrp - HAHAHAHA!!! This post!! xD
Also, Doomsday would SO be down for pranks like this with Elliot hehe. xD

had to share this note i woke up and wrote in the dead of night
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The Stardew Valley fair is on, and the town was bustling with tourists. The weather was a lovely cool temperature.
Harvey, who's watching his husband play shooting gallery games at one of the minighame tents, notices something fall to the ground, presumably dropped by the young woman who maybe have gone by them mere seconds ago.
"Excuse me! Miss! You dropped this!" Yells out Harvey, who's picking up the small yet assumably valuable thing Katsuko may have dropped. His husband, Nathan, looks on as Harvey quietly chases after her through the crowd, holding out the item towards her.
[ For Katsuko / With Harvey and Nathan / @reubyrp - felt like I owe ye a new thread with some easygoing characters! Hope this works for you ]
"Hmm? What is it?"
Katsuko turns around, she knows most of her fox features are hidden but she checks anyway but her fox ears are still tucked under her hair thankfully since she doesn't want to look like a monster to these people.
"Do you need something young man?"
Katsuko says calmly and smiling
"It seems you have something in your hands, is it for me perhaps?"
Katsuko says and giggles slightly
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@reubyrp - Elliot/Eisuke x)
People who fuck around on their laptops during lectures are so important I'm watching someone in front of me play tetris online enraptured
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Death Bonus Questions: 2 + 7 :)
[ you've made me super curious / @reubyrp ]
“The last thing?… The last thing recorded was a... perceptive shift, of sorts. Everything seemed to shrink as I ascended to a level of reality that was… impossible to comprehend. And then cancelled out that poisonous, wrong idea with a piece of my own consciousness.” Night mumbles.
“Well, I’ve learned that sacrificing yourself to kill an omnipresent thought form is NOT a reliable way of dying,” she remarks. “Cause the Foundation will just haul your consciousness back into existence again. Like 'no, you’re not done working for us.' Well, apparently I’m not.”
#i had to reread the og article where 3125 is killed for this 😭#listen it needs to be Canonically Accurate (lie)#thanks for the ask :))
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( @reubyrp - Codename Nightwolf has joined the heist!!!)
Trent has no idea why he's doing this.
He really doesn't. He just knows that he was checking out this office with Ophelia, met a few strangers who seemed mostly okay (if not a bit weird, even for him), and then he was being begged by some ghost to go do some heist in her stead and now he's here in some basement.
This is weird, and he misses Lia. He's worried about her. The full moon is approaching and they haven't found a way home yet. He shouldn't be here without her. What kind of friend is he? But she implored him to go. Said she'd be fine. Of course she said she'd be fine. She always says she's fine, even when she's very clearly not. What was he thinking-?
He almost turns to go back, but then he's spotted and he freezes. Ruffles up his already ruffled-up black hair to give his hands something to do. Then shoves them into his coat pockets. "Hi," he says finally, not really knowing what else he's supposed to be saying.
His hand comes right back out of his pocket to shake hands with Lester, both wrists full of black and red plastic and metal bracelets, some of them beaded, some of them with little spikes on them. His fingernails are painted black, and look a little sharper than normal. His handshake is firm and a bit rough, like he doesn't know his own strength, but he's also aware how to read the other person's facial expression and thus knows when to let go.
"My name's Tr- Right... Well, I suppose for this particular excursion you might call me Nightwolf, then," he says, following the others' cues once they've produced their codenames. He takes the earpiece, stares at it, then tries to carefully wedge it into his ear, where it very clearly makes him uncomfortable because he snarls as soon as it's in. "Gah, why do we have to have this thing?!" he complains and takes it back out. "I can hear you all just fine."
By the time they're done explaining this whole thing and move onto the options, his head is spinning. They've robbed this place before?! They're coming here again?! How stupid is this place to let themselves be set up to be robbed by the same group again?! Trent has so many questions, but he just wants to get through this and get back to Ophelia. Who knows, maybe the money they get out of this will help in some way. Maybe they can give it to that ghost and she'll be able to buy them a way home or something.
He listens carefully, his red eyes watching closely to what he's being shown. As soon as LJT is done speaking, Trent throws a big grin, sharp canines gleaming in the basement light. This is easy.
"Aggressive. You guys do what you need to do to get that vault open and I'll cover you. Just let me take care of it all, heh heh. Anybody who tries to give us trouble, well, they won't give us trouble," he says, lacing his fingers together, pushing them outwards, and cracking his knuckles loudly. "I just have one question, and I need you to be honest. Is there annnnny silver involved in any of this? Any silver that you know of? Any at all? Even a tiny bit? Because I'm extremely allergic to it."
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17 and 20
[ @reubyrp ]
If you could meet someone who has died, who would it be?
"Well i'd love to meet some of the yokai before the Cataclysm."
"Or maybe some of my old friends that died during that event."
"There isn't the 'one' person i would want to meet..."
If you’ve ever had a near-death experience, describe what happened and what you saw/experienced.
"Well for certain, it's very black and very painful, oh and for my particular case, I didn't find getting mauled very pleasurable."
"Especially since i was pretty young at the time."
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@reubyrp - Guess what the Haunted Office has? x)
This will go amazing with my bathtub that is just full of eyeballs
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On the porch of the farmhouse, sits Harvey. He has numerous medical textbooks sitting by his side. A cup of coffee placed on the table beside him. Out in the field nearest to the porch, is Nathan, who is tending to the farms Spring crops.
It's been about an hour since Harvey had begun his descent into his medical journals- but he needed a break. He lets out a quiet sigh as he looks up momentarily from the research paper. He can see Nathan, working away in his field of budding cauliflowers- but wait. Who's that? He stares at the figure who seems to be approaching the farm.
"Hey, honey?" Harvey speaks rather loudly, adjusting his glasses to see the approaching figure better. "There's someone coming to the farm..." He notices that the figure also has an accompanying child. "...and they've got a child?"
Nathan, who's currently watering his crops, turns toward the direction of the road. He can see the lady and child Harvey's referring to. With the watering can in his hand and his gaze pinned on the strangers, Nathan approaches Harvey. It's very rare for anyone to come up to the farm, so this feels strange to both of them.
"Hey!" Nathan calls out from the bottom steps of the patio as the pair arrive at the farm. Harvey watches him but remains in his seat. "You guys doin' alright? Are you hurt or anything? Or just a bit lost?"
[ For Thursday + Mae | Harvey and Nathan | @reubyrp ]
Thursday has been the victim of accidental dimension-hopping more times than she can count. She's been transported to closets in nightclubs in other countries. Dropped into the middle of the ocean. Stranded in foggy woods full of serial killers. Lost in cities with winding alleyways fraught with crime and neon lights. It's certainly not her preferred method of travel and exploring the world around her, but it most certainly is the expectation at this point.
However, for all of that, it has never happened to her while she's had her daughter with her, and that has been one of her absolute, worst fears. Getting transported into a wild, unfamiliar landscape surrounded by enormous carnivorous animals is one thing if it's just her; it's quite another with her daughter in tow.
The mother is therefore mortified to find herself in the middle of what appears to be a field of vegetables of some kind - a farm - with her daughter strapped snugly against her front. Thankfully there doesn't appear to be any immediate danger, but that doesn't mean it isn't out there, lurking out of sight or ready to take them off guard. If she was by herself, she wouldn't be the least bit concerned. With her daughter with her, though? She's utterly shaken up, turning in every direction, looking for something, anything, that looks like it might be a safe place to go so she can call her officemates for help.
Tears are welling in her eyes by the time the stranger calls out to her. Half of her instincts are telling her to run away, she doesn't know this guy, what if he has a gun or something and he tries to hurt her daughter; but her other, more powerful instincts are telling her to go to him, it's a farm, why would he shoot her, if he was gonna do it he would be telling her to get off his property and aiming a shotgun at her already not asking if she needs help. So, with both arms wrapped protectively around Mae (who is sitting there calmly like nothing worrisome is going on), Thursday picks her away through the field and onto the road and towards the strangers, hoping for the best. If either of them tries anything, she will either tear them a new one or tear out of there, and only the heat of the moment will determine which.
"Hi! Hello! Oh my god, I'm so sorry about your plants, but yes, we're lost," she says, out of breath, and very clearly on the verge of panic. "I'm afraid I've just been picked up and dropped here by my office - it has a nasty habit of doing that. Sorry, I'm sorry, it's a long story, and I'm a bit freaked out right now. This has never happened with my daughter with me before, and I don't have any of- anything with me, her diapers or- or milk- oh god- I can't- I don't produce enough milk and I don't have any formula on me and it could take weeks before my friends find me here, what if she gets hungry- Please tell me you guys have like, a shop or something nearby that has baby formula? Or- Or something?"
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