#heaven creates ✨💕
naturallyadventured · 25 days
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𓂀 𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔬 𝔪𝔲𝔠𝔥 𝔭𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫 𝔰𝔞𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔰𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔡, 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔴𝔢 𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔢. ☽ ◯ ☾
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One of my favorite photos 📷 women CELEBRATING women. Captured by @sacred.play In healing sister wounds around jealousy & competition, I noticed how I would feel threatened by women offering similar magic. I always wanted to be the shining star 🌟 I was an only child, so I have been CLEARING old programming of needing to be the center of attention. 💕sharing the spotlight with my tribe is much more fun and soo much less pressure! How have I healed? I hug my inner child and remind her that she is unique & so loved! I placed balm on the wound by calling in my sisters who offer similar medicine, so we can share and expand in co-creation, as we learn from each other. We know that there is ALWAYS enough love to go around, there are no worries or hurt feelings when we can’t attend every event because we energetically sprinkle our love where it needs to go - all 💕 for each other sharing in service to grow our communities. 💚🌿 There are many beautiful portals popping up around Santa Teresa, including my home Temple Gaia 🌿 during my travels thru Nosara & Uvita this month, I was in awe at the abundance of visionaries rooting + rising here. 🌱 let’s keep going shall we?! It makes my ❤️ so happy to see the new waves of women and men co-creating Heaven on Earth. 🌊🌎Though I have been in Costa Rica for 4 years, and many of my sisters for far longer, I truly know that we have all been here for lifetimes before! ✨ when we remember that we’ve landed back here to shine together, we will unlock the keys to Heaven on Earth. 🦋
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WE are dear sisters, fellow priestesses, at the Great Turning. 🌏👼🌺 "When a priestess is truly seated on her throne, she realizes that she carries the throne within her. Our bodies are the temple of our souls. To be seated on the throne is to be well placed inside our own sacred chambers, deeply grounded into the root of Mother Earth, well-seated in the center of our belly, as we connect to the stars and the sky and let the Goddess's inspiration, her words, and actions flow through us." Gaia Codex: Node 34215.955 Our temples are found in forest groves, in the reflection of a clear glacial lake, or on the mountaintop. 🌾 It is known that our physical bodies are one of our most profound and sacred temples. 🦋 The priestess must be pure of heart. ❤️ She must know her body to be a temple of the Cosmos and of Earth, and she must be awakened to the Serpent, the Kundalini, the Shakti within her. ✨ As I gaze into her eyes, feel her angelic hands on my bare skin, I am being joined with a lost part of myself. My bones feel stronger. My cells are more vibrant. My breath is steadier, my vision clearer. "I have been waiting all my life for this." I whisper. "All your sisters have been waiting for you." I feel my heart as a luminous bloom that continues to unfold. I also feel the pain, the distinct physical sharpness, as our collective past sorrows arise to the surface - my visceral sorrow for what is happening to our Mother Earth, and the suffering of many souls on the planet. The tension on my heart increases until it breaks, flooding my body with radiance. The heart has many layers.❤️ There are emanations and intimations of the Web of Life that appear to move through all Women through the rising sun, and the corner fires that keep people warm at night. I begin to notice faces in the crowd: strangers who feel familiar. Women who like myself, appear ordinary, yet emit a certain presence on closer inspection. The look and silent greeting that rings within my ears.🙏 Sister, we are here.
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dc418writes · 1 year
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✨Pairing✨: mechanic!Ari Levinsonxblack!reader
Summary🪄: The girls are growing up, and Ari doesn’t like it (Operation: Rekindle addition)
⚠️: mention of spider, killing of said spider, Ari being an emotional bean lol, pretty much all fluff💕
*Disclaimer!: although collage/visual created by me via Canva, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of photos used, as they were all found via Pinterest*
“Hey,” you smile answering the incoming FaceTime from your ex. Finally able to sit in bed after a long day of cooking and leading an entire kitchen staff, being surrounded by your soft, plush comforter is the closest thing to heaven on Earth. “Everything okay?”
“They don’t need me anymore.”
“Wait what? They who?”
Sitting on the side of his own respective bed, Ari lets out a heavy sigh as his unoccupied hand finds his forehead. “The girls. They don’t need me anymore.”
You feel relief shower over you - momentarily worried he was referring to his job - before you’re light-heartedly rolling your eyes watching him dramatically flop backwards onto the bed.
“I thought I had until 18. 16 at the very least…you know what? I blame that kangaroo they used to watch that would always go on adventures by himself and say how they were big boys and girls that could do anything on their own. What was his name? Rodney? Bobby?”
“..Robbi Hopper?”
“Him! Who agreed that was a good show for kids?,” he asks nearly making you erupt in laughter. You slyly move out of the camera’s view as if you’re just making yourself more comfortable - subtly giggling to yourself - before you move back into the screen gently clearing your throat as if nothing happened.
“Okay I’m a bit lost, so I need you to start from the very beginning.”
“I’m cleaning up after dinner right? And then I hear a shriek then a thud, so I hurry upstairs to check on the girls.”
“You guys okay? I need to come in?,” he asked after knocking a couple times. Slightly panicked hearing complete silence as he waited on the other side of their door. Soon there’s soft footsteps and Aliana appears in the doorway looking nonchalant in her pajamas.
“Nope, all fine. We just saw a spider and-,”
“Where?,” he asks looking along the walls and ceiling of the semi messy room. “Keep an eye on it and I’ll get a napkin.”
“No need, I got it,” Brynn states proudly holding out a crumpled tissue of her own. “I threw my shoe at it.”
“Oh..good job guys.” This is how it all started. They kill their first spider by themselves and next they’re off getting their own apartment and jobs completely self sufficient and independent.
No longer daddy’s girls crying out for him and wanting his comfort or safety.
It seems like it wasn’t that long ago one or both of them were running into his room scared of the “monster” outside tapping against the window. Their big, brown eyes and soft “peaseee?” easily breaking him down to let them sleep in his king sized bed.
They’re tiny bodies would scoot close into each side and hold onto his long arms as he tried to calm their worried, little minds with their favorite songs or made up stories. Soon all three would be asleep and that mean monster long forgotten.
How he missed those days that passed much too quickly.
“Dad? You okay?,” Brynn asks after throwing away the squished insect and noticing her father’s sudden stare into the unknown.
“A-Are you crying?,” Ali adds tilting her head in confusion at his now misty eyes.
“No no, I just uh..allergies,” he nervously chuckles quickly trying to wipe at his eyes. “I’m gonna go take something. Y-You guys get ready for bed.”
“…But we are?,” they say in unison, but Ari’s already out the door reminding himself to breathe and that everything would be okay as he moves towards his bedroom.
“And then I called you,” he finishes while toying with a loose thread on his comforter. Hearing your muffled laugh has him sitting up - admittedly a little too fast for his brain’s liking - now focused on you through the screen pressing your lips together with clear amusement on your face.
“Are you laughing at me right now?”
“Okay yes, but I swear it’s not because I’m making fun! Honey just because they kill one spider doesn’t mean they’re gonna forget all about you.”
He’s quiet, but you can see his little cute pout as he looks down at his lap.
“Remember when they learned to tie their shoes? I had them married off and leaving me to rot in a nursing home run by that evil lady from Matilda.”
Ari softly chuckles remembering that day. Of course in front of the girls you were so excited and supportive - like the amazing mama you were - showering Ali and Brynn in kisses and praises for achieving such a huge milestone. But he later saw the tears as you sat on your closet floor clutching their baby blankets to your chest while you hummed “Isn’t She Lovely”.
“They’re leaving me,” you adorably sobbed. Tears dripping down your cheeks as you looked up at Ari who immediately crouched down giving you one of his signature bear hugs.
“Yea I’m feeling pretty much the same right about now,” he states.
“And do you remember how maybe 10 minutes later they were running in the room wanting me to fix them a snack?”
He softly chuckles using his hand to push his hair from his eyes. “And how you practically trampled me to go do it.”
“Again, I’m sorry for knocking you down,” you chuckle. “But my point is that they’re always gonna need us. Maybe not for as much like when they were little kids, but still.”
“Yea you’re right,” he quietly admits. “I just miss those days you know? Everything went so fast and now they’re almost teenagers.”
“I miss them too. They gotta grow up though, it’s part of life.”
The light taps at his door already tell him it’s Brynn on the other side - who tended to drum her fingers/fingernails along the hardwood ever since she learned the movement.
“Hold on Y/N. Come in!”
Brynn’s the first to enter twisting a strand of hair around her index finger; then Ali with her tattered stuffed bunny firmly held at her side. Both common tells that showed you and Ari when they were stressed or worried.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing. Well not nothing but nothing’s wrong or anything,” Brynn answers making Ari lift his brow trying to figure out exactly what she said. “We were talking about the spider and how we didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl which led to us wondering if there were babies…”
“And now we don’t know if there’s more in our room,” Ali finishes.
“So can we stay in your room tonight?,” they ask in unison. Both girls in their matching satin, floral bonnets peering at him with those eyes that were dangerous in their own right.
On the outside, Ari appeared to be playing it cool lightly nodding along throughout their explanation. Internally though, you’d think he’d won the Super Bowl how overjoyed he was; practically vibrating with excitement.
From your side of the phone, it’s as if you could personally feel his mood brighten making you smile to yourself. He had his girls back and all was right in his world
Not that he’d really lost them
(And not all was completely right in Ari’s life. If it were up to him, you’d be by his side helping him through this instead of halfway across town. You’d eventually see that later.)
“Well, you guys are a bit too big to spend the night in here, so how about we camp out in the living room tonight? Then tomorrow I’ll check and spray in your room.”
“Okay,” the twins nod with content smiles.
“Alright go ahead and pick a movie we can watch; I’ll meet you guys out there. Oh, and say goodnight to mom,” he states turning his phone towards them.
They each say their respective “goodnight” and “love you” before bouncing out the door going back and forth about what movie genre they should pick.
“Hate to say I told you so,” you smirk causing him to shyly chuckle and rub at the back of his neck as he moves towards his en suite bathroom.
“Okay maybe I was being a bit dramatic.”
“No, you had a moment where you felt sentimental and that’s okay.”
Ari was feeling that quite a bit lately. Especially remembering your time together.
How things could’ve been so different had he never caved.
Gazing at you as you began wrapping your hair in your own headscarf, that feeling returns to his chest as a soft smile curls along his lips. “Thanks for always being there. I know we’re not together anymore-,”
“Not together as a couple, but still friends. So you don’t have to thank me Ari.”
“I don’t have to, but I am.”
Now it was your turn to be in your feelings. “Well, if you insist,” you shrug making his laugh deepen and smile a tad wider.
“Goodnight sweetheart,” he waves. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Goodnight Ari.”
Who would’ve known at this stage of life you’d be in the friend zone? And utterly miserable
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romanticfootnotes · 8 months
🌹 Welcome Romantics 🌹
Hello, I’m Mel and welcome to my 🌈 safe little corner🌼on the internet. This blog is space for me to explore my kinks, desires, post a few cute selfies and to make cute mutual with people who are kind, open minded and respectful.
Some rules before we begin:
1. my inbox is open, and I’m always happy to talk, but please note, I have a muggle day job and won’t always be around to respond. Don’t get pissy if you have to wait, I will respond whenever I can 💌
2. I don’t owe you anything. I am a cute little romantic princess on the internet. Please remember I have a life and a husband outside of this space 🌈
3. Yes, my husband knows about this blog and about my spicy content 🌶️ He is my no. 1 fan regarding this new venture I’m taking
4. ✨Be respectful✨ I will block people who are rude, nasty or just outright mean. I’m here for loving vibes not for toxic drivel.
5. Feel free to reblog my posts or interact with them. It pleases me to know that something I’ve created has resonated with you 💕
A little about me and other links:
I’m 5ft6 curvy woman (she/her) from the East Coast of Australia. If you’ve come here for skinny, sorry to break it to you, you won’t find it here. I’m all soft and curvy.
This blog is a celebration of my body and individuality. It is a space where I can be a kinkier version of myself without people in my real life knowing.
I do post ✨NSFW content✨ on my blog (my tag is #romanticfootnotes), mostly cute little selfies of my booty or titties. Have fun with me, my fellow romantic ❤️‍🔥 let’s enjoy each others company and this cosy little slice of heaven.
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ruanbaijie · 2 months
um ok so i have a backlog of tag games (I love them okay I just take very long to get back to them 🥲) so instead of answering them one by one and spamming everyone's dashboards, I'm gonna smash all of them together to create one HUGE tag game
tagged by @thitiponqs [x] [x] and @asterdust [x]
nine albums or songs I've been listening to lately x nine people I’d like to get to know better x tag game with no name
1. why did you choose your url? i mean, look at him. what a bitch (affectionate).
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2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. nope this place is a dumping ground
3. how long have you been on tumblr? october 2010 *awkward monkey meme*
4. do you have a queue tag? luQiao - which is the most common question i get 🌚
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? my friends were mentioning it (this was during blogging heyday and everyone was on blogspot) and i was like cool what is it let's check it out and uh i've been here ever since
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? i wanted to something red + black (my favourite colours) to go with the overall ✨ aesthetic ✨ and xia zhiguang just happened to have this ridiculously out of this world badass modern wuxia-esque photoshoot with a red and black theme so
7. why did you choose your header? because hua chenyu is an AMAZING singer and god it's on my bucket list to attend his concert live
8. what’s your post with the most notes? this rainbow edit for jjk [x]
9. how many mutuals do you have? um so i keep an excel sheet that lists all my mutuals including main blogs (if the mutual blog is a side blog), names, what i tag their posts by, and tracked tags. said list is currently at *checks list* 288 🌚
10. how many followers do you have? 5.4k+
11. how many people do you follow? 455 but i think a lot are inactive 😭
12. have you ever made a shitpost? oh yes this is one example which i did for shl [x] and which got reposted on instagram (ugh) and i made them take it down yes i still remember it
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? too much
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? yeah a whole episode that involved death threats instant report and block
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts people don't have to reblog every single thing but at the same time this is tumblr the reblog place don't just like things all the time without reblogging yknow
16. do you like tag games? YES i can be very long-winded i love them a lot
17. do you like ask games? yes but i get worried that people don't send in anything at all and i'm just talking to myself so i don't do them
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? definitely you @thitiponqs 💕
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? eh no i don't crush on people easily? and i probably need to meet that person in real life before any crushing happens
20. what is the last song you listened to? currently having blaze of clear sky (the insert song of episode 19 of the apothecary diaries) on repeat for DAYS now it's so good and it makes me want to cry
21. what are you currently watching? the apothecary diaries, yatagarasu, dededede, the king's avatar donghua season 3, isekai shikkaku, meet you at the blossom
22. sweet/ savoury/ spicy? SWEET
23. what is your current relationship status? single (anyone wanna date lol)
24. what is your current obsession? THE APOTHECARY DIARIES i'm so sorry i'm so late to this game but also STILL NOT OVER the spirealm it still causes me a lot of pain and rips my heart out and stuffs glass shards down my throat on a daily basis
25. what are nine albums/ songs you've been listening to lately?
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齐天(华晨宇)- equal to heaven (hua chenyu)
双节棍(华晨宇)- nunchucks (hua chenyu)
斗牛(华晨宇)- bull fighting (hua chenyu)
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麒麟(早安)- qilin (zaoan)
星星(早安)- stars (zaoan)
乡下来的(玖壹壹)- from the countryside (nine one one)
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abyss (yungblud)
gento (sb19)
blaze of clear sky (takenaka daichi)
26. tagging (no pressure!) @alienwlw @lianhuajing @guzhufuren @miwtual @kolomo
@xiaobaosnoona @naughtynanzhu @mokacheer @alicenthighstower
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weirdgirlislonely · 8 months
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This is Holly💕
She is an Angel in Hazbin Hotel I created✨
Her story starts with abuse. Her father would abuse her. She wasn’t not really allowed out of the house. The only times she left the house were when she went to go visit her grandmother in the woods at night.
When she died, she was running in the woods at night. When her father caught her. She wasn’t paying attention to the usual path she took and died off a cliff side.
Heaven threw her out because she had a panic attack after remembering her memories on earth.
She’s been through a lot. And I can’t wait to show you all my Sinner form of her.
Thank you!!
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tried to send an ask forgetting my connection's awful rn, so if you're getting this twice rephrased that's why. i'm just gonna try and type it as close to verbatim as i can remember:
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i might be on to absolutely nothing, but i think this is interesting with the introduction of the BOL. my bad if i'm repeating things you've gone over a thousand times, but.
it's never made much sense to me to add something so huge so late and not offer any explanation. obviously it'll be a thing in s3, but why wouldn't heaven have used this in s1, if they have no qualms with rewriting history by removing Aziraphale? stopping armageddon entirely sounds like a wayyyy bigger transgression than sheltering gabriel (and crowley, ofc, wouldn't have then managed it without him). they'd at least be equal? if everything's how it seems, it all sort of comes across as a really lazily added threat. i'd rather it wasn't
if book canon can be factored into show theories at *all* at this point, i think this line lends some weight to thinking things are not in fact how they seem. the BOL could really, really, not be a book. i'm just typing words with no meaning at this point, but what if it's got something directly to do with jesus? am i reading ridiculously far into a throwaway line? do i sound as crazy to you as to myself right now
hey @aq-uatic, beloved!!!✨💕 im so sorry i said i'd answer this yesterday but then it fell out of my brain and i forgot about it in my drafts 💀
i have however ruminated on the bit from the book you've screenshotted and i'll come back to it in a minute (because Oh Boy), but im totally with you on the BOL thing -
i know i tagged you in another ask response because the same kinda thing came up, but yeah im still a little confused on why they didn't threaten it when aziraphale derailed the apocalypse? it's such an op weapon to have tucked in their back pocket (same as the miracle blocker, tbh), and it not have been even alluded to in s1/book?
the only thing i can attribute it to is that a) only the supreme archangel or above technically has the power to use it, b) michael assumes they have that power bc they insert themselves as supreme archangel duty officer, and c) heaven never does seem to change its passwords*
but then it further brings into question what is so different between gabriel and michael that gabriel would prefer to punish aziraphale by execution, instead of BOL'ing him (and therefore risk unmaking so much shit that happened because of aziraphale)... compared to michael who goes straight to the nuclear option? this further brings up some possibilities:
michael is an idiot to consider it, and gabriel is clever enough to know not to use it (both eventualities are... debatable)
michael misunderstands what the BOL actually is, that's it's not what they have told us - the audience - it is, and it does something else.
so yeah let's consider that all the archangels know of its existence (uriel and saraqael do not seem to react when michael threatens aziraphale of it in ep6), but only SA has the authority to use it, but michael is not actually SA... well, is there actually an instance where michael would truly know what it does? arguably not, not unless they went looking in the files on the BOL* which, presumably, in their arrogance, they did not.
(by the by, this could also suggest that AWCW was not an archangel - if all the archangels knew of the BOL, but he thought it was just a rumour to frighten the younger angels, then he evidently did not seem to have known that it was real. could however be something to do with his seemingly faulty memory, though - the fact that he doesn't seem to remember the BOL?)
(ALSO if the BOL is indeed to erase existence, as a punishment against angels, and this concept existed pre-fall/before the earth was created etc (given what crowley says in ep1), did aziraphale know about it? is this what punishment he appears to be afraid of when AWCW starts asking questions? would that mean that aziraphale was an archangel or was privy to archangel-level info?)
okay unrelated mental gymnastics over (before i talk myself into a hole, but also worthwhile notes @me to remember) - let's talk about the adam quote!✨
it's interesting to think, because how far do we consider adam's powers as the antichrist? could consider it as the exact mirror of, yk, jesus, or as a hereditary power from his father - former SA and now literal satan. we know he can resurrect the dead, he did so in s1; to resurrect 25 people equates to the power "only the mightiest of archangels" would have (according to shax, though, so - pinch of salt here). but ultimately he has the power and ability to unmake reality, full stop. even if we ignore the exact wording from book!canon, we have this in the show:
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do we take this as adam having the same power as the BOL? yeah, think that's fair to say, (especially if we consider that, from the christian bible, jesus appears to be the one to wield the BOL, revelation 3:5), and i definitely think you're onto something... but what does it mean? does that mean the BOL doesn't even exist? that adam would be able to counteract the BOL? gonna need to think on it more, but i also think it might be something to do with this:
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honeyed-sunflowers · 2 years
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I posted 4,420 times in 2022
That's 3,031 more posts than 2021!
259 posts created (6%)
4,161 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 840 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 166 posts
#moots <3 - 72 posts
#anon - 39 posts
#sakshi ✨💕 - 37 posts
#taylor swift - 35 posts
#sparklingstar 🧡🧡🧡 - 27 posts
#thank you! 🍭 - 26 posts
#picrew - 25 posts
#tag games - 21 posts
#🫀 - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 105 characters
#your spotify was tay-tay-fangirl-original-motion-picture-soundtrack-awkward-middle-school-slow-dance bad.
My Top Posts in 2022:
heaven sounds like this 💗
28 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Tag ur top 10 moots and write smth nice abt them!(if u want to tag more than 10 that's fine!)
hey, anon! thank you for sending this ask!! i'm gonna tag all my adorable mutuals and/or people i love! ❤️
@sugarspiceandeverythingnoice @sparklingstarr-tv @your-brittle-heart-warm @1989tv @doctorcheeseburst @cruelestwonderland @midnights-13 @toowisetotrustme-toooldtocare @allyonthemoon @candyswiz @ourstv @kazzlethedazzle @taylorswifff @midnights-xiii @lostinthestarsss @lovethethief @garden-of-the-soul @salenagomez @dried-roses-old-letters @vesperaverysage @fearlesslymarta
you guys have made my year so wonderful with your kindness, jokes, and infinite love and care. 🥺🌻
i'm also using this opportunity to let you all know that i'm going on a long break now until all my exams are over. that's gonna take at least six more months. i'm going to miss you all so much!
i'll be here on specific days like for midnights release, christmas, and/or new year! so until we meet again, stay safe, and stay beautiful. i love you all to the moon and to saturn. 🪐💝
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(i'll still keep my discord, so you can reach out to me there if you wish to!)
31 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
new theme! 🌻
“she is the sunlight and the sun is gone~”
— trading yesterday [she is the sunlight]
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See the full post
36 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Midnights – Taylor Swift
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Side A: The Dark Side of The Moon
1. New Moons: the first track, starting with a slow rhythm and then building up. theme – being afraid of the new changes in life, like going to a new school and the fear that keeps you awake at night. here, new moons, refer to youngsters facing life changes. this will be the other pov of nothing new. (‘the kind of radiance you only have at 17’ but it'll show the struggle of being 17 here)
2. Saudade: it means nostalgic or melancholic longing. this can be about wishing to go back to a certain time of life when you believed you were the happiest or had someone precious but they aren't around anymore. it can be about sleepless nights thinking about that moment of life.
3. The Tale Of October: this can be a narrative style of song, following the story of a memorable october – how that month symbolises something meaningful to the narrator. it can also include myths associated with this month (it's known as the month of gods in japanese folklore).
4. Cinderella's Shoe: a long-story short kind of song – but it focuses mainly on the negative/darker side of it. inspired by the saying “if cinderella's shoe fit her, why did it fall?” and the enchantment that wears off by midnight.
5. Insomnia: for all the night owls. for those nights where sleep is a distant place, an escape from reality, but it's hard to reach it. it'll include wild thoughts, anxiety and/or imaginations we may conjure while trying to sleep. this will be the saddest song, of course.
6. Werewolves: a song about transformation (every full moon, so contrasting the first track). halloween vibes that will first show werewolves (humans) as monsters but slowly show the misunderstood side of them. it will have reputation vibes and be the song connecting side a with side b.
Side B: Midnight Paradise
7. Meet Me At Midnight: the first single of the album. it will be a beautiful, romantic song but with hints of fear of losing it, just like delicate or peace. it'll also follow a timeline, like the first verse will be about 10 pm, the second verse will be about 11 pm and in the bridge, at midnight, the two lovers will finally meet.
8. Aquila: it's a midnight constellation, in the shape of an eagle. it'll be about the random bursts of creativity or ideas we may get when we are about to sleep. it can symbolise independence (like owning your own music) or about the growth that occurs in solitude, which no one appreciates us for.
9. Stargazing: another love song, but this one goes like a fairytale. like love story or invisible string. it can be about staying up late at night with someone special, spending your midnights with them after a long day.
10. Temporary Deaths: thinking about lost friendships or relationships and finally understanding how to let them go. it's a slow song about goodbyes, how they tear us apart, how we wish to avoid them, but they still happen. “temporary death” refers to how a part of us dies when someone we cherished disappears from our life.
11. Cerulean: it's about love that keeps you awake at night. it can either take a happy or a sad turn, depending on the listener, so the writing will just super creative.
12. Lanterns: inspired by the emily dickinson quote “i'm out with lanterns looking for myself”. taylor also mentioned ‘lanterns’ in the announcement post. it's about self-discovery or self-reflection. finding your mistakes, forgiving yourself and being free from the guilt, and working on being a better person. it's about accepting our true nature and being at peace with it.
13. The Witching Hour: technically, the witching hour is 3 a.m. so this song takes place after midnight. a story about witches (inspired by a poetry series i once wrote), how the public humiliates them but they stay up all night for a good cause instead. a song with i did something bad and mad woman vibes but it will have less angry tone, and more like “i turned the stones you threw at me into jewels” vibes.
so, this is something i've always wanted to do but never got the chance to do it. i'm not so sure about how much it makes sense or if it matches the theme of the album enough but this album allowed my imaginations to run wild and i knew i had to do something about it! let me know if you liked my ideas! and if possible, i'll try to write some of the songs or just turn them into poems. until next time, keep burning the midnight oil! *winks*
– dandelion
See the full post
42 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it’s time to go || good-byes
i have always been terrified of goodbyes. in my head, they were the worst thing that could ever happen to me. i don't know what was worse — saying goodbyes or receiving them. naturally, i have been bad at handling those situations. at first, they were invisible. like childhood best friends who did not find me "cool" enough to hang out with me or my favourite teachers who disappeared into the crowds and never appeared after i left my pre-school. those goodbyes were not defined, so many words were left unsaid, so many emotions forever bottled in my heart that i still write about in poems. but then came the goodbyes that were said. maybe that should have been the point where i should have realised why. it was because i had grown to deny whenever a friendship started fading away. i was clinging and holding on to the person even though they've had enough of me and only wished to leave. even after they left, for good, all i did was weep and weep. in poems, in songs, in everything that i did, a part of me wept forever, waiting for them to come back and tell me they'd never leave me again. i think a part of me still does... but it's not like before. and i'm sure i'm not alone, that there are so many people who are still learning how to accept goodbyes and not let it kill them.
earlier, i used to try to find new ways to show people just how useful and lovely i can be. it was selfish, or perhaps, it was truly out of love, but in the end, i wanted them to stay. i did not want any more goodbyes. so, i went out of my way to love them, shower them with as much as i had to offer, showing them the most authentic and lovable version of me. i wanted to give them reasons to stay. but, did it stop certain people from leaving? of course not. no matter how hard you try, you cannot make someone love you. you can beg and cry all you want but if they want, they will surely leave you. they do not owe you anything. and they do not have to hold on to you forever, even if you are the best for them. it's just how life works. certain ships are meant to stay as long as the storm is raging and once the ocean is calm, they will sail off to other islands. certain butterflies love to visit you while you are full of flowers and sunlight, but they cannot stay when the rain comes pouring down. some will only find you in autumn leaves, others in chocolate ice-cream cones, and some in your neatly handwritten study notes. you can try to show them that they are wrong or that you deserve better, and maybe you are right, but they will leave when the time comes. however, there's one thing you can control — your reaction to their departure.
grieving is not a bad thing. in fact, i feel like it's so important to grieve freely and unapologetically. but once that's done, we have to truly let them go. they can leave physically but only we can remove them from our minds. only we, ourselves, can wipe the ghosts that we allowed to haunt our bones because that's just what we knew at that moment of vulnerability. but now, it's different. time makes you stronger and smarter. what feels like the death of you may not threaten you by the next decade. goodbyes felt like the end of my world but now, i know they are there. they are always waiting in the dark corners of life. but now, if a dear friend of mine says their time has come, i hope i will be able to see them off without breaking down and losing all my hopes for a good life. i hope i won't rely on their ghosts to bring me a sense of peace and can find other ways to regain the happiness i need in my life.
goodbyes, whether said or not, are still something i hope to see less often in life. but the fact that i am not constantly worried about "who is going to stay?" and "who will be the next person to leave?", i think i can survive them. i have survived them, even the worst ones, and i know it gets harder as life goes on, but it also gets easier to accept them. they will come and go but what stays with us are the lessons and memories and those are the things i want to remember. not the nights my hand feels a little too empty or the way they burn down my house as they leave. as long as i do not give people the ability to kill me when they leave, i will be all right. because i deserve to survive these storms. i deserve a life that is not defined by goodbyes. and only i can create that life. it's my choice. it has always been my choice. and i am finally accepting goodbyes for what they are — endings — heartbreaking but necessary endings; promises of a better sunrise. i hope i will remember this the next time i watch a relationship break and i'll know when it's time to go.
— dandelion [it's time to go]
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108 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
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moonyartsblog · 1 year
You thought I had deviated from the Sing world, didn't you?
But no! I decided to alternate between Humans and Anthros so as to create a perfect harmony and union between these two aspects that increasingly attract me to themselves ✨💕
Today he is an Anthro and not just any Anthro but my MC par excellence, the character for whom during the writing of the FF I studied the background with utmost attention and, in doing so, connect his life with that of all the others. 💕
June, to me, is not only a female mountain gorilla but a world that loves to be discovered event after event.
In this case, however, sketch after sketch.
At that precise moment she is portrayed in her own home, the night is extremely dark and only the city lights illuminate her as if she were a large neon billboard.
She is not on night duty, not waiting tables or singing for the audience; she is relaxed, quiet and enjoying the peace that solitude can give her.
She is in the air, the training session still to end, but she is captured by the beauty of the city. She is static, thoughts are overlapping and she can do nothing but let herself go on that structure. She has almost returned to her nature and, for her, heaven and earth are now one and the same.
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royaleofury · 2 years
Congratulations buddy for 400+ followers 🥳
Here for the new game ❤️
I wanna go with option 2 :)
Lol tbh whenever i read something about astrology or search things about it...you always come in my mind😆❤️.... there's a little stuff toy in my room it reminds me of you too 💕✨
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( i have Pluto in my second house but it's not included in Vedic so..,)
Thank you so much 💞
Omg stuff toys! Omg! So cute! If you have any pic, do tell me! I am soft ! Haha! Thank you sooo muchh! 🌟 Do not forget the feedback bibi! 🌟
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Is it my first time seeing such a placement of Venus ? Your Venus in 2nd house in scorpio is making you someone who is hella committed in love and expects the same. At times, you even treat your partner as posession and may get extremely jealous if she/he gives you less attention. You want your partner all for yourself. Sexual pleasures are important for you in a relationship. You want someone who can attract you in one go. It's like " that's my person". Someone who gives off mysterious vibes and catches your attention. You may go for a person who kind of reflects the same qualities as you meaning someone who can remind you of yourself. Whenever you see them , you get reminded of yourself. Lavish dates do not matter much but quality time does. If it's Sunday, going to restuarant for food is second option but first comes, having some good time with your partner. Lol, Venus rules your 8th house and aspects your 8th house lol! Steamy nights and intense pleasures, lots of loud noise( if you understand), because 2nd house also rules voice! So, you know what I mean! ! Lol! I dunno if your 18+ , so I don't think so I should continue with this anymore. But 8th house does rule inheritance and 2nd house legacy meaning many of your partners,can be rich like they own houses, lands, family businesses, etc. Rahu from the 6th house is aspecting your Venus, meaning you can feel otherworldly whenever you are with your partner. It will feel like a whole new world and you lose your senses when something steamy happens. It will take you sometime to realise that you are still on earth , and not in heaven! You may also lend your partner money without thinking twice because of your blind trust on them. And not to mention the 8th aspect of Mars from 7th house, you are definitely not going for flings at all! One night stand is not your thing at all! You are someone who if ever going on a relationship, is to marry that person. You want to let your person know that relationship is not a plaything for you. If you let them in your circle, it means you are practically thinking of having a family with them. Aahhhhh! Mars in Aries! This makes you someone very dominating in relationship and in bed! Ahem! You always want the upper hand and the last word in every argument. This can create some problem in relationship, if your partner doesn't like dominating people and tend to run away from such people.
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f0xd13-blog · 6 months
I ain't going to reveal why this is the place of OG christianity now but... but!!! I can safelly say that that nobody is goiing to heaven rn ahahha
And to think about the fact we live in this sort of conditions and jews have the best jobs, money,the bst positions all over the world and still say that they are oppressed and american fags believe it...
Remember about that dude that said that it was normal kill palestinians and that portuguese was just poor people (while in my country) condemnwd to work and be poor and supposedly he worked for the european union and said he didn'tcared bout this poor portuguese ppl because he hangs out WITH THE ELITEOF THE WORLD.... thats what he saidnand honestly by his lifestyle i believe it
I still have the screenshotts hope other people kept them also btw
But the thing is i talk with snakes you know.. like salazar did.. so i got him spilling.. i think people even thougt it was fake because it seemed that easy but now i will explain you something.. he was gay.. so althought he considered my spwcies beneath his.. he wanted to suck my dick so i testeid him coz i know i could... now think bout hitler and his weird feelings for salazar or lets say appreciation althought he was everything hitler hated
Salazar was just a v atractive roma boy...
Things are finally starting to make sense right??? Yah... well i had told u this before but you didn't believed it...
What does islamism doesn accept? Partially becauser of the sensibilities i talked about before for most asian boys??? Yah this is because of homossexuais AGAIN
Well it ain't like that isn't a safe space fof people that ain't gay and don wanna be considered gay just for the way they look soo... who is the wrong here? Who is OBLIGATING PEOPLE TO BE A CERTAIN WAY? Oh ya hitler hated himself because he was gay... there was no other reason for that internalizwd homophobia.. he literally did anti charlie chaplin which was charlie chao but make it super alpha male which was is issue about gays btw he wouldn't mind cross dressers or trans becausw AS LONG AS YOU BEHAVE ACCORDING TO YOU GENDER that would be fine for him actually first trans experiências was conducted by hitler btw
So this idea i actually don mind he is still a fag tho and i he is gojng to hell ... but one small detail.. they don think like that anymore duhh
You know you gotta keep up with the times my dudes... your brains are cracking... just like all thay old christian theory jews got
So yah you are just creating homophobic ppl...good luck with hat.. moving on!
There we go thats why people think im mexican or latrashtino to this day... this is what you got for me lol. Yall don deserve shit!
I got so emotional it reminded of that time a rosalia fan asked me if i was rapped when i was a child
Here we go.... listen im just gonna join israel have no chill to be having the sams shit again...
Showing me japanese stuff ahahahaha the ones that helped nazi germany againts us
Got no time fof hiding gypsy identities... work with yours jews they can help u
This one because i never had one or three imagine losing them ahahhaah
Never even notice it... he does have my eyes
I never noticed it becauss ws havs pratically the same face i think it's because of that... too familiar and normal to me i guess
Anyways last post fr like i told u before... this is over... so should i become a dancer/wannab singer a boxer or both?
This doesn't HELP snoop stop tryinh to be dumbledore it ain't gonna happen
Actually that was a joke you he is totally dumblwdore ahahah
Now at least ronaldo fan boyéd the japanese coz now way i was going to fight them this time around... have you see them kicks? Insane
I used to like drake in fa t but that was before robalia i also know he criticized her so we cool... you know i hate robalia.. but like you can have her idc i just don have to excuse shit that never had an apology. Just keep out of my face like you been doing maybe i get to know her one day and get to stab her.... finalmente!
I like people that are real you know my opinion
...and to be completely honest i also know it was madonna's prpduction that became so lazy and bad just for the sole reason of being bad hope it's on purpose tho pela saúde delas
Ooooo maybe that's why it was avant garde. It's supposed to be bad as in nasty product... she took it literal... very avant garde and conceptual
Oh yaaaa have i ever told you that my nickname is actually shade? That's the name i used for the longest time ever and even tho i always really digged eminem's music and wanted to fuck him,it wasn't chosen because of that. I always thought that was interesting because at a certain phase of my life when i had short hair and sometimes discolered ppl thought i was him and made comparences
And daaaaang remember awhile ago everybody was just doing othing or cancellwd for life and only robalia existed??? Damn that seems so long ago but like how did we even get to that point? So weird... and how tf have i uncursed ppl? Like yah it wasn't only me but you know what i mean. So bizarre to think bout it.
Raul showing himself eating sushi on my reels like no shit you are gypsy i knew that before you did you idiot... you thought you was black... dude you are literally named raul... raul!!!
There's always a gypsy named raul it's like our john tbh
Also he has my cousins face that's why i know his lips are bomb to suck dick
I alsp called zendaya"black" for a reason. I atacked everybody that hurt me ok? Jewish guy was there instead of me??? I NEVER SAID THE WORD N SO MANY TIMES IN MY ENTIRE LIFE since like last month.. im on a roll breaking records
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moongalovesbally · 1 year
2 Years done, 1,000 more to go: Happy 2nd Year in office to Bally💕
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24 August 2021 was the day The Heavens opened x Zambians🇿🇲💚 rejoiced🥳 as Bally 👑 was sworn into office as our scrumptious 7th President️ following his unforgettable landslide election victory 🏆🥇
Today those celebrations🎉 🥂 still continue x have gotten even bigger as we mark exactly 2 Spectacular Years of progress, leadership x unity under the wonderful stewardship of our incredible President, His Excellency, Dr Hakainde Hichilema 👑💕
Please join me in thanking his holiness the almighty Bally 💕 for all the Wonders✨ & Miracles🙏🏿 he has done for our beautiful country Zambia🇿🇲💚
Thank You Bally ♥️ for the miraculous $6.3 Billion debt restructuring deal that sent cheers thruout the world x has lifted the debt burden off our shoulders.
Thank You for the $1.3 Billion IMF bailout package which has tremendously improved our lives.
Thank You for empowering our University Students with Monthly Allowance (Salary), for increasing CDF, for introducing Partial Pension Withdraw, for quadrupling Social Cash Transfer x for paying the Riterees All their benefits.
Thank You for ending loadshedding by giving us the $2 Billion Kafue Gorge Power Plant - an electric ⚡ marvel producing a magnanimous 762 Megawatts of Electricity💡
Thank You for blessing our Youths with over 50,000 jobs in Education, Health x Defense.
Thank You for showing the world that dreams do indeed come true by making the dream of free education a reality for all our people 📚🎓 leaving no one behind in receiving an excellent education. Because of this heavenly gesture our future shines brighter than ever.
Thank You for the monumental Lusaka-Ndola Dual Carriageway which u r constructing 🚧 at half the cost envisioned by the evil PF thereby saving our country from losing half a billion dollars which would've been pocketed by PF Cadres.
Thank You for reopening Indeni Oil 🛢️ refinery x upgrading the TAZAMA Oil pipeline. This has reduced fuel costs ⛽ while creating plenty of jobs x improving the standard of living.
Thank You for bringing Peace✌🏿x Sanity to our Markets, Bus Stations x Communities by eliminating homegrown terrorism perpetrated by PF Cadres💩 x Junkies - our people r now safe🙏🏿
Thank You for uniting us by eradicating tribalism x nepotism. Your fair appointments based on merit, regardless of one's tribe exemplify the core values of "One Zambia, One Nation' 🇿🇲💚
Thank You for accomplishing in only 2 Years what no previous government has achieved in their lifetime.
You r the absolute Best 🏆🥇 x a true blessing ✨ from the Almighty Gods 🙏🏿
Congratulations on completing 2 fruitful years in office as a Loving, Caring x Dedicated Leader🎉🎈
Wishing You💕 many more successful years to come.
Bally Wakutashafye🤗
Bally Wakulekafye🙌🏿
Bally Mwaume🙏🏿
More Money in Our Pockets💰
Zambia Forward👋🏿
i Love UPND♥️
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Does penis size matter? Many men at some point wonder if their normal penis size is satisfactory among women or if they should work to increase penis size to please their partner. When someone asks me “Does penis size really matter?” I find it difficult to answer because I know so many women with a variety of preferences on penis length. To explore this topic further, I am discussing my personal penis size preference as well as sharing what I know from other women.
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When I’m feeling like I want a large penis, the next size up I prefer would be comparable to the KingCock 6 Inch Dildo with Balls. The 6-inch size is perfect for me and I really enjoy how detailed the shaft and balls are. This is the most realistic dildo I have seen in a minute! If you are looking for a big dildo but not too big, I recommend checking out this large dildo.
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Now, I know some ladies who love an extra large penis. The Red 9-Inch Big Boy Dildo with Balls is a huge dildo fit to satisfy any women craving for a bigger size. Many women like giant dildos for the feeling of fullness they create. Not necessarily my thing, but for all you lovely size queens, this Big Boy Dildo will fill you up!
💕 Red 9-Inch Big Boy Dildo with Balls 💕 Get it here 👉 H986
Now for those of you asking “Do women like a big penis? As in BIG!” The answer is yes! There are women who adore a super sized penis. My best example of size is Adam’s Colossal 12-Inch dildo. This massive dildo is a whopping 12-inches long and very hefty to hold. This dildo is too big for me, but for all the ladies who love huge dildos, this big dong is heaven!
💕 Adam’s Colossal 12 Inch 💕 Get it here 👉451F
When it comes to size, all women are different and all penises are different! Find one that fits you and stay sexy, friends! 💫
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litmonstertime · 1 year
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being-in-the-mom3nt · 2 years
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This was December last year where my dgroup went to Batangas for like a retreat or just fellowship. It was warm, the way they treated me and my friend Bulet. I'm stunned that people like them exist. So blessed that God brought them to me when I felt like I'm too broken already. To have an extended family who cared genuinely and modeled Christ in a way like I feel heaven on earth, just simply experiencing and hearing different stories from these ladies. How they encounter the Lord at their pace and enjoy walking with Him despite of the challenges, struggles, or personal problems they currently have. Which also brought me lessons to ponder for a lifetime.
We played card games, swimming in the rain at night (my first time 💗), more nature shoots, and a separate quiet meditation with God. We woke up early and I walked around at about 6 am, thanking God because everything I've experienced I now realized it's for my good. Not saying It's all happy moments, but those taught me patience, deeper understanding and gratitude to people God given me and for God himself. He never left after all. It's just me, distracted and being stubborn and naturally messing around. But that fellowship I had just gave a reminder of how faithful and gracious the Lord is to my life. Like who am I compare to these vast universe He created, wonderful nature with vibrant colors of the skies? How big the world is but look how I'm standing and peacefully being just myself with Him and His people? That's wonderful. Really really happy 🥰
To my dgroup fam (tho I bet they won't see this 😆), I wish we continue by His grace. Always looking forward to what God wants to do in our lives. Tbh, it's really hard. But it's becoming easier because of the accountability and how they accepted me without judgment. Really appreciate it. Tho I uncovered my layers so gradually, yet the support was and still there all along. Really grateful for them. To more moments like these! ✨💕
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irethepotato · 2 years
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I posted 215 times in 2022
99 posts created (46%)
116 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 162 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 52 posts
#ire rambles - 46 posts
#ire tater tots - 42 posts
#genshin impact - 22 posts
#ire chats - 18 posts
#scaramouche - 15 posts
#genshin scaramouche - 15 posts
#self reblog - 8 posts
#lantern rite spoilers - 7 posts
#ire recs - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#fukuzawa: oh god how the hell do i explain to natsume about the fall of his network is because of an overprotective mother?
My Top Posts in 2022:
Attention sagau writers I present you an idea
Faceless ayato in sagau 👀
Corruption arc UwU
That is all ajdjjsjd
74 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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80 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Hii Ire ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡
Since you have opened request may I ask for headcanons or a scenario (whichever you prefer!!) of Zhongli with an gn!s/o who likes hugging him from behind?? If you don't want to it's all right, sending lots of love <333333
Hihi vivi! (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
AAAAA that's such a cute request. Ask and you shall receive ✨
Zhongli with gn!s/o who likes to hug him from behind
Pairings: Zhongli x gn!reader
Warnings: none but pure fluff, writer was listening to la vie en rose while writing this
Reblogs and likes are much appreciated!
Did not expect you to give him a back hug
Especially with someone of his height
But nonetheless absolutely adores it whenever you do 🥰
If you're short, he always gives you a small kiss on the forehead whenever you came up behind him
If you're tall, you have to lay your chin on his shoulder so he could give you a kiss on the cheek
He ignores Childe's and Hu Tao's teasing whenever you do this, much rather focus on you than them
There's this feeling of domesticity that he loves whenever you hug him that he just can't explain
If the both of you are in public, he'll unconsciously leaned back a bit for your warmth, giving a small kiss on the forehead before fully turning to face you
In private, he couldn't help but gently grabbed your arm around him, giving you a little twirl so the both of you face each other and give you a small kiss on the lips
If the mood strikes, maybe he'll sway with you a bit, a small dance with his beloved in the comfort of their home.
Writer's notes: zhongli is making me soft rn 🥺
Requests are still open
82 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
heyhey ire! i see ur requests are open ^-^ could i maybe request scaramouche having to look after a reader who got lightly injured? (like just a small scrape/bruise/etc) hope u have a great day/night <33
I just realized we're actually moots ajdjdjahdjs yay! Moot moots!
Hope you like this! 💕 💕 💕
Pairing: Scaramouche x gn!reader
Scenario: Scaramouche treating reader's who's lightly injured (scrape knee)
Warnings: very minor injury (scrape knee), scara mild swearing (let him say fuck mhy), scara's original name and writer's rusty writings and little knowledge on how to treat a scraped knee have mercy on me pls 🥺
Reblogs and likes are much appreciated!
The terrains in Sumeru are absolutely gorgeous. Trees stretching out to the heavens with leaves so big, it becomes a natural canopy from the sun and rain, beautiful and colourful plants that flourish in the humid environment, brightly colourful birds flying about. On the surface, the forests of Sumeru are beautiful.
However, for the inexperienced, it may be quite a challenge to traverse in.
You couldn't helped but winced as your lover treated your scraped knee, a result of walking into a thorny bush after getting too distracted admiring the forest and not looking where you're walking.
"Seriously what are your eyes for? Look where you're going, dumbass. You're lucky I stopped you before you fell into that stupid bush."
Despite his seemingly harsh words, his hands were gentle while he treated your knee, as if he was afraid of hurting you even more.
Hell, he mutter a small sorry everytime you flinch before going back to his tirade.
Your heart can't help but flutter at his actions.
"There-", he said after bandaging your knee. "Try to not walk into anymore bushes, y/n."
"Hey! You forgot one more thing?"
You almost couldn't suppress your smile. "Kiss it better"
If it were anyone else, he would've shock them where they stood for the demanding tone, let alone kissing one's knee. However, you are his lover, therefore, you have special Scaramouche privileges.
And that includes kisses
He rolled his eyes and gave out a small fake annoyance huff before giving your knee a small peck.
"I meant here, Kuni," you grinned teasingly at him as you pointed at your cheek. "I never said you have to kiss my knee."
"Why you-" he wasn't blushing but his red ears always gave him away. Which you have taken advantage of multiple occasions but that's a story for another time-
You relented your teasing before giving him a kiss on the lips. "Thanks for treating me. Here's your reward."
Before he could say anything, you left the room, leaving an internally flustered harbinger behind.
Writer's notes: it really been wayyyyy to long since I sat down and wrote something. I forgot how much fun I always had whenever I write something (or maybe it's because I'm biased for scara sjjajksjdj)
Also also how the hell do I tag scara fics from now on? Scaramouche? Kunikuzushi?? Wanderer????
See the full post
104 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Scaramouche brain rot
Just imagine reader waiting for scara to wake up from his coma but also needed to do some work in exchange for his treatment (courtesy of an eager nahida and reluctant traveller)
But reader, knowing his past trauma of abandonment, always writes and leave a lil note on his bedside
Dear Kuni,
Today's is (insert present date) and I'm out on an errand. If you're reading this it means you're up (I can feel you already rolling your eyes at my amazing deduction)
I'll be back later for you
Forever yours, y/n
Reader giving scara physical affirmation that they will never abandoned him even at his most vulnerable 🥺
When he does wake up, he'll keep the letter somewhere safe as proof of your love 💕💕💕
I'll write this later sjjfja maybe idk asjdjj
173 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pretty-dianxia · 2 years
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Art by: strayfoxfox - Original Post - Permission to Repost
Please don't modify or edit this work, its commercial use is forbidden. If you liked this work, check the artist's site and give it some love there! 
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