#heartbreak high requests
general-fanfiction · 5 months
Foreign Exchanges. (Anthony Vaughn x Reader.)
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Summary: Moving school in the middle of the year is never easy. Let alone from an entirely different country. Despite Y/N trying to garner the least amount of attention possible, she still manages to catch the eye of a certain brunette.
Word Count: 1.5k
Gif Not Mine . Requests are open!
Warnings: Mature language.
A/N: My first Ant fic and I’m debating making this a series but you’ll have to let me know what you think! Anyway just a short one to start us off but there’ll be more soon. Don’t forget requests are open!
“I’d like you all to offer a warm welcome to our new student Y/N Y/L/N, she’s moved here all the way from the UK! So let’s show her some of that Hartley spirit.” The teacher, who introduced herself as Jojo, announces to the class. All of them staring at me with blank stares. “Go ahead and say a few words.”
She nudges my shoulder gently before I can decline the offer. Encouraging smile on her face. There are no smiles from my classmates however, only bored faces who couldn’t be less interested in my arrival. For which I’m grateful. I’d seen this school on the news prior to my enrolment, I know these students are brutal. I mean, a sex map? Dad wasn’t too happy about sending me here though he didn’t really have a choice, no other schools were admitting students this late into the term.
“Um hi, I’m Y/N. It’s good to be here I guess.”
“Does anybody have any questions for Y/N?” Jojo offers, attempting to find a way for the class to get to me.
Numerous hands raise and I let out a groan internally. It’s bad enough that I’m stood at the front of the classroom like a new shiny toy but to now be subject to whatever ridiculous questions these teens can come up with is a new form of torture. One that I am really not looking forward to.
Jojo points to her first student, allowing them to be the first to ask. “Why don’t you have a proper British accent?” The girl seems genuinely curious, eyes focused on me as she combs her fingers through her orange hair. Stickers adorn her face along with colourful eyeshadow to match her bright outfit. She has a gentle aura surrounding her, which makes me relieved as I realise her question wasn’t meant in malice and more so pure interest. Maybe these kids won’t be so bad?
“Um, I think the accent you’re think of is the Queen’s English. There isn’t many people that talk like that really, maybe a few down south but I grew up in the North East. None of us talk posh.” I tell her, watching as she seems to take notes as I speak.
“Thank you Quinni, Spider what about you?” Jojo asks, pointing to the tall blonde that is hunched over at the back of the class.
His eyes flicker up to me, giving me the once over though he doesn’t seem too impressed by my presence.
“Yeah, what is it with you and all the other poms having bad teeth?” The boy pipes up, I notice the two boys next to him laugh. Though the one in the baggy outfit makes eye contact with me and a flash of guilt appears on his face.
“I don’t have bad teeth actually. Nobody I know does and to be perfectly honest, that stereotype is deeply rooted in classism and while the UK faces a major cost of living and wealth gap crisis, I don’t think it’s funny to joke about things like that. Do you?” I retort, causing h the pink haired girl and her friend to applaud my mini speech. Both offering cheers.
“Okay any more questions that aren’t going to cause arguments?” Jojo asks, a few hands lowering as they don’t want to get in trouble. “Yes, Amerie?”
“Do you miss home?”
“Yeah, yeah I really miss it.” I start, thinking of everything that I had to leave behind. I know this was the best decision for my family, but I do hold a slight resentment towards being here. “Don’t get me wrong, Sydney’s great and all, but I miss my friends, my house, my pets, I even miss the shitty pub from down the street.”
“Thank you Y/N, I feel like we’ve got to know you a little bit more now, so feel free to take a seat and we’ll get started.”
The only open seat is next to the girl that Jojo called Amerie. Smiling as I take my place, I open my notebook and begin to doodle swirls and other patterns across the page. Focusing on that rather than the subject being taught. It’s some form of sex education by the sounds of it. However, it seems very outdated and heteronormative. Nothing worth listening to anyway.
Upon hearing the bell ring, I begin to pack away my things and watch as a few students mutter things towards Amerie. “Map bitch.” “Cunt.” and “Crazy bitch.” Just to name a few. I realise that may be the reason she had nobody sat next to her and figure it may be best to avoid her if I want to stay under everybody’s radar.
Finding my locker, I begin to turn the lock with great difficulty. Back home, the numbers simply connect and the door clicks open, that doesn’t seem to be the case here though. Fiddling with the dial, I hear the bell signal the beginning of the next class and I huff, annoyed that I’m having this much trouble with a stupid locker.
As the hallways clears out, I continue to twist and pull at the lock. Bag dumped on the floor as I try with all my strength to pry the door open. With no such luck, I throw a quick kick to the locker beneath mine, leaving a dent in the door slightly. Slumping with my back again the metal, I find myself face to face with the boy in the baggy outfit.
Not previously noticing how cute he was, dark hair hidden beneath a beanie, a couple of curls escaping. Boyish grin plastered across his face and piercing brown eyes staring directly at me. I won’t even try to deny that Australia has one up on the Uk in terms of boys, they’re just so much cuter over here.
“What did the locker do to you?” He jokes, taking the slip of paper with the locker code out of my hand.
“Bloody thing won’t open.” I mumble, stepping out of the way as he demonstrates how to open it with ease. My cheeks tinged pink as I fear my outburst may have been unnecessary.
“I thought you Brits were supposed to be good at containing your emotions anyway.” He leans against the locker beside mine, watching me as I stuff countless books into the small space. Normally this would make me uncomfortable, yet there’s there’s something about him that makes me feel warm and calm.
“Nah we love our fair share of violence.” I tell him, smiling as I do so, remembering the amount of fights that used to take place on my estate daily. Providing free entertainment for all the neighbours. “We’re polite, but piss us off and we’ll knock you into next week.”
He laughs, folding his arms across his chest as I close the locker door. His eyes gaze over me as I turn to face him properly. Noticing the small cross necklace hanging from his neck, I can’t help but imagine what it would look like against his bare skin.
“You religious?” I ask, nodding towards the chain.
“Nah, I’m Ant.” He brushes off my question and tucks the necklace beneath his shirt. Clearly a touchy subject that perhaps I shouldn’t have brought up. So instead I attempt to lighten the mood.
“Ant?” The word escapes my mouth as a slight giggle, unable to hide the amusement his name brings. “And your mate’s called Spider?”
“Yeah, stupid right?” He chuckles, playing with the straps of his bag. Almost as if he’s nervous. “We’ve been best mates our entire lives. My real name’s Anthony but nobody calls me that. Same with Spider, his name’s Spencer. Kids started to call us Ant and Spider when we were like six, guess it just stuck.”
“That’s cute.”
Picking up my bag, I throw it over my shoulder. Figuring I should probably head to my next class despite being extremely late already.
“Hey, about Spider.” Ant reaches for my arm, clearly sensing that I’m about to leave. “I just wanted to apologise, he can be a bit of a dick but he’s a nice guy deep down.”
My arm tingles where he’s touching it, feeling the slightest of move of his fingers. As though my nerves are on fire. Suddenly hypersensitive to any little movement he makes. I know I shouldn’t be feeling things this intensely, hell, I’ve just met the guy. Yet he sparks an excitement in me that I haven’t felt in a while.
“Honestly it’s sound. You don’t need to apologise.” I assure him, offering a smile, I see his shoulders relax. “I can handle a prick like him any day.”
“Yeah you certainly shot him down quick.”
As he removes his hand from my arm, I’m quick to begin walking away. Cheesy grin on my face as I recall the interaction in my head despite it only happening seconds ago. I feel dizzy with excitement, my feet feel like they’re walking on clouds and I almost miss the shout from behind me as I go to turn the corner.
“Hey, do you wanna get high?”
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sukunasbow · 5 months
safe haven.
pairings: spencer white x fem!reader.
warnings: not yet proof read.
in which your boyfriend sneaks into your room to forget his issues at home.
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your house is completely silent, aside from the low melody of crickets echoing through the window in your bedroom.
you can’t seem to fall asleep, so you’re currently stuck staring at the ceiling, your phone resting on your stomach. you don’t even know what time it is, all you know is that you have school tomorrow morning and you’re going to be exhausted.
“psst.” a deep voice snaps you out of your trance, your heart rate increasing in panic.
“what the fuck?” you gasp, tossing the blanket off of your body and sitting up to face the window, taking notice of your boyfriend. “what are you doing here?!”
“help me get in!” spencer ignores your question with a roll of his eyes.
“not until you explain yourself! it’s so late! if my parents—”
“something happened with my mom.” he interrupts you.
you don’t even need to hear the full story. you know how shitty his mom treats him. you feel your heart squeeze at the memory of the last time you were at his house and how disrespectful his own mother was to him. “here.” you breathe out, tip toeing to your window and holding out your hand, helping him enter your room. “how’d you even get up there?”
he brushes some dirt off his hands, letting out a shallow breath. “stole your neighbour’s ladder.” he shrugs.
“what?!” you whisper, “you better put it back before the morning, spence.”
“i will, chill.” the blonde quietly laughs, kissing your cheek and grabbing your hand, leading you back to your bed.
you chew on your bottom lip, contemplating your next question as the two of you cuddle up together in your bed. “seriously, though..” you start, shuffling onto your side so you can face him. “do you want to talk about it?”
his gaze shifts away from your eye contact. spencer sighs, reaching under the blanket and holding your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to try and keep himself calm. “can we just enjoy each other’s presence?” he mumbles, “or whatever it is that people say. you know, like all that cheesy couple stuff.”
you let out a small laugh at his awkwardness. “of course. whatever you want.”
594 notes · View notes
probably-writing-x · 4 months
All The Firsts
Summary: Heyyyy! So, could you write something about the reader being in her first relationship with spider (hbh) and her being worried about how she’s new at this? Or just something fluff about spider? Idk if this makes sense
Warnings: Mentions of sex / sexual acts, mentions of low self esteem / self depreciating thoughts, cursing
Word Count: 6.5k
Author’s Note: Okay I loved writing this so much I’m sorry it ended up so long !! But plz let me know if you want a part 2 because I’ve got SO many ideas about reader navigating relationships etc. !!!!
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Spider had a reputation. It was practically notorious. He was one of the Hartley boys that you were certain would never settle down. He made crude comments and bitter insults and there was no way he’d ever want a relationship. In fact, you were certain he’d never been with the same girl more than twice. That was just a rumour though. He’d spoken to girls for months, did all of that relationship stuff with them without it being a full relationship. Then he’d dated Missy. And that lasted a good few months, he even held her hand around school. He introduced her as his girlfriend, he cancelled plans to be with her. It was a proper relationship. But it ended after those few months. You were told that she ended it, but then Ant told you Spider had ended it, and Spider told you it was mutual. You didn’t ask again.
You and Spencer had been friends since the two of you were kids. Maybe friends was a stretch. You know that kid you’re just friends with because your Mums were inseparable? That kid you only saw because you could see his bedroom window from your own? He’d lived next to you since you’d been born and so you’d spent your baby years sharing baths and crawling around on the same baby mats, and then your toddler years stumbling around in the yard, learning to swim in the lake, learning to ride your bikes on the same street. Once you were both old enough to make your own decisions, that friendship had shifted. You two went into school together, but you didn’t interact much at school, and then you’d come back together too. He was in the popular group and you were far from it. You just didn’t have much in common anymore. Once he started driving, he’d drive you in every morning and make sure he got you home too. He never invited you to the popular people parties, and you never really saw him at weekends or anything, but he was always nice to you when you did see him. He’d smile at you if he passed you in the corridor but never say hi. In fact, you weren’t even sure if his friends knew your name, let alone that you’d seen Spider wet the bed when he’d had a sleepover at your house when the two of you were toddlers.
The older you grew up, the more you realised how different you and Spencer were. In fact, the more you realised how different you were to almost everyone else in your year at school. When that incest map got revealed, you were one of the names that wasn’t so much as mentioned. You’d looked at it too, searched for your name, even though you knew you wouldn’t find anything. Spider had a few lines drawn from his name then, but you knew it would be more if it was re-done now. And if they accounted for all the other people outside of school, there’d be even more.
“Spec? Are you good to go?”
Spencer cuts through your thoughts, snapping back to the reality of you being sat in the passenger seat of his car. He has one hand on the steering wheel and the other arm behind your seat ready to reverse from the parking space.
He never stopped calling you Spec. When you were younger you couldn’t say his name properly so ‘Spencer’ had morphed into ‘Spec’. And for some reason, a young Spencer had thought everyone had the same name. So you’d been Spec too. And it was still what both of you went by to each other now.
“I-“ You clear your throat, “Yeah.”
“Put your seatbelt on, your Mum would kill me,” He nods his head towards you, starting up the engine to reverse onto the street.
You oblige, clicking your seatbelt in and resting your head back against the chair, closing your eyes.
“Am I that unbearable?” He scoffs, indicating onto the road to the right.
“No, I’ve just got a headache,” You mumble, poking your eye open and glancing over at him, “You’re normally grumpy to be starting a school week again. What’s different?”
Spider shrugs, “I’m not at school yet, am I?”
“Fair point,” You hum, “How was your weekend?”
“I…” He stops to glance in the side mirror on your side of the car, indicating into the next lane, “I went to a party, got very pissed, and ended up arguing with Missy again.”
“About what this time?” You roll your eyes, drawing your knees up to your chest and resting your feet on the seat.
“She’s my ex, we’re always going to argue,” He shrugs, “I don’t even remember what started it this time, you know what it’s like.”
You scoff. Not exactly. But you wouldn’t say that. You assumed that Spider knew you never had a boyfriend or anything, mainly because it would be impossible for him to not know. But part of you thought he just assumed you’d at least been with guys - had people over, met people out, went on a few dates even. You didn’t exactly have the heart to admit that none of that had ever happened.
“Oi,” He cuts through your overthinking once again, “Get your feet off my seats.”
Your school day is relatively uneventful. Ant tried to start a food fight in the lunch hall and ended up just covered in food himself before getting sent to Woodsy’s office. Spider had started a rambling in your English class about how love is a stupid concept and Missy made a bitter comment about how it was because he was incapable of admitting how he felt. You never really asked him much about that whole relationship. She seemed like a nice girl and he seemed happy when he was with her. But maybe she was right, you couldn’t really imagine Spencer ever being able to talk properly about how he felt - and even if he did feel something, it seemed likely that he’d just try to suppress it.
He’s waiting by his car when you get out of your final class, swinging his keys around his index finger. His legs are crossed one over the other, his blonde locks falling in a shadow over either side of his forehead. He’s wearing a baggy green t-shirt over a long sleeved white top and cargo trousers that seem to swallow his form. Spider’s a handsome boy, and it irritates you that he knows it.
“Are you staring at me Spec?” He’s looking directly at you when you make eye contact with him, a smirk on his lips.
“Oh grow up,” You roll your eyes, dropping your bag down from your shoulder.
“God, you’re insatiable,” He wiggles his brows, taking your bag from you and tossing it into the back seats of the car.
“What ar-“
“Do you have plans?”
“No,” You respond, walking around to the other side of the car, a little apprehensive for what was coming next.
“Fancy a swim?”
You don’t say no, and not a single part of you wants to say no either. You liked this side of Spencer. You saw it more when the two of you were younger. He’d knock on your door with his bike and tell you that you were going on an adventure. The two of you would end up in the woods together for hours until you knew it was getting dark enough to mean that curfew was coming. Sometimes, he’d stop to go into the shop and buy you both snacks with the small allowance he had. It was always a can of soda and a bag of salt and vinegar chips. Always both to share.
Spider winds down the windows on both sides and hands you over the aux cable to put your playlist on. That was one thing he was always sure about. You were quieter than him, less popular, had less exciting stories to tell, didn’t really get into trouble like he did, but when it came to your music taste you would always one up him. His playlist was made up of at least 70% of songs that you’d recommended him - normally these little unknown local rock bands that you’d seen at a show, or a song you’d heard a snippet of and sent him as soon as it was released. Every so often it would be old songs that your Dad had brought you up on. And every single time, Spencer had to reluctantly admit that it was a good song, and days later you’d hear it blaring from the speakers in his room, travelling all the way across to your house. You’d text him to turn it down and he’d flip you off at the window and tell you this was your fault anyway. So, yes, the music was always your call.
Spider’s driving for a half hour before you get to the lake, and he parks up just by the trees. Both of you get out and he leads the way through, moving branches out of the way so they don’t hit you. Once you reach the clearing, the pair of you are overlooking the still water, stretching out for what seemed like miles in every direction. There’s a wooden pier on the close side that Spencer walks out onto.
“It’s probably freezing,” You point out, grimacing at the thought.
“I know,” Spencer laughs, tugging off his shoes and pulling down his trousers.
“You can’t be serious,” You feel your cheeks heat up, turning away from him.
“What? You’ve come all this way and you’re not going to get in?”
“I’ll sit on the edge,” You shrug, looking towards the tree line to avoid him as he stripped in front of you so nonchalantly, “I don’t even have a swimsuit.”
“I’m wearing my boxers, I don’t bring swim shorts everywhere with me,” He scoffs, evidently recognising your distaste towards the idea of wearing your underwear in front of him, “You can put my t-shirt on over you. I don’t mind.”
“I-“ You pause, “Well I…”
“I won’t look Spec, I’m not a perv.”
He steps forward and hangs the t-shirt over one of the wooden posts of the pier closer to you, stepping back. You glance over your shoulder to see him running towards the water, diving into the lake as if he had no fear at all. The splash sprays up far enough to reach you, specks of cold water dotting over your shoulders. Spencer lets out a noise somewhere between a yell and a yelp - shaking his head at the temperature of the water as he kicks back to get further in. He turns around to face away from you and raises his hands in some sort of gesture of peace as if reassuring you he wouldn’t look.
You shake your head, mainly at yourself. What was the big deal? You were going swimming. It wasn’t exactly a big thing. You take off your shoes, fold your trousers on top of them, fold your tank top over those, and hang your jacket up on one of the other wooden posts. Spencer’s clothes were sprawled over the pier without a care in the world. You tug his t-shirt over your body and let it hang over your thighs, the short sleeves dropping down to your elbows.
Spencer turns around in the water, his arms waving through the surface to keep him afloat, “Perfect fit,” He laughs, “Come on, no excuse now.”
“After how you screamed when you got in?” You roll your eyes, “Sounds so tempting.”
“Oh fuck off,” He shakes his head, swimming over to the edge of the pier as you sit down on the end, letting your legs dangle into the water.
He reaches his arms up towards you and you hold onto his forearms as his hands grip your waist. His eyes search for yours for approval before he helps lower you down, watching your face contort and grimace as the cold starts to hit you.
“Wait, wait, wait,” You shake your head as you fully hit the water, kicking your legs wildly beneath you as the water splashes over your shoulders.
Spencer laughs, his hands still on your waist, yours still gripping his arms tightly.
Your breath is shaky and you’re working a million miles a minute to catch up with it, looking into his laughing eyes as you get used to the temperature.
“Fucking hell, this was a stupid idea,” You grumble, finally seeming to relax.
“You’ll live,” Spencer rolls his eyes, swimming away from you and dunking his head under, curtains stuck flat against his temples when he comes back up.
You ease yourself into it, swimming a little further out to follow him.
Everything that Spider did, he just seemed to do so fearlessly. When he started his rants at school, when he said things nobody else did, he didn’t think about what the response would be, he just did it. When he started playing basketball, he was the worst one on the team and he still showed up every week. Now he was easily one of their best. Whenever you’d heard stories about him asking girls out, it was always him approaching them, asking the question and not being scared of the rejection. Though you weren’t sure anyone had ever outright rejected him yet. Maybe Amerie did, once, but you’d never asked him about that.
“So I heard something interesting at school today,” Spencer begins, turning around to face you.
“Go on.”
“You know that guy Malcolm?” He continues, a smirk tugging at his lips, “He did butt stuff with Suzie Cho.”
“Oh god, Spec, is there anything else you could’ve said to describe him?” You grimace, “Like literally anything else.”
“He did butt stuff with one of the Sarahs?” Spider shrugs, “Is that better?”
“Okay, okay, just carry on.”
“Well, apparently, Malcolm has a bit of a crush on you,” Spencer grins widely, “He was asking Ant who the chick is that I drive to school every morning.”
“Wh-“ You shake your head, “That’s probably not… I mean, he probably doesn’t like me, he might just want to know why you’re with me all the time.”
“Please, he wouldn’t be asking if he wasn’t interested,” Spider shakes his head, dots of water spraying from his hair, “So, do you want me to give him your number?”
“No!” You’re quick to respond, probably a bit too quick, “I mean, I don’t know, I barely know Malcolm.”
“What else is there to know? He likes butt stuff, he… okay yeah that’s pretty much all I know about him too, but he seems like an alright guy,” Spencer continues, “Why not give it a go? What’s stopping you?”
Despite the cold, you can feel your cheeks heating up. Like you’re under pressure. And you’re not sure if your heart is racing in the cold or just because it’s trying to help your brain think of any response.
“Is there another guy?”
“Are you batting for the other side?”
“Valid question, no judgement here,” He raises his hands, “What then? You’ve not done butt stuff? Because seriously, there’s a first time for everything and I’m sure Malcolm’s into other stuff too or-“
He stops then.
“I haven’t…” You shake your head, “I don’t have any experience like that.”
He frowns, “What are you talking about?”
“Exactly what I said. I don’t have any experience. No relationships, no dates, I’ve never slept with a guy, I’ve not even fucking kissed a guy.”
“Wha-“ Spencer half-laughs, “Are you serious?”
“And this is why I didn’t tell you,” You roll your eyes, kicking your feet to swim away from him.
“No, wait, (Y/n)!”
You push yourself out of the water and back onto the pier, hurrying over to grab your things together. Your whole body is shivering now, the material of Spencer’s top clinging to you all over and itching at your cold skin.
“(Y/n) stop come on!” Spencer clambers out of the water behind you.
“Can we just go home, please? I shouldn’t have said anything and we should be getting back anyway and-“
“(Y/n), please,” His hand reaches out and grabs your forearm, “Just stop for a second.”
Spencer turns you around to face him, sighing as you finally seem to accept a bit of defeat.
“I didn’t mean to laugh,” He says softly, sincerely, so much so that you believe him, “I just… Im surprised, that’s all.”
“Yeah, well,” You shrug, looking down at the wet patches on the floor to avoid his eyes, “That’s why I don’t talk about it. It’s weird. I’m seventeen and I’ve never done anything romantic with a guy, haven’t had any guy be interested, not even slightly. I’ve never,” You laugh nervously over your words, “I’ve never even had to reject a guy because they’ve not even been interested in me in the first place. So yeah, I guess you have every right to be surprised.”
“No, not like that,” Spencer shakes his head, ducking just slightly to try and meet your eyes, “I just mean… I don’t know what I mean.”
You look up to him, drawing your arms around yourself as if aiming to avoid the embarrassment as much as possible. Maybe if you did it for long enough you’d just disappear in front of him, he’d forget it ever happened.
“You’re not…” He stops himself, “There’s nothing wrong with you, (Y/n)… before you start thinking that, I mean. There’s nothing wrong with you not doing anything like that, you know.”
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t always feel that way.”
“Look at you, (Y/n). Any guy would be lucky.”
You roll your eyes, “Being nice doesn’t suit you, Spec.”
He outwardly laughs, “And she’s back.”
You smile at him faintly and a small fraction of the worry in him seems to ease. He just needed to see that at least a bit of you was back. He hated the idea of you hurting, and hated even more the idea of him being the one to hurt you. He’d meant what he said. Any guy would be lucky. And the thought of you not knowing that seemed to just repeat in his head. He’d known you since the two of you knew anything, and he’d grown up with you since then. Even when he was a cunt, when he was the most hated person in school, you were always there - waiting to go home with him, eventually waiting at his car for him to drive you home. He woke up in the mornings and looked for your bedroom curtains to be open just so he could see you. He’d wave or flip you off or try to mouth something you couldn’t understand. He even found himself checking late at night sometimes that your light had gone off so that he knew you weren’t staying up late worrying yourself over something. How would any guy not want a girl like you? Spencer hadn’t given it much thought until now. He’d just assumed other people saw what he saw - he’d never considered that they hadn’t been seeing you at all.
“Can we go home?”
Spencer nods, “Yeah, let’s go.”
You both change, damply, back into your clothes, and walk back to his car. Spencer takes back his t-shirt and rings it out, throwing it into the trunk with his gym bag. You sit into the passenger seat and put your jacket beneath you to not make his seats wet. He climbs into the driver’s seat and starts going without a word. You don’t play any music this time, your mind already felt loud enough.
Within the hour, he’s parked back in front of his house and you unclip your seatbelt.
“Um,” You clear your throat, “You can give Malcolm my number… if he wants it I mean.”
Spencer looks at you and raises his brows, “Yeah, yeah, okay, if you want me to.”
“I just… I’ve never… I wouldn’t really know what…”
“Then I’ll help you,” He shrugs, “What are friends for, right? I can help you get ready for a date with him, at least.”
“Thanks Spec,” You nod, “Good night.”
“Night, (Y/n),” He says softly, watching as you get out of the car and walk the few steps towards your own house.
He sits there for a moment longer, letting you disappear before he makes any other movements. And, when he walks into his house, he smiles at the sight of the light on behind the curtains in your room, smiles even wider when he turns up his speakers to play a song you’d sent him last week. His phone pings with a text from you only moments later.
Malcolm asks you on a date for that Friday. You’d been speaking to him all week, like you’d actually been able to keep the conversation going for that entire week. He was funny, he was charming, he asked you questions about yourself, he was sweet. Spider had been asking you about how it was going every day, he tried to get more information out of you - what had Malcolm said? what had you responded? were you any good at flirting? had he been weird yet?
“Okay, so, it’s Friday, what’s the date plan?”
“I don’t know, Malcolm said he’d plan it,” You shrug, scrolling down your playlist to find a song.
“What?” Spencer exclaims, “You don’t know?”
“Yeah, is that weird? He just said he’d plan it.”
“No, no, it’s not weird,” He assures you, “I’m just surprised you’re so chill about not knowing what’s going on, normally you’d be stressed about things.”
“Well I’ve never been on a date before so there is no normally.”
Spencer rolls his eyes, “You know what I mean Spec, you just get worried about things quickly and I thought this would be the same. But I’m glad you’re not. So, what are you going to wear for your hot date?”
“Ew I’m not talking about that with you.”
“Oh come on,” He laughs, the corners of his eyes creasing the way they always seems to do around you, “We’ve shared a bath together (Y/n), there’s no boundaries anymore.”
“For the last time we were like two when that happened! Stop bringing it up!”
Spencer drives you home that night and wishes you luck at least five times before you get out of the car. He tells you to text him as soon as you’re home.
You shower, get changed at least four times, do your makeup and then wipe some of it off when you think it looks like too much. And you’re sat on your bed ready a full ten minutes before he said he’d pick you up. You hadn’t heard from Malcolm for an hour or so, but you didn’t think much of it. Maybe he was getting ready too. You notice he’d read your last message, though, and think that texting him wouldn’t cause much harm, right? What’s the policy on these things? Should you let him know that you’re ready or would that be too eager? Should you maybe double check the time, or just make sure that he definitely knows your address?
Maybe dating was stressful.
You spend a full ten minutes debating over whether it’s a good idea to text. Nothing wrong with a text. And then you spend another ten minutes wondering what exactly you should write, only then realising this now meant that Malcolm was late and you still hadn’t heard from him. Now should you be worried.
Okay, fuck it, just send the text.
Hey, are you on your way?
He reads it almost instantly. Can’t be on his way then.
Sorry, (Y/n), I can’t do tonight. It’s complicated, sorry again.
You feel a lump form in your throat, a twisting in your stomach, a sickness that only came from this sort of gut wrenching moment. He’d cancelled on you. Did it even count as cancelling if you had to ask him first? He didn’t even give an explanation. Was he just hoping you wouldn’t ask? Was he hoping he could just pretend like he’d never asked you out in the first place?
You feel tears bubble in your eyes and instantly hate the idea of you being sensitive about this. Was it dramatic to be upset? No, you were upset. Not just because he’d cancelled, not just because he’d been shitty about it, not just because you were actually looking forward to your first date. But because it confirmed every worry you’d implanted in yourself about this whole thing. It confirmed every time you’d been nervous and panicked and stressed that these good things would never happened to you. It reminded you of every time one of your friends got asked out and you got swiftly ignored. It reminded you of every party you’d been told about where it sounded like everyone had got with someone there. And yet you were sat at home while it had happened, telling yourself that you didn’t like parties anyway.
And so you let yourself cry, the kind of cry that shakes your shoulders and lets mascara run down your cheeks. The cry that releases the tension in your chest and untwists the knot in your stomach.
Spencer didn’t want to text you whilst you were in your date. He’d told you to have a good time, he’d told you to text him if you needed anything. He should leave you to it. But your bedroom light was still on. You always turned it off before you left, it was ritual. In fact, you’d even hurry back inside to make sure it was off.
He hadn’t heard a car outside, either. Had Malcolm not picked you up?
He felt the worry spiral inside of him. Maybe he should just text. It would be easy, right? Just a quick text to make sure the date was going okay.
How’s the hot date going?
He stands at his window as if hoping to see no signs of movement on the other side. Please, God, tell me he hasn’t cancelled, he thought.
Does it count as a hot date if he doesn’t show up?
He feels his stomach drop, a pit forming at the thought of anyone thinking it would be a good idea to cancel on you. What was wrong with this boy?
Without a second thought, he’s running out of his room and practically tripping over his own feet to get down to the front door as soon as he can. He opens it at the same moment that you open yours, both of you stood across the driveway from each other. You’re still dressed in your outfit for the date, a blue sundress with tiny yellow flowers. Your makeup has been stripped off and it seems a million tears have ran down your cheeks and yet you still try to force yourself to smile at him when you see him.
“(Y/n),” Spencer practically sighs over the word, like he can’t think of anything right to say in the moment.
He crosses over the few metres between you and wraps his arms around you, holding you against his chest.
“He’s a fucking cunt, okay?” He mumbles into you, one hand holding your head and smoothing over your hair, “He’s a fucking asshole, this isn’t you, okay?”
You step away from him and wipe under your eyes, “I’m being stupid, I know. It was only a first date, I don’t know why I thought-“
“No, no, you’re not doing that,” Spider shakes his head, “This isn’t your fault. And you’re allowed to be upset. He’s a cunt. Do you understand me?”
You laugh a little, “Thanks, Spec.”
“I-“ He scans you as if he wants to check you’re okay, looking for signs that he’d made anything better, “Come on, come round and watch a film at mine. We can order food. I don’t want you to be on your own.”
“No, come on Spider, you don’t have to do that-“
“I don’t have to do it,” He interrupts, resting a hand on your back, “Come on.”
His hand remains there as the two of you walk over, barefoot on the concrete between the two houses. His Mum is downstairs when you walk in, watching something on the TV in the lounge.
“Spencer?” She looks over the back of the couch when he walks in, “What are you- Oh! (Y/n)! What are you doing here?”
“We’re just going to watch a film, Mum,” Spencer speaks through a clenched jaw.
“Oh I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages!” She hops up from the sofa and hurries over, “You look pretty! I love this dress!”
“Oh, yeah, thank you,” You smile politely, glancing over to Spencer as if you’re not sure what to say.
“I’ll order us some pizza,” Spencer nods, his thumb brushing over the skin of your back before he lets his hand drop.
“Yeah, okay, yeah, I’ll have a-“
“I know.”
He smiles as he walks away, leaving you in the company of his mother. You’d known her all your life but that wasn’t to say you were her biggest fan. She’d always treated you like the daughter she never had. In fact, sometimes it seemed like she cared more about you than she did her own son. She repeatedly told your own Mum that she wished she’d had a daughter. You knew her and Spencer didn’t have the best relationship but he never spoke about it much. Whenever you’d seen him with her, he was always polite but you knew he’d argue with her at home. Sometimes you could hear them yelling from across the way and then you’d hear him return to his room and slam the door.
“I didn’t know you two were… hanging out,” She says suggestively, “Is there something me and your Mum should know?”
“Oh, no,” You half-laugh, shaking your head, “I just… No, I mean we’ve always been friends.”
“Oh of course you have, but I think you were half this height when you last came round to the house like this,” She chuckles, “Just be careful with him, you know what boys can be like.”
You’re thankful when Spencer rounds the corner back into the hallway.
“Pizza’s on the way,” He says, “Want to go upstairs?”
“Yeah,” You let out a sigh of relief through the word, “It was nice to see you Cait, I’m sure Mum will have you over soon.”
You follow Spencer’s steps up the stairs and into his room, where you’d once played games of Prince and Princess, or ones where you pretended to be soldiers or spies or superheroes. Where you’d once brought round your toys and swapped them with his. You can see your own window from the view through his just before he closes the curtains and it somehow eases a bit of the anxiety in your chest. He’d always been here.
The pizza arrives twenty minutes after and Spencer goes down to get it, leaving you sat on the edge of his bed in your dress. You felt overdressed and uncomfortable and it felt too tight on your skin when you thought about it too much.
“And dinner is served!” He smiles as he comes back into the room, “What’s wrong?”
“Um,” You look up and return his smile, “Any chance I could… I mean, do you have a… Can I borrow a top to wear?”
He laughs, “Yeah get pizza sauce down one of my tops instead of your dress,” He jokes, “Take whichever one, I won’t look.”
You flick through a few in his closet and then reach for one of the white ones, a graphic flower print on the back. A man of his word, Spencer faces the wall as you change, the dress pooling on the floor by your feet as you fit his t-shirt over your matching underwear set.
“Okay, done.”
He turns back around.
There was something about it. You in his clothes. Spencer felt like the blood had just rushed out of his head. Like his heart had forgotten to take a beat.
“Alright, I’ll find us a film to watch.”
He puts on Superbad and you both chat the whole way through it. He quotes it every so often because you were certain he’d seen this film more times than he could count. You both eat your pizza and he steals a slice of yours. He gets tomato sauce on his cheek and you laugh at him until he tells you to wipe it off. He tells you that he used to be scared of seeing a monster in his closet when he was a kid and he’d once tried to pull the doors off to stop them from being able to hide. You tell him you already knew that. You tell him that you wanted to be a vet when you were a kid and he reminds you that you once tried to do surgery on one of his teddy bears and ended up ripping the ear off. He still had that bear.
Eventually, the two of you are laying back on his bed watching the second film of the night. Your choice this time. 10 things I hate about you.
Somewhere in the progress of the night, Spencer found it impossible to take his eyes off of you. You were laying on the pillow next to him with your hand resting on your stomach with the other one down at the side beside him, your head angled towards him to see the screen. You laugh at something that one of them had said and he realises he hasn’t been paying attention to the entire thing. His hand falls down by his side and he feels it involuntarily inching just slightly closer to you. He felt like a kid again. His childhood crush in bed beside him and he felt like he had no idea of what move to make next.
And then it’s there. His fingertips brush against one of your hands. You flinch just slightly but you don’t pull away. And he laces his fingers with yours quickly before he overthinks it enough to regret it. You don’t pull away. You don’t want to. The contact seems to shoot a bolt of electricity through you, glancing to him to see him looking right back at you. He lets out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. His lips curl up into a small smile and he watches as you shuffle closer to him, his hand slipping out of yours to instead wrap around your back as your head rests on his chest, hair splaying. His heart is pounding underneath your head but neither of you say a word, both turning your focus back to the screen. He could feel the blood coursing through him, trying to relax into your touch despite how nervous he felt.
Had he always felt like this? Had he always been waiting on you? He couldn’t think. You’d just always been there. He looked forward to the mornings when he’d see you again. He looked forward to the end of the day when he’d go back to you. He looked to make you laugh, to make you smile, to make you feel better, to keep you safe. And you’d always felt like you were something that nobody else could ruin. You were in his life from the moment he could remember and he couldn’t imagine being at a point in his life where you weren’t there.
When he looks back down to you, your breathing has steadied and your eyes have fluttered closed against him, fast asleep against the rise and fall of his chest.
He brings a hand up and brushes your hair away from your face, fingers delicate to not disturb you.
Oh god, was he in love?
You wake up early the following morning, Spencer asleep beneath you, your head still on his chest. The sunlight is spilling through from the slight gap between his curtains.
“Wh-“ You mumble to nobody but yourself, propping yourself up onto your elbow as if you’re trying to assess the situation.
Spencer groans and his arm tightens around you as if he instinctively wants to check that you’re still there.
“What time is it?” Spencer mumbles through tired lips, his eyes still shut.
“I-“ You clear your throat, “I don’t know. I should probably get back.”
You scramble to get off of the bed, looking around the room for your shoes and your dress as if this was a one night stand you wanted to escape.
“Woah, woah, woah,” He groans as he’s forcing himself to wake up, “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry about last night, I shouldn’t have… and we shouldn’t… I don’t expect…”
“What are you talking about?” He half laughs, propping himself up on his elbows, blinking away from the sleep from his eyes to let you come into focus.
“I just… I don’t want you to think that I thought anything of last night,” You breathe out, “I totally get it, I was upset and you were being a good friend and-“
“(Y/n),” Spencer gets up from the bed and steps forward so that he’s standing directly in front of you, “I don’t think that.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, looking up at him like he wasn’t the boy you’d always known.
“What I do think…” He takes a breath this time as if he’s trying to suppress his own nerves, “Is that we had our first date last night.”
“First date?” You half laugh, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks and that same bolt of electricity as his hand reaches out to lock with yours.
“Well, there was food, and a movie… two movies actually,” He points out, lifting up his other hand to brush your hair away from your face, “You even stayed the night. That sounds like almost a full date to me.”
“Almost?” You half-whisper, like you’re worried something’s going to ruin the moment, “What’s missing?”
He shifts his hand to cup your cheek, his thumb shaping around your jaw to bring your lips to his, soft and yet somehow so certain of themselves. This was the first time anyone’s lips had been on yours, the first time you knew what it felt like to be kissed. And your heart seemed to soar at the idea of Spencer being the one to show you.
When he pulls away, his forehead rests against yours like he is desperate to hold onto some contact, like he can’t imagine being apart from you.
“I-“ You swallow the lump in your throat, “You…”
Spencer’s lips curl into a soft smile, “I’d say that’s a pretty good first date.”
(Any of y’all want part 2????)
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hannah-tear · 6 months
Soooo with S2 on its way I've decided to throw my hat in the ring of writing fanfics.
I will write pretty much anything except SA, homophobia racism ect
Just message me an x reader prompt and I will deliver
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aurumbelis · 6 months
In my fangirl era, again, does anyone want freaking Heartbreak High stuff? (This is the product of me bingewatching the show in a day, I'm not sorry).
Sos need opinions, ily💅
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ashkgray · 3 months
Fan-fiction Requests [ OPEN! ]
Hello! I'm Gray, a writer and comic artist with a couple published works. Right now, I'm opening fan-fiction requests! Read the rules below the cut, drop your request in my inbox and I might write it and post it on AO3. Hate it? Welp, no money lost there. Love it? Great! Consider tipping me through Ko-fi! That's all!
An ever-changing list of the media I'm willing to write fics for can be found here.
I'm most likely to write for whatever's in bold. If you don't see a fandom in there but still want to see me write a fic for it, feel free to inbox me asking if I've seen it before sending a request in! Same goes for ships. I've too many things on there to list my ship preferences, so feel free to inquire about those too.
What I WON'T write:
Outright smut. Trust me, I won't do it right. SLIGHT foreplay and fade-to-blacks work fine though.
Pedophilia and Adult/Minor ships, incest, non-con, dub-con and other such bullshit.
Fics for media I'm unfamiliar with.
Anything I'm uncomfortable with.
Mulit-chap fics. ( Unless I feel like it )
What I WILL write:
Shipfics, even for ships I'm not into.
Platonic, familial, antagonistic, queerplatonic relationships and whatever else.
Fics where a character develops in one way or the other.
Fics where a character devolves.
Fix-its. ( Especially for BBC Merlin. )
First and third-person fics ( but third person is preferred ).
Here's a sample of my writing in the form of a quick mini-fic.
She was an Opera Singer. Shoddy but blessed with the luck of a thousand clovers. He was an architect. Top of the line. Designed the very site of their demise. I met them both on the same day. They didn’t seem to know one another and yet the glint in her eyes was so in-tune with his that I first pegged them for lovers.  I’m here to assure you they were certainly not. She had a husband that wasn’t him, and he had a wife that wasn’t her. It just so happened that they were in a similar predicament. Coincidentally. Otherwise there’s no way they would’ve come to me.  I took care of it at a fair price: a couple of dollars and two lifelong friendships. Lifelong for them, that is. My life's still ongoing.  It was throughout the span of that friendship with me that something not particularly favourable had blossomed betwixt them. A ponderable passion. It was nothing sensual or emotional, but maybe spiritual– it was like they were both part of something the rest of the world wasn’t in on.  You know– one day she came up to me and she said something to the effect of... “I wish we’d both just disappear together”  But also without one another.  Her eyes told me the latter bit.  I didn’t expect them to go out like that, though. Definitely not. I didn’t even know she could sew! Oh and with that joint will, too, no less! How ironic.  Somehow, they look happier this way.  But, what do I know, right?  I’m nothing but a humble apothecary, really, nothing more.  That’s all I can tell you — because it’s all I know. So won’t you go on with that marvel of a will now? It’s getting late. 
I'd recommend only tipping after you see the fic just to make sure you didn't send money out for something you don't like. This is also because I reserve the right not to fulfill every single request. So the only way to be sure it'll come through is to wait 'till the fic is up!
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agerefandomrambles · 1 month
Little!quinni moodboard
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itsss4t4n · 10 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Heartbreak high
-harper mclean
-quinni ghallager-jones
-darren rivers
-spencer "spider" white
-anthony "ant" vaughn
-malakai mitchel
Sally face
-Sal Fisher
-Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
-Larry Johnson
-Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Rise of red
-james hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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starlightdelrey · 6 months
i’m hugely f1 orientated on this page (even though i haven’t really been writing) but the release of the new season of heart break high is making me want to fill the void of fanfics for the show
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bestnottoask · 5 months
Request Guidelines
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Request are currently {Closed!}
I will warn you that I am a very slow writer and also not a very good one lmao. But if you would like to request something please follow these rules.
I am less likely to write something if it is vague so please provide detail!
Also I only really write Fem or Gn reader
I will absolutely not write
-Anything pedophilic
-Rape or SA scenes or descriptions. It can be implied if needed for a backstory but nothing more
- I know I have smut under the key in my masterlist, but please don't request it as I don't know if it's something in willing to right yet
I am willing to write dark fic's but I do not promote any dark behavior.
If you are unsure of anything feel free to ask me!
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Who I write for
I'm willing to write for more characters from any of these fandoms these are just my favorites!
Heartbreak High
-Spencer White (Spider)
I'm very happy to write for anyone from heartbreak high!
Avatar The Last Airbender
Hunger Games
-Finnick Odair
Criminal minds
-Spencer Reid
Harry Potter
-Draco Malfoy
-Harry Potter
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general-fanfiction · 5 months
Back on my writing shit so am officially opening requests for Heartbreak High as it is my current obsession and I haven’t seen too many fics yet.
I will be writing for:
• Anthony Vaughn
• Spencer (Spider) White
• Missy Beckett
• Douglas (Ca$h) Piggot
• Quinn Gallagher Jones
• Harper Mclean
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mattsturniolosmuse · 5 months
can you possibly write a cash x reader enimies to lovers evenntual mut thing, idk how easy it would be and possibly a virgin reader, please and thanks :)
alrighty, there was a bit of a typo there - 'evenntual mut' I'm not really sure what you were implying there.
I think you want a smut, hence the 'virgin' reader.
But yes! This is a great idea, thank you anon! I'll have it finished by next Tuesday <3
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probably-writing-x · 4 months
Heyyyy! So, could you write something about the reader being in her first relationship with spider (hbh) and her being worried about how she’s new at this? Or just something fluff about spider? Idk if this makes sense
HEY! I LOVED writing this so much - I have so many ideas for a part 2 if y’all want one
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newwwwusername · 2 years
Fanfic requests OPEN for Heartbreak High (2022)
I am currently taking fanfic requests for the 2022 reboot of Heartbreak High
I will write : - Hurt/comfort - Fluff - AUs - Canon divergence - Songfics - Any other trope (so long as it follows my rules) - Any headcanon (so long as it follows my rules) - Whatever ship you want (so long as it follows my rules)
I won’t write : - Smut or fetish fics - Pedophilia/incest (including adopted family)/beastiality ships (or anything like that) - OCs - Crossovers - Y/N - Suicide and self harm - Drowning (personal trigger of mine) - Werewolf AUs (werewolves are also a trigger of mine)
A few other things to note : - I do not guarantee I will write every request I get. Sometimes requests will just not click with me, and sometimes I don’t feel qualified to fulfill it. I will try to write as many as I can, though - You can also submit requests to this Google form or as a prompt to this AO3 collection
The following is a list of ships and headcanons I particularly like. I’ll write anything, but I’m much more likely to write it if it has one or more of the following
Pairings (/ for romantic, & for platonic) : Darren/Ca$h, Darren & Quinni, Quinni & Harper, Harper/Amerie, Harper/Dustin/Malakai, Spider/Ant
Headcanons : Autistic!Ca$h, Neurodivergent!Harper, ADHD!Malakai, Tourettic!Harper
With all that said, let me know if you have any requests
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svltburn · 6 months
okay, now what should i make gifs of?
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ashkgray · 3 months
Idk if ur recs are still open or if u do x readers but if you do …. Rowan hbh x reader enemies to lovers im on my knees …………..
They are very much open, yes. And you got it. >:)
This was pretty interesting to write since I've never done an x reader fic before. I'll be real, it'll probably be the last time I do one of those. Simply because I'm terrible at making the reader character the sort you can project on. BUT, still, it was such an interesting experience! Thank you so much for the request! I had such a fun time writing Rowan so if anyone has anything w/him they'd like me to write, SHOOT IT AT ME FOLKS.
The day Rowan Callaghan arrived at Hartley was the day you realized the ease at which one can dislike another. Something about him irked you: the way he skulked around Hartyley’s halls, hand clutched over his messenger bag and eyes falling on the student body with a quality you couldn’t quite read. The way he observed Amerie, especially, or Map Bitch as you still know her, bore to it an alarming strangeness.  He never answered you when you went to greet him at the party, immediately making it to Malakai and chatting him up like you hadn’t uttered a word: an offense he would continue to repeat until you were damn sure he hated you, too.  Which is why you now stand uncertain with him in your view, face dipped into his palms and breath audibly shaky. He can’t see you on account of, well, his own hands, but you can see him clear as day: struggling with something within himself. You know you hate him. You’ve already made your mind up about that. But,  damn it all, the boy looks to be struggling and it’s looking like no one else has bothered to comfort him. You scan the area for Darren – something about them makes them so easy to talk to, you’re sure even Rowan would recognize the quality too and open up – but to no avail. They’re not there. You are. And you know exactly what to do if you wish to take up the habit of keeping a clear conscience. 
Read the rest:
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