#headshots acting pursuing Pictures modeling journey
putabourqueinit · 5 years
L.A. Daze
Memory Lane
I recently ran for State House Representative for Louisiana.  I made the decision then I worked really hard on a campaign for 6 months.  I hired a social media person and we began branding Leslie Bourque.  It was surreal.  We created a website and my Facebook page.  It has been a few weeks now since the election results, which I did not win.  Since that day I haven’t revisited my website or FB page.  Not because it pains me I lost, but because for 6 months I learned as much as I could about my city and state.  I felt important and since it is over I sorta feel a void.  I will eventually look back at that special time in my life.  
I recently took down my box of old pictures.  It was my mom’s 70th birthday and my brother wanted to make a video for her.  I saw some binders that I haven’t opened in years.   Memories from what seems like a lifetime ago, my Los Angeles days.  A stack of headshots from when I pursued acting and modeling.   I don’t know why I haven’t looked at them in so long, but I decided to grab a glass of wine and take a stroll down memory lane.  
Before I did so, I remembered the picture below.  I feverishly looked for it.  It is of me in 1997 in my cherry red Nissan 240X.  The day I bravely drove across the country on I-10.  Stopping only once in El Paso to sleep for the night.  I think I had my mom’s car phone bag and a bunch of CD’s.  It took me 2 days but I clearly remember driving into Los Angeles and then to my the apartment I sublet for 4 months from a stranger.  I parked on Detroit Ave and retrieved the key from my new neighbor.  It was an old dingy building, but the studio apartment was perfect for me.  As I entered the key into the keyhole, I knew my life was changed forever.  I opened the door and just took it all in.  Me by myself a million miles from home. The apartment was full of her things.  It was sorta a hippie/hollywood decor.  I sat on her furniture and looked at her pots I would be cooking on.  I saw all of her clothes hanging with empty hangers for mine.  I laid in another persons bed and I closed my eyes hoping for the best.  
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Luckily I had a job waiting for me when I got to Los Angeles.  I worked as a production assistant on a movie called “Wild Things” starring Kevin Bacon, Matt Dillon, Chevy Chase, Denis Richards and Neve Campbell.  We shot on the Sony Lot in Culver City.  It was epic to drive into this lot where so many important films were made.  My boss was named Taylor.  She was a hard one to read, but nice enough.  I was diligent and I was quiet.  It all seemed grander than life to me. One day while I was passing out papers to executives offices I entered the President of Mandalay Pictures.  I had seen him before in meetings where I was basically the gopher.  I walked into his office and he asked me to close the door and sit down.  He said “Here is your chance.  Give me a 5 minute rundown of who you are and what to you want to do?”  
I moved to Los Angeles with expectations to learn acting.  I didn’t know if I could be an actress, but I wanted to try.  The day I pulled into California I had never taken an acting class.  When this man asked me to tell him about me and what I wanted to do, I almost fainted.  I didn’t have the verbiage at the time to know what to say.  I mean I literally just got off of the boat from Lafayette, Louisiana!!  I ended up telling him how I got to Los Angeles.  I sheepishly said I wanted to be an actress.  He told me I had a look and I should take some classes and then find him again and he would help me.  I took a thousand classes and never found him again.  
The first thing you are told to do is to get a good headshot.  I have no idea how I found my first photographer, David LaPorte.  Basically you interview them and try to find the right fit for you.  It becomes an intimate process and you unveil your soul a bit.  He made me feel the least nervous.  I have always been photogenic, but a headshot is a whole other level.  Basically, it is your calling card for casting directors to pick you out of millions to call in for an audition.  You must convey with your eyes how you will tell a story.  I spent hours with David and at the end I finally got the hang of it.  He was patient and I was grateful.  
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Identity Change
The last name I was bestowed was always a bit tricky for me.  I don’t want to say I didn’t like it, but I didn’t appreciate it.  You can imagine some of the jokes I got “pork a Bourque” etc.  When I got to L.A. people couldn’t pronounce it.  They would fancy it up in a very shi shi French way.  They couldn’t spell it.  I always loved my middle name for some reason.  I love that I had an accent.  I decided to drop my last name.  
The next two pictures are with a famous photographer, Randall Slavin.  I remember going to his house and we shot in the garage.  He was so cool.  Like “too cool for school” cool.  He was the hot headshot guy and working his way to bigger, better things.  If you look close in my eyeballs you can see his reflection.  I felt more comfortable, but still intimidated.
I got a commercial agent.  Representation.  I had a pager and was on call.  If they called I had to run.  I was in the best acting class.  The one that was hard to get into.  I was doing it.  I didn’t know how to do it, but I was navigating the unknown.  I felt liberated and I felt like I had a path to success. 
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Finding my groove
I was working.  I was actually making money.  I started doing print work and commercials.  I landed my very first national commercial-Miller High Life.  I had confidence.  I had a commercial agent and a talent agent.  I had now gone through so many acting classes.  I stayed up late studying my craft.  I felt I made it, even though I hadn’t made it exactly.  I went back to my first photographer, David.  I had sass now and I had a sense of who I was.  He noticed.  It was a totally different shoot than the first time.  
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Edging it up
Another photographer.  This time a woman.  She wanted me to get rid of the cute and find my sexy.  I knew the camera at this point.  I knew it liked me.  I remember creating stories in my mind and really playing a character.  
I decided I didn’t hate my last name anymore.  
I was auditioning a lot.  I was in a play.  I was spending a lot of money on classes.  I was making a lot of money as a fitness/pilates trainer.  I was losing the excitement of the pursuit.  I loved studying the craft, but the hustle was getting to me.  
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The End
A friend of mine was now taking head shots.  We traded her taking pictures of me for me training her in pilates.  We had a lot of fun during the shoot.  I had no idea this would be the last set of head shots I would take.
I decided after years of pursuing acting I would stop the chase.  I didn’t love it anymore and I found something else that turned me on.  Writing.  I was urged to start writing by a few influential people.  I started taking a writing class.  I was terrified I would fail.   I ended up meeting Dylan and I stopped taking the class.  
I became Dylan’s girl and Amélie and Hud’s mom.  
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My latest headshot was on a huge sign and were placed all around my district. It was mind boggling to think how far I have come.  
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My new headshot is just me.  It is me and all my flaws.  47 years and I see it all on my face.  I am ready to embrace my latest headshot.  I wonder where it will take me.  
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years
Picture of Youth - Roman Godfrey
Title: Picture of Youth
Description: A couple chance encounters with the notorious Roman Godfrey can cause a lot of pain or pleasure, depending on how you look at him.
Warnings: 18+ smut/swearing/violence/mentions of blood/emotional abuse
All throughout school, Roman Godfrey had been a pinnacle of attention, desire, and mockery. I grew up in the same town as him- a town his family practically owned. We attended the same elementary school and later on, the same high school so I got to see all of the bouts of drama, the way he always got himself out of doing detention and most of the fights. Other kids weren't sure how to act around him because he had nicer clothes and more expensive things than the majority of our classmates. I remember a day in Autumn when a group of boys started pushing him around outside on the playground. I was nearby with my friends, hanging out in our usual spot underneath the oak trees. The heckling started to grow more audible and by the time we had made our curious ways over, a punch had been thrown. I didn't see much of what happened before a crowd gathered but I did see the aftermath of it all, one kid came away with a swollen, busted lip and Roman with a deep cut on his cheek that was trickling blood all the way down to his neck. Nobody really bothered to see if Roman was alright because he wasn't crying and didn't appear to be all that bothered that he was bleeding. He simply wiped the blood off onto his designer coat and carried on as though nothing happened, that was until the lunch period ended and everyone had gone back to their afternoon classes. That was when he got called down to the Principal's office and everyone in class hooted as he stood up from his desk and stalked off to the front of the building. But once we all started to grow up, not many people messed with Roman. They were too afraid of what he might be able to do with his family's money. He got away with smoking cigarettes on school property because he was able to charm all of the female teachers and the male teachers respected his father too much to send him away with anything but a light warning. He started dating, or rather, fucking girls and I got to hear all about it in the gymnasium locker room. "Did you know that Rosalie got caught giving Roman Godfrey a blowjob in the janitor's closet?" "I heard that he hooked up with Taylor and started choking her until she turned blue. She told me in homeroom that he went absolutely psycho and wouldn't let her leave." "What the fuck is up with that guy, anyway?" To me, Roman seemed like a regular person who just so happened to be born in the right place at the right time. He mostly kept to himself and once the senior year came I saw less and less of him, not that I was paying him any mind anyway since I had been dating my high school boyfriend Zack for nearly a year and spent most of my time with him or my best friends. It wasn't until another clear, crisp Autumn day that Roman swaggered into my life to cause chaos in that artistically subtle way that was all his own. I had an advanced photography class and we were already beginning to put together our portfolios for the final projects. We were able to take cameras from class outside and photograph things around the school premises. I had gone off on my own to try to find the best subjects to shoot before anyone else caught wind of them. My journeying brought me to the school's race track and that was when I saw Roman sitting high on the bleachers wrapped in a gray wool coat, puffing away on a cigarette. I had no intentions of saying anything to him but as I walked by he whistled. Shielding my eyes from the sun, I looked up at where he was perched at the top of the bleachers. He stood up and used his long slender legs to descend the rows two-by-two. "Hey." He said once he jumped down onto the gravel walkway. "Hey, Roman. What's up?" "Nothing." He said, looking off into the distance as though there was something else catching his attention. "Okay," I chuckled. "Cool." "You're in my photography class right?" He asked with a nod towards the SLR camera I had in my hands. With another laugh, I replied, "Well, yeah. I'm in the class but you're never there." He took one more drag on his cigarette and flicked it away using his thumb and middle finger. "Yeah, I guess not." "So, why do you hang around school if you don't go to class?" I pried. He shrugged his broad shoulders, eyes flickering from me to the camera and back to me again. "Don't know. Something to do." "It's your last year, why not take your classes?" "Seems a little pointless... For me, anyway. I have a job lined up already that's going to pay better than anything a diploma can get me." I quirked a small smile at him and sighed. It had been the longest we had ever spoken to one another and I was quickly running out of things to say to him. I found it odd that he had even struck up a conversation with me, to begin with. I hadn't really spoken to him at all since elementary school and when I thought about that it seemed like a hundred years ago. "So, what are you shooting?" "Oh, um," I looked down at the little display screen on the back of my camera. "I'm just shooting for my portfolio. We need a landscape, a macro shot, a portrait, and a still life. I only have the landscape and portrait left to do." "Let's see," he nodded towards the camera. Although I still thought it strange he was interested in talking to me, I decided to entertain him anyway by showing him everything I had done up until that point. He towered over me and watched the screen as I scrolled through the photos, nodding and hardly cracking a smile. "You're pretty good. Are you going to pursue anything in photography after high school?" He asked. "I'm leaning more towards the graphic design realm. I guess that can tie in heavily with photography." He nodded again if not to display interest than to acknowledge he was listening. "Maybe if you get really good I'll hire you at my company." "Yeah, right," I said with a laugh. "What, you don't think you're good enough?" "It's not that... I just... I don't know. We haven't even spoken to each other since elementary school." "So what?" "Well, if I do get good, I'll send you a resume." Roman shoved his hands into the pockets of his wool coat. I took a moment to just look at him. I really hadn't seen much of him at all for most of the first semester of school and he looked a lot different than I had remembered. He was the same really, but different. His hair was all slicked back stylishly, complimenting the way he dressed in that well-put-together way. He still had those mad green eyes that you could see staring at you from yards away. I also noticed the scar he had on his cheek from that day in elementary school when he had gotten into that fight with some other boys. Roman cocked his head at me after it became obvious I was staring. "What?" he asked me, smiling for the first time during our conversation. "This might be a weird question but... Can I take your picture? I still have to do a portrait shot and I would rather not make it a self-portrait." "Is that what everyone else is doing?" I shrugged. "I'm not sure." Roman pondered for a moment and then nodded his head. "Yeah, you can take my picture. I'm overdue for some new headshots." "Awesome!" "Where would you like me?" He inquired. "Hm. Perhaps just sit down on the bleachers. I'm going to take some close up so just try to act natural." "Oh, I can act natural," Roman assured me. He sat down a couple rows up on the bleachers and I followed, keeping a distance of one bench so I wasn't right up in his face. After I adjusted the camera settings I began to snap pictures of him. He looked forward into the distance towards the school with an intensity in his eyes that made him look like a real model. The way his brow bone angled and his lips fell open ever so slightly made him look portending and more intimidating than usual. "Look at the camera," I directed him. Roman turn his body towards where I was standing and glowered into the camera lens. The lineaments of his face were actually quite striking and it wasn't until I turned the lens and zoomed in on his face that I realized that Roman was actually quite handsome in a totally unique way. He had such full lips and a charming nose that turned up just the right amount. Not to mention he had godly carved cheekbones and the way his eyes settled on the camera in a way that just wasn't quite right was all the more endearing. His bow-shaped ears only lent to his profile. All in all, Roman was an easy subject to photograph. "How's it look?" He asked after I had taken about two dozen pictures of him without stopping. "Looks great." "Well, thank you." "Thanks, Roman." "You're welcome." "I should probably start heading back. We only get half an hour out here and I don't want to get in shit." "Alright. See you another time." He said, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. I waved goodbye to him and slowly made my way back to class, satisfied with what I had done. I hoped that my teacher wouldn't make mention that my subject was a student well known for absenteeism but I didn't give it much more thought than that for a while.
"Babe..." I was working away on my desktop computer, finishing my write-ups for my photography portfolio and arranging them into the digital format for submission. All of our photos had to be a precise size and come with a two hundred word write up for each piece. I was nearly finished and just wanted to get my homework over with so I didn't have to worry about it for the rest of the week. My last submission was the photo I had taken of Roman Godfrey that I thought would make a great addition and fit the requirement perfectly. However, I was struggling with the write up seeing as I couldn't find anything impressively deep to say about the premise behind the picture. I was outside. I saw Roman Godfrey. I took his picture. He's really tall and smells like cigarettes. Shaking my head, I backspaced it all. "Babe!" I whipped around and saw my boyfriend laying on his stomach on my bed. He must have been trying to get my attention because his eyes were wide with expectancy. "Yes?" I asked. "Why the fuck have you been staring at a picture of Godfrey for like an hour?" He questioned. Scoffing, I answered. "I'm not staring at it. I'm doing a write-up. It's part of my portfolio project for photography." "Yeah but... Why Roman Godfrey? How do you even know that douche?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, he was just there. I had to take a stupid picture of somebody and he was just there." "Fucking hate that guy." I shrugged my shoulders as I looked back to my computer monitor. "He's not that bad." "Pfft," he spat. "Fuck that guy. Such a faggot." "You know... You really shouldn't just throw that word around. It's really insulting." "It's insulting that you haven't spent any time with me so far because you've been too busy looking at that shit." "My project isn't shit. Why the fuck are you being so rude?" He pushed himself up and sat up cross-legged on the bed. "I'm fucking bored. Let's bang or something fun." "No. My parents are both home." "So? We've done stuff here before when they were home." "Yeah but, I don't want to keep risking it. My mom likes to just walk in all the time." "Fine." He groaned. A few more minutes of silence passed by before he piped up again. "Will you just give me a blowjob? I'll be super quick." "No. Let me just finish up my project." "Wow. You're being a huge bitch," he said as he stood up from my bed and headed towards my bedroom door. "You would rather look at pictures you took of some random guy than do stuff with your own boyfriend?" "You're not exactly making it tempting by calling my project shit and saying stupid things." "Whatever. I'll just bounce then." "Fine."
It was lunch period and I was outside with a bunch of my friends in the smoker's pit behind the school. I didn't smoke much myself but I did like to hang out with my friends who did and there was only one legal spot for people to smoke at school and it was behind a mangled fence that separated school property from everything else. As long as students smoked behind the chain-link fence they wouldn't get in trouble from the teachers or vice principals. I was standing in a circle of my friends and Zack was beside me. We were all talking among ourselves when he looked over and saw Roman leaving the back doors of the school heading towards the smoker's pit. Once he was behind the fence he lit the cigarette that had been dangling from between his lips. I saw my boyfriend bristle at the sight of him and it wasn't long before he cut through our circle and approached Roman. "Hey, Godfrey. Got a smoke?" I heard him ask. Roman looked to each side of him and then back at him with a similar stare on his face as the one I had photographed. That insolent glare that made for a great photograph was being used against my boyfriend and I started to get worried. For some unknown reason, he had been starting to act really obnoxious and boorish, picking fights all the time with me and treating people like they were beneath him and now he was picking a fight with Roman. "Does it look like I have an extra cigarette?" Roman asked rhetorically. "Aren't you rich?" "Yeah. So what? You think just 'cause I have money I'm going to give my shit away to little fuckbags like you?" Zack slapped the cigarette out of Roman's hand before it reached his lips, causing sparks to fly. He used both of his hands to shove Roman backward but he caught his footing. As soon as everyone around noticed an altercation was about to take place, all eyes were on them. Roman ground his teeth together and took the step forward to get back in Zack's face, eyes blazing with anger. "Come on, bitch. Hit me. Throw a punch!" Zack egged him on. "Hey!" I yelled as I pushed through the people who were already starting to flock towards the two guys. "Zack, what the fuck? Just stop." "Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, Zack. You do not want to fucking go there." Roman's voice was deep and dark and I could tell Zack was already losing his momentum. "Fuck you, Godfrey. Why the fuck do you even hang around here anyway? Nobody likes you." Roman said absolutely nothing as he grabbed for his pack of cigarettes and made a show of pulling another one out of the row, eyes unflinching with no signs of backing down. I grabbed Zack's arm but he jerked away from me. "Zack. Come on." "Hit him!" Somebody yelled from the crowd. "Zack! Let's. Go." I pulled on him again. He knew that Roman was not going to back off and as much as he talked a big game, Zack was no fighter. I knew he was still angry about the photographs and that was the only reason why he had instigated the encounter. After I tugged on him once more he conceded and stepped away from Roman. "You better think about who the fuck you're talking to when you run your bitch mouth," Roman spoke up as I hauled Zack away. Things only got much worse from there. After that day, Zack had taken a liking in fighting with people for no reason. Mostly it was me and when I started to have enough of his new shitty attitude he took to arguing with me over text messages when I refused to hang out with him. Things started going South for us really quickly and it even got to the point where I told him we should take some time apart. I hated mindless bullying and that's all that he was doing to me and nearly every other person he came into contact with. Zack refused to leave me be and decided to try to make it up to me by asking me out on a date for my birthday. He apologized profusely and promised that he would stop lashing out at everyone, especially me, that he was just stressed about getting into University and all the pressure was building up inside of him. With promises of a really nice time, I accepted his peace offering and went out with him on the evening of my birthday to have dinner and go to a movie. Everything had gone quite well and I was feeling hopeful that Zack was back to normal and we could pick up from where we left off. He had been gentlemanly and gave me a handmade card that he had written his own poetry in. I was happy again and we held hands for most of the movie. It wasn't until the drive home that I got to see the side of him that I was growing to detest again. Zack's dad's car started sputtering and lurching as we drove down the road towards home. He hit the steering wheel as though the nudge would get the car to kick back in but the cab started rumbling violently. I held onto my seat as we shook and started to panic. "Shit! My dad's going to fucking KILL me if this car fucks off on me!" I didn't have anything productive to offer him because I knew nothing about cars. and the longer we drove the harder the car began to rock and screech. "Maybe we should pull over?" I suggested. "I need to get this piece of shit back home." Steam started rising from underneath the car's hood and Zack's knuckles turned white as he gripped the wheel and urged the vehicle to stop being a pain in the ass. "Zack, come on. Just pull over. I'll call my dad and he can come out to get us." "I'm not leaving my fucking car on the side of the road, damn it!" He yelled. I flinched from his outburst. He had never been so aggressive before and when I looked over at him I felt a bubble of distaste start to rise in my throat. "Just pull over!" I yelled back. Zack yanked the wheel to the side and we swerved onto the gravel shoulder so fast I thought we would go crashing into the guardrail. Once he slammed on the brakes and turned the engine off I got out of the car and circled around to the steaming hood. "Fucking piece of shit car," Zack muttered under his breath. He lifted the hood and a cloud of smoke rose up and stung him in the eyes. I stepped up beside him to take a look in the car once the smoke dissipated but he pushed me aside with his hip. "Move. You don't know shit about cars so just stay out of the way." "You know, you've been a real asshole lately. I'm getting pretty sick and tired of it," I told him. "And you have been a pain in the fucking ass the whole night." I shook my head simply because I couldn't think of what else to say to him. The night air was starting to chill me and as Zack began tinkering around under the hood I made a split second decision that I knew I would probably regret. I just couldn't take being around him anymore. "Fuck you, Zack. I'm done." I stated. "Don't even bother trying to text or call me." Once I started walking down the shoulder, pebbles crunching beneath my platform wedges, Zack called out to me. "Whatever, bitch! You're a six on your best day!" It took a lot out of me not to turn around and go at Zack with my fists flying but the urge to put as much space between myself and him won the battle. I continued down the road and ignored his hollering. The walk home was going to be at least half an hour and in the shoes I chose to wear on our date, I figured it could take even longer. It was dark and getting cooler and the road was only flanked by massive thickets of trees. I got over a hill and the darkness became uninterrupted. There weren't any streetlights on the back roads but there were plenty of crickets chirping and sounds of rodents rushing through the bushes as I walked by, struggling not to stagger in my shoes. If anyone had asked me I would have told them I wasn't scared but the further I walked the more my feet started to ache and the more I regretted leaving the comfort of Zack's dad's piece of shit sedan that he treated just as well as he treated me. The more I thought about Zack the more certain I became that he wasn't right for me. When we had first gotten together he was sweet and kind to me. It was easy for him to charm me with his boyish good looks and his dirty blonde hair. Despite the fact that he had rude friends, he didn't quite fit the same mold as they did. He was quieter and reserved but the more I got to know him and the more he hung out around his basketball buddies, the more he began to adopt their shit personality traits. I started to feel tears welling up behind my eyes when I remembered he had called me a six on my best day. I knew he was trying to say whatever he could to hurt my feelings and that it wasn't something to worry over too much but when I thought about all of the time I had wasted with him, it did start to ache in my chest. I whimpered the farther I walked and felt my calves start to shake and tense as I ascended another steep hill. I couldn't take my shoes off unless I wanted to tiptoe over rocks and broken glass. Once I reached the crest of the hill I stopped to catch my breath. Rummaging through my purse, I found my cell phone and held it in the palm of my hand. I knew I could call my parents to come to get me but it was late and the thought of phoning and waking them up didn't sit right in my stomach, then I would have to explain the whole situation with Zack and that was something I wasn't ready to do. Before I pressed the button to start calling my dad's phone I noticed a car coming in the distance. I didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to myself so I held my phone behind my back and continued walking, taking extra care as I descended the other side of the hill. The closer the vehicle came the more detail I could make out and once it coasted down the road with its lights illuminating everything around it I noticed it was a dainty red Jaguar and there was only one person I knew that drove that car. At first, I thought he was going to drive right by me but he slowed down once he saw me, braked and came to a stop on the road. I saw Roman's concerned look when he rolled his window down. "What are you doing?" Roman asked me. "Uh. I'm walking home." "In those shoes?" He pointed the lit end of his cigarette at my feet. "I don't know, I guess so." "Where's your boyfriend?" "A little down the road." Roman nodded his head in contemplation then took a drag of his cigarette. A light gust of wind swept around me and set the hem of my dress to floating up around my thighs. My skin prickled with the chill and Roman sighed. "Get in." "It's okay. I don't live too far." "Get. In." "Okay." I circled around his car and got in the passenger side. Once I was enveloped in the warmth, a shiver trickled down my spine. Roman stared me down, eyes staring at mine and then trailing down the bodice of my dress down to the skirt and further down my legs. "You look really nice," he said, raising his eyebrows with sincerity. "Thanks. It's my birthday." "It's your fucking birthday?" I sighed and nodded my head. "Yeah." "What a way to celebrate your birthday," he said as he shifted gears and took off. "Um..." I got his attention. "My place is the other way." Roman turned his head and flashed me a dastardly smile. "I know." "Oh." "You don't want to end your night on a shitty note, do you?" "I guess not." "Well... Do you want to go home or do you want to come have some fun with me?" His question didn't beg answer but I nodded my head anyway and he nodded his back. I saw Zack with his head still stuck under the hood of his smoking car as we zipped by while Roman laid on the horn. I felt a small tickle of guilt but I couldn't help but laugh when Roman did. We were going too fast for me to see any of Zack's reaction but I knew that if he had noticed the red Jaguar he would know exactly who was honking at him. It wasn't long before we came up to Roman's enormous house and parked in the driveway. The estate was even bigger than people said it was. I had never seen it before except for when some kids in my history class searched it on Google Maps a couple of years ago but even that didn't do it justice. There were no other cars in the driveway and the house seemed devoid of people. I didn't manage to get a good look at the interior as I followed Roman up the spiraling steps to his room but I could see that the house was immaculate and beautifully decorated. I would have liked to look around more but he seemed eager for me to follow him. He shut the door of his bedroom after we entered and I only had a moment to take it in before he approached me. "You want something? A drink? It is your birthday after all. We should celebrate." "That's okay. I'm not a big drinker." Roman drew closer to me and his stare intensified. I felt a blush creep across my cheeks because I knew that he had brought me there for one reason. When I smiled I think he took it as a green light because he leaned over and kissed me hard. It was hard not to sigh into his mouth. Roman's lips felt so good and I knew I wanted the attention of the mysterious rich boy that everyone seemed to have an opinion about. The thing about Roman was that even though we were the same age, he seemed so much older and more experienced than anyone I knew. I supposed that came with all of the money and life experiences he must have had but there were other things about him that made it feel like he just had more in his repertoire than any guy I had ever been with, which had only been two up until then. First of all, he definitely knew how to kiss. It was downright poetic how he dragged his lips over mine, gradually working my mouth open so he could touch my tongue with his. He didn't breathe too hard into my mouth nor did he shove his tongue passed my teeth immediately. It was gentle and delicious, teeming with passion and a fierce lust that no guy had ever displayed for me before. When he pulled back I looked at him and couldn't help but soften. I remembered going through all of the pictures I had taken of him and how I had secretly remarked that the more I stared at each shot, the more strikingly handsome he seemed to me and with him standing right there, lips moist from kissing me, I felt my crush on him begin to deepen. "You want to fuck me, right?" He asked. "Um... Sure." "Sure is not an answer. It's either yes or no. Yes means I'm going to spend the night between those nice legs of yours and no means we can have a drink and a smoke, then I'll take you back home." "Yes." "Good. I was hoping you would say that." Roman said as he knelt down in front of me, letting his hands run up my calves to the backs of my knees and further up my skirt to my underwear. He spent some time rubbing my legs, getting up close so he could kiss my inner thighs. He disappeared beneath my dress and even though I could feel him, I still wanted to see him too. I lifted the edge of my dress and watched as he laid those gorgeously full lips over my skin with tenderness and desire. Each kiss sent its own tingle through my nerves and I think that's what Roman wanted to happen. "Mm, look at you. You look so cute in your adorable birthday dress. Too bad your pussy boyfriend isn't man enough to enjoy this. But that's okay... I'm going to make you forget all about him." Roman's voice was almost as stimulating as his hands and mouth were. He rose up higher and sighed when he ran his hands over the scant band of my underwear, just purring like an engine, eyes glued to my face so he could see my reactions. "Fuck... Look at these sexy little panties," his voice strummed. "These aren't the kind of panties that good girls wear... No. These are the kind you wear when you want to get fucked dirty, isn't that right? Did you put these on for your boyfriend hoping he would see?" I nodded my head, completely caught off guard by the words leaving Roman's mouth. I had never heard anybody talk that way and it excited me so much I could feel my arousal making itself apparent between my legs. "Well, I'm glad you decided to come home with me instead. Now I'm the lucky one who gets to take these off of you." Roman placed a few more kisses on my hips and ran his large hands all over my skin before he hooked one finger underneath the material of my underwear and gave them a tug. Before he proceeded any further though he took off his jacket and threw it to the side. Beneath it, he was wearing a black V-neck shirt that clung to his body in perfect shape. I had always liked Roman's sense of style. It set him apart from the rest of the guys at school, among many of his other traits. The closer his face got to my crotch the more sounds he began to make. Anything from soft sighs to quiet clicks of his tongue as he remarked how sad it was that some asshole had let me walk away from him on the side of the road. He said if it had have been him, there would be no way he would let a girl like me just walk away. His compliments acted like lube, so smooth and inviting that by the time he pulled my panties down my legs to my ankles I was already so very wet. It was another thing that made him groan with satisfaction. "Jesus fucking Christ. Look at this... Nice little wet pussy... Just glistening for me." I tried not to make too much noise as he shoved his face between my legs and ran his warm tongue up my slit, tasting the juices while simultaneously making my knees weak and gripping my thighs. "Mm... Fuck. You taste so fucking sweet. Did you know that? Did you know that your cunt tastes absolutely divine?" My mouth fell open as I watched Roman Godfrey lapping at me while I stood above him with my legs as far apart as the panties around my ankles would allow me to stand. The warmth of his mouth sent ripples of pleasure through my entire body and when he stuck his tongue out to explicitly flicker over my clit I let out my first real moan which I attempted to stifle in my cupped hand. "You like that, don't you, princess? Feels good to have your pussy eaten, doesn't it? Don't tell me he doesn't do this for you?" I shook my head no and Roman gasped softly and then rose to his feet, staring me down in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that you put all of this time and effort into looking like an absolute fucking dish and that asshole doesn't even have the balls to eat you out?" "No," I said quietly. Roman lifted me up and carried me towards his bed and in the process I managed to kick my panties off, losing them on the floor somewhere before he set me down on the covered mattress. He lifted my dress up and I aided him by raising my arms so he could pull it off of me. I was left with only my bra and shoes on but that didn't last long either because Roman went to unhook it, relishing the sight when my breasts were exposed to him. "That is a fucking crime. Look at you. You always look so innocent but I bet... You're just aching to get fucked like a naughty little slut, aren't you?" I didn't have to say much to him because he already knew that I was more than eager to receive whatever he had to give me. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his cell phone. For a moment I got worried but I didn't want to stop there. I wanted him badly. "Show me those nice tits. Yes. Squeeze them together baby. Fuck... Yeah, that's good." I bit my lip shyly as I did what he asked me to. The way he purred as I touched myself made me want him even harder but the camera in my face did put me off. I tried to overcome my nervousness but he noticed. "Roman..." I said worriedly. "You got to take pictures of me... Now it's my turn. Don't worry, sweetheart. These are for my eyes only." He snapped a few pictures of me and then set his phone on the bedside table before tearing his shirt off and crawling up on the bed, coming up behind me so he could run his fingers over my nipples and nibble on my neck. Once he had gotten more than a handful of my breasts he hugged me to his chest and pulled me back toward the headboard of the bed. I sat between his legs, back to his chest as he continued to fondle me all over and whisper in my ear. "You feel that?" He asked me as he pushed his groin into my back. "Feel how hard my cock is for you? Yeah? Do you feel how badly I want to fuck your pussy?" "Yes." His hands ran over the curve of my hips and down my legs so he could pull my knees up, giving himself better access to my opening. With one long finger, he grazed my clit ever so slightly, causing me to sigh and lean back into his embrace. "It's a shame you're not with someone who knows how to get you off. Don't worry. I'm going to make you come, then I'm going to make you come some more. Is that okay?" His voice was hot against my neck and I didn't have much left for words besides yes. "Tell me. Tell me you want me to make you come. Say it." "I want you to make me come." "Louder. Say 'Roman, I need you to play with my pussy'. Say it." "I need you to play with my pussy, Roman. I need it." "Yes," he drawled. "Yes, princess. Don't worry. I'll make you come hard. You fucking deserve it." After that, he pushed his middle finger into my mouth so I could suck on it. He kissed my shoulder, purring and delighting in the sensation before he pulled it back out and ran the pad of his finger over my clit in small firm circles. The feeling he stirred up in me was intense and I spread my legs further apart, much to his satisfaction. "Yes, open those legs for me so I can finger that tight little cunt." When he pressed his digit into me I groaned and laid my head back on his shoulder. He hissed softly as he began to work it in and out slowly. His mouth was close to my ear and he hooked his other arm around my neck but didn't pull, it was just enough to make sure I stayed close enough for him to whisper dirty things in my ear. "How's that feel baby?" "Good... So good. Mmm." I whined. "Yeah? You ready for another finger?" He asked. I whimpered but he shushed me gently. When I felt the tips of two of his fingers pressing against my opening I gasped. "I know you can handle it. After all... How are you going to take my cock if you can't even have two of my fingers inside of you?" He worked his fingers in nicely and once they were inside he began pulsing them in and out, rubbing against a spot in me that felt too good to be true. He laughed as my mouth fell open, picking up the pace as I lifted my knees up a little bit more so I could watch his hand pleasuring me. "Yeah, that looks real good, doesn't it?" He asked. "Yes, oh my god... Roman." "Yes baby, you like that, don't you? Naughty little whore. So wet and needy." Roman pulled his fingers out of me with a slick sound that only added to the ambiance of pleasure he was creating. He hooked his arm around me tighter and delivered a few swift claps to my clit, growling lowly in his throat as I tensed up from the sensation. "Oh fuck. I bet that feels really good, huh? You like it when I slap that clit? Mhm." He did it some more, five quick slaps and then a break to let me feel the dull stinging before giving me five or six more. My legs involuntarily closed around his hand but he spread them apart again and gave one of my thighs a light slap too. "No, no, baby. Don't close those legs yet. I'm not done." He rubbed my pussy slowly with enthusiasm and it felt so drastically different from the slaps that I melted back into him. The arm he had wound around my neck dropped so he could squeeze my breasts and lightly pinch my nipples. The edge of his teeth sank down on my shoulder but not too hard. It was just enough to leave light imprints on my skin. "You ready to sit on this cock?" He bucked his hips into me so I could feel how hard he was. "Mhm, yes Roman." He backed up until he was pressed right up against the headboard. Unbuckling his belt, he worked his pants and boxers down until they were low enough for him to kick them off. I bristled at the sight of his cock, thick with arousal and pulsing with blood. He was big. Much bigger than Zack and I was afraid that it might hurt to have it all inside at once. I think he could see the trepidation in my eyes but ignored it, choosing instead to beckon me with two fingers. "Come here, you. Come sit that gorgeous little pussy on me." Roman urged me. I crawled over his legs and straddled his lap and my look of unease only grew as he angled to push into me, teasing the head of his cock against my opening. "What's the matter?" "It's so... Big." "I know, baby. It's okay. I know you can handle it." He encouraged. "I promise I'll go slow." I inhaled sharply when he pushed into me deliberately, only going as far as to envelope the tip inside of me before he pulled out. "Fuck," he groaned. "I need to feel that again." He pushed up inside of me again, going further and I couldn't help but moan as the feeling ricocheted through my body. I had never felt such an intense fullness but he had been right. I was turned on enough that I could handle it. In fact, the further I sank down on him the better it felt until I was seated on his lap and the deepness hit part of me that I had never felt before. It was sharp and I lifted up again, but he was already so in Heaven that his moaning sent his head back. "Fuck! Oh, that's so good. Your pussy is so tight." He reveled. It took a while for me to adjust but once I did the sensation was beyond anything I had ever imagined. Roman began to rock me and I could feel my juices running down to coat the inside of my thighs. He looked at me like he had never seen anything like me before with his lips hanging open and brows screwed together in ecstasy, it was all so much so quickly. "Holy shit, I don't know how long I can last." He expressed. I whimpered as he pushed in and pulled out with a pace so slow I could feel every vein and ridge of his cock throbbing. Once we developed a steady and deliberate rhythm, Roman reached down and started doing that thing where he massaged my clit in circles. That was a new sensation that sent my eyes reeling back with pleasure; having something inside of me while also being played with. I couldn't believe how good it felt and he could tell how it was affecting me which caused him to smile devilishly. "How's that feel, princess? You like riding that nice big dick while I play with your clit?" "Yes, oh my god." "Yeah," he hissed again. "I bet your boyfriend is too much of a little bitch to fuck you the way I can." I agonized in every single pang of bliss and each word that fell from his mouth. It was easy to get close to the edge with Roman spouting such profanity, working himself inside of me like I had never felt before. Once he picked up the pace I really started to enjoy myself. He never took himself away from me and made sure he was bringing me to the edge with him. "Oh, fuck... I'm close. Are you going to come with me?" He asked. I nodded my head as I bounced on his lap. He used his other hand to slap my ass and I let out a whine when he began thrusting into me harder. "Yes, that's right. Come with me. Yes, yes, yes. Come all over my cock baby." The circles he drew grew ragged but he never lost the rhythm and didn't press into me too hard. He knew how to tease and the more he did so the closer I got to feeling that burst of euphoria that I knew would find me. "Come for me. Come for me right now. Right now, baby girl, yes." His words were fast and made it that much easier for me to get close. "I'm going to come. Are you going to come with me?" "Yes, Roman, fuck yes." "Do it. Come right now. Do it for me." I felt Roman's body tense, watched his abdomen flex and saw how eager he was to make me orgasm with him. It definitely did the trick and it wasn't long before I felt my climax hit me just as his hit him. His hand slowed on me but didn't let up and coaxed an orgasm out of me that was so powerful, I felt myself clenching around his length which sent him into his own orgasmic fit. He curled his long arms around me and squeezed as he growled into my chest like a panting beast, pumping out everything he was capable of until he couldn't anymore and the motions ceased. It was the first time anybody had ever come inside of me and I couldn't lie and say I didn't enjoy it. I climbed off of Roman and immediately felt his warm cum leaking out of me. He began to chuckle in that evil way that put most people off. "What?" I questioned him. He rubbed his hands over his face and sighed. "Sorry... It's just... I don't think I've come that fast since I was like twelve." "I'm sorry." Roman laughed at me and I looked away slightly embarrassed. "Sorry? No, I'm sorry. If you give me a bit we can go again." "Again?" Roman scoffed and threw his head back. "Don't fucking tell me... He doesn't eat you out AND he can't fuck you more than once in one night? Why are you with him?" "Well, obviously I'm not with him anymore." "Did he break up with you on your birthday and make you walk back home?" "No... I chose to start walking." "Shit. Well good timing for me, huh?" Roman laughed. I giggled too as he ran his hand up my leg. We sat on his bed naked together for a little longer before he scooted closer to me. I suddenly remembered the pictures he had taken of me and felt a wave of anxiety run over me. "So... Those pictures you took of me..." I struggled to say what I needed to say "What pictures?" He asked. I cocked my head. "The pictures... You took with your cell phone." Roman got up on his knees and leaned over me, framing my face with his hands. He kissed me and then pulled back. "Princess, I didn't take any pictures of you. We just started fucking when we got here and you're not going to tell anybody about it, ever." Then... His nose started bleeding and I understood what he had told me. Mindlessly, I nodded and he looked at me with that evil Roman smirk, red trickling down to his top lip.
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