#《 leia organa. 》writings.
riyo-soka · 2 months
The Organas and the Lars family are all well aware that the children they’re raising each have a sibling somewhere in the far reaches of the galaxy. They can never say anything, since Luke and Leia would be in grave danger if the truth of their heritage were to get out, but sometimes the twins’ adoptive families can’t help but think about the other child that they will never know.
Breha notices her daughter’s title causes her to struggle with finding companions her own age and wonders if that loneliness might have been lessened had the twins never been separated. Sometimes, she imagines taking Leia’s brother by the hand and introducing him to the people of Alderaan as a beloved member of the Organa family just like his sister.
Beru starts stitching a family tree -a tradition among slaves and former slaves on Tatooine, meant to bring together families that were separated by slavery- but struggles to finish it when she realizes it’s too dangerous to include her niece. After the war, Luke and Leia create their own, and Leia displays her connection to the Lars family line like a badge of honour.
Bail is always concerned about Luke’s wellbeing somewhere in the back of his mind. The Lars family are supposed to be good, hardworking people, but even under Obi-Wan’s protection, Tatooine is a hostile place to live: especially compared to a temperate core world planet like Alderaan. Since he is unable to directly intervene so far out in Hutt Space, his contacts within the rebellion are occasionally tasked with checking in on the state of things in and around Tatooine’s settlements. On the occasions where Owen and Beru found themselves struggling to put food on the table, an off-world traveller would soon arrive offering to pay handsomely for something like mechanical help or a ride to Anchorhead.
Owen tries not to dwell on what-if scenarios and focus on keeping his nephew safe, but raising a force sensitive child -much less a force sensitive child of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala- is stressful on the best of days. When people in town murmur under their breath about how odd the Lars boy is, he worries. Both that the empire will take the whispering about Luke being odd seriously, and that the little girl Obi-Wan told them about when he arrived with baby Luke hidden under his cloak might be put in danger by those same whispers.
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Fox is in the middle of decoding a message when Breha runs into the room.
Fox doesn't need to look at her for more than a second to see that she is frightened.
"What is it?" He asks. He is already on his feet before he has gotten all the words out of his mouth. "What's going on?"
"They know", Breha says, and Fox's insides turn to ice.
He is not thinking about the message anymore. He is not thinking about anything he had been doing just a moment before.
The only thing he is thinking about right now is Leia.
Leia, who is sleeping just in the next room over. Breha runs in there, and Fox starts to grab anything that is around him.
Comlink. Weapons. The little clothes the nanny droid has just piled up from the laundry.
He doesn't have the time to pack much more, because Breha is already running back, with blearily blinking Leia in her arms, still wrapped inside her blanket. She gives Fox a look, and Fox leaves everything else and follows her out of the room.
The whole castle is in alarmed by the time they have made it to the main corridor. Sateen is there when they turn towards the hangar.
"Where's Bail?" Fox asks. They don't have any time to spare. They need every second in order to get as far away as possible.
In order to get away at all.
"He's packing up the ship", Sateen says. He joins them as they make their way downstairs. "He sent me to meet up with you. Your armor is already in the ship."
Fox had not even thought about his armor. He had not even touched the entire thing after leaving Coruscant. He had not needed it, not with going through all the treatments and physical therapy, and then focusing on tending to Leia and helping the Rebellion.
He had thought that his days of fighting inside an armor had been long gone.
Leia whines against Breha's shoulder. She is more awake now, and even if she doesn't understand a word any of them are saying, she looks like she understands fully that something is wrong. Her eyes are wide, and she looks scared as she looks at Fox.
Breha wraps her arms tighter around her and shushes her. It makes Leia quiet down, but doesn't make the look in her eyes go away.
For a second, there is an image that forces its way into Fox's mind, of Leia, with that same, scared look on her face, in the arms of someone entirely else, someone cold and dark.
He pushes it away. He would rather die again than let it happen.
Bail is waiting next to the ship when they make it to the bay. It is not one of the ships they usually use, nor is it any of their personal vessels. Fox is fully aware that they had aqcuired one, of an entirely different model and make than all the other ships they were known to use, and seeing it now makes the sitation settle in even further.
"Is everything ready?" Breha asks. Bail nods. He looks too grim, the seriousness casting a deep shadow on his features.
Breha nods as well, and then draws a deep breath. She pulls Leia off of her shoulder, and looks at her for a second, two, three, with a look of grief and finality on her face that Fox hates.
Then she kisses Leia on her forehead, on her cheeks, rapidly, like she is trying to kiss her as many times as possible with one, single breath, and then she turns to Fox.
Without word, she pushes Leia onto Fox's arms.
Somehow, Fox gets even more cold.
"Breha-" he tries to say, but Breha sushes him, and lets go of Leia, in order to reach for Fox now. Her fingers brush up on Fox's face, and she looks at him too, silently, for a couple brief seconds, before she reaches up and presses a hasty kiss on his lips, on his cheeks, everywhere she can reach in her hurry.
"I love you", she says, and then she lets go of Fox too, and turns around and runs back towards the Palace.
"Breha!" Fox calls after her, but then Bail's hand is on his shoulder, gripping it hard.
"Fox", Bail says. His other hand grabs at Fox's arm, and he turns Fox around.
Fox looks up at him.
Bail looks sad.
Fox hates it, too.
He hates it, especially when the understanding dawns on him.
"Bail", Fox says. He is not pleading or begging, no matter how much he wants to. "Do not do this."
Bail looks sad. He shakes his head.
"I'm sorry", he says, and he leans down, and kisses Leia on the forehead. He lets go of Fox's arm, and he cups Fox's face and traces his thumb over Fox's cheek, slowly and carefully, like he is doing it for the last time. "I love you."
"Bail." Fox is pleading, now.
"I'm sorry", Bail says, again, and then he leans to kiss Fox.
Then he steps away, and just like Breha, he turns his back on Fox and Leia, and runs after her.
Fox stands there, staring after them, his entire body freezing cold, his hands gripping onto the blanket around Leia.
"Fox", Sateen says. Fox cannot turn to look at him. "Fox, you need to go, now."
Leia's hand reached out from inside the blanket, and it curls around the collar of Fox's shirt.
Fox rips his eyes away from the receding forms of Breha and Bail, and turns towards the ship.
Without another word, he climbs in, with Leia in his arms.
The door closes after them.
Fox doesn't bother to put Leia down as he sits on the pilot's seat and starts the engine. Leia holds onto him, quietly, as he flies the ship out of the hangar.
She stays quiet as Fox flies the ship out of Alderaan's atmosphere.
Fox holds her closer as the ship jumps into hyperspace.
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bolshoiromanova · 2 years
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Commissioned the lovely @crow085 to draw a scene from my Luke & Vader fanfic This Life of Ours! Thank you so much, it’s so insanely beautiful!! <3333
Original AU + Character designs belong to @polarspaz!
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
Ooh for the ask game Oola. I love her💕
On Ryloth, every type of bender has their own dance. It’s hard to remember, sometimes, that the rest of the galaxy just sees bodies moving.
Oola stays still, careful, quiet, as Jabba sleeps. There are a handful of people left around the main rooms of his palace, but more of the guests and hangers-on are asleep, sprawled out drunk in corners or having retreated to their rooms. The only one still awake is the Ubese bounty hunter in the heavy mask, settled back against the far wall to watch the room.
It’s a problem, but—Oola is too desperate to care at this point.
Only knowing that this was an option got her through the dance earlier. Oola had been tempted to fight back, to resist even if she knows what happens to slaves who defy Jabba. She’d held herself back, though, because Jabba always drinks heavily when he’s pleased, and getting the smuggler as a wall decoration had pleased him.
It means he won't wake up for anything short of an explosion, now, and that’s all the chance Oola needs.
Carefully, she shifts, slowly enough that the clink of the chains won't draw attention. Boba Fett is still in the palace, probably lurking in the halls somewhere, and he’s dangerous enough, clever enough to make her wary. But—
With her body between her and the bounty hunter, she brings her hands up, breathes out, breathes in again. The foundation of any dance is breathing, even more than motion, and she remembers hours in the sun with her mother, training her breaths in Ryloth’s scorching heat. The hand motions are simple, too, muscle memory now, and she turns her hands, slides her palms past each other, breathes. Tatooine's suns are down, and this would be easier in the day, but that’s fine. This is her only chance to get away, so she has to take it.
Light flickers, fire kindles. A flame leaps between her palms, and Oola curls around it, lets the chain connected to her collar fall right through its heart. Harder to hold it while she’s still, but an actual dance is impossible, so this has to be enough. At least for this, it’s all in the breath, at least.
Oola breathes out, in, out again, and focuses on heat. Focuses on Ryloth’s suns, and the feeling of the traditional dance the firebenders use to call up their flames. She knows the steps, knows the guide they give, and like this her bending is stripped entirely of its grace and beauty, filed down into something utilitarian and rough, but—
She’s escaping. That’s the only important thing.
And then, just a little heavier than silence, there’s a footfall behind her.
Oola jerks her hands down, ducks. The chain is glowing white-hot, though it hasn’t melted yet, and there's no hiding that, but if she plays stupid, if she uses the fact that to Jabba she’s just a plaything—
The bounty hunter’s hand slides into her line of vision, careful to avoid her lek, and catches the chain. Then, sharp, their other hand slashes down—
Fire, a thin and blue-white lance of it that’s hotter than anything Oola has ever felt before, strikes the metal and breaks it in one blow, sending drops of molten steel scattering across the sand.
Quick, the bounty hunter pulls Oola to her feet, still gripping the glowing end of the chain so it can’t fall back against her skin. They jerk their head towards one of the halls, but don’t wait for a response, just pull Oola in that direction at a near run, ducking into the shadows, then down the halls, through several rooms and up a narrow set of stairs meant for the slaves. Near the top, there’s a door standing ajar, and the bounty hunter pushes it all the way open, guides Oola in, then shoves it closed behind her.
Fear rises, and Oola takes three quick steps back, unease warring with relief. The Ubese hasn’t shown any interest in Jabba's personal slaves since their arrival, and they have to know what Jabba will do to them for taking Oola even this far, but still an unsteady sort of fear washes through her veins, makes her hands tremble as she raises them. One on one, she can defend herself if she needs to, without the threat of Jabba's retaliation, but people will notice.
Slowly, deliberately, the bounty hunter raises their hands, palms out, then reaches up. They grip their helmet, pull—
Not an Ubese at all. A Human, a woman with heavy braids of brown hair bound up out of the way, clear brown eyes that meet and hold Oola’s without hesitation.
“Easy,” she says, pitched quiet even though they're alone in the room. “You were trying to escape, weren’t you? I can help.”
“Why should I trust you?” Oola asks, as steady as she can make it. “You work for Jabba.”
The woman snorts, like that accusation is ridiculous. “I'm here to save a friend,” she says. “The one in carbonite.” Hesitates, just for an instant, and then meets Oola’s gaze again and says plainly, “My name is Leia Organa. I'm the princess of Alderaan. If you know that, it means I'm at risk, too. So we’re even. We can trust each other.”
“I don’t think it works like that,” Oola says, but—she knows what happened to Alderaan. She’s heard of its princess, even on Ryloth. Even on Tatooine.
The princess of lost Alderaan saved her. It’s like something out of one of the old tales her father loved.
“Why not?” Leia asks, and smiles. “You don’t have to worry. My brother and I have a plan.”
A plan. Oola didn’t have one beyond breaking the chain, and she puts a hand up to the collar, something shiver through her. If there’s really a way out—all the way out, and not just to die in the desert, free but still doomed—someone like Princess Leia would surely know it, or be able to make it. But—
“Boba Fett is somewhere in the palace,” she says, and it feels a little bit like despair. “He’s too dangerous—”
Leia rolls her eyes. “My brother is distracting him,” she says, and smiles at Oola, like sharing a secret. “That’s part of the plan.”
It seems utterly impossible that the prince and princess of Alderaan are both on Tatooine, both working to free one friend from Jabba's grip. Seems even more ridiculous that they would care about freeing an enslaved dancer, too, without any reason to bother, and Oola has to take a breath, close her eyes. It feels like a dream, like at any moment she’s going to wake up to Jabba's touch, a waking nightmare she’s lived through for months now.
It's not Jabba's touch that makes her open her eyes, though. It’s a Human hand, cooler than her own skin, bare of its heavy glove. Leia touches her cheek, light, careful, and when Oola looks up, Leia holds her gaze with a seriousness that makes Oola’s heart turn over in her chest.
“We can get you out,” Leia promises, and her smile is a warm thing, like Ryloth’s sun. “Your firebending is beautiful. It shouldn’t stay in a place like this.”
Oola shudders, closes her eyes. She presses a hand over Leia's, leans in, and when Leia wraps her up in a tight hug, she twines her lekku around Leia's arms, buries her face in the worn pressure suit, and just breathes.
She was just dancing, before. But Leia saw it for what it was. And right now, that feels like the only thing that matters.
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lizartgurl · 3 months
How Do You Know? (Han Solo x Leia Organa)
Hanleia Week Day One: Tradition. Feat. Anakin Solo. @hanleiacelebration
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"I love you."
"I know."
"Why do you guys always say that?"
"Huh?" Han tried not to jump in surprise as he looked down at the budding adolescent beside him. His children had a nasty habit of being able to hide their presence until it was too late.
Young Anakin's nose crinkled. "Why do you always say 'I know' whenever the other one says 'I love you'? Aren't you supposed to say 'I love you' back?"
Han couldn't help the lopsided grin that tugged at the corner of his mouth.
"Do you want to tell him, Princess?" he asked.
Leia laughed softly, haloed in the blue light of her hologram, "It's a bit of a tradition at this point. We said it to each other once, and now it's just natural."
"But doesn't it sound kind of... Smug?" Anakin asked. He'd always had trouble with social norms and expectations. Han squeezed his baby boy's shoulder in reassurance.
"Your father is smug, honey," Leia explained in the same reassuring tone.
"Your mother's not off the hook either," Han insisted.
"How did it start?" Anakin asked, "Were you fighting, or...?"
"All the time."
"Your mother and I had been kidnapped by Darth Vader, the bait in a trap for Uncle Luke. They were going to freeze me in carbonite, which they usually just use for storing tibanna gas to ship out to other planets. The carbon freeze is great for preserving the gas and fuel, but they didn't know if it would kill me or not."
"But it didn't!" Anakin said quickly, his face pale and eyes wide.
"It didn't," Han reassured him, "But it was pretty scary. And that was the first time your mom told me that she loved me."
"In front of Grandpa?"
"Darth Vader is not your grandfather," Leia said in her no-nonsense tone, the one that still made Han's head spin.
Anakin looked thoughtful, "So when Mom said that she loved you, you just said 'I know'?"
"Okay, well it sounds bad when you put it like that-" He looked to Leia on the holo, hoping she would back him up.
Leia's hologram was smiling, that ice-melting, full body smile that must have been a Skywalker trait, her chin propped in her hand as she watched Han flounder.
"Wanna help me out here?"
"No, I think you got it, hotshot. Why did you say 'I know'?"
Han realized he had never really thought about it before. In the heat of the moment, in front of Vader, Fett, and half a platoon of stormtroopers, it just felt right. But why?
"Your mom's pretty tough, Nik," He said at last, "A senator, a princess, a general, she had to be. Back then, after everything that happened to her, she hated letting anyone get under her skin."
"Even you?" They were his parents, of course Anakin wouldn't be able to imagine a situation where they hated each other.
"Especially him," Leia grinned, "He was the worst."
"So when I told her 'I know', it was a way for me to tell her that I understood that she loved me, but also that I understood who she was as a person. That I knew how big it was that she told me this in front of people that hated us, and that I knew she would move the stars in order to save me."
Anakin was quiet now, deep in thought over this confession. Han glanced back at Leia, and caught a glimpse of her trying to wipe away her tears. He could hear Threepio in the background somewhere, asking if she required a handkerchief, but Leia dismissed him.
"Did you ever tell her you loved her back?" Anakin asked.
"Absolutely," Han beamed at his son. "When we were destroying the Death Star on Endor, she got shot protecting me. When I tried to help her, some stormtroopers cornered us and I thought it was all over. I'd have done anything to protect your mom then and there, but before I could do anything, Mom showed me that she was still holding her blaster. Since the stormtroopers didn't see it, she could take them by surprise.
"I knew I loved your mom before then, but that reminder of how strong she was, how smart she was, I was a goner."
"That's when he told me he loved me." Leia said. She sounded like a giddy schoolgirl rather than the chief of State, her chin propped up in her hands as she listened to Han talk about how much he loved her.
"And you told him that you knew?" Anakin asked.
"Yes, I knew. And I still know." Leia said.
Anakin's brow crinkled again, "When was the first time you told me that you loved me?" he asked the hologram of his mother.
"Oh, Anakin, I told you that I loved you before you were born," Leia said. Anakin's face grew red and shy, but he was the one who asked.
"Alright, Mom's gotta go now, kiddo, say goodbye."
"Bye, Mom!" Anakin waved to the hologram, and was quickly distracted by the puzzle games on his holo pad once again,leaving Han alone with his wife. Finally.
"I love you sweetheart. More than you know."
"Well I don't know about that," Leia teased. She blew a kiss through the holo.
"I'll see you tonight."
"Don't be late, I'm making grilled nuna and mashed potatoes."
Leia sighed, "I'm so glad I had babies with you."
Han couldn't stop a cocky grin, "I know."
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shirozora-draws · 2 months
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Five months later, here we are to close the book on the first arc and open to the first pages of the second arc.
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This was an interesting exercise in taking what little I know about a world from the existing canon and building up the background/environment. Took inspo from Andor's set designs and added some post-war organic flair (I hope). Always wanted to draw some Leia, and it sure won't be the last time.
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Painted and repainted the background while knowing full well that I'll just end up blurring it and drowning it in hazy cold morning light anyway. Bringing an Auzituck gunship out of its simplified animated origins into a more... "realistic" space has been challenging but I love creating metal textures with rough brushes and I'm gonna keep doing it. Can't wait for more chances to draw Din in this particular design.
I'll have a later post regarding the pop-up shop. For now, I need a weeklong break from the two months of stress between finishing the chapter draft and getting this out onto the Internets.
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stargirl-writes · 10 months
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the way this is becoming my favorite tiktok trend
© to @/lordvaderz on tiktok!
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ceruleanvermillion · 1 year
Do the jedi have like. the star wars equivalent of sword dances? I mean lightsaber fights already look like dances, but like what about the ones that are actually intended to be dances? like imagine dancing with a lightsaber- that would be sooo pretty to look at. I imagine that obi-wan isn't like super good or an expert or anything, but there's a couple that he knows and loves and does really well, especially when he's on his own. Qui-gon was really good at many and taught him to do them and it stuck, and on those nights he was grieving he just dances listening to the force. Nobody dances quite like obi-wan, though. Like he doesn't know a lot of dances but he's really really good on the ones he does know, and plus points to the fact that obi-wan is probably also musically inclined.
Anakin is really good, too, like qui-gon, he caught it much more easily than obi-wan did. It probably started out as him accidentally seeing obi-wan do it when he was younger, and then trying to emulate and failing lmao, and then it became like, and alternative way of meditating for Anakin? like at some point Obi-wan realized that dance could totally work as a way of moving meditation and decided to teach anakin himself and enroll him in classes, and I think anakin would really get into it especially during the war. Padme would like it, she has an eye for stuff like this so sometimes she helps point out details to anakin.
Ahsoka learns from anakin because anakin is definitely the type to add sword dance into ahsoka's curiculum, but he prefers teaching her himself because he just so happens to be really good at it. Ahsoka would like it! like she's not as into it as anakin is but sometimes she practices when there's a lot on her mind or like, when she wants to show the clones what she learned. oh, the clones would absolutely enjoy watching ahsoka dance, and ahsoka would totally convince anakin to do it with her. Sometimes they'd convince obi wan. When she leaves the order she still practices, it's her way of staying connected even though she'd never come to realize it herself. And when (if?) the whole oder 66 thing happens, the sword dance is one of the few jedi culture bits that not many outside of the order knows, and she preserves it.
I like to think that she'll teach luke, one day. like maybe directly, or maybe she'll leave him a set of holo-recordings that he finds, and then luke would try to emulate and learn, and because he's Padme's and Anakin's son, he'd catch on and learn quickly. It won't be a perfect imitation, so Luke just uses his gut (the force) and adds new bits into the missing portions of the dance. He'd teach leia too, like leia is not super interested as luke is, but this specific aspect is actually super fascinating to her, so maybe she'll learn a bit, while also assisting him in doing some research about it. It surprised her how it helps her clear her mind.
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lesbidin · 4 months
i just love swapped!luke and leia aus, especially when they keep their original personality traits and (some) storylines from the ot. luke is still extremely curious about the universe, still on the path to becoming a jedi, only hes an alderaanian prince. leia is still extremely competent, can hold her own with a deep interest in politics, but she’s a tatooine farmgirl. i think the potential there is so interesting.
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musewrangler · 4 months
Ok heads up you all. One of the COOLEST things ever happened recently and I finally have time to tell you about it!
A new reader was commenting on my work and noted that they too had a character named Rilla who was Piett's sister. My curiousity was piqued at this point because I thought---'what are the odds?'
The VERY NEXT COMMENT noted that I had credited the author for the creation of Rilla in their story and then lo---this is the best---THEY WERE THAT AUTHOR.
Guys. This was one of the most formative fan works I read as I was just getting into looking for excellent Piett works. It was not on AO3 or ff.net. I had to find it somewhere on the internet, I don't recall where. It was written back in 1996/7, something like that. I would credit it often in my early work because so many little details they created were canon for me. Rilla Piett [living in their work]. The tiny tree collection. Piett being able to climb trees well. [in their work he came from a very wet, forested planet and thus his skills.] They were writing long before Piett even got a first NAME you all.
So we have been going back and forth chatting and sharing our lore and ideas and it has been so FABULOUS. Here's where it gets even better though----
This author decided that they should brush off that story and PUBLISH IT ON AO3. I am so very thrilled therefore to point you to 'The Adventures of Darth Vader' by OsheenNevoy. This author had a friend who wrote a story at the same time called 'Admiral Piett and the Great Ewok Adventure' and both these works had a massive impact on both my love for the Admiral, but also helped to shape his character in my mind. [credit for that also goes to Malicean and Frodogenic] I URGE you to go read!!
Here's the link for the Ewok Adventure story as well. :D Enjoy!
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sithfox · 18 days
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show your latest line (artwork or written) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like!)
Uno reversed by @workingchemistry a bit ago-thanks for the tag! You get a few lines from the as-yet unnammed Rebellion-era QuinFox fic I'm working on for @/foxquinweek 2025!
"So you're asking me to what, go in alone and extract the asset? Without getting killed or leading the Empire to any of our bases?" Leia wilts a bit. "Yes—" "Excellent." Fox grins, sharp as his namesake. "I was about to disassemble my datapad and turn it into a shiv. Mon can't keep me in admin forever."
Tagging @ladysongmaster and @weyrwolfen and anyone else who wants to join in!
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tiredcowboyy · 6 months
Can someone pleasee write this merlin one shot/fic:
Ok so yk how in star wars just before han dies leia says “I love you” and han, thinking these would be his last words, says “I know” wellll I was thinking about how that lowkey gives the same vibes as arthur, also thinking these will be his last words, saying to merlin “I wanna say something ive never said to you before…. Thankyou”
like I KNOW both leia and merlin were both like “….😐 are you serious, youre DYING??? And youre STILL gonna be emotionally constipated??? ARE YOU FR???”
We got to see leia get her revenge and say “I know” when han came back and said I love you, SO
can someone please please PLEASEEE write a oneshot where arthur either somehow magically lives after that and returns to camelot OR he returns in the future and he finally gets around to saying I love you to merlin and merlin goes to say it back but pauses and instead says “thankyou” or smth.
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Fox wakes up choking on a scream.
He stumbles up and almost falls out of his bed, managing to plant his hand on the floor before he does so. He is heaving, with sharp taste of bile coating his mouth, as the images of his nightmares are still playing in his mind, projected to his eyes like he is seeing them happen in front of him.
He wants to think that they are only nightmares, but he cannot, because he doesn't know if they are true, or if something far worse is happening, if Bail or Breha are even alive anymore, or if something even worse than that is being done to them, or-
Leia starts to cry. Fox swallows. The taste of bile doesn't go anywhere.
He lets himself drop out of the bed to the floor, and he then picks himself up to go get Leia.
The ship is not big. It is just big enough to have it's own hyperdrive, but just barely. It is one that is supposed to be able to stay unnoticed. One in a thousand similar looking ships.
Fox misses home already.
The only real bed in the ship is small enough that Fox hadn't felt comfortable in having Leia sleep with him in it, in case he would wake up trashing, like he just had, no matter how much he'd wanted to just keep holding onto her, at all times.
The travel cot Leia is laying is only a few steps away from the bed, and Fox knows that the cot had been put there just for her. That is the ships whole purpose, after all. To save Leia.
Fox does not want to think about the fact that the ship is too small to house more people than one adult and one baby. He does not want to think of the fact that the ship had been chosen carefully for its use.
He does not want to think about the fact that the plan had never been for them all to escape.
Fox does not think about the fact that he has left Bail and Breha behind.
Instead, he focuses all of his thoughts and attention to Leia.
"Hey, hey", he says to her, as he picks her up. "It's okay."
Leia is squeezing her eyes tightly shut as she cries, loud, high-pitched cries, her hands curled into angry little fists. She has never before been an excessive crier, with most of the time someone already tending to her after the tiniest of noises. Usually she calms down quickly enough, too.
Not this time.
This time, she cries and cries and cries, with big, hot tears running down her face, and her hands stay curled up and jam against Fox's chest as he holds her. She cries and cries and cries, making the whole ship echo with the noise.
Bail had the habit of just holding her during the night, even when she hadn't been crying. Breha would usually bring her to their bedroom for the rest of the night, after she'd tended to her. During those nights, with all three of them there, Leia would be the happiest little girl in the entire Galaxy.
"Perhaps she can feel it", Bail had said, once. "The love we have for her."
The thought that Leia could feel their emotions, their love and adoration, had eased up Fox's mind, back then. If she could feel it all, then she would never have to doubt their affection towards her.
Now, Fox can only dread the whole thought.
"Shhh", Fox tries to soother her, once again. "Shhh, Leili'ika. Shh. It's okay. Buir is here. It's okay."
Leia cries. Perhaps she can feel the fact that Fox doesn't believe in a single word that he is saying.
"Shhh", Fox tries. "It's okay."
Leia cries.
Fox holds her closer and cries too.
The house is quiet.
It is still standing, with no signs of battle or forced entry. The sand outside of it looks undisturbed.
Fox breathes a little deeper. If the Empire had already been there, he would've noticed.
Still, he keeps his blaster set on live rounds, as he slowly makes his way towards the house.
Leia has quieted down, now. She is awake, still, but she stays silent and unmoving underneath the blanket Fox has wrapped around her. It is not ideal to have her with him, but he couldn't risk leaving her alone in the ship, either.
He has heard enough of what Tatooine is like, already. Everything there is a risk.
They make it closer to the door. Fox holds Leia tighter, and turns his body around to shield her, as he steps slowly closer and closer.
He keeps his finger on the trigger the whole time.
They make it to the door. Fox knocks on it, the side of the blaster's barrel banging onto it sharply.
There is a moment of silence.
A light gust of wind blows down the dunes.
Leia sniffles.
The door opens.
The first thing that comes outside of the door is another blaster, aimed straight at Fox. Fox jumps back, twisting more around Leia.
The blaster doesn't fire.
Leia stays quiet.
Then, General Kenobi steps outside as well.
He looks at Fox with squinted eyes, his brow furrowed deeply.
"How did you find this place?" He asks. His voice is sharp and accusing, like he is interrogating Fox on the spot.
"I had the coordinates", Fox answers. "From Bail."
Something shifts in General Kenobi's eyes. It's like he is looking at Fox more intently now, like he is looking at more than Fox's face.
"...Commander Fox?" He asks. The blaster in his hands lowers ever so slightly. "I thought you were-"
"Dead?" Fox finishes up for him. "Most people in the Galaxy do."
General Kenobi looks like he wants to ask more about it momentarily, but then his expression shifts again, and he blinks and looks down at Leia.
He looks suddenly very pale underneath the light of the moons.
"We were discovered", Fox tells him. "Bail and Breha are-"
Fox doesn't want to say it.
He doesn't need to. General Kenobi puts the blaster away, and steps out of the doorway.
"Come in", he says. "It's not safe out in the desert."
It's not safe anywhere, anymore, Fox thinks.
He doesn't say it.
Instead, he steps past General Kenobi into the house.
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random little snippet of an au i made a few months ago (basic summary for context: angst ensures and leia gets sent back in time to the clone wars where she becomes anakin's padawan so she can prevent his fall and secure a better future. she is absolutely NOT happy abt it)
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dailydragon08 · 5 months
hi! if it's ok I'd love to request a scenario for the star wars gang please :) I'd love to see how they all react to a genderfluid s/o (if you have any questions plz dm me :D)
thank you!
Thanks so much for the ask! Sorry this took so long, I was on a bit of a semi-hiatus, but am back now and working on the other asks in my box! Also, thank you to @kaleidoscope1967eyes for some of the suggestions in here!
I think everyone would kind of be in the realm of similar reactions here, but with a few small differences. Everyone is very accepting about you being gender fluid and doesn’t make a huge deal of it, but are very protective of you in different ways. Eventually, they all get a knack for being able to tell whether you’re leaning more masc, fem, or somewhere in between for the day just by your clothes and hairstyle and will adjust pronouns accordingly if necessary.
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Growing up as royalty and a major player in both the imperial senate and the New Republic, Leia is always on top of the latest fashions (which I wish they explored more in other media, but I digress). I think she’d be so interested in helping you adapt different clothing and hairstyles to how you were feeling that particular day and loves finding an outfit that either matches or sort of rhymes what you’re wearing to any events—or even just day-to-day wear. Being royalty and a politician, she’s traveled a lot, so this isn’t a new concept to her at all, and she thanks you for telling her with a warm smile and shoulder squeeze before getting down to business for the day. She’s very adamant that you not only have all the gender-affirming things you need day to day, but also that your preferred pronouns are written correctly in all official documents.
And if someone tries to misgender you or discriminate against you in any way whatsoever, Leia will give them the biggest dressing down of their life – no matter the time, place, or audience – and make sure they know to never pull anything like that ever again. By the time she’s done, they’re standing there like a chastised, guilty toddler as they apologize to you. If she had to, Leia would glare down and lecture the entire senate until they not only got it right, but didn’t even think about forgetting or getting it wrong ever again.
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Luke is very accepting and wants you to feel safe and welcome with him above all else. He would make sure to give you a soft smile and thank you for telling him before opening up a discussion to make sure he was doing everything he could to support you and learn how he could improve. He does research on his own as well and if you’re also Force-sensitive, he will get you as many custom-made Jedi robes as you want so you have options for whatever you’re feeling day to day. He checks in with you frequently, both verbally and through the Force, to make sure you’re feeling okay and check if you’re using different pronouns from the day before. If you’re comfortable, he starts doing a daily check in via telepathic connection each morning so that even if you don’t have time to talk or are several rooms away, he’s still well informed.
The way he defends you differs a bit from his sister. If someone misgenders you or makes any sort of unnecessary comment, he’ll immediately interrupt and correct them. His face and tone stay as calm and serene as ever thanks to his Jedi training, but you can feel the irritation flowing off of him if it’s anything more than an innocent mistake. If this person continues with their behavior, he’ll correct them again and ask them to be respectful and make it clear in no uncertain terms that he sees any disrespect to you as disrespect to him and that the two of you will be walking away until they can conduct themselves better. Afterwards, he’s checking in on you and apologizing for the experience so gently and doing whatever it takes to make you feel better.
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Han being Han of course makes some harmless, playful remark the first time your style drastically changes in front of him. But once you explain you’re gender fluid, he takes it in stride with a “good to know; so what are we doing for lunch?” He tends to be more observant than people give him credit for – especially with those he cares about – and although he gets good at knowing what you’re feeling that day with a glance, still decides to make a “Gender of the Day” game. Traveling around on the Falcon with him puts you in constant proximity and you find yourself stealing his shirts and jackets quite often on more masc-leaning days (which never hesitates to pull a cocky compliment or pickup line from him).
Anyone who dares to make a snide comment gets Captain Solo in full force, with a low “listen here, pal” as he leans across the table and makes sure they know if it happens again, they’ll not only have an angry sharpshooter on their hands, but also a pissed off Wookiee.
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To follow up, Chewie (platonic) also is immediately accepting and although you can’t understand his language, you overhear Han keeping him up to date with your pronouns every day. Eventually, you learn from C-3PO’s translation that Chewie goes out of his way to ask someone in the OT gang every morning (and sometimes directly comes to you with the protocol droid’s help) just to make sure he’s got it right. He’s more than happy to help Han defend you as well and even when it’s just the two of you, he gives an ominous growl as he stands up to his full seven feet if anyone gives you trouble.
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Similar to Leia, Lando is also well-traveled and an avid lover of fashion. This isn’t a new concept to him at all and in fact, when the two of you meet, he’s already asking what your preferred pronouns are. Like the princess, he’s also always elated to help you adapt your fashion choices and has many things custom-made for you – you can hardly say you like something or wish an aspect of a piece of clothing was a little different before he’s already buying it or having his tailors work on it. He even gifts you some articles of clothing that are a two (or even three!) in one via folding a flap a certain way, zipping something, etc. so that one shirt or pair of pants can double as either more masc, fem, or in between.
He's extremely protective of you, no matter who is giving you problems, and will always insert himself between you and the perpetrator with a hey before correcting them in a tone that leaves no room for argument. Especially with his higher rank in the rebellion, he can easily have someone removed from the room if needed and if Chewie’s nearby, employs the Wookiee’s help as well.
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R2-D2 (platonic) chirps and beeps while wobbling on his outer legs to let you know he understands and is more than happy to support you. Although you can’t typically understand his noises, he still will sneakily change code in official documents or computer systems to reflect correct pronouns and if someone’s giving you a hard time, he’ll use one of his little retractable arms to give them a little shock.
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C-3PO (platonic) of course is aware of gender fluidity, but has never met someone like you – at least, not that he remembers before his memory was wiped. Ever since then, he’s been glued either to Leia or Luke’s side, so hasn’t had a chance to experience much outside of the chaotic workload the rebellion usually requires. But he’s so interested and excited to ask you questions if you’ll allow, but also makes sure to educate himself on his own. You have to hold back your laughter sometimes when he excitedly comes to you about some new piece of information he found as if you didn’t know it yourself – but of course, halfway through his excited ramble, he remembers who he’s talking to and goes “oh, I’m so terribly sorry” before offering to help you in any way he can, always interrupting and correcting people when needed, and if they don’t back down, telling them point blank “well, I think you’re rather rude.”
Taglist: @kaleidoscope1967eyes @masterlukessaber @coffeeorsomething-irl @eveningserenityyy @victorian-nymph @lxstfathier @rogue-kenobi @lavandula-ipsum @sonofthedunes @pomplalamoose @lex-the-flex @ilovemarkhamill
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lizartgurl · 3 months
In Your Arms (Han Solo x Leia Organa)
Hanleia Week Day Two: Braids and Blood stripes. @hanleiacelebration
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Inspired by this piece by @lajulie24. Takes place after the escape from Jabba's palace.
He was breathing, but the air didn't quite reach his lungs. He thought he'd be able to see better now, but he couldn't. It was blurry, why was it still blurry? Dark blurs, light blurs, gray blurs, it all blurred together and it terrified him.
"Han," a firm voice, strong, unwavering.
He turned toward the sound that had broken through. And the darkness that had started to ebb at what was left at his vision gave way to white, like the angels of Iego. He'd heard the deep space pilots talk about them, a ragged beauty being all that was left of a once-divine species. He'd never give the stories much credit, but only one person he knew could ever echo such beauty.
"Leia-" He hated how his voice trembled, but his body reacted on its own, his arms shooting out to pull her close. She gasped at his reflex, but made no protest. Her arms gently wrapped around his head, bringing his ear against her chest.
"Just breathe, Han, just breathe," She whispered. His chest shuddered, like the bursting of a dam. Air flooded his lungs as Leia's warm arms enveloped him, her heartbeat teaching his how to work again. He felt her lips press against his forehead, her fingers carding through his hair.
"You don't have to," He said, suddenly embarrassed and acutely aware of how sweaty he was, and every grain of sand stuck in his hair. First the fever, and then the day spent beneath the twin suns, he'd wanted everyone else to clean up first, insisting he'd take care of himself once his sight returned, but that seemed less and less likely the longer they were in hyperspace.
"I assure you, I'm worse." She laughed softly.
That seemed impossible. Leia smelled great. Then again, his nose was still a little stuffy after being encased in carbonite for two years, but he knew that he could smell the caff on her breath. And not the cheap stuff the alliance stocked in bulk, but the nice stuff, the hazelnut roasted beans that he kept on the Falcon and claimed it was because he liked the stuff, and not because she once said the scent reminded her of her mother's office in the palace on Alderaan. There was also the lingering scent of motor oil, one he'd only briefly come to associate with His Princess in their brief escapade from Hoth, where she'd insisted on helping with the repairs, even though Han hated to let anyone else but Chewie get familiar with the Falcon's inner workings.
Han dug his fingers into the fabric at her back. Her white senate dress had a soft, almost-silky feel, like a cloud from a dream. Between the handfuls of fabric, he felt strands of hair, damp, wet, but soft all the same.
"You were braiding your hair," He murmured, even as exhaustion hit him like a light cruiser.
"Do you want to help me?" She asked.
He shook his head, "I still can't see."
One of her hands left his hair, bringing it to his and guiding his hands to close around a fistful of her locks.
"You've been sleeping too long," Leia said. Her thumb caressed the corner of his eye, taking with it a single tear. She sat in front of him on his bunk, Han could still feel the warmth of her body just in front of him.
If he squinted, he could make out the difference between the darkness of her hair and the white of her dress. He really liked this dress. It made her look regal, like the princess she was supposed to be, and he knew she was comfortable in it.
He followed the strands of hair up to where they met her head at the nape of her neck. He divided the fistful of hair into sections of three, and started braiding, hoping that he didn't get them tangled. He'd originally learned how to make a braid as a kid, it was better for making stronger rope and stuff, but he'd gotten his best practice in when he started hanging around the Rebellion, hanging around Leia.
The more he squinted, the more his eyes watered, almost like they were cleaning themselves. By the time he'd finished the one braid down her back, he was seeing just enough to know that the one he'd made was not as nearly as good as the other braid she'd done for herself.
But Leia didn't seem to mind, twisting both of them up over her head in a bun anyway. She smiled at him, "Thanks, hotshot," She murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Han placed his arm around her waist before she could leave, "Don't go," he begged, "Not just yet." His vision was getting better, but he didn't trust his eyes just yet. Some irrational fear scurried around the back of his mind, warning that if he took his eyes off his Princess, even for a moment, he would lose her again.
Leia paused, though she hadn't made any indication to move away from him. She dropped her hair, and raised her hand to his cheek. Han leaned against the touch. She was warm, safe, everything that Jabba's palace wasn't.
And she was here. She was safe. He hadn't managed to fail her yet.
"I won't," Leia promised, "I'm not going anywhere."
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