palettepainter · 1 year
Weirdos in love
I’ve got Lew Zealand x Crazy Harry brainrot so have some small headcannons while I’m cutting stencils at work:
-Harry sleeps unnaturally still…to the point sometimes people panic and assume he might be dead. It doesn’t help that Harry naturally has a very pale completion which often has people mistaking him for being unwell when they first meet him. Harry is also not apposed to collapsing asleep at a desk or table. When Lew catches Harry asleep and unmoving he’ll place a written note by his head saying “Not dead, sleeping”
-Lew Zealand is trans I don’t make the rules guys 
-Harry loves taking apart random appliances to tinker with them and see how they work. More then once Lew has returned him to find Harry taking apart the toaster 
-They live in a small house together near a lake where Lew likes to go fishing. The house has an old basement Harry hides in to do all his explosive related work, while Lew practises his boomerang skills in the garden 
-Lew likes to go fishing, it’s a hobby he picked up in his teens but his family have always had a knack for fishing. He’s always been a more catch and release type of person though, he’s fine with eating fish based dishes but he doesn’t have the guts to kill a fish himself 
-Lew loves swimming and he used to compete in competitions at his school. He is very aerodynamic in the water and basically considers it a second home with how comfortable he is in the water. Harry on the other hand cannot swim to save his life, he never learnt, ontop of hating how cold water feels on his skin and the feeling of weightless ness Harry avoids large bodies of water at all times 
-Harry and Lew aren’t as smart as Bunsen and Beaker, but they’re not as oblivious as most people think. Lew has always loved and been passionate about sea life, he has a fondness for tropical fish and other species that often look peculiar or silly, like puffer fish.
Harry is also smart. He was the smartest kid in his science class and left with high grades…But he also knows a lot of bizarre weird facts no normal person would think about: like how to make a pipe bomb out of an air fryer, or how quickly acid can burn through metal, or how to pick locks without leaving evidence, how to hot wire a car, how to escape a country in a day (I’m not saying Harry has a past of criminal offences and may have gotten in trouble with police and has a past wrapped in mystery but I am saying it’s a possibility) 
-Harry loves knitted cardigans and sweaters, though he leans more towards cardigans. Maybe he could have grown up somewhere cold and far away from any big city? Hence why he can sometimes be a bit out of the loop with social ques and norms. All of his cardigans are well kept, but they all stink of smoke 
-Lew can’t cook to save his life and Harry only knows how to use a microwave and air fryer, so they often don’t eat the most healthy foods. Mac and Cheese is Harry’s favourite while Lew isn’t fussy and tends to eat whatever Harry does. Chef - as a culinary master - is personally offended at their poor diets and on more then one occasion has cooked meals for them (Lew and Harry are very enthusiastic about Chef’s meals, but his irritation about their poor eating habits fly right over their heads)
-They adopted, aka Harry found and brought home, sphynx cat named Newton. They thought they where a boy but it was only after they’d had the cat for a month did they realise it was a girl. Newton is Lew’s and Harry’s adopted hairless baby and they love love LOVE her. Harry in particular is very fond of their little wrinkly four legged child. If it wasn’t for Lew Harry would have adopted a whole army of hairless cats (he knits Newton sweaters in his free time)
-Harry has a bizarre ability of just…appearing out of no where. You’ll walk round a corner and Harry will unexpectedly be there, unblinking, staring at you 
-Lew and Harry are close with the band, and Harry in particular is good friends with Animal - mostly because the two balance out each other’s craziness. Newton also loves Animal and likes to curl up on his drum stool or lick at his mess of hair. The other band members are sometimes caught off guard by Harry and his ability to appear out of no where, except for Floyd 
-Lew is a big summer guy, while Harry hates the heat. Lew is all about summer fun! Swimming in the sea, sandcastles, ice cream, volley ball on the beach, fishing, kayaking, the whole show! Meanwhile, Harry is huddled under an umbrella at the far end of the beach the furthest away from the sea 
-Harry is the best person for scary stories because he doesn’t hold back, something which Lew learnt the hard way and paid the price for by not sleeping well for the next five days. 
-Lew and Camilla are surprisingly very close, they bond over the fact of them both having crazy, bizarre husbands who they adore dearly. Camilla sometimes asks Lew to “eggsit” for her when she and Gonzo go out for the evening. Harry doesn’t understand why they need to babysit…eggs of all things, but he knits Lew egg cozies for them 
-For some reason I can picture Lew as being Italian, or at least he has strong family ties in Italy 
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pouletpourri · 1 year
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the maddest spies around
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I was just scrolling through Instagram and the following question popped into my head:
If Bella never had those hallucinations of Edward in New Moon, would something significant have changed? Or would it just mean that she wouldn’t seek out Jacob?
Alright, let's go through this, I'm intrigued.
Bella Never Hallucinates Edward
Bella's in Port Angeles with Jessica to get Charlie off her back so he won't ship her off to Florida. They have an alright time, by which 'alright' is terrible for Jessica and Bella just hates the whole thing but is too depressed to function. They see the scary biker men, this time, Edward's not there to tell Bella not to go with the scary looking people who resemble her would have been rapists.
I imagine Bella stares at them for a weirdly long moment and Jessica, frowning, tugs Bella away and is very disturbed by the whole thing "Please don't make eye contact with them, Bella". Jessica, however, isn't as wigged out because Bella didn't actually approach them and mostly thinks Edward really fucked Bella up. She is not doing good.
"Maybe we have girl's night at home next time," Jessica reasons, seems more low key for Bella who really looks like she should be staying close to home.
"Yeah sure whatever" I imagine is Bella's reply, as she'll need something to keep Charlie from freaking out and if occasionally doing things with Jessica is it then why not.
As you note, without having hallucinated Edward, Bella has no motivation to endanger herself (first by approaching scary men, realizing this is too spicy, then saying "motorcycles, Edward would hate that"). So, Bella never gets the motorcycles and as a result never thinks of Jacob.
She never approaches him and doesn't befriend him.
I imagine what follows instead is that Bella has increasingly awkward girls nights with Jessica and Angela, and accidental dates with Mike Newton, where she tries to convince Charlie she's great. She's... awesome, but she's not actually getting better because she doesn't even have Jacob in this timeline.
I imagine she still motivates herself to search for the meadow but just gets increasingly lost in the woods without Jacob's help. She may stumble across it as she did in canon, nearly get eaten by Laurent, at which point she's saved by the wolves but even if this happens while she'd now know Victoria is after her sh edoesn't know about the wolves and Jacob isn't close enough to tell her/try to tell her as he did in canon.
Things continue, Bella doesn't jump off a cliff because she doesn't see the La Push guys doing it/isn't hallucinating Edward. As a result..
Probably, what happens, is either Victoria does eventually get to Bella and kills her or else the Volturi get involved as Victoria's building up the newborn army and, since Edward never came and told them he broke the rules, they have no reason to stall the destruction of the army and Victoria herself.
Bella never realizes there was a newborn army or how close Forks came to being wiped out by vampires.
As it is Bella... well, she'll either get better, or she'll continue to spiral into the suicidal behavior we saw in canon. My hope is that, after long enough, as in canon she begins to accept the Cullens will not return and tells Charlie/Renee "I think I need help" rather than what she did in canon (which was conclude she needs to rebound on Jacob to fix her problems).
Edward will likely eventually return, but we don't know when this will be, and when he does... if he'll content himself watching from afar or else will begin intervening in her life and scaring off boyfriends.
But the rest of the plot doesn't happen.
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iamthecomet · 10 months
OKAYOKAYOKAY BUT HOW DO YOU THINK THE GHOULS DRESS OUT OF UNIFORM,,, like anything from pajamas or comfy clothes to when they're feeling *stylish* (from freshwaterbassist)
FUCK YES I finally have time to answer this! (I have been thinking about it ALL DAY). Cumulus and Swiss are crop-top besties. They are both so happy in a nice loose cropped T. Swiss usually pairs his with a pair of low slung jeans. Cumulus loves a pair of spandex shorts and some legwarmers. Cirrus and Dew are punk rock girlfriends. Ripped skinny jeans (Dew's are always black). Band T-'s. A lot of over sized T shirts with the sleeves cut off (you know the type). Doc Martens or Converse. Cirrus an oversized flannel punk--Dew is a well worn beat up leather jacket punk. Mountain's jeans are old and loose and nearly threadbare. Most of his t-shirts are solid color. A lot of them have holes in the underarm or the shoulder but they're so god damn comfortable and soft. (Rain steals them). Aurora and Rain both like simple elegance mixed with a little bit of grunge. Converse paired with a nice skirt or a pair of creased pants. Nice button down shirts, or expensive looking blouses with a leather jacket or a flannel over them. They are: Ripped up black jeans, and heeled suede boots, and a suit jacket over a crop top. Or an oversized T-shirt over shorts and high heels. Sunshine loves overalls. Don't ask me why. Typically just wears a crop top under them, or nothing. Loves the shorts ones the best. Never wears a bra--refuses to. Steals a lot of sleeveless T's from Cirrus and Dew and sports a lot of side-boob. Also loves really short jean shorts. And has been known to walk around in only an oversized t-shirt. Aether is easy. He is happy in loose comfortable jeans or sweatpants and whatever shirt he finds in his dresser. He does love to wear a button-up shirt every once in a while though. Undoes the first few buttons and watches people stare at his chest hair. Aeon likes to experiment. Loves to steal clothes. Has stolen so many pairs of Cirrus' leggings she's just started buying double and giving him some. Wears a lot of oversized T's (Aether's) and skinny jeans. Always converse. Loves a big comfy hoodie. A style chameleon, it really does change depending on the day. He really likes stealing dresses from Aurora though--he thinks he looks great in them.
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hi it's me again, from the inscryption ask!
I get: Your TNMN Headcanons
You get: My TNMN Headcanons
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cemeterysgirl · 2 months
headcanon 001 — #name: sasha went by her birth name sang-mi for most of her horrible childhood, but once she was entered into public school @ the late age of 13 she picked the name sasha and insisted on being called it by peers/teachers/therapists alike until she mentally erased sang-mi. she took it from the p*rn star, sasha grey, in an attempt to reclaim her sexuality. the only way you'd know her real name is if you went to school with her as she rarely discloses it.
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tsarjozinzbazin · 2 months
well you asked for headdcanons/asks, so here you go! (warning for the most vanilla and mundane stuff ever) - Maxwell is still not used to having a physical body, so he's constantly aching and surprised by textures and pressure. Some times Wilson will grab his hands to massage the joints and that flusters Maxwell every time - Maxwell doesn't need to sleep much so he's the one keeping watch at night while Wilson sleeps next to him. Some times Maxwell hums or sings something quietly if Wilson is having trouble falling asleep. - (this is less of a headcanon and more like a random situation) Wilson helping Maxwell shave because he injured his hands. I swear I have more but my mind is super blank right now hhhhhhh
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those are so sweet omg here is my attempt at Wilson shaving Max
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Hibari with a frail s/o
The scent that reminds him of home & the conspiracy theory he believes in
Sleep, Old Age & Cooking headcanons
Fluff headdcanons
Hogwarts House
Assorted headcanons
Model AU! headcanons
Reaction to someone brushing their fingers through his hair
College Professor AU! headcanons
Random, appearance, and childhood headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Music taste headcanons
Hogwarts AU! headcanons
Childhood headcanons
What he makes in an art class
Interacting with various types of people
Favourite Disney villain and animal sidekick
With a strong wife who insists on fighting beside him
Aesthetic headcanons
Pirate AU! headcanons
Genderbend headcanons
What fairy tale would he be?
Bleach AU! headcanons
iPod headcanon
His wallet
His travel essentials
His phone
Assorted headcanons
Assorted headcanons
Assorted headcanons
Road Trip headcanons
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Bath sex drabble
Assorted headcanons
Reaction to finding an anonymous love letter
Assorted headcanons
Mini Emotions Playlist
Valentine's Day headcanons
NSFW drabble
NSFW drabble
Random headcanon
Superhero AU! drabble
NSFW headcanons
College AU! NSFW headcanons
Dating an erotica writer
'Stay with me until it's over' drabble
Kissing headcanon
Sharing a bed drabble
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kaleeshbled · 5 months
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Make peace with the Force now                              for this is your final hour.
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     Kaleeshbled. 18+ legends & headdcanon based General Grievous from Star Wars the Clone Wars & Revenge of the Sith ↪ as written by Captain
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brave-mushroomz · 2 months
Now, as a Minori simp, I admit that I also kinda ship MinoHaru. What I mean by that is that if they actually get together canonically I would completely understand. Now, because of those two factors, I make up random scenarios in my mind of a love triangle involving me, Minori, and Haruka. well, not a love triangle but a love V shape instead becuz I love Minori but Haruka also probably loves Minori, but Haruka and me don’t like each other. Is that normal???
Edit: I’d like to add that you could say that I got beef with a fictional character because of my headdcanons
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Would the Golden Trio's squib kid and Slytherin kid be friends?
The Slytherin kid and the squib kid.
Depends on personalities and how things go home.
Just because two people aren't invited to the cool kids' lunch table does not mean they'll automatically be friends themselves.
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i am partial to the fan headdcanon that darnold hlvrai's last name is pepper
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adobe-outdesign · 7 years
I headcanon that Joey had a strange obsession with Henry and acted as if they were best friends while Henry was very uncomfortable with that. When Henry left he was okay with it but Joey acted as if he had broke up with him. He didn't leave his office for days and played a love song on the radio (that he forced Sammy to write) outside his house
Henry: Yes Boris, we’re friends. Just friends.
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Titans headcanon: being Dick's sibling and a speedster.
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You and Dick were never sure where you got your powers from
Maybe your mom was exposed to something while pregnant with you, but all you have is speculation
You discovered your powers pretty quickly as a child
Of course, neither of you really understood it, but as you got older you realised you had abilities that others didn’t have
Dick never really got jealous that you got powers and he didn’t, because for the most part, you just got on his nerves each time you used them
You used it for all sorts of mischief growing up, much to Dick’s dismay
He’s always worrying that one day you’ll mess with the wrong person, and he won’t be able to help you
When you get taken in by Bruce, the two of you undergo very different types of training
It’s hard for the both of you in separate ways, because for Dick, it’s more physically demanding
And Bruce focuses your training more on your powers and how to use them in a fight, and to better control your abilities, which can take a toll on you
Training with Dick and learning how to use your abilities to compliment his fighting style
Although Dick tries to stay mature, the two of you can’t help but get a little competitive every now and then
Always pushing one another in training, because you’re always trying to help each other get to their full potential
Getting reckless at times because of your powers, and Dick constantly lecturing you about it 
“Loosen up, Dick. Who’s going to catch me?” “It’s Gotham, y/n. Anything can happen in this fucking city.” 
Despite the fact that you can butt heads at times, you’re both very close
Seeing as you only have each other, you grew up looking out for one another and having each other’s backs
Dick never even bats and eye when you use your powers, because he’s so used to you always being on the move and zipping around
You even try to scare him or take him by surprise sometimes, but to no avail
“Nice try, y/n.” “I’ll get you one of these days.” 
Being part of the original Titans with Donna, Hank, Dawn and Garth
Becoming a pretty deadly team with Donna, since she has super speed too, and your enemies never see you coming
When you the Titans all go their separate ways, you and Dick stay in touch
You decide to continue being a vigilante, and Dick eventually ends up in Detroit
“How’s crime in Detroit? Need a helping hand?” “I’ve got it handled, y/n, thanks.”
Even if you’re apart, you’re still siblings, and you’ll be there for him when he needs you
Helping him with the new generation of Titans, and impressing Gar and Rachel with your abilities 
“Don’t tell Dick I said this, but he really got the short end of the stick.” “Honestly, Rachel, I think the same thing sometimes.” 
Jason’s impressed by you too, although he pretends not to be
Dick being grateful to have you at his side, especially since the other Titans are so apprehensive about the whole situation with Slade
“I’ve got your back, always.” “I appreciate it.” 
tag list: @hauntedpocdreamer / @cnco-babes / @doot-doot-danvers / @soletmespeakklingon / @batfam16 / @lotsoffandomrecs / @ruvaakke / @cryinqxlouds / @bored-green / @interwebseriesfan24
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kindajared · 4 years
J & L for Gyro?
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don’t know about easily… He’d be vert trusting of his s/o, but also be fairly protective. I think if it gets to much, he might say something without losing his cool. He deals with it by just sitting back until he just can’t stand it anymore if it gets too bad. No more nonsense, you’re his.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
We are all aware that Gyro is a confident guy, though before doing this his heart would most definitely race. I think he would definitely have to tell himself to ‘get a grip’ before doing this! I think it would let it some out sort of nonchalant before he has to repeat himself to let the other know that he’s serious.
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nicholas-wolfwood · 4 years
What does your soul smell like?
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Fresh Linen
key words: refreshing, wit, humour. 
You are a relaxing person to be around and leave a positive impression on almost everybody you interact with! you're always sending the funniest memes in the groupchat and when you really like someone you can talk to them for hours on end. 
compatible with: fresh linen, grass and rain, rosewater.
Tagged by: @crystalburdened​, and @adelha-mathilde​ Tagging: @hanjithenewcommander​, @adventures-written​, @seaofmuses​, and anyone else that wants to try it! I don’t know who’s already done it.
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