#headcanon: p4 it
A concept of a post-game Naoto who works part-time at Junes to earn some moneys/not go insane from stopping all work but doesn't get her groceries from Junes is both very amusing and IC & sth I want to write and plot. She'd definitely follow her principles on supporting small brands and trying to show local "spineless teens" how to do a store chain boycott properly even though some would say she's an active Junes hater.
She'd never claim she's a Junes hater bc blind hate over a brand because it's mainstream is immature and ineffective in her opinion. You can be critical towards a store without being an immature bitch in her opinion and she'd rather choose the Calm and Adult Option since she totally is an adult. She is well aware on how Junes' manager (Yosuke's father) didn't choose this destination and is still confused on how the locals choose to bitch and complain about Junes while being hypocrites.
Sometimes people just choose to be idiots and aren't teens who were forced to grow up too quickly or they act before thinking/saying things.
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jo-gakky · 2 months
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Continues to push my trans!Yu headcanon Have some shitty doodles (The investigation squad made the mug for him)
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vante1920pm · 3 months
Can I have Gregory Violet jealousy hcs? 🌚
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: I've only watched the season today so it's gonna be ooc 😭 but I had this sudden boost of motivation so I hope you like it !! :)
◎ | black butler masterlist
☆ 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: jealousy headcanons for my favorite prefect <3
☆ 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: gregory violet/gn!reader
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: probably ooc, mostly fluff, little bit of violence mentioned
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-ㅤㅤ before dating
You didn't notice him before, but he most definitely noticed you immediately.
He was fascinated by you when he first laid his eyes on you. You were different than the others, he didn't exactly know why but he had this strange feeling in his chest when you locked eyes once.
He took his time observing you before you even talked. He found everything you do interesting and wanted to know more and more. But he also saw the way you interacted with others.
On one hand he was glad that you were so social, so he wouldn't have to do much except to make you notice him. But on the other hand, he had this feeling of disgusting jealousy when someone would touch your shoulder slightly or hug you goodbye. He wanted to do that too but also more. He wanted you for himself.
He did sketches of you that he would stare at before he goes to sleep, so he would have the chance to see you in his dreams. He also wrote letters to you that he never sent, because he described how he wanted to hurt everyone you were friends with and also your family. But he would make sure you never find them.
He was jealous that they could see your beautiful face everyday and he had to wait hours to days to get a glimpse of you.
He wasn't even trying it, but one evening, when you were sitting outside, he hid behind a tree and sketched you doing your homework. You noticed his hunched figure behind the tree, looking down on what he held in his hands. So you decided to approach him.
Well, from there on everything happened on its own and you got closer, until you confessed to him.
-ㅤㅤ while dating
Since you got into a relationship, his jealousy decreased as he now had you. But there were still moments of insecurities when some pretty person took your attention away from him.
You always noticed his mood going lower when you weren't focusing on him so you always made sure that he knew that no one compared to him, in your opinion at least.
Your reassuring words always made him feel calmer and relieved, he was definitely still jealous but it was bearable for him.
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© 2024, vante1920pm
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soloragoldsun · 2 months
Do ya'll ever stop and think about how everything Naoto feared surrounding being outed as a girl came true?
Like, one of the first things to happen is that she gets signed up by Yosuke to be in a beauty pageant against their will and had to dip out in order to avoid being forced to wear a SWIMSUIT in front of everyone!
And in their romance route, where you HAVE to jump to her defense, she's furious that she "became" a girl, only to have a man immediately rushing to defend him.
Naoto is encouraged to accept herself how she is, but is immediately objectified and infantalized by those around them. The romance route focuses on "changing" him, even though most moments that focus on their feminine aspects are filled with discomfort or apprehension.
Just a thought. Naoto deserves better. That's my TED talk.
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cobaltfluff · 6 months
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happy april fools' from your big brothers, dumbass (affectionate)
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daily-hanamura · 11 months
If Rise is a proxy for the game trying to give Yu a thinly veiled "default romance", then her parallels with Yosuke and the way they interact with Yu make for a fascinating comparison
(aka follow me down this weird delusional rabbit hole. Strap in because this is going to be a long and very weird one.)
1. Similar patterns of flirting
Unlike Rise, Yosuke is of course a lot less intentional and a lot more oblivious to what he's actually doing, but his behaviour is actually very similar to Rise's in some ways.
For example, the both of them find an in with Yu through "being shown around" Inaba.
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(actually there's a scene with naoto's first day at the school, where a few girls are trying to flirt with naoto using the same lines of showing him around, so that's fun.)
There's a difference in context here - Yosuke is playing that senpai-adjacent role for Yu, whereas Rise is asking Yu to play it for her (even though Inaba is Rise's hometown, and when you take her to souzai daigaku she says she's always wanted to go there).
But this difference is also important because...
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Yosuke's type is someone he can look after. (Btw, this is an extremely common male response in Asia - that men like dating someone they can look after. Remember this because it'll come up again later.)
I think throughout the course of the game Yosuke is very much consistently someone that likes taking care of people - quite obviously he looks after Teddie, but he's also always looking out for Kanji and everyone else, actually.
But there's something that changes slightly between him and Yu - as their relationship develops, Yosuke becomes more willing to be the one being looked after, but by Yu especially! This is something that is picked up on by others in the group, such as when Kanji says that Yu tends to spoil Yosuke, or when Chie tells Yu that Yosuke is going to come begging him soon.
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Neither Kanji nor Chie talk about how Yosuke asked them for help - because Yosuke, for the most part, is pretty resistant towards asking people for help... unless it's Yu. Yu is the exception in this regard, because where most people see Yosuke as being reliable, they also know that if Yosuke has issues, it's Yu that he turns to. And he does! In front of Yu, Yosuke lets himself be vulnerable, both in more serious settings but also in casual ones. Look at how Yosuke playfully ask Yu to "save him/them" (from Yukiko, Rise and Chie's cooking). It's a little dramatic. It's a little whiny. And it's all part of that role!
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But this is exactly the kind of role that Rise is playing as well.
In Japanese culture, there is the concept of 甘え (amae), which is closely related to the (perhaps more commonly known) Chinese notion of 撒娇 (sājiāo). It's hard to explain this in English because it's not really a concept that exists in Western contexts in the same way, but I think it's important because Persona is ultimately a Japanese game, and so the cultural norms and contexts that inform the relationships there are important. It's been talked about in more detail by people smarter than me (see: Takeo Doi, 1971) but the tldr is that it refers to a kind of childishness employed as a means to seek indulgence from a loved one - it's a little bit affirmation, it's a little bit flirtation, but really, the point is looking for someone to care for them. And it works the same way for the other person as well - to indulge is to love! (Remember Yosuke's response of wanting someone he can look after? Yeah.)
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When Rise drawls out the word "senpai" and whines a little, that's one example of her playing up that role so Yu would pamper her (actually I don't play in dub, so I'm not sure if she does this in EN too). But we see this with Ai as well, when Ai tells Yu to carry her shopping or buy her coffee. Ai is of course perfectly capable of doing both things, but the point is to have someone like you so much they do things for you.
Compare this to the way the others ask Yu for help - there's hesitation, and it's framed in a "if you have time, could you..." sort of manner and is markedly less playful. I think to some extent it's also their personalities, but that's kind of the point here.
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I think it's important to caveat at this point that this "submissive" role during amae isn't, like, a fixed role that they assign themselves into in their relationship - critically, it's temporal, contextual and momentary. Yosuke and Rise are only playing up their childishness so they can get attention from Yu in that moment, but it in no way speaks to how they expect their relationship to function, because it's just brief instances of flirtation. For both Rise and Yosuke, their relationship with Yu is still primarily defined by their equalness and what they can do for Yu as well. It also goes both ways - Yu is also welcome to do the same with Rise and Yosuke! It's also very much a purposeful demonstration of vulnerability, because if you've read the signs wrongly, then it may not be perceived as flirting, just general annoyingness. Which is why...
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I think they're both particularly sensitive about accidentally being a bother to Yu, and the way the both of them speak has these layers of boldness and shyness interspersed and folded into each other.
To put it another way, you can think of this indulgence as an extension of the love language of acts of service - and amae is essentially a way of pretending to be helpless to encourage that act of service. (this is an extremely dumbed down definition stripped of nuance)
The point here as Rise flirts with Yu in this manner... I think so does Yosuke, even if he's not totally conscious of it.
2. The shared fear of loneliness
Both Yosuke and Rise express this same fear - Yosuke's shadow reveals his fear of being alone so he actively surrounds himself with as many people as he can, while Rise reveals in her slink that she was a shy, lonely child and became an idol because she thought it would help her connect with people and make more friends. There's this powerful desire of acceptance on their part that forced them towards behaviour that they felt would make them desirable and liked - Yosuke makes jokes and buys food for his friends and tries to be a dependable big-brother type, and his shadow says he's only like that because he's terrified of being alone, while Rise's idol image is about being bright and enthusiastic and bubbly, but her vulnerable moments reveal her to be withdrawn and she says it was all an act.
I think there's a really interesting parallel here, because they both learn that it doesn't really work the way they hoped - the relationships that they had previously formed can be superficial (Yosuke talks about this point with Marie and Yu on the rooftop, while Rise learns that people only see Risette but not her), or temporary and easily forsaken (Yosuke doesn't really have anyone calling him back after his move, while Rise talks about how quickly people moved on from her).
Critically though, it's also in how they are resolved, and in both cases, Yu is the catalyst that helps them understand that not only is that desire normal and understandable, but that both that desire and their responses to it are all part of them. Yosuke's and Rise's cheerfulness and care are not any less meaningful just because of where that sentiment came from. There's no real Yosuke or real Rise, and while this is also a theme for the rest of the IT, I think it's with Yosuke and Rise especially that this particular thread of a fake self created to be accepted and help them make friends is especially pronounced.
(for Kanji, his violent, abrasive self was created to hide away and push people further away, while Naoto wasn't seeking acceptance amongst peers, but their individual ideal of whom they should be).
The distinction here is meaningful insofar as it then speaks to how Yosuke and Rise subsequently perceive Yu in relation to themselves and the rest of the team. For both of them, Yu was the first person where they actually felt Seen with, and in Rise's case, it's what sparked her attraction to him, with her starting to flirt aggressively with Yu after her rescue. I think that in Yosuke's case it's very much the same thing as well, which is how we have Yosuke calling Yu his 相棒 (aibou) shortly after the fight with Yosuke's shadow. I can't place exactly when Yosuke starts doing so, because it can be as early as Marie's slink rank 1 if you did it right after, but in their conversations after the fight at the liquor store, I think the foundation is already there.
In English, 相棒 is translated as partner, which I guess is a fair translation that is captured by the sentiment of "partners in crime". It's a term that is also used in, say, buddy cop pairs (like Reno and Rude in FF7. It's also how Adachi refers to himself, as Dojima's aibou), but it's intended to capture that essence of someone that you trust above and beyond everyone else. Working on a case and your boss and colleagues say no? Doesn't matter, you aibou's got your back. It's the person that you share this absolute connection with, that knows you like you know them, maybe even knows you more than you know yourself.
But imo there's a bit of nuance that is lost, because there's also the weight of exclusivity inherent in the term - you can have a lot of friends, but only one aibou. It's one of the highest, most intense and exclusive relationship that you can have with someone... platonically.
Kick that platonic label off and we find that Yosuke and Rise are the only two that end up attached to Yu with that same, absolute intent, and hold this similar wish for some exclusive relationship with Yu. By helping them understand their loneliness and what the intimacy of being seen means, Yu has triggered the same reaction in both Yosuke and Rise - just coloured slightly differently, romantic for Rise and platonic for Yosuke. But Yosuke's route wasn't even intended to be necessarily platonic so
3. They're the two that ask Yu about his type the most
I think that with a heteronormative lens, it's easy to interpret Rise's question as one coming from romantic interest and flirtations, while Yosuke's questions are coming from patterns of locker room talk, but fuck that, I think they're both testing the waters of romantic interest and looking to see what Yu would say.
Of course, if Yu takes that one opportunity he has to say Yosuke is his type, Yosuke gets flustered and his hair-trigger nohomo reaction kicks in... but then he goes into a thing where he talks about how yeah, he'd make a pretty good boyfriend! He likes Yu's answer here, he even has the little flower animation of happiness!
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In contrast, if Yu picked Kanji, the conversation derails into a thing about Kanji's manliness. Furthermore, considering that Yosuke's romance route was cut but all of the previous conversations and interactions remained, there's no reason not to think that Yosuke wasn't responding positively to Yu's affirmations, even if he didn't necessarily understand what they meant at that time.
In the same way, if Yu responds positively or goes along with Rise's questions, Rise is also noticeably happy about it.
Because at the end of the day, they're not actually asking because they want to know what it is - they're asking because they want to hear Yu say that they are Yu's type. And I think Yosuke is guilty of this, even though he hadn't realised it yet.
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phxntomhives · 4 months
P4 headcanons
Because I just realized this is my blog and I can do it lol.
Edgar Redmond
He learned how to dance when he was little and always loved it.
His favourite author is Jane Austin but won't admit it to anyone.
Puts a lot of effort into becoming a better person but tries to hide it because it should be something "effortless".
Flirt with women but will panick if they flirt back and he would run away.
Hasn't slept for a while after Maurice's "accident" wondering how he could not see the truth .
Lawrence Bluewer
Has tried to read all the books of Weston as a personal challange
Secretely likes coffee.
His sisters dressed him up more than once as a girl.
He has, unwillingly, learned how to put on make-up, and he is good at it.
He wouldn't have minded to become a professor, and Professor Michaelis was his role model for a while.
Herman Greenhill
Loves dogs. Has many of them at home.
The cricket bat he carries is a present from someone he cares about and that's why he always bring it with him.
Adores sweet but has to pretend he doesn't.
His favourite sport is horse riding.
If something is too difficult to understand at school he goes to discuss it with Lawrence and pretends that he just want to exchange their opinions on the topic Lawrence knows and just helps him without pointing it out.
Gregory Violet
He makes his own lip-stick. It took a lot of effort to reach that color and he is proud of it.
Sometimes he looks at the other three and wishes he was taller.
His hair were longer but he was forced to cut them.
His hair are actually white, but he prefers black so he dyes them. He leaves the white strand because it looks cool.
Needs glasses but refuses to wear them.
Slight angst version + Ship discourse + Spoilers of future arcs hidden so you don't have to see them unless you want to
Edgar Redmond
It needs him a while to fall asleep because he keeps thinking of the last Midnight Party and his expulsion from the school.
After Maurice's accident he had a breakdown in his room and broke some stuff while crying, thinking how he could make the same mistake twice.
He was the most excited about the Starlight 4 project and couldn't wait to get on stage.
He couldn't drink tea for months after the midnight party without throwing up.
Lawrence Bluewer
Didn't sleep for a week after the expulsion and ended up collapsing in Edgar's house.
Herman Greenhill
He was depressed after the midnight tea party and thought of killing himself to atone for his sins. Gregory noticed and slapped him before hugging him.
After the creation of the S4, if bad memories/thoughts get to him, he start training one of the song.
Gregory Violet
Wanted to run away from Blavat the moment he noticed O!CIel.
All P4 (poly because I can't separate them)
They accidentally all fell for each other and tried to keep it a secret, it soon failed as everyone was getting jealous of everyone.
It was awkward at first, no one knew how to act.
The Edgar and Gregory accidentally teamed up to act like everything was normal and they slowly found balance.
Edgar thinks it's his duty to maintain them together and happy
If Gregory scrap a drawing, the others just sneakily take it back and keep it safe somewhere else.
Any drawing Gregory made of the other is also extremely well preserved by that person. And the other three friendly argue on who has the most drawings/who has the prettiest ones.
Edgar cuddles anyone. Doesn't matter where or when, if he wants to cuddle he will find someone. His favourite victim for this is Herman because he gets flustered the most.
Lawerence's sister are always casually the companions for everyone is there MUST be a female companion at an official event. (They want to tease their brother)
Herman refuses the others to lift anything.
Lawrence started to read out loud when he noticed that the others fell asleep faster if he was talking.
Herman is the first to wake up and force himself to be as quiet as possible to not wake the others up.
They wait untile veryone is present to start eating.
Lawrence is the most possessive of the four.
Do I have more? Yes, but for now just take my small offering.
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leonawriter · 3 months
Somehow a thought of "Kaito looks through Pandora but something weirdly cognitive happens instead of just it glowing red" sparked off "P4 crossover: just how fucked is Kaito if he wound up on the Midnight Channel?"
Like... Shinichi, if he was thrown in, would have the element of "most of the population would think that's sci-fi/fantasy, not real life, and laugh it off if they saw" but if even a handful of random people saw something that had Kuroba Kaito blatantly admitting to being Kid? His life would be SHAMBLES. It would be OVER for him.
Part of me thinks that'd be a fun thing to play with, but part of me's just... I'd want the concept of the dungeon maybe, but with not just the Investigation Team but also that if say, Hakuba and/or Aoko were there too, the IT wouldn't need to bother with hearing details, because that'd be sorted. They'd see one showing, if that, depending on the weather.
Heck, maybe Kaito would be particularly infuriating, spy on random people, see the killer saying or doing something he really shouldn't be, and he gets shoved in without any planning. Maybe the first show doesn't even give all that much away - but the moment anyone who's In The Know sees the silhouette of Kid, they start realising that this is potentially the worst case scenario and start moving really quickly.
I've always thought Kaito's persona would be something like an alternate read on Arsène Lupin, because of course it would, and would probably look closer to his dad in Kid's outfit than anything else. As for elements? Probably Bless.
And of course Shadows aren't the nice things you repress, so... it'd be everything Kaito keeps hidden under his Poker Face; the trauma of losing his dad, the fear of losing everyone he cares about to secrets, the fear of being arrested and killed, the fact that this is a vigilante revenge trip for him, so some part of him would want to make these people suffer for what they've done to his dad, and what they want to do to him, the way he doesn't trust detectives...
Shadow Kaito saying hurtful things like wait, you think I care about Aoko? She's just a useful means to an end, at this point, I wouldn't put up with her otherwise and I much prefer it when Hakuba's away because who wants someone like that coming after you? It's no wonder he doesn't have any friends if that's how he is but also I'm better off on my own, aren't I? So what if the detectives have all the connections - the more people who know who you are, the more can screw you over in the end.
Kaito refusing all of it and denying it and the others having to fight a terrifying monstrous Kid-a-like Shadow that makes them attack their teammates and puts them to sleep and hurts them, which is going to end up in Kaito's nightmares.
His Shadow being defeated and now... now it's not a scary and angry and spewing hate, it's just small and fully expecting to be pushed away, because that's what he does to other people, and... Kaito has to go up, and accept it.
Accept that yeah, he has used Aoko like that more than he should have. That yeah, he's let his fear of Hakuba just doing the detective thing and turning him in blind him to the fact that the guy is also just lonely and in need of friends. And... yeah, he hasn't been trying to connect with others as much as he could.
They go back to Ekoda and everyone's wondering what the heck even happened, because Kaito is different. Not a bad different - he seems kind of happier and more confident. But definitely changed.
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townofcadence · 4 months
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👁 The Tower ⚡
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sil3ntfr34k · 4 months
(I’ve been losing my fucking mind recently)
All Postal Dudes Thoughs
Postal 1 Dude is so fucking scared all the time. Like he hardly ever has truly quiet moments where he’s completely relaxed. Champ does help here and there with his anxiety, but an unknowing dog can only do so much.
To keep up with the timeline of Postal 1 Dude and Postal 2 Dude having champ, The original Champ with Postal 1 Dude is the father of Postal 2 Champ. Postal 2 Champs actual name is Champ Jr., but Postal 2 Dude just calls him Champ bc he forgets about the Jr. part😔
The Postal Dudes have not bought their Champs a toy in years bc they know Champ will just tear it apart in milliseconds. Instead, they just find random dog toys outside (steal them from backyards) or a stray ball to give to Champ. They don’t even clean it off or anything, they just give it to him as it
Postal Dudes don’t like video games, but they still appreciate the arcade. They don’t spend a lot of time there, but they’ll play games for at least 10 minutes before getting bored again.
All Postal Dudes have some form of schizophrenia. Postal 1 dude is the worst of them all, having delusional thoughts, hearing quiet whispering voices, seeing strange objects or movement just out the corner of his eye, and having extreme social anxiety with paranoia. Postal 2 Dude has the potential to be as bad as Postal 1 Dude, but they come more in episodes than having them present all the time. Postal 2 Dude is also able to go into public without worry unlike Postal 1 Dude, yet the paranoia will still hit. Postal 4 Dude has it the ‘easiest’, only having quiet distance voices and small amounts of social anxiety, but he’s able to control it the best. (I don’t know enough about postal 3 or postal brain damaged I’m thorry 😔)
All Postal Dudes had a very small phase where they liked to dress up Champ. For like a week, Champ had a mini wardrobe of jackets, shirts, hats, and even sunglasses. Champ actually didn’t mind it, he was just happy to be included. If you knew the Postal Dudes during this phase, you could walk into the front yard and Champ would greet you in a very nice shirt with a small pair of sunglasses and a hat.
All Postal Dudes have vocal stims. Postal 1s is small bird chirps, Postal 2s is “WakaWaka” (Pac-Man), and Postal 4 is “Boomshakalaka”. They are all old if you couldn’t tell…
(All I can think of rn, very small 😔)
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thebearme · 2 years
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The music we hear in battle is coming from yosuke's headphone and you can't tell me otherwise.
contexts of outfits
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P4 Headcanons: Naoto’s Persona during P4(G) and Weapon Choice
Persona information
Initial Persona: Sukuna-Hikona (based on P4G moveset)
Weak: - Resist: Light, Dark
Skill moveset:
Tempest Slash (heavy Slash damage, single target)
Megidola (heavy Almighty damage, multi-target)
Hamaon (light Light damage, single target)
Mudoon (light Dark damage, single target)
Tetrakarn (a barrier that reflects physical damage, single ally)
Vorpal Blade (heavy physical damage, multi-target)
Mudo Boost (Dark-based attacks are 1.5x effective)
Hama Boost (Light-based attacks are 1.5x effective)
Invigorate 2 (Recovers 5 SP each turn in battle)
Evolved/Ultimate Persona: Yamato-Takeru (based on P4G moveset)
Block: Light, Dark Resist: Fire
Skill moveset:
Blight (heavy Slash damage, single target. 60 % chance for poisoning) 
Megidolaon (severe Almighty damage, multi-target)
Hamaon (light Light damage, single target)
Mudoon (light Dark damage, single target)
Tetrakarn (a barrier that reflects physical damage, single ally)
Vorpal Blade (heavy physical damage, multi-target)
Mudo Boost (Dark-based attacks are 1.5x effective)
Hama Boost (Light-based attacks are 1.5x effective)
Invigorate 3 (Recovers 7 SP each turn in battle)
Angelic Grace (Doubles evasion rate against all attacks except Light, Darkness and Almighty)
Extra combat information
Weapons: New Nanbu 2, Algernon and Chrome Heart w/ Stun Bullets for Algernon and Chrome Heart
1-2 consumables: Megido Gem/Mabufu Gem and Vanish Ball
Accessory: Tweaked Bronze Watch, which has the effect of Shadow Sensor and Sigma Drive. (increases Alertness, aka lowers enemy's rate of surprise attack & lowers chances of being critically hit)
Naoto carries the consumables on her hidden jacket pocket and uses them as a last resort/close call method.
Naoto can’t use her Persona outside paranormal environments like TV World. The hypothesis she has on the reason is that she accepted her Other Self in an abnormal environment, what means that it requires “less energy” compared to if she needed to summon a Persona outside the area of TV World what affects her energy limits and abilities on what she can do. 
If possible, Naoto prefers not to summon her Persona if possible to save energy. Using her Persona’s attacks constantly drains her energy more and she only uses her handgun if she thinks they’re enough as a method.
Naoto tends to focus on sharpshooting Shadows and getting rid of the target as quickly as possible and balances out using her Persona and the weapon she has.
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jo-gakky · 2 months
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Playing persona with my pookie and i have grown very attached to Yu. So um, trans!Yu doodle WARGHHH!! I have no reason to believe he's trans, its just a silly headcanon lmao (plus i might be projecting WHAT WHO SAID THAT?!?!)
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frickingnerd · 1 month
naoto's s/o taking a bullet for her
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pairing: naoto shirogane x gn!reader
tags: established relationship, angst with an open ending, injured/bleeding!reader, worried!naoto, date night gone wrong
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naoto always made sure to keep you away from her work, so you wouldn't be put in danger because of her!
but what she failed to realize was that just dating you was putting you in plenty of danger…
after visiting naoto in a nearby city, a bit away from inaba, the two of you had planned to go on a date there, after naoto had just finished work that day
but what she hadn't realized was that somebody was following her, planning to shoot her, to stop her from investigating her current case
the moment naoto realized, it was already too late! a man held her at gunpoint and just when he pulled the trigger, you jumped in front of her…
one bullet being fired had already drawn enough attention to the three of you and while the attacker fled, you sunk to the ground, beginning to bleed
naoto was quick to call the police – she did work for them after all and had them on short dial – as well as an ambulance for you!
as soon as she knew help was on the way, naoto sunk to the floor next to you, taking off her jacket to use it to stop your bleeding
“i know it hurts, but just hold on a little longer!” naoto assured you, trying to comfort you, while also trying to keep you alive, until the ambulance arrived…
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crescentfool · 6 months
having the hc that minato is ace is incredibly funny sometimes when you think about how ryoji is oh so very bi because it's like. "ah. death stole my ability to be attracted to people," in the same way that ryoji stole minato's eye color and energy level. like wow, thanks ryoji, you just keep finding things to steal from minato!
#persona 3 spoilers#minato arisato#hc and au nonsense#lizzy speaks#happy international asexuality day to my fellow aces out there i hope you know that you are loved!!! 🎊🎉🥳#i like viewing minato with the lens of him being gay / ace. esp bc it stems from my own experiences so it's fun to look at-#him from that perspective even if that's not what was intended by atlus y'know?#and im sure others have other hcs from me that are informed by their own life experiences and i think that's great ^_^#something that i found interesting while playing FES was how. stilted? minato's animations felt when hugging the girls#you could definitely go with the perspective that it's a graphical limitation or they didn't have time to polish the animations#and that's def true!! but sometimes i see the hug @ yakushima beach + the other hugs and then i compare it to the sou/yo hug in p4#and there's like... a noticeable difference to me with how intimate and close together the hugs are...#that said i do know that the animations for reload are updated and the hugs are much more natural (good on them tbh!)#the other thing is (pensive sigh). the way you couldn't reject any of the girls when doing their social links in FES#objectively speaking i'm glad that they did away with that and i like how the rejections were handled in reload. it feels naturally written#but also a part of me enjoyed looking at the “hey atlus what the FUCK” moment and thought of how to interpret it differently#specifically with the idea of minato having like.. little to no autonomy and kind of going along with the relationship#it kind of reminded me of myself tbh with like going along with the rship without considering what you want bc#it's what others want or expect out of you... LOL. i dont think atlus intended for someone to interpret it this way but#eh i think that's the fun part of hcs and looking at characters with certain lenses!#regardless of how you perceive minato i do think there's something to be said about him being the kind of guy who molds himself-#into someone that is needed. not wanted. but needed. important distinction here.#the one caveat my brain runs into when im like “minato is ace!” is when i remember thanatos exists and i go#“you know what these ideas can exist simultaneously” GKLHFHDFHD when in doubt schrodinger's headcanons#anyway that's all i've had this thought in my brain in awhile and haven't sat down to share it properly until now 👍#have an excellent weekend everyone !!! lizzy loves you all lets all nurture our inner yippee!!! 🥺💙
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phantomrens · 2 months
look i know naoto isn’t canonically anything gender wise but to me he is so trans guy coded that seeing people refer to him with anything other than he him pronouns feels so wrong and hurts my soul a little (a lot)
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