#WH40K Fanmade
dzthenerd490 · 7 days
Space Marine Chapter: Grey Wolves
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Description: The Gray Wolves Chapter hails from the Ark Ship "Storm of Fenrisa" and born from the Space Wolf Legion. Entrusted by the Imperium to kill off high ranking Xenos and Chaos Daemons in hopes of destabilizing their armies as fast as possible. They are then to help hunt down the survivors of the scattered and leaderless enemies and kill them off. The Grey Wolves pride themselves in striking the main target quickly, efficiently, and with enough flair to tell a great story later. they always enjoy talking about their exploits but only to one another, the Grey Wolves know better than to brag about their strengths and talk about their weaknesses to other Space Marines or anyone in the Imperium for that matter.
Tend to treat other members of the Imperium even other Space Marines Chapters form the Space Wolf Legion like strangers. However, treat one another as absolute family that are willing to ride with one another, fight alongside one another, and even sacrifice themselves for each other. Even the Troopers and Naval staff on their Ark Ship is considered family and no Grey Wolf will let a single crew member die or go on a day without a shared laugh. Like most Chapters created from the Space Wolves, they created their very own mead for their Chapter to personally enjoy.
Unique Trait: Grey Wolves are good at intimidating Xeno Beasts especially those bigger than themselves. They can also activate an ability called "Alpha Cry" that causes all beasts around them to bow in submission. This ability even works of Orcs and Goblins though not on Tyranids, it only makes them mad. Regardless, with this ability they can lead an army of beasts into battle to allow them to conquer any enemy with sheer numbers alone, not that a Grey Wolf would need such a tactic given their great power and their Artificial companion.
Dual Hot Blades - Two Katana like blades made with sharpened Scorching Steel allowing the Grey Wolves with their amazing blade skills to burn and cut through any enemy. Nothing is strong, durable, or even fast enough to escape the wrath of a Grey Wolf so long as they are armed with these blades.
Bolter Rifle - Modified version of the original Bolter Gun made to be able to hold 50 canisters of God Blood with a total of 1,000 bolt shots that can easily make up for its lack of power and ammunition modes. Normally only possesses Incendiary, Cryo, Explosive, Electric, and Armor Piercing frequencies. For the Grey Wolves they also possess the Tracking frequency to ensure no enemy they shoot and survives manages to escape them.
Dual Electro Accelerate Pistols - Small handheld guns that are magnetically charged ensuring the pellets shoot at speeds of Mach 5. The gun holds six canisters each holding 10 magnetic pellets for a total of 60 shots each. Not really enough to dent a Tyranid's shell, leave a lasting mark on Necron armor, or even kill an Orc. But a well-aimed shot can certainly do some damage and lead to an amazing story for the Grey Wolves later.
Artificial Wolf Mount - an Artificial created by the Institue and given to the Grey Wolves to be both a mount and a companion. Made Flesh Steel that is strong enough to resist a Tyranids talons yet is able to move like skin when connected to an artificial nervous system. Given life through two brains one of a Xeno slave and another of a Xeno beast. Both brains are used as processors to allow the Artificial to act as if a real living and breathing wolf and use its mechanisms with precision. Listening devices within the ears allow them to hear even distance sounds the Grey Wolf probably can't. The nose is designed with the most advanced sent identifying technology allowing it to track smells even better than a real wolf could. Is given claws and fangs made form the same Condensed Ceramite as the Space Marine armor ensuring it can scratch and bite even through a Necron exoskeleton. It also possesses a tongue that can scan the biomass and blood of whatever it licks and send the data to Helmet Visor of the Grey Wolf. The perfect mount, bodyguard, and companion of a Grey Wolf.
Deity of Worship: Created form the Space Wolf Legion and thus naturally worships Leman of Freedom and Loyalty. They like to uphold his traditions of having parties after victories and celebrating life but also remembering to be loyal to the Imperium and each other. However shockingly they worship Jaghatai of Adrenaline and Secrecy as well, thinking that he is responsible for their quick and efficient kills.
Recruitment: When more Grey Wolves are needed the "Storm of Fenrisa" will go to a world that either has a church of Leman or Jaghatai. They will have the orphanages owned by the church's collect the orphans and have them sent to the Ark Ship. The newly recruited Applicants will fight one another with practice swords while both the Grey Wolves and the Artificial Wolves watch. They children are to continue fighting for certain periods of time every day until one of the Artificial Wolves starts howling. Afterwards all training will stop and the Applicants will be lined up and presented in front of the Artificial Wolf.
These Artificial Wolves will either be the companions of previous Grey Wolves who have died or newly created ones to replace those that were destroyed along with their masters. They will observe the applicants and review them to see if they have the strength and biology needed to become a Grey Wolf based on all data revolving the chapter. This process tends to be faster with newly made Artificial Wolves as those who had previous masters tends to pick out applicants who had similar traits to their predecessors. If the Artificial Wolf starts cooing and gently rubbing its head on the applicant, they will be selected as a Grey Wolf.
There is a chance that applicants will go on training and thus never be selected. However, this does not mean they will be kicked out as even if they reach adulthood and are never chosen are still offered a place on the Storm of Fenrisa. Weather this be a janitor, navy staff, or even a Trooper Guard. So long as they can handle their alcohol they will never be considered an outcast within the Ark Ship.
Applicants to become Grey Wolves will be escorted to the center of the Ark Ship where they will be placed in the Rebirth Pods. Once they are a Grey Wolf, they will be welcomed by the rest of the ship crew through a party where they will be expected to drink the specialized mead drank only by the Grey Wolves. Those that can handle a whole jug of the mead will be called "Brothers and Sisters". Those that take time to adjust to the mead will be called "Cousins". This isn't meant to be a full-on insult merely a playful nickname though to new recruits it can be quite annoying.
Cation Regarding Chaos:
Khorne of Sacrifice and War - Low Risk, yes, Grey Wolves love to kill for the thrill of it, but they are more tempted to have a good party and a good story rather than to spill blood forever. There will be the occasionally fall but through the millennium the Gray Wolves have found more and more ways to prevent this through comradery and family.
Tzeentch of Corrupting Knowledge and Magic - Immune, Grey Wolves live simple, and joy filled lives, they have no need to ask for more.
Nurgle of Disease and Decay - Low Risk, Grey Wolves do often live in the moment and thus can become stagnant or wish things remain the way they are forever. Nurgle can grant this for a price though most know better than to take on such an offer.
Slaanesh of Pleasure and Pain - Medium Risk, Grey Wolves life freely and chaotically, those that want to know something with a little more excitement, Slaanesh can be quite persuasive.
Malice of Anarchy and Vengeance - Immune, They Gray Wolves already live lives of freedom that no anarchy Malice can provide will satisfy them. Furthermore, a Grey Wolve who dies knows they will be avenged and those that are alive will keep the memory of their fallen brothers and sisters forever.
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annasmafroo · 8 months
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My two fan primarchs: Auberon the Seaborn and Sonoma! Auberon, despite his look, has more of a trader personality than of a aggressive warrior. He's big, buff and has a dad bod >:] Sonoma looks very stern and her expression rarely changes but despite this she cares deeply about those under her wing (no pun intended). Also she's nearly as tall as Vulkan and I like to call her "owl mom."
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drgairyuki · 5 months
My Space Marine Chapter homebrew/fanmade Template/Table/Data Sheet
Here's my own version for a homebrew/fanmade Space Marine Chapter template/table.
Because the others I found on the big 3 for 40k info weren't exactly my taste and were also confusing. So, I decide to make my own. But I mainly made it to make it easier on myself.
(X) is meant for being optional and you can removed the section if you want to
Name: Nickname(s): Founding: Founding Chapter/Sucessor of: Descendant(s)/Sucessor Chapter(s): Battle Cry/Warcry: Chapter Master: Primarch: Homeworld: Fortress-Monastery: Specialty: Stength, Size, & Numbers: Allegiance: Colour(s):
(X) Homeworld:
Chapter Info:
(X) Homeworld:
Chapter Appearance:
Chapter Colours:
Chapter Symbol(s) & Badge(s):
(X) Homeworld:
Chapter Organisation:
Combat Doctrine:
Chapter Belief & Culture:
Chapter Elements:
(X) Relationship(s):
(X) Trivia(s):
You could also use it in conjuration with the Space Marine Chapter Creation Tables, if you want to of course.
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bwcfilms · 6 years
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#ComingSoon #WH40KFanFilm #SupportIndieFilm #AtlantaFilm #VeteranOwned #VeteransInFilm #indiefilm #IndieAF #veterans #fanmade #fanfilm #warhammer #WH40K #cosplay #cosplayer #makersgonnamake https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWRTkLhRXF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1okj5xjwn662t
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dragondroid · 5 years
So I've found my favorite game
It's called EYE: Divine Cybermancy and it's so fucking weird
Like, it's like if Deus Ex took place in the WH40K universe and it's got a bunch of influence from East Asian mythology and also it's got werewolves and sexy nuns with assault rifles
It gives the same freedom of character creation that you get out of tabletop RPGs and I'm a slut for minmaxing so that's good
Also did I mention it was made by two French guys who barely speak English so they basically just ran it through Google Translate, there's a fanmade patch that gives it a proper English localization but the original translation has this really rough charm
Overall it's a janky cyberpunk mindfuck RPG oh and also it has 32-player co-op
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dzthenerd490 · 21 days
Space Marine Chapter: Absolvers
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Description: Born form the Blood Angels Legion, the Absolvers hail from the Ark Ship known as the "Vow of Absolution". They make it their mission to uphold any task given to them without anything stopping them, not even death. If an Absolver is given a task, they will get it done and disregard or even kill anything that gets in the way of completing such a task. These tasks can be anything such as retrieving a relic, killing a specific enemy, rescuing high ranking members of the Imperium or delivering a message during a crusade. Nothing can stop an Absolver from getting their task done. The Absolvers are not immortal but make no mistake, killing an Absolver is no easy task. You’d find it much easier taming a Tyranid than stopping an Absolver once they are on a mission.
Unique Trait: The Absolvers are one of those rare Chapters born with two unique traits instead of one. The first is a mutation regarding blood which is standard for Chapters born form the Blood Angels. However rather than being cursed with the madness of the red thirst they have instead been given "Blood Overdose". “Blood Overdose” resides within every Absolver, allowing their bodies to produce vast amounts of blood. this blood is highly radioactive and toxic which can be used as both a weapon and an emergency fuel source for imperial technology.
The second trait is "Undying Duty" which prevents an Absolver from dying until their task is done. Even if their insides are cut open, even if limbs or their wings are torn off, even if their heart is ripped out. The Absolver will keep going and actively get stronger to make up for their badly damaged bodies. Only once their task is done, they will finally die.
Blood Sacrifice Holy Sword - hidden on their non-dominant arm is a device that extends four tubes out of the wrist of the Absolver and into their primary Melee weapon. These tubes harvest blood from the Absolver and insert it into the Blood Sacrifice Holy Sword to power it up. Because their blood is radioactive it provides a great source of power to the Blood Sacrifice Holy Sword a weapon which drinks their unstable blood, becoming longer and sharp enough to cut through any kind of armor. To activate Absolver must hold the sword with their non-dominant arm and say “Holy Sword drink my blood”. tubes form the device will extend and connect to the sword in order to feed it blood that will power it for at least 30 minutes. Should a situation become dire the Absolver will have to repeat the chant every time they need an extension.
Thought if what's needed isn't more time but more power they can instead say “Holy Sword drown yourself in my blood” and the sword will drink as much blood as it can and gain almost unmatched power as a result. However, it will drain so much blood to the point that even to the point the Absolver’s "Blood Overdose" can’t keep. This is mainly to be used as a fail-safe as doing so can render an Absolver so weak they might not even be able to finish their tasks and there is no greater dishonor than to allow such a blunder. Thankfully "Undying Duty" can help them get back up, but it will take time for the ability to activate properly.
Gatling Blade Shield - Artificial weapon created to be able to shoot lasers out of four cannons attacked to a shield. The shield has two basic modes the first being Gatling where it shoots lasers out of four cannons in accelerated speed ensuring it demolishes, destroys, and vaporizes all enemies. The secondary mode allows the Gatling gears to spin but not for shooting instead for the blades around the cannons to spin, turning the shield into a giant saw to slice apart prey that get too close to the Absolver.
Holy Blood Venom Wings - Naturally a majority of Chapters descended from the Blood Angels inherited wings and the Absolvers are no exception. Wings that are strong and fast allowing them to reach any destination with great speed and little chance of any obstacles stopping them. The wings of an Absolver also have blade like feathers coated with their blood upon growths. As such they can extend and shoot them out acting as emergency projectiles killing anyone who is shot with the ferociously sharp feathers. If the sharpness of the feathers doesn’t kill the victim, the toxic blood the feathers are filled with will finish the job. The wings are naturally strong and thus can be used as guards and also extra blades that slice apart and poison their enemies.
Dual Electro Accelerate Pistols - Small handheld guns that are magnetically charged ensuring the pellets shoot at speeds of Mach 5. The gun holds six canisters each holding 10 magnetic pellets for a total of 60 shots each. Not much to do any lasting damage but an Absolver is meant to focus on their tasks. If injuring an enemy is enough to get them out of the way that is more than enough.
Deity of Worship: Sanguinius of Blood and Divinity, naturally they worship him as their Chapter was born form his Legion. They do not openly worship him not because they are one of the Chapters that believe he is cursed like Lion but because they feel they are unworthy to openly carry his name. As such they consider their tasks as trials brought onto them by Sangunius and to complete them all earns his blessing and raise his honor.
Recruitment: When new recruits are needed, the Vow of Absolution will travel to worlds and cities that have Churches of Sanguinius. The Churches will surrender any orphans they have taken in and they will be taken to the Ark Ship as applicants. Once on the Vow of Absolution the children will be tested in various tasks for a month, such as retrieving scrolls, locate the hiding servo skull, fight one another in combat, and do it all in complete silence while doing whatever is necessary to complete each and every task. Those that do the best while remaining silent, determined, and strong will be chosen.
Applicants who pass will be taken to the DNA factory within the Vow of Absolution where they will be placed in a Rebirthing pod to begin the process. once a week has passed, they will become a new Absolver and immediately begin any task that is needed of them.
Caution Regarding Chaos:
Khorne of Sacrifice and War - Immune, Absolver’s are determined but not to the point of insanity. They care nothing for battle or death they only want to fulfill their duty nothing more.
Tzeentch of Corrupting Knowledge and Magic - Immune, Absolvers only care for the completion of their mission. Tzeentch's voice cannot reach them.
Nurgle of Disease and Decay - Low Risk, there might be Absolvers who can be tricked into thinking their toxic blood is a gift of Nurgle. Thus, to worship him is to be given even greater power. But most normally don't fall for this over their devotion to Sanguinius or the fact that Nurgle is known for being sloppy while Absolvers strive to be efficient.
Slaanesh of Pleasure and Pain - Low Risk, Absolvers are given the determination to complete all tasks but occasionally they might be tempted to seek out more in life. Though ironically the more Slaanesh promises them the more the greater the chance they'll just ignore it's call.
Malice of Anarchy and Vengeance - High Risk, if an Absolver actually ends up dying in battle before they can complete their task, Malice will use the opportunity to resurrect them as a Chaos Space Marine. They will then be able to complete their task in exchange for being another soldier in his eternal army.
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dzthenerd490 · 7 hours
Space Marine Chapter: Angel Guard
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Description: A Space Marine Chapter born from the Dark Angels and hailing from the moon Vigilus orbiting the world of New Cadia. Entrusted to protect High Ranking Imperials during Crusades especially the established members of Crusade Councils. They ensure that all assets during a crusade are secured so that no enemy can exploit any possible weaknesses that will lead to either a shameful retreat or unthinkable surrender of Imperial forces. They are one of the only Chapters that not only get along with Imperial Troopers rather well but refer to Troopers from the Children of Cadia Regiment as brothers and sisters.
It is believed this kinship comes from the fact that they were born on one of the moons of New Cadia, a planet that was colonized to be the new home of the Cadians after the fall of their original world. However, the only Imperial force they will never acknowledge as friendly in any manner is their parent Legion the Dark Angels. Like most Chapters born from the Dark Angels they are rather ashamed of the downfall of the Dark Angels and actively avoid even making eye contact with them and refuse to bow when a Dark Angel passes by.
Unique Trait: “Golden Fortification” a powerful ability that coats an Angel Guard in golden light making them indestructible to all forms of attack. This ability can be maintained for as long as the Angel Guard desires but only so long as they remain in place. If they move their position they will lose this ability and be unable to utilize it again for at least 5 hours.
Crystal Blade Holy Spear - A Holy Spear made with a unique crystal found only on Vigilus. Like all Holy Weapons it can be activated with a chant from the wielder, for the Crystal Blade Holy Spear the cant is “Holy Spear, erase all my enemies”. Once said the crystal will glow bright and be able to completely incinerate anything it touches. This state of the Crystal Blade Holy Spear is very dangerous as it can erase the Angel Guard and other Imperial Forces if not used carefully.
Holy Shield of Regeneration - A Holy Weapon commonly given to all Chapters born from the Dark Angels. The Shield is strong enough to even be able to resist more than one blast from a Necron Atomizer cannon. However, should the shield or the wielder ever suffer great damage, the user can chant “May the Blessings of the Emperor shield me from pain” and both the user and the shield will heal instantly.
Bolter Pistol - Heavily condensed version of the original Bolter Gun made to be able to hold 6 canisters of God Blood with a total of 120 bolt shots. Normally only possesses Incendiary, Cryo, Explosive, Electric, and Armor Piercing frequencies.
Dual Cyber Batons - Batons made with batteries inside that shock anything upon impact with anywhere to 200 to 500,000,000 volts. The amount of voltage can be changed by the Angel Guard through a cyber connection with the Helmet Visor. Powerful enough to merely stun a human as well as fry the insides of even the strongest of Orks.
Deity of Worship: Because the Angel Guards are ashamed of their heritage they do not acknowledge Lion as their God anymore. Instead they worship both Rogal and Roboute as their Gods. They worship Rogal to make their bodies fortified and strong enough to defend crusade councils they are assigned to protect. They worship Roboute to remind themselves to always put their duty first and have the strength and determination to follow it through, always.
Recruitment: Because Vigilus has been colonized with the Angel Guard's DNA factory it naturally worships both Roboute and Rogal. it is considered the utmost essential and most honorable duty to be able to guard anything within the Imperium on Vigilus because of this. As such schools on Vigilus not only teach students common Imperial Propaganda, History, and basic Education such as Math, Science, and Literature; they also teach students to be the best guards in any situation. Often students are assigned to guard certain items of importance in the schools, unknown to them they are being watched by the Priests of both Churches.
Occasionally children that are known to be talentless or troublemakers will be given candy and promised more in exchange for stealing the items the guard students are protecting. The student on guard is to protect the item they are assigned to for at least one month. If they can prevent the item being taken from its position within that month from the various assigned thieves, they will be chosen as an Angel Guard.
Once they are chosen, they and their parents will be told of this and how it will be a great honor to become an Angel Guard. This will be done as a test of faith as if the parents of the child refuses they will be banished to a planet in the region of the rotting Dark Angels where they will live out their days in shame and false hope. Naturally those that accept will be taken to the Angel Guard DNA factory within the Capital City of Vigilus.
Once the process within the rebirthing pod is complete they will return to their city as elite guards until such time as they are called to action during a crusade. Because they must be sentinel guards without weakness they are to only meet with past friends and family when they are off duty and their armor is gone.
Caution Regarding Chaos:
Khorne of Sacrifice and War - Immune, Angel Guards are meant to be sentinels of protection, war and battle does not interest them; only defense and Khorne is a god that only knows attack, his voice cannot reach them.
Tzeentch of Corrupting Knowledge and Magic - Immune, being the embodiment of perfect sentinels they have no need for any further knowledge. Or at least anything Tzeentch can tempt them with.
Nurgle of Disease and Decay - Low Risk, there is a rare chance that an Angel Guard will be disillusioned by their task as a sentinel and become so bored to the point they will see themselves as living corpses. Nurgle will find a good place for them should they reach a point of great depression. However, because of their faith in Roboute and Rogal as well as their genetically bred determination they can mostly resist Nurgle’s calls.
Slaanesh of Pleasure and Pain - Medium Risk, being a sentinel is an honor but it can be a bore for Angel Guards who find very little chance at free time given their dwindled ability to enjoy it. Slaanesh can help them find joy and excitement in life again but for a price that only the most bored and disillusioned Angel Guards will be willing to pay.
Malice of Anarchy and Vengeance - High Risk, Angel Guards that have died in combat or never get to see any real action may be filled with regret to the point that Malice can grant them what they need to get revenge or obtain the power they need to do more in life.
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dzthenerd490 · 14 days
Space Marine Chapter: Accipiters
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Description: Hailing from their home world Sedonus, and created form the Raven Guard. A split religion world that does worship Corvus but due to the fast-developing hive cities and the gang violence that follows Heretic Churches worshiping Konrad exist as well. This has led to children within gangs to not only be raised as bloodthirsty thieves but also skilled hunters and assassins. It is for this reason that Sedonus was declared the home world for the Accipiters.
Accipiters are Space Marines who know how to kill anyone a thousand different ways and are equipped with the tools to get each and every way done. Entrusted by the Imperium to kill massive amounts of enemies at a moment's notice as well as powerful threats that are normally unkillable. The longest it ever taking an Accipiter to kill a target is a single day and in those cases the target is normally an entire army. Should an Accipiter take any longer to kill its target it is to be assumed the Accipiter is dead. Accipiters are living symbols of death as nothing has ever lived to survive an Accipiter attack or those who have live to be extremely injured to the point of being deformed.
Unique Trait: "Killing Drive" an adrenaline rush available for each Accipiter allowing them to go faster, strike harder, and kill better for a maximum of 30 minutes. The most devastating part of this ability is that they can do it again up to ten times a day without getting tired. However, should they go for an eleventh time they will start to get progressively weaker and even suffer organ failure if they go for a thirteenth time within the same day. This ability mixed with their vast knowledge of killing methods as well as their grand five senses makes them the ultimate hunters, assassins, and overall killers.
Freezing Reaper - A scythe made from freezing steel; a type of steel synthesized by the Institue. It emits a natural cold aura of at least − 300 degrees Celsius. This and its scythe form as well as the strength of the Accipiter wielding it not only ensures it can slice through any opponent but freeze them into pure ice as well. Even enemies strong enough to withstand the cut of the Reaper will eventually cripple to the freezing aura of the blade's touch.
Scorching Slayer - An axe made form scorching steel, a type of steel synthesized by the Institue. It emits a burning heat of at least 3,500 degrees Celsius. With the combined strength of the Accipiter and the sharpness of the blade means nothing can withstand a single strike. Even if something was strong enough, the scorching aura of the axe will melt through them, literally no different to a hot knife cutting through butter.
Dual Poison Blades - Normally when an Accipiter has free time they like to hunt. Occasionally they will stumble across poisonous animals and Xeno Beasts. Once they have collected such poison, they will drip it onto the blade of the Poinson Blades. Molded after the assassin Blades of Corvus himself, these blades are made from a special iron found only on Sedonus that absorbs the essence of whatever is dripped onto it with Poison having the longest lasting effect. This makes them perfect for blades of the Accipiter as not only is the blade sharped perfectly for such a hunter but the mixture of a thousand different poisons ensures nothing not even a Tyranid can survive its sting.
Bolter Rifle - Modified version of the original Bolter Gun made by the God Emperor himself. Created with a barrel magazine able to hold 50 canisters of "God Blood" with a total of 1,000 bolt shots that can easily make up for its lack of power and ammunition modes compared to the true Bolter Gun. Like all Bolter Rifles, possesses Incendiary, Cryo, Explosive, Electric, and Armor Piercing frequencies. For the Accipiters they also possess the silencer and invisibility Frequency that can be mixed with not only each other but any of the other frequencies to ensure no enemy can sense their incoming death until it is too late.
Dual Bolter Pistols - Heavily condensed version of the original Bolter Gun, made to be able to hold 6 canisters of God Blood with a total of 120 bolt shots. Like all Bolter Pistols possesses Incendiary, Cryo, Explosive, Electric, and Armor Piercing frequencies. For the Accipiters, one of the Bolter pistols also possess the Void and Tracker frequency while the other possesses the Seeking and Acidic frequency. Which is which is only known by the Accipiter holding them.
Mechanical Talons - Two mechanical arms are augmented into the armor of every Accipiter. They possess five fingers with large and sharp claws made form the same material as their armor making them devastatingly sharp. Possessing a mechanical nervous system that is connected to the bio suit of the Accipiter means they can control these Mechanical arms as if they were born with them. With these arms even when an Accipiter is unarmed, they can still rip apart their targets with ease.
Deity of Worship: It is often mistaken that their deity of worship is Konrad of Crime and Scum since their Chapter is a violent one. Though some do worship him in his terrifying methods of slaughter and fear bringing as well as his Legion's similar upbringing of originally being children of crime become turning into Legionnaires. However, a majority which are truly loyal to the Imperium instead worship Corvus of Stealth and Hunting as their true God, though there are some that worship Jaghatai of Adrenaline and Secrecy. Corvus is belived to bless those who hunt in his name great harvest and fortune so Accipiters who think themselves great hunters will naturally worship him. Then there are those who enjoy killing with speed while also holding a thousand secrets of killing and murder, they believe they have earned Jaghatai's favor in that regard.
Recruitment: Accipiters sometimes are tasked with culling the rampant gangs on their home world Sedonus. Once they have done so they are to kidnap the children of said gangs and bring them a special orphanage on Sedonus that is owned by both the Heretic Church of Konrad and the Holy Church of Corvus.
The priests of both churches will watch over the children and put votes on who is strongest, smartest, and overall best to be an applicant. Once every month one or more children are chosen and escorted to the training center within the orphanage where they will receive comfortably bedding, warm food, and taught the basics of what is expected of an Accipiter and how much of an honor it would be to join. Naturally not all applicants are convinced so after a week they will no longer be given bedding or food. The Applicants will then be sent to private training rooms where an Imperial Criminal will be waiting for them. they will be told by the Priests they must kill the Criminal in order to be able to eat and sleep again. True to their word every applicant that kills the target will be allowed to leave.
In order to give the Applicant a fighting chance the criminals will be drugged, and the Applicant will be allowed to choose their weapon. If the Applicant dies even after this, they are simply a failure while the rest get to sleep and eat again. This process will repeat every day until the applicant learns to be grateful for the gifts the Imperium is bestowing upon them in exchange for their work. Once they have become loyal killing machine or has developed a fighting style either similar or completely different to what the Accipiter's are familiar with. Those that achieve either one will be accepted as an Accipiter. Any other applicant that fails to achieve anything will either keep going until they do, die by hands of a criminal, or go insane and thus must be killed by the priests.
Once an Applicant has been chosen, they will be sent to the DNA factory bellow the orphanage. There they will be placed within one of the rebirthing pods to begin the process. Once the process is complete, they will be given the bio suit, power armor, and weapons needed of all Accipiter's. However, before they leave to either hunt, meet with their new siblings, or go to an assigned mission they will be met with the priests who trained them once more. They will give them a selection of the weapons they used to fight the criminals while they were still Applicants. The Accipiter is free to choose only one weapon but must never tell anyone which it is, as this weapon is meant to be their last resort should they be unarmed of all other weapons. This weapon will be entirely the Accipiter's, and they are free to modify, enchant, or even discard it after they have chosen it.
Caution Regarding Chaos:
Khorne of Wrath and Blood Lust - High Risk, an Accipiter’s whole purpose is to kill all enemies, even the unkillable. If they fail or feel they can do better, Khorne will be there to show them a way to more power in exchange for loyalty.
Tzeentch of Corruption and Knowledge - Medium Risk, killing is an art form as well as a science. No one understands this better than Tzeentch. An Accipiter who feels they want to know more can easily be swayed.
Nurgle of Disease and Decay - High Risk, disease kills all eventually, to the relentless killers of the Accipiters Nurgle could be seen as a messiah.
Slaanesh of Pleasure and Pain - Low Risk, killing so much can make it become a pleasurable addiction. No one knows how to indulge endlessly into such a sadistic pleasure than Slaanesh. Though since a majority of Accipiters worship noble gods like Corvus and Jaghatai they often think of Slaanesh as an abomination rather than a worthy pursuit to worship.
Malice of Anarchy and Vengeance - Low Risk, the chances of an Accipiter themselves dying is low but if it does happen, Malice will be there to give them the power to achieve their revenge. But if the killer does something unexpected that the Accipiter themselves had never seen before, they will rather die in admiration for their killer than seek revenge.
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dzthenerd490 · 18 days
WH40KR Gods of the Galactic Imperium Part 1
God Emperor of Humanity and Light - First of the Human Gods to rise during the beginning of the 31st millennium and became the one to unite humanity again after centuries of interspecies war. As reward he was declared the Emperor of Humanity and later it's deity despite his original distaste of the title. Declared himself the one true ruler with all his power and devoted his life to ensuring humanity remains safe in a galaxy of chaos. Created 20 children to act as extensions of his will and rule, 18 sons and 2 daughters. They would all be known as God children that would inherit bits of his power and use said power to extend his reach of prosperity and peace to all human colonies. However, his son Horus who was once known as the God Child of Assault and Power, betrayed him and earned his new title as the Bastard God of Chaos and Betrayal. 
The God Emperor is now dead, but his corpse remains within the Golden Casket continuing to power the Capital Planet known as the Shinning Star of Terra. It is called that because before the God Emperor died and his Loyal God Children sacrificed themselves in a failed attempt to save him they left one last blessing. A field of Harmony the purified form of Warp Chaos that is toxic to daemons but gives humanity an unlimited supply of power. With this no force of Chaos will ever be able to reach Terra so long as the Seven Saints continue to rejuvenate the Golden Casket through a ritual known only to them.
All citizens of the Imperium worship the God Emperor in one way or another. However, in the Galactic Imperium there is more than one God, the other 20 gods are known as the God Children as mentioned earlier. Like the God Emperor they all have their own region, their own churches, and even their own cultures that Imperial Civilians live by. This has made all regions where the God Children ruled separately form the God Emperor diverse from one another.
Lion of Paranoia and Discipline - A God Child of the Emperor who was once known as the absolute best but has recently fallen from grace, though it’s still debated as to whether or not he should be considered a Fallen God or not. Originally his first title as a God Child was Honor but due to the growing paranoia that followed him later in life and continued to haunt his Primarchs it is considered a curse that will befall all those who continue to worship him. As such his Holy Church has been rebranded as a Heretic Church and his Legion, though still loyal to the Imperium, are now considered walking timebombs by those within the Galactic Imperium. His Primarchs only live for 200 years and have lost their seat within the Holy High Council only a century after it was formed.
Though he is a god still worshiped by the Galactic Imperium for those that wish to obtain the utmost discipline in heart, mind, and soul. Those who devote themselves to be the best at what they desire, whether it be warcraft, witchcraft, science, assassination, technology, or simply being disciplined. Granted the cost might be the inability to trust anyone outside of the Church of Lion, but for some it’s a small price to pay. Unfortunately, a majority don’t know the price of his worship as his current worshipers do everything in their power to destroy all records of those who have fallen into paranoia due to worship.
Those within his region and churches live in shameful green robes that cover their faces. Their church, their Legionnaire, and their worship unfortunately offers nothing to the rest of the Imperium. Or at the very least, offers nothing the other churches or factions of the Imperium don't already have. They all pray for the day the Fallen are finally destroyed and their Church and by extension their whole reign can regain their glory as being recognized as the best within the Galactic Imperium. A dream that most certainly will never be realized.
Creator of the First Legion known as the Dark Angels, a legion that has unfortunately fallen from grace due to half of them betraying the Imperium during the Horus Heresy without Lion knowing of it until it was too late. They actively try to cull any evidence of these Fallen as well as evidence of their ever-growing paranoia, not knowing it further displays their paranoia for all to see. 
Novila of Technology and Energy - Second Child and First Daughter of the God Emperor and one of the most famous of the God Children especially for the Children of Mars. The God Emperor had her trained-on Mars though unknown to the God Emperor those who raised her were still of the Omnissiah faith. Their religion was originally wiped out during the unification wars but some survived and hid their faith. Though once it was revealed that Novila had an amazing affinity for technology to the point she could build machines with a wave of her hand, she was considered a living incarnation of the Omnissiah.
She was loyal to the God Emperor to the end and like her loyal siblings sacrificed herself in vain to save the God Emperor. However, unlike the others she was not drained of essence to create a successor Primarch but instead her essence was distributed to all the machines of Mars. Her consciousness and wisdom now resides in all machines of mars allowing her to guide and command her followers even in death. It is because of this that when people on Mars are dying they wish to sacrifice themselves to her casket so that their essence and minds can power her while she powers Mars. 
Those within her region and by extension her church live in luxurious lives of advanced technology. Though many other churches consider technology like the Bolter Gun holy relics that must not be altered her church believes that all things will have to be altered in order to advance in any way. To live in stagnation and complacency is considered a sin within the Church of Novila. This is why the church of Novila is one of the only churches that has good ties with the Institue as they also raise a lot of children to become new recruits for the Insitute.
Considered a god of technology while she was alive, she created many wonderful and divine machines that are still being recovered by the Imperium and used to rebuild its former glory today. It’s actually become a famous and often heretical debate within the Imperium about whether it’s through Novila’s worship or the God Emperor's worship that will restore the Empire. Her church is also the most diverse with many having different viewpoints in regard to the Omnissiah and Novila. Thankfully it's never led to any divides just a debate as to whether Novila was the living incarnation of the Omnissiah or perhaps the God Emperor was her father and the Omnissiah was her mother.
Creator of the Second Legion known as the Tech Priests who guard the Church and act as the primary defenders for the armies that worship Novila. Though unlike the other Legions the Tech Priests do not have a Primarch. They do however have the most powerful church within the United Churches of the Galactic Imperium. Everyone within her church including the Legionnaires possess the most advanced technology thanks to the Churches ever growing advancements and its close ties to the Institue.
Fulgrim of Excess and Obsession - A Fallen God once holding the titles of Perfection and Luxury and thus thought to be a god that would bring prosperity and prizes through his worship. Now he only brings insanity and death with those foolishly falling under his worship becoming monsters that are determined to bring out the very limits of all aspects of life and reality to the point of degeneracy. During the Eye of Terror disaster, he was convinced by Horus that the God Emperor had grown weak and needed to be replaced. Because of his obsession for perfection, he felt that to fail even once meant the God Emperor had fallen from grace. As such, he followed Horus to the Eye of Terror to be corrupted by the Choas Gods in exchange for power, he decided to worship Slaanesh as the God seemed to somewhat align with his desire for perfection. With this not only has he become a Fallen God aligned with Chaos but Horus’s eternal slave who will forever be mutated horrifically are able to summon Slaanesh Daemons.
Because of this his Church was declared a Heretic Church and all under it ether turned to other gods of worship or fell to shame as they were now known as Heretic Priests. Once known as a grand region and churches of beauty and luxury, they are now mostly abandoned areas of horrible memories. Of all the regions of fallen Gods, Fulgrim's is considered the worst to live and thus does not get any few followers. Those born into the religion will never know the days of luxury and riches followers used to be accessible too.
Originally the United Churches wanted to destroy his church entirely, but the Institute and the Templars agreed that it was better to keep the church and have it only shamed as a Heretic Church. The reason for this is that through Fulgrim's worship his followers can control the Chaos of Slaanesh more easily as they are using Fulgrim as a conduit. Though there is still the hazard of being a slave to chaos, the Heretic Priests have found ways to prevent this through years of experimental worship and sacrifice. It is thanks to them that the Slaanesh Saint of Joy, one of the Seven Saints of Order who rejuvenates the Golden Casket, was made.
Creator of the Third Legion known as the Emperor’s Children, an army of delusional and insane Legionnaires who are always looking for new and sadistic ways to kill and torture their enemies as well as citizens of the Imperium. They constantly yell “For the Emperor!” despite doing everything in their power to crush the Galactic Imperium. They don’t even use common tactics, often creating insane and nonsensical heretic weapons that unleash different kinds of destructive power. 
Perturabo of Siege and Industry - A Fallen God of great power who always held the title of Siege and Industry but now holds them as curses rather than blessings. Once considered the fourth best God Child due to his ability to bring down enemy fortresses and to mass produce all sorts of technology and weapons. However, during the Horus Heresy, he betrayed the God Emperor but unlike his siblings who did so because they believed Horus would be a better leader and Chaos made a better religion. He betrayed the God Emperor because he didn't just hate him, but he hated all of his other siblings, Novila and Melodia were the ones he hated the most.
Because of his destructive power he was declared Horus’s right hand general and is quite possibly the only Fallen God that isn’t under Horus’s control but obeys him out of an overwhelming desire to destroy the Galactic Imperium. Shockingly it was because of his pettiness he grew a stronger will than the others and rather than mutating into a Daemon he became a monstrosity made of an amalgamation of machines. It was even through his hatred of Novila that “The Corruption” was born.
The Heretic Priests who still follow Perturabo struggled for years to find some control through his worship but seemingly failed at every turn leaving them the most dwindled of all the Heretic Churches. In fact, of all the Heretic Churchs, many fear Perturabo's the most because his influence is the main reason as to why the Chaos Gods can infect the Imperium colonies so easily due to the Imperium's reliance on industrialism and besiege on its enemies. It is for this reason that his region no longer exists and his Heretic church only exists on a few key planets. Their Heretic Church only recently managed to somewhat redeem themselves when the Horus Saint of Unity the second of the Seven Saints was created.
Creator of the Fourth Legion known as Iron Warriors all of whom have become tyrants that build large fortress like machines in hopes of enforcing Perturabo’s worship and one day bringing his ascension into a Chaos God alongside Horus. His Legion is one that consists entirely of men, during his Imperial reign he did not allow any women into his Legion out of his hatred for his sister Melodia.
Jaghatai of Adrenaline and Secrecy - A Loyal God Child who has earned his titles well, those who worship him have great strength in speed and never feel the need to stop. The worlds who worship Jaghatai have their entire culture revolving around speed. Its even gotten to the point that some streets and common walking areas are given obsticals for people to run past and test their speed for fun. The elderly and disabled are even given bionics or specialized small vehicles that help them maintain their speed when they can't use their legs anymore.
Not only was Jaghatai a fast and noble warrior but also one of great secrets, no one knew anything about how he strikes or fights. When he arrived many would often underestimate his talents and assume whatever he did its only remarkability would be “speed”. Jaghatai is often considered the true God of discipline or perhaps a God of humility as he never boasted about his strengths or talent and thus was always a mystery on what he could truly accomplish. His followers consider this aspect of his divine wisdom, as such none within his church will ever be known to boast or take pride in their accomplishments. In fact, the only thing any would boast about within his church is how fast they can go, how they achieve such speed, and for how long. 
Creator of the Fifth Legion known as the White Scar’s, the sole reason Space Marine Cycle exists. Often considered the greatest mixture of a Samurai and a Ninja making them arguably one of the most excellent warriors of all Legions. Everyone can see them coming but no one can predict what they are going to do next. Shockingly their secrecy has also earned them a favorable reputation among the Templars. It's even gotten to the point that those within the Church and even the Legionnaires are tasked with helping the Templars on missions or carrying secret messages that need to be delivered at high speed. 
Leman of Freedom and Loyalty - A Strange but Loyal God Child who celebrates freedom even within the strict Galactic Imperium. Leman during his lifetime loved to fight the enemies of the Imperium not for the sake of duty but merely for the thrill and to have stories to tell. Ironically this made most believe that he was rebellious as he often disregarded the orders given by his father the God Emperor or only followed the orders in his own way. In reality he proved to those around him he was the personification of Loyalty by always protecting and fighting alongside those he called his allies, friends, and family. As such he inspired everyone to do the same for him which is a tradition continued by his worshipers even today. To celebrate one’s freedom but also remember to be loyal to those who deserve it and earn loyalty from those who stand with you. 
Sharing stories, having parties among friends and family, as well as drinking alcohol has become the common culture within worlds that have a Church of Leman. Because telling stories of past exploits, victories, and adventures have become so ingrained into the culture that elders are heavily respected in worlds that worship Leman. Though there are other churches that respect and care for the elderly there are churches that disregard the elderly unless they are priests. However, of those that are kind to the Elderly none are more kind or respectful than those within the Church of Leman as the elderly are the ones who have the most stories, best experience with celebration as well as the greatest ability to handle alcohol.
Creator of the Sixth Legion known as the Space Wolves who are often called both the vikings of space as well as the human iterations of wolves. What makes Space Wolf Legionnaires even more unique is that when they die in combat, they will transform into giant wolves that will defend their fellow Legionnaires but then go on to defend churches of Leman until they die. The average lifespan of a healthy Wolf from a dead Space Wolf is about 150 years. It should also be noted that it was the Space Wolf Legion that discovered a Space Marines ability to eat their enemies' brains and gain knowledge from it.
Rogal of Fortification and Service - One of the most powerful God Children under the God Emperor, Rogal was a man of great and honorable principles. He was a man who could never lie, never backed down, and could never be moved from wherever he stood. He and his Legionnaires created massive fortresses that to this day have never been brought down. There is actually one fortress that was taken down but those that did so were killed by all the traps inside, allowing his followers to later retake and rebuild it. This event was used as a reminder to the Imperium and its enemies that to destroy one of Rogal’s fortresses is to call for death, even in the victory of the Rogal’s enemies, they lose. This is the goal all of Rogal’s followers must uphold as his worshipers, to fortify all of their structures and ensure it can never be taken by the enemies of the Imperium.
This is why his Churches are built like giant castles and why his citizens in his region of the Imperium live in fortress-like apartments that prioritize fortification and protection from even the most mundane threats such as bugs. The followers of his Church always have shields with them as it is considered the holy weapon of Rogal.
Creator of the Seventh Legion known as the Imperial Fists, their armor is considered the strongest of all the Legionnaires and are also the creators of the original Gatling Shield, Blazer Shield, and Fortress Shield. There is no safer or longer lasting area than anywhere that is under the protection of Rogal's Legion or his church. 
Konrad of Crime and Scum - A Fallen God who ironically always had his titles even before he fell. Konrad was considered the most sadistic of all his siblings among the God Children, but he always considered his actions necessary. He and his Legion tortured and slaughtered hundreds of Xenos and even Imperial citizens to keep them all in line. The God Emperor was appalled by his tactics but deemed them necessary as well as out of all of his children he was the one with the least number of rebellions within his domain.
One of the first to fall under Horus’s rule when he betrayed the Imperium and vowed to slay the Emperor and take his place. Konrad believed that fear was the greatest weapon and that with it anyone could be brought to their knees. He even believed this could work on the Chaos Gods hence why he was one of the first to bow to Horus when he began his treachery. He also despised his father for allowing his tactics to exist but always shaming him for it.
His reign within the Galactic Imperium suffered the most, having constant Chaos Outbreaks due to the constant slaughtering and fear. Thankfully the Heretic Priests of his church have helped the Templars establish order in the colonies once under Konrad and his Legion. Shockingly, many Templars worship the Heretic Church of Konrad due to his sadistic torture and how it could always bring any Xeno to their knees and any traitor back into the Imperium's grace.
Though Konrad’s region within the Galactic Imperium is mostly peaceful now, it actually got that way through less than conventional means. The reason peace is so widespread in Konrad's old region as well as planets owned by his Heretic Churches is because anyone who brings crime or disorder is often slaughtered and cannibalized by those around them. It's become a cultural norm to slaughter and eat anyone who brings disorder within these lands. This is why those from this Konrad's region who join the Imperial Troopers tend to be the best killers. It also has made Konrad the most worshiped of all the Fallen Gods.
Creator of the Eight Legion known as the Night Lords. Now warlords who gather gangs and criminals of the Imperium and infect them with Chaos in order to quickly raise armies that will destabilize the Imperium from the inside out. They are essentially the same scum as their master, an undead manifestation of the cancer on the Imperium known as Chaos. Though shockingly they hold great comradery and efficiency out of all the forces of Chaos. It is suspected that the reason for this is because of Konrads teachings of killing those who bring disorder.
Sanguinius of Blood and Divinity - A Cursed God Child who was unfortunately killed by Horus during the Horus Heresy. During his time alive he was considered a true angel who could manifest wings and even angelic allies that burned his Chaos foes. He was beloved by all and like his sister Melodia, not only brought joy to all those around him but could manifest Harmony form the Warp like his father.
However, he ended up dying by the hand of Horus and thus was the first to die during the Heresy. Unfortunately, he was not connected to his siblings who tried to save their Emperor and thus wasn’t purified after death like they were. His Legionnaires and followers hoped that they could make a Primarch with his essence as the other Loyal Legions did with their God Children. It did work but not without great cost. His essence unfortunately mutated the DNA factory of his Legion causing the two Curses known as the “Black Rage” and the “Red Thirst” both unfortunately lead to degradation of the mind over time only allowing any of his Legionnaires to live for about 500 years. Though they can live longer it is not recommended as they will quickly lose their minds afterwards and become no different to the forces of Chaos. 
His region and by extension churches are ones that have the best manufacturing of essence and cloning. His followers consider it a repentance for failing their God Child as they all view themselves as at fault he died, just like their Legionnaires. As such his church is surprisingly one of science that view medical science as the top priority of the Imperium to hopefully one day regain their good graces of Sanguinius and thus remove the curses of the Legionnaires. Though the people of his region may be sick themselves, no one in the Imperium will find better hospitals.
Creator of the Ninth Legion known as the Blood Angels. They are all beautiful men and women who have a thirst for blood and sleep in coffins in order to heal themselves after battle. Despite the curse that follows Sanguinius’s church, his Primarchs, and his Legionnaires they are still beloved by all citizens within his region, especially followers of his church. His very name is a reminder of what Horus took form the Imperium and how he must be stopped and his Black Legion destroyed. 
Continue to Part 2
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dzthenerd490 · 4 days
WH40KR Lore: Space Marine Chapter Armor
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Space Marine Power Armor for the Chapters was designed to be both powerful and simple as possible to help better accommodate the hundreds of variations that is to be expected of each Chapter as there are supposed to be 1,000 of them. The design extends to gender allowing both men and women turned into Space Marines to wear it with no restrictions. The basic parts of the Space Marine Chapter armor is the Power Armor, Biosuit, Helmet, Groin Guard, Hip Guards, and Rocket Shoes.
The most basic component of all of the pieces of a Space Marine’s Armor is the Power Armor. Made of Condensed Ceramite, a material that looks like metal but is much stronger as it does not dent or rupture even when being hit by a high caliber projectile of great power. The only weapon capable of harming it is the Bolter Gun designed by the God Emperor himself as well as the lesser imitations created by the United Churches.
This allows a Space Marine who is already strong enough to bend steel like clay and punch through stone walls, to perform even greater feats of strength and be able to withstand all sorts of damage that they couldn’t before. This alone makes a Space Marine powerful and though the Power Armor should not be ignored, it is not as essential as the five other components that grant the Space Marine unrivaled strength.
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1) The Biosuit - created by the Institute under the orders of the God Emperor himself. The Biosuit is made with cybernetic nanofibers, programmed to act as a secondary nervous system that recognizes the wearer as the main body. Once worn it enhances the senses of the Space Marine, including their sense of danger. The user will naturally be able to dodge any incoming attack with great mobility. Not only that but the suit is strong enough to resist even Electro Accelerate bullets, though it loses its durability with every continuous shot. Its durability will not recover without rejuvenation with "Sacred Oil". 
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Thankfully its cybernetic nanofibers are smart enough to recognize wounds and thus patch them up to allow a Space Marine’s regeneration to heal even faster. They can even quickly cover and sterilize wounds that are the cost of lost limbs. Though of course if the lost limb is still intact and is covered with the biosuit, then it can be reattached with the biosuit mending the connection. 
2) Helmet Visor - More like a mask than a helmet but made with the same material as the Power Armor making it strong enough to withstand a few Bolter shots before it starts to break if the bolter shots don’t stop. The common model is divided into four pieces that can extend apart to open and reveal the face. The sole purpose of this function is to allow the Space Marine to occasionally eat their protein bars or drink Elixir.
Once closed and placed on the face it will sync with the Biosuit allowing the Space Marine to control the Computer Visor with their thoughts alone. The computer visors on the eyes allow the Space Marine to see more than ever before; night vision, heat vision, movement, vibrations, possible hiding points, identifiable Xeno biosignatures, and so much more. With the Helmet Visor nothing escapes the sight of a Space Marine. There are other versions of the common Helmet Visor, but all possess the basic system functions with the main difference being how well they do so and what is given priority. The basic model does not have visible air filtration (the vents are tiny and at the sides of the mask like Helmet) but make no mistake the purified air a Space Marine can breathe through its Helmet Visor is just as fresh as the air found on the Shining Star of Terra.
3) The Groin Guard - Technically the main focus of what is being guarded is the privates but calling it the Private Guard was considered out of the question. Though it is meant to be a protector of the sexual organs of the Space Marine it is also the main area of waste collection. This process is maintained by two separate components. The Waist Collector and Condenser and the Essence Collector. 
3a) Waist Collector and Condenser - takes the waste of the Space Marine and condenses it into Essence. Times are tough in the 41st Millenium, resources are only plentiful when plundered from Xeno planets but due to the massive stretch of the Galactic Imperium it can only afford to expand to new worlds when one already in its grasp has been destroyed. As such recycling methods have been implemented in almost all of the Galactic Imperium’s aspects and the Space Marines were not spared from this.
These components covering both the private in the front and the anus in the back collects all waist. Thanks to the advances of the Institute, even waste can be recycled and transformed into essence, though not very much. It actually can take months before an Essence Collector has to be emptied and the Waist Collector and Condenser must be cleaned. The main take away is that a Space Marine can go on fighting or traveling for months without ever having to worry about needing a restroom break.
3b) The Essence Collector - a small device on top of the Waist Collector and Condenser contains three vials that will be filled with the essence created by the Waist Collector and Condenser. As stated before typically takes months for them to be filled but once they are they are normally emptied and collected by Priests maintaining their DNA factory. This is done to ensure the supply of DNA that is used to create New Space Marines, as well as Space Marine organs, limbs, and even entire bodies for injured Space Marines never runs out. It's actually thanks to this particular essence that the DNA within the factories can be purified for the past eight Millennium and for the next one hundred. 
4) Hip Pocket Dimension Guards - Like the rest of the Power Armor is strong though it’s main purpose is to store items in a pocket dimension that are only activated when the plates on the Hip Guards open. Once opened two separate Pocket Dimensions are available to each Space Marine for them to place all of their weapons. Created and maintained by the Church of Novila these Pocket Dimensions can hold any weapon or essential item for the Space Marines though they can never put anything larger than a spear or rifle and nothing living like a human or Xeno prisoner. Even meat chunks or cut off limbs will instead be vaporized if placed inside, it does make the Pocket Dimensions a surprisingly good surprise trap. A Space Marine could simply open it up and force an enemy's head inside, quickly vaporizing their face.
5) Rocket Shoes - The most essential item in regard to the movement of a Space Marine, allows them to jump higher, run faster, and even fly in the air for a short period of time. Naturally Space Marines who have wings or Unique Traits that allow them to fly do not use these shoes very often but that does not deny how useful they are.
Without the Rocket Shoes the mobility of a Space Marine would be severely limited and their speed decreased. This is not to say that Space Marines would be useless without them, but not as many Imperial Worlds would be alive today if the Space Marines were robbed of these shoes. Both contain enough “Sacred Oil” to power themselves nonstop for at least a full year. However, if a Space Marine ever needs more power the Bio Suit can drain and convert the Essence within the Essence Collector to create more Sacred Oil.
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dzthenerd490 · 11 days
WH40KR Gods of the Galactic Imperium Part 2
Ferrus of Bionics and Purity - A God Child that surprisingly also worshiped in the name of the Omnissiah but under a more ruthless path. Ferrus was a lot like Novila, cold and calculating but ultimately loyal to the God Emperor and his ideals of protecting the people. However, unlike Novila who believed all technology to be the Omnissiah's gift to humanity; Ferrus believed that humans were weak and impure thus only through technology could they be purified and strong. As such unlike other Legions and Imperial regions, he does not rely on the regrowth or transplanting of lost limbs or organs but instead replacing them with cybernetics. He believes that to lose limbs in war is a sign of revealing weakness and to get cybernetics in exchange is replacing that weakness with strength. His followers believed this as if it was divine scripture. They are the only members of the Empire besides the Church of Novila that use mechanical augmentations rather than transplanting body parts of dead or cloned humans. 
This unfortunately has led to a “holier than thou” mentality due to their augmentations and thus are quite rude to those not of the same church. Everyone within Ferrus’s church not only has an augmentation but a way in which that augmentation is weaponized. Ferrus was often called the “Omnissiah of War” as he had all those who served under him not only gain augmentations but have weapons within those augmentations to make them deadlier to their enemies than before. Essentially those who follow Ferrus are taught and live to become living weapons. This led to the scattered followers of the Omnissiah who had not heard of Novila going to him and seeing him as a more aggressive messiah of their religion.
Creator of the tenth Legion known as the Iron Hands. Like their God Child they have gained the attribute of having metal skin cover their entire bodies or most of their bodies. While the Imperial Fists are considered the constructors of fortresses, the Iron Hands are like living fortresses. Because their bodies are already of metal, they can hold heavy armor and thus take more of a punch than any other Legionnaire. They can also run just as fast as other Legionnaires making them living tanks that crush and break apart all they run past. Just like the Tech Priests they often augment heavy weapons and tools onto their armor for more specialized usages.
Melodia of Beauty and Music - Not considered the best but the holiest of all the God Children as her singing alone allowed her to possess great control over her Psyker abilities. Like her father and brother Sanguinius she could create Harmony on her own but unlike Sanguinius she didn’t need to perfect the technique through her father’s teachings she learned it all on her own. She wasn’t considered the strongest among the Primarchs as her fighting styles were less than conventional. When she fought with her Legion, she was often seen dancing while swinging her sword around.
She danced through the battlefield like a graceful ballerina yet was able to slice through hundreds of Xenos and human traitors with the swords and/or Bolters in her hands. Her Legionnaires had music speakers attached to their armor that blared beautiful but loud music raising the morale of all Imperial forces while also blasting the ear drums of their enemies. Her Legion is actually the only one composed entirely of female Legionnaires. 
She was however quite naive only ever seeing the good in the God Emperor and never his flaws. It was for this reason she was the most hesitant to fight the traitor Legions and as a result her brother Sanguinius sacrificed himself to save her from Horus. When the God Emperor was dying after defeating Horus, Lion suggested they pour their essence into the God Emperor to resurrect him. She was the first to agree and managed to convince the others it was a worthy pursuit. Had she not done this the God Children would still be alive, though to this day a majority blame Lion only out of their love for Melodia and all that she was inspired/ created. 
Those who within the Church of Melodia will display their worship through the development of art and music such as creating songs that inspire recruitment and raise morale. Create beautiful murals and sculptures for their own churches and occasionally the others. Then there are the cultivation gardens that not only provide food but are meant to beautify all the land around them. There is also a strange occurrence within her region of the Imperium where because her Legionnaires are female, women were considered the natural warriors since the establishment of her region within the Galactic Imperium of the 33rd Millenium. As such, much to the confusion of the rest of the Imperium, women within worlds owned by Melodia’s church are either buff or just naturally strong while men often do the cooking, hunting, and cleaning. Though because worlds owned by the Church of Melodia produce food, art, and music that overall, greatly benefit the Imperium and it’s moral; even the strict Primarch of the Ultramarines leaves their weird culture and traditions be. 
Creator of the eleventh Legion known as the Battle Sisters, an army of psykers who use music and faith to destroy their enemies. Considered the strangest as they and the Chapters born from them defeat enemies in the most unconventional ways such as playing music that burn Chaos Daemons, creating flashing light bombs that leave the brains of Orks melting, or singing choir songs that disrupt the Psyker spells of the Eldar. The Battle Sisters are also some of the best healers as they do not use replacement limbs, or bionic augmentations, but instead use the Psyker spells to heal all wounds and even regenerate the damage of necrosis or atomization from a Necron cannon blast. They are by far the strangest but most loyal and essential Legion only second to the Ultramarines. 
Angron of Rage and Death - A fallen God who once possessed the titles of Battle and Victory but is now a monster that kills in the name of the Chaos God Khorne. On his homeworld where the God Emperor left him to be raised and trained, he was beloved by all his people as a proud and ever victorious warrior. But when he became old enough to serve the God Emperor, he was sent on missions more and more to the point he wasn’t allowed to see his home anymore. He grew a great resentment to all things of the Imperium including his own legion who tried so desperately to please their father. As such when Horus came to him to join his revolt, Angron joined without hesitation and his Legionnaires joined too in desperation of pleasing Angron. 
When he joined Horus, he devoted himself to the Chaos God Khorne and as such became a monster of blind rage and overwhelming power. This resulted in Chaos Outbreaks within his region of the Galactic Imperium which wasn’t that large given his lack of enthusiasm to spread his authority. However, those who lived on his worlds; especially strong, blood lusting, and loyal warriors; were instantly transformed into daemons under Khorne and slaughtered those around them. Because of his power as a God Child and his love for his people he was able to have them keep their consciousness to the point they still recognized him as their beloved champion of Nuceria. They were still rage filled monsters but were now more loyal to Angron than Khorne. Because they retained both strength and knowledge, they were even more powerful than any of Khorne's common daemons. It was only due to his reign being so small that the Imperium were able to deal with the situation so quickly after the Horus Heresy. 
His Heretic Church rebuilt most of his region of the Galactic Imperium and actually helped it expand after the Heresy. They rebuilt the culture of fighting and victory to honor Angron as his Heretic Priests still worship him out of sympathy for wanting to be a warrior for his own people rather than one for the God Emperor. This has allowed all his followers to become strong and often buff warriors to the point that children end up developing fast and get strong very quickly within the region of Angron. It is also considered wise to always be angry as when you are always angry you can control your anger and use it to destroy your foes whenever desired. Though as is typical, this has only allowed Khorne just as many chances as before to influence the poeple and cause more Chaos outbreaks. It’s only because the Heretic Priests of Angron created the Khorne Saint of Honor that their church is still aloud to exist. 
Creator of the Twelfth Legion known as the World Eaters, a Legion that practically sacrificed themselves in the hopes that they would be acknowledged by the God Child. However, due to his hatred for the God Emperor forcing him away from those he called family and instead to build up an Empire he never asked to be a part of, he naturally hated his Legion and often sent them on missions in hopes of making them all die out. This led them to go to insane lengths in order to please Angron who they all saw as a father, even willing to join in worshiping Khorne despite still being loyal to the Imperium. They are now mindless monsters that still obey the orders of Angron as he commonly sends them to slaughter Imperial citizens and just revives them from the warp when they die without a second thought. 
Roboute of Duty and Professionalism - A loyal God Child of the God Emperor and was often debated to be the best of the God Children, even better than Horus during the Golden Age. Was the only one of the God Children to protest against sacrificing their essence to save the God Emperor as he said it wouldn’t work. However, he was not listened to and thus helped his siblings in vain. However, his successor Primarch is the only primarch that has not once ever been killed and as a result has never needed a successor. It is because of this that all within the Imperium know him as Roboute instead of his real name Marneus. He took the name of Roboute as he believes that Roboute’s consciousness lives inside his head and gives his orders from within him. Since he believes it is Roboute where his knowledge and power come from, he thinks it’s only fair Roboute continues to receive the praise hence why he took his name. 
Of all the God Children still in the good graces of the United Churches, he is the one that is worshiped the most beside the God Emperor himself. Those within both his church and his region of the Galactic Imperium are the ultimate jack-of-all-trades, being extremely talented at not one field but many fields. Granted they are not good at everything and in some cases the things they are good at, others are better. However citizens, Troopers, priests, and especially his Legionnaires are talented at many things when most in the Imperium barely have two talents, let alone one. 
Within the region of Roboute, which is to date the largest region within the Galactic Imperium known as Ultramar, its citizens are taught that a single aspect can never save the Imperium, instead EVERY advantage that can be taken, should. Resources, Food, Weapons, Data, Science, Faith, Moral, Duty, Culture, Determination, Medicine, and Management of it all are considered essential as well as the processing, distribution, and people who make them. 
Roboute, both during his time alive and his reincarnation through Marneus, knew that for the Imperium to survive it must not just be protected, it must be sustained by management. To focus solely on battle, the subjugation of your enemies, or the mass production of your weapons might gain you some strength but it will ultimately leave any faults of the Imperium forgotten until it is too late. This is why those within his reign and his church vow to be as useful as possible by raising their strength, knowledge, talent, and any other attributes they can to be as useful to the Imperium as possible. This cultural aspect has been so ingrained into the Rouboute region of the Galactic Imperium through the millennia that people who grow up in his region are naturally talented in multiple aspects and rarely if ever get tired or overwhelmed in any field or situation. 
Creator of the thirteenth legion known as the Ultramarines, all of which are the ultimate in jack-of-all-trades. Each Ultramarine can utilize any weapon, form the most advanced cannon to even something as simple as a pipe and use it with amazing efficiency. They all make excellent leaders being able to command Imperial Troopers alongside or even in the absence of their common superiors. It's even possible for them to build their own Bolter Guns, their own fortresses, and repair their own equipment. Granted they are not as good at building as the Tech Priests, at fortification as the Imperial fists, or healing as the Battle Sisters but they are able to do it all without having one talent overshadow the other. Because of this Ultramarines are considered even better than the other Legions, even if they are not the strongest, they can handle almost any situation entirely on their own. 
Mortarion of Rot and Resilience - A Fallen God who always possessed the title of Resilience but originally possessed the first title of Determination. It has since been changed to Rot due to his falling into the graces of the Chaos God Nurgle. He became disillusioned by the Imperium as well, especially as Nurgles growing influence in disease and rot was slowly destroying the underbelly of many Imperial worlds. When Horus told him it was possible to take the power of the Chaos Gods, he decided the best way to stop the rot from killing his people was to become those that spread the rot thus he allowed Nurgle to grant him power when the traitor God Children infected themselves with Chaos. 
Like the other Fallen God, he still lives but now as a giant with moth wings on his back that grow disgusting human eyes on them so that no prey will escape his sight. He spreads vast amounts of plague, disease, and vermin all around him to show those within the Imperium that they will continue to rot and die unless they submit to Chaos. He believes that the Imperium will never recover and that the Golden Age is forever gone. In his eyes there is only chaos now and to survive the Imperium must accept Horus as their new god or die by his plagues. 
His Heretic Priests thankfully do not share his sentiment and through their work, have found ways for people of his church and region to survive his plagues and even combat them. It is thanks to his Heretic Church that the Nurgle Saint of Peace was created. Its thanks to the entire Heretic Church that disease is slowly becoming a thing of the past or at the very least not as much of a threat as it used to be. These actions have greatly angered Nurgle causing his Daemons to retaliate even more aggressively than before.
Creator of the Fourteenth Legion known as the Death Guard. Originally called that because it was believed that through their power, they controlled all of death. However now they bring it through uncontrollable plague and are extremely resilient, being able to take on hundreds of cannon and Bolter shots and still being able to advance and crush their enemies. Each of them carries lots of disease and vermin within their rotting bodies meaning anyone who becomes even remotely close to them will die of rotting skin and diseased mind. 
Magnus of Witchcraft and Change - A Fallen God who originally held the Titles of Magic and Knowledge but lost them in his endless desire for more power. It was actually Magnus that helped the God Emperor realize that Chaos could be manipulated and changed in order to produce the most vital resource known as Harmony. Though Magnus himself never nearled how to create it like the God Emperor or his siblings Sanguinius and Melodia, he did learn how to manipulate and synthesize it. He worked closely with the Institute and with them they learned how to create “God Blood”, “Elixir”, and even “Sacred Oil” from just a little bit of Harmony. 
However, when the Eye of Terror nearly tore the Galaxy in two and all the Imperium could do was hold it slow the advances of Chaos just long enough to survive, he became disillusioned. Tzeentch whispered into his telling him that the God Emperor was focused on the wrong things and wasn’t using this as an opportunity to drain Chaos of everything it had. Once Horus came to him with the plan to kill the God Emperor and declare Chaos the new religion, he not only accepted but declared that Tzeentch would be his God. Magnus became a Fallen God who knew no limits to the magic potential of a Psyker and thus granted his entire Fallen Legion massive power. It is actually because of Magnus that Traitor Legionnaires and Chaos Space Marines are able to teleport anywhere within the Imperium to cause ambushes and Chaos Outbreaks. 
His Heretic Church is one that only survived due to the support of the Institute since they still needed the Church to help create essential resources from Chaos Warp energy. Though they ended up being the first to find out that Chaos Warp energy can not only be manipulated to create Harmony but something even stronger Order. However, to create this requires an extremely powerful Psyker and one that must be willing to sacrifice their very body and soul to the warp with only their mind keeping them together as it constantly works to keep the process and their being stable. This led to the creation of the first ever Saint of Order, that being the Tzeentch Saint of Hope. 
Those living on worlds owned by his Heretic Church study the full extents of Psyker usage and how it can be used to fight against even the forces of Chaos who utilize it the most. Granted this has led to these worlds suffering the most Chaos Outbreaks but the Templars and the rest of the Holy High Council consider this a necessary risk if the Imperium is to one day be the sole ruler of the entire Galaxy. Furthermore this culture of experimentation with science and Psyker usage has led to worlds in Magnus’s region having the most applicants to the Institute and the most Psykers being born.
Creator of the Fifteenth Legion known as the Thousand Sons an army once known for their amazing Psyker abilities that rivaled even Melodia's Legion. Now turned traitor, they all lost their bodies but in exchange became immortal clouds of magical dust that continue to power their armor and are able to use different Psyker spells without risk or limits. Granted all Traitor Legionnaires can be resurrected with the power of Chaos but the Thousand Sons never return to the Warp until their armor is completely destroyed. This makes just a single one of them a walking calamity that can destroy an entire world if the Imperium doesn’t stop them in time. 
Horus of Chaos and Betrayal - Horus is known as a Bastard God now as he is the most vile and powerful of all the Chaos Gods. He is not a Fallen God as there is nothing about him that is human anymore, he used a forbidden ritual that transformed him into a being of pure Chaos that rivals the Chaos Gods. It is for this reason that he lives despite the God Emperor tearing his Soul into pieces and nearly destroying what was left. 
Now in the 41st Millennium he has fully healed and created the Dark Imperium with his Dark Legion once known as the Sixteenth Legion: The Lunar Knights. Because he is almost a full Chaos God, he was not given a Heretic Church as it is believed even exploiting his worship will allow him to ascend to true Godhood. Should such a scenario happen the Imperium’s days will be numbered with nothing to save us. All records of his deeds in favor of the Imperium have been destroyed to prevent sympathy and the idea that he was right afterall. His old region was divided among the other Churches and factions within the Imperium and anyone still loyal to him but have not fallen to Chaos yet are to be found and converted or destroyed. 
Lorgar of Heresy and Ritual - A Fallen God Child who always held the title of Ritual but originally had the title of Faith instead of Heresy. Was once a kind and loving God Child that was a devoted worshiper to the Church of the God Emperor. It was actually him that taught Melodia the ability to heal oneself with Psyker energy, she just ended up being better than him at it. He believed that the Imperium’s faith in the God Emperor was its best weapon against all of its enemies including Chaos. It is for this reason that he lost faith in the God Emperor when the Eye of Terror nearly destroyed everything they built in a single day and decided that Horus was a better deity to worship. Because Horus learned to manipulate Chaos Warp energy to the point that he could not only turn himself into a Chaos God but one that could overthrow the current Chaos Gods, Lorgar bowed to him and worshiped him blindly even to this day. 
His Heretic Church is actually connected to all six Chaos Gods which is a type of faith known as Chaos Undivided. Though the Chaos Gods plan to one day slay one another until only one reigns supreme they are willing to help one another for now so they can destroy all distractions like the Necrons, the Eldar, Orks, and especially the Tyrannids. Because Logar worshiped Chaos Undivided it was thought that his Heretic Church could never control such power and thus it must be destroyed like Horus’s Church. However it was later revealed that because it was Chaos Undivided it only carried a little bit of influence of each Chaos God with none being able to overshadow the other or control the worshiper. It is believed this is part of the reason that of all the Fallen Gods Logar mutated the least, despite still being a slave to Horus and the other Chaos Gods. Though it was thought to be impossible the Heretic Priests of his Church worked to find a way to make their religion still assist the Imperium. For an entire Millenium all their experimentation led to an absolute miracle, the last of the Seven Saints was created, the Chaos Saint of Order. With this Saint they were able to finally perfect the ritual that rejuvenates the Golden Casket of the God Emperor to ensure the Shining Star of Terra would never run out of Harmony. 
Creator of the seventh Legion known as the Word Bearers, those who created many of the Psyker spells that are used by Imperial Trooper Priests and Warrior Priests of the United Churches to this day. Now they are insane monsters that fuse Daemons into their bodies to become unstoppable killing machines. It's actually their Legion that supplies the rest of the Dark Imperium and other Chaos forces with Heretic and Daemon Weapons. They are also well known for creating rituals that sacrifice Imperial lives to the Chaos Gods that will heal them, grant them more power, and unleash destruction on the rest of the Imperium. Just like the Thousand Sons it only takes a single one to destroy an entire Imperial world if something is not done fast enough. 
Vulkan of Fire and Kindness - A Loyal God Child that was the largest and shockingly the kindest of all the God Children. Granted many God Children and their Legionnaires do wish to help the Imperium however they understand that when a single Imperial civilian dies a thousand more are born elsewhere in the one million worlds they own. However, Vulkan feels that even a single death is something that should be prevented even in regard to civilians. He is the one that established that it should be law to save the civilians of the Imperium as without civilians there is no structure, there is distribution, there is no development, and thus no Imperium. It was however his Kindness that led to his downfall as he was one of the God Children who convinced Roboute that they should sacrifice their essence to save the God Emperor which only succeeded to get them all killed. 
Through his teachings the Churches of Vulkan consider fire to be the holy element as it can be used to burn away all enemies and forge any material into a powerful weapon. This has led to every world within his region or owned by his Churches to become worlds of blacksmiths. People on these worlds are constantly surrounded by fire and scorching metal leading to natural resistance against heat and also a strange mutation where everyone has black ash skin. There are even those devoted followers and Priests of his church that are covered entirely in charred skin. One would assume this makes them fragile but in reality they are now stronger than ever as their charred skin acts as a natural armor. Those within the Churches of Vulkan also consider kindness to be a great virtue even greater than strength though of course strength is still a virtue none-the-less.
Comradery does exist in other Churches within the Imperium but is often overshadowed by the harsh Competition ingrained into every culture. Churches of Vulkan are different as they believe it is not only better to be kind but self-sufficient. It has been a common trend that what one Church is not good at another Church can assist with. However Vulkan’s Churches believe they should never be so rude as to rely on another church hence their desire to forge their own tools and weapons and to repair their own structures. You will never find a follower of Vulkan complaining about their life in the Imperium only groaning that they can’t do more for both themselves and their fellow Imperial civilians. Its also been a shocking discovery that Hive worlds that exist on a world of Vulkan faith don't suffer from crime or insurgency attacks like hive worlds under other churches do.
Creator of the eighteenth Legion known as the Salamanders, living masters that can control fire and steel with their inherited blessings. They are kind Legionnaires that unlike other Legionnaires, who prioritize their own lives, they prioritize the lives of the civilians and Troopers even at the cost of their own. They are the most loyal to all things of the Imperium and only ever protest orders that will cost the lives of even a single civilian. Legionnaires are often encouraged to have children as doing so will spread their genes through the Imperium in hopes of making new and strong humans. But while other Legionnaires do this as a duty or perhaps just for the enjoyment of sex, Salamanders do so out of genuine love and have even started families that they go back to when they are not on mission. There are even Salamanders that have hundreds of children and are somehow able to connect and love them all equally as well as their future grandchildren and great grandchildren.
A fun fact about the Salamanders is that they will often go to public areas when not on missions and just sit there to watch common civilians live their peaceful lives. They don’t move much which often allows curious children to go to them and start playing around them or climbing on top of their armor. 
Corvus of Stealth and Hunting - A Loyal God Child that strangely relied entirely on stealth despite the large bodies and armor of himself and his Legionnaires. Corvus was one that believed the best way to kill an enemy was for them to never see you coming. As such he focused entirely on stealth which led to his Legionnaires and later his church mastering all the skills and secrets and stealth. In a way he earned a title that made him almost the exact opposite of his brother Jaghatai. Rather than being someone who is seen coming but is unpredictable in what they will do next, Corvus is someone no one sees coming, but all fear as they know exactly what he’s going to do next. 
People of his region and Church live simple lives of hunting going by a culture that only rewards those that hunt. The raven is considered a holy beast of the Church and those within often domesticate and train them to be loyal servants and even their eyes in the sky. It's considered a fun and essential game for children within Corvus’s region to play stealth games where one plays as the hunter and the other the prey. The prey has to survive for a certain time to win and the hunter has to catch the prey to win, if the prey sees the hunter coming the hunter loses regardless. This has led to Civilians of Corvus’s Church that join the Imperial Trooper Regiments to become either excellent snipers or amazing assassins. The Warriors Priests within the Church utilize Pysker spells to make themselves invisible like the Legionnaires and be able to strike faster and harder. 
Creator of the nineteenth Legion known as the Raven Guard a mysterious and powerful Legion that does not do frontal assaults like other Legions but instead focuses entirely on strikes through stealth. Through genetic experiments created by the Institute under the orders of Corvus himself, his Legionnaires are masters of the shadows that can seemingly disappear in an instant. Wherever a Raven Guard goes the only thing that will remain is the mangled corpses of their targets. No foe of the Imperium, to the most well defended Swarm Lord of the Tyranids to the most powerful Eldar on the most hidden Craft World, has ever been able to hide from or see a Raven Guard coming. 
Alpharius/Omegon of Espionage and Deception - God Children of the Imperium that were Twins yet no one ever knew other than the God Emperor. Because they shared a unique and powerful bond the God Emperor felt it would be beneficial to hide the existence of one but not the other hence why he said only 20 children survived the God Child procedure and not the real number of 21. Alpharius and Omegon were loyal to the God Emperor though more to his ideals than actually his orders. It was told that the God Child of the Alpha Hydra Legion also sacrificed himself, but whether this is true or not remains a mystery. Perhaps Alpharius sacrificed himself but Omegon lives and is pretending to be a mere Primarch of Alpharius. Perhaps both are alive and one is pretending to be a Primarch while the other is pretending to be a simple Legionnaire. Perhaps they both died and as a result the Legion has two Primarchs but pretends there is only one. The truth could be one of these things, it could be something else entirely, it could even be all of them or none, the truth is no one knows. 
It has become a common trend in the culture of worlds under Alpharius and Omegon Churches that all both Priest and civilian and even Troopers wear masks. It is common for none within the region of Alpharius and Omegon’s Churches to never show their faces to anyone other than their own families and sometimes not even them. Secrets are weapons and identity is a weakness within the region of Alpharius and Omegon, better to know which is which in order to obtain true strength. For civilians under Alpharius and Omegon religion, life is a game the only way to win is to never let anyone recognize you. Gangs within Alpharius and Omegon’s region never fight in violent gang wars like those of hive worlds in other regions. Instead they maintain their territory and expand it by trading the most essential resources within the region that are secrets. Black mail is the true weapon and with it an entire hive city can either thrive on resources it could never access earlier or be forced to start for an entire century. This has made everyone, even children of Alpharius and Omegon region master manipulators and strategists to the point that most who are raised in worlds of the Church are favored greatly and sometimes recruited at young ages into the Templars. 
Creators of the twentieth Legion known as the Alpha Hydra’s, the only legion that shares a close bond with the Templars. Everyone knows of the Alpha Hydra’s but no one knows anything about them. That is the trick in regards to this Legion, they are everywhere and seemingly nowhere, their manner of stealth overshadows Corvus to the point that even they can never hope to hunt down a single Alpha Hydra Legionnaire. Alpha Hydra Legionnaires are masters of Espionage being able to change their shape and form seemingly at a level that rivals the abilities of the 8th Finger of the Templars. This has led them to becoming a Legion that is loyal entirely to the Templars often carrying out their will to root out traitors, kill high ranking Xeno enemies, and even monitor the sadistic social experiments performed by the Templars. By the time anyone has realized an Alpha Hydra Legionnaire is around it is already too late as they are already long gone and whatever they came to do has already been done. The Alpha Hydra’s are puppet master's, and the unfortunate truth is you're the one being pulled by the strings.
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