letzhealthy-blog · 6 years
6 Most Common STD Problems In Women You Should Know About
STDs or Sexually transmitted diseases are a very common type of infection that can be easily transferred from one person to another through sexual contact. STDs are often called as sexually transmitted infection as the disease causing organism are passed through vaginal, oral as well as anal sexual contact.
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Common Symptoms of STD in women includes are: Problem in Urination: An STD can be easily recognized during urination such as burning urination, painful urination, frequent urination or bleeding while urination. Unusual vaginal discharge: The color, smell or consistency of discharge from vagina indicates some kind of infection. Such as, thick or thin, milky discharge can be results into yeast infection but when discharge turns yellow or green than it might be gonorrhea. Vaginal Itching: Itching in vagina is unspecified symptom that may or may not be concerned with STD. There are some of the sex related causes that may results into Vaginal itching, such as: Yeast infection Painless ulcers on the vagina Pubic lice Genital warts Pain during sexual intercourse: This symptom is often leaving unnoticed but severe pelvic pain can be resulted into pelvic inflammatory disease which can be caused by advanced stage of infection. Irregular bleeding: This is the major sign of PID problems caused by sexually transmitted infection. Vaginal Rashes: The rashes in the genital area or tiny pimples around the mouth of vagina can be resulted into herpes or HPV cause by STD. These symptoms typically appear within days or weeks of exposure to an STI. Most of the times, the symptoms never appear or go unnoticed. Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to fertility problems as well as increased the risk of cervical cancer if go untreated. Some preventive measures to avoid STD are as follows: Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), can cause severe health problems, if left untreated, such as: Infertility Organ damage Cancer Get Tested Regularly: The women should do STD testing regularly if she is sexually active.  In today’s era, there are lots of online STD testing websites are available such as mylabbox.com  , if you are not comfortable to go outside. You can test at home in just 5 minutes and you can get secure lab-certifies results in 1-5 business days. Take protection: A condom is the best solution for such kinds of problems. It can help to you and your partner whether it is for vaginal, oral or anal sex. Some female condoms and dental dams are also available in market to provide such kind of protection against STD. Communicate: Keep sincere communication with physician and partner about sexual history is helpful in such type of cases. You can also get the peace of mind over the phone with free physician if your test is positive via mylabbox.com. Things to do after being diagnosed with STD’s: Start the treatment immediately prescribed by physician. Contact your partner and tell him that he needs to be get tested and treated too. Restrain from sex until your infection is cured. For viral infection, wait long enough until antiviral medications work. Read the full article
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letzhealthy-blog · 6 years
6 Most Common STD Problems In Women You Should Know About
STDs or Sexually transmitted diseases are a very common type of infection that can be easily transferred from one person to another through sexual contact. STDs are often called as sexually transmitted infection as the disease causing organism are passed through vaginal, oral as well as anal sexual contact.
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Common Symptoms of STD in women includes are: Problem in Urination: An STD can be easily recognized during urination such as burning urination, painful urination, frequent urination or bleeding while urination. Unusual vaginal discharge: The color, smell or consistency of discharge from vagina indicates some kind of infection. Such as, thick or thin, milky discharge can be results into yeast infection but when discharge turns yellow or green than it might be gonorrhea. Vaginal Itching: Itching in vagina is unspecified symptom that may or may not be concerned with STD. There are some of the sex related causes that may results into Vaginal itching, such as: Yeast infection Painless ulcers on the vagina Pubic lice Genital warts Pain during sexual intercourse: This symptom is often leaving unnoticed but severe pelvic pain can be resulted into pelvic inflammatory disease which can be caused by advanced stage of infection. Irregular bleeding: This is the major sign of PID problems caused by sexually transmitted infection. Vaginal Rashes: The rashes in the genital area or tiny pimples around the mouth of vagina can be resulted into herpes or HPV cause by STD. These symptoms typically appear within days or weeks of exposure to an STI. Most of the times, the symptoms never appear or go unnoticed. Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to fertility problems as well as increased the risk of cervical cancer if go untreated. Some preventive measures to avoid STD are as follows: Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), can cause severe health problems, if left untreated, such as: Infertility Organ damage Cancer Get Tested Regularly: The women should do STD testing regularly if she is sexually active.  In today’s era, there are lots of online STD testing websites are available such as mylabbox.com  , if you are not comfortable to go outside. You can test at home in just 5 minutes and you can get secure lab-certifies results in 1-5 business days. Take protection: A condom is the best solution for such kinds of problems. It can help to you and your partner whether it is for vaginal, oral or anal sex. Some female condoms and dental dams are also available in market to provide such kind of protection against STD. Communicate: Keep sincere communication with physician and partner about sexual history is helpful in such type of cases. You can also get the peace of mind over the phone with free physician if your test is positive via mylabbox.com. Things to do after being diagnosed with STD’s: Start the treatment immediately prescribed by physician. Contact your partner and tell him that he needs to be get tested and treated too. Restrain from sex until your infection is cured. For viral infection, wait long enough until antiviral medications work. Read the full article
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letzhealthy-blog · 6 years
10 Signs You Have A Thyroid Problem
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Thyroid problems have become widespread, especially among women. There are basically two main thyroid disorders: Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is characterized by production of thyroid hormone below the normal level. It often results in weight gain and is the most common form of thyroid disorder. Hyperthyroidism: This disorder is characterized by excessive production of thyroid hormone due to an overactive thyroid gland. Symptoms include increased heart rate, depression, weight loss and cognitive slowing. Medications include the use of radioactive iodine and thyroid surgery.
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Listed here are 10 indicators that you may have an under-active thyroid: Fatigue after sleeping eight to 10 hours an evening or needing to take a nap each day. Weight acquire or the lack to shed pounds. Temper points equivalent to temper swings, anxiousness or despair. Hormone imbalances equivalent to PMS, irregular duration's, infertility and low intercourse drive. Muscle ache, joint ache, carpal tunnel syndrome, or tendonitis. Chilly arms and toes, feeling chilly when others will not be, or having a physique temperature constantly under 98.5. Dry or cracking pores and skin, brittle nails and extreme hair loss. Constipation. Thoughts points equivalent to mind fog, poor focus or poor reminiscence. Neck swelling, loud night breathing or hoarse voice. Which lab checks are greatest to find out in case you have a thyroid downside? I test the under panel on every of my sufferers. Ensure that your physician does the identical for you. TSH Free T4 Free T3 Reverse T3 Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPOAb) Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb) Read the full article
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letzhealthy-blog · 6 years
12 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water You Probably Didn’t Know About
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Lemon water is a simple and surprisingly healthy internal cleanser to start your day with. I certainly noticed a difference myself when I first started having the juice of a whole lemon in water first thing in the morning. I really like the way the sharp taste wakes you up and gets you going. Some resources say that it’s good to have it in warm or even hot water. I suppose in this way you could use it as a healthier replacement for your morning coffee, but I personally prefer it in room temperature filtered water. It’s best to not have it in chilled water though as this can be a bit of a shock to your digestive system when you’ve only just woken up.
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It’s also far better to use real lemon juice rather than lemon juice concentrate as these products usually contain sulfites, a preservative some people have a negative reaction to. Natural enzymes, antioxidants and vitamins are also likely to be lost in the manufacturing process so go for real lemons for the most benefits.
Quick and Simple Lemon Juice in Water
Grab a lemon. Squeeze it in a citrus juicer like this. Remove the seeds and pour water over the juicer to get as much of the lemon as possible. Then pour it into a glass and drink it straight down. There are a lot of health benefits associated with fresh lemon water with 12 of the best listed ahead. With a little practice you can make it up in under a minute so there’s no good excuse not to give it a try.
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letzhealthy-blog · 6 years
8 Best Foods for Your Liver
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The liver performs many essential tasks such as secreting bile juice to help in digestion, breaking down toxins resulting from alcohol, medications and metabolism. A healthy liver is essential for our overall well-being. Let us have a look at what to take and what to avoid to keep our liver in optimal health:
Food with lots of fiber can help your liver work at its best. Want one that's a great way to start your day? Try oatmeal. Research shows it can help you shed some extra pounds and belly fat, which is a good way to keep away liver disease.
Add lots of veggies to your diet if you want to keep your liver healthy. Broccoli can be part of this strategy. Some studies suggest this crunchy food can help protect you from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. If steamed broccoli sounds a little too blah, shred it into a slaw and toss it with sliced almonds, dried cranberries, and a tangy vinaigrette. It's also delicious roasted with garlic and a splash of balsamic vinegar.
If you can't make it through the day without it, you'll be glad to hear that it may have some benefits for your liver. Studies show that drinking two to three cups a day can protect your liver from damage caused by too much alcohol or an unhealthy diet. Some research suggests it may lower your risk of liver cancer.
Green Tea
It's brimming with a type of antioxidant called catechins. Research suggests it may protect against some forms of cancer, including liver. You'll get more catechins if you brew tea yourself and drink it hot. Iced tea and ready-to-drink green teas have much lower levels.
One of the best things you can do for your liver is keep a healthy weight. Get in the habit of drinking water instead of sweetened drinks like sodas or sports drinks. You'd be amazed at how many calories it will save you each day.
Nuts -- especially these -- are good sources of vitamin E, a nutrient that research suggests may help protect against fatty liver disease. Almonds are good for your heart, too, so grab a handful the next time you feel like snacking. Or try them in salads, where they add a nice crunch.
Leafy greens have a powerful antioxidant called glutathione, which can help keep your liver working right. And spinach couldn't be easier to prepare. It makes a great base for a dinner salad, and it's also delicious sauteed with garlic and olive oil. When it's wilted, top it with a dusting of fresh Parmesan.
They've got nutrients in them called polyphenols that may help protect you against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which often goes hand in hand with obesity and high cholesterol. If blueberries aren't your thing, other foods rich in polyphenols include dark chocolate, olives, and plums.
Herbs and Spices
Want to protect your liver and your heart at the same time? Sprinkle on some oregano, sage, or rosemary. They're a good source of healthy polyphenols. An extra benefit: they help you cut back on salt in many recipes. Cinnamon, curry powder, and cumin are good ones to try, too. Read the full article
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letzhealthy-blog · 6 years
4 Home Remedies To Treat Sunburns
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Having a sunburn is nothing uncommon during the summer months particularly. You might have a wonderful beach vacation basking in the summer sun, but after coming home, you find the great sunburn that has taken place. Basically, a sunburn makes one look tanned and dark. But excess of sun exposure might be harmful for the skin too. Experts recommend dabbing religious amounts of sunscreen before going out in the sun, but still there are high chances of sunburns taking place. According to best-home-remedies.com, the remedies listed below are simple yet effective in treating sunburns at home.
Cucumber abounds in analgesic and antioxidant properties. This helps in soothing the pain from sunburn and also fights the inflammation successfully. The skin gets hydration from this natural ingredient too. Use cucumber, as a mask by mashing the same and applying it on the affected areas. The cucumber should be chilled. Let the mask be there for 15-20 minutes before being washed off. Juice from cucumber can also be extracted and sprayed on the sunburn areas on the skin for relief.
Yogurt helps in maintaining pH levels in the skin. This leads to faster healing. The natural cooling property of yogurt relieves the irritation and heat effect. If yogurt is applied on a regular basis, discoloration of the skin due to sunburn can be minimized to a great extent. This is because yogurt has mild bleaching properties. You will need unflavored and unsweetened yogurt. Apply the yogurt to the sunburn affected areas. Let it be there for 20 minutes till it dries completely. Use cold water for washing off the yogurt.
Aloe Vera
When it comes to skin care or sunburn remedies, Aloe Vera needs special mention. Aloe Vera gel has amazing soothing and cooling properties. Irritation and pain from sunburn is soothed with the gel of the plant. The gel hydrates the skin and also accelerates skin healing. Take some Aloe Vera leaves and cut them to extract the fresh gel. Keep the gel in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and then apply the same on sunburn areas. Keep for an hour and wash off with cold water.
Potatoes abound in starch and this helps in absorbing excess heat from the skin surface and reduces the pain caused by sunburn. You will need peeled and mashed potato. Rubbing a peeled potato on a sunburn surface for 10 minutes reduces burning. Paste of cold potato can also be made and applied on the sunburned skin. Steer clear from cosmetics, as these home remedies can do the trick for you. Try them today! Read the full article
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letzhealthy-blog · 6 years
Dementia | Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes, Treatments
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What Is Dementia?
Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—and behavioral abilities to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities. These functions include memory, language skills, visual perception, problem solving, self-management, and the ability to focus and pay attention. Some people with dementia cannot control their emotions, and their personalities may change. Dementia ranges in severity from the mildest stage, when it is just beginning to affect a person's functioning, to the most severe stage, when the person must depend completely on others for basic activities of living.
Signs and Symptoms of Dementia
Different types of dementia can affect people differently, and everyone will experience symptoms in their own way. However, there are some common early symptoms that may appear some time before a diagnosis of dementia. These include: memory loss difficulty concentrating finding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, such as getting confused over the correct change when shopping struggling to follow a conversation or find the right word being confused about time and place mood changes These symptoms are often mild and may get worse only very gradually. It's often termed "mild cognitive impairment" (MCI) as the symptoms are not severe enough to be diagnosed as dementia. Professional evaluation may detect a treatable condition. And even if symptoms suggest dementia, early diagnosis allows a person to get the maximum benefit from available treatments and provides an opportunity to volunteer for clinical trials or studies. It also provides time to plan for the future.
Dementia Treatment and Care
Treatment of dementia depends on its cause. In the case of most progressive dementia's, including Alzheimer's disease, there is no cure and no treatment that slows or stops its progression. But there are drug treatments that may temporarily improve symptoms. The same medications used to treat Alzheimer's are among the drugs sometimes prescribed to help with symptoms of other types of dementia's. Non-drug therapies can also alleviate some symptoms of dementia. Ultimately, the path to effective new treatments for dementia is through increased research funding and increased participation in clinical studies. Right now, volunteers are urgently needed to participate in clinical studies and trials about Alzheimer's and other dementia's.
Prevention of Dementia
There's no sure way to prevent dementia, but there are steps you can take that might help. More research is needed, but it might be beneficial to do the following: Keep your mind active. Mentally stimulating activities, such as reading, solving puzzles and playing word games, and memory training might delay the onset of dementia and decrease its effects. Be physically and socially active. Physical activity and social interaction might delay the onset of dementia and reduce its symptoms. Move more and aim for 150 minutes of exercise a week. Quit smoking. Some studies have shown smoking in middle age and beyond may increase your risk of dementia and blood vessel (vascular) conditions. Quitting smoking might reduce your risk and will improve your health. Get enough vitamin D. Research suggests that people with low levels of vitamin D in their blood are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. You can get vitamin D through certain foods, supplements and sun exposure. More study is needed before an increase in vitamin D intake is recommended for preventing dementia, but it's a good idea to make sure you get adequate vitamin D. Lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure might lead to a higher risk of some types of dementia. More research is needed to determine whether treating high blood pressure may reduce the risk of dementia. Maintain a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet is important for many reasons, but a diet such as the Mediterranean diet — rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in certain fish and nuts — might promote health and lower your risk of developing dementia. Read the full article
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