#heather sten
guy60660 · 11 months
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Colin King | Kim Dunham | © Heather Sten | Financial Times
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chasematt · 1 year
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via NYT
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higherentity · 2 years
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 5 months
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REBECCA FERGUSON photographed by Heather Sten for 2024 MET Gala in custom Thom Browne
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middleearthpixie · 4 months
Brilliant Disguise ~ Chapter Twenty-Six
Summary: Speech therapist Josephine Asharm has been brought into Erebor to work with Bifur, but trying to find her place among people who eye her suspiciously would be difficult enough under normal circumstances, but when Sophie finds herself caught between the king, his most trusted lieutenant, and the dwarf she’s there to help? She’s certain no good can come of it. Being of Man, not only does she stand out in the dwarf kingdom, she’s not entirely certain she’s actually welcome there at all. 
Thorin only agreed to allow Sophie to live amongst them out of a sense of duty to Bifur, who is recovering from an odd head injury (is there any other way to describe having an axe blade lodged in one’s head, only to have it later dislodged during the Battle of the Five Armies?) Before the battle, he spoke only khuzdul. But since it? He’s regained the ability to speak Westron—if only he could but remember any of it. As for Thorin? He’s trying his damndest to ignore the speech therapist, not to mention his own growing feelings for her, even as he is also recovering from his near fatal wounding in the same battle. 
Both Sophie and Thorin are haunted by their pasts and are uncertain of their futures, but sometimes, chances must be taken…  
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x OFC Josephine (Sophie) Asharm 
Warnings: None 
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.2k
Tag List:  @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard
@legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell
@jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321
@dianakc @msjava1972 @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits
@heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
@sazzlep @night-ace
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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That night, Sophie had trouble sleeping. Between the pain in her ankle and the nightmares that plagued her, no sooner did she doze off than she jolted awake either in pain or terrified. Sten haunted her sleep, mocking her with his icy smile and oily words as he promised her that not only would she never be free of him, he would take Heather away from her forever. She heard the splash of him hitting the water. The squelch of the hammer striking him. The way the water reddened around him. And finally…
And each time she lurched awake, Thorin was there, wrapping her in his arms, whispering reassurance that she was safe, that Heather was safe, that Sten would never trouble her again. Then he held her until she drifted back off to sleep, only to repeat the scenario throughout the night. 
Sophie awoke to find herself alone. For a brief moment, she wondered if she’d imagined the previous day’s events. But then she shifted and the sudden throb in her ankle assured her that it had actually happened.
Still, she sat up and carefully slid to the edge of the bed, where her crutches were propped against the beside table. It took her a moment to situate herself, and then she carefully maneuvered from her room. 
It was slow going, but she moved to Heather’s room, only to find it empty, her bed neatly made. A hint of apprehension twisted her belly. Thorin might have gone back to his own flat, but where was Heather and why hadn’t he at least left a note?
She tried not to panic, but her nightmares clung to her, made her crutch toward the sitting room with her heart beating almost triple time. She had to see Heather for herself, to make certain her nightmares had been just that—only nightmares. 
And as she came into the sitting area, she stopped as short as one on crutches could stop and as she did, Heather looked up. Putting a finger to her lips, she whispered, “Shhh, Mama. Mister Thorin is sleeping.”
Sophie smiled. Thorin was indeed sleeping, stretched out on the sofa with one leg straight, the other bent, his foot flat on the floor. Heather sat in the vee of his legs, a picture book open across her lap. “I was reading to him,” she whispered as she closed the book and then carefully climbed over him. 
He snored, but remained asleep and Sophie gestured to the knit blanket draped over the sofa’s back. “Why don’t you cover him, love?” 
Heather nodded and came around to tug the blanket down, before carrying back around to cover him. Then, she whispered, “There.”
“Why are you both in here?” Sophie asked.
“I had a bad dream, Mama. When I came into your room, he was there. I thought he slept on the sofa?”
Sophie smiled as she smoothed Heather’s hair away from her face. “He was sitting with me last eve, because I had a bad dream of my own.”
“I don't know. Sometimes your mind likes to play tricks on you.” She gestured for Heather to follow her into her room, where Heather climbed up onto Sophie’s unmade bed. “What did you dream?”
Heather’s nose crinkled. “I don't remember, Mama. But Mister Thorin said I could sit in the sitting area and read, so we didn't wake you.” 
She looked up at Sophie, her blue eyes narrowed. “Does he really sleep on the sofa?”
“Why would you ask?”
“Because he was under the covers with you, like I do when I cuddle with you. Was he cuddling with you?”
Sophie smiled. “He was. As I said, I also had bad dreams.” 
Sophie hesitated. She hadn’t planned on telling Heather about Sten, but at the same time, she also felt Heather had the right to know. Not all of the details, of course, but just enough to know she never need live in fear of Sten any longer. 
“There’s something I need to tell you, love. About your papa.”
Heather’s eyes widened. “Is he here, Mama? Did he come for us? Do we have to go back with him?”
Her voice rose with each word, fear creeping into her words and expression and Sophie carefully sank onto the bed beside her, letting her crutches slide to the floor as she hurried to gather Heather in her arms. “No, love, no… you’ve nothing to fear, sweetling.”
“I don't want to leave here, Mama. Please don't make me…”
“Shhh…” She drew Heather across her lap, rocking her gently as she smoothed Heather’s tangled dark hair. “You’ve nothing to fear, baby, I promise you. We are not leaving Erebor. Not any time soon.”
Heather lifted her head. “Do you promise?”
“I promise, love.” Sophie brushed Heather’s hair away from her face. “And you never need worry about him coming back, either. He will not trouble us again.”
“Because he—he had an accident. On the lake. Mr. Bard told me about it. Yesterday, when I was in Dale.”
“He’s… gone?”
Sophie nodded slowly. “He is gone.”
“And he won’t come back?”
“He won’t come back.”
Heather smiled. “But Mister Thorin is here.”
“Yes, he is.”
“And he won’t leave, right?”
“I don't think so, no.” 
Sophie pulled Heather closer. “So, you’ll be happy to remain here?”
Heather nodded. “I would, Mama. It means I can see Miss Oakmane every day and play with Gimli all the time.”
“And what more would you need?”
Heather bobbed her head more emphatically. “Nothing, Mama. That would be perfect.”
Sophie gave her a gentle squeeze. “It sounds perfect, sweetling.”
Heather nestled her head against Sophie’s breast and cuddled quietly for a long moment, but then, she picked up her head. “Mama?”
“What, love?”
“Can I—” she looked toward the door, in the direction of the sitting area—“Do you think…”
“Do I think what, love?”
“Well…” Heather linked and unlinked her fingers, studying them intently. “Do you think Mister Thorin… that is…”
Sophie bit back a smile, but she didn't hurry Heather at all. Instead, she waited, her smile becoming more difficult to hide as Heather’s forehead wrinkled and her eyebrows drew close together. She had the feeling she knew exactly what Heather was going to ask, which made her eyes sting. 
“Do you think Mister Thorin would be mad if I called him papa?”
“What do you think?”
Heather shook her head, her expression beyond serious now. “He told me ’adad means papa and that he would like being tha—” her eyes went wide and she pressed her lips together. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”
“Because I wasn’t. I told Mister Thorin I wouldn’t say anything.”
“You’re keeping secrets with him?”
“Are you mad, Mama?”
“It depends on the secret,” Sophie replied carefully.
“I can’t tell you, but it’s a good one. Promise.”
“A good one?”
Heather nodded. “A very good one.” 
“Then I won’t be mad. And, I think Mister Thorin would like it very much if you called him papa, but just to be sure, you should ask him.”
“I will. But,” Heather looked up at her, “please don't tell Mister Thorin I told you about what ’adad means.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
Relief swept across Heather’s face. “Thank you, Mama.”
“There you are.”
Sophie looked up as Thorin appeared in the doorway, his hair poking up in all directions and his eyes puffy with sleep. He rubbed the back of his neck with a wince. “How’s your ankle feeling?”
“I’ve had better days, to be honest,” she said, patting the bed. “Come and sit.”
He offered up a sleepy grin as he sank beside her. “We should think about going up for breakfast.”
Heather sat up. “Can I go find Gimli, Mama?”
Sophie nodded. “You may, but if he is not in the Great Hall, you are to come right back here.”
“Yes, Mama.” 
Heather climbed down from the bed and hurried from the room, leaving Thorin to offer up a look of concern. “Aren’t you worried she’ll get lost?”
She shook her head. “Not any longer, really. She knows Erebor almost as well as you dwarves, you know.”
“So, she’s come to think of this as her home, then?”
“To a certain extent, yes.” Sophie shifted slightly as her ankle began to ache. 
“And what about you, Mrs. Asharm?” His eyes softened, his smile almost mischievous. “Have you come to think of Erebor as home?”
She met that soft gaze, a gentle flutter rippling through her belly as she did. “I have, yes. I don't like to think of the time when I’m no longer needed here.”
“What makes you think that will ever happen?”
“Bifur is doing remarkably well and really no longer requires therapy, so…”
“And what if I asked you to stay, mesmel? Would you?”
“Are you asking me?”
“I might be.” He smiled then as a hint of color swept along his cheekbones. “I’d actually not planned on this, but I think perhaps this suits better.”
“Thorin,” she asked softly, even as her heart beat a triple-time staccato against her ribs, “what are you going on about?”
“I love you, Sophie. And I don't want to think about a time when you might not be here, either. So, perhaps we should arrange it so neither of us has to think about it.”
She barely heard him over the thunder of her pulse in her ears and her throat and mouth felt oddly dry as she whispered, “How so?”
His fingers skimmed along her cheek, tucking her hair behind her left ear as he said, “Will you marry me, Sophie?”
Her heart skipped a beat. “What?”
“I love you, I love Heather. I want us to be a family and I know that the timing isn’t the best, but… it feels right to me and I can only hope it does to you as well.”
“Marry me, Sophie. Be my queen and I promise to treat you as such for the rest of my days.”
Sophie’s eyes stung with unexpected tears as she gazed into the blue eyes she’d come to know and love so very much. “And you want to take on a ready-made family?”
“You know how I feel about you, and how I feel about Heather and yes, I am ready to do just that.” He smiled, his fingers lingering along her neck. “So, will you marry me?”
“Are you certain?”
“I have never been more certain of anything, Sophie.”
“Absolutely certain?”
“Sophie.” His eyes glinted, crinkling at their outer corners. 
“One hundred percent certain?”
He leaned in to press his lips to hers, his kiss soft and lingering and when he drew back, he whispered, “Do you need more convincing, mesmel?”
“Ask me again, Thorin.”
His smile widened. “Will you marry me?”
He rose over her, covering her, and as his lips met hers, he whispered, “Mênu tessu.”
Sophie wound her arms about his neck, pulling him flush. “As you are my everything as well, Thorin.”
He bent to capture her lips with his, his kiss soft at first, but then deepening as he shifted to settle between her thighs. She parted her lips, her toes curling at the silken glide of his tongue along hers. A hint of pain flashed through her injured foot, but it was quickly forgotten at that soft caress. 
She let her fingers slip along his hair, let them wind through it, as the soft tingles took root deep within her. She welcomed his weight against her, and a hint of disappointment swept through her as he pulled away to whisper, “We should probably not do this, in case Heather comes—”
“Gimli wasn’t in—what are you and Mama doing, Mister Thorin?”
Thorin drew back with a soft chuckle. “Nothing, mimûna.”
“Were you… kissing? Ew.”
As Thorin rose once more, Sophie sat up, tucking a wayward curl behind one ear. “You don’t approve, Heather?”
Heather’s nose wrinkled. “It sounds so… squishy… when you do it.”
Heather nodded. “Squishy.”
Thorin reached down to tousle her hair. “Then perhaps it’s best you stopped it, Miss Heather. Besides, there are a few things I need to attend to and I could use your help.”
Heather stared up at him. “Me?”
He nodded. “Remember, you said you would help me.”
“I did!” Heather turned to Sophie. “Can I go with Mister Thorin?”
Sophie looked over at Thorin. “What do you have to do?”
He grinned. “You will just have to wait and see, mesmel,” he told her, bending to brush her lips with his. “But trust me, you will like it.”
“Thorin, what’s going on?”
Heather beamed up at her. “It’s a secret, Mama.”
She looked from Heather to Thorin, and when he winked, she had the feeling their secret had something to do with his proposal. With that, she smiled and nodded. “Very well. I suppose you will share when the time is right.”
“So, I can go with Mister Thorin?”
“Yes, love. You can go with Mister Thorin. But, make sure you keep him out of trouble.”
“I will, Mama.”
Thorin winked at Sophie as he scooped Heather up. “You rest, mesmel. We will see you later.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” 
He turned his smile to Heather. “Shall we go, then?”
She nodded. “We have a lot to do.”
“Then you should go,” Sophie told them, settling back against the pillows. “Especially if you have a lot to do.”
Heather grinned, her arms looped about Thorin’s neck. “You’ll love it, Mama. You’ll see.”
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nocturna7 · 10 months
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Purple Heather at The Ring of Brodgar, Orkney.
The Ring of Brodgar (or Brogar, or Ring o' Brodgar) is a Neolithic henge and stone circle in Orkney, Scotland.
The ring of stones stands on a small isthmus between the Lochs of Stenness and Harray. These are the northernmost examples of circle henges in Britain. It is generally thought to have been erected between 2500 BC and 2000 BC, and was, therefore, the last of the great Neolithic monuments built on the Ness.
The stone circle is 104 metres (341 ft) in diameter, and the third largest in the British Isles. The ring originally comprised up to 60 stones, of which only 27 remained standing at the end of the 20th century. The tallest stones stand at the south and west of the ring, including the so-called "Comet Stone" to the south-east.
credit : Lee Fowlie images
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jxrm · 10 days
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cathygeha · 10 months
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Highland Surrender by Heather McCollum
Sons of Sinclair #5
As worthy of being a son as her brothers, Hannah Sinclair is up to conclude the series and will find her happily ever after with a Norwegian Wolf Warrior who stops in on a mission for his queen.
What I liked:
* Hannah: intelligent, capable, protected by her brothers, skilled in several lethal talents, acted as a mother figure to her youngest brother, ready to stretch her wings and achieve one of her main life goals
* Erik: warrior, leader of men, loving brother, strong, wise, won’t deviate from the quest his queen sent him on because if he does…someone he loves will suffer
* That Hannah knows what she wants and is willing to reach out for it
* Erik’s backstory and why he is so committed to the current task though he begins to question whether or not it is “right”
* Catching up with the Four Horsemen, their wives, and families
* Trix and Libby: two young girls adopted into the family who add interest at times and are always willing to “save” someone they feel needs saving
* The plot, pacing, setting, characters, and conclusion
* Wondering if there will be a spinoff series that includes Osk, Niall, Sten…or if the author is thinking of something else entirely
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how difficult it must have been for those without power when those in power chose to run roughshod over them, take what they owned, and harm them and their families
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes
Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars
With his family’s honor on the line, Norse warrior Erik Halverson has no choice but to follow the orders of the royal house of Denmark. Now he must follow his destiny—and royal command—to sail to Scotland, find his enemy’s weakest link, and abduct her. Their mistake, of course, was thinking the Sinclair lass wouldn’t fight back. From the moment her four brothers took control of their clan, Hannah Sinclair has learned to stand tall and defend herself. So when a big, brawny, and admittedly handsome warrior tries to abduct her, she isn’t about to give in. And the more he tries, the more she’s determined to make it as hard as possible...and enjoy it all the while. Now Norway’s greatest warrior has a Highland hellcat on his hands, and Odin help him, he can’t resist her. But with the brutal Sinclair brothers coming after them, Erik is out of options. War is inevitable. And when a man is forced to choose between duty and passion, only one will win…
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OCTOBER Celebrity Birthdays & Events
October Birthdays
Libra Stars (Sept 23-Oct 22) 1: Sherri Saum, Hamamat, Michaela Coel, Jurnee Smollett, Priah Ferguson 2: Akira Akbar, Philomena Kwao 3: Tessa Thompson 4: Dana Davis, Ella Balinska, Ambrosia Kelley, Kali Hawk 5: Heather Headley, Kara Royster, Taylour Paige 6: Karimah Westbrook, Stefanee Martin, Rhyon Nicole Brown 7: Adriyan Rae, Amber Stevens West, Aweng Chuol, Grace Saif, Toni Braxton 8: Kylie Russell 10: Damaris Lewis, Enam Asiama 13: Tisha Campbell, Ashanti, Aude Legastelois, Vanessa Gyimah 15: Bethany Brown, Renee Jones 16. Symphony Sanders, Terri J. Vaughn 17: Sharon Leal, Angel Parker 18: Joy Bryant 19: Ciara Renée Harper 21: Nakia Burrise 22: Carmen Ejogo 
Scorpio Stars (Oct 23-Nov 21) 23: Amandla Stenberg, Duckie Thot 24: Monica Brown 25: Ciara 26: Florence Kasumba, Folake Olowofoyeku, Lucy St. Louis 28: Savannah Smith, Zurin Villanueva 29: Melba Moore, Tracee Ellis Ross, Gabrielle Union, Ashleica Edmond, Maria Sten 30: Charnele Brown, Eva Marcille, Nia Long, Rachel Hilson, Saniyya Sidney 31: Letitia Wright, Sydney Park
October Events
All Month Long: Hoodoo Heritage Month | LGBTQA+ History Month | National Bullying Prevention Month | Black History Month in the UK |
Week 1: Mental Illness Awareness Week
6: National Plus Size Appreciation Day, World Smile Day | 10: World Mental Health Day | 11: National Coming Out Day, Black Girl Day Off Day | 13: 2023, we had an October Friday the 13th | 14: Black Entrepreneurs Day | 15: National Cherish Day | 17: Black Poetry Day | 26 Intersex Awareness Day | 28: National Chocolate Day | 31: Halloween, (Halloween Season) Spooky Season | For the more faint of heart, there is a Family Friendly Spooky Season tag
Last Week: Asexual Awareness Week
Hoodoo Heritage Observations (October 31 - November 2):
* All Hallow’s Eve | * All Saints Day | * All Souls Day
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reduxpictures · 1 year
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ReduxStock: Photo of Dominique Fishback by Heather Sten/The New York Times/Redux in People magazine, June 19, 2023 issue.
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vodnoebalo · 1 year
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The New York Times, The Marvelous Mrs.Maisel
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justzawe · 2 years
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Zawe for The New York Times by Heather Sten
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melancholighost · 3 years
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by Heather Sten
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collezionedicose · 4 years
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Barbara Stauffacher Solomon’s apartment, photo by Heather Sten (from apartamento issue 25)
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fullemoon · 4 years
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Xavier Dolan for Apartamento magazine by Heather Sten
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middleearthpixie · 11 months
Brilliant Disguise ~ Chapter Twenty
Summary: Speech therapist Josephine Asharm has been brought into Erebor to work with Bifur, but trying to find her place among people who eye her suspiciously would be difficult enough under normal circumstances, but when Sophie finds herself caught between the king, his most trusted lieutenant, and the dwarf she’s there to help? She’s certain no good can come of it. Being of Man, not only does she stand out in the dwarf kingdom, she’s not entirely certain she’s actually welcome there at all. 
Thorin only agreed to allow Sophie to live amongst them out of a sense of duty to Bifur, who is recovering from an odd head injury (is there any other way to describe having an axe blade lodged in one’s head, only to have it later dislodged during the Battle of the Five Armies?) Before the battle, he spoke only khuzdul. But since it? He’s regained the ability to speak Westron—if only he could but remember any of it. As for Thorin? He’s trying his damndest to ignore the speech therapist, not to mention his own growing feelings for her, even as he is also recovering from his near fatal wounding in the same battle. 
Both Sophie and Thorin are haunted by their pasts and are uncertain of their futures, but sometimes, chances must be taken…  
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x OFC Josephine (Sophie) Asharm 
Warnings: None 
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.5k
Tag List:  @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @msjava1972 @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Sophie sighed in her sleep and Thorin couldn't help the flash of envy that sliced through him as she settled once more her breathing deep and even. Sleep mocked him at every turn. It was odd enough, sharing his bed with not only her, but with Heather as well, who slept soundly snuggled between them. But that wasn’t what kept him awake, of course. All he could think about was going into Dale and turning the town upside down until he found Sten. Every time he thought about what Sophie had told him, his blood burned hotter still. A man who thought to raise his hand in anger to a woman, to a child, had no business calling himself a man at all.
His gaze went to the Orcrist, glinting softly in the corner. That blade had cut a thousand necks, or so the Goblin King had claimed when Thorin and his Company found themselves as unwelcome guests in Goblintown over a year earlier. Well, it would cut one more if he had anything to say about it. And it would do so slowly.
“Mister Thorin?” Sleep thickened Heather’s voice as she picked up her head and in the soft glow of the single candle still flickering in the sconce on the far wall, her eyes were heavy lidded even as they glittered in the low light. “What are you doing here?”
“Go back to sleep, mimûna,” he murmured. 
“Is Papa here? Is that why you’re watching over us?”
His heart broke at the hints of fear weaving into her reedy voice and he shook his head. “No, love, he is not here. No one gets into Erebor without an invitation from me, so you’ve nothing to fear.”
She sat up and rubbed one eye. “Promise?”
He nodded. “I promise.”
He glanced down at Sophie, curled on her side, her back to them. “Why don't you go back to sleep, Heather?”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to.”
She didn't reply, but shoved her thumb into her mouth. Thorin’s instinct was to ask again, but instead, he sat up and slid to the edge of the bed, then held out a hand. “Why don’t we go down into the kitchens and see if Bombur left any chocolate? If so, I will heat some for you.”
Her expression grew wary. “Chocolate?”
“You’ve never had hot chocolate?”
She shook her head, her tangled curls tumbling this way and that. He smiled as he rose, then stretched to scoop her up. “Then you, Miss Heather, are in for a treat.”
Looping her arms about his neck, she met his gaze. “What does chocolate taste like?”
“Mimûna, I cannot even possibly begin to describe it. You will simply have to trust me.” He gave her a gentle bounce. “Do you?”
“I do.”
“Should we wake Mama?”
“Let’s let her sleep and I will leave her a note. How does that sound?”
She nodded. “That sounds fine, Mister Thorin.”
“Good. Let me just put you down a moment and write your mother a note so she doesn’t worry, should she wake up, and then we will go.”
Erebor was normally far quieter at night than it ever was during the day, as the forges were silent, and the Great Hall was empty. A single light shone from the infirmary, but it was mostly empty, so it, too, was quiet. 
Heather snuggled against him as Thorin carried her into the kitchens. The hearth was dark, but it wouldn’t take long for him to get a small fire going. Several candles flickered in frosted glass globes mount along the walls, and Bombur’s domain was tidied up for the night.
Thorin set Heather on the table. “Wait here and I’ll fetch what we need.”
She offered up a sleepy smile, swinging her legs as she said, “I will.”
“Good. And let’s not make a sound. Bombur might grow fussy if he thinks we’re messing up his kitchen.”
“Are we going to mess it up?”
“I hope not, but sometimes a little mess is unavoidable.” He winked. “We will just have to make certain to clean up any mess we leave.”
He rumpled her hair, then moved to the pantry to find the ingredients to make the perfect hot chocolate for her, and emerged a few minutes at the sound of Dís and Heather laughing. He stepped out of the pantry. “Dís?”
“What are you about, Thorin?” she asked with a grin. “It’s the middle of the night.”
“Mister Thorin promised me hot chocolate.”
“Did he?” Dís’ blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “Thorin, does Mrs. Asharm know you’re here with her daughter?”
“We left Mama a note.”
Thorin smiled as he set down the small sack of powdered cocoa that Bombur managed to procure the last time he was in Dale. “Dís, I didn't steal Miss Heather from her home. She and Mrs. Asharm are staying with me.”
“Because.” He opened the sack to peer in at the contents. “Miss Heather has had a rough night and her mother has as well and before you say a word, know this,” he lowered his voice so not even Heather would hear him, “and this goes no further than you and I.”
She leaned closer. “What does?”
“I’ve asked Mrs. Asharm for her hand and she said yes.”
Dís’ eyes went wide and her grin stretched practically to her ears as she said, “That is wonderful!”
“Thank you, but we’ve not said anything to anyone else, including…” he gestured toward Heather with his head, “so you utter not a word.”
“My lips are sealed. But I think it fantastic.”
Heather looked up. “What is, Lady Dís?”
The look Dís offered Heather was one of pure joy. “When new families are formed. We will have a few new ones here in the coming months, it seems, as Kíli has told me that he and Tauriel plan to be married after Yule.”
Thorin smiled. “So, it’s official, then?”
She nodded. “It is. And without much time between then and now, either.”
Heather looked up at her. “Are you happy about it?”
Thorin held his breath as Dís’ expression grew serious, but then, she nodded. “I am, Miss Heather. I like Tauriel and she makes Kíli happy and that is the most important thing. Rather like how your mother makes Thorin happy.”
“Does she?” Heather turned her wide-eyed stare to him
Thorin nodded. “She does. And I hope I make her happy as well.” He looked from her to Dís. “Miss Heather and I were about to have a cup of chocolate. Should I make a third?”
Dís smiled, settling onto a chair alongside Heather. “I think that sounds delicious.”
It was nearly three in the morning by the time Dís whispered, “You should probably get her back to bed, Thorin.”
He smiled, glancing down at Heather, sound asleep against him. “Hopefully she sleeps the rest of the night peacefully.”
Dís’ forehead wrinkled. “Is she having nightmares?”
He sighed and nodded slowly, then offered up a brief summary of what happened in Dale. He left out all Sophie had told him, as it wasn't his place to share that, but he didn’t need to, for Dís’ expression became one of utter concern as he finished and she said, “Do you think it possible it is her father?”
He nodded. “I do. And come the morning, I’m going to look for him. I’ve a few choice things I’d like to say to him.”
“Be careful,” she warned, shaking her head. “You’ve no idea what he’s capable. You know nothing about him at all. But, tell me, how do you plan to—” she glanced down at Heather, then leaned closer to whisper, “marry Sophie if she is already married?”
“I haven’t gotten that far yet,” he told her, rising from his chair, “but I will figure something out.”
“Thorin, do be careful. You do not know what you might be going up against.”
“Dís, I have faced goblins, orcs, a fire-breathing dragon, and Azog. I’m fairly confident they were far worse than any one man might be.”
“Still…” Dís forehead creased and the beads in her beard clacked softly as she shook her head. “He sounds worse than all of them combined. You know he isn’t above violence.”
“And neither am I when the situation calls for it.” He gently shifted Heather higher up on his shoulder. “He thought nothing of hitting either this little girl or her mother and I cannot let that stand. Not now.”
“I know, but—” Dís rinsed off the last of the cups she’d washed and set it on a rough towel to dry—“you do not know what else he might be capable of. When you confront him, please take Dwalin with you, if nothing else.”
“When and not it?”
She gave him a long look. “I know you, remember. It isn’t a matter of if, but of when. And do not even think to argue with me on that.”
Heather sighed softly in her sleep, snuggling closer, which only steeled his resolve as the fresh fury wove through him. She was but a child. Innocent. Defenseless. And while Sophie was neither a child nor defenseless, his blood boiled at the thought of anyone raising a hand to her as well. Dís knew him every bit as well as she thought and he’d not argue with her. In fact, if she offered, he might take her with him when he confronted Sten, for she would cut him down handily if need be and Thorin knew it. 
“No, I won’t. You’re right.”
“I know.” She smiled then, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. “Would you do me a favor, though, when you do confront this fool?”
“What might that be?”
“Do not go alone. Take Dwalin or even Fíli with you."
“He’s your best lieutenant and he’s as dangerous as you are. This man would have to be mad to even think you challenge you then.”
“I will see if he’s available.”
“I will ask him,” Dís told him. “He won’t say no to me.”
Thorin couldn’t resist teasing her. “Is that so?”
She punched him in the arm. “Get your daughter to bed, Thorin, and do not concern yourself with my love life.”
“Trust me, Dís, the last thing I wish to think about is your love life.” He grinned. “But, I have to admit, I do like the sound of that.”
“Of what?” she asked with a hint of a grin.
“My daughter.”
“She is, or will be, soon enough. And if I might add, I daresay, she will never stop to think of you as anything other than her ’adad.”
He gave Heather a gentle squeeze. “I hope not.”
“Off you get, before she wakes up and keeps you up the rest of the night.” Dis’ hand came to rest on his shoulder. “I will see you in the morning and worry not, your secret is safe, but promise me you will not try to find this man alone.”
“I promise, Dís. Does that make you happy?”
“It does, yes. Now scoot.”
He winked and carried Heather out of the kitchens and back down to his flat, where he brought Heather back to his bed chamber to settle her alongside Sophie, who slept on peacefully.
As he moved to straighten up, Heather murmured, “Where are you going?”
“Go back to sleep, mimûna,” he murmured back, smoothing her hair away from her face. 
She reached up to clasp his hand. “Stay…. Please?”
He sighed softly, then acquiesced and stretched out in his usual spot. Heather’s head came to rest against his shoulder. “Thank you, Mister Thorin,” she whispered, her voice thick with sleep.
“You’re welcome, raklûna.”
Her breathing grew soft and even, while Thorin lay there, staring up into the darkness as the night crept on. Although he knew Sten couldn't get to them, that didn't mean the man didn't weigh heavily on Thorin’s mind. 
Dís was right. He should take Dwalin with him. Aside from standing around, looking menacing, Dwalin was one dwarf Thorin trusted implicitly. In fact, with the exception of his kin, there was no one he trusted more. And what was more, he knew Dwalin would not only go with him, but wouldn’t hesitate to step up and finish their business, should something happen to Thorin in the meantime. 
When he was certain Heather was soundly asleep, Thorin carefully slid from the bed and stood to go into the sitting room, where he settled on the sofa and leaned his head back. 
“I know you’ve said you’ve trouble sleeping, but you did not say how often.”
He didn't start, but smiled at Sophie’s whisper, and as she came around to the front of the sofa, he said, “It depends on what is happening at the time.”
Tucking a wayward jet curl behind her ear, she settled alongside him. “I am so sorry I’ve brought this upon you.”
“What?” He looked over at her, then shook his head. “No, that is not what I mean, Sophie. Not at all.”
Propping her elbow against the sofa cushion and her head on her fist, she offered up a long look. “How could it be anything but that?”
He managed a smile. “There are other things that need my attention as well, you know.”
A hint of color rose along her cheekbones. “That was terribly selfish of me, wasn't it?”
“Hardly.” He reached over to trace his fingertip along her cheek. “And while your soon-to-be-former husband tops the list of things on my mind, I also have something of an idea of how to deal with him.”
Her eyes closed as he grazed back up toward her cheekbone, and a soft sigh floated to her lips. “Sophie, go back to bed, mesmel. You need sleep more than I do.”
“Come with me?”
“I’ll be there in a bit,” he told her, his hand going still. He had to stop touching her, lest he pull her into his lap the way he had the previous night. And while he wouldn’t exactly mind that, he was afraid Heather would wake up again and he certainly did not want to have her come out of the bed chamber at an inopportune moment. 
Besides, Sophie looked utterly exhausted, with dark circles beneath her eyes, which were heavy-lidded and slowly closing. “Go back to bed, Sophie.”
“Very well.” The cushion rusted softly as she slid from it and got to her feet. She leaned in to brush his lips with hers. “Don’t stay up all night, love.”
“I won’t.”
Her eyes softened then. “Maralmizu.”
To his surprise, his heart skipped a beat at those murmured words. “Maralmizi, Sophie. I’ll be in soon.”
“Very well.” She straightened up and with a quick squeeze of his hand, skirted the sofa to return to his bedchamber. 
He stayed where he was for a few more minutes, then when his eyes began to feel heavy, made his way back to bed. This time, he managed to fall asleep and slept without a single nightmare for the first time in a long time. 
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