#headcanon questionaire
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hymemena · 10 months ago
Snake Themed Character Questions
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Food Mention, Snakes
Green Anaconda: What is the most exaggerated feature of your muse?
Inland Taipan: Does your muse hold grudges?
Coral Snake: What toxic traits is your muse aware they have? Do they try to hide them?
Banded King Snake: What is a misconception about your muse?
Corn Snake: Does your muse enjoy cooking, baking, or another food-related hobby?
Black Adder: How does your muse handle negative emotions?
Emerald Boa: What is your muse's favorite feature about themself?
Vine Snake: Is your muse judgemental? Do they let people speak for themselves or do they assume things based on their appearance/etc?
Hognose: What is the cutest thing your muse does for themself? What about for others?
Leaf Nose: Is your muse sensitive about anything regarding their appearance?
Frog-Eating Rat Snake: What is your muse's hygiene like?
Rattle Snake: What does your muse do when they are warning someone to stop engaging with them?
Copperhead: Is your muse dangerous? In what way(s)?
Cottonmouth: How comfortable is your muse in the water? Can they swim or do they sink like a rock?
Blunt-Headed Tree Snake: Has your muse ever been bullied for something? If so, what and how did they react?
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mechahero · 2 years ago
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@outofthiisworld asked- 🤩 - What genuinely excites you? -💜An ever-so-nosy Ophelia feeling based headcanons (accepting)
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"Uh-" The cyborg pauses. "I... don't know?" It sounds so clunky coming out of his mouth. Things that were usually on his mind suddenly slipped from it. Something that always happened whenever someone asked him anything like that, quite frankly. "I like video games? I guess? I get excited about that? Uh... I dunno?"
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sodaliteskull · 8 months ago
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Rating OC Head Canons Tag
Yoinking this open tag from @darkangel319 (check out her responses here!) and continuing with the open tag to anyone who sees this!
Rules: Use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs! How accurate are they?
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Iradurel has a knife under their bed. - 10/10 she absolutely would!
If the sorce media was a musical, Iradurel would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing. - 0/10 no, she would be the one to shove that person aside and sing harder
Iradurel believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover. - 3/10 she doesn't believe in ghosts, but she would insist on trying to summon one
Iradurel cries while watching disney movies. - 0/10 no it takes a lot to get her to cry about anything
Iradurel steals other peoples clothes. - 8/10 depends on the clothes and who owns them
Iradurel is an introvert. - 9/10 she definitely is, but she has an extroverted lifestyle, so she has to pretend to be an extrovert most of the time
Ryla has not showered in two and a half weeks. - 0/10 oh absolutely not, she's a neat freak!
Ryla has an incredible short-term memory but an awful long-term memory. - 4/10 she disassociated through most of her childhood, so she doesn't remember much of that, so she thought she had a terrible long-term memory, but surprise surprise, she actually doesn't!
If Ryla was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question. - 7/10 she'd do some investigating, but she would for sure go through that portal
Ryla has a very low alcohol tolerance. - 5/10 she's got an average alcohol tolerance, she's just not that into drinking
Ryla instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples. - 10/10 yeah she's not a fan of messes
Ryla can't sit in a chair properly. - 2/10 she had proper posture drilled into her from a young age, but if she's in a more casual setting, she'll slouch a bit
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nerdanel01 · 3 months ago
Rook Questionaire - Agnes Gallatus
tagged by @eavangeek, thank you!
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Under the cut due to length! Tagging @ass-deep-in-demons @nostalgiaclown @starfleetteddybear @racheloleo @the-grand-gemini @truebluedreamer @jusbeinkt @blindvogel @erikonil @hmserebusadjacent (no pressure!) in case you want to join + play :) (also anyone else who sees this should also feel free to join in and tag me if you fill it out :D)
Where in Thedas is your Rook from? Agnes grew up in the countryside, in the part of western Nevarra that has changed hands between Nevarra and Orlais a few times. I headcanon this to mean there are some people who live their who consider themselves “Orlesian” and have a more Orlesian culture, although this is exclusively the peasant/lower class. Agnes’ mother Madeline would have been one of those peasants. Her father is a Nevarran noble, but very minor nobility; she was raised on his estate, first as a servant, then later as one of the members of the household after her mother passed away. Because her father’s estate is so far west, she was sent to the Circle at Perendale when her magic manifested, rather than the fancier Circle in Cumberland. She also has a slight southern inflection to her pronounciation because of all this, which means everyone else in the Mourn Watch clocks her as a hayseed pretty much from day one.
What is your character’s alignment? She’d like to think she’s lawful good, but despite how hard she tries she’s really a messy, chaotic good.
Race and subclass? Human, Spellblade mage.
If your Rook was a companion, where would they be found? Minrathous, because Agnes is definitely still getting run out of Nevarra by the nobility after the War of the Banners one way or the other, even if she doesn't end up as "Rook" Rook. 😬
What emotion did they usually pick? Aggressive/stoic, but it’s a mask. She mellows out to the soft supportive/approving Rook when she’s talking to someone she likes (mostly just the companions.)
What companion are they platonically close with? Agnes is closest with Bellara, although Davrin is probably a close second.
Romantically close with? She’s been disgustingly obsessed with Emmrich since she was like, 19, if that counts as “close.”
Who are they suspicious of? ILLARIO FROM DAY ONE. FROM GO SHE DOESN’T TRUST THAT MAN. Also, every time Solas so much as breathes in her direction she thinks he’s planning something awful for her. She's not always wrong.
Does your Rook get along with their chosen faction? For the most part, Agnes “got along” with the rest of the Mourn Watch in the way that oil and water “get along.” But there were a few rare exceptions where she made a friend… or an enemy. :)
Are they proficient in playing any instruments? Solas is trying to teach her the harpsichord. It isn’t going well!
Weapon of choice? Orb & dagger babeyyyyy. Let her get up close with her magic and stabby stab.
What is their orientation? Like, I know this, but I don’t know that Agnes does…. She’s not 100% hetero but she’s been obsessed with Emmrich for so long I don’t think she’s ever really had the chance to discover that she’s maybe a little bi.
What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it? Don’t tell anyone, but she likes it. Not because of anything to do with the bloodshed itself—she’s not really bloodthirsty—but it gives her great satisfaction to know that she is strong enough (and capable enough) to protect the people, communities, and ideas she cares about. She enjoys killing because she’s good at it; because she thinks it can help keep the people she loves safe, and protect her, in some measure, from grief. (It won’t.)
What hobbies does your Rook have? Agnes draws, although she doesn’t really consider herself an ‘artist’ in the typical sense. Her drawings are meant to be renderings, not artistic depictions: true to scale diagrams of monuments and anomalies in the Necropolis that Emmrich has asked her to draw to illustrate his scholar’s logs. She maintains this ‘hobby’ after she leaves the Mourn Watch, but never really considers herself an artist so much as a person who looks at things carefully. I would say her drawing style is more architectural than expressive. She loves the opera, it’s her #1 fixation. Not really a hobby so much as a coping mechanism, but she’s also frequently found to be cleaning—either her Mourn Watch cell or Emmrich’s study.
What NPCs do they like? Which ones do they dislike? I mean, as indicated above, she dislikes Illario pretty much from ‘go.’ No one else is really able to get under her skin that way… although she doesn’t really love the dude selling conspiracy theory newspapers in Minrathous either, even if he is Neve’s contact.  As far as the ones she likes… I’m not sure that she and Viago have a warm relationship, exactly, but they have common interests and a mutual respect for each other. She likes Shathaan a lot, because in some ways her protectiveness over Taash reminds Agnes of her own mother. Of course, she has a complicated relationship with Myrna and Vorgoth because of the War of the Banners and her own damage about being part of the Mourn Watch in general, but those are also positive relationships.  She has a… complicated history with Johanna Hezenkoss, who advocated for her inclusion in the Mourn Watch. :)  In general though she tends to keep people at arms’ length, so she doesn’t have super strong opinions about most of the NPCs.
Do they have a favorite creature in Thedas? She’s not really a big animal lover, but Agnes has a massive weak spot for Assan.
Do they enjoy life as an adventurer? I’m not sure it’s that she likes her life as an adventurer so much as she really wasn’t so hot about her life in the Mourn Watch…. She does enjoy the things that life as an adventurer has brought her, though, specifically all her new friends in the Veilguard. It’s really the first time in her life she gets to feel that kind of camaraderie.
What would your Rook be doing if they weren’t recruited by Varric? Getting cauliflower ear and developing chronic pain while fighting for her dinner in Dock Town.
How do you think they’ll meet their end? Spoilers for when I am laid in earth, sorry! :)
Would they side with Solas or fight him? Their relationship is so volatile it really depends on the day. Ask her again tomorrow.
What is your Rook’s favorite ability? Omg that Voidblade though. Rush in and stabby stab stab and EVISCERATE
What languages is your character fluent in? Common, Tombscript (written)
What do they do after an absolute crisis? Sit in silence staring at a wall, not processing, not talking to anyone. Shoving it down as deep as she possibly can.
Does your character believe in the afterlife? Yes, but she doesn’t have any concrete ideas about what that looks like or feels like. But she has a high sense of conviction that there is something beyond death; that it is more like stepping through a door than a curtain coming down at the end of a play.
What specialization best represents your Rook? Spellblade. Get up in their business and fuck shit up.
What animal best represents your Rook? Mabari—capable of cuddling at your feet in front of a fire but also capable of chewing someone’s face off if pushed. But distinctly a domesticated animal; not a wolf.
What was their life like before the events of Veilguard? Immediately proceeding? Pretty grim—having left Nevarra and the Mourn Watch, she’s basically having a midlife crisis. Has left her boo behind. Has chopped off all her hair. Is feeding herself every day from the betting proceeds she earns in an illegal dueling ring. It’s not a good time! Agnes did not love Minratous, and most of the time she lived there she spent punishing herself for things that were probably out of her control.
Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader? Oh no, she’s totally the leader. She hates it, but she owns up to it and what it means. It’s not the first time she’s had that burden, so when Varric asks her to take over in his place, she’s not half-assing it—she becomes boss.
If you could choose a different faction for your Rook, which one would they have joined and why? I mean, I wouldn’t… but there’s definitely a world where Agnes could have gotten involved with the Shadow Dragons in Minrathous if she hadn’t had the Depression so bad. She doesn’t really get over that until Varric recruits her.
What’s your favorite thing about your Rook? Hard to name one thing… in general, I really like that compared to my Inquisitor, Rook is a total mess. I like that she can be selfish, I like that she can be manipulative, but mostly I like that she’s just kind of… pathetic, on some level, most of the time, despite her higher-than-average capacity for physical violence. I do quite love that she saw an opera about someone killing themselves due to the pain of unrequited love, said “skill issue” and just started to repress her affection for Emmrich even harder. I think what I especially like is the way her psychic damage aligns in the most fucked-up perfect way with Emmrich’s… like I maybe thought before the game came out her being in love with him for 20 years without saying anything was a stretch, but in reality it is absolutely not. These two are so down bad for each other but both so unaccustomed to unrequited love that of course they don’t want to risk what warmth and affection already exists between them, of course they are just willing to take what they can get from each other and not risk rocking the boat because their partnership is the closest thing they’ve felt to family… which they are both suffering from a lack of. 
Bonus: some of the characters that inspired her :) not exhaustive
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mlstrm2077 · 4 months ago
ANOTHER MAELSTROM QUESTIONAIRE because I like hearing people’s views and headcanons on things
Do you have any headcanons about Royce and Dum Dum’s relationship and past? Seeing as Royce is 47, do you think D.D is a similar age or younger?
I know that D.D mentions in a rare dialogue that “I’ve known him for a long time, could even say the very beginning.”
Do you take this like to mean them having a relationship before the gang, or do you think they only met after joining?
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thedragonagelesbian · 1 year ago
Cyrus Hawke | Wood Elf | Gloomstalker Ranger/Champion Fighter | He/Him | ~250
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What is your Tav’s…
FAVORITE WEAPON: sword + shield, although he's currently wielding the myrkulite scourge flail for the extra necrotic damage + the adamantine shield. I like giving Cyrus the Pelorsun Blade in Act 3, but I kind of want to stick him with the Sword of the Emperor bc. I am not immune to reclaiming weapons out of spite and saying 'i will do better with this' and also getting to kill the Emperor with its own sword.
MOST PRIZED POSSESSION: Cyrus has two things left from his parents that he's been able to keep through everything: an iron dagger from his father enchanted against fey and an Evermeet family heirloom locket from his mother.
DEEPEST DESIRE: When Cyrus left Iriaebor, he thought he was getting his deepest desire: to live his life on his own terms. It took having that life turned upside down to realize how much his solitude had cost him, despite how often he had told himself that he was better off alone. He still wants peace and quiet and to stop hurting, but more than that, he wants those things with Wyll.
GUILTY PLEASURE: super long & luxurious baths
BEST-KEPT SECRET: In addition to being the Champion of Iriaebor, Cyrus was also known as its butcher for his role in slaughtering the enemies of its ruling lady, to whom he was once sworn as a Paladin of Devotion.
FATAL FLAW: Self-reliant to a fault
FAVORITE SPELL OR CANTRIP: Hunter's Mark (killing you killing you killing you), with Goodberry as a runner-up. Not that he has that spell in-game anymore but he will always have it in my heart and I wanted a space to share my headcanon that (a) goodberries' taste is dependent on the caster and (b) Cyrus' goodberries taste like lavender, with a strong initial cedar scent and a slightly burnt aftertaste.
BAD HABIT: Not accepting help
HIDDEN TALENT: Despite his equivocating and his complicated history with it, Cyrus is actually quite the talented dancer, once he's had the time to enjoy it for himself.
FAVORITE DRINK: Non-alcoholic-- tea; alcoholic-- brandy
COMFORT FOOD: Barley & mushroom soup
FAVORED DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (PLATONIC AND/OR ROMANTIC): Service & physical touch; Cyrus has become a very private man with his affection, but everyone knows the lengths he goes to to keep the camp and their supplies in order, and the longer everyone journeys together, the more evident it becomes that Cyrus is quietly keeping track of everyone's health needs and is always ready with medicinal teas and herbs when they're called for.
As for physical affection, that's still an honor only bestowed upon Wyll Ravengard, but Wyll knows that as soon as they're alone together, he is getting hugged and cuddled and smooched and massaged and adored non-stop.
FONDEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY: The first time he can remember his parents saying they were proud of him. After a narrow and dangerous escape from his father's archfey patron when Cyrus was maybe 10 years old, his mother thanked him for making things so easy by not fussing or complaining, and his father told him he was doing such a good job as the light of his family's life.
I was tagged by @the-eldritch-it-gay (thank you!! <333) and will tag @hexblooddruid @covenscribe @ididitforthedogs & anyone else who wants to fill out a lil Tav questionaire
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etherealspacejelly · 9 months ago
(The guy who thinks he might be autistic [long asks guy] because of many factors but unsure) I'll talk about it with my therapist when I see them [as anon as possible] again (I mean I did mention it with my therapist because a friend of mine had showed me a wikipedia article about autism because they [trying to keep this as anonymous as possible] thought I might be autistic but we [me and therapist] barely talked about it then they [therapist] made me do a small questionaire they said was about nothing in particular but they did ask about my personality as a child though I have a shit memory so we couldn't deep dive too much into my childhood because of that) more extensively. It's also strange to me because I keep on relating to characters people see as autistic-coded/headcanon as autistic because of some traits. Ice Bear from We Bare Bears? Zane from Ninjago? Hunter from The Owl House? Entrapta (apparently it's even canon according to a friend of mine that she's autistic) from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power? Those are the first ones that come to mind.
i think talking to your therapist about it is a good idea! maybe make a list of all the things you told me about to discuss with them
good luck!
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cantfixyou · 2 years ago
What’s the best thing about the fandom?
CANON QUESTIONAIRE | from HERE | always accepting !
when it comes to fans of five nights at freddy's, the greatest thing about them is their creativity. everyone i have ever interacted with is just so original and inventive, so smart and inspiring, so welcoming and warm and inclusive. there's never a dull moment in the community because of it. everyone is always talking, always inspiring each other, sharing ideas and headcanons and theories about everything to do with the story and its characters. there's never been a point where i felt left out, where i felt burnt out, where i didn't feel like i belonged. my age, my gender and identity, what my own theories and curated timeline are, none of it has ever been deemed wrong or bad or uninteresting. people have read my doc, followed my timeline, seen my pinterest boards and all my characterizations, and they've loved it. that is just so so special. it inspires me to be better and more creative every day.
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e-m-p-error · 2 years ago
Paimon Headcanons Masterlist
Paimon In Ancient Rome
Cafe Character Questions 1
Canon Questionaire
Ides Of March Aesthetic
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wickedsurrender · 1 month ago
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⸻ mike faist, 29, male, him/he ; ] … the photo on the missing poster is of JOEL THOMPSON. they are TWENTY NINE, and have been missing for A WEEK. when the sun rises, they work as ARTIST/COOK. rumors in town say they can be CHARMING and BENEVOLENT. they chose to live in THE DOCKS, and have an uncanny resemblance to Jim Clancy (Ghost Whisperer), Chris Halliwell (Charmed), Elijah Mikaelson (The Originals). can they survive another night ?…⸻ paint trails down his arms, seductive words in the dark, touch light as feathers.
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FULL NAME: joel liam thompson AGE: twenty9 BIRTHDATE: aug 21 ZODIAC: leo PLACE OF BIRTH: milwaukee, wi GENDER: cis male PRONOUNS: him/he SEXUAL ORIENTATION: undecided OCCUPATION: art teacher (before arcadia) LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english
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HEIGHT: 6'2" EYES: hazel HAIR: dark brown BUILD: lean TATTOOS: his twin brother's initials on his collar PIERCINGS: n/a.
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↪ has a passion for art unlike anything else ↪ would be found around drawing everyone they come in contact with or simply see around ↪ was found almost frozen to death in a hut on the outskirts of town. how he survived the storm? nobody knows. ↪ dayn's twin brother ↪ when he's not out finding things to paint on or with, Joel can be found at the diner helping out ↪ kindhearted. loves making people laugh, specially during trying times
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How did your muse spend their first night in Arcadia, and where?
The entire night felt fake. Like one of those dreams where you’d wake up reaching for some imaginary wall to hold onto as the rest of your body fell into the void. Joel didn’t understand what was happening around him, and truly, how could he? Monsters that look like humans calling out into the night. Dressed as though they all came from different periods and different times. Joel did his best to stay quiet. Holding in his cries for help after noticing the wicked smiles returned when he did. It wasn’t possible was it? To be living and yet not. It wasn’t possible.  But he couldn’t explain it any other way. Was he dreaming? At first he ran. Unsure of where his feet would lead him, Joel ran through the thickening trees at max speed so that even the air around him felt warm in his wake. Doing his best to get as far away from them as he could. Something in their movement made his insides clench. After exhausting himself, he found an opening through some rocks and there he laid ‘til morn. 
Why did your muse choose to live where they do?
It only took Joel a few days to come to terms with everything around him. After being found close to death near one of the outer huts, he was brought into the clinic to hydrate and get warm. There he was informed of the mayhem that surrounded them. He was well versed in the ways of the supernatural. He had watched a lot of television in his time. Felt as though he could get through it all or at the very least survive it. When nothing made sense, you had to find the things that did right?  To him that was logic.  If the monsters come out at night, then Joel should walk during the day. If the monsters could only hear where he rested, then his mission was to remain as silent as possible to get through throughout the night. Things seemed simple enough, until he found his brother. All his earlier bravado immediately plummeted into deep waters.  His mission, in turn, changed. He no longer merely had to survive, now he had to make sure Dayn and he both made it through this hell. When he learned the gas station was where his brother lived, he too packed the little belongings he had been able to carry and moved there with him. 
What was your muse doing when they came across the tree?
His intentions had never been to hurt his womb companion, but Joel had been curious and more than a little impulsive when he noticed the letter. Normally, he would have ignored it and tossed the crumbled piece of paper into the bin, but for some reason he uncurled it. At some point after noticing what the page was, he should have turned it away and not read it. Allowed his brother the privacy and respect that he deserved, but it’s been years of wonder. Years where Joel laid awake and tried to piece together the horrors that Dayn encountered.  While he slept Dayn must have come in - finding him with the letter - because when he awoke he was no longer there. Calls went unanswered, and then one call came through but Joel couldn’t hear his brother well. Hadn’t stopped to give him the time to speak either, as he’d been filled with nothing but guilt and regret. It took him a moment to realize Dayn seemed to be asking for help before their call came to a complete end.  Without bothering to reach out for help, Joel took his vehicle and drove to where Dayn said he’d gone to get his brother. Hours went by and Joel regretfully returned alone once more. Days went by and he found himself filing a missing person’s report with the police, though they offered no help. By the week’s end, Joel had given up hope of receiving their help and went back out on his own. He tried his best to remember the words Dayn spoke, the directions and landmarks he gave and before he knew it he came across a tree in the middle of the road.
Has your muse left anything behind that they are desperately trying to return to or escape?
His purpose had been only to get his brother and return home. That’s where their life was. Where their family and their friends were. His job… There wasn’t much that Joel left behind, but the little that he did he loved. His career was only temporary - an art teacher, he was - but his goals and dreams went beyond that. Slowly, Joel had been working on perfecting his craft in order to put his name out there. Become a local artist and be known for his creations and not some public sector employee. Already, he had an art gallery displaying his visions, and had found a small studio to call his own. It wasn’t much, and would have taken him a good three to four more years at his current salary, to afford, but the plans had slowly been coming to fruition. 
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muldersmeattemp · 3 months ago
Hello! Your Poang Pals Secret Santa here :D Just wondering, have you done the questionnaire? You seem to have mentioned it in a message in the channel but I can't find a link or anything to your answers! Otherwise, do you have any favourite headcanons about Mulder or Scully I could potentially include? Hope you're having a good week 🥰
Hello! Your Poang Pals Secret Santa here :D Just wondering, have you done the questionnaire? You seem to have mentioned it in a message in the channel but I can't find a link or anything to your answers! Otherwise, do you have any favourite headcanons about Mulder or Scully I could potentially include? Hope you're having a good week 🥰
OMG I SO SORRY. Tumblr didn't let me know that I had a message until I actually went into tumblr itself T.T
Also, not I only actually did the questionaire, but I try to be somewhat detailed in my initial submission, and when I didn't see a message I assumed you didn't want it T.T
Anyway because I wanna overshare anyway here is the questionaire!:
Starting broad, tell your Santa about your relationship to The X-Files. This could be how you got into The X-Files in the first place, what the show means to you, or just general information you think might be relevant for your Santa to know: I did see txf a few times growing up, but as it wasn't really the typical genre for me, I didn't reeeeally get into it until about a year and a half-ish ago. My mom got into a binge of it, and I would see random episodes when I so happened to be around. Even though I only saw extremely random episodes, I got really into it. As I can't seem to just say I'm into something like a normal person, the idea of "wouldn't it be funny if we cosplayed as mulder and scully at conventions and pretend we are investigating?" was pitched to my sister (as we are both vendors at conventions) was born, and I watched the episodes for "research". Meanwhile, I felt postiviely spoiled as there was so. much. fanworks. and active fans. The last few fandoms I partook in were really small. I got THE" one bed fic" say, while in txf there is like 2000 of them. It felt like christmas every day here. Also people act like the show is still active. There is a spark of excitement I haven't felt in fandom in a long time
Tell your Santa about your favorites! Favorite characters, favorite moments, favorite episodes, favorite seasons, favorite ships, etc. Hmmm, I DO love me more of the comedic episodes. Like bad blood, small potatoes etc. I feel like I don't really have a favourite season really. They all have their good episodes and something to love from the ones I saw. Obviously my fav ship is msr, but I do sometimes like to see one of them momentarily jealous. Just…. nothing to get in the way of holy, holy msr
Tell your Santa about your LEAST favorites! We all love our show, but it also sucks sometimes. Which parts suck the most for you? Mind you, I haven't actually SEEN seasons 8 onwards, so I would avoid those for me. I am not a fan of the emily arc, or anything else that focuses too much on scully's infertility. The fact it happened is fine enough, but when it starts to be and entire thing is ehhhh…. Also the later myth ark episodes sometimes doesn't do it for me. One that really sticks out to me is "closure" and how they dealt with Samantha's abduction. I mean, c'mon CC
Tell your Santa your favorite tropes and genres! Only one bed? Friends to lovers? 5+1? Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort? You get the idea. I LOVE sick fics, under cover stuff (dating, married couple etc.), awkward situations (like getting locked in a closet etc.), one bed, one or both of them getting drunk/high etc. I do enjoy my angst but I something have to be in the right mood for some muldertorture.
Tell your Santa about tropes you tend to avoid. I really don't tend to do AU's. The AU's of "what if x did y" AU's are ok, but I'm not a fan of high school AU's etc. I also tend to avoid crossovers (though ironically I enjoyed playing kingdom hearts lmao)
For your Santa, but also just for fun, describe your ideal X-Files episode. Is it mythology? MotW? A literal porno? Speaking of pornography, tell your Santa what your spice preference: I think MotW or literal porno. My spice rating would probably be Habanero. In theory, Ghost Pepper, but there is some kinks that I reeeeeaaallly don't like I do tend to like a good MotW (even though CC manages to screw them up sometimes). The mythark tend to be so plot packed that they don't allow Mulder and Scully to breathe. I don't need to find out about the mass government conspiricy and 10/10 action sometimes. Rather, sometimes I'd rather them attempt to go to some stupid conference, but Scully gets exasperated about him getting distracted by a thrift store and thinks a butter tray is related to an x file from 20 years ago, y'know?
Those are the most important things, but I want there to be ten questions because it’ll look better, so tell your Santa what ONE song you would pick to describe MSR. (Or if you’re not into MSR, pick a song for your favorite ship, or for TXF as a whole.) Simply simple- Mother mother- for some angst.
Almost there. Pick your favorite TXF quote. "We're exhuming… your potato" Aaaaand, ten. And the last question can be open ended: Is there anything else you think is important for your Santa to know? Put it here!
I'm sorry I'm late at everything omg
To directly answer your question of: Otherwise, do you have any favourite headcanons about Mulder or Scully I could potentially include?: Scully loving to steal his clothing, Mulder being a cat person, but also felt silly that he was kinda jealous of Queequeg, Mulder being bad at cooking, mulder being a good dancer because of his upbringing, Mulder also being very good at eating out (this might as well be facts). Scully having a crush on Mulder pretty much right away. That they sometimes, especially after the first couple of seasons, there is some off screen cuddling after some serious cases and that is the way they deal with their trauma. They never talk about it, or the trauma, becuase you know, its them
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sithsjedi · 1 year ago
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Do not reblog any of the prompts below directly from me.
“ After Hours ” The Weeknd
As Said By Fenris
Baldur’s Gate 3 (Part 2)
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Concerned Sentence Prompts
Conversational Sentence Starters
Extremely Self Indulgent
“ I Love You ” Prompts
“ I thought you were dead ” Prompts
“ Let me help you. ” Prompts
Miscellaneous Action Memes
Nonverbal Starters
Protective Sentence Prompts
Reign Season 1
Reassurance Sentence Prompts
Salem Season 1 Episode 6
Shadow and Bone Inspired Prompts
Soft Action Prompts
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Six of Crows Sentence Starters
Soft and Sweet
The Art of Time Slipping
The 100 Sentence Starters
400 Random Dialogue Prompts
You Season 4
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📁 = Useless Headcanon
💖 = Give A Hug
🃏 = A Tarot Card Inspired Starter
🤞 = Lift My Muse’s Chin
Different Types of Relationships
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A Mun Ask
Canon Questionaire
If My OC Was Canon
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astrcthesiai-archived · 1 year ago
Mukuro and Chrome for the Ship Questionaire?
Drop a ship in my inbox and I’ll fill everything out below ! It’s a mix from fluff to nsfw .
How did they first meet? Chrome was still called Nagi at the time, but it was after Chrome's accident that left her gravely injured. Chrome was so close to death, but held on, essentially awakening her use of dying will flames. She wanted to not be alone and did not care if it was a devil or an angel that came to her call.
Who felt romantic feelings first? Both, at different times, I'm going to say as Chrome comes into her own abilities, Mukuro notices he does have feelings.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Yes, both of them did. Tsuna noticed and wanted to help.
Who initiated their feelings first? Mukuro for this one. Chrome is not sure she should. Everyone else knows and has to push these two together. C'mon, kids, you're like a shoujo manga.
Who said “I love you” first? Chrome did, because Mukuro ... is Mukuro, and does what Mukuro does.
Who gets jealous easily? I think Mukuro? He tends to catch himself after the fact. It's pretty funny.
Who is more protective? Mukuro.
Who remembers the little things? Chrome mostly. Mukuro surprises her.
Who talks about their feelings more? Chrome does in the hopes that Mukuro will reciprocate.
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines? Chrome, just to surprise Mukuro and keep him on his toes.
What does a first date look like for them? They're both totally going to an art museum for their first date. After going home, they go to their dreamscape place.
What do they like to do together? I would think they enjoy showing off illusions to one another. Chrome shows what she learned or practiced. There's a quiet understanding of one another, kind of like Michiru and Haruka's relationship. So, they try to spend as much time as possible. Mukuro stomaching being around the other guardians for Chrome, and Chrome attempting to understand Chikusa and Ken.
Which one gets angry the most, leaving the other to calm them down? I find Mukuro is the one that can get angry the most. Chrome has to quiet him. I headcanon Mukuro is able to possess Chrome but doesn't respect her wishes to hold her own in battle. Chrome would quiet his anger like Saint Shiva quiets Hraesvelgr from Final Fantasy XIV.
Do they like PDA? When in the privacy of their residence and dreamscape. In public, they leave it up to yearning glances and small hand touches at most. Mukuro wants to protect Chrome because they're both in the mafia. He knows how the mafia would react if they knew how important Chrome is to Mukuro and vice versa.
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements? Mukuro does not admit it, but he has been the little spoon. Chrome does admit it when he's being a little too extra. Chrome is often the little spoon.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other? I think it would be Chrome, she is the sweetest of the two.
Who hogs the blankets? Mukuro probably does sometimes, if I'm going by how Chrome sort of sleeps. She tends to kick the blankets off or pull the blankets up exposing her legs.
Who’s more likely to initiate sex? Goddammit, Mukuro...
Who’s the kinkiest? Mukuro. I think he has a corruption kink.
Who is the top and bottom in their sex life? Are they interchangeable? These two are interchangeable. Chrome does surprise Mukuro sometimes.
Who likes giving and who likes receiving oral? They both equally.
Can they last more than one round? Mukuro could, but due to the accident, Chrome needs a long rest between rounds. Mukuro would need to be very careful with Chrome.
Which one is a morning person? Neither, they're owls.
Do either of them like to cook? I headcanon Chrome liking to cook after hanging out with Kyoko and Haru. Mukuro probably knows how to cook Italian, while Chrome can cook Japanese.
If they get married, who proposes first? Mukuro will have to bite the bullet and propose.
What kind of wedding do they have? Intimate, small wedding. Chrome knows a lot of people, so I imagine her side of the ceremony is filled with the Vongola. Mukuro keeps his side of the ceremony to just the Kokuyo Gang. They tried and failed to get Fran to take off his mascot hat.
Does anyone object to their relationship? M.M. probably.
Do they have any kids? They probably have one or two children at least through a surrogate mother. Due to the accident, Chrome cannot properly birth a child. Chrome does have a handful of eggs frozen.
Do they have any pets? Fukurou, and a little black cat who lost an eye to an infection.
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years ago
hc that nerris' mother is the type to sit preston and harrison down for an interview to see if they're good for her kid. nerris' dad is just "i don't think we need to do this" but nerris' mother slams her hands down on the table and asks them their intentions with nerris
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oldestking · 3 years ago
𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞
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You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.
You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesise and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
One part of you dreams of giving yourself up – perhaps just for a while – to a hero or mentor. In the right circumstances you can flourish by letting go of your ego. In your inner life, reverence plays out as a willing submission to your own conscience. In the outside world, you might get frustrated searching for something worth believing in – a country, a person, a company – but you will always be open to feeling respect, admiration and wonder.
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luckynatured · 5 years ago
Headcanon - Sexuality
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Because Pride month starts tomorrow (and because I got no pride icon for this blog), I should tell you that Hilbert’s bi.
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