#hearing loss treatment in singapore
presstimeslive · 2 years
Man assaulted sister, perforated her eardrum during row
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SINGAPORE - Unhappy with his younger sister for quarrelling with their mother, a man assaulted his sibling, whose left eardrum was perforated during the attack.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Louis Ngia said that the victim, Ms Jessie Raj, 31, suffered hearing loss but has since recovered.
Following the attack, she was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Ms Jessie’s assailant, Suresh Minhas, 39, pleaded guilty on Thursday to an assault charge.
Three other charges, including another count of assault, will be considered during sentencing.
Ms Jessie had quarrelled with her mother on Sept 25, 2021, at around 3pm as the older woman had allowed Suresh to take items such as their family photos.
DPP Ngia said: “The victim demanded possession of some of those items, and that if he did not return those items, she would confront the accused in front of his wife... The victim’s mother then contacted the accused to inform him about the quarrel.”
Suresh arrived at the women’s home at around 3.30pm and confronted his sister.
The siblings argued, and he hurled insults at his sister. He also spat on her, said the prosecutor.
Suresh then punched Ms Jessie in the face after she threatened to call the police.
DPP Ngia told the court: “They entered into a scuffle, during which time in defence of herself, the victim tore the accused’s shirt, and bruised his left collarbone area.
“As a result of the said punch, the victim suffered hurt – a left eardrum traumatic perforation secondary to assault, with bleeding from the left ear. She also suffered conductive hearing loss.”
Ms Jessie called the police at around 4.20pm.
Suresh, who is represented by lawyer Gino Hardial Singh, has given his sister $10,000 to date to compensate for expenses such as medical, legal and counselling fees.
He has also handed her $3,000 for joint counselling sessions for Ms Jessie and their mother.
On Thursday, the prosecutor said he did not object to Suresh being assessed for suitability for a mandatory treatment order (MTO) as the offender had been found to have intermittent explosive disorder at the time of the offences.
Individuals with the disorder have frequent, recurring and intense outbursts of rage and aggression.
Those issued an MTO undergo treatment for their mental condition in lieu of jail time.
The court then called for an assessment report and Suresh is now expected to be sentenced on Dec 2.
On Monday, the police said more people have been making police reports on family violence since 2020. A total of 5,190 such reports were filed in 2021, up from 5,134 in 2020.
Meanwhile, the police have been ramping up efforts to better support victims of family violence.
For instance, in July, family violence community policing officers were introduced in all 34 neighbourhood police centres.
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Get The Best Audiometry Tests In Singapore For Hearing Health
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Hearing health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it's often overlooked until problems arise. At AcuMed Holdings in Singapore, we prioritize early detection and prevention through our comprehensive audiometry tests. These tests are essential for assessing your hearing ability and identifying any potential hearing loss, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. 
Why Should You Get an Audiometry Test? 
Hearing loss can develop gradually, making it easy to miss the early signs. Regular audiometry tests in Singapore help detect issues early, enabling you to take proactive steps to protect your hearing. If you work in a noisy environment, experience ringing in your ears, or struggle to follow conversations, it’s essential to get your hearing checked. For more information, visit our website.
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zimbabwelive · 2 years
Man assaulted sister, perforated her eardrum during row
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SINGAPORE - Unhappy with his younger sister for quarrelling with their mother, a man assaulted his sibling, whose left eardrum was perforated during the attack.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Louis Ngia said that the victim, Ms Jessie Raj, 31, suffered hearing loss but has since recovered.
Following the attack, she was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Ms Jessie’s assailant, Suresh Minhas, 39, pleaded guilty on Thursday to an assault charge.
Three other charges, including another count of assault, will be considered during sentencing.
Ms Jessie had quarrelled with her mother on Sept 25, 2021, at around 3pm as the older woman had allowed Suresh to take items such as their family photos.
DPP Ngia said: “The victim demanded possession of some of those items, and that if he did not return those items, she would confront the accused in front of his wife... The victim’s mother then contacted the accused to inform him about the quarrel.”
Suresh arrived at the women’s home at around 3.30pm and confronted his sister.
The siblings argued, and he hurled insults at his sister. He also spat on her, said the prosecutor.
Suresh then punched Ms Jessie in the face after she threatened to call the police.
DPP Ngia told the court: “They entered into a scuffle, during which time in defence of herself, the victim tore the accused’s shirt, and bruised his left collarbone area.
“As a result of the said punch, the victim suffered hurt – a left eardrum traumatic perforation secondary to assault, with bleeding from the left ear. She also suffered conductive hearing loss.”
Ms Jessie called the police at around 4.20pm.
Suresh, who is represented by lawyer Gino Hardial Singh, has given his sister $10,000 to date to compensate for expenses such as medical, legal and counselling fees.
He has also handed her $3,000 for joint counselling sessions for Ms Jessie and their mother.
On Thursday, the prosecutor said he did not object to Suresh being assessed for suitability for a mandatory treatment order (MTO) as the offender had been found to have intermittent explosive disorder at the time of the offences.
Individuals with the disorder have frequent, recurring and intense outbursts of rage and aggression.
Those issued an MTO undergo treatment for their mental condition in lieu of jail time.
The court then called for an assessment report and Suresh is now expected to be sentenced on Dec 2.
On Monday, the police said more people have been making police reports on family violence since 2020. A total of 5,190 such reports were filed in 2021, up from 5,134 in 2020.
Meanwhile, the police have been ramping up efforts to better support victims of family violence.
For instance, in July, family violence community policing officers were introduced in all 34 neighbourhood police centres.
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iclick-blogs · 2 months
Cognitive Impairment Elderly - Causes | Symptoms | Treatments
Are you concerned about an older person’s memory or thinking abilities? Maybe your parents have been more confused recently, or your ageing spouse is repeating herself or struggling with tasks that used to be easy. Perhaps they have made false accusations or have irrational worries.
These concerns are common and often lead to questions like:
Is this normal ageing or something more serious?
What’s causing this?
Could it be Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia?
Can these memory issues be treated or reversed?
What should we do next?
The answer is straightforward: if you are worried about memory or thinking, seek a medical evaluation. Cognitive concerns often indicate underlying health issues that need to be identified and treated if possible. You’ll need to get help from a healthcare professional. Here’s what you can expect and what the doctor might ask.
What Is Cognitive Impairment?
Cognitive impairment means having trouble with memory, thinking, concentration, and other brain functions beyond what is expected with normal ageing. It can develop suddenly or gradually, be temporary or permanent, and its progression depends on the cause.
Symptoms of Cognitive Impairment
Common symptoms include:
Symptom & Description
Memory Loss
Forgetting recent events or important information.
Difficulty understanding time, place, or events.
Poor Judgement
Making decisions that are not typical for the person.
Language Problems
Struggling to find the right words or follow conversations.
Difficulty with Complex Tasks
Trouble with planning, problem-solving, or multitasking.
Behavioural Changes
Increased anxiety, depression, irritability, or aggression.
Asking the same questions or telling the same stories repeatedly.
Trouble with Daily Activities
Difficulty managing finances, medication, or household tasks.
Seeing or hearing things that are not there.
Holding false beliefs that are not based in reality.
Personality Changes
Noticeable changes in behaviour or mood, such as becoming more withdrawn or irritable.
Losing motivation and interest in activities once enjoyed.
Getting Lost
Becoming disoriented in familiar places.
Confusion with Visual-Spatial Tasks
Having difficulty figuring out how to put on clothes or understanding the layout of familiar environments.
Common Causes of Cognitive Impairment
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Cognitive impairment elderly often has multiple causes, including:
Medication Side Effects: Many drugs can interfere with brain function, especially sedatives, tranquillisers, and anticholinergic medications.
Metabolic Imbalances: Abnormal blood levels of sodium, calcium, glucose, or issues with kidney or liver function can impact brain function.
Hormonal Problems: Thyroid issues or imbalances in sex hormones can affect cognition.
Nutrient Deficiencies: Low levels of vitamin B12, other B vitamins, and folate are known to impact brain health.
Delirium: This acute state of confusion can be triggered by severe illness or infection, especially in hospitalised older adults.
Psychiatric Illness: Conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia can affect memory and thinking.
Substance Abuse: Overuse or withdrawal from alcohol, drugs, or certain prescriptions can impair cognition.
Brain Injuries: Damage from strokes, head injuries, or neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s can cause cognitive decline.
Infections: Chronic or acute infections, including COVID-19, can affect brain cells.
Toxins: Exposure to heavy metals, air pollutants, and other toxins is being studied for their impact on brain health.
Poor Sleep and High Stress: Both can significantly affect cognitive function.
Treatment of Cognitive Impairment
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Treating cognitive impairment involves addressing the root causes and managing symptoms to improve the quality of life. Here are common treatment strategies:
Medication Review: Adjusting or discontinuing medications that may negatively impact cognitive function. This includes identifying and reducing the use of drugs like sedatives, tranquillisers, and anticholinergics.
Managing Health Conditions: Treating underlying health issues such as metabolic imbalances (like abnormal sodium, calcium, or glucose levels), thyroid problems, or deficiencies in vital nutrients such as vitamin B12 and folate.
Mental Health Treatment: Addressing psychiatric conditions like depression and anxiety through therapy or medication to improve overall cognitive health.
Substance Abuse Management: Reducing or eliminating the use of alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit substances that can impair cognitive function.
Cognitive Rehabilitation: Engaging in activities and exercises designed to enhance brain function and memory, such as cognitive training programs and mental exercises.
Lifestyle Changes: Promoting a healthy lifestyle through regular physical activity, a balanced diet rich in nutrients, social engagement to prevent isolation, and ensuring adequate sleep to support brain health.
Safety Measures: Implementing strategies to ensure the safety of individuals with significant cognitive impairment. This may include modifying the living environment to prevent accidents and ensuring they are supervised as needed.
Supportive Therapies: Utilising occupational therapy to help individuals maintain or improve their ability to perform daily activities, thereby enhancing their independence.
Regular Monitoring: Conducting ongoing assessments to track changes in cognitive function and adjust treatment plans accordingly. Regular follow-ups can help manage the progression of cognitive impairment.
Advanced Care Planning: Getting ready for future care needs and decisions. This includes talking about and recording choices for medical care, power of attorney, and living wills to make sure the person’s wishes are respected as their condition changes.
Initial Medical Evaluation for Cognitive Impairment
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When evaluating cognitive impairment, doctors should:
Ask About Concerns: Inquire about changes in memory or thinking.
Gather Information from Family: Family members often notice changes the patient might not.
Assess Daily Living Activities: Evaluate difficulties with daily tasks like managing finances or medication.
Check for Behavioural Symptoms: Look for hallucinations, delusions, personality changes, depression, or anxiety.
Review Physical Health: Ask about new symptoms, especially those affecting neurological function.
Evaluate Substance Use: Consider the impact of alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit substances.
Review Medications: Identify drugs that might worsen cognitive function.
Perform a Physical Exam: Check vitals and conduct a basic neurological evaluation.
Test Cognitive Function: Use tools like the Mini-Cog or MOCA to assess memory and thinking.
Order Lab Tests: Check for common health issues affecting cognition, like vitamin deficiencies or thyroid problems. Brain imaging might be considered selectively.
An initial evaluation should document cognitive concerns, assess functional impairment, and identify potential medical causes. It usually takes at least two visits to complete. You may not get all the answers immediately, but starting the evaluation is crucial.
If your loved one is reluctant to see a doctor, that’s a common issue and requires patience and persistence. Making the most of medical evaluations when they do happen is essential.
By understanding these steps and being proactive, you can prevent dementia and potentially improve the cognitive health of your loved one.
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carlimuja · 3 months
Common Conditions Treated at ENT Clinics in Singapore
Ear, nose, and throat clinics are essential facilities for diagnosing and treating illnesses affecting these sensory systems. These clinics can handle different ENT conditions with their knowledge and equipment, guaranteeing that patients receive timely and appropriate care. Explore some of the common ailments attended by ear, nose, and throat clinics in Singapore.
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9 Common Conditions Treated in ENT Clinics in Singapore
1. Otitis Media
Otitis media or middle ear infection is a common condition, particularly in children. ENT clinics typically handle otitis media cases, providing diagnosis and treatment plans. From antibiotic therapies to drainage procedures, these clinics offer solutions to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.
2. Sinusitis
Sinusitis, characterised by inflammation of the sinus cavities, can cause discomfort and impaired breathing. ENT clinics are equipped to manage sinusitis cases, offering treatments such as nasal irrigation, decongestants, and corticosteroids. In severe instances, endoscopic sinus surgery may be recommended to alleviate chronic symptoms and enhance quality of life.
3. Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis, triggered by environmental allergens, can significantly burden individuals' daily lives. ENT clinics focus on diagnosing and managing allergic rhinitis, employing a combination of allergen avoidance strategies, medications, and immunotherapy. By addressing underlying allergies, these clinics aim to provide relief for sufferers.
ALSO READ: Allergic Rhinitis vs Sinusitis: Are they Different?
4. Tinnitus
Tinnitus, characterised by ringing or buzzing sensations in the ears, can also impact an individual's well-being. ENT clinics offer evaluations to determine the underlying causes of tinnitus, including hearing loss, exposure to loud noises, or underlying health conditions. Treatment options range from sound therapy and counselling to custom hearing aids tailored to mitigate tinnitus symptoms.
5. Hearing Loss
Hearing loss, whether age-related or due to other factors, necessitates care to preserve auditory function and enhance quality of life. ENT clinics in Singapore offer diagnostic assessments, including audiometry and tympanometry, to evaluate hearing impairment properly. Treatment modalities may encompass hearing aids, cochlear implants, or surgical interventions, depending on the severity and underlying cause of hearing loss.
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6. Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps, benign growths within the nasal passages, can obstruct airflow and lead to chronic congestion and sinus issues. ENT clinics employ imaging techniques, such as endoscopic examinations and CT scans, to diagnose nasal polyps. Treatment approaches typically involve corticosteroid therapy, nasal irrigation, or surgical removal of polyps to alleviate symptoms and enhance nasal breathing.
7. Laryngitis
Laryngitis, characterised by inflammation of the vocal cords, can result in hoarseness, throat discomfort, and voice changes. ENT clinics diagnose laryngitis through laryngoscopic examinations and voice assessments. Treatment strategies may include voice rest, hydration, and medication to reduce inflammation, allowing vocal function recovery and restoration.
8. Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder characterised by interrupted breathing during sleep, requires professional attention to mitigate associated health risks. ENT clinics offer evaluations, including sleep studies and airway assessments, to diagnose sleep apnea. Treatment options range from lifestyle modifications and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy to surgical interventions, such as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), aimed to enhance airflow and restore restful sleep.
9. Vertigo and Balance Disorders
Vertigo and balance disorders, often from inner ear disturbances or neurological issues, can impair daily mobility and quality of life. ENT clinics propose assessments, including vestibular function tests and videonystagmography (VNG), to diagnose vertigo. Treatment modalities may include vestibular rehabilitation exercises, medication management, or minimally invasive procedures to alleviate symptoms and restore balance.
ENT clinics in Singapore continue to prove their importance in diagnosing and treating a broad range of ear, nose, and throat infections. With a suitable approach prioritising diagnosis, treatment programmes, and a dedication to patient-focused care, these clinics remain essential hubs for people wanting relief from ENT-related conditions.
Contact Dr. Jenica Yong to take control of your ENT health.
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drleslijfgkj · 4 months
Exploring Innovative Treatment Options for Chronic Ear Infections
For individuals suffering from chronic ear infections, finding effective treatment options is paramount to improving their quality of life. In Singapore, ear specialist Singapore are at the forefront of exploring innovative approaches to managing chronic ear infections. These specialists offer a range of advanced treatment options that aim to alleviate symptoms, prevent recurrences, and preserve hearing function.
Understanding Chronic Ear Infections
Chronic ear infections, also known as chronic otitis media, occur when the middle ear becomes inflamed or infected for an extended period. This condition can cause persistent ear pain, drainage from the ear, hearing loss, and recurrent infections. Traditional treatment approaches, such as antibiotics and ear drops, may provide temporary relief but often fail to address the underlying cause or prevent future infections.
Advanced Treatment Modalities
Ear specialists in Singapore employ a variety of advanced treatment modalities to manage chronic ear infections effectively. One innovative approach is the use of tympanostomy tubes, tiny tubes inserted into the eardrum to promote drainage and ventilation of the middle ear. Tympanostomy tubes help prevent fluid buildup and reduce the risk of recurrent infections, especially in individuals prone to chronic otitis media.
Endoscopic Ear Surgery
Another groundbreaking treatment option offered by ear specialists in Singapore is endoscopic ear surgery. This minimally invasive technique allows surgeons to visualize and treat ear infections through a small incision using an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera and light attached. Endoscopic ear surgery offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including faster recovery times, reduced risk of complications, and improved outcomes for patients with chronic ear infections.
Biologic Therapies
In recent years, biologic therapies have emerged as a promising treatment option for chronic ear infections. These therapies involve the use of biological agents, such as growth factors or cytokines, to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration in the middle ear. By promoting healing and reducing inflammation, biologic therapies offer a novel approach to managing chronic ear infections and may provide long-lasting relief for patients who have not responded to conventional treatments.
Patient-Centered Care
In addition to these innovative treatment options, ear specialists in Singapore prioritize patient-centered care, ensuring that each individual receives personalized treatment tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. This may include comprehensive evaluations, thorough discussions of treatment options, and ongoing support and guidance throughout the treatment process. By fostering a collaborative relationship with patients, ear specialists empower individuals to make informed decisions about their ear health and achieve optimal outcomes.
In conclusion, chronic ear infections can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life, but innovative treatment options offered by ear specialists in Singapore provide hope for relief and improved outcomes. From tympanostomy tubes to endoscopic ear surgery and biologic therapies, these advanced treatment modalities offer new possibilities for managing chronic otitis media effectively. If you or a loved one is struggling with chronic ear infections, consider consulting an ear specialist in Singapore to explore innovative treatment options and regain control of your ear health.
About Us
Welcome to our clinic, where ear specialist Singapore provide exceptional care for a wide range of ear-related concerns. With a focus on patient-centered approach, our team of ear specialists is dedicated to delivering personalized and effective treatments to improve ear health and overall well-being. At our clinic, we understand the importance of maintaining optimal ear health. Our ear specialists in Singapore are highly trained and experienced in diagnosing and treating various ear conditions, including ear infections, hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders. Using state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and advanced treatment modalities, our specialists strive to provide accurate diagnoses and tailored treatment plans for each patient. In addition to clinical expertise, our ear specialists in Singapore prioritize compassionate care and open communication. We believe in fostering a supportive and welcoming environment where patients feel comfortable expressing their concerns and asking questions. Our specialists take the time to listen to each patient's unique needs and preferences, ensuring that they receive personalized care that meets their expectations. Whether you're experiencing ear pain, hearing difficulties, or other ear-related issues, our ear specialists in Singapore are here to help. From comprehensive evaluations to innovative treatments, we are committed to helping our patients achieve optimal ear health and improve their quality of life. If you're seeking expert care from compassionate ear specialists in Singapore, look no further than our clinic. With our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction, you can trust that you're in good hands with our team of dedicated specialists. Schedule a consultation today to experience the difference our ear specialists can make in your ear health journey.
Contact us: Linkedin - https://sg.linkedin.com/in/leslie-koh-ent-specialist-singapore Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com.mx/1drlesliekoh/ Google My Business - https://maps.app.goo.gl/Vo72zxhn4BWwMh1x9
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singaporetimes · 3 years
Suresh Minhas spat on his sister and punched her in the face after she threatened to call the police.
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Man assaulted sister, perforated her eardrum during row
SINGAPORE - Unhappy with his younger sister for quarrelling with their mother, a man assaulted his sibling, whose left eardrum was perforated during the attack.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Louis Ngia said that the victim, Ms Jessie Raj, 31, suffered hearing loss but has since recovered.
Following the attack, she was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Ms Jessie’s assailant, Suresh Minhas, 39, pleaded guilty on Thursday to an assault charge.
Three other charges, including another count of assault, will be considered during sentencing.
Ms Jessie had quarrelled with her mother on Sept 25, 2021, at around 3pm as the older woman had allowed Suresh to take items such as their family photos.
DPP Ngia said: “The victim demanded possession of some of those items, and that if he did not return those items, she would confront the accused in front of his wife… The victim’s mother then contacted the accused to inform him about the quarrel.”
Suresh arrived at the women’s home at around 3.30pm and confronted his sister.
The siblings argued, and he hurled insults at his sister. He also spat on her, said the prosecutor.
Suresh then punched Ms Jessie in the face after she threatened to call the police.
DPP Ngia told the court: “They entered into a scuffle, during which time in defence of herself, the victim tore the accused’s shirt, and bruised his left collarbone area.
“As a result of the said punch, the victim suffered hurt – a left eardrum traumatic perforation secondary to assault, with bleeding from the left ear. She also suffered conductive hearing loss.”
Ms Jessie called the police at around 4.20pm.
Suresh, who is represented by lawyer Gino Hardial Singh, has given his sister $10,000 to date to compensate for expenses such as medical, legal and counselling fees.
He has also handed her $3,000 for joint counselling sessions for Ms Jessie and their mother.
On Thursday, the prosecutor said he did not object to Suresh being assessed for suitability for a mandatory treatment order (MTO) as the offender had been found to have intermittent explosive disorder at the time of the offences.
Individuals with the disorder have frequent, recurring and intense outbursts of rage and aggression.
Those issued an MTO undergo treatment for their mental condition in lieu of jail time.
The court then called for an assessment report and Suresh is now expected to be sentenced on Dec 2.
On Monday, the police said more people have been making police reports on family violence since 2020. A total of 5,190 such reports were filed in 2021, up from 5,134 in 2020.
Meanwhile, the police have been ramping up efforts to better support victims of family violence.
For instance, in July, family violence community policing officers were introduced in all 34 neighbourhood police centres.
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24sg-news · 2 years
Man assaulted sister, perforated her eardrum during row
SINGAPORE - Unhappy with his younger sister for quarrelling with their mother, a man assaulted his sibling, whose left eardrum was perforated during the attack.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Louis Ngia said that the victim, Ms Jessie Raj, 31, suffered hearing loss but has since recovered.
Following the attack, she was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Ms Jessie’s assailant, Suresh Minhas, 39, pleaded guilty on Thursday to an assault charge.
Three other charges, including another count of assault, will be considered during sentencing.
Ms Jessie had quarrelled with her mother on Sept 25, 2021, at around 3pm as the older woman had allowed Suresh to take items such as their family photos.
DPP Ngia said: “The victim demanded possession of some of those items, and that if he did not return those items, she would confront the accused in front of his wife… The victim’s mother then contacted the accused to inform him about the quarrel.”
Suresh arrived at the women’s home at around 3.30pm and confronted his sister.
The siblings argued, and he hurled insults at his sister. He also spat on her, said the prosecutor.
Suresh then punched Ms Jessie in the face after she threatened to call the police.
DPP Ngia told the court: “They entered into a scuffle, during which time in defence of herself, the victim tore the accused’s shirt, and bruised his left collarbone area.
“As a result of the said punch, the victim suffered hurt – a left eardrum traumatic perforation secondary to assault, with bleeding from the left ear. She also suffered conductive hearing loss.”
Ms Jessie called the police at around 4.20pm.
Suresh, who is represented by lawyer Gino Hardial Singh, has given his sister $10,000 to date to compensate for expenses such as medical, legal and counselling fees.
He has also handed her $3,000 for joint counselling sessions for Ms Jessie and their mother.
On Thursday, the prosecutor said he did not object to Suresh being assessed for suitability for a mandatory treatment order (MTO) as the offender had been found to have intermittent explosive disorder at the time of the offences.
Individuals with the disorder have frequent, recurring and intense outbursts of rage and aggression.
Those issued an MTO undergo treatment for their mental condition in lieu of jail time.
The court then called for an assessment report and Suresh is now expected to be sentenced on Dec 2.
On Monday, the police said more people have been making police reports on family violence since 2020. A total of 5,190 such reports were filed in 2021, up from 5,134 in 2020.
Meanwhile, the police have been ramping up efforts to better support victims of family violence.
For instance, in July, family violence community policing officers were introduced in all 34 neighbourhood police centres.
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rohans18 · 1 year
Perilymph Fistula Treatment Market Expected High Growth in Coming Years
Global Perilymph Fistula Treatment Market, By Symptoms (Hearing loss, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Ear Pressure), Causes (Head Trauma, Barotrauma), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Lithuania, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Rest of Asia Pacific, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028.
In the consistent Perilymph Fistula Treatment market research report, industry trends are put together on macro level with which clients can figure out market landscape and possible future issues about Perilymph Fistula Treatment industry. The scope of this market report include but is not limited to latest trends, market segmentation, new market entry, industry forecasting, future directions, opportunity identification, strategic analysis and planning, target market analysis, insights and innovation. The report presents with the CAGR value fluctuations for the specific forecasted period which helps decide costing and investment strategies. An influential Perilymph Fistula Treatment market report brings precise and exact market research information that drives business into the right direction.
Key Players
The major companies in the microalgae market are Cellana Inc., DSM, Cyanotech Corporation, Corbion ALGATECH LTD, AlgaEnergy, AlgaHealth, BarAlgae, Desert Microalgae Technologies, Yemoja, Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH, Algarithm, and ALGAIA among others.
 Browse More Info @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-perilymph-fistula-treatment-market
The research studies entailed in the winning Perilymph Fistula Treatment market report supports to estimate several important aspects that includes but are not limited to investment in a rising market, success of a new product, and expansion of market share. The strategies underlined here mainly consist of new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others that boost footprints in this market. Several other factors such as import, export, gross margin, price, cost, and consumption are also analyzed under the section of production, supply, sales and market status.
Key questions answered in the report:
Which product segment will grab a lion’s share?
Which regional market will emerge as a frontrunner in coming years?
Which application segment will grow at a robust rate?
Report provides insights on the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Perilymph Fistula Treatment Market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.
Table Of Content
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope Of The Report
Part 03:  Global Market
Part 04: Global Market Size
Part 05: Global Market Segmentation By Product
Part 06: Five Forces Analysis
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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market
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thehearingcentresg · 1 year
Why is it important to get a regular hearing screening?
Regular hearing tests are crucial to help you keep track of your hearing. It can be easy to overlook the health of your hearing, especially if you’re not experiencing any obvious troubling symptoms. Regular hearing screenings are important for various reasons:
Early detection of hearing loss:
Regular screenings can help identify hearing loss at its early stages, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. Early detection allows for timely intervention and increases the chances of effectively managing or even reversing certain types of hearing loss. The earlier hearing loss is identified, the better the chances of managing it effectively.
Prevention of further damage:
Hearing loss can be caused by various factors, including exposure to loud noise, ageing, certain medical conditions, and ototoxic medications. Untreated hearing loss can lead to additional complications such as straining your ability to communicate effectively, impacting your relationships, and potentially affecting your overall well-being. Regular screenings help in identifying potential risk factors and allow for appropriate preventive measures to be taken to avoid further damage to the hearing.
Improved quality of life:
Hearing loss can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. It can lead to communication difficulties, social isolation, emotional distress, and reduced cognitive function. With regular screenings, you can proactively address any hearing issues and seek appropriate interventions, such as hearing aids or assistive devices, to improve your ability to hear and participate fully in daily activities.
Early detection of underlying health conditions:
Hearing loss can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying health condition, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or certain neurological disorders. Regular screenings can help in detecting these conditions early on, allowing for appropriate medical intervention and treatment.
Customized treatment options:
Hearing tests provide valuable information about the type and severity of hearing loss, which helps in determining the most suitable treatment options. Whether it’s hearing aids, cochlear implants, assistive listening devices, or other interventions, regular screenings ensure that individuals receive personalized care and support tailored to their specific needs.
Monitoring changes over time:
Hearing abilities can change over time due to various factors, such as ageing, noise exposure, or certain medical conditions. Hearing screenings performed at regular intervals enable audiologists to monitor any changes in hearing abilities over time. This tracking helps in adjusting treatment strategies as necessary and ensuring optimal outcomes in the long run.
Regular hearing tests are essential for early detection and management of hearing loss. Each type of hearing test serves a specific purpose, and a combination of tests may be necessary to accurately diagnose and treat hearing loss. Consult with an audiologist or hearing healthcare professional like The Hearing Centre Singapore to determine the most appropriate hearing test for you.
For more than 20 years, The Hearing Centre has been a leader in providing top-quality hearing aids in Singapore. Their team of audiologists, who have more than 15 years of experience, specialize in providing hearing aid care for patients with varying degrees of hearing loss.
Having been a specialist in hearing loss healthcare for nearly two decades, The Hearing Centre understands the emotional distress, fear, and worries that individuals with hearing loss and their loved one’s experience. As a result, their goal is to enhance their appreciation for the value of hearing and rekindle the joy of hearing and communication in their lives.
So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment at 6747 2216 or 9776 7615 to claim a FREE hearing test now!
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cortexi-australia · 1 year
Cortexi Australia- Ingredients That Work or Side Effects?
Cortexi Reviews- Do you fear approximately dropping your hearing? Feel as though your reminiscence and basic cognitive sharpness had been slowly fading? If so, a crew has provided a nutritional complement they declare can lessen those symptoms. This inquiry served as our motivation for scripting this review. Without in addition delay, here is what we controlled to muster on Cortexi. Given that this answer is 100% herbal, our editorial crew become understandably skeptical approximately this sort of declaration. How much of an effect ought to a herbal treatment make in a time while current drug treatments do not appear to paintings ultimately? 
What is Cortexi?
Cortexi Australia is a listening to help complement which can enhance cognition, memory, and listening to. One may infer from the announcement above that this system seeks to beautify the relationship among the mind and listening to. Sound waves input our internal ear and vibrate microscopic hair cells, which supply electric indicators to the auditory nerve. From there, the vibrations tour to the mind's acoustic center, in which they're transformed into audible sounds. Typically, listening to loss or impairments are attributed to hampered translation approaches that pressure the mind to fail to come across acquainted sounds. When left unattended, human beings also are prone to cognitive decline. Let's study the components in the query to apprehend the Cortexi system.
What's Inside Cortexi?
Cortexi 20 Ingredients
Maca Root Extract
Grape Seed Extract
Guarana Seed Extract
Eleuthero Root Extract
Astragalus Root Extract
Green Tea Leaf Extract
Gymnema Sylvestre
Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract
Capsicum Extract
Cortexi Final Words
As referred to withinside the evaluation above, Cortexi seems to be extra of a complement for mind fitness than a complement for supporting listening to, and this is why. The suggested substances may favorably affect operating memory, understanding, and mood. The mind is the organ that converts vibrations into audible sounds. Hence, any issues with mind features might also additionally have an effect on listening to. Similarly, a deterioration in cognitive features has been related to listening to loss. So, withinside the large picture, this method is probably helpful.
However, for the reason that every dosage incorporates 200mg of extra than 20 elements, the blessings are debatable. Using proprietary blends makes it even extra tough due to the fact we can't decide how the elements are divided. It's additionally really well worth noting that many factors can be beside the point for Cortexi Australia. Ultimately, all of us might also additionally seek advice from the customer service crew and probably a healthcare expert earlier than putting an order. 
Cortexi Formula, Official Web Click on Here>>>
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grrasitsolution · 2 years
tinnitus treatment Singapore
Tinnitus can develop gradually over years or occur suddenly. While it is unclear what causes the onset of Tinnitus treatment singapore, it is often accompanied by some degree of hearing loss.
111 SOMERSET ROAD #08-06
Phone : (65) 6333 8333
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Understanding Audiometry: A Comprehensive Guide To The Test Procedure And Equipment Used
Audiometry is a vital diagnostic tool used by audiologists to assess a person's hearing ability. Whether it's to detect hearing loss, evaluate the extent of impairment, or monitor changes over time, audiometry test provides valuable insights into a patient's auditory health. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of how an audiometry test is conducted and the equipment commonly employed during the procedure.
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The Procedure
An audiometry test in Singapore is usually conducted in a soundproof booth to minimize external noise interference. The process begins with the audiologist explaining the test to the patient, setting expectations, and addressing any concerns they might have. Then, the actual test proceeds through several steps:
Pure Tone Audiometry
Pure tone audiometry involves the patient wearing headphones or insert earphones connected to an audiometer, a specialized machine that produces sounds at different frequencies and volumes.
The patient is required to respond whenever they hear a sound by pressing a button or raising their hand.
The audiologist starts by presenting tones at various frequencies, typically ranging from low to high, and adjusts the intensity level (loudness) accordingly.
The results are plotted on an audiogram, a graph that displays the patient's hearing thresholds for different frequencies, measured in decibels (dB), and typically presented in both ears separately.
Speech Audiometry
Speech audiometry assesses the patient's ability to hear and understand speech.
The audiologist plays recorded speech stimuli at different volumes to determine the patient's speech recognition threshold (SRT), which is the softest level at which they can understand speech, and their word recognition score (WRS), which measures the percentage of words correctly identified.
This test provides crucial information about the patient's ability to comprehend speech in various listening environments.
Additional Tests
Depending on the patient's specific needs and concerns, additional tests such as tympanometry (to assess middle ear function) and otoacoustic emissions (to evaluate cochlear function) may be performed.
Equipment Used
Audiometry requires specialized equipment designed to deliver precise sound stimuli and accurately measure the patient's responses. Here are the key components typically used during the procedure:
The audiometer is the central device used in audiometry tests. It generates pure tones and speech stimuli at specific frequencies and intensity levels.
Headphones or Insert Earphones
These devices deliver the sound stimuli to the patient's ears in a controlled manner, ensuring accurate measurement of hearing thresholds.
Soundproof Booth
The soundproof booth provides an environment free from external noise, essential for obtaining reliable audiometric results.
Response Button or Hand-Raising Mechanism
Patients use a response button or hand-raising mechanism to indicate when they hear a sound during the test, allowing the audiologist to record their responses accurately.
Audiometry test in Singapore plays a crucial role in diagnosing and managing hearing-related issues. By understanding the procedure and equipment used in audiometry tests, patients can approach the experience with confidence and gain valuable insights into their auditory health. Whether it's identifying hearing loss, fitting hearing aids, or monitoring treatment outcomes, audiometry remains a cornerstone of modern audiology practice.
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thewellnessinsider · 2 years
Survey Finds 78% of Singaporeans with Hearing Loss Unwilling to Seek Treatment
Despite 90% of respondents ranking their hearing health as important or extremely important, less than 1 in 4 people in Singapore have taken a hearing test in last 3 years, a survey on Singapore’s attitudes and behaviour towards hearing health has found¹. Amongst those who recognise difficulties in their hearing, an overwhelming 76% are unwilling to seek treatment as they do not find their…
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iclick-blogs · 1 year
Long Last Termites Control Services Singapore 2022
Subterranean termite control services in Singapore – Do you have termites infestation at your home or office and you are at a loss as to what to do next? Or perhaps you are still relying on your pest control guys to help you but you know that they are using outdated methods to solve your termites control issues? Do you really trust your regular pest control guys when they are only using their eyes to check and you have to either buy their word or not? Do you know what your pest control guys are really checking? Are your termite control guys checking and hearing for hollow sound from the knocking on your wooden doors? We’re sure you have a thousand and 1 questions when it comes to your termite control issues.
When it comes to effective termite control Singapore, there are many solutions and different costing guide coming from different pest control companies in Singapore. We will work hand-in-hand with you to provide you with the most effective and affordable termite control solutions.
We use technology to solve your top issue of termite control in Singapore. It is the main part of home improvement and we are in the industry from long period. It is easy to revamp at the beginning stage of termite infest. Things become more critical once it starts damaging your wooden frames, doors, windows and furniture of your property.
Once a Week Inspection
We will conduct 1 inspection to your home/premise every week. Spot treatment on the infested area will be conducted after 1 week, we will go back to your premise and conduct checks again. With that, we can know what would be the next appropriate treatment needed. For landed property owners, we also recommend to do an inspection with any top brand in Singapore termites control once every 6 months for peace of mind. When you spend $3million dollars on your property, you will want to ensure that your house is secured and free from termites!
What happens after your construction is done?
Many of our landed house owners engage us for pests control or termite control services before the construction is completed. We will work with your contractor to ensure that appropriate work is done. For post construction services, we will do eco-friendly termite control Singapore services at the soil/ground of your house so that we prevent infestations even before it occurs! Many house owners do not do this step as they feel it is not necessary to do pest control when there are no pests! However, many of them actually regretted their decision. Prevention is always better than cure!
What happens after your construction is done?
Many of our landed house owners engage us for pests control or termite control services before the construction is completed. We will work with your contractor to ensure that appropriate work is done. For post construction services, we will do eco-friendly termite control Singapore services at the soil/ground of your house so that we prevent infestations even before it occurs! Many house owners do not do this step as they feel it is not necessary to do pest control when there are no pests! However, many of them actually regretted their decision. Prevention is always better than cure!
Are there termites on the roof of my house?
Yes, there is! Do you know that pests such as termites, wood worms or even bird pests can infest your roof?!
Many house owners do not know but the roof beams are generally always built on wood. This part of the house is always neglected because “out of sight, out of mind”. That’s where we can come in to help!
Let us protect your roof by doing termites control services termites and all other insects or pests! After the initial job is also, we also provide maintenance service to do periodic inspections of your roof and house to ensure that you and your family live in a pest-free environment.
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carlimuja · 3 months
Issues and Treatment Options Explained by Singaporean Specialists
Ear, nose, and throat specialists in Singapore are essential in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases affecting these vital sensory organs. Focusing on accuracy, knowledge, and patient-focused care, these experts use cutting-edge diagnostic methods and therapeutic approaches to meet the individual needs of every patient.
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Common ENT Issues
ENT specialists in Singapore encounter a myriad of issues related to the ear, nose, and throat in their clinical practice. These issues encompass a wide spectrum of conditions, including:
Ear Infections: Ear infections, such as otitis media and otitis externa, are prevalent in Singapore, particularly among children. These infections can lead to symptoms such as ear pain, discharge from the ear, and temporary hearing loss. ENT specialists employ thorough evaluations, including otoscopy and tympanometry, to accurately diagnose and treat ear infections.
Sinusitis: Sinusitis, characterised by inflammation of the sinus cavities, is a common complaint seen by ENT specialists. Patients with sinusitis may experience facial pain or pressure, nasal congestion, and headaches. Treatment options range from nasal decongestants and saline irrigation to sinus surgery, depending on the severity and chronicity of the condition.
Allergic Rhinitis: Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, affects a significant portion of the population in Singapore, particularly during periods of high pollen levels. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes. ENT specialists may recommend allergen avoidance strategies, nasal corticosteroids, or allergen immunotherapy to manage symptoms effectively.
Tonsillitis: Tonsillitis, characterised by inflammation of the tonsils, can cause throat pain, difficulty swallowing, and fever. Recurrent tonsillitis may necessitate tonsillectomy, a surgical procedure performed by ENT specialists to remove the tonsils and alleviate symptoms.
Hearing Loss: Hearing loss is a prevalent issue seen by ENT specialists in Singapore, affecting individuals of all ages. Causes of hearing loss may include age-related changes, noise exposure, or underlying medical conditions. Treatment options range from hearing aids and cochlear implants to surgical interventions such as tympanoplasty or stapedectomy.
Treatment Options
ENT specialists in Singapore employ a multifaceted approach to treating ENT conditions, tailoring treatment plans to meet the individual needs and preferences of each patient. Treatment options may include:
Medications: Pharmacotherapy plays a central role in the management of many ENT conditions. ENT specialists may prescribe antibiotics, antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, or decongestants to alleviate symptoms and facilitate healing.
Surgical Interventions: When conservative treatments are ineffective or inappropriate, surgical intervention may be necessary to address underlying anatomical issues or chronic conditions. Common ENT surgeries performed by specialists in Singapore include septoplasty, functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), and tympanoplasty.
Allergy Management: For patients with allergic rhinitis or other allergic conditions, allergy management strategies may be employed to minimise exposure to allergens and reduce symptom severity. This may include allergen avoidance measures, pharmacotherapy, or allergen immunotherapy.
Hearing Rehabilitation: Individuals with hearing loss may benefit from hearing aids, cochlear implants, or bone-anchored hearing devices to improve auditory function and enhance communication abilities. ENT specialists work closely with audiologists to assess hearing needs and recommend appropriate interventions.
Voice Therapy: Patients with voice disorders or swallowing difficulties may undergo voice therapy or swallowing rehabilitation to improve vocal quality and swallowing function. Speech-language pathologists collaborate with ENT specialists to develop individualised treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs.
ENT specialists in Singapore are at the forefront of diagnosing and treating a wide range of ear, nose, and throat conditions. Through a combination of advanced diagnostic techniques, evidence-based treatments, and compassionate care, these specialists strive to improve the health and well-being of their patients. Whether managing common issues such as ear infections and sinusitis or addressing complex conditions like hearing loss and vocal cord disorders, ENT specialists play a pivotal role in optimising patient outcomes and enhancing quality of life. If you are experiencing any symptoms related to the ear, nose, or throat, it is essential to seek evaluation and treatment from a qualified ENT specialist in Singapore.
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For expert evaluation and treatment of ear, nose, and throat conditions, contact ENT Surgeons.
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