#health problema
amar-y--ya · 14 days
Me siento agotada física y mentalmente
y no se qué hacer para estar mejor.
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belinhagamer999 · 9 months
Alt Antimanicomial flag
[PT: Alt Antimanicomial flag /END PT]
This was originally made by @mad-pride
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[IMAGE ID: The flag displays a black silhouette of a hummingbird in flight centered against a background consisting of colorful horizontal stripes that create a rainbow effect. The stripes, which vary in width and exhibit color shades like blue, baby green, yellow, pink, and purple, run from left to right with a white stripe in the center and occupy the entire background, providing a stark contrast to the singular, sharply defined figure of the hummingbird. /END ID]
Colors are inspired by the original flag colors, differing only in tonality direction, and order.
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escaduma · 5 months
Minimizar sentimientos
¿Alguna vez te has sentido minimizado? ¿Qué algunas personas piensan que exageras lo que sientes o que eso no es nada?
A lo largo de mi vida muchas personas han intentado minimizar lo que siento, por un tiempo me lo creí, yo misma minimizaba lo que sentía y lo que me dañaba, yo misma me decía, como puedes estar mal por esto si otras personas están pasando por cosas peores esto no es nada...
Pasado el tiempo me di cuenta de que el minimizar lo que siento solo me hacía más daño, pues el guardarme lo que siento y el prohibirme sentirlo me hacía sentir que me ahogaba entre mis problemas, así que un día mire lo importante que es sacar a la luz lo que sientes y que llorar está bien, sentir está bien, que si hay otras personas que pasan cosas peores, pero eso no dice que tus sentimientos no sean menos importantes por los pequeños problemas que tienes, también son importantes, cualquier cosa que hace sentir mal es importante, porque él no darle la atención que se merece te sentirás peor, no dejes que nadie minimiza lo que sientes en el momento, ni mucho menos que te hagan creer que no mereces sentirlo porque es por un pequeño problema. Cuídate, date la importancia que mereces, porque si no nadie le dará la importancia que se merece.
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desperatepleasures · 3 months
kind of sad that I had to skip class today but it was the right choice...I was literally half-awake after literally just going on a short walk to the grocery store and then (after a short rest) chopping up vegetables for lunch. there was no f in way I was gonna get out there and I managed to get some basic chores done without harming myself because I chose to stay home.
still fucking sucks how often I have to choose between my physical health the hobby that brings me the most joy.
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denniroma · 2 years
Ojala las enfermedades mentales se curaran igual que las físicas o fisiológicas.
Ojalá fuera tan sencillo como tomar un medicamento para calmar el dolor del alma
Ojalá fuera tan sencillo como dejar de comer X cosa y parar todo el ruido mental
Ojalá fuera tan sencillo como hacerse unos análisis para saber qué pasa dentro de nuestro cerebro
Ojalá el proceso fuera más sencillo, rápido y menos doloroso
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artcalledoddities · 6 months
Whine Today’ve This actor diagnosed with a disease All the others never made in to lights Maybe if you weren’t to selfish You would have never got! This succulent Wine today I’m drinking Not eating rice And apple cider vinegar Poor chandeliers Poor What’s your last name Big star Some face the demise God treated you It’s all hopeless Over spiced Grand accounts Whine About the mishaps of you The wine is clear You didn’t sign enough autographs You charged For fans Lessons in your greeds showing up Upon your bodies Welcome doctored ignored advice Accept You should shucked more fans? You should plucked more fans? You should fucked more fans? Add the ‘ve Accepted diagnosis Hollywood Star Whine today from a Hollywood Star We should all care It’s thee important Neglected the Working Person’s We pay for you! Charge US for an autograph Except your medical problems Some legs are just cross crossed in breaking They find later A whine for Today For a Star Bob Paul Dude Cork screw it rightly tightly We have’ve Oddity swine Oddity swine whine It goes’a There (Again and again til closing) O I T O IT O’IT Own it (Until after closing) Poor fall more than Stars Bob Paul Dude Boe Engineered Oddity greased in placement Will pieces fall off? It’s only UR biochemistry involved And a crocidile teared Show the faces Serving Flights of America Serving Flights of America Serving Flights of America Served for flat America But it’s all really contoured Drink the wine whino’s Who wants drinks? In Flight Workers on strike Against Served drinks on Flights Minus doors Tired lost Pressure escaping Conspiracy ? Who would’ve thought! Today’ve whine Lots of winery All drink wine I’ll ill still Dead on the beach I was ill just stilled by the !
Plural Or now
Net the flix
Look at all the
Baby rain dear fans
Algorithms now newly classify
Thank you
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alexiapp · 8 months
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Make Time
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Warnings: Angst, light swearing words, talks of infidelity
summary: Your relationship has met an all time low.
no part 2.
side note: I kinda wrote this half asleep, so i wouldn’t doubt if this is shit and it might be a little corny but😭 I’ve been gone for a while i just needed a little mental health break but i’m back now !! i missed you all
You were on edge, you have completely lost yourself. You were a drowning mess of emotions.
You were struggling, mentally mostly.
The hardest part to grasp was that you were doing this all alone.
It seemed like your relationship was straining, like it was on its last thread and it had finally snapped. Alexia never seemed to be there, You understood that she had such a consistent schedule, but there was only so much you could take.
It started off with her coming home late, it bugged you.. badly. You knew it was just Alexia being Alexia..pushing herself and others and going above and beyond. You wanted to see her thrive and succeed in her career but it was hard to contain your feelings when all you wanted was her.
All you ever wanted was a partner to be there for you, to guide you, and help you through times like this.
You felt like a burden in her eyes..
You wish Alexia was there at night to help you through tuff evenings like these, to hold you and tell you that it was going to be okay…that you two were going to be okay.
Things only got worse when Alexia started skipping out on important things you planned.
You planned a special dinner between the two of you, to celebrate your anniversary of 3 years of you to being together. This brewed up a storm between you guys relationship dynamic, which you doubted the older woman even recognized.
Your last straw was when You realized Alexia couldn’t pull through when you asked for support in a situation.
You were having a special dinner regarding your job, you begged and begged alexia to show up for support.
“Alexia, please i know i’ve spoke about it a bunch of times but i really need you to be there, this is very important to me” You said with high emotions.
“I know cariño you’ve spoke about this plenty of times i hear you” Alexia said with a tired expression.
“Thank you, love. I appreciate it” You said walking over to hug the taller woman.
“no hay problema, amor” She said bringing one hand to wrapping around your body embracing you and kissing your head, as a deep sigh left her mouth.
Later that night she ended up going out with her teammates.
You briefly sat at the dinner table, dress tight around your body, hair up, with a full face of makeup.
You discreetly checked the time on your phone being respectful of the professional setting, wondering where the hell Ale could be.
30 minutes turned into 60 and that turned into a hour and so forth.
You now lost all hope in her showing up.
Alexia failed you for the last time tonight. She knew how disparately asked her to show up.
This is when you knew that you guys relationship had came to an end.
It takes two people to pull through, and it felt ike it was mainly you fighting for it, and you could feel it.
You’ve felt this way for a while, you even talked to your best friend about it.
“I swear i’ve thought of everything Ashley, I don’t know what’s been going on between us” You said in a tired tone.
“This is going to sound harsh but, have you might’ve thought that Alexia is seeing someone else?” Your friend said in a suggestive tone.
You knew deep down that Alexia was not like that at all, she even hated the thought of cheating. it was insensible to her. You knew if Alexia really caught feelings for someone else she would simply end the relationship between the two of you no matter how painful it would be to the two of you.
“God no, Ashley” You said quickly
“Okay, okay i get it that’s a pretty wild accusation, but you need to talk to her” She said reassuringly.
“I know i do but, a part of me feels like the relationship between me and her isn’t there anymore” you said sadly.
3 years… down the drain. A relationship that lasted 3 years seemed like it meant nothing to Alexia.
You tried everything in you to fight for it, not knowing that it was already over, you just had to come to terms with it.
When you arrived home, you hastily undressed yourself from the uncomfortable clothing.
You walked into you guys shared closet and grabbed your suitcase. You quickly started packing all your belongings and little things you had laying around in the apartment.
You were closing a chapter, and you knew that it was your time to leave. You didn’t want to stay up and wait for her, knowing it would be no use.
You quickly wrote her a goodbye note and headed to your own flat.
You knew what you did was a cowardly move but you had no fight left in you.
You finally said goodbye to the apartment that had built memories between the two of you.
It was really over..
Alexia soon arrived home from another night out with her teammates. She parked her car as she finally checked her phone and was met with multiple missed calls and texts from you
y/n ❤️: where are you ?
y/n ❤️: are you on your way it’s been 30 mins ?
y/n ❤️: I thought i could’ve counted on you…
The blonde quickly freaked out. She totally forgot herself and everything around her. How could she be so stupid ?… She forgot the one important thing you asked her to show up to and she failed you.
She knows she’s been busy..
She quickly opened the door and quickly raced into you guys shared flat.
She was met with silence, all the lights turned off. She called out for you and was met with no answer.
She quickly scrapped her feet to move upstairs to see if you were there but just asleep.
She was met with a nice made bed. She also saw you guys shared closet door open with the light left on.
All of the hangers with your clothes were gone…
You suitcase was gone…
Your shoes that were once nicely lined up with her’s were even gone…
You left… she started freaking out.. looking left and right for any signs of something you’ve left.
She went towards the bed and found a letter with her name written on the front folded up.
She opened the letter..
“ Dear Alexia, I know you may be reading this with confusion, wondering where i’ve gone. I’ve decided to leave…Our relationship has been on a strain. I’ve tried to fight for it, but it feels like i’ve been pulling the strings by myself. Tonight just showed me that I in-fact could not depend on you. It feels like our 3 years have been wasted. I wanted us to become more in the future and grow with each other, but i guess it just wasn’t meant to be between the two of us. I can’t stay somewhere i’m not wanted. I’ll always love you Alexia.
From: Your’s truly y/n”
The blonde frantically folded up the paper in a haste to find her phone and call you. she continuously called you, to no avail you didn’t answer. she was continuously being met with your voicemail. Anger struck her body and she threw her phone, cracking it.
Alexia sat on the bed with her head in her hands accepting her defeat. She lost the one good thing that she had…taking it for granted blinded by her selfish actions…
She lost the love of her life…her everything.
Alexia sobbed that night…alone in you guys used to be shared bed.
She was all alone…
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sebas-jlf · 4 months
The fanchild is not mine, it belongs to @menorir29
It occurred to me that perhaps he partially lacks his colors because of problems with his parents and possibly because of feelings of guilt over the death of his unborn brother/sister, since these events could affect his mental health.
se me ocurrio que talvez carezca parcialmente de sus colores a causa de los problemas con sus padres y posiblemente por los sentimientos de culpa de la muerte de su hermano/a no nacido, ya que estos sucesos podrian repercutir en su salud mental
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merao-mariposa · 6 months
Chef Missa x Shapeshifter-Crow Phil AU.
(Just hear me out)
Missa is a single father looking to be a professional chef, moving to France to work in his idol's restaurant. He takes his daughter, takes his suitcases and moves to Paris, France to fulfill his dreams.
Phil is an ex-fighter who needs a change and get away from everything after a dramatic event (no spoiler) so when he receives an invitation from his brother in arms, Etoiles, to stay with him in France for a while he does not hesitate to accept.
His son Chayanne has trouble adjusting to his new life due to his selective mutism, fortunately Tallulah (Not tula) and Chayanne become friends at school.
Pissa basically know each other through their children.
Time skip to Tallulah finding out that Chayanne likes cooking, and it just so happens that his dad is el mejor chef del mundo! (She says) Missa starts giving cooking classes to Chayanne (it has nothing to do with him wanting to get closer to Phil, nope, absolutely not, he could never ever thought about that, he only does it because he cares about Chay//and his father)
Missa tries to play it cool and suave for Phil which leads to a lot of silly cartoon situations.
Missa and Phil get distracted by cooking, more smoke than normal starts coming out but they are so caught up in their flirting that they don't notice. Missa: Is it hotter here or is it just me?? Phil laughs, looks into his eyes, into his lips and back into his eyes, and slowly approaches, so slowly and Missa's heart almost sto- Until suddenly a blast of dry ice hits them rigth in their faces. Chayanne came back from whatever he was going to do, and found a tower of smoke! What happened!? …Neither Phil nor Missa can answer that. A bit because they are covered in dry ice and another bit because no mames, what a shame.
Jump to Missa, he's feeling homesick and unsure of his abilities. Tallulah has a fever and Missa is too worried.
The cooking classes stop for a few days.
Until a crow suddenly crosses through his window. That should scare him, his daughter is sick! And crows don't exactly prophesy health.
But he doesn't find himself able to chase away the creature that looks almost as worried as Missas feels. If crows had faces he would say that he frowns when he sees the girl. This crow seems to be really used to humans or something because he allows himself to be petted by Tallulah as if he were a cat, his feathers fluff up and rumble as if he were almost purring in his daughter's hands, her tired face lights up cuz of something that It's not the fever.
He decides to leave them alone.
Since that day the crow visits them more often almost like a family pet, he always comes and goes at night and always seems to be there when they need him most.
(Abajo esta en español, no worries my friends)
Missa es un padre soltero que busca ser chef profesional y se muda a Francia para trabajar en el restaurante de su ídolo. Toma a su hija, toma sus maletas y llega a París, Francia para cumplir su sueño.
Phil es un ex-peleador que necesita un cambio y alejarse de todo tras un susceso dramático (no spoiler) por lo que cuando recibe una invitado de su hermano de armas, Etoiles, para quedarse con el en Francia durante un tiempo no duda en aceptar.
Su hijo Chayanne tiene problemas para adaptarse al colegio y su nueva vida por su mutismo selectivo, afortunadamente Tallulah (no tula) y Chayanne se hacen amigos en la escuela.
Básicamente se conocen a través de sus hijos.
Salto de tiempo a que Tallulah se entere de que a Chayanne le gusta cocinar, y da la casualidad de que su papá es el mejor chef del mundo! (Dice ella) Missa empieza darle clases de cocina a Chayanne (no tiene nada que ver que quiera acercarse a su padre, nop, en definitiva y absolutamente nunca pensó en eso, solo lo hace porque le cae bien el niño //y su padre)
Missa trata de jugarlo cool y suave para Phil lo que lleva a un montón de situaciones tontas de caricatura. Missa y Phil se distraen cocinando, empieza salir más humo de lo normal pero ellos están tan atrapados en su coqueteo que no se dan cuenta. Missa: hace más calor aquí o soy solo yo? Phil se ríe, lo mira a los ojo, a los labios y devuelta a los ojos, y se va acercando lentamente, tan lento y el corazón de Missa casi se detien- Hasta que una ráfaga de hielo seco los golpea de lleno en la cara. Chayanne regresó de lo que sea que fue a hacer, volvió y encontró una enorme torre de humo! Qué pasó?! …Ni Phil ni Missa pueden responder a eso. Un poco porque están cubiertos de hielo seco y otro poco porque no mames que vergüenza.
Salto a Missa, tiempo despues, se siente nostálgico e inseguro de sus habilidades, para peor Tallulah tiene fiebre y Missa está demasiado preocupado.
Las clases de cocina paran durante algunos dias.
Hasta que un cuervo se mete por su ventana. Eso debería asustarlo, su hija está enferma! Y los cuervos no profetizan la salud exactamente.
Pero no se encuentra a si mismo capaz de echar a la criatura que se ve casi tan preocupado como el, si los cuervos tuvieran cara diría que tiene el ceño fruncido cuando ve a la niña. Este cuervo parece estar realmente acostumbrado a los humanos o algo así porque se deja acariciar por Tallulah como si fuera un gato, sus plumas se esponjan y retumba como si casi ronroneara y la cara cansada de su hija se ilumina por algo no es la fiebre.
Decide dejarlos solos.
Desde ese día el cuervo los visita más a menudo casi como una mascota de la familia, siempre va y viene por la noche y siempre aparece estar cuando mas lo necesitan.
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menhpy · 11 months
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muito obrigada pelos 13k, meus amorecos ❤️❤️❤️ não estava muito ativa aqui por problemas de saúde, mas prometo que vou tentar postar mais!! 🫶
tysm for 13k, my loves ❤️❤️❤️ i wasn't very active here due to health problems, but i promise I'll try to post more!! 🫶
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falcemartello · 1 year
"Le scuole devono preparare i bambini ad avere partner sessuali". Affermano l'ONU e l'OMS.
Se non riesci a vedere il problema in tutto questo, ne hai grossi tu.
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amar-y--ya · 17 days
Hoy no tuve ganas de bañarme, ni de lavarme los dientes, ni de hacer mi rutina de skincare. No tuve ganas de leer, ni de escuchar música. Tampoco tuve ganas de platicar ni de reír y para ser sincera ni siquiera tengo ganas de escribir.
Simplemente hoy no tuve ganas de vivir.
-(Fragmento encontrado en mi diario 07/09/24)
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pemebi · 5 months
algun headcanon de salud mental para los gosho boys? (Any mental health headcanon for the gosho boys?)
Siento que el más saludable mental y físicamente es Hakuba, mirenlo tomandose su tecito como un campeón y todo relajadito, por algo es el más alto, tiene hasta pinta de saberse mil ejercicios de respiración y todo eso.
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Shinichi, pues, el tiene una gran maleta de problemas, en un principio pensé que escribir algo como un diario le vendria bien, pero el problema es que el tiene demasiados secretos y tener un diario lo haria muy paranoico, pero entonces recorde que ya tengo como una especie de headcanon al respecto... recuerdan al metalero que tengo en un dibujo descartado por ahí? Creo que gritar en conciertos de Metal es algo que ayudaría a Shinichi a descomprimirse y a sentirse más liberado, además que nadie le podria decir nada, gritar es algo que pueden hacer todos (realmente quiero que Shinichi vaya a conciertos de Heavy metal, la imagen mental me causa mucha gracia) dejen que libere su frustración de alguna forma sana.
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Kaito hace yoga para mantenerse flexible y calmadito, le sirve de entrenamiento y lo medio disfruta, ademas que ejercicios de manos, creo que igual se sabe algunas cabalas de artistas para mantenerse en calma y ejercicios para mantenerse enfocado.
Kaito tiene una gran maleta como Shinichi y 0 red de apoyo, pero de alguna forma se las ingenia.
A este si me lo imagino escribiendole cartas a su papá *muerto* como terapia, nada relacionado a Kid, solo cosas de la vida diaria.
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Heiji se va a entrenar Kendo y habla lo que puede con Kazuha, no se, se me hacen que tiene una relación muy cercana y que Heiji no se guarda muchos secretos con Kazuha, vale que se pelean medio seguido pero legit creo que Kazuha es su red de apoyo, además que tiene una vida mas normal que Shinichi y Kaito, su nivel de stress no es tan potente
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jackce · 9 months
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🇬🇧In general I had a great time this year ♥️ although I would have liked to draw more and be more present on social networks, maybe I can achieve it next year, if not then no problem ✌️
Thank you very much to everyone who has joined My journey this year, old followers, new followers, those who take the time to leave a reaction, share posts or even leavd a comment 😭♥️ those are the things that make me most happy, thank you very much ♥️
I wish you all a next year full of success, health, happiness, money and security, not only for you but for everyone you care about (pets and plants included, obviously). That if you ended this 2023 season with a problem, I wish it to be solved quickly and well in the one new season to come ♥️
I love you so much, mua mua mua hearts hearts ♥️♥️♥️♥️
🎉 HAPPY 2024 🎉
🇲🇽En general lo pase muy bien este año ♥️ aunque me hubiera gustado dibujar más y estar más presente en redes, tal vez pueda lograrlo el próximo, sino no hay problema ✌️
Muchas gracias a todos los que me han acompañado este año, viejos seguidores, nuevos seguidores, los que se toman el tiempo de dejar reacción, compartir o hasta un comentario 😭♥️ son de las cosas que más me alegran muchas gracias ♥️
Les deseo un próximo año lleno de éxitos, salud, felicidad, dinero y seguridad, no solo para ustedes sino para todos los que les importan (las mascotas y plantas se incluyen, obvio). Que si terminaron esta temporada 2023 con un problema, pueda resolverse pronto y bien en la que está por venir ♥️
Los quiero mucho, mua mua mua corazones corazones ♥️♥️♥️♥️
🎉 FELIZ 2024 🎉
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gb-diamond · 4 months
ENGLISH : Hello everyone, it's been 2 months since the release of the last episode of Unicorn Diamond. I saw several questions about theories, continuations and questions about unicorn diamond. During these 2 months of absence, I had several personal problems involving health, family and school, and that was what prevented me from continuing the series. Now that I'm better, I'm back on Tumblr, I made a difficult decision. I didn't feel satisfied with the series and how the series was going, and so I decided I'm going to remake it. I'm going to redo the story, and I'm going to have more creativity. I will continue using magenta diamond origins as inspiration and I will strive to bring a good story. I will be giving news and updates to everyone soon. the diamonds will be the same, but I will change the name of some of them I will soon announce the au's Instagram.
PORTUGUESE : olá a todos, se passaram 2 meses desde o lançamento do último episódio de Unicorn Diamond.
eu vi várias perguntas sobre teorias, continuações e perguntas sobre a unicorn diamond.
nesses 2 meses de ausência, tive vários problemas pessoais envolvendo saúde, família e escola, e foi issoo que me impediu de continuar a série.
agora que estou melhor, retornei ao tumblr, eu tomei uma decisão difícil. eu não me sentia satisfeito com a série e como a série estava indo, e então decidi que irei refaze-lá.
vou refazer a história, e vou ter mais criatividade. continuarei usando a magenta diamond origins como inspiração e vou me esforçar para trazer uma boa história. logo logo darei notícias e atualizações a todos
as diamantes serão as mesmas, mas trocarei o nome de algumas delas
em breve vou anunciar o instagram da au.
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dianashiori · 6 months
¿Qué haría Sebastian Michaelis si su pareja tuviera depresión? / What would Sebastian Michaelis do if his partner had depression?
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PRECAUCIÓN: El contenido mostrado a continuación no es apto para personas con susceptibilidad a temas de salud mental. Si llegas a sospechar que padeces de problemas de salud mental, considera acudir a un especialista en salud mental para obtener una mejor orientación. / CAUTION: The content shown below is not suitable for people with sensitivities to mental health issues. If you suspect that you have mental health problems, consider seeing a mental health specialist for better guidance.
PRECAUCIÓN 2: Se hace mención acerca de actos sexuales, acoso, comentarios hirientes y autolesion. Contenido no apto para menores de edad o personas susceptibles al contenido. / CAUTION 2: Mention is made about sexual acts, harassment, hurtful comments and self-harm. Content not suitable for minors or people susceptible to the content.
Versión Español:
No es que Sebastian no se haya dado cuenta de que su amada era diferente al resto de humanos, aunque a la vez muy similar. Ha visto esa clase de padecimientos en muchos humanos, ha visto como poco a poco se rompen y hacen añicos a si mismos, como pierden el sentido de la vida y la capacidad de sentir placer se va disminuyendo al punto de llegar a sentirse anestesiados.
Pero cuando su humana especial comenzó a convivir con él, más de cerca, fue evidente que algo no iba del todo bien.
Siempre notaba tu perdida de apetito, bastante recurrente, también comenzó a sospechar que su constante ausencia de su hogar daba oportunidad a qué intencionalmente omitieras alimentarte. En un principio pensó que era una protesta por dejarte sola mientras él iba a trabajar de mayordomo con su amo todo el día, pero después comenzaste a dejar comida en tu plato y a veces manifestabas no tener hambre.
Comenzó a intentar alimentarte, lo intentaba con dulzura y paciencia, era un demonio, su paciencia y determinación eran superiores a las de los humanos. Pero sabía que intentar forzarte a comer sería muy agresivo para ti, por lo que tuvo que valerse de estrategias para hacerte probar bocado. No logro hacerte acabar la comida pero si hacerte comer más de la mitad.
También se dio cuenta de tu insomnio, no importa que tan quieta te quedarás o cuánto tiempo tuvieras los ojos cerrados, tu respiración y latidos no eran iguales estando despierta y dormida, por lo que supo enseguida que fingias dormir. Optó por preparar leche caliente, masajes, incluso provocarte orgasmos con sus dedos, boca y miembro, pero no había mucha mejoría, a excepción de unas noches donde lograbas dormir unas cuantas horas.
Él no necesita dormir y por unas noches pensó que era una excusa tuya para pasar más tiempo con él y que en la mañana cuando se fuera, tu dormirias, pero al notar tus ojeras crecientes y que estabas mucho más distraída y torpe que de costumbre, se dio cuenta que te habías pasado todo el día despierta.
Cuando se trataba de tu higiene, para él era más sencillo ayudarte, ya que desde que viven juntos, hicieron costumbre ducharse juntos, por lo que, aunque tú no tuvieras voluntad de ducharte, él era quien se encargaba. Al salir cepillaba tu cabello y aprovechaba para contarte cosas sobre su trabajo, como los casos que la reina encomendaba a su amo, las travesuras de los sirvientes o incluso los chistes e historias de Undertaker, pensó que si te decía esas cosas entonces tu también le dirías cosas de tu día a día otra vez.
Hubo ocasiones en las que tenías que salir de casa sola, en las cuales tratabas de esforzarte mucho por superar tu condición y hacer vida normal por unas horas, pero regresabas peor de lo que saliste, por ejemplo, un día tus mejillas estaban lastimadas por qué tus padres te habían abofeteado por decir que no pensabas volver a casa porque ya habías formado un hogar con tu novio mayordomo, tu vestido había sido rasgado a tirones por tus ex "amistades" debido a una discusión sobre rumores que escucharon sobre ti y tu extraño comportamiento "hermitaño".
Sin mencionar que las personas en el mercado hablaban muy cruelmente de ti: "Mira ese cabello tan opaco, se ve como una anciana", "Ese cuerpo tan delgado y frágil, como puede un hombre meter su miembro dentro de ese saco de huesos", "Tiene una mirada tan horrible, parece como si estuviera muerta".
Sebastian al llegar y observarte en tal estado, y verte inmóvil y completamente silenciosa, supo enseguida que el mundo no estaba dispuesto a cooperar para que tuvieras un momento de tranquilidad. Ya se encargaría en secreto de vengarse monstruosamente por lo que te habían hecho, pero esos días en que regresabas de una mala salida, eran los señalados para consentirte e intentar levantarte el poco ánimo que te quedaba del día.
Y hablando del sexo, ciertamente disminuyó, pero no fue porque Sebastian ya no quisiera tenerte tan seguido, sino que eras tú quién no tenía ánimos ni libido para desear llevar a cabo el coito. Sebastian aceptó esto, no siempre te negabas, había ocasiones donde aceptabas gustosa que él te poseyera, pero comparado al inicio de su vida juntos, esto había disminuido. Aunque cada vez que lograban llevar a cabo el acto sexual, Sebastian trataba de priorizar tu placer antes que el suyo y se aseguraba de que en todo momento estuvieras de acuerdo para continuar.
Esta condición no era algo común en la época, por lo que Sebastian desconocía muchas cosas acerca de los cuidados adecuados para ayudarte, por lo que a veces cuando volvía del trabajo podía percibir un ligero olor a sangre que provenía de tu boca. Al examinarte de cerca, observo que tenías pequeñas heridas en tus labios, y no solo eso, también tus rodillas y pies tenían moretones, como si hubieras pateado algo y te hubieras dejado caer. Esto no lo esperaba, sabía que algunos humanos lo hacían, pero jamás pensó que tú condición te arrastraría a esas acciones.
Cuando te encontraba con esas autolesiones, se encargaba de ponerte bálsamos en tus labios y en los moretones para que sanarán mejor y llevarte a la cama con él para besarte y darte todo el amor que necesitabas. Pero en momentos como esos, Sebastian reconocía que tus heridas eran solo un reflejo de un dolor aún más profundo, que sin duda costaría mucho tiempo sanar.
Esta clase de cosas solían suceder en temporadas muy cortas, podías estar bajo esa condición por uno o dos meses y poco a poco volverías a la normalidad. Había sus recaídas y a veces duraban más tiempo que la anterior o más corto, y sin medicamento eficaz en esa época, era complicado prevenir volver a ese abismo en el que te atrapabas. Pero eso no suponía una molestia para Sebastian, después de todo, eras su humana especial, era adicto a ti, eras su droga, así que si un día necesitabas de él para salir de esa pesadilla, con gusto acudiría a tu ayuda.
A veces Ciel notaba que su mayordomo estaba más relajado, desconociendo por completo que su mayordomo estaba ayudando a su pareja a pasar por un infierno personal, pero en esas épocas donde su demonio estaba apacible, le sugería, casi ordenándole, que trajera a su pareja a pasar la tarde en la mansión. Sebastian no lo consideraba como una buena idea, pero dado tu historial de malas experiencias con el mundo exterior, pensó que ayudarte a salir con personas más conscientes y menos críticas ayudaría a tu mejoría o aplazamiento de tus crisis depresivas.
Tal como Sebastian lo supuso, Ciel y el resto de sirvientes te hicieron sentir con tanta naturalidad que por un momento te sentiste mucho mejor que en días anteriores. El día avanzo con tanta calma y alegría que al final del día volviste a casa en los brazos de Sebastian. Se ducharon juntos y por último fueron a la cama, donde tuvieron una pequeña charla antes de que te quedarás dormida.
S: Hoy tuve doble recompensa.
(T/n): ¿A sí?
S: Si, porque mi amo estuvo de buen humor por tu presencia, así que no hubo reclamos por su parte, y mejor aún, tú estabas ahí conmigo y los demás sirvientes, y pude ver una de tus sonrisas espontáneas que hace semanas que no veía.
(T/n): Lamento haber sido una carga estos meses.
S: No fuiste una carga, no es tu culpa sentir que tú mundo se viene abajo y que nada tiene sentido, soy tu novio, y voy a estar para ti cuando me necesites.
(T/n): No quiero que digas eso, porque después puedes arrepentirte y abandonarme.
S: Jajaja, estoy loco por ti, todo aquello que involucré cuidar de ti para mí es un placer, no importa si los humanos se cansan y se arrepienten, yo no lo haré.
(T/n): Te amo.
S: Yo también te amo.
(T/n): No se escucha sincero si lo dices sujetando mis glúteos.
S: Jajaja, es mi forma de decirte que he estado impaciente por tocarte, desde que te vi pasear de un lado a otro por la mansión, tan curiosa y obediente de lo que otros decían.
Sin duda, esta noche eran de esas veces donde Sebastian y tú podían disfrutar de la calma después de la tormenta.
English Version:
It's not that Sebastian didn't realize that his beloved was different from other humans, although at the same time very similar. He has seen this kind of suffering in many humans, he has seen how little by little they break and shatter themselves, how they lose the meaning of life and the ability to feel pleasure diminishes to the point of feeling anesthetized.
But when his special human began to live with him more closely, it was evident that something was not quite right.
He always noticed your loss of appetite, quite recurrent, and he also began to suspect that your constant absence from your home gave you the opportunity to intentionally omit feeding. At first he thought it was a protest for leaving you alone while he went to work as a butler with his master all day, but then you started leaving food on your plate and sometimes you said you weren't hungry.
He began to try to feed you, he tried with gentleness and patience, he was a demon, his patience and determination were superior to those of humans. But he knew that trying to force you to eat would be very aggressive for you, so he had to use strategies to make you try a bite. I can't make you finish the food but I can make you eat more than half.
He also noticed your insomnia, no matter how still you stayed or how long you had your eyes closed, your breathing and heartbeat were not the same when you were awake and asleep, so he knew right away that you were pretending to sleep. She chose to prepare hot milk, massages, even make you orgasm with her fingers, mouth and member, but there wasn't much improvement, except for a few nights where you managed to sleep for a few hours.
He doesn't need to sleep and for a few nights he thought it was an excuse for you to spend more time with him and that in the morning when he left, you would sleep, but when he noticed your growing dark circles and that you were much more distracted and clumsy than usual, He realized that you had been awake all day.
When it came to your hygiene, it was easier for him to help you, since since you lived together, you made it a habit to shower together, so, even if you were not willing to shower, he was the one who took care of it. When he left, he brushed your hair and took the opportunity to tell you things about his work, such as the cases that the queen entrusted to her master, the pranks of the servants or even Undertaker's jokes and stories. He thought that if he told you those things then you would also tell him. you would say things about your everyday life again.
There were times when you had to leave the house alone, when you tried hard to overcome your condition and lead a normal life for a few hours, but you came back worse than you left, for example, one day your cheeks were hurt because why? your parents had slapped you for saying you weren't planning on coming home because you had already made a home with your butler boyfriend, your dress had been torn by your former "friends" due to an argument over rumors they heard about you and your stranger. "hermit" behavior.
Not to mention that the people in the market spoke very cruelly about you: "Look at that dull hair, she looks like an old woman", "That body is so thin and fragile, how can a man fit his member inside that bag of bones" , "She has such a horrible look, she looks like she's dead."
Sebastian, upon arriving and observing you in such a state, and seeing you motionless and completely silent, knew immediately that the world was not willing to cooperate so that you could have a moment of peace. He would secretly take charge of taking monstrous revenge for what they had done to you, but those days when you returned from a bad outing were the ones designated to pamper you and try to lift the little spirit you had left of the day.
And speaking of sex, it certainly decreased, but it wasn't because Sebastian no longer wanted to have you so often, but rather it was you who didn't have the courage or libido to want to have intercourse. Sebastian accepted this, you didn't always refuse, there were times where you gladly accepted him possessing you, but compared to the beginning of your life together, this had diminished. Although every time they managed to carry out the sexual act, Sebastian tried to prioritize your pleasure before his and made sure that at all times you agreed to continue.
This condition was not common at the time, so Sebastian did not know many things about proper care to help you, so sometimes when he returned from work he could smell a slight smell of blood coming from your mouth. Upon examining you closely, I noticed that you had small wounds on your lips, and not only that, your knees and feet also had bruises, as if you had kicked something and dropped. He didn't expect this, he knew that some humans did it, but he never thought that your condition would drag you to those actions.
When he found you with those self-harms, he was in charge of putting balm on your lips and on the bruises so that they would heal better and taking you to bed with him to kiss you and give you all the love you needed. But in moments like these, Sebastian recognized that your wounds were only a reflection of an even deeper pain, which would undoubtedly take a long time to heal.
These kinds of things used to happen in very short periods, you could be under that condition for a month or two and little by little you would return to normal. There were relapses and sometimes they lasted longer than the previous one or shorter, and without effective medication at that time, it was difficult to prevent returning to that abyss in which you trapped yourself. But that was not a bother to Sebastian, after all, you were his special human, he was addicted to you, you were his drug, so if one day you needed him to get out of that nightmare, he would gladly come to your help.
Sometimes Ciel noticed that his butler was more relaxed, completely unaware that his butler was helping his partner go through a personal hell, but in those times when his demon was peaceful, he would suggest, almost ordering him, that he bring his partner. to spend the afternoon at the mansion. Sebastian didn't consider it a good idea, but given your history of bad experiences with the outside world, he thought that helping you hang out with more aware and less critical people would help you improve or postpone your depressive attacks.
Just as Sebastian assumed, Ciel and the rest of the servants made you feel so natural that for a moment you felt much better than in previous days. The day progressed with such calm and joy that at the end of the day you returned home in Sebastian's arms. They showered together and finally went to bed, where they had a little chat before you fell asleep.
S: Today I had double reward.
(Y/n): Yes?
S: Yes, because my master was in a good mood because of your presence, so there were no complaints on his part, and better yet, you were there with me and the other servants, and I could see one of your spontaneous smiles that I haven't seen in weeks. saw.
(Y/n): I'm sorry for being a burden these months.
S: You were not a burden, it is not your fault to feel that your world is collapsing and that nothing makes sense, I am your boyfriend, and I will be there for you when you need me.
(Y/n): I don't want you to say that, because later you may regret it and abandon me.
S: Hahaha, I'm crazy about you, everything that involved taking care of you is a pleasure to me, it doesn't matter if humans get tired and regret it, I won't do it.
(Y/n): I love you.
S: I love you too.
(Y/n): It doesn't sound sincere if you say it while holding my buttocks.
S: Hahaha, it's my way of telling you that I've been eager to touch you, ever since I saw you walking around the mansion, so curious and obedient to what others said.
Without a doubt, tonight was one of those times where Sebastian and you could enjoy the calm after the storm.
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