mutatiio · 2 years
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disobedience leads to punishment. need leads to punishment. weakness leads to punishment. maul hadn't been present to see what anakin had done, but the aftermath with enough. not long ago, he dreamt of the purpose sidious had often mentioned. dreamt that the force had grand plans for him. but had it not also been the force that granted him a vision as he sought out an answer?? a vision where his master killed anakin skywalker. turned him into something shapeless and void of himself. a shell of what he is now. the force was guiding him. he typically wouldn't trust it, but there was more at stake now.
a tight grip seizes the width of the boy's small arm, stopping him in his tracks. "no training today." he says, golden eyes searching the corridor. no droids around. uncertainty rolls off him in waves, bleeding into the force. he finds himself hoping anakin doesn't notice. though that would be a discredit to his training, which maul himself has been administrating. "we have a mission. let's go." doesn't wait before he's dragging anakin in the opposite direction.
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ofthclight · 2 years
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she knows that she shouldn’t have followed. but in the end, she has little other choice. her family was ripped from her and blown to nothing but space debris and stardust. luke is the only semblance of it she has left, and she’s not willing to lose him. what follows is more of a blur of impulsive decisions and burning anger. but at the end of that path is him. the word father slips so easily from luke’s lips when he reveals the truth. as if the creature in front of her could ever have done anything to warrant such a title. father is reserved for tender smiles and playfully narrowed eyes and the crook of a pinky in hers to seal a deal with a child. father is a term reserved for someone like her own. he doesn’t deserve it. she should --- she thinks --- at least take the time to develop a plan of attack. but luke busies himself with the emperor and she knows that this might be the only chance that she gets, and before she allows herself the privilege of coherent thought, her arm is already lifting and two rounds of blaster fire and sinking themselves into black armor. her strides are purposeful, her finger heavy on the trigger. she wonders if he even has a heart left to fire into.  ❝ must you always be found with someone holding your leash? ❞  it’s practically a snarl and she fires once more, aware that there’s little damage to be done. not with a blaster.  ❝ lord vader. ❞  father. she hates that she can feel the truth of it. the rightness of the title. slotting him into a hole that she’s long since tried to ignore. her grip on her blaster falters only slightly and leia lifts her chin, fights hard to keep her voice even as she speaks, but even then the words come out strained. soft. terrified.   ❝ is it true? ❞          /          @heartfurnaced​   +   feral things 😌
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@heartfurnaced​ has sent: ✿ for fox!
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send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
It’s not a matter of opposing it, I just can’t see them being anything but antagonistic. Even if Anakin is awfully close to Palpatine, Fox has a very strong anti-jedi sentiment. But due to Anakin being a jedi general, Fox can’t do much outside of taking orders.
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
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wingingthenight · 2 years
♨︎  you seem really chill and I can’t wait to start writing with you! (I'll get my act together re: reaching out to plot at some point jdnvkj)
impressions meme !! || accepting
RIGHT BACK AT YOU one day we will plot and be so powerful. for now i just admire and adore your anakin from afar he's so perfect
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mayxthexforce · 2 years
2 & 7 for the mun questions:)
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Yeah. First one to come to mind is Modern verses. As in, grabbing the characters and putting them in a Our Time setting. Not really sick of it because I enjoy it in other fandoms, but I just have no interest in grabbing Star Was characters and using them for that kind of verse. I feel the Star Wars universe is already developed enough to fit a college au or coffee shop au or any like that without having to put them in boring 2020s you know.
I'll also say Fantasy verses when it comes to Star Wars just because I've never seen someone do it in a way I enjoyed.
7. List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
I don't really have one I can say This Is My Favorite because every character here has a very special place in my heart. So I'll do Leia cause people rarely do Leia. This list also works as a "Vader tried to turn the wrong twin" list 😂
Left her first boyfriend (Kier Domadi) because of his pacifist views, refusing to see beyond their disagreement in how the empire and its sympathizers should be dealt with despite the fact they're both Alderaanian, a strictly pacifist culture.
When the Noghri smelled her and realized she was Vader's child, they began calling her "Mal'ary'ush", Lady Vader, which made them drop their attempts on her life cause they were loyal to/terrified of Vader, and Leia used this to boss them around.
I don't keep this in my portrayal, but: the way she refused to pick up the inheritance her parents had left her (which is what led to people finding out who her bio father was). Basically, she was resentful about what was done to her planet but she also didn't want what was possibly the last objects left from Alderaan and, more specifically, from her parents.
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ensnchekov-a · 2 years
@heartfurnaced​, x.
       "Yes it is—” Each word is punctuated with stubborn, slightly frustrated exactness. “I—you’re going to die unless you let me help.”
      That’s an unremarkable exaggeration from General Skywalker, for whom any wound that is not immediately treatable with a couple of bandages or a small patch of bacta is, in fact, a matter of life and death. It’s not that he really thinks that, it’s just that it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to anyone else but himself—and he doesn’t bear the notion of risking the latter out of pure negligence very well.
      Wounds and life-or-death situations are just part and parcel of war; he’s well enough used to it that it is not distressing, at least not the type of distressing that makes most men’s hands shakes. But in this case, it is not war. And what he finds himself most distressed about is the fact that he can’t identify the model of the ship that’s in tatters close to them.
      Well, that, and the fact that the ship had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, before collapsing in one of the worst ship crashes Anakin has seen in ages.
      “Just ... let me put some bacta on you, alright? It’s safe, I promise.” The man in front of him would likely need a medic, too, because he likely had a concussion and Force-knew-what-else ... but all of that could be dealt with after ensuring that he didn’t bleed out and die.
Pavel groans as he tries to push back the burgeoning headache through sheer force of will alone. His thoughts are slipping, caught in limbo somewhere between conscious and unconscious, and that must be a side-effect of whatever happened in the crash. When he touches his head, his fingertips come away slick with blood.
The crash. The Enterprise. Everyone—!
'Red Alert!’ The captain shouts, but the Enterprise is already lurching violently. Sulu’s skill can’t bring her back under control, Pavel doesn’t recognise these skies, not a single star in them, and this planet that just appeared⸺the planet.
‘Sulu, come on, get us flying!’
‘I can’t!’
Pavel is only vaguely aware that Kirk’s speaking as his head bobs up and down, a moment at his console, a moment at the viewscreen, repeating for seconds that feel like both an eternity and no time at all. It’s only when Kirk shouts, “Fuck—! All hands, brace for impact!” and the restraints deploy that he’s cognizant, truly, of all that’s about to happen. There wasn’t enough time to prepare.
He remembers the moment they hit the ground. The next thing he really remembers happened five minutes ago, him looking up at a man asking about his injuries. He blacked out, that much is certain, but without a chrono on-hand, he doesn’t know if he was out for fifteen minutes or an hour. This must be a dream, he thinks, or a hallucination. But it isn’t, and the pain in his head and the aches in his body are sure to remind him of that. You don’t feel pain in dreams.
Maybe he is going into shock. He’s not a doctor.
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“I think...you are exaggerating.”
Instead of focusing on his current predicament, Pavel turns his blurry-at-the-edges vision on the stranger’s clothes, hoping to get a sense of where he is. He needs something familiar, anything, even if it’s just Sulu’s face covered with dirt or sand or blood. Somewhere in the back of his mind comes the tired reminder, you are still a Starfleet officer, Pavel Chekov, and if there’s nothing familiar in his surroundings, perhaps he will find it in protocol.
If the stranger’s odd clothes are an indication of a pre-warp civilisation, then the Prime Directive has already been violated. So then that leaves...
Pavel’s legs shake beneath him. His chest hurts. His body aches. This bacta—or whatever—substance he’s talking about must be medicinal and maybe, if it can do something about this damn headache, he shouldn’t turn it down. even if he doesn’t know the first thing about it. It must be what this planet uses in lieu of a hypo.
Is he a doctor?
“What is bacta?” he asks, settling down into a sitting position before his shaky legs give out. “You found us,” he continues before really even giving him a chance to answer, “found me. Did you see...” He makes a soft pained noise. “My captain? Anybody who is dressed like me?”
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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@heartfurnaced​ sent : “ you have no idea how glad i am to see you. ” (for rex!)
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Death, it was all around him. Even if at first they were stupid enough to believe that they had the upperhand, it was clear now that it had been nothing but an illusion, one shattered in a couple of minutes when explosions were heard. That, soon followed with the shrilling sounds of screams as many died in what looked like agony. When all lights went out, he knew things were only getting worse.
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He didn't know how long it lasted. Minutes. Hours, but as the numbers of soldiers still standing started going down by hundreds ... A bright light came through, one he managed to make out as his General, back just in time to assist them. His happiness was short lived though as he had to get his mind back onto the battlefield, twin blasters shooting all around him, with his feet leading him through a path of fallen clones, men he failed to protect.
" Fall back, back to the ship troopers ! " He yelled out, and the next moment ... Darkness, as the force of the shot he took sent him flying further away. When he woke up, he was no longer on the ground, but at the med bay, brown eyes fluttering open only to groan as the sudden movements brought a wave of pain through his entire body. He heard Anakin's voice before he even saw him. " General. " He coughed. " Was I out for a long time? "
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stillkenobi · 2 years
@heartfurnaced  from here
Scowling, he ripped the hat from his head and stuffed it into a pocket, before running a hand through his hair. It wasn’t that he cared what Anakin thought of his appearance. It absolutely didn’t matter in the slightest. What did Anakin know about style, anyway? Still, it didn’t please him to be laughed at quite so teasingly. “Happy now?” he asked, glaring across at Anakin as they continued to climb the steps upwards to the palace.
  Taking in their surroundings, Obi-Wan could already tell that it would be a charming honeymoon destination, although he had always thought that Anakin would prefer somewhere colder somewhere snow-covered perhaps. Not that he had ever consciously given any consideration to such things and inwardly he was flustered by his own mortifying thoughts.
“And stop your smirking. We want them to think we’re a happily married couple, although if you want my opinion, I don’t think anyone will be convinced of that.”
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multistoty · 2 years
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Padme was becoming tired of people wanting to kill her. This was the third time the senator had attempts made on her life. People would often forget the power of wanting freedom and dedicating yourself to fight with it. For just like the jedi’s advance, the light of goodness would always call forth the darkness who hated being in their rays. it had been a rough few days. Anakin’s force signature always felt like a gentle blanket of safety and butterfly kisses against her exposed ivory skin. Her husband had always been like a balm to the greatest wounds of her soul. He was the only person who truly got to see the girl behind the Amidala mask of duty. Even Dorme and Sabe had to believe her to be always certain and shrews for them to help her and die for her like the Nabooian training had allowed. After hours of torture and questioning, her body had felt more leaden and exhausting to be encased in.  Her braids now fraying at ends from the intricate updo she had been outfitted with on the Senate floor. A silent prayer had escaped her that her guards and handmaiden’s had survived the kidnapping. They were the best of the best and the senate floor was crawling with problems and people to root out this problem. Bail Organa had bid her ado and the next thing she had seen was an unknown figure bashing her over the head with something distinctively medal and taking her to this darkened expansive space ship.  She had had a bit of time after waking to think about who this could be. Were the separatist truly smart enough to take on one of the famed politicians of the republic? Whoever this was has been smart enough to even take the pins in her hair that could be used as lock picks or weapons. The chains had bit into her skin. A smattering of dirt and blood against her now shredded gown the color of red so deep that it looked purple. It had been the sith. Padme had no force connection, but the ship had felt as if you it would beg you for help if it could talk. there was no warmth in the clinical air. It was the unfeeling nature of those who viewed power and opulence enough to send a message. She had not faltered at all to their questions or tricks. Yet, the had made it clear that her execution was intimate. There was no bed in this cell and the cuffs barely allowed her to move a foot from the wall. They clearly knew how formidable a foe she was. The ground had been her bed when they hadn’t knocked her out in the cacophony of questions and pain. The figure of her vivid blue eyed husband believing that even the nervous girl who had done her best for her planet and the freedom she believed in and still saw her as a beautiful force. It was his face that gave her some pause about dying for such sentiments. How worried he must be especially with whatever pictures the holos had caught. He would be unable to call her his wife and all that that had meant. As much as the coffee stained eyed girl had respected the council, they often held her Ani back. They would see the sense of attachment as friendship instead of wanting to kiss each other senseless. Her daydreams had been of the shirtless boy who only a night ago told her all about his time in battle and the new tech project now sat at their side table. She could hear her intelligent man talk about wires and bolts for time to come even if she lacked complete literacy in the subject. Her happiness and the knowledge that she was loved by many was something they could not take or break from her. They had missed the ring that marked her as a Skywalker tied against her chest by the corset strings.
They weren’t so evil is to touch her that way even unconscious. The world wouldn’t allow her to wear the gold band on her finger so it was the next closest place- her heart.Blood poured from her head like a macabre waterfall tinging the air around it with a strong coppery smell. She had scattered away readying to fight of whoever had come for after the last torture session. The slimy feel of them entering her mind still strong. The world had been disoriented until she saw those eyes. those eyes that were the closest thing to home. A wave of new strength taking her shaking legs as she moved to jump into his arms before being stopped by her bonds. Tears glistened in her eyes though she knew the importance of not drawing attention to the chosen one who had once again saved her. Probably Artoo as well for they had traded droids with vows. A picture of their love out in the open for the world to see yet not understand. Relief washed over her as well as fear. Ani didn’t always think first when it came to her and she had no doubt that her gaunt and pale form would set him on edge. Padme would have to figure out some strength inside her to walk out on her own two feet. They had not broken her and they never would. Her rosebud pout raised upward at the sight of him and warmed by the sound of his velvety voice hitting her ears in complete contrast to the threats and dead air she had been faced with. “Ani- I- I’m sorry I thought you were someone else, my love. You don’t know how happy I am to see you.” Had he brought their best friend and father figure in Obi-wan? She knew the master would not begrudge the senator for her weakness though the calm lake of a man was someone she would always want the approval of. If her guards were masqueraded, the last thing the former queen wanted was for any of her family to be in danger. Ahsoka too.
“We have to stop meeting like this.”
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mutatiio · 2 years
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@heartfurnaced​ truly is his master’s padawan: ❝ you should’ve killed me when you had the chance. ❞ ( for maul! hello! :D )
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    we all make mistakes. something had compelled him to leave the jedi back then. looking back on it now, he wonders if it was his master's doing. always near. always watching. maul finds himself wondering if he will ever escape that gaze. what other 'choices' were made with sidious' influence?? the weight of it no longer resembled the anxiety it once had. he wasn’t trying to prove himself as a worthy apprentice anymore. not keenly searching for his master’s approval. now it was more akin to a tooka playing with their meal. infuriating. suffocating. 
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    "kenobi's arrogance." he replies plainly, regarding the young jedi with a grimace. this is his master’s new puppet. killing him here would not only hurt him, but also kenobi. very efficient. he flicks the switch of his staff. the beams spring to life in his hand, glowing red, that familiar oscillating hum that he could recognise in his sleep. “and just as misplaced.”
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hopefulsun · 2 years
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#starter   call
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It   wasn’t   something   that   it   felt   appropriate   for   a   Jedi   to   admit,   but   Luke   missed   Grogu.   In   the   short   time   Grogu   served   as   his   first   student,   Luke   had   grown   accustomed   to   the   rhythm   of   having   someone   else   with   him,   a   little   lifeform   that   needed   him   and   that   he   could   share   things   with.   Now   once   again   it   was   only   Luke,   R2,   the   builder   droids,   and   the   Force.
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Part   of   being   a   Jedi   was   letting   go   and   if   the   Mandalorian   could   release   his   child   to   study,   there   was   no   reason   for   Luke   to   mope   about   his   first   student   choosing   to   return   to   his   parent.   Having   had   the   luxury   of   growing   up   knowing   he   was   loved   by   his   aunt   and   uncle,   Luke   didn’t   begrudge   Grogu’s   choice,   only   that   adjusting   to   being   alone   again   was   taking   time.   Perhaps   not   entirely   alone,   however,   the   spectral   blue   figure   of   @heartfurnaced​   showing   up   well   against   the   green   of   the   bamboo.   “If   you’ve   come   to   check   on   my   student’s   progress,   it’s   too   late.”   Luke’s   smile   was   a   little   wistful   as   he   found   his   father’s   face.   “He   chose   to   return   home.”
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@heartfurnaced​ has sent: 7 & 11 !
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition [Accepting]
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7. List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
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// Fox would be an easy target for this so...
This man has committed so many war atrocities against the separatists, under Anakin’s leadership. We only get to see things from the Republic’s POV, the clones are made to literally protect it. Suddenly, it’s morally-right to curb stomp the various alien species that compose the CIS. Anyone that opposes the Republic, is immediately seen as an enemy and a threat, Rex has that very shallow view. The 501st Legion was amongst the very best battallions of the GAR;
See above, because Rex doesn’t regret anything he has done throughout the course of the war. Not even the chip’s removal, makes him develop any regret about it.
Umbara was on the right about separating from the Republic. Rex’s battallion alongside with the 212th were sent to suppress the planet’s attempt at cutting off ties, and they made an example out of it. So no one else, would be foolish enough to try a similar thing.
11. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
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// You’re free to like and dislike any character you want to, without feeling any guilt over it. WTF is wrong with people? How did we get here? Why do I have to put a long ass disclaimer, in hopes that’ll prevent dogpiling on me?
I’ve seen people say how guilty they feel for enjoying characters like Palpatine, and I’m here like ‘GOOD, AS YOU SHOULD!!’ You’re reacting this way because these characters were so well written, and you’re recognizing it. NOT BECAUSE, you agree or stand by them. It would have been very different if you said something like ‘I relate to...’ (like we see with all of those toxic feminity/radfeminists type of characters that have been plaguing the majority of series nowadays, people really say how they relate to them & it’s not a W moment.).
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starfaithed · 2 years
“Skywalker. Do you have a moment?” The temple was blessed with several ​conference rooms in all sizes. Mace gestured Anakin over to a smaller one. What he wanted to talk about deserved privacy. “I understand that training a padawan of your own is demanding and keeps you busy. How are you holding up?”
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mayxthexforce · 2 years
ultimate media consumption: 2022 faves
reads of the year-
Chronicles Of A Death Foretold (Gabriel García Marquez, 1981).
Boba Fett, a Practical Man (Karen Traviss, 2006).
Skin (Roald Dahl, 1952).
Face (Benjamin Zephaniah, 1999)
Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi, 2000)
Star Wars: Friends Like These (Keith Ryan Kappel, 2016)
watches of the year-
Barbarian (2022)
Turning Red (2022)
Incantation (2022)
Wall-E (2008)
#Alive (2020)
Train To Busan 2: Peninsula (2020)
earworms of the year-
I'm Here (Matilda: The Musical, 2010)
Mr. Rager (Kid Cudi, 2010)
San Lucas (Kevin Kaarl, 2019)
Terra (Tanxugueiras, 2022)
Left Outside Alone (Anastascia, 2014)
Under Giant Trees (Agnes Obel, 2013)
Just An Old Fashioned Girl (Eartha Kitt, 1956)
Prefiero Ser Su Amante (Maria Jose, 2012)
Butch 4 Butch (Rio Romeo, 2021)
Never Love An Anchor (The Crane Wives, 2015)
Bury The Light (Casey Edwards, 2020)
Ele Te Bota Soca Soca (Mc Mazzie, 2021)
I Miss The Misery (Halestorm, 2012)
Te Espero (Ede, 2022)
Another Life (Motionless in White, 2019)
The Man Who Ruled The World (Midge Ure, 2010 remaster)
Diane (Cam, 2020)
binges of the year-
Midnight Mass (2021)
All Of Us Are Dead (2022)
The Mandalorian (2019)
TaleSpin (1990)
Home Sweet Home (2020)
Station Eleven (2021)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)
runners up-
The Witcher Season 2 (2021)
The Book Of Boba Fett (2021)
Tales Of The Jedi (2022)
The Walking Dead Final Season (2022)
Tagged by: @kylo-wrecked (thank you!)
Tagging: @foundjarin, @corruptedforce, @galaccias, @honorhunt, @stillkenobi, @heartfurnaced, @ofthestcrs, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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foundjarin · 2 years
A short thing   ―  @heartfurnaced
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“Are  you  here  to  do  anything  useful,  or  just  to  judge  my  swordsmanship?”  Din  snarled  after  the  spectral  blue  figure  that  apparently  only  he  could  see  distracted  him,  causing  Din  to  nearly  be  hit  by  his  opponent.  He  managed  to  send  them  tumbling  to  the  ground  and  cleave  them  in  half,  so  it  was  fine,  but  the  interruption  still  wasn’t  appreciated.
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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@heartfurnaced​ sent : “  talk to me.  ” (for ahsoka!)
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Talking about her feelings was far from being her favorite thing, as she often had to think hard about how to put them into words. Not only that but she didn't want to look weak by letting anyone know about her deeper thoughts. Her own Master even less so. It's not that she didn't trust him, she knew she could trust him, that he wouldn't judge her ... But there was this little voice in her head, telling her that there were things best to be kept to herself. After all, if he knew she was scared ... Would he tell Master Yoda that there was no way he'd keep such a weakling for his padawan? She wouldn't risk it. She couldn't.
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So her words remained the exact same, as she looked up to the man before letting out a sigh and getting up, wiping her palms onto shirt before replacing her lightsabers at their places on her belt. " There is nothing to talk about, Master. I just had a little ... Meltdown, it happens. " It was anything but something as little as she just said, but she didn't want to worry him. They didn't have time, the two were expected at the docking bay a couple minutes ago and she didn't want to be the reason as to why they were late.
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