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alphamamalioness · 2 years ago
I’m kind of curious, what happens when a healing Pod gets close to a machine or mechanical type bitty or or you use the pod to heal a bitty that has a metal limb, what happens?
Also if your bitty accidentally knocks over the glass of the healing pod and it doesn’t break but there is little water now in the bowl is it salvageable so long as the plant is not injured? And if it does break is there a point where you can’t salvage it once it hits the floor?
What would happen if the bowl does break, but it lands in/on a larger piece with water in it? Will it die slower?
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feralenergy22 · 6 years ago
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We're super excited to announce that Episode #1 Our Healing Journeys is up! Please head over to Anchor hit subscribe and if you feel so inclined there’s a link to support our podcast. Link to our @anchor.fm is in our bio. 🙏🏽 #healingisinyourhands #healingpod #juc #holistichealing #podcast #erikandkim #chiforhealing #brandfearless #takebackyourhealingpower #connecticut #wellness #anchorfm (at Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoemirIA_UY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o5kli1onjqvs
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chiforhealing · 6 years ago
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Check out the latest episode of @healingisinyourhands “From Darkness to Light-Recovery Through Sound Healing. Link in bio⬇️ • Kelvin Young is a sound healer and has been in recovery from alcohol and drugs for over ten years. When Kelvin discovered sound healing it had a profound effect on his life. He has since studied sound healing with master sound healers, studied holistic stress management, and obtained a recovery coach certification. Kelvin’s story is featured in the upcoming documentary Uprooting Addiction. Kelvin serves on the board of directors of Eat the Sunlight with @dr.reese *Kevin Reese, a non profit organization that teaches children healthy eating habits. Connect with Kelvin on Facebook and Instagram. @sacredsoundhealingllc . . . #healingisinyourhands #brandfearless #chiforhealing #twopeasinapodcast #soundhealing #recovery #truthseekers #healingpod #wellnesspod #podcast #wellnesswednesday #wellnessjourney #sacredsoundhealing #eatthesunlight https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ulDFQJq89/?igshid=jwudjx66nms4
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satanskitchen-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Knowing Lance, he probably spends the most time out of all the Paladins healing up in the pods. Lance and Keith are probably the most reckless and prone to getting into sticky situations. ((•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Klance subtext. Klance subtext everywhere. Wasn’t even trying on that one.)
So in honour of the troublesome duo, I made a watercolour piece of Meme boy and (in the near future, I plan to make) one of Keith.
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romelle · 4 years ago
(I’m the anon that was asking about the url)
I was kinda thinking of something to with Lance or romelle or allura (hence why I asked you haha)
ok!!! for now i just made a list of urls related to those three that i already have saved (though it's mostly just lance & allura & then alteans in general), but if none fits and you give me a more specific vibe, i could probably find you some new ones 😊💖🌈🍓🌻💫
pinkpilot | roseallura | voltronallura | vldprincess | vldsallura | pixieallura  | allurastan | voltronsleg | oceanlance | lanceblue | lmcclain | vldsniper | bluearmour | thetailors | lancesbi | lancestan | stanlance | vldromelle | healingpods | alteanpilot | voltronpilot | mechalions | paladinarmour | junieberries | alteansword
also not related to them (and she's a pretty minor character), but if you want a canon url i have florona!
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melanchole · 8 years ago
oh i just remembered i have 2 really cool voltron urls
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blxck-hxt-blog · 8 years ago
HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!
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ao3feed-klance · 8 years ago
Empty spaces
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k6HmrT
by potanio
Keith had always liked the quiet, there were nothing worse than people screaming or talking with obnoxiously loud voices. Lance was like a combination of these two things and it was more than Keith could deal with.
So why did it hurt so much when Lance got hurt, and every quiet day Keith spent in the quiet made him feel empty? One thing was sure-spending five days straight sulking outside the healingpod was certainly not helping, especially since it made Keith slowly understand what the strange feelings actually meant...
Words: 6207, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, great lifeadvises with pidge™, Mutual Pining, Hurt Lance (Voltron), also nb pidge, Fluff
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k6HmrT
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ao3feed-safeklance · 8 years ago
Empty spaces
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k6HmrT
by potanio
Keith had always liked the quiet, there were nothing worse than people screaming or talking with obnoxiously loud voices. Lance was like a combination of these two things and it was more than Keith could deal with.
So why did it hurt so much when Lance got hurt, and every quiet day Keith spent in the quiet made him feel empty? One thing was sure-spending five days straight sulking outside the healingpod was certainly not helping, especially since it made Keith slowly understand what the strange feelings actually meant...
Words: 6207, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, great lifeadvises with pidge™, Mutual Pining, Hurt Lance (Voltron), also nb pidge, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k6HmrT
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feralenergy22 · 5 years ago
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Another amazing day at the Treehouse taping an episode of Healing is in your Hands 👐🏼 This episode will drop on November 27th and it’s all about attitudes of gratitude! Remember to hit up the link in our bio to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. As always we are so grateful for all of you🙏🏽💚 . . #healingisinyourhands #brandfearless #chiforhealing #twopeasinapodcast #gratitude #inthemoment #meditativemoment #healingpod #wellnesspod #podcast #podpup #finnegan #attitudesofgratitude #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #wellnesspodcast #healingvibes #everydaygratitude (at Middletown, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xkrVNhhhS/?igshid=13by4iz27dnys
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chiforhealing · 6 years ago
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Check out the latest episode of @healingisinyourhands This is a very special episode because it’s dedication to @chiforhealing and @crystalgrids dog Shades who recently crossed to the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge as well as @brand_fearless sweet Yum-Yum and Basil who she said goodbye too in April & June, and to all our animal companions who have gone before them.🐾❤️ Click the link in our bio to hear the latest episode titled Connecting Animal Companions with their Loved Ones- Intuitive animal communication and training with our guest Roslyn Brault @rwbrault Remember to rate the podcast and subscribe wherever you listen and leave us a voice memo on Anchor or email us one using your voice memo app, we love hearing from you. This is a special episode as we are huge animal lovers and connect deeply with these beautiful souls. 🥰🐾🙏🏽 • • • • #healingisinyourhands #brandfearless #chiforhealing #twopeasinapodcast #animalhealing #bestdogintheworld #newepisode #workingdog #rescuedog #socialmedia4socialgood #healingpod #wellnesspod #podcast#animalcommunication @ Middletown, Connecticut https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EZmMhpXSX/?igshid=c6ga00ti713n
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Empty spaces
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k6HmrT
by potanio
Keith had always liked the quiet, there were nothing worse than people screaming or talking with obnoxiously loud voices. Lance was like a combination of these two things and it was more than Keith could deal with.
So why did it hurt so much when Lance got hurt, and every quiet day Keith spent in the quiet made him feel empty? One thing was sure-spending five days straight sulking outside the healingpod was certainly not helping, especially since it made Keith slowly understand what the strange feelings actually meant...
Words: 6207, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, great lifeadvises with pidge™, Mutual Pining, Hurt Lance (Voltron), also nb pidge, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2k6HmrT
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wahsinternally · 8 years ago
Hello! So uhm I've been your follower for a while and I just started shipping klance, and I'd like to know if you have some fics rec? I love your blog you're one of my faves ❤️
OH. MY. GOD. ???????????
I mean I’m also new to the Klance fandom I started watching Voltron only last. week. but HAHA I’m already so deep THERE IS NO WAY BACK THIS SHIP SWALLOWED ME AND OWNS MY ENTIRE ASS
the fics I’ll recommend are all SFW(I’m not the biggest fan of NSFW fics doesn’t matter the fandom it’s just not my thing). they are all REALLY CUTE and all of them have happy endings because I’m an old mess and I don’t want to suffer anymore i’M DONE. 
Communication Necessary by RinHaruismyOTPTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 1,704 - Complete“Lance says some things he doesn’t mean and has to remedy his mistake.”I HIGHLY recommend this fic. It’s pretty much what the description says but bELIEVE ME, mY DUDE. It’s worth the reading and it’ll warm your heart.
Empty Spaces by potanioTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 6,207 - CompleteLance gets hurt and spends days in the healingpod and Keith gets emo because he misses Lance’s presence. It’s cute AF and they’re all so in character? Also, the other characters in this fic are amazing and NOT. SUBTLE. AT. ALL.
Insecurity by cryingoverfictionTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 1,662 - Complete“Keith tells his team about the Galra blood running through his veins and bonds with the boy he’s pining over”
listen… I’m A SLUT for fics where my OTP helps each other through their insecurities give me all ALL THE HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP SHIT I LOVE THEM ALL. and that’s basically what this fic is it’s so cute oh mY GOD.
Super-Top-Secret Mission of the Most Importance by quixoticSorceressTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 2,282 - Complete“Hunk needs Keith and Lance’s help for a super-top-secret mission of the utmost importance; they’re docked on a friendly planet for an hour, and he needs them to get some food from the locals while he and Pidge distract Coran, so they can eat something besides food goo for once. Although, Hunk may have an ulterior motive for sending Keith and Lance specifically. Pining Keith, good ol’ Klance fluff.”
Hunk represents the fandom and just want these two idiots to get FINALLY together god. dammit.
All That’s Left To Do Is Burn by Qpenguin98Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings(BUT it mentions self-harm and anxiety attacks)Words: 4,559 - Complete“Keith has terrible impulse control. He knows it, and so does everyone else.”
Like I said above, the fic mentions self-harm and anxiety attacks so it begins with a lot of angst; but don’t worry it has a happy ending and it also has a lot of cute moments.
Close Encounters by LuddlestonTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 1,545 - Complete“Lance and Keith get stuck in the elevator on their way to the pool. Things get about 1000% too real.”
The elevator scene we were ALL CRAVING. That actually happened and no one is going to tell me otherwise. GO READ IT! it’s really good
Love You Like It’s The End Of The World by Luddleston(this is a sequel to the fic above, Close Encounters)Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 1,537 - Complete“It didn’t mean anything, Lance thought, as his thoughts kept drifting back to the memory of Keith’s lips on his. It didn’t mean anything, he tried to convince himself, as Keith glared at him across the dinner table and he remembered how warm Keith’s hands had been on his bare shoulders. It didn’t mean anything. Except that it does.”
Lance is in denial and can’t keep his mouth fuckin’ shut.
You Can’t Treat Him Like That by harehiTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 1,283 - Complete“Lance doesn’t like the way that Allura treats Keith differently.”
This fic reminded me of this fanart and it made me very happy.Basically Lance is FUCKIN. DONE.™ with the way that Allura has been treating Keith since they found out he is part Galra. THIS FIC IS CUTE AF AAA I need this to happen.
Your Love Has Shown Me Proof by freshiaTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 22,483 (2 chapters) - Complete“Lance and Keith deal with a walking spoiler, in the form of a little girl who just wants to get back to her own home.”
Keith and Lance’s future daughter accidentally travels to the past and meets her parents and the rest of the crew. It is CUTE AF and the girl is SO. FUCKIN. adorable?? I am in love with this fic honestly.
The Secret Pool by KlanceTrash(sstamm)Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 5,374 - Complete“Lance finds a hidden pool in the castle training room and he finds that Keith can’t swim. His only logical response is to try to teach the brooding, scared guy how to swim.”
I think the description of the fic says it all. Everything is cute and Keith, my adorable smol son, doesn’t know how to swim. This fic is adorable af.
Pull Me Closer by TheWriter2Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 5,186 - Complete“An ancient power dwells in Lance’s very bones. It hums a sweet song of the sea in Lance’s ear, calling him to the water. Keith’s bones are on fire as the very spirit of the flame lives in him. However, it’s these ancient powers that begin to pull them together; that shows them how to properly balance each other out.”
I loved this fic because it was the first one I found that explores the idea that Keith and Lance are opposites in the sense of Keith is related to fire and Lance to water. Super cute and adorable happy ending.
Out Of This World by quixoticSorceressTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 1,925 - Complete“Keith has just revealed he’s part Galra. Allura takes it… well, as expected. To everyone’s surprise, Lance is the first one to step up in Keith’s defense. Pure Klance fluff.”
Okay I’ll admit: I am A SLUT for fics where Keith reveals he’s part Galra, Allura gets pissed/mad and Lance defends Keith from her. I LIVE FOR THIS OKAY.
Enough by bumblelilyTeen and Up Audiences, No Archive WarningsWords: 2,746 - Complete
AAND I guess that’s it! I hope you like them as much as I did
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feralenergy22 · 5 years ago
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Another amazing day at the Treehouse taping an episode of Healing is in your Hands 👐🏼 This episode will drop on November 27th and it’s all about attitudes of gratitude! Remember to hit up the link in our bio to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. As always we are so grateful for all of you🙏🏽💚 . . #healingisinyourhands #brandfearless #chiforhealing #twopeasinapodcast #gratitude #inthemoment #meditativemoment #healingpod #wellnesspod #podcast #podpup #finnegan #attitudesofgratitude #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #wellnesspodcast #healingvibes #everydaygratitude (at Middletown, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4v5IL4JVcJ/?igshid=yugkp92fa4u6
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feralenergy22 · 6 years ago
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Finnegan is so excited to share with you the latest episode of @healingisinyourhands This is a very special episode because it’s dedication to @chiforhealing and @crystalgrids dog Shades who recently crossed to the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge as well as @brand_fearless sweet Yum-Yum and Basil who she said goodbye too in April & June, and to all our animal companions who have gone before them.🐾❤️ Click the link in our bios to hear this latest episode titled Connecting Animal Companions with their Loved Ones- Intuitive animal communication and training with our guest Roslyn Brault @rwbrault Remember to rate the podcast and subscribe wherever you listen and leave us a voice memo on Anchor or email us one using your voice memo app, we love hearing from you. This is a special episode as we are huge animal lovers and connect deeply with these beautiful souls. 🥰🐾🙏🏽 • • • • #healingisinyourhands #brandfearless #chiforhealing #twopeasinapodcast #animalhealing #bestdogintheworld #newepisode #workingdog #rescuedog #socialmedia4socialgood #healingpod #wellnesspod #podcast #finnegan #happinessmaker #animalcommunication (at Middletown, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0DwX43phjk/?igshid=1tm7rzpm86k3k
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feralenergy22 · 6 years ago
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I’m so proud of Finnegan ☘️🐶for winning the “It’s All About Work” category at the Best Dog In The World event this past Sunday In Washington Depot,CT. He was sponsored by 🌀@brand_fearless and our podcast 🎧🎤@healingisinyourhands He definitely deserves this because he is no doubt the best working dog around! 💚 • • • • #bestdogintheworld #workingdog #rescuedog bewell #dogood #fearLESS #socialmedia4socialgood #healingpod #wellnesspod #podcast #finnegan #happinessmaker (at Marty's Cafe Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz--uYNBppq/?igshid=7964243dsb1i
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