#heartfell toriel
capricioussun · 7 months
Heartfell hcs?????
Heartfell !!! Heartfell !!!!!!
♡ Asgore is crazy!! This man coped with grief by developing a god complex (very normal reaction)
♡ Papyrus loves Mettaton, but he tries not to admit it too much, he draws a lot of inspiration from him and admires him so much
♡ ...which is super ironic given how much Mettaton hates himself. Sort of. It's complicated... At least he (used to) like his style so there's that..?
♡ Toriel has so much heart shaped kitchenware and decor and she tries so so hard to make herself and her home inviting, it's really a lovely place to live, trust her, stay, stay!
♡ Sans is always sweaty because his damn coat makes him so so hot but Papyrus picked out his outfit so he keeps it on, lest he disappoint him and make him think he doesn't find it completely and totally cool and fashionable
♡ Alphys is somehow both more and less insecure than usual Fell style AUs because she has more of an influence in popular underground culture, which gives her a leg up in being more socially accepted, but at the same time, she's well aware how much others are growing to resent the way their world is, and struggles with taking that personally (despite they mostly hate the parts she has very little to do with)
♡ Undyne still regularly has tea with Asgore despite the uh, rough patch they had in the early days of her becoming captain
♡ Flowey has definitely gotten good at playing the game, so to speak, but he’s become incredibly resentful of it all. It's so horribly fake, it's like slathering pink paint and heart stickers over rotting boards and he can't stand being around others for very long, even Papyrus...
♡ Unrelated, but unfortunately he does still have a lot of nostalgia for the heart shaped strawberry rolls Toriel used to make
♡ Grillby, while still fitting in seamlessly, is one of the few who doesn't go out of his way to conform too thoroughly. No one really questions it
♡ Papyrus has a shawl the Snowdin Innkeeper crocheted for him when he was still fairly young. It's more an infinity scarf now, and he won't let anyone else see it, but he holds it very dear to himself as possibly one of the only sincere gifts he’s ever received
♡ Doggo is actually completely blind! He relies heavily on sound and smell, and even though most others dislike the lieutenant, he can't help but have a soft spot for him since he’s one of the few fellow guards who doesn't underestimate him
♡ NCG is actually something akin to a drug dealer, and him and Sans have developed a slight rapport since Sans buys his "cigars" from him. Wouldn't exactly call them friends, but it's...nice to have a guy you don't feel you have to be as careful with appearances around
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capricioussun · 8 months
Heartfell Sans is strange, he’s sort of somewhere in between Red and Pin as far as "stable" and motives go. His fucked up sense of Love is all about like, dedication and self sacrifice. He more or less lost the will to live for himself ages ago, so now everything he does is for Papyrus or Toriel, trying hard to make their miserable lives underground as tolerable as possible. It's what he clings to, he’s dependent on being depended upon.
He’s more high strung and aggressive than good ol UF, can be a bit more mean spirited on purpose, but he’s definitely not as unhinged as IF, which is...good? But he’s also very protective, which can sometimes bleed into being manipulative of those he cares about "for their own good", but that's pretty rare, as he generally focuses more on what they say they want.
Yet, somehow, he still keeps a lot of emotional distance. He views that as burdening those he’s meant to be helping, without realizing he’s shooting himself in the foot. Toriel could desperately use an intimate relationship with someone, but by never letting her in, he’s unintentionally keeping her from letting him in. Or only semi-unintentionally I guess. He’s aware she's incredibly lonely, but would probably feel like any feelings of affection she has toward him are out of desperation than sincerely having anything to do with him, so he’s sparring her the trouble, he's definitely not worth it (though he probably wouldn't even entirely realize that's his justification for shutting her out).
With Papyrus, it's made even more complicated by being his older brother. He feels that sort of parental responsibility not to burden him with anything he really doesn't *need to, but it's worsened by the guilt of feeling like he failed to protect him more before he became an adult who was also incredibly messed up by how the underground is. So it's almost a little condescending, thinking it's sort of like his job to make up for that and trying to help Papyrus by any means necessary without him "needing" to even ask him to. He doesn't realize Papyrus doesn't need someone to pad his ego and agree with everything he says, what he needs is someone he feels like genuinely likes him as he is, not as he could be.
He’s pretty messed up but like. He’s trying his best sort of ok
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capricioussun · 8 months
Another nickname thing also. I've been thinking of Heisting Cherry from swapfell red sans and maybe calling Heartfell Sans Cherry? Because I'd been thinking of maybe calling Heartfell Sans and Papyrus Velvet and Valentine, but. I also kinda feel Velvet would be a better nickname for Lovefell Toriel or Asgore or something, since it'd go along well with Lace and Cire's nicknames coming from fabrics.
I've been toying with the nickname Valentine for Heartfell Papyrus for a while but for some reason it's just not really sticking for me? I don't feel like it suits him so well. I love the nickname though and was contemplating giving it to someone else in the au if not Papyrus but I'm not sold on it not suiting him either (my username is fitting. I am fickle, like the tide)
Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on the above inane rambling?
Heartfell Sans - Cherry, Heartfell Papyrus - Valentine ??
Honestly part of the reason I wanted to change Dove's nickname was because I thought it would fit better on someone in Heartfell, idk why I've been struggling so hard with nicknames for what, three years now??? I just want them to suit and sound nice yk?? ;;
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capricioussun · 11 months
ooooh can we hear about your toriels? maybe from sweetswap and loveswap?
Hi!! Of course I'd love to ty 4 asking <333
I'm a big swap!Toriel apologist and which is soo hypocritical of me bc of how much I bully Asgore lmao but!! Sweetswap and Loveswap Toriel are so great.
So sweetswap kind of parallels Heartfell in the theme of "everything may not be as it seems". Aesthetically, it's all about pastels and cuteness and, well, sweetness! Everyone is extra friendly and kind natured, but the thing is...they're basically ignoring what they're really doing to break the barrier (and the war that will follow). SS Toriel is actually a bit more in line with UT Asgore's line of thinking than I usually characterize US Toriel, in that...she feels trapped in this decision she's made, she hates doing this, but she still believes it's the only way to save her people.
I won't get into it, but she doesn't tell the kids who reach her the truth. She tries to make it as painless as possible, at least, but she's really a very sad, lonely person. She isolates herself in her castle whenever she's not making her Obligatory Morale-Boosting trips to the various towns of the underground. Clover has mixed feelings about it all, but he and SS Alphys have both tried helping her out some, yet the guilt weighs in her too heavily.
After surfacing, at first, she continues attempting to isolate while taking responsibility for her people, but with a lot of time (and therapy), she winds up having healthier relationships with everyone again. It's actually Dandelion (SS Asgore) who really gets through to her and initiates the biggest internal changes. She's not helping anyone by hating herself so much.
LS Toriel below the cut bc this got so long whoops!
As for LS Toriel, wow!! She's a crazy lady. She's actually a little like Rose from Steven Universe, if Rose seemed to act more "mature" and level headed. Well, and more intense. Things in their underground are rough, tbh, instead of pitting all their hopes on the souls and the war, Toriel kind of...dives headlong into the idea that, in the meantime at least, they could make the underground a nice place to live, after all, monsters depend on hope and love, which comes from building strong relationships, right? On paper, it's a great idea! Let's make this dumpster fire as much of an Eden as we can, right?
Well, the thing is, monsters tend to *latch onto ideas. So over time, this gradually became more and more distorted, leading to an over emphasis on relationships and love and depending on others above everything else. The more people love you the better! They'll do almost anything to seek approval and popularity amongst each other, and Toriel, unfortunately, leans heavily into this pattern of thinking as a very mutated coping mechanism for all the issues she's repressing. Love and acceptance and adoration are above anything else, and she tries desperately to be a ruler worthy of that, from everyone. She even goes as far as working with both Undyne and Alphys to hide statistic of who's Fallen, which puts even more pressure on Undyne to find a way to save them.
Under the thin veneer of Aesthetics and Ideals, the underground is rotting. Things aren't nearly as bad as Lovefell, for example, but they're not great! And Toriel has fooled even herself into buying the delusion.
On the surface, she still struggles for a long time, as she has to face decades, if not centuries of repressed trauma while slowly discarding bad coping mechanisms. Especially given everyone has hard feelings with her, so she has to start in a place with very little support. It's grueling work, but she puts it in. Not to make up for what she's done, but to help monsters make a better future and be the kind of person she should've been a long time ago.
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capricioussun · 3 years
Counted, and I have twenty one aus that I wanna make ref sheets for the bros from………..help
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capricioussun · 2 years
💫 UT+AU Nicknames 💫
I usually take a while to pick and settle on nicknames, but I’m always open to suggestions ✨
Toriel - Tori
Sans - Sans or Comic
Papyrus - Rus
Undyne - Dyne
Frisk - Kris (I know. It’s sort of a joke based on a silly headcanon. Likely temporary)
Sans - Red
Papyrus - Edge
Grillby - Blaze
Undyne - Levi
Alphys - Vee
Mettaton - Metta
Asgore - Blood
Asgore - Astilbe
Papyrus - Stretch
Sans - Blue
Alphys - Axel
Undyne - Sylv
Toriel - Iris
Swapfell Metal
Chara - Kells
Papyrus - Copper
Sans - Gold
Fellswap Glass
Papyrus - Ghost
Sans - Haze
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Sans - Eclipse
Papyrus - Dusk
Sans - Patch
Papyrus - Dove
Papyrus - Rust
Sans - Coal
Frisk - Kid
Sans - Snare
Papyrus - Boss
Papyrus - Luck
Sans - Cue
Sans - Sparrow, Arrow, AR
Papyrus - Hawk
Sans - Cire
Papyrus - Lace
Sans - Hemlock
Papyrus - Rosewood
Sans - Ara
Papyrus - Pictoris
Sans - Boötes
Papyrus - Antares
Papyrus - Aurigae
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Vesselfell (Underfell nicknames carry over barring-)
Sans - Perp
Papyrus - Void, Vessel, Shadow, (and technically still Edge sometimes)
Flowey - Flora
Toriel - Dolce
Undyne - Asagi
Alphys - Amore
Chara - Caramel
Asgore - Dandelion
Papyrus - Clover
Sans - Berry
Toriel - Dulce
Toriel -
Sans - Pin
Papyrus - Ice
Undyne - Whisper
Sans - Raviel
Papyrus - Elester
Papyrus - Uno
Sans - Sky
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Stand alone
Glitchfell Papyrus - Dos
?????? - Abstract (he's an oc now)
Outcode Gaster - Wingdings
Outcode Sans - Stargazer
Outcode Asriel - Ash
Outcode ??? - Lumen
UT Comic Papyrus - Comet
US Comic Papyrus - Star
UF Comic Papyrus - Solar
SF Comic Papyrus - Nova
Monstersona - Source Code
UT OC Outcode - Cosine
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capricioussun · 2 years
🌟 Capricious Suns’s Declassified AU+ Survival Guide 🌟
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My AUs
Vesselfell - A Papyrus-centric Underfell AU revolving around the curious case of W.D. Gaster’s most successful experiment - The Vessel. Papyrus becomes a vessel for a doorway into the void, which gradually begins causing problems for not just their timeline, but the multiverse as a whole.
There are currently three primary iterations of the main story; Canon, The Good Ending, and The Variable.
Heartfell - A lovecore inspired Underfell AU where the world may not be as lovely as it seems. Exploring many facets of love and it’s perception and how sometimes what we believe is love is actually just trauma.
Orangefell - A semi-skeleton brothers-centric Underfell AU that revolves around how different things may be if the brothers had taken a different path.
Invertedfell - An Underfell AU where the characters personalities (and primary color schemes) are inverted. This is not a swapped AU as the changes are personal to each individual character.
Neonfell - An Underfell AU with slight cyberpunk stylings. After the fallen human and Alphys mysteriously disappear before the human had completed their journey to King Asgore, the underground falls into a state of chaos, eventually breaking apart into two sides - the loyalists and the rebellion. Will they ever learn the truth? Will they ever be free? Or will they drive themselves to extinction before they get the chance?
Demonfell - An Underfell AU where the monsters are all different types of demons. There isn’t much of a plot so much as a world to explore with honestly, I just liked the concept and ran with it, though I may develop a more solid story one day…
Glitchedswap - An Underswap AU that takes place in a “glitched game”. The monsters are mostly unknowingly permanently trapped Underground, and try to make the best of their abysmal circumstances.
Sweetswap - An Underswap AU similar to Heartfell in that it’s aesthetics are shifted, only to more cute, soft, and sweet stylings (cutecore, if you will), while exploring the many pros and cons of a sometimes perhaps too optimistic outlook on life.
Psychictale(fell?) - A Psychonauts inspired AU where Frisk must help the monsters address their inner demons to reach the truth of not just the underground, but the very monsters themselves.
Undersell - Underfell, but with a comedic twist. The underground is a grungy city type place, and everyone’s got an angle. It’s up to Frisk and Flowey to guide them back to a better way of life. (generally more lighthearted in tone)
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AUs I have my own interpretation of
Swapfell (Metal) • Fellswap (Glass) • Swapfell (Red) • Mafiafell • Mafiaswap • Horrorfell • Horrorswap • Lovefell (previously Lustfell ) • MafiaLoveFell (previously MafiaLustFell)
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AUs I need to work more on
Mafiatale • Horrortale • Outertale • Outerfell • Outerswap
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Stories and Ideas
Glasses - Papyrus needs glasses. It really shouldn’t be this complicated.
7S - A monster and a human with good intentions form a plan that leads them on an unexpectedly difficult journey in an attempt to save monsterkind before losing themselves (and each other).
Tales of Divergence - A choose your own adventure type story about a collision within the multiverse that brings four neighboring timelines…together?
My Mother’s Eyes - An Underfell story about a strange accident that leads to Toriel raising Papyrus in the Ruins for most of his life.
Everything Stays - When a malfunction happens at the labs, Sans disappears without a trace. Alphys has to take the news to his family, only to find all that’s left is his kid brother. She doesn’t have much of a choice but to look after this increasingly strange child herself, with the eventual help of Undyne. They become quite the odd little family…but Papyrus never gives up hope of seeing his brother again. He knows it’s just a matter of time…
Asymmetrical - Accidents happen. But how could Gaster have anticipated this..?
A possible “full” Psychonauts Undertale crossover where Raz wakes up in a very very strange place with little memory of how he got there… (may attempt a comic of it some day)
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