#headless website
creations365days · 2 years
To Read about Headless Website visit Us
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elightwalktech · 7 months
Six benefits of adapting Shopify Headless (Hydrogen) development to your e-commerce development to improve your product momentum. Know how this technology can enhance your website's performance, boost scalability, improve the user experience, streamline content management, and provide flexibility for future growth.
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untoterxhund · 1 year
on that note mayhaps just gonna dip and chill w/ some more silent hill, this time probably Silent Hill 3 tho
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successivetech22 · 5 months
Why Should You Choose Acquia CMS For Headless Website Development?
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Acquia CMS stands out for Headless Website Development due to its unmatched flexibility and scalability. Its robust architecture empowers developers to craft dynamic, content-rich experiences across channels seamlessly. With Acquia, you access powerful APIs, comprehensive developer tools, and extensive support, ensuring efficient development and exceptional user experiences for your headless projects.
Also read CMS For Headless Website Development
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mnchrmrainbow · 2 years
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JAMstack, Buddy, and Contentful: A Winning Combination for Scalable and Reliable Websites
The Challenge: We had to build and manage multiple international websites with a small team of 5, while ensuring scalability with the localisation at its core, reliability with easy content and code changes, and efficiency with minimal operational overhead.
The business ambition was to launch 10 new websites within the first year with a limited budget and no additional team members. Our project plan was to use the central development team to build the core components, own the technical operation of the websites, and train the local teams who would content-manage their own localised websites.
Our future vision was to empower local teams to expand their websites with local components, so the central solution had to be a modular and scalable by nature.
The Solution: JAMstack, a web development architecture that uses JavaScript, APIs, and Markup to create fast, secure, and scalable websites and applications. JAMstack allowed us to build a headless website that was decoupled from its back-end, so that it could be served directly from a CDN (Content Delivery Network). This architecture reduced the need for dynamic servers and databases, and improved reliability and scalability which in return helped us to keep operational and maintenance costs much lower than traditonal websites.
We chose Contentful as our headless CMS, as it fit the picture perfectly with its RESTful APIs and easy to handle JSON files. Contentful gave us the flexibility and control to manage our content across different regions and languages, and to integrate with various services and features from third-party providers via APIs.
We used Gatsby and React to build the front-end that was managed through GitHub. Gatsby and React are powerful frameworks that enable us to create dynamic and interactive web pages with high performance and SEO which were crucial for the project as these were brand websites with keen focus on the design and findability. GitHub was our version control system that helped us to collaborate and track changes in our code.
We used Buddy, the DevOps automation platform, to build the CI/CD pipelines that automated our workflows and integrated with our tools. Buddy has a visual pipeline editor and a dashboard that show us the status and performance of our projects, and allow us to manage our settings.
The trick: was to leverage MACH architecture, starting with Headless. MACH stands for Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless, and it is a modern approach to software development that helps us to build a scalable, modular, and composable architecture. MACH architecture gives us the freedom and flexibility to choose the best tools and services for our needs, and enable us to adapt to market changes.
With the help of these technologies and tools, we were able to automate a big portion of the operation, ensuring that the team could manage the ambitious scale. By using the same infrastructure and codebase for every single website, we could avoid duplication, inconsistency, and maintenance issues. We also achieved faster delivery, better quality, and higher customer satisfaction.
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prateekshawebdesign · 9 months
Sumeet Shroff's Take on the Top 12 Headless CMS of 2024
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Headless Content Management Systems (CMS) have increasingly become a vital part of the web development landscape, particularly as we step into 2024. These systems allow for greater flexibility, scalability, and performance, especially in a world where content needs to be delivered across multiple platforms and devices. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, headless CMSs provide the backend content management capabilities without dictating the front-end presentation layer, making them ideal for building applications with modern architectures such as JAMstack.
What is a Headless CMS?
A headless Content Management System (CMS) is a modern approach to content management that separates the back-end content repository, where the content is stored and managed, from the front-end presentation layer, where the content is displayed. This separation allows greater flexibility and freedom in how and where content is presented.
Characteristics of a Headless CMS:
1. API-Driven: A headless CMS typically provides content through APIs, usually RESTful or GraphQL, enabling content to be delivered to any device or channel capable of calling these APIs.
2. Front-End Freedom: It allows developers to use any front-end tool or framework to display content, as the CMS does not impose any front-end technology or structure. This is particularly advantageous for creating omnichannel experiences.
3. Content-First Approach: Focuses purely on the content, without considerations for how it might be displayed or styled, ensuring content is future-proof and reusable across various platforms.
4. Enhanced Scalability and Flexibility: Being decoupled from the presentation layer, headless CMSs are more scalable and adaptable to changing technologies or platforms.
Use Cases:
1. Omnichannel Content Delivery: Ideal for businesses that want to deliver content consistently across multiple platforms, like websites, mobile apps, IoT devices, and more.
2. Customized User Experiences: Useful for projects that require customized, dynamic user experiences across different digital touchpoints.
3. Future-Proof Projects: Suitable for projects that need to adapt to emerging technologies and trends without overhauling the entire content management system.
Headless CMSs have become increasingly popular due to their flexibility, scalability, and ability to provide a more personalized user experience. They are especially beneficial in scenarios where content needs to be distributed across multiple platforms and formats.
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Unleashing the Power of Headless Commerce: The Rise of Headless Magento Stores
In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, delivering seamless, personalized, and engaging customer experiences is paramount. Traditional monolithic ecommerce platforms often struggle to meet the evolving demands of modern shoppers. This has given rise to a new approach known as headless commerce, which offers unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and customization possibilities. In this blog post, we explore the concept of headless commerce and dive into the world of Headless Magento stores, showcasing how this architecture empowers businesses to create truly exceptional ecommerce experiences.
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headless-website · 1 year
The Power of Headless Websites: Embracing Innovation for Safer Online Experiences
In the modern era of technology, establishing a robust online presence has become imperative for businesses to flourish successfully. To stay ahead of the curve, companies like Civilized Savage are embracing the power of headless websites Safer. But what exactly is a headless website, and why is it gaining popularity among businesses? Let’s explore the benefits and advantages of this innovative approach.
Understanding Headless Websites Agency
If the question “What is a headless website?” is still lingering in our minds, the answer is right here, waiting to be unveiled. A headless website Agency refers to a new way of structuring a website where the front-end and back-end are decoupled. Unlike traditional websites, headless websites separate the presentation layer (the “head”) from the content management system (the “body”). This decoupling enables greater flexibility, scalability, and customization options for businesses
Empowering Businesses with Safety and Security
Headless websites provide enhanced security measures, ensuring a safer online experience for both businesses and their customers. By separating the presentation layer, potential vulnerabilities are minimized, making it harder for hackers to exploit security loopholes. Civilized Savage understands the importance of protecting their clients’ data and has taken the proactive step of adopting headless websites to safeguard their customers’ information.
The Role of a headless website agency
As businesses recognize the potential of headless websites, the demand for expert guidance has surged. This is where a specialized headless website agency like Civilized Savage steps in. By leveraging their expertise and experience, they help businesses seamlessly transition to the headless approach. The agency offers tailored solutions that align with each client’s unique needs, ensuring a smooth and successful migration.
Unleashing Creative Freedom and Flexibility
One of the most significant advantages of headless websites is the creative freedom and flexibility they provide. With a decoupled front-end and back-end, businesses can experiment with different presentation layers, design elements, and user experiences without impacting the underlying infrastructure. This empowers businesses to deliver engaging, personalized, and immersive digital experiences that captivate their target audience.
Future-Proofing Your Business with Headless Websites
In an ever-evolving digital landscape, adaptability is key. Headless websites safer scalability and future-proofing, helps those businesses which need to stay competitive. As technology advances and new devices emerge, headless websites can seamlessly adapt and deliver content across various platforms, ensuring a consistent and optimized user experience.
Partnering with Civilized Savage for Your Headless Website Needs
When it comes to embracing the power of headless websites, partnering with a reputable agency like Civilized Savage is crucial. Their expertise, knowledge, and commitment to delivering exceptional results make them the ideal choice for businesses seeking to unlock the full potential of headless websites. With their guidance and support, you can navigate the complexities of this innovative approach and transform your online presence.
Headless websites offer a new paradigm for businesses to elevate their digital strategies. With enhanced security, creative freedom, and future-proofing capabilities, they provide a powerful solution for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital realm. Civilized Savage, as a leading headless website agency, stands ready to assist businesses in harnessing the power of this innovative approach. Contact them today and embark on a journey of digital transformation and success.
Source URL-https://www.ventsglobal.com/headless-website-agency-new-way-of-structuring-website/
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creations365days · 2 years
What Is A Headless Website? Discover the Power of Headless Architecture.
blog source — Qortechno https://qortechno.com/headless-website-advantages/
What is a Headless Website?
A headless website is a website where the front-end (UI) separates from the back-end (content management system). This means that the content and data are stored in a centralized database, while the user interface is built as a separate application that accesses the data and presents it to the user.
It is built without a traditional frontend or user interface. It doesn’t have a visual interface that a user interacts with through a web browser like Chrome or Firefox. Instead, the website’s content and functionality are delivered through an API (Application Programming Interface). This means that a headless website is designed to separate the content and functionality of a website from its presentation layer. This approach allows developers to focus on creating and managing the backend of a website, without worrying about the frontend.
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What is Headless Architecture?
Headless architecture is an approach to software development that separates the presentation layer from the application logic and data storage layers. In a headless architecture, the application logic and data storage are exposed through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), while the presentation layer is built separately and consumes the APIs to display content to the user.
The term “headless” comes from the idea of removing the “head” of the application, which is the presentation layer, and leaving only the backend systems. The frontend, or presentation layer, is often referred to as the “head” of the application because it’s the part of the application that users interact with directly.
To know the Advantages of Headless Website visit Us at Qortechno.com
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perfectiongeeks · 1 year
What is a PWA (Progressive Web App)?
A Progressive Web App, commonly called PWA, is a web application that utilizes modern web capabilities to give users an app-like experience on the web without native apps. PWAs utilize headless commerce technology and a decoupled front and back-end architecture that allows businesses to develop flexible front ends capable of communicating with various back ends.PWAs can be accessed from any browser without needing to be downloaded from an app store, using service workers to cache data and work offline; this enables PWAs to load instantly, even with poor network connections.
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sigmasolveinc · 2 years
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practicallogix · 2 years
Headless ECommerce Solutions & Development Company
At practical logix, They can help you streamline your online business via eCommerce Website Development and delight your customers with modern, user-friendly interfaces. Their expertise includes Headless ECommerce Solutions and e-commerce websites.
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maverick-werewolf · 2 months
Werewolf Fact #75 - Cynocephali (dog-headed men)
This month's folklore fact is a long-awaited one from over on the Patreon: the cynocephali or "dog-headed men."
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Some depictions of cynocephali (the one above is from the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493) are mistaken for werewolves fairly frequently; there are several differences of note, including but not limited to the fact that they are otherwise very, very human (normal hands and feet, no tail, etc) and that their ears are not always shaped like a wolf's/pointing directly upright. They often are, however, so don't take the ear shape as a surefire thing, either. When in doubt, make sure the depiction is actually meant to be showing a werewolf before using it for, I don't know, a royalty-free image in your werewolf publication (I've seen several). The cynocephali do not shapeshift, nor are they associated with wolves. They have nothing to do with werewolves. Yes, it was just a plot to make you click this link and read about cynocephali.
Cynocephali, or singular cynocephalus, is a term derived from the original Greek word "kynokephaloi," meaning "dog-headed." They have other names as well, which mean a range of things such as "dog-faced" and "half-dog." They were mentioned in assorted accounts and tales of travelers in Africa and India, appearing in sources as old as ancient Greece, and some similar beings can be found in other cultures, such as China. Likewise, depictions of and discussions of such beings continue into the Middle Ages. This same term was later used to refer to baboons, to which no-fun modern day scholars now attribute all cynocephali legends (although we do have at least one Ottoman depiction of a cynocephalus battling a monkey).
There are many quotes across various sources and time periods about these beings, including but not limited to this one from the fifth century BC Greek historian Herodotus, Histories 4. 191. 3 (trans. Godley) [source: Theoi]
"For the eastern region of Libya, which the Nomads inhabit, is low-lying and sandy as far as the Triton river; but the land west of this, where the farmers live, is exceedingly mountainous and wooded and full of wild beasts. In that country are the huge snakes and the lions, and the elephants and bears and asps, the horned asses, the Kunokephaloi (Cynocephali) (Dog-Headed) and the Headless Men that have their eyes in their chests, as the Libyans say, and the wild men and women, besides many other creatures not fabulous."
Some stories of the cynocephali are also frightfully specific as to how they live, rear livestock, grow fruit, weave baskets, wage war, and much more, even including details of their society, clothing, how long they live, etc. It's all quite interesting. If you'd like to read more specific quotations, you can find many on one of my favorite websites, Theoi.
Sources seem to dispute one another as to whether they bark, do not bark but only howl, only shriek, or whatever other sounds they may make, and there is also a range of descriptions including elements such as if they have beards and whether hair covers their bodies as well as the dog-head. Overall, probably the majority of sources say they wear the skins of animals as opposed to having fur, but there are those that also call them hairy all over.
Please note that I will not be covering/discussing any gods from ancient Egypt in this post, because despite what some modern day scholars like to discuss, I don't consider them "cynocephali." They were wolf-headed deities, not dog-headed (or even jackal-headed), and are overall only related to cynocephali legends by proxy and by modern scholars always putting everything into blasted categories for their next thesis. There were some dog-headed deities in ancient Egypt, and Anubis, Wepwawet, Duamutef, etc, were not among them, and even then, we can't really assert that the dog-headed deities among the ancient Egyptians are actually related to other legends and records of cynocephali.
With that out of the way, let's continue...
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One of my personal favorite stories involving a dog-headed man is a version of the tale of Saint Christopher, though these depictions and this tale are not seen as canon by churches and has been proscribed in Eastern Orthodoxy (where such depictions were generally most common). Some of these depictions still survive, however. Some sources believe that Byzantine depictions of a dog-headed Christopher come from mistaking "Cananeus" (meaning "Canaanite") for "caninus," i.e. canine.
In the story about a dog-headed Saint Christopher, there lives Reprebrus (among other variations of his name; ultimately, they all essentially mean "reprobate"), who is captured by Romans in battle and made to serve among them. Reprebrus was said to be of "enormous size," with the head of a dog, said to be typical of his kind. He was later baptized and martyred. However, in another version (this one from Germany), Saint Christopher is depicted as a giant cynocephalus who ate human flesh and performed many atrocities. He meets the Christ child later and carries him across a river, as in tradition (the name Christopher means "bearer of Christ") and repents for his sinful behavior. He is baptized and becomes human, dedicating himself to serving Christianity and became a soldier saint.
There are far more fascinating details in the story than I relayed here in extreme simplicity, but that's a very simple view (the story is actually very specific about different regions and even the unit in which he served).
Other depictions of cynocephali exist in certain Christian traditions, with Ahrakas and Augani sometimes being depicted with dog heads in Coptic Christian tradition, in the life and legend of Saint Mercurius.
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Bestiaries also got pretty wild with the creatures depicted therein, many of which were also mentioned in classical sources (such as the Herodotus quote earlier in this post). The image above is from between 1357 and 1371, in a work called The Voyage and Travels of Sir John Mandeville, or simply Mandeville's Travels, the memoirs of a man who traveled across the Middle East, India, and even as far as China. Medieval bestiaries also recorded all the same creatures shown here: a monopod or sciapod, a cyclops, a blemmy, and a cynocephalus, each different civilizations of beings said to dwell across the world (and often cited in multiple sources over considerable spans of time, which generally cite the same or similar regions for each civilization, which I've always found very interesting).
Mentions of the cynocephali span across centuries, such as in works by scribe Paul the Deacon, a Benedictine monk, and they are even mentioned in the Nowell Codex, a surviving Old English work containing Beowulf (as well as a work of the life of Saint Christopher and Wonders of the East, among others). They are also acknowledged in the works of multiple noteworthy explorers, including but not limited to Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, Ibn Battuta, and Piri Reis.
With that, I think that's a decent overview! Hope you enjoyed the post.
And stay tuned for news and updates on a major [werewolf/fantasy/adventure/horror/epic] book release later this year!
If you like my blog, be sure to follow me here and elsewhere for much more folklore and fiction, including books, especially on werewolves! You can also sign up for my free newsletter for monthly werewolf/vampire/folklore facts, a free story, book previews, and my other sundry projects and works, such as plushes.
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toa-archive · 4 months
Decided to split up the artwork that turned up over the weekend in part as wanted to focus on THIS thing first:
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Brunch Studio has a now hidden page where they go into detail of what they did for Trollhunters (Both og film and TV) including creating the Trollmarket set design. Which is neat because some of Rémi Salmon's work was saved from whatever his website is doing! Another of the artists mentioned on there is Fabien Ouvrard. Through some tracking down I managed to uncover his instagram and later his artstation account. The first had some cropped work from Trollhunters whereas his artstation didn't... Until Saturday.
Being able to have a proper look at this thing managed to figure out it is in fact the shooting board for the below video:
Not entirely sure if it was part of a pitch, a spec or what just that it's incredibly cool.
If you really zoom into the Shooting Board you find this image which given the other artwork. Who painted it is currently a mystery.
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The matching image on the reel is a pretty easy one to ID, Geoffroy Thoorens dated back in 2014. The trolls beforehand are a bit more of a mystery though there is a suspicion who they might be which we'll come to shortly.
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Next zoom in is this which the artbook confirms is Zibach.
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Whereas the Reel is Thoorens again, also 2014. It's likely this is an overpaint of Alfonso Blaas' version because of the remarkable similarity.
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From the zoomed in stills again this one can absolutely confirm is Zibach because it was on tumblr with an instagram redirect.
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Broken tumblr posts can't stop me:
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The next transition gets a bit more in the air seeing as it's a composite. From what I've been able to figure out:
Alfonso Blaas - Trolls, he has them all uploaded separately and they're painted over Headless Studios linework
Christopher Zibach - Heartstone
Geoffroy Thoorens likely had a hand in the rest as he does have those funky gem bridges on his artstation which have not really shown up elsewhere. It could be a mixture of him, Blaas, Ouvrard or even other artists too!
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After that is a bit of a mystery. On the shooting board it's clearly Zibach so somebody must have made their own version of it. When that happened they added Blinky and Toby in the process.
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With nothing for the sweeping in to GO AWAY shot it like was based on Fabien's sketch using the above Zibach as a reference.
The Heartstone went through all sorts of weird and wonderful transitions though being in water with the posing did show in Zibach's shown below. According to the artbook and comparing to the reel it looks like that particular image was drawn by Dominique Lewis possibly with Thoorens's background, difficult to tell.
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It's been incredibly neat seeing some brand new work (If small), sketches and an excuse to watch that video again.
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eredhes · 4 months
Thought I'd compile a side by side of the specfic Lascaux paintings/engravings I have used as references. The majority were only used as painting reference and not for the actual model, with the exception of the Axial Gallery pair and the Black and Red Horse. I've used the names and photos from the official Lascaux website, except for the photo of the two 'Chinese' horses which was taken by J. Vertut, from A. Leroi-Gourhan's 1984 book.
Second and Third 'Chinese' Horses - Axial Gallery
Black and Red Horse - Axial Gallery
Polychrome Headless Horse (near bear) - Hall of the Bulls
Horse ext to the Black Cow - The Nave
The Great Red and Black Horse - Hall of the Bulls
Frieze of the Small Horses (piebald pony) - Axial Gallery
First Red Horse - Axial Gallery
First 'Chinese' Horse - Axial Gallery
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webanglikethat · 21 days
On Cain and Lane, part two.
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on Lane and Cain,
for my lovely @taemcains
Fanart by @sannaapsd on Telegram // Noah Kahan – Sticks Season // Faye Webster – A Dream With A Baseball // Sculpture 'Cathedral' by Auguste Rodin // Quote by Anonymous // Headless John The Baptist Hitchhiking, C.T. Salazar // Markus Zusak – The Book Thief // Fanart by MNLV on Telegram // Your Hands by Pablo Neruda // Madeline Miller – The Song of Achilles // I Would Let My Hands Bleed For You on Pinterest // Fanart by greshnyekrysi on Telegram // Terese Marie Mailhot – Heart Berries: A Memoir // Jeanette Winterson – Written on the Body // 13 October (1819): John Keats to Fanny Brawne // Fanart by @gehennacr | Telegram // Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hain – Roopkumar Rathod translated by this website
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