#heavenly emotions
tcfactory · 8 months
I've been thinking about QiJiu and how they could be post-reconciliation and I'm like. I love most flavors of these tragic idiots, but I like them as either romantic or full on disaster siblings the most, probably.
Because them becoming close platonic friends feels like sort of... an extension? Of the state they are in canonically, where they are devoted to each other, but in a lot of ways have grown apart. They just fix up the holes in it - and I don't think that works all that well for them on the long run, because it would be all too easy to be reminded of the bad times. I think for them to be happy and stable long term, they need a shift in their dynamic either to something new (romantic relationship, with the courting period acting as a sort of soft reset) or back to the (codependent, but not necessarily in a bad way) sibling-relationship they had before.
Like. Honest to god I want a story where the two of them make up and Liu Qingge is the first one to look at them and go:
"What the fuck?! WHAT THE FUCK?! So this was just a sibling tantrum?? Like the time Mingyan refused to talk to me for three weeks because I got monster guts on her new dress, except you idiots dragged it out for thirty years?! I'm ashamed to be your shidi! Shame on you!"
"It was a bit more serious than-"
"Zhangmen-shixiong, what could you have possibly done that's worse than monster guts?"
Just Liu Qingge shaking Yue Qingyuan until dumbass failbrother explains what happened - perfect grounds for Liu-Jiu reconciliation too, because in LQG's mind 'making your little brother think you willingly abandoned him to slavery' is a perfectly valid reason to become the angriest, bitchiest bitch to ever peak lord. It doesn't matter that it doesn't make sense, his big brother instincts tell him that if he did something like that to Liu Mingyan then blood would flow. He doesn't know what a Joker even is, but in his mind that would be Mingyan's Joker moment for sure.
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wearepeace · 6 months
“I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there.” ― David Mitchell
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realgirllife · 6 months
Girly painting
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bookofmormonmemes · 2 years
God: Hm. I don’t like that tower they’re building down there. We should do something about it. Anyone have ideas?
The premortal spirit of J. R. R. Tolkien:
I actually forgot how obsessed I am with the idea of us as spirit children taking part in God's work from both mortal and non-mortal planes. Hey everybody think about a hyperfeixation/special interest/regular interest you care about. Yeah, you like that thing a lot? You make stuff about it and related it to it now? Hey have you ever considered that maybe you helped Mom and Dad invent it?
Hey Jonald, you like making languages? Yeah, you always have. Hey you, reading this post, you like knitting or crocheting? How about cooking? You probably helped teach our prehistoric ancestors weaving and breadmaking. Like drawing? Rocks? Pretty colors? Probably helped design the mountains and the meadows and the desert flowers. Like chaos and destruction? Volcanos. Australia. What's your favorite historical story? You were probably helping there too. Maybe Heavenly Mother let you press the explosion button for Vesuvius. Maybe you gave a revolutionary soldier the internal pep talk needed to power them through the battle. Maybe you baked the amazing biscuits that my great-great-grandmother fed her starving children while crossing the country with the early Saints.
I am now incorporating into my faith both the content of this ask and the belief that I personally was the spirit who prompted that cat who was supposed to catch vermin on the titanic to jump ship before it left so she could safely give birth to her kittens
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whumperer-86 · 2 years
Heavenly Idol kdrama ep02 (fainted)
the male lead is exhausted from calling the Idol in the other realm
he lost all his strength and fainted for the second time in this episode
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simply-whump · 2 years
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The Heavenly Idol : Episode 11
>> Whump List
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The line “I think I understand a lot better than you do” is so important in the end scene of S2E6.
How I see it, Crowley entirely understands that Aziraphale wants to be together but that his idea of the concept differs greatly from his own. However, this seems to be something Aziraphale also realizes. What Aziraphale doesn’t realize is just how toxic and dangerous to him and humanity Heaven’s environment is.
We know that Aziraphale is totally oblivious to the horrible way those from Heaven treat him. From Gabriel’s rude comments to the Archangels’ remarks throughout a lot of season 1 and even season 2. But, most importantly, the way they treated him when he and Crowley switched bodies in season 1. He doesn’t actually even know about the event because Crowley could only muster up a joke or two about it when they spoke on the bench afterwards.
So, what Crowley understands better about what Aziraphale is offering him is that, it’s dangerous, fabricated to fit Aziraphale’s oblivious mind, and toxic. He understand better that the theoretical job offer is entirely against what the two of them have been building together since Armageddon or even the beginning of time. And finally, he understands better that the offer is futile in the effort to get them to be together and maybe it was even designed to be so.
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insect-whorefare · 1 year
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j4jml · 15 days
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“You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you; but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.” ― Rumi
The Art 10/09/2024 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
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handgiven · 30 days
let me assign you an affection language—
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an undoing influence;; can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
tagged by: @v011d tagging: whoever comes across this and finds it intriguing enough !!! please tag me !! i do wanna see !!!!
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
But the Symbolism. . . (II)
This isn't exactly a continuation, more just me ranting about how amazing and perceptive Jace is.
Firstly, to add onto the previous post, another significant thing Jace gave someone was the toy soldier he gave Max. I'm fairly certain it was a relic from his own abusive childhood with Valentine, and he gave it to Max, his younger brother who - while his family certainly had its own troubles - had a happy and fairly idyllic childhood.
And Max died holding it. That's how much it meant to him.
Pretty sure I don't need to elaborate on that.
In City of Heavenly Fire, in Edom, when Simon feels the burst of pain in his chest from when Raphael was killed, Jace knew what it was instantly.
“Raphael,” Jace said finally, in a flat voice. “He’s your sire, the one whose blood made you a vampire.”
But he didn't tell. He kept it all to himself, instantly changing the subject and pretending the cause for Simon's discomfort was something else.
He knew that at this stage, Alec and Clary would absolutely fall to pieces if they thought Magnus and/or Luke and Jocelyn were dead.
And Jace cared for Magnus, if not for his own sake (though they were absolutely friends at this point) then for Alec's. We know he sought comfort from and confided in Luke in the past.
He kept this knowledge to himself. How much agony do you think this must have caused him? Keeping such a vital thing to himself - that the people they sought to rescue could already be dead. He mustn't even have known they were alive until he got there and Sebastian mentioned they would pay for that.
And sure, maybe it was a tad unfair to the others, but I'm not focusing on that right now. Jace's need to protect the people he loves, even at the cost of their own independence, is so obvious in every action he takes, in the tiniest details spread across the books. I love this.
“Clary,” Jace said, a warning in his voice.
Jace wants to stop Clary from giving too much information about his family to Mark, in the tunnels below Faerie to Edom. Why?
"—My family? Do they know—” “What’s happened to you? A little. And no, they’re not all right.” His eyes closed.
Jace knows the pain of knowing the people you care about, the people you love, are hurt because of you, and yet even knowing that you can't do anything about it.
Jace empathizes with Mark. Clary even thinks it:
Jace didn’t answer her; he looked stunned. She wondered if Mark, brittle and orphaned and alone, reminded him somehow of himself.
Jace was brusque at the beginning, demanding to know about Mark's time with the Fair Folk, but as soon as he realizes the torture and imprisonment and hopelessness of his family being somewhere he could no longer go Mark'd gone through he became sympathetic. He gave him a witchlight, one he'd always had, the symbolism which I talked about in Part I.
It was Mark's 'I'd rather die' that spurred him on. I think that also reminded him of himself, his impassioned speech to Clary as he went back under Sebastian's control.
“They took you because you have faerie blood, but also because you have Shadowhunter blood. They want to punish the Nephilim,” Jace said, his gaze intent. “Show them what a Shadowhunter is made of; show them you aren’t afraid. You can live through this.”
Mark wanted to feel and be useful. Jace gave him a purpose, something to do. Mark saved Idris and all the Shadowhunters there. A lot more would've died if the precautions against Faeries hadn't been put in place.
Jace was a war tactician and a friend at the same time: he gave Mark hope, was kind to him, and even then ruthlessly used his sense of being lost and the same kindness to make him do something for the war effort.
I can't stress how much I love this dichotomy, and how much it reminds me of Julian (also reading City of Lost Souls Julian - the troublemaking wax melting kid, knowing how much he goes through and how much pain is waiting for him, is just awful).
I could wax poetic about how awesome Jace was in the Blackthorns' interrogation. He wasn't as outwardly biased towards them as Magnus and Clary, but he was unequivocally on their side. His arguments were the ones that convinced Robert.
He agreed with Robert at first (and God, I love Julian's thought process about him):
“He has a point.” Jace smiled at Julian and Emma, and the smile was like gold melted over steel. You could see how the softness was a disguise, and how what lay under it had won Jace the title of best Shadowhunter of his generation.
But then, immediately next switched it around. You can see the way it changes Robert. For Jace, it became personal, and if it was personal for him - he would have done the same - it would be so for Robert, his adoptive father. He goes from stern to exasperated, more willing to be pliant.
He's the one who finally convinces Robert to let Julian speak. The final masterstroke. Robert complies immediately, despite reluctance. I doubt Jace planned how the entire thing went down, but this was a clear show of his loyalty and his brilliance. We see how Jace's strategizing mind works. He remains unreadable throughout, even to Julian - master liar and manipulator.
And when he spoke to Mark later on. He tries to put Mark at ease - doesn't succeed fully, of course, but it does sort of work. He reminds him of the witchlight. And of course, he's understood that Julian is the one running the Institute. I'm guessing it's half the official correspondence he gets from running the New York Institute, and half listening to Julian spinning his tale and helping him out there, but still. He guessed something which not even Emma, the love of Julian's life knew about him. It's kind of ridiculously OP, but also really amazing.
In Lord of Shadows, when he first met Kit, Jace knew exactly what to say. We, as readers, know that Jace would love meeting his blood family and as Alec put it, wanted Kit to like him, but to KIt, he seemed simultaneously someone impressive, and someone he wanted to be far away from.
And this:
-- "You’re fifteen years old. You might think you want to die, but trust me—you don’t.”
Am I the only one whose heart is breaking from the PARALLELS? And the certainty with which Jace says it? Jace-Death-Wish-The-SIze-of-Brooklyn-Lightwood-Herondale? This is as cathartic as seeing Jace finally calling Valentine abusive in The Lost Book of the White.
The 'Herondales Can't Resist a Challenge' thing is definitely part of the reason Kit decides to stay at the Institute. There's also, of course, Ty and Livvy and revenge.
Kit felt a sudden tightness through his body. Talking to Jace earlier had eased some of the anxiety he’d felt ever since his father had died. Jace had made everything seem like maybe it would be easy. That they were still in a world where you could give things chances and see how they worked out.
(The 'I didn't hear anything' at the kids' spying antics?? Jace totally did stuff like that with Alec and Izzy when he was younger).
(Also, like he's not the one who convinced Robert to listen to Julian and then present the testimony without involving the kids. This is canon to me.)
Clary leaves Jace alone in the room with Mark, when they're asking him for advice on Faerie. Playing on his prior connection to the Blackthorn. And Jace gets Mark to cooperate within a minute, revealing some information, but not all of it.
Also, the thing with the Herondale ring. Jace got it from Clary, who got it from Tessa, right when he was beginning to accept that he was a Herondale and took the name. To me, his giving it to Kit - and through Clary no less - was an expression of hope that Kit would be able to find the home and family and love and identity he had. And maybe a subconscious subtle manipulation on the fact that Kit never knew his mother and would therefore be vulnerable to Clary, whom everyone - from Emma to Julian - seems to regard as maternal.
And the way he intimidates Kit into not selling it just cracks me up.
(I love him making sure Emma and Julian have Magnus and Alec's numbers in case they run into trouble. He absolutely recognizes the 'chaos follows me around' tendency he has in them. And that he and Clary asked Magnus to help them. I could talk about that for days.)
Just - the way Jace's sarcasm, his charm, his ability to get people to talk and manipulate them, sweet-talking, humour, superhuman fighting abilities, kindness, emotional sensitivity and perception all meld together is genuinely breathtaking. I get why some people don't like his character - but I love him.
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emo-and-emo-adjacent · 2 months
Heavenly Blue - NFF 2024
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gothsuguru · 2 months
i was wondering how to start the cult leader geto drabble and I FINALLY HAVE A FUCKING IDEA
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laughingherring · 1 year
So from what i gathered, the Heavenly Demon is a nice if a bit depressed and sheltered guy?
I hope he's revealed to be at least a bit unhinged later on in the story, it is vital to my enjoyment of the character
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b-0-ngripper · 2 months
Listening to Cigarettes After Sex has me in such a romantic and yearning mood
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a-robot-named-ruby · 3 months
I haven't seen Inside Out 2 but I love the idea that anxiety is a person because it means you can politely forbid them from affecting a person, like it's a lovely fantasy that you could simply tie them up and leave them on board a train. Just evict them from the headquarters, doesn't even need to be violent, let them live peacefully elsewhere and then bam, anxiety issues are totally solved forever (I personally would like to be very violent to the personification of my anxiety, but I don't want to mention it here)
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