#heal throat chakra
astrosouldivinity · 14 days
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kidestom · 10 months
50 Chakra Affirmations for Each of the Seven Major Chakras
In my chakra affirmations series, you'll find 50 chakra affirmations for each of the seven major chakras of the human energy field.
Each blog post provides an overview of the chakra along with fifty positive affirmations you can use to nurture healthy expression of that individual chakra.
These affirmations are a great resource you can use anytime. Click the link below to start using the affirmations!
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Root Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Balance, Inner Stability, and Vitality
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Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Warmth, Flexibility, and Creativity
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Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Confidence, Self-Worth, and Empowerment
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Heart Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Love, Compassion, and Inner Peace
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Throat Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Effective Communication, Authenticity, and Playfulness
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Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Imagination, Intuition, and Awareness
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Crown Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Higher Consciousness
Healthy and balanced expressions of the seven energy centers can mean an optimal connection between your physical and energy body.
An optimal flow of energy or life force throughout the body and energy field promote overall health and well-being and bring about a long list of physical, psychological, and energetic benefits.
You can practice using the affirmations to increase the frequency of positive thoughts you experience related to the individual chakra function.
For more tips and guidance on consciousness expansion, visit my website!
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mycrystalearth · 1 year
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💙 c e l e s t i t e 💙
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goodvibesatpeace · 2 months
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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speak from your heart 💗 remind people of their innate beauty and talents
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tarotchariot · 1 year
Curiously I've noticed that myself and others like to dress particularly in colours (compared to others and if we aren't wearing the basic black or white simple stuff of course) related to the chakra/health concerns that we are dealing with at the time.
I've seen some be an outright strength of a person, for example, someone who wears blue almost all the time is great at communicating clearly, they will let you know exactly what they think. Yet if they become unwell, first thing to happen is a sore throat.
See if you can relate to the colour preference:
Red: root chakra, relates to blood circulation, immune system, anger, physical strength, ego.
Orange: sacral chakra, reproductive organs, emotions and creativity. Stress or addictions.
Yellow: solar plexus, stomach, digestion, pancreas,confidence concerns, learning.
Green: heart chakra, health related to heart and lungs. Balance, concerns of level of generosity or openness.
Blue: throat chakra, the throat or thyroid, neck/shoulders, communication, ability to be true to self. Expression of ability.
Indigo: third eye, headaches, migraines, mood fluctuation, sensitivity emotion wise or to outside stimuli.
Shades of purple: crown chakra, pineal gland, nervous system, art and creativity, anxiety, decision making, spirituality focus.
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raffaellopalandri · 9 hours
Book of the Day – Wheels of Life
Today’s Book of the Day is Wheels of Life, written by Anodea Judith in 1999 and published by Llewellyn Publications. Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is the founder and director of Sacred Centers, and a renowned writer, therapist, and spiritual teacher. Wheels of Life, by Anodea Judith I chose this book because I cited it during a Yoga session a few days ago. The human body, a complex masterpiece of…
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bruthablack · 7 months
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realmofthefaesubs · 5 months
Reiki Energetically Charged subliminal To Align and Activate the power of your throat, crown, and solar plexus chakras. Ignite the flame burning inside your soul. Say what needs to be said. Speak your truth and Call your power back! No more do people have the right or authority to control you or your life, tell you what to do how to feel etc. Stand up for yourself and step into your power now! Frequency essence used no affirmations. Charged with Lapis Luzli essence. Charged High Priestess energy to the maximum extent. Step into your full power activation now!
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nexusofsorcery · 10 months
Exploring the Depths of Blue Candle Magic
What is Blue Candle Magic? Blue Candle Magic is a form of candle magic that harnesses the power of the color blue to enhance and amplify the intentions and manifestations of the practitioner. Blue, a color associated with calmness, communication, and healing, is believed to bring about a sense of peace and tranquility. In Blue Candle Magic, blue candles are used as a focal point during rituals…
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softhabibi · 1 year
I feel like tumblr is the place I can be most honest online so here we go:
if you’ve been following/mutuals with me for a while you probably know by now that I make music and have been a singer for many years. I’ve found that as an artist pursuing anything other than art as a career is excruciating (iykyk) and I finally got myself out of depression when I put my foot down about my career choice.
that being said, it is not easy and I still need to be making ends meet plus making enough to keep creating. this is not a post asking for $, but I need online support in order to make $ keep happening. just being real.
I am so grateful to everyone who’s ever reblogged my music, it means the fkn world. the best way you can support me today is by subscribing to my youtube chanel. this is not a vapid sUBscRiBe tO MY ChAnEL post, it’s just honestly been the best platform for my work to be discovered. if you’re a friend or interested in my art in any way, you can find me by searching my name exactly how it’s spelled myaar moneir. I work pretty hard to make my videos enjoyable, so if you enjoy them, it’s a win win. :)
anyways thanks for reading my shameless post and have a cute & soft day. <3
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themagikmirror · 6 months
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My throat chakra singing bowl broke today! 🥹 Literally RIP! You can see me using it in videos Ive created over the past 4/5 months. It’s bittersweet b/c although this happened, it’s simultaneously a sign that Ive completed work I needed to do here. This piece was expensive & tuned to 432 Hz! I loved working w it b/c it literally checked your communication & headspace in general so quickly. When i used it I noticed immediate changes! I am grateful for my personal growth & this signal given to me during Eclipse time. Especially with the Eclipse being in Sidereal Virgo, a sign ruled by Mercury - A planet operating heavily in the realm of the Throat Chakra (communication). Working on my throat chakra extensively happened 2022-2024. Ive shared that process and journey publicly as much as I could to inspire others to do the same as it was a part of a spiritual agenda God revealed would elevate our lives. This bowl was helpful, but here’s the gag : most of the healing I did on my throat chakra came from standing & speaking up for myself. Saying no. Asking for help and stop being afraid to say my truth, even if someone doesnt want to hear it. It wasnt an herb, a sound bowl, spell…
I use as many tools as I can, but as a spirit worker it’s my job to tell you guys the truth : the work you have to do cant be avoided through magical tools & aids. It can be assisted & elevated, but you still must make the changes necessary to evolve and heal. Contrary to what it may seem like online, Im very cautious when it comes to what I speak on & how I speak. S/o to my Libra Moon & Virgo Mars. Although this is such a gift, when I must speak on harsh realities and pain.. sometimes I cannot find the words. In times of stress, grief, anxiety and darkness I often lose my voice. This is a response to the childhood trauma of being silenced. As an adult Ive learned my voice is critical to my health & wellness as well as in breaking negative cycles & juju around me. On my most recent video I introduced the Third Eye chakra as the focus of 2024’s healing work. This here is just further confirmation that it's time to move on!
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mycrystalearth · 1 year
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Shades of blue 💙🦋💎
Shop link
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iriswithin · 1 year
Dear witches and other beautiful magical bitches. Help a girl out? In short, if you are younger than 30 and you care about the topic of wellbeing, I need you to fill out this form:
For a bit of context, in May, I attended a beautiful retreat in Greek mountains called Chakras and the retreat was focused on wellbeing, connecting with nature, with emotions, our bodies, and with each other. One thing led to another and now I am, thanks to this experience, involved in a process of app development.
This app will be called Hope and:
it will be completely free + ad-free;
it is aimed to support its users' wellbeing in meaningful and practical ways;
it will mainly be targeted at people under 30.
However, if we really want an app that can offer meaningful support, we need to understand the needs of the people potentially using it! That's why I would like to ask you to fill this out. The survey should be about 5-15 minutes long and all open questions are voluntary!
Thank you <3
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angelofsoil · 2 years
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Monday reminder ❤️
People pleasing is often a trauma response. Usually deeply seeded, it’s never too late to start pulling out those weeds so you can grow.
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perasperaadastraa · 2 years
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Amanita muscaria and blue lotus 🍄🧿✨
I’ve been stuck in my subconscious and unconscious mind. I’ve had repeating dreams for years now where I’m constantly in a state of escaping something or someone.
I brewed a tea with a micro dose of the amanita and a blue lotus bloom. The first hour brought on a ton of euphoric feelings and no anxiety. My consciousness had shifted and senses became heightened. I noticed I started singing (throat chakra)…a lot, and even was staying on key. After two hours, a sudden sleepiness took over and I went to bed.
I did not dream but rather had the deepest sleep and woke up feeling like some internal work had been done.
As the day went on, I felt incredibly emotional over many factors, as if a blockage had been released. Everything I’ve been trying to stay “cool” about just came flooding out at once. Every feeling was felt. I had to spend an entire day just crying and detoxing. This leads me to [personally] believe the amanita does wonders on clearing and balancing our root and sacral chakras.
The following night, I smoked a small amount of the blue lotus, and the dreams it brought on where incredible! I could feel in the dream that the blockages had indeed been broke through and I was moving forward with my dreams.
Every dream I had prior was of me trying to escape someone/some place and never getting to where I need to. These new dreams have taken me to a better destination that I almost can’t believe I made it to. The most relieving of dreams.
It’s been several nights, and the dreams have indeed shifted.
I have tried mugwort ointment over the months to help with lucid dreaming and to bring a better understanding and sense of control as to what is going on, but mugwart tends to create vivid nightmares, I’ve personally learned. It helps me sleep well, but too much too often effects the unconscious mind more negatively.
I do not recommend taking poisonous mushrooms or smoking herbs without proper research, knowledge, and confidence.
There really is so much power in the plants.
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