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rameshparsana · 25 days ago
થાઈરોઈડ ની સમસ્યા
થાઇરોઇડની સમસ્યા હવે સામાન્ય થવા લાગી છે અને આ સાથે જ એ પ્રશ્ન ઉદ્દભવે છે કે થાઇરોઇડમાં ડાયેટ કેવું હોવું જોઇએ. સામાન્ય રીતે થાઇરોઇડમાં શું ખાવું અને શું ન ખાવું તે જાણતા પહેલા જરૂરી છે કે થાઇરોઇડની માહિતી અને તેના કારણે થતી પરેશાનીઓ શું હોઇ શકે છે. થાઇરોઇડ હકિકતમાં એક એન્ડોક્રાઇન ગ્લેન્ડ છે જે બટરફ્લાઇ આકારનું હોય છે અને તે ગળામાં આવેલું હોય છે. તેમાંથી થાઇરોઇડ હૉર્મોન નિકળે છે જે શરીરમાં…
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ourhealthyhealthyblog · 6 years ago
📞Call us on +91 8800644744 to Take FREE Tele consultation...
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spoilersgr · 4 years ago
Η Ζωή Ράπτη, η νέα υφυπουργός Υγείας με αρμοδιότητες την ψυχική υγεία και τις εξαρτήσεις, διαθέτει μεγάλη εμπειρία στα κοινά, καθώς διετέλεσε για 16 χρόνια μέλος στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση και συγκεκριμένα πρόεδρος Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου και αντιδήμαρχος Ψυχικού και μέλος της Γ.Σ. της ΚΕΔΕ. Συνέντευξη στη Νεφέλη Βαρθαλίτη Η υφυπουργός μιλάει στην εφημερίδα «Health4U» για την πανδημία και το κατά πόσον αυτή επηρέασε την ψυχική υγεία των πολιτών. Αναφέρεται, επίσης, στα σχέδια του υπουργείου για τη στήριξη αυτών που έχουν ανάγκη λόγω της τωρινής ελληνικής πραγματικότητας. Ποιες είναι οι προτεραιότητες που σκοπεύετε να θέσετε σε εφαρμογή για την άμεση αντιμετώπιση των ψυχικά νοσούντων; Εμείς έχουμε θέσει τέσσερις βασικούς στόχους: Α) Να σχεδιάσουμε και να εφαρμόσουμε συνεκτικές πολιτικές και στρατηγικές αξιοποιώντας την τεχνολογική εξέλιξη. Β) Να αξιοποιήσουμε με τον πλέον αποδοτικότερο τρόπο τους υπάρχοντες πόρους με όρους διαφάνειας και να εξασφαλίσουμε νέους. Γ) Να παρέχουμε αποτελεσματικές υπηρεσίες σ’ αυτούς που τις έχουν ανάγκη. Δ) Να συμβάλουμε ουσιαστικά στην επανένταξη των ατόμων με ψυχικές διαταραχές σε όλους τους τομείς της κοινωνικής ζωής. Φυσικά, είναι αναγκαία η αξιολόγηση της ποιότητας των υπηρεσιών ψυχικής υγείας, ώστε οι δομές να ανταποκρίνονται με τον καλύτερο τρόπο στις ανάγκες των ασθενών. Η πανδημία Covid-19 και η οικονομική κρίση έφεραν στο προσκήνιο θέματα όπως η αύξηση της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας, η κατανάλωση φαρμάκων, αλκοόλ κ.λπ. Θεωρείτε ότι το υπουργείο Υγείας θα πρέπει να προχωρήσει πιο επιθετικά σε επίπεδο πρόληψης και με ποιον τρόπο; Πράγματι, σύμφωνα με τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας, η ενδοοικογενειακή βία, είτε στρέφεται εναντίον συζύγου είτε εναντίον παιδιού, έχει την τάση να αυξάνεται σε περιόδους κρίσης, ειδικά υπό το κρ��τος των συγκεκριμένων αυστηρών μέτρων περιορισμού των μετακινήσεων και εγκλεισμού στο σπίτι, που ετέθησαν σε εφαρμογή για να αναχαιτίσουν τη μετάδοση του νέου κορονοϊού. Παράλληλα, η αλήθεια είναι πως παρατηρούνται νέες μορφές εξάρτησης και μικρότερος μέσος όρος ηλικίας των εξαρτημένων. Έτσι, είναι η επιτακτική η ανάγκη για επιπλέον ενημέρωση με σκοπό την αντιμετώπιση της προκατάληψης, του φόβου και της άγνοιας. Στόχος μας είναι να ενισχυθούν τα προγράμματα για έγκαιρη διάγνωση στα πρώιμα στάδια των εξαρτήσεων. Προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή, θέσαμε σε 24ωρη λειτουργία την τηλεφωνική γραμμή ψυχοκοινωνικής υποστήριξης 10306, ώστε να παρέχεται σε όλους τους συμπολίτες μας που έχουν ανάγκη ένα παράθυρο διαλόγου, συμβουλών και ελπίδας. Η επικοινωνία με τους ειδικούς ενισχύει την ελπίδα και το αίσθημα ασφάλειας, μειώνει τον φόβο και το άγχος, αποτελεί διέξοδο στη μοναξιά και στο αίσθημα της απομόνωσης, ενώ ταυτόχρονα πραγματοποιούνται παραπομπές σε εξειδικευμένες υπηρεσίες ψυχικής υγείας μετά την αρχική διαχείριση των σχετικών κλήσεων. Γίνονται προσπάθειες από το υπουργείο για την προστασία των ευάλωτων ομάδων από την πανδημία. Σε αυτές τις ευάλωτες ομάδες εντάσσονται και τα άτομα με προβλήματα εξάρτησης. Η επιρροή και οι επιπτώσεις της πανδημίας έχουν επιφέρει αλλαγές στις δομές πρόληψης και απεξάρτησης, οι οποίες προσπαθούν να ανταποκριθούν στις απαιτήσεις που δημιουργούνται από τις νέες συνθήκες. Ωστόσο, η ήδη επιβαρυμένη κατάσταση των δομών αυτών και η δυσχέρεια κάλυψης των αναγκών τους υπάρχουν εδώ και χρόνια λόγω της έλλειψης προσωπικού. Υπάρχει πλά��ο για την επίλυσή τους; Κατ’ αρχάς, θα πρέπει να ξεκαθαρίσουμε ότι κάθε αλλαγή, κάθε παρέμβαση στον τομέα της Ψυχικής Υγείας θα πρέπει να γίνει ομαλά, ώστε να υπάρξει συνέχεια στη φροντίδα των ασθενών. Ειδικότερα, ως προς τον τομέα των εξαρτήσεων, οι βασικές προτεραιότητές μας είναι: ο περιορισμός των νόμιμων εξαρτήσεων (ουσίες, τζόγος, αλκοόλ, Διαδίκτυο κ.ά.) σε όλη την επικράτεια, η προσαρμοσμένη εφαρμογή πρόληψης στις ανάγκες των νέων και των ευάλωτων πληθυσμιακών ομάδων υψηλού κινδύνου (πρόσφυγες, μετανάστες, Ρομά κ.ά.), η έγκαιρη διάγνωση και παρέμβαση στους νέους για τις αρνητικές συνέπειες της χρήσης ουσιών και η διασφάλιση θεραπείας για όλους τους εξαρτημένους. Παράλληλα, στον προγραμματισμό μας εντάσσεται η υλοποίηση προγραμμάτων προαγωγής της ψυχικής υγείας σε συνεργασία με πανεπιστημιακούς φορείς, ΑμΚΕ και το ΚΕΘΕΑ, και η ψηφιοποίηση των λειτουργιών. Υπάρχει σχέδιο στρατηγικής για τα άτομα που πάσχουν από άνοια και τους φροντιστές τους το οποίο θα συμβάλει στο να βελτιωθεί η ποιότητα της καθημερινότητάς τους και θα εξομαλύνει σε κάποιον βαθμό τις δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν από τις συνέπειες της πανδημίας; Μια πολύ σημαντική απόφαση που αφορά τους εργαζομένους όλων των στεγαστικών δομών είναι η πραγματοποίηση -δωρεάν- υποχρεωτικού μοριακού ελέγχου στις μονάδες ψυχοκοινωνικής αποκατάστασης. Πρόκειται για στεγαστικές δομές και δομές των μελών της Ένωσης Ψυχιατρικών Κλινικών Ελλάδος. Επεξεργαζόμαστε σχέδιο νόμου για τα δικαιώματα των ατόμων που πάσχουν από άνοια όσο και των περιθαλπόντων τους. Το καλοκαίρι ο πρωθυπουργός σάς έδειξε έμπρακτα την εμπιστοσύνη του τοποθετώντας σας στο πιο σημαντικό, εκ των συγκυριών, υπουργείο της χώρας. Νιώθετε σε αυτούς τους πρώτους δύο μήνες ενεργειών σας πως έχετε ανταποκριθεί στις πραγματικά πολύπλοκες απαιτήσεις του ρόλου σας; Η σχέση μου με τον τομέα της Υγείας δεν ξεκινά ασφαλώς από την ανάληψη των καθηκόντων μου. Έχω ασχοληθεί εις βάθος με τα προβλήματα και τις ανάγκες της Υγείας, διαθέτω πείρα στον τομέα της Υγείας, καθώς τα προηγούμενα χρόνια υπηρέτησα ως νομικός στην Επιτροπή Προμηθειών Υγείας, και γνωρίζω, από μέσα, τον τρόπο λειτουργίας του ΕΣΥ, καθώς και τις ανάγκες που έχουν τα ψυχιατρικά νοσοκομεία και οι ψυχιατρικές κλινικές εντός των γενικών νοσοκομείων, οι υγειονομικές περιφέρειες, τα κέντρα ψυχικής υγείας και ούτω καθ’ εξής. Αμέσως μετά την ορκωμοσία μου επισκέφθηκα το Ψυχιατρικό Νοσοκομείο Αττικής (Δαφνί), το Δρομοκαΐτειο, την Ψυχιατρική Κλινική του Νοσοκομείου «Σωτηρία», και πραγματοποίησα συναντήσεις με εκ��ροσώπους των φορέων Υγείας, καθώς επιθυμώ να καταγράψω τις ανάγκες και να δω «ιδίοις όμμασιν» τα προβλήματα, ώστε να δοθούν άμεσα λύσεις. Θεωρώ ότι προϋπόθεση για κάθε πολιτικό πρόσωπο είναι να γνωρίζει από πρώτο χέρι τον κλάδο αρμοδιότητάς του. Ασφαλώς, σήμερα, οι ανάγκες παροχής υπηρεσιών Ψυχικής Υγείας, και λόγω της πανδημίας του κορονοϊού, έχουν αυξηθεί σημαντικά. Σκοπεύουμε αυτές τις έκτακτες καταστάσεις που έχουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε να τις διαχειριστούμε όσο το δυνατόν πιο αποτελεσματικά με την ενίσχυση των δομών ψυχικής υγείας για τις περιπτώσεις που χρήζουν εσωτερικής νοσηλείας, αλλά και για τις περιπτώσεις των συνανθρώπων μας από τον γενικό πληθυσμό που χρειάζονται συμβουλές σε ζητήματα ψυχικής υγείας και δυσχεραίνουν την εύρυθμη λειτουργία του βίου τους. Η μετάβαση από την Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση στην κεντρική πολιτική σκηνή είναι μια ομαλή διαδικασία για έναν φιλόδοξο πολιτικό; Ποια είναι τα πολεμοφόδια που αποκτήσατε από τη θητεία σας στον Δήμο Ψυχικού και στην ΚΕΔΕ και πώς οραματίζεστε την πολιτική σας καριέρα την επόμενη δεκαετία; Ως αυτοδιοικητική, επί 16 χρόνια, έμαθα να βάζω στόχους και να εργάζομαι για την πραγμάτωσή τους όσο υψηλοί κι αν ήταν. Από τα πρώτα χρόνια της πολιτικής μου δραστηριοποίησης έμαθα να συνεργάζομαι με όρους ειλικρίνειας και εμπιστοσύνης τόσο με τους συναδέλφους μου όσο και με τους συμπολίτες μου, με τους οποίους συνεργάστηκα σε καθημερινή βάση για την επίλυση των προβλημάτων τους. Αυτή ήταν η μόνη και πραγματική δύναμη και ουσιαστική εμπειρία που είχα όταν ξεκίνησα και που συνεχίζω να έχω. Βέβαια, υπάρχει ένα πολύ ισχυρό κίνητρο που έχουμε όσοι υπηρετούμε αυτή την κυβέρνηση, από οποιαδήποτε θέση: είναι η πίστη μας στο μεταρρυθμιστικό έργο του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη και της κυβέρνησης της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και η ανάγκη να διαμορφώσουμε την Ελλάδα που οραματίζεται κάθε Έλληνας, την Ελλάδα του μέλλοντος. Η πολιτική καριέρα δεν είναι αυτοσκοπός για εμένα. Αυτοσκοπός είναι η υλοποίηση του οράματος που σας περιέγραψα και κίνητρό μου η αγάπη για την πατρίδα.
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irkallu-blog · 7 years ago
In this Video we let you know about Treatment and Prevention of Gout Home Remedies For Gout Uric Acid Treatment "A patient's gout will not get better until they start taking uric-acid-lowering drugs. Patients need to know that their serum uric acid level should be below the target of 6 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). While gout cannot be cured, it can be better managed, or even controlled completely, with the right medications and lifestyle choices," Edwards said. Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: What is Gout or Gouty Arthritis? https://youtu.be/-NUBW2lS1P0 Top 10 Causes of GOUT: Factors Susceptible to Gout https://youtu.be/xLpUAPUMVtg Top 10 Common Symptoms of Gout https://youtu.be/A7xl0cpnIlc What Are The Test and Diagnosis of Gout? https://youtu.be/Gan9FYYb_2k Treatment and prevention of Gout https://youtu.be/Zxhp8_eR3dA Gout: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment https://youtu.be/VRvAZ93jI68 In most cases, long-term medications for lowering uric acid will be used to treat gout and prevent flares gout. "Generally, patients with gout will need to be on these drugs for life. If they stay on them over time, their gout symptoms and risk of deformity or disability will be greatly decreased," Edwards added. The painful symptoms of gout can be alleviated by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can reduce both pain and inflammation around the joints, according to the University of Maryland. Depending on the severity of the flare-ups, patients can be treated with over-the-counter NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve) or with prescription-strength painkillers such as indomethacin (available under the trade name Indocin). Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, can be injected directly into the affected joints for relief within a few hours, according to Health4u. However, despite their effectiveness, corticosteroids must be used sparingly, because they can weaken bones or poor wound healing. Another pain reliever commonly used to reduce gout pain is colchicine. It is most effective when taken within the first 12 hours of symptoms, according to NIAMS. Once the flare-up subsides, the doctor may prescribe low, daily doses of colchicine to ward off future attacks. Beyond medications, patients can also control the frequency of flare-ups through exercise and diet adjustments. Because uric acid is created during the digestion and breakdown of purines, patients can reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood by avoiding high-purine foods such as anchovies, asparagus, dried beans and peas, mushrooms and organ meats (such as livers and kidneys). The Health4u also suggests that patients should drink more water and less alcohol, because alcohol can raise the level of uric acid in the blood. gout treatment, gout diet, gout surgery, gout pain, Gout symptoms, arthritis, gout remedies, home remedies for gout, what is gout, gout relief, gout causes, trearment for gout, gout home remedies, how to cure gout, gout treatment for pain, high uric acid how to get rid of gout, uric acid treatment, gout cure, gout paid relief, gout natural remedy fast, How to reduce uric acid, gout treatment at home, Foods to avoid with gout
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fae5864705333889-blog · 7 years ago
Barca Seeking 8.5 Thousand Off Neymar Over Contract Breach Yahoo7 Updates.
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marketingcomcaio · 5 years ago
Dá para emagrecer com o pilates?
Não é de hoje que o pilates caiu no gosto das pessoas. Mas uma coisa é certa: parece que ele não vai sair de moda t��o cedo. A prática, considerada uma das mais democráticas de todas, quase não tem restrição de idade e condicionamento (jovens, adultos e idosos de todos os tipos físicos são bem-vindos). Contudo, por ser de baixo impacto e não fazer a gente suar tanto, muita gente tem um certo preconceito e até ceticismo sobre seus reais efeitos. Afinal, ele emagrece ou não?
Segundo a especialista em biomecânica do pilates Jéssica Roberta Silva, da Health4u Academia, esse não é exatamente o principal objetivo da atividade. “Por gerar um baixo gasto calórico, a gente não pode afirmar que o pilates é suficiente para a perda de peso. Por outro lado, ele é capaz de definir o corpo todo. E se somarmos isso a uma alimentação equilibrada e atividades aeróbias, podemos sim provocar o emagrecimento.”
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Fitness“Sinto dor no quadril. O pilates é a melhor opção para tratar o problema?”14 jul 2018 - 06h07
FitnessTreino de pilates de Glenda Kozlowski para ganhar força e disposição23 maio 2018 - 14h05
Sem contar os outros inúmeros benefícios proporcionados pelas sessões. “Apenas para citar alguns, temos o fortalecimento dos músculos, alinhamento da coluna vertebral e consequente melhora da postura, do equilíbrio e da flexibilidade. Além de proteção das articulações, ajuda na respiração, mais concentração, controle mental, coordenação e consciência corporal”, explica a instrutora. Ufa!
E a ciência não só parece concordar com tudo isso como ainda acrescenta mais. Um estudo feito na Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), por exemplo, estudou voluntárias mulheres, sedentárias e hipertensas e apontou que o pilates pode reduzir a pressão e consequentemente diminuir os riscos de AVC. Já outra, da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, detectou que as mulheres idosas que praticavam o pilates, além serem mais flexíveis e fortes, também tinham uma visão mais otimista da vida do que mulheres sedentárias da mesma faixa etária. Já te convencemos a testar uma aula? Então vem saber mais sobre:
O que é pilates?
O método de exercícios que une fortalecimento com flexibilidade tem como base os seguintes princípios: concentração, controle, respiração e movimentos fluidos. Bem no estilo da yoga, não é mesmo?
Mas diferentemente da prática milenar asiática, o pilates foi criado pelo alemão Joseph Hubertus Pilates, “que teve complicações respiratórias desde a infância. Por conta dos seus problemas de saúde, fez a junção de vários exercícios com base na observação de animais e bebês”, afirma Jéssica. Esse tipo de condicionamento criado por ele foi denominado contrologia.
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FitnessAcro Yoga: saiba mais sobre a prática que conquistou as famosas26 jun 2014 - 22h06
FitnessComo escolher peças confortáveis para praticar ioga e pilates10 jun 2017 - 08h06
Como funciona?
Os exercícios são realizados através de uma expiração forçada, e assim estimulam o recrutamento de músculos muito profundos do corpo. “É como uma ativação de dentro para fora. Os estímulos isométricos (aqueles que exigem de uma região sem precisar de movimentos) e até os mais dinâmicos reforçam a mobilidade, força e pedem concentração”, diz. Foco, aliás, é uma coisa que você precisa ter: Jéssica afirma que a aula deve ser feita com o abdômen contraído a todo momento.
E como são feitas as sessões de pilates?
Individuais ou coletivas, as aulas são sempre supervisionadas por um instrutor, que avalia a necessidade dos alunos e ministra os exercícios adequados para cada um. O professor monitora sempre a postura de execução e a respiração, que podem facilitar os muitos movimentos realizados nos aparelhos de pilates (Cadillac, Reformer, Chair, ou Lader Barrel). Fala-se em três momentos:
Aquecimento: “a primeira parte da aula é para o aquecimento e alongamento dos músculos com exercícios preparatórios.”
Principal: “quando os alunos executam os exercícios específico de acordo com suas necessidades e limitações.”
Encerramento: “no último momento, o objetivo é melhorar a consciência corporal, prestar atenção na sua respiração relaxar corpo e mente. São alguns minutos para organização do organismo como um todo.”
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Fitness8 passos para começar a praticar ioga sozinha e com segurança20 fev 2018 - 17h02
Dá para emagrecer com o pilates? Publicado primeiro em https://boaforma.abril.com.br/
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eathealthylivefree · 5 years ago
Amazing Aquafaba
Have you heard of aquafaba? This trendy new ingredient is actually a staple item in many of our pantries, although most of us tend to toss it down the drain. Aquafaba is the combination of two Latin words: aqua (water) and fava (beans). It is the liquid from canned beans, which, for years, nutrition professionals have recommended consumers drain, rinse and discard. However, a couple of years ago, a vegan American software engineer discovered that aquafaba could be whipped and used as an egg replacer in meringues, macaroons and mousses. Now, aquafaba is popular not only among the vegan community; it appeals to:
Individuals with egg allergies
Individuals trying to reduce food waste
Individuals with compromised immune systems – aquafaba poses a lower food safety risk than eggs because it is less likely to be contaminated with Salmonella, and it does not need to be baked prior to consumption
Individuals trying to reduce calorie intake – each tablespoon of aquafaba contains only 3-5 calories (although dietitians point out that it also contains minimal nutrients compared to the higher calorie egg)
Aquafaba can also be used in place of eggs in various dishes- from pancakes and waffles to baked goods, quiche and mayonnaise. Like eggs, aquafaba acts as a binder, thickener and emulsifier in cooking and baking.
When using aquafaba as an egg replacement, roughly three tablespoons is equivalent to one whole egg, and two tablespoons is equivalent to one egg white. The following tips can also contribute to your success when using aquafaba in place of eggs in your cooking:
If using aquafaba as a binder or to replace whole eggs (as in a quiche or most baked goods), whip the liquid with a fork until just foamy prior to use.
If making a meringue or mousse, whip the liquid with 1 teaspoon cream of tartar for 5–10 minutes until stiff peaks form.
Keep in mind that if you or someone in your household is sensitive to bean sugars, aquafaba may not be the best ingredient for you. Although the amount of aquafaba in most recipes is minimal, it may still cause gastrointestinal distress or flatulence and should be used cautiously by those with bean sugar sensitivities.
Ready to give aquafaba a try? Just substitute for eggs in your favorite dish- or, for a special treat, see this recipe for aquafaba chocolate mousse from the Michigan State University Health4U program.
  Written by: Jenny Lobb, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Franklin County, [email protected]
Reviewed by: Michelle Treber, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Pickaway County, [email protected]
Aquafaba Admin (2016). The Official Aquafaba Website. http://aquafaba.com/
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach (2017). Aquafaba… The Magical Bean Juice. https://blogs.extension.iastate.edu/wellness/2017/11/14/aquafabathe-magical-bean-juice/
Levinson, J. (2017). Aquafaba’s Versatility. Today’s Dietitian; 19(9), 36. http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/0917p36.shtml
from Live Healthy Live Well https://ift.tt/2LDUnXM
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paginasiguiente-blog · 7 years ago
Check this video which include 23 Early Signs of Pregnancy and Early Symptoms of Pregnancy Signs The signs and symptoms of pregnancy are numerous. Speculation is massive at this time, and you should probably pay close attention to things such as missed periods followed by a full range of body changes to determine whether or not you have a baby on board. So, what signals does the body give to tell you that you are pregnant? Health4u enlists those signs that can confirm your pregnancy without going for a pregnancy test. How To Confirm Pregnancy Without A Test (Common Signs And Symptoms) 1. Missed periods 2. Spotting 3. Nausea and vomiting 4. Bloating 5. Sore breasts and tingly nipples 6. Frequent urination 7. Back pain 8. Headaches 9. Irritability or mood swings 10. Food aversions/cravings 11. Fatigue and sleeplessness What Are Other Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy? 12. Bleeding gums 13. Palmar Erythema 14. Nasal congestion 15. High basal body temperature 16. Low sexual desire 17. Pigmentation 18. Dark line of hair on the body 19. Acne 20. Itching sensation on the skin 21. Spider veins 22. Dry skin 23. Enlargement of uterus Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: How To Check For Pregnancy At Home? https://youtu.be/GSmGyInsyZY What Are Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy? https://youtu.be/5HR146oj5Hw Pregnancy Signs And Symptoms Without Doing A Test https://youtu.be/huY0B0phlHY These are some of the tell-tale signs of pregnancy. While some symptoms can be seen immediately, most others may initially go unnoticed. If you experience a combination of the signs mentioned above and are not sure whether you are pregnant, you may then go for a home pregnancy test or speak to your doctor about it. early pregnancy symptoms am i pregnant pregnancy signs before missed period
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daveeliasonsellsnh-blog1 · 7 years ago
In this Video health4u Proves Earliest Pregnancy Signs, Symptoms and Causes Pregnancy Morning Sickness Complete Solution of (natural remedies) What causes nausea and vomiting during pregnancy? Your nausea is caused by high levels of pregnancy hormones flooding your body. It’s very common. Up to nine out of 10 pregnant women experience nausea or vomiting. Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: What Causes Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy? https://youtu.be/eit5H8HJy2Q How To Prevent Nausea in Pregnancy? https://youtu.be/yxrlp4005YE Therapies For Morning Sickness Which Really Works https://youtu.be/KWqiJg1aIWM Herbal Remedies Pregnancy Sickness https://youtu.be/HiwYoTm7vEo Complete Solution of Pregnancy Morning Sickness https://youtu.be/ARDSvkPBtNI If you have very severe sickness and struggle to keep down even water, see your midwife as soon as you can. How can I prevent nausea? It is difficult to prevent sickness completely. It is a natural and normal part of pregnancy. However, you may be able to stop it from becoming a major problem. Relaxation and complementary therapies may help you to reduce your stress levels. Get plenty of rest and consider taking time off work. Eat little and often. Plain foods such as potatoes, pasta, rice, and dry crackers are often easier to stomach. Work out which foods make your symptoms worse. Rich, fried, fatty or highly spiced foods are common triggers for many women. Try to have foods rich in vitamin B6, such as avocado, bananas and chicken. Taking a vitamin B supplement may also reduce your nausea if you can swallow the pills, but they probably won’t prevent you from vomiting. Always talk to your midwife before taking supplements in pregnancy. Which complementary therapies could help? Unfortunately, we can’t say for sure that any complementary therapies will help you with morning sickness. Acupressure and acupuncture There’s some evidence that acupressure, and to a lesser extent acupuncture, may help you to tolerate your sickness better. These are safe to try, although the evidence is not strong that they actually work. Make sure that the button in the band is placed on the acupuncture point. To locate this: Aromatherapy Aromatherapy may relax you, but the smell of the oils could make your nausea worse. Try a few to see if they help. Essential oils that may relieve your nausea include: Herbal remedies Fresh ginger or ginger teas are often claimed to ease pregnancy sickness, and experts agree they're worth trying. However, it depends on how sensitive you are to certain smells and flavours. Ginger may make your symptoms worse or give you heartburn. According to Chinese medicine, ginger is a hot (yang) remedy. So it may make your sickness worse if you are already too hot. Ginger may suit you if you: 1: like to wrap yourself up in layers of clothing and blankets 2: feel miserable, introspective and uninterested in your surroundings 3: feel and look cold 4: need hot drinks Ginger biscuits and ginger beer are not the answer, as these contain a lot of sugar, which can cause blood-sugar highs and lows, making you feel worse. Ginger biscuits do not have enough ginger to be effective. In Chinese medicine, peppermint is cold (yin). It may be suitable if you: 1: feel constantly hot and want to remove layers of clothing 2: want cool drinks 3: look hot and bothered and red-faced 4: feel irritable and hot-tempered Homeopathy There’s no good evidence that homeopathy works. But if you’d like to try it, make sure that you see a qualified, registered practitioner. Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy may work for you if your symptoms are made worse by stress, anxiety and fear, or other strong emotions. But there's little evidence that it’s effective in combating pregnancy sickness. Music app If movement, such as being in a car, makes your sickness worse, you could try an app to relieve sickness. The app contains music with pulsations that help to rebalance the fine, sensitive hearing mechanism in your inner ear. Reflexology Reflexology follows the principle that your feet represent a map of your body. The theory is that pressing certain points on your feet will help to ease your symptoms. There’s no strong evidence that reflexology works to treat nausea or any other condition, although you may find it a relaxing treatment. Pregnant, early pregnancy symptoms, nausea, signs of pregnancy, symptoms of pregnancy, am i pregnant, early signs of pregnancy, first signs of pregnancy, pregnancy week by week, Signs of early pregnancy, earliest signs of pregnancy, signs of pregnancy, signs of being pregnant, sign of pregnancy, early pregnancy signs, pregnancy calculator, pregnancy tips, 1st trimester, symptoms of being pregnant, causes of nusea, nausea in pregnancy, missed pregnancy, early sign of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting
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thefashioninsider-blog · 7 years ago
Health4u Provide you updates about Top 10 Hair Loss Causes, How to Stop Hair Loss? Hair Loss in Women When a person has gone through a shock or a change causing their body to alter its usual equilibrium, hair growth can be affected. This is not surprising because most, if not all, body systems can be affected by shock. So instead of the usual 85% growing and 15% ratio of hair loss and resting phases (club hairs), this order is reversed. The majority of hair can go into a telogen (resting) phase making the remaining 15-20% of hair do all the active work in rejuvenating hair volume and replacement. Common Causes for Hair Growth Slowing 1: Pregnancy 2: Childbirth 3: Lactation 4: A surgical operation 5: Illness, especially if there has been an elevated temperature 6: An accident 7: Hormonal influence, particularly a decrease or increase in the amount of oestrogen being produced 8: The contraceptive pill or other hormone based contraceptives 9: Some medications 10: Sudden weight loss 11: A sudden emotional shock 12: Dietary insufficiencies, in particular protein and Vitamin B6 Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: what causes hair loss during pregnancy? https://youtu.be/Yf4hMV2NRnw Causes of Changes in Hair Growth? https://youtu.be/xZwWkqmZS-8 Explanations for Hair Loss During Pregnancy https://youtu.be/vH3uHIIHoro Facts of General Hair Loss During Pregnancy https://youtu.be/VX8jMA9xqdQ What You Can Do About Hair Loss During Pregnancy https://youtu.be/ocXCa8tuYWY Hair Loss During Pregnancy Complete Solution https://youtu.be/SaeCbbtUaOU Two months is the general time frame between a major shock to the system and when hair loss becomes noticeable. The club hair is pushed out by new hairs coming up through the scalp. This isn’t all bad because essentially, as old hairs are falling out, new hairs are close behind. Similar to what happens when a baby tooth is lost and the new tooth is making room for its “pole” position.
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ourhealthyhealthyblog · 6 years ago
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aec7w6-blog · 7 years ago
In this Video we let you know about Treatment and Prevention of Gout Home Remedies For Gout Uric Acid Treatment "A patient's gout will not get better until they start taking uric-acid-lowering drugs. Patients need to know that their serum uric acid level should be below the target of 6 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). While gout cannot be cured, it can be better managed, or even controlled completely, with the right medications and lifestyle choices," Edwards said. Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: What is Gout or Gouty Arthritis? https://youtu.be/-NUBW2lS1P0 Top 10 Causes of GOUT: Factors Susceptible to Gout https://youtu.be/xLpUAPUMVtg Top 10 Common Symptoms of Gout https://youtu.be/A7xl0cpnIlc What Are The Test and Diagnosis of Gout? https://youtu.be/Gan9FYYb_2k Treatment and prevention of Gout https://youtu.be/Zxhp8_eR3dA Gout: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment https://youtu.be/VRvAZ93jI68 In most cases, long-term medications for lowering uric acid will be used to treat gout and prevent flares gout. "Generally, patients with gout will need to be on these drugs for life. If they stay on them over time, their gout symptoms and risk of deformity or disability will be greatly decreased," Edwards added. The painful symptoms of gout can be alleviated by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can reduce both pain and inflammation around the joints, according to the University of Maryland. Depending on the severity of the flare-ups, patients can be treated with over-the-counter NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve) or with prescription-strength painkillers such as indomethacin (available under the trade name Indocin). Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, can be injected directly into the affected joints for relief within a few hours, according to Health4u. However, despite their effectiveness, corticosteroids must be used sparingly, because they can weaken bones or poor wound healing. Another pain reliever commonly used to reduce gout pain is colchicine. It is most effective when taken within the first 12 hours of symptoms, according to NIAMS. Once the flare-up subsides, the doctor may prescribe low, daily doses of colchicine to ward off future attacks. Beyond medications, patients can also control the frequency of flare-ups through exercise and diet adjustments. Because uric acid is created during the digestion and breakdown of purines, patients can reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood by avoiding high-purine foods such as anchovies, asparagus, dried beans and peas, mushrooms and organ meats (such as livers and kidneys). The Health4u also suggests that patients should drink more water and less alcohol, because alcohol can raise the level of uric acid in the blood. gout treatment, gout diet, gout surgery, gout pain, Gout symptoms, arthritis, gout remedies, home remedies for gout, what is gout, gout relief, gout causes, trearment for gout, gout home remedies, how to cure gout, gout treatment for pain, high uric acid how to get rid of gout, uric acid treatment, gout cure, gout paid relief, gout natural remedy fast, How to reduce uric acid, gout treatment at home, Foods to avoid with gout
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advertisingrae-blog · 7 years ago
In this video we Will Discuss How to Reduce Uric Acid What Are The Test and Diagnosis of Gout? Gout Surgery While gout has painful and distinctive symptoms during flare-ups, its symptoms can be vague during other times. A doctor may extract a sample of joint fluid so it can be examined under a microscope for any presence of urate crystals, according to the NIAMS. Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: What is Gout or Gouty Arthritis? https://youtu.be/-NUBW2lS1P0 Top 10 Causes of GOUT: Factors Susceptible to Gout https://youtu.be/xLpUAPUMVtg Top 10 Common Symptoms of Gout https://youtu.be/A7xl0cpnIlc What Are The Test and Diagnosis of Gout? https://youtu.be/Gan9FYYb_2k Treatment and prevention of Gout https://youtu.be/Zxhp8_eR3dA Gout: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment https://youtu.be/VRvAZ93jI68 Certain joint infections can produce symptoms similar to gout. If an infection is suspected, the doctor may check joint fluid for bacteria. Blood tests can reveal the concentration of uric acid in the blood and further confirm the diagnosis. However, according to the Health4u, blood tests can be misleading, because some gout patients do not have an unusual level of uric acid in their blood, and some people with high levels of uric acid do not go on to develop gout. Other than a blood test and joint fluid tests, X-rays, ultrasounds and CT scans may be used to confirm a diagnosis.
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nekoashido-blog · 7 years ago
In this Video Health4u Provides you Women Hair Loss Types Top Causes of Women Hair Loss How to Stop Hair Loss in Women? Women Hair Fall Excessive or abnormal hair loss is known as alopecia, and there are several kinds. What all hair loss has in common, whether it's in men or women, is a symptom of something that's gone wrong in your body. Your hair will remain on your head where it belongs unless hormone imbalance, disease, or some other condition occurs. That condition may be as simple as having a gene that makes you susceptible to male or female pattern baldness or one of the forms of alopecia areata, or it may be as complex as a whole host of diseases. Fortunately, hair loss can be a symptom of a short-term event such as stress, pregnancy, disease, or medication, which can all alter hair's growth and shedding phases. In these situations, hair will grow back when the event has passed. Once the cause of the loss is addressed, hairs go back to their random pattern of growth and shedding, and your problem stops. Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: Women Hair Loss Types Top Causes of Women Hair Loss How to Stop Hair Loss in Women? Women Hair Fall https://youtu.be/YveZWmr3Tyg 22 Thinning Hair in Women Causes and Hair Loss Solutions Hair Loss Treatment Thinning Hair In Women https://youtu.be/12TpHNmlaR0 Hair Loss Home Remedies Hair Fall Treatment at Home Hair Loss In Women Hair Loss Home Remedies https://youtu.be/4ZnSQL-reAw 7 Hair Fall Remedies Hair Fall Treatment at Home How To Control Hair Fall? Hair Fall Treatment https://youtu.be/Ye1W7zw-Ybo Thinning Hair in Women Hair Loss and Thinning Hair Types Hair Thinning Treatment Female Hair Loss https://youtu.be/7s3kVfSKBg8 How to Control Hair Fall? Home Remedies for Hair Falling Out Tips Hair Fall Treatment at Home https://youtu.be/8GHL8UN-B8I The first two types of hair loss in women are associated with dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of the male hormone, testosterone. Androgenetic Alopecia The majority of women with androgenetic - also called androgenic - alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. (Men rarely have diffuse thinning but instead have more distinct patterns of baldness.) Some women have a combination of two pattern types. Androgenic alopecia in women is due to the action of androgens, male hormones that are typically present in only small amounts. Androgenic alopecia can be caused by a variety of factors tied to the actions of hormones, including some ovarian cysts, taking high androgen index birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause. Just as in men, the hormone DHT appears to be at least partially to blame for the miniaturization of hair follicles in women suffering with female pattern baldness. Heredity plays a major factor in the disease. About six weeks to three months after the stressful event, the shedding phenomenon called telogen effluvium may begin. It is possible to lose handfuls of hair at a time when in full-blown telogen effluvium. For most who suffer with this, complete remission is probable as long as severely stressful events can be avoided. For some women, however, telogen effluvium is a mysterious chronic disorder and can persist for months or even years without any true understanding of the triggering factors or stressors. Anagen Effluvium Anagen effluvium occurs after any insult to the hair follicle that impairs its cellular-level mitotic or metabolic activity. This hair loss is commonly associated with chemotherapy. Since chemotherapy targets rapidly dividing cancer cells, your body's other rapidly dividing cells -- such as hair follicles in the growing (anagen) phase -- are also greatly affected. Soon after chemotherapy begins, approximately 90% or more of hairs in the anagen phase can fall out. The characteristic finding in anagen effluvium is the tapered fracture of the hair shafts. The hair shaft narrows as a result of damage to the matrix. Eventually, the shaft fractures at the site of narrowing and causes the loss of hair. Alopecia Areata An inappropriate inflammatory reaction is behind alopecia areata. A person's own immune system attacks the roots of hair follicles. Symptoms include patchy shedding of hair, which sometimes develops quite suddenly. About 70% of patients recover their hair within two years, whether or not they receive treatment. Traction Alopecia This condition is caused by localized trauma to the hair follicles from tight hairstyles that pull at the hair over time. If the condition is detected early enough, the hair will regrow. Braiding, cornrows, tight ponytails, and extensions are the most common styling causes of traction alopecia.
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aveo123-blog1 · 7 years ago
In this video health4u provides you complete info About How to Get a Baby Boy? Natural Tips and Remedies, How to Get Pregnant With a Boy? In this beautiful chance, I will let you know about how to get baby boy naturally. It will be very useful for you if you want to have a son. You don't need to use any medical ways to be able to get the baby boy because you can get the baby boy naturally, if you know how to do it. In this article, the ways I give to you is really great ways because they can help you in making the reality to get the baby boy. Commonly, many couples want to have the first baby with the boy gender. For that, you should understand on how to get baby boy with the natural way to turn your hope into a reality. Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: How To Conceive A Baby Boy Naturally Get a Baby Boy With 7 Proven Ways https://youtu.be/W55y66wwsx0 3 Ways on How To Make a Baby Boy Naturally Ways How to Get a Baby Boy? https://youtu.be/6EH61dyyhUE 7 Proven Ways How To Get Pregnant With a Baby Boy? https://youtu.be/168Pzn7esjU How to Get a Baby Boy? Natural Tips and Remedies, How to Get Pregnant With a Boy? https://youtu.be/zBXAcr_VMhA How to Get a Baby Boy? Top 10 Tips How to Conceive a Baby Boy? https://youtu.be/Jr-LGADm7Zg How to Conceive a Baby Boy Naturally? How To Get Baby Boy Fast https://youtu.be/YGDCoDsKJ0g How To Get Pregnant Fast With a Baby Boy? How To Get Pregnant Naturally? https://youtu.be/FaE3wR3tC1I Some important ways to get the baby boy: 1 – Predictor Kit You can use this predictor kit to calculate your ovulation period. It is very important to be done because if you know when is your ovulation period, you can get the baby boy. You may have the big question about this. Some people didn't know about the relation between the ovulation period and the baby boy. Actually, from this way, you will know the time of the release of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). After you know the time of this LH, you should have the sex before the release of the hormone. If you do after the release of the LH, it will have the chance you get the baby girl because the sperm that can live longer is the girl sperm. You should have sex before the time of the ovulation. 2 – The Position of The Sex The fact, the sex position will affect the gender of the baby. This is because the penetration will affect the sperm distance to the cervix. If you want to have the baby boy, your partner should make the penetration deeper because the Y chromosome is quicker than the X chromosome, but it can live longer. Do you know what is Y chromosome? Well, every human has two chromosomes. Y chromosome comes to the boy, and then X chromosome is in the girl. 3 – Decrease The Acidity and pH The low acidity and pH will cause the baby boy. Actually, the sperm can't survive longer in the highly acid vagina. To know the acidity of your vagina, you can buy the pH test strip.This tool can be bought in the health food store. Using this tool is very easy because you can know the acidity of your vagina by taking the cervical mucus to put in this tool. If your vaginal pH is 7.5 until 9, it means that you have the good chance to have the baby boy. Then, to decrease the acidity and PH, you should consume some food that contains the alkaline. Those are cabbage, green beans, garlic, radish, spinach and the others. Those are the vegetables with the green leaves. You should avoid consume the acidic foods such as eggs, yogurt, cheese, milk, ice cream, and the others. However, you may consume the acidic food such as red meat, salty snacks and caffeine. These foods are very good because they help you to get the pregnant faster for the baby boy. Those are 3 ways on how to get baby boy naturally. Hopefully, it can be very useful.
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animecomio-blog1 · 7 years ago
In this Video We Will Explain Placenta Previa Types and Symptoms Placenta Previa Causes and Treatment Placenta Previa Delivery What Is Placenta Previa and its Risks? The placenta is an organ that grows inside the lining of your uterus during pregnancy. It connects to the umbilical cord and carries oxygen and nutrients from you to your unborn child. It also moves waste away from your baby. Don't forget to Subscribe our Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfb... For For Videos Follow Us on Twitter: Placenta Previa Natural Treatment Placenta Previa Home Remedies Naturally https://youtu.be/ASoRd_go_X8 Placenta Previa Treatment Placenta Previa Prevention Placenta Birth https://youtu.be/hdtvdibxDPk Placenta Previa Complications Placenta Previa Bleeding Delivery of Placenta https://youtu.be/Y4LtkAz6ld8 Placenta Previa Treatment Prevention of Placenta Previa Pregnancy Placenta Previa Bleeding https://youtu.be/pUTl9Yxv2BU Placenta Previa Symptoms Causes of Placenta Previa and its Symptom in Pregnancy https://youtu.be/aHVthMP5Rno What Is Placenta Previa and its Risks? Placenta Birth Delivering Placenta Previa Pregnancy https://youtu.be/K4zVKAkA9NQ Placenta Previa Types and Symptoms Placenta Previa Causes Pregnancy Treatment Placenta Delivery https://youtu.be/cj1XWupVebI Placenta previa happens when the placenta partly or completely covers the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus. Your baby passes from the uterus into the cervix and through the birth canal during a vaginal delivery. Normally, the placenta attaches toward the top of the uterus, away from the cervix. Here's what happens with placenta previa: As your cervix opens during labor, it can cause blood vessels that connect the placenta to the uterus to tear. This can lead to bleeding and put both you and your baby at risk. Nearly all women who have this condition will have to have a C-section to keep this from happening. What Are the Symptoms of Placenta Previa? It's possible you won't know you have placenta previa until your doctor finds it during a routine ultrasound. The most common sign is bright red bleeding from the vagina during the second half of your pregnancy. It can range from light to heavy, and it's often painless. But some women also have contractions with the bleeding. Bright red vaginal bleeding without pain during the second half of pregnancy is the main sign of placenta previa. Some women also have contractions. When to Contact Your Doctor Make an appointment if you have bleeding during your second or third trimester. If it's severe, go to the hospital. What is the treatment for placenta previa? What are possible complications of placenta previa? Can placenta previa be prevented? Placenta previa cannot typically be prevented. In some cases, risk factors for the development of placenta previa can be eliminated (such as smoking cessation). What is the prognosis (outlook) for placenta previa? The majority of women with placenta previa in developed countries will deliver healthy babies, and the maternal mortality (death) rate is less than 1%. In developing countries where medical resources may be lacking, the risks for mother and fetus may be higher. Natural Treatment for Placenta Previa What is Placenta Previa? Placenta previa occurs in about 1 out of every 250 pregnancies. Many times, previa is detected in the third trimester, but it's sometimes spotted at as early as 17 weeks, usually either in a routine ultrasound or because some bleeding or pain is occurring. In this condition the placenta lies low in the uterus and may grow to partially or completely cover the opening of the uterus, the cervix. There are two type of placenta previa – minor and major. Because of the risks, if you're planning a home birth, placenta previa will need to be resolved before your midwife will give the go ahead to birth at home. Chinese Medicine's Approach to Placenta Previa Debra Betts (2006) notes in her book,  Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth, Although it has been estimated that as many as 30% of placentas on ultrasound are positioned low at 20 weeks gestation, less than 1% require further monitoring by 32 weeks, with only a small proportion of these requiring any medical intervention. Traditional Chinese Medicine views placenta previa as "sinking Qi." Additional symptoms that such a patient may experience might include digestive complaints, frequent bruising, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and a tendency to depression. The goal of treatment is raise and fortify the Qi, stop bleeding, and calm the fetus. TCM Treatment for Placenta Previa TCM practitioners use two techniques in treatment for placenta previa:   herbal formulas and acupuncture. Usually, practitioners employ a combination of these two treatments, which provide a safe treatment option that can be effective in helping to resolve this condition in cases where the previa is minor. health4u
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