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fitandcure1 ยท 3 months ago
Are you struggling with acid reflux or heartburn? Managing your gut health is key to finding relief. Here are the 5 best foods to support your gut and ease : Oatmeal โ€“ A fiber-rich option to soothe your stomach. Bananas โ€“ Naturally alkaline, they help combat acidity. Ginger โ€“ Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it aids digestion. Green Leafy Vegetables โ€“ Low in fat and sugar, they promote gut health. Melons (Watermelon or Musk Melon) โ€“ Both are hydrating and gentle on the stomach. Add these foods to your diet and take a step toward a healthier, happier you! . . To Get Customized Diet Plan for Fitness Goal ๐Ÿ“ž 9711528162 ๐Ÿ“ง [email protected]
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evaruths ยท 5 years ago
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I Care Post: auto immune booster with EpiCor & Turmeric! supplement ingredient strengthens the immune system for better overall health. So, how does EpiCor benefit your daily health? Published studies show EpiCor helps people live more healthy days by: ... Supporting good digestive health. #autoimmunehealth #beyourondoctorandgettoknowyourbody#epicorlife #turmericsupplements #healthisthenewwealth #b12vitamins #buildupyourbodynaturally #buildgoodhabits #fighttostayhealthy #digestiveistheway #bewellstaywell #fighttobewell #veganvitamins #immunesystemboosting #fightforyourhealthandfitness #healthygutfood #meandhealthyfamily #journeytowellbeing #gethealthyatanyage #boostyourautoimmunesystem #arbonne #vitaminsarelife #listentoyourbodysneeds #fightingforhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B8LyTCRnLb4/?igshid=161a5p0c10v78
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mysunshinedays-blog1 ยท 6 years ago
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Plastic free July favourites ๐Ÿ™ŒI bloody love goji berries and we stock them plastic free of course ๐Ÿ™Œ , fabulously filled with goodness as Goji berries are very nutritious being high in fiber, protein and a range of vitamins and minerals including iron, copper, selenium and vitamins A and C. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘ŒAlso containing all 8 essential amino acids ๐Ÿ™Œ Little fact - A single 4 ounce serving provides nearly 10 percent of your daily value for protein. For fruit, this is a surprising amount of protein ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ See you today 11-4 for all your plastic free essentials from lifestyle changes onto over 160 package free food options #superfoods #fruits #healthlygut #trainingfoods #healthygutfoods #zerowastestore #zerowastedesign #noplastic #newbusiness #local #supportlocal #exeterindie #forestreet #independentshop #plasticfree #plasticfreeoceans #interior-design #pantrygoals #chemicalfree #zerowastehome #shoplocal #savetheoceans #organicfood (at Chuquy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzm4QZtA7s4/?igshid=13hxmx5drjk05
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kipsplace ยท 8 years ago
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I love this Green Rooibos tea from Numi ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿต #numiorganictea #organicteas #greenrooibos #greenrooibostea #healthygutfoods #teatimeโ˜•๏ธ
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mywellnessbuilding ยท 5 years ago
These 8 AMAZING broccoli benefits could change your life
8 amazing ways broccoli benefits your body. wait till you see no. 3! #broccolibenefits #broccoli #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #ketodiet #superfoods #healingwithfood #highfibrefood #healthygutfood #foodsthatnourish #healingfoods #healingfood #cancer
Good ole broccoli! This is one of my favorite cooked vegetables.ย  Well, some love it and others hate it.ย  However, whether you like it or not, broccoli is one of the most nutritionally potent veggies there is. In this article, Iโ€™ll continue to provide the many ways that broccoli benefits the entire body.
1. itโ€™s Full Of calcium
Broccoli actually has more calcium than milk.ย  A lack ofโ€ฆ
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evaruths ยท 5 years ago
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I Care Post: auto immune booster with EpiCor & Turmeric! This supplement ingredient strengthens the immune system for better overall health. So, how does EpiCor benefit your daily health? Published studies show EpiCor helps people live more healthy days by: ... Supporting good digestive health. #autoimmunehealth #beyourondoctorandgettoknowyourbody#epicorlife #turmericsupplements #healthisthenewwealth #b12vitamins #buildupyourbodynaturally #buildgoodhabits #fighttostayhealthy #digestiveistheway #bewellstaywell #fighttobewell #veganvitamins #immunesystemboosting #fightforyourhealthandfitness #healthygutfood #meandhealthyfamily #journeytowellbeing #gethealthyatanyage #boostyourautoimmunesystem #arbonne #vitaminsarelife #listentoyourbodysneeds #fightingforhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B8LxioqnQEI/?igshid=6160wo81qvdx
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kipsplace ยท 8 years ago
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A quick tuna and guac lunch with Late July line chips and sliced bell peppers ๐Ÿ˜š #fitfoodie #happyfood #healthygut #foodfanatic #foodloves #foodlove #leanprotein #rawfoods #rawfoodie #raweating #nourishment #nourishingfood #nourishingfoods #wholefoodsdiet #wholefoodlife #wholefoodeating #wholefoodliving #wholefoodsmarket #wfmknoxville #wholefoodwellness #localfoods #realfood #naturalfoods #noinflamation #cleandiet #cleaneatz #latejulysnacks #latejulyorganic #eggs #healthygutfoods #greenfood #healthygutfoods
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