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collarbjt · 10 months ago
SPN 823
So many survivors from the last eps are died…it’s so sad.
Okay god has death note, angels and hell’s king kills humans for their favors, what a twisted, crazy crazy crazy SPN world
Hey Dean your bro is law school(former, almost) student, just trust him a little bit, your little Sammy is grown man😂 oh you guys have the plan, smart!!!! Hahahahahahahaahahahahhahaha Crowley! Sucker-
And what’s wrong with Cas’s friends-ofc Dean, Sam- lol that angel’s sense is being strange 😅
Dean listed Sam‘s past failures(?) lol you nasty boy be kind to your bro.
ET goes home…😢 hey, just live together guys you are family
Aww Cupid’s arrow goes to unexpected man, haha so sweeet
Aghh… Crowley is so irritated, annoying, bastard, but I hate his humor the most cause it works sooo well for me shit…he’s hilarious…..and why he’s so fluent in human culture?? lol
I think Dean has a really sharp instinct…and also me too, Metatron is so suspicious from the start. and Naomi is such a sucker, but her words now, sounds sincere. Oh CAS JUST BELIEVE DEAN FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!🫨
Awwwwwwww Sammy……………😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭you sometimes disappointed your bro yeah that’s right but family is just like that thing, just fight sometimes and abuse each other sometimes but still together…… Dean’s words making me cry, ohhh no little brother, don’t go anywhere……
Oh, so now the heaven and hell all screwed??????Well done Cas, Naomi, and every angels, well-done and especially fyou Metatron
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tempi-dispari · 2 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2023/07/03/heavenfall-i-festival-sono-magici/
Heavenfall: i festival? Sono magici
Gli Heavenfall nascono nel settembre del 2003. Dopo lunghi anni di prove, songwriting, spettacoli dal vivo, sudore, dolore e tanta sfortuna, il primo full lenght “Falling From Heaven” ha visto la luce nel 2012. Ha riscosso entusiastici riscontri da parte del pubblico e della stampa. Le dieci tracce di “Falling From Heaven” esprimono gli obiettivi della band e la visione personale dell’heavy metal attraverso l’interpretazione artistica delle lotte generate dalla vita. Dopo un cambio di line up la band inizia a scrivere del nuovo materiale. In questa intervista la band esprime il proprio punto di vista sulla condizione dei live in Italia, cosa significa per loro suonare dal vivo, il proprio concetto di underground. Come sempre, mille stimoli per una chiacchierata tutta da leggere.
Una presentazione per chi non vi conosce
Ciao a tutti i lettori di Tempi-Dispari.it, ciao Carmine, grazie per averci concesso questo spazio.
Noi siamo gli Heavenfall, heavy metal band della provincia di Milano, attiva dal 2003.
Per chi volesse approfondire la conoscenza della nostra musica, può ascoltare il nostro album Falling from heaven del 2012 e l’ep The besiders del 2017, in attesa del nuovo album a cui stiamo lavorando.
Entriamo subito nel merito dell’intervista: per qualcuno la musica live sta morendo. Cosa ne pensate?
Sicuramente la situazione che la pandemia ci ha lasciato non è delle più facili, molti locali che proponevano musica dal vivo hanno chiuso, organizzare degli eventi ha spesso dei retroscena burocratici difficilmente gestibili (la cancellazione delle edizioni dello scorso anno di Rock Inn Somma e Grave Party ne sono degli esempi).
Ma nonostante questo ci sono delle realtà che tengono duro e con grande passione portano avanti questa missione (Coop Metal Beer, Rock Inn Somma, i ragazzi di WFR per fare degli esempi, ma ce ne sono molti altri).
Insomma, le realtà che propongono situazioni live interessanti esistono, sta a noi informarci e alzare il culo, magari facendo qualche km in più per supportarle.
Che cosa vuol dire per voi suonare dal vivo?
Per noi suonare dal vivo è fondamentale, siamo decisamente una live band, nel corso degli anni abbiamo dimostrato che la dimensione dove rendiamo al meglio è sicuramente il palco. Lo scambio di energia tra band e pubblico durante un concerto è un’esperienza unica per entrambe le parti, probabilmente l’attività più importante per una band come la nostra.
Senza contare il fatto che è proprio in sede di concerto l’occasione per avere dei feedback sullo show e sulla proposta musicale, inoltre ci dà la possibilità di incontrare ascoltatori e altre band e conoscere tantissima gente interessante.
Perché avete deciso di prendere parte ad un festival?
Partecipare ai festival è una delle cose più belle del suonare in giro, l’atmosfera che si crea in queste occasioni ha sempre qualcosa di magico, si percepisce veramente un senso di comunità e di supporto, oltre ad essere un’ottima occasione per scoprire band che non si conoscevano.
Secondo la vostra esperienza, come è cambiato il pubblico?
Il pubblico cambia come cambiano i tempi, fino a non molto tempo fa si sarebbe potuto dire che il pubblico si è impigrito, ma più recentemente sembra ci sia una vera e propria fame di concerti, di conoscere band nuove, sembrerebbe tornata la voglia di musica.
Forse come conseguenza delle privazioni causate dalla pandemia, chissà… Sarà interessante vedere come si evolverà la situazione nei prossimi mesi.
Vedete un cambio generazionale?
Fortunatamente assistendo a diversi concerti capita di imbattersi in ragazzi e ragazze giovanissimi (sia sul palco che nel pubblico), forse non tanti quanto dovrebbero essere per garantire un efficace ricambio generazionale, ma è comunque incoraggiante vedere che non siamo sempre i soliti dinosauri ad essere interessati a questo genere di musica.
La difficoltà maggiore del suonare dal vivo?
Sicuramente trovare locali o festival dove suonare è sempre complicato, le occasioni sono poche e c’è un sovraffollamento di band come mai prima. In realtà questa potrebbe essere una risorsa, potrebbero esserci tantissimi eventi di successo, ma per poter far questo bisognerebbe prima educare pubblico e band all’interesse, alla ricerca attiva di band e situazioni che valga la pena supportare. E’ un discorso veramente troppo lungo e complesso per poter essere affrontato in poche righe, ma si può riassumere dicendo che se non c’è richiesta di eventi del genere, se non c’è interesse, manca anche la possibilità di organizzarne.
Cosa manca ai concerti, pubblicità, supporto del pubblico o cosa?
Come si diceva, il supporto del pubblico è spesso la cosa che manca, ma capita anche di vedere eventi poco pubblicizzati o mal organizzati, col risultato di non coinvolgere persone che magari sarebbero state interessate. Capita spesso di sentire frasi come “se l’avessi saputo ci sarei andato” e questa è una conseguenza non solo della scarsa pubblicità, ma anche della sopracitata mancanza di educazione alla ricerca attiva di ciò che può interessarci, invece di sorbirci quello che ci viene propinato.
Una band per cui vi piacerebbe aprire?
Difficile sceglierne una, ce ne sarebbero a centinaia da citare!
Sicuramente avere a che fare con band più conosciute è sempre occasione per imparare, carpire i segreti e fare nostri tutti quei piccoli accorgimenti che possono fare la differenza quando si tratta di far crescere una band emergente.
Una che vorreste aprisse per voi?
Per noi suonare dal vivo è sempre stata occasione di confronto e condivisione con le altre band, abbiamo incontrato tantissime persone veramente in gamba e alla mano e ci piacerebbe continuare ad incontrarne, che suonino prima o dopo di noi.
Il vostro concetto di underground?
Difficile dare una definizione di underground che ne possa rappresentare tutti gli aspetti, non si tratta solo di band che provano a farsi strada per far conoscere la propria musica, ma è anche passione, voglia di conoscere e mettersi in gioco, creare qualcosa per sé e gli altri. La sua ‘malattia’ peggiore? La cura? La ‘malattia’ dell’underground è il disinteresse, il non capire che la differenza tra una band che ce l’ha fatta e una che rimane nel completo anonimato è spesso solo questione di quanta gente se ne interessa. Attenzione, questo non significa che sia corretto supportare chiunque a prescindere, è giusto supportare solo le band che ci piacciono, ma per poter scoprire queste band dobbiamo ascoltarle almeno una volta.
La sua cura è la condivisione, il passaparola, la curiosità e la voglia di scoprire cose nuove che ci possano piacere.
Una band underground che consigliereste? Di band underground straordinarie ce ne sono parecchie, ma dovendone scegliere una sola da consigliare sarebbero gli Unscarred, amici di vecchia data, coi quali abbiamo suonato tantissime volte e che dal vivo sono di una potenza devastante.
Una mainstream che ancora vi stupisce?
Anche qui ce ne sarebbero tantissime da citare, molte band mainstream ormai non hanno più nulla da dire, ma altre sono ancora in grado di sorprendere, così su due piedi consiglierei di ascoltare l’ultimo album dei The Pretty Reckless (avevo scritto l’ultimo Obituary, ma bisognerebbe definire meglio il concetto di mainstream).
Una domanda che non vi hanno mai posto ma vi piacerebbe vi fosse rivolta?
Probabilmente qualsiasi band vuole parlare della propria musica, dei significati che contiene e del messaggio che veicola, quindi ci piacerebbe ricevere domande di approfondimento sui testi o su qualche particolare scelta artistica della nostra musica.
Se foste voi ad intervistare, ipotizzando di avere a disposizione anche una macchina del tempo, chi intervistereste e cosa gli chiedereste?
La storia della musica, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il metal, è costellata di band che hanno sfornato capolavori, ma che non sono mai riuscite ad emergere nonostante le premesse per farlo ci fossero tutte.
Sarebbe interessante chiedere a loro cosa sia andato storto, capire quanto sia stata determinante una mancanza interna o se invece si sia trattato solo di sfortuna. Anche perchè imparare dagli errori degli altri è uno dei metodi migliori per crescere.
Un saluto e una raccomandazione a chi vi legge Un saluto a tutti i lettori di Tempi-Dispari.it e ancora grazie per averci concesso questo spazio, siate sempre curiosi e cercate da soli le cose che vi possono interessare. Vi aspettiamo tutti sabato 8 Luglio al Coop Metal Beer Festival ad Abbiategrasso (MI), sarà una grande festa e un esempio perfetto per dimostrare che la musica underground non ha nulla da invidiare a quella mainstream.
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phightingaus · 1 month ago
HAIIII HAIIII!! I have an AU to submit!
“Ad astra per aspera” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca
We are not what they made us.
This is really just a Phighting/Regretevator AU & crossover. It’s supposed to flesh out the existing SFOTH deities characters while also implementing my own headcanons on them. Please acknowledge that I know this ISN’T canon and is VERY OOC, I’m just having fun and projecting.
The Regretevator universe (or at least my AU of it) and this Phighting AU are interconnected, so the NPCs and Phighting characters will interact at some point. I may or may not hold off on making the fic for the release of Orison since I think it could work well with my fic.
Yes, there are ships, but please note I will be doing rarepairs and oc x canon as some of the main pairings.
The pairings are as follows:
Medkit x Trident (OC)
Arcticbrand (Arctic Fowl (OC) x Firebrand)
Windforce x Carolina Mach
Venomshank x Phyllisia (OC, not from Phighting or Regretevator)
Subspace x Fermion (OC)
If you’d like for me to go over the AUs, just let me know! For now, I’d like to be referred as Heavenfall Anon. Tysm and have a good day!
A. i do not know what OOC means B. doing an AU to flesh out a story SHOULD be done more, i have my own AU, THE CHAOS AU
and C. why Banscythetana most people don't ship banscythe, so it's kinda already a rarepair~ish
D. isn't ilumina like implied to be the guy who cut off Zuka's arm
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deva-26 · 2 years ago
That was quite the tale, Jack. It’s the first time I’ve heard work with all those characters interacting, so I’m not familiar with their combined history. But what I could feel from them, just from this recording, is their trust, love and support that they have for one another.
The emotions, especially between Jack and Jimothy, so moving, so much concern for each other’s we’ll being, heart-strings successfully tugged! Especially when Jim was waiting for Jack to come back. 🥺
I hope Jack makes it back to his family! And i hope you had a wonderful birthday! 🎉
hey folks, Heavenfall-my largest project to date-is live and free to the public on all platforms. 
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sporadicblizzardwerewolf · 1 year ago
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sunnydotjpeg · 2 years ago
sykkuno finally fulfilling the prophecy set forth by ironmouse and becoming a vtuber
i don't usually watch him but the model is genuinely so nice the artist did a great job
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quadrantbreaker · 5 months ago
? what the fuck was that season finale
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beachesgetpeaches · 1 year ago
knowing what my #1 spotify song has become predictable (its august by taylor swift) BUT my #21 is Looking For Somebody (To Love)
im tagging:
@ohcaroline @medeas-chariot @heavenfalls @backgroundagent3 @footprint-in-the-snow @eyeofthemoose @rawrkittenpurr @malewifebillcage @gendryastarkers
to tell me their #21, then pick another random number between 2-100 and tag other people to post theirs and pick another number
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insidemymind19 · 11 months ago
I’ve been struggling to think of the words to describe how I’m feeling right now but, the 1975 you truly not only changed my life but saved me and for that I will be forever thankful, the community of strong, intelligent people that I have met through this app and band who mean more to me than I can ever say I just love you all so much ❤️❤️
I am so unbelievably sorry if I forget someone but anyone that has ever interacted with me I love you ❤️
@automaticllamacycle @all-things-fic @abiiorren @abiiors @controlmyfeet @emogirl69420401 @everythingdenied @finkinthisfrew @goldrushgoingunder @got-zofran @heavenfalls @hypersonic04 @heyidkyay @iregretbeingherewheniwas10 @justanamesstuff @justlikemebutsixfootthree @kate-inhaler-1975 @nowshesdoingitallthetime @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @ohcaroline @partoftheairforce @poisonmedaddy13 @procrastinatinglikeapro @ros3chu @robbersinaforeignlanguage @straightouttamagazineface @sofaritsalrightsposts @tillthelandslide @think0fmehigh @thefrontofmymind @toomuchracket @the1975attheirverybest @ughgoaway @wrestletotheground @x-a-black-winged-dove-x @you-muppet @zzzhealy @3terna15unshin3
How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard❤️
I love you all so much ❤️
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phightingheadcanons · 1 month ago
HI!!! HIII!!! I’m the one who made the stupidly long SFOTH hcs for their (belated) birthday vid! I’m back with extra extra hcs which are also from my AU called Heavenfall!
TW FOR (TECHNICALLY) CANNIBALISM!! I SWEAR ITS NOT THAT WEIRD BUT TW ANYWAYS!!! (If it is PLEASE let me know I promise I’ll change it cause I can’t tell if this concept is super weird or not 😭)
The SFOTH deities can make already preexisting demons biologically related to them by having them consume a certain portion of their flesh/blood. Disgusting, I know, but I couldn’t think of other alternatives that would be cool :(
Those who ate a deities flesh or drank a portion of their blood are as follows:
Trident (Drank Darkheart’s blood)
Sword (Ate Venomshank’s finger)
Rocket (Drank Illumina’s blood, though that was WAYYY later into the plot)
Yeah that’s all lmao
Remember how I said there’s gods from different realms in my other hc post? Yeah, there’s a total of 3.
The one at the top is the Plane of Elysia (aka Heaven). Those who inhabit it are called Elysians.
The one in the middle is the Mortal Realm, which is a part of a certain Roblox game’s universe. I’ll give you another hint: It has a parasite.
The one at the bottom is the Inpherno! Gods from the mortal and Elysian realm are not allowed there because of the propaganda that they’re naturally hostile and evil beings.
I’m basing Scythe off of Castorice from Honkai Star Rail in this AU.
Medkit isn’t entirely an inphernal.
Trident lives in Playground and is the older sister figure to Skateboard, Coil, and Boombox, though she’s kinda childish sometimes.
Subspace is dating the literal deity that created the base for the crystals he and Medkit made. Her name is Fermion (I think). Shes addicted to his rot and would consume it in exchange for (TEMPORARILY!!) curing him.
Illumina isn’t gonna date anyone in my au, though if I were to change my mind he’d probably date Zuka. Yes, they “make up” in this universe. No, I don’t care if it wouldn’t be like that canonically. This is my story. KYS (JOKING JOKINGGGG)
Illumina likes jazz. He also really likes Laufey and Mitski.
Firebrand is a huge fan of rock, so is Windforce and Venomshank.
Ghostwalker doesn’t listen to anything.
Venomshank’s wife isn’t too fond of rock, but she doesn’t judge. He still doesn’t play it when she’s home so that she’s comfortable. He loves his wife to pieces.
Darkheart listens to death metal and hip hop (occasionally).
Icedagger likes nightcore.
That’s all from me! I guess since I can’t remember what my anon name is for the life of me I’ll be referred to as SFOTH anon if that’s okay :) have a good day!!!
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medeas-chariot · 5 months ago
Ten people i'd like to get to know better
tagged by: @ros3chu 🩷 (the other post was getting long lol so I made a new one)
last song: Wong Be Long - The Hives
favorite color: Green and purple
last book: currently reading 100 nights of hero
last movie: Blue Beetle
last tv show: The Newsreader
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet, I have sweet tooth oops
relationship status: single
last thing i googled: cargo trousers
current obsession: taylor zakhar perez, no man can be that beautiful lol
looking forward to: Halloween
tagging: @girlm0ss always @x-a-black-winged-dove-x @heavenfalls @hereyeswerefilledwiththestars :)
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frootielooties · 1 year ago
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆💋.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆ .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚💌。⋆.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
i’m jules !! welcome to my blog :)
i reblog things i think are cool, but sometimes i’ll make gifs of new music videos i love
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i’m a senior in high school, starting my first year of college in august. i love cd & vinyl collecting!
❀ big wallows lover, the 1975, timothée chalamet, poetry, taylor swift, arctic monkeys, slaughterhouse five, ethel cain, criminal minds, mgg, the dare/turtlenecked, charli, dachshunds, stardew & animal crossing, donnie darko, bleachers, kurtis / danny / drew
i’ll update the list as life goes on 🫡 if you have any recs feel free to dm me!! i love listening to new things!!
✩ my concerts: wallows (oct 10, 2022), taylor swift (may 6, 2023), bleachers (may 28, 2024), wallows (august 20, 2024), wallows (feb 19 & 20, 2025)
pinterest letterboxd spotify airbuds
❀ asks are always welcome!!
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♡ my favorite blogs - @cottoncandywhispers @seals-are-cool @kosmogrl @mothprincess @heavenfalls @hromantics @petitworld @controlmyfeet @chloesevigny @beachesgetpeaches @hereyeswerefilledwiththestars @touteslesfilles @stayinsidemymind @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @viennaangel @alltheliars @allmyusualtricks @zandrapaints @haniishu @nikswonderland @evermqres
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doesntseeyourbeauty · 8 months ago
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What’s your lock screen, last song you listened to, last picture taken, and last movie you watched?
tagged by @sitpwgs (coco my beloved 🤍)
tagging: @ros3chu @cottoncandywhispers @shortnsweetgf @heavenfalls @nowshesdoingitallthetime @hereyeswerefilledwiththestars
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phightingaus · 1 month ago
I, Heavenfall anon, has returned and I feel like there’s some things I should explain for my AU:
Im not following the canon plot. This is my own thing that im doing for funsies.
I don’t care if the ships don’t make sense or if I have too many rarepairs. They make sense in MY AU, and I acknowledge that they’d never be canon in the og universe. This is purely self-indulgent.
Neither Illumina nor Darkheart cut off Zuka’s arm. Soda said that on a stream and I learned about this from the phighting blog page on Twitter that I cannot remember the actual user of. I think it’s bogcom?
I should’ve specified this on my og ask, so I apologize for the misunderstanding.
ok thank you but, you don't have to go anon cause you want a tag
uhhh then what happened to zuka's arm
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thedarkwithinusbook1 · 27 days ago
The Dark Within Us - "It's In Our Blood"
North Chaseville Lofts - II -
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Home was a place I knew I could go to after an awful day. Sometimes I'd feel as if I had really let the world down, and my mother would be there. It would be some of the smaller things, school or girls, and sometimes it'd be issues that made me existentially terrified. Whatever it was, she was there for; no matter what I needed, or didn't need, she never pried or made it into a big thing. She just knew how to help me ground myself and regain control again. I loved her for that, and I was always happy that she was in my life.
Today was a different type of existential terror.
I went up the stairs with Matt, making my way to my mom's apartment. My feet lagged, each step that I took feeling heavier and heavier. I wasn't sure what terrified me more: going home after what had just happened at Heavenfall, bringing a monster-slaying stranger into my mom's apartment, or telling my mom everything without being called a liar.
I felt Matt reach up to my shoulder from behind. "Hey," he said softly, "are you gonna be okay going up there?"
I stopped at the top of the stairs, just down the hall from my apartment door. I sighed, then turned back to Matt. His eyes stared up at me with a type of concern I hadn't expected from a boy I just met. They were kind, concerned, but also...tired. I took a deep breath. "I just...don't know what to do now," I said to Matt.
Matt nodded softly, making his way up the last step of the stairs, meeting me eye to eye. "This is your next move," he said. "Everything has changed for you now, but you can choose to pretend this world doesn't exist, or let your mom in on what's going on."
I scoffed, slowly making my way down the hall. "My mom wouldn't believe any of this," I muttered. "She'd think I was on something."
Matt chuckled. "Sure. She might. She could believe everything you tell her, too. You have to decide whether it's worth it to let her know that much."
I nodded, weighing my options. Lying to my mom was one thing, but admitting a dark and insane truth as monsters of darkness attacking me at my school, a place of holy worship, was something I couldn't put into words to her. Growing up in a Catholic household proved difficult some days, and this was one of those days. With doubt in the beliefs I was raised to put my faith into, I didn't know how to bring any of this up to my mom.
When I finally got out of my own head and cleared my thoughts, I realized I had made my way to our front door, and Matt had been right beside me this whole time. I could've told him to go away, and make himself scarce, but a gut feeling told me I'd need him beside me for this next bit. I let out a deep breath, and found myself knocking at the door, awaiting my mother's response.
"Ronnie?" I heard my mother call from inside. "Espera, mijo; it's locked," she said. I bowed my head, waiting for her to come to the door. I could feel Matt standing tall and strong next to me. He had so much more mettle than I ever did. I'd like to blame school, or my extracurriculars somehow, but I couldn't with a literal demon hunter beside me.
I heard the door unlock, and let out a sigh of relief. The front door opened, and my mom stood on the other side of the door with a faint smile on her face. She glanced at Matt briefly, then stepped back to let us in. "Hungry?" she asked.
I smiled, and turned back to Matt, who nodded. I shrugged. "Sure, mom." We walked into the apartment, and I wondered why my mom didn't question Matt's presence. Matt followed behind and closed the apartment door, entering the small place I called home. My mom's pieces of furniture were all second-hand pieces; stuff from her mom, or her dad, or her mom and dad's parents. They were the grandparents I never met, and never would've even been able to share stories with because of the language barrier between us. It never bothered me, though, because I always had Mom around.
Matt glanced around the apartment and smiled. "I like this," he said, gesturing to a tapestry up against our wall. I chuckled, nodding at the Virgin Mary imagery on the tapestry.
My mom looked up at Matt, head poking over the kitchen counter with pots and pans on top. "It's pretty, no?"
I sat down at the kitchen table behind the couch, and watched as Matt wandered around the living room. As I stared at him, I felt a strange familiarity with him, as if he had been in my life all along. Once he entered my thoughts, the reminder of the attack at Heavenfall came rushing in; the flashback shattered in my mind like broken glass. I felt numb as all I could see was that monster's face as it ran towards me. My legs were shaking and my arms were shivering.
"Ronnie?" my mother called. I gasped, and suddenly she was kneeling down next to me, holding my hands in hers. "Breathe, mijo, ok? Don't forget to breathe." Matt stood beside me, hand behind my back. I could feel his hand rise and fall with each heavy breath I took. My mom patted my hand and stood. "Tea," she said.
. . .
I wrapped my hands around the warm mug, watching the steam rise from the cup. Plates of rice and chicken were placed around the table I sat at. Matt and my mother sat beside me, each slowly eating their plates of food. I struggled to lift the mug from the table. I could feel their eyes burning into me, staring to examine my condition. Concern, sure, but...I hated feeling weak.
Matt cleared his throat. "Thank you for the meal, Mrs. Reid," he said. "Super good."
My mom waved him off. "It's just leftovers," she scoffed. "But call me Lorena. I never took Ronnie's father's name."
I glanced up, noticing Matt's eyes perk up at this detail. He nodded slowly, chewing his meal as he turned back to me. I looked back at my mother, surprised at what she said. She almost never talked about my dad.
I pushed my mug away, then built up the courage to finally speak. "Mom," I croaked, "I...was attacked today."
My mom's knife dropped from her hand, clattering against her plate. She turned to me with wide eyes. "Who attacked you?" she asked. "Where was this? Why are you just NOW telling me this?"
I stammered, struggling to find the words, when Matt chimed in. "Lorena, it's my fault," he said. "I, uh...wasn't quick enough to defend him. It was really bad, and I think it was kind of a shock for Ronnie too, you know?"
I listened as the two began to discuss Heavenfall's safety parameters, and how Matt waltzed right in as I had been attacked, but the school had no other security detail, despite its hefty tuition rates. The two ridiculed the institution's lack of initiative on the matter when I shook my head. "Kind of a shock?" I muttered. "It was a demon, Mom."
My mom and Matt turned back to me, the conversation between them trailing off. My mom leaned closer. "Demon?"
I turned to Matt, who gave a slight nod, then back to my mom. "A demon," I said. "I don't know what happened...Matt, over here, knows a little bit more, but yes. I just...feel like I'm losing my mind."
I sat there, trying to control my breathing, when I noticed the glances my mom shared with Matt. Something began to feel strange again. I didn't know what it was that they knew, or that I didn't know, but I was sure that something was beginning to be kept from me. Was I becoming crazy? Paranoid, even? Maybe. Maybe I really was losing my mind, but how would I know? Do crazy people know that they are crazy?
I turned to Matt. "Is what you told me real?" I asked. I watched for his response.
Matt chewed his spoonful of rice and swallowed. "About?"
I struggled to speak as I opened my mouth and softly croaked, "About...the Darkslayers?"
Matt took another spoonful of rice and nodded. "Oh, yeah," he said with his mouth full of food. "Yep. Race of warriors, darkness and hearts of light, all that."
I blinked in utter shock, then turned to my mother, whose reaction surprised me just a little bit more. Rather than also being in shock, she frowned. She looked...upset. "M-Mom?"
My mother looked up at me, eyes welling up in tears. "Lo siento," she said. "I...I hate that this is happening."
I felt my face grow numb as I felt a sense of panic. "Mom, what is happening?" I asked. "Did...you know this would happen?"
My mother pushed her plate of food away from her, then sat up from her chair. She walked around the dinner table, making her way towards the hallway. She approached one of the doors; her bedroom door. "I don't have all of the answers for you, Ronnie. But Matt here can help. So can your father."
I gasped as I watched my mom open her bedroom door. "My father?" I cried.
My mom stepped to the side, and out came a tall, heavy built man with dark hair and gray sideburns. His beard was a mix of gray and black with stubble reaching over his lips and cheeks, and his eyes were dark with bags under his eyelids. His hair was clean cut, and the white button up shirt he wore was neat and form-fitting, revealing how fit he seemed to be at his age. He smiled weakly at me. "Hi, son."
I almost choked on my own vomit seeing this man. I had grown up almost never seeing or knowing my father. As far as I knew, he had just vanished. He was never around in my mother's life, and seemingly never needed to be. She worked so hard being a single parent, being both my mother and my father in his absence. I never felt the need to ask about him, nor did she ever seem to want to bring him up. He was an enigma of sorts; a piece of history I was never taught, and never bothered learning either. And now he was here in my kitchen.
He cleared his throat. "Are you oka-"
"17 years," I growled, cutting him off, "and today is the day? This is when you decided to come on by?"
I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. Matt suddenly leaned closer to me. "Ronnie, take a breath. Hear the man out."
I shrugged Matt's hand off of my shoulder. "I don't even KNOW you, man! Six hours ago, you didn't exist, and my father was a ghost!"
"Shh, Ronnie, no," my mom said, hushing me. "You don't know the whole story."
"Apparently not!" I cried out, feeling my numb fingers clenched tightly. "My entire world has just gone to hell, and all of you are treating me like a child who knows nothing, and I'm realizing that I don't know anything, and I don't understand why or how long it's been like this for!"
My mom rushed to my side and held me tight. Her long soft hair draped over my head like a blanket almost. "Mijo, escucha...it's really him. And he knows what to do."
The man smiled at my mother, then slowly came around the kitchen table. He brushed past Matt, then kneeled in front of me. "Your mom did everything for you, Ronnie. I...wasn't here. I wanted to be, but life had different plans for me." He glanced at Matt, then sighed. "I didn't know what it was like to have a son when I had you, but now that I'm here..." He turned back to me, with a weak smile and a single tear dropping from his eye. "I want to make sure you never have to feel the way you did today."
His voice was deep and low, but almost soothing. I turned to face him, just a little bit, as he nodded and continued. "That fear of death is...something that awakened you. It's in your blood; our blood. It showed you what this world can truly be like, but unfortunately, that looming fear is something that you inherited. Matt has it, and I have it...and now, you do too."
I glanced over at Matt, who stared down at his feet, arms crossed over his chest. I could see him nod slowly at this detail, as if he had endured what I endured today. I sniffled, wiping a tear away from my face, then pulled away from my mom, who stroked my hair before stepping back. I cleared my throat, then spoke. "W-what do you mean, inherited?"
He smiled. "Well...Matt explained, didn't he?" he asked, turning to Matt.
Matt sighed. "Hyperios; the last few warriors left facing the resurgence of Darkness. Robert here is a Hyperios Darkslayer, and I am too." Matt turned to face me. "Ronnie, so are you. That's why today happened."
I nodded at Matt, turning back to Robert. I stared at his wrinkles, taking in his facial features across his aged face. His eyes, his faint smile at me told me what I was afraid of. I didn't know if I trusted this man, but the longer I stared at him, the more I knew...he really was my father.
My mother stepped close to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Sweetie, he's right," she said. I looked up at her, still in disbelief of everything. "When I met your father, he...would tell me stories. He fought monsters, and lived a very hard life. I didn't know all of this when I fell in love with him, but...then I had you." My mom sat in a chair beside me. "I didn't know if this life was one I wanted with him, where I'd always be on the run with my baby. But Robert knew he had to do what he was born to do, but take care of his son as well."
I blinked at this last note, son, when my mother waved her hands around the apartment. "All of this, all that you have, and your time at the Academy, would not have been possible without him. I only make so much, so thankfully Robert would help pay for what you needed." My mother turned back to Robert. "He did what he could as a father without putting you or me in danger."
Robert nodded. "I didn't want this to be the way you found out, Ronnie, but it's where we are now. The resurgence of Darkness is emerging from the West, and it is here, and now it has a hold on you." Robert stood up, reaching for a bag placed beside the couch. "There is little time for us to destroy its source while also showing you what it means to be a Hyperios Warrior, but it needs to be done."
I was at a loss for words. After the day I had, after what I saw at Heavenfall Academy, and after all I had learned in the span of an hour, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and forget about it. I wanted to forget everything; about the monsters, about Matt, about the demon slaying race of warriors, and about my estranged absentee father who decided to invade my life and ask me to destroy a source in the West. Before I knew it, I was already up out of the chair, and I had walked straight into the bedroom.
Maybe my mother and Robert called after me, but I wasn't listening. I tuned everything out as all I could hear were my own thoughts, and blood pulsing through my ears with each beat of my heart. My head was throbbing, and my mind was racing. What the hell had my life begun?
A knocking began to fade into sound as I broke out of my thoughts and glanced at my bedroom door. I could hear a voice faintly speak on the other side; "It's Matt. Can I come in?"
I sighed, and called back to Matt, "Yeah." Matt slowly cracked the door slightly and slid into my room and quietly closed the door behind him. He smiled, taking a glance around the room. I had random medals and trophies plastered across my shelves and walls. "You...were on the debate team?"
I scoffed softly, amused at the question. "Yeah, I was."
Matt nodded, smiling at the medals, bringing one close to him in his hand. "And baseball," he said, impressed. He glanced at another. "But that one is for track?"
I sighed. "I did a lot of stuff throughout school," I admitted. "All of it kept me busy, but I liked it."
Matt turned to me and smiled. "I can see why it would," he said. "It's like, all of the practice and dedication it took to get where you did paid off in the end, but why stop at succeeding once?" He waved his arms across my wall of medals and trophies. "You can't stop once you get good, can you?"
I smirked, nodding at Matt's flattery. "I guess, yeah."
Matt nodded, then made his way to my desk chair and sat down. He turned the chair to face me, then sighed. I felt the pressure of what he was about to say. "Y'know, I've known Robert for a really long time," he started. "Most of my life, really. I wish I grew up like you, to be honest. All of this, all you did in your life before today, it all seems really fulfilling. Growing up, all I had was bloodshed. My parents died at the hands of some Darklings, and Robert saved me. He took me in, raised me and trained me to be a Darkslayer like my parents were."
I shuddered at that last detail before Matt chuckled. "Yes, Ronnie, my parents were Darkslayers, and they died. A lot of us die, and a lot of us have died, but running with Robert has taught me how to live well enough to survive, and I'll be the first to admit, it's a miracle I made it as far as I have. I, uh, couldn't have done it without your dad, Ronnie."
I let Matt's words sink in; the truth of the matter was that as much of a ghost he was to me, my father was a true hero for others. I couldn't have known that, but now that my life was in danger, he had come to save me. My father, essentially a stranger, came back for me, and I was expected to leave my life behind to journey with him.
Matt leaned forward, reaching for my hands and grasping them softly. It caught me off guard, but then he spoke. "I get the hesitation, man. Going on a road trip down a road that'll lead to certain death is not the best reunion for your dad and you, but...for the last few years, he has done NOTHING except marvel at your successes and tell me how much he misses you."
I felt tears finally well up in my eyes. I hated believing any of this was true, but suddenly, there felt like there was nothing but sincerity in his words. Matt truly trusted Robert, and he truly believed Robert wanted to be back in my life again. I cursed the fact that the only circumstance in which this was happening was due to my surprise duty to fight supernatural entities, but...this was my life. I looked up at Matt, and nodded softly. "I just...I don't want to leave my mom behind," I admitted.
Matt smiled softly at me, then nodded in agreement. "If things work out, you'll be back in less than a week, and your mom and you will be alright."
I gave my room one more glance, gazing at the memories I've made living in Chaseville with my mom. The little neighborhood parties we went to on holidays, our mornings at church going to Spanish mass despite me not knowing any Spanish, our lazy nights ordering takeout from small local food trucks, all of it was at risk of going away forever. If things worked out, my mom and I would be able to do all of that all over again. Hopefully.
Suddenly, a knock came from my bedroom door. "Ronnie, are you okay?" called my mother.
Matt sat up from the bed and turned to me. I sighed, gesturing to Matt. "Yeah, ma, I'm here."
The door cracked open, with my mom poking her head through. She glanced at Matt and smiled. "Mijo, you mind if-?"
"Y-yeah," Matt replied softly. "I'll let you two chat." Matt walked to the bedroom door, where my mom held it wide open for him to leave the room. She sighed, entered my room, and closed the door behind her.
My mom approached me. "What, um...what are you thinking?"
She sat next to me on the bed and placed a warm hand over mine. I sighed, searching for the words. "I...think I...always knew?" I shook my head. "I mean, like, I always had...a feeling, I guess, that there was something strange going on. Not about dad not being around, but with feeling different. Like, things were perfect, but almost too perfect for me, I think. I never thought about it until recently I guess, but things were always like that. Always...perfect."
My mom nodded. "They were, weren't they?"
I shrugged. "But none of it was real, was it? This is real. Monsters, and dark whatever, and needing to go out and stop them from coming back anywhere."
My mom sighed. "Yes, mijo." She glanced around the room for a moment before continuing. "You...don't have to go, though." I looked up at my mom, surprised. She placed her hand on mine. "This life doesn't have to be for you."
I considered her words, and considered the options. Stay home, forget any of this ever happened, and continue living life as I knew it, or…
And that's when I realized, I would never be able to forget any of this. How could I?
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dzthenerd490 · 1 month ago
Space Marine Legionnaires: Dark Angels
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Description: The first Legion created by the God Emperor to be led by his 1st God Child Lion. During the Golden Age of the Imperium they were recognized as honorable knights that defended the Imperium while attacking their enemies with great power. They set off a great legacy and example to all soon to be created Legions.
However during the Horus Heresy Lion noticed that half of his force of Legionnaires betrayed him and joined the Heresy to fight for the Fallen Gods. They tried to not only exterminate them but all evidence of their existence to maintain the pride of the 1st ever Legion. However this did not work as many Imperial forces as well as other Legions saw the Fallen traitors and considered them the absolute worst. Not because they were stronger, faster, more talented, but the fact that Lion did not know they were traitors until the Heresy and therefore proved he had no control over his Legion.
It was also Lion’s desperation for redemption that led to the God Children giving up their life energy to save the God Emperor which only achieved in killing him faster and by extension themselves. Even if it led to all of Terra beginning the holy shining star it is today it still left deep shame on all Dark Angels.
Thus, they have made it their mission to redeem themselves by defending the Lion region of the Imperium and once again earning the faith of their people and the Imperium as a whole. It should be noticed they are the ONLY Legion that is not immune to the effects of Chaos as all other Legionnaires that could be affected are already under Chaos. At any time, a Dark Angel can become disillusioned and begin to hear the calls of the Chaos Gods as a result allowing them to answer said calls even by accident. It is for this reason that no matter how many Tyranids they kill, how many Necrons they crush, how many Eldar they enslave, how many Skaven they grind into paste, how many worlds they save, or how many Space Marine Chapters they sire. They will forever brand the shame of being called Fallen Angels as you never know which Dark Angel will fall from grace just like their God Child and just like all of their Primarchs. It is because of this they have not been assigned to any crusades in the modern age and have instead been forced to build their own data system to keep them updated on missions and tasks without help from the rest of the Imperium.
They can still call upon Space Marine Chapters for assistance in forming teams, but they cannot expect loyalty form any of them. Not even Space Marines from Chapters sired directly form the Dark Angels. It's not uncommon nor is it considered a crime for any Imperial forces to refuse to bow to the Dark Angels as they would with any other Space Marine Legionnaires. Nor is it considered a crime to attack Dark Angels under suspicious of heresy even with minimal evidence.
Inherited Blessings:
“Wings of the Fallen” - Allows a Dark Angle to manifest large black wings on their back made of pure darkness and are as strong as Heavenfall Obsidian. These wings can be used to fly, act as shields, and the feathers can be shot out as projectiles. The best part is a Dark Angel can pluck out these feathers and have them grow into blades of any shape they desire. Furthermore they can control the feathers while they are shot out like projectiles, making them chase after targets.
“Holy Golden Armor” - Allows the Dark Knight to coat themselves in a golden light making them strong enough to withstand any attack from Chaos Daemons and even burn them with a single touch. Though it gets weaker as they are attacked by stronger Daemons it does allow them to gain an edge even against Daemon Princes.
“Arsenal of the Fallen” - allows a Dark Knight to summon one of sacred swords made of Heavenfall Obsidian and wield them though only one at a time. Each of these swords is incredibly sharp, never dull as they are practically indestructible, and carry great energy to the point that nothing can block their attack or be hoped to be sturdy enough to resist their slash. The Sword of Secrets allows the user to instantly learn all the memories and knowledge of their slayed foes. The Sword of Silence gets rid of all sound in a 10 meter radius of the wielder preventing their enemies from knowing what is happening until it is too late. The Sword of the Fallen allows the wielder to summon a powerful dark angel of death that assists the wielder in killing all of their foes. The Sword of Bane allows the user to manifest and control a dark purple like lighting from the warp that rots, burns, and mutates flesh it comes into contact with. Finally the Sword of Sanctity allows the user to manifest a veil around the user that extends 10 meters that renders anyone who is inside nonexistent to everyone outside of it.
“Lion’s Pride” - Grants all Space Marine Chapters, Imperial Troopers and other Imperial forces serving alongside the Dark Angel great power and a golden field of protecting light allowing them a greater advantage against Chaos Daemons.
“Divine Retribution” - When surrounded by either Xeno’s, Heretic Traitors, or even Chaos Daemons this can allow a Dark Angel to turn the tides. Once activated a Dark Angel will be able to drain the life force and by extension the souls of their enemies in front of them and use the energy to not only revitalize themselves but become even stronger for a short period of time.
“Arbiter’s Gaze” - A bionic eye capable of allowing the Dark Angels to see hundreds of different visions on different light spectrums, different frequencies, and even different dimensions of existence. With this bionic eye, nothing will escape the gaze of the Dark Angels.
“Eye of the Unseen” A bionic eye implanted in the other eye, grants the Dark Angels the ability to see the emotional state of those around them and can even tell when they are lying. It also allows the Dark Angels to see messages that are left only for them and can only be seen by this bionic eye.
“Holy Sword of Caliban” - A powerful sword that seemingly has no greater value on its own but acts as both a conduit and an amplifier of the Dark Angel’s psyker energy. With the sword they can cancel their psyker energy and even cast psyker spells with great ease and minimal risk of being corrupted.
“Cyber Sword of Reason” - A sword fueled with a unique form of Harmony created only by the Institute. Able to burn through anything but also has a psychic engine device within that protects the Dark Angel from madness. Should they ever feel like they are losing control they can pull out this sword and not only will it allow them to slice down their enemies but clear their mind and focus properly on how to defeat their enemies.
“Book of Salvation” - There are some Chaos Daemons that cannot be killed or defeated by simple power and weapons. Instead a different tactic is needed and that’s where the Book of Salvation comes in. Containing thousands of Psyker spells created from the Church of Lion Faith back during the Golden Age. The Book of Salvation will allow any Dark Angle to conquer and cleanse any enemy they come across no matter how complex or powerful.
“Holy Hammer of Caliban” - A powerful hammer that once again has no power on its own but when wielded by a Dark Angel can amplify their Psyker power. Allowing them to create spells within the hammer that can be unleashed through a strike unleashing devastating power that even the “Holy Sword of Caliban” can’t do at its strongest.
“Deathroar Holy Bolter” - Modeled exactly after the Bolter made for the God Child Lion, shoots devastating energy shots that explode on impact annihilating everything within 10 feet of impact. Though bolter shots from the Deathroar only annihilate recognized enemies of the Dark Angel wielding the Bolter. Everyone else won’t even be harmed though they might fall given the crater the Bolter shot might create from the resulting blast. Furthermore if the weilder is surrounded or an enemy get’s too close the user can use the “Deathroar” ability allowing the Bolter to release a shockwave like lion’s roar that will rip the skin and liquify the insides of any enemy killing them all instantly.
“Deliverer Heretic Bolter” - Vile bolter created by Heretic Priests of the Fallen Lion Church. When hitting a target specifically a Xenos who also happens to be surrounded by others of the same species the bolter shot will cause the victim to explode into energy that will strike the ten or twenty other Xeno’s of the same species. Thus after only a few shots an entire army can be wiped out in a matter of seconds. Should an enemy get too close their life force will be drained by the Heretic Bolter. With this the wielder can shoot out the soul and have it attack any enemy of the Dark Angel. Though like all Heretic Weapons one must be careful not to become too grateful for the power given otherwise they might accidentally call upon a Chaos God.
“Foe-Smiter Cyber Bolter” - A devastating Bolter that’s more like a heavily condensed railgun only even stronger than any Railgun within the Imperium. Shots a single bolt of lighting in a straight line that evaporates all organic material and causes all armor and metal to melt. As an added bonus if an enemy gets too close and strikes the Bolter they will be shocked with devastating lighting killing them instantly.
“Heretic Flail of the Unforgiven” - A vile flail that contains the soul of a Daemon executioner within. Grants the Dark Angel wielder temporary immortality so long as they continue to spill the blood of their enemies. Furthermore should anyone gain the upper hand on the Dark Angel they can call upon the Daemon within to devour the enemies.
“Holy Mace of Absolution” - Releases a strange mist that is toxic to Daemons but only blinds Xeno’s and traitors. However so long as the Dark Angel is holding the Mace they can teleport instantaneously anywhere within the mist. Furthermore the longer the enemies reside in the mist the more their sanity and sense of awareness dwindles.
“Cyber Mace of Corswain” - A mace of spinning plasma saw blades able to rip apart anything they come across. It's also possible for the Dark Angel to release these blades and have them seek out enemies. They can also act as recon cameras by stabbing themselves into the walls tricking enemies into thinking they are stuck there when they can get out at any time.
“Furious Vengeance Holy Axe” - Grants the Dark Angel wielding it an aura of flames and lighting burning and frying any enemy they come across. However the lightning bolts and flames don’t just burn enemies but heal recognized allies as well. Furthermore the Axe can float and act on its own, being able to kill enemies on behalf of the Dark Angel.
“Holy Shield of Calloson” - A Holy Shield capable of carrying an even greater power than a Void Shield ensuring no type of projectile or energy blast will harm the Dark Angel. Whenever the Dark Angel desires it a dark angel like entity will be manifested and act as a carrier for the shield to help defend the Dark Angel. This way the Dark Angel can focus on other tasks but still be defended. Furthermore the Holy Shield can extend its protection to a diameter of 10 feet around the shield through an invisible field.
“Heretic Shield of Secrets” - A vile Heretic Shield that punishes anyone who attacks it. Should enemies of the Dark Angel wielding the shield strike it they will begin to lose their sanity with each following strike. It will eventually reach a point where they will no longer recognize who they are or who their enemies are as well. Soon they will start killing each other and their blood will be fed to the Heretic Shield. Once it has obtained enough blood and souls the Dark Angel will be able to call forth a chaotic blast of energy allowing them to annihilate a thousand enemies in an instant.
“Cyber Shield of Justice” - An advanced shield that doesn’t block projectile and energy attacks but deflects them back to the one who fired with twice the power and speed, making death inevitable. However should a melee weapon strike the shield it will release a shockwave that will disable and break apart all advanced technology and weapons within a 50 meter radius. Following melee attacks will begin to distort metal causing armor to crush the wearer as well as blades and hammers to start to bend and break before they even hit anything.
Allegiance: Loyal, for the most part the Dark Angels are still loyal however, about half the Dark Angels rebelled during the Horus Heresy, leaving the rest of them under suspicion. Furthermore, due to their Primarchs always having a relatively short lifespan and the end of that life span always being paranoid insanity the Dark Angels have fallen into scrutiny. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as the Fallen Angels rather than the Dark Angels especially by other Legions. It even led to their Primarch losing the position within the Holy High Council not long after its formation.
Recruitment: Recruitment has become stagnant due to their Legion, Primarch, and even their Church falling from grace in the eyes of the rest of the Imperium. It’s gotten to the point that their Church is no longer within the United Churches but instead supported now by the Heretic Churches. As such recruitment is hardly approved or allowed by the Councils thought it still exists.
Originally before the Ultramarines rose to fame with their Primarch considered the best, many Noble Houses across the entire Galactic Imperium offered up their third and fourth children to become Legionnaires since those children are not as powerful as the first or second children chosen to ascend to the head. However, since the Dark Angels decline the majority of the Noble Houses have either turned to the Ultramarines or instead only allowed their most useless children to join the Dark Angels. As such the Dark Angels have had to look for other ways to maintain their numbers and they did but at terrible cost.
The Dark Angels have learned to stick to the shadows since their fall and utilize several common, unorthodox, and often heretical ways to keep out of sight even from the Templars. This has allowed them to do the unthinkable, they steal children born from intercourse between a male and female Space Marine.
These Children are normally born in artificial wombs after being extracted from the mother so that she can continue her service as a Space Marine. The Child is then raised by the Templars to be later assigned to a Faction within the Imperium depending on what gifts they inherited from both parents. However the Dark Angels steal these children right out of the Templar’s grasp, this unfortunately has led to them being even more out of favor of the Imperium and made their God Lion seem more like a Fallen God as a result. However, the Templars know that to have another Fallen God now would only sow doubt and fear into the Imperium and during the an age where they are still rebuilding this is the last thing needed so the Templars do nothing but increase their defenses and vow to kill any Dark Angel that they find performing this task.
The Child is then placed into the rebirthing Pod to start the mutations needed for them to become Dark Angels. Now with the genetic body and memories of the Dark Angles they understand what must be done and thus despite being forced into this they will not turn on their new Dark Angel brothers and sisters. They will continue the work of the Dark Angels as a whole, destroying the enemies of the Imperium, maintaining order within the region of Lion, and preserving the ever-dwindling faith of their honor and their church.
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