#heatwave tips
rescuebabiesau · 19 days
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Kade, you realize of course-
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-That you'd have had to bust your partner's window first to get to the ice.
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cayennesugar · 3 months
Shattered Glass Heatshadow as Mr and Mrs. Smith pose
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I know you requested shattered glass but I couldn’t resist the urge to do both 😭😭😭😭
With that being said I came up with descriptions about them while finishing this up:
- SG! Heatwave seems very friendly and caring, but is actually incredibly violent, unlike the normal Heatwave. He gets along with the ones he cares about very easily and sometime when he’s on the frontlines he focuses more on rescuing people rather than putting out fires, which does annoy Kade but doesn’t want to anger Heatwave to the point where he becomes aggravated and wreaks havoc as it happened once when he got frustrated with Optimus not picking up his calls, thus revealing his true colors. Heatwave pretends to like war movies to fit in with the rest of the rescue bots but prefers to watch the stuff that normal Blades watches.
- and unlike the normal Quickshadow. SG! Quickshadow is very outgoing and is known to be a social butterfly. She dislikes being closed off and competitive and is instead as good as a storyteller as Hightide, if not better. And rather than working in espionage and being an assassin, she works in finance and fancies herself as a part-time jeweler in the biggest jewelry chain on Cybertron, meaning that in this au she’s just as wealthy as the normal Quickshadow is. SG! Quickshadow knows little to no combat skills and instead has the ultimate victim mindset and becomes emotionally distressed when the smallest things occur. (Primus knows what she’s like in a catastrophic event).
I might add more but I’m hungry I’m gonna go raid the kitchen 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀
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chemical-killjoy · 10 months
Here's a few reminders about the current heat wave in australia and global warming.
Things you may not know:
2023 is the world's hottest year on record, and 2024 is looking to be worse.
Heatwaves are Australia's deadliest natural hazard. Let that sink in. It's not fires. We all know how devastating those are. It's not floods either. It's heat waves. It's not just a little heat, it's a hazard.
With the cost of living and inflation currently happening, a lot of people are rationing air conditioning or can't afford any. This puts more people at risk
It's not just the heat, but the humidity with it that adds to the danger
If you live in a suburban area, you are more at risk, as the concrete and lack of trees traps in the heat
The La Nina (sorry my laptop won't let me do the tilde) years we're going through are now hotter than El Nino years 50 years ago.
Risks with the heat wave and temperature rise in general:
Heat stroke can make you quite nauseous, so you may not be eating enough, making it harder for your body to look after itself.
There's such a thing as over-hydration and it can be just as serious as dehydration
With hotter nights it's harder to sleep - another thing effecting how well your body can handle things and cope
A cold beer can sound soothing, but alcohol warms you up, as well as dehydrating you, and causing lower blood sugar; keep this in mind as you enjoy, make sure you get plenty of water as being dehydrated with this shit is... let's say, subpar.
Heat exhaustion is real, no one is able to think lightning quick with the brain fog that comes with this heat. That means if you're not fully with it, things like driving become more dangerous
If you can't cool down within 30 minutes when you have heat exhaustion, or worse, heat stroke, it can become deadly
If you have a mental health disorder (and if you're on tumblr, chances are you're either neurodivergent, lgbt+, mentally ill or a funky mix) the heat literally changes your mood and exacerbates things. This has been linked to an increase in suicides and attempts, please make sure you have a support network in place, as if things are hard, call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or 000.
There is a point where sweating doesn't help as the hair is saturated/there's high humidity and the sweat cannot evaporate, therefore not cooling you down
The heat can kill, the link at the bottom of the page tells you how
Safety tips:
YOU ARE NOT STRONGER THAN THE FUCKIN SUN!!! Please make sure you are wearing sunscreen if you have to be outside or even near a window. Sunburn and cancer aren't funny, it's painful and deadly.
Drink plenty of water. No one cares if you look uncool carrying around a water bottle, because they either are as well, or are putting themselves at risk. If you're putting a bottle of water in the freezer for the next day, make sure you have non-frozen water to drink straight away
Seek shade as much as possible, even if it's carrying a small umbrella with you, or literally just a cap. Anything is better than nothing. This includes sunnies.
Cold baths and showers. I don't care that they're not pleasant, they can save you. If you have heat stroke, one of the best things to do is to have a luke-warm bath (as this temperature will likely already be painful - I saw my sister go through it) and make it colder to cool yourself down SLOWLY (but really, best advice is to call the doctor, 000, or go to the hospital)
Keep an eye on your body temperature if you can. If it gets over 41'C, your body begins to basically cook itself inside out
If money is an issue and you have a working air conditioner, set it to a higher temperature and turn on a fan. This will make the air feel cooler while saving money
If you don't have an aircon, here's a link on how to create a makeshift one
Alternatively, take turns with your mates going to each others houses to all be in an air conditioned room, while saving money of not having your aircon on everyday.
Aloe Vera at night when you're sunburnt will help ease the pain and cool you down. Also things like using mint body wash will make you feel cooler
I know we're all sweaty but do NOT overdo it with the deodorant. It will clog up your pores, you won't be able to sweat... this is bad
Take a break from exercising; your body will not start to deteriorate muscle until about 3 weeks of not using said muscle passes (I learnt this from my physio). If you're struggling with the idea of not exercising for a while, you might be struggling with over-exercising or an eating disorder - please think this over and consult a doctor.If you need to continue exercise for medical reasons: make sure you are in a cool area, hydrated, have time to cool down after your workout, and do NOT attempt anything too intense. No HIIT or anything high intensity. Aim for things like yoga or pilates (it's not just for women!!!)
You can buy hand held misting fans from kmart for $5 (these really work... I was at a concert in 41'C heat and the lady next to me had one... it helped so much)
Now is not the time for body insecurity, you are fucking gorgeous, I swear, just put the fucking crop top and shorts on or go topless if you can. It's too hot for insecurity
Make sure you've got a good fly screen and leave your doors/windows open but locked over night to keep you cooler. If you don't have a fly screen, try putting a mesh curtain over the door/window.
Silk sheets are not a good plan, you want cotton for absorbancy
Stop having hot meals. You need something cooler, no one gives a shit if you're having weetbix for dinner if you're not dying from your body temperature rising!! It's already gonna rise from the energy expenditure of digestions! So just eat something cool, ok? And make sure you're getting enough carbs, they're not evil, they keep your brain functioning, and you need that extra help with the heat fog brain.
Last of all don't be afraid to call 000 or your country's emergency/crisis number. Thanks for reading and stay safe!
Here's the link to where I got most the info, feel free to add more info to this!!!
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lovethisfatcryptid · 3 months
Heatwave tip: make a gel icepack by freezing 2 parts water 1 part rubbing alcohol in a freezer bag for a few hours. It stays colder longer than just ice and it's reusable.
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not-mary-sue · 3 months
Tip for if you're doing a lot of activity in the heatwave (yes this is a heatwave for the UK, we're not used to these temps): Always have water with you. No more than that. If you think you have enough water, no you don't.
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cuprohastes · 2 months
How not to be hot in bed
Go on to your favourite capitalist-dystopian mega-provider of products and look for Arc Chill.
It's a fabric that's sheer and smooth on one side and fuzzy on the other. Thus it acts like a heatsink and you'll feel a lot cooler.
UniQlo also does t-shirts that have the same effect: Pair them with a fan and voila, it's like running the AC without destroying the planet.
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Heatwave Advice
So, it seems as though my neighbours from the Pacific Northwest have been facing a classic Californian (and other states) summer heatwave. Yikes!!!
It may not seem like a big deal, but heat waves can quickly become deadly. And for those from colder areas, especially for the more vulnerable people of the population, it can be even harder on them if they are not as acclimated to the heat as those from warmer areas. It's even worse if the heatwave lasts several days. So, here is a list of advice and warnings, from someone who has experienced heat waves.
Staying cool:
Stay Hydrated: Believe me when I tell you, you are going to be sweating A LOT, and it is incredibly easy to accidentally dehydrate. The American Red Cross states that an average person should drink 3/4ths of a gallon of water daily and that if you're sweating a lot, add a sports drink or some snacks to replenish any lost vitamins and minerals.
Stay Inside: Another obvious one but going outside puts you in direct line of the heat. Stay inside and make sure your home is kept cool and properly ventilated.
Don't Move About Much: You will end up exerting your body that way and making your temperature rise.
Cool Washcloths to Reduce Body Temp: This is a technique that is usually used for heatstroke and high fevers to reduce your body temperature (but with Icepacks instead of cool washcloths). But I like to use this when I start to feel a little more sweaty than I'm comfortable with. What you do is have some wet washcloths, that have been previously left in the freezer, lie down, and place the washcloths on your neck, armpits, and groin like you would to a person who is suffering from heatstroke.
Take a Cool Bath: Cool baths are actually a great way of keeping your body cool. Remember, a COOL bath, not a freezing cold ice bath. Just a cool one and a nice soak will feel quite nice.
Stay Sun Safe: Make sure to put on sunscreen, even if you're not going out. But a thin layer so you don't clog up your sweat pores. Getting sunburnt decreases your body's natural ability to cool down, and it's just not fun. Don't forget sunglasses and a hat if you go out.
Don't Use the Oven or Stove: You're only going to heat up your home by cooking and heating up your insides with hot food. Instead eat foods like sandwiches, wraps, fruits, veggies, and salads.
Wear Light and Loose Clothing: Another obvious one, but an important one.
The Nights are Going to be Hot: Skip the blankets and, if you're comfortable with it, sleep only in undergarments. But don't go around that way in the day, you could risk sunburn.
Be Prepared:
Blackouts: Blackouts aren't uncommon when there are heat waves, so it's important to be prepared and know what to and not to do:
Save your phone battery
Have flashlights with replaceable batteries present
Do not turn on things that can risk you getting carbon monoxide poisoning
Make sure you have plenty of fresh and clean drinking water saved
Keep refrigerators and freezers closed
Wildfires: You'd be surprised how easy it is for wildfires to start, and even more surprised, or horrified, to learn just how FAST they can move as well too:
It's best to leave when you see the fire, not before you get the order to. As tempting as it may be to stay and wait, it's always better to leave as soon as you see the fire. You will have more time to pack your essentials and a lower chance of getting caught in a traffic jam.
Make sure you have a place to go to when evacuating. Whether this is a family member's home, a hotel, or an emergency shelter, ensure you have somewhere safe to stay that far away from the wildfire.
Don't forget to pack documents and medications, and keep them nearby. When you're packing stuff in a flurry and there is a giant wildfire coming at you, it's quite easy to forget to pack the more detailed things such as birth certificates, passports, and medications. But it's important to remember them.
Wear the right clothing. This is one of those personal experiences; let me tell you, smoke from wildfires HURT. It burns your eyes and your throat and can irritate/damage your skin. Long pants, long shirts, facial coverings, leather working gloves, leather boots, thick wool socks, floppy hats, and goggles are the best at keeping you safe. Even better if they're made of natural materials since they're less likely to burn up.
Hopefully, some of these things could be of some help. But remember, these are only a few things that can be helpful; and a good amount of these are things that I've learnt from personal experience or was taught. It's always important to do proper research through certified websites and books, as well as speaking to people who are much more knowledgeable about these things.
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alanaartdream · 1 year
Being as I grew up and live in Australia 🇦🇺 I know of a few ways of handling Heat Waves by now
((Collapse from heat stroke once in 2019 when Australia was going through the WORST bushfires you could EVER imagine))
So I figured I should pass on some tips to deal with heat waves so you in other parts of the world can deal with heatwaves and not end up collapsing from heat stroke
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Homo Sapiens Are Working Overtime to Join 'The Great Silence'
And if it does affect the economy, we’ll find a way to                      extract a profit from it…. Driven mostly by rising global temperatures from the continued burning of fossil fuels, extreme weather events such as typhoons, hurricanes, floods, heatwaves and drought are becoming more frequent, increasing 83% worldwide in the past 20 years (as of 2020), and the costs have increased by 800%…
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fcfvafeed · 3 months
Conquer the Scorch: Vital Summer Survival Tips for Hopewell, Petersburg, and Colonial Heights
Summer 2024 has brought intense heat to the Hopewell, Petersburg, and Colonial Heights areas, with temperatures frequently soaring above 95 degrees. Staying safe and cool during these heatwaves is crucial. Here are some essential tips and best practices to help you stay safe, comfortable, and healthy during the Hopewell Heatwave. Stay Hydrated Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on Pexels.com Tip…
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amitkakkarhealthyway · 4 months
8 Tips for Exercising During a Heatwave By Amit Kakkar Healthyway
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clanoffelidae · 1 year
Friendly reminder that sugar cravings can be a sign of dehydration. If you can’t stop thinking about something sweet go take a fuckin sip babes.
(The tl;dr is that if you’re low on water it takes your body more time to transport sufficient energy to your cells but your cells are a bit stupid and don’t understand that it’s a water problem they just see a lack of energy and start alerting the brain that they’re not getting enough energy so the brain goes ‘oh we’re low on energy, sugar time, Let Us Get This Energy’ even tho there may well be Plenty Of Energy there’s just Not Enough Water To Transport It Fast Enough so if you’re craving sugar it may be time to get drinked)
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lilyblisslys · 4 months
Hey, if you’re in the northeastern US, there’s a heatwave coming next week! Be sure to stock up on water/ice, keep your blinds down, and maybe read up on safety tips for the heat!
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aurorawritestoescape · 3 months
HEATWAVE || Joel Miller x f!reader || 2,5k
Summary: Joel helps you to cool down on a hot summer day. In his own way.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, pwp, horny!Joel, sweaty filthy sex, m!masturbation, unprotected piv, creampie, cum eating, fingering, praise kink, swearing, pet names (baby, sweetheart). Pics are for the mood only, reader has no specific physical descriptions.
A/n: I’ve been dying of heat all week but imagining Joel railing me slightly alleviated my hardship. Hot Joel kiss to @milla-frenchy for beta-ing😘 Dividers by @saradika-graphics 💕Hope you will enjoy this story. Love ya!❤️
same couple - HEATWAVE collection || MASTERLIST
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“Don’t, Joel.”
“Don’t touch me, please. It’s too fucking hot.”
Joel sighs and falls back on the couch as you shift away from his feet, getting comfortable as far as possible from his heat radiating body.
“Fine. Jus’ wanted to make you feel good. You’ve been snappy all day.”
“Sorry. It’s all this damn heat! I’m dying without the AC!” You groan and shake the hem of your crop top, trying to cool off just a little. You’re wearing the tiniest shorts you could find but nothing really helps when you’re dealing with a Texas summer without any conditioning.
“It’ll be fixed tomorrow, baby, don’t worry.”
“I know but… ugh!”
You throw a glance at Joel who has the most sympathetic expression on his handsome face. You also can’t deny that he looks hot like this, completely naked except for his home shorts. His broad chest, rising and falling in steady rhythm, is glistening with sweat, his thick thighs are spread and his cock is slightly tenting his only garment. You’d eat him whole if not for the fucking heat!
Torturing you even more he gives you his bedroom eyes and you bite your lip, thinking how to fuck him without touching him. Suddenly your gaze lights up.
“Oh! I know what we need!”
He raises one brow in a silent question and you start hastily explaining, at the same time grabbing your phone off the coffee table and opening a browser,
“I’m gonna look for hot weather sex positions.”
Joel chuckles and you furrow your brows at the man.
“No, don’t laugh. They minimize skin contact and should be easy on the movements. I saw an article once.”
Your pussy aches more and more the longer you watch Joel splay on the couch and you need him to be on board with your idea but he doesn’t seem very enthusiastic.
“Not sure it’ll help much but…let’s try it,” he shrugs and you beam at him before typing away.
As always when you need it the most, the internet is slow and you shake your leg, already losing patience.
In your peripheral vision you notice Joel move and your eyes shift from your phone screen to him for just a second. You do a double take when you see him pull the waistband of his shorts down, freeing his semi hard cock, as his mischievous gaze is set on you.
"What are you doing?" you groan at the sight of his big hand, wrapping around his long juicy member.
"Jus' a lil' pre-game, baby. Go on with your research."
You watch him give his manhood a few languid pumps and your mouth waters when some wetness beads on the tip. A new surge of desire burns your core and your breathing fastens. A few seconds later you remember what you were doing and turn away from the hot sight so you could return to the task at hand.
You try to open the first link but it’s loading for eternity so you close it with a curse and press the second one.
Then soft grunts reach your ear and you see Joel pleasure himself in earnest, as his cock is drooling on his veiny hand.
“Hey, wait for me, would you?” You grumble, tapping the same link three times, as if it can make it open faster.
“I’m imagining your hand doing it, sweetheart,” Joel smirks with his eyes already hazy as his palm is sliding up and down his length, thumb brushing over the tip from time to time, “or your pretty mouth, licking my cock. Oh, I bet your pussy wants some of this. She doesn’t care about the heat.”
You know he’s teasing you so you’d hurry up but the solution of your problem is so close that you can’t just stop now. So you fix your shorts that are sticking to your already wet folds and avert your eyes from your tormentor.
“Fucking cookies,” you curse, getting hotter because of the sweltering weather and also after noticing Joel buck his hips to fuck his fist better.
Finally you find an illustration of an almost contactless sex position and tilt your head, trying to understand it.
“Where’s his..? Oh! But… Nah. I’d break your dick like that.”
“We don’t want that,” Joel chuckles, his voice strained with pleasure he’s giving himself.
You’ve never seen him jerk his cock for such a long time so your gaze involuntarily shifts away from your phone again and you shamelessly stare at his hand gliding up and down his stiffness.
“We miss you,” Joel taunts you, seeing desire paint your face, and shakes his cock from side to side, spilling precum everywhere.
“Joel..” You whine and using every ounce of your will you tear your eyes away from his body and return them to the screen.
“Ok, this one is more doable. But it’ll take me forever to come like that… Oh and this… this just defies gravity.”
Giggling at the picture, you show Joel the screen and he gives you a polite smile but his half-lidded eyes tell you that he’s already deep in the ocean of lust, close to reaching his high.
Your gaze slides down to his throbbing cock, his big hand jerking it and you give up. You throw your phone back on the table and with a quiet “Fuck it,” you decide to literally fuck it. Fuck Joel.
Your man’s eyes light up as he coos at you,
“Yeah, c’mere, baby. Come sit on your popsicle.”
You laugh, climbing up the couch over his huge body and straddling his thighs. His skin is unbearably hot but your need overshadows everything.
You take his cock in your sweaty hands and purr, wetting your lips, “popsicle? shall I lick it first then?”
“Usually I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to that, but…,” he says, taking in your body, wrapped in a tight crop top and little shorts. You hear him groan as you lean down to his leaking cock but then his hand on your cheek stops you, “but! I’ve been playing without you and … My cock’s ready for your sweet pussy, baby. Gimme.”
With that he shifts to the side and pulls you to lie down next to him on the couch. The warmed up surface and Joel’s huge body pressed close to you make you whine as another wave of heat hits you.
“Shh,” Joel shushes you and clumsily sits up, almost making you fall off the narrow seat.
He takes his shorts off and helps you discard your clothes as well.
“Fuck, look at you,” he mumbles, his hungry eyes travelling over your exposed body, “wanna lick you all over.”
You take a sharp breath, suffocating with lust, but then Joel does the unforgivable. He lays down on top of you, pushing your legs apart with his knee, and you’re about to cry at how hot the vast expanse of his sweaty skin makes you.
“Joel!” You cry out, trying to push him off, palms braced on his chest, but the next second his lips crash against yours and he’s giving you a heady kiss which quickly makes you forget all about the heat. You’re immediately enchanted by him, his taste, his desire for you. The kiss is sloppy and messy and you cool off a little whenever your wet lips part from each other, even only for a second.
Soon sweat coats your body and Joel’s cock pulsating against your belly turns you into a desperate puddle. To get some respite from the heat, you tilt your head down and blow on your chest.
“It won’t help,” Joel murmurs, “Maybe this will.”
He hunches over you, leans down and licks a long stripe from your breast over your neck and jaw and reaches your lips and kisses you again. You hum with pleasure, noting your salty taste on his tongue and enjoying the sensation of the cooling wet path on your skin.
You’re making out for a few more seconds but the ache between your thighs makes your wriggle under him and Joel hastily lifts his torso and hovers over you, his chest inches from yours as you breathe out after this tiny relief. You glance down and see his heavy cock rest on your mound, his balls pressed to your folds, some wetness smeared on your belly where he is leaking on you. The sight makes you whine his name and reach for his big member.
It’s hot, stiff and damp when you caress it gently with your fingers and Joel’s dark eyes lower to the place where you’re making him even harder if it’s even possible.
“Put it in, sweetheart. Want you on my cock already. You’re drippin’ all over me. My balls are fuckin’ drenched.”
His Texan drawl is even more apparent when he’s so turned on and you know it’s time for him to fuck you. But he teased you so much. Why can’t you?
You throw your legs apart wider, but pressing your hips deeper into the couch, pull away from Joel’s hot crotch. You feel the air slightly cooling your sopping pussy and it feels so amazingly good, that a gasp climbs up your throat.
“Where’re you goin’, naughty girl?” Joel groans and rolls his hips against your pussy, scorching you with his heated thighs, balls and cock, making you mewl. He overplays you, making your hungry hole clench around nothing, clit twitch and you immediately bring your hand down and push his pulsating hot length into your soaked entrance. Both of you moan loudly at the anticipated sensation.
Joel drops his body on you again, holding some of his weight as he braces his forearm on the couch.
You should be uncomfortable, annoyed, hot and miserable but all you feel is his cock spreading your insides, his balls rubbing against your ass. His scent, a mixture of sweat and musk with a slight trace of his favorite piney deodorant, envelops you completely. He invades all your senses at once and you let him, welcome it with your body and soul.
“Joel,” you whisper, choking on your feelings and hugging him even closer.
“I know, baby, I love you too,” he replies, covering your whimpering mouth with his and drinking your oh’s and ah’s.
Soon he’s rolling his hips, his thrusts languid and gentle, as you’re making out, glued together by desire and love. You become one as the heat, radiating from the two of you and the sweat on your skin are mixing together and your bodies slide against each other in this lustful dance.
His cock is massaging your walls, kissing your cervix with its fat head and you glide your hands over the expense of Joel’s dewy back, shoulders and arms before they sneak down and you grab handfuls of his ass. You start grinding your pussy against his pelvic bone and coarse hair.
Suddenly Joel lifts his torso and looks at you, blown out eyes darting between yours, his hips still moving.
“You’re drownin’ my cock, sweetheart. So fuckin’ wet. My perfect pussy. Wanna see?”
After hearing your sultry ‘yeah’, Joel brings his hand to your face, brushes your lower lip with his thumb and then his palm glides down your heated body. Your skin erupts in goosebumps from the gentle contact and you whimper when he runs his fingers over your slicked up folds, spread around his fat cock.
You lift your hips chasing his touch on your clit, and he grants your wish. His index and middle finger find your hardening bud and he swirls it for a few seconds, closely watching your reaction. Your lips part and eyes flutter shut, as his cock and fingers make your pussy purr. Joel’s manhood twitches deep inside you before he pauses his thrusts into your wet heat.
Suddenly he pulls his cock out entirely.
“Joel! No!”
He tsks at you for the impatience but then his girthy length gets replaced by three of his fingers and you gasp and then moan when he begins pushing them in and out of your messy cunt, curling them to press the pleasure spot inside your core.
Joel sees how close you’re by the way your eyes roll to the back of your head and your walls start squeezing his digits harder and harder. He places his thumb on your clit and pushes, sending a new wave of ecstasy to your brain and you cry out as your climax hits your sweaty body. The drops of your sweat slide down on the couch because of how hard you tremble under him and Joel watches the euphoria course through you with an adoring gaze.
“Yeah, jus’ like that. Good girl.”
When you still and open your spent eyes at him, his fingers curve inside you as he scoops your slick and cum and then pulls them out. He raises his hand and watches your creamy juices slide down his hand.
“Joel,” is all you manage to mewl, witnessing your liquid euphoria.
With his tongue peeking out, he brings his hand to your chest and paints your pebbled nipple with your wetness. Then he leans closer and blows on it and you moan at the temperature change.
“Yeah, you like it, huh? Dirty girl.”
As if confirming his words, your nipple hardens more and with a grunt Joel latches onto your breast and licks off the taste of your pussy. You whimper as another course of pleasure reignites your core.
Joel hums, enjoying the flavor of your skin, and the next moment his cock spears you in one go and he begins pounding into you, pulling his hips back fast and thrusting his throbbing manhood into your sopping pussy with hard and sharp strokes. His tongue continues dancing over your tits and you clench his curls with the last drops of strength you have in your spent body. After a few more thrusts, Joel parts from your puffy nipple and growls, still railing you.
“Fuck, baby— choke my cock again— C’mon, be a good girl—come again.”
He kisses you passionately while his hand slithers down between your bodies and he starts rubbing your clit, chanting, “One more, one more.”
In no time you’re squealing as your pussy is clamping around his cock and it sends him over the precipice. Joel breathes out a moan and his hips jerk again and again, sending rope after rope of his hot cum inside you. Your cunt keeps milking him of the last drop as he presses his sweaty forehead to yours, your eyes locked with his and full of gratitude, love and euphoria.
You’re descending from your highs together, limbs tangled and bodies flush against each other. To your surprise the sweat cooling your skin and his cum seeping out of your pussy send a shiver down your spine.
“I’m cold,” you mumble into the crook of his neck.
“Really? Maybe we don’t need AC at all? I can just fuck the heat out of you?”
“Yes, we do,” you disagree, giggling.
“But I loved helping you, baby. We should reschedule the repair for next week.”
You push him off you, burning the man with a fiery gaze, “Don’t you dare, Joel Miller.”
“I’m kiddin’, sweetheart,” Joel chuckles, hugging you tight and shutting your grunts up with a kiss. A second later you feel hot all over again.
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Thank you for reading! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic!💖
Same couple - HEATWAVE collection || Masterlist
General tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @mermaidgirl30 @staywildflowahchild @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @evolnoomym @keylimebeag @joelmillerisapunk
If you'd like to be tagged in my future fics, let me know!💕
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midnightloversmusic · 3 months
You’re so golden!
When you and Harry are forced to endure a heat wave outdoors shenanigans inevitably occur…
Warnings: SMUT, oral fem!receiving, dirty talk
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The last time you checked your phone was this morning when you were rudely awakened by the suffocatingly humid air and the pull of sticky sweaty skin while turning away from Harry who was practically in a heat induced coma. It's almost July and it is hot, unusually so. Not to mention that your AC broke in the middle of the night leaving you no escape from the heatwave that just hit your once comfortably warm town. This left you and harry no choice but to pile into an ice cold shower this morning trying desperately to cool off, but failed miserably when he got distracted looking at your tits. 
Now you are in your pool trying to cool off as Harry stares helplessly at his phone that won’t turn on because it overheated. He sighs and you snicker silently to yourself. You had given up trying to go online hours ago. Harry lays his head back and you take a second to admire the expanse of his torso through your sunglasses. Sweat trickles down his butterfly tattoo down into the ridges of his abs. It's practically an obscene sight. He should look innocent, he's lounging on a lawn chair with his pretty mouth set into a pout and his hair fluffier than normal because of the humid air. You think the heat must be messing with your head because the sight makes you want to pounce. He seems to finally notice your staring and looks up from his slouched position to point his pout at you and say
“Why are you staring, love?”
“I’m not staring, I was looking behind you, there was a bird.”
He says with a knowing smirk. You can’t keep your smile hidden and end up erupting into a soft burst of giggles. Apparently the heat is not only making your limbs move a bit slower it's making your mind slack too, or maybe that's just your boyfriend in tiny blue swim shorts doing.
You  decide you have had enough of the water and use your arms to push your body out of the pool. Making your way over to Harry soaking wet. He motions for you to come and lay down with him and you see him eying the rivulets descending down your chest. His eyes are no longer playful but instead hungry. Maybe the heat is messing with his head too. 
You lay your languid limbs in a heap next to his own and he lets out a hiss as the cold water from your body hits him in a rush.
“Fuck thats freezing, feels good though. I thought I was going to pass out for a bit over here, Its so hot I can literally see the air, or the heat, or atmosphere, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. I see stuff” 
He trails off and you giggle into his chest. You reach over him to grab at the bowl of strawberries he had brought out a little earlier. You grab one by the stem, sit up slightly and wrap your lips around the end. It's a little warm after sitting in the sun for a bit, but it still has the chill from the fridge and the sweetness of a perfectly ripe strawberry. You close your eyes and tip your chin back letting out a satisfactory hum at the flavor. A bit of juice falls from your lips and drips to your chin and ascends down your neck.
Before you get a chance to wipe it off Harry does it for you, with his tongue. You moan at the unexpected wetness on your neck and reach your hand that's not holding the strawberry to tangle itself in his messy curls to keep him firmly at your neck. He doesn’t seem to mind, he just hums and starts sucking and nipping bruises onto your skin. You curse under your breath as he inches towards a spot that is just right and you can feel wetness growing under your bathing suit bottoms. To send the messenger across you pull Harry from the chair you two were laying on down to the towel on the ground you had set up earlier. His new spot on top of you gives you the perfect advantage of lifting your hips up to brush his creating the most heavenly friction. 
Harry lets out a gasp and pushes your hips back to the ground with his own.
“Please” you say without really knowing what you were asking for
“Please what, love? What d’you want, hm?”
“Want you” you whine, having no patience for his teasing.
The sun was burning down on both of you, already drying you off. The heat made it hard to breathe, but Harry slowly kissing down your chest and moving one strap of your bathing suit down your shoulder was more than enough to stop the air from entering your lungs completely. Through your spell of dizziness you hear harry say
“Breath, lovie”
And you would do whatever this man tells you to. You’d bring him the damn moon if he told you to go get it. You suck in a sharp breath just as harry takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks hard. You make a noise somewhere between a whine and a moan as he continues sucking and moving your bathing suit down so that both your tits are out on display for him. He alternates between sucking and nipping both of them until you impatiently grab his head and start pushing him downwards
“You're quite bossy today, doll”
“‘M only bossy because you're teasing me” 
You say in a pathetic whimper. Harry seems to take pity on you though because he starts sloppily kissing down your body. His hand comes up to yours and you don’t realize what he's doing until he takes your forgotten strawberry out of your hand, smirks and pushes it down your stomach. He licks up each path he draws with the strawberry. He’s lost in his own world. Drawing H’s on your tummy with strawberry juice just to trace them with his tongue.
“Tastes so good love, but never as good as you. God, I can’t wait to get your sweet juices on my tongue.”
You let out a loud moan at his explicit choice of words and your back arches as he gets closer to your covered pussy. He drops the strawberry on the grass beside you and licks over your bathing suit bottoms causing your back to arch and your stomach to flip. He wasted no time pulling your bottoms to the side and diving in. The feeling was indescribable. His tongue explored every inch of you. You could feel it slide in and out of you and swirl around in a way that left you a puddle with only thoughts of harry harry harry harry. 
He works his way back up to your clit and sucks, his cheeks hollowing as he looks up at you. He takes your hands and buries them in his hair.
“So pretty baby, you look so pretty” 
You let out in a breathless sort of way. Harry’s eyes soften and almost droop like he's drunk off your pussy. He places his hands on your hips to keep them in place as he focuses back on getting you off. He’s moving in all the ways he knows will drive you crazy. You let out little gasps and moans of pleasure at every sweep of his tongue. Unable to hold back your noises anymore. Harry lets out appreciative moans at the sound. You feel the bright hot pleasure of your orgasm building and you can't stop your legs from trembling. Your mind blanks out and you're all consumed by the tingling pleasure between your legs. Squeezing your legs shut around Harry's head as he continues to eat you out while you ride out your orgasm. Once your orgasm is done and Harry's tongue moving on your cunt has become too much to handle you pull him off by his hair as he whines. He lays his head on your stomach and looks completely fucked out as if he was the one who had a mind-blowing orgasm and not you. Your legs are still twitching and the only sound around you is the light breeze and the heavy panting from both you and Harry trying to catch your breath.
“I felt like I couldn't breathe before and now that you have successfully devoured me i’d say i'm going to pass out in the next three minutes give or take” 
You say through a giggle that steals the last of the air from your lungs. You take a greedy breath to make up for all the ones you’ve lost in your recent activities. 
“It was so worth it, we’ll pass out together, love”
You push him off you in an attempt to escape the heat burning from the sky and both of your bodies. You stand up to jump, more like flop into the pool. The cold water immediately cools you down and clears your mind from your post-orgasm fog. You swim to the top of the water to catch a breath but in the process you get hit by the splash of Harry jumping into the pool with you.
Yeah heat waves suck, but you and Harry can make it work. 
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woewriting · 10 months
pairing: wednesday addams | vampire reader word count: 1595 warnings: mdni, +18 only! blood mention/drinking, reader's a vampire duh, no pronouns used, thigh riding, small master x pet dynamics at the end. a/n: first wdw in weeks... just a small thing for my vampire fellas.
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Your leg bounced up and down, the almost inaudible sound of the heel of your shoes hitting the wooden floor annoying the girl sitting next to you on the bed, the movements of your legs and the way you chewed on your bottom lip enough to get her annoyed.
Closing the book, Wednesday turned to you, eyes alternating between the irritating move and your features.
“Can you stop with that infuriating sound? It’s distracting me.”
“Uh?” You look at Wednesday, eyes darting from yours to your bouncing leg in a silent answer. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t even notice it.”
“Now that you do, stop it.”
“I can’t control it.”
Wednesday took a deep breath, bringing her hand to rest on top of your knee, forcing you to stop. Somehow, your leg was still shaking under her touch and now, a heatwave spread inside your body at the sudden touch, a bright red color threatening to take over your vision, a sharp pain in your gums.
You closed your eyes, taking deep breaths and trying to take control over your instincts. But Addams being so close to you with her almost unnoticeable perfume and hand on your thigh, it was hard and any small thing coming from her was enough to get you to lose control.
“You’re starving, aren’t you?” All you could do was nod, not wanting her to see the sharp fangs that sunk on the inside of your mouth. Removing her hand from your leg, you felt a weight being placed on top of your body instead. “Open your eyes, let me take a look at them.”
“No,” you whispered, shaking your head.
“I wasn’t asking. Open them now and look at me.”
Despise the calming way she spoke, her words and demanding tone were enough to get you to do as you were told, unable to resist the smell she had; It was like a spell placed on you.
Wednesday brought her hands to your face, opening your lips to see the sharp fangs you were hiding, pressing the tip of a finger under one, a single drop of raven blood poking out of the small wound was enough to cover your lower lip with her movement.
“Wends…” You warned with a hoarse voice, controlling the impulse to lick the sweet blood off of your lip.
The dark, silky sheets under your hands ripping off around your nails, stopping you from digging the skin of her waist. Knowing Wednesday, she would definitely make you pay for a new set.
Ignoring the warning timbre in your voice, Wednesday opened her white blouse, dragging the fabric away from her shoulder area along with the strip of her bra.
“Take it.”
“If you want to keep that snarky tongue of yours, I suggest you to stop fighting and just do as I am telling you to.”
The second you focused on the cold, pale skin, of her neck, everything around you turned red, melting as you caught the sound of her blood flowing through her body, the steady pace of her heartbeat, muffling every small sound that surrounded the both of you.
All you could hear, see and smell, came from the small girl sitting on your lap. And that was all that matters.
The red, warm, sweet blood that kept her alive. The blood of a Raven, Wednesday being the last one of her bloodline known to you.
Noticing the lack of motion coming from your frozen body, the Addams girl gently tugged you by the back of your head, bringing you closer to her.
“Take it.” She whispered; fingers lost in your hair. “It’s all yours.”
“All mine…” You replied, lost in your red reality, barely processing what left her lips, all you could hear, loud and clear, was the pumping of her jugular, the sweet blood rushing through her veins.
Leaning in, your nose brushed on the cold skin, taking a deep breath. The ghostly touch causing the other to close her eyes. You opened your mouth, enough for the tip of your tongue to touch her, a surprised sigh coming from Wednesday.
“I profoundly hate when you do that.”
“Are you sure? Because I can hear every beat of your heart.” You placed a kissed near her collarbones. “And the way your thighs are pressing against mine.” Another kiss, a little bit higher.
“Stop talking. It’s an order.”
You laughed against her, hands slowly moving from the silky sheets to her thighs. “You’re in no place to boss me around, Addams.”
“I thought you enjoyed being my little pet.”
“I enjoy more when you’re my prey.”
Looking into your eyes, Wednesday could barely see the color of it, dark red mixed with golden strings covering most of your iris, pupils dilated in a black color. The veins under your eyes, disappearing and appearing as if it was following the beat of a music, little did she know it was synchronized with her own heartbeat.
It always felt like that, to be under her spell, if felt paralyzing, something in the way Wednesday smelled and tasted like, so sweet it was like drinking honey.
For her, having your teeth sinking in her neck, poison spreading through your saliva turning the pain into pleasure in just a few seconds. She would never admit, but being your personal blood bag made the pain settle in between her thighs.
She needed you as much as you needed her.
Why else would she sit on your lap and keep you around? Allowing you to follow every single step of hers like a lost puppy, holding you on a tight leash, stopping you from biting others like a misbehaved puppy.
Gulping, she licked her lips, your eyes following every single movement of her body. She felt like an addicted waiting for the next jet of poison, it’s been days since the last time you fed on her.
“Did you drink from somebody else?” You shook your head. You tried to, actually, blood bags, human blood straight from the vein, animal blood that you captured with Eugene’s help; they all tasted like garbage. “Then why are you refusing to do as I tell you to?”
“Because I don’t want to hurt you.”
A small grin tugged on her lips. “I want you to hurt me.”
A gush of adrenaline ran in the veins under your eyes the second you heard her whisper, eyes filled with a specific glow that you almost never see in Wednesday: excitement.
The moment your fangs dug in the cold skin, a low moan escaped between Wednesday’s parted lips, the fingers in your hair pulling you impossible closer. The hot, thick red liquid filled your mouth, the iron taste almost unnoticeable, being replaced by a sweet taste that only she had.
Throwing her head back in an attempt to give you more access to her neck, she didn’t even notice that small rhythm her hips were following against your legs, rubbing herself on you. Her scent, stronger than ever, filling every centimeter of your lungs like smoke.
Moving your hands to her hips, you bruised the covered skin as you helped her steady movements. Opening her lips to take a deep breath soon became a breathless moan, your name escaping her parted lips as you drank more and more from her, the poison spreading through her veins as you lick the open wound, capturing what escaped from your hungry mouth before biting her again.
Wednesday was weak in your arms, the hot feeling in the pit of her stomach getting hotter and hotter as she rounded her hips on your leg, a wet stain on the fabric of your jeans as she came, eyes rolling to the back of her head and body falling back, being held by your hands.
Switching positions, you laid the small girl on her bed, dark silky sheets embracing her body as you laid on top of her to lick around her neck, not wasting a single drop of the precious blood that you couldn’t go without.
Kissing your way up to her face, Addams still had her eyes closed, a fainted reddish color spread on her cheeks as she came down from her high. When she opened her eyes, she was met with your golden ones, shining like a star in the night sky. She caressed your face, thumb swiping your lips to collect the thick liquid that covered them before gently sucking on them, maintaining the eye contact; a satisfied hum in her throat.
“Kiss me. I want to taste my blood on your tongue.”
As she commanded, you connected your lips together in a kiss that was soft at first, turning to bruising and desperate as her legs wrapped around your waist, pulling you in, lips wrapping around your tongue to get more of it before she breaks the kiss, hands moving to your shoulders.
“What are you doing?” You asked, confused, as she tried to push you down, but you, being stronger than her, didn’t move an inch.
“I need your tongue somewhere else, and I need it now, so be a good pet and collaborate with me.”
Wednesday was nearly screaming inside, her weak body in desperate need of you, one of the collateral damages from your poison. And the way you smelled, the way your hands touch her body, it was a lot more than just the venom that rushed in her veins, there was something else in the brownish glow that stared at you. You smiled.
“As you wish, master.”
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